Motion 4000 Traction v9 42-02-2P25 A6

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Motion Control Engineering, Inc.

11380 White Rock Road

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Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Controller

V9.xx software

Manual # 42-02-2P25, Rev A6, February 2016

2016, Motion Control Engineering. All Rights Reserved.
This document may not be reproduced, electronically or mechanically, in whole or in part, without
written permission from Motion Control Engineering.

All trademarks or registered product names appearing in this document are the exclusive property
of the respective owners.

Warning and Disclaimer

Although every effort has been made to make this document as complete and accurate as possible,
Motion Control Engineering and the document authors, publishers, distributors, and
representatives have neither liability nor responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
information contained in this document or from informational errors or omissions. Information
contained in this document shall not be deemed to constitute a commitment to provide service,
equipment, or software by Motion Control Engineering or the document authors, publishers,
distributors, or representatives.

Limited Warranty
Motion Control Engineering (manufacturer) warrants its products for a period of 15 months from
the date of shipment from its factory to be free from defects in workmanship and materials. Any
defect appearing more than 15 months from the date of shipment from the factory shall be
deemed to be due to ordinary wear and tear. Manufacturer, however, assumes no risk or liability for
results of the use of the products purchased from it, including, but without limiting the generality
of the forgoing: (1) The use in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits,
systems, assemblies or any other material or equipment (2) Unsuitability of this product for use in
any circuit, assembly or environment. Purchasers rights under this warranty shall consist solely of
requiring the manufacturer to repair, or in manufacturer's sole discretion, replace free of charge,
F.O.B. factory, any defective items received at said factory within the said 15 months and
determined by manufacturer to be defective. The giving of or failure to give any advice or
recommendation by manufacturer shall not constitute any warranty by or impose any liability upon
the manufacturer. This warranty constitutes the sole and exclusive remedy of the purchaser and
the exclusive liability of the manufacturer, AND IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,
manufacturer be liable for special or consequential damages or for delay in performance of this

Products that are not manufactured by MCE (such as drives, CRTs, modems, printers, etc.) are not
covered under the above warranty terms. MCE, however, extends the same warranty terms that
the original manufacturer of such equipment provide with their product (refer to the warranty
terms for such products in their respective manual).
End User License Agreement
This End User License Agreement (Agreement) grants you the right to use the software con-
tained in this product (the Software) subject to the following restrictions: You may not: (i) copy
the Software, except for archive purposes consistent with your standard archive procedures; (ii)
transfer the Software to a third party apart from the entire product; (iii) modify, decompile, disas-
semble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Software; (iv)
export the Software or underlying technology in contravention of applicable U.S. and foreign
export laws and regulations; and (v) use the Software other than in connection with operation of
the product.

Important Precautions and Useful Information
This preface contains information that will help you understand and safely maintain MCE
equipment. We strongly recommend you review this preface and read this manual before
installing, adjusting, or maintaining Motion Control Engineering equipment. This preface dis-
Safety and Other Symbol Meanings
Safety Precautions
Environmental Considerations
In This Guide

Safety and Other Symbol Meanings

This manual symbol is used to alert you to procedures, instructions, or situations which, if not done
properly, might result in personal injury or substantial equipment damage.

This manual symbol is used to alert you to procedures, instructions, or situations which, if not done
properly, might result in equipment damage.


This manual symbol is used to alert you to instructions or other immediately helpful information.

Safety Precautions

This equipment is designed to comply with ASME A17.1, National Electrical Code, CE, and CAN/
CSA-B44.1/ASME-A17.5 and must be installed by a qualified contractor. It is the responsibility of the
contractor to make sure that the final installation complies with all local codes and is installed in a
safe manner.

This equipment is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 10,000 rms sym-
metrical amperes, 600 volts maximum. The three-phase AC power supply to the Drive Isolation
Transformer used with this equipment must originate from a fused disconnect switch or circuit
breaker sized in conformance to all applicable national, state, and local electrical codes in order to
provide the necessary motor branch circuit protection for the Drive Unit and motor. Incorrect motor
branch circuit protection will void the warranty and may create a hazardous condition.

Proper grounding is vitally important to safe and successful operation. Bring your ground wire to the
system subplate. You must choose the proper conductor size and minimize the resistance to ground
by using the shortest possible routing. See National Electrical Code Article 250 or the applicable local
electrical code.
Before applying power to the controller, physically check all the power resistors and other compo-
nents located in the resistor cabinet and inside the controller. Components loosened during ship-
ment may cause damage.

For proper operation of the AC Drive Unit in your controller, you must make sure that: 1) A direct
solid ground is provided in the machine room to properly ground the controller and motor. Indirect
grounds such as the building structure or a water pipe may not provide proper grounding and could
act as an antenna to radiate RFI noise, thus disturbing sensitive equipment in the building. Improper
grounding may also render any RFI filter ineffective. 2) The incoming power to the controller and the
outgoing power wires to the motor are in their respective, separate, grounded conduits.

This equipment may contain voltages as high as 1000 volts. Use extreme caution. Do not touch any
components, resistors, circuit boards, power devices, or electrical connections without ensuring that
high voltage is not present.

Environmental Considerations
Keep the machine room clean.
Controllers are generally in NEMA 1 enclosures.
Do not install the controller in a dusty area.
Do not install the controller in a carpeted area.
Keep room temperature between 32 and 104 degrees F (0 to 40 degrees C).
Prevent condensation on the equipment.
Do not install the controller in a hazardous location or where excessive amounts of
vapors or chemical fumes may be present.
Make certain that power line fluctuations are within plus or minus 10% of proper value.

Air Conditioned Equipment Cabinets

If your control or group enclosure is equipped with an air conditioning unit, it is very important
to observe the following precautions. (Failure to do so can result in moisture damage to electri-
cal components.)
Maintain the integrity of the cabinet by using sealed knockouts and sealing any holes
made during installation.
Do not run the air conditioning while the cabinet doors are open.
If you turn the air conditioner off while it is running, wait at least five minutes before
restarting it. Otherwise, the compressor may be damaged.
Observe the recommended thermostat setting (75 degrees) and follow recommended
maintenance schedules.
Make certain that the air conditioning drain tube remains clear to avoid water accumula-
tion in the unit.
In This Manual:
This manual is the installation, adjustment, and troubleshooting guide for the TSSA compliant
Motion 4000 traction controller. When viewed online as a pdf file, hyperlinks (buttons or blue
text) link to related topics and informational websites. The manual includes:
Contents: Table of Contents. When viewed online as a pdf file, hyperlinks in the Contents
link to the associated topic in the body of the manual.
Section 1. General Information: System description; operating modes
Section 2. Installation
Section 3. Final Adjustments
Section 4. User Interface
Section 5. Troubleshooting
Index: Alphabetical index to help you find information in the manual. When viewed
online as a pdf file, index entry page references are hyperlinks to the associated informa-
tion in the body of the manual.
Important Precautions and Useful Information
Safety and Other Symbol Meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-iv
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-iv
Environmental Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-v
Air Conditioned Equipment Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-v
In This Manual: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-vi

Section 1. Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

In this section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
System Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
System Component Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Controller Circuit Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Hand-Held User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Landing and Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Load Weigher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Cartop Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Hoistway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Motion 4000 Specific Traveler Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Operating Mode Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Normal Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Inspection Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Cartop Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
In Car Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Hoistway Access Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Machine Room Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Attendant Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Mode Entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Independent Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Mode Entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Sabbath Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-12
Emergency Medical Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-12
Hospital Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-13
Seismic Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-13
Mode Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Modifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Fire Service Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-14

Emergency Power Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-14
Generator Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
TAPS Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
Car Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
Pretest (Capture for Test) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
Test/Pretest Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
Monitoring and Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16
iMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-16
iReport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-16
BMS-Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
mView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17

Section 2. Installation
In this Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
Personal Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Equipment Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3
Electrical Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
EMI/RFI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Recommended Tools and Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
MCE Wiring Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5
Drawing Number Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Power Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Controller Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6
Controller Wiring Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Proper Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Check for Shorts to Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
AC Power Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10
Power Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Motor, Brake, and Encoder Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Motor Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11
Insulation Breakdown Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Motor Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
MRL or Extended Motor Cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Brake Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Standard Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Brake Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Brake Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Velocity Encoder Installation and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Encoder Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Emergency Brake Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Resetting the Rope Gripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14

ii Manual # 42-02-2P25 2/3/16

Initial Power Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Often Used Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
How to check Car Speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
How to place the car on Inspection Mode Fault Bypass: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
How to place the car on Automatic Mode Fault Bypass:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
How to change TORQMAX F5 Drive parameter settings: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
How to change Magnetek Drive parameter settings:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
How to access/set the F7 parameters:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
How to Reset Excessive Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
TORQMAX F5 Drive Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17
Digital Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Keypad Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Clear Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
TORQMAX Drive Operation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Drive Motor/Encoder Setup Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Auto-tuning AC Induction Motors to the F5 Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Manual Induction Motor Parameter Entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
The Drive Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Setting the Drive to Run Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Magnetek AC Drive Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Digital Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Keypad Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Clear Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Magnetek Drive Operation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Drive Motor/Encoder Setup Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Auto-tuning AC Motors to the Magnetek Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
The Drive Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Set Up for Construction Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-27
Minimal Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Jumper Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Bypassing Faults on Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Resolving Faults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Speed and Acceleration Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Required Drive Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
TORQMAX F5 AC Drive Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Magnetek AC Drive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
Required Controller Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
Acceleration and Deceleration Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
Curves Used for Operating Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
The F7 Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
Restore Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
Changing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
Controller Motion Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-45
Using Inspection Stations to Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-46
Encoder Polarity (TORQMAX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-46
Align Encoder (Magnetek) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-46
Brake Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47
Verify Motor Speed, TORQMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48

Verify Motor Speed, Magnetek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
Gear Reduction Ratio, TORQMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49
Temporary Run Box Hookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50
Prepare for Inspection Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-51
Hoistway Safety String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Cartop Safety String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Hoistway Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Virtual/Physical/Unused . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Seismic Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-53
Running on Inspection Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-54
Controller Power Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-54
Bypassing Faults on Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-55
Finishing Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-55
Landing/Positioning System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-56
LS-EDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-56
Top Hanger Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-57
Bottom Hanger Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-58
Broken Tape Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Hanging the Tape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Tape Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Sensor Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Door Zone Magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61
Terminal and ETS Magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
Electrical Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64
Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-65
Permanently Attach Magnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-65
Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-65
ELGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-66
Safety String Connection Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-68
Hoistway Learn, Elgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
Periodic Maintenance Required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
Left to Right Rail Side Reversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-77
Door Operator and Door Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
Door Safety Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
Door Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
Car Operating Panels, Position Indicators, and Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
Fire Service Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
Duplex Connection Between Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-81
Hall Calls, Position Indicators, and Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-81
CE Position Indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-81
Adjust Brake to 125% of Full Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82
Traction Auxiliary Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82
Installation Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82

iv Manual # 42-02-2P25 2/3/16

Section 3. Final Adjustments
In this Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Basic Service Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2
Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2
ELGO Encoded Magnetic Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement, Elgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
LS-EDGE Steel Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Hoistway Learn, LS-EDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Adjusting Floor Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Door Zone Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Car and Counterweight Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8
Setting Up Performance Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9
How to Register Calls from the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Acceleration and Deceleration Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Curves Used for Operating Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Profile Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Typical Speed Profile Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
Adjust for Drive Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Verify One Floor Run Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Verifying Contract Speed Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
If an ETSL switch is required: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Short Floors Near a Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Short Floor from 1 to 12-inches in Height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Additional Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Tuning (Magnetek) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Relevel Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Brake Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Run Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Adjustment Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Placing Calls From the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Load Testing AC Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Trouble Slowing with a Full Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Electrical Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
Load Weigher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-23
Analog Voltage or Relay Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Installing the Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Installation with 2 to 1 Roping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Installing the Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Analog Weigher Output Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Relay Closure Output Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Controls Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Menu Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27

Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Manual Calibration with Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Controller Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
Auto-zero Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Analog Weigher Additional Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Verifying Empty Car Weight for Analog Weighers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Final Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33
Often Used Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
How to check Car Speed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
How to place the car on Inspection Mode Fault Bypass: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
How to place the car on Automatic Mode Fault Bypass:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
How to access/set the F7 parameters:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
How to Reset Excessive Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
Safety String Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
SAFH Safety String Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
SAFC Safety String Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Motor Contactor Proofing Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Car Stopped at Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Car in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Brake Contactor Proofing Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Car Stopped at Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Car in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Directional Limits Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Down Direction Limit Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Up Direction Limit Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Final Limit Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Lower Final Limit Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Upper Final Limit Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Car/Counterweight Buffer Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
(Car) Buffer Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39
Traction Loss Detection (Slip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Inspection Overspeed Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Contract Overspeed Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Leveling Overspeed Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Inner Door Zone Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
Normal and Emergency Terminal Switch Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
Outer NTS Delta High Speed Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
Outer NTS Delta Low Speed Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
Continued NTS/ETS Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
ETS Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Electrical Governor Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Ascending Car Overspeed Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
Safety Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
Car Safety Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
Counterweight Safety Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
Emergency Brake Test - Unintended Motion, Rope Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
Discrete Brakes - No Brake Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
System with Brake Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46

vi Manual # 42-02-2P25 2/3/16

Emergency or Standby Power Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53
Traction Auxiliary Power Supply Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53
Backup Generator Power Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
Final Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-56

Section 4. User Interface

In this Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
The HC-MPU Main Processor Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
Access Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Setting Parameters To Default Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Diagnostic Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
LCD Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Troubleshooting Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
F1: Program Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
General Description of Program Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-11
Changing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Saving Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Viewing Options Within a Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Restoring Original Values Before Saving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Step-By-Step Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Basic Features Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
Fire Service Menu Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Door Operation Menu Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Timer Menu Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24
Gongs/Lanterns Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
Spare Inputs Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Viewing and Assigning Spare Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Spare Outputs Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36
Viewing and Assigning Spare Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36
Extra Features Menu Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44
UIO Board/Security Enforcement/Connection Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-45
Additional Car Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-52
F2: External Memory Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-53
Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-53
F3: System Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56
Building Security Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-56
Controller System Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-58
Passcode Request Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-59
Load Weigher Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-60
Adjusting Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-61
Analog Load Weigher Learn Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-61
F4: Messages and Floor Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-63

F5 Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-65
Controller Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-66
Car Call Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-66
Date/Time, View / Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-66
View Event Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-67
Clear Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-68
Default TC-MPI Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-68
MPI Diagnostic Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-69
MPI-A Diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-70
MPI-B Diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-78
MPI-C Diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-87
EDG Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-96
CTL A Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-114
CTL B Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-124
COP Diagnostics Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-133
System CAN Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-134
Monitoring and Reporting Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-135
Diagnostics, Refresh, Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-136
Terminal Limit Utilities Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-138
Terminal Switch Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-138
Perform Terminal Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-138
ETS Position Locator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-138
FCL Brake Unit Utilities Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-139
FCL Diagnostic Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-139
FCL Power Data Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-139
Default TC-FCL Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-139
FCL Adjustment Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-139
F6: Hoistway Learn Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-140
ELGO Encoded Magnetic Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-140
LS-EDGE Steel Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-140
Adjusting Floor Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-140
F7: Parameters Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-141
Restore Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-141
Changing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-141
Controller Parameter/Drive Parameter Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-142
Using ID Numbers for Direct Parameter Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-143
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-149
Speed Related Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-152
Normal Terminal Switch Parameter Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-153
F8: Software Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-164
Status Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-164
F1 & F8: Board Software Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-165

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Section 5. Troubleshooting
In This Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Status and Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
Duplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-42
Dispatching Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42
Hardware Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42
Power Phasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42
PC Board Quick References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-43
HC-CHP CAN Hub and Power Supply Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44
SW1 DIP Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45
HC-CTL-2 Control Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46
HC-CTL-2 Terminal Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47
HC-CTL-2 Board LED Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50
HC-CTL-2 Board Jumpers, Fuses, Testpoints, and Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51
HC-MPU Main Processor Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
HC-MPU Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-55
HC-UIO-2 Universal Input/Output Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56
Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Test Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
HC-UIO-2 Switches 7, 8 and 9 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59
HC-UIO-2 Used for Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59
Hospital Emergency Operation I/O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59
Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-60
Call Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-61
Spare Inputs and Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-62
ICE-COP-2 Car Panel Interface Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-63
Installation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-63
Normal Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-64
ICE-COP-2 Board Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-64
MC-CPI Car Panel Interface Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-67
Installation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-67
MC-CPI Board Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-69
Before Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-71
MC-LSI Landing System Interface Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-72
LSI Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-72
SC-3HN Three Input Serial Hall Call Node Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73
Call Bus Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73
General Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73
Addressing and CAN Bus Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75
Riser Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75
Floor Number and Front or Rear Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75
Baud Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75
CAN Bus Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75

On Board Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-76
ON LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-76
(FLT) FAULT LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-76
TC-MPI Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-77
Motion Brake Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-82
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-82
Switches and Jumpers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-83
ON LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-84
Module Connectors Per Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-86
Middle Board, TC-LPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-86
Bottom Board, TC-FCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-87
Calibration (CAN Only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-88
Trim pots and Function (Discrete Control Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-89
Setup for Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-89
Discrete Control Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-89
CAN Control Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-90

Section A. Appendix
In this Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-1
TORQMAX F5 Parameters Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
Magnetek Parameters Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
F7 Settings Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14
General Settings Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-21
Floor Settings Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Customer Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
R6 Regenerative Drive Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Manual Floor Setup, ELGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
F7 Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Factory I/O Assignment, ICE-COP-2 Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-31
COP-2 Board #1 - ID: 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
COP-2 Board #2 - ID: 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
COP-2 Board #3 - ID: 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-32
COP-2 Board #4 - ID: 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-32
COP-2 Board #5 - ID: 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-33
COP-2 Board #6 - ID: 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-33

x Manual # 42-02-2P25 2/3/16

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

In this section
This section provides a general description of the Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control with
Release 9 software, including:
Controller Overview.
Please refer to Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control Overview on page 1-2.
System Features.
Please refer to System Features on page 1-3.
Component Descriptions.
Please refer to System Component Descriptions on page 1-5.
Operating Mode Descriptions.
Please refer to Operating Mode Descriptions on page 1-9.
Monitoring and Control Options.
Please refer to Monitoring and Control Options on page 1-16.

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control Overview

A Motion 4000 controller order may include:
Controller: Configured according to customer job survey, field programmable.
Cartop station: Interface between car-mounted equipment and the car controller.
Serial panel option: Converts car panel analog button data to serial data stream.
Optional CAN node boards and wiring for serial hall call.
User Interface: Standard, controller mounted keypad/LCD, optional hand-held keypad/
LCD units to set controller parameters, optional mView PC application.

AC Drive
CAN Hub & Power distribution
MPU Board

Control Board

Motion Processor Interface Board

Universal I/O Boards

Panel Mount Terminals

Standard cabinet (NEMA 1) dimensions:

16 x 42 x 72 (406 x 1067 x 1829 mm)
including legs (12 (305 mm).

Table 1.1 Specifications

Maximum car speed 450 fpm, 2.25 m/s
Configuration Simplex, Duplex, Group up to 6 cars
Landings 32 landings, 64 openings maximum
Motor control TORQMAX F5, Magnetek HPV AC drives
Landing/Positioning system Perforated steel tape or encoded magnetic tape
Call Registration Serial or Discrete COP, Serial or discrete Hall Calls
Power requirement 208 600 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase
Environment 32 - 104 F, 0 - 40 C; Humidity 95% non-condensing
*Standard enclosure (includes legs) 42 w x 72 h x 16 d (1067 x 1829 x 406 mm) with knock-outs
Available NEMA enclosures NEMA 4, 4X, 12
* Variations available

1-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 System Features

System Features
Motion 4000 design incorporates:
Solid state implementation of redundancy and proofing requirements, eliminating relays
whenever possible to improve service life and reliability.
Retention of the simple LCD/keypad programming interface used on earlier MCE pro- 1
grammable controls but with the addition of a hand-held interface (mPAC) that can be
plugged in to any system CAN connector.
Easy software updates Internet download through a PC to the hand-held user interface,
MCE SD card, or EEPROM replacement.
CAN Bus: Circuit boards and major components all communicate through light weight,
serial CAN Bus connections. Communication between major system components (i.e.,
controller to car, controller to hall calls, etc.) uses shielded, twisted-pair cables connected
to pluggable terminals (CAN).
ASME A17.1/CSA B44 compliant throughout.
Field connections: Field connections are handled by Universal I/O boards. The boards are
factory set to handle 24V, 48V, 110V, or 120V AC or DC inputs. This allows a single board
design to service all common inputs.
Positioning: Perforated steel tape (LS-EDGE) or encoded magnetic tape (ELGO).
Minimized hoistway peripherals: Motion 4000 design allows slowdown, emergency termi-
nal, and hoistway access limit switches to be eliminated. These switches may exist as vir-
tual switches in system software.
Serial hall call: Motion 4000 may use a serial hall call system for easier field wiring. The
riser drop provides CAN communication and power to the fixtures. (Discrete hall call wir-
ing is supported through Universal I/O boards.)
Serial car panel option: Discrete signals from car panel buttons may be serialized for easy
connection to the controller via CAN bus through the cartop interface.
Light weight traveler and hoistway cabling: Serial communication allows low traveler and
hoistway cable conductor counts.
Optional monitoring capabilities using mView, iMonitor, and iReport software.
Optional integration with Building Management Software using BMS-LINK.
Optional Jail Services application for detention center operation.
(MRL) Optional passenger rescue system provides input from a cartop mounted camera
and a rescue control panel with LCD display to allow a technician to safely drift the car to a
landing in the absence of commercial or emergency power. Once at the landing, doors
must be opened manually.
Optional Traction Auxiliary Power Supply (TAPS) provides automated return of the car to
a landing and automated door opening in the absence of commercial power. Power is pro-
vided via an integrated UPS/battery system and requires no generator.


If the job uses a TAPS system and a TORQMAX F5 drive, drive parameter LF.61 must be set to

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

Figure 1.1 Functional Block

Final Limit


CAN Hub Board


Main Processor
Seismic Sensor Board

Final Limit
Control Board

Load Weigher

Encoded Tape

Serial I/F
Position Sensors
Universal I/O
PS1 Board
CAN General I/O
Cartop I/F

Car Drive

COP Encoder
Rope Gripper

1-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 System Component Descriptions

System Component Descriptions

Controller boards and hand-held user interface
Car mounted equipment, page 1-6
Hoistway equipment, page 1-8
Controller Circuit Boards
Circuit boards used depend upon job requirements. Typically, the following boards are used:
HC-CHP, CAN Hub and Power Supply: Provides M4000 HC-CHP Board
~18-volt, 4-amp DC power for circuit boards in
the controller and a central connection point for
the Controller Area Network (CAN).
HC-MPU, Main Processing Unit: Fitted with the
appropriate software, performs control data pro-
cessing. The HC-MPU is responsible for: M4000 HC-MPU Board
Car operation
Fire Service
Programming and diagnostics M4000 HC-CTL-2 Board
Software validation
Duplexing / Group communication
HC-UIO, Universal Input/Output Board: HC- M4000 TC-MPI
UIO boards are used for field inputs and out-
puts. The boards are universal in that they can
be configured for AC or DC inputs from 24 to
120 Volts. M4000 HC-UIO
TC-MPI, Motion Processor Interface Board:
Configured to interface to the drive selected for
the job. Handles machine and brake contactors,
position system I/O, earthquake/seismic and M4000 HC-UIO

emergency brake/rope gripper requirements.

HC-CTL-2, Control Board: Monitors I/O, per-
forms safety functions, door operation, and
machine room inspection. The HC-CTL-2 board is responsible for:
Test operation
Diagnostic Flags
Hall and Car Door Lock Bypass
Lanterns and Gongs
Spare I/O
Additional circuit boards may be used, including:
CE Fixture board: Used with external, serially controlled position indicator and annuncia-
tor fixtures.

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

Hand-Held User Interface

The hand-held user interface, mPac, provides a portable
interface and a means to upload new firmware to the system.
The hand-held can be plugged in to a CAN connection in the
controller, on the cartop, or in the car (if one is wired).

Landing and Positioning
Motion 4000 uses one of two landing systems; encoded
magnetic tape or perforated steel tape and magnets.
The ELGO encoded steel tape system uses a 1/2-inch wide,
Gray code, magnetically encoded tape, hall-effect sensors,
and two independent sensor heads (in a single housing) for
absolute position control under all powered conditions. The
tape provides a unique code for every 1mm of travel. In addi-
tion to position, simple distance-over-time calculation pro-
vides extremely accurate speed feedback. A third, also
independent system provides speed feedback directly from
the hoist motor.

The LS-EDGE positioning system uses hall-effect sensors and perforated steel tape to report
position as the car moves through the hoistway. 5.5-inch magnets are used at each door zone;
one row for front openings, a second for rear openings. The system auto-corrects at each door
zone to prevent error accumulation.

LS-EDGE uses capacitor-stored power and non-volatile memory to retain position information
in the event of a power failure, continuing to capture information for 22 seconds after power
loss and storing the final reading for use after power restoration. Mechanical final limit, ETS,
and ETSL switches are used but normal terminal switches may be virtual, based on position, or
mechanical depending upon specific controller capabilities. The LS-EDGE system may be used
with MCE iControl or Motion 4000 elevator controls.

1-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 System Component Descriptions

Load Weigher
Motion 4000 typically uses an EMCO rope strain gauge for load weighing. The controller uses
the load weigher input to determine overload conditions and also in conjunction with car call
registrations and photo-eye information to make anti-nuisance related decisions.

Figure 1.2 EMCO Load Weigher 1

Processing unit

Sensors (1 per rope)

Installation tool

Cartop Box
A typical Motion 4000 cartop box is pictured below.
Figure 1.3 Motion 4000 Cartop Box

24V Power Supply

Landing System Interface board

EMCO load weigher control unit

Universal I/O board

Car top box dimensions depend upon

required components. Enclosure shown is
4 x 15 x 18 (102 x 381 x 457 mm).
Minimum enclosure is 4 x 8 x 12
(102 x 203 x 305 mm).

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

For serial hall call, Motion 4000 communicates with hall calls and similar buttons or key
switches through an independent CAN Bus for reliability and easy installation. The hall bus pro-
vides a CAN signal path and 24 V power for the fixtures.

An SC-3HN three-input hall node board allows discrete hall call buttons and indicators to be
connected along a CAN bus to provide serial hall call capability for Motion 4000, greatly reduc-
ing the number of conductors necessary in hoistway wiring bundles. Please refer to SC-3HN
Three Input Serial Hall Call Node Board on page 5-73.

Discrete hall calls are supported using HC-UIO Universal I/O boards. Please refer to HC-UIO-
2 Universal Input/Output Board on page 5-56.

Motion 4000 Specific Traveler Cable

Special traveler cable for Motion 4000 installations is available from MCE. The cable is sized
and labeled to make controller to car connections as simple as possible. MCE PN# 44-03-0034.

1-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Operating Mode Descriptions

Operating Mode Descriptions

Available operating modes are configured when the car is installed. Not all modes are available
on all cars. This section describes operating modes, including:
Normal Operation
Inspection Operation (cartop, in-car, access, machine room) 1
Attendant Operation
Independent Operation
Sabbath Operation
Emergency Medical Operation
Hospital Operation
Seismic Operation
Fire Operation
Emergency Power Operation
Car Recall
Capture for Test
Test Mode

Normal Operation
Normal operation is the default elevator operating mode. In this mode, cars are accepting hall
calls and servicing car calls as determined by Basic Features Menu and other operating menu
selections. Please refer to Basic Features Menu on page 4-13. Cars are running at contract
speed as affected by short or multi-floor run performance curves.

Inspection Operation
In inspection, a car operates at the set inspection speed using continuous pressure up and down
buttons or switches. The car will stop as soon as the buttons are released. Inspection operation
may be controlled from four locations. For safety purposes, locations have a priority:
Machine Room Inspection

Cartop Inspection
In this mode, the car is operated by pushing the cartop UP or DOWN and ENABLE buttons
simultaneously. These buttons are generally provided through a third-party inspection station
wired to inspection operation inputs in the elevator controller. There will also be a key switch
that enables/disables inspection operation.
Mode Entry
Bring the car to the access floor
Enable hoistway access operation using the in-car switch
Move the car down using the hall controls until the access limit is opened
Set the cartop switch to Inspection and access the cartop.
Use ENABLE and UP or DOWN buttons to run the car from the cartop.

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

In Car Inspection
In this mode, the car is operated using a locked subpanel in the COP that provides the inspec-
tion key switch and direction buttons. (Top and bottom car call buttons may be used as direc-
tion buttons as well.)

Mode Entry
Bring the car to the desired floor.
Place the car on in-car inspection.
Use UP or DOWN buttons to run the car.

Hoistway Access Inspection

Hoistway access operation allows workers to access the top and bottom of the car from desig-
nated floors. In this mode, the car is brought to an access floor where a key switch is used to
move the car up or down.

Mode Entry
Bring the car to the access floor
Place the car on hoistway access using the in-car switch.
Move the car using the hall way switch until the access limit is opened
Top access must prevent the car from moving down beyond the point where the cross-
head is even with the hoistway entrance sill.
Bottom access must prevent the car from moving up beyond the point where the bot-
tom of the toe guard is even with the hoistway entrance header

Machine Room Inspection

In this mode, the car is operated using switches on the HC-CTL-2 (Control) board in the con-

Mode Entry
Place the car on Machine Room Inspection
(Mode Switch to Inspection).
Ensure that car and hoistway doors are closed
and locked.
Run the car using the ENABLE and UP or
DOWN Directional switch positions.

1-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Operating Mode Descriptions

Attendant Operation
Attendant operation allows an operator riding in the car to run the car, choosing run direction,
and which hall calls to answer. In this mode:
Doors open automatically when the car is stopped in a door zone.
The attendant closes the door by pressing and holding the door close button, a car call but- 1
ton, or either car direction (UP/DOWN) button (UPI/DNI input: Please refer to Spare
Inputs Menu on page 4-27.)
The attendant chooses the direction using run up (UNI) or down (DNI) buttons.
The car will stop at the next car or hall call in the direction of travel. Holding the bypass
button (NSI input) in will cause hall calls to be bypassed until the button is released. An
annunciator panel is required if in-car visibility of hall calls is required.
The elevator will level into the destination floor automatically, then open its doors.
During Attendant operation, load weigher inputs are ignored.

Mode Entry
Call the car to a floor.
Enter the car and activate the Attendant mode key switch (enables the ATS, Attendant Ser-
vice, controller input).

Independent Service
In this mode:
The car is removed from hall call dispatching
Doors open automatically when the car is stopped in a door zone
The operator presses and holds the door close button to close doors
The operator chooses direction and initiates the run by placing car calls (first placed deter-
mines direction of run).
The elevator will level into destination floors automatically and open its doors.
Hall arrival lanterns or jamb mounted arrival lanterns are inoperative.

Mode Entry
Call the car to a floor.
Enter the car and activate the Independent mode key switch (IND input HC-CTL-2 board).

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

Sabbath Operation
Sabbath operation is a special mode that sets the car to consecutively service specified landings
(and openings if the car has front and rear doors) during up and down travel with no hall or car
call buttons being pressed. The car will begin from the bottom of the hoistway, travelling up and
stopping at each designated stop and opening its doors to allow exit or entry. When the doors
close, the car will travel to the next designated stop up the hoistway and repeat door operation.
This will continue until the car reaches the top designated stop, at which point it will travel
down the hoistway operating in the same manner.
Initiate: Sabbath operation is initiated when the spare input SAB is activated.
Operation: In accordance with the description above and servicing stops set through the
Sabbath Operation parameter in the Extra Features menu. Please refer to Extra Features
Menu Options on page 4-44.

Emergency Medical Operation

This mode complies to Massachusetts code. It allows a car to be recalled to a floor where it can
be boarded by medical personnel and placed in restricted service, using an in-car switch, to
respond to a medical emergency.
Recall: Initiated using a key switch (EMSH input) at the floor assigned by the Massachu-
setts EMS Service/EMS Service Floor parameter in the Extra Features menu (single
switch, single floor).
The car will immediately cancel all registered calls, return to the designated floor, and
open its doors.
In-Car Medical: Medical personnel board the car and place it in hospital service using the
in-car switch (EMSC input).
If the hall switch has been shut off, the car will wait sixty seconds then return to nor-
mal service if the in-car switch has not been activated.
If the hall switch remains on, the car will wait without restriction until the in-car
switch is activated.

1-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Operating Mode Descriptions

Hospital Service
Please refer to HOSPITAL EMERG. OPERATION? on page 4-48. Hospital service allows a car
to be recalled to any of one or more assigned floors using a call button at the floor. Once at the
floor, the car may be boarded by medical personnel and placed in restricted service, using an in-
car switch, to respond to a medical emergency.
Recall: Floors and openings (if the car has front and rear doors) are designated as hospital
service through Hospital Emerg Operation parameters in the Extra Features Menu. Please
refer to Extra Features Menu Options on page 4-44. When a designated call button is
activated, the car will recall to the floor.
The car will immediately cancel all registered calls, move to the call floor, and open its
A Timer Menu function, Hospital Emergency Timer, allows a timer to be set for a
range of up to 10 minutes. After a car recalls to the designated floor, it will remain
there until the timer expires, after which it will return itself to automatic passenger
service if the in-car, hospital service switch has not been activated.
Operation: Once the in-car switch (HOSP input assigned through the Spare Inputs Menu)
is activated, the car is in restricted service and will accept only calls assigned through the
car operating panel.
When the in-car switch is deactivated, the car returns to normal service.

Seismic Operation
Please refer to EARTHQUAKE OPERATION? on page 4-51. Seismic operation is entered into
automatically if counterweight derailment is detected (CWI input) or if the seismic sensor input
(SSI) is activated. If the CWI input is triggered, the car comes to a full stop, moves at reduced
speed (150 FPM or less) to the nearest floor in the direction away from the counterweight, lev-
els, opens its doors to allow passengers to exit, then shuts down.

If only the SSI input is activated, the car will continue to the next available floor, open its doors,
and shut down. A programmable option is available to allow the car to run on normal, auto-
matic operation or fire service at reduced speed (150FPM or less).

Mode Exit
After ensuring that the hoistway is clear and all equipment is undamaged and operating
Press the EQ Reset button on the Motion Processor Interface (MPI) board.

Some fire codes allow the car to be run in fireman service even though the CWI or SSI input has
been activated.


Earthquake operating profile overrides the Emergency power profile.

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

Fire Service Operation

There are many different fire codes that restrict or change elevator operation under fire condi-
tions. Please refer to Fire Service Menu Options on page 4-17. In general, fire service proceeds
in two stages; Phase I Fire Recall and Phase II Fire In-Car Operation. When a fire sensor or
switch is activated:
The elevator will recall to the designated main or alternate recall floor. (Main if fire
detected on any floor other than the main floor; Alternate if fire detected on the main
recall floor. Or, as directed by a manually activated Fire switch.)
The elevator will open its doors to allow any passengers to exit, then remain at the recall
floor until the in-car firefighter switch is activated. Once the in-car switch is activated the
car will run on Fire Phase II operation as allowed by the selected fire code.

Emergency Power Operation

FLOOR on page 4-44. Emergency or standby power operation requires a backup power source.
For large buildings, this is typically a diesel or gasoline powered generator. When this is not
practical, backup power for a limited, rescue operation may be provided by a battery-powered
system like the MCE TAPS (Traction Auxiliary Power Supply).

Generator Backup
When power is lost, the elevator will come to a full stop. When emergency/backup power comes
on line, the elevator will be moved at programmed speed to a designated recall floor and the
doors will open to allow passengers to exit. The elevator will remain at the recall floor unless it
is designated to run under generator power.

TAPS Backup
When power is lost, the elevator will come to a full stop. When battery power becomes available,
the elevator will be moved at reduced speed to the nearest floor in the direction determined by
TAPS settings. At the floor, the doors will cycle, allowing passengers to exit, and then close. The
car will remain out of service until commercial power is again available and the TAPS unit
switches the car from battery power back to normal power. Please refer to the MCE TAPS man-
ual or data sheets for detailed information.

1-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Operating Mode Descriptions

Car Recall
Inputs may be provided to allow the car to be recalled to a specified floor.
CTF: Car To Floor - This is a spare input that may be assigned to the HC-CTL-2 board or
to a Universal I/O board as configured for the job. The floor to which the car is returned is
set by the Car to Floor Return Floor parameter in the Extra Features menu. Please refer to 1
Extra Features Menu Options on page 4-44.
When activated, causes the car to stop responding to hall calls. Existing car calls will be
serviced before or after recall depending on the setting of Retain Calls (see note
below). New car calls will not be registered.
At the return floor, the car will open then close its doors and remove itself from service.
CTL: Car to Lobby - This is a spare input that may be assigned to the HC-CTL-2 board or
to a Universal I/O board as configured for the job. The floor to which the car is returned is
set using the Lobby Floor parameter in the Basic Features menu. Please refer to Basic
Features Menu on page 4-13.
When activated, causes the car to stop responding to hall calls. Existing car calls will be
serviced before or after recall depending on the setting of Retain Calls (see note
below). New car calls will not be registered
At the lobby floor, the car will open then close its doors and remove itself from service.


RETAIN CALLS?: There is a function in the Extra Features menu that determines if registered
car calls are serviced before or after recall. Please refer to RETAIN CALLS ON CTL / CTF? on
page 4-51.

Pretest (Capture for Test)

Pretest is used to capture the car in preparation to using Test mode.
When this input is activated, the car will stop responding to hall calls and disable its gongs
but continue to service car calls.
The intent of the input is to allow maintenance personnel to capture the car while causing
as little disruption to service as possible.
Enter Pretest mode by placing the TEST/NORMAL/PRETEST switch on the HC-CTL-2
board in the PRETEST position. (The car will not enter Pretest if Inspection is active.)

Test/Pretest Modes
Test mode allows the car to be run on automatic operation without operating the doors. When
Test mode is active, door opening circuitry is deactivated, active hall calls are cancelled, and
new hall calls will not be registered.
Enter Test mode by placing the TEST/NORMAL/PRETEST switch on the HC-CTL-2
board in the TEST position. (The car will not enter Test mode if Inspection is active.)
When Test mode is active, the controller LCD will display TEST MODE.

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

Monitoring and Control Options

Motion 4000 is Ethernet capable, allowing it to use iMonitor and iReport applications for local
and/or distance monitoring and control or report generation, archival, and automated alert.
Motion 4000 can be linked to Building Management System software through MCE BMS-Link,
providing system visibility and limited control. A machine room-only monitoring and control
application, mView, is also available.

iMonitor is an elevator monitoring application that allows local or remote viewing and control
of MCE elevator groups using a personal computer running the Windows XP or Windows 7
operating system. Because Motion 4000 controls are Ethernet capable, you can connect to them
though a local area network or remotely through internet technology.

iMonitor provides a graphical representation of elevator groups, allowing their activity and sta-
tus to be quickly and easily viewed. The user defines any number of Connection Sets. Each
Connection Set consists of up to fifty connections to elevator group dispatchers selected by the

When working in iMonitor, the user simply clicks on a Connection Set which automatically
establishes communication with all groups in the set and displays their associated hoistways
and cars on the computer screen. Practical viewing limits are established by the speed of the
connections and the size of the monitor viewing area.

When connected through iMonitor, the user may register car and general, auxiliary, or special
hall calls as desired, control many group security functions, and enable or disable certain eleva-
tor operating modes.

iReport is a system logging and report generating tool that allows local or remote analysis of
MCE elevator groups from a personal computer running the Windows XP or Windows 7 operat-
ing system and iReport client software. Because Motion 4000 controls are Ethernet capable,
you can use iReport to connect to them through a local area network or remotely through inter-
net/modem technology.

iReport consists of the iReport server and iReport clients. Motion 4000 group dispatchers may
be connected to iReport directly through a local area network or they may be connected
remotely through the internet. The group dispatcher provides iReport with hall call and car
operating mode information. The individual car controllers provide iReport with event and
fault notifications.

1-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Monitoring and Control Options

BMS-LINK allows MCE elevators and escalators to be viewed and monitored using Building
Management Software. Control capabilities in keeping with management system software
needs are provided.

Utility Company Building Automation

Intelligence Intelligence

Elevator Controllers

Heating/Cooling Plant Lighting

The mView application runs on a standard PC connected to the controller through an Ethernet
hub or switch. mView provides local monitoring, status and event log viewing, diagnostics, and
call registration for one or more Motion 4000 controllers.

Motion 4000 Traction Elevator Control

1-18 Manual # 42-02-2P25


In this Section
This section contains instructions for installing the controller and peripheral equipment. If you
are reading this on a computer, click the blue text to jump to the appropriate section.
Safety: page 2-2.
Preparation: page 2-3.
MCE Wiring Prints: page 2-5.
Controller Installation: page 2-6.
Connect AC power: page 2-10.
Connect motor, brake, encoder: page 2-11.
Emergency Brake/Rope Gripper installation: page 2-14.
Initial Power Up: page 2-14.
Auto-Tune Drive: page 2-17.
Set up for Construction operation: page 2-27.
Set up for Inspection operation: page 2-51.
Running on Inspection: page 2-54.
Finishing Installation: page 2-55.
Installing the landing system, page 2-56.
Adjust Brake: page 2-82.
Traction Auxiliary Power Supply: page 2-82.
Installation Review: page 2-82.


The job prints are the primary document used to install the controller. The job prints and man-
ual together provide information to install, adjust, and troubleshoot the controller. Study the
job prints and read the manual before starting work. Call MCE with any questions.
Instructions in this section assume that the hoist ropes are attached to the car sling, all hoistway
doors are closed, and that:
The CAR SAFETY IS ADJUSTED to the manufacturer specification

Certain fundamental warnings must be kept in mind at all times to help avoid accidental death,
severe personal injury, or equipment damage.

Personal Safety
Motion 4000 Controllers may only be installed by qualified, licensed, trained elevator per-
sonnel familiar with the operation of microprocessor-based elevator controls.
Verify safety devices (limits, governors, hoistway locks, car gate, etc.) are fully functional
before running the elevator. Never operate controls with any safety device inoperative.
The user is responsible for complying with the current National Electrical Code with
respect to the overall installation of equipment and proper sizing of electrical conductors.
The user is responsible for understanding and applying all current local, state, provincial,
and federal codes that govern practices such as controller placement, applicability, wiring
protection, disconnections, over-current protection, and grounding procedures.
Controller equipment is at line voltage when AC power is connected. Never operate con-
trols with covers removed from drive or brake controls.
After AC power has been removed, internal capacitors can remain charged for up to 5 min-
utes. Wait at least 5 minutes after power down before touching any internal components.
To reduce the risk of shock, all equipment should be securely grounded to earth ground.
Failure to obtain an actual earth ground may result in electrical shock to personnel. Pro-
vide equipment grounding in accordance with local code and NEC Article 250.
When using test equipment (oscilloscopes, etc.) with a power cord that electrically ties
probe common to earth ground, an isolation transformer should be used to isolate the
instrument common from earth ground.
Remain clear of all rotating equipment while working on the controls.

2-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Preparation

Equipment Safety
Provide equipment grounding in accordance with local code and NEC Article 250. Failure
to obtain a true earth ground may result in electrical shock. Improper grounding is the
most common cause of electrical component failure and noise-induced problems.
Replace components only with main line power off. Damage to equipment or unexpected
operation of the elevator may occur if this precaution is not observed.
Do not substitute or modify parts. MCE will not be responsible for modifications made in
the field unless they are approved in writing by MCE.
Circuit boards believed to be defective must be sent to MCE for repair and testing. Field
repair may leave the board with undetected problems.
Care should be taken when using test leads and jumpers to avoid shorting high voltage or
ground to low voltage microprocessor circuits.
Do not allow dust, carbon, or metallic particles to accumulate on any part of the control.
Avoid vibration, shock, high humidity, high ambient temperature, and caustic fumes.

When choosing equipment location, consider:
Logical arrangement, taking into consideration other equipment, electrical power, and
seismic zone requirements.
Do not install equipment in hazardous or vibration prone locations.
Locate the drive isolation transformer (if used) near the controller to reduce wire runs.
Ambient temperature should remain within 32 to 104 Fahrenheit (0 to 40 Celsius).
Temperatures outside these guidelines may be tolerated, but will shorten equipment life.
Adequate ventilation is required. Air conditioning may be necessary.
The air in the machine room should be free of excessive dust, moisture, or corrosive ele-
ments. A NEMA 4 or NEMA 12 enclosure can help meet these requirements if machine
room conditions are inadequate. If the machine room has open or unglazed windows or
other direct outside openings, place equipment cabinets far enough from them that severe
weather does not damage the equipment.
Very high levels of radio frequency (RF) radiation from nearby sources should be avoided.
RFI may interfere with controller components, degrading elevator performance. Using
hand-held communication devices close to the controller may also cause interference.
Interference from permanently installed radio transmitting antennas is not common.
Power line fluctuation should not be greater than 10%.


Electrical Noise
Electrical noise readily occurs when two wires run along side one another with one of them a
high power conductor and the other a low signal level conductor. The easiest way to avoid noise
problems is to keep low-level wiring in separate conduit from high power wiring. If high and
low power wiring must be run in the same duct, separate them by a minimum of three to four
inches. If one must cross the other, it should be at a ninety degree angle.

Alternately, low level wiring may use shielded cable. The shield drains induced voltage to
ground. The shield must be connected to ground at one end only.

To avoid EMI/RFI interference:
Keep motor leads as short as possible. Run them in a separate conduit.
Run main line supply leads to the controller or isolation transformer in a separate conduit.
Run leads from the isolation transformer to the drive cabinet in a separate conduit.
The controller door will protect against interference only when closed.

Recommended Tools and Test Equipment

Recommended tools and test equipment:
Digital multimeter, Fluke series 75, 76, 77 or equivalent
Hand-held tachometer
Clamp-on AC ammeter
Hand-held radios
Test weights

2-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 MCE Wiring Prints

MCE Wiring Prints

Become familiar with the wiring prints provided with your control system.

Drawing Number Format

Each print has a drawing number. The drawing number is comprised of the job number, car 2
number, and page number (see example).
Job Number
Year Car Number

Page Number

The following table lists board reference and part numbers. Your installation may not use all
boards listed.

Table 2.1 Component Nomenclature

Board Name Description

HC-DB-MOD Front G. A. L. MOD Door Interface Board
HC-DB-MOD-R Rear G. A. L. MOD Door Interface Board
HC-CTL-2 Controller Board
TC-MPI Motion Processor Interface to drive
HC-UIO Universal I/O Board
HC-CHP CAN Hub and Power Board
HC-MPU Main Processor Board
ICE-COP-2 Control panel interface board
MC-CPI Control panel interface board
MC-LSI Landing System Interface Board
SC-3HN Three Input Hall Call Node Board

Power Nomenclature
MCE job prints and power terminals within the controller are numbered to identify different
power buses:
1: The number 1 (one) bus is system Common.
2: The number 2 (two) bus is AC power.


Controller Installation
Mount the controller securely to the machine room floor and use provided wiring knock-outs to
install raceway or conduit to route wires into the cabinet.

If you drill or cut the cabinet, do not allow metal chips or shavings to fall into electronics.
Damage caused by this is not covered by warranty.

Figure 2.1 Mounting Template for Standard NEMA 1 Cabinet with Feet







4.25 0.75


Dimensions for attaching base feet of Standard NEMA 1 enclosure (16 deep x 42 wide)
to floor.

2-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Controller Installation

Controller Wiring Guidelines

Detailed instructions for connecting the Motion 4000 controller and accompanying compo-
nents are contained in the drawings package for the job. During the job survey, site-specific
information collected is used to engineer the drawings package. Contact Motion Control Engi-
neering immediately if you have questions about the drawings or need additional assistance.

Be aware of the hierarchy of the inspection inputs. (Cartop has highest priority. In-car is next.
Machine Room is last.) In order to maintain safe operation of the lift while on access, car top, or
in-car inspection, the inspection circuits must be wired as shown in the prints.

PC boards can be easily damaged by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Use a properly
grounded wrist strap when touching PC boards. Do not touch PC Boards unless you are
properly grounded.

Use the wiring ducts in the controller. The terminals are located conveniently near them.
Connect wires according to hoistway and car wiring diagrams.
If the car is part of a duplex or group, there are additional steps related to wiring intercon-
nects between individual cars:
A separate conduit or wiring trough must be provided for the CAN link between each
controller cabinet.
Wiring details are shown in the job prints.
Ground all cabinets according to applicable guidelines. Please refer to Proper
Ground on page 2-7.

Proper Ground
Provide equipment grounding in accordance with local code and NEC Article 250. A proper
ground is essential to trouble free operation. Ground is defined as a direct connection to
EARTH GROUND. This type of ground is not always available in the electrical supply panel.
Electrical conduit is not a sufficient ground. Electrical ground should be obtained and certified
by the electrical contractor. When seeking an adequate EARTH GROUND:
Consult with the building engineer or electrical contractor to determine the best source for
a low impedance ground.
Sprinkler system water pipe is not adequate because the sprinkler system is, in most cases,
isolated from a free flowing earth water source.

If a poor ground connection is used and a true electrical ground is later introduced into the
system, the difference in potential can lead to the possibility of severe electrical shock to
personnel and damage to test equipment.


The chosen ground must conform to all applicable codes. Proper grounding is essential for
system safety and helps to reduce noise-induced problems.
Direct, solid grounding must be provided in the machine room to properly ground the con-
troller and the motor.
Figure 2.2 Ground Wiring to Controller Cabinet

1. An uninterrupted ground wire should be run from each car controller cabinet chassis or
back plate to earth ground. The connection at the car controller must be free of paint so
connection is made to bare metal. There should be less than 1-ohm to ground with the
power off.
2. Ground straps, or short loops of ground wire, should be run from the controller ground
connection to the primary duct connections.
3. An uninterrupted ground wire should be run from the hoist motor frame to the control-
ler ground. The ground connection to the hoist motor must be free of paint.
4. An uninterrupted ground wire should be run from a termination point on the cab to the
controller ground.
5. An uninterrupted ground wire should be run from the cab enclosure to the ground ter-
minal on the cab to protect passengers from electrical shock.
6. An uninterrupted ground wire should be run from each car operating panel to the
ground terminal on the cab to protect passengers from electrical shock.
7. An uninterrupted ground wire should be run from the dispatch cabinet chassis or back
plate to earth ground. The connection must be to the bare metal of the enclosure.

2-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Controller Installation

Check for Shorts to Ground

Check for shorts to ground before powering up the system. Power must be OFF at the main
disconnect. If any shorts to ground are discovered, they must be corrected before proceeding.
A short to ground is defined as having a resistance of less than 20 ohms between ground and the
terminal being tested.
Be certain that power is OFF at the main disconnect before proceeding.

1. Disengage all 2 Bus fuses.

2. Measure the resistance between the 1 Bus (common) and all field connection terminals.
3. Check for shorts to ground on motor power terminals L1, L2, and L3.
4. Check for shorts to ground on brake terminals B1 and B2, EB1, and EB2 (as applicable).
5. If no shorts to ground are discovered, re-engage the fuses.


AC Power Connections
All conductors entering or leaving the controller must be through conduit.
High voltage, high current conductors must be separated from control wires.
Velocity encoder or tachometer wires must be routed in a separate conduit from high volt-
age, high current wires.
Incoming power to the controller and outgoing power to the motor must be through sepa-
rate, grounded conduits.

Brake Module If your job uses a brake control module, your job drawings may show aux-
iliary power connections specific to the brake from an isolation transformer. Follow the draw-
ings carefully.
1. Check the AC input specifications on your job prints. Verify that the AC supply is as


Proper motor branch circuit protection in the form of a fused disconnect switch or circuit
breaker must be provided for each elevator according to applicable electrical code. Refer to the
drive manufacturer manual for proper drive circuit fuse sizing. Each disconnect or breaker
must be clearly labeled with the elevator number. The electrical contractor must determine the
wire size for the main AC power supply and for the wiring from the disconnect or breaker to the
controller or isolation transformer.

2. Connect AC supply wiring as shown in the job prints.

Power Check
After connecting power, it is a good practice to temporarily power up the control to check func-
tionality before connecting any field wiring.
1. Verify that the Inspection switch on the Control Board is in the Inspection position.
2. Visually check for loose connections or components.
3. Verify that fuses FB1 and FB2 are disengaged to prevent the brake from lifting.
4. Have a helper power up the controller and remain by the disconnect ready to shut down
immediately if needed.
5. Check that the Power On LED on the CHP (CAN Hub) board is on.
Verify all transformer and power supply voltage levels are correct per the job prints.
Verify all fuses are intact.
Check phase-to-phase input voltage. If necessary, shut off main power and swap two of
the incoming feeds at the controller main terminal.
6. After verification, shut down the controller and engage fuses FB1 and FB2 before con-
tinuing with field connections.

2-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motor, Brake, and Encoder Connection

Motor, Brake, and Encoder Connection

Verify that power to the controller has been shut off at the main disconnect before proceed- 2
ing with connections.

Motor Connection

If you are reusing an existing hoist motor, you must check it for insulation breakdown
before proceeding. Applying power from a modern drive to a motor with insulation prob-
lems can damage the motor and/or the drive.

Insulation Breakdown Test

1. Disconnect all motor and brake wiring.
2. Perform an insulation test between motor and brake connection points and the body of
the motor. Use a Megohm meter to subject the insulation to the same high voltage that
would be present during elevator operation.
3. A minimum insulation resistance of 100k Ohms is required.
4. Correct any insulation problems before proceeding with installation. Insulation prob-
lems may indicate a serious problem in the equipment.

Motor Wiring
Incoming power to the controller and outgoing power wires to the motor must be through sepa-
rate grounded conduits.
1. Refer to the power section drawing in your job prints.
2. Use a shielded power cable between the motor drive and the AC Motor stator connec-
tions to reduce RFI/EMI noise (Siemens Protoflex - EMV or equivalent). The shield
must be terminated to earth ground at both ends.
3. Make connections as shown. Be sure to follow any notes regarding wire sizes.
4. Pay particular attention to motor grounding instructions in the job prints and in the
motor manufacturer instructions.

MRL or Extended Motor Cables

If cables from the drive to the motor are over forty feet / 12 meters in length, high voltage peaks
or high rates of voltage rise can occur on the motor windings, potentially damaging the motor.
In these installations, a special output filter may be recommended by the drive manufacturer.
Both cable length limitations and filter configuration are dependent on the drive. Refer to the
drive manufacturer manual for specific information and treatment.


Brake Connection
Motion 4000 controllers may be ordered with or without a brake control module. The module
allows more precise control of brake lift and drop rates. The brake module must be calibrated
before it will pick the brake. Please refer to Calibration (CAN Only) on page 5-85.

Standard Brake
1. Refer to the brake circuit drawing in your job prints to verify the configuration of the
braking circuit. (Brake control and brake adjustment resistors vary from job to job.)
Familiarize yourself with the brake pick, hold, and drop time adjustments.
2. Measure the resistance through the brake coil on the lift machine.
3. Initially, adjust resistance across the Brake Drop Time resistor(s) to three times the
measured brake coil resistance.


This resistance determines brake drop time. Too little resistance causes the brake to remain
picked for a longer time, perhaps allowing rollback before stopping the car. Three times brake
coil resistance is usually a good starting point.

4. Connect the wires from the controller to the brake as shown in the job prints. Remember
that brake wires must not be routed in the same conduit with motor power or velocity
encoder wires.

Brake Module
If the job uses one machine brake as the service brake and the second machine brake as an
emergency brake, a brake module will be provided for each.
Connect the wires from the controller to the brake as shown in the job prints. Remember
that brake wires must not be routed in the same conduit with motor power or velocity
encoder wires.

Brake modules must be calibrated to the brake that they will be controlling. Please refer to Cal-
ibration (CAN Only) on page 5-85. Both calibration and adjustment are described in the refer-
enced area of the manual.

Brake Mechanics
Check basic brake characteristics at this time:
Ensure that the brake mechanism is clean and in good condition.
Check that the brake lining makes good contact with the machine braking surface (at least
95% of the pad must be in contact with the braking surface).
Check that the adjustment of the brake solenoid is not preventing the brake from fully
applying when it is not energized.
Check to see that the spring adjustments are equal and are torqued to the manufacturer
recommended brake torque settings.

2-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motor, Brake, and Encoder Connection

Velocity Encoder Installation and Wiring

The velocity encoder reports hoist motor speed to the controller. The encoder must be mounted
and wired according to the drawings. When installed, the encoder must be electrically isolated
from the motor or any other ground. (Resistance between the encoder casing and the motor or
other ground should be infinite.)
Do not place the encoder or its wiring close to a magnetic field (the motor or brake coils). Mag-
netic fields can induce AC into the encoder signal. This can cause the drive to miscount, produc-
ing erratic control at lower speeds.


The encoder wiring must use a separate grounded conduit. Inside the controller cabinet, if con-
trol wires must cross power wires, they must cross at right angles to reduce the possibility of
interference. We recommend you use oversize conduit (typically 2- inch) so that connectors
may be fed through without having to disassemble the cable.

Encoder Wiring

Check job prints and installed encoder type to be certain they match. ONLY
WHEN the drive is switched off and the voltage supply is disconnected may the
feedback (encoder) connections be removed or connected.

A shielded cable with an appropriate connector at the encoder end is connected to the drive if
the type of encoder is known before the job is shipped. If the encoder type is unknown, the cable
ends expose trimmed and tinned individual conductors and the installer must attach the
encoder connector and make the proper connections at the drive end. The encoder cable must
be routed into the controller cabinet in a separate conduit from brake or power conductors.
1. Route the cable through a separate conduit to the controller cabinet.
2. If it was not done at the factory, connect the controller end of the cable as shown on the
drive interface sheet of the job prints and according to the encoder manufacturer
3. Connect the encoder end of the cable to the encoder. (If you are providing the connector,
follow the encoder manufacturer instructions.)

Do not coil excess Encoder cable near high voltage components noise may be induced. If
the cable must be shortened, trim it at the drive end. Do not cut and re-splice in the middle
of the cable or shorten at the Encoder end.


Emergency Brake Installation

Depending upon job configuration, a rope gripper, a sheave brake, or one of the two machine
brakes may be used for emergency braking (unintended motion prevention).
1. Refer to your job prints.
2. Connect the rope gripper or sheave brake as shown.


If you do not yet have the rope gripper or sheave brake on site, refer to Construction Mode
Jumper Requirements on page 2-27.

Resetting the Rope Gripper

During setup, the rope gripper or sheave brake may well be triggered. To reset the unit:
1. Place the car on Machine Room Inspection.
2. Press and hold the Emergency Brake reset button, EB RST, on the TC-MPI board for
eight seconds, then release.
3. Return to normal operation. Check the fault display and correct faults as necessary.

Initial Power Up

Always have a helper standing by the AC disconnect to power up the controller and to
immediately shut down if necessary.

1. Verify brake and motor wiring is correct.

2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, verify that the Machine Room Inspection switch is in the INSP
3. Physically verify that all car and hoistway doors are closed and locked and that no one is
in a dangerous position should the car move unexpectedly.
4. Power up the control. Be prepared to immediately shut it down if the car slides or
attempts to move.
5. Check that the drive is displaying no fault conditions.

Turning the control on and off repeatedly (more than once every two minutes) can damage
the inverter drive.

2-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Initial Power Up

Often Used Procedures

Following are some procedures and techniques that are often used while setting up drive and
controller parameters:

How to check Car Speed:

1. Place Function Switch F3 on the HC-MPU board in the ON (up) position. 2
2. Press the N push button until CONTROLLER SYSTEM MENU is displayed.
3. Press the S push button to select the menu.
4. Press the N push button until POSTN and SPEED are displayed.
5. Run the car. Speed is displayed in feet per minute.

How to place the car on Inspection Mode Fault Bypass:

1. On the HC-MPU board, place Function Switch F3 in the ON (up) position.
2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, use a jumper to short the A-position pins of JP2 Fault Bypass.
3. Press the N push button until CONTROLLER SYSTEM MENU is displayed.
4. Press the S push button to select the menu.
5. Press the N push button until INSPECTION MODE FAULT BYPASS is scrolled on the
6. Press the S push button to change the setting to BYPASS ON.

Inspection mode fault bypass remains activated, even across power cycles, until switched off.


In the F3 menu, Automatic Mode Fault bypass is just before Inspection Mode Fault bypass.
When you want Inspection Mode bypass, be careful you do not mistakenly set Automatic mode.

How to place the car on Automatic Mode Fault Bypass:

1. On the HC-MPU board, place Function Switch F3 in the ON (up) position.
2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, use a jumper to short the A-position pins of JP2 Fault Bypass.
3. Press the N push button until CONTROLLER SYSTEM MENU is displayed.
4. Press the S push button to select the menu.
5. Press the N push button until AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS is scrolled on the
6. Press the S push button to change the setting to BYPASS ON.

Automatic mode fault bypass times out after two hours.


How to change TORQMAX F5 Drive parameter settings:

1. Use ENTER and START/STOP buttons to select the parameter group and parameter
2. Press FUNC. to display the parameter value.
3. Press START/STOP to increase/decrease the parameter value.
4. Press ENTER to save the new parameter value.

How to change Magnetek Drive parameter settings:

1. Use left/right arrow keys to navigate through menus.
2. Use up/down keys to navigate through submenus.
3. Use Enter to select a submenu.
4. Use up/down keys to navigate through items in a submenu. Use Enter to select an item.
5. To change a value, use left/right keys to select the character to be modified and up/
down keys to change the value.
6. Use ESCAPE at any time to move to the next higher level.

How to access/set the F7 parameters:

Important F7 parameters are protected by a jumper on the HC-CTL-2 board. Before you
can access them, you must be in Inspection mode and set the JP2 jumper appropriately:


1. Place the car on Inspection operation. Set the F7 function switch to the up position.
2. Press N until the LCD displays PARAMETER ADJUST MENU. Press S to select. The
Press N to begin adjustment from the last viewed or edited parameter.
Press S to begin adjustment starting with the first F7 parameter.
3. Once viewing parameters:
Press N to move through the parameters listings.
Press + or - to change a displayed parameters value.
To move back to a previous parameter, press and hold N (Next) then press - (minus) as
4. Press S to save changed parameters.
How to Reset Excessive Faults
Many of the faults generated while performing acceptance tests are self-resetting once the fault
condition is corrected. However, this controller has excessive faults logic which will generate an
EXCESSIVE FAULTS SHUTDOWN if more than the established limit of faults occur within the
circumscribed period of time. To reset this fault:
Press the Fault Reset button on the HC-CTL-2 board.

2-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading

Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading

Drives used in Motion 4000 applications provide auto tuning procedures which allow the drive
to directly learn motor characteristics. Tuning both improves performance and automatically
calculates some motor values you would otherwise have to enter manually.
Motor circuits may have high voltage present any time AC power is applied to the controller,
even if the motor is not rotating. Wait 10 minutes after removing AC power to allow capaci-
tors to discharge before you open the drive cover. Use extreme caution. Do not touch any
circuit board, power device, or connection without ensuring that high voltage is not present.

TORQMAX F5 Drive Introduction

The TORQMAX F5 drive is a KEB F5 with custom software specific to Motion Control Engineer-
ing. Take the time to study the drive manual. It has very important startup and other informa-
tion that are beyond the scope of this manual.

Digital Operator
The keypad and LED display are mounted on the digital operator. The operator must be
plugged into the drive or the drive will not function. If the operator is removed while the drive is
operating, the drive will shut down immediately. If you must remove the operator, do so while
the elevator is standing still.
Figure 2.3 TORQMAX F5 Drive

Digital Operator


Figure 2.4 TORQMAX Display

Parameter group
(LF, LP, US, etc.)

Parameter number

Blinking point means

that segment (group or
number) is ready to
accept an entry

ON when drive ON = Normal

is transmitting BLINKING = Error

Keypad Operation
Please refer to TORQMAX Keypad Overview on page 2-19.

Clear Error
If an error is displayed (E. UP, etc.), the drive will shut down. To clear the error:
The E.ENCC error is an exception and must be cleared using parameter LF.26.

2-18 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading

Figure 2.5 TORQMAX Keypad Overview

Display Parameter

Display Parameter Number

Parameter Display

The blinking point determines

the active (changeable) part of
the parameter
change between
parameter group and
parameter number


Parameter Selection

With the keys With the keys

select the select the respective

parameter group parameter number
US, LF, LP, Ld, 1,2,3,4...99
ru, do


Display Parameter Display Parameter

Value Parameter Change

FUNC. Increase/Decrease
SPEED Parameter Value



Changes are accepted and saved only after ENTER is pressed.

Some parameters cannot be changed while the elevator is operating.


TORQMAX Drive Operation Overview

The LF.3 parameter determines the mode the drive is in. The drive default mode is run.
Set LF.3 to Stop to adjust parameter values
Press Enter to save the adjusted value
Set LF.3 to run and press Enter to run the elevator using the controller Inspection con-
trols or for normal operation

Drive Motor/Encoder Setup Overview

Figure 2.6 F5 Motor/Encoder Setup Overview

Determine Motor Type SErSP

Enter motor data -

LF.20 ... LF.25
Go to US.10, press FUNCTION
until correct selection displayed
then press ENTER

Enter encoder data -

LF.26 ... LF.29

Go to US.4, set the display

to LOAD, then press ENTER

indicates successful load.

If does not appear,
refer to drive manual.

Check Correct Motor/Control The drive is set up at the factory to match your job
configuration. However, before anything else, check that read-only parameter LF.4 displays the
correct motor type:
Induction geared/Closed Loop: ICLSd
Induction gearless/Closed Loop: IgLSS
PM Synchronous geared/Closed Loop: PCLSd
PM Synchronous gearless/Closed Loop: PgLSS

Check Control Mode Drive parameter LF.02 determines control mode. Check that con-
trol mode is set to SerSP (Serial Speed Control).

2-20 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading

Learn or Enter Motor Data In order to enter motor nameplate data into the drive or
learn motor information, you must activate parameter LF.3 appropriately:
conF (configuration): Operation troubleshooting (90 second time-out)
S Lrn: Auto tuning drive to motor
run: Sets drive to run mode
I Lrn (inertia learn): Learns system inertial / activates FFTC.
P Lrn (pole learn): Learns motor pole positions (see drive manual).
StoP: Motor cannot run. Parameter changes allowed with serial control.


When StoP is active, the drive will not respond to the direction inputs and therefore, the motor
will not run.

Auto-tuning AC Induction Motors to the F5 Drive

Auto-tuning provides better drive to motor matching and performance than manually entering
parameters. Before beginning, make sure that the following parameters have been loaded into
the drive:
Rated Motor Power (horsepower) (LF.10)
Rated Motor Speed (rpm) (LF.11)
Rated Motor Current (A) (LF.12)
Rated Motor Frequency (Hz) (LF.13)
Rated Motor Voltage (LF.14)
Rated Power Factor (LF.15) (not viewable for PMAC machines)
1. Verify the controller is on Inspection operation. Remove one brake wire from the con-
troller or reduce brake pick voltage level to prevent the brake from picking.
2. Reduce Inspection Speed F7, 155 to zero.
3. Set F7 parameter 141 Profile Scale to 000% (zero percent).
4. Set LF.3 to S Lrn. The display will change to StArt.
5. Hold the controller Enable button down and select the Up direction. The motor contac-
tor should engage but the brake should not pick. Motor current will begin to flow and
the drive display will change to LS103.
The drive will measure motor parameters as well as parameters in the drive motor stage. The
drive display will change as different values are measured.
6. Continue holding the Enable and Up direction switch until the drive displays done
(five minutes is typical).
7. Release the Enable and Up direction switches. The drive will display CALC and complete
updating its parameters.
8. Return the drive to Run mode (LF.3). Reconnect the brake wire. Return F7 parameter
141 Profile Scale to 100% and F7, 155 to its former setting.
If the auto-tune was not successful, the drive will report:
FAIL: Auto-tuning was interrupted. Repeat the procedure.
FAILd: There is a configuration error, probably an incorrectly set parameter, that is pre-
venting the drive from beginning measurements.
Check connections and parameters.


Manual Induction Motor Parameter Entry

The preceding instruction for auto-tuning the drive to the motor provides better performance
and should be used instead of manual entry. If auto-tuning is not possible, use manual entry.

Figure 2.7 Entering Induction Motor Data

Enter motor data LF.13 =

INDUCTION Motors Motor Rated Frequency
LF.8 ... LF.17

Motor Overload
LF.8 = ON LF.14 =
LF.9 = Set to Motor FLA Motor Rated Voltage

LF.15 =
LF.10 = Motor Power Factor
Motor Power (HP) Start @ 0.9 (0.95 max)
Lower for stronger field
Higher weakens field

LF.11 =
Motor Rated Speed LF.16 =
from motor nameplate Field Weakening Speed
Start @ 80% of sync
speed. Reduce if motor
does not reach contract
LF.12 =
Motor FLA

LF.17 =
Motor torque
Calculated (lb ft)

The Drive Manual

The information included above is very basic. If you are not familiar with the TORQMAX F5
drive, you must take a few minutes to look through the drive manual to learn how to proceed,
what to expect, and what adjustments are available through the drive.

Setting the Drive to Run Mode

Parameter LF.3 allows the drive to be configured, to learn, or to be placed in run mode. To set
the drive to run mode:
1. Set LF.3 to run.
2. Press ENTER.

2-22 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading

Magnetek AC Drive Introduction

Take the time to study the drive manual. It has very important startup and other information
that are beyond the scope of this manual.

Digital Operator
The keypad and display are mounted on the digital operator. 2
Figure 2.8 Magnetek AC Drive

Digital Operator

HPV 600 drive shown. Other AC drives similar.

Keypad Operation
Please refer to Magnetek Keypad Overview on page 2-24.

Clear Fault
Most faults clear automatically. If a persistent (serious) fault is displayed, the drive will shut
down. To clear the fault after correcting the cause:
Access the drive Faults F0 menu, submenu Active Faults, F1.
Go to Reset Active Faults. Press Enter.


Figure 2.9 Magnetek Keypad Overview

Display 1 D0 Adjust A0 Configure C0 Utility U0 Faults F0 Display 2 D0

Elevator Drive A1 User Password Active Elevator

Data D1 Switches C1 U1 Faults F1 Data D1
Power S-Curves Logic Hidden Fault Power
DATA D2 A2 Inputs C2 Items U2 History F2 DATA D2
Multistep Logic Units U3 Sorted
Select Menu REF A3 Outputs C3 History F3 (900II)
Power Analog Test U4 Reset Faults F4 (900II)
Enter Submenus ENTER
Convert A4 Outputs C4
Motor A5 Dflts U5
Select Parameter
Drive Info
Select Digit
Hex Monitor
Change Value
Sel U8 (600CL, 600PM, 900PM, 900II)

Move Up a Level ESCAPE Basics U9 (600, 900II)

Magnetek AC Drive Menus & Submenus Alignment U10
(600PM, 900PM)

Autotune Sel U11 (900PM) Autotune Time U11 (900II)

Changes are saved only after ENTER is pressed.

Some parameters cannot be changed while the elevator is operating.

Magnetek Drive Operation Overview

Menus, sub menus, and parameters may be accessed while the drive is running. Some parame-
ters may not be changed while the drive is running. For these parameters, the word LOCK-
OUT appears.

Operator (HPV600/600PM/900/900PM) LEDs indicate the status of the drive:

Run/Fault: The drive is in run mode. Operational status or a Fault code may be displayed.
Sub Menu: A sub menu has been accessed.
Data Ent: A parameter value has been accessed.

Operator (HPV 900II) LEDs indicate the status of the drive:

Ready: Ready but not actually providing current to the motor.
Run: Providing current to the motor.
User: Selected via Logic Outputs C3 submenu.
Fault: Drive has declared a fault.
Torque Limit: The drive has reached its torque limit. See drive manual.
Sub Menu: A sub menu has been accessed.
Data Entry: A parameter value has been accessed.

2-24 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Auto Tuning and Encoder Data Loading

Cover (HPV 900/900PM) LEDs indicate the status of the drive:

Ready: Ready but not actually providing current to the motor.
Run: Providing current to the motor.
Program Invalid: No valid software on the drive control board.
Fault: Drive has declared a fault. 2
Torque Limit: The drive has reached its torque limit. See drive manual.

Drive Motor/Encoder Setup Overview

Figure 2.10 Magnetek Motor/Encoder Setup Overview

A1 Drive menu 900/900PM: C2 Logic Inputs menu HPV900: C4 Analog Outputs menu
Contract Car Speed Logic Input 1 (TB1-1) Drive Enable Analog Output 1 (TB1-33) Speed Command
Contract Motor Speed Logic Input 2 (TB1-2) Contact Cfirm Analog Output 2 (TB1-35) Speed Feedback
Brake Pick Time 0.0 Logic Input 3 - 9 No Function
Encoder Pulses
Mtr Torque Limit HPV900II: C4 Analog Outputs menu
Regen Torq Limit 900II: C2 Logic Inputs menu Analog Output 1 (TB2-1) Speed Command
Logic Input 1 (TB1-6) Drive Enable Analog Output 2 (TB2-8) Speed Feedback
Logic Input 2 (TB1-7) Contact Cfirm
A2 S-Curves menu Logic Input 3 - 9 No Function
Accel Rate 0 0.00 HPV600: C4 Analog Outputs menu
Decel Rate 0 0.00 Analog Output 1 (A0-A1) Speed Command
Accel Jerk Out 0 0.00 600/600PM: C2 Logic Inputs menu Analog Output 2 (A0-A2) Speed Feedback
Decel Jerk In 0 0.00 Logic Input 1 (TB1-16) Drive Enable
Decel Jerk Out 0 0.00 Logic Input 2 (TB1- 7) Contact Cfirm
Logic Input 3 - 9 No Function HPV600PM: C4 Analog Outputs menu
Analog Output 1 (TB6-A01) Speed Command
A4 Power Convert menu Analog Output 2 (TB6-A02) Speed Feedback
Input L-L Volts 900/900PM: C3 Logic Outputs menu
Logic Output 1 (TB1-14) Ready To Run
Logic Output 2 (TB1-15) Run Commanded
A5 Motor Menu Logic Output 3 (TB1-16) Speed Reg Rls
Motor ID (4 or 6 pole) Logic Output 4 (TB1-17) Ramp Down En
Rated Mtr Power Relay Coil 1 (TB2-51/52/53) Ready to Run
Rated Mtr Volts Relay Coil 2 (TB2-54/55/56) Speed Reg Rls
Rated Excit Freq
Rated Motor Curr
Motor Poles 900II: C3 Logic Outputs menu
Rated Mtr Speed Logic Output 1 (TB1-13) Ready To Run
Logic Output 2 (TB1-14) Run Commanded
Logic Output 3 (TB1-15) Speed Reg Rls
C1 User Switches menu Logic Output 4 (TB1-16) Ramp Down En
Spd Command Src Serial Relay Coil 1 (TB2-27/28/29) Ready to Run
Run Command Src Serial Relay Coil 2 (TB2-30/31/32) Speed Reg Rls
Spd Reg Type Elev Spd Reg
Cont Confirm Src External
Pre-Torque Source Serial 600/600PM: C3 Logic Outputs menu
Fault Reset Src Serial Logic Output 1 (TB1-9) Ready To Run
Ramped Stop Sel Ramp On Stop Logic Output 2 (TB1-10) Run Commanded
Ramp Down En Src Run Logic Logic Output 3 (TB1-11) Speed Reg Rls
Motor Ovrld Sel Fault At Stop Logic Output 4 (TB1-12) Ramp Down En
Serial Mode Mode 1 Relay Coil 1 (TB2-51/52/53) Ready to Run
Relay Coil 2 (TB2-54/55/56) Speed Reg Rls


Auto-tuning AC Motors to the Magnetek Drive

Auto-tuning provides better drive to motor matching and performance and must be performed
at some point during installation or adjustment. Because the car must be run through the extent
of the hoistway, this procedure should be accomplished after hoistway installations are suffi-
ciently complete. Please refer to Adaptive Tuning in the Magnetek manual and follow those

Tuning Motor No-Load Current (HPV 600/900/900II Only) Please see Tun-
ing No-Load Motor Current in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Technical Manual
for specific steps.

Tuning Motor Flux Saturation Curve (HPV 600/900/900II Only) Please

see Tuning Motor Flux Saturation Curve in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Tech-
nical Manual for specific steps.

Tuning Motor Rated RPM (HPV 600/900/900II Only) Please see Tuning
Rated Motor RPM in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Technical Manual for spe-
cific steps.

Determining System Inertia Please see Using the Software to Estimate the System
Inertia in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Technical Manual for specific steps.

The Drive Manual

The information included above is very basic. If you are not familiar with the Magnetek drive,
you must take a few minutes to look through the drive manual to learn how to proceed, what to
expect, and what adjustments are available through the drive.

2-26 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Set Up for Construction Operation

If required, it is possible to run the car during construction to help complete work in the hoist-
way. In this mode, the car runs at inspection speed. If they are in place, cartop controls may be
used or the car may be run from the controller or a temporary run box. (Refer to Temporary
Run Box on page 2-50.)
Minimal Requirements
Minimal equipment requirements are:
The governor must be wired into the Safety string (SAFH).
Car and counterweight must be roughly balanced.


Typically, the counterweight is sized to equal the weight of the car with 40%, 45%, or 50% of its
rated full load weight inside. At inspection speed, in the middle of the hoistway, with the car
properly loaded, drive current readings (F5, LF.93 or Magnetek D0/D2 MOTOR CURRENT)
should be equal in both up and down directions if counterweight/car balance is approximately
correct. A balancing procedure is provided in this section but, before you attempt to run the car
on Inspection, you must check that counterweighting has been addressed. Please refer to Car
and Counterweight Balance on page 3-7.
Motor, brake, and drive connected and set up.
Velocity encoder connected and functioning.
Jumpers must be temporarily used to bypass absent equipment.
The controller must be set to bypass faults on Inspection operation
Jumper Requirements
Temporary jumpers, as necessary, may be placed across the following connections if needed to
run the car on construction operation. If you are using a temporary run box, Please refer to
Temporary Run Box on page 2-50.
Table 2.2 Construction Mode Jumper Requirements

From To
Panel Mount Terminal 15 SAFH HC-CTL-2 board (Safety String, Hoistway)
SAFH HC-CTL-2 board (Safety String, Hoistway) SAFC HC-CTL-2 board (Safety String, Car)
SAFC HC-CTL-2 board (Safety String, Car) ESC HC-CTL-2 board (In-car Emergency Switch)
2 (120VAC) GS HC-CTL-2 board (Gate Switch, car door locks)
2 (120VAC) GSR HC-CTL-2 board (rear gate switch, car door locks)
2 (120VAC) DLAT HC-CTL-2 board (Door Lock Access Top, hall doors)
2 (120VAC) DLAB HC-CTL-2 board (Door Lock Access Bottom, hall
2 (120VAC) DLATR/DLABR HC-CTL-2 board (if rear door present)
G0S1 (Governor overspeed switch) GOS2 (Governor overspeed switch)
RG7 (rope gripper) RG5 (rope gripper)
INN HC-CTL-2 board 2 (120VAC)


Bypassing Faults on Inspection

Because the hoistway has not been set up yet, the car does not have direction limit inputs and
will be prevented from moving properly in the hoistway unless the faults generated by this lack
are bypassed. To bypass faults on Inspection mode:
1. On the MPU board, place switch F3 in the UP position (all others down).
2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, use a jumper to short the A-position pins of JP2 Fault Bypass.
3. Press N until the display shows Controller System Menu.
4. Press S to enter the menu.
5. Press N until the LCD displays Inspection Mode Fault Bypass OFF.
6. Press S to change bypass state to ON.
7. Set F3 back to the DOWN position.

This setting bypasses controller response to faults during Inspection operation.

Because the directional limits are not in place, if the car is not set to Bypass Faults
on Inspection, it will not move down the hoistway.


Note that there is an Automatic Mode fault bypass accessible through the Controller System
Menu as well. Be careful you are not setting it instead of Inspection Mode bypass.

Inspection mode fault bypass remains active, even across power cycles, until set to OFF. Auto-
matic Mode fault bypass times out after two hours.

On Inspection Mode bypass, only overspeed faults are recognized.

Resolving Faults
If the car does not respond to a run command, check the HC-MPU board and drive displays for
error/fault codes. Please refer to Status and Error Messages on page 5-2.

Error codes are displayed individually in the order of detection. It is possible that, after you cor-
rect a current error condition, another will be displayed. All errors must be resolved before the
car will operate properly.

Support for troubleshooting position and speed related faults is provided in Sections 4 and 5 of
this manual. Please refer to MPI Diagnostic Menu on page 4-67 and to Section 5.

2-28 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Speed and Acceleration Control

Motion 4000 generates the performance curve that controls the drive and transfers that infor-
mation to the drive through a serial connection. Speed, acceleration, deceleration, and jerk
parameters are set up through the F7 menu on the controller (HC-MPU board/controller on
Inspection/F7 function switch UP/all other function switches DOWN).
Even though speed and acceleration/deceleration/jerk parameters are determined by Motion
4000 settings, certain drive settings can still have a limiting effect and, if set incorrectly, can
prevent the elevator from reaching commanded speed.

Drive gear ratio, rated RPM, contract speed, roping ratio, and sheave diameter settings dictate
the fastest speed at which the drive will run the motor and must be accurately set on the drive.
In the illustration below, the dashed line labeled DRIVE CLIPPING illustrates what can happen
to the S-curve if drive settings limit commanded speed. Rather than rolling into commanded
speed, the car will drop into a steady speed state abruptly, will run at a less than commanded
speed, and will drop into deceleration abruptly. So, improper drive settings can cause failure to
achieve commanded speed and bumpy transitions at speed/acceleration transition points.

Figure 2.11 Example of Drive Clipping

Roll Jerk Roll Jerk

Standard-F7:168 Alternate Standard-F7:169

Alternate-F7:182 Danger-F7:178
Acceleration Deceleration


Standard-F7:165 Standard-F7:167
Manual-F7:170 Manual-F7:172
Danger-F7:175 Danger-F7:177
Alternate-F7:179 Alternate-F7:181
Start Jerk F7-157 Correction Speed
Stop Jerk

Leveling Speed (F7:158)

Zero Speed
Proximity Distance


Required Drive Parameter Settings

In order to operate safely in construction, particular drive parameters must be verified and set.
These parameters are set at the factory according to your job requirements but MUST BE

Before powering the controller to make these settings, verify that the Inspection/Normal
switch is in the Inspection position.

TORQMAX F5 AC Drive Parameters

Set drive parameters using the drive keypad. If drive parameters are not correctly set, attempt-
ing to move the elevator can be VERY DANGEROUS. MCE sets these parameters before ship-
ment, but you must check them at the site.

Drive parameters must be correctly set. If not, elevator control can be erratic and potentially
DANGEROUS. Never change drive parameters while the elevator is running.

1. Read the drive manufacturer manual shipped with this controller. It provides essential
information about setting up the drive that cannot be included in the MCE manual. Fol-
low the Initial Start-up procedure described in the drive manufacturer manual.
2. Read and follow the parameter settings in the table shipped with the controller from

Table 2.3 Critical F5 Drive Parameters

Parameter Parameter
LF.02 Operating mode: SErSP LF.21 Traction sheave diameter
LF.04 Per Motor LF.22 Gear reduction ratio
LF.10 Rated motor power (HP) LF.23 Roping ratio
LF.11 Rated motor speed LF.24 Load weight
LF.12 Rated motor current LF.27 Encoder pulses
LF.13 Rated motor frequency LF.30 Closed Loop: 2
LF.14 Rated motor voltage d.LF.33 Ki speed offset decel
LF.17 Rated motor torque LF.42 High speed
LF.20 Contract speed US.35 Reference splitting: 40

The following drive parameter table is included for your convenience and in the event the table
shipped with the controller is not available. Note that the table here reflects generic settings, not
those specific to your installation. In the table, IM= induction motor; PM= permanent magnet

2-30 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Table 2.4 TORQMAX F5 Parameters

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Factory
WARNING: Do not change drive parameters while the elevator is running. Incorrect drive
parameter values can cause erratic operation.
WARNING: Parameters with an asterisk (*) must be set correctly for your specific motor /
machine / job. Refer to the adjustment manual for detailed information.
LF. 2 Signal operating mode: - AbSPd bnSPd SerSP
AbSPd - Absolute Analog Speed d Spd
d SPd - Digital Speed Selection A tor
A tor - Analog Torque Control A Spd
A Spd - Analog Speed Control SerSP
SerSP - Serial Com. Speed Control BnSPd
bnSPd - Binary Speed Selection S POS
S POS Serial Position feedback
LF. 3 Drive configuration: - run conF run
run- run mode conF
conF - Configuration (5 minute time limit) Stop
Stop - Drive stopped, Motor cannot run. Drive S Lrn
will not respond. When using serial com, I Lrn
this mode allows parameter changes P Lrn
S Lrn - activate auto tune SPI
I Lrn - Inertia Learn. Learns the system inertia OStST
and activates the FFTC.
P Lrn: Pole Learn. Learn the pole positions of
PM Motor
SPI - Stationary Pole Learn. Learn absolute
encoder position for PM machine under
brake without sheave movement.
(N/A for software Version 1.61)
OStST - Over speed test function. Allows car to
over speed machine to test governor.
(N/A for software Version 1.61)
LF. 4 Motor-selection: Displays mode selected using US. - see US.10 - ***
4 and US.10
ICLSd - Close loop induction
I9LSS = Closed loop induction gearless
PCLSd = Closed loop permanent magnet (PM)
P9LSS = Closed loop PM gearless
LF. 5 Drive fault auto reset 1 0 - 10 5 5
LF. 8 Electronic motor overload protection - on, off off on
LF. 9 IM - Electronic overload current A 1.0 - 110% 8.0 *
PM - not visible, auto set same as LF.12 Drive rated
LF.10 IM - Rated motor power HP 0.00 - 125.00 5.00 *
PM - read only, auto calc.
LF.11 Rated motor speed rpm 10.0 - 6000.0 1165 or *
LF.12 Rated motor current A 1.0 - 110% 8.0 *
Drive rated
LF.13 Rated motor frequency Hz 4.0 - 100.0 60.0 *
LF.14 Rated motor voltage V IM: 120 - 500V 230/460 *
IM - Name plate rated voltage
PM - No-load, phase-to-phase back EMF rms volt- PM: 1 -
age at LF.11 32000V/krpm


Table 2.4 TORQMAX F5 Parameters

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Factory
LF.15 IM: Power factor, PM: not visible 1 0.50 - 1.00 0.90 0.90
LF.16 IM: Field weakening speed, PM: not visible rpm 0.0 - 6000.0 set @ 80% *
of LF.11
LF.17 Rated motor torque, IM - read only, auto calc. lb ft 1 - 10000 IM - calc. IM - ***
PM - enter motor name plate torque PM - 18 PM
LF.18 PM: Motor stator resistance - from data sheet or ohm 0.0 - 49.999 49.999 PM
learn procedure (see F5 Drive manual) IM: not *
LF.19 PM: Motor leakage inductance - from data sheet mH 0.01 - 500.00 1.00 PM
or learn procedure (see F5 Drive manual) *
IM: not visible
LF.20 Contract speed fpm 0 - 1600 0 *
LF.21 Traction sheave diameter (measured value) inch 7.00 - 80.00 24.00 *
LF.22 Gear reduction ratio 1 1.00 - 99.99 30.00 *
LF.23 Roping ratio 1 1-8 1 *
LF.24 Load weight lbs 0 - 30000 0 *
LF.25 Estimated gear ratio: Read only, auto calc. 0.01 1.00 - 99.99 - ***
0.LF.26 Encoder Interface: displays feedback type - - - ***
LF.27 Encoder pulse number ppr 256 - 16384 1024
For InclE and SinCo reference to customer data
For HIPEr set to 1024
For EndAt set to 2048
LF.28 Encoder channel swap / direction 1 0-3 0 *
0 nothing reversed 0
1 encoder A<B>B swapped
2 motor rotation reversed
3 motor rotation reversed, A<B>B swapped
LF.29 Encoder sample time mSec 0.5 - 32 4 *
(recommend gearless = 4, geared = 8)
LF.30 Control mode 1 0-5 0 *
0, 1Open loop induction motor operation
2 - Closed loop speed control (LF. 2 = A Spd)
3 - Closed loop speed control with pre-torque
4 - Closed loop torque control (LF. 2 = A tor)
5 - Close loop speed control with synthesized pre-
A.LF.31 Kp speed accel: Proportional gain, accel & run 1 1 - 50396 3000 ** 3000
d.LF.31 Kp speed decel: Proportional gain, decel 1 1 - 50396 3000 ** 3000
P.LF.31 Kp speed torque (Synth. Pre-torque) 1 1 - 50396 2000 2000
A.LF.32 Ki speed accel: Integral gain, accel & run 1 1 - 26214 350 ** 350
d.LF.32 Ki speed decel: Integral gain, decel 1 1 - 26214 250 ** 250
P.LF.32 KI speed torque (Synth. Pre-torque) 1 1 - 26214 10000 10000
A.LF.33 Ki speed offset accel: Gain at low speed, accel 1 0 - 8000 3000 ** 3000
d.LF.33 Ki speed offset decel: Gain at low speed, decel 1 0 - 8000 1000 ** 1000
0.LF.36 Maximum torque (Auto calc by the drive). lb ft 0 - 500%Trtd Calculated ***
1.LF.36 Maximum torque emergency operation (=LF.17) lb ft 0 - 500%Trtd Calculated ***
LF.37 Open loop torque boost: Open loop op. only % 0 - 25.5 5.0 5.0
LF.38 Carrier frequency; 0 = 8 KHz, 1 = 16KHz 1 0, 1 0 *
(Note: set LF.38 = 0 if E.OL2 error on drive)

2-32 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Table 2.4 TORQMAX F5 Parameters

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Factory
LF.41 Leveling speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0 - 25 0.0 0.0
LF.42 High speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0 0.0
LF.43 Inspection speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - 150.00 0.0 0.0
LF.44 High leveling speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0 0.0
LF.45 Earthquake Speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.0
LF.46 Emergency Pwr Speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0 0.0
LF.47 Intermediate speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0 0.0
LF.49 Over speed function Test (N/A for SW Version 1.61 fpm 1- 2400 100 100
and lower)
0.LF.50 Profile 0 - Starting jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
0.LF.51 Profile 0 - Acceleration (not used) ft/s2 OFF
0.LF.52 Profile 0 - Acceleration jerk (not used) ft/s 3 OFF
0.LF.53 Profile 0 - Deceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
0.LF.54 Profile 0 - Deceleration (not used) ft/s2 OFF
0.LF.55 Profile 0 - Approach jerk (not used) ft/s 3 OFF
1.LF.50 Profile 1 - Starting Jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
1.LF.51 Profile 1 - Acceleration (not used) ft/s2 OFF
1.LF.52 Profile 1 - Acceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
1.LF.53 Profile 1 - Deceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
1.LF.54 Profile 1 - Deceleration (not used) ft/s2 OFF
1.LF.55 Profile 1 - Approach jerk (not used) ft/s 3 OFF
2.LF.50 Profile 2 - Starting jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
2.LF.51 Profile 2 - Acceleration (not used) ft/s2 OFF
2.LF.52 Profile 2 - Acceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
2.LF.53 Profile 2 - Deceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
2.LF.54 Profile 2 - Deceleration (not used) ft/s2 OFF
2.LF.55 Profile 2 - Approach jerk (not used) ft/s 3 OFF
LF.56 Stop jerk (not used) ft/s3 OFF
LF.57 Speed following error (0 = off, 1 = on,) 1 off, on 1 1
LF.58 Speed difference % 0 - 30 10 10
LF.59 Trigger time speed difference: Following error sec 0.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0
LF.61 Emergency operation mode. If using an MCE Off, SPd1, off off
TAPS, (Traction Auxiliary Power Supply) this must SPd2, SPd3, (di1 if TAPS
be set to di1. di1 used)
LF.67 Pre-torque gain - 0.25 - 2.00 1.00 1.00
LF.68 Pre-torque offset % -100.0 - 100.0 0.00 0.00
LF.69 Pre-torque direction (0, 1 = +V, -1 = -V) 1 0, 1, -1 1 1
LF.70 Speed pick delay (Delay to turn on DRO) sec 0.0 - 3.0 0.30 0.30
LF.71 Brake pick delay sec 0.0 - 3.0 0.05 0.05
LF.76 Encoder resolution multiplier 1 0 - 13 2
2 for incremental encoder
8 for Sin/Cos, EnDat or Hiperface encoder
LF.77 Absolute encoder position (measured) 1 0 - 65535h 0 *0


Table 2.4 TORQMAX F5 Parameters

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Factory
LF.78 Brake drop delay. Time motor will hold full current sec 0.00 - 3.00 0.50 0.50
and control after direction inputs drop.
LF.79 Current hold time. Delay in turning off the drive sec 0.00 - 3.00 0.30 0.30
(Delay to turn OFF the motor current after the
direction is dropped and LF.78 has expired)
Diagnostic Parameters (Read only)
LF.25 Estimated gear ratio 1
LF.80 Software version -
LF.81 Software date -
LF.82 X2A input state - see tables
LF.83 X2A output state - in F5 Drive
LF.86 Operation mode - Manual
LF.87 Actual inverter load (100% = rated load) %
LF.88 Motor command speed rpm
LF.89 Actual motor speed rpm
LF.90 Actual elevator speed ft/m
LF.93 Phase current A
LF.94 Peak phase current A
LF.95 Actual DC voltage V
LF.96 Peak DC voltage V
LF.97 Actual output frequency Hz
O.LF.98 Last error -
US Parameters
US. 1 Password: With different passwords different - - - -
parameter groups can be accessed for advanced
US. 3 Load defaults: Select LoAd and press ENTER to - LoAd -
cause all LF parameters to be reset to drive
default values.
US. 4 Load configuration: Select LoAd and press ENTER - LoAd -
to load the configuration selected in US.10.
US.10 Select configuration: Selects the drive mode. - ICLSd - *
ICLSd - Close loop induction I9LSS
I9LSS = Closed loop induction gearless PCLSd
PCLSd = Closed loop permanent magnet (PM) P9LSS
P9LSS = Closed loop PM gearless
US.34 Analog Pattern Gain - 0.01-20.0 1.0
US. 35 Reference Splitting: This function creates a slope mSec 0 200 mSec 0.0 40
between two successive serially transmitted speed
values. This parameter should be adjusted for a
time double the actual serial update rate of the
speed command
Note: Program to 40 msec for M4000 controller
with Rev8
* Parameters are motor / machine / job dependent.
** Recommended but field adjustable.
*** The value is automatically calculated from the motor data or other parameter values.
Parameters for Drive Software Version (LF 80 Drive Software = 1.61 with LF.81 date code = 2801.9 or later)
or (LF 80 Drive Software = 1.71 with LF.81 date code = 704.0 or later.

2-34 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Magnetek AC Drive Parameters

With the exception of those parameters listed earlier (Magnetek Motor/Encoder Setup Over-
view on page 2-25), all Magnetek parameters should be left at default values.

Note 2
Before changing any A5 Motor Menu parameters, make sure the A5 Motor ID parameter is set.
Setting Motor ID loads nominal values into select parameters in the A5 menu.

The following drive parameter table is included for your convenience and in the event the table
shipped with the controller is not available. In any case, you should use the table to verify all
settings on the elevator drive.

Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

Adjust A0
A1 Drive
Contract Car Spd Elevator Contract Speed fpm 0 - 1500 400
Contract Mtr Spd Motor Speed at elevator contract speed rpm 50 - 3000 1130
Response Speed regulator sensitivity. If set too high, rad/ 1.0 - 20.0 10 10
motor current and speed will be jittery. If too sec
small, the motor will be sluggish.
Inertia System inertia sec 0.25 - 50.00 2.0 2.0
Inner Loop Xover Inner speed loop crossover frequency (only rad/ 0.1 - 20.0 2.0 2.0
with Ereg speed regulator) sec
Gain Reduce Mult Speed regulator response percentage to use in % 10 - 100 100 100
low gain Mode. 100% = no reduction.
Gain Chng Level Speed level to change to low gain mode % 0 - 100.0 100 100
(only with internal gain switch)
Tach Rate Gain Compensates for rope resonance. Use only % 0 - 30.0 0 0
after A1, Inertia, and A1, Response, have
been set correctly.
Spd Phase Margin Phase margin of speed regulator o 45 - 90 80 80
(only with PI speed regulator)
Ramped Stop Time Time to ramp from rated torque to zero (only sec 0 - 2.50 0.20 0.20
with torque ramp down stop function)
Contact Flt Time Time before a contactor fault is declared sec 0.10 - 5.00 0.50 0.80
Brake Pick Time Time before a brake pick fault is declared sec 0 - 5.00 1.00 0.0
Brake Hold Time Time before a brake hold fault is declared sec 0 - 5.00 0.20 0.20
Overspeed Level Threshold for detection of overspeed fault % 100.0 - 150.0 115.0 115.0
Overspeed Time Time before an overspeed fault is declared sec 0 - 9.99 1.00 1.00
Overspeed Mult Multiplier for overspeed test (U4) % 100 - 150 125 125
Encoder Pulses Encoder counts per revolution ppr 600 - 10000 1024
Spd Dev Lo Level Range around the speed reference for speed % 00.1 - 10.0 10 10
deviation low logic output
Spd Dev Time Time before speed deviation low logic output sec 0 - 9.99 0.5 0.5
is true


Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

Spd Dev Hi Level Level for declaring speed deviation alarm % 0 - 99.9 10.0 10.0
Spd Command Bias Subtracts an effective voltage to actual speed volts 0 - 6.00 0.00 0.00
command voltage
Spd Command Mult Scales analog speed command - 0.90 - 5.00 1.00 1.43
Pre Torque Bias Subtracts an effective voltage to actual pre volts 0 - 6.00 0.00 0.00
torque command voltage
Pre Torque Mult Scales pre-torque command - -10.00-10.00 1.00 1.00
Zero Speed Level Threshold for zero speed logic output % 0 - 99.99 1.00 1.00
Zero Speed Time Time before zero speed logic output is sec 0 - 9.99 0.10 0.10
declared true
Up/Dwn Threshold Detection threshold, up or down direction % 0 - 9.99 1.00 1.00
Mtr Torque Limit Motoring torque limit. Torque Limit LED will % 0 - 275.0 200.0 200.0
light when this limit is reached.
Regen Torq Limit Regenerating torque limit. Torque Limit LED % 0 - 275.0 200.0 200.0
will light when this limit is reached.
Flux Wkn Factor Defines torque limit at higher speeds % 60.0 - 100.0 100.0 100
Ana 1 Out Offset Subtracts an effective voltage to actual analog % -99.9 - 99.9 0.00 0.00
output 1
Ana 2 Out Offset Subtracts an effective voltage to actual analog % -99.9 - 99.9 0.00 0.00
output 2
Ana 1 Out Gain Scaling factor for analog output 1 - 0 - 10.0 1.0 1.0
Ana 2 Out Gain Scaling factor for analog output 2 - 0 - 10.0 1.0 1.0
Flt Reset Delay Time Before a fault is automatically reset sec 0 - 120 5 5
Flt Reset / Hour Number of faults allowed to reset automati- fault 0 - 10 3 3
cally per hour
Up to SPD. Level The logic output function is true when the % 0 - 110.00 080.00 080.00
motor speed is above the user specified speed
defined here
Mains DIP Speed When enabled by the Main DIP Speed (A1) % 5 - 99.9 25.00 25.00
parameter, speed is reduced by this percent
when an undervoltage alarm is declared
Run Delay Timer Delays drive recognition of RUN signal. sec 0.00 - 0.99 0.00 0.00
AB Zero Spd Lev Auto Brake Function - N/A to MCE products % 0.00 - 2.00 0.00 0.00
AB Off Delay N/A to MCE products sec 0.00 - 9.99 0.00 0.00
Contactor DO Dly N/A to MCE products sec 0.00 - 5.00 0.00 0.00
TRQ Lim Msg Dly Time duration drive is in torque limit before sec 0.00 - 10.00 0.50 0.50
Hit Torque Limit message displayed.
SER2 INSP SPD Defines the serial mode 2 Inspection ft/ 0 - 100 30 30
(only serial mode 2) min
SER2 RS CRP SPD Creep speed used in rescue mode ft/ 0 - 300 10 10
SER2 RS CPR Time Maximum time drive will continue to run at sec 0 - 200 180 180
rescue creep speed (only serial mode 2)
SER2 FLT TOL Maximum time that may elapse between valid sec 0.0 - 2.0 0.04 0.04
run time messages before a serial fault is
declared (only serial mode 2)
Rollback Gain Anti-rollback gain - 1 - 20 1 1

2-36 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

Notch Filter Frq Notch Filter Center Frequency Hz 5 - 60 20 20
Notch Filt Depth Notch filter maximum attenuation % 0 - 100 0 0
MSPD Delay 1-4 Recognition time delay for a defined multistep sec 0.00 - 10.0 0.00 0.00 2
speed command
A2 S-Curves
Accel Rate 0 Acceleration rate #0 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.00
Decel Rate 0 Deceleration rate #0 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.00
Accel Jerk in 0 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 0 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 0 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 0 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
Accel Rate 1 Acceleration rate #1 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.0
Decel Rate 1 Deceleration rate #1 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.0
Accel Jerk in 1 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 1 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 1 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 1 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
Accel Rate 2 Acceleration rate #2 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.00
Decel Rate 2 Deceleration rate #2 ft/s 2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.00
Accel Jerk in 2 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s 3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 2 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 2 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 2 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
Accel Rate 3 Acceleration rate #3 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.00
Decel Rate 3 Deceleration rate #3 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00 0.00
Accel Jerk in 3 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 3 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 3 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 3 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 29.9 8.0 0.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed


Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

A3 Multistep Ref
Speed Command 1 Multi-Step Speed command #1 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 2 Multi-Step Speed command #2 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 3 Multi-Step Speed command #3 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 4 Multi-Step Speed command #4 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 5 Multi-Step Speed command #5 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 6 Multi-Step Speed command #6 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 7 Multi-Step Speed command #7 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 8 Multi-Step Speed command #8 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 9 Multi-Step Speed command #9 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 10 Multi-Step Speed command #10 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 11 Multi-Step Speed command #11 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 12 Multi-Step Speed command #12 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 13 Multi-Step Speed command #13 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 14 Multi-Step Speed command #14 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0
Speed Command 15 Multi-Step Speed command #15 ft/m -3000.0-3000.0 0 0

A4 Power Convert
Id Reg Diff gain Flux Current regulator differential gain - 0.80 - 1.20 1.00 1.00
Id Reg Prop Gain Flux current regulator proportional gain - 0.20 - 0.40 0.30 0.30
Iq Reg Diff Gain Torque current regulator differential gain - 0.80 - 1.20 1.00 1.00
Iq Reg Prop Gain Torque current regulator proportional gain - 0.20 - 0.40 0.30 0.30
PWM Frequency Carrier frequency kHz 2.5 - 16.0 10.0 10.0
UV Alarm Level Level for undervoltage alarm % 80 - 99 80 90
UV Fault Level Level for undervoltage fault % 50 - 88 80 80
Extern Reactance External choke reactance % 0 - 10 0 0
Input L-L Volts Nominal line-line AC input Voltage, RMS volts 110 - 480 Drive dep.
A5 Motor
Motor ID Motor Identification - 4 Pole DFLT, 6
Rated Mtr Power Rated motor output power HP 1.0 - 500 0.0
Rated Mtr Volts Rated motor terminal RMS voltage volts 190.0 - 575.0 0.0
Rated Excit Freq Rated excitation frequency Hz 5.0 - 400.0 0.0
Rated Motor Curr Rated motor current amps 1.00 - 800.00 0.00
Motor Poles Motor poles - 2 - 32 0
Rated Mtr Speed Rated motor speed at full load RPM 5.0 - 3000.0 0.0
% No Load Curr Percent no load current % 10.0 - 80.0 Per ID
Stator Leakage X Stator leakage reactance % 0 - 20.0 Per ID
Rotor Leakage X Rotor leakage reactance % 0 - 20.0 Per ID
Stator Resist Stator resistance % 0 - 20.0 1.5 1.5
Motor Iron Loss Iron loss at rated frequency % 0 - 15.0 0.5 0.5
Motor Mech Loss Mechanical loss at rated frequency % 0 - 15.0 1.0 1.0
Ovld Start Level Maximum continuous motor current % 100 - 150 110 110

2-38 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

Ovld Time Out Time that defines motor overload curve sec 5.0 - 120.0 60.0 60.0
Flux Sat Break Flux saturation curve slope change point % 0 - 100 75 75
Flux Sat Slope 1 Flux saturation curve slope for low fluxes % 0 - 200.0 0 0 2
Flux Sat Slope 2 Flux saturation curve slope for high fluxes % 0 - 200.0 50 50
Configure C0
C1 User Switches
Spd Command Src Speed Command Source - Analog input Multi-step Serial
Serial multi-step
Run Command Src Run Command Source - External TB External Serial
Serial TB
Hi/Lo Gain Src High / low gain change switch source - External TB Internal Internal
Speed Reg Type Chooses speed regulator - Elev spd reg Elev spd Elev spd
Pi speed reg reg reg
External reg
Motor Rotation Allows user to reverse direction of motor rota- - Forward Forward Forward
tion Reverse or
Spd Ref Release Determines when speed reference release is - Reg release Reg Reg
asserted Brake picked release release
Cont Confirm Src Enables external logic input for contactor con- - None None External
firmation. External TB TB
Pre Torque Source Enables and determines the source of the pre - None None Serial
torque command Analog input
Pre Torque Latch Determines if analog pre-torque command is - Not latched Not Not
latched Latched latched Latched
PT torq Latch Clck Determines source of pre torque latch control - External TB External External
(if used) Serial tb TB
Fault Reset Src Fault reset source - External TB External Serial
Serial tb
Overspd Test Src Determines external logic source to trigger - External TB External External
overspeed test Serial tb tb
Brake Pick Src If drive controls mechanical brake, determines - Internal Internal Internal
source of brake pick command Serial
Brake Pick Cnfrm Enables a logic input to use for brake pick con- - None None None
firmation External TB
Internal time
Brake Hold Src If drive controls mechanical brake, determines - Internal Internal Internal
source of brake hold command Serial
Ramped Stop Sel Selects normal stop or torque ramp down stop - None None Ramp on
Ramp on stop Stop


Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

Ramp Down En Src Determines the source that signals the torque - External TB External Run Logic
ramp down stop (if used) Run logic tb
Brk Pick Flt Ena Brake pick fault enable - Enable Disable Disable
Brk Hold Flt Ena Brake hold fault enable - Enable Disable Disable
Ext Torq Cmd Src When Speed Reg Type = External Reg, sets - None None None
the source of the torque command Serial
Analog input
Dir Confirm Confirms proper analog signal polarity when - Enabled Disabled Disable
enabled and a logic input is programmed to Disabled
Run Up and Run Down
S-Curve Abort Addresses how the S-Curve Speed Reference - Enabled Disabled Disable
Generator handles a reduction in the speed Disabled
command before the S-Curve Generator has
reached its target speed.
Fast Flux Reduces starting takeoff time by reducing - Enabled Disabled Disabled
motor fluxing time Disabled
Main DIP Ena Enables the Mains DIP Speed (A1) parameter - Enabled Disabled Disable
that reduces speed when an undervoltage Disabled
alarm is declared
DB Protection Dynamic braking Protection fault or alarm Fault Fault Fault
selection Alarm
Encoder Fault Temporarily disables the Encoder Fault - Enabled Enabled Enable
Stopping Mode Determines stopping mode when Spd Com- - Immediate Immedi- Immedi-
mand Src = multi-step Ramp to stop ate ate
Motor Ovrld Sel Motor Overload Selection - Alarm Alarm Fault at
Flt Immediate stop
Fault at Stop
Auto Stop Auto Stop Function enable - Disable Disable Disable
Serial Mode Serial Protocol selection - None None Mode 1
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 2 test
SER2 FLT Mode Defines reaction to a serial communication - Immediate Immedi- Immedi-
fault while in Serial Mode 2 (Only serial mode Run remove ate ate
2) rescue
DRV Fast Disable Addresses how fast the drive responds to the - Disable Disable Disable
removal of Drive Enable logic input. Enable
MLT-SPD to DLY1 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
MLT-SPD to DLY2 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-

2-40 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

MLT-SPD to DLY3 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
MLT-SPD to DLY4 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
C2 Logic Inputs
Log In 1 TB1-1 Terminal 1 Selection - - DRIVE DRIVE
Log In 2 TB1-2 Terminal 2 Selection - - RUN CON-
Log In 3 TB1-3 Terminal 3 Selection - - FAULT
Log In 4 TB1-4 Terminal 4 Selection - - UP/DWN NO
Log In 5 TB1-5 Terminal 5 Selection - - S-CURVE NO
Log In 6 TB1-6 Terminal 6 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 7 TB1-7 Terminal 7 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 8 TB1-8 Terminal 8 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 9 TB1-9 Terminal 9 Selection - - EXTERN NO

C3 Logic Outputs
Log Out 1 tb1-14 Terminal 14 Selection - - READY
Log Out 2 tb1-15 Terminal 15 Selection - - RUN COM- RUN
Log Out 3 tb1-16 Terminal 16 Selection - - MTR SPEED
Log Out 4 tb1-17 Terminal 17 Selection - - ENCODER RAMP
Relay Coil 1 Relay 1 Function Selection - - FAULT READY
Relay Coil 2 Relay 2 Function Selection - - SPEED SPEED


Table 2.5 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range Defaults Factory

C4 Analog Outputs
Ana Out 1 tb1-33 Terminal 33 Selection - - SPEED SPEED
Ana Out 2 tb1-35 Terminal 35 Selection - - SPEED SPEED
Utility U0
U1 Password Password - - 000000 000000
Enable or disable hidden parameters - - ENABLE ENABLE
U2 Hidden Items Enable Disable
Unit for parameters - - ENGLISH ENGLISH
U3 Unit English Metric
Allows overspeed test during inspection - - No No
U4 Overspeed Test Yes No
U5 Restore Dflts Reset all parameters to default values
Drive information:
Drive Version:
U6 Drive Info Boot Version:
Cube ID:
Drive Type:
U7 HEX Monitor Hex Monitor

2-42 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Required Controller Parameter Settings

Before attempting to move the car, you must verify drive parameters as described in TORQ-
MAX F5 AC Drive Parameters on page 2-30 or see Magnetek AC Drive Table on page 2-35.

Acceleration and Deceleration Rates

Acceleration and deceleration rates are measured and programmed in ft/s2 (feet per second per 2
second). Jerk parameters adjust the rate of transition from one speed to another and are mea-
sured and programmed in ft/s3 (feet per second per second per second). F7 control parameters
correspond to curve locations as shown in the following figure. Increasing S-Curve values gen-
erally results in more aggressive runs and shorter flight times.

Figure 2.12 Motion 4000 Performance Curves

Roll Jerk Roll Jerk

Standard-F7:168 Alternate Standard-F7:169

Manual-F7:173 Manual-F7:174
Alternate-F7:182 Danger-F7:178
Acceleration Deceleration

Manual Danger

Standard-F7:165 Standard-F7:167
Manual-F7:170 Manual-F7:172
Danger-F7:175 Danger-F7:177
Alternate-F7:179 Alternate-F7:181
Start Jerk F7-157 Correction Speed
Stop Jerk

Leveling Speed (F7:158)

Zero Speed
Proximity Distance

Curves Used for Operating Speeds

The performance curves shown above and the operating speeds that use them are:
Standard Curve: Contract, correction, earthquake, and leveling speed
Alternate Curve: Conservation, and emergency power speed
Manual Curve: Inspection and reduced inspection speed
Danger Curve: Used for emergency deceleration


The F7 Menu
Through the F7 menu, you can restore and/or adjust settings for terminal, position, and motion
parameters. With the car on Inspection and the F7 function switch in the UP position, the N
button is used to cycle between the two (Restore or Adjust) menus.

Important Once set at the factory, F7 parameters are protected by positioning a jumper
on the HC-CTL-2 board. Before you can access F7 parameters, you must set the jumper appro-


Restore Parameters
Parameters are stored on both the HC-CTL-2 and the TC-MPI boards. The parameters stored
on either board may be used to restore (synchronize) those stored on the other:
1. Place the car on Inspection operation.
2. Set the F7 function switch in the UP position.
3. Press N until the LCD displays PARAMETER RESTORE MENU. Press S to select.
The LCD will display RESTORE SETTINGS FROM: followed by the currently selected board
4. Press + or - to display the desired board. Press S to restore (or N to return to the previ-
ous menu).
The LCD will provide read and restore status and direct you to press N to return to the last
viewed or edited parameter.

Changing Parameters
1. Place the car on Inspection operation.
2. Set the F7 function switch to the up position.
3. Press N until the LCD displays PARAMETER ADJUST MENU. Press S to select. The
Press N to begin adjustment from the last viewed or edited parameter.
Press S to begin adjustment starting with the first F7 parameter.
4. Once viewing parameters:
Press N to move through the parameters listings.
Press + or - to change a displayed parameters value.
To move back to a previous parameter, press and hold N (Next) then press - (minus) as
Press S to save changed parameters.

2-44 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Controller Motion Parameters

The following F7 parameters must be checked before you attempt to move the car.
Table 2.6 F7 Menu Settings TORQMAX

# Item Default Recommended

148 Hoist-motor speed +1165.0 rpm Per Job 2
155 Inspection speed (normal) +50 fpm As desired
170 Manual start jerk +1.00 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3
171 Manual roll jerk +1.00 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3
172 Manual stop jerk +1.00 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3
173 Manual acceleration +0.50 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2
174 Manual deceleration +0.50 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2
KEB LF.80 = View LF.80
LF.80 = 1.71 or greater: F5-GRD50 (geared) or
184 Drive type option KEB F5-GRD50 F5-GLS50 (gearless)
LF.80 = Other: F5-GRD49 (geared) or
F5-GLS49 (gearless)
If the controller has a brake module(s): One Module or
185 Brake type option DISCRETE Two Modules
If the controller has no brake module: Discrete
Brake Module: Enter pick voltage
194 Normal brake pick voltage
No Brake Module: No effect

Table 2.7 F7 Menu Settings Magnetek

# Item Default Recommended

133 Brake Pick Delay 0 ms Job specific. Initially set to 0.0
134 Speed Pick Delay +500 ms Job specific, Initially set to 1.0
138 Drive Disable Delay +1250 ms 1250
Drive tuning specific. Initially set to 1 divided by
140 Profile Advance +100 ms
Response. View response on A1 Magnetek drive menu.
142 Standard Slew Slope +0.5 ft/s2 Drive tuning specific. Initially set to 2.0
148 Hoist-motor speed +1165.0 rpm Per Job
155 Inspection speed (normal) +50 fpm As desired
160 Leveling Distance +1.0 in Drive tuning specific. Initially set to 2.0
170 Manual start jerk +1.00 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3
171 Manual roll jerk +1.00 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3
172 Manual stop jerk +1.00 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3
173 Manual acceleration +0.50 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2
174 Manual deceleration +0.50 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2
MAG HPV600 for 600/600PM
184 Drive type option KEB F5-GRD50
MAG HPV900 for 900/900PM/900II
If the controller has a brake module(s): One Module or
185 Brake type option DISCRETE Two Modules
If the controller has no brake module: Discrete
192 Speed Drop Delay Drive tuning specific. Initially set to 900
193 Profile Compensation Dynamic Fixed
Brake Module: Enter pick voltage
194 Normal brake pick voltage
No Brake Module: No effect


Using Inspection Stations to Run

In inspection, a car operates at slow speed using up and down buttons. The car will stop when
the buttons are released.

Encoder Polarity (TORQMAX)

1. Place the car on Inspection mode.
2. Press and hold the ENABLE button while using
the Direction toggle to run the car up or down.
The brake and motor contactors should pick; the
car should move.
3. Set drive parameter LF.93 to display motor cur-
4. If the car oscillates at zero speed, moves at slow
speed, or trips the E.ENCC drive fault, change
drive parameter LF.28 (0 to/from 1) to inter-
nally swap encoder channels. If the motor draws
normal current (LF.93 = 30 - 40% of motor
FLA) but the car moves in the opposite of the direction commanded, set LF.28 to 2 to
reverse motor rotation.


TORQMAX E.ENCC Fault: If a malfunction occurs, the drive shuts down and the display is
overwritten with an error message. After correction, most errors can be cleared by pressing the
Enter key. E.ENCC errors however can only be cleared through Parameter 0LF.26. If the drive
displays E.ENCC, refer to the LF.26 explanation in the drive manual.
Align Encoder (Magnetek)
HPV 600/900/900II
1. Move the elevator on Inspection and verify that the motor is under control and rotating
in the proper direction.
For proper operation, motor phasing must match encoder feedback phasing. If the phasing is
not correct, the motor will not accelerate up to speed. It will typically oscillate back and forth at
zero speed and the current will be at the torque limit.
2. If the motor operates as described above, verify that the encoder is wired as shown in
the prints. If it is, swap any two motor phases.
3. If the motor operates properly but is turning in the wrong direction, change the Motor
Rotation parameter in the drive C1 User Switches menu.
1. Place the controller on Inspection.
2. Set Inspection Speed (normal), controller F7, 155, to 1/8 of Contract Speed.
3. In the controller F3, Controller Utilities menu, set Inspection Mode Fault Bypass to ON.
(Jumper must be in place on HC-CTL-2 board Fault Reset Jumper JP2.)
4. Refer to and follow the Absolute Encoder Alignment Procedure, Auto Alignment Proce-
dure in the Magnetek HPV 600PM AC Drive technical manual.
5. Restore controller to original settings.

2-46 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

1. Place the controller on Inspection.
2. Set controller F7, 141, Profile Scale to 0.0%.
3. In the controller F3, Controller Utilities menu, set Inspection Mode Fault Bypass to ON.
(Jumper must be in place on HC-CTL-2 board Fault Reset Jumper JP2.) 2
4. Disable the machine brake. (Remove brake wire from brake coil if discrete brake circuit
is being used or set the Normal Brake Pick/Hold Voltage (F7, 194 and 195) to 0.0 if a
brake module is being used.)
5. Refer to and follow the Absolute Encoder Alignment, Alignment Via Car Controller pro-
cedure in the Magnetek HPV 900PM AC Drive technical manual.
6. Restore controller to original settings.

Brake Basics
1. Ensure that the brake is picking cleanly. With the car set up so that it will not move:
Manually activate the PM and BR contactors to lift the brake.
Measure DC voltage between terminals B1 and B2. It should be very close to the pick
voltage shown in your job prints.
Refer to job prints and adjust pick voltage if necessary.
2. Ensure that, when set, the brake is capable of holding 125% of rated car capacity. Refer
to Adjust Brake to 125% of Full Load on page 2-82.
3. Check that brake and motor coordination are such that the brake is dropping just when
motor rotation stops.
4. Check that the brake pick delay allows the motor to build sufficient flux to prevent roll
back when the car is starting.


Verify Motor Speed, TORQMAX

If the car is not running at inspection speed as verified using a hand-held tachometer:
Check the inspection speed setting (F7:155, page 4-156)
Check F7:141 Profile Scaling at 100%.
Check motor speed is properly set, LF.11.
Verify traction sheave diameter and setting, LF.21.
Verify Closed Loop control setting LF.30 is set to 2 (closed loop)
Check F7:148 Hoist motor speed is properly set (increase = slower speed; decrease = faster
speed). This value reflects the motor RPM at contract speed.
If necessary, you can set LF.22 to a value between 125% and 150% of LF.25. This should
allow F7:149 Contract Speed, F7:155 Inspection Speed Normal, and F7:148 Motor RPM to
determine inspection speed without interference.


There are very important things to consider about the interaction between motion parameters
set on the drive and motion parameters on the controller.

TORQMAX: Drive parameters LF.20 Contract Speed, LF.21 Sheave diameter, and LF.11 Motor
RPM determine the drives Estimated Gear Ratio, LF.25. The drive will not drive the motor any
faster than determined by the Gear Ratio set at LF.22.

Verify Motor Speed, Magnetek

If the car is not running at inspection speed as verified using a hand-held tachometer:
1. While running on Inspection, verify that the Speed Command on the drive D1 Elevator
Data menu is equal to the controller requested F7, 155, Inspection Speed (Normal).
2. On the controller F3 menu, select the car speed display.
3. While running on Inspection, verify the actual speed via the controller LCD or a hand-
held tachometer (controller LCD preferred). Adjust Contract Mtr Spd on the drive A1
Drive Menu if the speed is not correct (higher RPM for increased speed).
4. When the elevator is running at the correct speed, verify that the controller F5, MPI-C
Diagnostic menu, address 17, Raw Speed Feedback, displays the correct value. If not,
adjust controller V7, 148, Hoist Motor Speed (lower RPM = increased speed).

2-48 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Set Up for Construction Operation

Gear Reduction Ratio, TORQMAX

If the gear reduction ratio is not available from the gear data plate or from the manufacturer,
you can estimate it and get in the ballpark:
Mark the motor shaft.
Mark the traction sheave.
Reduce the inspection speed setting. 2
Run the car and count the number of motor shaft rotations it takes to equal one sheave
Enter that number of motor shaft rotations into the gear reduction ratio parameter.
(Example: 27.1 motor rotations = 1 sheave rotation; enter 27.1.) The drive provides an esti-
mated gear reduction ratio at parameter LF.25.


Using a gearless machine, the gear reduction ratio is 1.

You can fine-tune the accuracy of the Gear Reduction Ratio setting once you have the encoded
tape positioning system in place. Difference in the speed perceived by the drive and the speed
perceived by the positioning system can problems:
Use a hand-held tach to check accuracy of inspection speed
Access the controller F3 menu and check that it shows the correct inspection speed
TORQMAX Only: If F3 does not show the correct inspection speed, verify that the Gear
Reduction Ratio, LF.22 is greater than the Estimated Gear Reduction, LF.25. To eliminate
the effect of LF.22, set its value between 125 and 150% of LF.25. Next, adjust F7:148 to set
the correct speed on inspection (increase = faster speed; decrease = slower speed). F7:148
is rated motor RPM.


Temporary Run Box Hookup

The following illustration shows a temporary run box hookup. Disconnect controller power
before attempting to wire the run box. The temporary run box must have an enable button, an
up button, a down button, and a stop (Insp/Norm) switch.

For safety, keep the controller Machine Room Inspection switch in the INSP position while
the temporary run box is in use.
Figure 2.13 Temporary Run Box
Car Machine Room
Temporary Run Box HC-CTL-2 Board

INSP Traveler

PMT Strip




2-50 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Prepare for Inspection Operation

Prepare for Inspection Operation

Once the car is running safely on construction operation, you should next install all safety string
components in accordance with the job drawings package. The actual equipment in the string
may vary from job to job but for the Motion 4000 generally includes:
Hoistway safety string - 2
Governor switch
Final Limit switches
Buffer switches
Compensation sheave switch
Pit stop switch
Cartop safety string -
Safety clamp switch
Emergency exit contact
Cartop Inspection station and Stop switch
In-Car Stop switch (in COP)
Hoistway Switches

At this point, you should also:

Install seismic equipment


Hoistway Safety String

1. Install hoistway safety string devices as shown in your job prints.
2. Install final limit switches at each terminal.
3. Test each device individually after the string is complete to see that it does in fact open
the safety string as it should.


In Motion 4000 installations, Final Limit switches are part of the hoistway safety string and
should not open unless the car overruns the terminal landing.

Cartop Safety String

1. Install the cartop inspection station and stop switch as shown in your job prints.
2. Install cartop safety string devices as shown in the job prints.
3. If the in-car stop switch is in place, wire it into the string as shown.
4. Verify that the cartop inspection controls work correctly.

Hoistway Switches
With the exception of the final limit switches, which are always physical, other slowdown
switches used in Motion 4000 installations may be physical, virtual, or unused:
Physical: Normal switches installed in hoistway.
Virtual: Switches placed in software by the positioning system. Please refer to Terminal
Switch Options, 69 - 74 on page 4-147.
Unused: Depending upon car contract speed, some hoistway switch positions may be

Table 2.8 Hoistway Switch Requirements

UETS/DETS and UNTSX/DNTSX switches requirement as per Rated speed (FPM)

Speed Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn
(FPM) switch speed switch speed switch speed switch speed switch speed switch speed
Up to 399 80% 90%
400-499 80% 70% 90%
500-599 80% 60% 70% 90%
600-699 80% 50% 60% 70% 90%
>700 80% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90%

Hoistway switch requirements for LS-EDGE are like those for ELGO except that ETS, when
required, are 5 magnet strips.

2-52 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Prepare for Inspection Operation

Seismic Equipment
A ring and string circuit detects excessive counterweight motion caused by a seismic distur-
bance. When motion is detected, the car will make a full stop. After stopping, the car will move
to and level at the next available floor in the direction away from the counterweight. After level-
ing, the car will open its doors and allow passengers to exit.
Modes of operation other than Automatic, for example Fire Phase II or Attendant mode, allow
different operating options when potential counterweight derailment has been detected.

Your job may also use a lateral and/or vertical acceleration sensor to detect seismic activity. At
this point, you should install counterweight movement detection and seismic sensors in accor-
dance with your job prints and seismic monitor manufacturer instructions.

Figure 2.14 Seismic Equipment

Counterweight Displacement
Two steel cables run parallel
to counterweight guide rails,
passing through a pair of
eyebolts on the counter-
weight. If the counterweight
moves laterally, the cable
touches the ring, completing
the circuit and providing an
alert to the controller.

Seismic Detector:
Detects and records vertical and hori-
zontal seismic movement. Peak accel-
eration along each axis is detected
and stored for up to 15 seismic
events. The easy to read LCD displays
real time acceleration and angle of


Running on Inspection Mode

At this point, you should be ready to turn the car over to standard Machine Room and/or Car-
top Inspection operation. All equipment, with the exception of the landing/positioning system,
the door operator, load weigher, hall call stations, and full car operating panel should now be
installed and tested for proper function.

Controller inspection warnings:
As always when actively installing an elevator, have someone stand by the main line dis-
connect when power is applied or when initial attempts are made to move the car.
Check all safety circuits are functional.
Check all hoistway door interlocks are functional.
Check car gate circuitry is functional.

Prior to Applying Power:

Verify all circuits are wired to the controller properly.
Check the following items:
Inspection switch to INSP
Verify, with an ohmmeter, that the governor overspeed switch and any other devices that
are wired in at this time will open the safety circuit.
Physically verify that all hoistway doors are closed and locked.
Verify that any temporary jumpers placed for equipment that has now been installed are

Controller Power Up
After powering up the controller, check the following:
1. If the LCD is displaying an error message, troubleshoot to resolve the issue. (Please refer
to Section 5.)
2. Check that the LCD displays INSPECTION.
3. Using the Enable button and the Up/Down toggle, run the car.
4. Release the Enable button and note that machine and brake power are released and that
the brake drops and holds the car.
5. Run the car and use the hand-held tach to verify inspection speed.

2-54 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Finishing Installation

Bypassing Faults on Inspection

Before installation and adjustment are complete, faults that will be adjusted out later may dis-
rupt operation. To bypass faults on Inspection mode:
1. On the MPU board, place switch F3 in the UP position (all others down).
2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, use a jumper to short the A-position pins of JP2 Fault Bypass. 2
3. Press N until the display shows Controller System Menu.
4. Press S to enter the menu.
5. Press N until the LCD displays Inspection Mode Fault Bypass OFF.
6. Press S to change bypass state to ON.
7. Set F3 back to the DOWN position.
This setting bypasses controller response to faults during Inspection operation. When bypass is
no longer necessary, be certain to change this setting to OFF.

Finishing Installation
With the car running safely on Inspection operation, you are ready to finish installation. This
section describes installing:
Landing/positioning system
Door operator
Car operating panel
Fire service peripherals
Hall Calls

You must also:

Balance the car and counterweight
Adjust brake to hold 125% of full load


Landing/Positioning System
Depending upon job requirements, Motion 4000 may use an encoded magnetic tape landing
system (ELGO) or a perforated steel tape system (LS-EDGE). This section describes both sys-
tems. LS-EDGE NEMA 4X/12 systems use stainless steel hoistway components and a sealed
sensor head but are otherwise installed just as are standard systems.

The LS-EDGE positioning system uses hall-effect sensors and perforated steel tape to report
position as the car moves through the hoistway. 5.5-inch magnets are used at each door zone;
one row for front openings, a second for rear openings.
The system uses capacitor-stored power and non-volatile memory to retain position informa-
tion in the event of a power failure, continuing to capture information for 10 seconds after
power loss and storing the final reading for use after power restoration.
The LS-EDGE kit contains the sensor head assembly, an L bracket to mount the sensor
assembly to a uni-strut that is in turn attached to the elevator cab (uni-strut to elevator cab not
provided), steel tape, top and bottom steel tape hanger assemblies, the required number of door
zone magnets, and the CAT-5 electrical cables required to connect the sensor to the car top
interface box.
Depending on applicable code, you may have to route electrical connections through conduit. If
so, we recommend minimum 3/4-inch flex so that the modular connectors can slide through
without binding. Perforations for cable tie wrap connection are provided on the RJ-45 plug-end
of the sensor head.
Figure 2.15 LS-EDGE Components
Top hanger assembly
(diagonal brace not shown)

Together, these are assembly


Bottom hanger assembly


Sensor assembly

Steel tape, magnets & connecting cables not shown

2-56 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Figure 2.16 Tape Installation

Before installing perforated tape, ensure adequate clearance from beams, walls, counterweight,
cab, and terminal limit devices. Make sure the sensor is not placed so close to the governor lift
arm that, when the car safeties are activated, the sensor is damaged or the car safeties cannot
Hang the tape high enough in the hoistway so that, when the counterweight is on a fully 2
compressed buffer, the sensor assembly will not be damaged by overhead obstructions.
Uni-struts are provided to attach the tape to the rails.
Attach the tape in the pit low enough so that, when the car is on fully compressed buffer,
the sensor assembly does not contact the bottom hanger assembly.
Adjust tape spring tension so the tape does not make noise as the car travels up.
During installation, the edges of the tape sometimes become gouged. After the tape is
installed, use a fine file on the edges of the tape to remove any burrs or gouges. This will
lead to much quieter operation of the encoder system as the car travels at contract speed.
After smoothing the edges, wipe off all excess oil and dirt from the face of the tape before
installing magnets. Do not use rags that will leave lint on the tape.

Top Hanger Assembly

1. Attach the uni-strut for the top tape hanger across the back of the selected guide rail
using the forged rail clips and hardware provided.
2. Attach the diagonal brace as shown below. (Used only for tape length exceeding 150 feet.
19 - 25 ft lbs

40 - 50 ft lbs see Detail A

90 degrees
Hang tape
30 - 40 ft lbs on tab

LS-TAPESTRUT-EDGE - included only

when tape length requires extra support

Top tape clamp

40 - 50 ft lbs
10 - 12 ft lbs

Hang tape
on tab

Detail A


3. Adjust extended strut length as required (tape suspended as close to the guide rail as
adequate clearances will allow to reduce loading on end of unistrut). Secure rail mount-
ing hardware (40 - 50 ft lbs.). (The tape hanger slides in the strut for fine adjustment
4. Hook the tape on the protruding tab. Secure the top tape clamp in place (10 - 12 ft lbs.).
5. Record the distance from the rail edge to the tape edge. ________ in/mm.Bottom

Bottom Hanger Assembly

The bottom hanger provides tension to minimize vibration while allowing expansion/contrac-
tion across seasonal temperature ranges. Ensure that the tape to rail edge measurement
matches that recorded for the top hanger so that the car tracks the tape accurately. Do not use a
plumb in case the rail stack is not exactly aligned. The scale values are provided as a guideline
only. They are not calibrated. Adjust to suit the installation.

Figure 2.17 Bottom Hanger Attachment

Connection torque
Wire AWG Tape

Switch cam
Detail B

10 - 12 ft lbs
Broken Tape Switch
Wire per job prints.

40 - 50 ft lbs 19 - 25 ft lbs

Tension Oval indicates

gauge location of
indicator pre-load pin
holes allowing
Tape you to put
Gripping tension on the
Tab spring while
hanging the

Bottom tape
clamp hard-

10 - 12 ft lbs
Detail B

2-58 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Broken Tape Switch

The normally closed contacts on the Broken Tape Switch are used to detect a broken tape condi-
tion. The switch is mounted backwards for protection during shipment. Remove it and mount it
as shown in Figure 2.17 . Position the switch so that the cam on the tensioner activates (opens)
the switch when the tensioner is at the bottom of its travel (no tension). Note that switch posi-
tion should be adjusted so that the switch is activated by the cam but not so close that the switch 2
is held against its mechanical stops. The switch activates at approximately 50% of travel.

Hanging the Tape

Work from the cartop to hang the tape from the top hanger and allow it to unroll slowly as you
move the car down the hoistway. It is best to allow the tape to hang and straighten for at least
24-hours before attaching it to the bottom hanger.

Tape Tension
The tape is tensioned according to compression of the bottom tape mount spring. The tension
gauge provides visual indication of low, medium, and high tension positions. Short runs, up to
five floors will generally be acceptable at the low tension position. Runs to 15 floors will gener-
ally be acceptable at the medium tension position. Longer runs may require the high tension
position but you should start out with the medium setting first. The scale values are provided as
a guideline only. They are not calibrated. Adjust to suit the installation.

Tape tension is intended to reduce noise caused by tape vibration at contract speed. Generally,
you want to use the lowest tension setting that maintains a quiet tape at contract speed.

Sensor Installation
Tape guide side pieces easily detach so the sensor can be slipped onto the steel tape. Attach the
sensor to the cartop as shown in Figure 2.19

Figure 2.18 Sensor with Guide Sides Removed


Figure 2.19 Sensor Mounting

LED Indicators UP

40 - 50 ft lbs

L bracket (provided)

Customer provided uni-strut


Sensor Alignment After the tape has been installed, check the sensor alignment. The
sensor should not ride hard on either side of the uni-strut bracket during any part of travel
through the hoistway. In high-rise buildings, if rail alignment varies substantially, it may cause
the encoder guides to wear prematurely. If such misalignment is noted, the installation should
be inspected more regularly.

2-60 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Door Zone Magnets

5.5-inch strip magnets are used at each floor/opening position. Front and rear magnet align-
ment is shown on the sensor top label. Looking at the perforated tape from the elevator car, the
magnets for the front door zone are mounted to the left of the perforated holes; magnets for the
rear door zone are mounted to the right of the holes.
Figure 2.20 Door Zone Magnet Alignment


2 5/8

Top of

To mount the door zone magnets:

The magnets must be installed so that they face the front cover of the sensor assembly as
indicated by the diagram on the LED indicator label.

1. Move the elevator level to the highest floor on inspection.

2. Make a mark on the tape even with the top of the sensor assembly. Lower the car one
3. Place the top of the door zone magnet 2 5/8 inches below the scribe mark and to the left
(front door) or right (rear door) of the perforated holes. For now, simply place the mag-
nets. You can secure them permanently after final adjustments.
4. Continue mounting door zone magnets as described above for successive floors.


Terminal and ETS Magnets

Top Terminal and ETS Magnets
Magnets marked with a stripe to differentiate them from the door zone magnets are used at the
top and bottom terminals for Motion 4000 installations. 5-inch striped magnets are also used
for physical ETS when required. If reduced stroke buffers are used, cam operated ETSL
switches may also be required. Please refer to Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement on page 3-6.
Figure 2.21 Motion 4000: Bottom Terminal and ETS Magnet Placement


2 5/8 TO

5 1/2 DZ




1. Place a 24-inch, striped magnet to the right of the tape perforations, just below the top
door zone magnet as shown above. The top of the 24-inch magnet must be even with the
bottom of the door zone magnet.
2. For jobs with front doors only stack two 5-inch striped magnets above the 24-inch mag-
net. Leave NO GAPS between the striped magnets.
3. For jobs with rear or front and rear doors, stack one 5-inch striped magnet directly
above the Rear Door Zone magnet. Leave no gaps between the ends of the magnets.

2-62 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Bottom Terminal and ETS Magnets

Magnets marked with a stripe to differentiate them from door zone magnets are used at the top
and bottom terminals for Motion 4000 installations. 5-inch striped magnets are also used for
physical ETS when required. If reduced stroke buffers are used, cam operated ETSL switches
may also be required. Please refer to If an ETSL switch is required: on page 3-14.
Figure 2.22 Motion 4000: Bottom Terminal and ETS Magnet Placement



2 5/8 TO

5 1/2 DZ 5 STRIPED



1. Place a 24-inch, striped magnet to the left of the tape perforations, just above the bot-
tom door zone magnet as shown above. The bottom of the 24-inch magnet must be even
with the top of the door zone magnet.
2. For jobs with rear doors only, stack two 5-inch striped magnets below the 24-inch mag-
net. Leave NO GAPS between the striped magnets.
3. For jobs with front or front and rear doors, stack one 5-inch striped magnet directly
below the Front Door Zone magnet. Leave no gaps between the ends of the magnets.


Electrical Connection
Make electrical connections as shown in the job prints. iControl uses separate Front and Rear
door zone connections. Motion 4000 uses the M-CAN connection. For TSSA compliant installa-
tions, Motion 4000 uses the DISC (discrete) connection in addition to the M-CAN connection.
In addition to the sensor-to-cartop box connections, there are Landing System Interface board
to the controller as shown in the prints for the job.

Secure cables with a nylon tie wrap through the holes provided. VERY IMPORTANT as it
provides strain relief and prevents connector fatigue over time.

Figure 2.23 Sensor Connections

M4000 Standard CAN, single orange cable M4000 TSSA CAN & Discrete, 1 orange and 1
blue cable

iControl, single, gray cable per opening


2-64 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Parameter Settings
Please refer to Hoistway Learn, LS-EDGE on page 3-5 for hoistway learn, slowdown learn,
and ETS placement instructions.

Permanently Attach Magnet

Once the hoistway has been successfully learned and magnet placement is satisfactory, you may 2
lock the magnets in place by placing a drop of silicone adhesive immediately above the top
end and immediately below the bottom end of each magnet.

Lighted indicator LEDs on top of the sensor unit provide information about active signals.

Figure 2.24 Indicator LEDs

MAIN: Sensor processor A active.

DLMR: Down Level Marker Rear.

DZR: Door Zone Rear.

ULMR: Up Level Marker Rear.

SDU: Slow Down Up.

DP1:Quadrature pulse.

DP2: Quadrature pulse.

CAN: CAN communication activity.

SDD: Down Slow Down.

DLM: Down Level Marker (Front).

DZ: Door Zone (Front).

ULM: Up Level Marker (Front).

AUX: Sensor processor B active.

DP1, DP2: Quadrature pulses (iControl). DP1 leads when the car is traveling up. DP2 leads
when the car is traveling down. Alternately active whenever the car is in motion.
CAN: Motion 4000 CAN communication with landing system is active.


The encoded tape used for the landing system is suspended between two mounting brackets
that attach to the car rail using forged clips and hardware. If the job uses 8#, 23#, or 30# rail,
you will need an additional kit for the proper size hardware: LS-ELGO-RAIL-08#, LS-ELGO-
RAIL-23#, or LS-ELGO-RAIL-30#. The high speed Elgo positioning system sensor and
tape described here are not compatible with earlier versions. Contact MCE if you
have questions.

This information is specific to Elgo-240 standard and NEMA 4X landing systems. To be certain
you are following the correct instructions:
Described here:
Sensor Head about 19 inches (483mm) long
Head label starts with LIMAX2 followed by additional characters
Tape labeled AB20-80-10-1-R-B-15 and has arrows and UP label
NEMA 4X systems are specifically labeled NEMA TYPE 4X
NEMA 4X systems use stainless steel hangers and hardware for corrosion resistance
and a NEMA 4X rated tape switch.

Improper installation could result in failure of the tape, mounting
hardware, and reader. Please read instructions before installing!

The Motion high speed positioning system uses a permanently encoded tape running the length
of the hoistway. The tape is about 1/2-inch wide and consists of two bands; a metal band for
strength and a dark, magnetic material band that carries the actual encoding.
The encoded side of the tape (dark side) must face the elevator car.
Magnetic band

Steel band

The arrows on the magnetic side of the tape must point in the up direction and
face the car.

2-66 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Safety String Connection Information

The switch on the bottom tape mount must be connected in the hoistway safety string as shown
in your job drawings. If the switch is not shown in your drawings, connect it as shown below.

Figure 2.25 Tape Switch Connection

15 2


15E 15D 15C N.O.


If you install the bottom hanger and safety switch before hanging the tape, go ahead and test the
switch function. When opened, the switch should shut off power to the machine and the brake
causing the elevator to immediately stop.

After testing switch functionality, use a piece of wire or string to temporarily hold the switch in
the closed position so that you can run the car on car top inspection to hang the tape.

Do not temporarily jumper the switch. It is far too easy to forget and leave the jumper in


This kit is configured to mount the sensor head on the left side of the rail (as you face the rail
blade). If necessary, you can change this to right side mounting. Please refer to Left to Right
Rail Side Reversal on page 2-77. Tape hangers are steel channels that clamp across the back of
the car rail using forged rail clips. The tape hangs directly from the top hanger and connects
through a tensioning spring to a switch pivot on the bottom hanger. With the tape properly
hung, spring tension keeps the pivot held against the switch, keeping it closed. If tension is lost
due to a tape failure, the switch will open the safety string and bring the car to a stop.
1. Attach top and bottom hangers to the rail lightly using clips and hardware provided.
2. Use a tape measure to adjust the hangers to provide equal offset from rail edge to encod-
ing tape. Tighten the retaining hardware.
Figure 2.26 Tape Hanging Hardware
Fine tape
tape end clamp Initial tape offset adjust
alignment adjust

inner plate
is tapped


Sensor mounting kit


Tape switch
Screw heads this side

Springs assist in keeping the tape

aligned. If you see that the springs
are twisted, check that the tape and
the sensor head are properly

Fine tape alignment adjust Initial tape offset adjust

2-68 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Tape End Pieces Tape end clamps are loosely assembled using 1-inch, 8x32 screws so
that you can simply loosen them up, weave the tape through, and tighten the screws down. It
may be easiest to attach just the top end piece now and then attach the bottom end piece after
hanging the tape.
1. Loosen the screws on a tape end clamp. Slide the tape through between the center piece
and the top clamp, magnetic band up, down through the square hole and back through
between the center piece and the bottom clamp. See the figure below.

2. Gently tighten the screws in the order shown below. Square up the end clamp and the

4 1 90-degrees

2 3
Side View

3. In the same 1, 2, 3, 4 order, make several passes, tightening each screw just a little each
time. Finally, torque each screw to 14 in-lb. or 224 in-oz. (depending on the units on
your torque driver).

Hanging Tape With the hangers in position on the rails such that the tape will hang
approximately vertically, connect the tape to the top hanger using the hex bolt and locking nut
provided. Make certain the arrow on the tape is pointing up and that the magnetic surface is
facing the car. Begin unreeling tape toward the bottom of the hoistway:

Hex bolt &

lock nut

1. Move slowly down the hoistway and unroll the tape from the carrier.


2. Attach the bottom end of the tape using the hanger parts kits and
the tensioning springs. Fine tune proper vertical alignment (both
front-to-back and side-to-side) the hanger bracket ends are
adjustable to provide fine side-to-side alignment (step 3).
At proper tension (about 16 lbf.), the springs will be stretched
about 3.0 (75 mm) beyond their relaxed length.
3. The assemblies to which the tape attaches, both top and bottom,
allow fine alignment adjustment without having to work with the
heavy, rail clamp hardware. After adjustment, torque the 3/8
bolts/nuts to 10 ft lbs.


Check that the elevator car does not rock excessively. If necessary, adjust roller or other guides
until excessive rocking is eliminated. The Elgo reader will track with the car. Excessive lateral
car movement will translate into reader/tape alignment movement.

2-70 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Sensor Mounting Move the car to the middle of the hoistway. Attach the
sensor to the car. The head must be positioned such that the CAN cable exits the top
of the sensor head.

Exactly how you mount the sensor head will depend on the physical structure of the
car and sling and the position of the tape. Because there is so much variation 2
between jobs, sensor head mounting brackets are usually fabricated on site. Three
examples follow.


Shims. For the hangers described in this instruction, four shims are pro-
vided. Once you have completed sensor installation, if you find you are very slightly
out of plumb, you may slightly loosen a bolt or nut and insert a shim to correct. If a
component is out more than may be corrected by two or three shims, check major
components, level, and plumb and correct the basic installation.

Figure 2.27 Sample Mount A (available option from MCE)

Kit includes T strap hanger, two

1/4 square-head bolts, and two
lock nuts.



Figure 2.28 Sample Mount B

Slotted mounting holes on bracket

allow adjustment.

The heads of the sensor mounting

bolts are captive in a slot on the
sensor body.

Bolts are 1/4 diameter with

square heads. Use a flat washer
against the mounting bracket, and
a lock washer between the nut and
the flat washer. M6, hex head bolts
may also be used.

Use spacers to adjust the vertical

alignment of the sensor head.


Alternatively, you can use 8 x 32 channel nuts and screws or 1/4 square head bolts and nuts.
However, if you are inserting the screws toward the body of the sensor, you must be very careful
that you position spacers to prevent the screw from damaging the sensor.
Figure 2.29 Sample Mount C
Channel nuts

8 x 32 bolt/screw

Bracket body
Sensor Body

8 x 32 Channel nut
Unistrut part #: P7006-0832

Add washers or
(to) Avoid jamming the bolt end
shims here
into the sensor body

2-72 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Tape Must Be Plumb and Under Tension Before Completing the Following Steps
1. Adjust the sensor to tape centerline alignment using the plumb tape as a reference as
shown below.

Magnet band
Polymer guide


Elevator Car

2. Remove the front polymer

guide from the sensor by
flexing it slightly out at the
center and pulling it from
the retaining clips at each
end. Leave the sheet-plastic
membrane in position on the
polymer guide


3. Adjust the distance between sensor and tape. Up to a travel height of 110 meters, we rec-
ommend an offset of 1 inch (25 mm) with the polymer guide removed. (See the illustra-
tion below.) Verify that the offset measures 1.0 inches at both the top and the bottom of
the sensor. This will ensure steady, even contact between the steel side of the tape and
the polymer guide of the sensor.


1.0 inches (25 mm)

Sheet-plastic membrane


4. Re-attach the polymer guide with the tape resting in the guide slot.

Polymer guide

Tape (magnetic band towards sensor)

Sheet-plastic membrane

Sensor body


2-74 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

It is critical to ensure that the sensor is installed so With the sensor guide
that any mechanical contact between tape and sensor re-installed, the tape
head is between the steel band and the polymer sensor should arc gently
away from the car at
guide. Adjust for a horizontal offset of 1 inch (25 mm) the top and bottom,

Magnet Side
Steel Side
between the sensor metal face and the magnetic band forcing the steel side
so that contact between the steel side and the polymer of the tape firmly
guide is firmly forced. against the polymer
When properly installed, looking at the top of the sensor,
there will be a slight gap between the magnetic band and
the body of the sensor. Refer to the illustration below.


Sheet-plastic membrane

gap between tape magnetic

surface and body of sensor/
plastic membrane

Magnet Side
Steel Side

Be certain that the

sensor head is
plumb with the
tape. Check top
and bottom to be
certain it is not out
at the bottom while
appearing correctly
offset at the top.

A rocking car with

roller guide or iso-
lation mount prob-
lems can exhibit
sensor head align-
ment issues at dif-
ferent points in the


Verify that the tape is longitudinally aligned with the sensor face.
5. Check proper alignment of tape vs. sensor. Correct any angular offset.
Figure 2.30 Positioning Tape Longitudinal Alignment

6. On cartop inspection, move the car to several points in the hoistway. Verify that tape-to-
sensor alignment remains satisfactory in each position.
7. After completing installation, clean the tape. Beginning at the top of the hoistway, move
down the full travel distance pulling the tape through a soft, dry cloth. Repeat this pro-
cess before putting the elevator into service after completing installation.
Hoistway Learn, Elgo
Please refer to ELGO Encoded Magnetic Tape on page 3-3.

Periodic Maintenance Required

Inspect and clean the sensor and encoded tape as part of your car top routine or at minimum
intervals of 6 months for contract speeds below 400 FPM or 4 months for contract speeds above
400 FPM.
1. Check that the sensor is properly aligned and that the tape is running through the reader
slot with the polymer guide pressing firmly against the steel backing and with no contact
on the magnetic material, as described in this instruction.
2. Check for abnormal wear on both the tape and the guide.
3. Open the sensor head and check for debris in the guide-way.
4. Check that the bottom spring attachment provides adequate tape tension (spring
stretched about 2 (50 mm) beyond its relaxed length, about 16 lbf.).
5. Clean the tape as in step 7 above.

2-76 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

Left to Right Rail Side Reversal

As shipped, the kit is configured to mount the sensor head on the left side of the rail (as you are
facing the rail blade). The kit can be reconfigured for right side mounting as described here. The
illustration shows the components as if you were looking through the bottom of the bracket.
Figure 2.31 Side Reversal, Bottom Mount
3/8 x 2 bolt

LEFT 3/8 steel flat washer

Composite bushing
Pivot bushing
Pivot plate
Composite bushing
Steel shoulder bushing

1-1/4 inches Channel

3/8 steel flat washer

3/8 x 3/4 bolt

Switch plate

3/8 lock nut 3/8 lock nut

3/8 x 2 bolt
3/8 steel flat washer RIGHT
Composite bushing
Pivot bushing
Pivot plate
Composite bushing
Steel shoulder bushing

Channel 1-1/4 inches

3/8 steel flat washer

3/8 x 3/4 bolt

Switch plate

3/8 lock nut 3/8 lock nut


1. Place the mounting arm assembly on a work-

ing surface so that the pivot/switch assembly
is on your right but upside down. (The pivot/
switch assembly must always be located on
the end of the angle bracket with the open-
ended slot so that it has enough adjustment.
2. On the back of the mounting arm, remove
the two lock nuts that secure the pivot/
switch assembly in place.
3. Remove the components. Flip the switch
plate and switch so that they are now on the
top of the mounting arm. Assembly must
4. Refer to the preceding illustration for reas- ALWAYS be on
sembly order. Check that the pivot extends the bracket end
about 11/4 beyond the end of the mount- with the OPEN
ing arm.
5. With the unit reassembled, torque the 3/8
bolts/nuts to 10 ft-lbs.
6. Remove the #8 Phillips screws, star washers,
and nuts that hold the switch in position.
7. Move the switch to the outer mounting position. The switch must be properly aligned
and the mounting screws torqued to 15 to 17 in-lbs.

The two alignment tabs must rest on the top lip of the
switch bracket. In order to do this, the two mounting
screws through the front of the switch must be at the
very bottom of the oblong screw holes.

8. Once the switch is in position, rotate the pivot until it closes the switch. With your free
hand, press the switch and note that it still has about 1 mm (1/25 in) of travel. This
ensures that the pin on the pivot is contacting the inside of the mounting arm and pro-
tecting the switch from being damaged by excessive force.
9. Verify that the pivot moves smoothly and will drop when released.
10. When making electrical connections to the switch, note the torque settings for the con-
nection screws and the switch cover screw.
Cover screw: 15 in-lbs
Normally Open connection screws: 15 in-lbs

2-78 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Landing/Positioning System

To change the top mounting arm from left to right side:

1. Set the hanger arm assembly on a working surface so that the hanger plate is on your
2. Remove the two 1/2 bolts that secure the top hanger plate.
3. Flip the plate top-to-bottom so that the tape attachment hole is on the bottom. 2
4. Reassemble with the hanger plate extending beyond the end of the bracket by about
1 and 1/4 inches.
5. Torque the 1/2 bolts to 20 ft-lbs.
Figure 2.32 Changing the Top Mounting Arm from Left to Right Side

LEFT 1/2 x 7/8 bolts

Hanger plate

1-1/4 inches Channel

1/2 twirl nuts

1/2 x 7/8 bolts RIGHT

Hanger plate

Channel 1-1/4 inches

1/2 twirl nuts


Door Operator and Door Peripherals

Check the job prints to see that the door operator you are installing is the operator shown in
your job prints.
Install the operator according to manufacturer instructions.
Make door operator electrical connections as shown in the MCE job prints.
Verify that all door related switches and locks are properly installed, adjusted, and wired.

Door Safety Equipment

Install photo eyes and/or safety edges in accordance with manufacturer instructions.
Make connections to MCE control as shown in the job prints.

Door Switches
1. Install top, middle, and bottom door locks in accordance with drawings package.
2. Install gate switch and all car door position and limit switches.

Car Operating Panels, Position Indicators, and Peripherals

Install operating panels according to manufacturer instructions.
If the job uses the Motion 4000 serial control panel option, install Control Panel Interface
board(s) from MCE. Please refer to MC-CPI Car Panel Interface Board on page 5-64.
Make electrical connections as shown in the MCE job prints for all panel buttons and indi-
cators, position indicators, and controller-connected peripherals (fan/light timer, etc.).


Note that the MCE circuit boards, serial or Universal I/O, communicate with the controller
through and are powered through their CAN Bus connections.

Fire Service Peripherals

1. Refer to the MCE job prints.
2. Make electrical connections to fire service switches, sensors, indicators, and buzzers as


After the car is adjusted and running on Automatic operation, fire recall, fire operation, and
proper fire or smoke sensors and indicators will be exercised for correct operation.

2-80 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Door Operator and Door Peripherals

Duplex Connection Between Controllers

If you are installing controllers in a duplex configuration, you must connect a communication
cable between the two as shown in your job prints. Jumper JP3 (terminates the CAN bus) must
be in place on each HC-MPU board. The controls must also be set up in software to operate as a
duplex installation (F1, Program Mode).
Figure 2.33 Typical Duplex Communication Connection

Controller A Controller B

Keyboard Keyboard
RS232 (x3) RS232 (x3)

Main Processor (HC-MPU) Main Processor (HC-MPU)

Hall Calls, Position Indicators, and Peripherals

Motion 4000 hall calls may use discrete call connections or optional CAN Bus connections.
Please refer to Hall Call Node Wiring on page 5-71 if you have serial hall calls.
1. Install hall calls, position indicators, and peripherals (auxiliary risers, etc.) according to
building requirements and pertinent local and national codes.
2. Install access switches in hall ways in accordance with drawings package.
3. Connect hall switches, push buttons, and indicator lamps or LEDs as shown in the MCE
job prints.

CE Position Indicators
CE Electronics position indicators are supported using a CE driver board in the controller. The
driver board connects to the controller internal CAN bus. A transformer provides 24-volt power
to the board. The three-wire CE output (1= common, 2= fixture power, 3= data) is typically
brought to panel mount terminals (RD1, RD2, RD3) for easy access. Refer to the MCE drawings
package and to the CE documentation provided with your fixtures.


Adjust Brake to 125% of Full Load

1. Bring the car to the bottom landing.
2. Place weights in the car to 2/3 of contract load.
3. Add an additional 50 or 100 pounds.
4. Move the car up a short distance on Inspection.
5. Run the car down and trip the stop switch.
6. Adjust the brake if it does not hold.
7. Repeat until the brake is holding 125% of full load capacity.
8. Remove test weights from car.

Keep the car near the bottom floor as it is likely to slide through the brake onto the buffers if
brake spring tension is inadequate.

Traction Auxiliary Power Supply

If you are installing the TAPS (Traction Auxiliary Power Supply) from MCE to provide emer-
gency power for passenger rescue in the event of commercial power loss, follow instructions in
the TAPS manual delivered with the unit.

If TAPS is used with the TORQMAX F5 drive, drive parameter LF.61, Emergency Operation
Mode, must be set to di1. If not, the motor is not correctly powered during TAPS operation.

Installation Review
Carefully review MCE job prints and job requirements.
Ensure that all equipment has been correctly installed and connected.
Verify that all jumpers placed during installation have been removed and replaced with
permanent connections.
Verify that all safety equipment is installed and is functioning properly.
Ensure that Inspection faults are no longer on bypass in the Controller System Menu (F3
function switch on MPU board)

At this point, controller and related installation should be complete. The car should be running
safely on Inspection operation from the cartop and/or the machine room. The next section will
Learning the hoistway
Setting controller parameters
Setting drive parameters
Performance Adjustment
Final Test

2-82 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Final Adjustments

In this Section
This section contains instructions for preparing the car for normal automatic operation. If you
are viewing this on a computer, click the blue text to jump to the appropriate section.
Setting basic service parameters. Basic Service Parameters on page 3-2.
Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2
Balance Car and Counterweight. Car and Counterweight Balance on page 3-8
Setting Up Performance Curves. Setting Up Performance Curves on page 3-9.
Coming up to contract speed. Additional Adjustment on page 3-17.
How to place car calls from the controller. Placing Calls From the Controller on page 3-20.
Load testing AC drives. Load Testing AC Drives on page 3-21.
Load Weigher Adjustment. Load Weigher on page 3-23.
Acceptance Testing. Final Tests on page 3-33.
Final Adjustment. Final Adjustment on page 3-56.

Final Adjustments

Basic Service Parameters

Parameters accessed through the F1 (Program Mode) function on the HC-MPU board define the
building, floors and openings to be serviced, and other basic requirements for the elevator.
Before the controller is shipped, these basic service definitions are set according to the survey
forms for the job. However, always verify Basic Features Menu settings are correct for the job
before proceeding.

Please refer to Basic Features Menu on page 4-13 for basic service setup.

Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS

The following table is provided so that you can enter floor heights and offsets for your records.

Table 3.1 Floor Height and Offset Notation

Floor Height Offset Floor Height Offset

1 17
2 18
3 19
4 20
5 21
6 22
7 23
8 24
9 25
10 26
11 27
12 28
13 29
14 30
15 31
16 32

The F6 menu provides a process to learn the floor levels and counterweight position for the
building. The process is different depending on the type of landing/positioning system for the

3-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS

ELGO Encoded Magnetic Tape

1. Verify F7 parameter 191 is set to Elgo 160 or Elgo 240. (160 and 240 designations refer
to the distance between the individual sensors in the Elgo sensor head. One is 160mm;
the other is 240mm.) Verify F7, 149 is set to the correct Contract Speed.
2. Place the car on Inspection mode.
3. Verify the floors and openings through the F1 (Program Mode) menu if you have not
already done so. (F1: Program Mode on page 4-11.)
4. Plug the hand-held user interface into a CAN connection in the car panel or on the car-
top. Otherwise, use the HC-MPU board keypad/LCD in the controller. (If the controller
keypad is used, a technician must be stationed in the car to relay information to the
technician in the machine room.)
5. Move the car to level at the first floor.
6. Select the F6 menu on the hand-held or HC-MPU board (F6 switch UP, all others



Selecting LEARN will start an operation in which you learn accurate floor levels as the car
moves up the hoistway. Selecting FILL lets you skip the learn operation and just plug in an aver-
age value for floor heights so that you can take the time to perform a learn operation later.

Selecting LEARN starts a process in which you move the car up the hoistway a floor at a time,
leveling and saving at each floor.
1. Press N. The display will prompt: Go to landing 1.
2. Bring the car as close to level at landing 1 as is practical. Press S.
3. The display will ask you to enter an offset to make up for any difference in level between
car and floor: xxx.x In. Adj + - Next when done.
4. Measure the offset (if any).
5. If the car is above the floor, use the + (plus) button to enter the offset value.
If the car is below the floor, use the - (minus) button to enter the offset value.
6. Press N. The display will prompt you to move to the next landing. The process will
repeat at each landing until all have been learned.
7. When all floors have been learned, the display will prompt you to learn counterweight
8. Move the car until car and counterweight are level with one another in the hoistway.

Final Adjustments

9. Press N. The display will prompt you to store values:

10. Press S. The display will prompt:
11. Exit F6 menu on the hand-held or place F6 switch down on the HC-MPU board.

Fill Selecting FILL allows you to enter a common height for all floors which will then be
filled in by system software. The position of the counterweight is automatically set to one half
the cumulative height of the floors.


1. With the car level at floor one, Press S.

2. Use the +/- buttons to enter a common floor height in inches.


3. Press N. The display will prompt you to store values:

4. Press S. The display will prompt:
Exit F6 menu on the hand-held or place F6 switch down on the HC-MPU board.

Offset Motion 4000 allow the door zone heights to be individually adjusted in 0.10 inch
increments to compensate for minor error up to a maximum +/- 0.9 inches.

Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement, Elgo

This operation determines locations for slowdown and emergency switches for the job and, if
ETS are used, automatically assists you in placing them.
1. Please refer to Terminal Switch Options, 69 - 74 on page 4-150. Reference your job
prints and activate the switches uses on your job.
2. Move the car to the bottom terminal on Test mode.
3. Set the F5 function switch in the UP/ON position.
4. Move to the Terminal Limit Utilities menu and press S to select.
5. The LCD will display PERFORM UXTS AND DXTS LEARN. Press S to Select.
6. The LCD will display TERMINAL LEARN/S: START. Press S to begin.

3-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS

7. The LCD will ask you to enter switch tripping thresholds for the ETS switches (if used),
then for the NTS switches used on the job.
Press S to move the cursor to a digit position.
Use +/- buttons to increment/decrement values.
Typical ETS setting is 80% (of contract speed). Press N to move on. 3
NTS settings depend on switch position:
Outermost NTS: 90% (of contract speed). Press N to move to next NTS switch.
Next NTS in: 70%. Then 60%, 50%, 40% for additional switches moving toward the
8. After the last NTS switch is set, the LCD will cue you to press S to store the values.
9. After switch thresholds are stored, the LCD will display LEARN READY/S= LEARN
UXTS. Press S to initiate.
The car will move up the hoistway, reporting each switch as its position and speed are learned.
At the top of the terminal, the LCD will display:
10. UXTS LEARNED/S= LEARN DXTS. Press S to initiate.
11. The car will move down the hoistway, repeating the learn for the bottom terminal. It will
stop at the bottom floor and report SAVING SWITCHES, PLEASE WAIT followed by
TERMINAL DONE/S=EXIT. Press S to exit the learn.

LS-EDGE Steel Tape

Parameter Settings
Verify F7, parameter 191 is set to LS-EDGE, page 4-162. Verify F7, 149 is set to the correct Con-
tract Speed.

Hoistway Learn, LS-EDGE

1. Place the car on Inspection operation.
2. Move the car to the bottom terminal.
3. Set the F6 function switch in the UP/ON position.
4. The LCD will display HOISTWAY LEARN, PRESS S.
5. Press S to initiate learn.
6. Place car on TEST mode. Shut off INSPECTION. Follow instructions on the LCD.

Synopsis As you follow the instructions on the LCD, the car will first travel down to the
bottom terminal then move up to locate the center of the door zone magnet. From the bottom
terminal, the car will move up the hoistway finding each door zone and indicating the height in
inches of each door zone magnet center (Front and/or Rear as appropriate). Upon reaching the
top terminal, the LCD will report hoistway information stored and offer the option to press N if
you are Done or S if you want to restart the learn operation.

7. Press N when hoistway learn reports complete to exit the operation.

8. Place F6 in the Down position.
Once the door zones have been learned, you are ready to learn terminal and emergency slow-
down positions, Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement on page 3-6.

Final Adjustments

Offset Motion 4000 allow the door zone heights to be individually adjusted in 0.10 inch
increments to compensate for magnet placement irregularity up to a maximum +/- 0.9 inches
for LS-EDGE.

Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement

This operation determines locations for slowdown and emergency switches for the job and, if
ETS magnets are used, automatically assists you in placing them.
1. Please refer to Terminal Switch Options, 69 - 74 on page 4-150. Reference your job
prints and activate the switches uses on your job.
2. Move the car to the bottom terminal on Test mode.
3. Set the F5 function switch in the UP/ON position.
4. Move to the Terminal Limit Utilities menu and press S to select.
5. The LCD will display PERFORM UXTS AND DXTS LEARN. Press S to Select.
6. The LCD will display TERMINAL LEARN/S: START. Press S to begin.
7. The LCD will ask you to enter switch tripping thresholds for the ETS switches (if used),
then for the NTS switches used on the job.
Press S to move the cursor to a digit position.
Use +/- buttons to increment/decrement values.
Typical ETS setting is 80% (of contract speed). Press N to move on.
NTS settings depend on switch position:
Outermost NTS: 90% (of contract speed). Press N to move to next NTS switch.
Next NTS in: 70%. Then 60%, 50%, 40% for additional switches moving toward the
8. After the last NTS switch is set, the LCD will cue you to press S to store the values.
9. After switch thresholds are stored, the LCD will display LEARN READY/S= LEARN
UXTS. Press S to initiate.
The car will move up the hoistway, reporting each switch as its position and speed are learned.
At the top of the terminal, the LCD will display:
10. UXTS LEARNED/S= LEARN DXTS. Press S to initiate.
11. The car will move down the hoistway, repeating the learn for the bottom terminal. It will
stop at the bottom floor and report SAVING SWITCHES, PLEASE WAIT followed by
TERMINAL DONE/S=EXIT. Press S to exit the learn.
12. If you have ETS on the job, press N until the LCD displays ETS POSITIONS LOCATOR.
Press S to select.
13. The LCD displays ETS POSITIONS LOCATOR/OFF. Press S to turn the LOCATOR ON.
14. Place the car on Cartop Inspection.
15. Run the car up the hoistway. When it reaches the learned location for the DETS, it will
stop. Release the inspection switches.

3-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS

16. Place the 5, striped DETS magnet on the tape immediately above the sensor head and
just to the RIGHT of the tape perforations. See below.


17. Continue to run the car up the hoistway. When it reaches the learned location for the
UETS, it will stop. Release the inspection switches.
18. Place the 5, striped UETS magnet on the tape immediately above the sensor head and
just to the LEFT of the tape perforations. See above.
19. Set the ETS POSITIONS LOCATOR to OFF. Place the F5 switch down.

Position Adjustments The learn operations described above automatically store

switch and speed related information in F7 menu parameter range 1 - 132. Through these
parameters, you can display stored values and also make adjustments to the values. Normally,
no or very little adjustment is necessary.

Adjusting Floor Heights

Stored floor heights may be accessed through the F7 menu (first 64 parameters) and the height
of each floor individually adjusted at any time. F7 parameter 67 allows you to adjust the coun-
terweight height.
1. Place the car on Inspection, enter the F7 menu (F7 up, all other switches down).
2. Press N to advance to the desired parameter.
3. Use + or - buttons to adjust the height of the floor (or counterweight).
4. Place F7 in the down position.

Door Zone Verification

Following the hoistway learn process, starting at the top floor, move the car down on inspection
and verify that the door zone indicators (e.g., LEDs, relays, diagnostic status, etc.) activate only
at the appropriate locations at the landings (i.e., +/- 75 mm or 3) and nowhere else. Be sure to
check rear door zones as well, where applicable.

Final Adjustments

Car and Counterweight Balance

Hoistway machine performance is specified to a particular load (car equipment and passengers)
and to a specified offset to the load through counterweighting. On modernizations, the weight
of the car is often changed but compensating adjustments to the counterweight are sometimes
overlooked. This adjustment is important to performance and ride characteristics.
1. Place a balanced load in the car (specified percentage of full load; typically 40% but
sometimes 45 or 50%).
2. On Machine Room Inspection, run the car to the middle of the hoistway to the position
learned by performing the counterweight learn procedure.
3. Turn controller power OFF.
4. Manually lift the brake.
5. Watch the car to see if it drifts. If not, the car and counterweight are balanced.
If the car drifts up, remove weight from the counterweight or add weight to the car and
repeat the balancing procedure.
If the car drifts down, add weight to the counterweight or remove weight from the car
and repeat the balancing procedure.
For a drum machine, follow the manufacturer counterweighting recommendations
and test the drum machine limit switches.
6. When car and counterweight are balanced, record the actual weight in the car for future
reference. Balanced load = _____________lbs.
7. Restore controller power.

3-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Setting Up Performance Curves

Setting Up Performance Curves

Before attempting to bring the car up to contract speed, you must have verified drive parame-
ters as described in Section 2. TORQMAX F5 AC Drive Parameters on page 2-30 or Magnetek
AC Drive Parameters on page 2-35, F7 parameters as described in Section 4, F7: Parameters
Adjust on page 4-141, and be successfully running on Inspection mode with all equipment
Performance curves are defined by acceleration and deceleration rates. The top speed attained
using a curve is defined by speed settings for a particular mode of operation (Contract Speed,
Inspection Speed, etc.). Multiple speed settings can use the same performance curve. Please
refer to Controller F7 Menu on page 3-11.

How to Register Calls from the Controller

To place a call from the controller (or the hand-held):
Place the F5 function switch up (all others down).
Press S until Front Call Registration is displayed.
Refer to the illustration below.


S + and N + and N + and N



N + and N + and N + and N

- VIEW -

+/- to increment or decrement floor numbers

Press and momentarily hold S to register calls; displays [ON] while held
Press + and N together to back out of the current display

Final Adjustments

Acceleration and Deceleration Rates

Acceleration and deceleration rates are measured and programmed in ft/s2 (feet per second per
second). Jerk parameters adjust the rate of transition from one speed to another and are mea-
sured and programmed in ft/s3 (feet per second per second per second). F7 control parameters
correspond to curve locations as shown in the following figure. Increasing Jerk values causes
faster change. While adjusting S-Curve parameters, stay away from terminal floors.

Figure 3.1 Motion 4000 Performance Curves

Roll Jerk Roll Jerk

Standard-F7:168 Alternate Standard-F7:169

Manual-F7:173 Manual-F7:174
Alternate-F7:182 Danger-F7:178
Acceleration Deceleration


Standard-F7:165 Standard-F7:167
Manual-F7:170 Manual-F7:172
Danger-F7:175 Danger-F7:177
Alternate-F7:179 Alternate-F7:181
Start Jerk F7-157 Correction Speed
Stop Jerk

Leveling Speed (F7:158)

Zero Speed
Proximity Distance

Curves Used for Operating Speeds

The performance curves shown above and the operating speeds that use them are:
Standard Curve: Contract, correction, earthquake, and leveling speed
Alternate Curve: Conservation, and emergency power speed
Manual Curve: Inspection and reduced inspection speed
Danger Curve: Used for emergency deceleration

3-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Setting Up Performance Curves

Profile Parameters
Typical initial values to begin adjusting toward contract speed running are listed in the table
below. Hoistway speed and position related information may be reviewed using a controller F5
switch-accessed menu. Please refer to MPI Diagnostic Menu on page 4-69.
Start jerk - defines rate of transition from zero speed to full acceleration. As Start Jerk
increases, the profile transitions more quickly from starting to maximum acceleration. 3
Acceleration - determines the maximum acceleration for the profile.
Roll jerk - Roll Jerk determines the rate that the profile transitions from maximum to
zero acceleration and zero to maximum deceleration. As Roll Jerk increases, the profile
transitions more quickly. Lower values provide greater comfort but are harder to fit into
the shortest one-floor-runs.
High speed - determines the maximum speed for the Standard curve, usually the same as
contract speed (ft/min).
Contract speed - the rated speed for the car.
Inspection speed - determines the speed at which the elevator will run when the Manual
curve is being used.
Deceleration - determines the maximum deceleration for this profile.
Stop jerk - defines the transition from deceleration to Leveling Speed. As Stop Jerk
increases, the profile transitions more quickly from Deceleration to Leveling Speed.
Leveling speed - determines the Speed at which the elevator will level into the floor.

Table 3.2 Controller F7 Menu

Curve Aspect F7 Parameter Initial Setting Unit

Start Jerk 165, 170, 175, and 3
From 4.0 to 8.0 ft/s (1.219 to 4.438 m/s3. Higher value ft/s3
179 (each per curve) results in a sharper start.
Acceleration 168, 173, and 182 Maximum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) and the ft/s2
(each per curve)
minimum is usually not less than 2.5 ft/s2 (0.762 m/s2).
Values higher than 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) are possible but
do not yield significant improvements in performance.
Roll jerk 166, 171, 176, and Set by software. ft/s3
180 (each per curve)
Deceleration 169, 174, 178, and Maximum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 and the minimum is ft/s2
183 (each per curve) 2
usually not less than 2.0 ft/s with more common values
ranging from 2.75 ft/s2 to 3.75 ft/s2 (0.838 to 1.143 m/s2).
The value of Deceleration is usually slightly less than the
value of Acceleration (by 0.25 to 0.5)
Stop jerk 167, 172, 177, and From 4.0 to 8.0 ft/s3 (1.219 to 4.438 m/s3. Higher value ft/s3
181 (each per curve) results in a sharper stop.
High speed 150 Set to Contract Speed. ft/m
Inspection speed 155 As desired, up to 66% of contract speed or 125 ft/m ft/m
Leveling speed 158 2 to 5% of contract speed, 0 - 8 FPM. ft/m
Contract speed 149 Contract speed ft/m
Profile Scale 141 Initially set to 50%. After making some adjusting runs, this %
can be gradually be increased to 100% to attain contract

Final Adjustments

Typical Speed Profile Settings

Table 3.3 Speed Profile Settings Per Rated Speed

25 FPM (26-75) (76-100) (101- (200- (250- 350FPM

or Less FPM FPM 199) FPM 249) FPM 349) FPM or greater
Standard Jerk (165) 0.10 0.15 1.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0
Alt Start Jerk (179)
Standard Roll Jerk (166) 0.10 0.15 1.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0
Alt Roll Jerk (180)
Standard Stop Jerk (167) 0.10 0.15 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Alt Stop Jerk (181)
Standard Accel. (168) 0.10 0.25 0.5 1.75 2.5 2.75 3.0
Alt Accel (182)
Standard Decel. (169) 0.10 0.25 0.5 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0
Alt Decel. (183)
Man Start Jerk (170) 0.10 0.15 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Man Roll Jerk (171) 0.10 0.15 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Man Stop Jerk (172) 0.10 0.15 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Man Accel. (173) 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Man Decel. (174) 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Danger start Jerk (175) 5.0 10.0 Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc
Danger Roll Jerk (176) 2.0 2.0 Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc
Danger Stop Jerk (177) 1.0 2.0 Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc
Danger Decel. (178) 0.25 0.75 Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc Auto Calc
aAutomatic Slew slope (142) 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

a. There is also a setting for Inspection Slew Slope, F7, 205, to soften deceleration during Inspection operation.

3-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Setting Up Performance Curves

Adjust for Drive Response

Depending on how the drive is tuned, the amount of lag between the commanded speed and
drive response can vary. As a result, as the drive is adjusted, the Profile Advance parameter in
the controller F7 menu will need to be changed as well. Use the information below along with
the information in the figure, Velocity and Acceleration on page 3-14, and the tuning instruc-
tions following the figure to make these adjustment. 3
If lag delay is insufficient, the elevator will plow into a landing. The acceleration and jerk
rate during deceleration to a landing will be greater than profile values indicate.
If lag delay is excessive, the elevator will drag into a landing. The acceleration and jerk rate
during deceleration to a landing will be less than profile values indicate. In addition, a dis-
continuity in the profile will occur during the transition from acceleration to deceleration
for movement between floors where a stabilized speed (contract speed) is not reached
(short runs).
To adjust lag delay, observe the commanded speed on the TC-MPI board at the AN1
analog output. Perform one-floor-run movement and observe the peak acceleration
transitioning to peak deceleration as the elevator reaches its peak speed (below con-
tract speed). This transition should have no vertical discontinuity (too much lag delay).
This transition adjustment is only valid when the elevator is unable to reach contract
speed for the profile under normal operation. Adjust lag delay until the vertical discon-
tinuity is eliminated.
TORQMAX: Generally, the Profile Advance (F7, 140) will be within 50 to 150 milliseconds.
Magnetek: Generally, the Profile Advance (F7, 140) will be within the following range (in

Final Adjustments

Figure 3.2 Velocity and Acceleration


(b) (c) (d)

Velocity and Acceleration: (a) profile at contract speed; (b) insufficient lag compensation with profile at
less than contract speed; (c) excessive lag compensation with profile at less than contract speed; (d) opti-
mum lag compensation with profile at less than contract speed.

1. For initial setup, set the Profile Advance parameter, F7, 140, to 1 divided by response.
2. Depending upon drive tuning, the leveling distance may have to be generous to allow the
elevator speed to completely transition to the requested leveling speed. for initial use,
set the Leveling Distance parameter, F7, 160, to 2.0 inches. (Once the drive is tuned, this
may be set to a more optimum value.)
3. Depending on drive tuning, the transition from leveling speed to zero speed may be
sluggish. For initial use, set the Standard Slew Slope parameter, F7, 142, to 2.0 ft/s2 or
greater. (Once the drive is tuned, this may be set to a more optimum value.)

Verify One Floor Run Operation

1. Run the elevator on Inspection between landings and verify that it moves properly.
2. After taking the elevator out of inspection mode, verify that the elevator corrects to a
landing and stops properly.
3. Make a one floor run and observe the elevator as it moves between landings and stops at

3-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Setting Up Performance Curves

Verifying Contract Speed Operation

1. Run the elevator between landings and verify that it moves properly.
2. Observe the elevator as it starts from landings, moves between landings, and stops at
3. Progressively increase the number of landings traveled until contract speed is achieved. 3
Initially, start with a Profile Scale of 75%. If the car runs as expected, slowly increase
Profile Scale to 100%.
4. When the elevator achieves contract speed, verify speed through the F5, MPI-A diagnos-
tics menu, address 16.
5. Place car on Normal operation and place a call to the top terminal. The car must land
without a fault.
6. Place a call to the bottom terminal. The car must land without a fault.

7. If speed is not correct, set LF.22 to a value between 125% and 150% of LF.25 and adjust
hoist motor speed, controller F7, 148.

8. If speed is not correct, adjust Contract Mtr Spd on the A1 Drive menu (higher RPM for
increased speed) and adjust hoist motor speed, controller F7, 148.

If an ETSL switch is required:

The ETS switch will be used as the ETSL and its position will be located at 90% of the
reduced stroke buffer rated speed. ETSL Delta Speed will be 5% of the reduced stroke buf-
fer rated speed. If ETSL is too far below the speed curve, you can adjust the Delta Speed
closer to 10% of the reduced stroke buffer rated speed.
The second-in NTS switch will be used as the ETS. The Delta Low Speed for the NTS
switch will match the Delta High Speed so that the NTS switch will behave like an ETS.

Final Adjustments

Short Floors Near a Terminal

When a short floor is located immediately preceding a terminal, the NTS1 switch must be
located before the landing height of the short floor. (This is because the NTS1 switch remains
the final correction for the positioning system. When it encounters NTS1, it knows that, regard-
less of any other information, the next stop is the terminal.) For example, the bottom terminal
is at 0.0-inches. If the short floor is at 36 inches, the NTS1 switch must be located between 0.0
and 36-inches.

Figure 3.3 NTS1 Position with Short Floor

Normal Run


Short Floor Run

Terminal Floor
0.0 inches, Terminal Floor Height
18.0 inches, DNTS1 Distance
36.0 inches, Short Floor Height

Short Floor from 1 to 12-inches in Height

For short floors from one to twelve inches in height, the NTS1 switch cannot be used for over-
speed detection. To avoid tripping overspeed errors in this situation, set the NTS1 switch speed
significantly beyond the contract speed for the job, for example, 900 FPM.

3-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Additional Adjustment

Additional Adjustment
Tuning (Magnetek)
The Magnetek drive may require additional tuning to the motor:
Tuning Motor No-Load Current (HPV 600/900/900II) 3
1. To perform this procedure you will need to run the car at reduced speed with a balanced
load. Motor torque should be below 15%.
Motor Torque, Flux Reference, and Est No Load Curr can be viewed on the drive D2
Power Data menu.
No Load Curr can be adjusted on the drive A5 Motor menu.
The car maximum speed can be changed via High Speed on the controller F7 menu,
150. (F7, 149, Contract Speed is used to set the rated speed for the car.)
2. Refer to Tuning No-Load Motor Current in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive
Technical Manual and follow that procedure.
Tuning Motor Flux Saturation Curve (HPV 600/900/900II)
1. To perform this procedure you will need to run the car at full contract speed with a bal-
anced load.
Est No Load Curr can be viewed on the drive D2 Power Data menu.
No Load Curr and Flux Sat Slope 2 can be adjusted on the drive A5 Motor menu.
2. Refer to Tuning Rated Motor RPM in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive
Technical Manual and follow that procedure.

Tuning Motor Rated RPM (HPV 600/900/900II) Please see Tuning Motor
Rated RPM in the appendix of the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Technical manual and follow that

Determining System Inertia (All Magnetek)

In order to properly tune the speed regulator of the Magnetek drive, a valid inertia value must
be determined.
1. To perform this procedure, you will need to run the car at full contract speed with a bal-
anced load.
Est Inertia can be viewed on the drive D1 Elevator Data menu.
Inertia can be adjusted on the drive A1 Drive menu.
2. Refer to Using the Software to Estimate the Systems Inertia in the appendix of the Mag-
netek HPV AC Drive Technical Manual and follow that procedure.
3. With system inertia properly adjusted, final tuning of the speed regulator can be per-
formed. The Response parameter on the drive A1 Drive Menu is one parameter that can
be used to adjust the speed regulator. Please see the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Technical
Manual for tuning/adjustment procedures.

Final Adjustments

Relevel Operation
On Inspection, move the car to the bottom landing onto leveling. Take the car off Inspection
and observe that it re-levels into the landing. If the car attempts to re-level but cannot:
1. If the car attempts to relevel but cannot:
Adjust Leveling speed parameter F7:158 to get the car to move.
Check that the car is not opening the down final limit.
2. If a fault code is displayed, troubleshoot and correct the fault.
3. Verify that the position indicator matches the car position.
4. Verify that the brake has been set as described in Section 2 to hold 125% of load, Adjust
Brake to 125% of Full Load on page 2-82.
Brake Coordination
1. Adjust speed pick delay parameter F7:134 so that the brake is fully picked just as the
motor first spins. The goal is to avoid spinning the motor before the brake is picked but
not to introduce so much delay that rollback occurs.
2. TORQMAX: Refer to the TORQMAX drive manual for information relating to speed
pick delay interaction with pre-torque parameters.
3. Magnetek: Refer to Rollback Gain in the Magnetek HPV AC Drive Technical Manual.
Run Tests
Register calls to all the landings in turn and observe that the car stops properly at the requested
landing. As drive adjustments are made to tune performance, parameters on the controller F7
menu may need readjustment: Profile Advance, Leveling Distance, Leveling Dead Zone, Stan-
dard Slew Slope, Standard Stop Jerk, etc.

Adjustment Problems
Speed Changes Felt Excessively in Car During high speed, if the speed change
from accel to high speed or from high speed to decel can be felt excessively in the car:
TORQMAX: Decrease parameter A.LF.33 Ki speed offset accel and/or d.LF.33 Ki speed
offset decel and d.LF.32 in steps of 100 to achieve smoother transitions. This may also be
due to inaccurate drive adjustment, Please refer to Speed and Acceleration Control on
page 2-29.
MAGNETEK: Consider Estimation of System Inertia, A0/A1 Response, A0/A1 Inner Loop
Xover, A0/A1 Gain Reduce Mult, and A1/A0 Gain Chng Level.

Loss of Control During Acceleration Acceleration rate should be at least as great

as deceleration rate but should not exceed deceleration rate by too much. Excessive acceleration
rates may cause drive circuits to saturate and effectively lose acceleration control.

3-18 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Additional Adjustment

Car Overshoots, TORQMAX E.OL/E.OP, MAG Mtr Overload/Overvolt Flt

Refer to drive manual for error definition and troubleshooting instructions
Check counterweighting is correct.
Decrease Standard Acceleration, F7:168, Standard Deceleration F7, 169, Standard Roll
Jerk F7/ 166, and Standard Stop Jerk, F7, 167. 3
Increase drive gains, TORQMAX LF.31 and LF.32 or MAG A0/A1 RESPONSE.
Shut off power. Wait 1 minute to drain DC voltage from dynamic braking circuit. Verify no
DC voltage with voltmeter.
Check value of braking resistance (RB resistors). Check circuit connections and slip rings.
(Approximately 3 times the measured brake coil resistance is a good starting point.)

Car Oscillates at Contract Speed

Verify all motor parameters are correctly set and encoder is mounted well (no vibration).
TORQMAX: Verify gain parameters TORQMAX, A.LF.31 and A.LF.32 are not set too high.
Magnetek: Verify Estimation of System Inertia, A0/A1 Inner Loop Xover, A0/A1 Gain
Reduce Mult, and A0/A1 Gain Chng Level. Verify A0/A1 Response is not set too high.

Final Adjustments

Placing Calls From the Controller

To place a call from the controller (or the hand-held):
Place the F5 function switch up (all others down).
Press S until Front Call Registration is displayed.
Refer to the illustration below.


S + and N + and N + and N



N + and N + and N + and N

- VIEW -

+/- to increment or decrement floor numbers

Press and momentarily hold S to register calls; displays [ON] while held
Press + and N together to back out of the current display

If the car opens a Final Limit If the car overshoots a terminal and opens the Final
Limit switch, power will immediately be removed from the machine and brake and the car will
come to an immediate stop. If this occurs, it means the Final Limit switch is incorrectly posi-
tioned (check job prints), that differential gain or other motor settings are incorrect, or that the
virtual slowdown switches selected for the performance curve are too aggressive.
1. Check the Final Limit switch position at both terminals against the job prints.
2. Check all motor and encoder related settings.
3. Slightly increase differential gain settings and/or incrementally move virtual terminal
slowdown switches away from the terminal landing.
4. Retest.


If a Final Limit Switch has opened, you will need to place the car on Inspection operation and
temporarily jumper out the limit switch while you move the car to the terminal landing.

3-20 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Load Testing AC Drives

If the car does not leave a landing

If the elevator is trying to level, it will not pick high speed and leave the landing until is
completes leveling.
Check status of SAFL. Verify door locks are made.
Verify Auxiliary Speed (F7, 153) not set to 0.0 FPM. 3
Verify Acceleration and Start Jerk settings.
If any of the inputs that open the door are active (Safety Edge On, Photo Eye On, etc.) or if
the UIO board car call terminal for the current floor (floor displayed in PI) is grounded the
car will not move.

Load Testing AC Drives

1. Add 100 or 200 pounds of test weights to the car.
2. Observe current draw as the car is accelerating.
3. Repeat until rated load is achieved, looking for:
Overload drive errors, indicating that the drive is being pushed close to its limits and
may require:
If requested acceleration rate is excessive, reduce acceleration rate. The lower the
acceleration rate, the lower the current demand.
Adjust jerk for a more gradual transition from acceleration to high speed.
Adjust drive gains.
The motor may be underrated. Try reducing the motor speed setting slightly.
Check for proper counterweighting. (With a balanced load, drive/motor current
should be the same in both up and down directions.)
If needed, make a copy of the drive parameter table and write down all settings. Con-
tact MCE for assistance.

Trouble Slowing with a Full Load

If there is an issue with slowing a fully loaded car in the down travel direction, or if the AC drive
is tripping off with an over voltage fault displayed, it may mean that there is a problem with
regenerative braking or with the brake control module (if supplied).

Refer to the drive manufacturer manual. Generally:

230V drive will trip on over voltage if the DC bus Peak voltage reaches about 400 Volts or
if standard DC bus voltage reaches about 325 Volts.
460V drive will trip on over voltage if the DC bus Peak voltage reaches about 800 Volts or
if standard DC bus voltage reaches about 650 Volts.
1. With the drive in operating mode, check DC bus and DC bus Peak voltage displays while
the car is slowing with a full load in the down direction.

If you choose to actually measure the voltage across the drive power terminals, exercise
extreme care. These voltages are lethal.

Final Adjustments

2. Measure the voltage across the controller braking resistors. If there is no measured volt-
age (car slowing/full load/descending or car slowing/no load/ascending), there may be
a wiring problem or a defective brake module.
3. Investigate and solve this problem. The regenerative resistors or the brake module regu-
late car speed during full load down or empty load up conditions and are critical to
safety. Contact MCE if necessary.

Electrical Noise
If the motor makes excessive electrical noise or draws higher than normal current:
Check Encoder Polarity (TORQMAX) on page 2-46 or Align Encoder (Magnetek) on
page 2-46.
Check TORQMAX LF.29. Try changing it from 4 to 8 or from 8 to 16.
Verify traction sheave diameter and correct entry in drive parameter.
Verify machine gear reduction ratio and correct entry in drive parameter.
Verify Rated Motor Speed and correct entry in drive parameter.
Verify acceleration and deceleration integral and proportional gain drive settings. Refer to
drive manufacturer manual for detail.


Imperial motor nameplates list full load RPM. With induction motors, this value is equal to syn-
chronous RPM less slip. If your motor lists only synchronous RPM, you must determine its slip
percentage and subtract that amount to arrive at rated motor speed.

For example, a Reuland motor in a flux vector application has slip between 1.8% and 2.0%. If
synchronous RPM is 1200, 1.8% of that is about 22 RPM so rated motor speed would be 1200
minus 22 = 1178 RPM. (F5 drive parameter LF.11. If you auto-tuned the drive to the motor, this
parameter is learned and should not become a problem.)

3-22 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Load Weigher

Load Weigher
Information from the load weigher is used for pre-torquing and for dispatching decisions, e.g.
light load anti nuisance, heavy load, and overload.
Installing the Load Cells (Sensors)
Installing the Control Unit 3
Control Unit description
Load Weigher calibration
Final calibration
Installation with 2 to 1 roping
Verifying zero calibration (empty car weight)

Components include:
- Control Unit, model VK-3V
- Load Cells, model SWK
- Sensor installation tool
- Terminal tool/key (not shown)
- Terminal cover plate (not shown)
- DIN rail mounting bracket (not shown)

Analog Voltage or Relay Closure

The weigher provides both an analog output (0 - 10V) for analog weighing and relay closure
outputs for discrete weighing inputs. Check the CT (Cartop) drawings in your job prints to see
how your load weigher is connected.

Final Adjustments

Installing the Sensors

Install sensors using the leverage tool supplied. In some instances it may be necessary to use an
extender on the handle to gain more leverage.
Typically the sensors are mounted on the wire
ropes directly above the cartop hitch. However,
with 2 to 1 roping the sensors must be mounted
below the dead-end hitch beneath the overhead.
Please refer to Installation with 2 to 1 Roping
on page 3-25.

1. Notice that one of the sensor pins moves

in and out. Move the pin to the in posi-
tion as shown.

2. Place the sensor on the wire rope and

apply leverage to rotate the sensor until Pin In
the pin can be moved to the out position Pin Out
as shown.

3-24 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Load Weigher

Installation with 2 to 1 Roping

When the EMCO load weigher is used
with 2 to 1 roping, the sensors must be
installed just below the dead-end hitch,
as shown and do not travel with the car.
Therefore, we recommend that in these
cases the EMCO control unit be mounted
in the controller cabinet. The signal wires
from the load cells must be routed
through the overhead to the machine
room. The sensor wires, which are only 6
feet in length, must be extended. Use a
terminal block to join wire lengths and
route wires through conduit.

We recommend enabling the Auto-zero

Calibration option for 2 to 1 roping instal-
lations. Please refer to Auto-zero Cali-
bration on page 3-31. To Controller

Final Adjustments

Installing the Control Unit

The control unit may be mounted using the DIN mounting bracket supplied or using the holes
in the unit itself. For 1:1 roping, the EMCO unit is mounted on the cartop. For 2:1 roping, the
EMCO unit is mounted in the controller cabinet.

1. EMCO control unit to cartop box (1:1 roping) or controller (2:1 roping):
Connect one of the terminals directly below the 115Vac label to the controller 1 bus
Connect the second terminal directly below the 115Vac label to the controller 2 bus
2. Sensor wires connect to the control unit as indicated on the wire:
red wire to terminal EXC+
Terminal tool/key
black wire to terminal EXC-
green wire to terminal IN+
white wire to terminal IN-
shield wire to terminal MALLA
Use the Terminal tool/key (wire insertion tool), or
a narrow flat blade screwdriver to open the detent
in the terminal connector to allow insertion of the
tinned wires.

For 2:1 roped units, route the sensor wires through the overhead to the machine room. The sen-
sor wires, which are only 6 feet in length, must be extended. Use a terminal block to join wire
lengths and route wires through conduit.

3-26 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Load Weigher

Analog Weigher Output Wiring

For analog weighers:
1. Connect the EMCO terminal labeled Com to the controller 1 bus.
2. Connect the 0 - 10V output to the I/O 16 / LW+ input of the UIO board shown in your
job prints. 3
Relay Closure Output Wiring
For relay closure outputs:
1. Refer to your job prints.

Controls Overview
Use control unit buttons to program the weigher:
Press the menu button until the desired parameter is displayed.
Press the button to select the digit to be modified (digit blinks when selected).
Press the button to change the digit.
Press the menu button twice to save the new value. Once a value is saved, the control
will display the next parameter.
If you do not press the menu button twice, the changes will not be stored and the con-
trol display will continue to show the parameter you were previously modifying.

Menu Order
Pressing the menu button will scroll through the Installation Menu in the following order:

Measured weight in car (value displayed varies with load in car)

Relay C set point (also sets the analog output 10Vdc reference value)
Relay S set point
Relay A set point
Learn empty car weight (Zero weight)
Learn full load weight (Calibrate with Weights)
(not used)
Auto zero calibration (used as required)

Final Adjustments

Manual Calibration with Weights
This procedure allows the EMCO control unit to do the following:
Learn the empty weight of the car and set this weight as the zero reference (the analog
voltage output from the control unit will be about zero volts at this weight).
Learn a known weight. You place a known weight in the car and enter it into the control
unit. The load weigher will then learn this weight.
If you are using the analog output, you will enter the car overload weight value. The con-
trol unit uses this information to scale the analog output so that, at the point the sensors
detect overload conditions, the analog output is about 10 volts. The analog output from
empty to overload weight will be linear from about 0.0 to 10.0 volts.
If you are using the relays, you will enter the set points for each relay.
1. Before programming or calibrating the sensors and control unit:
Bring car to the lowest floor of its total travel.
Bounce in car to verify that it is free on guide rails.
2. Verify that the sensors are properly connected to the control unit.
3. Power up the control unit and verify that the input voltage is within the voltage range of
the control unit.
4. Verify that the sensors are installed on the wire ropes per the previous instructions.
5. Learn the empty car weight (Zero the control unit):
Press the menu button until is displayed.
Press the button once. The display will flash.
While the display is flashing, press the menu button once. If the display stops
flashing before you press the menu button, you must start over.
The control unit display begins to count down. Exit the cartop before the countdown
When the zero calibration is complete, will be displayed. If is not
shown, the value has not been saved and this step must be repeated.
6. Learn a known weight (full load is recommended):
Press the menu button until is displayed, if it is not shown already.
Place a known weight in the car (full load recommended).
Enter the value of the known weight. Press the button to select a digit (blinks when
selected) and press the button to set the value.


