ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide

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Licensing Guide

ANSYS, Inc. Release 16.2

Southpointe July 2015
2600 ANSYS Drive 000409
Canonsburg, PA 15317 ANSYS, Inc. is
[email protected] certified to ISO
(T) 724-746-3304
(F) 724-514-9494
Revision Information

The information in this guide applies to all ANSYS, Inc. products released on or after this date, until superseded
by a newer version of this guide.

Copyright and Trademark Information

2015 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.

ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench, Ansoft, AUTODYN, EKM, Engineering Knowledge Manager, CFX, FLUENT, HFSS, AIM
and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are registered trademarks
or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. ICEM CFD is a trademark
used by ANSYS, Inc. under license. CFX is a trademark of Sony Corporation in Japan. All other brand, product,
service and feature names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer Notice

and documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc., its subsidiaries, or affiliates under a software license agreement
that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, compliance with exporting
laws, warranties, disclaimers, limitations of liability, and remedies, and other provisions. The software products
and documentation may be used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions
of that software license agreement.

ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008.

U.S. Government Rights

For U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use,
duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc.
software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD licenses).

Third-Party Software

See the legal information in the product help files for the complete Legal Notice for ANSYS proprietary software
and third-party software. If you are unable to access the Legal Notice, please contact ANSYS, Inc.

Published in the U.S.A.

Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ ix
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Explanation of Licensing Terms ......................................................................................................... 2
1.1.1. The FlexNet License Manager Daemon (lmgrd) ......................................................................... 2
1.1.2. The Vendor Daemon (ansyslmd) ............................................................................................... 3
1.1.3. ANSYS Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server) .......................................................................... 3
1.1.4. The License File ........................................................................................................................ 3 License File Format .......................................................................................................... 3 SERVER Lines .......................................................................................................... 4 VENDOR Lines ......................................................................................................... 4 INCREMENT Lines ................................................................................................... 5 Sample License Files ............................................................................................... 6 Recognizing an ANSYS, Inc. License File ................................................................... 7
1.1.5. The Application Programs ........................................................................................................ 7
1.1.6. The License Server Machines .................................................................................................... 7 Selecting License Server Machines ................................................................................... 8 Redundant Server Options ............................................................................................... 9
2. Installing the ANSYS License Manager ................................................................................................. 11
2.1. Communications Requirements ...................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1. Configuring TCP/IP ................................................................................................................. 12 Determining Whether TCP/IP Is Installed on a Microsoft Windows System ....................... 12
2.1.2. Changing the Default ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet Port Numbers ..................... 13
2.2. Installing the License Manager ........................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1. License Manager Installation Prerequisites .............................................................................. 14
2.2.2. License Manager Installation Instructions - Windows ............................................................... 14
2.2.3. License Manager Installation Instructions - Linux .................................................................... 16
2.2.4. Silent License Manager Installation Instructions ...................................................................... 18
2.2.5. Advanced Licensing Configuration Options ............................................................................ 19
2.3. Post-Installation Instructions ........................................................................................................... 20
2.3.1. Start the ANSYS License Manager at System Boot Time ........................................................... 20
2.3.2. Starting the ANSYS Licensing Tomcat Server at System Boot Time ........................................... 22
2.3.3. Modifying the Tomcat Port Number ........................................................................................ 23
2.3.4. Configuring the License Server Machine(s) .............................................................................. 24
2.3.5. Modify License Manager Startup Options ............................................................................... 24
2.3.6. Create a Group (Linux Only) .................................................................................................... 25 Defining Group Restrictions for the Licensing Interconnect ............................................ 25
2.3.7. Specify User Privileges ............................................................................................................ 26
2.3.8. Specifying the License Server and License Files ....................................................................... 26
2.3.9. Specifying Firewall Settings .................................................................................................... 27
2.3.10. Setting Up Redundant (Triad) Servers ................................................................................... 27
2.4. Uninstalling the License Manager .................................................................................................... 28
3. License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center ......................................... 31
3.1. ANSYS License Management Center Browser Requirements ............................................................. 31
3.2. Accessing the ANSYS License Management Center .......................................................................... 31
3.3. Using the ANSYS License Management Center ................................................................................ 32
3.3.1. Adding a License with the ANSYS License Management Center ............................................... 32
3.3.2. Starting the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager ................................................................................ 34
3.3.3. Stopping the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager .............................................................................. 34
3.3.4. Rereading the License Manager Settings ................................................................................ 35
3.3.5. Displaying the License Server Machine Hostid Information ...................................................... 36

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. iii
ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide

3.3.6. Viewing FlexNet Licenses ........................................................................................................ 36

3.3.7. Viewing the Licensing Interconnect Log ................................................................................. 37
3.3.8. Viewing the FlexNet Debug Log ............................................................................................. 37
3.3.9. Viewing the ANSYS License Management Center Log .............................................................. 38
3.3.10. Gathering Diagnostic Information ........................................................................................ 39 Gathering Diagnostic Information outside of ANSYS License Management Center ........ 39
3.3.11. Specifying the License Manager Run Mode ........................................................................... 39
3.3.12. Accessing the Help Options .................................................................................................. 40
3.4. Enabling Secure Connections to the Web Server (Optional) .............................................................. 41
3.4.1. Understanding Certificates ..................................................................................................... 41
3.4.2. Configuring Tomcat Using Keytool .......................................................................................... 42 Preparing the Certificate Keystore .................................................................................. 42 Editing the Tomcat Configuration File ............................................................................. 43
3.5. Changing the Version of Java Used by ANSYS License Management Center ...................................... 44
3.5.1. Changing the Java Version During a New Installation of ANSYS, Inc. License Manager ............... 44
3.5.2. Changing the Java Version on an Existing Installation of ANSYS, Inc. License Manager .............. 44
4. End-User Settings .................................................................................................................................. 47
4.1. Client Environment Variable Settings ............................................................................................... 47
4.1.1. License Files Settings Precedence ........................................................................................... 48
4.2. Establishing User Licensing Preferences ........................................................................................... 48
4.2.1. ANSYS Workbench Licensing Methods .................................................................................... 49
4.2.2. HPC Licensing ........................................................................................................................ 51 Specifying HPC License Order ........................................................................................ 53
4.2.3. HPC Parametric Pack Licensing ............................................................................................... 54
4.3. Setting Up License Queuing ............................................................................................................ 54
4.4. Borrowing Application Licenses on Windows ................................................................................... 55
5. License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN ..................................................................................... 57
5.1. Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility ..................................................................................................... 57
5.1.1. Launch the ANSYS License Management Center ..................................................................... 59
5.1.2. Specify the License Server Machine ........................................................................................ 59 Sample Scenario ............................................................................................................ 61
5.1.3. Set License Preferences for User .............................................................................................. 62
5.1.4. Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility ................................................................................................. 63 Setting up License Borrowing ........................................................................................ 63 Running the Borrowing Utility ........................................................................................ 63
5.1.5. Set Site Preferences ................................................................................................................ 65 Specify Product Order .................................................................................................... 65 Modify Startup Options ................................................................................................. 66 Specify License Servers to Cache .................................................................................... 67
5.1.6. View Status/Diagnostic Options .............................................................................................. 68 Display the License Status .............................................................................................. 68 Display Queued Licenses ............................................................................................... 68 Display the Customer Number ....................................................................................... 69 View the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Debug Log File .................................................. 69 View the ANSYS FlexNet Debug Log File ......................................................................... 69 Gather Client Diagnostic Information ............................................................................. 69
6. Using Dongles with the ANSYS License Manager ................................................................................. 71
6.1. Assumptions, Restrictions, and Notes ............................................................................................... 71
6.1.1. Supported Platforms .............................................................................................................. 72
6.1.2. File Information ...................................................................................................................... 72
6.2. Windows Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 72
6.2.1. Installing/Updating the Dongle Driver on Windows ................................................................ 73

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide

6.2.2. Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Windows ................................................................... 74

6.3. Linux Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 75
6.3.1. Installing/Updating the Dongle Driver on Linux ...................................................................... 75
6.3.2. Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Linux ......................................................................... 76
6.4. Dongle Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 76
7. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 77
7.1. Getting Additional License Debug Information ................................................................................ 77
7.2. Gathering Diagnostic Information ................................................................................................... 78
7.3. Problem Situations ......................................................................................................................... 79
7.3.1. License Manager Will Not Start ............................................................................................... 79
7.3.2. License Manager Will Not Stop ............................................................................................... 80
7.3.3. License Manager Will Not Stop in a Three-Server Environment ................................................ 80
7.3.4. The Application Does Not Show the Correct License(s) ............................................................ 80
7.3.5. I Do Not See an HPC Product Category in the ANSLIC_ADMIN Specify Product Order or the Set
License Preferences for User dialog boxes ........................................................................................ 81
7.3.6. FlexNet Log File Shows Unexpected Messages When the License Manager Is Stopped ............. 81
7.3.7. Unable to Check Out Licenses ................................................................................................. 81
7.3.8. Entries in the FlexNet Options File Are Ignored ........................................................................ 82
7.3.9. Jobs Abort When a License Manager Goes Down in Three-Server Environment ........................ 82
7.3.10. Licensing Log File Not Created .............................................................................................. 83
7.3.11. Queuing Does Not Work ....................................................................................................... 83
7.3.12. The FlexNet Utility lmutil Does Not Shut Down License Manager ........................................... 83
7.3.13. The FlexNet Utility lmcksum May Give Misleading Information .............................................. 84
7.3.14. The Mechanical APDL Launcher is Excessively Slow to Start ................................................... 84
7.3.15. Mechanical APDL Launcher is Not Using ANSYS162_PRODUCT Environment Variable Cor-
rectly .............................................................................................................................................. 84
7.3.16. Cannot Run a Product Listed in the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher ................................ 84
7.3.17. No Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet Path Available from Display the License Status Op-
tion ................................................................................................................................................ 84
7.3.18. Cannot Enter Data in Text Fields ............................................................................................ 85
7.3.19. Design Point Project Locks Reserved Licenses During a Hang ................................................ 85
7.3.20. Removing the Obsolete ANSYS FLEXlm License Manager Service .......................................... 86
7.3.21. See a File Not Found Message When Running a Licensing Utility .......................................... 87
7.3.22. Cannot See Installed Dongles ............................................................................................... 87
7.3.23. Unable to Run a Bookmarked Version ANSYS License Management Center ............................ 87
7.3.24. Unable to View PDF Files in ANSYS License Management Center ........................................... 87
7.3.25. Unable to Search PDF Files in ANSYS License Management Center ........................................ 87
7.3.26. Starting ANSYS License Management Center Causes Error Messages (Linux Only) .................. 87
7.3.27. Manually Changing the Tomcat Port Number ........................................................................ 88
7.4. Licensing-Related Mechanical APDL Launcher Error Messages ......................................................... 88
7.5. Licensing Error Messages ................................................................................................................ 89
7.6. License Manager Installation Directory Errors .................................................................................. 95
7.7. ANSYS License Borrowing Errors ...................................................................................................... 96
7.8. FlexNet License Log File Errors ......................................................................................................... 97
8. Product Variable Table .......................................................................................................................... 99
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 107
Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 113

