Addidas HR
Addidas HR
Addidas HR
Our people are crucial to our success. Achieving our goal The head of Group HR is the Chief HR Officer, who reports to
to be the global leader in the sporting goods industry the CEO.
depends on the talents, enthusiasm and engagement of
our employees. Group HR has three major strategic pillars that all worldwide
initiatives support:
In this section we define our HR functions and goals, and our
HR programme. We also outline how we ensure worker- To create a working environment that stimulates team
management communications through employee spirit, passion, engagement and achievement
involvement in decision-making.
To instil a performance culture based upon strong
Employees have a responsibility to adhere to the Employee leadership
Code of Conduct; and as an employer we have the
responsibility to ensure their health and safety. This includes To make the adidas Group the employer of choice.
preventive and precautionary measures covered by our
Group policies. The way we reward our staff has to be fair As an industry leader, the adidas Group strives to be:
and related to our, and their, achievements.
A champion in leadership and talent management
We aim to develop staff with opportunities for career
progression, while striving to create a climate that A world-class recruiter
celebrates diversity. And we look after our employees by
promoting global mobility, helping staff achieve a healthy A top ten employer in every key market we operate.
work-life balance, and offering access to a wide range of
company sports activities. HR PROGRAMME
HR FUNCTIONS AND GOALS Our people are critical to our continuing commercial
success. With more than 31,000 employees working at more
HR management is a core function within the Groups global than 150 locations around the world, we need HR strategies
organisation. Group HR is responsible for: that can be implemented globally. The first step is to identify
the common challenges we face wherever we operate:
HR management of all Group functions and brands
IVaZcibVcV\ZbZci/ identifying, recruiting and retaining
Recruitment the best people and developing career opportunities for
them that meet company needs
Development and training
:beadnZZ"dg^ZciZYaZVYZgh]^e/ strengthening the
Talent and succession management alignment of management and employees by improving
communication and enhancing employee feedback systems
Performance management
EZg[dgbVcXZbVcV\ZbZci/ instilling a result-driven
Rewards, including reward and mobility management management culture that supports two-way performance
feedback for continuous learning and improvement
Emerging employee programmes and related HR
marketing Bdi^kVi^dc/ providing reward and incentive schemes in a
working environment that promotes commitment,
Company sports programme and work-life balance engagement and well-being
initiatives in Germany.
Corporate responsibility report 57
8dbbjc^XVi^dc/ increased transparency and efficiency in council played a critical role in exercising its development
all our communications. support, feedback, consultation and approval function.
Rising to these challenges can enhance the adidas Groups The works council paid special attention to the following
business success. initiatives:
The committee has dealt with a number of issues, including: Performance Talent
management management
Improving the housing accumulation fund and social Core elements of the adidas Group performance culture.
retirement fund coverage
We aim to identify, recruit and retain the best people by
Introducing flexible working hours in the LO providing development and career opportunities on a
Group-wide level. We achieve this through our strategic HR
Choosing the venues and activities for company outings pillars that focus on:
Conducting sports matches for staff and proposing other Creating a positive work environment
Instilling a culture of performance
In 2007, the committee held four representative meetings,
one of which was without management participation. Ten A nd being the employer of choice.
employees were elected in May 2007 to represent 388 local
adidas, Reebok and Rockport employees. GO FOR GOLD
Just like athletes, employees of the adidas Group need a
Our Hong Kong office has also set up a staff committee that training plan and a coach to build on their strengths,
discusses relevant topics for employees. overcome their own challenges and improve their technique
to achieve their goals. We Go for Gold and base our efforts
on the three success drivers of our performance culture:
Leadership Excellence, Performance Management and
Talent Management.
Leadership in what we do and how we do it is key to our
success. Our executives and managers enforce Leadership
Excellence and instil a culture of performance. They are the
main drivers and sponsors of the companys performance
and talent management.
Performance Management is the platform of our success.
Evaluation tools such as PEP (Performance Evaluation and
Planning) measure an employees current performance
based on job and competency requirements. Employee
performance levels serve as an indicator for base salary
development and variable compensation, supporting our goal
of paying for performance. PEP also covers the setting of
Corporate responsibility report 59
Individual preparation for new competency requirements The Groups health and safety management also focuses on
travel security as well as health, safety and precautionary
Fostering of global networking measures related to communicable diseases such as avian
flu and SARS.
