E-Portfolio - Philosophy of Nursing
E-Portfolio - Philosophy of Nursing
E-Portfolio - Philosophy of Nursing
The nurse wears the hat of patient advocate. The nurse is to make decisions
with the patients well-being the sole consideration in all decisions. Nurses
are often required to advocate for the patient when other health care
professionals are missing something in the assessment data. Although orders
are placed by physicians and residents, nurses are truly the last line to
review the intervention and ensure it is appropriate prior to the
administration of said intervention.
Nurses are educators. Nurses ay spend countless hours working with a newly
diagnosed diabetic or patient with celiac disease. The nurse must go above
and beyond to constantly ensure the patients knowledge base is growing
accordingly and build individual plans for each patient to ensure these
adequacies are met. Every patient may learn slightly differently and the
nurse may need to present information in different ways, with extensive
patience, to ensure the patient is understanding appropriately.
Nurses are healers. They must have a vast knowledge base which can be
applied at the blink of an eye, almost acting without the time for thought at
all. The nurse must assess the patient and take this clinical data as evidence
for, or against, the carrying out of many treatment and medication plans.
They are also spiritual healers are they continue to provide culturally
competent care and ensure those of different spiritual or ethnic backgrounds
than themselves are provided the appropriate courtesies desired.
All of these different hats truly encompass the philosophy of nursing. This
complex structure which makes up the profession of nursing directly
correlates to and reflects the philosophy of nursing. The profession of nursing
is more than simply a job or even a career, for the philosophy which is
engrained in those of us acting as nurses is simply a lifestyle.