RA 9745 Anti Torture Act
RA 9745 Anti Torture Act
RA 9745 Anti Torture Act
S. No. 1978
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh
day of July, two th9usand nine.
(1) Blindfolding;
(b) The name and address of the nearest kin oftbe patient
or victim;
(c) The name and address oHhe person who brought the
patient or victim for physical, psychological and mental
examination, and/or medical treatment;
(e) The approximate time and date when the injury, pain,
disease andlor trauma was/were sustained;
(1) The place where the injury, pain, disease andior trauma
was/were sustained;
Any person who does not wish to avail ofthe rights under
this pr<;lvision may knowingly and voluntarily waive such rights
in writing, executed in the presence and assistance of hislher
Secretary of the Senate
~{~~ Secretary General
House of Representatives
President of the Philippines .
PGMA Hologt~m H 51586