Main Report Hvac
Main Report Hvac
Main Report Hvac
As part of the
CaBEERE Project
funded by
executed by
COWI A/S of Denmark
S & P House
Corner Lenchen Avenue North
REPORT NO. : 1 And South Street
PROJECT NO. : GP0032 0157
1. Introduction .............................................................................. 2
2. Conclusions .............................................................................. 2
3. Methodology .............................................................................. 2
An Energy Audit was done on the Mineralia Building, cnr. Of Andries and Visagie Streets
during August 2002. The energy audit forms part of the CaBEERE Project aiming at building
capacity energy efficiency and renewable energy. The CaBEERE Project is funded by
DANIDA (DANCED). The DME is renting about 57% of the office space in the building. They
occupy Floors 3 to 9 of Block A, B and C, Floor 6 of Block D, E and F and Floor 8 of Block F.
Electricity consumption is measured per Block (25 meters) that is read by the owner on a
monthly basis.
Offices have surface mounted fluorescent type light fittings and console type air conditioning
units. Offices and windows are facing north or south. The north and south walls are of a
lightweight construction.
Building Performance:
Low High
No Description Before After
Value Value
1.1 Total energy consumption per year 1 612 225 kWhr 1 221 360 kWhr
1.2 Average MD per month 466 kVA 412 kVA
1.3 Building net office rented area 10 434 m 10 434 m
1.4 Annual cost of energy R 455 742 R 379 325
1.5 Specific maximum demand per month 45 VA/m 40 VA/m 45 120
1.6 Specific energy consumption 155 kWhr/m 118 kWhr/m 140 500
1.7 Specific annual energy cost R 44 / m R 37 / m R 25 R 80
1.8 Annual energy cost per unit R 0.28 / kWhr R 0.31 / kWhr R 0.20 R 0.40
1.9 Energy / person (440) / year 3 664 kWhr 2 753 kWhr
1.10 Energy / person / year/hr (8 hrs) 458 kWhr 344 kWhr
1.11 Energy per person per month 305 kWhr 232 kWhr
1.12 Specific energy consumption of lights 33 kWhr/m 27 kWhr/m
1.13 Specific energy consumption of AC 70 kWhr/m 64 kWhr/m
1.14 Rented area per person 30 m
1.15 Office area per person 24 m 10 m 16 m
1.16 Net estimated annual saving 16% R 76 417
2. That automatic time clock control is provided for the air conditioning installation:
Annual saving =R27 025 Cost =R62 500 Payback = 2.31 years
Future Options:
BONESA Report:
If the BONESA Report is implemented, the payback period on the automatic time clock
control on the lights will increase:
Annual saving =R 7 726 Cost =R37 500 Payback = 4.85 years
The investigation is based on the specification that was issued by the DME.
The building is a rented property by the DME who occupies about 57% of the lettable office
space. Therefore the energy cost for diverse services is not for their account.
The building has 9 floors and comprises two phases, known as Phase 1 and Phase 2.
The air-conditioning for the offices comprises console type AC-units, although a number of
wall-mounted splits were also added in due course.
Office lights are of the fluorescent type and lights in passages, stairs and toilets are of the
incandescent type.
Energy consuming office equipment is mainly computers.
Based on the calculations as shown in the addendums, the selection of priority areas is as
The major energy consumer in the building is the air conditioning installation.
Therefore the biggest potential for savings will be with this installation. However, the
real performance of the air conditioning installation can only be investigated in
summer. In August the majority of AC-units were off and in general will be off.
Although most of the AC-units are being switched off after-hours, our recordings do
indicate saving potential with automatic time clock control on the central power supply
to the AC-units on each floor distribution board.
The same applies for the light installation. Although the discipline in the building for
switching off lights is good, our recordings still show potential with automatic time
clock control on the central power supply to the lights on each floor distribution board.
The replacement of office lights with new fluorescent light fittings will save energy as
per the report of BONESA and will not be repeated in this report. If the light fittings will
not be replaced, it is strongly recommended to replace all existing tubes. See
Addendum 13 for lux level measuring results.
If the office lights are not replaced as part of the BONESA project, then at least the
incandescent lights in the passages, stairs and toilets shall be replaced. See
Addendum 14 for the details.
The wall panels below the windows are poorly insulated. It only consists of a 5mm
wooden panel on the inside and a steel panel on the outside. Additional insulation on
the inside is strongly recommended, although the payback period is long.
The glass faade of the building forms a large percentage of the overall wall, 70%.
Therefore measures to reduce heat gain and heat loss through glass will have a
substantial influence on the conditions in the offices, specially on the north side.
However, the payback period is long.
We recommend that a tender document be compiled to call for tenders for the supply,
installation and commissioning of the following:
Time clock control on the lights.
