Hassan I 2012
Hassan I 2012
Hassan I 2012
(Submitted May 1, 2012; in revised form November 22, 2012; published online December 27, 2012)
Stress corrosion cracking behaviors of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel at slow strain rates in two
environments of air and MgCl2 at ambient temperature and 154 C were investigated. The results revealed
that a decrease in strain rate, during testing in boiling MgCl2 environment, led to a rigorous deterioration
of the mechanical properties of the material, causing brittleness of the steel. The results obtained from
fractography indicated that the samples tested in air had typical ductile fracture surface appearances, while
the fracture surfaces of the samples tested in a corrosive environment showed a combination of inter-
granular and transgranular fracture modes, having a brittle macroscopic appearance. The transgranular
mode became predominant as strain rate decreased. The results suggested that the presence of deformation
bands in front of crack tips were responsible for transgranular cracking caused by stress corrosion.
on the test environment (Ref 9). The MgCl2 data suggest that
Keywords corrosion, ferrous metals and alloys, scanning electron
microscopy Mo addition beyond 1.5% increases the SCC resistance of
stainless steel. No such pattern is in evidence in NaCl tests
(Ref 8). In addition, low carbon contents of stainless steels
decrease the susceptibility of the alloy to SCC due to lowering
the possibility of precipitation of chromium carbides in the
1. Introduction matrix. It has been suggested that the minimum resistance to
chloride SCC in austenitic stainless steel occurs when carbon
content is between 0.06 and 0.1% (Ref 8). Then, the 316L
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is one of the most
austenitic stainless steel, which is a low-carbon-containing steel
important phenomena, which causes many engineering failures
and containing appropriate amount of Mo, has a noticeable
in stainless steel pipes, ttings, and equipments at chemical and
resistance to SCC compared to those with higher carbon
petrochemical industries. This phenomenon, which is almost
unpredictable, occurs even at very low stresses like residual
In this paper, the effect of strain rate on SCC resistance of
stresses due to welding or machining leading to catastrophic
316L austenitic stainless steel has been investigated.
failures in industries (Ref 1-3). The total SCC damage can be
divided into two steps of induction time: the time necessary for
a crack to initiate on an apparently smooth surface, and crack
propagation time. The most important factors that affect SCC 2. Experimental Procedure
are metallurgical (or internal) and environmental (or external)
factors. Although signicant investigations have been con-
ducted on this issue, still there is no comprehensive theory to AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel specimens, with the
completely explain SCC phenomenon in alloys (Ref 4-6). composition as shown in Table 1, were received for the
Among the common alloys employed in chemical indus- experimental investigation. Slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT)
tries, austenitic stainless steels are probably the most important was carried out to evaluate susceptibility of the steel to SCC in
class of corrosion-resistant metallic materials. Their high Cr boiling MgCl2 bath, according to NACE TM0198-98 standard
content is responsible for formation of protective oxide lm (Fig. 1) using INSTRON universal testing machine, model
layers, and high Ni content enables the steel to remain 6027. The specimens were machined according to ASTM E8
austenitic (Ref 7). Common austenitic grades of Ni-Cr and standard (Fig. 2). Strain rates were measured based on velocity
Ni-Cr-Mo stainless steels are usually sensitive to SCC. This of cross-head displacement. To relax stresses and stabilize
type of cracking affects mostly the steels containing Ni, with dimensions of the specimens, the specimens were solution
the greatest damage occurring in the most common range of Ni treated at 1085 5 C for 120 min and then air cooled,
content (Ref 8). SCC in stainless steels mainly occurs at followed by heating at 300 C for 90 min. Surfaces of the
temperatures above 50 C in chloride environments (Ref 9). specimens were ground and polished by 0.25 lm diamond
The effect of Mo on SCC resistance of stainless steels depends paste and then rinsed. Two samples, as the reference samples,
were tested in air at ambient temperature and at 154 C,
respectively, at a strain rate of 1.1 9 10 4 s 1. The strain rates
A. Hassani, A. Habibolahzadeh, A.H. Javadi, and S.M. Hosseini, of 1.1 9 10 4 s 1, 1.1 9 10 5 s 1, and 1.1 9 10 6 s 1 were
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Semnan University, selected to evaluate effect of strain rate on SCC behavior of
35131-19111 Semnan, Iran. Contact e-mail: [email protected]. the alloy in boiling MgCl2. Table 2 demonstrates the test
0.01 0.02 0.35 1.68 16.5 10.25 2.02 0.5 0.16 0.11 0.1