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. v
Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Tables
1.1. FlexNet Versions ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Identifying License Files .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Configuring TCP/IP ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2. License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions ................................................................................... 21
2.3. Removing License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions ................................................................... 21
2.4.Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions .................................................................................................. 22
2.5. Removing Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions ................................................................................. 23
6.1. 64-bit Windows Support ....................................................................................................................... 72
6.2. 64-bit Linux Support ............................................................................................................................. 72
6.3. 64-bit Windows File Information ............................................................................................................ 72
6.4. 64-bit Linux File Information ................................................................................................................. 72
8.1. Product/Feature Names for Licensed Products ....................................................................................... 99

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. vii
Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
viii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This document contains information for running the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager with all ANSYS, Inc.
products, including ANSYS Electromagnetics (Ansoft) products. However, some information may pertain
only to specific products/licensing levels, such as Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) or ANSYS Fluent.

Supported Hardware Platforms

This document details information about licensing ANSYS, Inc. products on the hardware platforms listed
below. Not all products support all platforms listed below. Refer to the installation documentation for
platform specifics, including the platforms on which your specific product runs. The name in parentheses
indicates the directory name for each platform (referred to as <platform> throughout this document).

Linux x64 (linx64)

Windows x64 (winx64)

For specific operating system requirements, refer to the installation guide for the product and platform
you are running. See our platform support information at
port. (This URL is case-sensitive.)

Intended Audience
The ANSYS Licensing Guide is intended for the person responsible for licensing administration of all
ANSYS, Inc. products at a site. This person is typically the system administrator. End users of the product
may also find this information useful, especially client options.

This guide applies to all products licensed with the ANSYS License Manager. See Product Variable
Table (p. 99) for a list of products.

Summary of New and Changed Features

Listed below is a summary of those licensing items that are either new or have been changed since the
last release. For a list of all major new and changed features of any product, see the Release Notes
document for that product.

After installing release 16.1 or 16.2 of the ANSYS License Manager, please clear your default browser cache
before using ANSYS License Management Center for the first time to ensure that all ANSYS License
Management Center options are available to you.

As of release 16.1, the ANSYS License Management Center now includes an option to reread the license
manager settings. The Product Order file has been updated.

As of release 16.2, a new version of the FlexNet Publisher (FNP) has been incorporated into the
ANSYS License Manager.

Conventions Used in This Document

Computer prompts and responses and user input are printed using this font:

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. ix

Lengthy user input lines that exceed the width of the page are listed in multiple lines, with the second
and subsequent lines indented:
exec_path <drive>:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\ansys162\ac4

Wild card arguments and variables are italicized.

Commands appear in bold face.


Note paragraphs are introduced by the text Note. A note contains information that supple-
ments the main topic being discussed.


Paragraphs that begin with the word Caution in bold, with the rest of the text in normal
type, warn you about actions or situations that potentially may cause problems or unexpected
behavior or results in ANSYS, Inc. products.


Paragraphs that begin with the word Warning in bold warn you about actions or situations
that can shut down ANSYS, Inc. products, damage files, etc.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
x of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 1: Introduction
ANSYS, Inc. uses the FlexNet license manager for all of its licensed products. FlexNet is best known for
its ability to allow software licenses to be available (or float) anywhere on a network. Floating licensing
benefits both users and license administrators. Users can make more efficient use of fewer licenses by
sharing them on the network. License administrators can control who uses the licensed application and
the machine(s) where the licenses will be available. The format of the traffic between the ANSYS
product(s) and the license manager is machine-independent, allowing for heterogeneous networks. The
license server machine and the computer running an application can be different hardware platforms
or even different operating systems (Windows and Linux, for example).

The actual communication between the ANSYS applications and FlexNet occurs through an intermediary
process called the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect. The Licensing Interconnect is nearly transparent; you
should not see any noticeable difference in your day-to-day operation of ANSYS products.

To get the full set of files necessary to run as a server, you will need to run the license manager install-
ation. The general licensing process is explained here; for detailed installation instructions, see Installing
the ANSYS License Manager (p. 11). All files necessary to run as a client are automatically installed
during the product installation.

License administration functions are performed via the ANSYS License Management Center and the
ANSLIC_ADMIN utility (server and client). For more information on the using these tools, seeLicense
Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center (p. 31) and Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN
Utility (p. 57).

The Licensing Process

The licensing process for ANSYS, Inc. products is as follows:

1. Select the license server machine(s). See Selecting License Server Machines (p. 8) for guidelines.

2. Install and configure TCP/IP. See Communications Requirements (p. 12) for information on configuring

3. Install the software. See Installing the License Manager (p. 13), or see the appropriate installation
manual for your product and platforms for detailed installation instructions.

4. After you receive your license file, add your license file using the ANSYS License Management Center.
See Adding a License with the ANSYS License Management Center (p. 32)

5. Set up the licensing environment. See Post-Installation Instructions (p. 20).

Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software

Because of FlexNet's popularity, you may have FlexNet licenses from more than one vendor.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1

The ANSYS License Manager uses the following versions of FlexNet:

Table 1.1: FlexNet Versions

Platform FlexNet Version

Windows Version
Linux Version

The ANSYS License Manager can run on the same server as other FlexNet license managers with no
intervention or special configuration requirements. However, the ANSYS License Manager does not
support the use or combination of license files from other vendors.

Links to FlexNet
For more information on using FlexNet, visit the FlexNet web site at
You can refer to the FlexNet License Administration Guide for more detailed information on all FlexNet
features. You can access this document from the ANSYS License Management Center.

1.1. Explanation of Licensing Terms

The main components of our licensing are:

The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager, including:

Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server) -- Also includes ansysli_monitor, which ensures

that the license server is functioning correctly and attempts to correct the situation if the license
server is not running or is unresponsive.

FlexNet license manager daemon (lmgrd)

Vendor daemon (ansyslmd)

License files

Application program (e.g., Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) or ANSYS Fluent)

License server machines

These components are explained in more detail in the following sections.

The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager monitors what products are being run, who is running them, and from
what computer system. It grants or denies permission to run products. When an ANSYS product begins,
it requests permission to execute from a license server. The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager checks the
pool of available licenses and grants the request only if the required licenses are available. For each
request that is granted, the licenses are removed from the pool. As each product execution ends, its
licenses are returned to the pool.

1.1.1. The FlexNet License Manager Daemon (lmgrd)

lmgrd is one of the FlexNet components of the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. Its primary purpose is
to start and maintain the vendor daemon (ansyslmd). It also refers application checkout requests to
the vendor daemon (ansyslmd).

lmgrd must be running on the license server machine to run ANSYS, Inc. products.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Explanation of Licensing Terms

1.1.2. The Vendor Daemon (ansyslmd)

Licenses are granted by running processes. Each vendor who has a FlexNet-licensed product on the
network has one process, called the vendor daemon. The vendor daemon keeps track of how many li-
censes are checked out, and who has them. If the vendor daemon terminates for any reason, all users
for that product lose their licenses. The ANSYS vendor daemon is ansyslmd.

Client programs, including ansysli_server, communicate with ansyslmd, usually through TCP/IP
network communications. The vendor daemon (ansyslmd) is started by lmgrd. The vendor daemon
ansyslmd must be running on the license server machine to run ANSYS, Inc. products.

1.1.3. ANSYS Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server)

The ANSYS Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server) is an intermediary process that communicates
with the FlexNet component of the license manager to authenticate and process all license requests.
In a typical configuration, the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect starts the FlexNet component lmgrd,
which then starts ansyslmd.

With the Licensing Interconnect, your license file and license options file are still applicable and in effect.
Using an intermediary process allows us to seamlessly integrate our full range of product offerings to
continually offer you access to the latest products with minimal disruption to your licensing environment.
It also allows us a platform on which to enhance important licensing features.

The Licensing Interconnect must be running on the license server machine to run ANSYS, Inc. products.

1.1.4. The License File

Licensing data is stored in a text file called the license file. The license file is created by ANSYS, Inc. and
is installed by the license administrator. It contains information about the server machines and vendor
daemon, and at least one line of data (called INCREMENT lines) for each licensed product. Each INCRE-
MENT line contains a license key based on the data in that line and other vendor-specific information. License File Format

License files usually begin with a SERVER line (or three SERVER lines for redundant triad servers) followed
by a VENDOR line, followed by one or more INCREMENT lines. Each INCREMENT line contains a license
key based on the data in that line, the hostids specified in the SERVER lines, and other vendor-specific

You can modify only these data items in the license file:

System host names on the SERVER line(s)

Port numbers on the SERVER line(s)

Vendor daemon file paths on the VENDOR line(s)

Options file paths on the VENDOR line(s)

Optional port numbers on the VENDOR line(s) (for firewall support only)

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3

Long lines normally use the "\" line-continuation character to break up long lines. A space character
must precede the line-continuation character.


Everything else is used to compute the license key and should be entered exactly as supplied.
All data in the license file is case sensitive, unless otherwise indicated. SERVER Lines

The SERVER line specifies the hostname and hostid of the license server machine and the lmgrd port
number. Normally a license file has one SERVER line. Three SERVER lines mean that you are using re-
dundant servers. License administrators do not have the option of deleting SERVER lines from a license
file because the hostids from all of the SERVER lines are computed into the license keys on every INCRE-
MENT line.

