Salat Fatih

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Fatih invocation is able to open asrar (secret) magical sense of surprise by those who can read it a hundred times

each day. Many have questioned this, but the pursuit of peace is not one of the virtues
of something.

It's like a human instinct as remuneration, rewards and virtues such as reading an invocation. That is the wisdom embodied virtues.

The Prophet said that the scholars inheritors of the Prophet. There is nothing wrong if you want because it is still practiced worship and no body also oriented such that opposing Al-Quran and As-

Fatih invocation of As-Sayyid Abul Makkkarim Ash-Shaikh Muhammad Shamsuddin;

Meaning of Peace Fatih description:
Ustaz Haji Ahmad Tunggal, Chairman of the Jamaah Wirid Khaujakan Johor, writing in his book "The Spiritual Practice of Excellence" (1993) as follows:
Which opens what is closed - The World originally did not exist and still closed. He made this world is due to the existence of the Prophet Muhammad. Had not the Prophet Muhammad would not exist
in this world. He made the Prophet Muhammad as a mercy to the worlds. Mercy and prophethood of all creatures, including humans, spirits and animals. The human heart is initially covered with
polytheism, covered with injustice and ignorance.
Faith, Islam and morals closed, it was opened by the Prophet Muhammad with a missionary who guided the Al Quran. Opened the truth of faith and Islamic law, are open, character and noble
character, open, social justice and opened an Islamic state led by the Prophet Muhammad who opened what was closed.
And finishing (finishing) what is gone - no longer the Prophet after Prophet Muhammad also as a cover occurrence Israa and Miraj and closing Koran.
And that helped the truth to the truth - Aid Prophet Muhammad that really is the Quran. In it contains all the equipment including faith, law, morals, worship, social state, philosophy and mysticism.
People will not know the truth without the help of the Prophet.
And that the way your straight - and shown by the Prophet is the right way, the correct and upright. Which means it is a straight path is the path of Islam, the way of peace and happiness. Mustakim
addition of meaning can be interpreted straight and firm stance in implementing God's orders. Apart from the Prophet assistant truth he also led. Led the way to a prosperous and secure.
Fatih Peace Video Clip
Pros And Virtues Peace Fatih:

Peace Fatih also have privileges tersenidiri as had been prepared by the previous scholars. Among the advantages of Fatih Peace is:

1. He said some scholars Morocco, bless all with Peace Fatih equaling 10,000 or 600,000 others.

2. Read 11 times after the obligatory prayers, God will forgive the sins of the small and peaceful soul.

3. Read 21 times every day, spacious living and family are safe from trouble.

4. Those who bless Fatih beristiqamah 40 days, his sin will be forgiven by God.

5. Anyone practicing with consistency, He will open the secrets of magic, get rid of sorrow, guided and achieved all lavatory. And will become a member of paradise, even if only read once in a

6. Most of the intelligent call that peace can be opened asrar (secret) wonders terhairan by reason anyone can read it 100 times every day,

7. Surely those who diligently read every day 100 times opened for him a lot of hijab. And the results of her face. And fulfilled his desires; qadr unknown except by Allah Ta'ala.

8. Peace is beneficial to people Mubtadi, Mutawassith and vomiting.

9. Those who bless with the Peace Fatih once in his life would not be engulfed in the fires of hell.

10. Whoever read 1000 times Thursday night and Friday or Monday will be gathered together Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

The trick is to read it after praying 4 cycles,

1) Read surah al-Qadr,

2) Read the al-Nasr,

3) Read the al-Nasr,

4) Read Ma-'uzatain.

Preferably smoked with sandalwood while reading Fatih Peace.

Due to the many virtues of this Fatih Peace, then let us practice reading it right.


A'alam Bissowab

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