K nowledge transfer into the current and future business.
Below are some recent health and safety initiatives within
Actively managing internal succession is key to our the adidas Group:
competitive position.
Our new Group-wide major incident response policy sets
REMUNERATION out clear definitions, responsibilities, actions and the internal
and external communications needed to handle major
Our Global Salary Management System (GSMS) sets incidents effectively. Its purpose is to minimise risks towards
employees salaries in a clear, understandable and our employees and our business at any level at any time.
measurable way. It relates to performance evaluation and
uses a clearly defined system for setting salaries in line with HIV-AIDS POLICY
market requirements and performance levels. Managers and In 2006 the adidas Group launched a Group-wide HIV-AIDS
the HR department can evaluate where each employee policy which is available to all employees via the companys
currently is within the system based on his/her current intranet site. The policy is based on guidance from the
salary and where he/she should be. International Labour Organization (ILO) and field testing by
the adidas Group liaison office in Thailand. It contains:
The adidas Group also offers several attractive variable
compensation components: General guidance on HIV-AIDS
Practical exercises in small groups completed the workshop. Hertie Stiftung, the third largest private foundation in
Germany, audited our programme to identify and initiate
SAFETY DAY ways to improve family-oriented personnel management.
Every two years, a Safety Day takes place at all German We were re-audited in 2004 and awarded the official
locations. The day is organised by the Labour Safety certificate as a Family-Friendly Employer.
Committee together with the police, the trade association,
the health insurance and local businesses. For this years COMPANY SPORTS
Safety Day, we supported the prevention campaign Skin We offer our employees a wide range of sports activities at
Care, and the days events centred on healthy eating and our major sites including team sports such as football and
road safety. basketball, fun and fitness courses such as fencing and Tae
Bo, and health and wellness courses such as yoga, healthy
With more and more employees cycling to work, Pimp my back, and swimming. Employees in Herzogenaurach,
Bike was this years main topic. A bicycle obstacle course Portland and Canton have access to a company gym.
was set up so that people could test their cycling skills. The
police demonstrated how to deter bike theft, and explained Our Company Sports department in Herzogenaurach also
the importance of having safe brakes and proper lights and organises several sports events such as mountain biking,
wearing the right protective equipment. horseback riding, kayaking, skiing and ski tours and biathlon.
Special events such as a one-week sports camp for
The days programme closed with practical examples about employees children, trans-alpine mountain bike tours, and
the hazards of multi-outlet power strips (common in most the yearly Berlin marathon weekend (with a suitable training
office kitchens) and with obligatory fire-fighting drills. programme prior to the event) are also available. In 2007,
the Company Sports department offered about 130 courses
LOOKING AFTER OUR PEOPLE and more than 30 events which were attended by more than
2,800 participants.
Global presence and success in worldwide markets require EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT
a workforce willing and able to work around the world.
For those employees who are interested in working in We have a Group-wide Employee Code of Conduct in place
different countries, we have a programme of international to help strengthen general governance. The code serves
assignments to worldwide locations within the adidas Group. as the cornerstone of ethical and social behaviour in
Most of these take place between Germany, USA, China, day-to-day operations, and is aligned with the core values
Hong Kong and the Netherlands. The adidas Group provides of the company.
training and cultural preparation to familiarise the relocating
professionals and their families with their new living and The code is part of a Global Compliance Programme and is
working environments. In brief: implemented by compliance managers worldwide, with the
involvement of the works council.
The Headquarters of the adidas Group employs more than
500 international employees from 50 countries The code covers key issues such as:
Between 100 and 150 international assignments at various How to treat business partners and third parties (including
locations begin annually conflicts of interest)
All line managers must ensure compliance with the code. We also have a web-based scheme Ask the Management
Employees who violate the Code of Conduct while conducting that allows employees to post questions to senior
Group business will be subject to disciplinary measures, and management. There are six different Ask the Management
may have their employment terminated. All employees are forums across the Group, with the Global Operations one
trained to apply the code through a global e-Learning tool being the most used, often with 50-60 questions posted
which was launched at the end of 2007. each month.