The format of the SERVER line is:

SERVER host hostid 1055


host is the license server machine host name or IP address; a string returned by the Linux hostname
or uname -n command. On Windows systems, ipconfig /all returns the host name. This can also
be an IP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format).

hostid is returned by the Get System Hostid Information option of the ANSYS License Management

1055 is the ANSYS default port number for FlexNet TCP. If port 1055 is already in use on your system,
you can change this value.

SERVER enterprise 0122345 1055


If you change the FlexNet port number, then you must also change the FlexNet port number
that is specified in the ansyslmd.ini file (see Specify the License Server Machine (p. 59))
or in the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable on all client machines to match
the port number specified in the SERVER line. VENDOR Lines

The VENDOR line specifies the vendor daemon's name and path. lmgrd uses this line to start the vendor
daemon, and the vendor daemon reads it to find its options file. The format of the VENDOR line is
shown below.
VENDOR ansyslmd [vendor_daemon_path]
[[options=]options_file_path] [[port=]port]


ansyslmd is the name of the ANSYS vendor daemon.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Explanation of Licensing Terms

vendor_daemon_path is the path to the executable for this daemon. This path is optional. ANSYS,
Inc. does not supply this field because lmgrd will look for the vendor daemon ansyslmd executable
in the directory where lmgrd is located and all ANSYS products install both of these daemons into the
same directory.


If you do supply this path and the path includes spaces, enclose the entire directory path in
double quotes, as in the following example:
VENDOR ansyslmd "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing

options_file_path is the full path to the end-user options file for this daemon. FlexNet does not
require an options file. The options file need not be specified on this line. As long as the options file
ansyslmd.opt is located in the same directory as the license file (the license_files directory), the
vendor daemon will automatically find and use it.

If the directory path includes spaces, enclose the entire directory path in double quotes, as in the fol-
lowing example:
VENDOR ansyslmd options="C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\

port is the vendor daemon port number. Note: This is for firewall support only and is otherwise not re-
commended. In the following example, #### would be replaced with the port number you choose:
VENDOR ansyslmd options=/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing
/ansyslmd.opt port=#### INCREMENT Lines

An INCREMENT line describes the license to use a product. The syntax of the INCREMENT line is:
INCREMENT feature ansyslmd feat_version exp_date #lic key
[VENDOR_STRING="vendor_str"] [ISSUED="..."] [START="..."] [SIGN2="..."]


feature is the name representing the product/capability being licensed.

ansyslmd is the name of the ANSYS vendor daemon; also found in the VENDOR line. The specified
daemon serves this feature.

feat_version is the latest build date of this feature that is supported by this license. For paid-up
customers, this is usually set to the expiration date of the maintenance agreement. The value of 9999.9999
is used when this field is not applicable.

exp_date is the expiration date of license, e.g., 7-may-2014.

#lic is the number of concurrent licenses for this feature.

key is the encryption key for this INCREMENT line.

Additional fields may follow. See the FlexNet License Administration Guide (accessible from the ANSYS
License Management Center) for more information. Note that ANSYS, Inc. may not support all options
described in the FlexNet License Administration Guide.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5

VENDOR_STRING Keywords ANSYS, Inc. has created the following VENDOR_STRING keywords:


The customer keyword specifies the customer number. The format is customer:<cust_num>,
where cust_num is the customer's number. You must not modify this keyword.

The SIGN2 keyword specifies the Tamper Resistant License (TRL) encryption. The encryption is 60
characters (fifteen 4 character segments separated by spaces). Sample License Files

A sample license file is shown here. This file is for 15 ANSYS Mechanical tasks and 12 ANSYS CFD tasks.
SERVER gagh 690daec6 1055
VENDOR ansyslmd
INCREMENT ansys ansyslmd 9999.9999 30-sep-2013 15 8C59A481BA50 \
VENDOR_STRING=customer:00012345 ISSUED=10-sep-2012 \
START=10-sep-2014 SIGN2=007B AC4B D3A2 \
E623 DC66 BC38 7B31 CE00 0055 DE8D 0E27 C6FD 6C07 EE27 BBCC"
INCREMENT acfd ansyslmd 9999.9999 30-sep-2013 12 47A354CA1291 \
VENDOR_STRING=customer:00012345 ISSUED=10-sep-2012 \
START=10-sep-2014 SIGN2=0A03 2D61 0801 \
3B5C DC87 7B08 4AFC F780 0CD9 704E F9C5 2A72 0D23 2F38 64AC""


gagh is the hostname of the license server

690daec6 is the hostid

1055 is the FlexNet port number

ansyslmd is the vendor daemon

ansys is the feature representing ANSYS Mechanical and acfd is the feature representing ANSYS CFD.

9999.9999 indicates that the maintenance agreement is not applicable. Otherwise, this the highest
supported build date for the product. For Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) only, you can view the build date
by running Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) with the -v command option.

30-sep-2013 is the expiration date

15 and 12 are the number of tasks for ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS CFD, respectively

8C59A481BA50 and 47A354CA1291 are encryption keys for ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS CFD, respectively

customer:00012345 is the customer number

ISSUED=10-sep-2012 is the date the license was created

START=10-sep-2012 is the start date

SIGN2=< fifteen 4 character segments >

is the TRL encryption

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Explanation of Licensing Terms Recognizing an ANSYS, Inc. License File

If you receive a license file and are not sure if it is an ANSYS, Inc. license file, you can determine if it is
by looking at the contents of the license file. If it is an ANSYS, Inc. license file, then:

In the line beginning with the word VENDOR, the next field/item is ansyslmd.

In the line(s) beginning with the word INCREMENT, the third field/item is ansyslmd.

Through use of the FlexNet Common Vendor Daemon technology, license files using the ansoftd vendor
daemon are also supported by the ANSYS License Manager.

ANSYS, Inc. supplies some licenses for other applications that use different license managers. These license
files are not compatible with the ANSYS License Manager. The applications and how to recognize their
license files are explained below. Look for the words shown in the VENDOR, DAEMON, INCREMENT, and
FEATURE lines for each application. For these license files, you must use their respective license manager

Table 1.2: Identifying License Files


Fluent, Polyflow, FluentLM FluentLM
ANSOFT ansoftd ansoftd
Apache apacheda apacheda
Apache seqld seqld

1.1.5. The Application Programs

Application programs are software programs such as Mechanical APDL (ANSYS), CFX, Fluent, HFSS, etc.
ANSYS application programs need to be able to communicate with the ANSYS License Manager.

1.1.6. The License Server Machines

License administration is controlled from specific computers on the network called license server ma-
chines. License server machines run the license manager, which controls access to all licenses.

The server machine or machines are designated by you--the end user. You have the option of designating
one server or three servers. In a one-server network, if the server machine goes down, the licenses are
no longer available for use until the server machine is back in service. In a three-server (redundant triad)
network, as long as two of the three machines are still running, the licenses are still available for use.

The master server actually controls the license administration. If a network has only one server machine,
then that server machine is automatically the master server. In a three server environment, the order
of the SERVER lines in the license file determines which server is the master. The order of the servers
must match on all machines in a three server environment. The first is the master, the second is the first
backup, etc. If the order of the SERVER lines does not match on the three servers, then the servers will

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7

attempt to determine the master server; however, this attempt may not be successful. In a three-server
network, if the master server is unavailable, then the first backup acts as the master.

You must make sure the order of the SERVER lines is consistent between redundant servers; otherwise,
reconnections may fail. Selecting License Server Machines

Before running any ANSYS, Inc. software, you must select which machine(s) will be license servers, and
provide the hostid and hostname of those machines to ANSYS, Inc. Use the Get System Hostid Inform-
ation option of the ANSYS License Management Center to capture the necessary system information
and create the text file, which then needs to be forwarded to your ANSYS sales representative.

You need to select the computer systems that will act as server machines before we can supply you
with the licenses that are required to activate your licensed product(s). Information about the server
machines is used to generate the necessary license key(s).

Consider the following points when deciding which computer(s) will be used as server(s):

All files used in conjunction with the license manager software must be located on a disk that is physically
local to the server computer(s).

Computers must have a high-speed, reliable Ethernet connection.

Computers that experience extremely high levels of network traffic or processing lags due to high CPU
and/or I/O usage are poor candidates for servers.

Do not use computers that are frequently rebooted as servers.

Do not enable sleep mode for the computer you are using as a license server. Client computers are not
able to connect with a license server that is in sleep mode.

The license server machine must have a static IP address.

We do not allow the use of wide area networks (WANs) for license servers (with the standard ANSYS contract).

If using a three-server network, we recommend that you choose three machines that are of the same platform
type (that is, three Linux, three Windows machines, etc.).

If using a three-server network, we highly recommend that all three server machines be on the same subnet
in the same physical location.

If these guidelines are not followed, the ability of the ANSYS License Manager to perform consistently
will be compromised.


Do not change the date on the license server machine. Doing so will prohibit the ANSYS
product from running. Restoring the system to its original state prior to the date change
may require significant effort.

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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Explanation of Licensing Terms Redundant Server Options

Throughout this document, we use the term three-server network when referring to redundant triad
servers. Redundant server setup is a network configuration where multiple machines are designated as
license servers. Redundancy can be achieved in two ways:

Any number of license server machines can be running independently. The total number of licenses is
split between each license server. For example, if you are licensed for 20 tasks of a certain product, and
you have two license server machines, each license server machine will serve ten licenses. In this example,
if one of these machines fails, only ten licenses will be available.

Three different machines can be selected to work together in tandem, where two of the three must be
running at all times. These three license server machines work from a single set of licenses. This option
is not recommended.

We recommend the first option if your site requires redundancy. Be sure to review Selecting License
Server Machines (p. 8) for guidelines and special considerations when choosing license servers. Single
license server networks are usually sufficient for most sites.


