Skema Bahasa Inggeris
Skema Bahasa Inggeris
Skema Bahasa Inggeris
Question 1
(10 marks)
Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students' ability to:
show understanding of the use of correct grammar in context.
identify and correct grammatical errors in the text.
Note: If the candidate identifies two or more errors in a line, no marks will be awarded.
Error Correction
Question Answer Mark Question Answer Mark
a are 1 mark a were 1 mark
b our 1 mark b your 1 mark
c off 1 mark c of 1 mark
d but 1 mark d and 1 mark
e a 1 mark e the 1 mark
f thieves 1 mark f thief 1 mark
g shortest 1 mark g shorter 1 mark
h grow 1 mark h grows 1 mark
i proudly 1 mark i proud 1 mark
j gathers 1 mark j gathered 1 mark
Mark Scheme For Section B
(30 marks)
Question 2
(10 marks)
Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students' ability to:
read and understand the text.
identify and transfer the correct information from one text type to another accurately.
1. Do award marks for answers with minor grammatical errors. Correct spelling is mandatory if
the word exist in the text.
2. Do not award marks for over lifting that includes irrelevant sections of the text.
3. There should only be one answer for each question. If a student writes more than one
question, only take the first answer into consideration.
Question 3
(20 marks)
Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students' ability to:
read and understand a non-linear text.
respond to a non-linear text using established reading skills.
write an email:
i. encouraging others to take up reading
ii. providing appropriate reasons on the importance of reading
1. Do award marks for answers with minor grammatical and spelling errors that do not disrupt
2. Do remember to use your discretion and good judgement for correct answers that appear
different from the suggested answers especially for questions that require a personal
4. Do not award marks for over lifting that includes irrelevant sections of the text.
a True 1 mark
b False 1 mark
c False 1 mark
d False 1 mark
e Consolation prize / RM200.00 1 mark
f Via students' respective school 1 mark
g i Inculcate 1 mark
ii Submitted 1 mark
h Their essays must be original 1 mark
Increase one's vocabulary
i 1 mark
(Accept any other relevant response)
General Guidelines for marking Question j
3. Read the response provided for relevance to task and asessment objectives specified
for the question.
i. Responses which are generally free from serious errors should be placed in the
upper bands.
ii. Responses with frequent minor and serious errors should be placed in the lower
7. Place a response with total or almost wholesale lifting in the lower bands. For
responses with intelligent lifting, award marks accordingly based on the given
8. students are allowed to use the points in the poster when writing out their responses.
10. If there is a change in the band, read the response again to check the general criteria
specified in the new band selected.
The general criteria in the bands are common to ALL tasks with specific examples given
to aid the examiners. All responses must be marked using the criteria given in the
bands. Please read the criteria carefully for all five bands BEFORE marking.
The length of the response should not be a criteria in awarding marks. Award marks
based on the quality and relevance of the response.
Marking Criteria for Question j
Mark A B C D E
Task fulfillment Fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfilled
Partially Hardly
fulfilled fulfilled
Language Accurate Largely Sufficiently Partially Hardly
acuuracy accurate accurate accurate accurate
Organisation and Well- Organised & Sufficiently Lacking Hardly any
development organised & developed organised & organisation organisation
well developed and details
Sentence Varied & Largely Some Lack variety Distorted
structure effective varied variety sentence
Lifting from text Hardly any A little lifting Some lifting Almost T otal lifting
lifting wholesale
When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit' principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the
bands. To determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer
to the criteria in the band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer
to the coordinated scripts for consistency.
Mark Scheme For Section C
(20 marks)
Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students' ability to:
read and understand a linear text.
Question 4
(15 marks)
Answers for Questions a - h
e i Sedentary 1 mark
ii Distracted 1 mark
h i 1 mark
Learn to be tolerant/
Learn to be cooperative/work together 1 mark
Learn to share/not to be selfish
iii (Accept any other relevant response) 1 mark
Question 5
(5 marks)
Answers for Questions a - d
a Man is always busy/full of responsibilities/full of worries 1 mark
b Squirrels hide their nuts in grass 1 mark
c During the night/when there is reflection of the stars in the sky at night 1 mark
d Yes because they are very busy with their work. 2 marks
No because they can still relax after work.
(Accept any other relevant response)
Answer Mark(s)
Mark Scheme For Section D
(40 marks)
Assessment Objectives
This part assesses students' ability to:
write based on the given notes using correct and appropriate language.
write using coherent and cohesive structures to convey meaning effectively.
add more information, opinions and elaborate ideas.
write an appropriate response based on a novel that they have read.
ii. provide relevant evidence from the novel to support their response.
A. How writing is assessed
In the assessment of writing skills at the lower secondary school level, students are
assessed on their ability to demonstrate the following skills in their written responses:
reading skills in understanding the rubric and fulfilling the requirements of the writing task.
thinking skills to reflect depth and maturity of thinking by giving ideas, reasons and
supporting them with appropriate elaborations.
language skills in terms of using language appropriately to provide the correct tone,
form and content as required by the task.
The emphasis is on how well the response fulfils the set task and the level of language used.
Accuracy of language in terms of grammar, sentence structures and mechanics of
writing is essential for effective communication. The examiner must be able to understand
and follow the presentation of ideas or events conveyed in the students' responses.
Creativity is important but should not be the sole criterion in the assessment of writing.
B. What is expected of students
A student must at least be able to:
identify the requirements of the task.
Marking Criteria For Question 6
Task is fulfilled. Task is fulfilled. Task is fulfilled. Task is partially Task is hardly
fulfilled. fulfilled.
Ideas are Ideas are
Ideas are well-
E developed and Sufficiently
developed and Ideas are partially Ideas are not
organised with developed with
well-organised developed and developed and not
S main ideas and some organisation
with supporting lack organisation. organised.
Supporting and supporting
C details. details.
Language is Language is Language is
Language is
R largely accurate sufficiently partially accurate. Language is
accurate with few
with some minor accurate. Errors are Errors are mostly inaccurate.
first draft slips.
I errors mostly SWEs. MWEs.
Sentence Sentence
P Sentence Sentence Sentence
structures are structures lack
structures are structures are structures are
varied and used variety and are
T mostly varied. sufficiently varied. distorted.
effectively. repetitive.
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is Vocabulary is
wide enough and sufficient but lacks
R wide and precise. limited. inappropriate.
mostly precise. precision.
Interest is
Interest is largely Interest is Interest is Interest is hardly
aroused and
aroused. sufficiently aroused. partially aroused. aroused.
When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit' principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the
bands. To determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer
to the criteria in the band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer
to the coordinated scripts for consistency.
Marking Criteria For Question 7
Task is fulfilled. Task is fulfilled. Task is fulfilled. Task is partially Task is hardly
fulfilled. fulfilled.
P Sentence Sentence
Sentence Sentence Sentence
structures are structures lack
structures are structures are structures are
T varied and used variety and are
mostly varied. sufficiently varied. distorted.
effectively. repetitive.
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is Vocabulary is
R wide enough and sufficient but lacks
wide and precise. limited. inappropriate.
mostly precise. precision.
Interest is
Interest is largely Interest is Interest is Interest is hardly
aroused and
aroused. sufficiently aroused. partially aroused. aroused.
When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit' principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the
bands. To determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer
to the criteria in the band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer
to the coordinated scripts for consistency.
Examiners are recommended to use the symbols given to ensure consistency in marking and
for ease of moderation.
merit - used to indicate apt
R vocabulary, good expression
and structure where it occurs.
// irrelevance, incomprehensible
M L lifting
R ^ omission
R repetition
S stringing