8.9.2 Enterprise Structure and Licensing Requirements

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Bank Guarantee for

issuance of Letter of Intent
(LoI) by AEDB/Provincial/
AJK Government:
Solicited projects 500/MW nameplate capacity or bid bond-
Unsolicited projects 500/MW nameplate capacity
f. Reimbursement of public As determined Payable prior to
sector feasibility study cost, by AEDB/ issuance of LoS,
if applicable Provincial/AJK based on actual costs
Government incurred, up to
maximum ceiling
Reimbursement of private As per cost
sector feasibility cost, if ascertained by
applicable AEDB from
g. Performance Guarantee for Payable upon
issuance of Letter of approval of power
Support (LoS) by AEDB/ purchase tariff by
Provincial/AJK Government: NEPRA
Solicited projects 2,500/MW capacity
Unsolicited projects 2,500/MW capacity
h. Legal fees Subject to a cap of US$ 100,000 for
projects above 50 MW, US$ 50,000 for
projects in the range of 6-50 MW,
US$ 20,000 for projects in the range of
1-5 MW, and no charge for projects of
capacity below 1 MW

Note: Upon financial close, the IPP will provide a letter of credit to the power purchaser as
performance guarantee as specified in the PPA (US$ 3/kW per month), subsequent to which the
original Performance Guarantee furnished at the time of issuance of the LoS shall be released.

8.9.2 Enterprise Structure and Licensing Requirements

Each IPP setting up a plant meant only for supplying power to the utility
grid will be required to form a company in accordance with the laws of
Pakistan under the Companies Ordinance, 1984, for the specific
purpose of power generation and obtain a generation license from
NEPRA. However, producers who wish to establish plants which are
not exclusively for sale to power utility (e.g., captive or dedicated plants
with or without grid spillover provision) may not form such a special
purpose company. Small producers of installed capacity less than or
equal to 5 MW not connected to the grid (i.e., standalone captive or

Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation, 2006 28

Government of Pakistan

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