If the overload weight (125% of full load) will exceed 9999 lbs, use a percentage of the full load
weight instead. For example, if full load weight is 9,000 lbs, scale it to 80% by entering 7200.
That way, overload weight will be under 9999 lbs (9000 lbs with the given example). If value
exceeds 9999, the weigher will display err7.

3-28 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Load Weigher

Press the menu button twice. The control unit will begin to count down. Exit the
cartop before the countdown finishes. When the known weight has been learned,
will be displayed. You can press the menu button until the weight is shown
on the control unit display. The weight displayed should be the value of the weights in
the car, or the scaled value. 3
Complete steps 7, 8, and 9 only if the load weigher analog output will be used (references the
analog output to 10Vdc at this weight). Go to Relay Setup for relay output weighing.

7. Enter the overload weight:

Press the menu button until is displayed.
Enter the value of the overload weight (or the scaled value if you scaled full load weight
- use the same scaling factor). Press the button to select a digit (blinks when
selected) and press the button to set the value.
Press the menu button three times to save your entries.
8. With the full load of weights in the car, using a digital multimeter, measure the voltage
at terminals 0-10v and Com on the control unit. It should be approximately 8 volts.
Note the exact value.

Relay Setup

1. For discrete relay closure weighers, the set points for relays AL C, AL S, and AL A must
be programmed as shown in the job prints, typically -
Light Load - 25% or less of full load, relay ON/normally closed
Dispatch Load - 60% of full load, relay OFF/normally open
Heavy Load - 80% of full load, relay OFF/normally open
Overload - 100% of full load, relay OFF/normally open
Overload 2 - 125% of full load, relay OFF/normally open
2. Enter the trip point for relay AL C - (EMCO terminal #2 on the job prints).
Press the menu button until is displayed.
Enter the value of the desired trip point weight (or the value of the weight scaled by the
same percentage used in step 6). Press the button to select a digit (blinks when
selected) and press the button to set the value.
Press the menu button once. The display indicates On which means normally
closed (contacts will open when weight exceeds set point). Press the button if you
want to change it to Off, normally open (contacts will close when weight exceeds set
Press the menu button twice to save the settings.

Final Adjustments

3. Enter the trip point for relay AL S - EMCO terminal #4 on the job prints).
Press the menu button until is displayed.
Enter the value of the desired trip point weight (or the value of the weight scaled by the
same percentage used in step 6). Press the button to select a digit (blinks when
selected) and press the button to set the value.
Press the menu button once. The display indicates On which equals
normally closed. Press the button if you want to change it to Off, normally open.
Press the menu button twice to save the settings.
4. Enter the trip point for relay AL A - EMCO terminal #6 on the job prints).
Press the menu button until is displayed.
Enter the value of the desired trip point weight (or the value of the weight scaled by the
same percentage used in step 6). Press the button to select a digit (blinks when
selected) and press the button to set the value.
Press the menu button once. The display indicates On which equals
normally closed. Press the button if you want to change it to Off, normally open.
Press the menu button twice to save the settings.

Controller Parameters
If the load weigher is used for dispatching options, e.g., light load anti-nuisance, dispatch
load (lobby door dwell cancel), heavy load (hall call bypass) or overload options, the con-
troller needs to learn the empty and full load weights at every landing available to this car.
If the load weigher will be used to implement dispatching options, the parameters associ-
ated with these options must be set. Please refer to the Adjusting the Load Thresholds sec-
tion of this manual

3-30 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Load Weigher

Auto-zero Calibration
The EMCO load weigher has an auto-zero calibration option which can be used if needed. Typi-
cally this option is recommended for 2 to 1 roping or where guide shoes, rather than guide roll-
ers, are used.

How auto-zero calibration works: 3

The control unit must see no power on the Hold terminals. (Some installations use these
terminals to indicate when the doors are closed but these terminals are not used with MCE
The CAde parameter must be set to 50.
When the control unit senses no change in weight for two minutes, it automatically per-
forms the CEro zero load calibration (learns the empty car weight).
To enable auto-zero calibration:

1. Press the menu button until is displayed.

2. Enter the value 50. Press the button to select a digit (blinks when selected) and
press the button to set the value.
3. Press the menu button twice to save the value.

Analog Weigher Additional Calibration

1. Connect the multimeter across UIO IO16 and Common. Verify that the reading is the
same as the measurement at terminals 0-10v and Com on the EMCO control unit.
2. To verify the linearity of the load weigher, place weights in the car that represent the fol-
lowing and observe the voltage values:
Empty car - about 0.0 volts
25% of overload weight - about 2.5 volts
50% of overload weight - about 5.0 volts
75% of overload - about 7.5 volts
Full load weight - about 8 volts
Overload weight - about 10 volts.

Verifying Empty Car Weight for Analog Weighers

We recommend verifying zero calibration:
If the ropes are new calibration may change slightly as the ropes stretch. After the first 30
days of operation, check the empty car weight, with the car in the middle of the hoistway,
using the display on the EMCO Load Weigher. If the empty car weight has changed (no
longer zero), the empty car weight must be re-learned.
If the car experiences violent motion (emergency stop, buffer contact, etc.), verify zero cal-
ibration as described above.

Final Adjustments

1. Check for error codes on the display.
= Bad load cell connection or damaged load cell. Verify load cells are connected
to the control unit per the wiring diagram. Inspect cables for cuts or broken wires.
= Negative load cell flow. Verify load cell connections to the control unit are per
the wiring diagram.
= Positive load cell flow. Load cells are too small for the application and must be
replaced with proper units.
= Polarity error. Verify load cell connections to the control unit are per the wir-
ing diagram. Reprogram the control.
= MB-D display short. Locate the short. Disconnect MB-D display, turn off the
control, then reconnect the MB-D display.
= Loss of data in memory. Reprogram the control.
2. Verify that proper voltage is being supplied to the control unit.
3. Check all connections to the control unit.
4. Check the fuse: Disconnect power to the control unit. Open the unit by removing the five
(5) screws that hold the cover. Remove fuse from black fuse holder next to controller
transformer and replace with new fuse if necessary.

3-32 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Final Tests
The following tests may be performed in the process of elevator acceptance testing.
Safety String Test, Safety String Test on page 3-36
Motor/Brake Contactor Proofing Tests, Motor Contactor Proofing Test on page 3-36
Directional Limits Test, Directional Limits Test on page 3-37
Final Limits Test, Final Limit Tests on page 3-38
Car and Counterweight Buffer Tests, Car/Counterweight Buffer Tests on page 3-39
Rope Slip/Traction Loss Test, Traction Loss Detection (Slip) on page 3-40
Inspection Overspeed Test, Inspection Overspeed Test on page 3-40
Contract Overspeed Test, Contract Overspeed Test on page 3-40
Leveling Overspeed Test, Leveling Overspeed Test on page 3-40
Inner Door Zone Test, Inner Door Zone Test on page 3-41
Normal and Emergency Terminal Switch Overspeed Tests, Normal and Emergency Termi-
nal Switch Tests on page 3-42
Electrical Governor Test, Electrical Governor Test on page 3-43
Car/Counterweight Safety Test, Safety Tests on page 3-44
Emergency Brake Test - Unintended Motion, Emergency Brake Test - Unintended Motion,
Rope Brake on page 3-45
Emergency Power tests, Emergency or Standby Power Operation on page 3-53

In this document, overspeed tests ask you to scale a run speed by 110% in order to exceed
the respective overspeed for that setting. This is almost always adequate. However, if the
speed required for the test exceeds 110% of contract speed, you will need to increase the
scaling percentage, F7-141, to compensate. Otherwise, the overspeed will not be detected
which, in some tests, may result in a car or counterweight unintentionally hitting a buffer or
Always have a technician standing by to shut down the elevator if necessary.

Often Used Procedures

Following are some procedures and techniques that are often used while performing acceptance

How to check Car Speed:

1. Place Function Switch F3 on the HC-MPU board in the ON (up) position.
2. Press the N push button until CONTROLLER SYSTEM MENU is displayed.
3. Press the S push button to select the menu.
4. Press the N push button until POSTN and SPEED are displayed.
5. Run the car. Speed is displayed in feet per minute.

Final Adjustments

How to place the car on Inspection Mode Fault Bypass:

1. On the HC-MPU board, place Function Switch F3 in the ON (up) position.
2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, use a jumper to short the pins of JP2 Fault Bypass.
3. Press the N push button until CONTROLLER SYSTEM MENU is displayed.
4. Press the S push button to select the menu.
5. Press the N push button until INSPECTION MODE FAULT BYPASS is scrolled on the
6. Press the S push button to change the setting to BYPASS ON.
How to place the car on Automatic Mode Fault Bypass:
1. On the HC-MPU board, place Function Switch F3 in the ON (up) position.
2. On the HC-CTL-2 board, use a jumper to short the pins of JP2 Fault Bypass.
3. Press the N push button until CONTROLLER SYSTEM MENU is displayed.
4. Press the S push button to select the menu.
5. Press the N push button until AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS is scrolled on the
6. Press the S push button to change the setting to BYPASS ON.
How to access/set the F7 parameters:
Important F7 parameters are protected by positioning a jumper on the HC-CTL-2 board:


1. Place the car on Inspection operation. Set the F7 function switch to the up position.
2. Press N until the LCD displays PARAMETER ADJUST MENU. Press S to select. The
Press N to begin adjustment from the last viewed or edited parameter.
Press S to begin adjustment starting with the first F7 parameter.
3. Once viewing parameters:
Press N to move through the parameters listings.
Press + or - to change a displayed parameters value.
To move back to a previous parameter, press and hold N (Next) then press - (minus) as
4. Press S to save changed parameters.


A table of F7 values is included in this section, F7 Parameters on page 3-47.

3-34 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

How to Reset Excessive Faults

Many of the faults generated while performing acceptance tests are self-resetting once the fault
condition is corrected. However, this controller has excessive faults logic which will generate an
EXCESSIVE FAULTS SHUTDOWN if more than the established limit of faults occur within the
circumscribed period of time. To reset this fault:
Press the Fault Reset button on the HC-CTL-2 board.


You can review speed and position information through an F5-accessed menu for assistance in
seeing what is actually happening in the hoistway. Please refer to MPI Diagnostic Menu on
page 4-69.

Final Adjustments

Safety String Test

This test verifies the Safety String is working correctly.

SAFH Safety String Test

1. Remove the wire from PMT terminal 15 or activate any safety device in the string.
2. A safety message will scroll on the MPU display.
3. Verify that the Safety Relay has dropped out and that the car cannot be run.
4. Reinstall the wires.

SAFC Safety String Test

1. On the CTL board, remove all wires from the SAFC input or activate any safety device in
the string.
2. The message CAR SAFETY DEVICE OPEN should scroll on the MPU board display.
3. Verify that the Safety Relay has dropped out and that the car cannot be run.
4. Reinstall the wires.

Motor Contactor Proofing Test

This test simulates a stuck motor contactor. The test should be performed with the car stopped
and with the car in motion. Once the fault is generated, the car should not be allowed to move
until the contactor is unstuck.

Car Stopped at Floor

This test is performed with the car stopped at a floor.
1. Use a non-metallic object to activate the PM contactor.
2. Observe that the car will not run. MPU displays PMP input failed to activate.

Car in Motion
The car is in motion when this test is performed.
1. Place a call.
2. Once the car is in motion, use a non-metallic object to activate and hold the PM contac-
tor on.
3. After the car stops at the designated floor, verify that it will not continue to run.

3-36 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Brake Contactor Proofing Test

This test simulates a stuck brake contactor. The test should be performed with the car stopped
and with the car in motion. Once the fault is generated the car should not be allowed to move
until the contactor is unstuck.

Car Stopped at Floor 3

This test is performed with the car stopped at a floor.
1. Use a non-metallic object to activate the BR contactor.
2. Verify that the car will not run. MPU displays BRP input failed to activate.

Car in Motion
The car is in motion when this test is performed.
1. Place a call.
2. Once the car is in motion, use a non-metallic object to activate and hold the BR contac-
tor on.
3. After the car stops at the designated floor, verify that the car will not continue to run. (A
UIM, unintended motion fault, may occur if the car drifts far enough.

Directional Limits Test

These tests verify proper operation of elevator up and down direction limits.
1. On the MPU board, verify that F7 parameter #68 Direction Limit Distance is set to the
desired distance.
2. Verify that the F3 > Controller System Menu > Inspection Mode Fault Bypass parameter
is set to BYPASS OFF.

Down Direction Limit Test

1. On Inspection, run the car to the floor above the bottom landing.
2. On Inspection, run the car down below the bottom landing until the car stops.
3. Verify that the Final Limit has not opened and that the car has stopped at approximately
the distance set in F7 parameter # 68 Direction Limit Distance.

Up Direction Limit Test

1. On Inspection, run the car to the floor below the top landing.
2. On Inspection, run the car up past the top landing until the car stops.
3. Verify that the Final Limit has not opened and that the car has stopped at approximately
the distance set in F7 parameter # 68 Direction Limit Distance.

Final Adjustments

Final Limit Tests

1. Place the car on Inspection.
2. On the MPU board, set F3 > Controller System Menu > INSPECTION MODE FAULT

Lower Final Limit Test

1. Place the car one floor above the bottom landing.
2. Run the car down on Inspection until it stops. The MPU display will scroll the message
3. On the HC-CTL-2 board, place a jumper between 2 bus and the SAFH input terminal.
4. Run the car up on Inspection.
5. Remove the jumper between 2 bus and the SAFH input terminal on the HC-CTL-2

Upper Final Limit Test

1. Place the car one floor below the top landing.
2. Run the car up on Inspection until it stops. The MPU display will scroll the message
3. On the HC-CTL-2 board, place a jumper between 2 bus and the SAFH input terminal.
4. Run the car down on Inspection.
5. Remove the jumper between 2 bus and the SAFH input terminal on the HC-CTL-2
6. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > INSPECTION MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS

3-38 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Car/Counterweight Buffer Tests

Buffer tests verify that the car or counterweight striking the buffer will cause the machine to
break traction and that the buffer will return to its fully extended state after having been fully
compressed. Following the car buffer test, the counterweight buffer test is executed with an
empty car running up.

These test instructions are written with the expectation that the car or counterweight will be
traveling at contract speed when it strikes the buffer. If any other speed is required, the test
method must be modified appropriately.

(Car) Buffer Test

1. Place a full load in the car.
2. Run the car to the top landing
3. Place the car on Machine Room Inspection.
4. On the MPU board, set F3 > Controller System Menu > INSPECTION MODE FAULT
BYPASS to ON. Return F3 to the down position.
5. Place a jumper between the 2 Bus and SAFH.
6. Set High Speed (F7, 150) to Contract Speed value for full stroke buffers or rated buffer
speed for reduced stroke buffers.
7. Place function switch F5 in the UP position and press N until the TERMINAL LIMIT/
UTILITIES menu is displayed. Press S to select.
8. Press N until PERFORM TERMINAL TESTS is displayed. Press S to select. TERMINAL
TEST RUN/QUIT will be displayed. Press S to start the test.
9. With TERMINAL TEST ARM/QUIT displayed, press S. The LCD will display TERMI-
10. Display car speed F3 > Controller System Menu > POSTN/SPEED.
11. Run the car down using the Machine Room Inspection switches. (If you are in the F5
menu, you will see TERMINAL TEST IN PROGRESS.)
Release the switches when the car contacts the buffer and the ropes lose traction.
Car must strike buffer, compress it fully, and cause hoist motor to break traction.
Check hoistway ropes are still in their grooves before attempting to move car again.
If the motor rotates more than about one meter after breaking traction, the traction
loss fault MPI-C LANDING SYS A/B POSITION DEVIATION will appear. Press Fault
Reset button to clear this fault.
12. If you are in the F5 menu, it will display TERMINAL TEST DONE, PRESS S. Press S.
13. Exit the F5 menu (if used). Return F7 parameters to their original settings (if used).

Final Adjustments

Traction Loss Detection (Slip)

Perform the car or counterweight buffer test per the instructions provided above. Observe that
when the hoist motor breaks traction for about one meter, power is removed from the driving
machine motor and brake within 10 seconds, and the car will not restart. To restore normal
operation, verify you are in Inspection operation then press the Fault Reset button.

Inspection Overspeed Test

This test verifies that moving the elevator on Inspection at a speed greater than the Inspection
Overspeed setting will result in an emergency stop.
1. Change F7 parameters to:
2. Run the car up or down on Inspection.
3. An emergency stop will be performed when 146 INSPECTION OVERSPEED value is
4. CTL-A, CTL-B, MPI -C INSPECTION OVERSPEED will be displayed.
5. Return F7 parameters to their original settings

Contract Overspeed Test

This test verifies that moving the elevator at a speed greater than the Contract Overspeed set-
ting will result in an emergency stop.
1. Move the car to bottom floor on Normal operation.
2. TORQMAX only. Set drive LF.22 to a value greater than LF.25 x 1.4
3. Set F7 Parameter 141 PROFILE SCALE = 120.0%
4. Place a call to the top floor.
5. When car speed exceeds Contract Overspeed setting, it must:
Perform an emergency stop.
6. Return F7 and (TORQMAX only) drive parameters to their original settings.

Leveling Overspeed Test

This test verifies that the car will perform an emergency stop if, while leveling, it is traveling at a
speed greater than the Leveling Overspeed setting.
1. Set parameter #158 to 2 or 3 (leveling speed). Set parameter #147 = 1 (leveling over-
speed), #160 = 5 inches, F1>Door Operation Menu > Preopening = Yes.
2. Call to floor not near limits. As car is leveling: Emergency stop, display CTL-A, -B Level-
ing Overspeed.
3. Return parameters to original values.

3-40 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Inner Door Zone Test

This test verifies that the car will not move if it stops outside the inner landing zone (75 mm/3.0
inches above and below the level position) if its doors are open.
1. With the car level at a landing, note, then modify F7, parameter 160, leveling distance to
5 inches. 3
2. Locate the GS input on the HC-CTL-2 board. Slightly loosen the wire so that it may be
pulled free quickly during testing.
3. Locate HC-CTL-2 board indicator LEDs DZF and DZR (across the top of the board,
toward the left, near the Fault Reset button). These are important indicators for the test.
4. With HC-MPU board F7 and all other function switches down, change the address on
the HC-MPU diagnostic display to address 29.
Note data bit numbers 7 and 3 (underlined
in the graphic and shown in the ON (1)
states for reference only).
Bit 7 is active (1) only when the Level
Down input is active.
Bit 3 is active (1) only when the Level Up
input is active.
5. On automatic operation, register a call to an adjacent landing.
6. Observe bits 3 and 7. As the elevator approaches the landing and either bit 3 or 7 acti-
vates, but before either HC-CTL-2 board LED indicator DZF or DZR activates, pull the
wire from HC-CTL-2 input GS.
7. The elevator will perform an immediate stop. With the wire still pulled, verify that the
elevator will not move. (Indicator DZF or DZR must remain unlighted.)
8. Replace and secure the wire in terminal GS. The elevator will level into the landing.
Restore F7, parameter 160 to its original setting.

Final Adjustments

Normal and Emergency Terminal Switch Tests

Obtain a list of learned speeds at all ETS and NTS switches used. At contract speeds below 400
FPM, verify F7 parameters:
#69 U/DETS = VIRTUAL Contract Speed
xNTSn Speed + xNTSn Delta High Speed
#74 NTS5 = UNUSED xNTSn Speed + xNTSn Delta LowSpeed
xNTSn Speed
xETS Speed + xETS Delta Speed
#72 NTS3 = UNUSED xETS Speed
xNTSn Speed + xNTSn Delta High Speed

xNTSn Speed + xNTSn Delta LowSpeed
(VIRTUAL if 400 FPM Graph is an example of 400 FPM xNTSn Speed
installation (2 NTS switches) Terminal Floor
contract speed)
xNTSn SPEED = Speed xNTSn Distance
value of switch
xNTSn DISTANCE - Switch to terminal distance
xNTSn DELTA DISTANCE - Margin of error allowed to not see switch
xNTSn DELTA LOW SPEED - Positive offset from xNTSn SPEED value for DELTA LOW
xNTSn DELTA HIGH SPEED - Positive offset from xNTSn SPEED value for DELTA HIGH
Outer NTS Delta High Speed Test
1. Set Delta Low Speed of outer UNTS switch to 60 FPM to move it out of the way. Move
car away from top landing far enough to reach contract speed. Put in TEST MODE.
2. Set HC-MPU switch F5 UP. Press N until Terminal Limit Utilities appears. Press S.
Press N until Perform Terminal Tests appears. Press S.
3. With TERMINAL TEST/CMD: DN [N]-QUIT displayed, press S to display Terminal
Test [S]-Run [N]-Quit. Press S to display Terminal Test/Cmd: DN [N]- displayed, use +/
- buttons to select UP. Press S.
4. GOING TO TOP will be displayed. Set F5 down while traveling. When the car performs
an uncontrolled emergency stop, it will display UNT SW HIGH OVERSPEED.
5. Set F5 up. Press + and N buttons to exit terminal tests. Return Delta Low Speed to origi-
nal setting.
6. Repeat test for down direction outer DNTS switch.
Outer NTS Delta Low Speed Test
1. Set Delta High Speed for outer UNTS switch to 60 FPM to move it out of the way.
Move the car away from the top landing far enough to reach contract speed. Put in TEST
2. Set HC-MPU switch F5 UP. Press N until Terminal Limit Utilities appears. Press S.
Press N until Perform Terminal Tests appears. Press S.
3. With TERMINAL TEST/CMD: DN [N]-QUIT displayed, press S to display Terminal
Test [S]-Run [N]-Quit. Press S to display Terminal Test/Cmd: DN [N]- displayed, use +/
- buttons to select UP. Press S.
4. GOING TO TOP will be displayed. Set F5 down while traveling. When the car performs a
controlled emergency slowdown, it will display UNT SW LOW OVERSPEED.
5. Set F5 up. Press + and N buttons to exit terminal tests. Return Delta High Speed to orig-
inal setting.
6. Repeat test for down direction outer DNTS switch.

3-42 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Continued NTS/ETS Testing

If more than one set of virtual terminal switches are used, outer NTS and ETS switches can be
prevented from tripping by setting them to unused. Then, for the switch to be tested, perform
high and low overspeed tests as previously described. Note that D/UNTS1 switches should
never to set to unused.
ETS Testing
If only one set of NTS switches (NTS1) is used, ETS switches will be closest to the terminal land-
1. NTS1 switches may not be set to unused, so set NTS1 switch speeds to contract speed to
move them out of the way for ETS testing.
2. Complete ETS testing just as Delta High Speed for NTS switches. Once an overspeed
occurs, the LCD will display UET SW OVERSPEED for top or DET SW OVERSPEED for
3. When overspeed occurs, the car will level into a floor and the latched fault ETS FAULT
SHUTDOWN will appear. This fault must be reset using the Fault Reset button.
4. Be sure to return NTS1 switch speeds to their correct values when ETS testing is com-
Electrical Governor Test
Verifies correct calibration of the electrical governor switch (typically about 110% of contract
speed); proves the car will execute an emergency stop when the switch is activated. Car must
run fast enough to trip the electrical governor switch, but not so fast as to trip the mechanical
1. Verify no jumper between GOS1/GOS2.
2. Run the car to the top landing.
3. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS
4. TORQMAX Only: Set LF.22 Gear Ratio to LF.25 x 2.
5. Set F7 Parameter 141 PROFILE SCALE to a value above electrical governor trip speed
but less than mechanical trip speed (mechanical trip speed typically about 115% of Con-
tract Speed).
6. Place a call to the bottom landing.
7. The car should accelerate and then perform an emergency stop
8. Place the car on Inspection.
9. Reset the electrical governor.
10. To reset the emergency brake: TC-MPI board, press/hold EB RST for 8 seconds.
11. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS
12. Return F7, 141, and (TORQMAX) drive parameters to their original settings.

Final Adjustments

Ascending Car Overspeed Test

The mechanic must determine appropriate weight, if any, to be placed in the car for this test.

1. Bring the empty car to the bottom floor with car and hoistway doors closed and locked.
2. Observe car speed at F3 POSTN SPEED and stand by to engage brake if governor over-
speed switch fails to open.
3. Use your preferred method to mechanically release the machine brake. The car will start
to move up the hoistway.
4. When the governor overspeed switch opens, the emergency brake will engage, stop, and
hold the car.
5. Reset the emergency brake: thereby releasing the emergency brake.

Safety Tests
This is a two part test. Car safety testing verifies proper operation of car safeties. The objective is
to set the safeties causing the machine to break traction. The overspeed must be sufficient to
cause the governor to trip mechanically and set the car safeties. The electrical governor switch
must not prevent the car from reaching the mechanical trip speed and the safety operated
switch (plank switch) must not open the safety string.

Car Safety Test

1. Run the car to the top landing.
2. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS
3. TORQMAX Only: Set LF.22 Gear Ratio to LF.25 x 2.
4. Set F7 Parameter 141 PROFILE SCALE to 115% (mechanical tripping speed is typically
about 115% of Contract Speed).
5. Bypass the Electrical Governor Switch by placing a jumper from GOS1 to GOS2.
6. Place a call to the bottom landing.
7. As the car over speeds:
The governor will trip
Safeties will set
The machine will break traction
Car will stop
8. Place on Inspection. Reset the governor.
9. Return F7 controller parameters (and TORQMAX drive) to their original values.
10. If necessary (unintended motion fault occurred), verify that the car is on Inspection
operation, then on the TC-MPI board, press and hold the EB RST button for 8 seconds.
11. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS
12. Remove the jumper between GOS1 and GOS2.
13. On the HC-CTL-2 board, place a jumper between terminals SAFC and SAFH.
14. Run the car up on Inspection to release the safeties.
15. Remove the jumper between the CTL board terminals SAFC and SAFH.

3-44 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Counterweight Safety Test

The counterweight safety test verifies the operation of the counterweight safeties. The test is
comparable to the car safety test but performed in the opposite direction. If the counterweight
has a governor, remember to jumper it out.
1. Run the car to the bottom landing.
2. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS
3. TORQMAX only. Set LF.22 Gear Ratio to LF.25 x 2.
4. Set F7 Parameter 141 PROFILE SCALE to 115% (mechanical tripping speed is typically
about 115% of Contract Speed).
5. Bypass the Electrical Governor Switch by placing a jumper between GOS1 and GOS2.
6. Place a call to the top landing.
7. As the counterweight over speeds
The governor will trip
Safeties will set
The machine will break traction
Car will stop
8. Place the car on Inspection. Reset the governor.
9. TORQMAX only. Return drive parameters to their original values.
10. Return F7 controller parameters to their original values.
11. If an unintended motion fault was triggered, on the TC-MPI board, press and hold the
EB RST button for 8 seconds.
12. Set F3 > Controller System Menu > AUTOMATIC MODE FAULT BYPASS = BYPASS
13. Remove the jumper between GOS1 and GOS2.
14. On the HC-CTL-2 board, place a jumper between terminals SAFC and SAFH.
15. Run the car down on Inspection to release the counterweight safeties.
16. Remove the jumper between the CTL board terminals SAFC and SAFH.

Emergency Brake Test - Unintended Motion, Rope Brake

This test verifies that moving the car away from a landing with both the car and Hoistway doors
open (termed Unintended motion will cause the Emergency Brake (Rope Gripper) to be
deployed and that such deployment will stop the elevator. This test demonstrates that the emer-
gency brake will stop the car within 48 from floor level if the car drifts from the floor.

Discrete Brakes - No Brake Module

1. For safety, station a mechanic at the landing where the test is to be performed.
2. Bring the car to the landing away from the terminals and place on Independent service.
3. Load the car as required (100% or 125% of load). Place barricades to prevent entry.
4. Use a non-metallic object to press and hold contactors, BR and BRX (to allow the car to
drift from the floor).
5. As the car moves away from the floor, observe that the emergency brake stops and holds
the car within 48 inches (122 cm) of floor level.

Final Adjustments

6. To restore normal operation, verify doors are closed, place car on Inspection and press
the EB RESET button on the TC-MPI board for a minimum of 8 seconds until the emer-
gency brake resets.
When testing is complete, make sure that all appropriate data has been properly documented.

System with Brake Module

1. For safety, station a mechanic at the landing where the test is to be performed.
2. Bring the car to a landing away from the terminals and place on Independent service.
This will open the doors.
3. Load the car as required (100% or 125% of load). Place barricades to prevent entry.
4. Place the M-Brake Module on Manual mode by moving both dip switches 1 and 2 of
switch SW1 into the OFF position.
5. Press and hold both Brake Test 1" and Brake Test 2" buttons to pick the brake. Manual
brake pick voltage can be adjusted through trim pot R67.
6. As the car moves away from the floor, observe that the emergency brake stops and holds
the car within 48 inches (122 cm) of floor level.
7. Return one or both of the switches on M-Brake module switch SW1 to the ON position.
8. Verify doors are closed, place car on Inspection and press the EB RESET button on the
TC-MPI board for a minimum of 8 seconds until the emergency brake resets.
Verify all appropriate data has been properly recorded.
Figure 3.4 Component Locations


Dip Switch SW1

3-46 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Table 3.4 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
1 Floor 1 -12.0 in 0.0 in +12000.0 in
2 Floor 2 -12.0 in +120.0 in +12000.0 in
3 Floor 3 -12.0 in +240.0 in +12000.0 in
4 Floor 4 -12.0 in +360.0 in +12000.0 in
5 Floor 5 -12.0 in +480.0 in +12000.0 in
6 Floor 6 -12.0 in +600.0 in +12000.0 in
7 Floor 7 -12.0 in +720.0 in +12000.0 in
8 Floor 8 -12.0 in +840.0 in +12000.0 in
9 Floor 9 -12.0 in +960.0 in +12000.0 in
10 Floor 10 -12.0 in +1080.0 in +12000.0 in
11 Floor 11 -12.0 in +1200.0 in +12000.0 in
12 Floor 12 -12.0 in +1320.0 in +12000.0 in
13 Floor 13 -12.0 in +1440.0 in +12000.0 in
14 Floor 14 -12.0 in +1560.0 in +12000.0 in
15 Floor 15 -12.0 in +1680.0 in +12000.0 in
16 Floor 16 -12.0 in +1800.0 in +12000.0 in
17 Floor 17 -12.0 in +1920.0 in +12000.0 in
18 Floor 18 -12.0 in +2040.0 in +12000.0 in
19 Floor 19 -12.0 in +2160.0 in +12000.0 in
20 Floor 20 -12.0 in +2280.0 in +12000.0 in
21 Floor 21 -12.0 in +2400.0 in +12000.0 in
22 Floor 22 -12.0 in +2520.0 in +12000.0 in
23 Floor 23 -12.0 in +2640.0 in +12000.0 in
24 Floor 24 -12.0 in +2760.0 in +12000.0 in
25 Floor 25 -12.0 in +2880.0 in +12000.0 in
26 Floor 26 -12.0 in +3000.0 in +12000.0 in
27 Floor 27 -12.0 in +3120.0 in +12000.0 in
28 Floor 28 -12.0 in +3240.0 in +12000.0 in
29 Floor 29 -12.0 in +3360.0 in +12000.0 in
30 Floor 30 -12.0 in +3480.0 in +12000.0 in
31 Floor 31 -12.0 in +3600.0 in +12000.0 in
32 Floor 32 -12.0 in +3720.0 in +12000.0 in
33 Floor 33 -12.0 in +3840.0 in +12000.0 in
34 Floor 34 -12.0 in +3960.0 in +12000.0 in
35 Floor 35 -12.0 in +4080.0 in +12000.0 in
36 Floor 36 -12.0 in +4200.0 in +12000.0 in
37 Floor 37 -12.0 in +4320.0 in +12000.0 in
38 Floor 38 -12.0 in +4440.0 in +12000.0 in
39 Floor 39 -12.0 in +4560.0 in +12000.0 in
40 Floor 40 -12.0 in +4680.0 in +12000.0 in
41 Floor 41 -12.0 in +4800.0 in +12000.0 in
42 Floor 42 -12.0 in +4920.0 in +12000.0 in
43 Floor 43 -12.0 in +5040.0 in +12000.0 in
44 Floor 44 -12.0 in +5160.0 in +12000.0 in
45 Floor 45 -12.0 in +5280.0 in +12000.0 in
46 Floor 46 -12.0 in +5400.0 in +12000.0 in
47 Floor 47 -12.0 in +5520.0 in +12000.0 in
48 Floor 48 -12.0 in +5640.0 in +12000.0 in
49 Floor 49 -12.0 in +5760.0 in +12000.0 in

Final Adjustments

Table 3.4 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
50 Floor 50 -12.0 in +5880.0 in +12000.0 in
51 Floor 51 -12.0 in +6000.0 in +12000.0 in
52 Floor 52 -12.0 in +6120.0 in +12000.0 in
53 Floor 53 -12.0 in +6240.0 in +12000.0 in
54 Floor 54 -12.0 in +6360.0 in +12000.0 in
55 Floor 55 -12.0 in +6480.0 in +12000.0 in
56 Floor 56 -12.0 in +6600.0 in +12000.0 in
57 Floor 57 -12.0 in +6600.0 in +12000.0 in
58 Floor 58 -12.0 in +6720.0 in +12000.0 in
59 Floor 59 -12.0 in +6840.0 in +12000.0 in
60 Floor 60 -12.0 in +6960.0 in +12000.0 in
61 Floor 61 -12.0 in +7080.0 in +12000.0 in
62 Floor 62 -12.0 in +7200.0 in +12000.0 in
63 Floor 63 -12.0 in +7320.0 in +12000.0 in
64 Floor 64 -12.0 in +7440.0 in +12000.0 in

65 Bottom access distance 0.0 in +120.0 in +12000.0 in

66 Top access distance 0.0 in +120.0 in +12000.0 in
67 Counterweight position 0.0 in +540.0 in +12000.0 in
Directional limit
68 0.0 in +2.0 in +1200.0 in



75 UETS speed 0 fpm +332 fpm +900 fpm

76 UETS distance -1200.0 in +48.0 in +1200.0 in
77 UETS delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
78 UETS delta speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

79 UNTS1 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

80 UNTS1 distance -1200.0 in +104.5 in +1200.0 in
81 UNTS1 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
82 UNTS1 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
83 UNTS1 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

84 UNTS2 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

85 UNTS2 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
86 UNTS2 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
87 UNTS2 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
88 UNTS2 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

89 UNTS3 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

90 UNTS3 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
91 UNTS3 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in

3-48 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Table 3.4 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
92 UNTS3 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
93 UNTS3 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

94 UNTS4 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

95 UNTS4 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
96 UNTS4 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
97 UNTS4 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
98 UNTS4 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

99 UNTS5 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

100 UNTS5 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
101 UNTS5 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
102 UNTS5 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
103 UNTS5 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

104 DETS speed 0 fpm +332 fpm +900 fpm

105 DETS distance -1200.0 in +48.0 in +1200.0 in
106 DETS delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
107 DETS delta speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

108 DNTS1 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

109 DNTS1 distance -1200.0 in +104.5 in +1200.0 in
110 DNTS1 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
111 DNTS1 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
112 DNTS1 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

113 DNTS2 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

114 DNTS2 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
115 DNTS2 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
116 DNTS2 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
117 DNTS2 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

118 DNTS3 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

119 DNTS3 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
120 DNTS3 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
121 DNTS3 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
122 DNTS3 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

123 DNTS4 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

124 DNTS4 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
125 DNTS4 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
126 DNTS4 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
127 DNTS4 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

128 DNTS5 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

129 DNTS5 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
130 DNTS5 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
131 DNTS5 delta low speed 0 fpm 10 fpm +900 fpm
132 DNTS5 delta high speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

Final Adjustments

Table 3.4 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes

133 Brake pick delay 0 ms 0 ms +10000 ms

134 Speed pick delay 0 ms +500 ms +10000 ms
135 Brake hold delay 0 ms +2000 ms +10000 ms
136 Brake drop delay 0 ms +500 ms +2000 ms

138 Drive disable delay 0 ms +1250 ms +2000 ms

139 Speed hysteresis delay 0 ms +1000 ms +10000 ms

140 Profile advance 0 ms +100 ms +1000 ms

141 Profile scale 0% 100% +1000%
142 Standard slew slope 0.00 ft/s2 +0.5 ft/s2 +50.00 ft/s2
143 Danger slew slope 0.00 ft/s2 +10.00 ft/s2 +50.00 ft/s2
144 Slew filter +0.1 Hz +20.0 Hz +20 Hz

145 Contract over-speed 0 fpm +375 fpm +1000 fpm

146 Inspection over-speed 0 fpm +125 fpm +148 fpm
147 Leveling over-speed 0 fpm +125 fpm 148 fpm

148 Hoist-motor speed +1.0 rpm +9999.9 rpm
149 Contract speed +25 fpm +350 fpm +800 fpm
150 High speed +25 fpm +350 fpm +800 fpm
151 Intermediate speed +25 fpm +300 fpm +800 fpm SPI1 terminal (TC-MPI board)
152 Earthquake speed +25 fpm +150 fpm +150 fpm
153 Auxiliary speed +25 fpm +250 fpm +800 fpm SPI2 terminal (TC-MPI board)
154 Backup power speed +25 fpm +200 fpm +800 fpm
Inspection speed
155 0 fpm +50 fpm +148 fpm
Inspection speed
156 0 fpm +25 fpm +148 fpm
157 Correction speed 0 fpm +75 fpm +250 fpm
158 Leveling speed 0 fpm +4 fpm +25 fpm
159 Re-leveling speed 0 fpm +6 fpm +25 fpm

160 Leveling distance 0.0 in +1.0 in +9.0 in

161 Re-leveling distance 0.0 in +1.0 in +9.0 in
162 Proximity distance 0.0 in +18.0 in +120.0 in
Leveling dead zone dis-
163 0.0 in +0.5 in +3.0 in

165 Standard start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +4.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
166 Standard roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +4.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
167 Standard stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
168 Standard acceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +2.00 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
169 Standard deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +2.00 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2

170 Manual start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
171 Manual roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3

3-50 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Table 3.4 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
172 Manual stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
173 Manual acceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
174 Manual deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
175 Danger start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +25.00 ft/s3 +50.00 ft/s3
176 Danger roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +25.00 ft/s3 +50.00 ft/s3
177 Danger stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +25.00 ft/s3 +50.00 ft/s3
178 Danger deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 6.00 ft/s2 +15.00 ft/s2

179 Alternate start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
180 Alternate roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
181 Alternate stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
182 Alternate acceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +1.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
183 Alternate deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +1.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2


184 Drive type YASKAWA,
185 Brake type DISCRETE
186 Emergency brake SHEAVE BRAKE, MACHINE
187 Reduced inspect speed OFF ETS,
188 Unintended motion LEVEL ZONE LEVEL ZONE, DOOR ZONE
189 Following error 0% +25% +1000%
Sheave Brake Idle
190 0S 30S 3600S
191 Landing System Elgo 160 Elgo-160, Elgo-240, LS-EDGE
Magnetek drives only. Time in
milliseconds during which the
drive should continue to exert
192 Speed Drop Delay
motor control after the car has
achieved the floor and before the
brake has dropped.
Dynamic: Variable, controller
determined compensation for
drive lag based on entry in
193 Profile Compensation parameter 140, Profile Advance.
Fixed: Fixed compensation for
drive lag using the parameter
140, Profile Advance setting.
Normal Brake Pick Volt-
194 0V 300V
Normal Brake Hold
195 0V 300V
Normal Brake Relevel
196 0V 300V

Final Adjustments

Table 3.4 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
197 Normal Brake Lift Rate 0% 100%
Normal Brake Drop
198 0% 100%
199 Emergency Brake Type Module or Discrete
Emergency Brake Pick
200 0V 300V
Emergency Brake Hold
201 0V 300V
202 Directional Limit Type Virtual Virtual or Physical
This is a read only value. When the hoistway is learned with the LS-EDGE
landing system, the learned parameters are stored in the landing system sen-
Landing System Floor
203 sor and this checksum is both stored in the sensor and sent to the controller.
If the controller should read a different checksum (i.e., if the sensor head is
changed), a new hoistway learn must be performed.
Used to set the LS-EDGE landing
system hardware ETS overspeed
threshold as a percentage of
contract speed. Magnets on the
landing system tape (one lane
Landing System ETS for UETS and another for DETS)
204 0% 10% 100%
Overspeed are monitored by the LS-EDGE,
detecting the speed at which the
car passes. The controller still
allows a virtual/physical ETS
switch in addition to the mag-
205 Inspection Slew filter +0.1 Hz +20.0 Hz +20 Hz
206 Battery Backup Speed 9 FPM 250 FPM 250 FPM

3-52 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Emergency or Standby Power Operation

Two emergency power tests are described here. The first is for a car equipped with the TAPS
(Traction Auxiliary Power Supply) from MCE. The second is for a car equipped with backup
generator power.


When performing emergency power related testing, ensure that the mPAC hand-held program-
ming unit, if used, is not connected.

Traction Auxiliary Power Supply Test

The MCE Traction Auxiliary Power Supply, TAPS, monitors the commercial electrical power
provided to an AC traction elevator controller. If commercial power fails, the auxiliary power
supply provides single phase backup power, directs the controller to move the car safely to a
landing, and provides power to open the elevator doors. If the elevator controller chooses a
direction that draws power beyond a customer-preset level, the system will direct the controller
to pause the car, then reverse direction to the nearest landing, again providing power to open
the doors and allow passengers to exit. The TAPS unit will then disconnect power to the elevator
controller after a customer defined time period or when an output from the controller tells it
that the cycle is complete. When commercial power is restored, TAPS will direct commercial
power to the elevator controller and automatically recharge the backup batteries for future use.

Check the MCE drawings to verify that the car is properly connected to a TAPS unit. Addition-
ally verify that the TAPS unit is properly charged and is displaying no fault conditions.

Mainline Disconnect Verification This verifies that the fourth pole of the main line
disconnect or micro switch is functional when power is intentionally shut off at the main line
1. Verify that TAPS BS1 and BS2 are connected to the fourth pole of the main line discon-
2. Set the AC/TAPS DISCONNECT switch to the ON position.
3. Shut off power at the main line disconnect.
4. Verify that the car is not energized and remains stopped.

TAPS and Controller Operation Verification

1. Ensure the main line disconnect is in the ON position.
2. Ensure the AC/TAPS DISCONNECT switch is in the ON position.
3. Ensure the TAPS BYPASS switch is in the NORMAL position.
4. Verify the NORMAL POWER indicator is on.
5. With empty car, move the elevator on inspection slightly above the leveling zone of the
floor with the longest floor distance moving in the up direction.
6. Push and hold the test button until TAPS is in backup power mode. Verify the BACKUP
POWER indicator is on.
7. Quickly put the elevator back to normal operation.
8. The elevator should begin to move in the up direction until it reaches the floor above.
Once the elevator reaches the floor, it shall cycle the door.

Final Adjustments

9. If TAPS shuts down before the elevator completes the rescue operation due to the timer
set in parameter F1-1 Backup Power Run Time, extend the timer accordingly and per-
form the test again.
10. If TAPS shuts down before the elevator completes the rescue operation due to battery
voltage drop below F1-5 (error code E-04), let the TAPS charge for 8 hours before per-
forming this test again.
11. If input P3 Rescue Operation Complete is used, TAPS shall shut down once the rescue
operation is complete and input P3 is energized. This will immediately cancel the
parameter F1-1 Backup Power Run Time. If the command is not issued to the TAPS
unit, please check wiring and controller output.
12. If input P2 Restart Backup Power Operation is used, verify by pushing the DOB button
in the COP to validate proper wiring and operation. This can be done once TAPS has
been shut down by either P3 input or parameter F1-1 Backup Run Time having
elapsed. TAPS shall then restart when the DOB is pressed and will operate until either
P3 is activated or parameter F1-1 has expired.
13. If input P1 Remote Backup Power Operation is used, verify correct operation by trig-
gering this input from the appropriate controller output or the source it is wired to. To
do this, TAPS shall be on commercial power operation and Normal Power indicator
shall be lighted. When the P1 input is triggered and held for the duration defined by F1-
9 Commercial Power Loss Detection (factory default is 2 seconds), TAPS shall proceed
to BACK UP power operation and indicator BACKUP POWER shall light. TAPS shall
then operate until cancelled by either input P3 Rescue operation Complete or by
parameter F1-1 Backup Power Run Time having elapsed. Note that shut down may
also be caused by drained/discharged batteries, dead batteries, or an inoperative UPS

Backup Generator Power Test

The controller will put the elevator into Emergency Power Operation when the controller
receives the Emergency Power Input (EPI) signal. During Phase 1 of Emergency Power Opera-
tion, the car will be moved to the emergency power return floor. For groups or duplex installa-
tions, each car will be moved to the emergency power return floor one at a time.

During Phase 2 of Emergency Power Operation, if the car Emergency Power Run (EPRUN)
input is activated, the car will run normally. Otherwise, the car will remain at the emergency
power return floor and will not respond to calls.

For a simplex controller, the car EPRUN input is sometimes connected to a switch so that the
input can be turned ON and OFF. For a duplex or groups, each car EPRUN input may be con-
nected to a Run Selection switch. The position of this switch determines which car will run dur-
ing Phase 2 of Emergency Power Operation.

Often, there is an AUTO position on the Run Selection switch connected to the AUTO inputs on
controllers in a group or duplex installation. If the AUTO input is activated, one car will be auto-
matically selected to run during Phase 2 of Emergency Power Operation. For example: If one
car happens to be out of service when the operation begins, another car will be automatically
selected to run.

3-54 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Final Tests

Check the MCE drawings to verify that the car is properly connected to the emergency generator
and that emergency power (F1, Extra Features Menu) is set up appropriately. A typical genera-
tor connection is shown below.
Figure 3.5 Typical Emergency Generator Connection

1. Disconnect power from the controller.

2. When the emergency generator comes on line, the EPI input to the controller should be
3. The car will recall to the assigned floor.
4. If the EPRUN input (not shown) is activated, the designated car will respond to hall and
car calls. Otherwise, the car will remain at the recall floor.
5. Restore normal power to the controller. If running, the designated car will stop, wait
until normal power is fully established, then resume normal operation.

Final Adjustments

Final Adjustment
Once you are satisfied that the car is operating accurately and safely, you will want to ride the
car to verify the comfort of the ride and proper operation from a passenger perspective.
1. Place the car on Independent Service so that it will not respond to hall calls.
2. Verify IND indicator on HC-CTL-2 Control board is lighted.
3. Verify the TEST switch is in the NORMAL position.
4. Verify the LCD displays INDEPENDENT.

While riding the car:

Verify proper door operation including re-opening, nudging, safe edge, photo eye, and
door open and close button operation.
Verify proper floor leveling at all landings.

Place the car on Normal operation. Verify:

Hall call operation
PIs and gongs
Fire return and in-car operation for main and alternate landings
Alternate riser operation
Other options as required per job
Normal and Inspection Mode Fault Bypasses to OFF
F3 function switch UP
System Mode/Controller System Menu
Automatic mode fault bypass: Bypass OFF
Inspection mode fault bypass: Bypass OFF
Make adjustments as required.

3-56 Manual # 42-02-2P25

User Interface

In this Section
The default user interface to the Motion 4000 Traction Control is the LCD and keypad on the
HC-MPU board. A hand-held user interface that functions like the LCD and keypad may also be
provided. The hand-held user interface provides access when plugged into any CAN Bus con-
nector in the system. This section describes user interface functionality:
HC-MPU Main Processor: Board indicators, switches, buttons, connectors and display
Access Security: Optional password protection system (see page 4-5)
Adjustments to system settings are made using switches and buttons on the MPU board or on
the hand-held control. There are eight different functions, each of which accesses different
groups of settings. On the MPU board, you access a functional area by moving one of eight
function switches to the UP position. On the hand-held, you press a function button.
With no function selected: Diagnostic messages are displayed. See page 4-6.
F1 Program Mode:
Basic Features Menu (see page 4-13)
Fire Service Menu (see page 4-17)
Door Operation Menu (see page 4-19)
Timer Menu (see page 4-24)
Gongs/Lanterns Menu (see page 4-25)
Spare Inputs Menu (see page 4-27)
Spare Outputs Menu (see page 4-36)
Extra Features Menu (see page 4-44)
Additional Car Options (see page 4-52)

User Interface

F2 External Memory Mode:

View data stored in external memory. See page 4-56.
F3 System Mode:
Building security. See Building Security Menu on page 4-56.
Controller system (fault bypass, data trap). See Controller System Menu on page 4-58.
Passcode request (See Passcode Request Menu on page 4-59.)
Load weigher thresholds (See Load Weigher Thresholds on page 4-60.)
Analog load weigher learn
Controller System Menu (real time speed/position Additional Car Options on page 4-
F4 Messages and Floor Labels (F4: Messages and Floor Labels on page 4-63)
F5 Controller Utilities Menu: Front and rear car call entry, date/time settings, motion
diagnostics. (See F5 Menus on page 4-65.)
Monitoring and Reporting (Please refer to Monitoring and Reporting Menu on
page 4-135).
Learning Terminal switches (Please refer to Terminal Limit Utilities Menu on
page 4-138).
F6 Hoistway learn operation (Please refer to F6: Hoistway Learn Operations on
page 4-140).
Counterweight position
F7 Parameters adjust (download). Please refer to F7: Parameters Adjust on page 4-
F8 Software version (Please refer to F8: Software Revision on page 4-164.)
F1 and F8 Board software versions (Please refer to F1 & F8: Board Software Versions
on page 4-165.)

4-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 The HC-MPU Main Processor Unit

The HC-MPU Main Processor Unit

Figure 4.1 HC-MPU Main Processor Unit Board

M1: Ethernet Port A J6: CPU B Debug LCD Display J2: Keyboard Port
J10: Ethernet Port B J7: RS232 Port B J8: CPU-B JTAG
SW1 J3: RS232 Port A J9: 16VAC input
JP5 S1: RSTA JP7 TP +25V

TP +5V


JP4 TP GND J1 S6 S4 SW2 SW3 S5 S3 JP3

J5: Internal CAN connection S2: RSTB CPU B ON LED J4:External CAN Port

The kind of information displayed by the LCD depends on the settings of function switches F1 -
All switches down: Diagnostics mode - scrolling status message, car position, CPU internal
memory content.
Program mode - F1 switch up, others down. Parameter entry. Must be on Inspection.
External Memory (RAM) - F2 switch up, others down. Review of RAM contents.
System mode - F3 switch up, others down. Parameter entry for security, load weigher, and
other system level functions. System does not have to be in Inspection mode.
Serial Fixtures - F4 switch up, others down.
Date/Time, event log, motion diagnostics, monitoring - F5 switch up, others down.
Positioning system learn operation - F6 switch up, others down.
Motion parameter Adjust - F7 up, others down. Traction parameters.
Status - F8 switch up, others down. Display software version, floor eligibility, load as a per-
centage of full load.
Board software versions - F1 and F8 up, others down. Press N to cycle through software
version for each board in the system.

User Interface

Table 4.1 HC-MPU Board Switches

Switches Description
S1 RSTA: Reset CPU A
S2 RSTB: Reset CPU B
S3 - minus push button - decrement setting
S4 S push button - select
S5 + plus push button - increment setting
S6 N push button - next
SW1 Port Selection: RS232 Port A / Ethernet Port A
SW2 DIP Function switches F5 through F8
SW3 DIP Function switches F1 though F4

Table 4.2 HC-MPU Board Indicators

Indicators Description
CPU A ON CPU A is executing its program.
CPU B ON CPU B is executing its program.
LED2 Reserved.
LED1 Reserved.
FAULT A fault has been detected.
CPU ON All processors are fully functional.
MLT Motor/Valve Limit Timer: The motor/valve limit timer has elapsed.
TOS Timed Out of Service: The TOS timer has elapsed and the car is out of service.
FIRE Fire Service: The car is on fire service operation.
INSP Inspection: The car is on inspection operation.
IND Independent Service: The car is on independent service.
HS High Speed: The car is running at high speed.
DLK Doors Locked: The door lock contacts are made.
SAF ON Safety On: The safety circuit is made.

RSTA - RSTB: Reset. If the elevator is running when reset, the controller will drop the
safety relay and bring the elevator to an immediate stop. The elevator will then go to the
next landing, self-check, and resume service if warranted. Existing calls are lost if the com-
puter is reset.
N, S, +, - Push Buttons: Parameter review and entry. Access and function depend on the
positions of the Function switches. Generally:
N = Next. Moves the cursor.
S = Select or Save.
+/-: Increment/Decrement.

4-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Access Security

Access Security
Access security is an option. When access security is active, you are required to enter a pass-
word before parameters can be adjusted.

Password 4
Program mode and System mode may be secured by an 8-
digit, alpha-numeric code. If this is the case, when either
mode is selected using the Function switches, the LCD will

To enter a password:
N: to select a digit
+: to increment value
-: to decrement value
S: Enter (check against valid password)
Once a valid code is entered, access is granted. The password will not have to be re-entered until
the password timer expires.


If Passcode Request appears on the LCD, a passcode is

required in order to run the elevator on any mode of opera-
tion other than Inspection. See Passcode Request Menu for
more information. Please refer to Passcode Request Menu
on page 4-59.

Setting Parameters To Default Values

There are occasions when it is necessary to reset system parameters to default values:
MC-MPU software is changed
RAM memory is corrupted (lightning strikes can sometimes cause this)

To reset to default values:

1. Place the car on Machine Room Inspection.
2. Place function switches F1, 3, 5, and 7 in the Up position.
3. Press all four push buttons (N, S, +, -) at the same time.

After resetting parameters to their defaults, you will need to set up system parameters again.

User Interface

Diagnostic Mode
With all Function switches down, Diagnostic Mode is active. The
LCD displays status, position, an internal memory register address
and its contents (flags). This mode allows you to select a memory
register and view its contents. Memory contents can tell you the
exact state of controller inputs and outputs, which is very valuable
in troubleshooting.
1. Select the address to view. (See following two tables.)
Press N to select an address digit (selected digits blink)
Press + or - to change the blinking digit Position indicator
(landing 8)
2. Press S to select the entered address when
ready to view contents (or wait about 20 sec- Status
onds and the selection will take effect by

Memory Contents
Register Address

LCD Format
Control Configuration: D, S, or blank. Duplex Configuration:
S (slave): Hall call assignments made by D = Dispatcher
S = Slave
group or other controller.
Blank = Simplex Operation
D (dispatcher): This controller is acting as a
dispatcher. It is responsible for assigning
hall calls to itself and to a second controller
if this is a Duplex installation.
Blank: Simplex operation or, if part of a
group or duplex, communication has not
been established with controller or group.
Status / Error Message: The top line is elevator
status or an error message. Messages are scrolled if longer than the space available. There
is a status message for each special operation (e.g., Fire Service). There are also messages
for error conditions (e.g., open safety string). Please refer to Status and Error Messages
on page 5-2 for a list of messages including a description and troubleshooting suggestions.
PI nn: Current elevator position relative to the bottom floor. 1 denotes the lowest landing
Computer Internal Memory: Register address and contents. Each of the 8 data digits
(flags) corresponds to a particular elevator signal or condition. Each digit is either 1 or 0. A
1 indicates the signal or condition is ON and 0 indicates it is OFF.

4-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Diagnostic Mode

The Computer Internal Memory Chart (Table 4.3 on page 4-7) shows the meaning of data at dif-
ferent addresses. For example, the internal memory display might look like this:

At address 29; the data is 11110000. To figure out what this means, match up the data digits
with row 29 of the Computer Internal Memory Chart table:
Display Data: 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
DNDO, LD, DPD and DDP signals are ON; UPDO, LU, UPD and UDP signals are OFF.

Table 4.3 Computer Internal Memory Chart


ADD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

User Interface

Troubleshooting Example
Examining the computer memory (as in the example above) is a useful step in troubleshooting.
It is possible to find out if the controller is receiving input signals correctly and if it is sending
proper output signals. It is also possible to look up each of the computer output and input sig-
nals shown in the Job Prints.

The following example explains how to use Table 4.3 on page 4-7 and Table 4.4 on page 4-9 to
check a signal in internal memory.
Problem: the photo eye will not cause the doors to reopen.
1. Look at Table 4.4 on page 4-9. Find the abbreviation or mnemonic for Photo Eye input.
The table shows that the mnemonic for Photo Eye input is PHE and provides an
Address (Add) and Position (1 - 8).
This information shows where to look for the signal in Table 4.3 on page 4-7 and on
the computer display.

Table 4.3 on page 4-7 shows that the address of PHE is 20 and the position is 7.
2. Notice in the table that PHE is indeed in position 7 on row 20.
3. Now that the address and position have been determined, look up the PHE signal on the
First, change the address on the display to address 20.
Then, look at data bit number 7 (from the right),
which is underlined in the graphic:
This digit represents the computer interpretation of the PHE
signal. If the digit is 1, the computer thinks that the PHE sig-
nal is ON. If the digit is 0 (as shown), the computer thinks
that the PHE signal is OFF.

This information can be used to find the source of the problem. The diagnostic display will show
that the PHE input is ON when an obstruction is present which should interrupt the photo eye
beam. If this is the case, checking the voltage present on the PHE terminal will show if the prob-
lem is inside or outside the controller.

4-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Diagnostic Mode

Table 4.4 Alphabetized Flags, Definitions, and Locations

FLAG Definition Add Pos FLAG Definition Add Pos
ALV Other car alive output 31 5 FRS Fire phase 1 input 24 5
API Alternate Parking Input 33 8 FRSS Fire phase 1 flag 2D 3
AUTO Emergency power auto output 31 3 FWI Fire warning indicator output 25 2 4
BFD Bottom floor demand flag 2E 5 GED Gong enable down output 20 1
CC Car call flag 21 5 GEDR Gong enable down output rear 10 1
CCA Car call above flag 2A 1 GEU Gong enable up output 20 2
CCB Car call below flag 2A 5 GEUR Gong enable up output rear 10 2
CCC Car call cancel input 38 6 GHT Gong hold timer flag 22 4
CCD Car call disconnect flag 2C 3 GHTR Gong hold timer flag rear 12 4
CCH Car call hold 26 5 GTDE Gong timer down enable 26 2
CCR Car call flag rear 11 5 GTUE Gong timer up enable 26 1
CCT Car call time flag 22 2 H High speed output 2B 4
CCTR Car call time flag rear 12 2 HCDX Hall call disconnect flag 2C 4
CD Car done flag 2F 4 HCR Hall call reject flag 2C 5
CNFG Configuration error flag 38 5 HCT Hall call door time flag 22 3
CSB Car stop switch bypass 23 5 HCTR Hall call door time flag rear 12 3
CSBR Car stop switch bypass rear 13 5 HD High speed delay flag 27 8
CTL Car to lobby input 31 6 HDLYE High speed delay elapsed flag 25 3
CTLDOT Car to lobby door open timer 31 8 HLI Heavy load input 25 5
CTLF Car to lobby function 31 7 HLW Heavy load weigher flag 38 1
CTST Capture for test input 33 3 HML Home landing input 38 8
DBC Door close button input 20 4 HOSP In car hospital emergency input flag 33 1
DBCR Door close button rear 10 4 HOSPH2 Hospital emergency phase 2 flag 33 2
DC Down call flag 21 7 HSEL Hospital service select flag 2B 3
DCA Down call above flag 2A 3 HYD1-TR0 Hydro/Traction flag 2F 6
DCB Down call below flag 2A 7 IN Inspection or access input 27 4
DCC Door close complete flag 23 4 INCF Ind. service car call cancel flag 28 3
DCCR Door close complete flag rear 13 4 IND Independent service input 27 5
DCF Door close function output 22 8 INT Intermediate speed input 24 8
DCFR Door close function output rear 12 8 ISR In service and ready 28 4
DCLC Door close contact input 23 6 ISRT In service truly flag 2C 1
DCLCR Door close contact input rear 13 6 ISV In service flag 2C 2
DCP Door close power output 22 7 LD Level down input 29 7
DCPR Door close power output rear 12 7 LEF Leveling encounter flag 25 4
DCR Down call flag rear 11 7 LFP Lower parking floor flag 26 8
DDF Double ding function flag 28 6 LLI Light load input 28 1
DDP Down direction preference flag 29 5 LLW Light load weighing funct. input flag 28 8
DEADZ Dead zone flag 30 4 LOT Lobby door time 22 5
DELSIM Delta simulation bit 27 2 LOTR Lobby door time rear 12 5
DHEND Door hold end 33 4 LU Level up input 29 3
DHENDR Door hold end rear 33 5 LWCE Load weighing change enable flag 38 2
DHLD Door hold input flag 27 6 MGR Motor generator run flag 2B 5
DHLDI Normal door hold input flag 30 3 MLT Motor limit timer flag 2B 7
DHO Door hold open flag 21 2 NDGBPS Nudging bypass flag 23 2
DHOR Door hold open flag rear 11 2 NDGBPSR Nudging bypass flag rear 13 2
DIN Door open inactive 26 4 NDGF Nudging function flag 30 1
DLI Dispatch Load Input 38 4 NDS Hall door timer non-shorten 21 4
DLK Door lock input 28 7 NDSR Hall door timer non-shorten rear 11 4
DLKS Door lock store bit 27 3 NUDG Nudging output 23 3
DLW Dispatch load weighing function 38 3 NUDGR Nudging output rear 13 3

User Interface

Table 4.4 Alphabetized Flags, Definitions, and Locations

FLAG Definition Add Pos FLAG Definition Add Pos
DMD Demand down flag 2A 8 NYDS New York door shortening flag 26 6
DMU Demand up flag 2A 4 PFG Passing floor gong output 2F 1
DNDO Down direction output 29 8 PH1 Phase 1 return complete flag 30 2
DNS Down direction sense input 24 4 PHE Photo eye input 20 7
DOB Door open button input 20 3 PHER Photo eye input rear 10 7
DOBR Door open button input rear 10 3 PIC PI correction flag 25 1
DOC Door open command 23 8 R2 Absolute floor encoding #2 30 7
DOCR Door open command rear 13 8 R3 Absolute floor encoding #3 30 6
DOF Door open function output 22 6 R4 Absolute floor encoding #4 30 8
DOFR Door open function output rear 12 6 REAR Rear door flag 28 2
DOI Door open intent flag 21 1 RUN Run flag 2B 1
DOIR Door open intent flag (rear) 11 1 SAB Sabbath input 33 7
DOL Door open limit input 20 5 SAF Safety string input 2C 6
DOLM Door open limit flag 20 8 SCE Stepping correction enable 25 8
DOLMR Door open limit flag rear 10 8 SD Supervisory down flag 2E 8
DOLR Door open limit rear 10 5 SDA Down direction arrow 2E 7
DPD Down previous direction 29 6 SDT Short door time flag 22 1
DPR Door protection timer flag 26 3 SDTR Short door time flag rear 12 1
DSD Down slow down input 2E 6 SE Safety edge input 23 7
DSH Door shortening flag 2B 2 SER Safety edge input rear 13 7
DSHT Door shortening flag 23 1 SLV Stable slave flag 38 7
DSHTR Door shortening flag rear 13 1 STC Stepping complete flag 2C 7
DZ Door zone input 20 6 STD/R0 Step down input/absolute encoding #0 24 2
DZORDZ Front or rear door zone input 2D 6 STU/R1 Step up input/absolute encoding #1 24 1
DZP Door zone previous 2C 8 SU Supervisory up flag 2E 4
DZR Door zone input rear 10 6 SUA Up direction arrow 2E 3
ECC Excess car calls flag 2F 5 TEMPB Temporary bit 2D 8
ECRN Emergency car run flag 2F 3 TEST Test switch input 33 6
EPI Emergency power input flag 31 1 TFA Timing function active 21 8
EPR Emergency power return 2F 2 TFAR Timing function active rear 11 8
EPRUN Emergency power run input 31 2 TFD Top floor demand flag 2E 1
EPSTP Emergency power stop input 31 4 TOS Timed out of service flag 2B 8
FCCC Fire phase 2 car call cancel 25 7 UC Up call flag 21 6
FCHLD Fire phase 2 hold 25 6 UCA Up call above flag 2A 2
FCOFF Fire phase 2 off 27 7 UCB Up call below flag 2A 6
FCS Fire phase 2 input 24 6 UCR Up call flag (rear) 11 6
FCSM Fire service PH 2 input memory 2D 5 UDP Up direction preference 29 1
FDC Door fully closed phase 2 21 3 UFP Upper parking floor flag 26 7
FDCR Door fully closed phase 2 rear 11 3 UFQ Up first qualifier flag 2D 7
FRA Alt. Fire service phase 1 input 24 7 UPD Up previous direction 29 2
FRAS Alternate fire flag 2D 2 UPDO Up direction output 29 4
FRBYP Fire phase 1 bypass input flag 2F 8 UPS Up direction sense input 24 3
FRC Fire phase 2 flag 2D 1 USD Up slow down input 2E 2
FREE No demand and in service 30 5 YSIM Wye simulation bit 27 1
FRM Fire service phase 1 flag 2D 4
FRON Fire phase 1 on input flag 2F 7

4-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

F1: Program Mode

These parameters define the building, floors and openings to be served, and other basic require-
ments for the elevator.
Put the car on Inspection and set Function switch F1 up (all others
down) to enter Program mode. 4
Refer to the Programming Record in the Job Prints for a list of the
options and values programmed into the controller at MCE.


If you make programming changes, record them in the reference table, Appendix A, page A-21.

General Description of Program Mode

Programmable options and features are divided among several menus:
Basic Features Menu Timer Menu Spare Outputs Menu
Fire Service Menu Gongs/Lanterns Menu Extra Features Menu
Door Operation Menu Spare Inputs Menu Additional Car Options Menu

Changing Parameters
Enter Program mode. The Start Message will appear:
Press N to cycle through the menus.
Press S when the menu you want appears.
Press N to view the first option in the menu. (Press
repeatedly or hold down to cycle through options.)
Press S to change the value (i.e., from YES to NO).

Saving Changes
After selecting the new value:
Press N until the save message appears:
Press S to save changes (or N if you want to cancel the
Unsaved changes will
be LOST when the F1
switch is placed in the
down position (exiting
Program mode).

Be sure to enter
changed parameter
values in the table pro-
vided in Appendix A.

User Interface

Viewing Options Within a Menu

To return to the top menu level, press the N and '+' buttons at the same time.
To scroll backwards, press the S and '-' push buttons at the same time.
To set an option to NOT USED, press the S and '+' buttons at the same time.
Restoring Original Values Before Saving
If you have made changes but have not saved them yet, you can restore the original values:
Move the F1 switch back to the down position and the original values will be restored.
Step-By-Step Example
The table provides a step-by-step example of using Program mode. In this example, the Fire
Phase I Alternate floor will be changed.
Table 4.5 Parameter Programming Example
Steps to take Display menus and sub-menus
Put the car on Inspection
PI 8 20:1O11OOOO
Flip F1 switch Up
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press S button to Select
Press N button for Next
Press N button for Next
Press S button to select next available value. If you pass FIRE SVCE. CODE
desired value, press S until desired value appears again. ALT.FLOOR = 3
Press N button for Next
Press N button for Next
Press N button to scroll through any remaining Fire Service sub-menus.
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press N button for Next
* MENU *
Press N button for Next *SPARE OUTPUTS*
Press N button for Next *EXTRA FEATURES*
* ASME A17.1 *
Press N button for Next
Press N button for Next
* N=NO S=YES *
Press S button to Save
Press N button for Next
Set F1 switch Down. Take car off Inspection The new options are stored and in effect.

4-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Basic Features Menu

Identifies controller type to the HC-CPU board.
Set to TRACTION (M4000). This is the factory default.

When learning to set parameters, it is very easy to unintentionally set the Controller Type to
Motion 2000. If this occurs, you will see the error MUSE INPUT IS LOW. To correct, set the
Controller Type to M4000, press N repeatedly until the Save Changes menu appears, then press
S to save changes.

Each controller is programmed at the factory for either simplex/local, or duplex opera-
tion. If the controller is a simplex, it assigns calls only for itself. The Duplex option will
not appear.
If the controller is a duplex, it can operate a single car as a simplex or it can be con-
nected to a second Motion 4000 controller and the two can operate as a duplex.
Both controllers must have duplex capability for duplexing to work. The option on
each controller must be set to duplex. Jumper JP3 on each HC-MPU (lower right cor-
ner) must be in place for successful Duplex operation.
If the controller is controlled by a group dispatcher, it should be set to Simplex/Local.
In Duplex configuration, one of the controllers will assert itself as the dispatcher and will
remain the dispatcher unless it is taken offline. The dispatching controller will show a D on its
LCD; the other, an S. Hall calls are physically connected to both controllers.

Dispatching operation - For simplex operation, you may choose: Selective Collective,
Single Button Collective, or Single Automatic Push button:
Selective Collective - Use if there is an UP and DOWN button at each landing except for the
top floor (DOWN button only) and bottom floor (UP button only) and any number of hall
calls can be registered at one time.
Single Button Collective - Use if there is only one call button at each landing and any num-
ber of calls can be registered at one time.
Single Automatic Push button - Use if there is only one call button at each landing and only
one call can be registered and/or serviced at a time.


If Single Button Collective or Single Automatic Push button operation is selected, one of the
spare outputs should be used for an INDFRC output. This is used to disconnect hall calls during
Fire Service and Independent Service (see Spare Outputs Menu on page 4-36, INDFRC out-
put and your job prints for more detail). For duplex operation, the dispatching scheme is always
Selective Collective so the Operation option message will not appear if duplex is selected.

User Interface

Settings that affect the number of floors in the building, openings served per floor, discrete
or serial (CE) position indicators, or the presence or absence of a serial car call board deter-
mine the sequence of connections on Universal I/O boards used as call boards in the con-
troller (UIO boards with addresses from 0 to 31). These settings are made at the factory and
should never need to be changed. If you do need to change these settings, disconnect the
orange I/O terminal blocks from the UIO boards first, change the settings, then re-wire and
re-connect the terminal blocks.


Set to the highest floor served by this car. See caution above.
Set to Yes if this car has a second set of doors that can be controlled independently of
the front doors.


Set to YES if this car is eligible to serve a front opening at this floor. (This prompt will
reappear for each floor.) See caution above.
Press the '+' button to scroll through available landings. Press N for the next option.
Set to YES if this car is eligible to serve a rear opening at this floor. (This option will not
be displayed if option WALK-THRU DOORS THIS CAR? is set to NO.) (This prompt
will reappear for each floor.) See caution above.
Press the '+' button to scroll through available landings. Press N for the next option.
Set to the highest floor served by the other car of the duplex pair.
Set to Yes if the other car of the duplex pair has a second set of doors that can be con-
trolled independently of the front doors.
Set to YES if the other car of a duplex pair is eligible to serve a front opening at this
floor. (This prompt will reappear for each floor.) See caution above.
Press the '+' button to scroll through available landings. Press N for the next option.
Set to YES if the other car of a duplex pair is eligible to serve a rear opening at this
floor. (This prompt will reappear for each floor.) See caution above.
Press the '+' button to scroll through available landings. Press N for the next option.
Note: Both controllers in a duplex pair must have the parameters on this page pro-

4-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Any landing may be the parking floor. The car will go to the parking floor when it is
free of call demand. There is a Parking Delay Timer that will cause a free car to wait for
a short time before parking. The timer is adjustable, with a value between 0.0 minutes
(no delay) and 6.0 minutes (see PARKING DELAY TIMER (Range: 0.0-6.0 Minutes)
on page 4-25). 4
If the parking feature is not needed, choose NONE. The car will then stay at the last
call answered.
Available only when an API input is programmed and a parking floor is set. Any land-
ing can be chosen as the alternate parking floor. The car will go to the alternate parking
floor when it is free of call demand and the API input is active.
Does not apply to Simplex. Any landing may be the secondary parking floor. A car will
go to this floor when it is free of call demand and the other car is already parked at the
first parking floor. It is acceptable to make the secondary parking floor the same as the
first parking floor if both cars are to park at the same floor. If a second parking floor is
not needed, choose NONE for the Secondary Park Floor option. The first free car will
go to the first parking floor and the second car will stay at the last call answered.
Any landing may be the Lobby Floor. When the car answers a hall or car call at this
floor, the doors will stay open until the Lobby Door Timer elapses. The Lobby Door
Timer is adjustable (see LOBBY DOOR TIMER (Range: 0.5-120.0 Seconds) on
page 4-24). NOTE: The Lobby Floor is also used for the CTL (Car To Lobby) input.
Does not apply to Simplex. Specifies which controller is assigned to car A and which to
car B, primarily for controllers using a peripheral device such as a monitoring system.

Settings that affect the number of floors in the building, openings served per floor, discrete
or serial (CE) position indicators, or the presence or absence of a serial car call board deter-
mine the sequence of connections on Universal I/O boards used as call boards in the con-
troller (UIO boards with addresses from 0 to 31). These settings are made at the factory and
should never need to be changed. If you do need to change these settings, disconnect the
orange I/O terminal blocks from the UIO boards first, change the settings, then re-wire and
re-connect the terminal blocks.


Set to type of installed serial COP board (MC-CPI, ICE-COP-2, or NONE. See caution
Set to No if the car uses serial (CE) position indicator fixtures. See caution above.
Set to Yes if PIs are connected to HC-UIO boards.

User Interface

DEDICATED PI BOARD? (Appears if Discrete PIs on UIO? is set to Yes. Dedicates first
one or two HC-UIO boards to PIs alone [no call connections]).
If Yes: Position Indicators will be located on UIO Board 0 (zero) for 2 - 16 stops or
boards 0 (zero) and 1 (one) for 2 - 32 stops (board 1 handles 17 - 32 [assuming that PI
is one wire per floor]). Calls will begin on a new UIO Board immediately following
Board 0 or 1.
If No: PIs are located on UIO boards but calls can begin immediately following the last
PI rather than on the next UIO board.
Set to Yes if the door operator is connected to an HC-UIO board in the cartop box
rather than using multiple connections through the traveler to the HC-CTL-2 board in
the controller cabinet.
Set to Yes if the car is dispatched by a group controller and should not respond to a
local (connected to car) riser. If this car has swing operation, do not set this to Yes as it
will prevent the car from responding to local riser calls.

4-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Fire Service Menu Options

If Fire Service operation is not required, set to NO. If set to YES, the options below will
Any landing may be the Main Fire Return Floor for Fire Service.
Any landing may be the Alternate Fire Return Floor for Fire Service.
Fire Service Operation will conform to the selected fire service code. Available codes
2. VET ADMIN (Veterans' Administration) 10. AUSTRALIA
4. ANSI A17.1 -89> 12. MASSACHUSETTS
5. CALIF. TITLE 8 13. ANSI A17.1 85 - 88
7. CSA B44-M90 15. CHICAGO 2001
8. 34 PA CODE, CH. 7 16. ANSI A17.1-2000
Detroit Fire Code only. Any landing may be the 2nd alternate fire return floor.
Select None if there is no second alternate return floor.
If set to yes, this car is allowed to run on Fire Phase II.
Prevents the stop switch from being bypassed on Fire Phase I. When set to NO, the
CSB output will not come ON as the car is returning on Fire Phase I.
Only if FIRE SVCE. CODE option set to AUSTRALIA (See FIRE SVCE. CODE on
page 4-17). If set to YES, Australia fire code will conform to Honeywell requirements.
If set to NO, controller will conform to standard Australia code.
Available only if FIRE SVCE. CODE is set to ANSI A17.1 89 (See FIRE SVCE. CODE
on page 4-17). If set to YES, ANSI A17.1 89 Fire Code will conform to New York City
Fire Code requirements when on Fire Phase 2. If set to NO, controller will conform to
standard ANSI A17.1 89 Fire Code.

User Interface


Available only if FIRE SVCE. CODE set to ANSI17.1 89 (See FIRE SVCE. CODE on
page 4-17). The city of White Plains requires that, if fire phase one is still in effect, the
car can exit fire phase two regardless of the position of the doors. Set to YES to comply
with this requirement.
Available only if FIRE SVCE. CODE set to A17.1 - 2000". If set to YES, ASME A17.1-
2000 fire code will conform to Massachusetts 524 CMR requirements. If set to NO,
controller will conform to standard ASME A17.1-2000 code.
Set to the appropriate addenda for your jurisdiction. (2005, 2007, 2013, NONE)
If Yes, Door Position Monitoring is disabled when the car is on In Car Firefighter oper-
ation (Fire Phase 2). If No, DPM is not disabled on Fire Phase 2.
If the fire sensors on this job use 24V signal levels, set this option to Yes.
If set to No, the signal level is assumed to be 120 VAC.


1Dynamic/Latch Flashing/Latch Initial.

Dynamic: Regardless of which fire alarm initiating device (FAID) initiated Fire Phase I
operation, whenever the FAID in the elevator machine room or hoistway is activated, the
fire hat in the associated car will flash. Otherwise, the fire hat will illuminate solidly unless
required by code to flash in response to some other, non-FAID device actuation (for exam-
ple, battery rescue device, low oil, etc.).
Latch Flashing: Regardless of which fire alarm initiating device (FAID) initiated Fire
Phase I operation, once the FAID in the elevator machine room or hoistway is activated,
the fire hat in the associated car will flash and remain flashing throughout fire service.
Latch Initial: If the fire alarm initiating device (FAID) that initiated Fire Phase I is located
in the elevator machine room or hoistway, the fire hat in the associated car will flash and
remain flashing throughout fire service. Otherwise, the fire hat will illuminate solidly and
remain so throughout fire service unless required by code to flash in response to some
other, non-FAID device actuation (for example, battery rescue device, low oil, etc.). This
option should be selected for ASME A17.1-2004/CSA B44-04 and later.

1. A17.1/B44 code edition/addenda or jurisdiction dependent: (A) for ASME A17.1-2004/CSA B44-04 and later,
the machine room or hoistway sensor must be the sensor that initiated Fire Phase I for the hat to flash; or (B) for
earlier editions of A17.1/B44, the fire hat will flash any time the machine room or hoistway sensor is active,
regardless of which device initiated Fire Phase I. Also, some jurisdictions occasionally modify the A17.1/B44
requirements, so please consult with the jurisdictional authorities for additional requirements.

4-18 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Door Operation Menu Options

Enables Nudging Operation when doors are prevented from closing. During Nudging
Operation, controller will turn ON the NUDG output to signal the door operator to
close the doors at reduced speed. The NUDG output will stay ON for the amount of 4
time the Nudging Timer specifies and then cycle off for the same amount of time. This
cycle will continue until the doors have fully closed.

The NUDG output can also be used to activate a buzzer. The PHE (Photo Eye) input
will be ignored during nudging if the Stuck Photo Eye Protection option has been
selected (See STUCK PHOTO EYE PROTECTION? on page 4-19). A Safety Edge or
Door Open Button input will stop the doors from closing, but will not reopen the doors
fully. Nudging Operation will begin when the Nudging Timer elapses. The Nudging
Timer starts when the regular door timer elapses. (See NUDGING TIMER (Range:
10-240 Seconds) on page 4-24.)
When enabled, causes controller to ignore PHE (Photo Eye) input and close the doors
after the Nudging Timer elapses if the Nudging option is selected or when the Time
Out of Service Timer elapses, whichever comes first. If the Nudging option is not
selected, the PHE input will be ignored when the Time Out of Service Timer elapses.
(See TIME OUT OF SERVICE TIMER (Range: 15-240 Seconds, or None) on page 4-
24 for more details.)
If the Stuck Photo Eye Protection option is not selected, a PHE input that is stuck ON
will keep the doors open indefinitely.
Available only if independent rear doors are present. If set to YES, the front and rear
doors of the car will not open at the same time. If the controller receives a front and
rear call to the same landing, the car will first open and close the front doors, then
open and close the rear doors. The default is to open the front doors first unless the
rear doors have already started to open.
If selected, pressing a car call button when the doors are fully open will cause the doors
to start closing. There is one exception. If the car is stopped at a floor, pressing the car
call button for that same floor will not cause the doors to close, but will cause the doors
to reopen if they are in the process of closing.
If selected, the controller will turn ON the NUDG output while the doors are closing
during Fire Phase 1. The NUDG output signals the door operator to close the doors at
reduced speed. This is useful for elevators that do not have mechanical safety edges.
During Fire Phase 1, all smoke sensitive reopening devices must be disabled. This
includes photo eyes and other devices that use infrared beams. If there are no other
reopening devices active, the doors should close at reduced speed.

User Interface


Select for elevators with retiring cams. Affects the car only when it is sitting at a floor.
Without this option, the controller will wait until the doors are closed and locked
before it turns OFF the door close signal. However, if the elevator has a retiring cam,
the doors will not be locked until the retiring cam is activated.

If selected, the controller will turn OFF the door close signal when the doors are closed
instead of waiting for the doors to be locked. More precisely, the controller will turn
OFF the door close output signal (DCF) when the DCLC (Doors Closed Contact) input
is ON or when the DCL (Door Close Limit) input is OFF, instead of waiting for the DLK
(Door Lock) input to turn ON.
If selected, the controller will begin to open the doors just before the car stops at a
floor. More precisely, the controller will turn ON the DOF (Door Open Function) out-
put signal when the DZ (Door Zone) input turns ON. Typically, the DZ input first turns
ON when the car is about 3 inches away from the final stopping point. Not recom-
mended for elevators that spend an extended period of time leveling.
If selected, Nudging Operation will cycle until the doors are fully closed. Otherwise, the
nudging function will operate continuously to comply with code requirements where a
door reopening device is not used (See NUDGING? on page 4-19 for more details).
If selected with the Nudging option, NUDG output will be activated when Nudging
Timer elapses. However, if either the Mechanical Safety Edge or the Door Open button
is activated, the doors will stop and reopen fully. If this option is not selected, the doors
will simply stop under these circumstances, but will not reopen fully. This option may
be useful when only a nudging buzzer is required but actual Nudging Operation is not
needed (See NUDGING? on page 4-19 for more details). With this option and the
faults are not generated.
When doors are fully open, this option will cancel any pre-existing door time and cause
the doors to start closing when the Door Close button is pressed.
With this option set to yes and the MG Shutdown input active, once the car has
stopped at a floor, the doors will remain open instead of cycling closed.
With this option set to yes and either the Power Transfer (PTI) input or the Elevator
Shutdown Switch (ESS) input selected and active, once the car has stopped at a floor,
the doors will remain open instead of cycling closed.
If selected, the controller will turn ON the NUDG output while the doors are closing
during Fire Service Phase II. The NUDG output signals the door operator to close the
doors at reduced speed.

4-20 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode


Causes car to maintain its present direction preference until the doors are fully closed.
Otherwise, direction preference is maintained only until door dwell time expires.
Set to YES if doors must be opened and closed manually. 4
When set to YES, doors will remain open at a landing until the Door Close button is
pressed and held. While the Door Close button is pressed, the doors will continue to
close. If the Door Close button is released before the doors have closed fully, the doors
will re-open.
When set to YES, doors will remain open when the car goes on Fire Service Phase I
until constant DCB forces them closed.
Used to require momentary pressure on the Door Open Button (DOB) to open the
doors. If set to NO, momentary pressure on the DOB is not required to open the doors
when the car reaches a landing. The doors open automatically in response to a call.
Choose whether front calls, rear calls or both calls need momentary D.O.B.
FRONT CALLS - Requires that DOB be pressed when the car responds to front door calls.
Rear door calls are not affected.
REAR CALLS - Requires that DOB be pressed when the car responds to rear door calls.
Front door calls are not affected.
BOTH CALLS - Requires that DOB be pressed when the car responds to both front and rear
door calls.


Choose whether hall calls, car calls, or all calls need momentary D.O.B.
HALL CALLS - Requires that DOB be pressed when the car responds to hall calls. Car calls
are not affected.
CAR CALLS - Requires that DOB be pressed when the car responds to car calls. Hall calls
are not affected.
ALL CALLS - Requires that DOB be pressed when the car responds to both hall calls and car


If set to NONE, doors remain closed while the car is parked. If set to FRONT, REAR, or
BOTH, the corresponding doors automatically open and remain open while the car is
parked. This option is available only if a parking floor is programmed in the Basic Fea-
tures menu. The BOTH option is not available if the car is programmed for sequential
door operation. (See SEQUENTIAL DOOR OPER. (F/R)? on page 4-19.)
Choices are FRONT, REAR, and BOTH. Determines which door(s) should open once
the car has completed a Main Fire return.

User Interface


Choices are FRONT, REAR, or BOTH. Determines which door(s) should open once the
car has completed an Alternate Fire return.
When set to YES, and the CTL (car to lobby) input is active, once the car has returned
to the lobby the doors will remain open instead of cycling closed.
Once the doors begin to close after a door dwell time has expired, if a re-opening
device input (PHE or SE) is activated, this option allows the doors to re-open as long as
the re-opening device is active. Once the re-opening device is inactive, the doors will
immediately begin to close again. Without this option set, in this same case, the doors
will re-open fully for a (short door) time and then close.
Causes a normal hall call time to be shortened to a short door time if a photo eye input
is seen.
When set to YES, and EPI (Emergency Power) input is active, once the car returns to
the emergency power return floor the doors are left open instead of cycling closed.
When set to NONE, the doors remain closed when the car is at a landing with no
demand. When set to FRONT, REAR, or BOTH, the corresponding doors automati-
cally open and remain open when the car is at a landing with no demand. The BOTH
option is not available if the car is programmed for sequential door operation. (See
SEQUENTIAL DOOR OPER. (F/R)? on page 4-19.)
Used to indicate if Constant Pressure Operations, such as Independent Service, Atten-
dant Service, or if the Constant Pressure Door Close option is set to YES, should bypass
the Photo Eye when the Photo Eye is active and there is a demand to close the doors
and move the car. When set to YES, the car will bypass the Photo Eye and nudge the
doors closed. When set to NO, the car will not bypass the Photo Eye. The doors will
remain open until the Photo Eye is cleared.
Used to indicate if the doors open horizontally or vertically. When set to vertical,
requires constant pressure on the door close button (DCB) to shut the doors when exit-
ing Fire Phase 2 away from the recall floor with Fire Phase 1 active.
Set to YES if the front car gate is mechanically coupled to the hallway doors. To satisfy
A17.1-2000 code requirements, this option is used to qualify the HD Redundancy fault
when the Retiring Cam Option is set to YES and this option is set to YES. (See RETIR-
ING CAM OPTION? on page 4-20.)

4-22 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode


Set to YES if the rear car gate is mechanically coupled to the hallway doors. To satisfy
A17.1-2000 code requirements, this option is used to qualify the HDR Redundancy
fault when the Retiring Cam Option is set to YES and this option is set to YES. (See
RETIRING CAM OPTION? on page 4-20.)
When set to YES, the DCP (door close power) output will not be generated until the
doors close and a demand is present. For example, if DCP is used to power the retiring
cam RC relay, DCP should be asserted only after the doors have fully closed as indi-
cated by the DCL input.
When set to YES, a momentary push on the door close button is required to close the
doors on normal operation.
Set to NO for normal door operation.
Maintains the Door Open Function on the selected doors continuously as long as a
door closing command is absent.
Maintains the Door Close Function on the selected doors continuously as long as a
door opening command is absent.
Set for doors that require inverted door close limit input logic (DCL and/or DCLR).
When set, the DCL and/or DCLR inputs must be active when the doors are closed and
inactive when the doors are open.
FULLY MANUAL DOORS ONLY: If set to Yes, a car recalled on Fire Phase 1 is allowed
to enter Fire Phase 2 with doors closed.

User Interface

Timer Menu Options

SHORT DOOR TIMER (Range: 0.5-120.0 Seconds)
Determines length of time doors will stay open after being reopened by Photo Eye,
Safety Edge, or Door Open button.
CAR CALL DOOR TIMER (Range: 0.5-120.0 Seconds)
Determines length of time doors will stay open when car stops to service a car call.
HALL CALL DOOR TIMER (Range: 0.5-120.0 Seconds)
Determines length of time doors will stay open when car stops to answer a hall call.
LOBBY DOOR TIMER (Range: 0.5-120.0 Seconds)
Length of time doors will stay open when car stops to answer either a hall call or a car
call at Lobby Floor. Location of Lobby Floor is programmable. (See CAR SERVES
REAR/FLR 1? (simplex) / THIS CAR SERVES REAR/FLR 1? (duplex) on page 4-14.)
NUDGING TIMER (Range: 10-240 Seconds)
Used only if the Nudging option is selected. Door Nudging Operation will begin when
Nudging Timer elapses. Nudging Timer will start when regular door timer elapses.
This timer also determines the ON and OFF cycle time for the NUDG output. (See
NUDGING? on page 4-19.)
TIME OUT OF SERVICE TIMER (Range: 15-240 Seconds, or None)
Used to take a car out of service when it is held at a floor excessively and calls are regis-
tered at other floors. Timer starts when a call is registered at another floor. If timer
expires before the car closes its doors and begins to move, the car will be placed out of
service. Typically, this occurs when doors are held open by continuous activation of
photo eye, a call button, or another reopening device. When NONE is selected, no
Time Out of Service timing is performed.

When the timer expires, the Timed Out of Service Indicator on the HC-MPU board will
turn ON. The controller will ignore the PHE (Photo Eye) input if the Stuck Photo Eye
Protection option is selected. In duplex or group installations, hall calls assigned to the
car will be assigned to another car. When the car closes its doors and begins to move
again, it will return to Normal service.
MOTOR LIMIT TIMER (Range: 1.0 - 6.0 Minutes)
Timer starts when the controller attempts to move the car and is reset when the car
reaches its destination floor. If the timer expires before the car reaches its destination,
the controller stops trying to move the car to protect the motor. The car is then shut
down. The Motor Limit Timer Indicator (MLT) on the HC-MPU board will turn ON.
MGR OUTPUT TIMER (Range: 1.0 - 27.0 Minutes)
Timer starts when car is idle at floor. When timer elapses, the motor/generator is shut
down. Upon demand, the motor/generator will be restarted and brought up to readi-
ness before the car can move.

4-24 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

DOOR HOLD INPUT TIMER (Range: 0-240 Seconds)

Timer used only if there is a DHLD (Door Hold) input to the controller (See Spare
Inputs Menu on page 4-27). A Door Hold Open button is usually connected to this
input. Timer determines how long the doors will stay open when the door hold open
button is pressed. The timer is canceled and the doors will begin to close if either the
Door Close button or a Car Call button is pressed. If a Door Hold Key switch (instead of 4
a button) is connected to the DHLD input, timer value should be set to zero so that the
doors will close immediately when the switch is turned OFF.
PARKING DELAY TIMER (Range: 0.0-6.0 Minutes)
Used only if a parking floor is selected. Timer starts when car is free of call demand.
The car will park after the timer expires.
FAN/LIGHT OUTPUT TIMER (Range: 5.0-20.0 Minutes)
Used with the FLO output, this timer sets the amount of time that will pass before the
FLO output is activated to shut off the car light and fan. Time will start when the car
becomes inactive. The FLO output is typically connected to a relay that turns OFF the
fan and light in the car. This is also used for PI Turned Off if No Demand.
Sets the units for the HOSPITAL EMERG. TIMER to minutes or seconds.
HOSPITAL EMERGENCY TIMER (Range: 1.0-10.0 Minutes or 1-240 Seconds)
Sets the amount of time the car will remain at the hospital emergency floor with the
doors open before automatically returning to normal service. (See HOSPITAL
EMERG. OPERATION? on page 4-48.)
Determines how long the door operator will attempt to open the doors. If DOL does
not go low within this time, the doors will begin to close.
CTL DOOR OPEN TIMER (Range: 2.0 - 60.0 seconds)
Used to specify how long the doors should remain open after car returns to lobby when
the CTL (Car to Lobby) input is activated.
DOOR BUZZER TIMER (Range: 0 - 30 Seconds)
Determines length of time door buzzer sounds before doors are automatically closed.
OPN/CLS INTRLOCK TIMER (Range: 050ms - 950ms, 50ms increments)
Introduces a delay when closing or opening doors are abruptly reversed (i.e., photo eye
activation, door button press, etc.). This may be required if the door operator is sensi-
tive to such reversal due to de-bounce capability.
Set to NONE if unnecessary.
FIRE PH1 RECLOSE TIMER (Range: Disabled or 1 - 120 seconds)
If set to a value other than NONE, the doors will close after the set number of seconds
following a Fire Service Phase 1 recall. Doors may be opened using in-car or hall door
open buttons.

Gongs/Lanterns Menu

User Interface

Determines when lanterns and gongs are activated - as the car slows into the floor for
hall mounted fixtures or after the door lock opens for car mounted fixtures. If both
types of lanterns are used, the Hall option is recommended.
Causes lanterns and gongs to double-strike if car direction preference is down.
PFG ENABLE BUTTON? (Passing Floor Gong Enable Button)
If selected, the Passing Floor Gong will operate only when initiated by a momentary
pressure button. Once initiated, the Passing Floor Gong will operate for the current
direction of travel but will be rendered inoperative when the car reverses direction.
The PFGE spare input should also be selected if this option is turned ON. (See Spare
Inputs Menu on page 4-27.)
To program this option (Michigan Code), set one of the spare outputs to EFG. Then set
EGRESS FLOOR ARRIVAL GONG? to NO (no gong) or press S to select the floor num-
ber where the gong should activate (after the door lock opens). If S is pressed, the dis-
play will read MAIN EGRESS FLOOR #1. Press S until the desired floor number is
If no, the car lantern will come on when the doors begin to open and go off when they
are fully closed. If yes, the car lantern will come when the doors are fully open and go
off when they begin to close.

4-26 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Spare Inputs Menu

The first 10 spare input terminals are located on the HC-CTL-2 board. Additional spare inputs
are available on each HC-UIO Universal Input/Output board. Please refer to HC-UIO Univer-
sal Input/Output Board on page 5-56. If your installation uses ICE-COP-2 or MC-CPI serial
control panel boards in the car, spare inputs are also available on these boards and will show up
in the Spare Inputs menu as inputs to COP-Fx or CPI-F/CPI-Fx, COP-Rx or CPI-R depending 4
upon the car control panel and rear door board configuration. If the job has ICE-COP-2 or MC-
CPI boards, unused spare inputs to these boards must be set to NOT USED. If controller soft-
ware is upgraded in the field, it is very important to check programmable car panel interface
board inputs and verify unused inputs are set to NOT USED.

Spare inputs are inputs that can be assigned to a physical board connection through software,
allowing great flexibility in configuring a controller to meet specific requirements.

Viewing and Assigning Spare Inputs

Virtually every elevator installation requires some inputs or outputs that are not standard.
Perhaps because one site has elevator security requirements while another does not or uses a
switch to detect when the machine brake is picked, etc. To accommodate these features without
requiring custom software, MCE defines many spare inputs and outputs in standard software
that can be assigned to a physical connector and used at need. Jobs are well defined and tested
before shipment, allowing MCE to assign, label, and show in the job prints these non-standard
inputs or outputs in most cases.

To view assigned spare inputs:

1. Put the car on Inspection and set Function switch F1 up (all others down).
2. Press the N button to cycle through menus until you see Spare Inputs Menu, then
press the S button to select that menu.
3. The display will show the first spare (assignable) connector on the HC-CTL-2 board
and the input assigned there.
4. Press the N button to cycle through available assignable connectors in your system and
the input, if any assigned.
5. If you want to assign an input to an unused connector, cycle to the desired connector
then begin pressing the S button to cycle through available input signals in the order
they are shown in the table below. (You can press and hold S to continuously move
through the inputs in their numeric/alphabetic order.)
6. When the desired input is shown, press N (it also may be held to cycle) until the Spare
Inputs menu is completed and the display again shows the top level menus. Press N
until the Save screen is displayed. Save your changes by pressing S when prompted.


After selecting an input, you can also press N and + buttons together to go immediately back to
the top level menus, then continue to press N until the Save menu is displayed.