If you are running redundant servers, you should have the license file (as well as the entire
licensing directory) installed locally on each license server. If you do not, you lose all the
advantages of having redundant servers, since the file server holding these files becomes a
single point of failure.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 9
Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: Installing the ANSYS License Manager
The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation includes both a server and a client component. You must
install the license manager software on your server machine(s) at this release in order to be able to run
ANSYS, Inc. products. The updates at this release include the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect, the latest
daemons/services, and the latest ANSYS License Management Center and ANSLIC_ADMIN updates.
If you do not install the license manager at this release, your ANSYS, Inc. products will not run. You will
find detailed instructions for installing the license manager on your server machines later in this chapter.
References in this chapter to licensing installation refer to installing all necessary licensing components
on a machine designated as a license server machine.

Once the updated License Manager is installed on your server machine(s) and you have installed the
product(s), the client component will run successfully. The client component is installed automatically
during a product installation; users running as a client will not need to perform any additional installation
steps to successfully run the product(s). Note that the client component will not be installed with
Electronics (Ansoft) products, nor is it needed.

Important Notice Running Multiple Releases

If you want to run multiple releases of ANSYS, Inc. software, you MUST install them chronologically (i.e.,
Release 16.1 followed by Release 16.2). If you install an earlier release after installing Release 16.2, you
will encounter licensing issues that may prevent you from running any products/releases. If you need
to install an earlier release after you have already installed Release 16.2, you must uninstall Release
16.2, then re-install the releases in order.

Linux Server Installation Notes: If you are installing the License Manager on the same machine
where the product will be run, use the same top level directory path for both the product installation
and the License Manager installation. We strongly recommend that you install the licensing files relative
to the product installation directory to avoid manually editing the product run scripts.

A typical product installation on a Linux machine allows you to install the product anywhere on the
system and then creates a symbolic link from the installation directory to /ansys_inc. If you did not
set the symbolic link during the product installation, or if you installed the licensing files somewhere
other than relative to the installation directory, replace all references to /ansys_inc in this guide
with the name of the installation directory you used. Any reference throughout this manual to the li-
censing directory on Linux platforms means /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing.

Windows License Server Installation Notes: The licensing installation on a Windows machine installs
all necessary licensing files into the \Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files directory by
default, located on the same drive as the operating system, regardless of where your product installation
resides. You must have administrative privileges on your machine to install the licensing files. The license
manager components are shared across all ANSYS, Inc. products and need to reside in the same location
for all ANSYS, Inc. products and releases.

Any reference throughout this manual to the licensing directory on Windows platforms means \Program
Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing, located on the same drive as the operating system,
or the directory where you installed the licensing files. If you choose to install the ANSYS, Inc. License

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 11
Installing the ANSYS License Manager

Manager to a different location, you must replace any references to \Program Files\ANSYS
Inc\Shared Files\Licensing with the directory where you installed the license manager.

Windows/Linux License Client Installation Notes: The license client files are automatically installed
into the \Shared Files\Licensing (Windows) or the /shared_files/licensing (Linux)
subdirectory of the product installation at the end of the product installation. Note that the client
component will not be installed with Electronics (Ansoft) products, nor is it needed.

2.1. Communications Requirements

2.1.1. Configuring TCP/IP
TCP/IP needs to be configured and started for any ANSYS, Inc. product and the license manager to be
able to run. You should consult your network administrator for assistance with this configuration. The
TCP/IP protocol must be installed on any machine on which you want to run an ANSYS product.

TCP/IP is supplied as part of the Linux operating system. Table 2.1: Configuring TCP/IP (p. 12) specifies
the system utility used to configure TCP/IP on the various hardware platforms. You should consult your
network administrator for assistance with this configuration.


Linux systems require an Ethernet card.

Table 2.1: Configuring TCP/IP

Hardware Platform TCP/IP Configuration Utility

Linux (Red Hat Enterprise) (64-bit) system-config-network
Linux (SuSE Enterprise) (64-bit) yast

For Windows systems, the TCP/IP protocol is included as part of the operating system and is typically
installed by default. If you do need to install TCP/IP, remember that it must be bound to a network

On machines that are connected to an internal network, TCP/IP must be bound to a network card such
as an Ethernet adapter. The vast majority of systems using TCP/IP will fall into this category.

On machines that connect to the Internet or corporate intranet through a modem, TCP/IP can be bound
to a dial-up connection. Determining Whether TCP/IP Is Installed on a Microsoft Windows System

To determine if TCP/IP is installed on your system, open the Control Panel, select Network and Internet>
Network and Sharing Center. Click Local Area Connection and click Properties. Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) should be listed.

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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Installing the License Manager

If TCP/IP is installed, you must determine whether it is bound to a network adapter card or a dial-up
connection. A network card or a Dial-Up Adapter will be shown under Connect Using:.


If your computer is connected to a network, it is highly recommended that you contact your
Information Technology Department before installing or modifying TCP/IP on your machine.

2.1.2. Changing the Default ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet Port
A port number specifies the communications channel by which two or more processes can communicate.
ANSYS uses 2325 as the default port number for the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and 1055 as the
default port number for the FlexNet component of the license manager. ansyslmd also uses a port
designated by the operating system, unless one is manually specified in the license file on the VENDOR
line. If you encounter a conflict in port numbers, you can change the default by modifying all of the
following files:

ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Port Number The ANSYS Licensing Interconnect port number is
defined in the ansyslmd.ini file. You can change this file by selecting Specify the License Server
Machine on the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility. Enter the new port number in the ANSYS Licensing Intercon-
nect Port Number field. The Licensing Interconnect port number may also be specified via the AN-
SYSLI_SERVERS environment variable, if set.

FlexNet Port Number To change the default FlexNet port number, you need to change the following

On the license server machine(s): the port number listed on the SERVER line in the license file (an-

On the client machine(s): the port number listed in the ansyslmd.ini file. Use the Specify the License
Server Machine option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to change the ansyslmd.ini file. The FlexNet port
number may also be specified via the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, if set.

ansyslmd Port Number The ansyslmd daemon uses a port designated by the operating system,
unless one is manually specified in the license file on the VENDOR line. See VENDOR Lines (p. 4) for
information on specifying this port number on the VENDOR line. You should need to specify this port
number manually only if using a firewall.

For information on firewall settings, see Specifying Firewall Settings (p. 27).

2.2. Installing the License Manager

You must have administrator privileges to install the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager on Windows systems.
On Linux systems, you can install without administrative privileges but you may encounter permission
problems during the installation.

To proceed with the installation, the current license manager must be shut down if it's running. The
installation process will shut down the license manager; however, you should verify that no users will
be affected while you run the installation.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 13
Installing the ANSYS License Manager

When you run the license manager installation on the license servers, the licensing installation process
will install all necessary files, as well as set the ANSYSLIC_DIR environment variable in the product-run
scripts. If there is an existing license manager, the installation process will shut it down, so you should
verify that no users will be affected while you run the installation.

Note that the FLEXlm for Ansoft (ansoftd) license manager will also be shut down and uninstalled if its
running; all associated license files will be migrated over to the ANSYS License Manager. Once migrated,
you will no longer be able to run the ANSYS License Manager and the FLEXlm for Ansoft License Manager
on the same system.

To support the ANSYS License Management Center, a Tomcat web server and Java will be installed
within the license manager directory during the ANSYS License Manager installation . To view the latest
Tomcat and Java versions installed, access the View Licensing Configuration Details option described
in Accessing the Help Options (p. 40).

New licenses for existing customers may not be supplied with the ANSYS Release 16.0 package. They
will be supplied when the current licenses expire or when TECS expires.

Run the license manager installation on all machines that will act as license servers.

2.2.1. License Manager Installation Prerequisites

On Linux systems, you can install without administrative privileges, but you may encounter permission
problems during the installation.

On Windows systems you must have administrator privileges to perform the installation.


On Windows systems, you cannot perform a platform license server installation (that is,
install files for a different machine type than you are running on).

2.2.2. License Manager Installation Instructions - Windows

Follow the instructions below to install the ANSYS License Manager on Windows systems that will act
as license servers. Client licensing is installed automatically when the product is installed; you do not
have to take any further steps to run as a client if you have installed a product.

1. Right-click the setup.exe file and select Run as administrator. If you downloaded the license manager
installation package, this file will reside in the directory where you unzipped the files. If you are running
from media, this file will reside in the top level of the media.

If you downloaded only the license manager installation, run setupLM.exe by right-clicking the
file and selecting Run as administrator.

2. The installation launcher appears. Choose a language from the dropdown.

3. Select Install ANSYS License Manager.

4. You will be notified that the license manager (ANSYS or FLEXlm for Ansoft (ansoftd)), if running, will be
shut down. Click OK.

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14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Installing the License Manager

5. The License Agreement screen appears. Read the license agreement, and if you agree, click I Agree to
accept the terms and click Next. You must select I Agree to continue with the installation.

6. Specify the installation directory. You can accept the default or specify an alternate path and the directory
name where the license manager is to be installed. The installation directory is set to
<OS_Drive>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc by default. You must have administrative privileges for
the directory you specify. In addition, the directory:

Must be a local directory

Must be a local, fixed-media drive

Cannot be a UNC or relative path

Cannot be a short (8.3) file name format path

Cannot be a symbolic link or junction

Cannot use wide character names/paths


You are not permitted to change the installation directory for a computer that currently
contains an instance of the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. To change the installation
directory location, you must first uninstall any previous versions of the product.

7. The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager is the only component available and is selected to be installed. The
amount of disk space required and the disk space available appear at the bottom of the window. If the
disk space required exceeds the disk space available, be sure that you have sufficient space before con-
tinuing. The disk space required as calculated by the installation program may be greater than the actual
amount needed. However, if you choose to continue the installation, you should carefully review any log
and error files at the end of the installation to ensure that the installation completed successfully.

Click Next to continue.

8. A summary of the selected installation data appears. Information shown includes platform, installation
directory, and product. Review the information carefully, and if correct, click Next to continue the install-

9. Once the product installation has occurred, the installation program performs a silent licensing config-
uration. Click Next to continue the installation.

