Cobb-Douglas in Pre-Modern Europe1
Cobb-Douglas in Pre-Modern Europe1
Cobb-Douglas in Pre-Modern Europe1
The idea for the paper was born after listening to a presentation by Bob Allen at the TARGET workshop in
Oxford (in October 2004) on Capital Accumulation, Technological Change, and the Distribution of Income
during the British Industrial Revolution: An Analysis with Solow.
1. Introduction.
The question how much growth there was in Europe in the centuries before the Industrial
Revolution has become the subject of systematic research since the early 1990s. This began
with a number of papers by Graeme Snooks (1990; 1994; 1995) about the long term
evolution of the English economy, in which he argued that its GDP per capita had increased
almost eightfold between the Domesday book of 1086 and 1800. In fact, in his view growth
before the Industrial Revolution had been almost as rapid as after 1780. Next followed a
series of papers brought together by Angus Maddison and Herman van der Wee at the XIth
World Economic History Congress in Milan in 1994 which addressed the same issue for a
number of other European countries. Their conclusions were in general much more
conservative; growth between 1500 and 1800 was substantially slower if there was growth
at all than after 1800 (Blomme and Van der Wee 1994; Malanima 1994; Yun 1994; Van
Zanden 1993). The outcome of this sur vey was that, apart from one or two growth spurts such
as during Dutch Golden Age, per capita growth had been slow (Belgium) or non-existent
(Italy, Spain). In an attempt to synthesize these results I concluded that on average GDP per
capita in Western Europe may at best have increased by about 20% to 30% between ca 1500
and ca 1820; because labour input per capita probably increased substantially, labour
These pessimistic conclusions contrast with the picture that can be derived from the
recent synthesis of thousand years of economic growth in the world economy by Angus
Maddison (2001). In The world economy, a millennial perspective he presented his own set
of estimates of the economic growth in Europe between 1000 and 1820 (and beyond): GDP
per capita in Western Europe trebled between 1000 and 1820, the result of a near doubling of
income levels between 1000 and 1500 and another 56% increase during the three centuries
before the Industrial Revolution. Giovanni Federico (2002) in his detailed review of
Maddisons 2001 book already pointed at a number of weaknesses in his estimates. They
result, Federico argued, in medieval levels of GDP per capita that are unrealistically low
(only just above subsistence levels), and growth rates between 1500 and 1800 seem to be
This paper present, firstly, an update of the research carried out recently, focusing
mainly on the country for which estimates of GDP (before 1688) are still rather shaky,
England. Also new research concerning a number of other countries (Sweden, Spain, the
Netherlands and Italy) will be presented briefly. The main focus of the paper is on testing the
The question is whether the available estimates for the development of the population, of real
wages and real rents can be made consistent with the benchmark estimates of the
development of GDP per capita in the centuries before 1800. In other words, assuming a
Cobb Douglas world (with constant returns to scale and an elasticity of substitution of 1), are
the estimates of GDP (per capita) consistent with what we know about the development of
factor prices and of population levels (and of the labour input per capita). This means
experimenting with the different variables that enter into the production function, with the
share of GDP that is invested (which determines the long-term growth of the capital stock),
with the number of days worked per year, with the absence or presence of technological
progress etc. As I hope to show, this produces new insights into the long-term development
of the European economy in the period before the Industrial Revolution, and also makes it
The most important result of such an approach is twofold. First, it bring together two
strand of research which have developed more or less independently, i.e. the new research
focusing on the measurement of national income and product, and the more traditional
approach, the study of real wages, which has dominated the analysis of the early modern
economy since the days of Abel, Braudel and Slicher van Bath. In the latter field a number of
attempts to synthesize the findings of local and national studies and analyse the European
patterns of real wage changes between the 14th and 19th centuries have recently been
published (Van Zanden 1999; Allen 2001). In particular the systematic study of real wages of
labourers and skilled craftsmen by Allen (2001) has produced new insights into what he
termed the great divergence within Europe, eg. the growing apart of real wages between the
North Sea region (where they did not decline much between the 15th and the 18th century),
and the rest of Europe (where the decline was quite strong, and real wages more or less fell
by 50% between the middle of the 15th century and the end of the 18th century. The first aim
of paper is to find out if these two approaches to the development of the early modern
Secondly, as I hope to demonstrate, such an experiment creates new insights into the
determinants of growth in the centuries before the Industrial Revolution. The question, for
example, when technological progress (eg. a sustained increase in total factor productivity)
began in England and in Holland, for example, and how important it was as a source of
productivity growth before 1800, can tentatively be answered with this approach. Similarly,
the issue of the importance of Malthusian forces cans be analysed as well: did the growth of
population lead to lower wages and GDP per capita, as many have argued in the 1950s and
1960s? Was there a technological ceiling beyond which the economy could not develop, as
Before addressing these and similar questions, we will first turn to the recent research
Modern work on growth before and during the Industrial revolution began with the seminal
study by Deane and Cole (1962), who produced estimates of the economic growth of Great
Britain in the 18th century. Their work has been extended and refined by Crafts (1985) and
Harley (1993), which resulted in a set of estimates of the development of GDP starting in
1688 that have been widely accepted (Crafts and Harley 1992).
research estimating national income before 1688 with his work on the Domesday Book of
1086. He ingeniously fills out the data from this venerable source, which gives detailed
information on `demesne income', with estimates of income from outside the `demesne'
sector, such as that generated by towns. The result is some fairly conserva tive figures; it is
assumed, for example, that the consumption of farmers was on a subsistence level. He then
combines his estimates of total income and income per head in 1086 with Craft's revision of
Deane and Cole's estimates for 1688 and onwards, and finally makes several (unspecified)
estimates for the intervening period. The result is a set of estimates of economic growth
between 1086 and 1688 which are astonishingly high: an average growth rate of 0.29% per
capita per year over a period of 600 years, leading, according to Snooks, to a quadrupling of
real income per head over the whole period. In some of the component periods - especially in
the first half of the 16th century - he even finds annual growth rates higher than 1.5% per
head. These results mean that growth between 1086 and 1688 would not have been much less
than during the 18th century (1688-1760: 0.31% per capita per year); the pace of growth in
the first half of the 16th century would only just be matched by that between 1830 and 1870.
