Ee213-Kipirvine Chap4 - 1
Ee213-Kipirvine Chap4 - 1
Ee213-Kipirvine Chap4 - 1
Operand Types
Instruction Operand Notation
Direct Memory Operands
MOV Instruction
Zero & Sign Extension
XCHG Instruction
Direct-Offset Instructions
var1 BYTE 10h
mov al,var1 ; AL = 10h
mov al,[var1] ; AL = 10h
alternate format
bVal BYTE 100
bVal2 BYTE ?
wVal WORD 2
dVal DWORD 5
mov ds,45 immediate move to DS not permitted
mov esi,wVal size mismatch
mov eip,dVal EIP cannot be the destination
mov 25,bVal immediate value cannot be destination
mov bVal2,bVal memory-to-memory move not permitted
mov bl,10001111b
movzx ax,bl ; zero-extension
mov bl,10001111b
movsx ax,bl ; sign extension
var1 WORD 1000h
var2 WORD 2000h
xchg ax,bx ; exchange 16-bit regs
xchg ah,al ; exchange 8-bit regs
xchg var1,bx ; exchange mem, reg
xchg eax,ebx ; exchange 32-bit regs
arrayB BYTE 10h,20h,30h,40h
mov al,arrayB+1 ; AL = 20h
mov al,[arrayB+1] ; alternative notation
arrayW WORD 1000h,2000h,3000h
arrayD DWORD 1,2,3,4
mov ax,[arrayW+2] ; AX = 2000h
mov ax,[arrayW+4] ; AX = 3000h
mov eax,[arrayD+4] ; EAX = 00000002h
Step1: copy the first value into EAX and exchange it with the
value in the second position.
mov eax,arrayD
xchg eax,[arrayD+4]
Step 2: Exchange EAX with the third array value and copy the
value in EAX to the first array position.
xchg eax,[arrayD+8]
mov arrayD,eax
movzx ax,myBytes
mov bl,[myBytes+1]
add ax,bx
mov bl,[myBytes+2]
add ax,bx ; AX = sum
myWord WORD 1000h
myDword DWORD 10000000h
inc myWord ; 1001h
dec myWord ; 1000h
inc myDword ; 10000001h
mov ax,00FFh
inc ax ; AX = 0100h
mov ax,00FFh
inc al ; AX = 0000h
myByte BYTE 0FFh, 0
mov al,myByte ; AL = FFh
mov ah,[myByte+1] ; AH = 00h
dec ah ; AH = FFh
inc al ; AL = 00h
dec ax ; AX = FEFF
var1 DWORD 10000h
var2 DWORD 20000h
.code ; ---EAX---
mov eax,var1 ; 00010000h
add eax,var2 ; 00030000h
add ax,0FFFFh ; 0003FFFFh
add eax,1 ; 00040000h
sub ax,1 ; 0004FFFFh
valB BYTE -1
valW WORD +32767
mov al,valB ; AL = -1
neg al ; AL = +1
neg valW ; valW = -32767
Rval DWORD ?
Xval DWORD 26
Yval DWORD 30
Zval DWORD 40
mov eax,Xval
neg eax ; EAX = -26
mov ebx,Yval
sub ebx,Zval ; EBX = -10
add eax,ebx
mov Rval,eax ; -36
mov ebx,Yval
neg ebx
add ebx,Zval
mov eax,Xval
sub eax,ebx
mov Rval,eax
part of executes
conditional jumps
arithmetic & bitwise
operations attached to used by provide
status flags
branching logic
You can use diagrams such as these to express the relationships between assembly
language concepts.
mov cx,1
sub cx,1 ; CX = 0, ZF = 1
mov ax,0FFFFh
inc ax ; AX = 0, ZF = 1
inc ax ; AX = 1, ZF = 0
A flag is set when it equals 1.
A flag is clear when it equals 0.
mov cx,0
sub cx,1 ; CX = -1, SF = 1
add cx,2 ; CX = 1, SF = 0
mov al,0
sub al,1 ; AL = 11111111b, SF = 1
add al,2 ; AL = 00000001b, SF = 0
mov al,0FFh
add al,1 ; CF = 1, AL = 00
mov al,0
sub al,1 ; CF = 1, AL = FF
mov ax,00FFh
add ax,1 ; AX= SF= 0100h
ZF= CF= 0 0 0
sub ax,1 ; AX= SF= 00FFh
ZF= CF= 0 0 1
add al,1 ; AL= SF= 00h
ZF= CF= 0 1 1
mov bh,6Ch
add bh,95h ; BH= SF=
01h ZF= CF=
0 0 1
mov al,2
sub al,3 ; AL= SF= FFh
ZF= CF= 1 0 1
; Example 1
mov al,+127
add al,1 ; OF = 1, AL = ??