User Interface

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
2AB 2AB relay coil monitoring input - If the 2AB relay is ON, the R2AB input will be OFF. R2AB
must always be the opposite of 2AB. If not, the 2AB redundancy fault is logged and the ele-
vator shuts down.
ABI Alarm Bell Input - There are three conditions that will initiate a warning. First, if the Alarm
Button is pressed when the car is stopped outside of a door zone. Next, if the Alarm Button
is pressed four times in 60 seconds without the car moving. Lastly, if the car fails to com-
plete an LSA movement check after being idle for 10 minutes at a landing. All of these fail-
ures will alert the monitoring station.
ACI Reserved for future use.
ALI Alternate Lobby Input - The ALI input is used to substitute the Main Lobby floor value with
an Alternate Lobby floor value. When the ALI input is activated, the lobby value is taken not
from the LOBBY parameter, but from the ALTLBY parameter. The ALTLBY floor must be spec-
ified before using the ALI input.
ALV Alive Input - Used in a duplex configuration; received from the other car. If the input is on,
it indicates the other car is powered. Used in emergency power applications.
API Alternate Parking Input - Used to determine whether to park at the primary or alternate
parking floor. When API is low, the car will park at the primary floor. When API is high, the
car will park at the alternate floor.
ARST Alarm Reset Acknowledge input. Reset an alarm initiated by the ABI input or by an open
safety string. When active, will not allow the DISL, TDISL, and DISB outputs to operate.
ATS Attendant Service Input - When active, the car is controlled by an attendant (starting, stop-
ping, direction of travel). Doors open automatically when car is stopped at a landing. Doors
close only with constant pressure on the door close button, car call button, or a car direction
button (UPI or DNI). Attendant may cause the car to bypass all hall calls by activating the
non-stop button (NSI). The ATSOPT option must also be enabled. While the car is on
Attendant Service, all Load Weigher Functions (LLW, HLW, OLW) are cleared.
AUTO Emergency Power Auto Selection Input - Duplex operation. When activated, one of the cars
is automatically chosen to run on emergency power. The dispatcher makes this decision,
and will choose itself if able to run. The other car will be chosen if the dispatcher is unavail-
able to run. See also the ALV input.
AXR Auxiliary Reset Input - Used to reset redundancy error conditions. Typically connected to a
push button.
BAB Monitoring input for BAB relay coil. If BAB relay is ON, RBAB input will be OFF. RBAB must
always be the opposite of BAB. If not, a BAB redundancy fault is logged and the elevator
shuts down.
BPCR Backup Power alerting input from the MCE TAPS Traction Auxiliary Power Supply. Lets the
elevator know that it is receiving backup power so that correct operating parameters for this
situation may be employed. (From the TAPS UPS-1 output)
BPS Brake Pick Switch input. The brake pick switch/sensor monitors the position of the machine
brake. Three seconds after a run is initiated, the controller checks the status of this input to
see that the BPS is deactivated (low), indicating the brake is fully picked. If the brake is
picked, the controller stops monitoring the input for that run. If the brake is not picked, the
controller continues to monitor throughout the run and, if the brake does not pick, a fault is
reported and the car will be shut down at the end of that run. If the controller detects that
the brake is not fully picked initially but picks during the run and this behavior continues for
three consecutive runs, a fault is reported and the car shut down after the third run.
BSI Building Security Input - Used to activate MCE Security when the BSI SECURITY KEY, in the
Extra Features Menu (Please refer to Building Security Menu on page 4-56), is set to
CBF Car call Bus Fuse Blown - Input used to monitor the car call bus power. If power is lost, typ-
ically caused by a wiring problem or an open fuse, the input goes low and is thereby acti-
vated. The error message CAR CALL BUS IS DISCONNECTED is displayed.

4-28 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
CCC Car Calls Cancel Input - Activation will unconditionally cancel car calls. Because this input
has no logical software qualification, necessary qualification must be done in external cir-
cuitry (e.g., disable the signal feeding this input when on Fire Service Phase II).
CEPFG When active, enables passing floor gong on CE fixture. Non-latching as opposed to PFGE 4
which latches until direction reversal.
CEVA When active, enables floor announcements on CE fixture. Always active if CEVA is not pro-
grammed. When CEVA is not active, floor announcement on CE fixture is disabled.
CNP Contactor Proof Input - Monitors the normal condition of motor/start contactors and will
shut the car down if the contactor fails to make or break contact properly. Generates a Con-
tactor Proofing Redundancy Failure message.
CR1-CR8 Car call card reader. Used to enable car call registration to secured front landings. Bypassed
during fire service Phase II operation.
CR1R-CR8R Car call card reader, rear. Used to enable car call registration to secured rear landings.
Bypassed during fire service Phase II operation.
CRO Car call card reader override. When active, car calls may be registered without restriction.
CTF Car to floor Input - Used to return the car to a previously selected floor. The return floor is
selected using CAR TO FLOOR RETURN FLOOR in the EXTRA FEATURES MENU. When acti-
vated, this input will cause the car to immediately become non-responsive to hall calls, and
will prevent registration of new car calls. Depending upon the setting of Retain Calls, car
calls registered prior to activation of the CTF input will be serviced before, or retained for
service after, recall. Please refer to RETAIN CALLS ON CTL / CTF? on page 4-51.
CTL Car-to-Lobby Input - Used to return the car to the lobby floor. When activated, this input
will cause the car to immediately become non-responsive to hall calls, and will prevent the
registration of new call calls. Depending upon the setting of Retain Calls, car calls registered
prior to activation of the CTL input will be serviced before, or retained for service after,
recall. Please refer to RETAIN CALLS ON CTL / CTF? on page 4-51.
CTST Capture for Test Input - Causes the car to bypass Hall Calls and disable gongs. Car Calls will
still be answered and allowed to be entered.
CWI Counterweight Input. Used in conjunction with EDS and EQI inputs for ANSI and modified
California Earthquake Operation. This input tells the computer that the counterweight has
moved horizontally beyond normal limits. Activation of this input while a car is in flight will
cause an emergency stop. When the car moves to a landing after stopping, it will move in a
direction away from the counterweight (historical activity of EDS input determines which
direction). For ANSI, continuous activation of CWI is monitored (this information is used to
determine if the car will be allowed to run normally at reduced speed). For California, CWI
is monitored to determine if the car will be allowed to run on fire service or hospital emer-
gency service. Please refer to ASME EARTHQUAKE/CALIF EARTHQUAKE on page 4-51.
DCBR Door Close Button Rear. Used to initiate closing or re-closing of the rear door.
DCL Door Close Limit Input - Associated switch opens when the car door is approximately 1 inch
from being closed, causing input to go low. Opening the door approximately 1 inch will
reapply power to the DCL input as the switch makes up.
DCLC Doors Closed Contact Input - When active (high), indicates doors are closed on Retiring
Cam (RETCAM) jobs. Since the doors do not lock until the car is ready to move, the com-
puter needs to see this input to know when the doors are closed.
DCLR Doors Closed Contact Input Rear - When active (high) indicates rear doors are closed on
Retiring Cam (RETCAM) jobs. Since the doors do not lock until the car is ready to move, the
computer needs to see this input to know when the doors are closed.
DFI Drive Fault Input - The fault output of the drive may be connected to this input for drive
fault detection and recording.

User Interface

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
DHLD Door Hold Input - Activates DHO output to open and hold doors for the period the input is
active plus the DLHD timer value. Please refer to DOOR HOLD INPUT TIMER (Range: 0-240
Seconds) on page 4-25. Pressing the door close or a car call button will cancel DHLD time.
Fire Service disables the input.
DHLDR DHLD for Rear Doors - See description of DHLD.
DLI Dispatch Load Input - A load weigher is typically connected to this input. When the input is
activated, door dwell time will be curtailed when the elevator has an up direction at the
Lobby Floor.
DLS Door Lock Sensor Input - Monitors the state of the contacts in the landing door lock string.
Power will be present on the DLS input when all the landing doors are closed and locked.
Used for CSA code with Door lock bypass requirement. NOTE: It is mandatory to have the
DCL input programmed when DLS is used.
DLSR Door Lock Sensor Input (Rear) - See DLS.
DNI Down Input (Attendant Service) - Used by attendant during Attendant Service operation to
establish a direction preference. Pushing the DOWN button in the car activates the input,
causing the computer to generate SDA (down direction preference) and DSHT (door short-
ening) to close the doors.
DOBR Door Open Button Rear. Used to initiate opening or re-opening of the rear door.
DOL Door Open Limit input - Active high input from door open limit switch.
DOLR Door Open Limit Rear input - Active high input from rear door open limit switch.
DPM Front Door Position Monitoring - Switch makes when car door is approximately 1 inch from
being closed, activating (high) DPM input. Opening the door approximately 1 inch removes
power from DPM as the switch opens.
DPMR Rear Door Position Monitoring - See DPM.
DRON Drive On Input. This input is used to indicate to the microprocessor that the drive is ON and
DSTI Door Stop Input - If doors are opening or closing when this input is detected, door operation
will stop. DOF and DCF/DCP flags are cleared. If the DSTI input is momentary, the doors
may be opened or closed using DOB or DBC inputs. If the DSTI input is constant, DOB or
DBC will not override it. This operation will not function in Fire Service, Inspection, or Inde-
pendent service.
DSTIC Door Stop Input Complement. Active low. (See DSTI.)
DSTICR Door Stop Input Complement Rear. Active low. (See DSTI.)
DSTIR DSTI for rear doors - See DSTI.
DZRX Programmable auxiliary rear door zone input. Can be assigned to SPIN-1 through SPIN-6 on
HC-CTL-2 board.
DZX Programmable, auxiliary front door zone input. Can be assigned to SPIN-1 through SPIN-6
on HC-CTL-2 board or to an HC-UIO board and used in place of DZF input on HC-CTL-2
ECRN Emergency Car Freeze Input - Used during emergency power to immobilize a car while
other cars are returned to the assigned landing. The EPR input must also be programmed to
select the car to run.
EDS Earthquake Direction Switch. This input is activated when the car is in line with the counter-
weight. When the controller receives the momentary EDS input, it will note in what direction
the car was traveling to determine the position of the counterweight relative to the car
(counterweight above car, or counterweight below car). This position status is used to safely
move the elevator in the event of an earthquake.
EDTLS Earthquake Direction Terminal Limit Switch - When active, indicates that the car is above
the counterweight. When inactive, indicates the car is below the counterweight.

4-30 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
ELFI External Latching Fault. Multi-purpose input used to assert a fault that must be manually
reset to clear. Once latched, input will cause the car to stop at the next possible floor and
shut down. Input will persist over a power cycle. Must be manually reset using the fault
reset button. Event log will display External Latching Fault Input. 4
EMSC Emergency Medical Service (EMS) in-car switch input - When activated, places the car on
EMS phase two operation (car calls may be registered).
EMSH Emergency Medical Service (EMS) hallway switch input - When activated, recalls car to the
designated EMS floor.
EPI Emergency Power Input - Indicates loss of commercial power when input goes low. Please
page 4-44.
EPR Emergency Power Return Input - Used during emergency power. When activated, car is low-
ered to the recall floor. The ECRN input must also be programmed.
EPRUN Emergency Power Run Input - Wired to the Run switch for emergency power car selection.
The dispatcher in a duplex system will reference this input when deciding which car should
be allowed to run on emergency power. Each car must have its own EPRUN input. Which-
ever is selected will be chosen to run on Emergency Power Phase II.
EPSTP Emergency Power Stop Input - When activated before the lowering sequence, holds the car
immobilized, preventing the emergency power transition timer from running. Used to coor-
dinate emergency power operation with other systems.
EQI Earthquake Input. When this input is activated, the car will proceed to the next floor at
reduced speed and shut down with doors open. The car will remain shut down until EQI is
deactivated again for California jobs. For ANSI jobs, the car will go into reduced speed mode
after 30 seconds (EQN timer) if the CWI input is not activated.
ESS Elevator Shutdown Input - When activated, the car stops at the next landing in the direction
of travel, cycles the doors, and shuts down. Bypassed by Fire, Inspection, Independent,
Attendant, and Hospital service.
FCCC Fire Phase II Call Cancel Button Input - When activated during Fire Phase II operation, can-
cels all registered car calls.
FCHLD Fire Phase II Door Hold Input - When activated during Fire Phase II operation, fully open
doors will not be allowed to close. The HOLD position of the In-car Fireman Service switch
is wired to this input.
FCOFF Fire Phase II OFF Input - Used to take the elevator out of Fire Phase II service. The OFF
position of the In-car Fireman Service switch is wired to this input.
FLTM TAPS Fault input. Alerts the controller if the Traction Auxiliary Power Supply unit has faulted.
FRAA Fire Phase I Second Alternate Input - Required by Detroit fire code. When activated, initi-
ates emergency return to the second designated alternate floor (FRA must also be active).
The alternate fire return floor sensor should activate this input.
FRAON Fire Phase I Alternate Switch ON Position Input - This fire service switch input is second in
priority to the main switch input (FRON) but will override the sensor inputs. When the input
is ON, the car will return to the alternate fire floor.
FRBYP Fire Phase I Switch BYPASS Position Input - When activated, causes the system to ignore
the fire sensors (restoring normal fire service status if the fire service switch is not active)
and unlatches the current fire sensor status.
FRHTW Hoistway Fire Sensor - (Normally high) Deactivating this input initiates recall to the main
fire floor and causes the FWL output to flash.
FRMR Machine room fire sensor - (Normally high) Deactivating this input initiates recall to the
main fire floor and causes the FWL output to flash.
FRON Fire Phase 1 Switch ON Position Input - When activated, places the system in Fire Service
Phase I operation. The ON position of the fire recall switch is typically wired to this input.
FRON2 Fire Phase 1 Switch ON Position Input (additional input - same as FRON).

User Interface

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
FRSA Alternate Fire Service - Normally active input. When this input goes low, Alternate Fire Ser-
vice operation is initiated and the FWL output (Fire Warning Light) will flash.
FRSM Main Fire Service - Normally active input. When this input goes low, Main Fire Service oper-
ation is initiated and the FWL output (Fire Warning Light) will flash.
GOV Governor switch input.
GS Gate Switch Input - Makes up when the car door is approximately 1 inch from fully closed.
With the car door closed, there should be power on the GS input. This input is used for CSA
door lock bypass and redundancy logic. NOTE: It is mandatory to have the DCL spare input
programmed whenever GS is used.
GSR Gate Switch Rear Input - Indicates the rear car gate is closed. Used for CSA door lock
bypass and redundancy logic.
HBF Hall Call Bus Fuse Blown - Input used to monitor the hall call bus power. If power is lost,
typically caused by a wiring problem or an open fuse, the input goes low and is thereby acti-
vated. The error message HALL CALL BUS IS DISCONNECTED is displayed and if the WLD
input is programmed but not activated, the car goes into Wild (emergency dispatch) opera-
HCC Hall Call Cancel. When activated, all hall calls are canceled.
HCR1 - 8 Hall Card Reader Inputs for front landings. Used to enable registration of front hall calls on
secured floors.
HCR1R-8 Hall Card Reader Inputs for rear landings. Used to enable registration of rear hall calls on
secured floors.
HCRO Hall Card Reader Override input. When active, causes the car to bypass Per Floor Hall Card
Reader security inputs. Hall Calls are permitted without enabling Hall Card Reader inputs.
HDCB Hall Door Close Button. When activated, initiates door closing for front door. Disabled during
fireman operation, Fire Phase II.
HDCBR Hall Door Close Button. When activated, initiates door closing for rear door. Disabled during
fireman operation, Fire Phase II.
HDOB Hall Door Open Button. When activated, initiates door opening for front door. Disabled dur-
ing fireman operation, Fire Phase II.
HDOBR Hall Door Open Button. When activated, initiates door opening for rear door. Disabled during
fireman operation, Fire Phase II.
HDSTI Hall Door Stop Input. When activated, stops front door movement until door open or door
close button is pressed. Disabled during fireman operation, Fire Phase II.
HDSTIR Hall Door Stop Input Rear. When activated, stops rear door movement until door open or
door close button is pressed. Disabled during fireman operation, Fire Phase II.
HEATD Heat Detector Input - Detroit Fire Code. Connected to a heat detector in the machine room
and used to stop the car at the next floor and open the doors (same as PTI). Once the doors
are fully open, the HDSC spare output is turned off indicating it is okay to remove power
from the controller and activate machine room sprinklers.
HIND When active, the car will bypass all hall calls, answer existing car calls but not allow addi-
tional car calls to be registered. When calls are satisfied, the car will return to the lobby
floor and enter Independent service automatically.
HLI Heavy Load Input - Indicates car is loaded to a point at which it should no longer accept hall
call assignments (heavy load bypass). A discrete load weigher contact is typically wired to
this input, usually indicating that the load is 75%-80% of full load.
HML Home Landing Input - Used with the primary parking feature to determine whether the car
will park or not. The HLSOPT option must also be enabled.
HOSP In-car Hospital Service Switch Input - Initiates Hospital Service Phase 2 operation. Typically
wired to a keyed hospital service switch located inside the car. Upon activation, the car will
accept a call for any floor and proceed nonstop to that floor after the doors close. Deactiva-
tion restores normal operation of the car. Please refer to HOSPITAL EMERG. OPERATION?
on page 4-48.

4-32 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
ICPD In Car Inspection Down Direction. Intended for a car panel inspection direction button
ICPU In Car Inspection Up Direction. Intended for a car panel inspection direction button input.
INA Monitoring input for the INAX relay coil.
INSDN Inspection Down Input - Indicates intent to move down while on Inspection operation.
INSUP Inspection Up Input - Indicates intent to move up while on Inspection operation.
INT Intermediate speed input.
IRCOF Front Infrared Cutout - Normally active. When this input goes low, the infrared detector sig-
nal is ignored for the front door only and the door will always close at reduced torque and
speed, i.e., nudge closed unless the door requires a constant door close button signal to
close. In this case the door will close at full speed.
IRCOR Rear Infrared Cutout - Normally active. When this input goes low, the infrared detector sig-
nal is ignored for the rear door only and the door will always close at reduced torque and
speed, i.e., nudge closed unless the door requires a constant door close button signal to
close. In this case the door will close at full speed.
LD Level Down.
LLI Light Load Input - When activated the elevator will only allow the number of car calls speci-
fied by the Light Load Car Call Limit parameter to be registered. If more are registered, all
car calls are canceled. A discrete load weigher contact is typically wired to this input, indi-
cating that a very minimal passenger load exists in the car. Please refer to LIGHT LOAD
LSR Landing System Redundancy Input - Redundancy checking. Monitors the door zone (DZ)
level down (LD) circuits. On any run between floors, the LSR input should go low at least
once. If, however, the DZ sensor has failed closed, power will be present continuously on
the LSR input and the car will not be permitted to restart. LANDING SYSTEM REDUNDANCY
FAILURE will be displayed on the LCD. If either the LU or LD sensors fail closed, the con-
troller will not permit the car to restart.
LU Level Up.
LWB Load Weigher Bypass - Used to bypass load weigher inputs (LLI, HLI, OVL and DLI).
MGS When the MGS input is activated, all car calls are immediately canceled (hall calls will be
reassigned, if possible) and the elevator will return to the specified floor, cycle the doors,
and be removed from service. This operation is overridden by fire service and other special
MNO Manual Override. When activated, automatic lowering is overridden. The car will recall to
the next available landing and complete the recall process.
NSI Non-Stop Input (Attendant Service) - Activation causes the car to bypass all hall calls. The
input is enabled only when the car is on Attendant operation.
OVL Overload Input - While the car is stopped at a landing with the doors open, activation of this
input indicates there is too much weight in the car. Doors will be held open until the over-
load condition is cleared and the input goes low. Fire Service will bypass OVL.
OVL2 Overload 2 Input - While on Fire Phase II, when the car is stopped at a landing with the
doors open, activation of this input indicates there is too much weight in the car. Doors will
be held open until the overload condition is cleared and the input deactivated (ANSI A17.1-
2000 fire code only).
PFGE Passing Floor Gong Enable Input - Used mostly on New York City jobs. Normally there is not
an output from the PFG. When this input is momentarily activated, there will be a PFG out-
put as the car passes a floor until the elevator reverses direction (also referred to as S
button). Please refer to PFG ENABLE BUTTON? (Passing Floor Gong Enable Button) on
page 4-26.
PHE2F Second photo eye input for front doors. Same function as PHE. Required when two PHE
inputs are required for cycle testing. PHE and PHE2F must activate simultaneously to pass
the cycle test.

User Interface

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
PHE2R Second photo eye input for rear doors. Same function as PHE. Required when two PHE
inputs are required for cycle testing. PHER and PHE2R must activate simultaneously to pass
the cycle test.
PHER Programmable, auxiliary photo eye input, rear. May be assigned to any spare input on HC-
CTL-2 or HC-UIO boards.
PHERX Programmable, auxiliary photo eye input, rear. May be assigned to SPIN1 - SPIN6 on HC-
CTL board or to an HC-UIO board and used instead of the PHER input on HC-RDR board.
PHEX Programmable, auxiliary photo eye input, front. May be assigned to any spare input on HC-
CTL-2 or HC-UIO boards and used instead of the PHE input on the HC-CTL-2 board.
PITFLD Pit Flood. Activated by pit flood sensor. When activated, the car recalls to the lowest landing
above flood level, after which it returns to normal service without serving the inaccessible
floors. Renders the floors set in the Extra Features menu # of flrs below floor level inac-
cessible. Fire, Parking, and Emergency floors, if below flood level, will be automatically set
to the first available landing above floor level.
PTI Power Transfer Input - When activated, causes the car to stop at the next landing in the
direction of travel, open the doors (in accordance with the LEAVE DOORS OPEN ON PTI/
ESS? parameter) and shut down. Used when transferring from normal to emergency power
(testing), emergency to normal power, as the battery or charger fault input from the video
rescue system, and/or the overspeed governor slow down switch.
Note: The PTI input may be used as a general elevator shut down input in a variety of cir-
cuits. Please refer to the job prints for details when this input is found to be active.
PTIC Complementary PTI Input - Provides reverse logic for the PTI function. PTI operation is initi-
ated when this input goes low.
R2AB Redundancy monitoring input from the 2AB relay contact. (See description of 2AB input.)
R5, R4, R3, R2 Floor Encoding Inputs - Required for absolute floor encoding. NOT USED.
R2L Redundancy 2L bus. Used to monitor the normally closed contact of an additional 2L relay.
RBAB Redundancy monitoring input for the BAB relay contact. (See description of BAB input.)
RDLSR Rear Door Lock Relay Redundancy input (CSA Redundancy) - Monitors the state of the two
DLSR relays. Activated if either relay is picked (a normally open contact from one relay is
wired in parallel with a normally open contact from the other relay to feed this input). Logic
compares the state of the RDLSR input with the state of the DLSR input (the DLSR input
monitors the string of actual door lock contacts) to see if one of the two DLSR relays has
failed in the picked mode (if DLSR=0 and RDLSR=1, a failure is declared).
REO Re-Open Input - Houston fire code requires that doors close after completing a Fire Phase I
return. A key switch in the hallway connected to this input is used by the fire person to
reopen the doors.
REOA Re-Open Input Alternate - Houston fire code requires that doors close after completing a
Fire Phase I return. A key switch in the hallway connected to this input is used by the fire
person to reopen the doors at the Alternate recall floor.
REVD Reverse Direction input from the MCE TAPS Traction Auxiliary Power Supply unit. (From
TAPS Rev output)
RGS Redundancy Gate Switch (front) - Monitors the state of the two GS relays. Activated if either
relay is picked (a normally open contact from one relay is wired in parallel with a normally
open contact from the other relay to feed this input). The logic compares the state of the
RGS input with the state of the GS input (the GS input monitors the actual car gate contact)
to check if one of the two GS relays has failed in the picked mode (if GS=0 and RGS=1, a
failure is declared).

4-34 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.6 Spare Inputs Menu Options

Spare Inputs Menu Options
RGSR Redundancy Gate Switch (rear) - Monitors the state of the two GSR relays. Activated if
either relay is picked (a normally open contact from one relay is wired in parallel with a
normally open contact from the other relay to feed this input). The logic compares the state
of the RGSR input with the state of the GSR input (the GSR input monitors the actual rear 4
car gate contact) to check if one of the two GSR relays has failed in the picked mode (if
GSR=0 and RGSR=1, a failure is declared).
RINAX Redundancy monitoring input for the INAX relay contact.
RUN/A/B Active when car is selected to run on emergency power. A and B are used for duplex.
SAB Sabbath Operation Input - Selects Sabbath Operation in which the car will move through
the hoistway, stopping at landings that are programmed in the Extra Features Menu.
SAFC Car safety string input.
SAFH Hoistway safety string input.
SE Safe Edge Input. When active, doors may not close.
SER Safe Edge Input, Rear. When active, rear doors may not close.
SIMP Simplex Input - Activation causes a duplex car to behave as a simplex. The car will respond
to hall calls registered on its own call circuitry, will not accept hall calls assigned to it by
another controller, and will perform its own parking function independently.
STARTIN Start Input - Used for the START position of the three position Fire Phase II switch for Aus-
tralian jobs. Causes the front and rear doors to close. The car will not proceed to answer car
calls during Fire Phase II until the STARTIN input has been activated.
STDX Programmable, auxiliary step down input. May be assigned to SPIN1 - SPIN6 on HC-CTL-2
board or to an HC-UIO board and used instead of STD input on HC-CTL-2 board.
STUX Programmable, auxiliary step up input. May be assigned to SPIN1 - SPIN6 on HC-CTL-2
board or to an HC-UIO board and used instead of STU input on HC-CTL-2 board.
STOP When active, the car will immediately stop as long as the input is active or until the input is
bypassed and the car is commanded to move.
SWG Swing Input. When active will disconnect from the group and act as a simplex, responding
to calls from its independent riser. Disable Local Hall Calls, page 4-16, must be set to NO.
UDF Up and Down direction relay fault input.
UFL Up Final Limit Input - This is a latching input that monitors the up final limit. Deactivation
of this input will shut the elevator down and require a manual reset by toggling the Inspec-
tion switch.
UPI Up Input (Attendant Service) - Used by an attendant during attendant service operation to
establish a direction preference. Pushing the UP button in the car will activate this input,
causing the computer to generate SUA (up direction preference) and DSHT (door shorten-
ing) to close the doors.
WLD Emergency Dispatch Input - Causes Wild operation (emergency dispatching) to be disabled.
Created to allow building personnel or elevator maintenance personnel to disable emer-
gency dispatching on one or more cars in a multi-car system. For example, if the dispatcher
of an 8-car group were to fail, the building may only want 3 cars to run on wild operation.
The remaining 5 cars would be inhibited from running on wild operation by activating the
WLD input for each.
WPIA - WPIH Bracelet Security (Wandering Patient Security) inputs. These inputs work in conjunction
with the WPIA Landing/Side (opening) option in the Extra Features menu. Landing and side
options must be set for each WPIx input programmed. When a WPIx input is activated, hall
calls to the programmed landing and side associated with the input will be disabled. If the
elevator is already located at that landing with the doors open, it will be prevented from
leaving that landing and will shut down. (AKA Infant Abduction Security)

User Interface

Spare Outputs Menu

The first four spare output terminals are located on the HC-CTL-2 board. Additional spare out-
puts are available on each HC-UIO Universal Input/Output board. Please refer to HC-UIO
Universal Input/Output Board on page 5-56. If your installation uses ICE-COP-2 or MC-CPI
serial control panel boards in the car, spare outputs are also available on these boards and will
show up in the Spare Outputs menu as outputs from COP-Fx or CPI-F/CPI-Fx, COP-Rx or CPI-
R depending upon the car control panel and rear door board configuration. If the job has can
panel interface boards, unused spare outputs from these boards must be set to NOT USED. If
controller software is upgraded in the field, it is very important to check programmable CPI
board outputs and verify unused outputs are set to NOT USED.

Spare outputs are outputs that can be assigned to a physical board connection through soft-
ware, allowing great flexibility in configuring a controller to meet specific requirements.

Viewing and Assigning Spare Outputs

Virtually every elevator installation requires some inputs or outputs that are not standard.
Perhaps because one site has elevator security requirements while another does not or uses a
switch to detect when the machine brake is picked, etc. To accommodate these features without
requiring custom software, MCE defines many spare inputs and outputs in standard software
that can be assigned to a physical connector and used at need. Jobs are well defined and tested
before shipment, allowing MCE to assign, label, and show in the job prints these non-standard
inputs or outputs in most cases.

To view assigned spare outputs:

1. Put the car on Inspection and set Function switch F1 up (all others down).
2. Press the N button to cycle through menus until you see Spare Outputs Menu, then
press the S button to select that menu.
3. The display will show the first spare (assignable) connector and the output assigned
4. Press the N button to cycle through available assignable connectors in your system and
the output, if any assigned.
5. If you want to assign an output to an unused connector, cycle to the desired connector
then begin pressing the S button to cycle through available output signals in the order
they are shown in the table below. (You can press and hold S to continuously move
through the outputs in their numeric/alphabetic order.)
6. When the desired output is shown, press N (it also may be held to cycle) until the Spare
Outputs menu is completed and the display again shows the top level menus. Press N
until the Save screen is displayed. Save your changes by pressing S when prompted.


After selecting an output, you can also press N and + buttons together to go immediately back to
the top level menus, then continue to press N until the Save menu is displayed.

4-36 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
702-709 Front Down Hall Call indicators. Typically used for hall gongs or chimes and activated as the
elevator levels into the associated landing. See drawings package. Do not use if a dedi-
cated HC-UIO board is used for Hall Call Indicators. 4
702R-709R Rear Down Hall Call indicators. Typically used for hall gongs or chimes and activated as the
elevator levels into the associated landing. See drawings package. Do not use if a dedi-
cated HC-UIO board is used for Hall Call Indicators.
801-808 Front Up Hall Call indicators. Typically used for hall gongs or chimes and activated as the
elevator levels into the associated landing. See drawings package. Do not use if a dedi-
cated HC-UIO board is used for Hall Call Indicators.
801R-808R Rear Up Hall Call indicators. Typically used for hall gongs or chimes and activated as the
elevator levels into the associated landing. See drawings package. Do not use if a dedi-
cated HC-UIO board is used for Hall Call Indicators.
900 Audible Car Call Registered Output - Generated by registration of a car call. Used to comply
with specific handicap (barrier-free) codes that require an audible acknowledgment of car
call registration.
ABZ Attendant Service Buzzer Output - Generated momentarily when a hall call button is
pushed while the elevator is on attendant operation. Used for an in-car buzzer to alert the
AFFS Available For Fire Service output. Normally high, will go low if one of the below is true:
Car out of service.
Car is on Inspection.
Car is on Test mode.
Car on hospital service and fire does not bypass hospital.
Car on EMS service and fire does not bypass EMS.
ATSFO Active when car is on Attendant Service.
BOTTOM Bottom landing output. Activates when the car reaches the bottom landing. Used to facili-
tate load weigher calibration.
CARCOM Active when car to car communications are good.
CCDE Car Call Disconnect Enable Output - Comes on when car calls are canceled during photo-
eye anti-nuisance operation.
CCT Car Call Time Flag Output - Represents the state of the CCT flag. Activated when a car call
is canceled and deactivated when the door dwell time elapses (or is canceled by pressing a
car call or door close button).
CD Car Done Returning on Emergency Power Output - Active when the car has finished return-
ing on emergency power or when it is determined that the car cannot return.
CEPR Complete Emergency Power Return. Generated when the car has completed emergency
power return to the recall landing and is parked with doors open.
CFLT CSA FAULT OUTPUT - On when there is a CSA Redundancy fault condition (CNP, ILO and
UDF only). Used for Canadian Standards Association (CSA) code. If applicable, refer to the
job compliance report.
CGED Car Gong Enable Down Output - Generated to activate the in-car gong/lantern (front
doors). Activated (usually a double ding: on-off-on) to announce intention to move down
after the doors start to open. This will happen when a down hall call front has been entered
and the car has reached the floor the call originated from or if the doors are open and a car
call front is entered for a floor below.
CGEDR CGED for rear doors Output - Same as CGED but for the rear gong/lantern.
CGEU Car Gong Enable Up Output - Generated to activate the in-car gong/lantern (front doors).
Activated (usually a single-ding) to announce intention to move up after the doors start to
open. This will happen when an up hall call front has been entered and the car has reached
the floor the call originated from, or if the doors are open and a car call front is entered for
a floor above.

User Interface

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
CGEUR CGEU for rear doors Output - Same as CGEU but for the rear gong/lantern.
CGF Computer Generated Fault Output - Comes on for any computer generated fault.
CHBPO Car and Hoistway Bypass Output - Active when a door is being bypassed (car gate or hoist-
way door for both the front and rear sides).
CR01-CR8 Car Card Reader Outputs, front landings. Indicates the associated card reader input has
been activated (allowing car call registration to this front landing). Once the call is regis-
tered, output will remain active until call completed.
CR01R-CR8R Car Card Reader Outputs, rear landings. Indicates the associated card reader input has
been activated (allowing car call registration to this rear landing). Once the call is regis-
tered, output will remain active until call completed.
CSB Car Stop Switch Bypass Output - Used to provide redundancy for the in-car stop switch
function. Activated during Fire Service Phase I to bypass the in-car stop switch (a similar
output is one of the standard outputs). With this second output, failure of one of these
devices (stuck in the active mode) will not cause the Stop switch to be bypassed improp-
erly. Redundancy is required by CSA.
CSEO Code Sequence Enable Output - Active when car is on security and ready to accept the
security code. Goes off once the code is accepted or the code entry timer elapses.
CSR Car Selected to Run Output - Generated when the car is selected to run on Emergency
Power phase 2 via the AUTO or EPRUN input.
CTLDOT Car-to-Lobby Door Open Timer Output - Generated upon completion of the car to lobby
function (the car has returned to the lobby landing, the doors have opened, and the CTL
door timer has expired).
DBZF Front Door Buzzer - Active prior to automatic closing of the front doors for the length of
time determined by the Door Buzzer Timer.
DBZR Rear Door Buzzer - Active prior to automatic closing of the rear doors for the length of time
determined by the Door Buzzer Timer.
DCFR Like DCFX but for rear doors.
DCFX Door Close Function Auxiliary. Signals the controller to attempt to close the doors. Unlike
the standard DCF output on the HC-CTL-2 board, this one is disabled on inspection, Fire
phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
DCPR Like DCPX but for rear doors.
DCPX Door Close Power Auxiliary. Unlike the standard DCP output on the HC-CTL-2 board, this
one is disabled on inspection, Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
DHEND Door Hold End Output - Activates five seconds prior to Door Hold Timer expiration.
DHENDR Door Hold End Output Rear - Activates five seconds prior to Rear Door Hold Timer expira-
DHO Door Hold Output - Indicates doors are being held open by the door hold input function.
(The DHLD input is active or the timer associated with the door hold function has not yet
elapsed.) DHO will be active if DHLD or DHLDR is active.
DHOF Door Hold Output Front - Indicates front doors are being held open by the door hold input
function. (The DHLD input is active or the timer associated with the door hold function has
not yet elapsed.) DHOF will be active if DHLD is active.
DHOR Door Hold Output Rear - Indicates rear doors are being held open by the door hold input
function. (The DHLDR input is active or the timer associated with the door hold function
has not yet elapsed.) DHOR will be active if DHLDR is active.
DISB Distress Buzzer. Activated when the emergency stop switch is pulled or the alarm bell input
(ABI) is activated. Pulsates if the SAFH, SAFC, or GOV inputs are low or if the TDISL output
is used.
DISL Distress Light. Activated when the car establishes an extended safety string fault or if the
emergency stop switch is pulled or the alarm bell input (ABI) activated.

4-38 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
DISLX Distress Light Auxiliary. Activated when the car is shut down due to a fault or the MGS or
PTI inputs are activated while a car call is latched.
DLOB Door Left Open Bell Output - Comes on when a call button is pressed and the door has
been left open. Used on single button collective and single automatic push button when the 4
hall and car call buttons are connected.
DNO Down output (Attendant Service) - Used on Attendant Service to indicate that a hall call
has been registered below the car and the car has been assigned to answer it. Normally
used to light an indicator to alert the attendant that such hall calls exist.
DNS Down Sense. Active while the car travels in the down direction.
DO1 DO2, DO4, DO8, DO16, D032 - Binary coded P.I. outputs for digital P.I. devices.
DOFR Like DOFX but for rear doors.
DOFX Door Open Function Auxiliary. Signals the door operator to attempt to open the doors.
Unlike the standard DOF output on the HC-CTL-2 board, this one is disabled on inspection,
Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
DEIS Door Enable Inspection Stop Switch - Activated when front door operation is allowed.
Deactivated if the elevator is on inspection or Test mode or if the door stop input has been
activated. See Spare Input, DSTI.
DEISR Door Enable Inspection Stop Switch Rear - Activated when rear door operation is allowed.
Deactivated if the elevator is on inspection or Test mode or if the door stop input has been
activated. See Spare Input, DSTI.
DOORENAB Door Enable Output. Activated when door operation is permitted. For example, if the car is
not on Inspection and not on Test mode.
DSH Door Time Shortening Output (intermediate) - Generated when a destination car call but-
ton is pressed. (Causes door dwell time to shorten if the doors are fully open).
DSHT Door Time Shortening Front Output (final) - Reflects the status of the DSHT flag. Gener-
ated if a destination car call button or the front door close button is pressed.
DSHTR Door Time Shortening Rear Output (final) - Reflects the status of the DSHTR flag. Gener-
ated if a destination car call button or the rear door close button is pressed.
ECRN Emergency Power Car Run Output - Reflects status of the emergency car run flag associ-
ated with emergency power logic. When activated, indicates the car is being prevented
from running by emergency power operation logic.
EFG Egress Floor Gong Output - Activates for 300 milliseconds when the car arrives at the
egress floor and opens the doors in response to a hall or car call (requires that the egress
floor be programmed, See EGRESS FLOOR ARRIVAL GONG? / MAIN EGRESS FLOOR # on
page 4-26). Used to activate an audible indicator to inform visually impaired passengers
that the elevator has arrived at the main egress floor.
EMSB Emergency Medical Service Buzzer Output - Comes on as soon as the EMS hall switch is
activated (EMSIH) and goes off when the car reaches the EMS floor (Phase 1 return). Used
to sound an audible signal in the car to alert passengers that the car is being comman-
deered on EMS service.
EMSIC Emergency Medical Service Indicator Car Output - Comes on as soon as the EMS hall
switch is activated (EMSH). Stays on until the car returns to normal service. Used to acti-
vate a visual indicator in the car to alert passengers that the car is on EMS service.
EMSIH Emergency Medical Service Indicator Hall Output - Comes on when the EMS hall switch is
activated (EMSH). Goes off when the in-car switch is activated (EMSC). Enables an indica-
tor informing EMS personnel that the EMS signal was recognized by the control system.
EP1 Emergency Power Phase 1 Output - Activated when Emergency Power is initiated via the
EPI input. Stays on until all cars have been recalled to the emergency power landing
(sequential lowering, the first phase of emergency power).
EP2 Emergency Power Phase 2 Output - Activated when the system is in the second phase of
emergency power (after recall, the normal running of a car on emergency power genera-
tors) and remains activated until commercial power is restored.

User Interface

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
EQIND Earthquake indicator output. Generated when the CWI input is activated and the car is out
of a door zone on Independent Service
EQL Earthquake Light. Active during earthquake operation.
FCHLDO Monitors the status of the Fire Phase II Door Hold Input.
FCOFFO Monitors the status of the Fire Phase II OFF Input.
FIR1 Fire Service Phase I output - Activated during Fire Service Phase I Main and Alternate oper-
FLASH Flash output - Turns ON and OFF at 0.5 second intervals.
FLO Fan/Light Operation Output - Used to turn OFF the car fan and light. Usually OFF. Turned
ON after the Fan/Light Timer elapses. Timer starts when the car becomes inactive.
FRC Fire Service Phase II Output - Activated when the car is placed on Fire Service Phase II.
Active until the elevator has completely transitioned out of fire service phase II operation.
Depending on the fire code programmed, may not be until the elevator has completed its
return to the recall floor and the doors have fully opened after turning the in-car firefighter
switch to the off position.
FRCT Fire Service Phase II True Output - Like FRC, active when car is placed on Fire Service
Phase II. Remains active after the car is taken off in-car firefighter status and until the car
has recalled to the recall landing and the doors are preparing to open.
FRM Fire Service Phase I Output - Activated when the car is on Main or Alternate Fire Service
Phase I. Deactivated when Fire Service Phase II begins.
FSA Fire Service Alternate Output - Activated when the FRA input is activated by the main fire
sensor. Remains active while the car is on Fire Service Phase I.
FSLCX Fire Service Light COP Auxiliary output. When active, indicates in-car fire service light is
FSLLX Fire Service Light Lobby Auxiliary output. When active, indicates the lobby fire service light
is active.
FSM Fire Service Main Output - Activated by the fire sensor or switch input for Fire Service Main
Phase I or II.
FSO Fire Service On Output - Activated when the car is on Fire Service Phase I or II. Used to
activate the visual fire service indicator in the car.
FSVC True Fire Service Output - Activated when the car is on Fire Service Phase I or II. Used to
extinguish the hall position indicators as required by ANSI89 Fire Code.
FWIX Fire Service Buzzer Auxiliary output.
FWL Fire Warning Light Output - Used to indicate if the car is on Fire Phase I or II. It will be ON
solidly unless machine room or hoistway fire sensors have tripped (FRMR, FRHTW, FRSA,
FRSM) in which case it will flash.
GEDX Gong Enable Down Auxiliary. Unlike the standard GED output on the HC-CTL-2 board, this
one is not active on inspection, Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
GEDRX Same as GEDX, but for rear doors.
GEUX Gong Enable Up Auxiliary. Unlike the standard GEU output on the HC-CTL-2 board, this one
is not active on inspection, Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
GEURX Same as GEUX, but for rear doors.
GDO1/2/4/8/ Gray Code digital outputs for Gray Code Digital PI devices.
H High Speed Output. Active when the elevator is running at high speed. Informational out-
HCP Hall Call Pushed Output - Active when a hall call button is pressed for the amount of time
the button is down.
HCR Hall Call Reject Output - Reflects the status of the HCR flag which indicates that a car is
unable to respond to a hall call (car may be out of service or overloaded).

4-40 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
HCR01-HCR8 Hall Card Reader outputs. Indicates that the associated card reader input has been acti-
vated, allowing registration of the hall call. Remains active until the call is extinguished.
HCR01R- Hall Card Reader outputs Rear. Used to indicate that the associated card reader input has
HCR8R been activated, allowing registration of the hall call. Remains active until the call is extin- 4
HDNL High speed down and not leveling. Informational output.
HDSC Heat Detector Shutdown Complete Output - Detroit Fire Code. Normally active. When acti-
vated, the car stops at the next landing and opens the doors. Once the doors are fully open
(DOL=0), the output is turned off, indicating it is okay to shut down the controller and acti-
vate machine room sprinklers.
HEO Hospital Emergency Operation. Flashes when the car is responding to a hospital emergency
operation call. Remains flashing until the in-car hospital switch is returned to normal or the
time interval that the car must wait for the in-car switch to be turned On expires. Please
refer to HOSPITAL EMERG. OPERATION? on page 4-48.
HLW Heavy Load Weigher Output - Activated when car load exceeds the heavy load threshold
(see Load Weigher Thresholds on page 4-60) or when the HLI input is activated.
HOSPH2 Hospital Phase 2. Activated when the car is at the hospital emergency recall floor. Remains
active until the hospital in-car switch is turned off or the time interval that the car must
wait for the in-car switch to be turned On expires. Please refer to HOSPITAL EMERG.
OPERATION? on page 4-48.
HSEL Hospital Emergency Car Select. Reflects the hospital selection status of an elevator. HSEL is
the flag generated when a car is selected to respond to a hospital emergency call. HSEL is
generated when the call is assigned to the car (HSEL actually initiates the return to the
hospital call floor) and remains on until the in-car hospital switch is activated or the hospi-
tal wait timer expires. Please refer to HOSPITAL EMERG. OPERATION? on page 4-48.
HUNL High speed up and not leveling. Informational output.
HWI Hospital Warning Indicator. This output will remain on when a hospital emergency call is
registered in a car on Independent Service. Please refer to HOSPITAL EMERG. OPERA-
TION? on page 4-48.
INDFRC Independent Service/Fire Service Phase 2 Output - Used to disconnect hall calls during Fire
Independent Service for elevators with either single button collective or single automatic
push button operation. Please refer to OPERATION: on page 4-13.
INDO Independent Service Output. Active when the elevator is running on Independent mode.
Typically used to drive an indicator light. Please refer to Independent Service on page 1-
INSP Inspection. Active when the car is on Inspection operation (any inspection or access
ISRT In Service and Running Output - Reflects the cars ability to respond to hall calls (the ISRT
status). ISRT is active when the car status is such that it can answer hall calls.
ISVF Flashing In Service Output - Reflects status of the in-service flag (ISV) which indicates that
the car is in normal passenger mode operation. This output will flash if the car times out of
ISV In Service Output - Reflects status of the in-service flag (ISV) which indicates that the car
is in normal passenger mode operation.
IUL In Use Light output - Activates when the car is in use, e.g., the car is in motion or the doors
are open.
LCTF Front photo eye cycle test output. When this output and the 2PHEF input are programmed,
the front doors will not close until the front photo eye cycle test passes. Prior to closing the
front doors, the controller will generate the LCTF output so the door operator will cycle the
front PHE inputs (Off to On, then On to Off). During this time, the front PHE is disabled for
normal operation. Only fire service bypasses this operation.

User Interface

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
LCTR Rear photo eye cycle test output. When this output and the 2PHER input are programmed,
the rear doors will not close until the rear photo eye cycle test passes. Prior to closing the
rear doors, the controller will generate the LCTR output so the door operator will cycle the
rear PHE inputs (Off to On, then On to Off). During this time, the rear PHE is disabled for
normal operation. Only fire service bypasses this operation.
LLW Light Load Weigher Output - Activated when load in the car is less than the threshold set
for light load anti-nuisance (see Load Weigher Thresholds on page 4-60) or when the LLI
page 4-44).
MISV Mechanically In Service Output - Normally active when the car is running but turned off
when the car is mechanically out of service as indicated by the Safety String (SAF) and
Motor Limit Timer (MLT).
MLT Motor Limit Timer Elapsed Output - Activated if the Motor Limit Timer Elapses or when the
EXMLT input is active.
NBZX Nudging Buzzer Auxiliary output. Unlike the standard NBZ output on the HC-CTL-2 board,
this one is not active on inspection, Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
NCD Emergency Power Return Incomplete Output - Deactivated when car has finished returning
on emergency power or when it has been determined that the car cannot lower (see
NDGR Like NDGX, but for rear doors.
NDGX Door Nudging Auxiliary output. Signals the controller to attempt to close the doors at
reduced torque. Unlike the standard N1 output on the HC-CTL-2 board, this one is not
active on inspection, Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
OFR One Floor Run Output - Generated when the car initiates a run. Remains active until the car
encounters the first door zone in its movement (active while traversing the first floor height
in the direction of travel).
OFRP One Floor Run Programmable - Active while making one-floor runs between adjacent floors
designated in the Extra Features Menu (see OFRP BETWEEN FLRS on page 4-50).
OLW Overloaded Car Threshold Output - Activated when the overload threshold is reached (see
Load Weigher Thresholds on page 4-60) or OVL input. The car will remain at the floor
with doors open. Typically, when used, a visual or audible indicator alerts passengers that
the car is overloaded. Overridden by Fire Service Phase II.
PFGX Passing Floor Gong Auxiliary output. Unlike the standard PFG output on the HC-CTL-2
board, this one is not active on inspection, Fire phase I, or Fire phase II operation.
PH1 Fire Service Phase 1 Return Complete Output - Indicates the car has successfully com-
pleted Fire Service Phase I recall (the car is at the fire recall floor with doors open). Most
often used as a signal that it is okay to activate machine room sprinklers.
PI1 - PI8 Position Indicator outputs (discrete). One wire per floor.
PRIFLG Priority Service Output - Informs the emergency power overlay that the car is on emer-
gency/priority service and should be selected to run. Priority operation includes Hospital
Service, EMT Service, Fire Service Phase II, Earthquake Service, and Test Mode.
RCOMP Rescue Complete. Used with a TAPS unit. When the controller is under TAPS operation,
RCOMP will activate (ground) once the car has landed at a floor and cycled doors to let pas-
sengers out.
RSTDRV Reset Drive. Allows the controller to activate the drive reset function.
SAFO Safety Output. If the car safety string opens, this output activates.
SEC Security Code Incorrect - When elevator security is on, this output is active for five seconds
if an incorrect security code is entered.
SIMPO Simplex Output - Comes on when the SIMP input is activated or when Simplex Operation is
chosen. Used to activate a relay(s) to separate the two hoistway risers.
TESTSWO Test switch output. Activates when the car is put in Test mode.

4-42 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode

Table 4.7 Spare Outputs Menu Options

Spare Outputs Menu Options
TOS Timed Out of Service Output - Reflects the Timed Out of Service flag. The TOS flag is set if
the car does not move within a certain amount of time with either SUA or SDA active.
UPO Up Output (Attendant Service) - Indicates that a hall call has been registered above the car
and the car has been assigned to answer it. Normally used for an indicator light to alert the 4
attendant that such hall calls exist.
UPS Up Sense. Active while the car travels in the up direction.
WLDI Wild Operation Indication Output - Generated when the car is in emergency dispatch mode,
e.g., if the hall call bus fuse is blown and emergency dispatching is active.
XPI1 - XPI7 Auxiliary Position Indicators 1 through 7. Like the standard PI1 - PI7 outputs except that
these are disabled on Inspection or Fire Service Phase I or II.
XSDA Auxiliary Supervisory Down Arrow - Behaves identically to the standard SDA output except
that it is disabled on Inspection and Fire Service Phase I or II.
XSUA Auxiliary Supervisory Up Arrow - Behaves identically to the standard SUA output except
that it is disabled on Inspection or Fire Service Phase I or II.
ZADJ Zero Adjust - Causes the analog load weigher to perform a zero adjust procedure. Gener-
ated once every 31 hours or when the car is idle at the bottom floor for 30 seconds.

User Interface

Extra Features Menu Options

GRAY CODE 0 depending on the inputs required by the position indicator and
whether the floor count begins with a zero value or a one value.
If yes, Intermediate Speed may be applied to the standard curve through the Interme-
diate (INT) input if programmed. See Intermediate Speed, 151 on page 4-158.
If selected, the controller will put the elevator into Emergency Power Operation when
it receives an Emergency Power Input (EPI) signal. During Phase 1 of Emergency
Power Operation, the car will be moved to the emergency power return floor. In a
duplex configuration, each car will be moved to the return floor individually.

During Phase 2 of Emergency Power Operation, if the car Emergency Power Run
(EPRUN) input is activated, the car will run normally. Otherwise, the car will remain
at the emergency power return floor and will not respond to calls.

For a simplex controller, the car EPRUN input is sometimes connected to a switch so
that the input can be turned ON or OFF. For a duplex controller, both car EPRUN
inputs are usually connected to a Run Selection switch. The position of this switch
determines which car will run during Phase 2 of Emergency Power Operation.
Often, there is an AUTO position on the Run Selection switch connected to the AUTO
input on both controllers in a duplex. If the AUTO input is activated, one car will be
automatically selected to run during Phase 2 of Emergency Power Operation. For
example: If one car happens to be out of service when the operation begins, the other
car will be automatically selected to run.

If the Emergency Power option is selected, appropriate spare inputs should be config-
ured also. See Spare Inputs Menu on page 4-27.
Used only when the Light Load Weigher Input is activated. (See Spare Inputs Menu
on page 4-27.) To program this option:
Activate the LLI input.
Set LIGHT LOAD WEIGHING? to NO or press S to select the maximum number of car calls
registered before all car calls are canceled.
If S is pressed, the display will read LIGHT LOAD CAR CALL LIMIT.
Press S until the desired number is displayed.


Light Load Weighing/Light Load Car Call Limit is an anti-nuisance feature. It is designed to
prevent a single person in the car from placing multiple car calls to delay the car.

4-44 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode


When ON, car calls will be canceled if the Photo Eye input has not been activated after
a programmed number of consecutive stops. The number of consecutive stops must be
programmed before the car calls will cancel. To program this option:
Set PHOTO EYE ANTI-NUISANCE? to NO or press S to select the number of consecutive
stops. 4
If S is pressed, the display will read CONSEC STOPS W/O PHE LIMIT.
Press S until the desired number is displayed.


Photo Eye Anti-Nuisance/Consec Stops w/o PHE Limit is an anti-nuisance feature designed to
prevent a single person from remaining in the car and joy-riding for multiple calls.
If set to Yes, if a car is idle for a period of time in excess of the MGR timer, it will recall
to its parking floor and shut down.
Enables card reader security through HC-UIO boards set aside (dedicated) for security
I/O only. No non-security I/O may be connected to these boards.

CARD REDR INPUTS- STACKED C/H? YES/NO - (Applies only if Dedicated Card
Reader Security = Yes)
No = each UIO boards connections will be of only one type (hall reader or car panel
Yes = car and hall security may be serviced by different connections on the same UIO
board. It will then need clarification as to which calls must be accommodated, see explana-
tion below:
UIO Board/Security Enforcement/Connection Order
The maximum number of security signal connections for a single floor is four: One each
for front and rear control panels and one each for front and rear hall stations. In reality,
each floor may not require all four inputs; for example, some floors may not have rear
doors while others do. In order to use UIO board connections most efficiently, the system
uses the floor service map set up through Basic Features, and information from the fol-
lowing four prompts, to set aside the actual number of security connections required for
each floor. Note: If the information is available, before the system is shipped, these
options are factory-set and you may simply follow the job prints to make connections.
After setting CARD REDR INPUTS - STACKED C/H to YES, use the + key to move to the
next clarification prompt.
CARD REDR INPUTS - F CAR CALS? Y/N. Use the S key to respond. Yes if you have front
car call readers; No if you do not. Use the + key to move to the next prompt.
CARD REDR INPUTS - F HAL CALS? Y/N. Use the S key to respond. Yes if you have front
hall call readers; No if you do not. Use the + key to move to the next prompt.
CARD REDR INPUTS - R CAR CALS? Y/N. Use the S key to respond. Yes if you have rear
car call readers; No if you do not. Use the + key to move to the next prompt.
CARD REDR INPUTS - R HAL CALS? Y/N. Use the S key to respond. Yes if you have rear
hall call readers; No if you do not.
Press N to exit the prompt set.

User Interface


If yes, on Independent service and if more than one car call is registered, when the first
car call is answered all other registered car calls will be canceled.
WPIx LANDING? (x = A through H)
Wandering Patient Security (Bracelet Security/Infant Abduction Security). When a
WPI input is activated, hall calls to the landing and side associated with that input are
disabled. If the elevator is already at that landing with doors open, it will be shut down
and prevented from leaving that landing. Set the landing number and the side (Front,
Rear, or Both) to be disabled when the corresponding spare input (WPIA through
WPIH) is activated.
Wandering Patient Security (Bracelet Security). If set to Yes, car calls to landings with
active WPIx inputs are allowed, otherwise, car calls to those landings are disabled.
If set to NO, when the car is servicing a hall call, only the call in the direction of travel
is canceled.
If set to YES, when the car is servicing a hall call, calls in both up and down directions
are canceled.
No: If Car To Lobby or Car To Floor are activated, the car will first service registered
car calls then move to the recall floor. Hall calls will be canceled.
Yes: If Car To Lobby or Car To Floor are activated, the car will first service registered
car calls then move to the recall floor. Hall calls will be retained and served after the
CTL input is deactivated.
If you want to use this option, set to a specific floor number. The car will automatically
stop at that floor on any run that would normally pass the floor.
Causes the selected doors (front, rear or both) to open automatically when an auto-
matic floor stop occurs.
Causes all previously registered car calls to be canceled when the car reverses travel
If set to YES and the car has a direction arrow (SUA/SDA), no car calls can be regis-
tered behind the current car position. For example: If a car is at the fifth floor moving
down, no car calls can be registered for the sixth floor and above.
Informs the controller of the revision level, 1 or 2, of the CE interface board in use.
Provided in the state of Massachusetts only, this option is key-operated and provides
immediate car service for Massachusetts Emergency Medical Service personnel.

4-46 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode


Standard Security is initiated by the BSI Security Key. There are three possible set-
If set to ACTIVATED, Security is initiated.
If set to ENABLED, Security is initiated only if the Building Security Input (BSI) is
turned On.
If set to DEACTIVATED, Security is deactivated regardless of the status of the BSI
When set to YES, allows PI outputs to turn OFF if the car has been inactive for a
selected time (from 1 to 10 minutes) as determined by the fan/light timer. Please refer
to FAN/LIGHT OUTPUT TIMER (Range: 5.0-20.0 Minutes) on page 4-25.

User Interface


When selected, enables Hospital Emergency Operation. Typically, a hospital emer-
gency call switch is installed at each floor where this service is desired.
If you do not have Hospital Emergency Service Operation, set the option to NO by
pressing the S button. Then, press the N push button to exit.
If you have Hospital Emergency Service Operation, set the option to YES by pressing
the S button, then the N button to continue. A landing number display will appear.
If you want Hospital Emergency Service to this landing, press S to set to Yes. (If you
change your mind, press S a second time to go back to No.)
Press the '+' push button to scroll through available landings. Press N to continue after
making settings for a floor.
If this car has rear doors, the sequence will repeat.
Press the '+' button to scroll through available landings. The display will continue to
present options for each floor. Press N to exit the Hospital Emergency Service option.
When a hospital emergency call switch is activated, the hospital emergency call registered
light will light at that floor only and the nearest available elevator will respond to the call. All
car calls in the selected car will be canceled and any landing calls which had previously been
assigned to the car will be transferred to another car if available.
If the selected car is traveling away from the hospital emergency call, it will slow down and
stop at the nearest floor without opening the doors, reverse direction, and proceed nonstop
to the hospital emergency floor.
If the selected car is traveling toward the hospital emergency floor, it shall proceed nonstop
to that floor.
If, at the time of selection, the car is slowing into a floor, it will stop without opening the
doors, then travel immediately to the hospital emergency floor.
When the car reaches the hospital emergency floor, it will remain with doors open for a
timer-determined time. After this interval has expired, if the car has not been placed on in-
car Hospital Emergency Service Operation, the car will return to normal service.
A hospital emergency key switch in each car operating panel is used to select in-car Hospital
Emergency Service Operation. Upon activation of the key switch, the car will be ready to
accept a call to any floor and, after the doors are closed, will proceed nonstop to that floor.
Returning the key switch to the normal position will restore the car to normal service.
The car selected to respond to a hospital emergency call is removed from automatic service
and will accept no additional calls, emergency or otherwise, until it completes the hospital
emergency function. In duplex installations, if both cars are out of service and unable to
answer an emergency call, the hospital emergency call registered light will not illuminate.
Four outputs on the first HC-UIO board are used for hospital emergency service calls.
Hospital Emergency Operation (HEO) will flash once the car has been selected to respond to
a hospital emergency call and will remain flashing until the in-car hospital switch is
returned to normal or the time interval that the car must wait for the in-car switch to be
turned ON expires.
Hospital Emergency Warning Indicator (HWI) will remain steadily ON for a car on Inde-
pendent Service when the hospital call is registered.
Hospital Emergency Select (HSEL) will remain steadily ON, indicating that the car has been
selected to answer a hospital call, until the in-car hospital switch is turned ON or the time
interval expires.
Hospital Emergency Phase 2 (HOSPH2) will remain ON, indicating that the car has arrived
at the hospital call floor until the in-car hospital switch is returned to normal or the time
interval that the car must wait for the in-car switch to be turned ON expires.

4-48 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode


Set to YES if Hospital Service is used for VIP, Priority or Commandeering Service. Set
this option to NO if Hospital Service is truly used for Hospital Service.
Setting this option inserts a fixed delay (3 seconds) between the completion of a run 4
and the initiation of the next run. Use in applications in which an immediate stop/
start is undesirable. Under most circumstances, the initiation of a run is delayed by
the time required for door operation. In some cases, however, the car may stop and
start immediately in the absence of a door operation. For example, a direction reversal
upon being assigned a hall call while the car was parking.
Setting this option allows the direction output to clear once the car steps into the
floor. Typically the direction output is not cleared until the car enters the door zone.
However, for applications only requiring one speed, the direction must be cleared
prior to door zone to allow the car to arrive at the landing properly.
If you do not have Sabbath Operation, set this option to NO by pressing the S push but-
ton, then press the N push button to exit.
If you have Sabbath Operation, set this option to YES by pressing the S push button.
Press the N push button to continue. The following will appear:
If you want the car to service this floor while traveling or initiating travel in the UP
direction, press S to select YES. (Pressing S again will set back to NO.)
Press + to increment floor value to the next landing. Continue until all desired front UP
stops are set to YES.
Press N to proceed to the next eligibility map. If there are no walk through doors on
this controller, rear eligibility maps will not display. In order, the next eligibility maps
Remember that the + push button increments the floor value to the next landing and
that the N push button displays the next eligibility map.
Factory set to Enabled. Cannot be adjusted.
If set to Yes, keyboard command entry is disabled.
Enables analog load weigher logic and selects the type of learn operation to be per-
formed depending on the type of load weigher installed.
Determines if Elevator Security is bypassed when the car is on Independent Service or
Test operation (available only when Security is enabled).

User Interface


Determines if Elevator Security is bypassed when the car is on Attendant Service
(available only when Security and Attendant Service are enabled).
Determines the floor to which the car will be returned when the CAR TO FLOOR input
is activated (see CTF in Spare Inputs Menu Options).
Messages too long to be fully displayed on the LCD are scrolled. This setting deter-
mines scrolling speed.
Sets the floors between which the OFRP output will be triggered. The One Floor Run
Programmable output will then be on while making one-floor runs between desig-
nated floors.
When enabled, front door open button will be enabled for all landings including
secured landings. When disabled, door open button is disabled at secured landings
once doors have closed.
When enabled, rear door open button will be enabled for all landings including
secured landings. When disabled, door open button is disabled at secured landings
once doors have closed.
PITFLD spare input required. Indicates the number of floors below flood level and
thereby sets the flood level. The set number of floors from the bottom of the hoistway
will not be serviced when the PITFLD input is active.
YES/NO - PITFLD spare input required. Prevents the elevator from servicing floors at
the top of the hoistway (determined by FLR COUNT BELOW FLOOD LEVEL) when
the PITFLD input is active, thereby preventing the counterweight from going into the
If set to NO, when the car is servicing a hall call, only the call in the direction of travel
is canceled.
If set to YES, when the car is servicing a hall call, calls in both up and down directions
are canceled.

4-50 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1: Program Mode


No: If Car To Lobby or Car To Floor are activated, the car will first service registered
car calls then move to the recall floor. Hall calls will be canceled.
Yes: If Car To Lobby or Car To Floor are activated, the car will first service registered
car calls then move to the recall floor. Hall calls will be retained and served after the 4
CTL input is deactivated.
Set to Yes if this job has earthquake operation.
Use the S button to select the controlling earthquake code in your location.
If CALIF code is selected, you will be asked to indicate whether or not the hoist
machine is a Counterweighted drum machine. Only jobs that are termed Counter-
weighted Drum Machines should set this option to Yes.

California jobs without a drum machine should select ASME EQ and set the remaining
EQ option parameters as needed.


ASME Earthquake: Upon activation of a Seismic switch (SSI input), the elevator in motion con-
tinue to the nearest available floor, open the doors and shut down. If the Counterweight Dis-
placement switch is not activated (CWI), the elevator will be allowed to run at reduced speed on
Automatic Operation.
If the elevator is in motion when the Counterweight Displacement switch is activated (CWI
input) an emergency stop is initiated and then the car will proceed away from the counterweight
at reduced speed to the nearest available floor, open the doors and shut down. For this opera-
tion the Earthquake Direction Switch input (EDS) must be selected. An elevator may be
returned to Normal service by means of the Earthquake Reset button, provided that the Dis-
placement switch (CWI) is no longer activated.


California Earthquake: When CALIF Earthquake Operation is selected upon activation of a

Seismic switch (SSI input), the elevator, if in motion, will pause, then proceed to the nearest
available floor at a speed of not more than 150 ft/min (0.76 m/s) open the doors and shut down.
When a Counterweight Displacement switch is required and the Counterweight Displacement
switch (CWI input) has been activated, the elevator, if in motion, will initiate an emergency stop
and proceed away from the counterweight at reduced speed to the nearest available floor, open
the doors and shut down. For this operation, the Earthquake Direction Switch (EDS) input
must be selected. An elevator may be returned to Normal service using the Earthquake Reset
button, provided that the Displacement switch (CWI) is not activated. When Earthquake Oper-
ation is needed, the appropriate spare inputs should be selected.

User Interface

If yes, when the EQI input is activated, the elevator will proceed to the nearest landing,
stop, open its doors, and shut down.
If no, the elevator will react as above but will return to service rather than shutting
If yes, when the SSI input is activated, the elevator will pause (freeze) momentarily,
correct to the nearest landing in the direction away from the counterweight, then con-
tinue as determined by the EQ SHUTDOWN AT LANDING selection.
If no, when the SSI input is activated, the elevator will not consider counterweight
location when proceeding as determined by the EQ SHUTDOWN AT LANDING selec-
tion. Default should be No for A17.1 code. If the CWI input is never activated, the car
will proceed to the next available landing, open the doors, and shut down
If yes, earthquake shutdown will occur even if the car is on Phase 1, fire return. Default
should be Yes for all codes.
If yes, earthquake shutdown will occur even if the car is on Phase 2, in-car firefighter
service. Default should be Yes for all codes.
Allows selection of the Duplex car (A or B) that will be first to lower and run on emer-
gency power.

Additional Car Options

Unused parameter. Set to No.
Set to YES if job has Hoistway Access operation.
Set to the riser in which the hall access switch is located.
Set to the riser in which the hall access switch is located.
If job uses door position monitor switches, set accordingly.
Set to the door close limit signals used by this car. (DCL for door close limit switch. GS
and DCAB for gate switch and door closed bottom access. None.)
Set to the door close limit signals used by this car. (DCLR for door close limit switch. GSR
and DCABR for gate switch and door closed bottom access. None.)

4-52 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F2: External Memory Mode

F2: External Memory Mode

Access External Memory by placing Function Switch F2 in the Up
position (all others down).

External Memory mode is used to view memory addresses in HC-

MPU board RAM. The external memory address is denoted by the
letters DA (Data Address). Viewing external memory is helpful in
troubleshooting. The Computer External Memory Chart Table lists address data digits and

1. Select the address to view. (See following table.)

Press N to select an address digit (selected digits blink)
Press + or - to change the blinking digit
2. Press S to select the entered address when ready to view contents (or wait about 20 sec-
onds and the selection will appear by itself).

The DHLD (Door Hold Open Switch) input is not holding the doors open.
From your job prints, you see that DHLD is programmed for the Spare 5 input.
1. Find SP5 in the Computer External Memory Chart (page 4-54). Note that the Address of
SP5 is 02AF and the Position is 5.
2. Change the address on the display to Address 02AF. Look
at the data bit at position 5 (from the right, underlined in
illustration) to see the state of the input. If the digit is 1,
the controller sees the SP5 signal as ON. If the digit is 0,
the controller sees the SP5 signal as OFF.
3. Check the voltage on the SP5 terminal to see whether the problem is in the controller or
with outside components.

User Interface

Table 4.8 Computer External Memory Chart

ADD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0140: 601R/UC1R 601/UC1 101R/CC1R 101/CC1
0141: 602R/UC2R 602/UC2 502R/DC2R 502/DC2 102R/CC2R 102/CC2
0142: 603R/UC3R 603/UC3 503R/DC3R 503/DC3 103R/CC3R 103/CC3
0143: 604R/UC4R 604/UC4 504R/DC4R 504/DC4 104R/CC4R 104/CC4
0144: 605R/UC5R 605/UC5 505R/DC5R 505/DC5 105R/CC5R 105/CC5
0145: 606R/UC6R 606/UC6 506R/DC6R 506/DC6 106R/CC6R 106/CC6
0146: 607R/UC7R 607/UC7 507R/DC7R 507/DC7 107R/CC7R 107/CC7
0147: 608R/UC8R 608/UC8 508R/DC8R 508/DC8 108R/CC8R 108/CC8
0148: 609R/UC9R 609/UC9 509R/DC9R 509/DC9 109R/CC9R 109/CC9
0149: 610R/UC10R 610/UC10 510R/DC10R 510/DC10 110R/CC10R 110/CC10
014A: 611R/UC11R 611/UC11 511R/DC11R 511/DC11 111R/CC11R 111/CC11
014B: 612R/UC12R 612/UC12 512R/DC12R 512/DC12 112R/CC12R 112/CC12
014C: 613R/UC13R 613/UC13 513R/DC13R 513/DC13 113R/CC13R 113/CC13
014D: 614R/UC14R 614/UC14 514R/DC14R 514/DC14 114R/CC14R 114/CC14
014E: 615R/UC15R 615/UC15 515R/DC15R 515/DC15 115R/CC15R 115/CC15
014F: 616R/UC16R 616/UC16 516R/DC16R 516/DC16 116R/CC16R 116/CC16
0150: 617R/UC17R 617/UC17 517R/DC17R 517/DC17 117R/CC17R 117/CC17
0151: 618R/UC18R 618/UC18 518R/DC18R 518/DC18 118R/CC18R 118/CC18
0152: 619R/UC19R 619/UC19 519R/DC19R 519/DC19 119R/CC19R 119/CC19
0153: 620R/UC20R 620/UC20 520R/DC20R 520/DC20 120R/CC20R 120//CC20
0154: 621R/UC21R 621/UC21 521R/DC21R 521/DC21 121R/CC21R 121/CC21
0155: 622R/UC22R 622/UC22 522R/DC22R 522/DC22 122R/CC22R 122/CC22
0156: 623R/UC23R 623/UC23 523R/DC23R 523/DC23 123R/CC23R 123/CC23
0157: 624R/UC24R 624/UC24 524R/DC24R 524/DC24 124R/CC24R 124/CC24
0158: 625R/UC25R 625/UC25 525R/DC25R 525/DC25 125R/CC25R 125/CC25
0159: 626R/UC26R 626/UC26 526R/DC26R 526/DC26 126R/CC26R 126/CC26
015A: 627R/UC27R 627/UC27 527R/DC27R 527/DC27 127R/CC27R 127/CC27
015B: 628R/UC28R 628/UC28 528R/DC28R 528DC28 128R/CC28R 128/CC28
015C: 629R/UC29R 629/UC29 529R/DC29R 529/DC29 129R/CC29R 129/CC29
015D: 630R/UC30R 630/UC30 530R/DC30R 530/DC30 130R/CC30R 130/CC30
015E: 631R/UC31R 631/UC31 531R/DC31R 531/DC31 131R/CC31R 131/CC31
015F: 532R/DC32R 532/DC32 132R/CC32R 132/CC32
ADD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
02AF: SP8 SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SP1
02B0: SP16 SP15 SP14 SP13 SP12 SP11 SP10 SP9
02B1 SP24 SP23 SP22 SP21 SP20 SP19 SP18 SP17
02B2 SP32 SP31 SP30 SP29 SP28 SP27 SP26 SP25
02B3 SP40 SP39 SP38 SP37 SP36 SP35 SP34 SP33
02B4 SP48 SP47 SP46 SP45 SP44 SP43 SP42 SP41
02B5 SP50 SP49
* The first 10 spare inputs are located on the HC-CTL-2 board. The remaining spare inputs are located on
HC-UIO boards numbered 32 through 36 (8 per board).
ADD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
02F1: OUT20 OUT19 OUT18 OUT17 OUT16 OUT15 OUT14 OUT13
02F2: OUT28 OUT27 OUT26 OUT25 OUT24 OUT23 OUT22 OUT21
02F3: OUT36 OUT35 OUT34 OUT33 OUT32 OUT31 OUT30 OUT29
02F4: OUT44 OUT43 OUT44 OUT45 OUT46 OUT47 OUT48 OUT49
** The first four spare outputs are located on the HC-CTL-2 board. The remaining spare outputs are
located on HC-UIO boards numbered 32 through 35 (8 per board).

4-54 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F2: External Memory Mode

Table 4.9 Hospital Call and Eligibility Memory Chart




ADD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

0240: ECR1 EC1 Floor # 1

0241: ECR2 EC2 Floor # 2
0242: ECR3 EC3 Floor # 3
0243: ECR4 EC4 Floor # 4
0244: ECR5 EC5 Floor # 5
0245: ECR6 EC6 Floor # 6
0246: ECR7 EC7 Floor # 7
0247: ECR8 EC8 Floor # 8
0248: ECR9 EC9 Floor # 9
0249: ECR10 EC10 Floor # 10
024A: ECR11 EC11 Floor # 11
024B: ECR12 EC12 Floor # 12
024C: ECR13 EC13 Floor # 13
024D: ECR14 EC14 Floor # 14
024E: ECR15 EC15 Floor # 15
024F: ECR16 EC16 Floor # 16
0250: ECR17 EC17 Floor # 17
0251: ECR18 EC18 Floor # 18
0252: ECR19 EC19 Floor # 19
0253: ECR20 EC20 Floor # 20
0254: ECR21 EC21 Floor # 21
0255: ECR22 EC22 Floor # 22
0256: ECR23 EC23 Floor # 23
0257: ECR24 EC24 Floor # 24
0258: ECR25 EC25 Floor # 25
0259: ECR26 EC26 Floor # 26
025A: ECR27 EC27 Floor # 27
025B: ECR28 EC28 Floor # 28
025C: ECR29 EC29 Floor # 29
025D: ECR30 EC30 Floor # 30
025E: ECR31 EC31 Floor # 31
025F: ECR32 EC32 Floor # 32

Legend for Table 4.8

Registered hospital calls for the floor opening.
1 = call is registered 0 = call is not registered
Assigned hospital calls for the floor opening
1 = Call is assigned 0 = Call is not assigned
The car is eligible for hospital Emergency Service Operation for the floor opening.
1 = Hospital emergency call can be entered for the floor opening
0 = Hospital emergency call cannot be entered for the floor opening

User Interface

F3: System Mode

System mode allows the user to change certain system-wide options that do not require the car
to be on Inspection. To enter System mode:
Move the F3 switch to the up position (all others down).
Press N to select the desired System Mode item.
Building Security Menu (see page 4-56)
Passcode Request Menu (see page 4-59)
Load Weigher Thresholds (see page 4-60)
Analog Load Weigher Learn Function (see page 4-60)
Controller System Menu - real time speed and position indication (see page 4-52)

Building Security Menu

Elevator Security is used to limit access to specified floors to passengers with a valid security
code. The Security code for each floor is a sequence of button presses on the car operating panel
and may consist of from one to eight characters. Any floor with a programmed security code is
a secured floor when Security is ON. Security is turned ON or OFF by the controller Building
Security Input (BSI) in combination with the BSI Security Key parameter in the Extra Features
Menu (Program mode). There are three possible settings for the BSI Security Key: ACTIVATED,
If set to ACTIVATED, Security is ON.
If set to ENABLED, Security is ON when the BSI input is turned ON.
If set to DEACTIVATED, Security is OFF regardless of the status of BSI.
To find the BSI input, refer to the job prints. When Security is ON, car calls are registered only if
the call is not to a secured floor or the call is to a secured floor and the security code is correctly
entered within 10 seconds.

4-56 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F3: System Mode

Viewing The Building Security Menu

1. Place the F3 switch in the up position (all other
switches down). The following display appears:

2. Press the N push button. The following display

Programming And Viewing The Security Codes

1. Press S to start changing or viewing Security codes.

If no code has been programmed, the computer dis-
plays NO CODE PROGRAMMED for that particular

Press S again to start programming the Security code.

If a code has already been programmed, the com-

puter displays the security code with the floor num-
ber blinking.

2. Press + to increment or to decrement floor num-

3. Press S to move to the first character (COP button to
be pressed) of the security code. Use + or to change value.
4. Repeat until the desired number of characters are programmed (maximum 8). If any
character is left blank, or after all eight characters have been programmed, the S button
will return the cursor to the floor number.
5. Continue to program Security codes for all floors.
You may exit the Building Security Menu at any time
by pressing the N button. When N is pressed, the
LCD will display:

6. Press S to exit or N to return to the previous display.

If S is pressed, the following will appear (if changes
have been made).:
7. Press S to save or N to exit without saving (previous
codes will remain in effect if changes are not saved).

User Interface

Controller System Menu

This menu provides real time position and speed information and allows you to bypass faults in
both Automatic and Inspection operating modes when required for system tests. It also pro-
vides access to a data trap required by ASME A17.2000 code.


In order to activate, a jumper must also be installed on Fault
Bypass jumper JP2 on the CTL-2 board. When faults are bypassed,
certain faults will not be generated.
In order to activate, a jumper must also be installed on Fault Bypass
jumper JP2 on the CTL-2 board. When faults are bypassed, certain
faults will not be generated.
CHNL A: 0mm
CHNL B: 0mm
Displays the raw position reported by the two (A and B) sensors in the landing system
sensor head. Useful to check functionality and travel direction.
Displays current car position in inches above the bottom floor level position and the
car speed in feet per minute.
In order to activate, a jumper must also be installed on Fault Reset jumper JP2 on the
CTL-2 board. When active, this option bypasses the Contract and ETS over-speed
functionality on the CTL PLD. The bypass will time-out after 15 minutes.
In order to activate, a jumper must also be installed on Fault Reset jumper JP2 on the
CTL-2 board. When active, this option bypasses the hoistway access over-speed func-
tionality on the CTL PLD. The bypass will time-out after 15 minutes.
In order to activate, a jumper must also be installed on Fault Reset jumper JP2 on the
CTL-2 board. When active, this option bypasses the inspection operation over-speed
functionality on the CTL PLD. The bypass will time-out after 15 minutes.

4-58 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F3: System Mode

Passcode Request Menu

The Passcode Request Operation can be used to require password entry to run the car on any
mode of operation other than Inspection.

If a passcode has not been programmed, the Passcode Request Menu will not appear.

If a passcode has been programmed, the LCD screen will

flash the PASSCODE REQUEST message when Passcode
Request Operation is activated.

In order to clear or set the Passcode Request Operation, the

controller must first be placed in System Mode (F3 up, all
others down).
Press N when the display reads BUILDING SECURITY
MENU. The Passcode Request Menu will appear:

Entering the Passcode

Press S. If Passcode Request Operation is activated, the fol-
lowing screen appears:
The first character of the passcode will blink. Use + - to
scroll through numbers 0-9 and letters A-Z for each charac-
ter. Press N to advance to the next character position.

Press S to verify the entry is correct. If it is not, the following

screen will appear:

Press S to try again. Press N to exit.

If the correct passcode was entered, the following screen


Press N to exit. The car may now be run on Normal opera-

tion mode.

User Interface

Activating the Passcode With the Passcode

Request menu displayed, press S. If Passcode Request Oper-
ation is not activated, the following display appears:
Press S to toggle from NO to YES.
Press N with YES displayed to activate Passcode
Request Operation and exit this screen. With Passcode
Request Operation activated, the passcode must be entered in order to run the car on any
mode of operation other than Inspection.
Press N with NO displayed to exit with Passcode Request inactive.

Load Weigher Thresholds


This section is not applicable to discrete input load weighers. Please refer to Load Weigher on
page 3-22 or to manufacturer instructions for the installed load weigher.

Analog load weighers provide a signal that corresponds to the load in the car. This value is used
to make dispatching decisions. Load thresholds are user-programmable.
Used to define the load at which the number of car calls will be limited (anti-nuisance).
If the programmed number of car calls is exceeded, all car calls are canceled.
Example: LLW=20%. If the load in the car is less than 20%, the computer will only
allow a certain number of car calls to be registered as defined by the parameter LIGHT
MENU OPTIONS. If the limit is set to a value of three, the computer will only allow
three calls to be registered if the load is less than 20%. If a fourth call is registered, all
car calls will be canceled.


Used to define the load at which the lobby landing door timer will be reduced so that
the doors may begin closing sooner, limiting the number of boarders. This threshold
should be set to a value (defined in many specifications as 60%) at which it is appropri-
ate to initiate the process of moving the car out of the lobby.
Used to define the load value at which additional hall calls should be bypassed to avoid
overloading the elevator.
Used to define the load at which it is considered unsafe to move the elevator. When
this threshold is exceeded, the car will remain at the floor with doors open and typi-
cally sound a buzzer or otherwise indicate that the car is overloaded.

4-60 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F3: System Mode

Adjusting Thresholds
Typical values for load thresholds are shown below. Thresholds are user-adjustable.

To adjust thresholds
1. Enter SYSTEM mode (F3 up, all others down).
2. Press N until LOAD WEIGHER THRESHOLDS appears on the LCD.
3. Press S to display the load threshold you wish to set.
4. The value shown is the current threshold value is expressed as a percentage of the full
load value (see the explanations above). Press + or - to adjust a value. If a value is set to
0%, that load weigher function is disabled.
5. Press S to select the next threshold to adjust or press N to exit.
6. Place the F3 switch in the down position to exit SYSTEM mode when finished.

If an analog load weigher is used, the Analog Load Weigher Learn Function must be performed
before the load weigher system will perform properly.

Analog Load Weigher Learn Function

With the isolated platform load weigher from MCE, the system simply learns the reference val-
ues of the empty and fully loaded car weight at any floor. With the crosshead deflection load
weigher from K-Tech or the rope stress load weigher from EMCO (using the 0 - 10V analog out-
put), the system must learn the values at each floor because the load varies with car position
due to the changing proportion of traveling cable hanging beneath the car and the position of
the compensation cables.

The Analog Load Weigher Learn Function is performed as follows:

1. Move the empty car to the floor where the test weights are located. It is best to have one
person in the machine room and another person at the floor to load the weights.
2. Place the car on Independent Service operation.
3. Place the F3 switch in the up position and press N to select the Analog Load Weigher
Learn Function (scrolling message is displayed)
4. Press S to start. The computer responds with one of two scrolling messages:
5. Verify that the car has been placed on Independent Service.
6. If the empty car values have already been learned and you want to learn full car values,
press N and go to step 9. To begin learning empty car values, press S. The computer dis-
plays the message:
7. If the Extra Features Menu Option Analog Load Weigher? is set to K-TECH or EMCO,
the car will move to the bottom floor, record the empty car value and then move up,
stopping at each floor to record the empty car value. When the top floor has been
reached, the car will move back to the floor at which the Analog Load Weigher Learn
Function was begun and the computer will display the scrolling message:

User Interface

8. If the Extra Features Menu Option Analog Load Weigher? is set to MCE, the car will
learn the empty car value once and display:
9. Press S. The computer displays the scrolling message:
10. Place the full load test weights in the car and press S to begin learning full car values.
The computer displays the message:
11. If the Extra Features Menu Option Analog Load Weigher? is set to K-TECH or EMCO,
the car will move to the bottom floor, record the full car value and then move up, stop-
ping at each floor to record the full car value. When the top floor has been reached, the
car will move back to the floor at which the Analog Load Weigher Learn Function was
begun and the computer will display the scrolling message:
12. If the Extra Features Menu Option Analog Load Weigher? is set to MCE, the car will
learn the full car value once and then display the message:
13. Press S. Place the F3 in the down position and take the car off Independent service.
14. To verify that the Load Weigher Learn Function has been performed successfully, place
the F8 switch in the up position. With the test weights in the car, the following should be
15. If the Load Weigher Learn Function has not been performed successfully, the following
will be displayed:

The Load Weigher Learn Function (empty or full values) may be aborted at any time by press-
ing the N button. The computer will display the message:
1. When the S button is pressed the computer displays the scrolling message:
2. At this point, you may exit System Mode by placing the F3 switch in the down position,
or you may re-start the learn function by moving the car back to the floor where the test
weights are located and pressing S to start (go to step 4).
3. If the empty car values have been learned but the full load learn function was aborted,
you need not re-learn the empty car values. Instead, when the message READY TO
LEARN EMPTY CAR VALUES is displayed, press N. The computer will display:
4. Press S to begin learning full car values (go to step 10).

4-62 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F4: Messages and Floor Labels

F4: Messages and Floor Labels

The Messages and Floor Labels menu is used to program the CE FUNCTION SWITCHES
F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
fixture displays. To access, move the F4 switch to the up position.

Messages and Floor Labels 4

This display changes to:
Modify Floor Labels Press the S push button. The dis-
play changes to: - MODIFY FLOOR -
Press the S push button again. The display changes to:
Press + or - push buttons to change landing LANDING 01: 001
Press S push button to move to first label field Landing
Press + or - push buttons to change field value Floor label 100s place
Floor label 10s place
Press S push button to move to next field
Floor label 1s place
Repeat until entries completed
Press N push button to exit.
Note: Spaces for three characters (three character display) are provided. If the display
has only two characters, use the two right most spaces (ones and tens place) and leave
the left most space (hundreds place) blank.

Modify Message Labels There are ten standard messages that will appear based on
the operating status of the elevator. For example, if the car doors are in nudging mode, the 03
message will be displayed. The factory default for the 03 message is _ND but you may choose to
set it to any three spaces or characters, for example, NUD. Factory defaults are listed below. The
10 custom labels are used by MCE when a customer requests a non-standard feature.

Table 4.10 Default Message Labels

Message # Operation Label

01 Fire Main _FM
02 Fire Alternate _FA
03 Nudging _ND
04 Independent Service _IN
05 Overload _OL
06 Emergency Power _EP
07 Inspection Service _IS
08 Seismic Sensor _SS
09 Door Hold _DH
10 Hospital Phase I _H1
11 Hospital Phase II _H2
12 Out of Service _OS
13 Stop Switch Active _SA
14 Heavy Load _HL
15-24 Custom Messages 01 - 10 ___

User Interface

Initialize all Labels DEFAULT LABELS [S] - Yes [N] - No. Use this function to initial-
ize all labels to factory defaults.If you do not wish to complete the command, press and hold -,
then press N to exit.

Figure 4.2 PI Entry Procedure



- LABELS - LANDING 01: 001 LANDING 02: 002 +/- LANDING 02: B



Custom Messages Message numbers 15 through 24 may be used for custom messages.
Message labels can include numbers, letters and the following characters:

Table 4.11 Characters available for Custom Messages

Character Character
Programmed Displayed

: *
; space
< <
= -
> >
? ?
@ *

4-64 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

F5 Menus
The F5 switch provides access to several menus:
Controller Utilities Menu
Register front and rear car calls, page 4-66
View and set date and time for controller time stamping, page 4-66
View and/or clear the event log, page 4-67
Default TC-MPI parameters, page 4-68
Displays diagnostic registers
MPI, page 4-69
LS-EDGE, page 4-96
CTL A/B, page 4-114
COP Diagnostics, page 4-133
System CAN Bus Data Viewing, page 4-134
Monitoring & Reporting
Set up and view Ethernet communications for monitoring applications, page 4-135
Terminal Limit Utilities Menu, page 4-138
Perform UxTS and DxTS Learn
Perform Terminal Tests
ETS Position Locator
FCL Brake Unit Utilities Menu, page 4-139
FCL Diagnostic Menu
FCL Power Data Menu
Default TC-FCL Parameters
FCL Adjustment Menu
To view:
F5 up (all others down). Press N to advance through menus. Press S to select a menu.

User Interface

Controller Utilities
Car Call Registration


S + and N + and N + and N



N + and N + and N + and N

- VIEW -

+/- to increment or decrement floor numbers

Press and momentarily hold S to register calls; displays [ON] while held
Press + and N together to back out of the current display

Date/Time, View / Adjust

1. Press S until Controller Date and Time is displayed.
2. N to select day/month/year/hours/minutes/seconds.
3. + or - to set.

4-66 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

View Event Log

The event log tracks the most recent system events; each with date and time stamp. Event 01
is the most recent event, with older events numbered 02 through 99 respectively.
1. Press S to view the event log.
An event number and the associated event (usually scrolling due to message length) are dis- 4
played on the top line of the display. The time and date (alternating) are displayed on the bot-
tom line.


C01 08:02:11 C01 08:02:11

2. Press + to increment to the next event. (Press - to decrement events.)

3. Press N to exit event viewing.

Additional Information Certain input and output conditions are important to almost
all events. While displaying any event, the status of these inputs/outputs is viewable:
With an event displayed, press S for additional information:
Column PI: Floor at which event occurred.

Rows D1 and D2 Input/Output State Indicators: 0 = OFF, 1 = ON

Actual Display
PI D1: 00000000
31 D2: 00000011
Interpreted Display

D1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SAF SAFH SAFC DOLR DOL DLK UPDO DNDO D1 Indicator to Corresponding Input
D2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
DZR DZ LU LD UPS DNS USD DSD D2 Indicator to Corresponding Input

Table 4.12 Event Message Additional Information

D1 Definition D2 Definition
SAF Safety String, combined DZR Door Zone, Rear
SAFH Safety String, hoistway DZ Door Zone, Front
SAFC Safety String, car LU Level Up
DOLR Door Open Limit, Rear LD Level Down
DOL Door Open Limit, Front UPS Up Direction Sense Input
DLK Door Lock Input DNS Down Direction Sense Input
UPDO Up Direction Output USD Up Slowdown Input
DNDO Down Direction Output DSD Down Slowdown Input

Press S again to return to event log standard display.

User Interface

Clear Event Log

This allows you to clear the events from the event log.
1. Press S to select the clear function.
A prompt will appear allowing you to back out without clearing events (Yes/No).
2. To clear the log press the S button when prompted.
A message will appear notifying you that all events have been cleared.

Default TC-MPI Parameters

This selection allows you to default the TC-MPI board to factory defaults.
1. Press S to select.
2. Press S to confirm or N to back out.
3. Message MPI Parameters are defaulted will be displayed.
Use the F7 function to upload the defaulted parameters from the TC-MPI (F7: Parameters
Adjust on page 4-141).

4-68 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

MPI Diagnostic Menu

These diagnostics allow you to view car motion parameters (speed/distance) as the car moves
through the hoistway. This information in turn will help you make ride adjustments or trouble-
shoot ride issues.
The initial screen will show either METRIC or ENGLISH units.
1. To switch between Metric or English units, press N once. (Pressing N a second time will
back you out of the menu.)

Metric or English units may be displayed

2. With the desired measuring units displayed, press S to begin diagnostics display.

The initial display is for MPI-A (Processor A on the MPI board), address zero. This address dis-
plays the number of floors served two in this example.
3. To select the parameter to display, use the S button to move between digits (processor A,
B, or C or address positions 0000 - 9999) the selected digit will flash and the Plus
(+) or Minus (-) buttons to change the value of the selected digit.
For example, to display to speed recorded by MPI Processor B the last time the car passed the
Down Normal Terminal switch S2, select MPI-B, address 0019.

1.01 meters per second (Metric)

200 feet per minute (English)

To find the address of the data you want to display, check the following tables.
MPI-A and MPI-B independently collect information from the Elgo positioning sen-
sors. The information they display per address should usually match. However, if you
are displaying position information, you need to factor in that the sensors they moni-
tor in the Elgo sensor head are 160 mm (6.3 inches) or 230 mm (9.05 inches) apart.
MPI-C collects information from the drive/motor/encoder.
As soon as you select an address, the information stored there is displayed.

User Interface

MPI-A Diagnostics
The following diagnostic information can be viewed for Safety Processor A on the TC-MPI
Motion Processor Interface board.

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

0 Front openings
1 Rear openings
2 Floors
3 Bottom floor
4 Top floor
5 Bottom landing
6 Top landing
7 Bottom position
8 Top position
9 Raw position
10 Absolute position
11 Relative position
12 Delta Distance
13 Offset distance
14 Delta position errors
15 Delta speed errors
16 Processed speed feedback
17 Raw speed feedback
18 Speed @ leveling over-speed fault
19 Speed @ inspection over-speed fault
20 Speed @ contract over-speed fault
21 Runtime speed @ DETS
22 Runtime speed @ DNTS1
23 Runtime speed @ DNTS2
24 Runtime speed @ DNTS3
25 Runtime speed @ DNTS4
26 Runtime speed @ DNTS5
27 Runtime speed @ UETS
28 Runtime speed @ UNTS1
29 Runtime speed @ UNTS2
30 Runtime speed @ UNTS3
31 Runtime speed @ UNTS4
32 Runtime speed @ UNTS5
33 Speed @ DETS over-speed fault
34 Speed @ DNTS1 over-speed fault
35 Speed @ DNTS2 over-speed fault
36 Speed @ DNTS3 over-speed fault
37 Speed @ DNTS4 over-speed fault
38 Speed @ DNTS5 over-speed fault
39 Speed @ UETS over-speed fault

4-70 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

40 Speed @ UNTS1 over-speed fault
41 Speed @ UNTS2 over-speed fault
42 Speed @ UNTS3 over-speed fault 4
43 Speed @ UNTS4 over-speed fault
44 Speed @ UNTS5 over-speed fault
45 Runtime distance @ DETS
46 Runtime distance @ DNTS1
47 Runtime distance @ DNTS2
48 Runtime distance @ DNTS3
94 Runtime distance @ DNTS4
50 Runtime distance @ DNTS5
51 Runtime distance @ UETS
52 Runtime distance @ UNTS1
53 Runtime distance @ UNTS2
54 Runtime distance @ UNTS3
55 Runtime distance @ UNTS4
56 Runtime distance @ UNTS5
57 Distance @ DETS position fault
58 Distance @ DNTS1 position fault
59 Distance @ DNTS2 position fault
60 Distance @ DNTS3 position fault
61 Distance @ DNTS4 position fault
62 Distance @ DNTS5 position fault
63 Distance @ UETS position fault
64 Distance @ UNTS1 position fault
65 Distance @ UNTS2 position fault
66 Distance @ UNTS3 position fault
67 Distance @ UNTS4 position fault
68 Distance @ UNTS5 position fault
69 DETS type
70 DTS1 type
71 DNTS2 type
72 DNTS3 type
73 DNTS4 type
74 DNTS5 type
75 UETS type
76 UNTS1 type
77 UNTS2 type
78 UNTS3 type
79 UNTS4 type
80 UNTS5 type

81 Successful runs

User Interface

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

82 Fault runs
83 Floor zone
84 Position bypass count
85 Position pass count
86 System position count
87 Absolute position count
88 Position lower sequence
89 Position upper sequence
90 Position lower value
91 Position upper value
92 Landing code
93 At landing
95 Near floor

100 Port A inputs: (n/a)

Port B inputs:
01 = TPM
02 = TBR
03 = PMP
04 = BRP
05 = UETS
06 = DETS
07 = SPI1
101 08 = SPI2
09 = EGOK
10 = RGR1
11 = RGR2
12 = RGOK
13 = EBPS
14 = EB RST
15 = SPI3
16 = SPI4
Port C inputs:
01 = PMDD
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
102 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
103 Port D inputs: (n/a)

4-72 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port E inputs:
01 = SW2-1
02 = SW2-2
03 = SW2-3 4
04 = SW2-4
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
104 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
105 Port F inputs: (n/a)
106 Port G inputs: (n/a)

Port A outputs:
01 = DIA6A
02 = DIA5A
03 = DIA4A
04 = DIA3A
05 = DIA2A
06 = DIA1A
07 = (n/a)
110 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
111 Port B outputs: (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port C outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
112 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
Port D outputs:
01 = DZF
02 = DZR
03 = PME
04 = BRE
05 = DRE
06 = EB1
07 = EB4
113 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
114 Port E outputs: (n/a)
115 Port F outputs: (n/a)
Port G outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = DIA7A
04 = DIA8A
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
116 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)

4-74 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Faults (01 - 16):
01 = Maximum position offset fault
02 = Minimum position offset fault
03 = Landing system fault (emergency brake dropped) 4
04 = Landing system communication loss fault
05 = Unintended motion
06 = SPC is offline
07 = SPB is offline
200 08 = (n/a)
09 = Inspection over-speed
10 = Contract over-speed
11 = Leveling over-speed
12 = EEPROM CRC error
13 = EEPROM device error
14 = ETS shutdown
15 = UETS over-speed
16 = UETS position error
Faults (17 - 32):
01 = DETS over-speed
02 = DETS position error
03 = Emergency brake cycle test fault
04 = PMDD contactor pick monitor fault
05 = PMDD contactor drop monitor fault
06 = 2L bus monitor fault
07 = RGOK fault (emergency brake dropped)
201 08 = Actual and requested direction mismatch
09 = Excessive faults shutdown
10 = 2MV bus monitor fault
11 = EBPS monitor fault
12 = UNTS-L over-speed
13 = UNTS-H over-speed
14 = UNTS position error
15 = DNTS-L over-speed
16 = DNTS-H over-speed
Faults (33 - 48):
01 = DNTS position error
02 = RGOK monitor fault
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
202 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
203 Faults (49 - 64): (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = BRE (MPI-A)
15 = DRE (MPI-A)
14 = PME (MPI-A)
13 = DRE (MPI-C)
12 = BRE (MPI-C)
11 = PME (MPI-C)
10 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
08 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
03 = Danger
02 = Fault
01 = Ready
16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = Up slowdown
12 = Down slowdown
11 = Up direction limit
10 = Down direction limit
09 = Front level up
08 = Front door zone
07 = Front level down
06 = Rear level up
05 = Rear door zone
04 = Rear level down
03 = High speed
02 = Up
01 = Down
16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
10 = Up slowdown
09 = Down slowdown
08 = Near top
07 = Near bottom
06 = Up direction limit
05 = Down direction limit
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down

4-76 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = UETS status
15 = UTS1 status
14 = UNTS2 status
13 = UNTS3 status 4
12 = UNTS4 status
11 = UNTS5 status
10 = DETS status
09 = DTS1 status
08 = DNTS2 status
07 = DNTS3 status
06 = DNTS4 status
05 = DNTS5 status
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down
16 = In rear floor zone
15 = In front floor zone
14 = Emergency brake: check relay fault
13 = Emergency brake: floor unintended motion
12 = Emergency brake: door unintended motion
11 = Emergency brake: governor over-speed
10 = Zone failure
09 = Rear gate failure
08 = Rear lock failure
07 = Front gate failure
06 = Front lock failure
05 = Emergency brake armed
04 = Rear door open
03 = Front door open
02 = In rear door zone
01 = In front door zone

400 Down distance @ 100% of contract speed

401 Down distance @ 90% of contract speed
402 Down distance @ 80% of contract speed
403 Down distance @ 70% of contract speed
404 Down distance @ 60% of contract speed
405 Down distance @ 50% of contract speed
406 Down distance @ 40% of contract speed
407 Down distance @ 30% of contract speed
408 Down distance @ 20% of contract speed
409 Down distance @ 10% of contract speed
410 Up distance @ 100% of contract speed
411 Up distance @ 90% of contract speed
412 Up distance @ 80% of contract speed
413 Up distance @ 70% of contract speed
414 Up distance @ 60% of contract speed
415 Up distance @ 50% of contract speed
416 Up distance @ 40% of contract speed

User Interface

Table 4.13 MPI-A Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

417 Up distance @ 30% of contract speed
418 Up distance @ 20% of contract speed
419 Up distance @ 10% of contract speed

Example: 1.019M. Processed raw posi-

420 Upper Elgo sensor position in m/in tion for MPI-B and MPI-C. Median for
Example: 0.859M. Processed raw posi-
421 Lower Elgo sensor position in m/in tion for MPI-A and MPI-C. Median for
Upper sensor position for MPI-A, lower
422 Median Elgo sensor position in m/in
for MPI-B
Distance between upper and lower sen-
sors. About +160mm for short Elgo sen-
423 Elgo sensor offset in m/in
sor head and +240mm for long sensor

900 Software ID
901 Software Revision
902 Firmware Revision
903 Hardware Revision

MPI-B Diagnostics
The following diagnostic information can be viewed for Safety Processor B on the TC-MPI
Motion Processor Interface board.