The Launch License Management Center upon exiting option is included on the screen. The
ANSYS License Management Center is a browser-based application that centralizes many of the
ANSYS licensing administrative functions. For more information, see License Server Administration
Using ANSYS License Management Center (p. 31).

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 15
Installing the ANSYS License Manager

If you do not want to launch the License Management Center, uncheck the Launch License Man-
agement Center upon exiting option.


If the installation did not complete or completed with errors, review the progress
log by clicking the View Detailed Progress Log button.

10. When the license manager installation is complete, click Exit. A new Start Menu item named ANSYS, Inc.
License Manager will be created automatically. It will include selections for the License Management
Center, the ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide, the FlexNet License Administration Guide and the ANSLIC_ADMIN


Client machines will also include a Client ANSLIC_ADMIN option under the ANSYS 16.2
Start Menu folder. The client-only version of ANSLIC_ADMIN offers access to a limited
number of ANSLIC_ADMIN features, such as user configuration and status/reporting
options. Note that the client component will not be installed with Electronics (Ansoft)
products, nor is it needed.

On Windows, if you encounter a problem during the licensing installation process that results in a failure
or abort, or if you are concerned that the licensing installation did not complete correctly, we recommend
that you re-run the License Manager installation.

2.2.3. License Manager Installation Instructions - Linux

Follow the instructions below to install the ANSYS License Manager on Linux systems that will act as
license servers. Client licensing is installed automatically when the product is installed; you do not have
to take any further steps to run as a client if you have installed a product. Note that the client component
will not be installed with Electronics (Ansoft) products, nor is it needed.

1. Run INSTALL.LM to launch the license manager installation. If you downloaded the license manager
installation package, this file will reside in the directory where you untarred the files. If you are running
from media, this file will reside in the top level of the media.

2. Select a language.

3. You will be notified that the license manager (ansyslmd and/or ansoftd), if running, will be shut down.
Click OK.

4. The License Agreement screen appears. Read the license agreement, and if you agree, click I Agree to
accept the terms and click Next. You must select I Agree to continue with the installation.

5. If you are installing more than one platform or if you are installing a platform other than your current
machine type, you will need to select the platform(s) on which you want to install the ANSYS, Inc. License
Manager. The platform on which you launched the installation will be selected by default and is shown
at the bottom of the window. Click Next to continue.

6. The mount directory (location where the installation is located) is specified. You should accept the default.
You can also accept the default installation directory or specify an alternate path and directory name

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
16 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Installing the License Manager

where the license manager is to be installed. You cannot use wide character names/paths in the installation


You are not permitted to change the installation directory for a computer that currently
contains an instance of the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. To change the installation
directory location, you must first uninstall any previous versions.

We recommend that you also set the symbolic link /ansys_inc to the directory where the ANSYS,
Inc. product is installed. The /ansys_inc symbolic link is set by default. The symbolic link option
is available only if you are installing as root. If you chose to set the symbolic link during the product
installation, you should set it here as well.

Click Next to continue.

7. Select the components you want to install. You can choose to install the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager.
The amount of disk space required and the disk space available appear at the bottom of the window. If
the disk space required exceeds the disk space available, be sure that you have sufficient space before
continuing. The disk space required as calculated by the installation program may be greater than the
actual amount needed. However, if you choose to continue the installation, you should carefully review
any log and error files at the end of the installation to ensure that the installation completed successfully.

Click Next to continue.

8. A summary of the selected installation data appears. Information shown includes platform, installation
directory, and product. Review the information carefully, and if correct, click Next to continue the install-

9. Once the product installation has occurred, the installation program performs a silent licensing config-
uration. Click Next to continue the installation.

The Launch License Management Center upon exiting option is included on the screen. The
ANSYS License Management Center is a browser-based application that centralizes many of the
ANSYS licensing administrative functions. For more information, see License Server Administration
Using ANSYS License Management Center (p. 31).

If you do not want to launch the License Management Center, uncheck the Launch License Man-
agement Center upon exiting option.


If the installation did not complete or completed with errors, review the progress
log by clicking the View Detailed Progress Log button.

10. When the license manager installation is complete, click Exit.

On Linux, if you encounter a problem during the licensing installation process that results in a failure
or abort, or if you are concerned that the licensing installation did not complete correctly, we recommend
that you re-run the License Manager installation.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 17
Installing the ANSYS License Manager

2.2.4. Silent License Manager Installation Instructions

You can deploy an ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation in silent mode on both Windows and Linux
systems. Client licensing is installed automatically when the product is installed; you do not have to
take any further steps to run as a client if you have installed a product. Note that the client component
will not be installed with Electronics (Ansoft) products, nor is it needed.

To run a silent product installation, including the client licensing, see Silent Product and License Manager
Installation in the ANSYS, Inc. Installation Guide for your platform.

To silently install the ANSYS License Manager on Windows systems that will act as license servers, you
must run the setupLM.exe with the -silent option:
setupLM.exe -silent

To install the ANSYS License Manager on Linux systems that will act as license servers, you must run
the INSTALL.LM with the -silent option:
INSTALL.LM -silent -install_dir path

The silent license manager installation is valid only for the default Licensing Configuration option Run
the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect with FlexNet.

If you are installing the license manager to a non-default installation directory, you can use the silent
installation method, but only for the initial installation. To change the license manager installation dir-
ectory for future installations, you will need to either use the GUI installation or uninstall the license
manager before reinstalling to a different directory.


You are unable to change the installation directory for a computer that currently contains
an instance of the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. To change the installation directory location,
you must first uninstall any previous versions of both products.

You can use the following arguments when running a silent license manager installation:

-silent Initiates a silent installation.

-in- Specifies the directory to which the license manager is to be installed. If you want to install
stall_dir to the default location, you can omit the -install_dir argument. The default location
path on Linux is /ansys_inc if the symbolic link is set; otherwise, it will default to /usr/an-
-lic- Specifies the location of the license file to install. If the path is not specified or if the path
file- is the same as the existing license file, the license file will not be installed. For the license
path file path on Windows, you must enclose the path in quotes if you have spaces in the
path pathname.

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18 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Installing the License Manager

During a silent installation, any licensing configuration messages will be written to the licensing install-
ation configuration log file, install_licconfig.log, located in the installation directory.


A silent license manager installation could shut down the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager, af-
fecting other users who are using that license server machine.

If you are running a silent client installation, you can specify license server information as well.

-licserver- Specifies information to be used by the client for the license server. Valid only
info in conjunction with a silent product installation (setup.exe or INSTALL). See
the ANSYS, Inc. Installation Guide for your platform for details on running a silent
product installation, including client licensing.

2.2.5. Advanced Licensing Configuration Options

In addition to the default configuration, ANSYS, Inc. offers two run mode options that can be selected
through the Specify the License Manager Run Mode option in the ANSYS License Management

Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet -- Use this option if you want to run a local
copy of the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect for better performance, such as if your server machine is in
a remote location, or to manage the server load better if your license server machine serves many users.
With this option, FlexNet licenses will be taken from another server machine. Use this option to run the
Licensing Interconnect on additional systems other than your license server; your site must still have
the Licensing Interconnect running on the license server machine.

Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently -- Use this option if you want
to manage your FlexNet licenses independently of the ANSYS, Inc. tools (for example, using Flexera
Software's FLEXnet Manager to manage multiple companies' FlexNet product licenses). This option
should be used only by experienced users with well-established licensing procedures.

These options are available through the Specifying the License Manager Run Mode option in the
ANSYS License Management Center after a license manager installation has been run on this machine.
For more information, see Specifying the License Manager Run Mode (p. 39)

If you have already configured your licensing and are changing to a different configuration option, you
must stop and restart the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager for these changes to take effect. Rereading the
license manager settings will not be sufficient.

Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet


When using this advanced option, the license server holding the FlexNet licenses must also
have the Licensing Interconnect installed and running.

To use the ANSYS License Management Center to set up a license server that will run the Licensing
Interconnect without FlexNet, see Specifying the License Manager Run Mode (p. 39).

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 19
Installing the ANSYS License Manager

Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently

Use this option if you want to manage your FlexNet licenses on a server machine independently of the
ANSYS, Inc. tools (for example, using Flexera Software's FLEXnet Manager to manage multiple companies'
product licenses). This option should be used only by experienced users with well-established licensing
procedures. Running these processes separately requires caching the license file, meaning that you
specify the location of an existing license file that contains FlexNet licenses for ANSYS, Inc. products.
Because ANSYS License Management Center will no longer be managing FlexNet, you will need to
use your license management tools (such as FLEXNet Manager) to start/restart FlexNet or to reread the
license file if you make changes to the license file.


If you make changes to the license file, in addition to rereading the license file in FlexNet
(using your license management tools), you must also recache the license file in the Licensing
Interconnect by restarting the Licensing Interconnect or by using the Reread the License
Manager Settings option in the ANSYS License Management Center.

To use the ANSYS License Management Center to set up a license server that will run the Licensing
Interconnect and FlexNet independently, see Specifying the License Manager Run Mode (p. 39).

2.3. Post-Installation Instructions

After you have installed the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager, you may want to complete some post-install-
ation steps in order to optimize the performance of the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager at your site.

We recommend that you set your license manager to boot at system startup. Other optional post-in-
stallation tasks are included here. You will only need to configure your license server machine and
configure your client machines if those steps were not completed during the product or license server
installation processes.

2.3.1. Start the ANSYS License Manager at System Boot Time

On Windows systems, the license manager is set to start up automatically at system reboot. On Linux
machines, you can set the license manager to start automatically at system boot time. This task is op-
tional but is recommended and should be done regardless of which type of license server configuration
you use.

Table 2.2: License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions (p. 21) details the steps that must be performed
on each license server to start the license manager automatically when the Linux system is rebooted.
Substitute your platform name (see Supported Hardware Platforms (p. ix)) wherever you see <platform>.
The instructions below include steps to remove any existing boot_ansflex; if you have already re-
moved the boot_ansflex, you can safely skip that step.


The procedure described in this section starts the license manager at boot time as root. It is
not essential that the license manager be started by the root user; it may be run by a non-
privileged user, depending on your preference. If you do not want the license manager to

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20 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Post-Installation Instructions

be started by root, modify LMUSER in the init_ansysli boot script to include the user
name you want to use at boot time.