Time clock control on the air conditioning.
Maximum Demand Control on some AC-console units.
8.1 General:
The building is situated on the corner of Visagie and Andries Streets and is a rented property
by the DME. The building is just over 20 years old and was typically designed for cell offices
with a passage in the middle, such that the building would be suitable for console type air
The building was designed in two phases, although eventually it was built as one phase. Each
phase has three blocks, therefore the blocks are called A, B and C for Phase 1 and D, E and F
for Phase 2. Each block has a row of offices on the north side and a row of offices on the south
side. The east and west ends have no windows.
The building is built in a H-shape with the lift lobbies, toilets, tea kitchens and stores in the
joining passages between the offices on the north and south sides.
The floors are a concrete coffer type slab and the offices have no ceilings. The coffer slab is
the ceiling and is generally painted white, although in some places it is painted a sand colour.
The roof has no visible additional insulation and therefore consist of the concrete coffer slab
with a cement screed (to slope towards the drains) and a grey colour waterproofing.
8.3 Windows:
The windows have aluminium frames with single clear glass. The windows are mounted
between the concrete columns that are 6.15m apart. Of the six windows panels between
columns, three are openable with a sliding action upwards.
The floor to ceiling height is 2 500mm of which 150mm is the power skirting, 650mm is the
spandrel panel and 1 700mm is the window height.
The % glass on the north and south sides is therefore high, 68%.
Each window has an overhang of 950mm at the top of the window. The overhang is a concrete
slab between the concrete columns. The width of the concrete column between windows is
The bottom section of the north and south faade of 650mm high is a steel panel in a steel
frame to support the AC-console units.
Between each set of concrete columns there are therefore six steel panels of which the outer
two panels do not have louvers for AC-console units. The other four panels have a steel louver
on the outside. Where these panels do not house an AC-console unit, it has a typical spandrel
panel of steel on the outside and 5mm plywood on the inside.
The Council has a conventional type of electricity meter on the outside that measures the total
power consumption of Phase 1 and 2. The site is on a maximum demand tariff.
Phase 2 of the complex has a separate Enermax meter with a useful memory for account data
and power consumption profiles. See Addendum 11.
Each block has its own electricity meter for energy consumption and maximum demand.
The floors of Block B do not have a maximum demand meter.
The 11kV main power supply terminates in the high tension (HT) room of Phase 1. From there
it splits to the transformers of Phase 1 (2 off 1000 kVA) and the HT-room of Phase 2 with 2 off
transformers (800 kVA each).
Transformer 1 of Phase 1 supplies the auditorium, lifts and Floors 2, 4, 6 and 8 of Block A. The
DB of Floor 2 supplies Floor 3 of Block A etc.
Transformer 2 of Phase 1 supplies Floors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Block C and Floors 1, 4
and 7 of Block B. The DB of Floor 1 in Block B supplies Floor 2 and 3 of Block B etc.
9.3 Measuring:
Loggers were fitted on the power supply of transformers 1 and 2 of Phase 1. See
Addendum 10. Some day-profiles are also shown.
The power supply profiles of Phase 2 were obtained from the existing Enermax meter. See
Addendum 11. Nearly a full years data was captured on this meter of Phase 2. A graph is
shown for each month of the year, as well as a typical day for each month. The profiles of
Phase 2 can be considered as a good reflection of the typical profile of the whole complex.
Each distribution board (DB) on the floors that are rented by the DME, were logged for a period
of 24 hours to obtain a power consumption profile on lights, plugs and air conditioning. There is
a total of 25 DBs. See Addendum 9 for the graph information.
To determine a year profile of the building, the account data since 1999 was obtained from the
Council. See Addendum 2.
9.4 Lights:
The building has 1000 fluorescent type double tube 1 500mm long light fittings, mainly in the
offices and 200 incandescent type light fittings mainly in the passages, toilets and staircases.
The light fittings in the offices are mounted inside the coffers of the concrete slab on a typical
pattern. With the office partitions not in typical positions, this sometimes causes light fittings to
be too close to partitions.
The office light fittings are grouped together in zones per floor (number of circuit breakers) as
Block A= 5, Block B= 2 Block C= 6 (zones per floor)
Block D= 3, Block E= 3 Block F= 3 (zones per floor)
For savings on switching lights with time clock control, see Addendum 7.1.
The lights on the floors of Phase 1 can be switched in North and South Zones to enable
switching of lights on the north side by means of day-night switches. For savings on this option,
see Addendum 7.2.
When lights will be replaced as part of the project of Bonesa, the payback on the light control
options will increase. It can be assumed that the power consumption of the new lights will be
60% of the present light power consumption. The calculated payback periods will increase
likewise. Therefore only the payback of the option as per Addendum 7.1 will remain feasible.