Snooks' optimistic results have met with a great deal of criticism. There is a fairly
general objection to his 1086 level, which is probably underestimated, and to the fact that he
does not clearly explain how he has apportioned the overall growth between 1086 and 1688
between the various centuries. Neither is it clear how he solves the problem of price changes
between 1086 and 1688; here too there is insufficient explana tion of the method he has used
in his calculations. His estimates have been revised and improved by a number of authors,
most notably Nicholas Mayhew (1995) and Bruce Campbell (2000: 406-10). The latter
carefully compares Snooks figures with his much more detailed estimates of the output of
arable farming (about which more below), and showed that in view of what we know about
the subsistence needs of the population Snooks estimates are untenable (he systematically
underestimates the cost of peasant subsistence and fails to allow for the production of a
disposable surplus for the unfree). For 1086 Campbell agrees with the much higher estimates
produced by Mayhew, who corrected for some of the problems with Snooks work.
income in the 1290s, which can be compared with Gregory Kings very similar estimates (as
corrected by Lindert and Williamson (1982)) (Table 1). These estimates show a per
household increase of real income of 110%; because the average size of households also
declined, per capita income grew by about 150%. This can be compared with the relatively
small increase in income per head between 1086 and 1300 (or the 1290s), which Campbell
(in the footsteps of Mayhew) estimates at 10%. Because population growth was strong before
the 1290s, total GDP increased by 130-150% between 1086 and 1300 (Campbell 2000:409).
Table 1 Estimates of the structure and level of income in England, ca 1290 and 1688,
according to Campbell and Lindert & Williamson (in percent) 2
The comparison shows a strong polarization of the rural income distribution: the middle
classes of tenants and smallholders which still dominated the agricultural sector in 1290s,
were greatly reduced in relative and absolute terms, whereas the share of landowners in
income increased substantially (from less than 16% to 22% of GDP, or from about 20% of
value added in agriculture to about 50%). Moreover, the real income of agricultural labourers
(and cottagers) declined, in spite of the more than doubling of GDP per capita. Finally, the
share of non-agricultural activities in GDP more than doubled in these 400 years;
employment in the non-agrarian sector increased from less than 20% in the 1290s to almost
Assumptions: price level increased by factor 5 between 1290s and 1688 (according to Campbell); one-third of
labourers in 1688 is non-agricultural, the rest is agricultural.
43% in 1688, and their share in income increased in a similar way. These figures may
however still underestimate the growth of the secondary and tertiary activities; because of the
spread of proto- industrial activities on the countryside the part of the income of tenants,
smallholders, cottagers and rural labourers with non-agricultural sources of income must have
increased as well. Crafts estimated that the share of agriculture in GDP in 1700 was as low as
37% (declining to 26% in 1800 (Crafts 1985: 16-7)), whereas in the 1290s this must have
Perhaps the comparison between the estimates for the 1290s and the detailed
reconstruction of the social tables of 1688 is somewhat biased, however. The estimates
produced by Mayhew and Campbell are still quite rough, and have not been compared with
other data on the socio-economic composition of the population. The main contribution of
Lindert and Williamson (1982) was to correct the initially perhaps also rather rough
estimates by Gregory King, which resulted in a strong increase in estimated total income (by
25.1%). This is an example of what can maybe called the first law of historical national
accounting: the more we know about pre modern societies, the more detailed our estimates
of historical national accounts are, the higher income per capita appears to be. In other words:
major revisions of historical national accounts almost always lead to a strong upward
correction of the level of income per capita (as the revisions of Snooks by Mayhew and
Campbell, or the work by Lindert and Williamson revising Gregory King demonstrate). 3 The
comparison of a rough first generation estimate for the 1290s with a very detailed and
corrected second generation estimate for 1688 may therefore lead to an overestimate of the
This is in fact still true: even most recent revisions of national accounts result in upward adjustments of levels
of GDP, which may be as high as 10% or more; in these cases also the reason for this is that more detailed
information and improved estimation methods almost always lead to upward adjustments.
growth rate between these two dates. 4 Also, income per household increased much less than
income per capita because household size was falling from 4.4 in the 1290s to 3.5 in 1688;
but Lindert and Williamson (1982) may have underestimated population in 1688 somewhat
(it was probably 5,06 million instead of the 4,9 million they used), which may also lead to
slightly lower per capita GDP estimates for 1688 (on the other hand, the recent revision of
All authors agree that income per capita increased strongly between the 1290s and
1688, an increase that was perhaps as much as 100% to 150% (Campbell 2000: 411). As a
compromise I suggest 130%, but this is obviously a very rough approximation. To bridge the
gap between 1300 and 1688 I use the results of estimates of the performance of English
agriculture in the period 1086-1871 by Overton and Campbell (1996). Starting from data on
population, food consumption, yields, imports and exports of agricultural products and the
development of arable acreage from a large number of different sources, they could give a
rather detailed series of estimates of the total output of grain and potatoes in England in this
extended period. The resulting estimates of the development of output per head of the
between 1086 and 1600 - with some significant swings - followed by a strong increase in
labour productivity between 1600 and 1800 (Table 2). Using a different approach mainly
based on the demand for agricultural products (as determined by real wages) and by the
structure of the labour force Allen (2000) produced another set of estimates of the
development of labour productivity in agriculture which are also reproduced in Table 2. Both
series show similar trends: an increase in labour productivity in this vital sector in the 14th
Another argument is that the 1688 revisions are so good that the resulting estimates may lead to the conclusion
that there was no growth during the 1700-1830 period; this is the result of a study by Lawrence Officer into the
same issue available via the; see
and 15th centuries (following the population decline set in by the Great Famine and the Black
Death), a strong decline during the 16th century, which is followed by growth in the next two
hundred years. The main difference is that Overton and Campbell are more optimistic about
These estimates are used for the following conjectures about growth between 1300 (in
fact the 1290s) and 1700 (or 1688). It is clear that in the long run GDP per capita increases
much more rapidly than labour productivity in agriculture, which of course means that labour
productivity growth in the rest of the economy is much faster than in the primary sector. If it
is assumed that labour productivity growth outside agriculture is about twice as fast as in
agriculture (and that the share of agriculture in GDP declined from about 75% in 1300 to
67% in 1380) it is possible to estimate in a very rough way the development of GDP per
capita between 1300 and 1500. During the 16th century GDP per capita remained constant, in
spite of a strong decline of labour productivity in agriculture due to the renewed expansion of
population. This is consistent with recent estimates by Greg Clark (2004) who also concluded
that English GDP per capita did not increase during the 16th century. In the 17th and 18th
centuries the pattern changes again then, productivity growth in agriculture was almost as
rapid or, if we are to believe the Overton and Campbell estimates, even more rapid than in the
rest of the economy, which was a characteristic of the transformation of English agriculture
in these years (Crafts 1985). The overall picture that emerges from these estimates is one of
slow growth during the High Middle Ages, followed by relatively rapid growth in the 1300-
1500 period, stagnation during the 16th century and rapid growth in the next two hundred
years. Overall GDP per capita increased by about 250% in these 700-odd years.