Table 2.2: License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions

Platform Instructions
Linux: Red Remove existing license manager startup information. Edit the file
Hat /etc/rc.d/rc.local and delete the ANSYS boot_ansflex lines.

Issue the new license manager startup instructions:

cp /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/init_ansysli /etc/init.d
chmod 555 /etc/init.d/init_ansysli
chkconfig --add init_ansysli
chkconfig init_ansysli on

Linux: SuSE Remove existing license manager startup information. Edit the file
/etc/rc.d/boot.local and delete the ANSYS boot_ansflex

Issue the new license manager startup instructions:

cp /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/init_ansysli /etc/init.d
chmod 555 /etc/init.d/init_ansysli
chkconfig --add init_ansysli
chkconfig init_ansysli on

Once the procedure is in place for starting the license manager automatically at boot time, reboot the
system to verify that the automatic boot procedure is working correctly.

When the system comes back up, check to see that the license manager is running by typing the appro-
priate ps command and looking for ansyslmd and ansysli_server in the resulting display under
the column labeled COMMAND. For example:
ps -ef|grep ansysli; ps -ef|grep ansyslmd

Next, check the license.log and the ansysli_server.log files in the licensing directory for
error messages. These files contains a history of ANSYS product activity across the network when this
computer is chosen as the master license server by the licensing software. They also contain start-up
messages and possibly error messages.

Removing the Automatic Startup Information

If you remove the license manager server installation from a machine and need to remove this capability,
follow the instructions below.

Table 2.3: Removing License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions

Platform Instructions
Linux Issue the following commands:
/etc/init.d/init_ansysli stop
chkconfig --del init_ansysli
rm /etc/init.d/init_ansysli

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 21
Installing the ANSYS License Manager

2.3.2. Starting the ANSYS Licensing Tomcat Server at System Boot Time
You can set Tomcat to start automatically at system boot time on Linux machines. This task is optional
but is recommended and should be done regardless of which type of license server configuration you
use. The License Management Center runs using the Tomcat web server. You can set Tomcat to start
automatically at system boot on Linux machines. This task is required to be able to run the License
Management Center.

Table 2.4: Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions (p. 22) details the steps for each Linux hardware
platform that must be performed on each license server to start Tomcat automatically when the system
is rebooted.


The procedure described in this section starts Tomcat at boot time as root. It is not essential
that Tomcat be started by the root user; it may be run by a non-privileged user, depending
on your preference. If you do not want Tomcat to be started by root, modify the LMUSER
value in the init_ansyslm_tomcat boot script to include the user login name you want
to use at boot time. This user must have read/write access to all files contained in the following

<Install Directory>/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/conf

<Install Directory>/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/logs

<Install Directory>/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin

Table 2.4: Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions

Platform Instructions
Linux: Red Issue the Tomcat startup instructions:
Hat and cp /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/init_ansyslm_tomcat /etc/init.d
SuSE chmod 555 /etc/init.d/init_ansyslm_tomcat
chkconfig --add init_ansyslm_tomcat
chkconfig init_ansyslm_tomcat on

Once the procedure is in place for starting Tomcat automatically at boot time, reboot the system to
verify that the automatic boot procedure is working correctly.

When the system comes back up, check to see that Tomcat is running by typing the appropriate ps
command and looking for init_ansyslm_tomcat in the resulting display under the column labeled
COMMAND. For example:
ps -ef|grep tomcat

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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Post-Installation Instructions

Removing the Tomcat Automatic Startup Information

If you remove the license manager server installation from a machine and need to remove Tomcat
Automatic Startup capability, follow the instructions below.

Table 2.5: Removing Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions

Platform Instructions
Linux: Red Issue the following commands:
Hat and /etc/init.d/init_ansyslm_tomcat stop
SuSE chkconfig --del init_ansyslm_tomcat
rm /etc/init.d/init_ansyslm_tomcat

2.3.3. Modifying the Tomcat Port Number


The following procedure can only be used with a default Tomcat installation. This pro-
cedure cannot be used when Tomcat is installed as part of the secure connection option.
For more information, see, Enabling Secure Connections to the Web Server (Option-
al) (p. 41).

By default, the ANSYS License Manager installation sets the Tomcat port number to 1084. To manually
change this value, you must modify the server.xml file located in the following directory:

<install_dir>\Shared Files\Licensing\tools\tomcat\conf


To change the Tomcat port number:

1. Open the server.xml file.

2. Locate the node that starts with

<Connector port="1084" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

3. Change the port number from 1084 to your desired number.

4. If Tomcat is already running, the new port value will not be used until Tomcat is restarted. This can
be done in the following manner:


Open the Windows Services applet and stop and restart the ANSYS Licensing Tomcat service
(ANSYSLicensingTomcat). The Windows Services applet can be started by issuing the command
services.msc from an administrator command prompt window.


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Installing the ANSYS License Manager

a. Stop the Tomcat server process by executing the stop_lmcenter script.

b. Start the Tomcat server process with the new port number by executing the start_lmcenter

These scripts can be found in the following directory:



Starting the Tomcat server process will also open ANSYS License Man-
agement Center.

2.3.4. Configuring the License Server Machine(s)

If you did not complete the configuration tasks when you installed the license manager on your license
server machines, you should complete the steps below to register your license server information.

If you do not have one, get a license file. To do this:

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center. For Windows, click Start>All Programs>ANSYS, Inc. Li-
cense Manager>ANSYS License Management Center and for Linux run the /shared_files/licensing/start_lm-
center script.

2. Click the Get System Hostid Information option to display your system ID code(s).

3. Select the system ID you wish to use and click SAVE TO FILE.

A text file containing your system ID information is created.

4. Forward this text file to your ANSYS sales representative so that a license file can be created for you.

Add your license file(s)

Add your license files though the ANSYS License Management Center. For these steps, see Adding
a License with the ANSYS License Management Center (p. 32).

If you are running in a three-server environment, the license file must reside on all three servers
and must match on all three servers. Therefore, install the same license file on each machine.

2.3.5. Modify License Manager Startup Options

This ANSLIC_ADMIN utility option (Set Site Preferences>Modify Startup Options) writes an ansyslmd.ini
file in the licensing directory. This file contains any changes to the default values as well as your license
server specifications and other settings (such as log file locations). Use this ANSLIC_ADMIN utility option
to change the default values.

For a detailed description of the settings that you can change with this option, see Modify Startup
Options (p. 66).

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24 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Post-Installation Instructions

2.3.6. Create a Group (Linux Only)

You may want to create a group of users with specific usage capabilities, such as users with licensing
administrative privileges, or users who are authorized to shut down the license manager. An lmadmin
group is the most common type of group.

To specify a list of users with access to licensing administrative options, you need to create an lmadmin
group on computers from which license administration will be performed. If you create an lmadmin
group, you must include root in order for root to continue to have access to these functions. For more
details on using an lmadmin group, see the FlexNet License Administration Guide (accessible from the
ANSYS License Management Center). This option is available for Linux platforms only.

Follow the instructions below for your hardware platform to create an lmadmin group.

Linux Add a line to the file /etc/group as follows:


where nn represents any unique group number and user1, user2, user3, ..., usern represent a list
of n users in the group. Defining Group Restrictions for the Licensing Interconnect

On Linux machines only, you can also specify who can shut down the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager by
using the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility's Modify Startup Options. By default, anyone can stop the license
manager. You can restrict shutdown capabilities to only the user who started it, or to a group, such as
lmadmin. If you choose group, you will need to specify the name of the group. Note that the user who
started the license manager will still be able to shut it down, even if he is not part of a group with
shutdown capabilities.

If you specify a group restriction, any users in that group who want to perform that operation must
have the specified group as their primary group. For example, adding the following restriction:


restricts the ability to shut down the license manager to only members of the lmadmin group. Any user
who is a member of the lmadmin group and wants to shut down the license manager must have
lmadmin as his primary group:

machineabc{user1}: groups
other testing dev1 lmadmin

In the above example, user1 is a member of the groups other, testing, dev1, and lmadmin, where other
is the primary group and testing, dev1, and lmadmin are secondary groups.

To change a group from a secondary to a primary group, issue the newgrp (or equivalent) command:
machineabc{user1}: newgrp lmadmin

In this example, user1 now has lmadmin as his primary group and will be able to shut down the license

machineabc{user1}: groups
lmadmin other testing dev1

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Installing the ANSYS License Manager

2.3.7. Specify User Privileges

Establish user privileges by editing the FlexNet Options file. The options file allows you, the license ad-
ministrator, to control various operating parameters of FlexNet:

Allow or deny the use of features based on user, hostname, display name, group, etc.

Reserve licenses based on user, hostname, display name, group, etc.

Control the amount of information logged about license usage.

By using the options file, you can be as secure or as open with licenses as you like.

The default location of the options file, ansyslmd.opt, is in the license_files directory. If you have a
three-server system, the options file must match exactly on all three servers.

If you are using an options file, you must specify the pathname to the file on the VENDOR line in the
license file, unless it uses the default name, ansyslmd.opt, and resides in the same directory as the
license file. On Linux systems, the VENDOR line would look like this for an options file named my.opt:
VENDOR ansyslmd options=/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/license_files/my.opt

On Windows systems, if the path has spaces in it, you must enclose it in quotes:
VENDOR ansyslmd options="c:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files\my.opt"

2.3.8. Specifying the License Server and License Files

ANSYS products need to be able to locate and communicate with the license server for your ANSYS,
Inc. products to run correctly. The license server and license files should be specified correctly during
the product and license manager installations. Use the Specify the License Server Machine option of
the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility only if you need to change the settings already specified.

The Specify the License Server Machine option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility creates a file named
ansyslmd.ini in the licensing directory. The ansyslmd.ini file contains your license server spe-
cification. For more information on specifying the license server, see Specify the License Server Ma-
chine (p. 59) in License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN (p. 57).