The experiment with the light fittings where it was lowered out of the coffer slab and where the
tubes were replaced with new tubes, proofed to be worthwhile. See Addendum 13 for
measuring results.
If light fittings would not be replaced as per of the Bonesa project, it will be advisable to at least
replace all the incandescent light fittings in the passages, toilets and staircases. See
Addendum 14 for details.
The option of individual switches per light fitting was not investigated in full detail. The cost per
light fitting will be R100 and the calculated payback will depend on the chosen diversity of
lights that will be switched by personnel during office hours. With a saving of 2 hours per
working day per year, the payback will be 20 years.
9.5 Air Conditioning Installation:
The rented area has 434 AC-units of which 325 are AC-console units (originally fitted) and 109
are mid-wall AC-split units.
Some of the AC-console units were checked for its performance and there were no indication
that the units cannot perform due to its age. See Addendum 12 for test results. It can be seen
that the 9 000 and 16 000 Btu unit performed well in the cooling mode, but that the 12 000 Btu
unit did not provide any cooling, although there was current drawn by the compressor. This
indicates a waste of energy with no cooling being provided, due to bad maintenance.
The units are already more then 20 years old and vibration is a problem on some of the units.
The air conditioning installation is the major energy consumer in the building. See
Addendum 5 for details.
The building has 3 models of AC-consoles units, a 9 000 Btu, 12 000 Btu and a 16 000 Btu
unit. These units originally may have been positioned according to a specific partition layout
and office sizes, but may not necessarily be relevant today. All three models have the same
size heater bank, that is 3 kW heating capacity.
Maintenance on these units remains of the utmost importance and some of the personnel
reported that no maintenance was noticed during the last 2 years. The DME should insist on
proper maintenance on these units.
Two options are considered to reduce the cost of energy on this installation:
The heat load of the building can be reduced by means of the following measures:
The building shows potential for power factor correction, as can be seen mainly from the power
consumption profiles of Phase 2. See Addendum 11. The estimated saving in maximum
demand for the building is 75 kVA.
The savings benefits of such an installation will be applicable to the owner of the building and
not the DME as a tenant on some of the floors.
The power factor of the building will be the worst during summer when the AC-units are running
on cooling.
One option would be to investigate the benefits of one electricity meter for all 25 DBs of the
DME, compared to the 25 individual meters at present.
Our comparison of the meter readings on the 25 DME meters with the building totals do not
indicate any substantial savings in this regard.
See Addendum 2 for account data.
9.9 Equipment:
As can be seen from our measurements, the load on the plugs after-hours is minimal and it will
also be impractical to switch this power supply off because of computers that have to be
properly shut down.
It is therefore important that all computers be set for optimum energy savings mode with
reference to the screen and the hard disc. Further it is advisable to shut down computers after-
hours. We understand that this is the policy in the DME.
When Photostat machines are hired or leased, it is important to make sure that the machines
include the latest power saving features.
The only other major power consumer on the floors is the hot water urns in the tea kitchens. It
is important that all urns shall be switched off after-hours. Our recordings indicated that it was
the case.
No central hot water equipment was found in the rented area of the DME.
As can be seen from the audit report, the available space per person is 24 m. This is a very
low density and the potential should be there to reduce this area per person without necessarily
increasing the energy consumption in the same proportion. The equipment power consumption
may increase, but the AC and light power consumption should remain the same.
If more office space is required in future, space planning by a professional may be worthwhile.
If the replacement of lights will be done according to the report of Bonesa (See Addendum 15),
the feasibility of the automatic time clock control on the lights will change as shown in
Addendum 7.3. The payback period will increase from the original 2.4 years to 4.85 years.
Therefore the implementation of the automatic light control will have to be carefully considered.
It remains the safest way of assuring that lights are off after-hours, but the payback period is
relatively long. See Addendum 7.3 for details.
Addendum 1
Addendum 2
Addendum 3
Year Profile for Loads
- Total
- Lights
- Plugs
- AC
Addendum 4
Inventory List of Equipment
Addendum 5
Addendum 6
Savings with Time Clock Control
on AC
Addendum 7
Savings with Time Clock Control
On Lights
Addendum 8
Options with Cooling Load
Addendum 9
Graphs of Load Profiles
On DBs
Addendum 10
Graph of Load Profile
On Phase-1: TXF-1
On Phase-1: TXF-2
(Block A, B and C)
Addendum 11
Graphs of Load Profiles
On Phase-2
(Block D, E and F)
Addendum 12
Performance of AC-consoles
Addendum 13
Performance of Lights
Addendum 14
Incandescent Lights
Addendum 15