12th House
12th House
12th House
12th House
Posted on April 12, 2013
Dennis M. Harness:
In addition to the twelfth bhava signifying jails and prisons, confinement can
also come thru ashrams, monasteries, and other places of spiritual renewal
In his chapter called: 12th House Vyaya Bhava House of Expenditure and Loss, James
T. Braha gives following observations:
1 of 4 13-Apr-17 8:20 PM
12th House | Beyond The Heaven Jyotish https://beyondtheheavenjyotish.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/12th-house/
Planets in 12th house are destroyed as are the houses where the ruler of 12th house is
placed, and planets and houses that aspects, continues with the explanations Braha.
Braha also adds that on the positive side, this house indicates moksha or final liberation and
good afterlife.
As we can see from this text, 12th house and its lord gives significations of the worldly
pleasures and how well the native will be successful in them or unsuccessful. If the Lord of
12th House is in the Trikona houses (5th and 9th) or in the house of gains (11th), then
produces good results in gaining worldly pleasures such as wearing nice cloths, putting
ornaments on your body, even being well educated, which is somewhat weird in this context
because the 12th House Lord usually destructs the house posses, even more so, if it is in
bad sign. So probably 12th Lord in 9th in good sign, or well positioned in Navamsa, would
bring good results in regard of the so called worldly pleasures. But why would the native will
be deprived from happiness from wife if the Lord of 12th is located in 6th or 8th? Where is
the connection?
Another signification of 12th House is Final Liberation or Moksha. Parasara says that if
benefic planet is placed in 12th house while its lord is in exaltation, or it is in yuti
(conjunction) with or receives aspect from a benefic, one will attain moksha.
Will be continued
Raman, B.V. Hindu Predictive Astrology. UBS Publishers New Delhi, India, 1992, Twentieth
2 of 4 13-Apr-17 8:20 PM
12th House | Beyond The Heaven Jyotish https://beyondtheheavenjyotish.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/12th-house/
3 of 4 13-Apr-17 8:20 PM
12th House | Beyond The Heaven Jyotish https://beyondtheheavenjyotish.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/12th-house/
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