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Clinical Research & Bioethics Khan, J Clinic Res Bioeth 2014, 5:4

Review Article Open Access

The Post-Research Ethical Obligations of the Research Enterprise in Developing

Nida Khan*
MB, BS, MD (USA), M.Sc. Bioethics (AKUH), Karachi, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: Nida Khan, MB, BS, MD (USA), M.Sc. Bioethics (AKUH), Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: 92 21 3486 441; E-mail: [email protected]
Rec date: Jan 03, 2014, Acc date: Apr 16, 2014, Pub date: Apr 20, 2014
Copyright: 2014 Khan N, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Undoubtedly, clinical research has become indispensable to the progress of modern medicine. Its value cannot
be underestimated since it has been responsible for development of numerous life-saving and innovative drugs,
medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, vaccines and nutritional supplements etc. in the past few decades.
As the significance of research ethics amongst investigators, sponsors and their institutions takes center stage,
there is a general trend toward a more responsible conduct of research. With the passage of time, more and more
guidelines are being added and existing ones are being amended to include a previously unaddressed and oft-
neglected area of ethics regarding the conduct of clinical trials. According to the latest international guidelines
governing human subjects research, there is now a consensus that the ethical responsibilities of the research
enterprise, do not cease once the clinical trial is over. This is particularly true in context of developing nations such
as Pakistan, which is host to a lot of foreign multinationals and independent organizations conducting research. This
paper attempts to highlight the post research responsibilities of the researcher, institution and the funding agency in
light of the basic bioethics principles and theories.

Keywords: Clinical trials; International research; Research ethics; on Ethics in Science and New technologies recommends a guarantee
Developing countries; Post-trial provisions of a supply of a (proven beneficial) new drug at an affordable price for
the community [1].
Background The scenario is quite different in the developed world. Effective
Let us begin by first examining what the previous international experimental interventions are usually already integrated into the
guidelines released by the World Medical Association said about post- health system of the industrialized nations. If not, then as a general
research responsibilities. The World Medical Associations Declaration rule, beneficial new medicines are freely supplied to all participants
of Helsinki (2008) stated that at the conclusion of the study, every once the trial is completed [3]. On the other hand, participants in
patient entered into the study should be assured of access to the best developing countries have limited or no access to healthcare, to begin
proven prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic methods identified by with. That is why it raises ethical issues when it comes to conduct of
the study [1]. The problem here lies, in the details. It was open to trial in developing countries. Therefore, the emphasis on post-research
interpretation, just what assured of access meant in practical terms. responsibilities is not misplaced.
The language needed to be more explicit in order to successfully
implement the guidelines. The recent Declaration of Helsinki released Discussion
by the World Medical Association in October 2013, has categorically
So what ought to be the post research responsibilities of the
elaborated a lot of the vagueness in the previous guidelines; for
research enterprise in light of the basic ethical principles that give rise
instance, changing the timing of assured access to post-trial provisions
to these responsibilities? Beneficence: Two general rules of beneficence
from at the conclusion of the study to in advance of a clinical trial
are laid down by the Belmont Report, to be followed in human
makes a lot of difference. It adds that the sponsors, researchers and
research. First, Do No Harm. And secondly; to maximize possible
host country governments should make provisions for post-trial access
benefits and minimize possible harms [3].
for all participants who still need an intervention identified as
beneficial in the trial [2]. This information must be disclosed to If we take the argument a little further, we shall see that non-
participants during the informed consent process also [2]. maleficence (avoiding harm) is deeply ingrained in the history of
research ethics. Consider a certain population, which is already
The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
resource-poor and contributing to science by participating in a clinical
(CIOMS) puts the onus of responsibility on trial sponsors and
trial, is abandoned as soon as the trial is over. It cannot be denied that
investigators stating that: Before undertaking research in a population
discontinuing supply of drugs which have proven to be effective for
or community with limited resources, the sponsor and the investigator
the particular illness under study or an intervention which has proven
must make every effort to ensure that any intervention introduced;
beneficial during the trial will surely have detrimental effects on the
product developed, or knowledge generated, will be made reasonably
health status of the study participants.
available for the benefit of that population or community [1]. The
reasonable availability term is complex and needs to be determined
on a case-by-case basis. The European Commissions European Group

J Clinic Res Bioeth Volume 5 Issue 4 1000194

ISSN:2155-9627 JCRB, an open access journal
Citation: Khan N (2014) The Post-Research Ethical Obligations of the Research Enterprise in Developing Countries. J Clinic Res Bioeth 5: 194.

