H49045966 PDF
H49045966 PDF
H49045966 PDF
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 4), September 2014, pp.59-66
Accurate metering, detection of energy theft and implementation of proper tariff as well as billing system are
vital in wise energy management. These objectives can be achieved by using Smart Meters. This article
introduces a microcontroller based Smart Meter using wireless communication and LabVIEW suitable for the
Indian Energy Scenario. The Smart Meter and Time Of Day (TOD) tariff pricing make the consumers an active
part of energy management, thereby energy deficit during peak hours can be alleviated indirectly.
Keywords - Energy Management, Energy Conservation, Demand Side Management, Smart Meters, Time Of
Day Tariff, Zigbee, LabVIEW
Due to rapid increase in human population and With development in technologies in the fields
the humans dependency towards electrical energy, of communication and information technology, a
the demand of electricity has increased, causing wide variety of AMR and smart meters has been
deficit of electrical energy during peak hours. As per developed. A smart meter is an AMR with two-way
the report of CEA, India [1], the gap between the communication infrastructure. Smart meters has been
electrical energy supply and the energy demand in designed for various features like remote monitoring
of energy consumptions, remote turn ON/OFF power
July-2014 is -3.9% (MW). Accurate metering,
supply, remote detection of energy theft, with time
detection of illegal activities and implementation of
varying pricing system, remote fault detection,
proper tariff and billing system would manage the capable of monitoring power quality etc. [17].
consumption of electrical energy. Collecting meter Developments in information management and
reading is one of the most difficult procedures in remote monitoring technology can play a vital role in
billing [2]. The traditional electrical energy meter energy management [18-19]. Smart meter reading co-
data collection is such that a person from the utility operate both utilities and consumers in power
provider visits the consumer sites periodically to note management, giving them detailed information about
the meter reading. This procedure has lot of power consumption [7]. Although the
drawbacks such as, it is time consuming, tiresome implementation cost of Smart meters systems are
and requires more human resource, human error and high [20], their implementation will increase the
even corruption is probable [2-16]. The process may revenue of the utility provider because of the
be interrupted due to bad weather conditions, also if following reasons, the working status of the
the consumer is not available, the billing will be consumer end meters can be identified remotely [3],
pending and human operator needs to revisit. India is eliminate the corruption by the human operator or the
facing energy deficit during peak hours. Low voltage consumer [3], [12] and [21], labour of meter reading
during peak hours has been reported as a major is eliminated [22], integration of an apt tariff system
with the smart meter reading data reduces the
power quality issue. Load shedding is a common
consumption of electricity during peak hours [19] and
power management practice followed by the utility
[23], etc. Smart meters perceived to be a necessity
providers [17]. Energy conservation has great rather than luxury in India [20].
significance in this scenario of increasing electrical This article proposes the design of a smart meter
energy demand. An Automatic Meter Reading which can address issues in the power distribution.
(AMR) system equipped with advanced features like The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
two-way communication, Time-Of-Day (TOD) tariff, two discusses the architecture of demand based smart
etc. will address the problems of manual collection of metering system. Software design of the system has
meter data, energy deficit during peak hours and been presented in section three. This includes
opens a channel for the consumers to participate in mathematical formulation of billing, software
energy conservation. incorporation of functionalities and GUI design.
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 4), September 2014, pp.59-66
Section four describes the hardware design. The relay. Features like remote turn ON/OFF the supply,
procedure for cost-benefit analysis of smart meter automatic cut OFF on theft detection and crossing the
implementation and TOD tariff is described in peak time energy consumption limit are governed
section five. through this relay. The consumption data is displayed
II. DEMAND BASED SMART METERING on the LCD screen of the smart meter and the same is
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE sent to the server every day at the end of the normal
hour III through Zigbee [26] module. However,
Demand based Smart Metering is designed to protocols like WiFi [7], WiMax [7] and [13], Global
measure the energy consumption during peak and System for Mobile (GSM) [11], [16], [19], [21], [25]
normal hours separately and to send these and [27] etc. can also be used [23]. A server
consumption data periodically to the utility provider computer with Graphical User Interface (GUI) or
through wireless communication. These data are front end, designed using LabVIEW, receives this
acquired at utility provider server and further used for data and store in a database according to the meter
billing. The smart metering is capable to alert the ID. At the end of every month, electricity bill is
utility provider if theft is detected and automatically generated automatically and maintained in the
can disconnect the supply to such consumers. secondary memory of the server. Display of amount
Designed system has the feature of remote turn on/off of the last bill, bill due dates, alert for theft detect,
the supply. In India, the time slots from 12:00 AM to push switches for remote turn ON/ OFF are available
06:00 AM, 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM and 09:00 PM to at the GUI.
