Design For Shear in Reinforced Concrete Using Strut-and-Tie Models: A Summary
Design For Shear in Reinforced Concrete Using Strut-and-Tie Models: A Summary
Design For Shear in Reinforced Concrete Using Strut-and-Tie Models: A Summary
provisions, a series of 26
designed using strut-and-tie the strain of the tie which
isolated strut tests (Figure
models rather than sectional adjoins the strut in question.
3) and 25 deep beam tests
models. The bottle-shaped Design engineers have had
(Figure 4) was undertaken.
struts shown in Figure 2 difficulty applying these
Additionally, a database of
represent a portion of the procedures because of this
approximately 1,200 test
strut-and-tie model for the strain term.
Compression Struts
Figur 1: Bent
e 1: Cap
Be nt C ap Figure
Figur e 2:2:Bottle-Shape
Bottle-Shaped Struts
d Struts in Bent
in Be Cap
nt C ap
Figure 3: Isolated
Figure 3: Isola tedStrut
Strut Test
results was compiled. That servative strength estimates strut-and-tie specifications also
database was used to examine for some of the specimens resulted in nominal strength less
the levels of conservatism in in the database. The crack than the measured capacity of
both ACI 318-05 and AASHTO control reinforcement required the test specimens. Levels of
LRFD strut-and-tie provisions. when using AASHTO LRFD conservatism when applying
strut-and-tie provisions is much the ACI 318-05 provisions to
What We Found greater than that needed for the specimens in the database
The use of AASHTO LRFD strength purposes in a bottle- were less than those when using
Strut-and-Tie provisions shaped strut. A direct strut AASHTO LRFD. The loads at
produced conservative estimates mechanism (as shown in Figure which cracking occurred in the
of strength for the beam tests 2) forms for beams in which the test specimens was unaffected
specimens. However, the use of shear span-to-depth ratio is less by the amount of transverse
AASHTO LRFD strut-and-tie than 2. reinforcement within the test
provisions produced uncon- The use of ACI 318-05 specimen.
Splitting Crack
Figure4:4: Deep BeamTest
Deep Beam Test
The Researchers shaped struts. Without proper recommended. For beams with
transverse reinforcement, a concentrated loads applied
Recommend bottle-shaped strut cannot main- between 2d and 6d from the
The research led to new tain equilibrium after significant support, Vc 1 f cabv d v .
design provisions for the use cracking. Reinforcement is
For beams with uniform
of strut-and-tie modeling. The needed to maintain the strength Vc 1 f cabv d v
proposed provisions are com- of a strut as well as reduce crack loads or concentrated f cabvat
Vc 2loads dv
pared with the current LRFD widths under service load. greater than 6d from the sup-
provisions in Figure 5. For For conventionally rein- port, Vc 2 f cabv d v .
serviceability reasons, the strut forced concrete with concen-
reinforcement recommended trated loads located less than 2d
in Appendix A of ACI 318-05 form the support, the proposed
should be used in all bottle- strut-and-tie provisions are
f cabw d
STM Sec tiona l Model
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance from Support to Concentrated Load [in units of d]
For more information, please contact Tom Yarbrough, Research and Technology
Implementation Office, (512) 465-7403 or email at [email protected].
This research was performed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation and the
U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. The contents of this report reflect
the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official view or policies of the FHWA or TxDOT. This report
does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation, nor is it intended for construction, bidding,
or permit purposes. Trade names were used solely for information and not for product endorsement. The
engineer in charge was Oguzhan Bayrak.