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

0 Front openings
1 Rear openings
2 Floors
3 Bottom floor
4 Top floor
5 Bottom landing
6 Top landing
7 Bottom position
8 Top position
9 Raw position
10 Absolute position
11 Relative position
12 Delta Distance
13 Offset distance
14 Delta position errors
15 Delta speed errors
16 Processed speed feedback

4-78 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

17 Raw speed feedback
18 Speed @ leveling over-speed fault
19 Speed @ inspection over-speed fault 4
20 Speed @ contract over-speed fault
21 Runtime speed @ DETS
22 Runtime speed @ DNTS1
23 Runtime speed @ DNTS2
24 Runtime speed @ DNTS3
25 Runtime speed @ DNTS4
26 Runtime speed @ DNTS5
27 Runtime speed @ UETS
28 Runtime speed @ UNTS1
29 Runtime speed @ UNTS2
30 Runtime speed @ UNTS3
31 Runtime speed @ UNTS4
32 Runtime speed @ UNTS5
33 Speed @ DETS over-speed fault
34 Speed @ DNTS1 over-speed fault
35 Speed @ DNTS2 over-speed fault
36 Speed @ DNTS3 over-speed fault
37 Speed @ DNTS4 over-speed fault
38 Speed @ DNTS5 over-speed fault
39 Speed @ UETS over-speed fault
40 Speed @ UNTS1 over-speed fault
41 Speed @ UNTS2 over-speed fault
42 Speed @ UNTS3 over-speed fault
43 Speed @ UNTS4 over-speed fault
44 Speed @ UNTS5 over-speed fault
45 Runtime distance @ DETS
46 Runtime distance @ DNTS1
47 Runtime distance @ DNTS2
48 Runtime distance @ DNTS3
94 Runtime distance @ DNTS4
50 Runtime distance @ DNTS5
51 Runtime distance @ UETS
52 Runtime distance @ UNTS1
53 Runtime distance @ UNTS2
54 Runtime distance @ UNTS3
55 Runtime distance @ UNTS4
56 Runtime distance @ UNTS5
57 Distance @ DETS position fault
58 Distance @ DNTS1 position fault
59 Distance @ DNTS2 position fault

User Interface

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

60 Distance @ DNTS3 position fault
61 Distance @ DNTS4 position fault
62 Distance @ DNTS5 position fault
63 Distance @ UETS position fault
64 Distance @ UNTS1 position fault
65 Distance @ UNTS2 position fault
66 Distance @ UNTS3 position fault
67 Distance @ UNTS4 position fault
68 Distance @ UNTS5 position fault
69 DETS type
70 DTS1 type
71 DNTS2 type
72 DNTS3 type
73 DNTS4 type
74 DNTS5 type
75 UETS type
76 UNTS1 type
77 UNTS2 type
78 UNTS3 type
79 UNTS4 type
80 UNTS5 type

81 Successful runs
82 Fault runs
83 Floor zone
84 Position bypass count
85 Position pass count
86 System position count
87 Absolute position count
88 Position lower sequence
89 Position upper sequence
90 Position lower value
91 Position upper value
92 Landing code
93 At landing
95 Near floor

100 Port A inputs: (n/a)

4-80 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port B inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a) 4
04 = (n/a)
05 = UETS
06 = DETS
07 = (n/a)
101 08 = (n/a)
09 = EGOK
10 = RGR1
11 = RGR2
12 = RGOK
13 = (n/a)
14 = EB RST
15 = EBPS
16 = (n/a)
102 Port C inputs: (n/a)
103 Port D inputs: (n/a)
Port E inputs:
01 = SW1-1
02 = SW1-2
03 = SW1-3
04 = SW1-4
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
104 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
105 Port F inputs: (n/a)
106 Port G inputs: (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port A outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = DIA2B
04 = DIA1B
05 = DIA7B
06 = DIA7B
07 = (n/a)
110 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = DIA6B
11 = DIA5B
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = DIA8B
16 = DIA8B
111 Port B outputs: (n/a)
Port C outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
112 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
Port D outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = PME
04 = BRE
05 = DRE
06 = EB2
07 = EB3
113 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
114 Port E outputs: (n/a)
115 Port F outputs: (n/a)

4-82 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port G outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = DIA4B 4
04 = DIA3B
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
116 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)

Faults (01 - 16):

01 = Maximum position offset fault
02 = Minimum position offset fault
03 = Landing system fault (emergency brake dropped)
04 = Landing system communication loss fault
05 = Unintended motion
06 = SPC is offline
07 = SPA is offline
200 08 = (n/a)
09 = Inspection over-speed
10 = Contract over-speed
11 = Leveling over-speed
12 = EEPROM CRC error
13 = EEPROM device error
14 = ETS shutdown
15 = UETS over-speed
16 = UETS position error
Faults (17 - 32):
01 = DETS over-speed
02 = DETS position error
03 = Emergency brake cycle test fault
04 = PMDD contactor pick monitor fault
05 = PMDD contactor drop monitor fault
06 = 2L bus monitor fault
07 = RGOK fault (emergency brake dropped)
201 08 = Actual and requested direction mismatch
09 = Excessive faults shutdown
10 = 2MV bus monitor fault
11 = EBPS monitor fault
12 = UNTS-L over-speed
13 = UNTS-H over-speed
14 = UNTS position error
15 = DNTS-L over-speed
16 = DNTS-H over-speed

User Interface

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Faults (33 - 48):
01 = DNTS position error
02 = RGOK monitor fault
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
202 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
203 Faults (49 - 64): (n/a)

16 = BRE (MPI-B)
15 = DRE (MPI-B)
14 = PME (MPI-B)
13 = DRE (MPI-C)
12 = BRE (MPI-C)
11 = PME (MPI-C)
10 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
08 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
03 = Danger
02 = Fault
01 = Ready
16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = Up slowdown
12 = Down slowdown
11 = Up direction limit
10 = Down direction limit
09 = Front level up
08 = Front door zone
07 = Front level down
06 = Rear level up
05 = Rear door zone
04 = Rear level down
03 = High speed
02 = Up
01 = Down

4-84 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a) 4
12 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
10 = Up slowdown
09 = Down slowdown
08 = Near top
07 = Near bottom
06 = Up direction limit
05 = Down direction limit
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down
16 = UETS status
15 = UTS1 status
14 = UNTS2 status
13 = UNTS3 status
12 = UNTS4 status
11 = UNTS5 status
10 = DETS status
09 = DNTS1 status
08 = DNTS2 status
07 = DNTS3 status
06 = DNTS4 status
05 = DNTS5 status
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down

400 Down distance @ 100% of contract speed

401 Down distance @ 90% of contract speed
402 Down distance @ 80% of contract speed
403 Down distance @ 70% of contract speed
404 Down distance @ 60% of contract speed
405 Down distance @ 50% of contract speed
406 Down distance @ 40% of contract speed
407 Down distance @ 30% of contract speed
408 Down distance @ 20% of contract speed
409 Down distance @ 10% of contract speed
410 Up distance @ 100% of contract speed
411 Up distance @ 90% of contract speed
412 Up distance @ 80% of contract speed
413 Up distance @ 70% of contract speed
414 Up distance @ 60% of contract speed
415 Up distance @ 50% of contract speed
416 Up distance @ 40% of contract speed

User Interface

Table 4.14 MPI-B Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

417 Up distance @ 30% of contract speed
418 Up distance @ 20% of contract speed
419 Up distance @ 10% of contract speed

Example: 1.019M. Processed raw position

420 Upper Elgo sensor position in m/in
for MPI-B and MPI-C. Median for MPI-A.
Example: 0.859M. Processed raw position
421 Lower Elgo sensor position in m/in
for MPI-A and MPI-C. Median for MPI-B.
Upper sensor position for MPI-A, lower for
422 Median Elgo sensor position in m/in
Distance between upper and lower sen-
423 Elgo sensor offset in m/in sors. About +160mm for short Elgo sensor
head and +240mm for long sensor head.

900 Software ID
901 Software Revision
902 Firmware Revision
903 Hardware Revision

4-86 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

MPI-C Diagnostics
The following diagnostic information can be viewed for Main Processor on the TC-MPI Motion
Processor Interface board.

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes 4

0 Front openings
1 Rear openings
2 Floors
3 Bottom floor
4 Top floor
5 Bottom landing
6 Top landing
7 Bottom position
8 Top position
9 Raw position
10 Absolute position
11 Relative position
12 Upper synchronization position errors
13 Lower synchronization position errors
14 Delta position errors
15 Delta Speed errors
16 Processed speed feedback
17 Raw speed feedback
18 Speed command
19 Speed @ inspection over-speed fault
20 Speed @ contract over-speed fault
21 Down distance @ 100% of contract speed
22 Down distance @ 90% of contract speed
23 Down distance @ 80% of contract speed
24 Down distance @ 70% of contract speed
25 Down distance @ 60% of contract speed
26 Down distance @ 50% of contract speed
27 Down distance @ 40% of contract speed
28 Down distance @ 30% of contract speed
29 Down distance @ 20% of contract speed
30 Down distance @ 10% of contract speed
31 Up distance @ 100% of contract speed
32 Up distance @ 90% of contract speed
33 Up distance @ 80% of contract speed
34 Up distance @ 70% of contract speed
35 Up distance @ 60% of contract speed
36 Up distance @ 50% of contract speed
37 Up distance @ 40% of contract speed
38 Up distance @ 30% of contract speed
39 Up distance @ 20% of contract speed

User Interface

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

40 Up distance @ 10% of contract speed
41 Actual landing
42 Target landing
43 Logical landing
81 Successful runs
82 Fault runs
83 Control RPM
84 Position Bypass
85 Position Pass
86 17-32 = Control command
01-16 = Control input
90 Lower position
91 Upper position
92 Lower speed
93 Upper speed
25-32 = Target floor
94 17-24 = Start floor
09-16 = Below floor
01-08 = Above floor
95 Near floor
100 Port A signal: (n/a)
Port B signal:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = QEFLT
04 = ZCHAN
05 = ACHAN
06 = BCHAN
07 = (n/a)
101 08 = (n/a)
09 = DFLT
10 = DRDY
11 = DRO
12 = CWI
13 = EQR
14 = SSI
15 = BUS 2MV
16 = BUS 2L
102 Port C signal: (n/a)
103 Port D signal: (n/a)

4-88 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port E signal:
01 = MDRE
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a) 4
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
104 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
105 Port F signal: (n/a)
106 Port G signal: (n/a)
110 Port A input: (n/a)
Port B input:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = QEFLT
04 = ZCHAN
05 = ACHAN
06 = BCHAN
07 = (n/a)
111 08 = (n/a)
09 = DFLT
10 = DRDY
11 = DRO
12 = CWI
13 = EQR
14 = SSI
15 = BUS 2MV
16 = BUS 2L
112 Port C input: (n/a)
113 Port D input: (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port E input:
01 = MDRE
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
114 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
115 Port F input: (n/a)
116 Port G input: (n/a)
Port A output:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = DIA2C
04 = DIA1C
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
120 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = PWR LED
11 = EQ LED
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
Port B output:
01 = DIA5C
02 = DIA6C
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = DIA4C
121 08 = DIA3C
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
122 Port C output: (n/a)

4-90 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port D output:
01 = FBS
02 = EQIND
03 = PME 4
04 = BRE
05 = DRE
06 = BRC
07 = (n/a)
123 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
124 Port E output: (n/a)
125 Port F output: (n/a)
Port G output:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = DIA7C
04 = DIA8C
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
126 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
127 Machine command
128 Motor command
129 Brake command

User Interface

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

01 \
02 |
03 |
04 \ Diagnostic switches
05 /
06 |
07 |
08 /
09 = Encoder fault
10 = Encoder channel Z
11 = Encoder channel A
12 = Encoder channel B
13 = Drive fault
14 = Drive ready
15 = Drive on monitor
16 = Counterweight signal
01 = Earthquake reset
02 = Seismic switch
03 = Bus 2
04 = Bus 2L
05 = Bus 2S
06 = Run
07 = Reset
08 = Test
09 = Inspection
10 = Battery
11 = Generator
12 = Earthquake
13 = Conservation
14 = Terminal
15 = Ready
16 = Fault
01 = Safety string
02 = Safety string monitor
03 = Door locks
04 = Door locks monitor
05 = Motor contactor
06 = Motor contactor monitor
07 = Motor contactor proofing
08 = Brake contactor
09 = Brake contactor monitor
10 = Brake contactor proofing
11 = Front level up
12 = Front door zone
13 = Front level down
14 = Rear level up
15 = Rear door zone
16 = Rear level down

4-92 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

01 = Near top
02 = Near bottom
03 = High speed
04 = Up direction limit 4
05 = Down direction limit
06 = Wind
07 = (n/a)
08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
Faults (01-16):
01 = Motor contactor pick fault
02 = Motor contactor drop fault
03 = Brake contactor pick fault
04 = Brake contactor drop fault
05 = Motor contactor pick proofing fault
06 = Motor contactor drop proofing fault
07 = Brake contactor pick proofing fault
200 08 = Brake contactor drop proofing fault
09 = Drive not ready
10 = Drive fault
11 = Drive on fault
12 = Drive off fault
13 = Receive communication fault
14 = Transmit communication fault
15 = EEPROM CRC fault
16 = EEPROM device fault
Faults (17 - 32):
01 = Drive position mode fault
02 = Inspection over-speed fault
03 = Contract over-speed fault
04 = Excessive faults shutdown
05 = Landing system A position deviation fault
06 = Landing system B position deviation fault
07 = (n/a)
201 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
202 Faults (33 - 48): (n/a)
203 Faults (49 - 64): (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = Up
15 = Down
14 = High speed
13 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
09 = Normal run
08 = Correction run
07 = Inspection run
06 = Terminal
05 = Danger
04 = System Ready
03 = Ready
02 = System fault
01 = Fault
16 = Up
15 = Down
14 = High speed
13 = Front level up
12 = Front door zone
11 = Front level down
10 = Rear level up
09 = Rear door zone
08 = Rear level down
07 = (n/a)
06 = Terminal
05 = Danger
04 = System ready
03 = Ready
02 = System fault
01 = Fault
16 = Up
15 = Down
14 = High speed
13 = Motor contactor monitor
12 = Motor contactor proofing
11 = Motor contactor
10 = Drive active
09 = Drive on monitor
08 = Drive enable
07 = Drive on
06 = Brake contactor monitor
05 = Brake contactor proofing
04 = Brake contactor
03 = Brake enable
02 = Brake pick
01 = Brake on
25-32 = Brake State
303 17-24 = Motor State
09-16 = Machine State
01-08 = Machine Command

4-94 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.15 MPI-C Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Example: 1.019M. Processed raw position for MPI-
420 Upper Elgo sensor position in m/in
B and MPI-C. Median for MPI-A.
Example: 0.859M. Processed raw position for MPI-
421 Lower Elgo sensor position in m/in
A and MPI-C. Median for MPI-B.
Distance between upper and lower sensors. About
422 Elgo sensor offset in m/in +160mm for short Elgo sensor head and +240mm
for long sensor head.
423 Median sensor position in m/in Upper sensor position for MPI-C.

424 Brake command signal

425 Brake command voltage
426 Brake command lift rate
427 Brake command drop rate
428 Brake pick voltage
429 Brake hold voltage
430 Brake relevel voltage
431 Brake lift rate
432 Brake drop rate

900 Software ID
901 Software Revision
902 Firmware Revision
903 Hardware Revision

990 Maximum Speed Highest speed attained. Reset MPI-C to clear.

991 Movements Initiated on Inspection Reset MPI-C to clear.
992 Corrections Initiated Reset MPI-C to clear.
993 Relevels Initiated Reset MPI-C to clear.
994 Movements Initiated on Automatic Reset MPI-C to clear.

User Interface

EDG Diagnostics
See MPI Diagnostic Menu on page 4-69 for use instructions.

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

0 Sensor Flags
1 Encoder Pair 1
2 Encoder Pair 1
3 Encoder Pair 1
4 Encoder Pair 1
5 Main Encoder
6 Measured Correction in Counts
7 ETS Velocity
8 ETS Length
9 Loaded ETS counter
10 Front Floor 1 Floor height (inch or mm)
11 Measured magnet length in counts
12 Floor height in counts
13 DLM edge in counts
14 ULM_edge in counts

20 Front Floor 2 Floor height (inch or mm)

21 Measured magnet length in counts
22 Floor height in counts
23 DLM edge in counts
24 ULM edge in counts

30 Front Floor 3 Floor height (inch or mm)

31 Measured magnet length in counts
32 Floor height in counts
33 DLM edge in counts
34 ULM edge in counts

40 Front Floor 4 Floor height (inch or mm)

41 Measured magnet length in counts
42 Floor height in counts
43 DLM edge in counts
44 ULM edge in counts

50 Front Floor 5 Floor height (inch or mm)

51 Measured magnet length in counts
52 Floor height in counts
53 DLM edge in counts
54 ULM edge in counts

60 Front Floor 6 Floor height (inch or mm)

4-96 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

61 Measured magnet length in counts
62 Floor height in counts
63 DLM edge in counts 4
64 ULM_edge in counts

70 Front Floor 7 Floor height (inch or mm)

71 Measured magnet length in counts
72 Floor height in counts
73 DLM edge in counts
74 ULM_edge in counts

80 Front Floor 8 Floor height (inch or mm)

81 Measured magnet length in counts
82 Floor height in counts
83 DLM edge in counts
84 ULM_edge in counts

90 Front Floor 9 Floor height (inch or mm)

91 Measured magnet length in counts
92 Floor height in counts
93 DLM edge in counts
94 ULM_edge in counts

100 Front Floor 10 Floor height (inch or mm)

101 Measured magnet length in counts
102 Floor height in counts
103 DLM edge in counts
104 ULM_edge in counts

110 Front Floor 11 Floor height (inch or mm)

111 Measured magnet length in counts
112 Floor height in counts
113 DLM edge in counts
114 ULM_edge in counts

120 Front Floor 12 Floor height (inch or mm)

121 Measured magnet length in counts
122 Floor height in counts
123 DLM edge in counts
124 ULM_edge in counts

130 Front Floor 13 Floor height (inch or mm)

131 Measured magnet length in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

132 Floor height in counts
133 DLM edge in counts
134 ULM_edge in counts

140 Front Floor 14 Floor height (inch or mm)

141 Measured magnet length in counts
142 Floor height in counts
143 DLM edge in counts
144 ULM_edge in counts

150 Front Floor 15 Floor height (inch or mm)

151 Measured magnet length in counts
152 Floor height in counts
153 DLM edge in counts
154 ULM_edge in counts

160 Front Floor 16 Floor height (inch or mm)

161 Measured magnet length in counts
162 Floor height in counts
163 DLM edge in counts
164 ULM_edge in counts

170 Front Floor 17 Floor height (inch or mm)

171 Measured magnet length in counts
172 Floor height in counts
173 DLM edge in counts
174 ULM_edge in counts

180 Front Floor 18 Floor height (inch or mm)

181 Measured magnet length in counts
182 Floor height in counts
183 DLM edge in counts
184 ULM_edge in counts

190 Front Floor 19 Floor height (inch or mm)

191 Measured magnet length in counts
192 Floor height in counts
193 DLM edge in counts
194 ULM_edge in counts

200 Front Floor 20 Floor height (inch or mm)

201 Measured magnet length in counts
202 Floor height in counts

4-98 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

203 DLM edge in counts
204 ULM_edge in counts
210 Front Floor 21 Floor height (inch or mm)
211 Measured magnet length in counts
212 Floor height in counts
213 DLM edge in counts
214 ULM_edge in counts

220 Front Floor 22 Floor height (inch or mm)

221 Measured magnet length in counts
222 Floor height in counts
223 DLM edge in counts
224 ULM_edge in counts

230 Front Floor 23 Floor height (inch or mm)

231 Measured magnet length in counts
232 Floor height in counts
233 DLM edge in counts
234 ULM_edge in counts

240 Front Floor 24 Floor height (inch or mm)

241 Measured magnet length in counts
242 Floor height in counts
243 DLM edge in counts
244 ULM_edge in counts

250 Front Floor 25 Floor height (inch or mm)

251 Measured magnet length in counts
252 Floor height in counts
253 DLM edge in counts
254 ULM_edge in counts

260 Front Floor 26 Floor height (inch or mm)

261 Measured magnet length in counts
262 Floor height in counts
263 DLM edge in counts
264 ULM_edge in counts

270 Front Floor 27 Floor height (inch or mm)

271 Measured magnet length in counts
272 Floor height in counts
273 DLM edge in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

274 ULM_edge in counts

280 Front Floor 28 Floor height (inch or mm)

281 Measured magnet length in counts
282 Floor height in counts
283 DLM edge in counts
284 ULM_edge in counts

290 Front Floor 29 Floor height (inch or mm)

291 Measured magnet length in counts
292 Floor height in counts
293 DLM edge in counts
294 ULM_edge in counts

300 Front Floor 30 Floor height (inch or mm)

301 Measured magnet length in counts
302 Floor height in counts
303 DLM edge in counts
304 ULM_edge in counts

310 Front Floor 31 Floor height (inch or mm)

311 Measured magnet length in counts
312 Floor height in counts
313 DLM edge in counts
314 ULM_edge in counts

320 Front Floor 32 Floor height (inch or mm)

321 Measured magnet length in counts
322 Floor height in counts
323 DLM edge in counts
324 ULM_edge in counts

330 Front Floor 33 Floor height (inch or mm)

331 Measured magnet length in counts
332 Floor height in counts
333 DLM edge in counts
334 ULM_edge in counts

340 Front Floor 34 Floor height (inch or mm)

341 Measured magnet length in counts
342 Floor height in counts
343 DLM edge in counts
344 ULM_edge in counts

4-100 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

350 Front Floor 35 Floor height (inch or mm)

351 Measured magnet length in counts 4
352 Floor height in counts
353 DLM edge in counts
354 ULM_edge in counts

360 Front Floor 36 Floor height (inch or mm)

361 Measured magnet length in counts
362 Floor height in counts
363 DLM edge in counts
364 ULM_edge in counts

370 Front Floor 37 Floor height (inch or mm)

371 Measured magnet length in counts
372 Floor height in counts
373 DLM edge in counts
374 ULM_edge in counts

380 Front Floor 38 Floor height (inch or mm)

381 Measured magnet length in counts
382 Floor height in counts
383 DLM edge in counts
384 ULM_edge in counts

390 Front Floor 39 Floor height (inch or mm)

391 Measured magnet length in counts
392 Floor height in counts
393 DLM edge in counts
394 ULM_edge in counts

400 Front Floor 40 Floor height (inch or mm)

401 Measured magnet length in counts
402 Floor height in counts
403 DLM edge in counts
404 ULM_edge in counts

410 Front Floor 41 Floor height (inch or mm)

411 Measured magnet length in counts
412 Floor height in counts
413 DLM edge in counts
414 ULM_edge in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

420 Front Floor 42 Floor height (inch or mm)
421 Measured magnet length in counts
422 Floor height in counts
423 DLM edge in counts
424 ULM_edge in counts

430 Front Floor 43 Floor height (inch or mm)

431 Measured magnet length in counts
432 Floor height in counts
433 DLM edge in counts
434 ULM_edge in counts

440 Front Floor 44 Floor height (inch or mm)

441 Measured magnet length in counts
442 Floor height in counts
443 DLM edge in counts
444 ULM_edge in counts

450 Front Floor 45 Floor height (inch or mm)

451 Measured magnet length in counts
452 Floor height in counts
453 DLM edge in counts
454 ULM_edge in counts

460 Front Floor 46 Floor height (inch or mm)

461 Measured magnet length in counts
462 Floor height in counts
463 DLM edge in counts
464 ULM_edge in counts

470 Front Floor 47 Floor height (inch or mm)

471 Measured magnet length in counts
472 Floor height in counts
473 DLM edge in counts
474 ULM_edge in counts

480 Front Floor 48 Floor height (inch or mm)

481 Measured magnet length in counts
482 Floor height in counts
483 DLM edge in counts
484 ULM_edge in counts

490 Front Floor 49 Floor height (inch or mm)

4-102 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

491 Measured magnet length in counts
492 Floor height in counts
493 DLM edge in counts 4
494 ULM_edge in counts

500 Front Floor 50 Floor height (inch or mm)

501 Measured magnet length in counts
502 Floor height in counts
503 DLM edge in counts
504 ULM_edge in counts

510 Front Floor 51 Floor height (inch or mm)

511 Measured magnet length in counts
512 Floor height in counts
513 DLM edge in counts
514 ULM_edge in counts

520 Front Floor 52 Floor height (inch or mm)

521 Measured magnet length in counts
522 Floor height in counts
523 DLM edge in counts
524 ULM_edge in counts

530 Front Floor 53 Floor height (inch or mm)

531 Measured magnet length in counts
532 Floor height in counts
533 DLM edge in counts
534 ULM_edge in counts

540 Front Floor 54 Floor height (inch or mm)

541 Measured magnet length in counts
542 Floor height in counts
543 DLM edge in counts
544 ULM_edge in counts

550 Front Floor 55 Floor height (inch or mm)

551 Measured magnet length in counts
552 Floor height in counts
553 DLM edge in counts
554 ULM_edge in counts

560 Front Floor 56 Floor height (inch or mm)

561 Measured magnet length in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

562 Floor height in counts
563 DLM edge in counts
564 ULM_edge in counts

570 Front Floor 57 Floor height (inch or mm)

571 Measured magnet length in counts
572 Floor height in counts
573 DLM edge in counts
574 ULM_edge in counts

580 Front Floor 58 Floor height (inch or mm)

581 Measured magnet length in counts
582 Floor height in counts
583 DLM edge in counts
584 ULM_edge in counts

590 Front Floor 59 Floor height (inch or mm)

591 Measured magnet length in counts
592 Floor height in counts
593 DLM edge in counts
594 ULM_edge in counts

600 Front Floor 60 Floor height (inch or mm)

601 Measured magnet length in counts
602 Floor height in counts
603 DLM edge in counts
604 ULM_edge in counts

610 Front Floor 61 Floor height (inch or mm)

611 Measured magnet length in counts
612 Floor height in counts
613 DLM edge in counts
614 ULM_edge in counts

620 Front Floor 62 Floor height (inch or mm)

621 Measured magnet length in counts
622 Floor height in counts
623 DLM edge in counts
624 ULM_edge in counts

630 Front Floor 63 Floor height (inch or mm)

631 Measured magnet length in counts
632 Floor height in counts

4-104 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

633 DLM edge in counts
634 ULM_edge in counts
640 Front Floor 64 Floor height (inch or mm)
641 Measured magnet length in counts
642 Floor height in counts
643 DLM edge in counts
644 ULM_edge in counts

650 Rear Floor 1 Floor height (inch or mm)

651 Measured magnet length in counts
652 Floor height in counts
653 DLM edge in counts
654 ULM_edge in counts

660 Rear Floor 2 Floor height (inch or mm)

661 Measured magnet length in counts
662 Floor height in counts
663 DLM edge in counts
664 ULM_edge in counts

670 Rear Floor 3 Floor height (inch or mm)

671 Measured magnet length in counts
672 Floor height in counts
673 DLM edge in counts
674 ULM_edge in counts

680 Rear Floor 4 Floor height (inch or mm)

681 Measured magnet length in counts
682 Floor height in counts
683 DLM edge in counts
684 ULM_edge in counts

690 Rear Floor 5 Floor height (inch or mm)

691 Measured magnet length in counts
692 Floor height in counts
693 DLM edge in counts
694 ULM_edge in counts

700 Rear Floor 6 Floor height (inch or mm)

701 Measured magnet length in counts
702 Floor height in counts
703 DLM edge in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

704 ULM_edge in counts

710 Rear Floor 7 Floor height (inch or mm)

711 Measured magnet length in counts
712 Floor height in counts
713 DLM edge in counts
714 ULM_edge in counts

720 Rear Floor 8 Floor height (inch or mm)

721 Measured magnet length in counts
722 Floor height in counts
723 DLM edge in counts
724 ULM_edge in counts

730 Rear Floor 9 Floor height (inch or mm)

731 Measured magnet length in counts
732 Floor height in counts
733 DLM edge in counts
734 ULM_edge in counts

740 Rear Floor 10 Floor height (inch or mm)

741 Measured magnet length in counts
742 Floor height in counts
743 DLM edge in counts
744 ULM_edge in counts

750 Rear Floor 11 Floor height (inch or mm)

751 Measured magnet length in counts
752 Floor height in counts
753 DLM edge in counts
754 ULM_edge in counts

760 Rear Floor 12 Floor height (inch or mm)

761 Measured magnet length in counts
762 Floor height in counts
763 DLM edge in counts
764 ULM_edge in counts

770 Rear Floor 13 Floor height (inch or mm)

771 Measured magnet length in counts
772 Floor height in counts
773 DLM edge in counts
774 ULM_edge in counts

4-106 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

780 Rear Floor 14 Floor height (inch or mm)

781 Measured magnet length in counts 4
782 Floor height in counts
783 DLM edge in counts
784 ULM_edge in counts

790 Rear Floor 15 Floor height (inch or mm)

791 Measured magnet length in counts
792 Floor height in counts
793 DLM edge in counts
794 ULM_edge in counts

800 Rear Floor 16 Floor height (inch or mm)

801 Measured magnet length in counts
802 Floor height in counts
803 DLM edge in counts
804 ULM_edge in counts

810 Rear Floor 17 Floor height (inch or mm)

811 Measured magnet length in counts
812 Floor height in counts
813 DLM edge in counts
814 ULM_edge in counts

820 Rear Floor 18 Floor height (inch or mm)

821 Measured magnet length in counts
822 Floor height in counts
823 DLM edge in counts
824 ULM_edge in counts

830 Rear Floor 19 Floor height (inch or mm)

831 Measured magnet length in counts
832 Floor height in counts
833 DLM edge in counts
834 ULM_edge in counts

840 Rear Floor 20 Floor height (inch or mm)

841 Measured magnet length in counts
842 Floor height in counts
843 DLM edge in counts
844 ULM_edge in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

850 Rear Floor 21 Floor height (inch or mm)
851 Measured magnet length in counts
852 Floor height in counts
853 DLM edge in counts
854 ULM_edge in counts

860 Rear Floor 22 Floor height (inch or mm)

861 Measured magnet length in counts
862 Floor height in counts
863 DLM edge in counts
864 ULM_edge in counts

870 Rear Floor 23 Floor height (inch or mm)

871 Measured magnet length in counts
872 Floor height in counts
873 DLM edge in counts
874 ULM_edge in counts

880 Rear Floor 24 Floor height (inch or mm)

881 Measured magnet length in counts
882 Floor height in counts
883 DLM edge in counts
884 ULM_edge in counts

890 Rear Floor 25 Floor height (inch or mm)

891 Measured magnet length in counts
892 Floor height in counts
893 DLM edge in counts
894 ULM_edge in counts

900 Rear Floor 26 Floor height (inch or mm)

901 Measured magnet length in counts
902 Floor height in counts
903 DLM edge in counts
904 ULM_edge in counts

910 Rear Floor 27 Floor height (inch or mm)

911 Measured magnet length in counts
912 Floor height in counts
913 DLM edge in counts
914 ULM_edge in counts

920 Rear Floor 28 Floor height (inch or mm)

4-108 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

921 Measured magnet length in counts
922 Floor height in counts
923 DLM edge in counts 4
924 ULM_edge in counts

930 Rear Floor 29 Floor height (inch or mm)

931 Measured magnet length in counts
932 Floor height in counts
933 DLM edge in counts
934 ULM_edge in counts

940 Rear Floor 30 Floor height (inch or mm)

941 Measured magnet length in counts
942 Floor height in counts
943 DLM edge in counts
944 ULM_edge in counts

950 Rear Floor 31 Floor height (inch or mm)

951 Measured magnet length in counts
952 Floor height in counts
953 DLM edge in counts
954 ULM_edge in counts

960 Rear Floor 32 Floor height (inch or mm)

961 Measured magnet length in counts
962 Floor height in counts
963 DLM edge in counts
964 ULM_edge in counts

970 Rear Floor 33 Floor height (inch or mm)

971 Measured magnet length in counts
972 Floor height in counts
973 DLM edge in counts
974 ULM_edge in counts

980 Rear Floor 34 Floor height (inch or mm)

981 Measured magnet length in counts
982 Floor height in counts
983 DLM edge in counts
984 ULM_edge in counts

990 Rear Floor 35 Floor height (inch or mm)

991 Measured magnet length in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

992 Floor height in counts
993 DLM edge in counts
994 ULM_edge in counts

1000 Rear Floor 36 Floor height (inch or mm)

1001 Measured magnet length in counts
1002 Floor height in counts
1003 DLM edge in counts
1004 ULM_edge in counts

1010 Rear Floor 37 Floor height (inch or mm)

1011 Measured magnet length in counts
1012 Floor height in counts
1013 DLM edge in counts
1014 ULM_edge in counts

1020 Rear Floor 38 Floor height (inch or mm)

1021 Measured magnet length in counts
1022 Floor height in counts
1023 DLM edge in counts
1024 ULM_edge in counts

1030 Rear Floor 39 Floor height (inch or mm)

1031 Measured magnet length in counts
1032 Floor height in counts
1033 DLM edge in counts
1034 ULM_edge in counts

1040 Rear Floor 40 Floor height (inch or mm)

1041 Measured magnet length in counts
1042 Floor height in counts
1043 DLM edge in counts
1044 ULM_edge in counts

1050 Rear Floor 41 Floor height (inch or mm)

1051 Measured magnet length in counts
1052 Floor height in counts
1053 DLM edge in counts
1054 ULM_edge in counts

1060 Rear Floor 42 Floor height (inch or mm)

1061 Measured magnet length in counts
1062 Floor height in counts

4-110 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

1063 DLM edge in counts
1064 ULM_edge in counts
1070 Rear Floor 43 Floor height (inch or mm)
1071 Measured magnet length in counts
1072 Floor height in counts
1073 DLM edge in counts
1074 ULM_edge in counts

1080 Rear Floor 44 Floor height (inch or mm)

1081 Measured magnet length in counts
1082 Floor height in counts
1083 DLM edge in counts
1084 ULM_edge in counts

1090 Rear Floor 45 Floor height (inch or mm)

1091 Measured magnet length in counts
1092 Floor height in counts
1093 DLM edge in counts
1094 ULM_edge in counts

1100 Rear Floor 46 Floor height (inch or mm)

1101 Measured magnet length in counts
1102 Floor height in counts
1103 DLM edge in counts
1104 ULM_edge in counts

1110 Rear Floor 47 Floor height (inch or mm)

1111 Measured magnet length in counts
1112 Floor height in counts
1113 DLM edge in counts
1114 ULM_edge in counts

1120 Rear Floor 48 Floor height (inch or mm)

1121 Measured magnet length in counts
1122 Floor height in counts
1123 DLM edge in counts
1124 ULM_edge in counts

1130 Rear Floor 49 Floor height (inch or mm)

1131 Measured magnet length in counts
1132 Floor height in counts
1133 DLM edge in counts

User Interface

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

1134 ULM_edge in counts

1140 Rear Floor 50 Floor height (inch or mm)

1141 Measured magnet length in counts
1142 Floor height in counts
1143 DLM edge in counts
1144 ULM_edge in counts

1150 Rear Floor 51 Floor height (inch or mm)

1151 Measured magnet length in counts
1152 Floor height in counts
1153 DLM edge in counts
1154 ULM_edge in counts

1160 Rear Floor 52 Floor height (inch or mm)

1161 Measured magnet length in counts
1162 Floor height in counts
1163 DLM edge in counts
1164 ULM_edge in counts

1170 Rear Floor 53 Floor height (inch or mm)

1171 Measured magnet length in counts
1172 Floor height in counts
1173 DLM edge in counts
1174 ULM_edge in counts

1180 Rear Floor 54 Floor height (inch or mm)

1181 Measured magnet length in counts
1182 Floor height in counts
1183 DLM edge in counts
1184 ULM_edge in counts

1190 Rear Floor 55 Floor height (inch or mm)

1191 Measured magnet length in counts
1192 Floor height in counts
1193 DLM edge in counts
1194 ULM_edge in counts

1200 Rear Floor 56 Floor height (inch or mm)

1201 Measured magnet length in counts
1202 Floor height in counts
1203 DLM edge in counts
1204 ULM_edge in counts

4-112 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.16 LS-EDGE Diagnostics

Address Floor number Diagnostic

1210 Rear Floor 57 Floor height (inch or mm)

1211 Measured magnet length in counts 4
1212 Floor height in counts
1213 DLM edge in counts
1214 ULM_edge in counts

1220 Rear Floor 58 Floor height (inch or mm)

1221 Measured magnet length in counts
1222 Floor height in counts
1223 DLM edge in counts
1224 ULM_edge in counts

1230 Rear Floor 59 Floor height (inch or mm)

1231 Measured magnet length in counts
1232 Floor height in counts
1233 DLM edge in counts
1234 ULM_edge in counts

1240 Rear Floor 60 Floor height (inch or mm)

1241 Measured magnet length in counts
1242 Floor height in counts
1243 DLM edge in counts
1244 ULM_edge in counts

1250 Rear Floor 61 Floor height (inch or mm)

1251 Measured magnet length in counts
1252 Floor height in counts
1253 DLM edge in counts
1254 ULM_edge in counts

1260 Rear Floor 62 Floor height (inch or mm)

1261 Measured magnet length in counts
1262 Floor height in counts
1263 DLM edge in counts
1264 ULM_edge in counts

1270 Rear Floor 63 Floor height (inch or mm)

1271 Measured magnet length in counts
1272 Floor height in counts
1273 DLM edge in counts
1274 ULM_edge in counts

User Interface

CTL A Diagnostics
See MPI Diagnostic Menu on page 4-69 for use instructions.

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

0 Front openings
1 Rear openings
2 Floors
3 Bottom floor
4 Top floor
5 Bottom landing
6 Top landing
7 Bottom position
8 Top position
9 Raw position
10 Absolute position
11 Relative position
12 Delta Distance
13 Offset distance
14 Delta position errors
15 Delta speed errors
16 Processed speed feedback
17 Raw speed feedback
18 Speed @ leveling over-speed fault
19 Speed @ inspection over-speed fault
20 Speed @ contract over-speed fault
21 Runtime speed @ DETS
22 Runtime speed @ DNTS1
23 Runtime speed @ DNTS2
24 Runtime speed @ DNTS3
25 Runtime speed @ DNTS4
26 Runtime speed @ DNTS5
27 Runtime speed @ UETS
28 Runtime speed @ UNTS1
29 Runtime speed @ UNTS2
30 Runtime speed @ UNTS3
31 Runtime speed @ UNTS4
32 Runtime speed @ UNTS5
33 Speed @ DETS over-speed fault
34 Speed @ DNTS1 over-speed fault
35 Speed @ DNTS2 over-speed fault
36 Speed @ DNTS3 over-speed fault
37 Speed @ DNTS4 over-speed fault
38 Speed @ DNTS5 over-speed fault
39 Speed @ UETS over-speed fault
40 Speed @ UNTS1 over-speed fault

4-114 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

41 Speed @ UNTS2 over-speed fault
42 Speed @ UNTS3 over-speed fault
43 Speed @ UNTS4 over-speed fault 4
44 Speed @ UNTS5 over-speed fault
45 Runtime distance @ DETS
46 Runtime distance @ DNTS1
47 Runtime distance @ DNTS2
48 Runtime distance @ DNTS3
94 Runtime distance @ DNTS4
50 Runtime distance @ DNTS5
51 Runtime distance @ UETS
52 Runtime distance @ UNTS1
53 Runtime distance @ UNTS2
54 Runtime distance @ UNTS3
55 Runtime distance @ UNTS4
56 Runtime distance @ UNTS5
57 Distance @ DETS position fault
58 Distance @ DNTS1 position fault
59 Distance @ DNTS2 position fault
60 Distance @ DNTS3 position fault
61 Distance @ DNTS4 position fault
62 Distance @ DNTS5 position fault
63 Distance @ UETS position fault
64 Distance @ UNTS1 position fault
65 Distance @ UNTS2 position fault
66 Distance @ UNTS3 position fault
67 Distance @ UNTS4 position fault
68 Distance @ UNTS5 position fault
69 DETS type
70 DTS1 type
71 DNTS2 type
72 DNTS3 type
73 DNTS4 type
74 DNTS5 type
75 UETS type
76 UNTS1 type
77 UNTS2 type
78 UNTS3 type
79 UNTS4 type
80 UNTS5 type

81 Successful runs
82 Fault runs

User Interface

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

83 Floor zone
84 Position bypass count
85 Position pass count
86 System position count
87 Absolute position count
88 Position lower sequence
89 Position upper sequence
90 Position lower value
91 Position upper value
92 Landing code
93 At landing
95 Near floor

Port A inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = MHDBR
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = FRA
100 08 = FRON
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = FRSM
14 = FRS
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
Port B inputs:
01 = HDBO
02 = M2MV
03 = FRES
04 = CDBO
05 = MGB
06 = INA
07 = INN
101 08 = INCP
09 = MGS
10 = ICTD
11 = ICTU
12 = INCT
13 = MREN
14 = MRIN
15 = MRUP
16 = MSAFS1

4-116 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port C inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = PHE
03 = MCSB 4
04 = MGBR
05 = FRSA
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
102 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
Port D inputs:
01 = SAFSD
02 = CSBA
03 = SAFLD
04 = DZLV
05 = ABGA
06 = GBR
07 = MREN
103 08 = INCT
09 = INCTU
10 = INN
11 = HDB
12 = HDBR
13 = ABTA
14 = TAB
15 = BAB
16 = ABGRA
Port E inputs:
01 = MABB
02 = DCAB
03 = MDLR
04 = MGSR
05 = FCCC
06 = FCS
07 = FCOFF
104 08 = HLD
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port F inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = SPD0A
04 = SPD1A
05 = SPD2A
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
105 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
Port G inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
106 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = DSLA
14 = USLA
15 = UETSA
16 = DETSA

Port A outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = ICTD
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
110 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = SPOUT1
11 = SPOUT2
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = SPOUT3
16 = SPOUT4
111 Port B outputs: (n/a)

4-118 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port C outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a) 4
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
112 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
113 Port D outputs: (n/a)
114 Port E outputs: (n/a)
Port F outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = DIA1
07 = DIA2
115 08 = DIA3
09 = DIA4
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
116 Port G outputs: (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Faults (01 - 16):
01 = Maximum position offset fault
02 = Minimum position offset fault
03 = Landing system communication loss fault
04 = Excessive faults shutdown
05 = FCL-1 is offline
06 = FCL-2 is offline
07 = Landing system ETS fault
200 08 = MPU-A is offline
09 = Inspection over-speed
10 = Contract over-speed
11 = Leveling over-speed
12 = Up normal limit open
13 = Down normal limit open
14 = ETS shutdown
15 = UETS over-speed
16 = UETS position error
Faults (17 - 32):
01 = DETS over-speed
02 = DETS position error
03 = Drive not ready
04 = Drive fault
05 = Drive on fault
06 = EEPROM error (CRC / device)
07 = Incorrect landing system channel detected
201 08 = Actual and requested direction mismatch
09 = UNTS-L over-speed
10 = UNTS-H over-speed
11 = UNTS position error
12 = DNTS-L over-speed
13 = DNTS-H over-speed
14 = DNTS position error
15 = Landing system floor checksum error
16 = landing system ETS checksum error
Faults (33 - 48):
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
202 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
203 Faults (49 - 64): (n/a)

4-120 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = BRE (MPI-A)
15 = DRE (MPI-A)
14 = PME (MPI-A)
13 = DRE (MPI-C) 4
12 = BRE (MPI-C)
11 = PME (MPI-C)
10 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
08 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
03 = Danger
02 = Fault
01 = Ready
16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = Up slowdown
12 = Down slowdown
11 = Up direction limit
10 = Down direction limit
09 = Front level up
08 = Front door zone
07 = Front level down
06 = Rear level up
05 = Rear door zone
04 = Rear level down
03 = High speed
02 = Up
01 = Down
16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
10 = Up slowdown
09 = Down slowdown
08 = Near top
07 = Near bottom
06 = Up direction limit
05 = Down direction limit
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down

User Interface

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = UETS status
15 = UTS1 status
14 = UNTS2 status
13 = UNTS3 status
12 = UNTS4 status
11 = UNTS5 status
10 = DETS status
09 = DTS1 status
08 = DNTS2 status
07 = DNTS3 status
06 = DNTS4 status
05 = DNTS5 status
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down
16 = In rear floor zone
15 = In front floor zone
14 = Emergency brake: check relay fault
13 = Emergency brake: floor unintended motion
12 = Emergency brake: door unintended motion
11 = Emergency brake: governor over-speed
10 = Zone failure
09 = Rear gate failure
08 = Rear lock failure
07 = Front gate failure
06 = Front lock failure
05 = Emergency brake armed
04 = Rear door open
03 = Front door open
02 = In rear door zone
01 = In front door zone

400 Down distance @ 100% of contract speed

401 Down distance @ 90% of contract speed
402 Down distance @ 80% of contract speed
403 Down distance @ 70% of contract speed
404 Down distance @ 60% of contract speed
405 Down distance @ 50% of contract speed
406 Down distance @ 40% of contract speed
407 Down distance @ 30% of contract speed
408 Down distance @ 20% of contract speed
409 Down distance @ 10% of contract speed
410 Up distance @ 100% of contract speed
411 Up distance @ 90% of contract speed
412 Up distance @ 80% of contract speed
413 Up distance @ 70% of contract speed
414 Up distance @ 60% of contract speed
415 Up distance @ 50% of contract speed
416 Up distance @ 40% of contract speed

4-122 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.17 Controller Board CTL A Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

417 Up distance @ 30% of contract speed
418 Up distance @ 20% of contract speed
419 Up distance @ 10% of contract speed 4
420 Upper position
421 Lower position
422 Median position
423 Offset distance

900 Software ID
901 Software Revision
902 Firmware Revision
903 Hardware Revision

904 CAN1 receiver - overflow counter

905 CAN1 receiver - invalid message counter
906 CAN1 transmitter - bus off counter
907 CAN1 receiver - bus passive counter
908 CAN1 transmitter - bus passive counter
909 CAN1 receiver - bus warning counter
910 CAN1 transmitter - bus warning counter
911 CAN2 receiver - overflow counter
912 CAN2 receiver - invalid message counter
913 CAN2 transmitter - bus off counter
914 CAN2 receiver - bus passive counter
915 CAN2 transmitter - bus passive counter
916 CAN2 receiver - bus warning counter
917 CAN2 transmitter - bus warning counter

1000 CTL-PLD port A

1001 CTL-PLD port B
1002 CTL-PLD port C
1003 CTL-PLD port D

1010 CTL-PLD mode

User Interface

CTL B Diagnostics
See MPI Diagnostic Menu on page 4-69 for use instructions.
Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

0 Front openings
1 Rear openings
2 Floors
3 Bottom floor
4 Top floor
5 Bottom landing
6 Top landing
7 Bottom position
8 Top position
9 Raw position
10 Absolute position
11 Relative position
12 Delta Distance
13 Offset distance
14 Delta position errors
15 Delta speed errors
16 Processed speed feedback
17 Raw speed feedback
18 Speed @ leveling over-speed fault
19 Speed @ inspection over-speed fault
20 Speed @ contract over-speed fault
21 Runtime speed @ DETS
22 Runtime speed @ DNTS1
23 Runtime speed @ DNTS2
24 Runtime speed @ DNTS3
25 Runtime speed @ DNTS4
26 Runtime speed @ DNTS5
27 Runtime speed @ UETS
28 Runtime speed @ UNTS1
29 Runtime speed @ UNTS2
30 Runtime speed @ UNTS3
31 Runtime speed @ UNTS4
32 Runtime speed @ UNTS5
33 Speed @ DETS over-speed fault
34 Speed @ DNTS1 over-speed fault
35 Speed @ DNTS2 over-speed fault
36 Speed @ DNTS3 over-speed fault
37 Speed @ DNTS4 over-speed fault
38 Speed @ DNTS5 over-speed fault
39 Speed @ UETS over-speed fault
40 Speed @ UNTS1 over-speed fault

4-124 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

41 Speed @ UNTS2 over-speed fault
42 Speed @ UNTS3 over-speed fault
43 Speed @ UNTS4 over-speed fault 4
44 Speed @ UNTS5 over-speed fault
45 Runtime distance @ DETS
46 Runtime distance @ DNTS1
47 Runtime distance @ DNTS2
48 Runtime distance @ DNTS3
94 Runtime distance @ DNTS4
50 Runtime distance @ DNTS5
51 Runtime distance @ UETS
52 Runtime distance @ UNTS1
53 Runtime distance @ UNTS2
54 Runtime distance @ UNTS3
55 Runtime distance @ UNTS4
56 Runtime distance @ UNTS5
57 Distance @ DETS position fault
58 Distance @ DNTS1 position fault
59 Distance @ DNTS2 position fault
60 Distance @ DNTS3 position fault
61 Distance @ DNTS4 position fault
62 Distance @ DNTS5 position fault
63 Distance @ UETS position fault
64 Distance @ UNTS1 position fault
65 Distance @ UNTS2 position fault
66 Distance @ UNTS3 position fault
67 Distance @ UNTS4 position fault
68 Distance @ UNTS5 position fault
69 DETS type
70 DTS1 type
71 DNTS2 type
72 DNTS3 type
73 DNTS4 type
74 DNTS5 type
75 UETS type
76 UNTS1 type
77 UNTS2 type
78 UNTS3 type
79 UNTS4 type
80 UNTS5 type

81 Successful runs
82 Fault runs

User Interface

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

83 Floor zone
84 Position bypass count
85 Position pass count
86 System position count
87 Absolute position count
88 Position lower sequence
89 Position upper sequence
90 Position lower value
91 Position upper value
92 Landing code
93 At landing
95 Near floor

Port A inputs:
01 = SPD0
02 = SPD1
03 = SPD2
04 = UETS
05 = DETS
06 = SPIN7
07 = DZ
100 08 = DCL
09 = (n/a)
10 = SPIN8
11 = IND
12 = (n/a)
13 = MRDN
14 = DCABR
15 = DOB
16 = DCB
Port B inputs:
01 = DZR
02 = MABGR
03 = GSR
04 = MBAB
05 = MTAB
06 = MABT
07 = DLR
101 08 = DL
09 = ABD
10 = ABU
11 = ATD
12 = ATU
13 = SPIN10
14 = SPIN9
15 = ICEN
16 = CTEN

4-126 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port C inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = MSAFL1
03 = MDZLV 4
04 = MABGF
05 = GS
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
102 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
103 Port D inputs: (n/a)
Port E inputs:
01 = DOL
02 = DPM
03 = SPIN1
04 = SPIN2
05 = SPIN3
06 = SPIN4
07 = SPIN5
104 08 = SPIN6
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
Port F inputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = MHDB
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
105 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
106 Port G inputs: (n/a)

User Interface

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

110 Port A outputs: (n/a)
111 Port B outputs: (n/a)
Port C outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
112 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
Port D outputs:
01 = SAFSD
02 = CSBB
03 = GB
04 = FWL
05 = FWI
06 = NBZ
07 = FBYP
113 08 = CTC
09 = FSLL
10 = ABBB
11 = ICPD
12 = ICPU
13 = DOF
14 = DCP/RCO
15 = DCF
16 = NUDG
114 Port E outputs: (n/a)
Port F outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = RST1 PLD
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
115 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)

4-128 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Port G outputs:
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a) 4
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
116 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = DIA1
14 = DIA2
15 = DIA3
16 = DIA4

Faults (01 - 16):

01 = Maximum position offset fault
02 = Minimum position offset fault
03 = Landing system communication loss fault
04 = Excessive faults shutdown
05 = FCL-3 is offline
06 = FCL-4 is offline
07 = Landing system ETS fault
200 08 =LS-EDGE CPU-B is offline
09 = Inspection over-speed
10 = Contract over-speed
11 = Leveling over-speed
12 = Up normal limit open
13 = Down normal limit open
14 = ETS shutdown
15 = UETS over-speed
16 = UETS position error
Faults (17 - 32):
01 = DETS over-speed
02 = DETS position error
03 = Drive not ready
04 = Drive fault
05 = Drive on fault
06 = EEPROM error (CRC / device)
07 = Incorrect landing system channel detected
201 08 = Actual and requested direction mismatch
09 = UNTS-L over-speed
10 = UNTS-H over-speed
11 = UNTS position error
12 = DNTS-L over-speed
13 = DNTS-H over-speed
14 = DNTS position error
15 = Landing system floor checksum error
16 = Landing system ETS checksum error

User Interface

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

Faults (33 - 48):
01 = (n/a)
02 = (n/a)
03 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
202 08 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
10 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
12 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
16 = (n/a)
203 Faults (49 - 64): (n/a)

16 = BRE (MPI-B)
15 = DRE (MPI-B)
14 = PME (MPI-B)
13 = DRE (MPI-C)
12 = BRE (MPI-C)
11 = PME (MPI-C)
10 = (n/a)
09 = (n/a)
08 = (n/a)
07 = (n/a)
06 = (n/a)
05 = (n/a)
04 = (n/a)
03 = Danger
02 = Fault
01 = Ready
16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = Up slowdown
12 = Down slowdown
11 = Up direction limit
10 = Down direction limit
09 = Front level up
08 = Front door zone
07 = Front level down
06 = Rear level up
05 = Rear door zone
04 = Rear level down
03 = High speed
02 = Up
01 = Down

4-130 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

16 = (n/a)
15 = (n/a)
14 = (n/a)
13 = (n/a) 4
12 = (n/a)
11 = (n/a)
10 = Up slowdown
09 = Down slowdown
08 = Near top
07 = Near bottom
06 = Up direction limit
05 = Down direction limit
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down
16 = UETS status
15 = UTS1 status
14 = UNTS2 status
13 = UNTS3 status
12 = UNTS4 status
11 = UNTS5 status
10 = DETS status
09 = DNTS1 status
08 = DNTS2 status
07 = DNTS3 status
06 = DNTS4 status
05 = DNTS5 status
04 = Front door zone
03 = Rear door zone
02 = Up
01 = Down

400 Down distance @ 100% of contract speed

401 Down distance @ 90% of contract speed
402 Down distance @ 80% of contract speed
403 Down distance @ 70% of contract speed
404 Down distance @ 60% of contract speed
405 Down distance @ 50% of contract speed
406 Down distance @ 40% of contract speed
407 Down distance @ 30% of contract speed
408 Down distance @ 20% of contract speed
409 Down distance @ 10% of contract speed
410 Up distance @ 100% of contract speed
411 Up distance @ 90% of contract speed
412 Up distance @ 80% of contract speed
413 Up distance @ 70% of contract speed
414 Up distance @ 60% of contract speed
415 Up distance @ 50% of contract speed
416 Up distance @ 40% of contract speed

User Interface

Table 4.18 Controller Board CTL B Processor Diagnostics

Address Item Notes

417 Up distance @ 30% of contract speed
418 Up distance @ 20% of contract speed
419 Up distance @ 10% of contract speed

420 Upper position

421 Lower position
422 Median position
423 Offset distance

900 Software ID
901 Software Revision
902 Firmware Revision
903 Hardware Revision

904 CAN1 receiver - overflow counter

905 CAN1 receiver - invalid message counter
906 CAN1 transmitter - bus off counter
907 CAN1 receiver - bus passive counter
908 CAN1 transmitter - bus passive counter
909 CAN1 receiver - bus warning counter
910 CAN1 transmitter - bus warning counter
911 CAN2 receiver - overflow counter
912 CAN2 receiver - invalid message counter
913 CAN2 transmitter - bus off counter
914 CAN2 receiver - bus passive counter
915 CAN2 transmitter - bus passive counter
916 CAN2 receiver - bus warning counter
917 CAN2 transmitter - bus warning counter

1000 CTL-PLD port A

1001 CTL-PLD port B
1002 CTL-PLD port C
1003 CTL-PLD port D

1010 CTL-PLD mode

4-132 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

COP Diagnostics Menu

This menu allows you to view diagnostics on the ICE-COP-2 Car Operating Panel (COP) inter-
face board(s). For more information about using the diagnostics see MPI Diagnostic Menu on
page 4-69.

Table 4.19 COP Diagnostics 4

Address Description Comments

0 Voltage on terminal IO1

1 Voltage on terminal IO2
2 Voltage on terminal IO3
3 Voltage on terminal IO4
4 Voltage on terminal IO5
5 Voltage on terminal IO6
6 Voltage on terminal IO7
7 Voltage on terminal IO8
8 Voltage on terminal IO9
9 Voltage on terminal IO10
10 Voltage on terminal IO11
11 Voltage on terminal IO12
12 Voltage on terminal IO13
13 Voltage on terminal IO14
14 Voltage on terminal IO15
15 Voltage on terminal IO16
16 Voltage on terminal IO17
17 Voltage on terminal IO18
18 Voltage on terminal IO19
19 Voltage on terminal IO20
20 Voltage on terminal IO21
21 Voltage on terminal IO22
22 Voltage on terminal IO23
23 Voltage on terminal IO24
24 Power supply voltage
26 CAN board ID number Used when communicating
29 CAN message received Increments with each message received
30 CAN message transmitted Increments with each message transmitted
40 Voltage sum Averaged power supply voltage measurement
42 S2 DIP Switch settings 0 = off, 1 = on
43 Force relays off Flag from controller will shut of relays when set
48 Power supply voltage max
Variance between max & min indicates ripple
49 Power supply voltage min
50 Good voltage count If count is less than 100, inputs are disabled

User Interface

System CAN Bus

The System CAN Bus/Data Viewing screen allows you to check the working status of the inputs
and outputs of any Car Panel Interface board in the system.



Press S to enter the menu

Byte 0
CID| 00 00 00 00 CAN Data Bytes in Hex
1C1| 0A 10 00 01 Byte 7
Three digit MC-CPI address (see table below)

Use the + or - buttons to increment/decrement address digit value

Use the S button to move from digit to digit
As soon as a valid ID is on the screen, the CAN data from that ID will be visible as the
hex data for each CAN byte changes.
With the desired ID selected, you can place a call from the affected control panel, or
press a Door Open button, etc. and view the data transfer on the CAN bus.

Table 4.20 MC-CPI Board Addresses

1C0 Output activity CPI board 0
1C1 Input activity CPI board 0
1C2 Output activity CPI board 1
1C3 Input activity CPI board 1
1C4 Output activity CPI board 2
1C5 Input activity CPI board 2
1C6 Output activity CPI board 3
1C7 Input activity CPI board 3
1C8 Output activity CPI board 4
1C9 Input activity CPI board 4
1CA Output activity CPI board 5
1CB Input activity CPI board 5
1CC Output activity CPI board 6
1CD Input activity CPI board 6
1CE Output activity CPI board 7
1CF Input activity CPI board 7

If CAN data is not appearing: Please refer to Status and Error Messages on page 5-2, entry
MPI A or B LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS for relevant CAN connection car-to-controller
troubleshooting information.

4-134 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

Monitoring and Reporting Menu

If the controller is configured for monitoring or reporting connections through Ethernet, this
menu is used to set up the port and to view communication statistics for diagnostic purposes.

With Monitoring and Reporting Menu displayed, press S to enter the menu. The first
screen provides a way to exit the menu without making changes. Press N to continue. 4

The next screen provides the version number of the monitoring software in the controller.
Press N to continue.

The monitored type screen displays the controller type being monitored.

Press N to move on. The IP address screen allows the IP address to be set:
See note on following page.

Press S to move from digit to digit.

Press + or - to change value.
Press N to exit.
The subnet mask screen allows the mask address to be set:

See note on following page.

User Interface

The gateway screen allows the gateway address to be set:

See note below.


Any time you make a change to IP address, Subnet Mask, or Gateway Address, you must reset
the HC-CHP board (Device) or the XPort. Refer to the information following.

Diagnostics, Refresh, Reset

The following screens provide diagnostic information, and allow Device and XPort refresh (poll
for current data) or reset.
The connections screen indicates which client connections are active. The XPort has the
ability to connect to up to six iMonitors. This screen tells you how many connections are
currently active.

The floors screen provides, left-to-right, the number of cars configured, if the car is a
duplex dispatcher (D) or a local (L), and the number of floors configured.
Number of cars configured

Car is dispatcher (D) or local (L)

Number of floors configured

The XPort Comm Resets screen indicates the number of times the port has been reset
since the last HC-CHP reset. If it exceeds three, you may have a network problem.

4-136 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

The Receive/Transmit screen monitors the current number of receive and transmit mes-
sages in the XPort queue, the peak number of messages in that queue, and the maximum
acceptable number of messages in each queue.

The error diagnostic displays those data points being checked for change.
E = Events
P = Parameters
M = Monitors

The Device Data screen displays the data byte in a particular register.

Data present

Register address

The iReport screen shows the current status of iReport connections (None, Conn, Wait),
and the last iReport Port and IP address that was connected.
Status: None, Conn, Wait
IP address

The Reset XPort screen allows you to reset the XPort and related counters. Resetting is
required after changing IP address, Subnet mask, or Gateway address.

Refresh Device allows you to trigger an immediate data gathering cycle to ensure you are
seeing the latest processor information.

User Interface

Refresh XPort allows you to trigger an immediate data gathering cycle to ensure you are
seeing the latest XPort information (IP address, Gateway address, Subnet Mask, and Type
of controller).

The TFTP Status screen allows you to provide permission for an FTP updater to update the
monitoring software on this controller.

The Default XPort screen allows you to default the XPort to original factory programming.

Terminal Limit Utilities Menu

This menu allows you to:
Perform UxTS and DxTS Learn Operation
Perform Terminal Tests

Terminal Switch Learn


Please refer to Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement, Elgo on page 3-4 or Slowdown Learn, ETS
Placement on page 3-5 (LS-EDGE).

Perform Terminal Tests

Please refer to Normal and Emergency Terminal Switch Tests on page 3-41.

ETS Position Locator

Please refer to Slowdown Learn, ETS Placement, Elgo on page 3-4 Slowdown Learn, ETS
Placement on page 3-5 (LS-EDGE).

4-138 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F5 Menus

FCL Brake Unit Utilities Menu

This menu allows you to check CAN controlled brake module function, check commanded and
actual pick voltage/amperage, default module TC-FCL parameters or calibrate a selected mod-
ule TC-FCL for use on the Motion 4000 controller. Navigate to this menu using the N button,
then select it using the S button to access sub-menus. Navigate between sub-menus using the N
button. Review Brake Module on page 2-12 for information about module addressing and func- 4

FCL Diagnostic Menu

The FCL diagnostic menu allows data in particular module registries to be examined to diag-
nose board-level activity. If you are having a problem with a module and you suspect it is a
problem with one of the module circuit boards, contact MCE Technical Support so that a tech-
nician can work with you to determine whether or not the module is faulty. Generically:
Use S to move to the module number digit, then +/- to set.
Use S to move to the register address fields, then +/- to set.
The LCD will display data present in the selected module register

FCL Power Data Menu

The FCL power data menu allows you to see commanded and actual pick voltage and amperage
for a selected brake module.
Use +/- to select the module.
CMD: Commanded voltage
V: Actual applied voltage
A: Actual applied amperage

Default TC-FCL Parameters

This menu allows you to select a specific module, then default its values to factory settings.
Place car on Machine Room Inspection
Use +/- to select the module. Press S to default
The module values will be defaulted to factory values

FCL Adjustment Menu

This menu is used to calibrate a selected module to Motion 4000 requirements.
Place car on Machine Room Inspection
Use +/- to select the module. Press S to calibrate
The selected module will be calibrated and progress reported on the display

User Interface

F6: Hoistway Learn Operations

The F6 menu provides a process to learn the floor levels and counterweight position for the
building. The process is different depending on the type of landing/positioning system for the

ELGO Encoded Magnetic Tape

Please refer to ELGO Encoded Magnetic Tape on page 3-3.

LS-EDGE Steel Tape

Please refer to Hoistway Learn, LS-EDGE on page 3-5.

Adjusting Floor Heights

Stored floor heights may be accessed through the F7 menu (first 64 parameters) and the height
of each floor individually adjusted at any time. F7 parameter 67 allows you to adjust the coun-
terweight height.
1. Enter the F7 menu (F7 up, all other switches down).
2. Press N to advance to the desired parameter.
3. Use + or - buttons to adjust the height of the floor (or counterweight).
4. Place F7 in the down position.

4-140 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

F7: Parameters Adjust

Through the F7 menu, you can restore and/or adjust settings for terminal, position, and motion
parameters. With the car on Inspection and the F7 function switch in the UP position, the N
button is used to cycle between the two (Restore or Adjust) menus.

Important Once set at the factory, F7 parameters are protected by positioning a jumper 4
on the HC-CTL-2 board. Before you can access F7 parameters, you must set the jumper appro-


Restore Parameters
Parameters are stored on both the HC-CTL-2 and the TC-MPI boards. The parameters stored
on either board may be used to restore (synchronize) those stored on the other:
1. Place the car on Inspection operation.
2. Set the F7 function switch in the UP position.
3. Press N until the LCD displays PARAMETER RESTORE MENU. Press S to select.
The LCD will display RESTORE SETTINGS FROM: followed by the currently selected board
4. Press + or - to display the desired board. Press S to restore (or N to return to the previ-
ous menu).
The LCD will provide read and restore status and direct you to press N to return to the last
viewed or edited parameter.

Changing Parameters
1. Place the car on Inspection operation.
2. Set the F7 function switch to the up position.
3. Press N until the LCD displays PARAMETER ADJUST MENU. Press S to select. The
Press N to begin adjustment from the last viewed or edited parameter.
Press S to begin adjustment starting with the first F7 parameter.
4. Once viewing parameters:
Press N to move through the parameters listings.
Press + or - to change a displayed parameters value.
To move back to a previous parameter, press and hold N (Next) then press - (minus) as
Press S to save changed parameters.

User Interface

Controller Parameter/Drive Parameter Interaction

There are very important things to consider about the interaction between motion parameters
set on the drive and the setting or collection of motion parameters on the controller.
Drive parameters LF.20 Contract Speed and LF.11 Motor RPM determine the drives Esti-
mated Gear Ratio, LF.25. The drive will not drive the motor any faster than determined by
the Gear Ratio set at LF.22. Please refer to Speed and Acceleration Control on page 2-30.


MOTION / DISTANCE DIAGNOSTIC displays are provided through the F5 menu. They can
be very helpful in seeing what is actually happening in the hoistway and using that information
to fine tune settings or diagnose fault conditions. Please refer to MPI Diagnostic Menu on
page 4-69.

4-142 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Using ID Numbers for Direct Parameter Access

All F7 parameters have a fixed ID number. When you are in the F7 menu, you can scroll to a
particular ID by:
Press and hold N (Next) to increment to the desired ID.
Press and hold N, then press and hold - (minus) to decrement to the desired ID. 4
The table below lists the ID numbers and corresponding parameters. (There is a table that you
can record your settings in on page A-14 of the appendix.)

Table 4.21 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
1 Floor 1 -12.0 in 0.0 in +12000.0 in
2 Floor 2 -12.0 in +120.0 in +12000.0 in
3 Floor 3 -12.0 in +240.0 in +12000.0 in
4 Floor 4 -12.0 in +360.0 in +12000.0 in
5 Floor 5 -12.0 in +480.0 in +12000.0 in
6 Floor 6 -12.0 in +600.0 in +12000.0 in
7 Floor 7 -12.0 in +720.0 in +12000.0 in
8 Floor 8 -12.0 in +840.0 in +12000.0 in
9 Floor 9 -12.0 in +960.0 in +12000.0 in
10 Floor 10 -12.0 in +1080.0 in +12000.0 in
11 Floor 11 -12.0 in +1200.0 in +12000.0 in
12 Floor 12 -12.0 in +1320.0 in +12000.0 in
13 Floor 13 -12.0 in +1440.0 in +12000.0 in
14 Floor 14 -12.0 in +1560.0 in +12000.0 in
15 Floor 15 -12.0 in +1680.0 in +12000.0 in
16 Floor 16 -12.0 in +1800.0 in +12000.0 in
17 Floor 17 -12.0 in +1920.0 in +12000.0 in
18 Floor 18 -12.0 in +2040.0 in +12000.0 in
19 Floor 19 -12.0 in +2160.0 in +12000.0 in
20 Floor 20 -12.0 in +2280.0 in +12000.0 in
21 Floor 21 -12.0 in +2400.0 in +12000.0 in
22 Floor 22 -12.0 in +2520.0 in +12000.0 in
23 Floor 23 -12.0 in +2640.0 in +12000.0 in
24 Floor 24 -12.0 in +2760.0 in +12000.0 in
25 Floor 25 -12.0 in +2880.0 in +12000.0 in
26 Floor 26 -12.0 in +3000.0 in +12000.0 in
27 Floor 27 -12.0 in +3120.0 in +12000.0 in
28 Floor 28 -12.0 in +3240.0 in +12000.0 in
29 Floor 29 -12.0 in +3360.0 in +12000.0 in
30 Floor 30 -12.0 in +3480.0 in +12000.0 in
31 Floor 31 -12.0 in +3600.0 in +12000.0 in
32 Floor 32 -12.0 in +3720.0 in +12000.0 in
33 Floor 33 -12.0 in +3840.0 in +12000.0 in
34 Floor 34 -12.0 in +3960.0 in +12000.0 in
35 Floor 35 -12.0 in +4080.0 in +12000.0 in
36 Floor 36 -12.0 in +4200.0 in +12000.0 in
37 Floor 37 -12.0 in +4320.0 in +12000.0 in
38 Floor 38 -12.0 in +4440.0 in +12000.0 in

User Interface

Table 4.21 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
39 Floor 39 -12.0 in +4560.0 in +12000.0 in
40 Floor 40 -12.0 in +4680.0 in +12000.0 in
41 Floor 41 -12.0 in +4800.0 in +12000.0 in
42 Floor 42 -12.0 in +4920.0 in +12000.0 in
43 Floor 43 -12.0 in +5040.0 in +12000.0 in
44 Floor 44 -12.0 in +5160.0 in +12000.0 in
45 Floor 45 -12.0 in +5280.0 in +12000.0 in
46 Floor 46 -12.0 in +5400.0 in +12000.0 in
47 Floor 47 -12.0 in +5520.0 in +12000.0 in
48 Floor 48 -12.0 in +5640.0 in +12000.0 in
49 Floor 49 -12.0 in +5760.0 in +12000.0 in
50 Floor 50 -12.0 in +5880.0 in +12000.0 in
51 Floor 51 -12.0 in +6000.0 in +12000.0 in
52 Floor 52 -12.0 in +6120.0 in +12000.0 in
53 Floor 53 -12.0 in +6240.0 in +12000.0 in
54 Floor 54 -12.0 in +6360.0 in +12000.0 in
55 Floor 55 -12.0 in +6480.0 in +12000.0 in
56 Floor 56 -12.0 in +6600.0 in +12000.0 in
57 Floor 57 -12.0 in +6600.0 in +12000.0 in
58 Floor 58 -12.0 in +6720.0 in +12000.0 in
59 Floor 59 -12.0 in +6840.0 in +12000.0 in
60 Floor 60 -12.0 in +6960.0 in +12000.0 in
61 Floor 61 -12.0 in +7080.0 in +12000.0 in
62 Floor 62 -12.0 in +7200.0 in +12000.0 in
63 Floor 63 -12.0 in +7320.0 in +12000.0 in
64 Floor 64 -12.0 in +7440.0 in +12000.0 in

65 Bottom access distance 0.0 in +120.0 in +12000.0 in

66 Top access distance 0.0 in +120.0 in +12000.0 in
67 Counterweight position 0.0 in +540.0 in +12000.0 in
Directional limit
68 0.0 in +2.0 in +1200.0 in



75 UETS speed 0 fpm +332 fpm +900 fpm

76 UETS distance -1200.0 in +48.0 in +1200.0 in
77 UETS delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
78 UETS delta speed 0 fpm 20 fpm +900 fpm

79 UNTS1 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

80 UNTS1 distance -1200.0 in +95.9 in +1200.0 in

4-144 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Table 4.21 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
81 UNTS1 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
82 UNTS1 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
83 UNTS1 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
84 UNTS2 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
85 UNTS2 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
86 UNTS2 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
87 UNTS2 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
88 UNTS2 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

89 UNTS3 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

90 UNTS3 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
91 UNTS3 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
92 UNTS3 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
93 UNTS3 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

94 UNTS4 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

95 UNTS4 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
96 UNTS4 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
97 UNTS4 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
98 UNTS4 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

99 UNTS5 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

100 UNTS5 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
101 UNTS5 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
102 UNTS5 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
103 UNTS5 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

104 DETS speed 0 fpm +332 fpm +900 fpm

105 DETS distance -1200.0 in +48.0 in +1200.0 in
106 DETS delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
107 DETS delta speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

108 DNTS1 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

109 DNTS1 distance -1200.0 in +95.9 in +1200.0 in
110 DNTS1 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
111 DNTS1 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
112 DNTS1 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

113 DNTS2 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

114 DNTS2 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
115 DNTS2 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
116 DNTS2 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
117 DNTS2 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

118 DNTS3 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

119 DNTS3 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in

User Interface

Table 4.21 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
120 DNTS3 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
121 DNTS3 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
122 DNTS3 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

123 DNTS4 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

124 DNTS4 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
125 DNTS4 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
126 DNTS4 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
127 DNTS4 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

128 DNTS5 speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

129 DNTS5 distance -1200.0 in 0.0 in +1200.0 in
130 DNTS5 delta distance -120.0 in +6.0 in +120.0 in
131 DNTS5 delta low speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm
132 DNTS5 delta high speed 0 fpm 0 fpm +900 fpm

133 Brake pick delay 0 ms 0 ms +10000 ms

134 Speed pick delay 0 ms +500 ms +10000 ms
135 Brake hold delay 0 ms +2000 ms +10000 ms
136 Brake drop delay 0 ms +500 ms +2000 ms

138 Drive disable delay 0 ms +1250 ms +2000 ms

139 Speed hysteresis delay 0 ms +1000 ms +10000 ms

140 Profile advance 0 ms +100 ms +1000 ms

141 Profile scale 0% 100% +1000%
142 Standard slew slope 0.00 ft/s2 +0.49 ft/s2 +50.00 ft/s2
143 Danger slew slope 0.00 ft/s2 +10.00 ft/s2 +50.00 ft/s2
144 Automatic Slew filter +0.1 Hz +20.0 Hz +20 Hz

145 Contract over-speed 0 fpm +375 fpm +1000 fpm

146 Inspection over-speed 0 fpm +125 fpm +148 fpm
147 Leveling over-speed 0 fpm +125 fpm 148 fpm

148 Hoist-motor speed +1.0 rpm +9999.9 rpm
149 Contract speed +25 fpm +350 fpm +800 fpm
150 High speed +25 fpm +350 fpm +800 fpm
151 Intermediate speed +25 fpm +300 fpm +800 fpm SPI1 terminal (TC-MPI board)
152 Earthquake speed +25 fpm +150 fpm +150 fpm
153 Auxiliary speed +25 fpm +250 fpm +800 fpm SPI2 terminal (TC-MPI board)
154 Backup power speed +9 fpm +200 fpm +800 fpm
Inspection speed
155 0 fpm +50 fpm +148 fpm
Inspection speed
156 0 fpm +50 fpm +148 fpm
157 Correction speed 0 fpm +75 fpm +250 fpm
158 Leveling speed 0 fpm +4 fpm +25 fpm

4-146 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Table 4.21 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
159 Re-leveling speed 0 fpm +6 fpm +25 fpm

160 Leveling distance 0.0 in +0.9 in +9.0 in

161 Re-leveling distance 0.0 in +0.9 in +9.0 in
162 Proximity distance 0.0 in +18.0 in +120.0 in
Leveling dead zone dis-
163 0.0 in +0.5 in +3.0 in

165 Standard start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +4.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
166 Standard roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +4.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
167 Standard stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
168 Standard acceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +2.00 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
169 Standard deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +2.00 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2

170 Manual start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
171 Manual roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
172 Manual stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +1.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
173 Manual acceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
174 Manual deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +0.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2

175 Danger start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +25.00 ft/s3 +50.00 ft/s3
176 Danger roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +25.00 ft/s3 +50.00 ft/s3
177 Danger stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +4.00 ft/s3 +50.00 ft/s3
178 Danger deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 6.00 ft/s2 +15.00 ft/s2

179 Alternate start jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
180 Alternate roll jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
181 Alternate stop jerk +0.10 ft/s3 +2.00 ft/s3 +15.00 ft/s3
182 Alternate acceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +1.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2
183 Alternate deceleration 0.00 ft/s2 +1.50 ft/s2 +10.0 ft/s2


184 Drive type YASKAWA,
185 Brake type DISCRETE
186 Emergency brake
187 Reduced inspect speed OFF ETS,
189 Following error 0% +50% +1000%
Sheave Brake Idle
190 30S 30S 3600S
191 Landing System Elgo 160 Elgo-160, Elgo-240, LS-EDGE

User Interface

Table 4.21 F7 Parameters

# Item Min Default Max Notes
Magnetek drives only. Time in
milliseconds during which the
drive should continue to exert
192 Speed Drop Delay 800 ms
motor control after the car has
achieved the floor and before the
brake has dropped.
Dynamic: Variable, controller
determined compensation for
drive lag based on entry in
193 Profile Compensation Fixed parameter 140, Profile Advance.
Fixed: Fixed compensation for
drive lag using the parameter
140, Profile Advance setting.
Normal Brake Pick Volt-
194 0V 300V
Normal Brake Hold Volt-
195 0V 300V
Normal Brake Relevel
196 0V 300V
197 Normal Brake Lift Rate 0% 100%
Normal Brake Drop
198 0% 100%
199 Emergency Brake Type Module or Discrete
Emergency Brake Pick
200 0V 300V
Emergency Brake Hold
201 0V 300V
202 Directional Limit Type VIRTUAL VIRTUAL, PHYSICAL
This is a read only value. When the hoistway is learned with the LS-EDGE
landing system, the learned parameters are stored in the landing system sen-
Landing System Floor
203 sor and this checksum is both stored in the sensor and sent to the controller.
If the controller should read a different checksum (i.e., if the sensor head is
changed), a new hoistway learn must be performed.
Used to set the LS-EDGE landing
system hardware ETS overspeed
threshold as a percentage of
contract speed. Magnets on the
landing system tape (one lane
Landing System ETS for UETS and another for DETS)
204 0% 10% 100%
Overspeed are monitored by the LS-EDGE,
detecting the speed at which the
car passes. The controller still
allows a virtual/physical ETS
switch in addition to the mag-
205 Inspection Slew filter +0.1 Hz +20.0 Hz +20 Hz
206 Battery Backup Speed

4-148 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Floor Heights Parameters 1 through 64 represent floor heights within the building.
Floor heights are stored as absolute values referenced to the first floor, which is always initially
displayed as 0.0 inches. You have already learned all floor heights in the building (F6), so they
will be displayed as you progress. For all floors and openings, you should need only to view data 4
and press Next to continue. They are here so that, should it be necessary later, you can adjust a
floor height here without having to relearn all floors.

Figure 4.3 Adjust Floor Height, LCD Layout

Parameter name
Parameter value. Adjust
using the + or - buttons.
Parameter ID

1. Press Next. The display will update to show the next opening/floor.
2. Continue using Next to move through the floors and openings.

Bottom Access Distance, 65 This sets the distance above the bottom floor level at
which the bottom access switch is placed. The value is entered in inches (1/10 inch incre-
ments). The Bottom Access Distance must be set such that it prevents the car from moving up
beyond the point where the bottom of the toe guard is even with the hoistway entrance header.

Top Access Distance, 66 This sets the distance below the top floor level at which the
top access switch is placed. The value is entered in inches (1/10 inch increments). The Top
Access Distance must be set such that it prevents the car from moving down beyond the point
where the crosshead is even with the hoistway entrance sill.


Hoistway Access: Hoistway access allows the car to be moved to gain access to the car top or to
the car bottom through hall and car doors. An enable switch in the car operating panel must be
set to enable access, at which point switches at designated landings allow the car to be moved
down to access the cartop or up to access the car bottom. Safety considerations will normally
not allow the car to move with doors open, so Car Door Bypass and Hoistway Door Bypass
switches on the HC-CTL-2 board in the controller must also be set to Bypass positions before
access is possible.

User Interface

Counterweight Position, 67 This is the position of the counterweight (in inches

above the bottom floor) at which the car and counterweight are adjacent to one another in the
hoistway. The value uploaded was learned in the floor level learn procedure. Check the value to
see that it equates to approximately 1/2 the total travel of the car. Press Next to move to the next


Counterweight Position: Leave at the learned value. This parameter is provided here so that,
should it be necessary, this position can be adjusted without having to re-learn floor heights.

Directional Limit Distance, 68 This is the distance in inches at which the Directional
Limit switches are placed beyond the terminal floor level positions. The value is entered in
inches and is computed from the position of terminal floor levels. For example, a value of 2.0
would place the switches 2 past the level at floor position for each terminal.

If the car fails to stop level at the terminal, this switch will prevent the car from traveling fur-
ther past the terminal landing. These switches must be positioned between the terminal floor
level and the mechanical Final Limit Switches. If a car reaches the Final Limit Switch, the hoist-
way safety string will open and it will be necessary to jumper out the safeties to move the car off
the limit.

Terminal Switch Options, 69 - 74 On Motion 4000, hoistway switches, with the

exception of the Final Limit Switches which are always physical switches, may be virtual (exist
only in software) or physical. Depending upon job speed, not all switch positions may be used
so there is also the option to set a switch position to Unused. The illustration below shows the
switches that may be used on Motion 4000 (ETS, NTS-1, NTS-2, NTS-3, NTS-4, and NTS-5).

Table 4.22 Hoistway Switch Requirements

UETS/DETS and UNTSX/DNTSX switches requirement as per Rated speed (FPM)

Speed Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn Virtual Learn
(FPM) switch speed switch speed switch speed switch speed switch speed switch speed
Up to 399 80% 90%
400-499 80% 70% 90%
500-599 80% 60% 70% 90%
600-699 80% 50% 60% 70% 90%
>700 80% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90%

4-150 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Use the + or - buttons to select the kind of switch used on your job (Virtual/Physical/
Unused). For jobs below 400 FPM, NTS-1 is used as the Slowdown Limit switch.
350 FPM or Less

Final Limit (mechanical switch)

Directional Limit 4
Level at floor

Slowdown Limit (*NTS-1)


* NTS-1 switch must be
ETS** always be within the terminal
** ETS switch position will
be different depending on
car speed.

350 FPM or Less

Slowdown Limit (*NTS-1)

Level at floor
Directional Limit
Final Limit (mechanical switch)

User Interface

Speed Related Parameters

Follow the learn operations described in Section 2 of this manual to set up hoistway switches.
The A processor diagnostics table, MPI-A Diagnostics on page 4-70, is very helpful in allowing
you to view actual running conditions in the hoistway (speed at switches, etc.), and test your
settings as you make adjustments.

UETS Speed, 75 This is the speed, in feet per minute, which the car must be below when
opening the Up Emergency Terminal Switch. This value, plus the value of the UETS Delta Speed
settings, must not exceed 95% of Contract Speed.


UETS Switch: Depending upon the speed of the job, the Emergency Terminal Switch may be
positioned differently. Refer to your job drawings package.

UETS Distance, 76 This is the distance in inches from the top terminal floor level posi-
tion at which the Up Emergency Terminal Switch is placed. This value is learned: Please refer to
Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2.

UETS Delta Distance, 77 This is the distance in inches on either side of the Up Emer-
gency Terminal Switch position inside which the car must detect the Up Emergency Terminal
Switch. If the switch is not detected within this span, the car will perform an emergency stop.
Generally set to 6.0 inches.

UETS Delta Speed, 78 Delta Speed provides an adder to UETS speed. UETS speed
and Delta speed together may not exceed 95% of contract speed. The switch speed is learned:
Please refer to Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2. Initially, calculate the
Delta as 95% of Contract Speed - Learned Speed @ switch = Delta value.


The UETS Speed setting plus the Delta Speed setting determines the speed which the car must
be below in order to avoid an emergency stop. If you are tripping an ETS fault during car setup,
you can choose to increase the ETS speed above contract speed or disable the ETS switches by
setting them to Unused until you have sufficient control of the car.

Reduced Stroke Buffers Where reduced stroke buffers are used, the ETS inputs on
the TC-MPI are used as ETSL (Emergency Terminal Slowdown) switches. ETSL position will be
located at 90% of the reduced stroke buffer rated speed. ETSL Delta Speed will be 5% of the
reduced stroke buffer rated speed. If ETSL is too far below the speed curve, you can adjust the
Delta Speed closer to 10% of the reduced stroke buffer rated speed.

4-152 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Normal Terminal Switch Parameter Explanations

At contract speeds below 400 FPM, up and down normal terminal switches are not used as tra-
ditional limit switches. Instead, Normal Terminal Limit switches 2 - 5 are set to unused
through controller F7 parameters and Normal Terminal Limit switches 1 Up and 1 Down are
used as Terminal Slowdown Switches. The UNTS-1 and DNTS-1 switches also act as final posi-
tion arbiters for the elevator positioning system. 4
At contract speeds above 400 FPM, Normal Terminal switches are used as required per con-
tract speed. Each normal terminal switch has distance and speed parameters associated with it:
xNTSn Speed: Learned value (percentage of normal run contract speed) at or below which
the car must be traveling when the switch is encountered to avoid triggering an overspeed
fault. If a fault is triggered, car reaction is determined by the Delta Low and Delta High
speed settings.
xNTSn Delta Low Speed: (3% of Learned Speed) If the car is traveling in excess of xNTSn
Speed + xNTSn Delta Low Speed but not in excess of xNTSn Speed + xNTSn Delta High
Speed, the controller will initiate a controlled slowdown to Correction Speed and continue
toward the destination floor until reaching Proximity Distance from the landing. From this
point, the controller will move the car at leveling speed and level into the landing.
xNTSn Delta High Speed: (10% of Contract Speed) If the car is traveling in excess of
xNTSn Speed + xNTSn Delta High Speed, the controller will initiate an emergency stop by
cutting off power to the motor and dropping the machine brake. After coming to a com-
plete stop, the car will travel to the destination floor at Correction Speed until reaching
Proximity Distance from the landing. From this point, the controller will move the car at
leveling speed and level into the landing.
xNTSn Distance: Distance from the terminal at which the switch is located.
xNTSn Delta Distance: Defines a distance on each side of the switch to establish a range
within which the switch must be encountered to avoid triggering a switch position error. If
a switch is not encountered within the range, the controller will initiate an emergency stop
by cutting off power to the motor and dropping the machine brake. After coming to a com-
plete stop, the car will travel to the terminal floor at reduced speed, open its doors to allow
passenger exit, and remove itself from service until the fault is cleared.


Delta speeds are always added to the base speed at the switch. For example, if contract speed is
250 FPM, and learned switch Speed is 200 FPM, the Delta Low Speed is 6 FPM, and the Delta
High Speed is 25 FPM, the low and high overspeed limits will be 206 FPM and 225 FPM respec-

User Interface

UNTS1 Speed, 79 Learned value (percentage of Contract Speed) at which the car
should be traveling when encountering this switch during a normal run to the terminal in order
for normal stopping means to properly slow and stop the car. Please refer to Learning the
Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2.

UNTS1 Distance, 80 This is the distance in inches from the associated terminal floor
level position at which this Normal Terminal Switch is placed. This value is learned: Please refer
to Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2. NTS1 switches also provide a defini-
tive position check for the PI system.

UNTS1 Delta Distance, 81 This is the distance in inches on either side of the Up Nor-
mal Terminal Switch 1 position inside which the car must detect the Up Normal Terminal
Switch. If the switch is not detected within this span, the car will drop high speed. Generally set
to 6.0 inches.

UNTS1 Delta Low Speed, 82 Nominal value is 3% of Learned Speed. Please refer to
Normal Terminal Switch Parameter Explanations on page 4-153.

UNTS1 Delta High Speed, 83 Nominal value is 10% of Contract Speed or 20 FPM,
whichever is higher. Please refer to Normal Terminal Switch Parameter Explanations on
page 4-153.

UNTS2, 3, 4, 5 Speed, Distance, and Delta just as with UNTS-1 but with distances and
speeds per your Contract Speed. For any switch that has been set to unused, parameters can
all be set to 0.0.
Below 400 FPM: NTS2/3/4/5 switches normally set to unused unless the job has
reduced stroke buffers.

4-154 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

DETS Speed, 104 This is the speed, in feet per minute, which the car must be below
when opening the Down Emergency Terminal Switch. This value, plus the value of the DETS
Delta Speed settings, must not exceed 95% of Contract Speed.

DETS Switch: Depending upon the speed of the job, the Emergency Terminal Switch may be
positioned differently. Refer to your job drawings package.
DETS Distance, 105 This is the distance in inches from the bottom terminal floor level
position at which the Down Emergency Terminal Switch is placed. During a normal run, the car
should be at 80% of Contract Speed at this point. This value is learned: Please refer to Learning
the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2.
DETS Delta Distance, 106 This is the distance in inches on either side of the Down
Emergency Terminal Switch position inside which the car must detect the Down Emergency
Terminal Switch. If the switch is not detected within this span, the car will perform an emer-
gency stop. Generally set to 6.0 inches.
DETS Delta Speed, 107 Delta Speed provides an adder to DETS speed. DETS speed
and Delta speed together may not exceed 95% of contract speed. The switch speed is learned:
Please refer to Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2. Initially, calculate the
Delta as 95% of Contract Speed - Learned Speed @ switch = Delta value.


The DETS Speed setting plus the Delta Speed setting determines the speed which the car must
be below in order to avoid an emergency stop. If you are tripping an ETS fault during car setup,
you can choose to increase the ETS speed above contract speed or disable the ETS switches by
setting them to Unused until you have sufficient control of the car.
DNTS1 Speed, 108 Learned value (percentage of Contract Speed) at which the car
should be traveling when encountering this switch during a normal run to the terminal in order
for normal stopping means to properly slow and stop the car. Please refer to Learning the
Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2.
DNTS1 Distance This is the distance in inches from the associated terminal floor level
position at which this Normal Terminal Switch is placed. This value is learned: Please refer to
Learning the Hoistway, Positioning ETS on page 3-2. NTS1 switches also provide a definitive
position check for the PI system.
DNTS1 Delta Distance, 110 This is the distance in inches on either side of the Down
Normal Terminal Switch 1 position inside which the car must detect the Down Normal Termi-
nal Switch. If the switch is not detected within this span, the car will drop high speed. Generally
set to 6.0 inches.
DNTS1 Delta Low Speed, 111 Nominal value is 3% of Learned Speed. Please refer to
Normal Terminal Switch Parameter Explanations on page 4-153.
DNTS1 Delta High Speed, 112 Nominal value is 10% of Contract Speed or 20 FPM,
whichever is higher. Please refer to Normal Terminal Switch Parameter Explanations on
page 4-153.

User Interface

DNTS2, 3, 4, 5 Speed, Distance, and Delta just as with DNTS-1 but with distances and
speeds per your Contract Speed. For any switch that has been set to unused, parameters can
all be set to 0.0.

For reduced stroke buffers, refer to UNTS2, 3, 4, 5 on page 4-154.

Brake Pick Delay, 133 The time in milliseconds after the drive enable command is
issued and acknowledged before the brake should pick. The default time of 0 (zero) millisec-
onds should be appropriate for virtually all scenarios.

Speed Pick Delay, 134 The time in milliseconds after the brake is picked before the
speed command is issued. This setting is used to prevent beginning movement under a slow-
picking brake. The default of 500 milliseconds is a good starting point.

Figure 4.4 Effect of Speed Pick Delay on Start of Motion

Speed Pick Delay just right

Not enough
Speed Pick Delay


Too much Speed Pick Delay

Brake Lifts

4-156 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Brake Hold Delay, 135 After take off, the brake is held fully picked until this timer
expires, at which point it settles to hold position/voltage. Default time for a geared machine is
2000 ms. Default time for a gearless machine is 800 ms.

Brake Drop Delay, 136 The delay, in milliseconds, that the brake should be delayed
from dropping after the speed command is dropped. The goal is to avoid dropping the brake 4
until the motor has just stopped moving. The default time of 250 milliseconds is a good starting

Figure 4.5 Effect of Brake Drop Delay on Stopping


Drop Delay
just right

Level at Floor

Not enough Drop Delay Too much Drop Delay

Drive Disable Delay, 138 The time in milliseconds after stopping at a floor which the
drive should maintain electrical control of the motor. May be used to compensate for a slow
dropping brake. The default time of 1250 milliseconds should be appropriate for virtually all

Speed Hysteresis Delay, 139 Provides a delay between when the speed command is
issued and when it begins to accelerate the load.

Profile Advance, 140 Compensates for lag in the control loop. Values from 50 mS to
130 mS are common.

Profile Scale, 141 Scales the curve to affect all associated speed settings. Typically used
to slow all speeds associated with a curve without having to change individual speed settings.
Useful for overspeed tests with the understanding that drive LF.22 will absolutely limit car

Standard Slew Slope, 142 Determines how aggressively or gradually the current
speed transitions to zero speed. Sets the maximum deceleration rate that the S curve is allowed
to command when the car is stopping from a speed near releveling speed or lower. If the stop is
harsh, reducing this value may provide a softer stop.

Danger Slew Slope, 143 Determines how aggressively or gradually the current speed
can transition to a lower or higher speed. Sets the maximum rate of acceleration/deceleration
the S curve is allowed to command when the car is running and when the car is stopping from a
speed greater than releveling speed. Reducing this value forces a more gradual transition.

User Interface

Slew Filter, 144 Smooths any harsh transitions in the commanded speed for all operat-
ing modes except Inspection. Reducing this value causes a smoother transition.

Contract Overspeed, 145 The setting in feet per minute above contract speed at
which a contract overspeed is detected and an emergency stop initiated. Generally set to about
8% above contract speed with variance due to the tracking accuracy of the drive/motor.
8% x contract speed + contract speed = overspeed
Example for 350 FPM: 8% of 350 = 28 + 350 = 378 FPM

Inspection Overspeed, 146 The setting in feet per minute above inspection speed at
which an inspection overspeed is detected and an emergency stop initiated. Generally set to
about 8% above inspection speed with variance due to the tracking accuracy of the drive/motor.
8% x inspection speed + inspection speed = overspeed
Example for 50 FPM: 8% of 50 = 4 + 50 = 54 FPM

Leveling Overspeed, 147 The setting in feet per minute above leveling speed at
which a leveling overspeed is detected and an emergency stop initiated. Generally set to about
8% above leveling speed with variance due to the tracking accuracy of the drive/motor.
8% x leveling speed + leveling speed = overspeed
Example for 20 FPM: 8% of 20 = 1.6 + 20 = 21.6 FPM

Hoist Motor Speed, 148 Enter the motor RPM at which the car achieves contract
speed (TORQMAX LF.11). This information is available from the motor nameplate and is visible
on TORQMAX RU.7 when the car is running at contract speed. This rated motor RPM is the
synchronous motor RPM minus slip RPM.

Example for 6-pole geared machine: 1200 RPM (synchronous), 1165 RPM (rated).

Contract Speed, 149 Enter the contract speed of the car in feet per minute.