Table 2 Estimates of the development of the output per head of the agricultural population
and of GDP per capita in England, 1086-1800 (indices 1800 = 100)
Sources: Campbell 2000; Crafts 1985; Crafts and Harley 1992; Overton and Campbell 1996;
Allen 2000; Snooks 1994; 1995.
In 2001 I published a compilation of estimates of GDP per capita in six European countries
Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Poland taken from case-studies by
different authors, which resulted in the conclusion that growth was rather slow and in fact
normally absent in most of them during the three centuries before 1800 (Van Zanden 2001).
The new research carried out since tends to confirm this conclusion:
concluding that despite the margins of uncertainty, it could be inferred that GDP per
capita was about the same in the 16th century as around 1800. Thus, Sweden, like
other peripheral countries was characterised by stagnation during the period between
- Paolo Malanima (2003) in a recent paper produced more detailed estimates for Italian
GDP in the very long run (from 1300 to 1861), which confirm the trend of a gradually
declining level of income between the high Middle Ages and the early 19th century;
- Albert Carreras (2003) reviewed estimates of Spanish GDP in the early modern
period, adding to the estimates previously published by Yun (1995) his own estimates
- Finally, I published detailed estimates of the structure and level of GDP in Holland in
the years 1510/14 (Van Zanden 2002b), which can also be compared with estimates
for the early 19th century; during these three hundred years, GDP per capita increased
by about 50%, almost all of which was concentrated in the period between the 1570s
and the 1650s (in fact, between 1650 and 1807/08 levels of real income slowly
declined again; see also De Vries (1984), Van Zanden (1987; 1992)).
In Table 3 sets out the results for the seven countries for which point estimates based on a
detailed reconstruction of GDP are now available. The relative levels of GDP per capita in
1820 taken from Maddison (2001) are used to render comparable these attempts to quantify
Table 3 Estimates of the development of GDP per capita in six European countries, 1500-
1820 (Great Britain 1820=100)
* without Sweden
Sources: Van Zanden 2001; Maddison 2001 ; Carreras 2003 ; Malanima 2003; Krantz 2004.
The results of this comparison can be briefly summarized. Long-term stagnation is
revealed on the periphery; i.e. Italy, Spain and Poland. Between 1500 and 1750 GDP
per capita in these countries first fell, after which a certain recovery set in (at least in
Spain and Poland). Only in Spain, however, was GDP per capita possibly somewhat
higher in 1820 than in 1570. Compared with the stagnation of southern and eastern
Europe, the countries bordering the North Sea show relatively gradual (Belgium) or
rapid (England) growth in the early modern period. These estimates show a rough
doubling of GDP per capita in England between c 1600 and 1820; the estimates for
Holland imply a much more modest rise of only about 50% for the same period, and the
Going back in time the margins of error of these estimates increase. The ranking
for the 16th century Italy being the richest country, followed by the Low Countries is
plausible. Only English income levels appear to be lower than expected at least in
international perspective. The minimum level Poland in the 18th century, or England
The general picture emerging from these data can be looked at in two ways. It is
clear that, over the long term, population growth was more than compensated by the
production per capita between c.1500 and c.1820 increased by an average of some 25%
(of which almost 10% occurs after 1750). In total the population in these six countries
increased by 91% between 1500 and 1800 (see Table 1). The Malthusian pessimists,
who saw a growing tension arising between population and resources, were therefore
not right, if we go by these data: the growth of population was clearly matched by a
somewhat larger increase in output. But likewise the hopes of the optimists are only met
in patches: economic growth, in the sense of growth in per capita produc tion, is not
normal in western Europe, but rather an exception to the rule - certainly before 1700. In
Holland there occurred only one `growth spurt' in a period of 300 years, and this was
probably also the case in Belgium; moreover, growth in Holland was partly achieved at
the expense of Flanders/Brabant, whose economy declined at the same time (when the
center of gravity of the economy of the Low Countries moved from Antwerp to
Amsterdam). On balance, growth is very modest indeed in these six countries, taken as
a whole; the weighted average GDP per capita increases by less than 10% in a period of
300 years, and this growth is mainly due to the inclusion of the most dynamic parts of
within Europe were small. The gap between the richest regions (Flanders and northern
Italy) and the poorest (England or Poland) in about 1570 was at most 30% (of the level
of the richest) and probably even smaller. Differences increased sharply during the 17th
century as a result of the rise of Holland and the decline of Poland and Spain, but this
was compensated partially by the rise of England and the decline of northern Italy and
Flanders relative to the `European average'. In the second half of the 18th century
international disparities seem to reduce slightly, due to the increase in GDP in Poland
and Spain (and to the stagna tion in Holland). In 1820 the spread around the mean was
even smaller than in 1700 or 1750, although at that time England was certainly running
Growth between 1500 and 1800 was relatively slow, except for the countries bordering
the North Sea. The story for the five centuries before 1500 may be very different
though. It is plausible that English GDP per capita increased by as much as 50% during
the crisis of the late Middle Ages (see Table 2), after a more modest increase of only
10% per capita between 1086 and 1300. One wonders how exceptional this was.
There are different ways to address this issue. One way to approach it is to find
out how typical Medieval England was; are there, for example, reasons to assume that
English GDP per capita in 1086 was systematically higher or lower than on the
Continent? There is no doubt that compared to the Low Countries and southern Europe
(Italy, Spain, the Mediterranean in general perhaps) England in 1086 was a relatively
backward country, although the difference was not that big when one compares England
with Western Europe as a whole. Moreover, large parts of the Continent, such as
Flanders and northern Italy, developed more rapidly during the High Middle Ages than
particular) during the great boom of 1000-1300, whereas Flanders and northern Italy
concentrated on industrial and tertiary activities with a higher value added. The result
was probably that growth was more rapid in the latter regions.