Page 2 of 3

Needs assessment of the target population An important addendum here is that in most cases, recruitment
process of participants in developing countries is significantly
Before embarking on any research, the international health undermined by a poorly communicated and hence poorly understood
researcher and sponsors should take great care in assuring that the informed consent. The post-trial provisions and responsibilities
community/participants are not left worse off than they already were should be clearly laid out and negotiated with, as a matter of priority
before beginning the trial [1]. It is noteworthy that most clinical trials not only with the participants, but with the sponsors, funding agency
are conducted on chronic diseases. If a trial shows that a new the local community and the ministry of health in the form of a pre-
treatment for a chronic disease like diabetes, hypertension or HIV is trial agreement. This will ensure avoidance of any future exploitation.
substantially more effective than the existing standard of care, it is an It will also address, respect for persons (autonomy) of the individual
ethical obligation of the sponsors to provide that drug to the trial participants, because they will know exactly what to expect after the
participants for as long as they require it [1]. trial is over and they will have a clearer picture of what they are getting
Many public health professionals from developing countries have into.
suggested that post-trial responsibilities be conceived of, more broadly For instance, if a research is being conducted by a medical device
to encompass strengthening of manpower through education and/or manufacturer and during the study it is discovered that this new
health systems reinforcement rather than simply be confined to vague device is successful in detecting blood sugar levels more accurately as
terms such as reasonable and affordable availability of drugs compared to all the existing devices in the market. Then the post-
developed by the research. In a resource-poor country like Pakistan, research responsibility for the researchers and sponsors is to provide
post-research responsibilities may extend to ensuring provision of that device, ideally free of cost to all participants and controls. Not
additional skilled staff or equipment to a hospital or to enhance only that, the laboratory testing and monitoring of various other
delivery services such as those required for vaccination. The sponsors indicators of adequate sugar control, annual physical examinations
and funding agencies should focus on capacity building and although not required for the study, should also be catered for.
strengthening health delivery systems. They should also train Another manner in which sponsors and funding agencies can deliver
personnel specifically to transfer the skills so as to empower them to their responsibilities after the research is to devise strategies to ensure
take charge after the research team has left. the manufacture of generic copies of patented drugs for poor countries
Justice as reciprocity: The participants have contributed to the [4]. Randomized controlled trials of artemisinin (a Chinese herb)
society and the sponsors and researchers owe them post-trial access to combination therapy for malaria were largely undertaken in Africa
any beneficial drug or intervention developed as a result of their and Asia. As a result of the researchers post-trial efforts price-drops
participation and by virtue of reciprocity. Their contribution does not have been achieved and easier-to use formulations have become
end when the trial ends [3]. Follow-up of such participants after the available to the participants and the community.
trial is over, enables assessment of long term health impacts of an If nothing else, then the sponsors should seek joint initiatives of
intervention and is imperative to scientific knowledge about that international agencies and through private-public partnerships to
intervention, but more importantly, it is an obligation to ensure safety produce affordable drugs [4]. One way is to collaborate with the
of research participants in the intervention group. Interruption of Ministry of Health which agrees to pay a proportion of the cost of the
provision of high quality medicines to the participants is unfair and drug/intervention. This will also indicate a political will and
exploitative. The community where research has taken place should be commitment of the local authorities and the trial sponsors will be
the direct beneficiaries of the research. under increased pressure to contribute to the costs. There are many
Justice as fairness: It is also seen that most international health private organizations like GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccination and
research conducted in developing countries exposing the participants Immunization) or Global fund for HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis [1]
to unknown risks, actually develops medicines for use in the that can cover costs based on humanitarian grounds, if they are
industrialized nations [3]. The for-profit sponsors make a lot of money involved at the research proposal stage. A concern is that post-trial
from results of successful research. This increases several folds, the responsibilities may discourage international research, but that should
responsibility of the sponsors and the investigators toward the not be the case. There are many ways that sponsors can circumvent
participants. Just how far these post-trial benefits may extend remains problems of financial constraints and it has been done before and
a contentious issue in research ethics. But it is very clear that these these problems are not unsolvable. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is
points be discussed at the level of proposal development and in conducting a study of the effectiveness of a nutritional intervention in
consultation with the local Ministry of health. This will guide catch-up growth of children after an acute episode of malaria in Africa
researchers as to what exactly is the current need for that particular [5]. The supplement is expensive and to make the supply of this
community and the expectations of the participants regarding post- supplement sustainable beyond the study, MSF is currently working
trial provision. on price reductions of this supplement as well as making efforts to
increase its supply through local production. They have also made a
Needless to say, the credibility of the entire research is dubious if commitment to stay in the community for at least 2 years after the end
there is no social value for the community being researched by the of the study.
researchers. The research should address the health needs and
problems of the community being researched. If a social sciences research is being conducted to determine
whether the basic risk factor of glue-sniffing and begging in street
Distributive justice: In other words, the fair distribution of benefits children is poverty or lack of primary education, then the sponsor may
and burdens of research to maintain equity in research ethics [1]. fulfill their post research responsibility by setting up the infrastructure
Studies which are conducted on participants of one community, for of a school for the study participants where they can get quality
the benefits to be solely enjoyed by another community rightly draw education and a certain fixed stipend as an incentive to go to school.
criticism. This will have a dual purpose, firstly, the children will be off the streets

