International Association For Promotion of Healthcare and Life-Science Research (IAPHLSR)
International Association For Promotion of Healthcare and Life-Science Research (IAPHLSR)
International Association For Promotion of Healthcare and Life-Science Research (IAPHLSR)
Application Link
Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues/Professors/Students,
International Academic Conferences promote international dissemination of knowledge and development of
cross-national academic fraternity. The participants come from different backgrounds and countries. They
share their researches, experiences and informally create long-lasting bonds.
It has been commonly observed that people lack the motivation and confidence of taking part in
international events, basically due to self-made or cultural inhibitions.
We recognize this factor, and we make sure to support and motivate first timers and also seasoned
academicians by:
Apply for the conference using the online registration form. Once you receive an
invoice and invitation letter, the registration process begins. Following payment
options available on conference website:
Bank Transfer
Paypal (Card Payment)
On Spot Payment on conference day
Conference Venue
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),
Conference Center, Bangkok,Thailand
AIT Conference Center (AITCC) provides guest rooms at very affordable
prices. Please visit this link for the details:
You may contact on following email and phones for the booking:
Sales Manager
AIT Hotel and Conference Center
[email protected]
[email protected]
You may choose Hotel of your choice and budget from popular booking sites,
such as:
Publication Opportunities
LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences (ISSN 2454-5872)
Proceedings will also be submitted to CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) for archiving
and indexing.
Authors of all original full-length papers will be considered for publication in the following
journal. Usual peer review policies apply.
LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences (ISSN 2454-5872) is an open access, double
blind, peer reviewed and refereed international journal.
LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences, provides a forum for sharing timely and up-to-
date publication of scientific research and review articles. The journal publishes original laboratory
methods, industrial design, related technical tools, and methods-oriented review articles on all
aspects of biomedical and life sciences. Life is dedicated to working with leading medical, clinical
and life sciences research organizations to develop new technologies to support breakthrough
biomedical and clinical research.
Life publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation
models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews.
The following partner journal do not allocate special issues. Selected best papers from the conference will be
considered for publication in this journal and APC will be borne by the Conference Committee. Usual journal
policies and peer-review policies apply:
Indian Journal of Science and Technology (INDJST); e-ISSN 0974-5645 and p-ISSN 0974-6846
Chemical Abstract Services (CAS)
J-Gate Plus
Research Bible
Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Indian Science Abstracts
Index Copernicus, Poland
Thomson Reuters, ISI
The following journals do not allocate special issues. Selected best papers from the conference will be considered for
publication in this journal and APC will be borne by the Conference Committee. Usual journal policies and peer-
review policies apply:
International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 28-29 April 2016,
International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 28-29 April 2016, Istanbul
International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 25-26 April 2016, Istanbul
International Conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy (LEAP), 26-27 April 2016, Istanbul
International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching (ICPLT), 27-28 April 2016, Istanbul
International Conference on Healtcare, Nursing and Disease Management (HNDM), 29-30 April 2016,
International Conference on Biotechnology, Bio Informatics, Bio Medical Sciences and Stem Cell
Applications (B3SC), 29-30 April 2016, Istanbul
Conference Calendar
May 2016 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2nd International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 26-27 May 2016, Kuala
2nd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 26-27 May 2016,
Kuala Lumpur
2nd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 23-25 May 2016, Kuala
2nd International Conference on Learning Education and Pedagogy (LEAP), 24-25 May 2016, Kuala
2nd International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching (ICPLT), 25-26 May 2016, Kuala
2nd International Conference on Healthcare Nursing and Disease Management (HNDM), 27-28 May
2016, Kuala Lumpur
2nd International Conference on Biotechnology, Bio Informatics, Bio Medical Sciences and Stem Cell
Applications (B3SC), 27-28 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur
Conference Calendar
June 2016 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
11th International Conference on Healthcare, Nursing and Disease Management (HNDM), 21-
22 Sept, 2016, London
6th International Conference on Healthcare, Nursing and Disease Management (HNDM), 21-22 Oct
2016, Hong Kong
7th International Conference on Healthcare, Nursing and Disease Management (HNDM), 11-12 Nov 2016,
Conference Calendar
December 2016 Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE
8th International Conference on Healthcare, Nursing and Disease Management (HNDM), 21-22 Dec
2016, Dubai
Apply Now