Krautkramer USD 10 Guide PDF

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USD 10 BASIC OPERATION GUIDE 5 7m SO ea) OB) CS Hd Oe HE Soe | OR oO Os ecient, @ Krautkramer Branson UU! Important notes Please read the following notes before using your USD 10. It is important that you understand and observe this information to avoid making any mistakes in operating the instrument. These could 184d to false test results, which can finally result in injury to persons or damage to property. a) Preconditions for testing with ultrasonic flaw detectors These Operating Instructions contain all the necessary information on how to operate this ultrasonic flaw detector. There are however a number of factors which affect the test results obtained. To describe these would be beyond the Scope of these instructions. We therefore mention only the three most important conditions for reliable testing with ultrasonic flaw detection equipment: ‘"* © a properly trained operator ° knowledge of the specialised test requirement and limits © the selection of the appropriate test equipment. Operator training The operator of an ultrasonic flaw detector must have appro- priate knowledge and training in ultrasonic test methods. This must include, for instance, adequate knowledge of _, © sound propagation theory © the effects of the velocity of sound in the material under test © what happens to the sound wave at the interface between two different materials © the propagation of the sound beam, veadiado © the effect of the sound attenuation in the object under test © the effect of the surface condition (roughness, etc) of the object under test. easyer Tadueiv Lack of knowledge here can lead to false test results with unforeseeable consequences, Information on the facilities existing for training of ultrasonic test personnel and on the qualifications and certificates possible can be obtained from your Krautkramer- Branson representative in your country. Test_requirements Every ultrasonic test is subject to specific test require~ ments. The most important of these are: 0 definition of the scope of the test. ©. selection of the appropriate technical test method o taking into account the properties of the material ; © laying down the test limits for record and evaluation purposes, It is the task of those with overall responsibility for testing to ensure ‘that the test operator is fully informed about these requirements. The best basis for such informa- tion is experience with identical test objects. It is also essential that the relevant test specification be clearly and completely explained to the test operator. Ultrasonic flaw tests can only provide information about = those parts of the test object which the beam of sound from 3 the probe used has actually passed through. Assumptions about those parts of the test object which have not actually been tested, based on those parts which have been tested, : should only be made with extreme caution. Such assumptions are only usually only possible where a large amount of previous data is available and proven methods of statistical evaluation are used, Boundary surfaces within the test object can completely reflect the sound beam, resulting in flaws or reflection points which lie beyond this remaining undetected. Care must therefore be taken to ensure that the sound beam does : in fact penetrate all those parts of the test object which are to be tested.

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