Maddisons estimate of British GDP per capita in 1820: 2121 (1990 interna tional)
dollars, the benchmark of Table 3. British GDP per capita at about 1500 was 910
dollars, and following the estimates presented in Table 2 this would be around 550
dollars in 1086. In a recent study of income and inequality in Byzantium around the
year 1000 Branko Milanovic (2004) estimated that the absolute minimum level of GDP
was probably about 400 (international 1990) dollars. This result seems plausible;
English GDP per capita in 1086 would be about 40% above the subsistence minimum,
which is consistent with the Campbell (2000) estimates that the value added of arable
output would be about 55-60% of GDP. The level of GDP per capita of Western Europe
as a whole would probably be somewhat higher than that in England, say between 550
and 600 dollar. In the same study Milanovic also estimates the GDP per capita of
Byzantium. He arrives at a figure of between 640 and 720 dollars, which sets the upper
limit of European GDP because at the turn of the millenium Byzantium was probably
the richest part of Europe. At about 1500 the average for Western Europe was about
1100 dollars (Table 3), which implies that it might have doubled in the preceding five
centuries (the increase in England was more modest, from 550 to 910 dollars).
Summing up, and taking into account that the two estimates used here to (of Campbell
for England in 1086 and of Milanovic for Byzantium in 1000) are highly tentative, we
can perhaps conclude that the five centuries before 1500 were more dynamic in terms of
3. Holland 1500-1800
How plausible are the results presented here? Are they consistent with other evidence
on the long-term development of the European economy in these years? And what was
driving growth in the two cases that were more dynamic, the Netherlands and England?
production function were carried out to simulate the relationships between real wages,
real rents (when data are available), population, labour input and land input.
The production function that is used has three inputs, land, labour, and capital,
which are all assumed to be homogenous and unchanging in terms of quality (an
assumption to which we will return). We start with Holland, an economy for which
detailed estimates of the structure of GDP in 1510/14 and 1807/08 are available. It is
possible to estimate the share of each factor in GDP in 1510/14 (land .07, labour .60 and
capital .33); 5 all simulations will be expressed in prices of that base period. Other
- factor prices: estimates of real wages of an unskilled labourer per day (from
Allen 2001) and of nominal and real rents (per hectare) (the latter deflated with a
- factor inputs: an annual series of the cultivated land (Van Zanden, work in
progress), and the population and the labour force (apart from the changes in the
number of days worked per year, the ratio between labour force and population
- the capital stock in the base period 1510/14 was estimated by assuming an
capital stock in the base year; it was furthermore assumed that depreciation
reduced the capital stock by 2.5% per year; additions to the capital stock were
capital stock in year t+1 was 97.5% of the capital stock in year t plus gross
- the share of GDP that was invested annually (the starting point here is level of
5%); 6
The average values for 1510/14 were estimated at 7% for land, 67% for labour and 26% for capital, but
the share of labour tended to decline during the early modern period, so a slightly lower share was chosen
for the simulation
It was of course also possible to vary the rate of deprecation, which was now set at 2.5%; experimenting
with this share had a similar effect as experimenting with different investment shares
- technological progress, which was Hicks-neutral, i.e. affected all factor
contributions equally; the starting point was the hypothesis was that there was
no technological progress;
- the number of working days per labourer; for Holland this variable was set at
200 before 1560, increasing gradually (under the impact of the Reformation and
declining real wages) to 250 in 1660 (according to Noordegraaf 1985 58-61; see
The model isolates two causes of long-term growth of real wages: capital accumulation
and productivity growth. As the simulations will show, the re-investment share has
generally only a limited effect on the long-term development of the economy (which is
itself directly in a proportionate increase in GDP and in real wages, and it therefore a
much stronger candidate for explaining long-term change. The simulation can therefore
help to answer the question when European countries began to experience sustained
productivity growth: was this only during the Industrial Revolution of the second half of
the18th century, or did periods of productivity growth occur already before 1750? Was,
for example, the Dutch Golden Age characterized by modern productivity growth as
De Vries and Van der Woude have maintained, or was growth simply the result of a
The third instrument variable (i.e. changing the relationship between labour
input and population) makes it possible to bridge the gap that might arise between the
development of real wages and the point estimates of GDP per capita (as will be
explained below). It is also an attempt to test the hypothesis formulated by Jan de Vries
(1994) that an industrious revolution preceded the industrial revolution of the 18th
century. He hypothesizes that labour input per capita increased strongly due to the fact
that men, women and children worked more days and hours per year than they did in the
The procedure has been as follows: the real wage as simulated by the model was
compared to the real wage as estimated by Allen (2001), or rather the long-term pattern
were manipulated in such a way that the development of the simulated real wage is
to follow the ups and downs of the real wage curve itself, because the enormous
fluctuations are driven by many erratic supply and demand-shocks). Figure 1 pictures
the results.
Real wages decline between 1500 and the mid 1570s, thereafter there is a strong
increase of real wages continuing until about 1710; during the second half of the 18th
century real wages decline again. This pattern is simulated with different combinations
of the investment share and the rate of technological progress. The model easily
predicts the decline of real wages during the first three-quarter of the 16th century
when an investment share of 5% is used; declining capital stock and land per capita are
the explanations for the decline. After the 1570s population growth accelerates, but real
wages also start to increase, which clearly point to a (well known) break in economic
development in these years (which has for example been analyzed by De Vries and Van
der Woude as the Dutch take off). It is this combination of rapid growth of population
(and of the labour force which may have increased even faster because immigration of
young adults was a major factor contributing to the increase in population) and an
increase in real wages (the magnitude of which is still being disputed however, see Van
Zanden 2002a) which can given the slow growth of the cultivated land only be
explained by either a massive increase in the accumulation of physical capital and/or the
growth of total factor productivity. The different combinations of investment ratio and
the rate of productivity growth that produce almost identical results are: 12% and 0%,
10% and .1%, 7% and .25%, and 5% and .35%. Because it is likely that both the
investment ratio and the rate of technological progress went up simultaneously during
these years, a combination in the middle of this range (i.e. an investment ratio of 7%
and an increase of productivity of .25%) was selected to run the simulation. Moreover,
this hardly affects the growth path of GDP (per capita), because the wage income is a
fixed share of GDP (and the labour supply is exogenously given); the real wage curve
The next turning point again well known from the more qualitative literature
is the 1660s and 1670s, when the increase in real wages begins to flatten, whereas at the
same time rapid population growth ends and the population of Holland even begins to
fall. This could be simulated by assuming that technological progress comes to an end
(in 1670), and that the investment ratio begins to fall from 7% in 1670 to 4% in 1750,
The following step in this exercise is that we can now derive estimates for the
development of GDP (total and per capita) from the simulation. Figure 2 presents the
results by comparing the simulated estimates of the development of GDP per capita in
Holland with those of the Van Zanden 2001 dataset. According to this first round
simulation GDP per capita increased by only about 30% between 1510 and 1805, less
than the 50% which was the result of comparing the benchmark estimates. The long-
term development of GDP per capita shows the same pattern, however: the simulation
predicts a decline of GDP per capita during the 16th century (consistent with the
stagnation of the point estimates), followed by a strong increase during the Golden Age
(1580-1670) which is however less steep than the point estimates suggest.