On Windows server machines, use the Server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility (accessed via Start> All Programs>
ANSYS, Inc. License Manager> Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility) to modify the ansyslmd.ini file.
On client machines, use the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility (accessed via Start > All Programs > ANSYS
16.2>ANSYS Client Licensing > Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2). If you have both the server and
the client ANSLIC_ADMIN utilities on the same system, use the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN to specify ma-
chine-specific (local) settings.

If you want to set your license paths to have a particular license server machine for your use only (not
used by others who are running ANSYS products on this machine), you can do so by setting the AN-
environment variable to specify the Licensing Interconnect port number. Use the ANSYSLMD_LI-
CENSE_FILE to specify the FlexNet port number.

If the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set but the ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment

variable is not set, the same server machines will be used to specify the Licensing Interconnect but the
port number will be replaced by the Licensing Interconnect default port of 2325. When both variables

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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Post-Installation Instructions

are set, ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE explicitly defines the FlexNet servers while ANSYSLI_SERVERS ex-
plicitly defines the Licensing Interconnect servers.

2.3.9. Specifying Firewall Settings

If you use a firewall at your site and if you run ANSYS products outside the firewall but access the license
server within the firewall, you will need to add the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet port numbers
to the exceptions list, as well as the PORT designated on the VENDOR line of the license file. By default,
these port numbers are:

Licensing Interconnect: 2325

FlexNet: 1055
PORT designated by PORT=#### on the VENDOR LINE in the ansyslmd.lic file (see VENDOR
Lines (p. 4) for information on this PORT number)

2.3.10. Setting Up Redundant (Triad) Servers

Redundant server setup is a network configuration where multiple machines are designated as license
servers. Redundancy can be achieved by running any number of license server machines independently,
or by running three different machines to work in tandem. We recommend using multiple independent
license server machines to achieve redundancy; however, if your site requires the use of three license
server machines working in tandem, follow the guidelines in this section to configure the servers.

1. Install the License Manager on each of the three servers as described in Installing the License Man-
ager (p. 13). Be sure that each machine meets all of the prerequisites.

2. Start each of the license servers using the same license file on each machine. The license file for the three-
server setup will begin with three SERVER lines:

SERVER myserver1 00e2463 1055

SERVER myserver2 00132460b724 1055
SERVER myserver3 001a246d4e64 1055

The first SERVER line is the license server you have designated as the primary server followed by
the second and third servers, which act as the backup servers.

3. Always start the primary server first. If not, the second or third server will take over as the master server.

When you start each license server, you will see a message indicating that the server is starting.
The primary server will not be fully started until you start the second or third server, creating a
quorum. Until you have a quorum of servers started, the ANSYS License Management Center
will show the Licensing Interconnect and monitor running while FlexNet will show as not running.
You could see a delay of up to five minutes in the startup of a server's FlexNet component while
the communication between all three servers is being established. If a connection cannot be estab-
lished within the five minutes, the Licensing Interconnect and Licensing Interconnect Monitor will
stop. Check the ANSYS License Management Center to verify that all components have stopped
before you attempt to restart the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager on any server.

To stop redundant servers, use the Stop the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager option of the ANSYS License
Management Center. In a redundant server configuration, the Licensing Interconnect will stop all three
servers when you choose to stop any one of the three servers. As with starting the license servers, if

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Installing the ANSYS License Manager

one person is stopping each of the three servers, you could see a similar delay of five or more minutes
before all three are fully shut down.


If you have a three-license server network, we do not recommend that you load ANSYS,
Inc. products on a single file server; doing so eliminates the inherent safety of a redundant

2.4. Uninstalling the License Manager

These instructions shut down and remove the entire ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation from your
system. You should not uninstall the license manager if you still have products installed that use the
license manager.

The procedures described in this section assume that you have installed the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager
in the default locations. The default locations are:


C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\



If you have installed the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager to a non-default location, please modify the steps

Uninstalling on Linux License Servers

Follow these steps on the license server machine. You must be logged in as root or superuser.

1. Stop the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager from the ANSYS License Management Center by following the
steps contained in Stopping the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager (p. 34).

2. Stop any ANSYS Tomcat server processes running from this installation directory by running the
stop_lmcenter script located in:

3. Delete the shared_files subdirectory (/ansys_inc/shared_files/ by default).


Do not delete this directory if ANSYS products are also installed in the installation directory.

4. Remove the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager automatic startup information by issuing the commands in
Table 2.3: Removing License Manager Automatic Startup Instructions (p. 21).

5. Remove the Tomcat automatic startup information by issuing the commands in Table 2.5: Removing
Tomcat Automatic Startup Instructions (p. 23).

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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Uninstalling the License Manager

Uninstalling on Windows License Servers

Follow these steps on the license server machine. All commands must be run in an administrator com-
mand prompt window.

1. Stop the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager from the ANSYS License Management Center by following the
steps contained in Stopping the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager (p. 34).

2. Uninstall the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager service. You must use the following command to do so:
"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64\ansysli_server"
-k uninstall

3. Uninstall the ANSYS Licensing Tomcat service. You must use the following commands to do so:
sc stop "ANSYSLicensingTomcat"
sc delete "ANSYSLicensingTomcat"

4. Delete the Shared Files subdirectory (C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files by default).


Do not delete this directory if ANSYS products are also installed in the installation dir-

5. Remove the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager folder from the Start menu.

6. Remove the ANSYSLIC_DIR and the ANSYSLIC_SYSDIR environment variables, if set.

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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: License Server Administration Using ANSYS License
Management Center
This chapter explains how to use the ANSYS License Management Center (LM Center) to perform
many of the procedures necessary to administer ANSYS licenses. The ANSYS License Management
Center is a browser-based user interface that centralizes many of the ANSYS licensing administrative
functions. Basic license administration functionality has been incorporated into the ANSYS License
Management Center; some advanced options remain in the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility. See Using the AN-
SLIC_ADMIN Utility (p. 57) for more information on the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.


For Windows systems, ANSYS, Inc. requires that you have system administrator privileges to
start the ANSYS License Management Center. To use the ANSYS License Management
Center, you must access it from the local license server machine.

3.1. ANSYS License Management Center Browser Requirements

Supported Windows Browsers

Internet Explorer 10 or greater

Firefox 28 or greater

Chrome 36 or greater


ANSYS License Management Center uses your default browser when opening. If
you have not defined a default browser, ANSYS License Management Center attempts
to open using Windows Internet Explorer from the default installation location. If
Windows Internet Explorer is not installed in the default location, an error is reported.

Supported Linux Browsers

Firefox 17 or greater

3.2. Accessing the ANSYS License Management Center

To open the ANSYS License Management Center:

Windows 7:

Click Start>All Programs>ANSYS, Inc. License Manager>ANSYS License Management Center

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

Windows 8:

1. From the Start screen, click the arrow located in the lower left portion of the screen to access the Windows

2. Scroll to find ANSYS, Inc. License Manager.

3. Click the ANSYS License Management Center option.


Run the start_lmcenter script located in the following directory:


3.3. Using the ANSYS License Management Center

The left side of the ANSYS License Management Center (LM Center) includes links accessing a variety
of licensing administration functions. Additionally, an icon informing you of the status of the ANSYS
License Management Center is also located in the title bar. (Running is displayed as a green check
mark while Stopped is displayed as a red stop sign.)

The following sections provide instructions on how to perform the licensing administration functions
available through the ANSYS License Management Center:
3.3.1. Adding a License with the ANSYS License Management Center
3.3.2. Starting the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager
3.3.3. Stopping the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager
3.3.4. Rereading the License Manager Settings
3.3.5. Displaying the License Server Machine Hostid Information
3.3.6. Viewing FlexNet Licenses
3.3.7. Viewing the Licensing Interconnect Log
3.3.8. Viewing the FlexNet Debug Log
3.3.9. Viewing the ANSYS License Management Center Log
3.3.10. Gathering Diagnostic Information
3.3.11. Specifying the License Manager Run Mode
3.3.12. Accessing the Help Options

3.3.1. Adding a License with the ANSYS License Management Center


When adding a license file, the Add A License option in the ANSYS License Manage-
ment Center validates the new license file for the system, attempts to correct issues
that it recognizes, and ensures port number consistency. For this reason, you must use
the ANSYS License Management Center to add license files, rather that manually placing
them in the license_files directory.

This option validates a user-specified license file and, if the license file is found to be valid, installs it
into the license_files directory. After installing the license file, this option communicates the new license
file's information to the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager either by starting /restarting the license manager
or by rereading the license manager's settings.

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32 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSYS License Management Center

The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager supports both ANSYS and Ansoft FlexNet license files. ANSYS license
files contain the FlexNet vendor daemon ansyslmd and, after being installed, have the naming convention
ansyslmd.lic. Ansoft license files contain the FlexNet vendor daemon ansoftd and, after being installed,
have the naming convention ansoftd.lic. Both ANSYS and Ansoft license files contain the licensing in-
formation which allows you to run ANSYS, Inc. products.

If a vendor license file is already installed for the vendor contained in the license file you are installing,
the previously-installed license file will be renamed to have the form license_<vendor>_<timestamp>.lic
and moved to the backup subdirectory in the license_files directory.

To add a license file:

1. Save the license file that you received from your ANSYS sales representative to a temporary file.


Do not save license files in Microsoft Word format.

2. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

3. Click the Add a License File option.

The Add a License File page is displayed.

4. Click the Browse button.

5. Browse to locate the saved license file from step #1.

6. Select the license file and click Open.

7. If the selected license file is not valid, the process ends with the Status pane displaying an error message
containing details.

8. If the license file is valid, the Add A License File dialog box is displayed:

If the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager is not running, you are informed that it will be started when
the license file is added.

If the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager is running, you are given the option of either restarting it or
rereading the license manager settings. For more information, see Rereading the License Manager
Settings (p. 35)

9. Click the appropriate button.

The Status pane displays a message informing you of the steps taken successfully along with any
errors that were encountered.

Special Considerations for Three Server (Redundant Triad) Environments

You must perform this process, using the same license file, on each license server machine.

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

3.3.2. Starting the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager

In order for client machines to run licensed ANSYS products, the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager must be
running on the license server.