Table 2 Applied conditions during slow strain tensile tests of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel
Sample no
Conditions 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 3 Engineering stress-strain curves of different samples from 316L austenitic stainless steel
a mixture of TG and IG has also been observed for this grade of IGSCC (Ref 11-13). To clarify the details, some cases should be
stainless steel during fracture (Ref 11). pointed out. First, sensitization can be caused by the formation
Many reasons have been summarized in the literature to of chromium carbides (e.g., M23C6) on grain boundaries and a
explain the sensitization of stainless steels and the occurrence of concomitant reduction of chromium in the adjacent grains. The
depletion in chromium concentration adjacent to the grain bundles around the cracks, which are propagated from fracture
boundaries gives rise to a reduction in passivity relative to the surfaces as evidenced by Fig. 7 (high strain rate). These areas
grains themselves and susceptibility to IGSCC. However, even consist of strain-induced e-martensite. The occurrence of
thermal sensitization is not taken place in low carbon grades strain-induced transformation (SIT) in austenitic stainless steels
(L-grades; rd type 304L or 316L), in which the bulk carbon is frequently reported (Ref 14, 15). It is postulated that the
content is limited to C 0.03%. Second, for stabilized grades product of SIT leads to formation of e- and/or a -martensites in
of stainless steel, IGSCC can occur clearly not in a sensitized austenitic stainless steels. In support of these statements,
condition. It has been shown that their susceptibility to IGSCC Staudhammer et al. (Ref 13) suggested that high strain rate
is due to the cold work induced during fabrication. The may promote more irregular shear band arrays compared with
mechanism by which cold work renders austenitic alloys the low strain rate. This led to a greater number of shear band
susceptible to IGSCC can be ascribed to an unfavourable intersections and higher volume fraction of a-martensite at the
interaction between deformation-induced martensite, high resid- early stages of tensile deformation.
ual stresses, and localized deformation. Third, other environ- Furthermore, microhardness of these areas prove that these
mental conditions such as ow conditions, temperature, and the deformation bands are harder (327 HV0.1) than adjacent austen-
presence of impurities such as sulphate and chloride also itic matrix (260 HV0.1) developing a low-ductility zone in front of
inuence the occurrence of IGSCC (Ref 12, 13). Finally, the the crack tips. Low-ductility bands would assist propagation of
simultaneous occurrence of IG and TG fracture modes would be cracks through the grains (transgranular fracture). Branching
assisted by formation of shear bands consisting of stacking fault behavior of the propagating crack is also noticeable in Fig. 7.
Fig. 6 SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces from different samples of 316L austenitic stainless steel which were tested at (a) ambient temper-
ature and air 1.1 9 10 4 s 1 strain rate, (b) boiling MgCl2 at 154 C 1.1 9 10 5 s 1 strain rate, and (c) boiling MgCl2 at 154 C 1.1 9 10 6 s 1
strain rate
Longitudinal sections of fracture surface are shown in Fig. 8 due to mechanical loading. These pits are observable even
and 9. The presence of two crack paths in front of a crack tip in around inclusions as shown in Fig. 9. It is seen in Fig. 9 that
Fig. 8b is also remarkable, which conrms the prevalence of a the crack path does not inevitably pass through inclusions or
lm-induced mechanism during the SCC process (Ref 1, 2). MnS particles.
Tiny holes on crack path and also dispersed holes in matrix are In this respect, initiation of TGSCC cracks in our experi-
the other appreciable features of both IG and TG cracks in the ments is apparently assisted by establishment of low-ductility
samples (Fig. 8, 9). These corroded holes are apparently deformation bands in austenitic matrix during plastic deforma-
localized and random. These tiny holes, or pits, can act as tion of the steel. The discrepancy in ductility between
points of cracks initiation, coalescence, and then propagation deformation bands and the matrix promotes propagation of
Fig. 8 SEM micrographs of a transgranular crack in sample no.5 (Table 2); (a, b) pits on the transgranular crack (BSE image); and (c) two
white crack paths in front of a crack tip (BSE image)
Fig. 9 SEM micrographs of (a) and (b) intergranular cracks passing beside inclusion and MnS particles, and (c) some pits on interface of an
inclusion (MnS particle) and matrix, in sample no.5 (Table 2)
cracks through the grain, inducing TG crack mode. In addition, zones in the matrix helps in crack propagation. These pits later
the presence of pits in the matrix which could be resulting from connect together under mechanical load, and the TG crack
the preferred corrosion in localized chemically heterogeneous propagates faster until it culminates in fracture (Ref 13, 16).