J Clinic Res Bioeth Volume 5 Issue 4 1000194

ISSN:2155-9627 JCRB, an open access journal
Citation: Khan N (2014) The Post-Research Ethical Obligations of the Research Enterprise in Developing Countries. J Clinic Res Bioeth 5: 194.

Page 3 of 3

at least during the day and secondly they will get a purpose in life, with Summary
education. They will also be able to get financial aid as a result and it is
highly likely that they may be able to support themselves if not their There are many ethical obligations and post-research
families also in a dignified manner. The sponsor and investigators will responsibilities that international health researchers owe to the
be giving back to the entire community by uplifting them. This is a recruited participants and their communities in developing countries.
social responsibility of researchers. Such social service goes a long way Based on the above arguments, it is evident that each study population
in expressing some gratitude to the community which has contributed will have a different need and the post- trial benefits should be best
so significantly to the researchers study objectives. Direct feedback tailored to meet those needs. Some conscientious researchers, sponsors
from participants has revealed that even digging a few boreholes in an and funding agencies conducting the research are making sure they
area where water shortage is a problem, or providing adequate supply fulfill their responsibilities after the trial has ended; however, strict
of chlorine tablets for water purification, or setting up a water implementation of existing guidelines is required to make this process
filtration plant in the locality helps. Such measures create a bond a binding norm for all international researchers and agencies in order
amongst researcher and participant, the benefits of which are reaped to ensure that human beings are not exploited in the name of research.
for a long time even after the study has ended.
Finally, a very important responsibility of the research enterprise is
the Dissemination of results of the study to the participants and to the 1. Greenwood B, Hausdorff WP (2003) After the trial is over: the ethical
entire community. The results of the study should be discussed in issues
detail with the participants and the community leaders. This can be 2. (2013) WMA Declaration of Helsinki Ethical Principles for Medical
achieved by conducting dissemination workshops [6]. Not only that, Research Involving Human Subjects
access to these results is to be ensured in order to maintain 3. Zong Z (2008) Should Post-trial provision of beneficial experimental
transparency. interventions be mandatory in developing cointries? J Med Ethics:
According to the latest guidelines released by WMA, Negative and 4. (2004) Double Standards in medical research in developing countries.
inconclusive as well as positive results must be published or otherwise Ruth Macklin (Ed): 280.
made publicly available. Sources of funding, institutional affiliations 5. Schopper D, Upshur R, Matthys F, Singh JA, BAndewar SS, et al.(2009)
and conflicts of interest must be declared in the publication [2]. Research ethics review in humanitarian contexts: The experience of the
Furthermore, every research study involving human subjects must be independent ethics review board of Medecins Sans Frontieres. PLoS Med
registered in a publicly accessible database before recruitment of the 6: e1000115
first subject [2]. In developing countries, more than anywhere else, 6. Mfutso-Bengo J, Masiye F Ndebele P (2008) Disseminating research
results to research participants and their communities. Malawi Med J. 20:
community engagement throughout the research is to be encouraged.
Involvement of the participants and the community gives them a
true sense of partnership with the researcher which further
strengthens the activities related to the project.

J Clinic Res Bioeth Volume 5 Issue 4 1000194

ISSN:2155-9627 JCRB, an open access journal

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