12:00 AM can be considered as normal hours and
time slots from 06:00 AM to 09:00 AM and 06:00
PM to 09:00 PM can be considered as peak hours
[24]. The time slots can be defined as normal hour I,
normal hour II, normal hour III, and peak hour I and
peak hour II. Separate monitoring of energy
consumption during these normal and peak hours and
applying higher tariff for peak hours would reduce
the consumption during peak hours. The system is
designed to monitor the energy consumption
separately for the normal hours and for two of the
peak periods. A limit for the energy consumption
during peak hours can be set and load shedding can
be imposed for those consumers who cross the limit.
This feature force consumers to reduce the energy
consumption during peak hours thereby Demand Side Fig. 1: Architecture of Demand Based Smart Metering
Management (DSM) can be achieved, with indirect System
The demand based smart metering system
comprises two separate modules, a Smart Meter at The designed software incorporates the
the consumer end and a server computer at the utility functionalities necessary at consumer end and utility
provider side. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the end. At the consumer end microcontroller program is
system architecture. embedded in the flash memory of AT89S52
Every Smart Meter installed at the consumer end microcontroller and at the utility end, a GUI is
has a unique meter ID. In India, developing a low designed with LabVIEW.
cost basic Smart Meters by upgrading the existing 3.1 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED FUNCTIONALITIES
one is more acceptable [20]. That is the system has to
be cost-effective such that reduced implementation The functioning of the smart meter is based on
cost, maintenance free while providing robust and the program embedded in the microcontroller and is
reliable performance [25]. In the proposed design of written on Keil vision platform. The program is
smart meter a properly designed optical pick-up designed in accordance with the hardware
circuit is used to generate pulses in accordance with connections of the Smart Meter. An ISR [28-29] is
the LED blink / dark marking of the rotating disk of written to count the pulses. Counting is done
the existing energy meter [13]. AT89S52 separately for normal hours and peak hour I and peak
microcontroller is used to count the pulses. DS1307 hour II. The electronic energy meter, which produces
Real Time Clock (RTC) is used along with the pulses in accordance with energy consumption is
microcontroller to count the pulses separately for the calibrated such that one unit is equal to 3200 pulses.
peak and normal hour slots. The supply to the For experimental demonstration, it is assumed that
consumer is through a single pole double through one unit is equal to 10 pulses. A maximum limit for
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 4), September 2014, pp.59-66
the peak hour I and peak hour II is set to 2 units and during peak hour I and D19-D21 depicts the string,
this limit is programmable. Through relay, supply the energy consumption during peak hour II, (XCa),
will be disconnected when the limit is crossed and D22-D24 defines the total number of units consumed
connection will be re-established at the beginning of during the period of peak hour II and finally, the
the next slot of normal hours. A separate ISR is Most Significant Digit (MSD) is $, which
written for the theft detection. When the theft detect represents end of the data.
switch is activated, supply will be disconnected
through relay, and a theft alert message will be sent
to the server. The power supply will reconnect only
after a power ON switch corresponds to that
particular meter ID at the utility server is activated.
At the end of every eight minutes, separate reading
for normal hours, peak hour I and peak hour II are
sent to the server. Algorithm of the program
embedded is illustrated in the flow chart shown in
Fig. 2.
The energy consumption data is communicated
to the server by the Smart Meter through Zigbee.
Zigbee module has serial communication interface
with the server. The server comprises GUI and
software for billing, both designed with LabVIEW.
The LabVIEW based GUI is shown in Fig. 3. The
GUI displays meter ID, date and time, units
consumed per day during normal hours and during
different slots of peak hours, i.e. first Peak slot as
well as second peak slot, separately, consolidated
consumption details for normal and peak hour I and
peak hour II, a visual indication alert for the energy
theft, total bill amount and due date if last bill
payment remains pending. A provision to determine
the tariff from utility side is also incorporated in the
GUI. Remote control over the consumer end is
possible with turn ON/OFF push switches at the GUI
and the utility provider can make use of the same in
case of pending bills or energy theft. A database is
maintained for each consumer marked by their meter
id. This is made possible with a provision of one time
the registration provided in the GUI and the same is
expandable. A bill corresponding to the meter ID will
be generated at the end of the fifth day and is saved
in a spread sheet. The format and information content
of the bill is shown in Fig. 4.