; Example 2
mov al,7Fh ; OF = 1, AL = 80h
add al,1
The two examples are identical at the binary level because 7Fh
equals +127. To determine the value of the destination operand,
it is often easier to calculate in hexadecimal.
mov al,-2
add al,+127 ; OF = 0
mov al,-128
neg al ; CF = OF = 0 1
mov ax,8000h
add ax,2 ; CF = OF = 0 0
mov ax,0
sub ax,2 ; CF = OF = 1 0
mov al,-5
sub al,+125 ; OF = 1
OFFSET Operator
PTR Operator
TYPE Operator
SIZEOF Operator
LABEL Directive
bVal BYTE ?
wVal WORD ?
dVal DWORD ?
dVal2 DWORD ?
mov esi,OFFSET bVal ; ESI = 00404000
mov esi,OFFSET wVal ; ESI = 00404001
mov esi,OFFSET dVal ; ESI = 00404003
mov esi,OFFSET dVal2 ; ESI = 00404007
; C++ version:
char array[1000];
char * p = array;
array BYTE 1000 DUP(?)
mov esi,OFFSET array ; ESI is p
myDouble DWORD 12345678h
mov ax,myDouble ; error why?
myDouble DWORD 12345678h
myBytes BYTE 12h,34h,56h,78h
mov ax,WORD PTR [myBytes] ; AX = 3412h
mov ax,WORD PTR [myBytes+2] ; AX = 7856h
mov eax,DWORD PTR myBytes ; EAX = 78563412h
varB BYTE 65h,31h,02h,05h
varW WORD 6543h,1202h
varD DWORD 12345678h
mov ax,WORD PTR [varB+2] ; a. 0502h
mov bl,BYTE PTR varD ; b. 78h
mov bl,BYTE PTR [varW+2] ; c. 02h
mov ax,WORD PTR [varD+2] ; d. 1234h
mov eax,DWORD PTR varW ; e. 12026543h
var1 BYTE ?
var2 WORD ?
var3 DWORD ?
var4 QWORD ?
mov eax,TYPE var1 ; 1
mov eax,TYPE var2 ; 2
mov eax,TYPE var3 ; 4
mov eax,TYPE var4 ; 8
byte1 BYTE 10,20,30 ; 3
array1 WORD 30 DUP(?),0,0 ; 32
array2 WORD 5 DUP(3 DUP(?)) ; 15
array3 DWORD 1,2,3,4 ; 4
digitStr BYTE "12345678",0 ; 9
mov ecx,LENGTHOF array1 ; 32
.data SIZEOF
byte1 BYTE 10,20,30 ; 3
array1 WORD 30 DUP(?),0,0 ; 64
array2 WORD 5 DUP(3 DUP(?)) ; 30
array3 DWORD 1,2,3,4 ; 16
digitStr BYTE "12345678",0 ; 9
mov ecx,SIZEOF array1 ; 64
array WORD 10,20,
mov eax,LENGTHOF array ; 6
mov ebx,SIZEOF array ; 12
array WORD 10,20
WORD 30,40
WORD 50,60
mov eax,LENGTHOF array ; 2
mov ebx,SIZEOF array ; 4
intList BYTE 00h,10h,00h,20h
mov eax,dwList ; 20001000h
mov cx,wordList ; 1000h
mov dl,intList ; 00h
Indirect Operands
Array Sum Example
Indexed Operands
val1 BYTE 10h,20h,30h
mov esi,OFFSET val1
mov al,[esi] ; dereference ESI (AL = 10h)
inc esi
mov al,[esi] ; AL = 20h
inc esi
mov al,[esi] ; AL = 30h
myCount WORD 0
mov esi,OFFSET myCount
inc [esi] ; error: ambiguous
inc WORD PTR [esi] ; ok
arrayW WORD 1000h,2000h,3000h
mov esi,OFFSET arrayW
mov ax,[esi]
add esi,2 ; or: add esi,TYPE arrayW
add ax,[esi]
add esi,2
add ax,[esi] ; AX = sum of the array
arrayW WORD 1000h,2000h,3000h
mov esi,0
mov ax,[arrayW + esi] ; AX = 1000h
mov ax,arrayW[esi] ; alternate format
add esi,2
add ax,[arrayW + esi]
arrayB BYTE 0,1,2,3,4,5
arrayW WORD 0,1,2,3,4,5
arrayD DWORD 0,1,2,3,4,5
mov esi,4
mov al,arrayB[esi*TYPE arrayB] ; 04
mov bx,arrayW[esi*TYPE arrayW] ; 0004
mov edx,arrayD[esi*TYPE arrayD] ; 00000004
arrayW WORD 1000h,2000h,3000h
ptrW DWORD arrayW
mov esi,ptrW
mov ax,[esi] ; AX = 1000h
Alternate format:
JMP Instruction
LOOP Instruction
LOOP Example
Summing an Integer Array
Copying a String
(a) 128
(b) +127
mov ax,6
mov ecx,4
What will be the final value of AX?
10 inc ax
loop L1
count DWORD ?
mov ecx,100 ; set outer loop count
mov count,ecx ; save outer loop count
mov ecx,20 ; set inner loop count
L2: .
loop L2 ; repeat the inner loop
mov ecx,count ; restore outer loop count
loop L1 ; repeat the outer loop
intarray WORD 100h,200h,300h,400h
mov edi,OFFSET intarray ; address of intarray
mov ecx,LENGTHOF intarray ; loop counter
mov ax,0 ; zero the accumulator
add ax,[edi] ; add an integer
add edi,TYPE intarray ; point to next integer
loop L1 ; repeat until ECX = 0
source BYTE "This is the source string",0 good use of
target BYTE SIZEOF source DUP(0) SIZEOF
mov esi,0 ; index register
mov ecx,SIZEOF source ; loop counter
mov al,source[esi] ; get char from source
mov target[esi],al ; store it in the target
inc esi ; move to next character
loop L1 ; repeat for entire string