1510 1560 1610 1660 1710 1760
Figure 2 GDP per capita: point estimates and simulations,
1510 1535 1560 1585 1610 1635 1660 1685 1710 1735 1760 1785
The difference between the point estimates and the simulation can be bridged by
manipulating another instrument variable, the number of days worked annually. This
instrument variable captures both quantitative and qualitative changes in the labour
force. The quantitative dimension is a real increase of the number of hours worked per
capita via the lengthening of the working week (through, for example, the abolishment
of holidays following the Reformation), or the increase of children and womens labour.
Jan de Vries (1994) has suggested that during this period an industrious revolution
occurred resulting in a strong increase in per capita working hours, and the fact that
simulated GDP per capita seems to grow much less than might be expected on the basis
of the development of the real wage in this period can be interpreted as confirmation of
his hypothesis. But qualitative changes much also be taken into account. The average
quality of the labour force increased substantially during the same period; the share of
services in the labour force for example went up from 22 % in 1510/14 to 42 % in
1807/08, and a large part of this increase consisted of highly skilled and paid work by
professionals, merchants, government employees etc. (but also the number of servants
and soldiers grew); moreover, the relative pay of these professionals did probably also
rise quite a lot. Also in industry the share of skilled workers may have increased,
whereas branches mainly using unskilled personnel (fisheries, peat digging and
agriculture) saw their relative size decline. These changes in the composition of the
labour force are one of the reasons why indices of real wages which are entirely based
completely reliable guides to the long-term development of the wage income. Ideally,
one would like to have a weighted average of wages of all members of the labour force.
Assuming that the average quality of the labour force increased by about 20-30% -
which is probably still an underestimate - will already bring the two curves (of
simulated GDP per capita and the point estimates of GDP per capita) quite close to each
Holland clearly was not. Already at the beginning of the 16th century a large part of the
food supply consisted of imported grains, and this share increased strongly in the next
150 years. The imports from the Baltic are a good index of these changes: they went up
from 10.000 lasts (of about 2 tonne) representing about 25% of the total grain supply
during the first decade of the 16th century, to more than 50.000 lasts between 1610 and
1650 (or more than 70% of supply but part of its was re-exported). In return for these
intensive products and services. It has been suggested that the economic development of
Western Europe in the early modern period was facilitated by the fact that Holland and
(from the 18th century onwards) Great Britain had access to the ghost acreages of
northern Europe/the Baltic and the ir colonies (see the discussion in Pomeranz 2000).
The simulation presented here can give an idea of the quantitative importance of these
ghost acreages by looking at the gap between the actual development of real rents
(which is affected by these international trade flows) and the simulated rent following
from the Cobb Douglas model assuming a closed economy. Unsurprisingly the
simulated rent increases much more during the Golden Age than real rents (see Figure
3); in a closed economy real rents would ha ve increased by almost 250% between 1500
and 1700, in reality they only grew by about 50%. Population decline and agricultural
productivity growth during the 18th century did much to reduce the gap between the two
series though (at about 1800 the Netherlands as a whole had become more or less self-
Figure 3 Real rent in Holland: estimated and simulated
1510-1800 (1510/14 = 100)
1510 1535 1560 1585 1610 1635 1660 1685 1710 1735 1760 1785
estimated simulated
To find out how much this may have affected growth, a second simulation was carried
out with a recalculated series for the land input; the difference between the real rent and
the simulated rent from the first simulation was taken as a measure of the ghost
acreage, and another series of GDP and real wages was calculated with the new, larger
land input. The second round simulations in Figures 1 and 2 show that at their peak
the impact of the ghost acreages was about 10% of GDP per capita, and somewhat
Summing up, the model can replicate the long-term development of the
economy of Holland, identifying clearly the well-known turning points in the 1590s and
1660s quite well; between 1580 and 1670 there was a more or less constant rate of
productivity growth and investment was probably higher than before and after. To get
an increase in GDP per capita that matches the point estimates, one has to assume a
rather strong increase in labour input per capita stronger than the assumption used
here that it increased by 25% (from 200 to 250 working days per year). The model does
have some problems with the openness of the Dutch economy; real rents are not
simulated correctly, but this part of the experiment can give insight into the importance
5. England 1500-1800
The same procedure was applied to the English data. Obviously, the contribution of
different inputs to GDP was different from the Dutch case, and was estimated at 20%
for land (following Clark 2002), 30% for capital, and 50% for labour (rough estimates
based on a.o. the social tables by King, as reconstructed by Lindert & Williamson). 7
The real wage series of unskilled labourers by Allen was again taken as a starting point.
assumed to grow by 10% per century (Campbell and Overton 1996); the capital stock in
1500 was simply estimated on the basis of a share of 30% in GDP going to capital, and
Figure 4 shows the degree of fit between the simulation and the estimated series
of real wages that results from the following manipulation of instrument variables: in
the sixteenth century the investment ratio was set at 4.5%, and there was no
technological progress. This results in a slow decline of real wages as the per capita
capital stock and in particular the per capita supply of land goes down. During the 1590s
Assuming 250 days per annum, a participation ratio of 40% and a wage rate of an unskilled labourer of
14 d., the wage sum is exactly 50% of the total national income as estimated by Lindert and Williamson
things start to shift and the real wage begins to develop more favorably. The decline of
real wages comes to an end, but population growth continues, a combination that is
inconsistent with the previous specification of the model. As in the case of Holland,
generate the pattern that emerges at about 1600/1610. In the simulation presented here,
we experimented with the variables that could be derived from growth accounting
studies for the second half of the 18th century, which show that 1/ the capital stock per
capita remained more or less constant and 2/ that the growth of total factor productivity
was about .25 to .30 per annum (Crafts 2004 for an overview). Surprisingly, assuming
the same variables (an investment ratio of 6.5% from 1590s onwards and a consistent
increase in total factor productivity of .25% from 1615 onwards) gives an almost prefect
simulation of the growth path of real wages during the 17th and 18th centuries. Keeping
these two variables constant for the rest of the period produces the turning point in the
early 1600s, an increase in the simulated real wage between the 1610 and the 1750s of
about 50%, and stabilization of real wages during in the second half of the 18th century
(when population growth accelerates again). After 1750 the Allen series is rather
progress to get the same result); Feinsteins more comprehensive series shows a
stabilization between 1750 and 1800 which is similar to the simulation results presented
In order to get a development of GDP per capita which is more or less consistent
with the available point estimates a very strong increase in labour input per capita has to
be assumed. Figure 5 presents the result of this part of the simulation, assuming a linear
increase of working days per year from 200 in 1500 to 350 in 1800. 8 It should again be
pointed out that this increase consists of a qualitative and a quantitative component.