High Speed, 150 Enter the high speed limit for the Standard curve. Normally set to the
same as Contract Speed. (Can be used to change car speed without changing profile.)

Intermediate Speed, 151 Enter the reduced speed at which the car is to run when
the SPI1 (Spare 1) input to the TC-MPI board is active. Intermediate speed uses the standard

Earthquake Speed, 152 If the elevator is allowed to run after a seismic event, this is
the speed that will be used. Default is 150 FPM.

Auxiliary Speed, 153 If the group control commands the car to run at economy speed,
this is the speed that will be used. The group may command cars to run at normal contract
speed during busy traffic or in response to a timer setting, or at reduced economy speed during
light traffic or in response to a timer setting. Selected when the SPI2 (Spare 2) input to the TC-
MPI board is active.

Backup Power Speed, 154 If commercial power is lost and the elevator has backup
power available, this is the speed that will be used.

4-158 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Inspection Speed (Normal), 155 Enter the normal Inspection Speed for the car.

Inspection Speed (Reduced), 156 If the car reduces inspection speed upon
encountering normal or emergency terminal speed switches, enter that reduced speed here.

Correction Speed, 157 If the car should lose position, this is the speed at which it will 4
proceed to a known point to re-establish position. Default is 75 FPM.

Leveling Speed, 158 Leveling speed is the speed the car uses when initially leveling
into the door zone. Default is 4 FPM.

Re-Leveling Speed, 159 Should the car not level properly initially and require re-lev-
eling, this is the speed that will be used. Default is 6 FPM.

Leveling Distance, 160 This is the distance in inches (above and below) floor level at
which the car should slow to leveling speed. Initially, set to 4.0 inches. After initial tuning, 2.0
inches is generally sufficient.

Re-Leveling Distance, 161 If the car initially levels into the floor above or below this
distance from accurate level, a re-leveling operation will proceed.

Proximity Distance, 162 Determines the distance at which the speed is transitioned
to leveling speed under abnormal conditions like an emergency slowdown.

Leveling Dead Zone Distance, 163 This is the distance from floor level position at
which the stop command is issued during initial leveling and the car coasts to a stop. Start
with 0.7 inches.

Standard Start Jerk, 165 Defines the transition from zero speed to full acceleration.
As Start Jerk increases, the profile transitions more quickly from starting to maximum acceler-
ation. Values typically range from 4.0 to 8.0 ft/s3 (1.219 to 2.438 m/s3) with higher values
resulting in a sharper start.

Standard Roll Jerk, 166 Roll Jerk determines how quickly the profile transitions
from maximum to zero acceleration and zero to maximum deceleration. As Roll Jerk increases,
the profile transitions more quickly. Lower values provide greater comfort but are harder to fit
into the shortest one-floor-runs. We recommend that you identify the shortest full height floor
and use it when testing parameter values. Typical values range from a minimum of 4.0 ft.

Standard Stop Jerk, 167 Defines the transition from deceleration to Leveling Speed.
As Stop Jerk increases, the profile transitions more quickly from Deceleration to Leveling

Standard Acceleration, 168 Determines the maximum acceleration for the profile.
Determines the maximum current delivered by the AC Drive during acceleration. The maxi-
mum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) and the minimum is usually not less than 2.5 ft/s2
(0.762 m/s2). Values higher than 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) are possible but do not yield significant
improvements in performance.

User Interface

Standard Deceleration, 169 Determines the maximum deceleration for this profile.
The maximum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 and the minimum is usually not less than 2.0 ft/s2
with more common values ranging from 2.75 ft/s2 to 3.75 ft/s2 (0.838 to 1.143 m/s2). The value
of Deceleration is usually slightly less than the value of Acceleration (by 0.25 to 0.5).

Manual Start Jerk, 170 Defines the transition from zero speed to full acceleration. As
Start Jerk increases, the profile transitions more quickly from starting to maximum accelera-
tion. Values typically range from 4.0 to 8.0 ft/s3 (1.219 to 2.438 m/s3) with higher values result-
ing in a sharper start.

Manual Roll Jerk, 171 Roll Jerk determines how quickly the profile transitions from
maximum to zero acceleration and zero to maximum deceleration. As Roll Jerk increases, the
profile transitions more quickly. Typical values range from a minimum of 4.0 ft.

Manual Stop Jerk, 172 Defines the transition from deceleration to stop. As Stop Jerk
increases, the profile transitions more quickly.

Manual Acceleration, 173 Determines the maximum acceleration for the profile.
Determines the maximum current delivered by the AC Drive during acceleration. The maxi-
mum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) and the minimum is usually not less than 2.5 ft/s2
(0.762 m/s2).

Manual Deceleration, 174 Determines the maximum deceleration for this profile.
The maximum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 and the minimum is usually not less than 2.0 ft/s2
with more common values ranging from 2.75 ft/s2 to 3.75 ft/s2 (0.838 to 1.143 m/s2). The value
of Deceleration is usually slightly less than the value of Acceleration (by 0.25 to 0.5).

Danger Start Jerk, 175 The Danger profile is used for emergency slowdown. If, after
stopping, the car restarts while remaining on the Danger curve, this setting defines the transi-
tion from zero speed to full acceleration. As Start Jerk increases, the profile transitions more
quickly from starting to maximum acceleration.

Danger Roll Jerk, 176 Roll Jerk determines how quickly the profile transitions from
maximum to zero acceleration and zero to maximum deceleration. As Roll Jerk increases, the
profile transitions more quickly.

Danger Stop Jerk, 177 Defines the transition from deceleration to stop. As Stop Jerk
increases, the profile transitions more quickly.

Danger Deceleration, 178 Determines the maximum deceleration for this profile.

Alternate Start Jerk, 179 Defines the transition from zero speed to full acceleration.
As Start Jerk increases, the profile transitions more quickly from starting to maximum acceler-
ation. Values typically range from 4.0 to 8.0 ft/s3 (1.219 to 2.438 m/s3) with higher values
resulting in a sharper start.

4-160 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Alternate Roll Jerk, 180 Roll Jerk determines how quickly the profile transitions
from maximum to zero acceleration and zero to maximum deceleration. As Roll Jerk increases,
the profile transitions more quickly. Lower values provide greater comfort but are harder to fit
into the shortest one-floor-runs. We recommend that you identify the shortest full height floor
and use it when testing parameter values. Typical values range from a minimum of 4.0 ft.
Alternate Stop Jerk, 181 Defines the transition from deceleration to Leveling Speed.
As Stop Jerk increases, the profile transitions more quickly from Deceleration to Leveling

Alternate Acceleration, 182 Determines the maximum acceleration for the profile.
Determines the maximum current delivered by the AC Drive during acceleration. The maxi-
mum value is typically 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) and the minimum is usually not less than 2.5 ft/s2
(0.762 m/s2). Values higher than 4.0 ft/s2 (1.219 m/s2) are possible but do not yield significant
improvements in performance.

Alternate Deceleration, 183 Determines the maximum deceleration for this profile.
The maximum value is typically 4.0 ft/s and the minimum is usually not less than 2.0 ft/s2

with more common values ranging from 2.75 ft/s2 to 3.75 ft/s2 (0.838 to 1.143 m/s2). The value
of Deceleration is usually slightly less than the value of Acceleration (by 0.25 to 0.5).

Drive Type, 184 Check the TORQMAX drive software version at parameter LF.80. If it
is 1.71 or greater, select KEB F5-GRD50 (geared machines) or KEB F5-GLS50 (gearless
machine). Otherwise, select KEB F5-GRD49 (geared) or KEB F5GLS49 (gearless).

Brake Type, 185 Motion 4000 may be configured with one or two brake modules or a
straight brake drop / brake pick brake (Discrete). Select the controller brake configuration.

Emergency Brake, 186 This setting selects or disables the emergency brake option.
Emergency Brake reset button requires constant pressure for 5 to 8 seconds to clear.
Disabled: Set to Disabled if the job does not use an emergency brake or rope gripper.
Rope Gripper: Select if job uses a rope gripper.
Sheave Brake: Select if job uses a sheave brake.
Machine Brake: Select if second machine brake used as the emergency brake.

Reduced Inspection Speed, 187 This setting directs the controller to automatically
reduce inspection speed to Inspection Speed Reduced (156) value when an Emergency Terminal
or Normal Terminal Slowdown switch is encountered.
Off: Inspection speed remains as set throughout the hoistway.
ETS: Inspection speed is automatically reduced when the car is running on inspection and
encounters an Emergency Terminal Switch.
NTS-1/-2/-3/-4/-5: Inspection speed is automatically reduced when the car is running on
inspection and encounters the selected Normal Terminal Slowdown switch.

Unintended Motion, 188 Determines where unintended motion is detected.

Level Zone: Detected when car moves out of the leveling zone.
Door Zone: Detected when car moves out of the door zone.

User Interface

Following Error, 189 Following error sets the allowed margin of deviation from com-
manded speed as a percentage of that speed. An encoder error will be generated if the actual
speed differs from the commanded speed by more than specified here. For example, if com-
manded speed is 250 FPM and Following Error is set to 5% (5% of 250 is 12.5), then the actual
speed will be allowed to differ from 250 FPM by +/- 12.5 FPM without generating the error.

Sheave Brake Idle Delay, 190 Appears if Sheave Brake is the selected emergency
brake (186). When a car is idle, the sheave brake will drop after the time set here expires. Allows
the brake to be exercised. Range is from 0 to 3600 seconds.

Landing System, 191 Select the landing system used on this job.
Elgo-160: Elgo system with sensors in the sensor head separated by 160mm.
Elgo-240: Elgo system with sensors in the sensor head separated by 240mm.
LS-EDGE: Magnet/Vane landing system.


The sensor heads for the Elgo-160 and -240 systems are visibly different. The -160 sensor head
is about 13.25 inches (336 mm) long while the -240 sensor head is about 19.00 inches (482
mm) long.

Speed Drop Delay, 192 Parameter appears only when a Magnetek HPV600,
HPV900, or QUATTRO drive is selected in parameter 184, Drive Type. The time in milliseconds
during which the drive should continue to exert motor control after the direction command is
removed (car has achieved the floor but brake has not yet dropped). Used for drives that do not
independently provide a parameter to extend this period of control. Delay should be equal to or
greater than the sum of brake drop delay and time required for the brake shoes to seat fully.

Profile Compensation, 193 Selects the method used to implement Profile Advance,
parameter 140 (used to advance application of the speed profile to compensate for internal con-
trol lag within the elevator drive). Helpful during runs in which the elevator does not achieve
stable contract speed (i.e., short runs) and pattern transition command/drive reaction lag may
cause a bump in the ride.
Fixed: Compensates for drive control lag using the fixed value entered in parameter 140,
Profile Advance through all stages of control. Recommended for new installations.
Too much compensation can cause an abrupt transition between acceleration and deceler-
ation at peak speed. Using fixed compensation will probably require a little experimenta-
tion to achieve good starts and a smooth ride but will provide better results once dialed in.
Required when a Magnetek HPV600, HPV900, or QUATTRO drive is used.
Dynamic: Compensates for drive control lag during the deceleration stage only using a
variable percentage of the value entered in parameter 140, Profile Advance. Recom-
mended to provide backwards compatibility when upgrading Motion 4000
software in existing installations. (Previous versions always used Dynamic compen-
sation; fixed compensation was not an option.)

Normal Brake Pick Voltage, 194 When a CAN controlled brake module is used, this
setting determines pick voltage applied to the normal machine brake. See Calibration (CAN
Only) on page 5-85.

4-162 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7: Parameters Adjust

Normal Brake Hold Voltage, 195 When a CAN controlled brake module is used,
this setting determines hold voltage applied to the normal machine brake. See Calibration
(CAN Only) on page 5-85.

Normal Brake Relevel Voltage, 196 When a CAN controlled brake module is used,
this setting determines relevel voltage applied to the normal machine brake. See Calibration 4
(CAN Only) on page 5-85.

Normal Brake Lift Rate, 197 When a CAN controlled brake module is used, this set-
ting determines the lift rate of the normal machine brake. 100% = fastest lift rate.
Normal Brake Drop Rate, 198 When a CAN controlled brake module is used, this
setting determines the drop rate of the normal machine brake. 100% = fastest drop rate.

Emergency Brake Type, 199 This setting selects the method of control for the emer-
gency brake. (CAN) Module or Discrete. Appears only if parameter 186 has been used to select
an emergency brake type.

Emergency Brake Pick Voltage, 200 Only if Module is selected in 199. Determines
the pick voltage applied to the emergency machine brake. See Calibration (CAN Only) on
page 5-85.

Emergency Brake Hold Voltage, 201 Only is Module is selected in 199. Deter-
mines the hold voltage applied to the emergency machine brake. See Calibration (CAN Only)
on page 5-85.

Directional Limit Type, 202 Virtual/Physical

Virtual: Directional limits remain software based and operate normally based upon the
programmed distance above/below the top/bottom terminal landings.
Physical: The U/DETS terminals on the TC-MPI board are used for connection to mechan-
ical direction limit switches. For these jobs, customer connections for the directional limit
switches will be made to appropriately labeled terminals on the panel mount terminal
strip in the bottom of the controller cabinet.

Landing System Floor Checksum, 203 This is a read only value. When the hoist-
way is learned with the LS-EDGE landing system, the learned parameters are stored in the
landing system sensor and this checksum is both stored in the sensor and sent to the controller.
If the controller should read a different checksum (i.e., if the sensor head is changed), a new
hoistway learn must be performed.

Landing System ETS Overspeed, 204 Used to set the LS-EDGE landing system
hardware ETS overspeed threshold as a percentage of contract speed. Magnets on the landing
system tape (one lane for UETS and another for DETS) are monitored by the LS-EDGE, detect-
ing the speed at which the car passes. The controller still allows a virtual/physical ETS switch in
addition to the magnets.

Inspection Slew Filter, 205 Smooths any harsh transitions in the commanded speed
for inspection modes of operation. Reducing this value causes a smoother transition.

Battery Backup Speed, 206 If commercial power is lost and the elevator has battery
backup power available, this is the speed that will be used.

User Interface

F8: Software Revision

Displays current software level for each of the controllers processors.
R009 R.C. 10
VER # T00.09.0003


The boot loader IC polls each processor as the controller is powering up, ensuring that each
has the right software. The software version for the boot loader itself is displayed in a scrolling
message as the controller is powering up.

Status Displays
To access Status Displays:
Place function switch F8 in the up position (all others
Press N to cycle through available status displays.

The following status displays are available:

Software Version - Main processor software version number.
Eligibility Map - Door access for each floor (F = front, R = rear, B = both). Read left to
Floors 1 through 16 in the top row
Floors 17 through 32 in the bottom row

Please refer to CAR SERVES FRNT/FLR 1? (simplex)/THIS CAR SERVES FRNT/FLR 1?

(duplex) on page 4-14 for programming instructions.

Current Load - The current load in the car as a percentage of full load (analog load weigher

4-164 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F1 & F8: Board Software Versions

F1 & F8: Board Software Versions

When both F1 and F8 switches are up, board software version numbers are visible. This can be
helpful when troubleshooting with an MCE technician.
Press N button for versions:
MPUA: MPU board software 4
CTLA: Control board A processor software
CTLB: Control board B processor software
CTLPLD: Control board C processor software
MPIA: Motion Processor board A processor software
MPIB: Motion Processor board B processor software
MPIC: Motion Processor board C processor software
UIO(0 - n): UIO board software
CPI(0 - n): Car Panel Interface board software
CHP: CHP board software
FCL-(n): Brake field module software
EDGE-A/B/C: LS-EDGE landing system sensor processor software

User Interface

4-166 Manual # 42-02-2P25


In This Section
This section contains troubleshooting information to help you correct problems. If you are
reading this on a computer, you can click on blue text to jump to more information about the
Status and Error Messages: Table includes a description and troubleshooting tips for each
message. Please refer to Status and Error Messages on page 5-2.
Status Indicators: HC-MPU status LEDs indicate the state of the safety circuit, door locks,
and mode of operation. Please refer to HC-MPU Main Processor Board on page 5-53.
Diagnostic and External Memory Modes: Useful tools to isolate and diagnose problems.
Please refer to Diagnostic Mode on page 4-6 and to F5 diagnostic information 4-65.
PC Board Quick References: Circuit board information and photographs. Please refer to
PC Board Quick References on page 5-43.
Position and Speed Information: Please refer to MPI Diagnostic Menu on page 4-69.
Brake Module Information: If the job uses the mBrake module for machine or emergency
brake control, see Motion Brake Module on page 5-82.
Wiring Prints: MCE job prints are technical drawings specifically generated for each
installation. Use these drawings while tracing problems.


Status and Error Messages

In Diagnostic Mode, the top line of the LCD displays eleva-
tor status. The message scrolls if it is too long to be displayed
all at once. There are status messages for operating modes
(e.g., FIRE SERVICE PHASE 1 - MAIN) and for error condi-

The following table contains some terms that are unique to

MCE or to electronics manufacturing:
2 or 2xx Bus: These are 120VAC buses originating in the controller.
IDC: Insulated Displacement Connectors. These are connectors that allow an insulated
wire to be pressed into place where narrow jaws cut the insulation to provide positive
connection. When an instruction says to check IDC, it means to check signal presence at
that connector/number, the integrity of the wire, the source connection, and the source
NYCHA: New York City Housing Authority.
Data Trap: An electronic capture of the present status, off or on (0 or 1) of eight signals.
Used when troubleshooting to see that signals are in the expected state during a particular
point of controller operation.
Jumper: A board-mounted connector with exposed, vertical pins that can be shorted
together using a small jumper designed to slide on to two pins.


Header connector
on circuit board

PMT: Panel Mount Terminal. Gray screw-terminals arranged on a length of DIN rail.
PMTs provide a convenient point of connection for field wiring.

5-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages


When troubleshooting inputs, use built-in diagnostics to view memory registers so that you can
see the actual state of the input. Please refer to Troubleshooting Example on page 4-8.
Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: 2 bus (120VAC) monitoring input is low.
1. Check 2 bus fuses.
Description: 2FS bus (120VAC) monitoring input is low.
1. Check 2 bus fuses.
Description: 2HA (120VAC) bus monitoring input is low.
1. Check 2 bus fuses.
Description: 2MV (120VAC) bus monitoring input is low.
1. Check 2 bus fuses.
Description: The Bottom Down Access (ABD) switch is at 120VAC when the 120VAC 2 bus that provides
its input is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ABD input and associated 2 bus
2. Check the bottom access switch and associated wiring per the job prints.
Description: The Hoistway Access Bottom Up (ABU) switch is at 120VAC when the 120VAC 2 bus that pro-
vides its input is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ABU input and associated 2 bus.
2. Check the bottom access switch and associated wiring per the job prints.
Description: The controller is on Inspection Access mode, activated by either 120VAC at the Access
Enable Switch input (screw terminal INA on the HC-CTL-2 board) or by placing the front or rear hoistway or
car door bypass switches in the bypass position.
Description: The Top Down Access (ATD) switch is at 120VAC when the 120VAC 2 bus that provides its
input is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ATD input and associated 2 bus connection.
2. Check the top access switch and associated wiring per the job prints.
Description: The car is on attendant operation. The attendant service input (ATS) is activated.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), check to see if any spare inputs are programmed as ATS, then
check to see if that input is activated.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The Top Up Access (ATU) switch is at 120VAC when the 120VAC 2 bus that provides its input
is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ATU input and associated 2 bus.
2. Check the top access switch and associated wiring per the job prints.
Description: The battery powered rescue system has reported a fault.
1. Check the display or fault indicators on the battery backup system.
2. Correct the cause of the fault.
3. If in error, review job prints. Check status of relevant inputs and outputs.
Description: Commercial power is not available at the elevator and a battery powered rescue device is
recalling/moving the car to an appropriate floor for passenger egress. This may also be displayed during a
test operation of the battery powered rescue device.
Troubleshooting: If in error:
1. Check status of commercial power to elevator.
2. Check proper operation of the battery powered rescue device.
3. Review job prints. Check status of relevant inputs and outputs.
Description: The Up and Down Bottom Access switch inputs are active at the same time.
Troubleshooting: Check the wiring and the switch associated with the ABU and ABD inputs.
Description: The controller is trying to establish car position by sending it to either the top or the bottom.
Usually associated with bottom floor demand. Bottom Floor Demand has four possible causes:
1. A change from Inspection to Automatic operation.
2. Pressing the COMPUTER RESET button.
3. Initial Power-up.
4. If the car is at the top floor and the controller gets an up slowdown signal (USD), the controller will cre-
ate a Bottom Floor Demand.
Troubleshooting: Bottom Floor Demand should be cleared when all of the following conditions are met:
1. The car is at the bottom and the down slowdown (DSD) input to the controller is OFF (because the
switch should be open).
2. The Door Zone (DZ) input to the controller is ON.
3. The Door Lock (DLK) input to the controller is ON.
If the car is at the bottom and the message still flashes, check the Down slowdown switch and associated
wiring and the bottom floor door zone landing system vane/magnet and door lock circuit.

Top Floor Demand should be cleared when all of the following conditions are met:
1. Car is at the top and up slowdown (USD) input is OFF (because the switch should be open).
2. The Door Zone (DZ) input to the controller is ON.
3. The Door Lock (DLK) input to the controller is ON.
If the car is at the top and the message still flashes, inspect the Up slowdown switch and associated wiring.
Also inspect the door zone landing system vane/magnet at the top floor and the door lock circuit.
Description: The maximum number of consecutive FCL related faults has been reached. See FCL fault
Troubleshooting: Requires fault reset on HC-CTL-2 board.

5-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The car is shut down because the brake pick switch, BPS, input was activated during three
consecutive runs, indicating the brake was not fully picked (BPS is high). 5
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), check to see if any spare input is programmed as BPS, then
check to see if that input is activated. Check the physical mounting and correct wiring of the switch.
Description: The normally closed auxiliary contact for BR contactor failed to close. When idle, this input
should be activated.
1. Check BRP screw terminal on TC-MPI board for 120V. When BR contactor is picked, BRP should go low.
Description: The normally closed auxiliary contact for BR contactor failed to open. When running, this
input should be at zero volts.
1. Check BRP screw terminal on TC-MPI board for 120V. When BR contactor is dropped, BRP should go
Description: CALIBRATION RUNNING. Brake module calibration is in process.
Description: CALIBRATION SUCCESS. The brake module calibration process completed successfully.
Description: CTST input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), check the spare inputs to see if one is programmed as CTST,
then ensure that input is NOT activated.
Description: Indicates a problem in wiring or fuses. No power to the Car Call circuits.
Troubleshooting: Check the Car Call Bus fuse. Check the wires that go to the Car Call Power
inputs in the controller.
Description: Indicates that the car door bypass switch on the HC-CTL-2 board has failed.
1. Cycle the HC-CTL-2 board car door bypass switch a few times to exercise it. Verify that it is fully in the
ON or OFF position.
2. Verify 2 bus and GS connections and wiring.
Description: The TEST input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: Check the PRETEST/NORM/TEST switch position on the HC-CTL-2 Board.
Description: One of the car safety devices has activated, opening the safety circuit (e.g., emergency exit
contact, safety clamp switch, car-top emergency stop switch).
Troubleshooting: Refer to wiring prints and check all car safety devices. Verify that the SAFC terminal on
the HC-CTL-2 board is powered.
Description: The CTF input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), see if a spare input is programmed as CTF, then check to see if
that input is activated.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The CTL input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), see if a spare input is programmed as CTL, then check to see if
that input is activated.
Description: The controller is currently in cartop inspection (120VAC detected at screw terminal INCT on
the HC-CTL-2 board).
Description: The car top inspection button is stuck closed.
Description: Incorrectly programmed value(s), e.g., a floor selected for the fire floor is not one at which
the elevator stops or conflict with Duplex car. Check Duplex programming.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), check all of the values associated with stops and special floors.
Save the values.
If this message reoccurs after cycling power to the controller, the memory backup battery on the HC-MPU
board may be low. CR2032 battery voltage should about 3Vdc. If you replace the battery, be sure to default
the parameters before reprogramming controller parameters. We recommend you replace the MPU battery
every four years. Replace the battery with POWER ON.
Description: Brake module 1 is not responding.
1. Check the CAN connection to the module.
2. Check power connections to the module.
3. Replace the module.
Description: Brake module 2 is not responding.
1. Check the CAN connection to the module.
2. Check power connections to the module.
3. Replace the module.
Description: When the car is moving faster than 75 FPM, speed bit values will be SPD0=1, SPD1=1. If the
car is moving faster than 150 FPM, speed bit values will be SPD0=0, SPD1=1.
1. If these values appear to be in error, verify connections at the HC-CTL and MC-LSI boards. Voltage
should be 24VDC for logic high and near 0VDC for logic low.
Description: When the car is moving faster than 75 FPM, speed bit values will be SPD0=1, SPD1=1. If the
car is moving faster than 150 FPM, speed bit values will be SPD0=0, SPD1=1.
1. If these values appear to be in error, verify connections at the HC-CTL and MC-LSI boards. Voltage
should be 24VDC for logic high and near 0VDC for logic low.
Description: Indicates landing system is not installed. If SPD0=0 and SPD1=0 this error will be generated
unless the car is on Inspection Bypass.
1. Verify connections at HC-CTL and MC-LSI boards. Verify M-DISC RJ45 cable from LS-EDGE sensor.
2. Voltage should be 24VDC for logic high and near 0VDC for logic low. If the landing system is not
installed, the car must be run on Inspection Bypass.

5-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The processor has detected that the commanded run direction does not match the data
reported by the positioning system. Power will be removed from brake and motor to bring the car to an 5
immediate halt.
1. Check CAN bus connections from landing positioning sensor to cartop box MC-LSI board.
2. Check CAN bus connections from MC-LSI board to TC-MPI board in controller.
3. Check 24V power to MC-LSI board in cartop box.
4. Check condition and proper installation of encoded tape for positioning system.
5. Check position sensor for excessive dirt or clogging.
Description: The processor has detected a contract overspeed (F7 menu, parameter 145). Power will be
removed from brake and motor to bring the car to an immediate halt. If changes have been made to LF.22,
you must reset all three microprocessors on the TC-MPI board.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. Use a hand tach to check the speed at which the overspeed is triggered.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu Contract Speed setting (parameter 149).
4. Check F7 menu Contract Overspeed setting (parameter 145 should be set to about 108% of Contract
5. Check F7 menu Hoist Motor Speed setting (parameter 148). Check correct gear ratio, TORQMAX drive
parameter LF.22.
6. Check drive Contract Speed, High Speed, Sheave Diameter, Gear and Roping Ratio, Integral Gain, and
Encoder settings.
Description: The processor has detected a Down Emergency Terminal overspeed. Power will be removed
from brake and motor to bring the car to an immediate halt.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system.
2. If the job has a physical DET switch, check the switch and connections.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DET Option setting (parameter 69).
4. Check F7 menu DET Speed, Distance, and Delta Speed settings (F7 parameters 104 through 107
5. Check F7 menu settings for the terminal slowdown switch immediately preceding the DET switch.
Description: The DET switch was not detected at the expected location. Power will be removed from brake
and motor to bring the car to an immediate halt.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If a physical DET switch is used on this job, check switch wiring, integrity, and position.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DET Option setting (parameter 69).
4. Check F7 menu DET Distance and DET Delta Distance (parameters 105, 107 respectively).


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The processor has detected a Down Normal Terminal Switch High overspeed (exceeding
switch Speed setting plus Delta High Speed setting). Power will be removed from brake and motor to bring
the car to an immediate halt. The car will then move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction
of travel. If the fault clears, the car will resume normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and
remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical DNT switch, check the switch and connections.
3. Check appropriate F5 menu overspeed parameters (17 - 40), to determine what car speed was at that
switch for the last normal run and at the time of the overspeed.
4. Check F7 menu DNTx Speed and Delta High Speed settings. Otherwise, move DNTx closer to terminal
Description: The processor has detected a Down Normal Terminal Switch Low overspeed (exceeding
switch Speed setting plus Delta Low speed setting). The car will perform an emergency slowdown, then
move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel. If the fault clears, the car will resume
normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical DNT switch, check the switch and connections.
3. Check appropriate F5 menu overspeed parameters (17 - 40), to determine what car speed was at that
switch for the last normal run and at the time of the overspeed.
4. Check F7 menu DNTx Speed and Delta Low Speed settings. Otherwise, move DNTx closer to terminal
Description: The DNT switch was not detected at the expected location. The car will perform an emer-
gency slowdown and then move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel. If the fault
clears, the car will resume normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If a physical DNT switch is used on this job, check switch wiring, integrity, and position.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DNT Option setting.
4. Check F7 menu DNT Distance and DNT Delta Distance.
Description: The indicated processor has detected that the down directional limit switch is open. The car
will run no further in the down direction.
1. Review car adjustment and landing settings.
2. Adjust as required to prevent the car from overshooting the terminal and activating the directional
3. If switch is physical, check voltage at terminal SPI3 on TC-MPI board and limit switch connections.
4. If switch is virtual, check F7 programming.
Description: The drive has faulted.
1. Check the drive display to identify the fault. Proceed as described in the drive manual.
2. After the problem has been corrected, reset the fault on the drive.

5-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message


Description: The drive has not reported ready status, DRDY, to the controller.
Troubleshooting: 5
1. Check the drive display to identify any fault. Proceed as described in the drive manual.
2. Check all connections from the controller to the drive and the drive to the motor.
3. After the problem has been corrected, reset the fault on the drive.
Description: The drive on input was lost while the car was in motion. This fault is reported immediately as
opposed to the normal pre-run check Drive On fault which is rechecked after 15 seconds.
1. The drive enable status is not identical on all the processors. Check the event log for discrepancies
between the faults logged by each MPI processor.
2. Verify physical cable (DRE signal) connection between controller and drive.
Description: A device error has been detected during a cyclic redundancy check (code=1) or while read-
ing from or writing to the device (code=2).
1. Reset the microprocessor.
2. Check for recently installed equipment that might be generating electrical noise.
3. If the error occurred while updating firmware, re-attempt the update procedure.
Description: The named processor has detected that there is a difference in emergency terminal switch
data (position or open/closed status) between itself and the other processor. If moving, the car will be
stopped at the next landing, the doors opened for passenger exit, and the car taken out of service. If in a
door zone, the car will remain at the landing, open doors for passenger exit, and be taken out of service.
1. Check that emergency terminal switch F7 menu designations (virtual, physical, unused) and positions
are correct.
2. If switches are physical, check their actual positions and proper operation.
3. Test elevator for proper operation.
Description: The named processor has detected faults beyond an established limit in a circumscribed
period of time.
1. Check the connections to and from the TC-MPI board.
2. Reset the microprocessor.
3. Test elevator for proper operation.
Description: The named processor has detected that its associated CAN connection from the landing sys-
tem is not reporting the correct channel identification. Usually, this means that the CAN 1 and CAN 2 con-
nections from the hoistway position sensor to the TC-MPI board have been swapped at the TC-MPI board
1. Exchange the CAN 1 and CAN 2 connections on the TC-MPI board J17 connector.
Description: The car has exceeded the Parameter 146 speed setting (F7 menu).
1. Check physical motor related settings on drive.
2. Verify inspection speed through the LCD screen (F3 Controller Utilities menu).


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The HC-CTL2 board is not communicating with the landing system properly (A or B channel
lost). Before beginning troubleshooting, check all related CAN connections and connectors carefully.
1. On the controller HC-MPU board, place F3 in the UP position. Press N to access the system menu.
Press N to advance to the Controller System Menu. Press S to select. Press N until ELGO A and
ELGO B is displayed.If a channel has failed, the position information for that channel will be missing.
ELGO A uses CAN 2, along with the cartop HC-UIO, MC-CPI, and ICE-COP-2 boards. For example:

Connections Through Traveler

1. Check that the CAN connections at J17 on the TC-MPI board are clean and tight.
2. On the cartop, temporarily disconnect the MACHINE ROOM / CANL2 and CANH2 wires from the MC-LSI
board. Measure the resistance between them. (All resistance measurements must be performed with
power off.) It should read about 120-ohms. Repeat for the CANL1 and CANH1 wires. They should also
read about 120-ohms.
3. With power off and all CAN connections to the cartop terminated, resistance should be close to 60-

If a measured resistance is other than shown, you may have a damaged, broken, or shorted wire in the
traveler. Resolve this issue before proceeding with additional troubleshooting.
1. If the lost channel is the A (CAN 2) channel, verify cartop mounted UIO board baud rate selection is
correct, 5-59. Next, unplug all HC-CPI (control panel interface) and HC-UIO (universal I/O) board CAN
connections from the MC-LSI (landing system interface board) on the cartop (CAN 2 is a shared
bus).Recheck the display to see if both channels are now back on line.
2. If the ELGO channels are now OK, reconnect the UIO boards one at a time. If the channel is lost, check
the CAN terminations on the UIO board. If the board is terminated, open the termination by moving
the jumper so the header pins are not shorted. Repeat for additional UIO boards, checking ELGO infor-
mation as you go.
3. Check the car panel interface boards to see that only the last board in the string is terminated (CAN).
Reconnect the CPI boards. Check ELGO information. If the A channel is lost again as you reconnect
boards, contact MCE support for help in isolating the bad board or termination.
4. If, after disconnecting the CPI and UIO boards, the A channel remained off line, temporarily connect
CAN 1 connections to CAN 2 on the TC-MPI board. Place the processor F3 switch down and check the
error code on the display:
MPI-A LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS - continue numbered steps.
5. Temporarily connect CAN 2 connections to CAN 1 on the TC-MPI board. If the message changes to MPI-
A INCORRECT LANDING SYSTEM CONNECTED, replace the ELGO reader head. If the message remains
1. If the lost channel is the B (CAN 1) channel, temporarily connect CAN 2 to CAN 1 on the TC-MPI board.
2. If the display changes to MPI-B INCORRECT LANDING SYSTEM CONNECTED, replace the TC-MPI board.
3. If the message remains MPI-B LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS, replace the ELGO reader head.

5-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The landing system ETS thresholds were not learned with the current controller and landing
system configuration.This fault can occur if the TC-MPI board or landing system is replaced. 5
1. Relearn floor heights.
Description: The landing system ETS thresholds were not learned with the current controller and landing
system configuration.This fault can occur if the TC-MPI board or landing system is replaced.
1. Relearn floor heights.
Description: The landing system floor heights were not learned with the current controller and landing
system configuration.This fault can occur if the TC-MPI board or landing system is replaced.
1. Relearn floor heights.
Description: CTL A or B on the HC-CTL2 board is reporting an overspeed during leveling.
1. Use a hand-held tach to determine car speed during leveling.
2. Check that the F7, Leveling Overspeed setting is correctly set.
Description: A or B channel from ELGO landing sensor (as specified in message) not being received.
1. Check connections between sensor and cartop interface.
2. Check F3 screen ELGO A/B position and verify that both increment when the car moves up or decre-
ment when the car moves down on inspection. Verify that ELGO A is larger than ELGO B by 160 for the
ELGO 160 system or by 240 for the ELGO 240 system.
Description: A or B channel from ELGO landing sensor (as specified in message) not being received.
1. Check connections between sensor and cartop interface.
2. Check F3 screen ELGO A/B position and verify that both increment when the car moves up or decre-
ment when the car moves down on inspection. Verify that ELGO A is larger than ELGO B by 160 for the
ELGO 160 system or by 240 for the ELGO 240 system.
Description: The processor has detected an Up Emergency Terminal overspeed. Power will be removed
from brake and motor to bring the car to an immediate halt.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical UET switch, check the switch and connections.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DET Option setting (parameter 65).
4. Check F7 menu UET Speed, Distance, and Delta Speed settings.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The UET switch was not detected at the expected location. Power will be removed from brake
and motor to bring the car to an immediate halt.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If a physical UET switch is used on this job, check switch wiring, integrity, and position.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DET Option setting (parameter 69). Check F7 menu UET Distance and UET Delta Dis-
Description: The processor has detected an Up Normal Terminal Switch High overspeed (exceeding switch
Speed setting plus Delta High speed setting). Power will be removed from brake and motor to bring the car
to an immediate halt. The car will then move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel.
If the fault clears, the car will resume normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself
from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical UNT switch, check the switch and connections.
3. Check appropriate F5 menu overspeed parameters (17 - 40), to determine what car speed was at that
switch for the last normal run and at the time of the overspeed.
4. Check F7 menu UNTx Speed and Delta High Speed settings. Otherwise, move UNTx closer to the termi-
nal landing.
Description: The processor has detected an Up Normal Terminal Switch Low overspeed (exceeding switch
speed setting plus Delta Low speed setting). The car will perform an emergency slowdown, then move at
reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel. If the fault clears, the car will resume normal
service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical UNT switch, check the switch and connections.
3. Check appropriate F5 menu overspeed parameters (17 - 40), to determine what car speed was at that
switch for the last normal run and at the time of the overspeed.
4. Check F7 menu UNTx Speed and Delta Low Speed settings. Otherwise, move UNTx closer to the termi-
nal landing.
Description: The UNT switch was not detected at the expected location. The car will perform an emer-
gency slowdown and then move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel. If the fault
clears, the car will resume normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If a physical UNT switch is used on this job, check switch wiring, integrity, and position.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DNT Option setting.
4. Check F7 menu DNT Distance and DNT Delta Distance.

5-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The indicated processor has detected that the up directional limit switch is open. The car will
run no further in the up direction. 5
1. Review car adjustment and landing settings.
2. Adjust as required to prevent the car from overshooting the terminal and activating the directional
3. If switch is physical, check voltage at terminal SPI4 on TC-MPI board and limit switch connections.
4. If switch is virtual, check F7 programming.
Description: The identified brake module is not responding.
1. Check the CAN connection to the module.
2. Check power connections to the module.
3. Replace the module.
Description: The identified brake module is not responding.
1. Check the CAN connection to the module.
2. Check power connections to the module.
3. Replace the module.
Description: A cycle test (exercise operation) of the brake and motor contactors is conducted before the
car is allowed to move from a landing. This message will be momentarily displayed while the cycle test
Informational only.
Description: A cycle test (exercise operation) of the brake and motor contactors is conducted before the
car is allowed to move from a landing. This message will be displayed if the cycle test fails.
Check brake and motor contactors (refer to job prints for guidance).
Description: The Bottom Access Door Contact (DCAB) input monitors the bottom door closed contacts.
DCAB should be 120VAC during bottom access operation when the Bottom Access switch is toggled to the
up or down position.
1. Verify 120VAC on the 2 bus.
2. Check that all hoistway doors are closed except for the bottom access hoistway door.
3. Check for 120VAC on the DCAB terminal.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The Rear Door Close Limit Contact (DCLCR) input monitors the rear door closed contacts.
DCLCR should be 120VAC during bottom rear access operation when the Bottom Access switch is toggled
to the up or down position. If your door operator connects to a UIO board on the car top (rather than up
the traveler to the controller), check that the spare inputs used for door operation are correctly pro-
grammed and that Serial Cartop Door Control (4-16) is set properly. Also verify communication to UIO (if
you have serial cartop door control) by placing F1 and F8 switches UP to view communication with boards.
1. Verify 120VAC on the 2 bus.
2. Check that all hoistway doors are closed except for the bottom rear access hoistway door.
3. Check for 120VAC on the DCLCR terminal.
Description: The Door Lock (DL) input has detected a failure of the Hoistway Door Bypass (HDBA) or Bot-
tom Access Bypass (BABA) outputs, Gate Switch (GS), Door Position Monitor (DPM), or Door Lock Access.
1. Check voltage on HC-CTL-2 board terminal DLAB. DPM should activate two inches before DLAB.
2. If DL is active, GS must also be active.
Description: The Rear Door Lock (DLR) input has detected a failure of the Rear Hoistway Door Bypass
(HDBBR) or Rear Bottom Access Bypass (BABBR) outputs, Rear Gate Switch (GSR), Rear Door Position
Monitor (DPMR), or Rear Door Lock Access Bypass (DLABR) inputs.
1. Check voltage on HC-CTL-2 board terminal DLABR. DPMR should activate two inches before DLABR.
2. If DLR is active, GSR must also be active.
Description: The Door Open Limit (DOL) input is not in the correct state for the position of the door as
indicated by the Door Position Monitor (DPM) and Gate Switch (GS) inputs. If your door operator connects
to a UIO board on the car top (rather than up the traveler to the controller), check that the spare inputs
used for door operation are correctly programmed and that Serial Cartop Door Control (4-16) is set prop-
erly. Also verify communication to UIO (if you have serial cartop door control) by placing F1 and F8
switches UP to view communication with boards.
1. If DPM is high, DOL must also be high. Check wiring to HC-CTL-2 board terminal DOL.
2. If the GS input is high, DOL must also be high. Check wiring to terminal DOL.
Description: The Rear Door Open Limit (DOLR) input is not in the correct state for the position of the door
as indicated by the Rear Door Position Monitor (DPMR) and Rear Gate Switch (GSR) inputs. If your door
operator connects to a UIO board on the car top (rather than up the traveler to the controller), check that
the spare inputs used for door operation are correctly programmed and that Serial Cartop Door Control
(4-16) is set properly. Also verify communication to UIO (if you have serial cartop door control) by placing
F1 and F8 switches UP to view communication with boards.
1. If DPMR is high, DOLR must also be high. Check wiring to terminal DOLR on the HC-CTL-2 board.
2. If the GSR input is high, DOLR must also be high. Check wiring to terminal DOLR.

5-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: Failure to lock the doors detected. This condition exists when the doors have closed (DCLC =
1 or DCL = 0/DPM=1) and demand exists for the car to move (DCP=1), but the doors have not locked (DLK 5
= 0) within 60 seconds.
Troubleshooting: If the Retiring Cam option is set, verify the Retiring Cam relay is activated (DCP=1,
DCL=0/DPM=1 or DCLC=1) and the doors lock (DLK=1). If no Retiring Cam is used, verify door lock con-
tacts are closed to provide power to the door lock input (DLK=1). When a predetermined number of
sequential failures is detected (default is four), the car will shut down. The failure will be reset once the
doors are locked (DLK=1), the car is placed on Inspection, or the Computer Reset Button is pressed.
Description: Indicates that DOF (Door Open Function) or DOFR (Door Open Function Rear) have been
active for more than 60 seconds and have been cleared.
Troubleshooting: Check for proper door operation and correct any problems.
Description: Indicates that the car completed a run but did not detect a door zone.
Troubleshooting: Reset by pressing the Fault Reset button or by toggling MACHINE ROOM INSPECTION
INSP/NORM switch. Run the car to the same floor and verify that DZ=1 or DZR=1.
1. Check voltage at door zone input to CTL board and at DZFO output from MPI board as shown in your
job prints. Make sure wiring between boards is correct.
Description: One of the DZ inputs (front or rear) did not transition to the low state during the last run.
Probable cause may be:
1. A faulty door zone sensor or associated circuitry (within the landing system assembly).
2. Faulty wiring from the landing system to the controller.
3. Faulty computer input circuit (HC-CTL-2 Control board).
Troubleshooting: Check door zone sensor operation and wiring. (Place car on inspection, move car away
from the floor, noting the transitions in the door zone signal(s) coming from the landing system.)
Verify that the computer diagnostic display of DZ (or DZ rear) matches the state of the sensor signals at
the HC-CTL-2 Control board.
If these zones are virtual, check programming (F7, Parameters Adjust).
1. Check voltage at door zone input to CTL board and at DZFO output from MPI board as shown in your
job prints. Make sure wiring between boards is correct.
Description: The indicated processor has detected that the down directional limit switch is open. The car
will run no further in the down direction.
1. Review car adjustment and landing settings.
2. Adjust as required to prevent the car from overshooting the terminal and activating the directional
3. If switch is physical, check voltage at terminal SPI3 on TC-MPI board and limit switch connections.
4. If switch is virtual, check F7 programming.
Description: Front door input, relay, or associated circuitry failure detected. Valid when SAF is on. DLK
and DPM must always be in the same state. If your door operator connects to a UIO board on the car top
(rather than up the traveler to the controller), check that the spare inputs used for door operation are
correctly programmed and that Serial Cartop Door Control (4-16) is set properly. Also verify communica-
tion to UIO (if you have serial cartop door control) by placing F1 and F8 switches UP to view communication
with boards.
1. Check that DPM makes (120VAC) 1 to 2 inches prior to door lock.
2. If so, check associated circuitry.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: Rear door input, relay, or associated circuitry failure detected. Valid when SAF is on. DLK and
DPMR must always be in the same state. If your door operator connects to a UIO board on the car top
(rather than up the traveler to the controller), check that the spare inputs used for door operation are
correctly programmed and that Serial Cartop Door Control (4-16) is set properly. Also verify communica-
tion to UIO (if you have serial cartop door control) by placing F1 and F8 switches UP to view communication
with boards.
1. Check that DPMR makes (120VAC) 1 to 2 inches prior to door lock.
2. If so, check associated circuitry.
Description: This fault indicates that the controller has detected a DFLT input. The car will perform an
emergency stop with the motor contactor and brake contactor immediately dropped.
1. Examine the drive for faults.
Description: Serial data from drive to TC-MPI board connector J27 has failed.
1. Check connection and cable integrity from TC-MPI board J27 to drive.
2. Reset C processor on TC-MPI board.
3. Use a scope to check if data is in fact being transmitted from the drive.
Description: Serial data from TC-MPI board connector J27 to drive has failed.
1. Check connection and cable integrity from TC-MPI board J27 to drive.
2. Reset C processor on TC-MPI board.
3. Use a scope to check if data is in fact being transmitted from the board.
Description: The EQI and/or CWI input is/are active. The car is on earthquake operation moving at
reduced speed.
Troubleshooting: If there has been no seismic activity, check the status of the EQI and CWI inputs. Check
the counterweight derailment detection sensor. Check the seismic activity sensor. Press the earthquake
reset button to clear.
Description: The EQI and/or CWI input is/are active. The car is on earthquake operation.
Troubleshooting: If there has been no seismic activity, check the status of the EQI and CWI inputs. Check
the counterweight derailment detection sensor. Check the seismic activity sensor.
Description: The ESS input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode (F1), see if a spare input is programmed as ESS, then check to see if
that input is activated.
Description: The emergency brake has applied (rope gripper/sheave brake/machine emergency brake).
Informational only.

5-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The EMSH or EMSC input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that the MASSACHUSETTS EMS SERVICE option is set correctly. If not required, 5
set to NO and ensure that the EMSH and EMSC inputs are not programmed as spare inputs. If EMS is
required, set this option to the floor the car should return to when the EMSH input is activated.
Description: The car is on Emergency Power operation (EPI is low).
Troubleshooting: Check that the Emergency Power operation option is set correctly. If emergency power
is not required, set to NO and ensure that the EPI input is not programmed. If it is required, set this option
to the floor the car should return to on Emergency Power and program the EPI input.
Description: MCE Security has been initiated.
Troubleshooting: Enter floor passcode on the C.O.P. within 10 seconds. Refer to section 4 for instructions
on how to program security passcodes.
Description: The External Latching Fault, ELF, Input is low. This active low input is normally used to detect
slipping/damaged suspension means (ropes) on traction installations.
Troubleshooting: If in error, check to see that no input is programmed for this function.
Description: The Automatic operation fault bypass function is set.
Troubleshooting: The F3 Automatic operation fault bypass is on.
Description: The Inspection operation fault bypass function is set.
Troubleshooting: The F3 Inspection operation fault bypass is on.
Description: CALIBRATION ERROR HIGH CURRENT. Measured current during calibration exceeded 20A.
1. Verify brake is properly connected.
2. Verify transformer, if any, correctly connected.
Description: CALIBRATION ERROR LOW VOLTAGE. Voltage during calibration did not exceed 20VDC.
1. Verify wiring is correct.
2. Verify BR contactor is picking.
Description: CALIBRATION ERROR CAN TIMEOUT. CAN communication lost for more than 4 seconds dur-
ing calibration.
1. Verify module is powered.
2. Verify CAN connections are made; swap cables to verify.
3. Repeat calibration.
Description: CALIBRATION ERROR USER ABORT. The calibration was cancelled by the MPU.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: CALIBRATION ERROR NO PRESTART. CAN messages out of sequence.
1. Verify CAN connections.
2. Repeat calibration.
Description: CALIBRATION ERROR LOW CURRENT. Current did not exceed 0.1A during calibration.
1. Verify module is powered.
2. Verify brake coil is connected.
3. Verify BR contactor is picking during calibration.
Description: The addressed brake module auxiliary IGBT is stuck in the closed position. This fault is trig-
gered if the voltage across the Aux IGBT is insufficient to activate the monitoring circuit during dissipate
mode. The car will stop at the next destination. Three consecutive occurrence faults reset automatically
after 8 seconds. If the module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault Limit Reached is
issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
1. Slow the brake drop rate slightly using module potentiometer R70 (discrete control) or F7 parameter
198 (CAN control). (The brake may be dropping too rapidly for the voltage sensing to work properly.)
2. Contact MCE to verify the resistor/capacitor values of the external dissipate circuit. Too much capaci-
tance on a small brake may cause this fault.
Description: The addressed brake module auxiliary IGBT is stuck in the open position. This fault is trig-
gered if the brake is in pick, hold, or relevel mode and the monitoring circuit returns a high signal for
100mS or more. The car will stop at the next landing. The first and second consecutive occurrence faults
reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault
Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Troubleshooting: Replace the brake module.
Description: The addressed brake module is in manual release mode and the bypass button/switch
appears to be stuck in the closed position.
Troubleshooting: Please see SW1, Manual Bypass on page 5-83 to see if manual release mode is
enabled. Check the manual brake release switch connections and operation. If the problem persists,
replace the brake module.
Description: The addressed brake module CAN connection appears to be disconnected.
1. Check the CAN connection and the CAN cable. Temporarily swap out the cable to eliminate the possibil-
ity that the cable is faulty.
2. Check that module CAN termination jumper JP1 is open.
3. Replace the brake module.
Description: The addressed brake module is receiving a discrete command input while in CAN mode.
1. Check that F7, parameter 185 brake configuration is properly set.
2. Check that no discrete control voltages have been incorrectly applied. Please refer to Configuration
on page 5-82.

5-18 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The addressed brake module has been placed in manual mode (will cause Main IGBT stuck
open fault to be indicated until the brake contactor is picked to allow power to the brake module). In this 5
mode, a manual brake release switch connected between BRBP1 and BRBP3 will energize the brake coil
connected between BRBP2 and BRBP4 and immediately lift the brake regardless of the status of the eleva-
tor controller.
Informational only.
Description: The addressed brake module has detected that delivered current is less than 40% of the
learned operating current. The car will stop at the next landing. First and second consecutive occurrence
faults reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module
Fault Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Troubleshooting: Check the brake for proper operation according to manufacturer specifications.
Description: The addressed brake module has detected delivered voltage is less than 40% of the learned
operating voltage. The car will stop at the next landing. First and second consecutive occurrence faults
reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault
Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Troubleshooting: Check the brake for proper operation according to manufacturer specifications.
Description: The addressed brake module has detected excessive current conditions (>20 A during the
first 5 seconds of operation or >15 A after the first 5 seconds of operation). The module is rated at 15 A
continuous operation and, after the first five seconds of operation current is automatically restricted to this
level. The car will stop at the next landing. Three consecutive occurrence faults reset automatically after 8
seconds. If the module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault Limit Reached is issued and
must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
1. Check for a shorted brake control wire.
2. Check that the brake does not require more current than 15A. If so, a second module may be required
in tandem with the first to handle current requirements.
Description: The addressed brake module has detected excessive voltage conditions (>310 VDC for 5
seconds or more). Voltage will be automatically limited to 310 VDC when this fault is issued. The car will
stop at the next landing. Three consecutive occurrence faults reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the
module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on
the HC-CTL-2 board.
1. Check that the brake is operating properly.
2. Check that the brake springs are correctly torqued.
Description: The addressed brake module has detected that delivered voltage is less than 80% of the
learned operating voltage. The car will stop at the next destination. Three consecutive occurrence faults
reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the module consecutively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault
Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Troubleshooting: Check the brake for proper operation according to manufacturer specifications.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message


Description: If the brake is not in pick, hold, relevel, or dissipate mode and there is more than 40 volts or
200 milliamps across the brake coil for 200 mS or more, the IGBT stuck closed fault will occur. In CAN
mode, this fault resets automatically after 8 seconds.
Troubleshooting: Check that manual brake pick is not enabled. Please refer to SW1, Manual Bypass on
page 5-83.
Description: If the brake is in pick, hold, or relevel mode and there is less than 20 volts or 100mA across
the coil for 200 mS or more, the IGBT stuck open fault will occur. The car will stop at the next landing. The
first and second consecutive occurrence faults reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the module consecu-
tively faults again, fault Brake Module Fault Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2
1. Check the brake for proper operation according to manufacturer specifications.
2. Verify that the BR contactor supplies the module with sufficient voltage when the Pick command is
Description: A brake module address conflict has been detected. The car will stop at the next destination.
Three consecutive occurrence faults reset automatically after 8 seconds. If the module consecutively faults
again, fault Brake Module Fault Limit Reached is issued and must be reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Troubleshooting: Verify SW3 positions for each module. Please refer to SW3 Module ID and Software
Features on page 5-84.
Description: The IGBT units on the bottom of the TC-FCP board generate heat when operating. A thermal
sensor on the heat sink is connected to the module logic board through the TS1 and TS2 inputs. If the tem-
perature becomes excessive, the logic module will generate a fault, pulling the FLT output to the Common
connection level and alerting the controller.
1. The fault will reset when the module cools.
2. If this is a recurring event, check the brake for proper operation. Check that brake pick and hold volt-
ages are correct. Please refer to FCL Power Data Menu on page 4-139.
Description: The addressed module is not calibrated to operate with the Motion 4000 system.
Troubleshooting: Calibrate the module. Please refer to Calibration (CAN Only) on page 5-88.
Description: Module is in manual release mode and the controller is attempting to run the car which
involves operating the brake.
Troubleshooting: Disable manual release mode. Please refer to SW1, Manual Bypass on page 5-83.
Description: The car is returning to an alternate fire return landing. The FRS input is low and the FRA
input is high or FRAON is active.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the fire sensors (especially the main floor sensor) and Fire Phase I switch wir-
ing. For some fire codes, including ASME, the Fire Phase I switch must be turned to the BYPASS position
and then back to OFF to clear the fire service status once activated.

5-20 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The car is returning to the main fire return landing. The FRS input is low or the FRON or
FRON2 inputs are high. 5
Troubleshooting: Inspect fire sensors and Fire Phase I switch wiring. For some fire codes, including
ASME, the Fire Phase I switch must be turned to the BYPASS position and then back to OFF to clear the fire
service status once activated.
Description: The FCS controller input is ON.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the phase 2 switch and wiring. In some cases, to exit Fire Service Phase 2, the
car must be at the fire floor at which Fire Phase 2 was activated, the doors must be fully open, and the
phase 2 switch must be off (the FCOFF input must be activated) to exit phase 2.
Description: A critical failure has caused both the Door Open Limit and Door Lock inputs to be active at
the same time.(DOL=0 & DLK=1). There is a problem with DOL and/or DLK circuitry or wiring.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the Door Open Limit and the Door Lock circuitry and wiring. When this error is
generated, the car will shut down with the doors open and will not answer any calls. The only way to reset
this error condition is to put the car on Inspection operation.
Description: Doors Open (DCL = 1). There is a problem with DCL circuitry or wiring.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the Door Closed Limit circuitry and wiring. When this error is generated, the car
is not allowed to run.
Description: Doors Open (DCL = 1) and Locked (DLK = 1). There is a problem with DCL and/or DLK cir-
cuitry or wiring.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the Door Closed Limit and the Door Lock circuitry and wiring. When this error is
generated, the car is not allowed to run.
Description: The front door lock contacts have failed closed.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that, with the front hoistway doors closed and locked, there is power on the DLS
input and no power present on the DCL input.
Description: The door open limit switch has failed open.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that the car gate is open, there is no power on the DOL input, and no power
present on the DL or GS inputs.
Description: HC-CTL-2 door zone input and door zone flag from TC-MPI board do not match. The elevator
will stop at the next floor in the direction of travel and shut down until the fault is cleared (HC-CTL-2 fault
reset or toggle Inspection switch).
1. Verify door zone (virtual if ELGO system, magnet if LS-EDGE) input. Reset A, B, and C processors on
TC-MPI board.
2. Verify connection between MPI board DZFO and CTL-2 board DZF.
Description: The front car gate switch has failed closed.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that, with the front car gate closed, there is power on the GS input and no
power present on the DCL input.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The overspeed governor has activated, opening the safety circuit.
Troubleshooting: Check the overspeed governor.
Description: The car controller has detected a loss of communication with the group controller.
1. Verify that the group controller MCP board is functioning properly. Reset if necessary.
2. Verify that SW1, switch 4 is set to OFF on the group controller HC-CHP board (determines communica-
tion baud rate).
3. Check the CAN cable between External Network connector J4 on the car MC-MPU board and External
Network connector J17 on the group HC-CHP board.
4. Check polarity of the CAN connection (CANH/CANH and CANL/CANL).
Description: The Gate Switch (GS) input has detected a failure of the ABGA or GBB outputs, DPM, DLAB,
or the gate switch.
1. Check the gate switch. DPM should activate two inches before the gate switch.
2. If GS is active, DLAB must also be active.
Description: The Rear Gate Switch (GSR) input has detected a failure of the ABGAR or RABA outputs,
DPMR, DLABR, or the rear gate switch.
1. Check the gate switch. DPMR should activate two inches before the gate switch.
2. If GSR is active, DLABR must also be active.
Description: A fuse or wiring problem has stopped power to the call circuits.
Troubleshooting: Refer to troubleshooting instructions for CAR CALL BUSS IS DISCONNECTED and HALL
Description: A fuse or wiring problem has stopped power to the hall call circuits. Activated by HBF input
on the car or HCB FAIL message from the Group via the CAN bus. If the WLD input is programmed but not
activated, the Car will go into Wild (Emergency Dispatch) operation.
Troubleshooting: Check Group for HCB FAIL message on Status display. Check the hall call bus fuse and
the wires to the hall call power inputs in the Car controller and/or Group controller.
Description: The HLI input has been activated.
Troubleshooting: In Program Mode, see if a spare input is programmed as an HLI input, then check to
see if that input is activated.
Description: Hoistway access is active.
Informational only.
Description: The expected input logic from the HOISTWAY DOOR BYPASS switch has failed.
1. Cycle the HC-CTL-2 board hoistway door bypass switch a few times to exercise it. Verify that it is fully
in the ON or OFF position.
2. Verify 2 and DLAB connections and wiring.

5-22 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: One of the hoistway safety devices has activated, opening the safety circuit (e.g., pit stop
switch, car and counterweight buffer switches, up/down final limit switches). 5
Troubleshooting: Check all hoistway safety devices. Refer to controller wiring prints for applicable
devices. Verify that the SAFH terminal on the HC-CTL-2 board is powered.
Description: A hospital emergency call switch is activated.
Troubleshooting: Check that the hospital emergency operation option is set correctly. If hospital emer-
gency operation is not required, set to no. If required, set floors eligible to answer a hospital call to yes.
Description: The car has answered a hospital emergency call or the in-car hospital emergency key switch
has been activated (HOSP is high).
Troubleshooting: Check that the hospital emergency operation option is set correctly, then check to see if
any spare inputs are programmed as HOSP and if they are activated.
Description: The Car Panel Inspection Down (ICPD) input is high while the 2 bus is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ICPD input and 2 bus.
Description: The Car Panel Inspection Up (ICPU) input is high while the 2 bus is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ICPU input and 2 bus.
Description: The Car Top Inspection Down (ICTD) input is high while the SAFH bus is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ICTD input.
Description: The Car Top Inspection Up (ICTU) input is high while the SAFH bus is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board ICTU input.
Description: The INA (COP access enable switch) input did not receive a signal when expected.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board INA input and 2 bus.
2. Check access enable switch in COP and connection through traveler.
Description: The controller is currently on IN-CAR inspection, activated by 120VAC at screw terminal INCP
on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Description: The in car inspection button is stuck closed.
Description: The in-car stop switch has been pulled, opening the safety circuit.
Troubleshooting: Check the status of the in-car emergency stop switch.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The Car Panel Inspection INSP/Auto Switch input (INCP) is high while the 2 bus is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board INCP input and 2 bus.
Description: The Car Top Inspection INSP/AUTO Switch input (INCT) is high while SAFH is low.
1. Check for incorrect wiring or short on the HC-CTL-2 board INCT input and SAFH or 2 bus.
Description: The Independent Service switch inside the car has been turned on.
Troubleshooting: If unintended, check the Independent Service switch.
Description: Both UP and DN Machine Room Inspection directions are active at the same time.
1. Exercise the HT-CTL board Inspection direction switch. Verify that it remains in the middle when
2. Check status of UP and DOWN indicator LEDs.
Description: The car is on Inspection operation.
Troubleshooting: If unintended, check all inspection switches and associated wiring.
Description: The Level Down input is ON. This input is normally ON when the car is just above a floor.
Troubleshooting: Check F7 programming. Check LS-EDGE sensor.
Description: The Level Up input is ON. This input is normally ON when the car is just below a floor.
Troubleshooting: Check F7 programming. Check LS-EDGE sensor.
Description: The Light Load Weighing input is activated.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that Light Load Weighing is required. If not, set the Light Load Weighing option
to NO and ensure that the LLI input is not programmed. If Light Load Weighing is required, ensure that the
Light Load Car Call Limit is set to the correct number of stops.
Description: Door lock lost with elevator outside of door zone (i.e., outside of door zone and leveling).
May also be generated at speed if the door locks are clipped.
Troubleshooting: Inspect door lock circuitry and wiring. Check for any mechanical contact with gate
switch or door clutch (if restrictor used) and hoistway components.
Description: LS-EDGE encountered terminal magnets that do not match the learned positions.
1. Verify magnets for terminals have not been changed.
2. Relearn terminal magnets location by performing a floor learn.
Description: The ETS trip value cannot be written to the landing system PLD.
1. PLD hardware has failed or software is not loaded.
2. Verify software versions for LS-EDGE.

5-24 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: CPU-B in the LS-EDGE sensor head is not communicating.
Troubleshooting: 5
1. Verify sensor to cartop connection.
Description: Measured DZ and the 24VDC discrete DZ sent to the MC-LSI do not match.
1. Check for back-fed wires at the MC-LSI or HC-CTL-2 board.
2. When the reader is sensing a DZ magnet (DZ LED on the reader is on), there should be 24VDC at the
DZ_M terminal on the MC-LSI board.
3. Conversely, there should be about 0VDC at the DZF-M terminal on the MC-LSI board when the reader
is not sensing DZ.
Description: Measured DZR and the 24VDC discrete DZR sent to the MC-LSI do not match.
1. Check for back-fed wires at the MC-LSI or HC-CTL-2 board.
2. When the reader is sensing a DZR magnet (DZR LED on the reader is on), there should be 24VDC at
the DZR_M terminal on the MC-LSI board.
3. Conversely, there should be about 0VDC at the DZR-M terminal on the MC-LSI board when the reader
is not sensing DZR.
Description: The LS-EDGE hoistway learn procedure is active.
Informational only.
Description: One pair of LS-EDGE quadrature signals have been lost.
1. A hall effect sensor may have failed or the bias magnet is broken or defective.
Description: A leveling or terminal sensor is not changing state.
1. Verify the LED indicators show state changes while traversing door zones, ETS, or Terminal magnets.
2. Replace LS-EDGE tape reader.
Description: LS-EDGE encountered terminal magnets that do not match the learned positions.
1. Verify magnets for terminals have not been changed.
2. Relearn terminal magnet locations by performing a floor learn.
Description: The M2L input monitors the status of the relay contacts of SAFL and SAFS against the circuits
that drive these relay coils. Bus 2L should be 120VAC and relay SAFL should be picked only if the doors are
locked. 2MV bus must also be active. The M2L input is verified when the PM contactor is energized.
1. Check or replace relays SAFL and/or SAFS on the HC-CTL-2 board.
2. Verify that IDC terminal 2L on the HC-CTL-2 board connects to IDC terminal 2L on the TC-MPI board.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The Bottom Access Bypass Monitor (door close contacts) (MBAB) input monitors operation of
the solid state devices associated with bypassing bottom hoistway door contacts during access operation.
Troubleshooting: Remove the car from access operation and verify that test point MBAB on the HC-CTL-2
board is low with respect to 1 bus.
Description: The Bottom Rear Access Monitor (door close contacts) (MABBR) input monitors operation of
the solid state devices associated with bypassing bottom rear hoistway door contacts during access opera-
Troubleshooting: Remove the car from access operation and verify that test point TP43 (MABBR) on the
HC-CTL-2 board is low with respect to 1 bus.
Description: The Front Access Gate Bypass Monitor (MABGF) input has detected a failure of the Access
Bypass Gate A (ABGA) or Front Access Bypass Bottom (FABB) outputs.
1. Temporarily disconnect then reconnect the CAN connection to the HC-CTL-2 board to reset the micro-
2. Verify that SPA, SPB, and SPC LEDs are all lighted.
3. If this failure occurred while updating software, refer to the update instructions and repeat the process.
Description: The Rear Access Gate Bypass Monitor (MABGR) input has detected a failure of the Rear
Access Bypass Gate A (ABGAR) or Rear Access Bypass (RABA) outputs.
1. Temporarily disconnect then reconnect the CAN connection to the HC-CTL-2 board to reset the micro-
2. Verify that SPA and SPB LEDs are lighted.
3. If this failure occurred while updating software, refer to the update instructions and repeat the process.
Description: The Top Access Bypass Monitor (door close contacts) (MABT) input monitors operation of the
solid state devices associated with bypassing the top hoistway door contacts during access operation.
Troubleshooting: Remove the car from access operation and verify that test point MABT on the HC-CTL-2
board is low with respect to 1 bus.
Description: The Top Rear Access Bypass Monitor (MABTR) input monitors proper operation of the solid
state devices associated with bypassing the top rear hoistway door contacts during access operation.
Troubleshooting: Remove the car from access operation and verify that test point MABTR on the HC-CTL-
2 board is low with respect to 1 bus.
Description: The controller is in MACHINE ROOM inspection operation.
Description: The Bottom Access Bypass Monitor (door lock contacts) (MBAB) input has detected a failure
of the Bottom Access Bypass (BAB) or (BABA) outputs or the BAB input.
1. Check wiring at HC-CTL-2 board terminal BAB.

5-26 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The Bottom Rear Access Bypass monitor (door lock contacts) (MBABR) input has detected a
failure of the Bottom Rear Access Bypass (BABR) or (BABAR) outputs or the BABR input. 5
1. Check wiring at HC-CTL-2 board terminal BABR.
2. Check Access switches and proper wiring of access terminals (ABU, ABD).
Description: The Car Stop Bypass Monitor (MCSB) input on the HC-CTL-2 board is active while the car
stop bypass circuit is not active.
1. Verify wiring and connections at ESC and SAFC.
2. Temporarily disconnect then reconnect the CAN connection to the HC-CTL-2 board to reset the micro-
3. Verify that SPA, SPB, and SPC LEDs are all lighted.
4. If this failure occurred while updating software, refer to the update instructions and repeat the process.
Description: The Monitor Rear Door Lock (DLR) input has detected a failure of the Rear Hoistway Door
Bypass (HDBBR) or Rear Bottom Access Bypass (BABBR) outputs, Rear Gate Switch (GSR), Rear Door Posi-
tion Monitor (DPMR), or Rear Door Lock Access Bypass (DLABR) inputs.
1. Check voltage on HC-CTL-2 board terminal DLABR. DPMR should activate two inches before DLABR.
2. If DLR is active, GSR must also be active.
Description: The Door Zone/Leveling Monitor (MDZLV) input has detected a failure of the Door Zone/Lev-
eling (DZLV) or (DZLVA) outputs or failure of the normally open DZ relay.
Troubleshooting: Replace relay DZ.
Description: Gate switch bypass circuit failure detected.
1. Toggle the gate bypass switch on the HC-CTL-2 board a few times, then make certain it is fully in the
ON or OFF position.
2. Briefly disconnect then reconnect CAN connection to CTL board to reset processors.
Description: Rear gate switch bypass circuit failure detected.
1. Toggle the gate bypass switch on the HC-CTL-2 board a few times, then make certain it is fully in the
ON or OFF position.
2. Briefly disconnect then reconnect CAN connection to CTL-2 board to reset processors.
Description: The Gate Switch Monitor (MGS) input has detected a failure of the gate switch or Door Zone/
Door Zone Leveling (DZ/DZLVA) circuitry.
1. Check gate switch condition.
2. If rear doors are present, check GSR.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The Rear Gate Switch Monitor (MGSR) input (HC-CTL-2 board) has detected a failure of the
rear gate switch or Door Zone/Door Zone Leveling (DZ/DZLVA) circuitry.
Condition 1: MGSR should be low during automatic operation when either the rear gate or rear hoistway
doors are open as indicated by the GSR and DLR relays, except during re-leveling.
1. If either relay GSR or DLR is not picked, verify that TP48 is low.
2. Check continuity between terminals GS1 and GSR1 on the HC-CTL-2.
Condition 2: If the car is re-leveling, and the front doors are closed, the MGSR input should have 120VAC.
Troubleshooting: Check GSR2 on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Condition 3: This fault is also generated if relays GSR and DLR are picked, indicating that the rear gate
and hoistway doors are closed, but the MGSR input is low.
1. Verify relays DLR and GSR are both picked.
2. Verify 120VAC on terminals GSR1 and GSR2.
3. Verify 120VAC on (MDLR) on the HC-CTL-2 board.
4. Verify 120VAC on GSR2 on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Description: The Hoistway Door Bypass Monitor (MHDB) input has detected a failure of the Hoistway Door
Bypass (HDB) or (HDBA) outputs.
1. Toggle the door bypass switch on the HC-CTL-2 board a few times, then make certain it is fully in the
ON or OFF position.
2. Briefly disconnect then reconnect CAN connection to CTL board to reset processors.
Description: The Rear Hoistway Door Bypass Monitor (MHDBR) input has detected a failure of the Rear
Hoistway Door Bypass (HDBR) or (HDBBR) outputs.
1. Toggle the door bypass switch on the HC-CTL-2 board a few times, then make certain it is fully in the
ON or OFF position.
2. Briefly disconnect then reconnect CAN connection to HC-CTL-2 board to reset processors.
Description: The Starter or Thermal Overload has tripped or there is a mechanical problem that prevents
or slows motion of the car.
Troubleshooting: To clear the condition, the car must be put on Inspection, then back into Normal oper-
ation, or the RESET button must be pressed. Immediately check the starter and thermal overloads and all
circuitry associated with the motor.
Description: The indicated safety processor on the TC-MPI board is off line.
1. Verify CAN connection to TC-MPI board.
2. Reset processors (MPI board RSTA, RSTB, RSTC buttons).Verify ON LED lighted for all processors.
3. If fault occurs while updating software, refer to update instructions and repeat process.

5-28 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message


Description: A device error has been detected during a cyclic redundancy check (code=1) or while read-
ing from or writing to the device (code=2). 5
1. Reset the microprocessor.
2. Check that serial data links are properly connected and routed using shielded cable (through conduit
where appropriate).
3. Check for recently installed equipment that might be generating electrical noise.
4. If the error occurred while updating firmware, re-attempt the update procedure.
Description: One of the EBP1/2/3/4 relays has failed the cycle test. If moving, the elevator will be taken
out of service at the next landing. If in a landing zone, the elevator doors will open and the elevator will be
taken out of service.
Description: SPA on TC-MPI board and landing system ETS positions do not match.
1. Program the desired ETS Overspeed percentage, F7 204.
Description: The MPI or LS-EDGE has been replaced and floor tables do not match.
1. Perform a floor learn.
Description: TC-MPI board has detected the car moving away from the door zone with both car gate and
hoistway doors not fully closed and locked. Power will be removed from brake and motor, emergency rope
gripper will engage.
1. Put the car on Inspection.
2. Press Fault Reset on the HC-CTL-2 board.
3. Hold down the EB RESET button on the TC-MPI board for at least 8 seconds to reset the rope brake.
Description: The 2L AC bus has fallen below the expected voltage.
1. Check the 2L bus fuse.
2. Check connection at PMT terminal X4.
Description: The EBPS, Emergency Brake Power Supply, (A and or B) input to the TC-MPI is in an opposite
state from the RGR1_A/B, RGR2_A/B, and RGOK_A/B inputs.
1. Check for 120 VAC on TC-MPI board terminal EBPS. If not present, check governor overspeed switch or
fuse FEB (3 A type MDQ or 313 slow acting fuse).
2. Check terminals RG1 and RG7 for 120VAC (power supply output).
3. If no power at RG1 and RG7, check power supply


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The named processor has detected faults beyond an established limit in a circumscribed
period of time.
1. Check the connections to and from the TC-MPI board.
2. Reset the microprocessor.
3. Test elevator for proper operation.
Description: The named processor has detected the opening of the governor overspeed switch. The car
will be brought to an immediate emergency stop.
1. If the governor overspeed switch has not opened, check switch integrity and connections.
2. If the car had in fact exceeded governor overspeed switch opening speed, troubleshoot to determine
that cause of the overspeed.
Description: The named processor has detected that its associated CAN connection from the landing sys-
tem is not reporting the correct channel identification. Usually, this means that the CAN 1 and CAN 2 con-
nections from the hoistway position sensor to the TC-MPI board have been swapped at the TC-MPI board
1. Exchange the CAN 1 and CAN 2 connections on the TC-MPI board J17 connector.
Description: The car has exceeded the Parameter 146 speed setting (F7 menu).
1. Check physical motor related settings on drive.
2. Verify inspection speed through the LCD screen (F3 Controller Utilities menu).

5-30 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The TC-MPI board is not communicating with the landing system properly (A or B channel
lost). Before beginning troubleshooting, check all related CAN connections and connectors carefully. 5
1. On the controller processor board, place F3 in the UP position. Press N to access the system menu.
Press N to advance to the Controller System Menu. Press S to select. The ELGO CAN channels will
be displayed.If a channel has failed, the position information for that channel will be missing. For

Connections Through Traveler

1. Check that the CAN connections at J17 on the TC-MPI board are clean and tight.
2. On the cartop, temporarily disconnect the MACHINE ROOM / CANL2 and CANH2 wires from the MC-LSI
board. Measure the resistance between them. It should read about 120-ohms (the termination value
on the TC-MPI board). Repeat for the CANL1 and CANH1 wires. They should also read about 120-ohms.

If a measured resistance other than about 120-ohms, you may have a damaged, broken, or shorted
wire in the traveler. Resolve this issue before proceeding with additional troubleshooting.
1. If the lost channel is the A (CAN 2) channel, unplug all HC-CPI (control panel interface) and HC-UIO
(universal I/O) board CAN connections from the TC-LSI (landing system interface board) on the cartop
(CAN 2 is a shared bus).Recheck the display to see if both channels are now back on line.
2. If the ELGO channels are now OK, reconnect the UIO boards one at a time. If the channel is lost, check
the CAN terminations on the UIO board. If the board is terminated, open the termination by moving
the jumper so the header pins are not shorted. Repeat for additional UIO boards, checking ELGO infor-
mation as you go.
3. Check the HC-CPI boards to see that only the last board in the string is terminated (CAN). Reconnect
the CPI boards. Check ELGO information. If the A channel is lost again as you reconnect boards, con-
tact MCE support for help in isolating the bad board or termination.
4. If, after disconnecting the CPI and UIO boards, the A channel remained off line, temporarily connect
CAN 1 connections to CAN 2 on the TC-MPI board. Place the processor F3 switch down and check the
error code on the display:
MPI-A LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS - continue numbered steps.
5. Temporarily connect CAN 2 connections to CAN 1 on the TC-MPI board. If the message changes to MPI-
A INCORRECT LANDING SYSTEM CONNECTED, replace the ELGO reader head. If the message remains
1. If the lost channel is the B (CAN 1) channel, temporarily connect CAN 2 to CAN 1 on the TC-MPI board.
2. If the display changes to MPI-B INCORRECT LANDING SYSTEM CONNECTED, replace the TC-MPI board.
3. If the message remains MPI-B LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS, replace the ELGO reader head.
Description: The emergency brake dropped due to a landing system fault while the door gate and door
lock were open. The landing system fault is either (MPI-A/B) Relative Position High, Relative Position Low,
or Landing System Comm Loss.
1. Check the troubleshooting for the referenced faults.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: MPI A or B on the TC-MPI board is reporting an overspeed during leveling.
1. Use a hand-held tach to determine car speed during leveling.
2. Check that the F7, Leveling Overspeed setting is correctly set (generally about 8% above drive LF.41,
leveling speed).
3. Check that the drive leveling speed, LF.41 is correctly set (about 16% of contract speed).
4. Check that F7, Leveling Distance is correctly set (generally 4.0 inches).
5. Check that drive LF.53 Decel Jerk, LF.54 Decel, and LF.55 Flare Jerk are properly set per your contract
6. The drive uses LF.50-51, LF.42 High Speed, and LF.20 Contract Speed settings to determine minimum
slowdown distance, check that these are properly set.
Description: MPI A or B on the TC-MPI board is reporting that the primary motor drop delay contactor did
not drop out at the end of a run.
1. PM delay drop relay K6 is stuck open.
2. Verify that 2MV or 2L is not active.
3. Verify that drive disable delay, F7 parameter 138, is less than 2 seconds.
4. Verify the status of 2MV, 2L, and PMDD through MPI-C, F5 diagnostics. Please refer to MPI-C Diagnos-
tics on page 4-87.
Description: MPI A or B on the TC-MPI board is reporting that the primary motor drop delay contactor did
not pick at the beginning of a run.
1. PM delay drop relay K6 is stuck closed.
2. Verify that 2MV and 2L have power. Doors must be closed and the SAFS relay must be picked for 2L to
be active.
3. Verify the status of 2MV, 2L, and PMDD through MPI-C, F5 diagnostics. Please refer to MPI-C Diagnos-
tics on page 4-87.
Description: No voltage detected at terminal RG5 on the TC-MPI board. The OK indication from the rope
gripper, which was previously present, has dropped while the car was in motion.
1. Check emergency brake microswitch wiring.
2. Cars without a rope brake should have a permanent jumper between RG5 and RG7.
3. Make sure there is 120V at EBPS terminal of the TC-MPI board.
4. One of the EBP1, EBP2, EBP3, or EBP4 relays may have failed open.
5. Check that when EBPS is high and 2MV is high that there is 120V at terminal RG1.
6. Reset the rope brake: Press fault reset on the HC-CTL-2 board. Hold down the EB RESET button on the
TC-MPI board for at least 8 seconds.

5-32 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: No voltage detected at terminal RG5 on the TC-MPI board.
Troubleshooting: 5
1. Check emergency brake microswitch wiring.
2. Cars without a rope brake should have a permanent jumper between RG5 and RG7.
3. Make sure there is 120V at EBPS terminal of the TC-MPI board.
4. One of the EBP1, EBP2, EBP3, or EBP4 relays may have failed open.
5. Check that when EBPS is high and 2MV is high that there is 120V at terminal RG1.
6. Reset the rope brake: Press fault reset on the HC-CTL-2 board. Hold down the EB RESET button on the
TC-MPI board for at least 8 seconds.
Description: The processor is reporting that the RGOK monitor signal is active with the Emergency Brake
1. Check that no wire is inserted into the RG5 terminal on the TC-MPI board. When the Emergency Brake
option is set to DISABLED, the controller expects no voltage at the RG5 terminal.
Description: TC-MPI board safety processor MP is offline.
1. Power to the TC-MPI board may not be connected. Check the CAN bus connection between the TC-MPI
board and the CAN hub.
2. Make sure jumper JP6 on the TC-MPI board is not shorted.
3. If the MP indicator is not lighted, reboot the processor by cycling power to the controller or by remov-
ing the CAN bus connection to the TC-MPI board for a few seconds.
Description: The processor has detected an Up Normal Terminal Switch High overspeed (exceeding switch
Speed setting plus Delta High speed setting). Power will be removed from brake and motor to bring the car
to an immediate halt. The car will then move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel.
If the fault clears, the car will resume normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself
from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical UNT switch, check the switch and connections.
3. Check appropriate F5 menu overspeed parameters (17 - 40), to determine what car speed was at that
switch for the last normal run and at the time of the overspeed.
4. Check Minimum Slowdown Distance (F5 drive LP.2). Must be less than: Shortest floor height minus
(Level Distance + Maximum Stepping Distance + 6 inches). LP.2 is a displayed value, not directly
adjustable but affected by F5 drive LF.20, LF.50, LF.51, LF.52, LF.53, LF.54, LF.55.
Description: The processor has detected an Up Normal Terminal Switch Low overspeed (exceeding switch
speed setting plus Delta Low speed setting). The car will perform an emergency slowdown, then move at
reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel. If the fault clears, the car will resume normal
service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If the job has a physical UNT switch, check the switch and connections.
3. Check appropriate F5 menu overspeed parameters (17 - 40), to determine what car speed was at that
switch for the last normal run and at the time of the overspeed.
4. Check Minimum Slowdown Distance (F5 drive LP.2). Must be less than: Shortest floor height minus
(Level Distance + Maximum Stepping Distance + 6 inches). LP.2 is a displayed value, not directly
adjustable but affected by F5 drive LF.20, LF.50, LF.51, LF.52, LF.53, LF.54, LF.55.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The UNT switch was not detected at the expected location. The car will perform an emer-
gency slowdown and then move at reduced speed to the next landing in the direction of travel. If the fault
clears, the car will resume normal service. If not, the car will open its doors and remove itself from service.
1. Check the integrity of the landing/positioning system encoded tape.
2. If a physical UNT switch is used on this job, check switch wiring, integrity, and position.
If this is occurring on a job that is just being set up or adjusted or has had this problem sporadically:
3. Check F7 menu U/DNT Option setting.
4. Check F7 menu DNT Distance and DNT Delta Distance.
Description: The indicated processor has detected that the up directional limit switch is open. The car will
run no further in the up direction.
1. Review car adjustment and landing settings.
2. Adjust as required to prevent the car from overshooting the terminal and activating the directional
3. If switch is physical, check voltage at terminal SPI4 on TC-MPI board and limit switch connections.
4. If switch is virtual, check F7 programming.
Description: The 2MV AC bus monitoring input on the CTL board is no longer detecting correct voltage.
1. Check the 2MV bus fuse.
2. Check connection at PMT terminal X4.
Description: TC-MPI displayed board safety processor is offline.
1. Power to the TC-MPI board may not be connected. Check the CAN bus connection between the TC-MPI
board and the CAN hub.
2. Make sure jumper JP4 on the TC-MPI board is not shorted.
3. If the SPx indicator is not lighted, reboot the processor by cycling power to the controller or by remov-
ing the CAN bus connection to the TC-MPI board for a few seconds.
Description: The machine has exceeded contract speed.
1. Check for correct gear ratio, drive parameter LF.22.
Description: This fault indicates that the controller has detected a DFLT input The car will perform an
emergency stop with the motor contactor and brake contactor immediately dropped.
1. Check and troubleshoot drive faults.
Description: The drive ready input failed to activate. Check the drive for a fault - troubleshoot the drive
1. Check the DRDY input to the TC-MPI board.
2. Check the ready output from the drive.
3. Check that the drive is operational.

5-34 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The processor has detected that the drive is off line while the car is stopped.
Troubleshooting: 5
1. For TORQMAX drive, verify that Lf.03 is set to run.
Description: The processor has reported that the drive on signal from the inverter drive was not present
when checked.
1. Check the signal connection from the drive to TC-MPI J16, P5.
2. Check for error messages on the drive display.
3. Check that the drive is properly configured and that all connections are as shown in the job prints.
4. Check that the drive on output from the drive is in fact present (high).
Description: The processor has reported that the drive on signal from the inverter drive failed to drop
when checked.
1. Check the signal connection from the drive to TC-MPI J16, P5.
2. Check for error messages on the drive display.
3. Check that the drive is properly configured and that all connections are as shown in the job prints.
4. Check that the drive on output from the drive is in fact present (high) when the elevator is stopped
with no call demand.
5. Replace the drive if the signal is incorrectly present.
Description: The drive on input was lost while the car was in motion. This fault is reported immediately as
opposed to the normal pre-run check Drive On fault which is rechecked after 15 seconds.
1. Check the drive display to identify any drive faults which may have occurred.
Description: The Cyclical Redundancy Checksum (CRC) stored on the TC-MPI board EEPROM does not
match the computed CRC from the EEPROM.
1. Cycle power. Reload and save parameters through the F7 menu.
Description: The firmware is unable to communicate with the TC-MPI board EEPROM.
1. Cycle power. Reload and save parameters through the F7 menu.
Description: The named processor has detected faults beyond an established limit in a circumscribed
period of time.
1. Check the connections to and from the TC-MPI board.
2. Reset the microprocessor.
3. Test elevator for proper operation.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: Commanded speed and speed feedback from the motor encoder have deviated by more than
the percentage of Following Error set through F7, parameter 189. The car performs an emergency stop,
dropping power to the motor and the brake. After stopping, the car will again attempt to run. If the error
persists, the car will be removed from service.
1. Check the encoder cable and connection.
2. Check to see what errors the drive is reporting.
3. Run the car on Inspection. Check commanded speed and speed feedback through the MPI-C diagnos-
tics screen. Please refer to MPI-C Diagnostics on page 4-87, addresses 16 and 18. For additional ver-
ification, use a hand tach to measure car speed. Adjust F7, 189 to 100% of contract speed to reduce
sensitivity. If commanded speed and actual speed track, the problem is likely to be inadequate F7, 189
percentage or F7 and drive settings related to motor speed, gear reduction, sheave diameter, roping,
etc. If commanded and actual speed deviate severely, the problem is likely to be with the encoder,
encoder connection, or in the drive (which should be reporting errors as well).
Description: MPI-C is reporting an inspection overspeed.
1. Adjust drive gear ratio parameter LF.22.
2. Reset MPI board microprocessors.
Description: MPI-C on the TC-MPI board has detected that the position reported by the ELGO, A position
sensor is not within limits when compared to the position synthesized feedback from the machine encoder.
The car will perform an emergency stop and remove itself from service.
1. Check appropriate F5 menu parameters (16 for microcontroller A/B and C) to determine if the speed
feedback for microcontroller C is significantly different from microcontroller A/B. If it is, modify the
hoist motor Speed parameter to change the speed seen by microcontroller C.
2. Check the integrity of the position sensor head and tape. Check that the sensor head is clean.
3. Check the CAN connection from the sensor head to the MC-LSI board.
4. Replace the position system sensor head. Refer to the installation section of this manual and follow all
installation steps and recommendations carefully.
Description: MPI-C on the TC-MPI board has detected that the position reported by the ELGO, B position
sensor is not within limits when compared to the position synthesized feedback from the machine encoder.
The car will perform an emergency stop and remove itself from service.
1. Check appropriate F5 menu parameters (16 for microcontroller A/B and C) to determine if the speed
feedback for microcontroller C is significantly different from microcontroller A/B. If it is, modify the
hoist motor Speed parameter to change the speed seen by microcontroller C.
2. Check the integrity of the position sensor head and tape. Check that the sensor head is clean.
3. Check the CAN connection from the sensor head to the MC-LSI board.
4. Replace the position system sensor head. Refer to the installation section of this manual and follow all
installation steps and recommendations carefully.
Description: The car is traveling at leveling speed for an unusually long period of time. Direction will be
dropped and a correction run will be performed to the next available landing.
1. Verify eligibility is properly reflected in the F7 menu in regards to floor heights.

5-36 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The up or down direction input has dropped while the car is running but is not in leveling
operation. 5
Informational only.
Description: Indicates a potential failure of the HC-MPU board.
1. Cycle power to the controller.
Description: The MSAFL1 input monitors SAFL and SAFS relay contacts against the circuits that drive the
relay coils. Bus 2L should be 120VAC and relay SAFL should be picked only if the doors are locked.
1. Check or replace relays SAFL and/or SAFS on the HC-CTL-2 board.
2. Check that IDC terminal 2L on the HC-CTL-2 board connects to IDC terminal 2L on the TC-MPI board.
Description: The MSAFS1 input monitors SAFL and SAFS relay contacts against the circuits that drive the
relay coils. Relay SAFS should be picked only if the safety string is made.
1. Check or replace relays SAFL and/or SAFS on the HC-CTL-2 board.
2. Check wiring associated with screw terminals SAFH, SAFC and ESC.
Description: The Top Access Bypass Monitor (MTAB) input has detected a failure of the Top Access Bypass
(TAB) or (TABA) outputs.
1. Verify wiring at HC-CTL-2 board terminals TAB and DLAT.
2. Check access switches and proper wiring of access terminals ATU, ATD.
Description: The Top Rear Access Monitor (MTABR) input has detected a failure of the Top Rear Access
Bypass (TABR) or (TABAR) outputs or the TABR input.
1. Verify wiring at HC-CTL-2 board terminals TABR and DLATR.
2. Check access switches and proper wiring of access terminals ATU, ATD.
Description: The voltage monitored at the TC-MPI board BR triac did not go high when the triac was deac-
1. Check the BR test point. There should be 120V here when the triac is not attempting to pick contactor
2. Check BR, PM auxiliary contactors, and 2L screw terminal connections and wiring.
Description: The voltage monitored at the TC-MPI board BR triac did not go low when the triac was acti-
1. Check the BR test point. There should be 0V here when the triac is attempting to pick contactor BR.
2. Check BR, PM auxiliary contactors, and 2L screw terminal connections and wiring.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The voltage monitored at the TC-MPI board PM triac did not go low when the triac was acti-
1. Check the PM test point. There should be 0V here when the triac is attempting to pick the contactor
2. Check PM, PM2 and 2MV screw terminal connections and wiring.
Description: The voltage monitored at the TC-MPI board PM triac did not go high when the triac was deac-
1. Check the PM test point. There should be 120V here when the triac is not attempting to pick the con-
tactor PM.
2. Check PM, PM2 and 2MV screw terminal connections and wiring.
Description: The elevator is on automatic or Normal passenger operation.
Description: The elevator is on automatic or Normal passenger operation with the pit flood input active.
In this mode, the car will not serve floors beneath the flood level set. Please refer to FLR COUNT BELOW
FLOOD LEVEL? on page 4-50.
1. If pit flood operation is in error, refer to the drawings for the job and verify the PTFLD input is correctly
configured (connected/disconnected/connected in error).
Description: The car appears to be overloaded, as indicated by the load weigher input OVL.
Troubleshooting: Check the OVL input. If power is present on the OVL input, the load weigher contact
associated with this input is closed. This contact being closed indicates the car is overloaded.
Description: The Passcode Request Option is active (System Mode Menu).
Troubleshooting: System can be run on Inspection only. Passcode must be entered correctly in System
Mode Menu to deactivate this option and allow the controller to run normally. See 4-59.
Description: HC-CTL-2 board safety processor C is offline.
1. Power to the HC-CTL-2 board may not be connected. Check the CAN bus connection between the HC-
CTL-2 board and the HC-CHP CAN hub and board.
2. If the SPC indicator is not lighted, reboot the processor by cycling power to the controller or by remov-
ing the CAN bus connection to the HC-CTL-2 board for a few seconds.
3. If fault occurs while updating software, refer to update instructions and repeat process.
Description: Normally closed Auxiliary contactor for PM contact did not drop out at end of run.
1. Check PMP testpoint for 120V on TC-MPI board. When PM contactor is dropped, PMP should go high.
Description: Normally open Auxiliary contactor for PM contact did not pick at end of run.
1. Check PMP testpoint for 120V on TC-MPI board. When PM contactor is dropped, PMP should go low.

5-38 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The car is stopped while power is transferred from commercial to backup or vise versa.
Troubleshooting: Informational. 5


Description: R2L monitors the state of the 2L relay. The R2L input must be low when the 2L bus is active
and high when the 2L bus is low.
Check the circuitry associated with the 2L relay.
Description: Indicates that the REAR CAR DOOR BYPASS switch has failed.
1. Cycle the HC-CTL-2 board car door bypass switch a few times to exercise it. Verify that it is fully in the
ON or OFF position.
2. Verify 2 and GSR connections and wiring.
Description: The Door Open Limit Rear and Door Lock inputs are both active, DOLR=0 and DLK=1. There
is a problem with DOLR and/or DLK circuitry or wiring.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the Door Open Limit Rear and the Door Lock circuitry and wiring. When this
error is generated, the car will shut down with the doors open and will not answer any calls. To reset this
error condition, put the car on Inspection operation.
Description: Doors Open (DCLR = 1). There is a problem with DCLR circuitry or wiring.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the Door Closed Limit Rear circuitry and wiring. When this error is generated,
the car is not allowed to run.
Description: Rear Doors Open (DCLR = 1) and Locked (DLK = 1). Indicates a problem with DCLR and/or
DLK circuitry or wiring.
Troubleshooting: Inspect the Door Closed Limit Rear and the Door Lock circuitry and wiring. When this
error is generated, the car is not allowed to run.
Description: The rear door lock contacts have failed closed.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that, with the rear hoistway doors closed and locked, there is power on the
DLSR input and no power on the DCLR input.
Description: The rear door open limit switch has failed open.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that the rear car gate is open, there is no power on the DOLR input, and no
power is present on the DLR or GSR inputs.
Description: Traction elevator only. HC-CTL-2 door zone input and door zone flag from TC-MPI board do
not match. The elevator will stop at the next floor in the direction of travel and shut down until the fault is
cleared (HC-CTL-2 fault reset or toggle Inspection switch).
1. Verify door zone (virtual if ELGO system, magnet if LS-EDGE) input. Reset A, B, and C processors on
TC-MPI board. Verify connection between MPI board DZRO and CTL-2 board DZR.


Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The rear car gate switch has failed closed.
Troubleshooting: Ensure that, with the rear car gate closed, there is power on the GSR input and no
power on the DCLR input.
Description: Indicates that the REAR HOISTWAY DOOR BYPASS switch has failed.
1. Cycle the HC-CTL-2 board hoistway door bypass switch a few times to exercise it. Verify that it is fully
in the ON or OFF position.
2. Verify 2 and DLABR connections and wiring.
Description: One or both of the front or rear door lock relays has failed closed.
1. Ensure that, with the hoistway doors open, there is no power present on the RDLS or RDLSR inputs. If
power is present, one or more of the door lock relays has failed in the closed or picked position.
Description: The car gate switch relay has failed closed.
1. Ensure that, with the car gate open, there is no power present on the RGS input. If power is present,
the car gate switch relay has failed closed.
Description: The car gate switch relay has failed closed.
1. Ensure that, with the rear car gate open, there is no power present on the RGSR input. If power is
present, the car gate switch relay has failed closed.
Description: This message will be displayed while the system checks the safety integrity of the controller
when coming out of car top inspection.
Description: The spare input SAB has been activated.
Troubleshooting: Check spare input bit address for SAB. Verify that the spare input address matches the
actual input connection. Check voltage level at the SAB input.
Description: The controller has detected that the Car Safety String (SAFC) input on the HC-CTL-2 board is
in an incorrect state. It should not have 120VAC unless the SAFH input also has 120VAC.
Troubleshooting: Check the wiring or devices connected to the SAFC input. This could also be caused by
a component failure on the HC-CTL-2 board.
Description: The Car Operating Panel emergency stop switch has been pulled or another contact switch in
the safety circuit is open.
Troubleshooting: Check the C.O.P. stop switch. Check the other switches and contacts in the safety
string. Check safety string wiring against the MCE wiring diagrams.
Description: MPU-B on the HC-MPU board has dropped the safety relay.
1. Cycle power. Check the event log to see what events led up to the occurrence.

5-40 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Status and Error Messages

Table 5.1 Status and Error Messages

Scrolling Message - Special Event Message

Description: The car is on MG Shutdown Operation. MGS is high.
Troubleshooting: 5
1. Ensure that the MG Shutdown Operation option is set correctly. If MG Shutdown is not required, set
this option to NO and ensure that the MGS Input is not programmed. If it is required, set this option to
the floor that the car should return to on MG Shutdown and program the MGS Input.
Description: HC-CTL-2 board safety processor A is offline.
1. HC-CTL-2 board power may not be connected. Check the CAN bus connection between the HC-CTL-2
board and the HC-CHP CAN board.
2. If the SPA indicator is not lighted, reboot the processor by cycling power to the controller or by remov-
ing the CAN bus connection to the HC-CTL-2 board for a few seconds.
3. If fault occurs while updating software, refer to update instructions and repeat process.
Description: HC-CTL-2 board safety processor B is offline.
1. Power to the HC-CTL-2 board may not be connected. Check the CAN bus connection between the HC-
CTL-2 board and the HC-CHP CAN hub and board.
2. If the SPB indicator is not lighted, reboot the processor by cycling power to the controller or by remov-
ing the CAN bus connection to the HC-CTL-2 board for a few seconds.
3. If fault occurs while updating software, refer to update instructions and repeat process.
Description: Indicates a power on event or exiting an inspection mode.
Troubleshooting: Informational.
Description: The T.O.S. timer has expired.
Troubleshooting: The elevator has been delayed, usually by a door being obstructed. The Time Out of
Service timer has expired and the elevator has been taken out of service.
Description: The Up and Down Top Access switch inputs are active at the same time.
Troubleshooting: Check the wiring and the switch associated with the ATU and ATD inputs.
Description: Floors have not been learned.
Troubleshooting: Check parameters for UNTS1 and DNTS1. Make sure that D/UNTS1 option is set to VIR-
TUAL. If no Elgo tape has been hung, put the car on Inspection Bypass Mode (F3 menu) to stop this fault.
Description: Indicates that Wandering Patient security has been activated.
1. If this status is in error, check to see if the system has an input assigned to WP security and if that
input has 110V present.


