Magnetism: Transformers

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This is an apparatus which is used for reducing or increasing the voyage in an alternating current

At the the primary end when the current is switched on, a magnetic field is created by magnetising
the core(made of iron) and as a result the secondary end is magnetised simultaneously. At the
primary the field is created from current to field but at the secondary it starts with a field therefore
field lines must be broken in order to produce a current. Therefore an alternating current is needed
to break the field lines and therefore current will be induced.

Transformer Equations


# of turns or coils(Np) = voltage(Vp)

#of turns or coils (Ns)= voltage(Vs)

secondary voltage(Vs) / primary voltage(Vp)= secondary turns(Ns)/ primary turns (Np)

Right Hand Grip Rule

This is used to determine the polarity of a material which has been magnetised using the electrical
method(coil or solenoid) . The current around the coil is followed using your fingers and the thumb
points to the NORTH POLE.

Anti-Clockwise and Clockwise Rule

The anti-clockwise flow of current indicates a North Pole while the clockwise flow then indicates the
South Pole

Flemings Left Hand Rule

This is used to predict the motion of an object.
The thuMb represents MOTION. The First finger represents the FIELD while the seCond finger
represents the CURRENT.


When the switch is closed, current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal around
the coil. The coil is suspended inside a magnetic field. Since the current brings its own magnetic
field, it acts on the magnetic field provided by the two magnets. This interaction provided a force
which the coil to rotate in an anti-clockwise direction. In order for the coil to rotate continuously in
the same direction, the commutator reverses the current while the brushes carry current to the

Flemings Right Hand Rule

This is used to predict the current flowing across a conductor.

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