England seems to be the heartland of Jan de Vries industrious revolution, where the
labour force grew much more rapidly than total population as a result of a strong
increase in (a.o.) the labour input by women and children. As a result, in the early 19th
century the ratio between labour force and population was in Great Britain was much
higher than elsewhere (ca 45% against 41% in the Netherlands and 35% in the United
States). Of course, at the same time the structure of the labour force changed
dramatically, the share of agriculture going down from more than 70% in 1500 via 55%
in 1700 to 35% in 1800 (Allen 2000), which must have had similar effects on the
These simulations clearly show that, if real wages are a reliable guide to macro-
economic performance, the transition towards modern economic growth of the English
economy did not occur during the 18th century, but at some point between the 1590s and
the 1620s, when it moved from what was basically a trajectory without technological
progress to one with a higher level of investment and a more or less constant rate of
productivity growth. The fact that this occurred during the same years as the take off
of the Dutch economy is striking; the big difference is, of course, that productivity
growth was sustained into the 18th century and beyond. What is perhaps equally striking
is that productivity growth did not accelerate during the 18th century. I added in Figure 5
a similar pattern of growth that emerged from another experiment in simulating growth
using a regression model with real wages and the degree of structural transformation of
This assumption has of course also consequences for the modeling of real wages; the development of
the instrument variables discussed in the previous paragraph (an increase of the investment ratio from
4.5% to 6.5% after 1590 and a continuous rate of productivity growth after 1615 of .25%) are from the
same simulation in which the increase of the number of working days from 200 to 350 is assumed; if one
drops this assumption and only assumes that is increased from 200 to 250 the other instrument variables
become 6% after 1590 and .2% technological change.
the economy as independent variables (described in Van Zanden 2004). Experimenting
with this model also pointed to a relatively early start of modern economic growth in
England at some point during the 1610s or 1620s. As I have argued elsewhere, there
can be no doubt at all that the English economy grew at an exceptional rate, precisely in
the centuries leading up to 1800 while its growth in the two centuries after 1800 has not
been so unique (see also Wrigley 2000). It is perhaps an irony that the country which
has provided the model for the classical `Indus trial Revolution' - the decisive break
between a stagnating agrarian society and a dynamic industrial economy - was in fact
characterized by such dynamism in the centuries preceding this `revolution'. From this
research it would appear that the `Industrial Revolution' of the second half of the 18th
century was no `accident', as Crafts would have us believe (Crafts 1977), but was the
in previous centuries.
Figure 4 England: real wage, simulated and estimated,
1500-1800 (1500=100)
1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800
Figure 5 English GDP per capita: point estimates and
simulated values, 1500-1800 (1500=100)
1500 1525 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800
Did England also profit from access to ghost-acreages? Figure 6 compares the series of
real rents as simulated by the Cobb-Douglas production function with the estimates
presented by Gregory Clark (2002). During much of the 16th and 17th centuries the two
series run more or less parallel; England was an exporter of agricultural commodities
until the middle of the 18th century, but these exports were a much smaller fraction of
supply or demand than in the case of Holland. This changed during the second half of
the 18th century, when it became a large net importer of grains (from the Baltic),
colonial products such as sugar and tea from the colonies, and, after 1780, of cotton
from the America. These developments are accurately reflected in the ratio between
simulated and real rents, and this comparison therefore adds credence to the approach
developed here.
Between the mid-18th century when agricultural trade was probably more or less
in equilibrium, and 1800 the ratio between simulated rents and real rents increased by
almost 40%, which is an index of the degree to which England profited from ghost
acreages. Given a share of 20% of land in GDP (which was assumed for this
simulation), this would add about 7% to GDP, but this 20% share is probably accurate
for the 16th and early 17th century and does not really reflect the changing structure of
English GDP thereafter (the share of agriculture in GDP was only 27% in 1800, and the
share of land cannot have been more than half that amount, say 10-12%, so the extra
GDP will have been less than 4.5%). Of course, as in the case of Holland, these are
upper-bound estimates, the result of the assumption that as a result of international trade
these countries acquired extra land as a free lunch, because we simply added ghost
acreages to the inputs in the production function. In reality, there are no free lunches,
and the services of this extra land were bought by selling capital- and labour-intensive
products to the land-abundant countries and colonies. This solved bottlenecks, and made
it possible to continue growing in spite of the Malthusian constraints, but the gains
must have been much smaller than the estimates presented here.
Figure 6 English land rent: simulated and estimated,
1550/59-1790/99 (in constant prices, 1550/59=100)
1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800
6. England 1300-1500
Allen also offers a real wage series for England 1300-1500 that can be used for
simulating growth in the late Middle Ages. The idea that the increase of real wages in
the period after the Black Death points to an increase in productivity and GDP per
capita is now new (see Epstein 2001), but has not been tested in this way. I changed the
shares in GDP somewhat by augmenting the share of land to 30% (consistent with
Campbell 2005), brought capital down to 20% and kept labour at 50%. Capital stock in
1300 was again estimated on the basis of the share of capital in GDP, and an assumed
profit rate/interest rate of 20% (higher than the 12% assumed for the post 1500 period).
