Koya University Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering Dep
Koya University Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering Dep
Koya University Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering Dep
Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Dep.
PetroleumGas Proprites
Aree Salah
Exp. NO : Six
Name of Exp.: Fire Point
Date of Exp.: 28.1.2014
Date of submission: 4.2.2014
Table of Content:
Aim of the experiment
. 3
.. 4
Importance of Flash Point
.. 5
. 6
Tools and apparatus
.................................................................... 7
Description of apparatus
.... 7
.. 8
. 9
. 11
The Aim of this experiment:
The sample is slowly heated and an ignition source, such as
a small flame (spark), is introduced above the sample at
various intervals.
This process continues until a temperature is reached
at which the vapors from the sample ignite, which
establishes the flash point for that sample.
Once ignition occurs, the ignition source is removed
and the vapors should then stop burning; if they
continue to burn without the source, however, then
the fire point for a sample has been reached.
In a closed cup experiment, the process is similar but the
container for the sample is lidded and the ignition source is
introduced through the lid.
A closed cup experiment allows for the fire point of a
particular sample to be determined when that sample is
under increased pressure due to a closed system.
There are three standard methods (one open and two
closed) to determine the flash point according
volatile temperature of sample:
1. Closed Abel Test
Closed cup flash point test for products and liquid
petroleum mixtures which have flash point is
between -30C and +70C.
2. Open Cleveland Test
Opened cup flash test point for products (heavy
petroleum) which have flash point is between
ambient and 400C.
3. Closed Penesky-Martens Test
Closed cup flash point test to determine the flash
point for products with flash point above 40 0C to
Tools and apparatus:
1. Closed Penesky-Martens (as described below)
2. Kerosene sample
3. Goggles
4. Lab coats
5. Heating source
6. Timer
7. Description of apparatus:
1. Cup of sample
2. Cover
3. Shutter (to lock
the fire from the
4. Stirring device
5. Heating source
6. Ignition source
7. Air bath
8. Thermometer
The procedure:
1. Clean and dry all parts of the apparatus with the help of
suitable solvent e.g.) ether, or benzene and dry it to remove
any traces of solvent.
2.Fill the oil cup with kerosene up to the mark.
3.Fix the lids on the top through which are inserted a
thermometer and a stirrer. Ensure that the flame exposure
device is fixed on the top.
4.Light the flame and adjust it to about 4 mm in diameter
and start stirring the sample.
5.Heat apparatus in a rate of 5 0C/min until 30 0C is reached
as stirrer is continuously rotated. (the rate of increasing
temp. can be reached by adjusting the flame source).
6.Now, At every 2 0C rise of temp. Introduce test flame into
the oil vapor. (Stop stirring during this step)
7. When test flame causes a distinct flash in the interior of
the test cup, note temp. which represent the flash point.
8.Further heat the sample at lower rate (1 or 2 oC) and
continue applying the test flame as before.
9. The temperature at which the vapors of the oil give a clear
and distinct blue flash for five seconds is recorded as the fire
point of the oil.