The smart meter communicates with the server
through ZigBee and transfer a 26 character serial data
of format D={D25, D24, ,D0}, where the Least
Significant Digit (LSD), D0 is & which represents Fig. 2: Flow Chart of Smart Meter Program
the start bit of data, D1-D2 indicate the string, The serial data is acquired using VISA functions
Meter ID (MI), D3-D6 stands for the four digit in LabVIEW [30]. The meter ID, the total number of
meter ID, D7-D9 indicate the string, the energy units during normal hour, the peak hour I and peak
consumption during normal hours, (NCa), D10-D12 hour II are extracted from the 26 character data using
stands for the three digit number which indicate units the function scan from string. The energy calculation
consumed during normal hours, D13-D15 depicts the for the corresponding meter ID is selected using a
string, the energy consumption during peak hour I, case structure. Energy consumption during normal
(XCa), D16-D18 defines the total units consumed hour, peak hour I and peak hour II are stored to
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 4), September 2014, pp.59-66
separate global variables for every day using another IV. HARDWARE DESIGN
case structure. These global variables are later used
A Smart Meter at consumer end and a data
for total energy calculation for normal hour, peak
acquisition system at the utility end have been
hour I and peak hour II. This is done using the
designed. For the experimental demonstration, the
compound arithmetic tool and the total bill amount is
pulse corresponding to the energy consumption at the
calculated using equation (1),
consumer end is obtained by connecting wires
CT Cn X i C p1 Yi C p 2 Z i parallel to the pulse LED of an electronic energy
i 1 i 1 i 1
meter. This pulse is connected to the INT0 hardware
(1) interrupt pin (Port 3.2) of the AT89S52
where, CT is the total bill amount as per TOD Tariff, microcontroller. For ease of analysis and
X is the total units consumed during normal hours, Cn demonstration eight minutes are considered as a full
is the cost per unit during normal hours, Y is the total day and first two minutes are considered as normal
units consumed during peak hour I, Cp1 is the cost per hour I, third minute as peak hour I, fourth and fifth
unit during peak hour I, Z is the total units consumed minutes as normal hour II, sixth minute as peak hour
during peak hour II, Cp2 is the cost per unit during II and seventh and eighth minutes as normal hour III.
peak hour II and N is the number of days in the Theft detect switch is connected to the INT1
billing periods. Fig. 5 depicts the LabVIEW analogy hardware interrupt pin (Port 3.3) of the
of bill estimation. microcontroller. Port 0 pins of the microcontroller are
used as data lines for the 16x2 LCD display. Control
signals E, RW and RS of LCD display are connected
to the Port 1.0, Port 1.1 and Port 1.2 pins of the
microcontroller, respectively. RTC is connected to
the Port 3.4 and Port 3.5 pins of the microcontroller.
Relay is connected to the Port 1.5 of the
microcontroller through ULN2003 relay driving IC.
RxD and TxD serial data pins of the microcontroller
(Port 3.0 and Port 3.1 respectively) are connected to
the ZigBee module to achieve two way
communications between the smart meter and the
utility server. The prototype of a practically
implemented demand based smart meter is depicted
in Fig. 6.
The data from the smart meter is acquired by the
Fig. 3: GUI at Server End server through Zigbee module connected to the
RS232 serial port. GUI designed using LabVIEW
acquire this data using the VISA functions and
displays on the monitor of the server. The complete
working prototype of the designed system is shown
in Fig. 7.
An experiment is conducted to evaluate the
influence of percentage of load shifted from peak to
normal hours on percentage change in total cost, on
implementation of TOD tariff and Smart Meter. A
1kW load comprising 10x100W bulbs, L0, L1, ., L9,
each connected in parallel through switches is fed
through the designed metering system. The test
conditions varies from the condition, where the entre
1kW load drawn during peak hours to the entre 1kW
load shifted to normal hours by successive shifting of
10% load as illustrated in table 1, in which 1
indicates ON state of the load and 0 stands for OFF.
In table 2, numerical values of total units
consumed during normal hours X, the total units
consumed during peak hours Y+Z, total units
Fig. 4: Bill Format
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 4), September 2014, pp.59-66
consumed in a day TC, the percentage of energy the value of CT in the Test condition in which 100%
consumed in normal hours with respect to the total of the total energy consumption was during peak
energy consumed (X/ TC)%, the percentage of energy hour time CTMAX, the percentage reduction in CT on
consumed in peak hours with respect to the total load shifting from Test 1 condition, = [(CTMAX
energy consumed [(Y+Z)/ T C]%, the total cost as per CT)/CTMAX]%, and the percentage change in CT with
flat tariff CF, the total cost as per TOD tariff CT, respect to CF, = [(CT CF )/ CF ]%.
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 4), September 2014, pp.59-66
For the cost calculation, in the TOD tariff it is 50% of the total consumption hours, the TOD tariff
assumed that, Cp1 = Cp2 = 2Cn, and in flat tariff, the causes a reduction with a maximum of 50% in the
cost per unit, Cf is the average of rates in normal total cost. It may be felt that the revenue of the utility
and peak hours, Cf= (Cn + Cp1 + Cp2)/3. The values provider is reduced as a consequence. However,
CT and CF in Table 2 are calculated by assuming Cn = 'peaker plants are operated to meet the demand in
Rs. 2/-. some extend during peak hours, and majority of the
From the graph in Fig. 8, it is apparent that the peaker plants are thermal, hence the production cost
TOD tariff equals flat tariff, if the load is equally during these hours are much higher than the normal
distributed between normal and peak hours. If the hour production. Since the consumption during peak
amount of load shifted to normal hours is more than hours are lesser here, peak demand will go down and
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