A population series was taken from Clark (2004); it shows an almost continuous decline
of the population from the 1310s onwards; only during the second half of the 15th
century did English population stabilize at slightly more than 40% of the 1300 level. 9 It
was also assumed that the strong increase in real wages led to a reduction of working
hours and days (from 250 days per year before 1348 to 200 days after 1400). The
estimates of the cultivated land were derived from Overton and Campbell (1996),
according to whom it shrank by about 10% between 1300 and 1380 (a decline that was
investment share, which basically remains uncha nged between 1300 and 1500; the
underlying idea was that because the ratio between capital stock (and land) and
population did improve much in these two centuries incentives for increasing the
investment ratio were not strong (although, at the same time, the interest rate also went
down, which may have favored investment). In order to get the strong increase in real
wages that is characteristic of this period, between 1348 and 1430 a constant rate of
productivity growth of .30 % has to be assumed; the increase in total factor productivity
during the whole period is almost 30%. This estimated growth total factor productivity
Douglas production function, and in particular of the share of labour in GDP. The
preferred simulation is based on a 50% labour share, which might be too low. 10
Increasing the share of labour in GDP results in even higher estimates of productivity
growth between 1350 and 1430; a 75% share, for example, is consistent with an .50%
Linking his series to an estimated total English population of 2,5 million in 1500 gives a population
estimate of 5,3 million in 1300, which is higher than the estimates by Campbell which I adopted for Table
1; perhaps the Clark series is overestimating the population decline, but it is not possible To Whom It
May Concern: correct for this; if the actual decline of the population was less than Clarks series suggests,
the model would predict an even milder increase in real wages than actually occurred, suggesting that
productivity growth in that scenario would have been even higher than in the simulation presented here.
Based on an average daily wage of 1.5 d., a 40% labour force participation rate and 250 working days
per annum, the total wage sum for the 1290s can estimated at 2,7 million pounds, or 74% of the estimated
GDP according to Table 1
rate of productivity growth. Experimenting with a lower share of labour in GDP gives
results with very low or even zero productivity growth the latter is consistent with a
share of labour in GDP of 40%. The most plausible scenario seems to be that the radical
changes in relative prices that occurred after 1348 and in particular the strong rise of
real wages resulted in the search for new technologies, a search that led to a
substantial increase in total factor productivity (see Mokyr 1990 for a discussion of the
The estimates of the development of GDP per capita that result from the
preferred experiment (with a 50% labour share) are presented in Figure 8; varying the
share of labour in GDP does not affect the increase in GDP per capita, though; also in
the other experiments does GDP per capita increase substantially between 1300 and
1450. Such an increase is quite striking, and is even faster than the point estimates
suggested. Characteristically, the increase of about 70% during these two centuries
more or less mirrors the decline of population numbers (by almost 60%). Had we
assumed that the number of working days per year remained constant between 1300 and
1500 (instead of a decline by 20%), the increase of GDP per capita would have been
even larger (in such a scenario one has to assume a constant rate of productivity growth
of .40% between 1349 and 1440 to get the best fit; GDP per capita increases by more
than 100% in this version of the model). All these simulations lead to the conclusion
that there was strong productivity growth in England between c. 1350 and c. 1450 but
also that after the middle of the 15th century this technological transition came to an
end. The net result was a much higher GDP per capita, and probably some reduction in
working hours.
Figure 7 English real wages: simulated and real, 1301-
1500 (1300=100)
1301 1321 1341 1361 1381 1401 1421 1441 1461 1481
Figure 8 English GDP per capita (simulation and point
estimates) and English population, 1301-1500 (indices
1301 1321 1341 1361 1381 1401 1421 1441 1461 1481
7. Italy 1300-1800
The same experiment was carried out for Italy, for which we have the point estimates of
GDP and population by Malanima (1998, 2003). Because his estimates relate to
northern Italy, we are dealing with a relatively urban society here, in which land played
a smaller role than in England. Italy was also more or less self-sufficient in foodstuffs,
which means that we probably do not have the problems encountered in the case of
Holland. I assumed shares in GDP of 15% for land, 60% for labour, and 25% for
capital, but also experimented with a model with radically different shares (25%, 40%
and 35% respectively) to find out how sensitive the estimates are for this assumption.
Cultivated land remained basically unchanged between 1300 and 1800, the labour input
increased with population (and I experimented with a decline of working days from 250
to 200 between 1350 and 1450 followed by an increase from 200 to 250 between 1500
and 1600), and the capital stock in 1300 was determined by its share in GDP of 25% (or
35%) and an interest rate of 20%. For the first decades of the 14th century the Allen
(2001) wage series (which begin in 1326) was supplemented by the wage series
Figure 9 presents the result of the simulation: real wages rise in the second half
of the 14th and first half of the 15th century by about 60% on average (less than in
England), and begin to fall after c 1450, a decline that is almost continuous but slow
until about 1750, and accelerates in the second half of the 18th century (according to
Malanima (2004) the Allen estimates overestimate the decline after 1750 however).
This pattern can be matched by the model assuming 1/ that the investment rate was
4,5% initially en 2/ that between 1348 and 1400 there was continuous growth of total
factor productivity of .40 % annually, the rate of which fell constantly to zero between
1400 and 1450, and 3/ that after 1450 the investment share also declines to a mere 1 %
of GDP, at which very low level is remains until the end of the 18th century (and, if the
simulation was to follow the sharp decline of real wages after 1750, investment would
have to fall to less than that, but in the results presented here investment remains at 1%).
The alternative experiment (with a much lower share of labour in GDP) started with the
same assumptions, but needed a more modest rate of technological progress after 1340
(of .20% between 1349 and 1420) and a slightly higher level of gross investment after
1450 (of 2% annually); the second experiment may therefore be somewhat more
Figure 10 pictures the resulting estimates of GDP per capita (of the two
experiments). In the very long run both sets of estimates seem to concur, but the model
in both cases predicted a strong increase in the sixty to eighty years after the Black
Death, which is missing from the Malanima estimates. Between 1450 and 1550 the
Malanima estimates and the results of the Cobb Douglas simulation converge again, and
for the rest of the Early Modern period the two approaches give more or less similar
results (but note that if the simulation had followed the decline of real wages after 1750
according to the Allen estimate more closely, the fall in GDP per capita had been larger
than Malanima (2003) estimated). Differences with England in the same period are
striking: there the increase in real wages is higher (but the population decline is also
larger: almost 60% in England versus less than 30% in Italy), and real wages remained
on a relatively high level until the first quarter of the 16th century, whereas in Italy they
declined strongly after 1450. This is also reflected in different trajectories of GDP per
capita: in England the growth between 1350 and 1450 resulted in more or les
permanently higher income leve ls, whereas in Italy the gains were not consolidated after
1450. Apparently, during the century or so after the Black Death (northern) Italy was a
very dynamic economy, with a consistent rate of productivity growth for 70 to 100
years, but this dynamism completely disappeared after c 1450. By contrast, England
remained very dynamic in the long run, and per capita growth was only interrupted by
the population explosion of the 16th century. After about 1600 the same dynamism (in
terms of the growth of total factor productivity) returned in England (and the
Figure 9 Italy: real wages, simulated and estimated, 1300-
1800 (indices 1300=100)
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800
8. Europe 1500-1800
The three countries this paper concentrated on so far, are all rather exceptional: Italy
because of its strong long-term decline, Holland and England because of their dynamic
development. In between these two extremes were the other European countries, of
which the GDP per capita may not have changed very much between 1500 and 1800. In
principle the experiment can be carried out for all countries for which we have long-
term series of real wages and population estimates, but in order to make a long story
short, I experimented with Europe as a whole only. Allen 2001 has estimates for the
development of real wages in (capital cities of) Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Germany,
Poland, the Low Countries and Great Britain, which can be weighted with their
respective populations (taken from Allen 2000) to get a series for real wages in Europe.