Duplexing allows one car controller to assign hall calls to itself and one other car. Duplexing
requires a connecting cable and selecting the Duplex option (see F1: Program Mode on
page 4-11). Duplexing improves hall call assignment, increases efficiency, and decreases wait

Dispatching Algorithm
The dispatching algorithm for assigning hall calls is real-time, based on estimated time of
arrival (ETA). In calculating the estimated time of arrival for each elevator, the dispatcher will
consider, but not be limited to, the location of each elevator, direction of travel, existing hall and
car call demand, door time, flight time, lobby removal time penalty, and coincidence call.

Hardware Connections
There are three critical points in duplexing hardware:
Proper grounding between the two controller subplates
Proper installation of the duplexing cable
Jumper JP3 on each HC-MPU board must be in position

Hall calls will be connected to both cars simultaneously. Once in duplex configuration, either of
the two controllers can become the dispatcher of hall calls. The controller that assumes the dis-
patching duty on power up remains the dispatching processor until it is taken out of service. If,
for any reason, the communication link between the two controllers does not function, each car
will respond to the registered hall calls independently.

In a duplexing configuration, the controller that assumes dispatching duty is identified by the
letter D in the upper left corner of the LCD. The other car is identified by the letter S, in the
upper left corner of the LCD. If the upper left-hand corner of the LCD is blank (neither D nor S
displayed), the cars are not communicating, and troubleshooting will be required to determine
the cause.

Power Phasing
When cars are paired for duplex operation, input power phasing to the two must match.
1. Connect a multimeter, set for AC voltage, between a 2 Bus terminal on one controller
and a 2 Bus terminal on the second controller. If the meter reads close to zero (0) volts,
the two are in phase. If not:
Swap two of the L1/L2/L3 inputs on one car and repeat step 1.

5-42 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

PC Board Quick References

This section contains component photographs with call outs, input/outputs, indicators, jump-
ers, test points and other information.
Table 5.2 Motion 4000 Circuit Boards
Board Name See 5
HC-CHP CAN Hub and Power Supply Board 5-44
HC-CTL-2 Control Board, TSSA 5-46
HC-MPU Main Processor Unit Board 5-53
HC-UIO-2 Universal Input/Output Board 5-56
ICE-COP-2 Car panel interface board 5-63
MC-CPI Car Panel Interface Board 5-67
MC-LSI Landing System Interface Board 5-72
SC-3HN Three Input Serial Hall Call Node Board 5-73
TC-MPI Motion Processor Interface 5-77

Figure 5.1 Motion 4000 PC Boards

Transformer Power Supply
CAN and 24VDC to 16V 24-28V HALL
other controller boards


3-Input Hall Call Node
14 - 18 VAC in

3-Input Hall Call Node

Ethernet B LCD
Ethernet A
RS232 (x3) CAN External
Internal Can
Main Processor (HC-MPU)

COP Signals
Internal Can Spare Inputs are programmed for Additional MC-CPI
many key functions. The first ten or ICE-COP-2
Controller (HC-CTL) are on the Controller board. Others (if used)
are on Universal I/O boards.

COP Signals
COP Signals
Car Panel Interface
Car/HW Doors, Fire, Inspection, Access,
Safety strings Independent modes;
or ICE-COP-2
Door safety inputs

I/O boards are addressable/configurable COP Signals

CAN External I/O 1 using DIP switches. Addresses 0 - 31 are 24VDC
used for discrete call/floor inputs/outputs. Power
Internal Can Supply
Addresses 32 and above are used as
I/O 16 assignable Spare I/O for general field
Field Input/Output (HC-UIO) connections.
Landing System I/F

Rope Gripper
Internal Can Emergency Terminal Switches
24VDC Door Door motion
Seismic Devices motion OUT F / R
CAN 1 / CAN 2
Magnetek drive I/F Sensor
Torqmax drive I/F

Motion Processor (TC-MPI)


HC-CHP CAN Hub and Power Supply Board

This board provides 4-amp power for boards throughout the controller and a central connection
point for the Controller Area Network (CAN).

Figure 5.2 HC-CHP CAN Hub and Power Supply Board

J16, J17 External M1:Optional Ethernet connection

Network connections J11: AC input
J1 - J10: Internal Network connections
18 Vrms max.




J15 J13 TP GND JP3

Test Points CPU ON LED
+5V, +3.3V, GND

J1 - J10: Network connections to boards inside the controller cabinet.
J11: Low voltage AC input - 16V1/16V2, maximum 18Vrms.
J12: Optional +5Vdc output.
J13: Serial programming port for microcontroller.
J15: Interface to external memory.
J16, J17: External CAN network connections to boards or equipment outside the cabinet.
M1: Optional Ethernet connection.

JP1: Internal CAN bus termination resistor.
JP2: External CAN bus termination resistor.
JP3: Sets pick-off point for power failure detection. Factory use only.
Default is A= Direct AC monitoring.

Test Points
+5V: +5Vdc measured between this test point and TP GND.
+3.5V: +3.3Vdc measured between this test point and TP GND.
GND: 0V.
V UNREG: 24V A20% measured between this test point and TP GND.

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

PWR ON: +5V indicator.
CPU ON: LED on indicates that the on-board microcontroller is functional.

SW1: DIP switch used to set board initialization behavior.
RST: Microcontroller reset button.
Figure 5.3 Upgrading Motion 4000 Firmware

J16, J17, External Network connections

SW1 Switches
Update firmware using EEPROMs
Update firmware using SD Card (see Instruction 42-IS-0157)
(see Instruction 42-IS-0176)

Insert EEPROM with

notch facing this side

SW1 DIP Switch Settings

SW1 DIP Switch Settings
DIP 1 DIP 2 DIP 3 Description
Off Off Off Normal boot up (bypasses firmware update)
On On On Updates firmware different from EEPROM or SD card
On On Off Forced update (fixes corrupted software)
On = switch left, Off = switch right

DIP 4 Sets the communication baud rate for the External CAN bus
(Off = 125 kbs, On = 250 kbs).
DO NOT change this switch setting.


HC-CTL-2 Control Board

The HC-CTL-2 Control board monitors I/O, performs safety functions and provides front and
rear door operation. The HC-CTL-2 board is responsible for Inspection, Fire Service, Landing
System, door lock bypass, lanterns, and gongs.
Figure 5.4 HC-CTL-2 Control Board

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

HC-CTL-2 Terminal Definitions

Table 5.3 HC-CTL-2 Board Terminals

Connector Terminal Description

J1 Board programming, factory only
J2 Board programming, factory only 5
J3 Board programming, factory only
J4 CAN CAN bus connection from HC-CHP board
J5 DS Not used for traction control
DF Not used for traction control
US Not used for traction control
UF Not used for traction control
J6 BAB1 Bottom access
MCE wired TAB1 Top access
at factory.
ESC In-car stop switch bypass (completes SAFC safety string with switch open)
Not for field
connection. ABB1
SAFC Safety string, car
SAFH Safety string, hoistway
DCAT Door contact access top (top access floor door contact made)
DCMS Door contact middle string (floors between access floors, contacts made)
DLAB Door lock access bottom (bottom access floor door lock made)
DCAB Door contact access bottom (bottom access floor door contact made)
GS Gate switch (car gate switch made)
J7 CAN CAN bus connection, spare
J8 FCS See description, connector J27
MCE wired CCB See description, connector J27
at factory.
DOB See description, connector J27
Not for field
connection. DCB See description, connector J27
IND See description, connector J27
PHE See description, connector J27
DPM See description, connector J27
DOL See description, connector J27
DCL See description, connector J27
J9 DCP See description, connector J27
MCE wired DCF See description, connector J27
at factory.
DOF See description, connector J27
Not for field
connection. NUDG See description, connector J27
NBZ See description, connector J27
FWI See description, connector J27
FSLC See description, connector J27
FSLL See description, connector J27
FRON See description, connector J27
OFF See description, connector J27
HLD See description, connector J27


Table 5.3 HC-CTL-2 Board Terminals

Connector Terminal Description

J10 ICTD See description, connector J27
MCE wired ICTU See description, connector J27
at factory.
CTEN See description, connector J27
Not for field
connection. INCT See description, connector J27
FRS See description, connector J27
FRA See description, connector J27
J11 ABD See description, connector J27
MCE wired ABU See description, connector J27
at factory.
ATD See description, connector J27
Not for field
connection. ATU See description, connector J27
INA See description, connector J27
INN See description, connector J27
INCP See description, connector J27
ICEN See description, connector J27
J12 GSR Gate switch rear (rear opening car gate switch made input)
DCABR Door contact access bottom rear (bottom access floor rear door contact made
DLABR Door lock access bottom rear (bottom access floor rear door lock made input)
DLMS Door lock middle string (floors between access floors, contacts made input)
DLAT Door lock access top (top access floor door lock made input)
DZF Front door zone input, discrete landing system connection
DZR Rear door zone input, discrete landing system connection
LIM0 Used with hydro applications only
LIM1 Used with hydro applications only
LIM2 Used with hydro applications only
LIM3 Used with hydro applications only
GS Gate switch (car gate switch made input)
DCAB Door contact access bottom (bottom access floor door contact made input)
DLAB Door lock access bottom (bottom access floor door lock made input)
DCMS Door contact middle string (floors between access floors, contacts made input)
DCAT Door contact access top (top access floor door contact made input)
SAFH Safety string, hoistway (input)
SAFC Safety string, car (input)
ESC In-car stop switch bypass (completes SAFC safety string with switch open)
SPD0 Speed bit from LS-EDGE landing system sensor
SPD1 Speed bit from LS-EDGE landing system sensor
SPD2 Speed bit from LS-EDGE landing system sensor
J14 SPOUT1 Programmable spare output #1. Defined on job prints if used.
SPOUT2 Programmable spare output #2. Defined on job prints if used.
SPOUT3 Programmable spare output #3. Defined on job prints if used.
SPOUT4 Programmable spare output #4. Defined on job prints if used.

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Table 5.3 HC-CTL-2 Board Terminals

Connector Terminal Description

J15 1 Ground
MCE wired DCOM Digital Common
at factory.
Not for field
2 120 VAC 5
connection. 2MV Provides 120VAC to 2L bus when SAFL and SAFS relays are picked (input).
2L Provides 120VAC to valves and motor signals when doors are locked and safety
string is made up (Output).
J16 DZR See description, connector J12
MCE wired DZF See description, connector J12
at factory.
DLAT See description, connector J12
Not for field
connection. DLMS See description, connector J12
DLABR See description, connector J12
DCABR See description, connector J12
GSR See description, connector J12
J17 SPIN1 Programmable spare input #1. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN2 Programmable spare input #2. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN3 Programmable spare input #3. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN4 Programmable spare input #4. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN5 Programmable spare input #5. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN6 Programmable spare input #6. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN7 Programmable spare input #7. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN8 Programmable spare input #8. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN9 Programmable spare input #9. Defined on job prints if used.
SPIN10 Programmable spare input #10. Defined on job prints if used.


Table 5.3 HC-CTL-2 Board Terminals

Connector Terminal Description

J27 FRSA Fire Service Alternate Initiating Device, machine room (input)
FRSM Fire Service Main Initiating Device, all other hoistway fire service initiating
devices (input)
FRES Fire Service Reset (input)
FRA Main Landing Smoke Sensor (input)
FRS Smoke/Fire Sensors for all landing that are not main (input)
INCT Car Top Inspection
CTEN Car top enable button input
ICTU Car top inspection Up button
ICTD Car top inspection Down button
ICEN In car inspection enable button input
INCP In car inspection switch input, INSP position
INN COP Access enable switch, NORM input
INA COP Access enable switch, ACC input
ATU Top access switch, Up position
ATD Top access switch, Down position
ABU Bottom access switch, Up position
ABD Bottom access switch, Down position
UETS Up emergency terminal switch input
DETS Down emergency terminal switch input
DCL Door close limit input
DOL Door open limit input
DPM Door position monitor switch input
PHE Photo eye, infrared detector input
IND Independent service switch input
DCB Door close button input
DOB Door open button input
CCB Fire service car call cancel button input
FCS Phase II Fire Service Operation On (On position, 3-position fire service switch)
HLD Phase II Fire Service Operation Hold (Hold position, 3-position fire service switch)
OFF Phase II Fire Service Operation Off (Off position, 3-position fire service switch)
FRON Fire Recall Operation On (input)
FSLL Fire Service Indicator for Lobby (output)
FSLC C.O.P. Fire Service Light (output)
FWI Fire Service Buzzer (output)
NBZ Nudging Buzzer (output)
NUDG Nudging enable output
DOF Door open function output, initiates door opening at landing
DCF Door close function output, initiates door closing at landing
DCP Door close power, enables door closing power application while car is running

HC-CTL-2 Board LED Indicators

Indicator LEDs for board connections light when the corresponding input or output is active.

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

HC-CTL-2 Board Jumpers, Fuses, Testpoints, and Switches

Table 5.4 HC-CTL-2 Board Jumpers

Jumper Description

JP1 IC U2 program source, factory use only. Default is No Jumper. 5

JP2 Fault Bypass, 2 position. A = Bypass active; C = Bypass off. C position is default.

Table 5.5 HC-CTL-2 Board Fuses

Fuse Description

F1 Fused 2 Bus (120VAC) testpoint TPF2

F2 Fused 1 Bus (ground) testpoint TPF1
F3 Fuse, unregulated voltage, connector J7, pin 2
F4 Fuse, ESC terminal (in-car stop switch bypass)

Table 5.6 HC-CTL-2 Board Test Points

Test Point Description

TP1 DIA1A, SPA processor factory diagnostic
TP2 DIA2A, SPA processor factory diagnostic
TP3 DIA3A, SPA processor factory diagnostic
TP4 DIA4A, SPA processor factory diagnostic
TP5 DIA4B, SPB processor factory diagnostic
TP6 DIA1B, SPB processor factory diagnostic
TP7 DIA2B, SPB processor factory diagnostic
TP8 DIA3B, SPB processor factory diagnostic
TP9 +5V, on-board 5V regulator output for digital circuits, associated LED DS105, 5V
TP10, 11, 12 Ground
TP13 Ground
TP14 2L bus, 120VAC. 2L terminal voltage. PM, BR, FBS contactor logic.
TP15 MSAFS1, SAFS relay monitor.
TP16 SAFSB, output SAFS relay coil
TP17 SAFSA, input SAFS relay coil
TP18 MCSB, in-car stop switch bypass voltage monitor
TP19 SAFLA, input SAFL relay coil
TP20 SAFLB, output SAFL relay coil
TP21 MRUP, machine room inspection switch Up direction
TP22 MRDN, machine room inspection switch Down direction
TP23 MDZLV, monitors output of MDZLV (door zone level) solid state relay U23
TP24 MABG, monitors output of ABG (access bypass gate) solid state relay U25. MABG must
always be in the opposite state of MABGR.
TP25 MGB, monitors status of car door bypass switch, front door, pole 4, high = bypass off


Table 5.6 HC-CTL-2 Board Test Points

Test Point Description

TP26 MGBR, monitors status of car door bypass switch, rear door, pole 1, high = bypass off
TP27 MHDB, monitors status of hoistway door bypass switch, pole 4, high = bypass off
TP28 MHDBR, monitors status of hoistway door bypass switch, pole 1, high = bypass off
TP29 MABT, monitors status of access bypass top solid state relay ABTP U30
TP30 MABB, monitors status of access bypass bottom solid state relay ABB, U32
TP31 MTAB, monitoring for Top Access Bypass solid state relay U33. If the TAB relay is ON, the
RTAB (Rear Top Access Bypass) input will be OFF. MTAB should always be the opposite of
RTAB otherwise, the TAB redundancy fault is logged and the elevator shuts down.
TP32 MBAB, monitoring for BAB, Bottom Access Bypass, solid state relay U34.If the BAB relay is
ON, the RBAB, Rear Bottom Access Bypass) input will be OFF. RBAB should always be the
opposite of BAB otherwise, the BAB redundancy fault is logged and the elevator shuts down.
TP33 MABGR, monitoring for ABGR, Access Bypass Gate Rear, solid state relay U35. MABGR must
always be in the opposite state from MABG.
TP34 MDLR, monitoring for DLR, door locks rear, solid state relay U36. High when rear door locks
are made.
TP35 MGSR, monitoring for GSR, gate string rear, solid state relay U37. High when rear car gate
string is made.
TP36 MGS, monitoring for GS, gate string, solid state relay U38. High when car gate string is
TP39 +3.3V logic voltage
TP40 V_unreg, pre-regulation board voltage supply. Nominally about 16 - 18 volts.

Table 5.7 HC-CTL-2 Board Switches

Switch Description
S1 SPA U3 reset
S2 SPB processor U7 reset
S3 (Run) Enable button, Inspection operation
S4 Test/Pretest switch. Please refer to Test/Pretest Modes on page 1-15.
S5 Board fault reset
S6 PLD U2 reset
SW1 Inspection/Normal operation switch
SW2 Up/Down Inspection direction
SW3 Car Door Bypass
SW4 Hoistway Door Bypass

5-52 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

HC-MPU Main Processor Board

The HC-MPU board performs control data processing and is responsible for:
Car operation
Car communication
Programming and diagnostics 5
Redundancy cycle testing
System software validation
Figure 5.5 HC-MPU Main Processor Unit Board

M1: Ethernet Port A J6: CPU B Debug LCD Display J2: Keyboard Port
J10: Ethernet Port B J7: RS232 Port B J8: CPU-B JTAG
SW1 J3: RS232 Port A J9: 16VAC input
JP5 S1: RSTA JP7 TP +25V

TP +5V


JP4 TP GND J1 S6 S4 SW2 SW3 S5 S3 JP3

J5: Internal CAN connection S2: RSTB CPU B ON LED J4:External CAN Port

Information displayed on the LCD depends F1 - F8 settings:

All switches down: Diagnostics mode - scrolling status message, car position, CPU internal
memory content.
Program mode - F1 switch up, others down. Parameter entry. Must be in Inspection.
External Memory (RAM) - F2 switch up, others down. Review of RAM contents.
System mode - F3 switch up, others down. Parameter entry for security, load weigher, and
other system level functions. System does not have to be in Inspection mode.
Serial Fixtures - F4 switch up, others down.
Date/Time, motion diagnostics - F5 switch up, others down.
Positioning system - F6 switch up, others down.
Motion parameter Adjust - F7 up, others down. Traction parameters.
Status - F8 switch up, others down. Display software version, floor eligibility, load as a per-
centage of full load.


Table 5.8 HC-MPU Board Jumpers

Jumper Setting Description

JP1 A LCD voltage select. A = 5V, B = 3.3V
JP2 - CPU A reset. No jumper provided, only required for testing
JP3 Configuration dependent External CAN network termination
JP4 Configuration dependent Internal CAN network termination
JP5 A Ethernet Port B (optional)
JP6 Open JTAG Debug Jumper. Closed = debug mode.
JP7 - CPU B reset. No jumper provided, only required for testing.

Table 5.9 HC-MPU Board Switches

Switches Description
S1 RSTA: Reset CPU A
S2 RSTB: Reset CPU B
S3 - minus push button - decrement setting
S4 S push button - select
S5 + plus push button - increment setting
S6 N push button - next
SW1 Port Selection: RS232 Port A / Ethernet Port A
SW2 DIP Function switches F5 through F8
SW3 DIP Function switches F1 though F4

Table 5.10 HC-MPU Board Indicators

Indicators Description
CPU A ON CPU A is executing its program
CPU B ON CPU B is executing its program
LED2 Reserved
LED1 Reserved
FAULT A fault has been detected.
CPU ON All processors are fully functional.
MLT Motor/Valve Limit Timer: The motor/valve limit timer has elapsed.
TOS Timed Out of Service: The TOS timer has elapsed and the car is out of service.
FIRE Fire Service: The car is on fire service operation.
INSP Inspection: The car is on inspection operation.
IND Independent Service: The car is on independent service.
HS High Speed: The car is running at high speed.
DLK Doors Locked: The door lock contacts are made.
SAF ON Safety On: The safety circuit is made.

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Table 5.11 HC-MPU Board Test Points

Test Points Description

+3.3V +3.3 Vdc measured between this test point and TP GND. 5
+5V +5 Vdc measured between this test point and TP GND.
+25V Unregulated 25Vdc (+/- 2V) from the HC-CHP board

Table 5.12 HC-MPU Board Terminals

Connector Description
J1 Used to program CPU A. IDC connector.
J2 Keyboard Port. Six-pin DIN connector.
J3 RS-232 Port A. Nine-pin D-sub connector.
J4 External CAN Port. Three-pin Weidmuller connector (CAN H, CAN L, SHLD). Signal for CAN con-
nections outside the controller cabinet.
J5 Internal CAN Port. RJ12 connector/cable to the HC-CHP CAN Hub / Power Supply board.
J6 CPU B Debug Port. Nine-pin D-sub connector.
J7 RS-232 Port B. Nine-pin D-sub connector.
J8 Used to program CPU B. Fourteen-pin header connector.
J9 Low voltage AC input (16V). Two-pin IDC connector.
J10 Optional Ethernet Port B. RJ45 connector.
M1 Ethernet Port A. Serial to ethernet conversion device.

HC-MPU Battery
The battery sustains volatile information when the power is off. Controller operating parame-
ters are stored in battery backed memory and will not be affected by battery removal as long as
power is applied to the controller. The battery provides 3.3 VDC. If battery voltage falls below
2.2 VDC, the battery should be replaced. If battery replacement is part of a regular maintenance
schedule, we recommend it be replaced every two years.

Table 5.13 HC-MPU Battery

Type Original Specification

Sanyo CR2032, 3V, Mn D2-Li cell

1. Place the car on Inspection by placing the MODE switch on the HC-CTL (2) board in the
INSP position. DO NOT remove power to the controller as this will cause the HC-MPU
parameters to be reset to default values.
2. On the HC-MPU board, use a non-conductive flat tool to lift the battery tab and slide the
old battery out of the battery holder.
3. Install a new battery on the HC-MPU board.
4. Make a brief check of F1 parameters to verify that they have not become corrupted.
5. Return the car to service by placing the MODE switch on the HC-CTL (2) board in the
NORM position.


HC-UIO-2 Universal Input/Output Board

Depending upon the software installed, HC-UIO boards may be used for programmable inputs
and outputs (16 per board), car and hall calls, door operator interface, or dispatching. In addi-
tion to being backwards compatible with the HC-UIO board, the HC-UIO-2 also contains the
following enhancements:
1. On-board pull-up resistors can be used by installing the jumpers JP2 through JP17 in
the I/O position. This will eliminate glowing of some LED fixtures when they are off.
The PS1 and PS2 terminals allow different voltages to be used.
2. Different circuitry allows button presses to be detected even when long wires or
corroded button contacts are used.
3. Output short circuit protection is improved, reducing the need for board replacement.

If PS1 or PS2 is connected to 120V, 120V may also be present across the large resistors on
the board and on jumpers JP2 through JP17! The resistors may also be physically hot. Use

Figure 5.6 HC-UIO-2 Board

PS1 and PS2 are independent (hot lead only) supply inputs for the large pull-up resistors
when the associated jumper (JP2 - JP17) is in the I/O position. PS1 supplies I/O 1 - I/O 8.
PS2 supplies I/O 9 through I/O16.

JP1, CAN Termination

JP18, Voltage Reference. A=External, B=24V (Internal)

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Figure 5.7 Typical Input and Output Connection (Board ID 0 to 15)

+ Power Supply When using a board con-
PS1 and PS2 are used +Vc nection in IO mode, con-
to provide input pull-up - nect the associated PS
ONLY when I/O Jumpers input to the same voltage
are set to I/O used to power the fix-
ture. 5
JP10 - JP17 PS2
I/O 9 - I/O 16 PS1 + Power Supply
+Vn PS1 and PS2 can be con-
15 - nected to separate volt-
JP2 - JP9 IO 14
+Vn ages, depending on the
I/O 1 - I/O 8 IO
job requirements.
IO 11
IO 10
IO 9
JP2 IO 8
I/O IO 7
IO 5 Typical Fixture
IO 4 Connection
IO 3
IO 2
IO 1

Figure 5.8 Typical Input or Output Connection (Board ID 32 to 36)

< 500 mA continuous current

+ Power Supply
AC or DC

JP10 - JP17
I/O 9 - I/O 16 PS2
PS1 + Power Supply
JP17 Output +Vn
IN I/O IO 16 AC or DC
IO 15 -
IO 14
No jumper
IO 13
IO 12
IO 11
IO 10
IO 9
JP2 IO 8 Typical switch
IO 7
IN I/O IO 6 or other wired
JP2 - JP9
IO 5 input
I/O 1 - I/O 8 IO 4
IO 3
IO 2 Input
IO 1


Switches are ONLY checked by the board processor on start-up. Press the processor RESET
button after any change to switches.
Switches 1 through 6 = Board ID
Switches 7 & 8 = Baud rate
Switch 9 = Input levels
Sw1: RST - Processor reset
JP1: Internal CAN Network Termination
JP2 - JP9: Pull Inputs 1 - 8 up to voltage at PS1 when set to I/O
JP10 - JP17: Pull Inputs 9 - 16 up to voltage at PS2 when set to I/O
JP18: Selects voltage reference
A = External power supplied by J3 (default)
B = 24Vdc power supplied by CAN bus

Line voltage can be present on jumpers. Move only with power off.

Test Points
GND: Digital Ground - 0 V
+5V: +5 Vdc measured between this test point and TP GND.
1: 1 Bus (common)
CPU ON: The micro controller is executing its program.
IO1 - IO16: Indicates the state of the input or output, active or inactive. Blinking indicates
overload condition (resets automatically after 5 seconds/processor reset/ or power cycle).
See Troubleshooting on page 4.
J1: Used to program the micro controller (IDC connector).
J2: Internal CAN signal and power (RJ12 connector).
J3: 1 bus and 2 bus. Weidmuller connector.
J4: Pull up voltages
J5: IO1 - IO16

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

HC-UIO-2 Switches 7, 8 and 9 Settings

On the HC-UIO-2 Board switches 7 and 8 set the baud rate at which the CAN bus communicates
with this board.

Table 5.14 HC-UIO-2 Board Switches 7 and 8

Sw 7 Sw 8 Baud Rate Description 5

OFF OFF 500 kbps For boards inside the controller, RJ12 cable from J2 on HC-UIO board to
HC-CHP board Internal Network J1 through J10.
ON OFF 250 kbps For boards on the cartop, RJ12 cable from J2 on HC-UIO board to MC-LSI
board LAN connectors. Caution: Do not connect to J3 on the MC-LSI
(Landing System) board.
OFF ON 125 kbps Future use

On the HC-UIO-2 Board switch 9 sets the activation threshold for inputs IO1 through IO16..

Table 5.15 HC-UIO-2 Board Switch 9 for I/O Boards

Sw 9 Description
OFF Sets Input activation threshold to 18 Volts ac or dc
ON Sets Input activation threshold to 55 to 65 Volts ac or dc

Table 5.16 HC-UIO-2 Board Switch 9 for Call Boards

Sw 9 Description
OFF Sets Input activation threshold to 0.6 Volts ac or dc
ON Sets Input activation threshold to 0.2 Volts ac or dc

HC-UIO-2 Used for Calls

When HC-UIO-2 boards are used for hall or car calls, the brightness of the LEDs associated
with inputs and outputs has significance.
Level o - LED Off
The input is not active and the output is not latched on.
Level 1 - LED medium brightness
The input is not active and the output is latched on.
Level 2 - LED full brightness
The input is active and the output may or may not be latched on.
LED flashing
Maximum continuous current draw exceeded (overload or short detected).
Hospital Emergency Operation I/O
I/O 1 through I/O 4 on UIO-2 Board #16 are used for hospital emergency operation connections
HEO, HWI, HSEL, and HOSPH2 respectively.


I/O LED is Blinking:
Low impedance or largely reactive load (in-rush current surge >3A or steady state
Output connected to line source with no series load
Input board addressed as output board (switches are only checked on boot up; reset
processor after any switch change)
JP-18 not installed
1 bus or 2 bus not connected at J3
1 bus floating at J3
Output transistor damaged
Car or Hall Call Fixture Glowing in OFF State:
I/O jumpers set to Input mode (pull down)
JP-18 set in B mode
Fixture voltages not connected to PS1 and PS2 (no voltage provided to pull up)
Duplex Operation: 120VAC on controller 1 out of phase with controller 2.
CPU ON Light Extinguished:
CAN/Power cable not connected
No software on board (repeat boot loading)
Button press not seen by I/O call board:
Threshold recognition SW9 set for higher voltage
Voltage greater than 1VDC at I/O terminal during button press
I/O LED ON (when it should not be)
PS1 or PS2 terminal not connected (or floating)
Output transistor damaged
Duplex Operation: -2 board connected to Rev 2 or 4 board and DIP switch 9 not set.
(Set switch 9 on -2 board.)

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Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Call Inputs and Outputs

Table 5.17 HC-UIO-2 Board Call Assignments

Board Switch Setting

IO 1 to IO 16
ID 1 2 3 4 5 6
00 Off Off Off Off Off Off 5
01 On Off Off Off Off Off HC-UIO-2 boards numbered 00 through 31 are used for call related IO.
02 Off On Off Off Off Off The associated switch setting is shown to the left. Terminal assign-
ments, beginning with terminal IO 1 through IO 16 on board 00, fol-
03 On On Off Off Off Off
lowed by terminal IO 1 through IO 16 on board 01, etc., are made in
04 Off Off On Off Off Off
the following order:
05 On Off On Off Off Off nn = TOP LANDING SERVED
06 Off On On Off Off Off PIs PI1 - PI(nn)
07 On On On Off Off Off Front car calls 101 - 1(nn)
08 Off Off Off On Off Off Rear car calls 101R - 1(nn)R
09 On Off Off On Off Off Front down hall calls 502 - 5(nn)
10 Off On Off On Off Off Front up hall calls 601 - 6(nn-1)
11 On On Off On Off Off Rear down hall calls 502R - 5(nn)R
12 Off Off On On Off Off
Rear up hall calls 601R - 6(nn-1)R
13 On Off On On Off Off
14 Off On On On Off Off HC-UIO-2board terminal assignments are determined by the settings of
15 On On On On Off Off the following BASIC FEATURE MENU :
16 Off Off Off Off On Off TOP LANDING SERVED?
17 On Off Off Off On Off HC-RDR BOARD ON THIS CAR?
18 Off On Off Off On Off CAR SERVES FRNT/FLR 1 (- 32)?
19 On On Off Off On Off CAR SERVES REAR/FLR 1 (- 32)?
20 Off Off On Off On Off And also:
21 On Off On Off On Off DISCRETE PIS ON UIO?
22 Off On On Off On Off DEDICATED PI BOARD? (allows first one or two UIO boards to be
23 On On On Off On Off dedicated to PIs alone)
25 On Off Off On On Off
26 Off On Off On On Off The status of these terminals (On or Off) can be determined by observ-
27 On On Off On On Off ing the indicators on the HC-UIO-2 boards.
28 Off Off On On On Off
29 On Off On On On Off
30 Off On On On On Off
31 On On On On On Off


Spare Inputs and Outputs

The first ten Spare Inputs (SP1 through SP10) are assigned to terminals SPIN1 through SPIN10
on the HC-CTL board (connectors J6 and J10). The first four Spare Outputs (OUT1 through
OUT4) are assigned to terminals 1 through 4 (J15) on the HC-CTL board. The remainder of the
Spare Inputs and Outputs are assigned to HC-UIO-2 boards numbered 32 through 36 as shown
in the table below.

Table 5.18 HC-UIO-2 Spare Input / Output Assignments

Board SW1 Setting IO Terminals IO Terminals

ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
32 Off Off Off Off Off On SP11 SP12 SP13 SP14 SP15 SP16 SP17 SP18 OUT5 OUT6 OUT7 OUT8 OUT9 OUT10 OUT11 OUT12
33 On Off Off Off Off On SP19 SP20 SP21 SP22 SP23 SP24 SP25 SP26 OUT13 OUT14 OUT15 OUT16 OUT17 OUT18 OUT19 OUT20
*34 Off On Off Off Off On SP27 SP28 SP29 SP30 SP31 SP32 SP33 SP34 OUT21 OUT22 OUT23 OUT24 OUT25 OUT26 OUT27 OUT28
*35 On On Off Off Off On SP35 SP36 SP37 SP38 SP39 SP40 SP41 SP42 OUT29 OUT30 OUT31 OUT32 OUT33 OUT34 OUT35 OUT36
36 Off Off On Off Off On SP43 SP44 SP45 SP46 SP47 SP48 SP49 SP50 OUT37 OUT38 OUT39 OUT40 OUT41 OUT42 OUT43 OUT44
37 On Off On Off Off On Dedicated Card Reader Inputs Dedicated Card Reader Inputs
38 Off On On Off Off On
39 On On On Off Off On
40 Off Off Off On Off On
41 On Off Off On Off On
42 Off On Off On Off On
43 On On Off On Off On
44 Off Off On On Off On
45 On Off On On Off On
46 Off On On On Off On
47 On On On On Off On
48 Off Off Off Off On On
49 On Off Off Off On On
50 Off On Off Off On On
51 On On Off Off On On
52 Off Off On Off On On
53 On Off On Off On On
54 Off On On Off On On
55 On On On Off On On
56 Off Off Off On On On
57 On Off Off On On On
58 Off On Off On On On
59 On On Off On On On
60 Off Off On On On On
61 On Off On On On On
62 Off On On On On On
63 On On On On On On

* Addresses 34 and 35 are used on the car top, where the CAN baud rate must be 250k.
HC-UIO Rev 2 will automatically configure the CAN port to communicate at 250k baud.
HC-UIO Rev 4 - refer to Table 1 to set switches 7 and 8 to communicate at 250k baud.
HC-UIO-2 - refer to Table 1 to set switches 7 and 8 to communicate at 250k baud.

5-62 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

ICE-COP-2 Car Panel Interface Board

The ICE-COP-2 board, mounted in the car operating panel, converts the discrete closures from
the panel buttons and switches to data on the CAN serial bus and passes it through the MC-LSI
Landing System Interface board on the cartop, up the traveler to the car controller. Additional
ICE-COP-2 boards are used to accommodate rear doors or installations with many floors, COP
buttons, and lamps. 5
Spare assignable inputs to and outputs from ICE-COP-2 boards are available depending upon
system configuration.
F1 menu, Serial COP Board Type = ICE-COP-2: ICE-COP-2 board assignable inputs show
up in the Spare Inputs menu as COP FX (front panel board) I1 - I7; COP Rx (rear panel
board) I1 - I7. Spare outputs (Spare Outputs menu) will be prefaced with an O for Output.
If the job has ICE-COP-2 boards, unused spare inputs to and outputs from these boards must be
set to NOT USED. If controller software is upgraded in the field, it is very important to check
programmable ICE-COP-2 board inputs and outputs and verify unused connections are set to
NOT USED. Please refer to Spare Inputs Menu on page 4-27.

Spare inputs and outputs used on the ICE-COP-2 boards must be 24VDC, not to exceed 6 Watts.

Installation Instructions
1. Turn the power off at the main disconnect.
2. Mount the ICE-COP-2 board(s) inside the COP using the supplied hardware and provid-
ing sufficient clearance for the components.

Do not replace C-RJ11-CAN-15 cables between the ICE-COP-2 and MC-LSI with RJ11 cables pur-
chased locally. These cables MUST be replaced with C-RJ11-CAN-15 supplied by MCE. For a replace-
ment cable, please contact MCE technical support.

3. Refer to the prints for the job to wire the ICE-COP-2 board.

This system is designed for 24 VDC circuits only! Do not connect 120 VAC or DC to any
terminal on the ICE-COP-2 board. Connect only the 24V power from connector J34
(24V CUSTOMER LOAD SUPPLY) to the load.


Normal Operation
During normal operation, I/O LEDs will be lighted when the associated I/O is active (dimmer
when the output is active; brighter when the input is active). The SPA processor LED will be
continuously lighted. If I/O LEDs remain in a static condition or the SPA processor LED is not
continuously on:
Press the RST button on the board. The I/O LEDs will all cycle and the board will resume

ICE-COP-2 Board Details

24V Inputs Only: Typical circuit for terminals I1 through I16.

24V Outputs Only: Typical circuit for terminals O1 through O16.

24V Inputs/Outputs Only: Typical circuit for terminals IO1 through IO16.
Call Button / Lamp

S2 Switches Eight-position DIP switch S2 allows a unique address to be set for each
COP board, places the board in CAN or iControl communication mode, sets an input threshold,
and determines the CAN baud rate (when CAN is enabled).

RS485 or CAN Communication

For Motion controls, the board must be set to use CAN communication.
CAN Enable: Verify/set switch 8 to the ON position.
Motion Input Threshold Detection
On COP-2 boards with software version 1.1 or later, the input threshold level may be set to
900 or 700mV using DIP switch rocker 5.
Board revision X2-1 or greater: Recommended, rocker 5 OFF: 900mV (default)
Board revision X2-0: Recommended, rocker 5 ON: 700mV
Motion Board Addressing
For Motion controls, each COP-2 board used must have a unique address.
Addressing - switches 1, 2, and 3:

S2 Front COP Boards Rear COP Boards

Board SW1 SW2 SW3 SW1 SW2 SW3
1 Off Off Off Off Off On
2 On Off Off On Off On
3 Off On Off Off On On

5-64 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Motion CAN Baud Rate

Switch 7 OFF: 250k (default)
Switch 7 ON: 500k
Motion Unused Switches
Switches 4 and 6 are unused and should be left in the OFF position. 5
24V Power: The 24V power supply from the cartop box must be connected to the 24V IN
connector J35 on the first ICE-COP-2 board. If additional boards are used, they are con-
nected to 24V as shown in ICE-COP-2 Board Interconnect on page 5-65. Load connec-
tions (power source for buttons and switches in the car panel) can be made to any of the
boards at the 24V CUSTOMER LOAD SUPPY connector as long as load current at any one
board is not more than 4A.
CAN Bus termination: Jumper JP1 terminates the CAN bus in the correct impedance
for CAN signal transmission.
If more than one COP board is used, ONLY the last board in the CAN string should
have jumper JP1 plugged in. (If there is only one COP board, it must have JP1 plugged
Figure 5.9 ICE-COP-2 Board Interconnect
LSI Board 24V/Com for 24V/Com for
On Cartop load load
COP Board #1 connection COP Board #2 connection COP Board #3
Address: 0 (S2) Address: 1 (S2) Address: 2 (S2)
24V/Com for
24V LOAD 24V LOAD 24V LOAD load
J34 J34 J34 connection

J31 J32 J31 J32 J31 J32

24V IN 24V IN 24V IN
+V JP1 +V JP1 +V JP1
Com Com Com
24V J35 +V J35 +V J35 +V
Power Com Com Com

JP1 on last board only

Factory I/O Assignment Per ICE-COP-2: For a list of factory I/O assignments, see
Appendix page A-31.


ICE-COP-2 Serial Car Operating Panel Board

4-pin universal inputs may be used
instead of screw terminals if desired. Test points,+5v

Not used for

Motion controllers
Reset button

8-position DIP
I/O Status LEDs switch package

I/O SPA processor OK

24 VDC
6W max.

Test point,+3.3v

To previous board CAN to next

or LSI on cartop ICE-COP-2
Not used for
Motion controllers
+24VDC power
for COP
Board power buttons/
input. See indicators

Test point COM, GND


This system is designed for 24 VDC cir-
cuits only. Connecting 120VAC or DC will
open the input fuses. COM

Connection Example:
Universal 4-pin inputs

5-66 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

MC-CPI Car Panel Interface Board

The MC-CPI board, mounted in the car operating panel, converts the discrete closures from the
panel buttons and switches to data on the CAN serial bus and passes it through the MC-LSI
Landing System Interface board on the cartop, up the traveler to the car controller. Additional
MC-CPI boards are used to accommodate rear doors or installations with many floors, COP but-
tons, and lamps. 5
Spare assignable inputs to and outputs from CPI boards are available depending upon system
configuration, front control panel only or front and rear control panels.
F1 menu, Serial COP Board HC-CPI = YES and F1, HC-RDR Board on this Car = NO: CPI
board assignable inputs show up in the Spare Inputs menu as CPI F (front panel board)
I10 - I16; CPI FX (front panel extender board) I1 - I7. Spare outputs (Spare Outputs menu)
will be prefaced with an O for Output.
F1 menu, Serial COP Board HC-CPI = YES and F1, HC-RDR Board on this Car = YES: CPI
board assignable inputs show up in the Spare Inputs menu as CPI F (front panel board)
I10 - I16 and CPI-R (rear panel board) I10 - I16. Spare outputs (Spare Outputs menu) will
be prefaced with an O for Output.
If the job has MC-CPI boards, unused spare inputs to and outputs from these boards must be
set to NOT USED. If controller software is upgraded in the field, it is very important to check
programmable CPI board inputs and outputs and verify unused connections are set to
NOTUSED. Please refer to Spare Inputs Menu on page 4-27.

Spare inputs and outputs used on the CPI boards must be 24VDC, not to exceed 6 Watts.

Installation Instructions
1. Turn the power off at the main disconnect.
2. Mount the MC-CPI board(s) inside the COP using the supplied hardware and providing
sufficient clearance for the components.

Do not replace C-RJ11-CAN-15 cables between the MC-CPI and MC-LSI with RJ11 cables purchased
locally. These cables MUST be replaced with C-RJ11-CAN-15 supplied by MCE. For a replacement
cable, please contact MCE technical support.

3. Refer to the prints for the job to wire the MC-CPI board. An example of a typical wiring
print is included in this instruction (Please refer to Example: MC-CPI Wiring on
page 5-70 and Please refer to MC-CPI Serial Car Operating Panel Board on page 5-68).

This system is designed for 24 VDC circuits only! Do not connect 120 VAC or DC to any
terminal on the MC-CPI board. Connect only the 24V power from connector J6 (24V
CUSTOMER LOAD SUPPLY) to the load. (Please refer to MC-CPI Board Details on
page 5-69 and Please refer to Example: MC-CPI Wiring on page 5-70).


Figure 5.10 MC-CPI Serial Car Operating Panel Board

I/O only
24 VDC max.
Inputs only 6W max.
24 VDC max.
6W max.

SW1 Board Address

Reset button
Outputs only
SPA ON indicator 24 VDC max.
6W max.

From Power
Supply - J5
+24VDC in +24VDC
J6 - Customer
+24VDC Load Supply
To next board - J10 J3 - To next MC-
CPI board (RJ11)
To MC-LSI board in
Cartop box or
MC-CPI board - J2 JP1 - Bus termination
on last board

This system is designed for 24 VDC circuits maximum. Do not
connect 120VAC or DC to any terminal on this board at any time.

5-68 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

MC-CPI Board Details

24V Inputs Only: Typical circuit for terminals I1 through I16.

24V Outputs Only: Typical circuit for terminals O1 through O16.

24V Inputs/Outputs Only: Typical circuit for terminals IO1 through IO16.
Call Button / Lamp

Board address switches: Four-position DIP switch SW1 provides a unique address for
each CPI board (you should never have two CPI boards with the same SW1 setting).

DIP 1 Front COP Boards Rear COP Boards

Board SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4
1 Off Off Off Off Off Off On Off
2 On Off Off Off On Off On Off
3 Off On Off Off Off On On Off
4 On On Off Off On On On Off

24V Power: The 24V power supply from the cartop box must be connected to the 24V IN
connector on the first MC-CPI board. If additional boards are used, they are connected to
24V as shown below. Load connections (power source for buttons and switches in the car
panel) can be made to any of the boards at the 24V CUSTOMER LOAD SUPPY connector
as long as load current at any one board is not more than 4A.
CAN Bus termination: Jumper JP1 terminates the CAN bus in the correct impedance
for CAN signal transmission.
If more than one CPI board is used, ONLY the last board in the CAN string should have
jumper JP1 plugged in. (If there is only one CPI board, it must have JP1 plugged in.)
LSI Board 24V for 24V for
On Cartop load load
CPI Board #1 connection CPI Board #2 connection CPI Board #3
Address: 0 (SW1) Address: 1 (SW1) Address: 2 (SW1)
24V IN 24V LOAD 24V IN 24V LOAD 24V IN 24V LOAD 24V for
J5 J6 J5 J6 J5 J6 load
J2 J3 J2 J3 J2 J3


Supply JP1 on last board only


Figure 5.11 Example: MC-CPI Wiring

5-70 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Before Applying Power

Prior to applying power to the MC-CPI board(s):
1. Disconnect all terminal connectors from the MC-CPI boards (I/O connections, internal
network and power connections (24V and COM terminals).
2. Apply power to the system. 5
3. Using a multimeter, check each of the wires to be connected to the MC-CPI boards as
Input circuits (switches, buttons, dry contacts): Using the VDC setting ref-
erenced to 1 bus (common), probe each input circuit. The reading should be either
24VDC or floating.
Output circuits (indicators, buzzers, chimes): Using the VDC setting refer-
enced to 1bus (common), probe each output circuit. The voltage reading should be
approximately 24VDC.

This system is designed for 24 VDC circuits only! Do not connect 120 VAC or DC to any
terminal on the MC-CPI board. Connect only the 24V power from connector J6 (24V
CUSTOMER LOAD SUPPLY) to the load (Please refer to MC-CPI Board Details on page 5-
69 and Please refer to Example: MC-CPI Wiring on page 5-70).

4. Power down the system.

5. Install the C-RJ11-CAN cable from J2 (Internal Network) on the MC-CPI board to the
MC-LSI (Landing System Interface board) in the cartop box.
6. Install the MC-CPI board I/O connections (I/O terminals).
7. Install the MC-CPI board power connections (24V and COM terminals).

To avoid damage to the MC-CPI boards, the system must be powered down before connect-
ing and disconnecting the MC-CPI board power connections (unplugging and plugging in
the 24V and COM terminals).

8. Apply power to the system and verify that:

The MC-CPI board SPA indicator is ON (green).
The relay closes and supplies 24VDC to the 24V CUSTOMER LOAD SUPPLY termi-


MC-LSI Landing System Interface Board

The MC-LSI provides a connection point for the landing system and for the Car Panel Interface
board (HC-CPI) if one is used. The board receives 24 VDC power from an external power supply
operating off the controller 2 Bus (120 VAC). In turn, the LSI board provides power to the land-
ing system and to any Universal I/O boards that might be used on the cartop through the CAN
connections to those components. A shielded, external CAN connection runs from the LSI
board, through the traveler, to the Motion 4000 controller. There are additional, discrete con-
nections through the traveler if the system is TSSA compliant and uses the LS-EDGE landing

Figure 5.12 MC-LSI Landing System Interface Board

Landing system to
controller. See spe- Local CAN connections to other car boards
cific job prints.

CAN to

Landing System
ELGO and

Landing System

24 VDC Door control signals to

from cartop power supply operators
Door control signals from HC-UIO board
LSI Connections
Local CAN: CAN and power to additional cartop box boards (HC-UIO, MC-CPI, etc.)
CAN to Machine Room: CAN connections to/from machine room
Landing System: CAN and DISC connections to/from landing system
Door Signals from cartop HC-UIO:
NDRI: Nudging, rear NDFI: Nudging, front
DORI: Door open, rear DOFI: Door open, front
DCRI: Door close, rear DCFI: Door close, front
Door Signals to operators:
NDR: Nudging, rear NDF: Nudging, front
DOR: Door open, rear DOF: Door open, front
DCR: Door close, rear DCF: Door close, front
COMR: Common COMF: Common
Landing System to Controller, Additional:
See job prints. Controller/Landing System specific signals. See HC-CTL-2, 5-46.

5-72 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

SC-3HN Three Input Serial Hall Call Node Board

The SC-3HN board is used to provide serial hall calls for Motion systems. The SC-3HN provides
analog inputs and outputs for the hall call buttons and LEDs and a CAN connection to the group
or controller. Refer to the drawings package for connection instructions to your fixtures.
Figure 5.13 SC-3HN Three Input Serial Hall Call Node Board 5
JP5, CAN Bus termina-
tion. Place across pins
Processor ONLY on last board
Reset connected to a wire

Entry / Floor
Riser Identification
ON LED, green

FLT LED, red

Call Bus Conditions

Make connections as shown on the drawings for the particular job.
Group: Eight risers are supported; four Main and four Auxiliary.
Controller: Four main risers are supported.
Each hoistway wire drop consists of a twisted pair for signals and one wire each for 24V
power and common. A wire drop can support more than one riser.
Settings on each SC-3HN board determine which riser it belongs to, its floor address, and
whether it is associated with the Front or Rear car entry.
SC-3HN boards with the same floor address and entry association will register the same
call and light indicators. Each must have a different riser ID but within the same riser
group (Main or Auxiliary).
Main risers A - D use riser IDs 7 - 4. Auxiliary risers A - D use riser IDs 3 - 0. See Riser
Assignment on page 5-75.

General Installation
All SC-3HN connections are at one end of the board. One board is installed in each hall call
panel electrical box. The board is shipped in an anti-static bag.
1. Make connections to the hall call buttons and indicators. (See following page.)
2. Make connections to the signal/power drop. (See following page.)
3. Set floor number and door (F/R) location, 5-75.
4. Set riser assignment, 5-75.
5. Last board on wire drop only: Place a jumper on JP5. All other boards: Ensure jumper
NOT placed across JP5 pins, 5-75.
6. Insert board in anti-static sleeves and tape closed using supplied ESD sticker.
7. Tuck bag/board into electrical box and re-install hall call.


Figure 5.14 Hall Call Node Wiring


UL -
UL +

(Others similar)

Table 5.19 Hall Wiring Colors

Color Signal
red +24V
black common
brown CAN H
yellow CAN L
orange UL+
blue UL-
violet DL+
green DL-
gray SP+
white SP-

5-74 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Addressing and CAN Bus Termination

Set SC-3HN addresses as shown in the job prints for the installation. Generic examples are pro-
vided below.
Riser Assignment
There may be up to four Main risers and four Auxiliary risers. Jumper locations JP3, JP2, and 5
JP1 are used to assign the appropriate riser to the SC-3HN board. In the following table, a 1
indicates a jumper in place.

Table 5.20 Riser Assignment by Jumper Binary Representation

JP3 JP2 JP1 Riser

1 1 1 Main A (Binary value 7)
1 1 0 Main B (Binary value 6)
1 0 1 Main C (Binary value 5)
1 0 0 Main D (Binary value 4)

0 1 1 Auxiliary A (Binary value 3)

0 1 0 Auxiliary B (Binary value 2)
0 0 1 Auxiliary C (Binary value 1)
0 0 0 Auxiliary D (Binary value 0)

Floor Number and Front or Rear Opening

DIP switch SW1, switches 1 through 7 set the floor address for the board, beginning with Floor 1.
Switch 8 selects Front or Rear opening.
ON When setting addresses, use the values silk-
SW screened on the circuit board, not those shown
8 OFF=FRONT, ON=REAR on the DIP switch.
7 64
6 32
5 16
4 8
3 4
2 2
1 1
Floor address example = 11
ON switch adds its value to floor address.

Baud Rate
Jumper JP4 is reserved for future use to select a different CAN Bus baud rate should it become
necessary. For now, the only option is to leave the JP4 jumper in place, setting baud rate to 125

CAN Bus Termination

The CAN Bus must be terminated ONLY ON THE LAST SC-3HN connected to the wire drop
(farthest board from Dispatcher).
JP5 OFF/Unterminated JP5 ON/Terminated
All but last board Last board on wire drop ONLY.


On Board Diagnostics
Two LEDs provide diagnostic information: The ON LED (green) and the FLT LED (red).

The ON LED reflects power/communications status.
ON: Serial hall call bus to Group/Car OK
OFF: Board is not receiving power or has no software loaded.
Blinking: Communications error - more than ten seconds have passed without a message
from the dispatcher.


The FLT LED reflects the status of the analog outputs.
ON steady: Internal fault -
Replace board if problem persists
OFF: No Errors detected.
Blinking: Output overload or disconnection. Pressing the Reset button on the SC-3HN
board will clear a blinking Fault LED.
Overload: Excessive current draw. Resets when current draw is corrected and call but-
ton is pressed again.
Not Connected: The output is on (button pressed) but nothing is connected to the UL-
or DL- output. Resets when the lamp is connected and the call button is pressed again.
Output Shorted: If short is very quick, the LED will flash. Pressing the call button for a
few moments will cause the board to reboot. Resets when the short is removed and the
call button is pressed again.


Please refer to the Motion Group Manual, 42-02-G006, for configuration information relating
to group hall calls.

5-76 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

TC-MPI Board
The Motion Processor Interface board provides serial and discrete interface to selected AC or
DC drives. Redundant safety processors are also on this board as well as the connection points
for seismic and earthquake devices and for an emergency brake/rope gripper if one is used.
There are three, independent safety processors. Working in conjunction with position and 5
speed feedback sensors, and continuously monitoring one another, the three prevent the eleva-
tor from starting or bring it to an emergency stop if position/speed related errors are detected.
SPA (Safety Processor A): Working in conjunction with the PS1 positioning sensor (one of
two positioning sensors on the cartop), SPA performs Emergency Terminal Switch func-
tions and continuously monitors position and speed data from its sensor as well as contin-
uously comparing this data with data reported to SPB.
SPB (Safety Processor B): Working in conjunction with the PS2 positioning sensor (one of
two sensors on the cartop), SPB performs Normal Terminal Switch functions and moni-
tors PS2 position and speed data, continuously comparing this with data reported to SPA.
MP (Motion Processor): Primary functions are drive and speed control. Additionally,
monitors speed and direction from motor rotation and from PS1 positioning sensor. The
MP checks that both SPA/PS1 and SPB/PS2 systems are functioning properly by compar-
ing their data and ensuring that any discrepancy is within a fixed tolerance. Using PS1
data, the MP is also able to perform redundant checking of the ETS function.


Figure 5.15 TC-MPI Motion Processor

Earthquake Drive I/F
Reset Discrete Encoder Proofing, Door Emergency Power and
Drive I/F from Drive Zone, Spares Brake Common
Brake Reset

Processor Reset Diagnostic Indicator LEDs


5-78 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Table 5.21 TC-MPI Board Customer Connections

Connector Pin Label Function

J5 1 CANH3 CT drive CAN interface CANH
2 CANL3 CT drive CAN interface CANL 5
Control 3 GND CT drive CAN interface Ground
4 SHLD CT drive CAN interface Shield connection
J7 1 RG7 Control out
Rope Gripper 2 RG5 Control in
240VAC Max
3 RG2 Analog Ground
4 RG1 120VAC Out

J11 1 A+ A+ buffered encoder from drive

Buffered 2 A- A- buffered encoder from drive
encoder sig-
nal from 3 B+ B+ buffered encoder from drive
drive to MPI 4 B- B- buffered encoder from drive
5 Z+ Z+ buffered encoder from drive
6 Z- Z- buffered encoder from drive
7 GND Ground
8 SHLD Shield
J12 1 UETS Up Emergency Terminal Switch input (if used)
120VAC Max 2 DETS Down Emergency Terminal Switch input (if used)
3 SPI1 Spare Input 1 (assignable per job)
4 SPI2 Spare Input 2 (assignable per job)
J16 1 DPS AC Drive Positive, 16 - 14VDC
Discrete 2 DNS AC Drive Negative, Ground
Control 3 DRE TORQMAX Drive Enable, Magnetek Drive Common
4 DCOM TORQMAX A2.20 (16-18VDC), Magnetek Enable
5 DRO Drive On input
6 DRDY Drive Ready input
7 DFLT Drive Fault input
J20 1 EQ24 24V for counterweight ring and string movement detector
2 CW2 Counterweight detector, 24VAC Max
3 CW1 Counterweight detector, 24VAC Max
4 SSI Seismic Sensor Input, 24VAC Max
5 EQIND Earthquake Indicator, 120VAC Max


Table 5.21 TC-MPI Board Customer Connections

Connector Pin Label Function

J17 1 CANH1 CAN interface to first hoistway position sensor
CAN Bus 2 CANL1 CAN interface to first hoistway position sensor
Position 3 CANH2 CAN interface to second hoistway position sensor
System 4 CANL2 CAN interface to second hoistway position sensor
5 SHLD CAN interface Shield connection
J24 MAGNETEK 9-Pin, D, serial control for Magnetek AC drive
J27 TORQMAX 9-Pin, D, serial control for TORQMAX drive
J2 INTERNAL CAN and power connections internal to Controller. Factory connec-
NETWORK tion. Disconnection will reset board.

Table 5.22 TC-MPI Board Jumpers

Jumper Function
JP1 Normal = A position: Terminating resistor for RS422/485 communication ON.
B position: Removes terminating resistor from circuit.
JP2, JP3, JP4 Terminating resistors for buffered encoder information from drive. When jumpers
are in place, terminating resistors are ON.
JP6 Terminating resistor for internal CAN Bus. When jumper is in place, terminating
resistor is ON.
JP5, JP7 Normal = B position: RG monitoring done on TC-MPI board.
A position: RG monitoring by equipment external to TC-MPI board.

Table 5.23 TC-MPI Board MCE Internal Connections

Connector Pin Label Function

J3 1 PM2 Primary motor contactor
2 2L 120VAC
3 BRBP Brake control
4 SPI3 Spare Input (DNT1 if physical directional limits are used, F7 202)
5 SPI4 Spare Input (UNT1 if physical directional limits are used, F7 202)
J9 1 DZRO Door Zone Rear Output
2 DZFO Door Zone Front Output
3 BRC Brake Contactor Complimentary
4 BR Brake Contactor
5 PM Primary motor contactor
6 FBS Full Brake Strength, bypasses brake hold voltage resistor
7 BRP Brake Contactor
8 PMP Primary motor contactor

5-80 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 PC Board Quick References

Table 5.23 TC-MPI Board MCE Internal Connections

Connector Pin Label Function

J25 1 EBD1 Emergency Brake, 120VAC
2 EBD2 Emergency Brake, 120VAC
3 EBD3 Emergency Brake, 120VAC 5
4 EBD4 Emergency Brake, 120VAC
5 EBP12 Emergency Brake, monitoring
6 EBP34 Emergency Brake, monitoring
7 EBPS Emergency Brake, Control
8 RG1 120VAC
9 EBS1 Emergency Brake, Control
10 EBS2 Emergency Brake, Control
J13 1 24VAC 24V input
2 1 Common
3 1 Common
4 2MV 120VAC input
5 2MV 120VAC input

Table 5.24 TC-MPI Board Switches

Switch Function
SW1 4-Position DIP switch. Board configuration. If replacing TC-MPI in the field, set
exactly as original board.
SW2 4-Position DIP switch. Board configuration. If replacing TC-MPI in the field, set
exactly as original board.
RSTMP, S4 Reset button for Motion Processor
RSTB, S1 Reset button for B Processor
RSTA, S2 Reset button for A Processor
EB RST, S3 Emergency Brake reset
EQ RST, S5 Earthquake reset

Table 5.25 TC-MPI Board Diagnostic LEDs

Indicator Function
3.3V Indicates presence of 3.3V power on board
UM Lights if Unintended Motion fault is active
OS Lights if Overspeed fault is active
EQ Lights if Earthquake fault is active
DIA1A-DIA8C Factory diagnostics only


Motion Brake Module

A brake control module allows the level of the control voltage to be adjusted. Modulated volt-
ages provide control over the entire range of brake movement. The module provides the ability
to control the rate at which the brake descends onto the braking surface. With this ability, brake
control can be more subtle resulting in a smoother ride under all motion conditions in which
the brake plays a part, saving energy, and reducing brake coil temperatures.

The MCE brake module can be controlled by discrete inputs or through a CAN interface. Dis-
crete control provides compatibility with MCE legacy controls.

Figure 5.16 Motion Brake Module

Logic TC-FCL

Logic power supply TC-LPS

Inverter power supply TC-FCP

Heat sink

The top board, TC-FCL, provides the controls to configure the module for job requirements.
Such configuration is completed at the factory when the module is shipped installed in a con-
troller. If the module is a modification to an existing control, check this instruction for proper
settings. If you are replacing an existing module, set up the new module to match.

5-82 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motion Brake Module

Figure 5.17 Configuration

Switches and Jumpers

Table 5.26 SW1, Manual Bypass

2 1 Description
Off Off Manual brake pick enabled (will cause Main IGBT stuck open fault to be indicated until the brake
contactor is picked to allow power to the brake module). In this mode, a manual brake pick
switch connected between BRBP1 and BRBP3 will energize the brake coil connected between
BRBP2 and BRBP4 and immediately lift the brake regardless of the status of the elevator control-
Off On Unused
On Off Unused
On On Unused


The four switches of DIP switch SW3 function as two independent pairs. Switches 4 and 3
enable various software features. Switches 2 and 1 set the ID for the module. The ID identifies
the module to the controller allowing it to be addressed and controlled independently of any
other modules used (up to three).

Table 5.27 SW3 Module ID and Software Features

4 3 2 1 Description
Off Off Brake module, ID=1 Primary brake module address
Off On Brake module, ID=2 Secondary brake module address where module 1 controls the first
brake coil and module 2 controls a second brake coil on the same machine.
On Off Brake module, ID=3 Emergency brake module address
On On Module, ID=4 Future
Off Off unused
Off On unused
On Off Enables software update from EEPROM chip inserted in socket U21
On On unused

Reset Switch The reset switch, RST, resets the logic board processor.

Jumper JP1 JP1 enables/disables the CAN termination resistor.

A position: Terminates the CAN connection on the board.
B position: Leaves the CAN termination open on the board (Normal position for this

The ON LED next to the Reset switch is on solidly when the module is powered and functioning
properly. The ON LED will blink if a fault condition is detected. Under fault conditions, the LED
will blink a number of times, go dark for a period of time, and then repeat. The number of blinks
indicates the fault detected.

Table 5.28 LED Fault Indication

Blinks Fault Description Reset

1 Load over current If load current goes above 20A during the first 5 sec- Current reduction
onds of operation or above 15A after the first 5 sec-
onds of operation, over current condition will be
reported through FLT output and current will be lim-
ited to 15A.
2 Load over voltage If load voltage goes above 310VDC for more than 5 Voltage reduction
seconds, over voltage condition will be reported
through FLT output and voltage will be limited to
3 Aux IGBT stuck open If the brake is in pick, hold, or relevel mode and the Discrete: Proces-
Aux IGBT monitoring circuit returns a high signal for sor reset.
100mS or more, the Aux IGBT stuck closed fault will CAN: Auto reset
occur. after 8 seconds.

5-84 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motion Brake Module

Table 5.28 LED Fault Indication

Blinks Fault Description Reset

4 Aux IGBT stuck closed If the voltage across the Aux IGBT does not go high Discrete: Proces-
enough to trigger the Aux IGBT monitoring circuit sor reset.
during the dissipate mode, the Aux IGBT Stuck CAN: Auto reset
closed fault will occur. This fault is scanned for after after 8 seconds. 5
the module switches from dissipate to inactive
5 Main IGBT stuck open If the brake is in pick, hold, or relevel mode and Discrete: Proces-
there is less than 5 volts or 100mA across the coil sor reset.
for 200 mS or more, the IGBT stuck open fault will CAN: Auto reset
occur. after 8 seconds.
6 Main IGBT stuck closed If the brake is not in pick, hold, relevel, or dissipate Discrete: Proces-
mode and there is more than 10 volts or 2 Amps sor reset.
across the brake coil for 200 mS or more, the IGBT CAN: Auto reset
stuck closed fault will occur. after 8 seconds.
7 Module overheat The IGBT units on the bottom of the TC-FCP board Temperature
generate heat when operating. A thermal sensor on reduction.
the heat sink is connected to the module logic board
through the TS1 and TS2 inputs. If the temperature
becomes excessive, the logic module will generate a
fault, pulling the FLT output to the Common connec-
tion level and alerting the controller.
8 Trying to run in manual Manual brake pick is enabled. Remove from
release mode manual brake pick
9 Bypass button stuck Brake bypass button stuck closed in manual pick Check button.
closed mode.
10 Not used
11 Discrete input during Verify discrete pick, hold, and relevel inputs to J1 Auto reset after 8
CAN operation are not used when CAN control is active. seconds.
12 Module address error. Verify SW1 positions for each module. 5-84. Auto reset after 8
13 Not calibrated Module has not been calibrated Calibrate module
14 Load undercurrent Current <80% of learned Auto reset after 8
15 Load undervoltage Voltage <80% of intended Auto reset after
Continu- CAN disconnected CAN to module disconnected Troubleshoot con-
ously nection


Module Connectors Per Board

Top Board, TC-FCL This section provides information about user-accessible module

Table 5.29 J1 Pin Assignment

Pin Function
PICK Discrete Pick control input from controller (V AC/DC)
HOLD Discrete Hold control input from controller (V AC/DC)
RELEV Discrete Relevel control input from controller (V AC/DC)
FLT Overload fault output
COM Common connection for PICK, HOLD, RELEV, FLT
1 1 Bus (common) from elevator controller
2 2 Bus (120VAC) from elevator controller
TS2 Thermal switch input from sensor on module heat sink
TS1 Thermal switch input from sensor on module heat sink

J4, J5 J4 is a modular, CAN connector for serial module control. (See preceding informa-
tion about termination enabling jumper JP1.) J5 provides auxiliary connections that can be
used to directly lift the machine brake, regardless of controller status.

Table 5.30 J5 Auxiliary Brake Connections

Pin Function
BRBP1 With BRBP3, connects to auxiliary brake pick switch
BRBP2 With BRBP4, energizes brake coil when active
BRBP3 With BRBP1, connects to auxiliary brake pick switch
BRBP4 With BRBP2, energizes brake coil when active

The level of the pick voltage is adjusted using potentiometer R67. The maximum pick voltage
range is determined by input voltage to the module and whether the input connection is single
phase, FCL1/FCL2, or three phase, FCL1/FCL2/FCL3.

J3 J3 provides control signals to the TC-FCP board and accepts feedback voltages from the
TC-FCP board.

J6 J6 accepts DC power voltages from the logic power supply board (TC-LPS).

Middle Board, TC-LPS

1 and 2 bus power connections from the controller are connected to TC-LPS connector
J1. As viewed from the front of the connector, pinout is:

This board provides DC power to the logic board through connector J2. 2 2 1 1

5-86 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motion Brake Module

Bottom Board, TC-FCP

The FCP board transforms AC input power (single or three phase) into the DC output voltage
required to control the brake. The in-line connectors on the board are sized to handle higher
voltage and current.

Table 5.31 In-Line Connectors Pin Assignment 5

Pin Function
J2, SN1 With SN2, connection point for external filter provided with unit
J2, SN2 With SN1, connection point for external filter provided with unit
J2, SN3 With J3, SN4, connection point for user-provided external filter
J3, SN4 With J2, SN3, connection point for user-provided external filter
J3, FCO- With FCO+, provides power to energize brake coil under normal logic conditions
J3, FCO+ With FCO-, provides power to energize brake coil under normal logic conditions
J5, DT1 Factory Only. Production testing.
J5, DT2 Factory Only. Production testing.
J5, FCL1 AC input, with J6, FCL2 for single-phase use or J6, FCL2/FCL3 for three-phase use
J6, FCL2 AC input, with J5, FCL1 for single-phase use or J5, FCL1/J6 FCL3 for three-phase use
J6, FCL3 AC input, with J5, FCL1 and J6, FCL2 for three-phase use.

Figure 5.18 External Filtering





Filter Brake Coil





Figure 5.19 Brake Timing Diagram

Calibration (CAN Only)

If CAN control is used, modules must be calibrated for Motion 4000 use through the F5 con-
troller menu. Each module used, see SW3 Module ID and Software Features on page 5-84,
must be calibrated.


If the controller uses an M-Brake Module for the emergency brake, the emergency brake mod-
ule must be calibrated before any other brake module in the system is calibrated. An emergency
brake module is indicated when the EMERGENCY BRAKE option, parameter 186 on the F7
menu, is not set to DISABLED and the EMERGENCY BRAKE TYPE option, parameter 199 on
the F7 menu, is set to MODULE. Please note that the EMERGENCY BRAKE TYPE option will
not be displayed if the EMERGENCY BRAKE option is set to DISABLED.

1. On Machine Room Inspection, place the HC-MPU F5 function switch in the UP position.
2. Press N until the FCL BRAKE UNIT, UTILITIES MENU is displayed. Press S to select.
3. Press N to advance to FCL ADJUSTMENT MENU. Press S to select.
4. CALIBRATE FCL:1, [S]-SELECT will appear. Use +/- buttons to select appropriate mod-
ule number. Press S to begin calibration.
5. PICK A DIRECTION TO CALIBRATE will be displayed. Press and hold either UP or
DOWN direction. The display will show CALIBRATING FCL: STATUS: ...
6. Continue holding UP or DOWN direction until CALIBRATION DONE [N]-NEXT
appears. If UP or DOWN is released too soon, the display will report CALIBRATE
ABORT [N]-NEXT and the process must be repeated.
7. Repeat if additional modules must be calibrated.

5-88 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motion Brake Module

Trim pots and Function (Discrete Control Only)

Potentiometer settings are ignored when the module is being controlled through the TC-FCL,
J4 CAN connection.
R67, Brake Pick Voltage (maximum output to lift brake), LED lights
R68, Brake Hold Voltage (percentage of Pick Voltage), LED lights
R69, Brake Relevel Voltage (percentage of Pick Voltage), LED lights
R70, Brake Drop Rate (clockwise = faster)
R71, Brake Pick Rate (clockwise = faster)
Setup for Adjustment
1. Disconnect power to the controller.
2. Discrete control only. Rotate trim pots R67, 68, and 69 counter-clockwise to locate the
begin stop, then clockwise to locate the end stop. Then set to the approximate center
3. Connect Brake outputs FCO+/FCO- and BRBP2/BRBP4 (if used) as shown in your job
drawings. These connections are probably made from the module to a panel-mount con-
nector and from the panel-mount connector to the brake.
4. Connect the brake filter across SN1/SN2 as shown on the job prints. Connect the input
3- or single-phase power as shown in the job prints.
5. Connect control inputs from elevator controller as shown in your job prints (CAN or
Discrete control).
6. Connect a volt meter across the brake coil.
Discrete Control Adjustment
Check that there is no CAN connection to the brake module. This procedure is for discrete volt-
ages control.
1. Apply power to the controller. Place the elevator on Machine Room Inspection opera-
tion and pick a direction.
2. With the brake picked, adjust R67 to attain the brake manufacturer pick voltage. Verify
that the brake picks cleanly.
3. After the brake settles to hold position, adjust R68 to attain manufacturer hold voltage.
Verify that the brake is not dragging.
4. Disconnect power from the controller.
5. Disconnect the Relevel output from the module (place a wire nut on the wire end for
safety). Move the Hold wire to the Relevel output.
6. Reconnect power to the controller.
7. On Inspection, pick direction and allow the brake to pick. The brake hold position is
being controlled through the relevel output.
8. Adjust relevel R69 until the brake is just dragging but remains quiet.
9. Disconnect power from the controller. Return connections to their proper states.


CAN Control Adjustment

1. Apply power to the controller. Place the elevator on Machine Room Inspection.
2. Verify and/or set F7 brake parameters:

F7 # Parameter Description
133 Normal Brake Pick Delay Time in milliseconds after drive enable command issued
and acknowledged before the brake should pick.
134 Speed Pick Delay Time in milliseconds after brake is picked before the speed
command is issued. Used to prevent beginning movement
under a slow-picking brake. Default 500.
135 Normal Brake Hold Delay After take off, the brake is held fully picked until this timer
expires, at which point, it settles to hold position/voltage.
Geared machine default 2000. Gearless machine default
136 Normal Brake Drop Delay Delay in milliseconds that the brake should be delayed
from dropping after the speed command is dropped. Goal
is to avoid dropping the brake until the motor has just
stopped moving. Default 250.
138 Drive Disable Delay Time in milliseconds after stopping at a floor which the
drive should maintain electrical control of the motor. May
be used to compensate for a slow dropping brake. Default
139 Speed Hysteresis Delay Provides a delay between when the speed command is
issued and when it begins to accelerate the load.
185 Brake Type Module 1, Module 2, or Discrete. Select as configured.
186 Emergency Brake Selects or disables the emergency brake option. Disabled
= no emergency brake. Rope gripper = rope gripper.
Sheave brake = sheave brake. Machine brake = indepen-
dent machine brakes with one being used as the emer-
gency brake.
190 Sheave Brake Idle Delay Appears if sheave brake selected as emergency brake.
When car is idle, sheave brake will drop after the time set
here expires. Allows brake to be exercised. Time in sec-
194 Normal Brake Pick Voltage Set to pick voltage required by brake.
195 Normal Brake Hold Voltage Set to hold voltage required by brake.
196 Normal Brake Relevel Voltage Set to relevel voltage required by brake.
197 Normal Brake Lift Rate Set desired lift rate in percentage. 100% = Fastest lift
198 Normal Brake Drop Rate Set desired drop rate in percentage. 100% = Fastest
199 Emergency Brake Type Module or Discrete voltages control.
200 Emergency Brake Pick Voltage Only if Module selected in 199. Set required brake pick
201 Emergency Brake Hold Voltage Only if Module selected in 199. Set required brake hold

5-90 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Motion Brake Module

3. Pick a run direction. Verify that the brake picks cleanly. If not, readjust pick voltage in
F7 menu, save parameters, and retry.
4. After the brake settles to hold position, verify that the brake is not dragging. If neces-
sary, readjust hold voltage in F7 menu, save parameters, and retry.
5. On Inspection, pick direction and verify brake-related F7 delay/time/rate are as desired.
Upon dropping direction, verify brake-related F7 delay/time/rate are as desired. If nec- 5
essary, readjust settings and retry.

Only if a Manual Brake Pick Button is Used with CAN Control If a manual
brake pick button is used on this job (see SW1, Manual Bypass on page 5-83), pick voltage
applied when the button is active is determined by FCL potentiometer R67. To adjust:
1. On Inspection, move the car to mid-point position in the hoistway to allow the car to
safely drift up or down when the brake is picked. (Car must be appropriately counter-
balanced to avoid rapid movement.)
2. Set SW3 to enable manual pick.
3. Press the manual pick button, observe brake pick while adjusting R67 to minimum
required voltage for clean pick action.
Release the manual pick button. Take SW1 off manual pick mode.


5-92 Manual # 42-02-2P25


In this Section
This section contains:
TORQMAX F5 Parameter Table, TORQMAX F5 Parameters Table on page A-2
Magnetek Parameter Table, Magnetek AC Drive Table on page A-6
Customer F7 Settings Log, F7 Settings Record on page A-14
Customer General Settings Log, General Settings Log on page A-21
Floor Heights Log, Floor Settings Log on page A-27
Customer Notations, Customer Notations on page A-28
TORQMAX R6 Regen Drive Reference, R6 Regenerative Drive Reference on page A-29
Floor setup after tape or TC-MPI replacement, Manual Floor Setup, ELGO on page A-30
ICE-COP-2 I/O Assignment, Factory I/O Assignment, ICE-COP-2 Boards on page A-31


TORQMAX F5 Parameters Table

Enter the settings you make while adjusting into the Field column of the following table.

Table A.1 TORQMAX F5 Parameters for Motion 4000

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Field
WARNING: Do not change drive parameters while the elevator is running. Incorrect drive
parameter values can cause erratic operation.
WARNING: Parameters with an asterisk (*) must be set correctly for your specific motor /
machine / job. Refer to the adjustment manual for detailed information.
LF. 2 Signal operating mode: - AbSPd bnSPd SerSP
AbSPd - Absolute Analog Speed d Spd
d SPd - Digital Speed Selection A tor
A tor - Analog Torque Control A Spd
A Spd - Analog Speed Control SerSP
SerSP - Serial Com. Speed Control BnSPd
bnSPd - Binary Speed Selection S POS
S POS Serial Position feedback
LF. 3 Drive configuration: - run conF run
run- run mode conF
conF - Configuration (5 minute time limit) Stop
Stop - Drive stopped, Motor cannot run. Drive S Lrn
will not respond. When using serial com, I Lrn
this mode allows parameter changes P Lrn
S Lrn - activate auto tune SPI
I Lrn - Inertia Learn. Learns the system inertia OStST
and activates the FFTC.
P Lrn: Pole Learn. Learn the pole positions of
PM Motor
SPI - Stationary Pole Learn. Learn absolute
encoder position for PM machine under
brake without sheave movement.
(N/A for software Version 1.61)
OStST - Over speed test function. Allows car to
over speed machine to test governor.
(N/A for software Version 1.61)
LF. 4 Motor-selection: Displays mode selected using US. - see US.10 -
4 and US.10
ICLSd - Close loop induction
I9LSS = Closed loop induction gearless
PCLSd = Closed loop permanent magnet (PM)
P9LSS = Closed loop PM gearless
LF. 5 Drive fault auto reset 1 0 - 10 5
LF. 8 Electronic motor overload protection - on, off off
LF. 9 IM - Electronic overload current A 1.0 - 110% 8.0
PM - not visible, auto set same as LF.12 Drive rated
LF.10 IM - Rated motor power HP 0.00 - 125.00 5.00
PM - read only, auto calc.
LF.11 Rated motor speed rpm 10.0 - 6000.0 1165 or
LF.12 Rated motor current A 1.0 - 110% 8.0
Drive rated
LF.13 Rated motor frequency Hz 4.0 - 100.0 60.0

A-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 TORQMAX F5 Parameters Table

Table A.1 TORQMAX F5 Parameters for Motion 4000

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Field
LF.14 Rated motor voltage V IM: 120 - 500V 230/460
IM - Name plate rated voltage
PM - No-load, phase-to-phase back EMF rms volt- PM: 1 -
age at LF.11 32000V/krpm A
LF.15 IM: Power factor, PM: not visible 1 0.50 - 1.00 0.90
LF.16 IM: Field weakening speed, PM: not visible rpm 0.0 - 6000.0 set @ 80%
of LF.11
LF.17 Rated motor torque, IM - read only, auto calc. lb ft 1 - 10000 IM - calc.
PM - enter motor name plate torque PM - 18
LF.18 PM: Motor stator resistance - from data sheet or ohm 0.0 - 49.999 49.999
learn procedure (see F5 Drive manual) IM: not
LF.19 PM: Motor leakage inductance - from data sheet mH 0.01 - 500.00 1.00
or learn procedure (see F5 Drive manual)
IM: not visible
LF.20 Contract speed fpm 0 - 1600 0
LF.21 Traction sheave diameter (measured value) inch 7.00 - 80.00 24.00
LF.22 Gear reduction ratio 1 1.00 - 99.99 30.00
LF.23 Roping ratio 1 1-8 1
LF.24 Load weight lbs 0 - 30000 0
LF.25 Estimated gear ratio: Read only, auto calc. 0.01 1.00 - 99.99 -
0.LF.26 Encoder Interface: displays feedback type - - -
LF.27 Encoder pulse number ppr 256 - 16384 1024
For InclE and SinCo reference to customer data
For HIPEr set to 1024
For EndAt set to 2048
LF.28 Encoder channel swap / direction 1 0-3 0
0 nothing reversed
1 encoder A<B>B swapped
2 motor rotation reversed
3 motor rotation reversed, A<B>B swapped
LF.29 Encoder sample time mSec 0.5 - 32 4
(recommend gearless = 4, geared = 8)
LF.30 Control mode 1 0-5 0
0, 1Open loop induction motor operation
2 -Closed loop speed control (LF. 2 = A Spd)
3 -Closed loop speed control with pre-torque
4 -Closed loop torque control (LF. 2 = A tor)
5 - Close loop speed control with synthesized pre-
A.LF.31 Kp speed accel: Proportional gain, accel & run 1 1 - 50396 3000
d.LF.31 Kp speed decel: Proportional gain, decel 1 1 - 50396 3000
P.LF.31 Kp speed torque (Synth. Pre-torque) 1 1 - 50396 2000
A.LF.32 Ki speed accel: Integral gain, accel & run 1 1 - 26214 350
d.LF.32 Ki speed decel: Integral gain, decel 1 1 - 26214 250
P.LF.32 KI speed torque (Synth. Pre-torque) 1 1 - 26214 10000
A.LF.33 Ki speed offset accel: Gain at low speed, accel 1 0 - 8000 3000
d.LF.33 Ki speed offset decel: Gain at low speed, decel 1 0 - 8000 1000
0.LF.36 Maximum torque (Auto calc by the drive). lb ft 0 - 500%Trtd Calculated
1.LF.36 Maximum torque emergency operation (=LF.17) lb ft 0 - 500%Trtd Calculated


Table A.1 TORQMAX F5 Parameters for Motion 4000

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Field
LF.37 Open loop torque boost: Open loop op. only % 0 - 25.5 5.0
LF.38 Carrier frequency; 0 = 8 KHz, 1 = 16KHz 1 0, 1 0
(Note: set LF.38 = 0 if E.OL2 error on drive)
LF.41 Leveling speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0 - 25 0.0
LF.42 High speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0
LF.43 Inspection speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - 150.00 0.0
LF.44 High leveling speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0
LF.45 Earthquake Speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 150.0 0.0
LF.46 Emergency Pwr Speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0
LF.47 Intermediate speed (Not used, must set to 0) fpm 0.0 - LF.20 0.0
LF.49 Over speed function Test (N/A for SW Version fpm 1- 2400 100
0.LF.50 Profile 0 - Starting jerk (not used) ft/s3
0.LF.51 Profile 0 - Acceleration (not used) ft/s2
0.LF.52 Profile 0 - Acceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3
0.LF.53 Profile 0 - Deceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3
0.LF.54 Profile 0 - Deceleration (not used) ft/s2
0.LF.55 Profile 0 - Approach jerk (not used) ft/s3
1.LF.50 Profile 1 - Starting Jerk (not used) ft/s3
1.LF.51 Profile 1 - Acceleration (not used) ft/s2
1.LF.52 Profile 1 - Acceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3
1.LF.53 Profile 1 - Deceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3
1.LF.54 Profile 1 - Deceleration (not used) ft/s2
1.LF.55 Profile 1 - Approach jerk (not used) ft/s3
2.LF.50 Profile 2 - Starting jerk (not used) ft/s3
2.LF.51 Profile 2 - Acceleration (not used) ft/s2
2.LF.52 Profile 2 - Acceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3
2.LF.53 Profile 2 - Deceleration jerk (not used) ft/s3
2.LF.54 Profile 2 - Deceleration (not used) ft/s2
2.LF.55 Profile 2 - Approach jerk (not used) ft/s3
LF.56 Stop jerk (not used) ft/s3
LF.57 Speed following error (0 = off, 1 = on,) 1 off, on 1
LF.58 Speed difference % 0 - 30 10
LF.59 Trigger time speed difference: Following error sec 0.0 -1.0 1.0
LF.61 Emergency operation mode. If using an MCE Off, SPd1, off
TAPS, (Traction Auxiliary Power Supply), this must SPd2, SPd3,
be set to di1. di1
LF.67 Pre-torque gain - 0.25 - 2.00 1.00
LF.68 Pre-torque offset % -100.0 - 100.0 0.00
LF.69 Pre-torque direction (0, 1 = +V, -1 = -V) 1 0, 1, -1 1
LF.70 Speed pick delay (Delay to turn on DRO) sec 0.0 - 3.0 0.30
LF.71 Brake pick delay sec 0.0 - 3.0 0.05

A-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 TORQMAX F5 Parameters Table

Table A.1 TORQMAX F5 Parameters for Motion 4000

Display Parameter Description Unit Range Default Field
LF.76 Encoder resolution multiplier 1 0 - 13 2
2 for incremental encoder
8 for Sin/Cos, EnDat or Hiperface encoder
LF.77 Absolute encoder position (measured) 1 0 - 65535h 0 A
LF.78 Brake drop delay. Time motor will hold full current sec 0.00 - 3.00 0.50
and control after direction inputs drop.
LF.79 Current hold time. Delay in turning off the drive sec 0.00 - 3.00 0.30
(Delay to turn OFF the motor current after the
direction is dropped and LF.78 has expired)
Diagnostic Parameters (Read only)
LF.25 Estimated gear ratio 1
LF.80 Software version -
LF.81 Software date -
LF.82 X2A input state - see tables
LF.83 X2A output state - in F5 Drive
LF.86 Operation mode - Manual
LF.87 Actual inverter load (100% = rated load) %
LF.88 Motor command speed rpm
LF.89 Actual motor speed rpm
LF.90 Actual elevator speed ft/m
LF.93 Phase current A
LF.94 Peak phase current A
LF.95 Actual DC voltage V
LF.96 Peak DC voltage V
LF.97 Actual output frequency Hz
O.LF.98 Last error -
US Parameters
US. 1 Password: With different passwords different - - -
parameter groups can be accessed for advanced
US. 3 Load defaults: Select LoAd and press ENTER to - LoAd -
cause all LF parameters to be reset to drive
default values.
US. 4 Load configuration: Select LoAd and press ENTER - LoAd -
to load the configuration selected in US.10.
US.10 Select configuration: Selects the drive mode. - ICLSd -
ICLSd - Close loop induction I9LSS
I9LSS = Closed loop induction gearless PCLSd
PCLSd = Closed loop permanent magnet (PM) P9LSS
P9LSS = Closed loop PM gearless
US.34 Analog Pattern Gain - 0.01-20.0 1.0
US. 35 Reference Splitting: This function creates a slope mSec 0 200 mSec 0.0
between two successive serially transmitted speed
values. This parameter should be adjusted for a
time double the actual serial update rate of the
speed command
Note: Program to 40 msec for M4000 controller
with Rev8


Magnetek Parameters Table

Enter the settings you make while adjusting into the Field column of the following table.

Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Adjust A0
A1 Drive
Contract Car Spd Elevator Contract Speed fpm 0 - 3000 0.1
Contract Mtr Spd Motor Speed at elevator contract speed rpm 50 - 3000 1130
Response Speed regulator sensitivity. If set too high, rad/ 1.0 - 20.0 10
motor current and speed will be jittery. If too sec
small, the motor will be sluggish.
Inertia System inertia sec 0.25 - 50.00 2.0
Inner Loop Xover Inner speed loop crossover frequency (only rad/ 0.1 - 20.0 2.0
with Ereg speed regulator) sec
Gain Reduce Mult Speed regulator response percentage to use in % 10 - 100 100
low gain Mode. 100% = no reduction.
Gain Chng Level Speed level to change to low gain mode % 0 - 100.0 100
(only with internal gain switch)
Tach Rate Gain Compensates for rope resonance. Use only % 0 - 30.0 0
after A1, Inertia, and A1, Response, have
been set correctly.
Spd Phase Margin Phase margin of speed regulator o 45 - 90 80
(only with PI speed regulator)
Ramped Stop Time Time to ramp from rated torque to zero (only sec 0 - 2.50 0.20
with torque ramp down stop function)
Contact Flt Time Time before a contactor fault is declared sec 0.10 - 5.00 0.50
Brake Pick Time Time before a brake pick fault is declared sec 0 - 5.00 0.00
Brake Hold Time Time before a brake hold fault is declared sec 0 - 5.00 0.00
Overspeed Level Threshold for detection of overspeed fault % 100.0 - 150.0 125.0
Overspeed Time Time before an overspeed fault is declared sec 0 - 9.99 1.00
Overspeed Mult Multiplier for overspeed test (U4) % 100 - 150 100
Encoder Pulses Encoder counts per revolution ppr 600 - 10000 1024
Spd Dev Lo Level Range around the speed reference for speed % 00.1 - 10.0 10
deviation low logic output
Spd Dev Time Time before speed deviation low logic output sec 0 - 9.99 1.00
is true
Spd DevHi Level Level for declaring speed deviation alarm % 0 - 99.9 20.0
Spd Command Bias Subtracts an effective voltage to actual speed volts 0 - 6.00 0.00
command voltage
Spd Command Mult Scales analog speed command - 0.90 - 3.00 1.00
Pre Torque Bias Subtracts an effective voltage to actual pre volts 0 - 6.00 0.00
torque command voltage
Pre Torque Mult Scales pre-torque command - -10.00-10.00 1.00
Zero Speed Level Threshold for zero speed logic output % 0 - 99.99 1.00
Zero Speed Time Time before zero speed logic output is sec 0 - 9.99 0.10
declared true
Up/Dwn Threshold Detection threshold, up or down direction % 0 - 9.99 1.00

A-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Magnetek Parameters Table

Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Mtr Torque Limit Motoring torque limit. Torque Limit LED will % 0 - 250.0 250.0
light when this limit is reached.
Regen Torq Limit Regenerating torque limit. Torque Limit LED % 0 - 250.0 250.0
will light when this limit is reached.
Flux Wkn Factor Defines torque limit at higher speeds % 60.0 - 100.0 75.0
Ana 1 Out Offset Subtracts an effective voltage to actual analog % -99.9 - 99.9 0.00
output 1
Ana 2 Out Offset Subtracts an effective voltage to actual analog % -99.9 - 99.9 0.00
output 2
Ana 1 Out Gain Scaling factor for analog output 1 - 0 - 10.0 1.0
Ana 2 Out Gain Scaling factor for analog output 2 - 0 - 10.0 1.0
Flt Reset Delay Time Before a fault is automatically reset sec 0 - 120 5
Flt Reset / Hour Number of faults allowed to reset automati- fault 0 - 10 3
cally per hour
Up to SPD. Level The logic output function is true when the % 0 - 110.00 080.00
motor speed is above the user specified speed
defined here
Mains DIP Speed When enabled by the Main DIP Speed (A1) % 5 - 99.9 25.00
parameter, speed is reduced by this percent
when an undervoltage alarm is declared
Run Delay Timer Delays drive recognition of RUN signal. sec 0.00 - 0.99 0.00
AB Zero Spd Lev Auto Brake Function - N/A to MCE products % 0.00 - 2.00 0.00
AB Off Delay N/A to MCE products sec 0.00 - 9.99 0.00
Contactor DO Dly N/A to MCE products sec 0.00 - 5.00 0.00
TRQ Lim Msg Dly Time duration drive is in torque limit before sec 0.50 - 10.00 0.50
Hit Torque Limit message displayed.
SER2 INSP SPD Defines the serial mode 2 Inspection ft/ 0 - 100 30
(only serial mode 2) min
SER2 RS CRP SPD Creep speed used in rescue mode ft/ 0 - 100 10
SER2 RS CPR Time Maximum time drive will continue to run at sec 0 - 200 180
rescue creep speed (only serial mode 2)
SER2 FLT TOL Maximum time that may elapse between valid sec 0.0 - 2.0 0.04
run time messages before a serial fault is
declared (only serial mode 2)
Rollback Gain Anti-rollback gain - 1 - 99 1
Notch Filter Frq Notch Filter Center Frequency Hz 5 - 60 20
Notch Filt Depth Notch filter maximum attenuation % 0 - 100 0
MSPD Delay 1-4 Recognition time delay for a defined multistep sec 0.00 - 10.0 0.00
speed command
A2 S-Curves
Accel Rate 0 Acceleration rate #0 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00
Decel Rate 0 Deceleration rate #0 ft/s2 0 - 3.999 3.00
Accel Jerk in 0 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 0 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
approaching contract elevator speed


Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Decel Jerk in 0 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 0 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
Accel Rate 1 Acceleration rate #1 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00
Decel Rate 1 Deceleration rate #1 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00
Accel Jerk in 1 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 1 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 1 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 1 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
Accel Rate 2 Acceleration rate #2 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00
Decel Rate 2 Deceleration rate #2 2
ft/s 0 - 7.99 3.00
Accel Jerk in 2 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s 3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 2 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 2 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 2 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
Accel Rate 3 Acceleration rate #3 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00
Decel Rate 3 Deceleration rate #3 ft/s2 0 - 7.99 3.00
Accel Jerk in 3 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when increasing elevator speed
Accel Jerk out 3 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
approaching contract elevator speed
Decel Jerk in 3 Rate of increase of deceleration, up to Decel ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
Rate, when decreasing elevator speed
Decel Jerk out 3 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when ft/s3 0 - 8.0 8.0
slowing the elevator to leveling speed
A3 Multistep Ref
Speed Command 1 Multi-Step Speed command #1 ft/m 0
Speed Command 2 Multi-Step Speed command #2 ft/m 0
Speed Command 3 Multi-Step Speed command #3 ft/m 0
Speed Command 4 Multi-Step Speed command #4 ft/m 0
Speed Command 5 Multi-Step Speed command #5 ft/m 0
Speed Command 6 Multi-Step Speed command #6 ft/m 0
Speed Command 7 Multi-Step Speed command #7 ft/m 0
Speed Command 8 Multi-Step Speed command #8 ft/m 0
Speed Command 9 Multi-Step Speed command #9 ft/m 0
Speed Command 10 Multi-Step Speed command #10 ft/m 0

A-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Magnetek Parameters Table

Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Speed Command 11 Multi-Step Speed command #11 ft/m 0
Speed Command 12 Multi-Step Speed command #12 ft/m 0
Speed Command 13 Multi-Step Speed command #13 ft/m 0 A
Speed Command 14 Multi-Step Speed command #14 ft/m 0
Speed Command 15 Multi-Step Speed command #15 ft/m 0

A4 Power Convert
Id Reg Diff gain Flux Current regulator differential gain - 0.80 - 1.20 1.00
Id Reg Prop Gain Flux current regulator proportional gain - 0.20 - 0.40 0.30
Iq Reg Diff Gain Torque current regulator differential gain - 0.80 - 1.20 1.00
Iq Reg Prop Gain Torque current regulator proportional gain - 0.20 - 0.40 0.30
PWM Frequency Carrier frequency kHz 2.5 - 16.0 10.0
UV Alarm Level Level for undervoltage alarm % 80 - 99 80
UV Fault Level Level for undervoltage fault % 50 - 88 80
Extern Reactance External choke reactance % 0 - 10 0
Input L-L Volts Nominal line-line AC input Voltage, RMS volts 110 - 480 Drive dep.
A5 Motor
Motor ID Motor Identification - 4 Pole DFLT, 6 MCE Test
Pole DFLT,
MCE Test
Rated Mtr Power Rated motor output power HP 1.0 - 500 Per Job
Rated Mtr Volts Rated motor terminal RMS voltage volts 190.0 - 575.0 Per Job
Rated Excit Freq Rated excitation frequency Hz 5.0 - 400.0 Per Job
Rated Motor Curr Rated motor current amps 1.00 - 800.00 Per Job
Motor Poles Motor poles - 2 - 32 Per Job
Rated Mtr Speed Rated motor speed at full load RPM 50.0 - 3000.0 Per Job
% No Load Curr Percent no load current % 10.0 - 60.0 Per Job
Stator Leakage X Stator leakage reactance % 0 - 20.0 Per Job
Rotor Leakage X Rotor leakage reactance % 0 - 20.0 Per Job
Stator Resist Stator resistance % 0 - 20.0 Per Job
Motor Iron Loss Iron loss at rated frequency % 0 - 15.0 Per Job
Motor Mech Loss Mechanical loss at rated frequency % 0 - 15.0 Per Job
Ovld Start Level Maximum continuous motor current % 100 - 150 Per Job
Ovld Time Out Time that defines motor overload curve sec 5.0 - 120.0 Per Job
Flux Sat Break Flux saturation curve slope change point % 0 - 100 Per Job
Flux Sat Slope 1 Flux saturation curve slope for low fluxes % 0 - 200.0 Per Job
Flux Sat Slope 2 Flux saturation curve slope for high fluxes % 0 - 200.0 Per Job


Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Configure C0
C1 User Switches
Spd Command Src Speed Command Source - Analog input Multi-step Serial
Run Command Src Run Command Source - External TB External Serial
Serial TB1
Hi/Lo Gain Src High / low gain change switch source - External TB 1 Internal
Speed Reg Type Chooses speed regulator - Elev spd reg Elev spd
Pi speed reg reg
Motor Rotation Allows user to reverse direction of motor rota- - Forward Forward
tion Reverse
Spd Ref Release Determines when speed reference release is - Reg release Reg
asserted Brake picked release
Cont Confirm Src Enables external logic input for contactor con- - None None
firmation. External TB
Pre Torque Source Enables and determines the source of the pre - None None
torque command Analog input
Pre Torque Latch Determines if analog pre-torque command is - Not latched Not
latched Latched latched
PT torq Latch Clck Determines source of pre torque latch control - External TB External
(if used) Serial tb
Fault Reset Src Fault reset source - External TB External
Serial tb
Overspd Test Src Determines external logic source to trigger - External TB External
overspeed test Serial tb
Brake Pick Src If drive controls mechanical brake, determines - Internal Internal
source of brake pick command Serial
Brake Pick Cnfrm Enables a logic input to use for brake pick con- - None None
firmation External TB
Brake Hold Src If drive controls mechanical brake, determines - Internal Internal
source of brake hold command Serial
Ramped Stop Sel Selects normal stop or torque ramp down stop - None None
Ramp on stop
Ramp Down En Src Determines the source that signals the torque - External TB External
ramp down stop (if used) Run logic tb
Brk Pick Flt Ena Brake pick fault enable - Enable Disable
Brk Hold Flt Ena Brake hold fault enable - Enable Disable
Ext Torq Cmd Src When Speed Reg Type = External Reg, sets - None None
the source of the torque command Serial

A-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Magnetek Parameters Table

Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Dir Confirm Confirms proper analog signal polarity when - Enabled Disabled
enabled and a logic input is programmed to Disabled
Run Up and Run Down
S-Curve Abort Addresses how the S-Curve Speed Reference - Enabled Disabled
Generator handles a reduction in the speed Disabled
command before the S-Curve Generator has
reached its target speed.
Fast Flux Reduces starting takeoff time by reducing - Enabled Enabled
motor fluxing time Disabled
Main DIP Ena Enables the Mains DIP Speed (A1) parameter - Enabled Disabled
that reduces speed when an undervoltage Disabled
alarm is declared
DB Protection Dynamic braking Protection fault or alarm Fault Fault
selection Alarm
Encoder Fault Temporarily disables the Encoder Fault - Enabled Enabled
Stopping Mode Determines stopping mode when Spd Com- - Immediate Immedi-
mand Src = multi-step Ramp to stop ate
Motor Ovrld Sel Motor Overload Selection - Alarm Alarm
Flt Immediate
Fault at Stop
Auto Stop Auto Stop Function enable - Disable Disable
Serial Mode Serial Protocol selection - Mode 1 Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 2 test
SER2 FLT Mode Defines reaction to a serial communication - immediate Immedi-
fault while in Serial Mode 2 (Only serial mode ate
2) Run
DRV Fast Disable Addresses how fast the drive responds to the - Disable Disable
removal of Drive Enable logic input. Enable
MLT-SPD to DLY1 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
MLT-SPD to DLY2 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
MLT-SPD to DLY3 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
MLT-SPD to DLY4 Assigns multi-step speed command to recog- - None None
nition delay timer 1 mspd1-
C2 Logic Inputs
Log In 1 TB1-1 Terminal 1 Selection - - DRIVE
Log In 2 TB1-2 Terminal 2 Selection - - RUN UP


Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

Log In 3 TB1-3 Terminal 3 Selection - - RUN
Log In 4 TB1-4 Terminal 4 Selection - - FAULT NO
Log In 5 TB1-5 Terminal 5 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 6 TB1-6 Terminal 6 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 7 TB1-7 Terminal 7 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 8 TB1-8 Terminal 8 Selection - - STEP REF NO
Log In 9 TB1-9 Terminal 9 Selection - - S-CURVE NO
C3 Logic Outputs
Log Out 1 tb1-14 Terminal 14 Selection - - SPEED NO
Log Out 2 tb1-15 Terminal 15 Selection - - RUN COM- NO
Log Out 3 tb1-16 Terminal 16 Selection - - MTR NO
Log Out 4 tb1-17 Terminal 17 Selection - - ENCODER NO
Relay Coil 1 Relay 1 Function Selection - - FAULT
Relay Coil 2 Relay 2 Function Selection - - SPEED
C4 Analog Outputs
Ana Out 1 tb1-33 Terminal 33 Selection - - SPEED
Ana Out 2 tb1-35 Terminal 35 Selection - - SPEED
Utility U0
U1 Password Password - - 000000
Enable or disable hidden parameters - - ENABLE
U2 Hidden Items Enable Disable
Unit for parameters - - ENGLISH
U3 Unit English Metric
Allows overspeed test during inspection - - No
U4 Overspeed Test Yes No

A-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Magnetek Parameters Table

Table A.2 Magnetek AC Drive Table

# Display Parameter Description Unit Range MCE Def Field Set

U5 Restore Dflts Reset all parameters to default values

Drive information:

U6 Drive Info
Drive Version:
Boot Version:
Cube ID:
Drive Type:
U7 HEX Monitor Hex Monitor


F7 Settings Record
Please use the following table to record your F7 menu settings. If the TC-MPI board is replaced
in the future, this will provide you a quick way to re-enter proper settings. Also, if you place a
support call to MCE, these values are information you will need to speed problems solving.)

Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

1 Floor 1 (bottom floor served)
2 Floor 2 (next floor ascending)
Floors in ascending order

Bottom Access Distance: Distance in Inches

65 from bottom floor to virtual bottom access up-
travel limit switch position.
Top Access Distance: Distance in Inches from
66 top floor to virtual top access down-travel limit
switch position.
Counterweight Position: Distance in Inches
above the bottom floor at which the counter-
weight is adjacent to the car. Learned through
F6 menu. May be adjusted here.
Directional Limit Distance: Distance in Inches
at which the virtual direction limit switches are
positioned beyond the terminal floor level

U/DETS Option: If up and down emergency

terminal switches are positioned in software
by the system, they are Virtual. If mechanical
switches are installed, they are Physical. If
emergency terminal switches are not used,
select Unused.
U/DNT1 Option: If up and down position 1
normal terminal switches are positioned in
software by the system, they are Virtual. If
mechanical switches are installed, they are
Physical. If position 1 normal terminal
switches are not used, select Unused.
U/DNT2 Option: If up and down position 2
normal terminal switches are positioned in
software by the system, they are Virtual. If
mechanical switches are installed, they are
Physical. If position 2 normal terminal
switches are not used, select Unused.
U/DNT3 Option: If up and down position 3
normal terminal switches are positioned in
software by the system, they are Virtual. If
mechanical switches are installed, they are
Physical. If position 3 normal terminal
switches are not used, select Unused.

A-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7 Settings Record

Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

U/DNT4 Option: If up and down position 4
normal terminal switches are positioned in
software by the system, they are Virtual. If
mechanical switches are installed, they are A
Physical. If position 4 normal terminal
switches are not used, select Unused.
U/DNT5 Option: If up and down position 5
normal terminal switches are positioned in
software by the system, they are Virtual. If
mechanical switches are installed, they are
Physical. If position 5 normal terminal
switches are not used, select Unused.

UETS Speed: Speed in feet per minute which

the car must be below when tripping the up
75 emergency terminal switch. Must never be in
excess of 95% of contract speed. Determined
by contract speed and position of the switch.
UETS Distance: Distance in Inches from the
top terminal floor level position at which the
up emergency terminal switch is positioned.
Approximately half the distance needed by the
drive to decelerate to zero speed from contract
UETS Delta Distance: Distance in Inches on
either side of the up emergency terminal
77 switch position inside which the car must
detect the up emergency terminal switch. If
not, the car will perform an emergency stop.
UETS Delta Speed: Delta speed is generally
unused in applications below 400 FPM. Delta
Speed provides an adder to UETS speed.
UETS speed and Delta speed together may not
exceed 95% of contract speed. If you are trip-
ping an ETS fault during car setup, you can
choose to use this adder or you can choose to
temporarily disable the ETS switches by set-
ting them to Unused until you have sufficient
control of the car.

UNTS1 Speed: Speed in feet per minute which

79 the car must be below when tripping the
UNTS1 switch.
UNTS1 Distance: Distance in inches from the
80 top terminal floor level position at which a vir-
tual UNTS1 switch is positioned.
UNTS1 Delta Distance: Distance in inches on
either side of the UNTS1 switch inside which
the car must detect the switch. If not, the car
will perform an emergency slow down.


Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

UNTS1 Delta Low Speed: Along with the Delta
High Speed setting, determines a speed range
which the car must be within to avoid causing
an emergency slow down.
UNTS1 Delta High Speed: Along with the Delta
Low Speed setting, determines a speed range
which the car must be within to avoid causing
an emergency slow down.

84 UNTS2 Speed (See UNTS1)

85 UNTS2 Distance (See UNTS1)
86 UNTS2 Delta Distance (See UNTS1)
87 UNTS2 Delta Low Speed (See UNTS1)
88 UNTS2 Delta High Speed (See UNTS1)

89 UNTS3 Speed (See UNTS1)

90 UNTS3 Distance (See UNTS1)
91 UNTS3 Delta Distance (See UNTS1)
92 UNTS3 Delta Low Speed (See UNTS1)
93 UNTS3 Delta High Speed (See UNTS1)

94 UNTS4 Speed (See UNTS1)

95 UNTS4 Distance (See UNTS1)
96 UNTS4 Delta Distance (See UNTS1)
97 UNTS4 Delta Low Speed (See UNTS1)
98 UNTS4 Delta High Speed (See UNTS1)

99 UNTS5 Speed (See UNTS1)

100 UNTS5 Distance (See UNTS1)
101 UNTS5 Delta Distance (See UNTS1)
102 UNTS5 Delta Low Speed (See UNTS1)
103 UNTS5 Delta High Speed (See UNTS1)

DETS Speed: Speed in feet per minute which

the car must be below when tripping the down
104 emergency terminal switch. Must never be in
excess of 95% of contract speed. Determined
by contract speed and position of the switch.
DETS Distance: Distance in Inches from the
bottom terminal floor level position at which
the down emergency terminal switch is posi-
tioned. Approximately half the distance
needed by the drive to decelerate to zero
speed from contract speed.

A-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7 Settings Record

Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

DETS Delta Distance: Distance in Inches on
either side of the down emergency terminal
106 switch position inside which the car must
detect the down emergency terminal switch. If A
not, the car will perform an emergency stop.
DETS Delta Speed: Delta speed is generally
unused in applications below 400 FPM. Delta
Speed provides an adder to DETS speed.
DETS speed and Delta speed together may not
exceed 95% of contract speed. If you are trip-
ping an ETS fault during car setup, you can
choose to use this adder or you can choose to
temporarily disable the ETS switches by set-
ting them to Unused until you have sufficient
control of the car.

DNTS1 Speed: Speed in feet per minute which

108 the car must be below when tripping the
DNTS1 switch.
DNTS1 Distance: Distance in inches from the
109 bottom terminal floor level position at which a
virtual DNTS1 switch is positioned.
DNTS1 Delta Distance: Distance in inches on
either side of the DNTS1 switch inside which
the car must detect the switch. If not, the car
will perform an emergency slow down.
DNTS1 Delta Low Speed: Along with the Delta
High Speed setting, determines a speed range
which the car must be within to avoid causing
an emergency slow down.
DNTS1 Delta High Speed: Along with the Delta
Low Speed setting, determines a speed range
which the car must be within to avoid causing
an emergency slow down.

113 DNTS2 Speed (See DNTS1)

114 DNTS2 Distance (See DNTS1)
115 DNTS2 Delta Distance (See DNTS1)
116 DNTS2 Delta Low Speed (See DNTS1)
117 DNTS2 Delta High Speed (See DNTS1)

118 DNTS3 Speed (See DNTS1)

119 DNTS3 Distance (See DNTS1)
120 DNTS3 Delta Distance (See DNTS1)
121 DNTS3 Delta Low Speed (See DNTS1)
122 DNTS3 Delta High Speed (See DNTS1)

123 DNTS4 Speed (See DNTS1)

124 DNTS4 Distance (See DNTS1)
125 DNTS4 Delta Distance (See DNTS1)


Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

126 DNTS4 Delta Low Speed (See DNTS1)
127 DNTS4 Delta High Speed (See DNTS1)

128 DNTS5 Speed (See DNTS1)

129 DNTS5 Distance (See DNTS1)
130 DNTS5 Delta Distance (See DNTS1)
131 DNTS5 Delta Low Speed (See DNTS1)
132 DNTS5 Delta High Speed (See DNTS1)

Brake Pick Delay: Time in milliseconds after

133 the drive enable command is issued before the
brake should pick.
Speed pick delay: The time in milliseconds
134 after the brake is picked before the speed
command is issued.
Brake Hold Delay: After take off, the brake is
135 held fully picked until this timer expires, at
which point it settles to hold position/voltage.
Brake Drop Delay: Delay in milliseconds that
136 the brake should be delayed from dropping
after the speed command is dropped.
Drive disable Delay: The time in milliseconds
138 after stopping at a floor which the drive should
maintain electrical control of the motor.
Speed hysteresis Delay: Provides a delay
139 between when the speed command is issued
and when it begins to accelerate the load.

Profile Advance: Advances application of the

curve but with no speed command issued.
Profile Scale: Scales the curve to affect all
associated speed settings. i.e., 50% of Stan-
dard pattern would reduce Contract and other
associated speeds to 50% of their value.
Standard Slew Slope: Determines how aggres-
sively or gradually the current speed transi-
tions to zero speed. Sets the maximum
deceleration rate that the S curve is allowed to
command when the car is stopping from a
speed near releveling speed or lower. If the
stop is harsh, reducing this value may provide
a softer stop.
Danger Slew Slope: Determines how aggres-
sively or gradually the current speed can tran-
sition to a lower or higher speed. Sets the
maximum rate of acceleration/deceleration the
S curve is allowed to command when the car is
running and when the car is stopping from a
speed greater than releveling speed. Reducing
this value forces a more gradual transition.

A-18 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 F7 Settings Record

Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

Slew Filter: Smooths any harsh transitions in
144 the commanded speed. Reducing this value
causes a smoother transition.
Contract Overspeed: Setting in feet per min-
145 ute above contract speed at which a contract
overspeed is detected.
Inspection Overspeed: Setting in feet per min-
ute above inspection speed at which an
inspection overspeed is detected and an emer-
gency stop initiated.
Leveling Overspeed: Setting in feet per minute
above leveling speed at which a leveling over-
speed is detected and an emergency stop initi-

Hoist-motor Speed: Setting in drive sheave

RPM at which the car achieves contract speed.
Contract Speed: Contract speed of the car in
feet per minute.
High Speed: High speed limit for the Standard
curve. Usually the same as Contract Speed.
151 Intermediate Speed
152 Earthquake Speed
153 Auxiliary Speed
154 Backup power speed
155 Inspection Speed (Normal)
156 Inspection Speed (Reduced)
157 Correction Speed
158 Leveling Speed

159 Releveling Speed

160 Leveling Distance
161 Releveling distance
162 Proximity distance

165 Standard Start Jerk

166 Standard Roll Jerk
167 Standard Stop Jerk
168 Standard Acceleration
169 Standard Deceleration

170 Manual Start Jerk

171 Manual Roll Jerk
172 Manual Stop Jerk
173 Manual Acceleration
174 Manual Deceleration


Table A.3 F7 Parameter Log

ID# Description Setting

175 Danger Start Jerk
176 Danger Roll Jerk
177 Danger Stop Jerk
178 Danger Deceleration

179 Alternate Start Jerk

180 Alternate Roll Jerk
181 Alternate Stop Jerk
182 Alternate Acceleration
183 Alternate Deceleration

Drive Type: Select the drive used in the con-

185 Brake Type Option
186 Emergency Brake Option
187 Reduced Inspect Speed
188 Unintended Motion
189 Following error
190 Sheave Brake Idle Delay
191 Landing System
Speed Drop Delay: Magnetek drives only. Time
in milliseconds during which the drive should
192 continue to exert motor control after the car
has achieved the floor and before the brake
has dropped.
Profile Compensation:
Dynamic: Variable, controller determined
compensation for drive lag based on entry in
parameter 140, Profile Advance.
Fixed: Fixed compensation for drive lag using
the parameter 140, Profile Advance setting.
194 Normal Brake Pick Voltage
195 Normal Brake Hold Voltage
196 Normal Brake Relevel Voltage
197 Normal Brake Lift Rate
198 Normal Brake Drop Rate
199 Emergency Brake Type
200 Emergency Brake Pick Voltage
201 Emergency Brake Hold Voltage
202 Directional Limit Type
203 Landing Floor Checksum Read Only. Stored when floors are learned.
204 Landing System ETS Overspeed
205 Inspection Slew Filter
206 Battery Backup Speed

A-20 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 General Settings Log

General Settings Log

Program Mode (F1) Parameter Settings Record
Controller Type: ___ Hydro (M2000) ___ Traction (M4000) ___ Hydro (M2000) ___ Traction (M4000)
Simplex / Local or Duplex? ___ Simplex ___ Local ___ Duplex ___ Simplex ___ Local ___ Duplex
___ Sel. Coll. ___ Single Button ___ Sel. Coll. ___ Single Button
___ Single Auto PB ___ Single Auto PB
Top Landing Served (This car)?
Walk Thru Doors this Car (This car) _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Car Serves Frnt/Flr (This car)?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Car Serves Rear/Flr (This car)?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Top Landing Served (Other car)?
Walk Thru Doors Other Car (Other car) _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Other Car Serves Frnt/Flr?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Other Car Serves Rear/Flr?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Parking Floor
Alt. Parking Floor
Secondary Park Floor
Lobby Floor
Car Identifier Set first car to A, next car to B, etc. Set first car to A, next car to B, etc.
Serial COP Board HC-CPI? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Discrete PIs on UIO? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Dedicated PI Board? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Serial Cartop Door CNTRL? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Disable Local Hall Calls? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No

Fire Service Operation? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Fire Phase 1 Main Floor
Fire Phase 1 Alt. Floor
Fire Service Code
Fire Phase 1, 2nd Alt Landing
Will This Car Run on PH2? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Bypass Stop Sw. on Phase 1? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Honeywell Fire Operation? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
NYC Fire Phase 2 w/ ANSI 89? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
White Plains, NY Fire Code? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Mass 524 CMR Fire Code? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
ASME A17.1A 200x Addenda? _____ None ______ 2005 ______ 2007 _____ None ______ 2005 ______ 2007
Disable DPM on Fire PH.2? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Low Voltage Fire Sensor? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Fire Hat Status Dynamic/Latch Flashing/Latch Initial Dynamic/Latch Flashing/Latch Initial

Nudging? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Stuck Photo Eye Protection? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Sequential Door Oper.(F/R)? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Car Call Cancels Door Time? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Nudging During Fire Phase 1? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Retiring Cam Option? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Pre-Opening? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Mechanical Safety Edge? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Nudging Output/Buzzer Only? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No


Program Mode (F1) Parameter Settings Record

D.C.B. Cancels Door Time? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Leave Door Open on MGS (Traction only) _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Leave Door Open on PTI/ESS? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Nudging During Fire Phase 2? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Dir. Preference Until DLK? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Fully Manual Doors? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Cont. D.C.B. to Close Doors? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Cont. D.C.B. for Fire Phase 1? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Moment. D.O.B. door opening? ______ No ______ No
Moment D.O.B. for: ____Front ____Rear ____Both Doors ____Front ____Rear ____Both Doors
Moment D.O.B. for: ____Hall Calls ____Car Calls ____All Calls ____Hall Calls ____Car Calls ____All Calls
Doors to open if parked? ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Doors to Open on Main Fire? ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Doors to Open on Alt. Fire? ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Leave Doors Open on CTL _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Limited Door Re-Open Option _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Reduce HCT with Photo Eye _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Leave Doors Open on EPI _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Doors to open if No demand? ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Const. Press Op. Bypass PHE? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Door Type is? _____ Horizontal ______ Vertical _____ Horizontal ______ Vertical
Front Door Mech. Coupled? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Rear Door Mech. Coupled? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Prevent DCP Till Doors Close: _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Moment D.C.B to Close Doors? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Doors to Latch DOF? ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Doors to Latch DCF? ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Inv. Door Close Limit? ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both ___None ___ Front ___ Rear ___ Both
Fire PH2 with Doors Closed? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Short Door Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Car Call Door Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Hall Call Door Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Lobby Door Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Nudging Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Time out of Service Timer ___None_____ seconds ___None_____ seconds
Motor Limit Timer ___None_____ minutes ___None_____ minutes
MGR Output Timer (Traction only) _____ minutes _____ minutes
Door Hold Input Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Parking Delay Timer _____ minutes _____ minutes
Fan/Light Output Timer _____ minutes _____ minutes
Hospital Emerg. Timer Unit? _____minutes _____seconds _____minutes _____seconds
Hospital Emerg. Timer _____minutes _____seconds _____minutes _____seconds
Door Open Protection Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
CTL Door Open Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Door Buzzer Timer _____ seconds _____ seconds
Opn/Cls Intrlock Timer _____ milliseconds _____ milliseconds
Fire PH1 Reclose Timer? _____ Yes ______ No _____ Yes ______ No
Mounted in hall or car? _____ Hall _____ Car _____ Hall _____ Car
Double strike on Down? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
PFG Enable Button? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Main Egress Floor
Egress Floor Arrival Gong? _____ No Main Egress Floor = _____ _____ No Main Egress Floor = _____
Car lantern Door Fully Open? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No

A-22 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 General Settings Log

Program Mode (F1) Parameter Settings Record

SPIN1 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN2 on HC-CTL-2 used for: A
SPIN3 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN4 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN5 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN6 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN7 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN8 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN9 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
SPIN10 on HC-CTL-2 used for:
IO 1, UIO 32 used for:
IO 2, UIO 32 used for:
IO 3, UIO 32 used for:
IO 4, UIO 32 used for:
IO 5, UIO 32 used for:
IO 6, UIO 32 used for:
IO 7, UIO 32 used for:
IO 8, UIO 32 used for:
IO 1, UIO 33 used for:
IO 2, UIO 33 used for:
IO 3, UIO 33 used for:
IO 4, UIO 33 used for:
IO 5, UIO 33 used for:
IO 6, UIO 33 used for:
IO 7, UIO 33 used for:
IO 8, UIO 33 used for:
IO 1, UIO 34 used for:
IO 2, UIO 34 used for:
IO 3, UIO 34 used for:
IO 4, UIO 34 used for:
IO 5, UIO 34 used for:
IO 6, UIO 34 used for:
IO 7, UIO 34 used for:
IO 8, UIO 34 used for:
IO 1, UIO 35 used for:
IO 2, UIO 35 used for:
IO 3, UIO 35 used for:
IO 4, UIO 35 used for:
IO 5, UIO 35 used for:
IO 6, UIO 35 used for:
IO 7, UIO 35 used for:
IO 8, UIO 35 used for:
IO 1, UIO 36 used for:
IO 2, UIO 36 used for:
IO 3, UIO 36 used for:
IO 4, UIO 36 used for:
IO 5, UIO 36 used for:
IO 6, UIO 36 used for:
IO 7, UIO 36 used for:
IO 8, UIO 36 used for:


Program Mode (F1) Parameter Settings Record


SPOUT1 used for:
SPOUT2 used for:
SPOUT3 used for:
SPOUT4 used for:
IO 9, UIO 32 used for:
IO 10, UIO 32 used for:
IO 11, UIO 32 used for:
IO 12, UIO 32 used for:
IO 13, UIO 32 used for:
IO 14, UIO 32 used for:
IO 15, UIO 32 used for:
IO 16, UIO 32 used for:
IO 9, UIO 33 used for:
IO 10, UIO 33 used for:
IO 11, UIO 33 used for:
IO 12, UIO 33 used for:
IO 13, UIO 33 used for:
IO 14, UIO 33 used for:
IO 15, UIO 33 used for:
IO 16, UIO 33 used for:
IO 9, UIO 34 used for:
IO 10, UIO 34 used for:
IO 11, UIO 34 used for:
IO 12, UIO 34 used for:
IO 13, UIO 34 used for:
IO 14, UIO 34 used for:
IO 15, UIO 34 used for:
IO 16, UIO 34 used for:
IO 9, UIO 35 used for:
IO 10, UIO 35 used for:
IO 11, UIO 35 used for:
IO 12, UIO 35 used for:
IO 13, UIO 35 used for:
IO 14, UIO 35 used for:
IO 15, UIO 35 used for:

A-24 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 General Settings Log

Program Mode (F1) Parameter Settings Record

IO 16, UIO 35 used for:
IO 9, UIO 36 used for: A
IO 10, UIO 36 used for:
IO 11, UIO 36 used for:
IO 12, UIO 36 used for:
IO 13, UIO 36 used for:
IO 14, UIO 36 used for:
IO 15, UIO 36 used for:
IO 16, UIO 36 used for:

PI Output Type: _____1 wire _____Binary 0 _____Binary 1 _____1 wire _____Binary 0 _____Binary 1
Intermediate Speed _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Emergency Power Return Floor
Emergency Power Operation? __ No Emergency Power Return Floor = ___ __ No Emergency Power Return Floor = __
Consec Stops w/o PHE Limit?
Light Load Weighing? __ No Light Load Car Call Limit = ____ ___ No Light Load Car Call Limit = ____
Photo Eye Anti-Nuisance? __ No Consec Stops w/o PHE Limit = ___ ___ No Consec Stops w/o PHE Limit = ___
Dedicated Card Reader Security? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Card Reader Inputs (Dedicated Card Reader) ___Stkd ___FHC ___FCC ___RHC ___RCC ___Stkd ___FHC ___FCC ___RHC ___RCC
MG Shutdown Operation (Traction only) _____ MGS Return Landing _____ MGS Return Landing
IND Cancel Calls On Stop? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
WPIA Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPIB Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPIC Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPID Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPIE Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPIF Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPIG Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
WPIH Landing? ________ ________ ________ ________
Allow Car Calls on WP Sec? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Cancel Both Hall (U/D) Calls? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Retain Calls On CTL/CTF? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No


Program Mode (F1) Parameter Settings Record

Automatic Floor Stop Option? ___ No Floor # for Car to Stop at:_____ ____No Floor # for Car to Stop at:_____
Auto Stop Doors Operation? _____Front _____ Rear _____Both _____Front _____ Rear _____Both
Car Call Cancel w/Dir. Reversal? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Cancel Car Calls Behind Car? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
CE Electronics Board? _____ Rev 1 _____ Rev 2 _____ Rev 1 _____ Rev 2
EMS Service Floor
Massachusetts EMS Service? _____No EMS Service Floor #:_____ _____No EMS Service Floor #:_____
BSI Security Key ___ Activated ___ Deactivated ___ Enabled ___ Activated ___ Deactivated ___ Enabled
PI Turned off if No Demand? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Hospital Emerg. Operation (This car) _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Hospital Calls Frnt/Flr (This car)?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Hospital Calls Rear/Flr (This car)?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Hospital Emerg. Operation (Other car) _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Other Car Hospital Calls Frnt/Flr?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Other Car Hospital Calls Rear/Flr?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Fire Bypasses Hospital? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
High Speed Delay After Run? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Single Speed AC Option? (Traction only) _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Sabbath Operation? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sabbath Up Calls Front Floor?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sabbath Up Calls Rear Floor?
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sabbath Down Calls Front Floor?
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sabbath Down Calls Rear Floor?
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Intermediate Speed between Floors?
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Leveling Sensors ___Enabled ____ Disabled ___ Enabled ____Disabled
KCE ___Enabled ____ Disabled ___ Enabled ____Disabled
Analog Load Weigher? ___None ____ MCE____K-Tech ___None ____ MCE____K-Tech
Ind. Bypass Security? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Ats. Bypass Security? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Car to Floor Return Floor _____ Floor _____ Floor
Scrolling Speed ___Slow ____ Normal ____Fast ___Slow ____ Normal ____Fast
OFRP Between Flrs _____ Floor _____ Floor _____ Floor _____ Floor
Earthquake Operation? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
First Lower/Run on EP Power _____ A _____ B _____ A _____ B
Enable Front DOB on Security? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Enable Rear DOB on Security? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Flr Count Below Flood Level? __________ __________
Disable Top Flrs on PITFLD? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Earthquake Operation? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Earthquake Operation ___ ANSI Eq Op ___ California Eq Op ___ ANSI Eq Op ___ California Eq Op
First Lower/Run on EP Power _____ A _____ B _____ A _____ B


ETS Switches Required? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Hoistway Access? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No
Door Position Monitor ____ None ____Front ____ Rear ____Both ____ None ____Front ____ Rear _____Both
Front Door Close Limit? ____ None _____DCL____ GS+DCAB ____ None _____DCL____ GS+DCAB
Rear Door Close Limit? ____ None _____DCL____ GS+DCAB ____ None _____DCL____ GS+DCAB

A-26 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Floor Settings Log

Floor Settings Log

This table is provided so that you can record floor heights and offsets if desired. .

Table A.4 Floor Height and Offset Notation

Floor Height Offset Floor Height Offset A

1 17
2 18
3 19
4 20
5 21
6 22
7 23
8 24
9 25
10 26
11 27
12 28
13 29
14 30
15 31
16 32


Customer Notations
Table A.5 Customer Notation Area

A-28 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 R6 Regenerative Drive Reference

R6 Regenerative Drive Reference

This section includes quick reference information for the PowerBack R6 Regenerative AC drive.
Please refer to the R6 Regenerative drive manual provided with the product for detailed expla-
nation of the parameters.

Table A.6 Quick Reference for PowerBack R6 Regenerative Drive A

Display Parameter Description Setting Range Resolution Field/MCE Setting
WARNING: Do not change drive parameters while the elevator is running. Incorrect values can
cause erratic elevator operation.
CP. 0 Password input 0...9999 1 ---
CP. 1 Status display --- --- ---
CP. 2 Main Line Frequency --- 0.1 Hz ---
CP. 3 AC-Phase current L1 --- 0.1 A ---
CP. 4 AC-Phase current L2 --- 0.1 A ---
CP. 5 AC-Phase current L3 --- 0.1 A ---
CP. 6 Actual Load --- 1% ---
CP. 7 Actual Load / peak value --- 1% ---
CP. 8 DC output current --- 0.1 A ---
CP. 9 Actual DC voltage --- 1V ---
CP.10 DC voltage / peak value --- 1V ---
CP.11 Heat sink temperature --- 1 0C ---
CP.12 Overload counter --- 1% ---
CP.13 Active power --- 0.1kW ---
CP.14 Total regen kWhr counter --- 0.1 kWh ---
CP.15 Total motor kWhr counter --- 0.1 kWh ---
CP.16 Total net kWhr counter --- 0.1 kWh ---
CP.17 Apparent power / Line input --- 0.1 kVA ---
CP.18 Analog output 1 / amplification factor -20.00...20.00 0.01 1.00
Set to 260 for 208 - 240Vac
CP.19 DC bus switching level +/- 30000.00 0.01
Set to 600 for 460 - 480Vac
CP.20 Auto error reset counter 0...10 1 3
CP.21 Last Error --- ---
CP.22 Last Error 1 --- ---
CP.23 Last Error 2 --- ---
CP.24 Last Error 3 --- ---
CP.25 Last Error 4 --- ---
CP.26 Last Error 5 --- ---
CP.27 Last Error 6 --- ---
CP.28 Last Error 7 --- ---
CP.29 Software version --- 1.3
CP.30 Software date code DDMM.Y
CP.31 Power part ID code --- 250
CP.32* Pulse off Level -100kW...0.0kW 0.1kW -0.8kW
CP.33* Operating Mode 0...3 1 0
CP.34* Control Angle 0.0...60.0 0.1 29.0


Manual Floor Setup, ELGO

All data modified through the controller F7 menu is stored on the TC-MPI board. This data
includes the floor heights associated with the unique values on the ELGO tape. Each tape has
unique value encoding. A value near the bottom of the tape provides the zero height reference
setting at the first floor for the controller. For example, a tape value of 253,451 mm may be the
zero inches reference for a first floor height. All numbers above or below are referenced to that
value. If the TC-MPI board or ELGO tape is replaced the floor data must be re-learned or re-

If the working floor heights for the job were recorded, they can be used to manually set up floors
instead of running a new learn operation.
1. On Inspection Operation, verify the car is exactly level with floor 1. This will be the zero
2. Note the value displayed on the F3 Controller System menu, Elgo screen. For example:
ELGO A 0000999 mm
ELGO B 0000839 mm
3. Through the F5 Controller Utilities menu, Default TC-MPI parameters, default the MPI
4. Set the F6 switch up (all others down). The display will prompt ELGO LEARN, PRESS
5. Press N. The display will prompt: GO TO LANDING 1. PRESS SELECT.
6. Press S. The display will prompt you to enter an offset. You are exactly level with the
floor so press N (DONE) without entering an offset.
7. The display will prompt you to move to the next floor and press SELECT. Instead,
remain at the first floor but press S as though you had moved. When prompted for an
offset value, simply press N (done).
8. Continue as described in Step 8 until all floors have been addressed. You will be
prompted to move the car adjacent to the counterweight. Do so, then press N.
9. You will be prompted to store values. Press S to do so. Upon seeing the VALUES ARE
STORED. LEARN IS NOW COMPLETE message, set the F6 switch to the DOWN posi-

F7 Entry
1. Obtain recorded floor heights to use as a reference.
2. Set the F7 switch UP (all others down).
3. Beginning with parameter 2 (Floor 2), re-enter floor height data for all floors.
4. Set the F7 switch DOWN.
5. Run the car to test landing accuracy. Adjust if needed.

A-30 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Factory I/O Assignment, ICE-COP-2 Boards

Factory I/O Assignment, ICE-COP-2 Boards

COP-2 Board #1 - ID: 0
The first COP-2 board contains standard dedicated inputs as follows:



The first COP-2 board contains standard dedicated outputs as follows:

IO16 IO15 IO14 IO13 IO12 IO11 IO10 IO9


The first COP-2 board contains standard dedicated car calls (see note) as follows:

IO24 IO23 IO22 IO21 IO20 IO19 IO18 IO17

108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101

COP-2 Board #2 - ID: 1

The second COP-2 board contains standard dedicated car calls (see note) as follows:


116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109

IO16 IO15 IO14 IO13 IO12 IO11 IO10 IO9

124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117

IO24 IO23 IO22 IO21 IO20 IO19 IO18 IO17

132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125


Note that the front car calls stack on each other. For example, if a car serves floors 1 through 3,
does not serve floor 4, but does serve floors above 4, floors above floor 4 will move down one
connection rather than leave an I/O open.


COP-2 Board #3 - ID: 2

The third COP-2 board contains spare inputs as follows:



The third COP-2 board contains spare outputs as follows:

IO16 IO15 IO14 IO13 IO12 IO11 IO10 IO9


IO24 IO23 IO22 IO21 IO20 IO19 IO18 IO17


COP-2 Board #4 - ID: 4

The fourth COP-2 board contains standard dedicated inputs as follows:



The fourth COP-2 board contains standard dedicated outputs as follows:

IO16 IO15 IO14 IO13 IO12 IO11 IO10 IO9


The fourth COP-2 board contains standard dedicated car calls (see note) as follows:

IO24 IO23 IO22 IO21 IO20 IO19 IO18 IO17

108R 107R 106R 105R 104R 103R 102R 101R


Note that the rear car calls stack on each other. For example, if a car serves floors 1 through 3,
does not serve floor 4, but does serve floors above 4, floors above floor 4 will move down one
connection rather than leave an I/O open.

A-32 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Motion 4000 Factory I/O Assignment, ICE-COP-2 Boards

COP-2 Board #5 - ID: 5

The fifth COP-2 board contains standard dedicated car calls (see note) as follows:


116R 115R 114R 113R 112R 111R 110R 109R A

IO16 IO15 IO14 IO13 IO12 IO11 IO10 IO9

124R 123R 122R 121R 120R 119R 118R 117R

IO24 IO23 IO22 IO21 IO20 IO19 IO18 IO17

132R 131R 130R 129R 128R 127R 126R 125R

COP-2 Board #6 - ID: 6

The sixth COP-2 board contains spare inputs as follows:



The sixth COP-2 board contains spare outputs as follows:

IO16 IO15 IO14 IO13 IO12 IO11 IO10 IO9


IO24 IO23 IO22 IO21 IO20 IO19 IO18 IO17



Note that the rear car calls stack on each other. For example, if a car serves floors 1 through 3,
does not serve floor 4, but does serve floors above 4, floors above floor 4 will move down one
connection rather than leave an I/O open.


A-34 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Symbols P.LF.31 2-32, A-3
0.LF.36 2-32, A-3 US. 1 2-34, A-5
0.LF.50 2-33, A-4 US. 35 2-34, A-5
0.LF.53 2-33, A-4
0.LF.54 2-33, A-4 Numerics
1.LF.36 2-32, A-3 0. LF.50-55
2.LF.50 2-33, A-4 High speed and Earthquake operation 2-30
2.LF.51 2-33, A-4 0.LF.26 2-32, A-3
2.LF.55 2-33, A-4 0.LF.51 2-33, A-4
A.LF.32 2-32, A-3 0.LF.52 2-33, A-4
A.LF.33 2-32, A-3 0.LF.55 2-33, A-4
CC CANCEL W/DIR REVERSA 4-46 1.LF.51 2-33, A-4
d.LF.31 2-32, A-3 1.LF.52 2-33, A-4
d.LF.33 2-32, A-3 1.LF.53 2-33, A-4
DOOR BUZZER TIMER 4-25 1.LF.54 2-33, A-4
DOUBLE STRIKE ON DOWN 4-26 1.LF.55 2-33, A-4
Encoder channel swap / direction 2-32, A-3 2 BUS IS LOW 5-3
INV. DOOR CLOSE LIMIT 4-23 2 or 2xx Bus 5-2
LF. 4 2-31, A-2 2.LF.52 2-33, A-4
LF.10 2-31, A-2 2.LF.53 2-33, A-4
LF.17 2-32, A-3 2.LF.54 2-33, A-4
LF.20 2-32, A-3 2AB Spare input 4-28
LF.24 2-32, A-3 2FS BUS IS LOW 5-3
LF.25 2-34, A-5 2HA BUS IS LOW 5-3
LF.29 2-32, A-3 2MV BUS IS LOW 5-3
LF.37 2-32, A-4 702-7xx 4-37
LF.38 2-32, A-4 702R-7xxR 4-37
LF.43 2-33, A-4 801-8xx 4-37
LF.49 2-33, A-4 801R-8xxR 4-37
LF.61 2-33, A-4
LF.67 2-33, A-4 A
LF.69 2-33, A-4 A.LF.31 2-32, A-3
LF.70 2-33, A-4 ABD 5-50
LF.71 2-33, A-4 ABD INPUT FAILURE 5-3
LF.76 2-33, A-5 ABI, Alarm Bell Input option 4-28
LF.77 2-33, A-5 ABU 5-50
LF.80 2-34, A-5 ABU INPUT FAILURE 5-3
LF.81 2-34, A-5 ABZ, Attendant Service Buzzer Output option 4-37
LF.82 2-34, A-5 AC Drive parameters
LF.87 2-34, A-5 TORQMAX F5 Drive A-2, A-6
LF.93 2-34, A-5 Acceleration parameter 3-11
LF.96 2-34, A-5 ACCESS ENABLED 5-3
LF.97 2-34, A-5 Access Overspeed Bypass 4-58

Alarm Reset Acknowledge input 4-28 Battery replacement 5-55
ALI 4-28 BFD 4-9
Align Encoder ( TORQMAX) 2-46 BFD, Bottom floor demand flag 4-9
Align Encoder (Magnetek) 2-46 BMS-LINK 1-17
Alive Input 4-28 Board Software Versions 4-165
ALLOW CAR CALLS ON WP SEC.? 4-46 Both USD and DSD are Open message 5-41
ALT. PARKING FLOOR option 4-15 BOTTOM 4-37
Alternate Acceleration, 182 4-161 Bottom Access Bypass Monitor 5-26
Alternate Curve 3-10 Bottom Access Distance, 65 4-149
Alternate Deceleration, 183 4-161 Bottom Access Door Contact 5-13
Alternate Fire Service 4-32 BOTTOM ACCESS SW. FAILURE 5-4
Alternate Lobby Input 4-28 BOTTOM ACCESS? 4-52
Alternate Parking Input 4-28 Bottom Down Access (ABD) switch 5-3
Alternate Roll Jerk, 180 4-161 Bottom Floor Demand message 5-4
Alternate Start Jerk, 179 4-160 Bottom floor level 4-149
Alternate Stop Jerk, 181 4-161 BOTTOM FLOOR OR TOP FLOOR DEMAND 5-4
ALV 4-9 Bottom landing output 4-37
ALV, Alive Input option 4-28 Bottom Rear Access Monitor 5-26
ALV, Other car alive output flag 4-9 BPCR 4-28
Ambient temperature 2-3 BPS 4-28
ANALOG LOAD WEIGHER? option 4-49 Bracelet Security 4-35, 4-46
API 4-9 Brake
API, Alternate Parking Input flag 4-9 Adjust to hold 125% 2-82
API, Alternate Parking Input option 4-28 Brake control module 5-82
ARST 4-28 Brake Coordination 3-18
Ascending Car Overspeed Test 3-44 Brake Drop Delay 4-157
ASME A17.1A 2005 ADDENDA 4-18 Brake Drop Time 2-12
ATD 5-50 Brake Hold Delay Time 4-157
ATD INPUT FAILURE 5-3 Brake lining 2-12
ATS, Attendant Service Input option 4-28 Brake module
ATS. BYPASS SECURITY? option 4-50 DIP switches 5-84
Attendant Service Buzzer Output 4-37 External filtering 5-87
Attendant Service Input 4-28 LED fault indication 5-84
ATTENDANT SERVICE OPERATION 5-3 Switches and Jumpers 5-83
ATU INPUT FAILURE 5-4 Brake Pick Delay Time 4-156
Audible Car Call Registered Output 4-37 BRAKE PICK FAILURE 5-5
AUTO 4-9 Brake Pick Switch input. 4-28
AUTO, Emergency power auto output flag 4-9 Brake Type Option 4-161
AUTO, Emergency Power Auto Selection Input option 4-28 BRP INPUT FAILED TO ACTIVATE 5-5
Automatic Mode Fault Bypass 2-15, 2-28, 3-34 BSI Security Key 4-47, 4-56
Auto-tuning AC Induction Motors 2-21, 2-26 BSI, Building Security Input option 4-28
Auxiliary Position Indicators 4-43 Buffer Test 3-39
Auxiliary Reset Input 4-28 Building Security Input 4-28
Auxiliary Speed, 153 4-158 Bumpy transitions 2-29
Auxiliary Supervisory Down Arrow 4-43 Bypass Faults 2-28
Auxiliary Supervisory Up Arrow 4-43 BYPASS STOP SW. ON PHASE 1 option 4-17
AXR, Auxiliary Reset Input option 4-28 Bypassing Faults on Inspection 2-28, 2-55

BAB Spare input 4-28 Calibrate a brake module 4-139
BAB1 5-47 California Earthquake 4-51
Backup Power alerting input 4-28 CAN Bus 1-3
Backup Power Speed 4-158 CAN Bus termination 5-65, 5-69
Basic Feature Menu options 4-13, 4-15 CAN connections inside controller 5-44
Basic Security 4-56 CANCEL BOTH HALL (U/D) CALLS 4-50
programming or changing the Security codes 4-57 CANCEL CAR CALLS BEHIND CAR 4-46
BATTERY BACKUP POWER SYSTEM FAULT 5-4 Cannot reach contract speed 2-29

Index-2 Manual # 42-02-2P25

CAPTURE FOR TEST 5-5 CCC, Car call cancel input flag 4-9
Capture for Test Input 4-29 CCC, Car Calls Cancel Input option 4-29
Car and Hoistway Bypass Output 4-38 CCD, Car call disconnect flag 4-9
CAR CALL BUS IS DISCONNECTED 5-5 CCDE, Car Call Disconnect Enable Output option 4-37
Car Call Cancellation Output (900) option 4-37 CCH, Car call hold flag 4-9
CAR CALL CANCELS DOOR TIME option 4-19 CCR, Car call flag (rear) 4-9
Car call card reader override 4-29 CCT, Car call time flag 4-9
Car call card reader. 4-29 CCT, Car Call Time Flag Output option 4-37
Car Call Disconnect Enable Output 4-37 CCTR, Car call time flag (rear) 4-9
CAR CALL DOOR TIMER 4-24 CD, Car done flag 4-9
Car Call Time Flag Output 4-37 CD, Car Done on Emergency Power Output option 4-37
Car Calls Cancel Input 4-29 CE ELECTRONICS BOARD 4-46
Car Card Reader Outputs 4-38 CEPR 4-37
Car Controller CFLT, CFLT Output option 4-37
installation of 2-6 CGED for rear doors Output 4-37
wiring prints 2-5 CGED, Car Gong Enable Down Output option 4-37
Car Done Returning on Emergency Power Output 4-37 CGEDR, CGED for rear doors Output option 4-37
CAR DOOR BYPASS SW. FAILURE 5-5 CGEU for rear doors Output 4-38
CAR DOORS ARE WALK-THRU option 4-14 CGEU, Car Gong Enable Up Output option 4-37
Car Gong Enable Down Output 4-37 CGEUR, CGEU for rear doors Output option 4-38
Car Gong Enable Up Output 4-37 CGF, Car Generated Fault Output option 4-38
CAR IDENTIFIER option 4-15 Changing Parameters 4-11
Car lantern actuation point 4-26 Check Car Speed 2-15, 3-33
CAR LANTERN DOOR FULLY OPEN? 4-26 Check for shorts 2-9
Car Oscillates at Contract Speed 3-19 CHNL A 4-58
Car Overshoots 3-19 CHNL B 4-58
Car position 4-58 Clear drive error 2-18, 2-23
Car runs at less than commanded speed 2-29 Clear Event Log 4-68
Car runs too slow 2-29 Clear events 4-68
CAR SAFETY DEVICE OPEN 5-5 CNFG, Configuration error flag 4-9
Car safety string input 4-35 CNP, Contactor Proof Input option 4-29
Car Safety Test 3-44 Code Sequence Enable Output 4-38
Car Selected to Run Output 4-38 Commanded and actual pick voltage 4-139
CAR SERVES FRNT/FLR 1 option 4-14 Communication baud rate, External CAN bus 5-45
Car speed 2-15, 3-33 Complimented PTI Input 4-34
Car Stop Switch Bypass Output 4-38 Computer Generated Fault Output 4-38
CAR TO FLOOR FUNCTION 5-5 Computer Internal Memory 4-6
Car to floor Input 4-29 conF 2-21
Car top box dimensions 1-7 Connection Set 1-16
CAR TOP INSPECTION 5-6 Connections screen 4-136
Car will not move down 2-28 Construction operation 2-27
card reader security 4-45 Construction operation jumpers 2-27
CARD REDR INPUTS - R CAR CALS? 4-45 Contactor Proof Input 4-29
CARD REDR INPUTS- STACKED C/H? 4-45, 4-46 Contract Overspeed 4-158
Car-to-Lobby Door Open Timer Output 4-38 Contract Speed 4-158
Car-to-Lobby Input 4-29 Control parameters
CBF - Car call Bus Fuse Blown input 4-28 TORQMAX, Magnetek 2-45
CC 4-9 Controller inspection 2-46, 2-54
CC CARD READER SECURITY 4-45 Controller reset 4-4
CC, Car call flag 4-9 CORRECTION AWAY FROM CW 4-52
CCA, Car call above flag 4-9 Correction Speed 4-159
CCB 5-47, 5-50 COS/ETS Overspeed Bypass 4-58
CCB, Car call below flag 4-9 Counterweight balancing, preparing for final adjust 3-8

Counterweight Input 4-29 CTLDOT, Car to lobby door open timer flag 4-9
Counterweight Position 4-150 CTLDOT, Car-to-Lobby Door Open Timer Output option
Counterweight Safety Test 3-45 4-38
CR01-CR8 4-38 CTLF, Car to lobby function flag 4-9
CR01R-CR8R 4-38 CTP, Car to floor Input option 4-29
CR1-CR8 4-29 CTST, Capture for test input flag 4-9
CR1R-CR8R 4-29 CTST, Capture for Test Input option 4-29
CR2032 battery voltage 5-6 CWI 4-29
CRO 4-29 CYCLE TEST 5-13
CSB, Car stop switch bypass flag 4-9
CSB, Car Stop Switch Bypass Output option 4-38 D
CSBR, Car stop switch bypass (rear) flag 4-9 D = Dispatcher 4-6
CSEO, Code Sequence Enable Output option 4-38 D in upper left corner of the LCD 5-42
CSR, Car Selected to Run Output option 4-38 D.C.B. CANCELS DOOR TIME option 4-20
CTEN 5-50 d.LF.32 2-32, A-3
CTF Danger Curve 3-10
Car To Floor 1-15 Danger Deceleration 4-160
CTL Danger Roll Jerk 4-160
Car to Lobby 1-15 Danger Slew Slope 4-157
MATCH 5-7 Date / Time Stamp 4-66
CTL A or B DET SW OVERSPEED 5-7 Date/Time, View / Adjust 4-66
CTL A or B DET SW POSITION FAULT 5-7 DBC, Door close button input flag 4-9
CTL A or B DNT SW HIGH OVERSPEED 5-8 DBCR, Door close button (rear) flag 4-9
CTL A or B DNT SW POSITION FAULT 5-8 DBZF, Front Door Buzzer output option 4-38
CTL A or B DNTS LOW OVERSPEED 5-8 DBZR, Rear Door Buzzer output option 4-38
CTL A or B DOWN NORMAL LIMIT OPEN 5-8 DC, Down call flag 4-9
CTL A or B DRIVE FAULT 5-8 DCA, Down call above flag 4-9
CTL A or B DRIVE NOT READY 5-9 DCAB 5-47, 5-48
TECTED 5-9 DCBR 4-29
CTL A or B INSPECTION OVERSPEED 5-9 DCC, Door close complete flag 4-9
CTL A or B LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS 5-10 DCCR, Door close complete flag (rear) 4-9
CTL A or B LANDING SYSTEM ETS MISMATCH 5-11 DCF, Door close function output flag 4-9
CTL A or B LEVELING OVERSPEED 5-11 DCFR, Door close function output (rear) flag 4-9
CTL A or B UET SW OVERSPEED 5-11 DCL, Door Close Limit Input option 4-29
CTL A or B UNT SW HIGH OVERSPEED 5-12 DCLC, Doors Closed Contact Input option 4-29
CTL A or B UNT SW POSITION FAULT 5-12 DCLCR, Door close contact input (rear) flag 4-9
CTL A SPD0 AND SPD1 ARE LOW 5-6 DCMS 5-47, 5-48
CTL, Car to lobby input flag 4-9 DCOM 5-49
CTL, Car-to-Lobby Input option 4-29 DCP 5-47, 5-50
CTL-A BRAKE MODULE 1 IS OFFLINE 5-6 DCP, Door close power output flag 4-9
CTL-A LANDING SYSTEM ACCESS OVERSPEED 5-6 DCPR, Door close power output (rear) flag 4-9
CTL-B Brake Module 3 is offline 5-13 DCR, Down call flag (rear) flag 4-9
CTL-B Brake Module 4 is offline 5-13 DDF, Double ding function flag 4-9

Index-4 Manual # 42-02-2P25

DDP, Down direction preference flag 4-9 DLAT 5-48
DEADZ, Dead zone flag 4-9 DLI, Dispatch Load Input flag 4-9
Deceleration parameter 3-11 DLI, Dispatch Load Input option 4-30
DEDICATED PI BOARD? 4-16 DLK, Door lock input flag 4-9
Default brake module values 4-139 DLKS, Door lock store bit flag 4-9
Default parameter values 4-5 DLMS 5-48
Default TC-FCL Parameters 4-139 DLOB 4-39
Default TC-MPI Parameters 4-68 DLOB, Door Left Open Bell Output option 4-39
Default the TC-MPI 4-68 DLR INPUT FAILURE 5-14
Default XPort screen 4-138 DLS 4-30
DEIS 4-39 DLSR 4-30
DEISR 4-39 DLW, Dispatch load weighing function flag 4-9
Delta speeds 4-153 DMD, Demand down flag 4-10
DETS 4-155, 5-50 DMU, Demand up flag 4-10
DETS Delta Distance, 106 4-155 DNDO, Down direction output flag 4-10
DETS Delta High Speed 4-155 DNENDR, Door Hold End Rear Output option 4-38
DETS Distance 4-155 DNI, Down Input (Attendant Service) option 4-30
DETS Speed 4-155 DNO, Down output (Attendant Service) option 4-39
Device Data screen 4-137 DNS 4-39
DFI 4-29 DNS, Down direction sense input flag 4-10
DHEND 4-38 DNT1 5-80
DHEND, Door hold end flag 4-9 DNTS POSITION FAULT 5-8
DHEND, Door Hold End Output option 4-38 DNTS1 Delta Distance 4-155
DHEND2, Door hold end rear flag 4-9 DNTS1 Delta High Speed 4-155
DHENDR 4-38 DNTS1 Distance 4-155
DHLD, Door hold input flag 4-9 DNTS1 Speed 4-155
DHLD, Door Hold Input for Normal Service option 4-30 DNTS2, 3, 4, 5 4-156
DHLDI, Normal door hold input flag 4-9 DO1, DO2, DO4, DO8, DO16, D032
DHLDR, DHLD for Rear Doors option 4-30 Binary coded P.I. outputs for digital P.I. devices 4-39
DHO 4-38 DOB 5-47, 5-50
DHO, Door hold open flag 4-9 DOB, Door open button input flag 4-10
DHO, Door Hold Output 4-38 DOBR 4-30
DHOF, Door Hold Output Front 4-38 DOBR, Door open button input (rear) flag 4-10
DHOF/R 4-38 DOC, Door open command flag 4-10
DHOR, Door hold open flag (rear) 4-9 DOCR, Door open command (rear) flag 4-10
DHOR, Door Hold Output Rear 4-38 DOF 5-47, 5-50
Diagnostic Mode 4-6, 4-8 DOF, Door open function output flag 4-10
DIN, Door open inactive flag 4-9 DOFR 4-39
DIR. PREFERENCE UNTIL DLK option 4-21 DOFR, Door open function output (rear) flag 4-10
Directional Limit 4-150 DOFX 4-39
Directional Limit Distance 4-150 DOI, Door open intent flag 4-10
Directional Limit Type, 202 4-163 DOIR, Door open intent flag (rear) 4-10
DISABLE DPM ON FIRE PH.2 4-18 DOL 5-47, 5-50
DISABLE DPM ON FIRE PH.2? 4-18 DOL Door Open Limit 4-30
DISABLE TOP FLRS ON PITFLD 4-50 DOL, Door open limit input flag 4-10
DISB 4-38 DOLM, Door open limit memory flag 4-10
DISL 4-38 DOLMR, Door open limit memory flag (rear) 4-10
DISLX 4-39 DOLR Door Open Limit Rear 4-30
Dispatch Load Input 4-30 DOLR INPUT FAILURE 5-14
Display car speed 2-15, 3-33, 4-58 DOLR, Door open limit (rear) flag 4-10
Display current position 4-58 Door Close Button Rear 4-29
Display position 4-58 Door Close Function Auxiliary 4-38
Distress Buzzer 4-38 Door Close Limit Input 4-29
Distress Light 4-38 DOOR CLOSE LIMITS? option 4-52
Distress Light Auxiliary 4-39 Door Close Power Auxiliary 4-38
DL INPUT FAILURE 5-14 Door Close Protection message 5-15
DLABR 5-48 Door Enable Inspection Stop Switch 4-39

Door Enable Inspection Stop Switch Rear 4-39 Drive Fault Input 4-29
Door Enable Output 4-39 Drive Motor/Encoder Setup 2-20, 2-25
Door Hold End Output 4-38 Drive On Input 4-30
Door Hold End Output Rear 4-38 Drive overvoltage fault 3-21
Door Hold Input 4-30 Drive response adjustment 3-13
Door Hold Output 4-38 DRIVE RX COMM FAILURE 5-16
Door Hold Output Front 4-38 DRIVE TX COMM FAILURE 5-16
Door Hold Output Rear 4-38 Drive Type 4-161
Door Left Open Bell Output 4-39 DRON 4-30
Door lock bypass 5-46 DSD, Down slow down input flag 4-10
Door Lock Sensor Input 4-30 DSH, Door shortening flag 4-10
Door mechanically coupled selection 4-22 DSH, Door Time Shortening Output (intermediate) 4-39
Door Nudging Auxiliary output 4-42 DSHT, Door shortening flag 4-10
Door Open Button Rear 4-30 DSHT, Door Time Shortening Front Output (final) 4-39
Door Open Function Auxiliary 4-39 DSHTR, Door shortening flag (rear) 4-10
Door Open Limit input 4-30 DSHTR, Door Time Shortening Front Output (rear) 4-39
DOOR OPEN PROTECTION TIMER 4-25 DSTI, Door Stop Input option 4-30
Door Operation Menu options 4-19, 4-21, 4-22 DSTIC 4-30
4-52 DSTIR, DSTI for rear doors option 4-30
Door Position Monitoring 4-30 Duplex connection 2-81
Door Stop Input 4-30 Duplex dispatcher (D) or a local (L) 4-136
Door Stop Input Complement 4-30 Duplex operation JP3 4-13
Door style selection 4-22 Duplexing 5-42
Door Time Shortening Front Output 4-39 DZ, Door zone input flag 4-10
Door Time Shortening Output 4-39 DZF 5-48
Door Time Shortening Rear Output 4-39 DZORDZ, Front or rear door zone input flag 4-10
DOOR TYPE IS HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL 4-22 DZP, Door zone previous flag 4-10
DOOR ZONE SENSOR FAILURE OFF POSITION 5-15 DZR, Door zone input (rear) flag 4-10
Door Zone Verification 3-7 DZRX 4-30
DOORENAB 4-39 DZX 4-30
Doors Closed Contact Input 4-29
DOORS TO OPEN IF NO DEMAND option 4-22 Earthquake Direction Switch 4-30
DOORS TO OPEN IF PARKED option 4-21 Earthquake Direction Terminal Limit Switch 4-30
DOORS TO OPEN ON ALT FIRE option 4-22 Earthquake indicator output. 4-40
DOORS TO OPEN ON MAIN FIRE option 4-21 Earthquake Input 4-31
Down Emergency Terminal overspeed 5-7 Earthquake Light 4-40
Down Input (Attendant Service) 4-30 EARTHQUAKE OPERATION 5-16
Down Normal Terminal Switch High overspeed 5-8 Earthquake Speed 4-158
Down Normal Terminal Switch Low overspeed 5-8 ECC, Excess car calls flag 4-10
Down output (Attendant Service) 4-39 ECRN, Emergency Car Freeze Input option 4-30
Down Sense 4-39 ECRN, Emergency car run flag 4-10
DPD, Down previous direction flag 4-10 ECRN, Emergency Power Car Run Output option 4-39
DPM 5-47, 5-50 EDS 4-30
DPM Fault 5-15 EDTLS 4-30
DPM REDUNDANCY FAULT 5-15 EFG, Egress Floor Gong Output option 4-39
DPM, Front Door Position Monitoring option 4-30 Egress Floor Gong Output 4-39
DPMR fault 5-16 Electrical noise 2-4
DPMR REDUNDANCY FAULT 5-16 Electrostatic Discharge 2-7
DPMR, Rear Door Position Monitoring option 4-30 Elevator Shutdown Input 4-31
DPR, Door protection timer flag 4-10 ELEVATOR SHUTDOWN SWITCH ACTIVE 5-16
Drawing numbers, description of 2-5 ELFI 4-31
Drive configuration 2-31, A-2 ELGO CAN channel loss 5-10, 5-31
Drive Disable Delay Time 4-157 EMERGENCY BRAKE ACTIVATED 5-16
Drive error, clearing 2-18, 2-23 Emergency Brake Hold Voltage, 201 4-163
DRIVE FAULT 5-16 Emergency Brake Option 4-161

Index-6 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Emergency Brake Pick Voltage, 200 4-163 ETS Testing 3-43
Emergency Brake Type, 199 4-163 ETSL 4-152
Emergency Car Freeze Input 4-30 ETSL switch 3-15
Emergency Dispatch Input 4-35 Event Calendar 4-67
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 5-17 Excessive faults 2-16, 3-35
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) hallway switch input 4-31 EXCESSIVE FAULTS SHUTDOWN 5-9, 5-30
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) in-car switch input 4-31 Extended Motor Cables 2-11
Emergency Medical Service Buzzer Output 4-39 External CAN Bus baud rate 5-45
Emergency Medical Service Indicator Car Output 4-39 EXTERNAL LATCHING FAULT INPUT 5-17
Emergency Medical Service Indicator Hall Output 4-39 External Memory Mode 4-55
Emergency Power Auto Selection Input 4-28 External Memory mode 4-53
Emergency Power Car Run Output 4-39 Extra Features Menu options 4-44, 4-48, 4-49
Emergency Power Input 4-31
Emergency Power message 5-17 F
Emergency Power Phase 1 Output 4-39 F1 (Program Mode) 3-2
Emergency Power Phase 2 Output 4-39 Fan/Light Operation Output 4-40
Emergency Power Return 4-37 FAN/LIGHT OUTPUT TIMER 4-25
Emergency Power Return Incomplete Output 4-42 Fault Bypass 2-28
Emergency Power Return Input 4-31 FAULT BYPASS IS ACTIVE (AUTOMATIC) 5-17
Emergency Power Run Input 4-31 FAULT BYPASS IS ACTIVE (INSPECTION) 5-17
Emergency Power Stop Input 4-31 FCCC, Fire Phase 2 Call Cancel Button Input option 4-31
Emergency Terminal Slowdown 4-152 FCCC, Fire phase 2 car call cancel flag 4-10
EMI/RFI interference 2-4 FCHLD, Fire phase 2 hold flag 4-10
EMSB, Emergency Medical Service Buzzer Output 4-39 FCHLD, Fire Phase 2 Switch HOLD Position Input 4-31
EMSC, Emergency Medical Switch Car option 4-31 FCL 1 - 4 - AUX IGBT STUCK OPEN 5-18
EMSH, Emergency Medical Switch Hall option 4-31 FCL 1 - 4 - BYPASS BUTTON STUCK CLOSED 5-18
EMSIC, Emergency Medical Service Indicator Car Out 4-39 FCL 1 - 4 - CAN DISCONNECTED 5-18
EMSIH, Emergency Medical Service Indicator Hall Out 4-39 FCL 1 - 4 - DISCRETE INPUT WHILE IN CAN MODE 5-17, 5-
Encoder installation 2-13 FCL 1 - 4 - LOAD UNDER VOLTAGE 5-19
Encoder Mounting 2-13 FCL 1 - 4 - MAIN IGBT STUCK CLOSED 5-20
Encoder Wiring 2-13 FCL 1 - 4 - MAIN IGBT STUCK OPEN 5-20
English 4-69 FCL 1 - 4 - MODULE ADDRESS ERROR 5-20
EP1, Emergency Power Phase 1 Output option 4-39 FCL 1 - 4 - NOT CALIBRATED 5-20
EP2, Emergency Power Phase 2 Output option 4-39 FCL 1 - 4 - TRYING TO RUN IN MANUAL RELEASE MODE
EPI, Emergency power input flag 4-10 5-20
EPI, Emergency Power Input option 4-31 FCL 1 - 4 faults 5-18
EPR, Emergency power return flag 4-10 FCL 1 - 4 IS ON MANUAL MODE 5-19
EPR, Emergency Power Return Input option 4-31 FCL 1 - 4 LOAD EXTREME UNDER CURRENT 5-19
EPRUN, Emergency power run input flag 4-10 FCL Adjustment Menu 4-139
EPRUN, Emergency Power Run Input option 4-31 FCL Diagnostic Menu 4-139
EPSTP, Emergency power stop input flag 4-10 FCL Power Data Menu 4-139
EPSTP, Emergency Power Stop Input option 4-31 FCOFF, Fire phase 2 off flag 4-10
EQ SHUTDOWN AT LANDING 4-52 FCOFF, Fire Phase 2 Switch OFF Position Input option 4-31
EQ SHUTDOWN PH2 FIRE SERV 4-52 FCS, Fire phase 2 input flag 4-10
EQI 4-31 FCSM, Fire service phase 2 input memory flag 4-10
EQIND 4-40 FDC, Door fully closed phase 2 flag 4-10
EQL 4-40 FDCR, Door fully closed phase 2 (rear) flag 4-10
Error diagnostic display 4-137 Final Limit 3-20
ESC 5-47, 5-48 Final Limit Switches 4-150
ESS, Elevator Shutdown Input option 4-31 FIR1, Fire Service Phase I output option 4-40
Ethernet 1-16 FIRE HAT STATUS 4-18

FIRE PH2. WITH DOORS CLOSED 4-23 FRON, Fire Phase 1 Switch ON Position Input option 4-31
FIRE PHASE 1 ALT. FLOOR option 4-17 FRON2, Fire Phase 1 Switch ON Position Input option 4-31
FIRE PHASE 1 MAIN FLOOR option 4-17 Front Access Gate Bypass Monitor 5-26
Fire Phase 1 Switch ON Position Input 4-31 FRONT DOL AND DLK ARE BOTH ACTIVE 5-21
FIRE PHASE I 2ND ALT. FLOOR option 4-17 Front Door Buzzer 4-38
Fire Phase I Alternate Switch ON Position Input 4-31 FRONT DOOR FAILED TO CLOSE 5-21
Fire Phase I Second Alternate Input 4-31 FRONT DOOR IS LOCKED BUT NOT FULLY CLOSED 5-21
Fire Phase I Switch BYPASS Position Input 4-31 FRONT DOOR LOCK SWITCH FAILURE 5-21
Fire Phase II Call Cancel Button Input 4-31 FRONT DOOR MECH. COUPLED? 4-22
Fire Phase II Door Hold Input 4-31 FRONT DOOR OPEN LIMIT FAILURE 5-21
Fire Phase II OFF Input 4-31, 4-40 Front Down Hall Call indicators 4-37
Fire Service Alternate 5-20 FRONT DZ RELAY DISCREPANCY 5-21
Fire Service Alternate Output 4-40 FRONT GATE SWITCH FAILURE 5-21
Fire Service Buzzer Auxiliary output. 4-40 Front Infrared Cutout 4-33
Fire Service Light COP Auxiliary output. 4-40 Front Up Hall Call indicators 4-37
Fire Service Light Lobby Auxiliary output 4-40 FRS 5-50
Fire Service Main message 5-21 FRS, Fire phase 1 input flag 4-9
Fire Service Main Output 4-40 FRSA 5-50
FIRE SERVICE MENU OPTIONS 4-17 FRSA, Alternate Fire Service input option 4-32
Fire Service On Output 4-40 FRSM 5-50
FIRE SERVICE OPERATION option 4-17 FRSM, Main Fire Service input option 4-32
FIRE SERVICE PHASE 1 ALTERNATE 5-20 FRSS, Fire phase 1 flag 4-9
FIRE SERVICE PHASE 1 MAIN 5-21 FSA, Fire Service Alternate Output option 4-40
Fire Service Phase 1 Return Complete Output 4-42 FSLC 5-47, 5-50
Fire Service Phase I Output 4-40 FSLL 5-47, 5-50
Fire Service Phase I output 4-40 FSLLX 4-40
Fire Service Phase II Output 4-40 FSM, Fire Service Main Output option 4-40
Fire Service Phase II True Output 4-40 FSO, Fire Service On Output option 4-40
FIRE SVCE. CODE option 4-17 FSVC, True Fire Service Output option 4-40
Fire Warning Light Output 4-40 FULLY MANUAL DOORS option 4-21
Flags/Variables and Their Locations 4-9 FWI 5-47, 5-50
Flare jerk parameter 3-11 FWI, Fire warning indicator output flag 4-9
Flash output 4-40 FWIX 4-40
FLASH, Flash output option 4-40 FWL, Fire Warning Light Output option 4-40
Flashing In Service Output 4-41
FLO, Fan/Light Operation Output option 4-40 G
Floor Labels 4-63 Gate Switch Input 4-32
Floor Labels, programming 4-63 Gate Switch Monitor 5-27
FLR COUNT BELOW FLOOD LEVEL? 4-50 Gate Switch Rear Input 4-32
FLTM 4-31 Gateway screen 4-136
Following Error 4-162 GDO1 4-40
FRA 5-50 GED, Gong enable down output flag 4-9
FRA, Alternate Fire service phase 1 input flag 4-10 GEDR, Gong enable down output (rear) flag 4-9
FRAA, Fire Phase 1 Alternate (2nd alternate) Input 4-31 GEDRX 4-40
FRAON, Fire Phase 1 Alternate Switch ON Position 4-31 GEDX 4-40
FRAS, Alternate fire flag 4-10 Generator Backup 1-14
FRBYP, Fire phase 1 bypass input flag 4-10 GEU, Gong enable up output flag 4-9
FRBYP, Fire Phase 1 Switch BYPASS Position Input 4-31 GEUR, Gong enable up output (rear) flag 4-9
FRC, Fire phase 2 flag 4-10 GEURX 4-40
FRC, Fire Service Phase 2 Output option 4-40 GEUX 4-40
FRCT 4-40 GHT, Gong hold timer flag 4-9
FREE, No demand and in service flag 4-10 GHTR, Gong hold timer flag (rear) 4-9
FRES 5-50 Gong Enable Down Auxiliary. 4-40
FRHTW 4-31 Gong Enable Up Auxiliary 4-40
FRM, Fire service phase 1 flag 4-10 Gongs/Lanterns Menu options 4-25
FRM, Fire Service Phase 1 Output option 4-40 GOV 4-32
FRON 5-47, 5-50 Governor switch input 4-32
FRON, Fire phase 1 on input flag 4-10 GOVERNOR SWITCH OPEN 5-22

Index-8 Manual # 42-02-2P25

GRAY CODE 4-44 HDSC, Heat Detector Shutdown Complete Output 4-41
Gray Code outputs 4-40 HDSTI 4-32
Gray Code PI 4-40 HDSTIR 4-32
Grounding 2-7 Heat Detector Input 4-32
GROUP TO CAR COMMUNICATION LOST 5-22 Heat Detector Shutdown 4-41
GS 5-47, 5-48 HEATD, Heat Detector Input option 4-32
GS INPUT FAILURE 5-22 Heavy Load Input 4-32
GS, Gate Switch Input option 4-32 HEAVY LOAD WEIGHER CONDITION 5-22
GSR 5-48 Heavy Load Weigher Output 4-41
GSR INPUT FAILURE 5-22 HEO 4-41, 4-48
GSR, Gate Switch Rear Input option 4-32 High roll jerk parameter 3-11
GTDE, Gong timer down enable flag 4-9 High Speed 4-158
GTUE, Gong timer up enable flag 4-9 HIGH SPEED DELAY AFTER RUN 4-49
High speed parameter 3-11
H HLD 5-47, 5-50
H 4-40 HLI, Heavy load input flag 4-9
H, High speed output flag 4-9 HLI, Heavy Load Input option 4-32
HALL AND CAR CALL BUSES DISCONNECTED 5-22 HLW, Heavy load weigher flag 4-9
HALL CALL BUS IS DISCONNECTED 5-22 HLW, Heavy Load Weigher Output option 4-41
Hall Call Cancel 4-32 HML, Home landing input flag 4-9
HALL CALL DOOR TIMER 4-24 HML, Home Landing Input option 4-32
Hall Call Pushed Output 4-40 Hoist Motor Speed 4-158
Hall Call Reject Output 4-40 HOISTWAY ACCESS 5-22
Hall call, serial 2-81 Hoistway access 4-149
Hall Card Reader 4-41 Hoistway Access Bottom Up 5-3
Hall Card Reader Inputs 4-32 HOISTWAY ACCESS? 4-52
Hall Card Reader Override input 4-32 Hoistway Door Bypass 5-28
Hall Door Close Button 4-32 HOISTWAY DOOR BYPASS SW. FAILURE 5-22
Hall Door Close Button. 4-32 Hoistway Fire Sensor 4-31
Hall Door Open Button 4-32 Hoistway Learn 4-140
Hall Door Stop Input 4-32 HOISTWAY SAFETY DEVICE OPEN 5-23
HBF - Hall Call Bus Fuse Blown input 4-32 Hoistway safety string input 4-35
HCC 4-32 Hoistway switches 4-150
HC-CHP CAN Hub and Power Supply Board 5-44 Home Landing Input 4-32
HC-CHP, CAN Hub/Power Supply 1-5 HONEYWELL FIRE OPERATION option 4-17
HC-CTL Control board 5-46 HOSP, Hospital Emergency Operation Input option 4-32
HC-CTL, Control Board 1-5 HOSP, In car hospital emergency input flag 4-9
HCDX, Hall call disconnect flag 4-9 HOSPH2 4-41, 4-48
HC-MPU board 5-53 HOSPH2, Hospital emergency phase 2 flag 4-9
HCP, Hall call pushed output option 4-40 HOSPITAL EMERG. TIMER 4-25
HCR, Hall call reject flag 4-9 Hospital Emergency Car Select 4-41
HCR, Hall Call Reject Output option 4-40 Hospital Emergency Operation 4-41, 4-48, 5-59
HCR01-HCRxx 4-41 Hospital Operation I/O 5-59
HCR1 - 8 4-32 Hospital Phase 2 4-41
HC-RDR BOARD ON THE OTHER CAR? 4-14 Hospital Service message 5-23
HC-RDR BOARD ON THIS CAR? 4-14 Hospital Warning Indicator 4-41
HCRO 4-32 HSEL 4-41, 4-48
HCT, Hall call door time flag 4-9 HSEL, Hospital service select flag 4-9
HCTR, Hall call door time flag (rear) 4-9 HUNL 4-41
HC-UIO 1-5 HWI 4-41, 4-48
HC-UIO Universal I/O 1-8 HYD1-TR0, Hydro/Traction flag 4-9
HC-UIO, Universal Input/Output Board 1-5
HD, High speed delay flag 4-9 I
HDCB 4-32 I9LSS 2-31, A-2
HDCBR 4-32 ICEN 5-50
HDNL 4-41 ICLSd 2-31, A-2
HDOB 4-32 ICPD 4-33

ICPU 4-33 Intermediate Speed 4-44
ICPU INPUT FAILURE 5-23 Intermediate speed input 4-33
ICTD 5-50 Intermediate Speed, 151 4-158
ICTD INPUT FAILURE 5-23 IP address screen 4-135
ICTU 5-50 IRCOF, Front Infra Red Cutout input option 4-33
ICTU INPUT FAILURE 5-23 IRCOR, Rear Infra Red Cutout input option 4-33
IDC connector 5-2 iReport 1-16
iMonitor 1-16 iReport screen 4-137
IN CAR INSPECTION BUTTON STUCK 5-23 ISR, In service and ready flag 4-9
In Car Inspection Down Direction 4-33 ISRT, In Service and Running Output option 4-41
In Car Inspection Up Direction 4-33 ISRT, In service truly flag 4-9
IN CAR STOP SWITCH ACTIVATED 5-23 ISV, In service flag 4-9
In Service and Running Output 4-41 ISV, In Service Output option 4-41
In Service Output 4-41 IUL, In Use Light output option 4-41
In Use Light output 4-41
IN, Inspection or access input flag 4-9 J
INA 5-50 Jerk parameters 2-43, 2-45
INA INPUT FAILURE 5-23 Job prints 2-2
INA Spare input 4-33 Jumper 5-2
INAX REDUNDANCY FAULT 5-23 Jumpers for Construction operation 2-27
In-car Hospital Service Switch Input 4-32
In-car stop switch 5-23 KCE DISABLED? 4-49
INCF, Independent service car call cancel flag 4-9
INCP 5-50
INCT 5-50
Landing System ETS Overspeed, 204 4-163
IND 5-47, 5-50
Landing System Floor Checksum, 203 4-163
IND, Independent service input flag 4-9
Landing System Interface Board 5-72
Landing System Redundancy Input 4-33
Landing system troubleshooting 5-10, 5-31
Independent Service message 5-24
Landing System, 191 4-162
Independent Service Output 4-41
LD, Level down input flag 4-9
Independent service, call cancellation 4-46
Learn or Enter Motor or Encoder Data 2-21
Independent Service/Fire Service Phase 2 Output 4-41
INDFRC, Independent Service/Fire Service Phase 2 4-41
INDO 4-41
Infant Abduction Security 4-35, 4-46
Initial power up 2-10
Level Dead Zone 4-159
INN 5-50
Level Distance 4-159
INSDN 4-33
Leveling distance parameter 3-11
INSP 4-41
Inspection 4-41, 5-46
Inspection Access mode 5-3
Leveling Overspeed 4-158
Leveling Speed 4-159
Inspection Down Input 4-33
Leveling speed parameter 3-11
Inspection input hierarchy 2-7
LF. 2 2-31, A-2
Inspection Mode Fault Bypass 2-15, 2-28, 3-34
LF. 3 2-31, A-2
LF. 5 2-31, A-2
LF. 8 2-31, A-2
Inspection Overspeed 4-158
LF. 9 2-31, A-2
Inspection Overspeed Bypass 4-58
LF.11 2-31, A-2
Inspection Slew Filter, 205 4-163
LF.12 2-31, A-2
Inspection speed 4-159
LF.13 2-31, A-2
Inspection Speed (Reduced) 4-159
LF.14 2-31, A-3
Inspection Up Input 4-33
LF.15 2-32, A-3
INSUP 4-33

Index-10 Manual # 42-02-2P25

LF.16 2-32, A-3 LOT, Lobby door time flag 4-9
LF.18 2-32, A-3 LOTR, Lobby door time (rear) flag 4-9
LF.21 2-32, A-3 Lower Final Limit Test 3-38
LF.22 2-32, A-3 LS-EDGE 3-5, 4-140
LF.25 2-32, A-3 5-24
LF.28 2-32, A-3 LS-EDGE CPU-B IS OFFLINE 5-25
LF.47 2-33, A-4 LSR 4-33
LF.56 2-33, A-4 LU, Level up input flag 4-9
LF.57 2-33, A-4 LWB, Load Weigher Bypass input option 4-33
LF.58 2-33, A-4 LWCE 4-9
LF.59 2-33, A-4
LF.61 2-82 M
LF.68 2-33, A-4 M2L INPUT FAILURE 5-25
LF.78 2-34, A-5 MABB INPUT FAILURE 5-26
LF.79 2-34, A-5 MABBR INPUT FAILURE 5-26
LF.83 2-34, A-5 MABGF INPUT FAILURE 5-26
LF.86 2-34, A-5 MABGR INPUT FAILURE 5-26
LF.88 2-34, A-5 MABT INPUT FAILURE 5-26
LF.89 2-34, A-5 MABTR INPUT FAILURE 5-26
LF.90 2-34, A-5 Machine room fire sensor 4-31
LF.95 2-34, A-5 Magnetek
LFP, Lower parking floor flag 4-9 Additional tuning 3-17
Light Load Input 4-33 Clear faults 2-23
LIGHT LOAD WEIGHER CONDITION 5-24 Determining system inertia 3-17
Light Load Weigher Output 4-42 Drive response adjustment 3-13
Limit switches 2-52 Encoder Alignment 2-46
LIMITED DOOR RE-OPEN OPTION option 4-22 Keypad overview 2-23
LLI, Light load input flag 4-9 Motor tuning 2-26
LLI, Light Load Input option 4-33 Parameter table 2-35
LLW, Light Load Weigher Output option 4-42 Setup overview 2-25
LLW, Light load weighing function input flag 4-9 Status indicators 2-24
Load weigher Tuning motor flux saturation curve 3-17
Calibration 3-28, 3-31 Tuning motor no-load current 3-17
Control unit installation 3-26 Verify motor speed 2-48
Errors 3-32 Magnetek drive controls 2-16
Fuse 3-32 Magnetek status LEDs 2-24
Programming 3-23 Main Fire Service 4-32
Rope stretch 3-31 Manual Acceleration 4-160
Sensor installation 3-24 Manual Curve 3-10
Load Weigher Bypass 4-33 Manual Deceleration 4-160
Load weighing system Manual Induction Motor Parameter Entry 2-22
DLW (Dispatch load weigher threshold) 4-60 Manual Override 4-33
HLW (Heavy load weigher threshold) 4-60 Manual Roll Jerk 4-160
LLW (Light load weigher threshold) 4-60 Manual Start Jerk 4-160
OLW (Overloaded car threshold) 4-60 Manual Stop Jerk 4-160
setting load thresholds 4-61 MASS 524 CMR FIRE CODE? option 4-18
Loss of Control During Acceleration 3-18 MBAB INPUT FAILURE 5-26

MC-CPI board 5-63, 5-67 MPI A or B RGOK DROPPED 5-32
MC-CPI CAN data viewing 4-134 MPI A or B RGOK FAILED TO ACTIVATE 5-33
MC-MPU Main Computer Board MPI A or B SPC IS OFFLINE 5-33
setting parameters to default values 4-5 MPI A or B UNT SW HIGH OVERSPEED 5-33
MC-MPU Main Processing Unit 1-5 MPI A or B UNT SW LOW OVERSPEED 5-33
Mechanically In Service Output 4-42 MPI C CONTRACT OVERSPEED 5-34
Messages and Floor Labels, programming 4-63 MPI C DRIVE FAULT 5-34
Metric 4-69 MPI C DRIVE NOT READY 5-34
Metric or English units 4-69 MPI C DRIVE OFFLINE (STOP MODE) 5-35
MISV, Mechanically In Service Output option 4-42 MPI C LANDING SYS B POSITION DEVIATION 5-36
MLT, Motor Limit Timer Elapsed Output option 4-42 MPI C LEVELING TIMER EXCEEDED 5-36
MLT, Motor limit timer flag 4-9 MPI C UNEXPECTED DIRECTION DROP 5-37
MNO 4-33 MPI Diagnostic Menu 4-69
MOMENT D.O.B. FOR 4-21 English or Metric 4-69
Monitored type screen 4-135 MPI-A LANDING SYSTEM ETS MISMATCH 5-29
Motion (speed/distance) viewing 4-69 LEARN REQUIRED) 5-29
Motion Processor Interface board 5-77 MPU-A IS OFFLINE 5-37
Motion/Position Diagnostics 4-69 MSAFL1 INPUT FAILURE message 5-37
Motor insulation test 2-11 MSAFS1 INPUT FAILURE message 5-37
Motor leads 2-4, 2-11 MTAB INPUT FAILURE 5-37
Motor Limit Timer 5-28 MTABR INPUT FAILURE 5-37
Motor Limit Timer Elapsed Output 4-42 MTBR INPUT FAILED TO DEACTIVATE 5-37
Motor nameplate data 2-21 MTPM INPUT FAILED TO ACTIVATE 5-38
MP (Motion Processor) 5-77 MTPM INPUT FAILED TO DEACTIVATE 5-38
mPAC 1-3 mView 1-17
mPac 1-6
MPI A or B 2L BUS MONITOR FAULT 5-29 NBZ 5-47, 5-50
MPI A or B EBPS MONITOR FAULT 5-29 NCD, Car Not Done with Emergency Power Return 4-42
MPI A or B EXCESSIVE FAULTS SHUTDOWN 5-30 NDGBPS, Nudging bypass flag 4-9
MPI A or B GOVERNOR OVERSPEED 5-30 NDGBPSR, Nudging bypass flag (rear) 4-9
TECTED 5-30 NDGR 4-42
MPI A or B LANDING SYSTEM COMM LOSS 4-134, 5-31 NDS, Hall door timer non-shorten flag 4-9
MPI A or B LANDING SYSTEM FAULT (EMERGENCY NDSR, Hall door timer non-shorten (rear) flag 4-9
MPI A or B PMDD CONTACTOR PICK MONITOR 5-32 Nomenclature 2-5

Index-12 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Nomenclature, description of 2-5 PHE 5-47, 5-50
Non-Stop Input (Attendant Service) 4-33 PHE, Photo eye input flag 4-10
Normal Brake Drop Rate, 198 4-163 PHER 4-34
Normal Brake Hold Voltage, 195 4-163 PHER, Photo eye input (rear) flag 4-10
Normal Brake Lift Rate, 197 4-163 PHERX 4-34
Normal Brake Pick Voltage, 194 4-162 PHEX 4-34
Normal Brake Relevel Voltage, 195 4-163 PHOTO EYE ANTI-NUISANCE 4-45
NORMAL OPERATION 5-38 photo eye input, rear 4-34
NSI, Non-Stop Input (Attendant Service) option 4-33 PI Turned Off if No Demand 4-25
NTS Delta High Speed Test 3-42 PI1 - PI8 4-42
NTS Delta Low Speed Test 3-42 PIC, PI correction flag 4-10
NUDG 5-47, 5-50 Pit Flood 4-50
NUDG, Nudging output flag 4-9 PIT FLOOD OPERATION 5-38
Nudging Buzzer Auxiliary output. 4-42 Pit Flood. 4-34
NUDGR, Nudging output (rear) flag 4-9 PMP INPUT FAILED TO ACTIVATE 5-38
Number of cars configured 4-136 PMP INPUT FAILED TO DEACTIVATE 5-38
NYCHA 5-2 PMT 5-2
NYDS, New York door shortening flag 4-10 Position display 4-58
Position indicators 2-81
O POSTN 0.0 IN 4-58
O.LF.98 2-34, A-5 Power for boards inside controller 5-44
OFF 5-47, 5-50 Power line fluctuation 2-3
OFR, One Floor Run Output option 4-42 Power Transfer Input 4-34
OFRP BETWEEN FLRS option 4-50 Power up 2-10
OLW, Overloaded Car Threshold Output option 4-42 POWER UP SHUTDOWN DUE TO EARTHQUAKE 5-39
One Floor Run Output 4-42 PowerBack R6 Regenerative Drive
One Floor Run Programmable 4-42 Parameters Quick Reference A-29
Operating modes 1-9 PRE-OPENING option 4-20
OPERATION (DISPATCHING OPERATION) option 4-13 Preparing for Final Adjustments
OPN/CLS INTRLOCK TIMER 4-25 counterweight balancing 3-8
Options, setting to default values 4-5 PREVENT DCP TIL DOORS CLOSE? option 4-23
OVERLOAD CONDITION 5-38 PRIFLG, Priority Service Output option 4-42
Overload Input 4-33 Primary motor drop delay contactor 5-32
Overloaded Car Threshold Output 4-42 Prior to Applying Power 2-54
OVL, Overload Input option 4-33 Priority Service Output 4-42
OVL2 4-33 Profile Advance 3-13, 3-14, 4-157
OVL2, Overload 2 Input 4-33 Profile Compensation, 193 4-162
Profile Scale 4-157
P Program Mode 4-12
P.LF.32 2-32, A-3 Programmable auxiliary rear door zone input 4-30
P9LSS 2-31, A-2 Programmable, auxiliary front door zone input 4-30
Parameter ID (F7) 4-143 Programmable, auxiliary photo eye input 4-34
Parameters, setting to default values 4-5 Programmable, auxiliary step down input 4-35
PASSCODE REQUEST 5-38 Programmable, auxiliary step up input. 4-35
Passcode Request 4-5 Proximity Distance 4-159
Passing Floor Gong Auxiliary output. 4-42 PTI, Power Transfer Input option 4-34
Passing Floor Gong Enable Input 4-33 PTIC 4-34
PCLSd 2-31, A-2 R
PFG ENABLE BUTTON? option 4-26 R2AB Redundancy monitoring input 4-34
PFG, Passing floor gong output flag 4-10 R2L 4-34
PFGE, Passing Floor Gong Enable Input option 4-33 R2L INPUT FAILURE 5-39
PFGX 4-42 R4, Absolute floor encoding #4 flag 4-10
PH1, Fire Service Phase 1 Return Complete Output 4-42 R4, R3, R2, Floor Encoding Input option 4-34
PH1, Phase 1 return complete flag 4-10 R6 Regenerative AC drive parameters A-29

Rated Motor Speed 3-22 Run the motor 2-20, 2-24
RBAB Redundancy monitoring input 4-34 RUN, Run flag 4-10
RCOMP 4-42 RUN/A/B 4-35
RDLSR 4-34
Rear Access Gate Bypass Monitor 5-26 S
REAR DOL & DLK ARE BOTH ACTIVE 5-39 S in upper left corner of LCD 5-42
Rear Door Buzzer 4-38 SAB, Sabbath input flag 4-10
REAR DOOR CLOSE LIMIT 4-52 SAB, Sabbath Operation Input option 4-35
Rear Door Close Limit Contact 5-14 SABBATH OPERATION 4-49
REAR DOOR FAILED TO CLOSE 5-39 Sabbath Operation 4-49
Rear Door Lock Relay Redundancy input 4-34 Sabbath Operation Input 4-35
REAR DOOR MECH. COUPLED 4-23 SAFC 4-35, 5-47, 5-48
Rear Down Hall Call indicators 4-37 SAFETY CIRCUIT IS OPEN 5-40
REAR GATE SWITCH FAILURE 5-40 Safety Edge Rear 4-35
Rear Gate Switch Monitor 5-28 SAFH 4-35, 5-47, 5-48
Rear Infrared Cutout 4-33 Saving Changes 4-11
Rear Up Hall Call indicators 4-37 SC-3HN 1-8
REAR, Rear door flag 4-10 SC-3HN board 5-73
Receive/Transmit screen 4-137 SCE, Stepping correction enable flag 4-10
REDUCE HCT WITH PHOTO EYE option 4-22 Schematic symbols, description of 2-5
Reduced Inspection Speed 4-161 SCROLLING SPEED 4-50
Reduced stroke buffers 4-152, 4-156 SCROLLING SPEED option 4-51
REDUNDANCY DOOR LOCK RELAY FAILURE 5-40 SD, Supervisory down flag 4-10
REDUNDANCY FRONT GATE SWITCH FAILURE 5-40 SDA, Down direction arrow flag 4-10
Redundancy Gate Switch 4-34 SDT, Short door time flag 4-10
Redundancy monitoring input 4-35 SDTR, Short door time flag (rear) 4-10
REDUNDANCY REAR GATE SWITCH FAILURE 5-40 SE, Safety edge input flag 4-10
Refresh Device 4-137 SEC, Security Code Incorrect output option 4-42
Refresh XPort 4-138 SECONDARY PARKING FLOOR option 4-15
Relevel Operation 3-18 Security Code Incorrect 4-42
Re-Leveling Distance 4-159 Seismic equipment install 2-53
Re-Leveling Speed 4-159 Selective Collective 4-13
REO, Re-Open Input option 4-34 SEQUENTIAL DOOR OPER. (F/R) option 4-19
Re-Open Input 4-34 SER 4-35
Rescue Complete 4-42 SER, Safety edge input (rear) flag 4-10
Reset Drive 4-42 Serial car panel option 1-3
Reset XPort screen 4-137 Serial hall call 1-3
Resetting the rope gripper 2-14 Serial Hall Call Node Board 5-73
Resolving Faults 2-28 SerSP 2-31, A-2
RESTORING SAFETY 5-40 set parameters to default values 4-5
Retiring Cam 5-15 Sheave Brake Idle Delay, 190 4-162
RETIRING CAM option 4-20 Shorts 2-9
Reverse Direction input 4-34 Signal operating mode 2-31, A-2
RFI 2-3 SIMP, Simplex Input option 4-35
RGOK FAILED TO ACTIVATE 5-33 Simplex Input 4-35
RGS 4-34 Simplex Output 4-42
RGSR 4-35 SIMPO, Simplex Output option 4-42
RINAX 4-35 Single Automatic Push button 4-13
Rope gripper reset 2-14 Single Button Collective 4-13
Rope slip (traction loss) fault 3-39 SINGLE SPEED AC OPTION 4-49
RSTDRV 4-42 Slew Filter 4-158
Run Tests 3-18 SLV, Stable slave flag 4-10

Index-14 Manual # 42-02-2P25

Smoothing tape edges 2-57 TAPS Fault input 4-31
Software version TC-MPI 1-5
CHP 4-165 TEMPB, Temporary bit flag 4-10
CTLA 4-165 Temporary jumpers 2-27
CTLB 4-165 Temporary run box wiring 2-50
CTLC 4-165 TEST, Test switch input flag 4-10
MPIA 4-165 Testing motor insulation 2-11
MPIB 4-165 TESTSWO 4-42
MPIC 4-165 TFA, Timing function active flag 4-10
MPUA 4-165 TFAR, Timing function active (rear) flag 4-10
UIO 4-165 TFD, Top floor demand flag 4-10
SPA (Safety Processor A) 5-77 TFTP Status screen 4-138
SPARE OUTPUTS MENU OPTIONS 4-36 Timed Out of Service Output 4-43
SPB (Safety Processor B) 5-77 Timer Menu options 4-24, 4-25
SPB IS OFFLINE 5-41 Top Access Bypass Monitor 5-26
SPC IS OFFLINE 5-33 Top Access Distance 4-149
SPD1 5-48 TOP ACCESS? 4-52
Specifications 1-2 TOP LANDING SERVED option 4-14
SPEED 0 FPM 4-58 Top Rear Access Bypass Monitor 5-26
Speed and Acceleration Control 2-29 TORQMAX Display 2-18
Speed Changes Felt Excessively in Car 3-18 Torqmax Display 2-23
Speed Drop Delay, 192 4-162 TORQMAX F5 drive 2-17
Speed Hysteresis Delay 4-157 TOS, Time Out of Service Output option 4-43
Speed Hysteresis Delay, 139 4-157 TOS, Timed out of service flag 4-10
Speed Pick Delay Time 4-156 Traction Auxiliary Power Supply 2-82
SST, Soft stop timer flag flag 4-9 Traction Auxiliary Power Supply (TAPS) 1-3
Standard Acceleration 4-159 Traveler Cable 1-8
Standard Curve 3-10 Triac 5-3
Standard Deceleration 4-160 Troubleshooting
Standard Roll Jerk 4-159 duplexing 5-42
Standard Slew Slope 4-157 True Fire Service Output 4-40
Standard Start Jerk 4-159
Standard Stop Jerk 4-159 U
Start Input 4-35 UC, Up call flag 4-10
Start jerk 3-11 UCA, Up call above flag 4-10
STARTIN, Start Input option 4-35 UCR, Up call flag (rear) 4-10
STDX 4-35 UDP, Up direction preference flag 4-10
Steel tape 2-57 UET SW OVERSPEED 5-11
Stick alignment 2-60 UET SW POSITION FAULT 5-12
STOP 4-35 UETS 4-152, 5-50
Stop SW 5-23 UETS Delta Distance 4-152
STUCK PHOTO EYE PROTECTION option 4-19 UETS Delta High Speed 4-152
STUX 4-35 UETS Distance 4-152
SU, Supervisory up flag 4-10 UETS Speed 4-152, 4-155
SUA, Up direction arrow flag 4-10 UETS Speed, 75 4-152
Subnet mask screen 4-135 UFL 4-35
SWG 4-35 UFP, Upper parking floor flag 4-10
System CAN Bus 4-134 UFQ, Up first qualifier flag 4-10
Unintended Motion 3-45
TAB1 5-47 Unintended Motion, 188 4-161
Tape cleaning 2-57 Universal I/O 1-3
LF61 TORQMAX Setting 2-33 UNT SW LOW OVERSPEED 5-12, 5-33
TORQMAX LF61 1-3 UNT1 5-80
TAPS Backup 1-14 UNTS POSITION FAULT 5-12, 5-34

UNTS1 Delta Distance 4-154 X
UNTS1 Delta High Speed 4-154 XDSA, Auxiliary Supervisory Down Arrow output option 4-43
UNTS1 Delta High Speed, 83 4-154 xNTSn Delta Distance 4-153
UNTS1 Distance 4-154 xNTSn Delta High Speed 4-153
UNTS1 Speed, 79 4-154 xNTSn Delta Low Speed 4-153
UNTS2, 3, 4, 5 4-154 xNTSn Distance 4-153
OPEN 5-41 XPI1-XPI7, Auxiliary Position Indicators 1 thru 7 output 4-43
Up Emergency Terminal overspeed 5-11 XPort Comm Resets screen 4-136
Up Emergency Terminal Switch 4-152 XSUA, Auxiliary Supervisory Up Arrow output option 4-43
Up Final Limit Input 4-35
Up Input (Attendant Service) 4-35 Z
Up Normal Terminal Switch High overspeed 5-12, 5-33
ZADJ, Zero Adjust output option 4-43
Up Normal Terminal Switch Low overspeed 5-12, 5-33
Zero Adjust 4-43
Up Output (Attendant Service) 4-43
Up Sense 4-43
UPD, Up previous direction flag 4-10
Update firmware 5-45
UPDO, Up direction output flag 4-10
Upgrading Motion 4000 Firmware 5-45
UPI, Up Input (Attendant Service) 4-35
UPO, Up Output (Attendant Service) option 4-43
Upper Final Limit Test 3-38
UPS 4-43
UPS, Up direction sense input flag 4-10
US. 3 2-34, A-5
US. 4 2-34, A-5
US.10 2-34, A-5
US.34 2-34, A-5
USD, Up slow down input flag 4-10

VCI 4-9
Velocity Encoder
Connections 2-13
Velocity Encoder Installation 2-51
Verify Motor Speed, TORQMAX 2-48
Verify Motor Speed, Magnetek 2-48
Verify One Floor Run Operation 3-14
Verifying Contract Speed Operation 3-15
Version number of the monitoring software 4-135
Video rescue system 4-34
View assigned spare inputs 4-27
View assigned spare outputs 4-36
View car speed and distances 4-69
View Event Log 4-67
View events 4-67

Wandering Patient Security 4-35, 4-46
Wild Operation Indication Output 4-43
Wiring prints, description of 2-5
WLD, Emergency Dispatch Input option 4-35
WLDI, Wildop Indication Output option 4-43
WPIA - H 4-35

Index-16 Manual # 42-02-2P25

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