The following standard assumptions are used in this version: share of labour 60%, of
capital and land both 20%; cultivated land increases by 5% per century; capital stock is
estimated on the basis of an interest rate in 1500 of 12%; working days per annum
The results are presented in Figure 11; this simulation assumes a very low
investment ratio (of only 2%), and no technological change. The general pattern of the
simulation is rather similar to that of the estimated wage series: rapid decline during the
16th century, stabilization between 1600 and 1750, followed by another decline after
about 1750. The long term development of European wages seems to follow a path that
change and a very low level of new capital formation; the different phases of population
growth (in the 16th century and after 1750) then produce the pattern estimated by Allen.
It is also clear that the divergent development of real wages in England and Holland
where wages began to rise again during the 17th century as a result of productivity
growth has a very limited impact on the European average. The reason for this was
that their combined population was quite small, although as a share of European
Estimates of the development of European GDP per capita that can be derived
from this experiment all give a rather bleak picture: assuming a 50% increase in
working days per annum over the whole 1500-1800 period gives an in the long run
almost flat curve (Figure 12), with some decline during the 16th century and a small
recovery in the next 150 years. In order to get a little per capita growth (consistent with
the estimates of Table 3), one has to assume an even larger increase in labour input per
1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800
9. Conclusion
This paper presented a synthesis of recent research into the long-term development of a
number of European economies in the centuries before the Industrial Revolution, and an
attempt to find out if these estimates are consistent with the (more detailed) evidence
that we have on the evolution of real wages, population, labour input, land input and
real rents, given the assumptions of the Cobb Douglas production function. The overall
conclusion is that these estimates are indeed consistent with this evidence, although a
few times we had to assume quite substantial increases in the quality and per capita
quantity of the labour input to get reconciliation between the real wages series and the
GDP estimates. This would be much more difficult with the estimates published by
Maddison, which generally show much higher rates of economic growth. For Europe as
a whole, for example, Maddison estimates a 56% increase in per capita GDP between
1500 and 1820, which is not consistent with the decline of real wages occurring in the
same period (even my much more modest estimates of 10-25% growth are at the limit
of what might be consistent with the real wage data). The same applies to his
assumption that in the same period income levels in the Netherlands increased by 140%
(against my 50% estimate); especially the near doubling of per capita GDP between
1500 and 1600 is difficult to reconcile with the decline of real wages (and the near
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800
The results of the experiment with the Cobb Douglas production function can be
summarized in Figure 12 and Table 4 (I added guestimates for Europe as a whole for the
1300-1500 period, based on an average of the wages in Italy and England). The
contrasting long-term trajectories of Italy and England are quite clear from this
comparison (which is consistent with the estimates presented in Table 3). Before 1550
Italy has a (much) higher income level than the rest of Europe, and even at about 1600 it
is still consid erably richer than England. The latter country has its transition to modern
economic growth during the first half of the 17th century, when the rest of Europe (with
the exception of the Netherlands) stagnated after the decline due to Malthusian forces
Potentially even more interesting are the new insights that this experiment has
produced. It was possible to identify a number of periods during which there was a more
or less sustained increase in total factor productivity: Italy and England during the
century or so after the Black Death, England again after the 1610s (and, strikingly
enough, unchanging in tempo between the 1620s and 1800), and Holland between the
1590s and 1670s (and it is probable that a similar process of productivity growth
occurred in Holland between 1350 and 1450, see Van Bavel and Van Zanden 2004). In
the rest of Europe there was no similar increase in productivity between 1500 and 1800;
in fact, income levels could only be maintained because of increases in labour input per
This experiment also threw some light on the importance of ghost acreages for
economic growth in the core countries around the North Sea. For England, a net
exporter of agricultural commodities before 1750, this was not an important source of
growth. Only after 1750 did imports of agricultural goods (foodstuffs and cotton)
contribute (a bit) to solving the land constraint, but the overall effect on GDP was
limited to a few percent. For Holland the story is clearly different, and international
trade access to foodstuffs and building materials from the Baltic in particular was
essential for its development. A very rough simulation of this effect leads to the
conclusion that these ghost acreages may have increased the level of GDP by perhaps
as much as 10% at the economic peak of the region in the second half of the 17th
The contrast between the North Sea region (Holland and England) and the rest
of Europe that is well known from the literature and from the real wage study by Allen
(2001), who even used the term great divergence to describe it, is also very clear from
this attempt to measure GDP growth. The consistent strong performance of England is
perhaps the most striking result, but also the near stagnation of the rest of Europe
demands explanation. Why were most Europeans, in view of the absence of productivity
growth, unable to improve their institutions, technologies and the quality of their inputs
in a systematic way between 1500 and 1800? Why did the incentives created by a
market economy not produce a systematic search for more efficient solutions or why
was this search so relatively fruitless? Or is such a pattern normal, similar to what can
be observed in other highly developed societies such as China, India, or the Ottoman
Empire during the Early modern period. This normal pattern has been coined Smithian
of markets and related processes of specialization and urbanization, but without the
qualitative leaps of sustained productivity growth which can be found in parts of Europe
after the Black Death and during the 17th and 18th centuries (see Bin Wong 1997).
Another series of questions is related to what happened in other European
countries before 1500. Was, for example, the increase in productivity growth found in
Italy and England (and possibly in Holland) a pan-European phenomenon? Our brief
excursus into the Medieval period already suggested that the GDP growth found in
England an increase of per capita GDP of as much as 50-60% between 1086 and 1500
was probably normal; in fact, large parts of Europe may have developed more rapidly
during the high Middle Ages. Why did growth stop? What happened in northern Italy
during the 15th century that its economy almost came to a standstill, after it had been
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