To use the ANSYS License Management Center to start the license manager, ANSYS License Manage-
ment Center (including the ANSYS Licensing Tomcat Server and the license manager must be installed
on the same computer. Additionally, a valid license file must be installed prior to starting the license
manager. To facilitate the start process, verify that ANSYS License Management Center and license
manager are both installed on the same machine and that a valid license file exists in the license_files

To start the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager:

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the Start button located on the right side of the page.

The Status pane displays a message informing you whether the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager started
successfully or if any errors have been encountered. Additionally, a green check mark status icon
is displayed indicating that the license manager is running.


Every seven seconds, the ANSYS License Management Center verifies that the li-
cense manager is running and updates the status icon.

The ansyslmd.lic file is provided by an ANSYS sales representative and contains licensing for all the
ANSYS, Inc. products that you are entitled to use.

Special Considerations for Three Server (Redundant Triad) Environments

The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager must be running on at least two of the three servers before an ANSYS
product can be run.

In a three-server environment, you may see a delay in starting the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager until
two of the three servers are running.

3.3.3. Stopping the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager

The following procedure should be used to shut down the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager on all machines
listed in the license file.

To stop the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager:

Before shutting down the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager, check that no products that use it are currently

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the Stop button located on the right side of the page.

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Using the ANSYS License Management Center

You are asked to confirm that the license manager should be shut down. Remember that the license
manager must be running in order to run products that use it for their licensing.

The Status pane displays a message informing you whether the license manager stopped successfully
or if any errors have been encountered. Additionally, a red stop sign icon is displayed indicating
that the license manager is no longer running.


(Linux systems) Do not use kill -9 to shut down the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. Use the
ANSYS License Management Center, the anslysli_stop script or ansysli_server
-k stop [port@host] to perform the shutdown.

Special Considerations for Three Server (Redundant Triad) Environments

In a three-server environment, you may see a delay in stopping the license manager until two of the
three servers are stopped.

3.3.4. Rereading the License Manager Settings

Use this option to reread the license manager settings. This option should be used when you have
made changes that will affect the license manager and want to incorporate these changes without
stopping and restarting the license manager.

This option:

Rereads the ansyslmd.ini file to get any new settings, such as log file size or change of name

Appends or opens a new Licensing Interconnect log file

Rereads the site license preferences

Recaches the installed license files

Issues a FlexNet reread

Recaches the servers

Informs other servers about changes

Be aware that if you change the Licensing Interconnect port number, you will need to restart the license
manager; a reread will not update the port number.


If you chose to configure your license manager to run the Licensing Interconnect without
FlexNet or run the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently, then selecting this
option will affect only the Licensing Interconnect components including recaching the license
file when running the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently.

To reread the License Manager:

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

2. Click the Reread License Manager Settings option.

3. Click the Reread button.

The Status pane displays a message informing you whether the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager's settings
were successfully reread.

3.3.5. Displaying the License Server Machine Hostid Information

Use this option to obtain and display the FlexNet hostid of the machine you wish to create licenses for
and set up as a license server.

If you wish to use a FLEXID9 dongle as the hostid, make sure the device is inserted and the correct
device driver is installed. For more information, see Using Dongles with the ANSYS License Man-
ager (p. 71). Dongles are only available for those sites that require the ability to run ANSYS products
on an isolated network.

Accessing the Hostid

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the Get System Hostid Information option.

The Hostid information is displayed on the right-hand side of the page. The HOSTNAME,
Hostid, IDTYPE and PLATFORM information is included. Windows systems use the physical
machine disk serial number and Linux systems use the MAC address by default.

3. To save this information out to a file, click the SAVE TO FILE button. By default, the file is named an-

3.3.6. Viewing FlexNet Licenses

Use this option to view the FlexNet license files. You can view license files that are in use (or will be in
use) in the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager.

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the View FlexNet Licenses option.

A field containing the name of one of your FlexNet license files is displayed.

3. Select the FlexNet license file you want to view by clicking the arrow located on the right side of the field
and choosing the appropriate file from the drop-down menu. Note the drop-down menu is populated with
any FlexNet license files (.lic) contained in the following directory:

\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files


4. The contents of the FlexNet license is displayed on the right side of the page.

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Using the ANSYS License Management Center

3.3.7. Viewing the Licensing Interconnect Log

Use this option to view the Licensing Interconnect log file (named ansysli_server.log by default).
The Licensing Interconnect log file contains all of the actions that the ANSYS license server has taken
since startup.

Accessing the Licensing Interconnect Log

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the View Licensing Interconnect Log option.

The Licensing Interconnect log file is displayed on the right side of the page.

3. To download a text version of the interconnect debug log file, click the SAVE TO FILE button.

4. To manually refresh the Licensing Interconnect log file, click the REFRESH button.


The Licensing Interconnect log file does not automatically refresh.

The Licensing Interconnect log file (ansysli_server.log) can be found in the licensing directory. To
manually access this file, go to the following locations (by default):

\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\ansysli_server.log


3.3.8. Viewing the FlexNet Debug Log

Use this option to view the FlexNet license log file (named license.log by default). The FlexNet
debug log includes the following message types:

General informational messages describing the current status of FlexNet features

Messages describing configuration issues

License manager error messages associated with the FlexNet component of the license manager.

Accessing the FlexNet Debug Log

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the View FlexNet Debug Log option.

The FlexNet debug log is displayed on the right side of the page.

3. To download a text version of the FlexNet debug log, click the SAVE TO FILE button.

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

4. To manually refresh the FlexNet debug log, click the REFRESH button.


The FlexNet debug log does not automatically refresh.

The FlexNet debug log (license.log) can be found within the licensing directory structure by default.
To manually access this file, go to the following location:

\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license.log


3.3.9. Viewing the ANSYS License Management Center Log

Use this option to view the ANSYS License Management Center log (named ansyslmcenter.log
by default).

Accessing the ANSYS License Management Center Log

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the View License Management Center Log option.

The ANSYS License Management Center log is displayed on the right side of the page.

3. To download a text version of the ANSYS License Management Center log, click the SAVE TO FILE button.

4. To manually refresh the ANSYS License Management Center log, click the REFRESH button.


The log does not automatically refresh.

The ANSYS License Management Center log (ansyslmcenter.log) can be found within the licensing
directory structure. To manually access this file, go to the following location:

\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\tools\lmcenter\logs\ansyslmcenter.log


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Using the ANSYS License Management Center

3.3.10. Gathering Diagnostic Information

This option gathers various licensing-related files, logs and information about your license server system
and places them in a single compressed file (ansylmd_diag_<computer name>_<date>). This information
is useful when requesting support for the ANSYS License Manager.


On Windows, this process may take a few minutes when msinfo32.exe is running.

Using the Gather Diagnostic Information option:

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the Gather Diagnostic Information option.

3. Click the SAVE TO FILE button.

The ANSYS License Management Center begins to collect the files and information. After the col-
lection process is complete, all files that are found and included in the compressed file are listed.

4. Based upon how your default browser is configured, you will either be prompted for a location to save the
compressed file or the compressed file will be automatically saved to your pre-defined location. Gathering Diagnostic Information outside of ANSYS License Management

If you are unable to access the ANSYS License Management Center but still wish to gather diagnostic
information about your server system, you can run the gatherdiagnostics script located in the
following directory:

\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\


On Windows you must run this script from an administrator command line (do not double click the
batch file). Running this script from a command line produces a single compressed file (ansyslmd_dia-
gnositics<unique numeric identifier>). This file contains the same licensing related files, logs and inform-
ation produced by running the Gather Diagnostic Information option within the ANSYS License
Management Center.

3.3.11. Specifying the License Manager Run Mode

This option specifies how the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect is administered in conjunction with FlexNet.
In addition to the default configuration (Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect with FlexNet) which
should satisfy most users, ANSYS, Inc. offers two advanced licensing configuration modes:

Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet Use this option if you want to run a local
copy of the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect on another machine in addition to the Licensing Interconnect
being run on the license server machine. Your site must still have the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

running on the license server machine. With this option, FlexNet licenses will be taken from another
server machine. Note that this is not the default way to set up an ANSYS license server machine and
should be done only if it has been determined that you need this special type of setup. Examples of
when this special type of setup might be used include increasing performance if your server machine
is in a remote location or managing the server load better if your license server machine serves many

Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently Use this option if you want to
manage FlexNet Licensing independently of the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect. In this option, you would
continue to manage the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect via the ANSYS License Management Center and
FlexNet Licensing would be managed via another tool, such as Flexera Software's FlexNet Manager.
Note that this is not the default way to set up an ANSYS license server machine and should be done
only by experienced users with well-established licensing procedures.

These options are available for license server machines via the ANSYS License Management Centers
Specify License Manager Run Mode option only after an ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation has
been run on this machine.

Specifying the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager run mode:


Changing the run mode will cause the ANSYS License Manager to be shut down and restarted.

1. Open the ANSYS License Management Center.

2. Click the Specify License Manager Run Mode option.

The License Manager Run Mode Specification page, containing each of the run modes, is displayed.


The default run mode is Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect with FlexNet.

3. Select the run mode you want to use.

4. Click the SUBMIT button to change the run mode.


Clicking any option that is not relevant to your current run mode will cause ANSYS
License Management Center to display a page informing you that this option is
not supported by the current run mode.

3.3.12. Accessing the Help Options

The ANSYS License Management Center Help options give you access to documentation and related
product information.

The Help options are:

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Enabling Secure Connections to the Web Server (Optional)

View ANSYS Licensing Guide: This option accesses the current PDF version of the product manual.

View FlexNet Licensing Guide: This option accesses the current PDF version of the FlexNet Publisher License
Administration Guide.

View Licensing Configuration Details: This option displays the version numbers and file locations for
ANSYS License Management Center related options (Java, Tomcat, FlexNet, etc.).

About License Management Center: The option includes the ANSYS License Management Center
product information (version number, copyright, etc.).

3.4. Enabling Secure Connections to the Web Server (Optional)

This section presents instructions for enabling secure connections to ANSYS License Management
Center (LM Center), using a Tomcat web server.

When communications between the client browser and the front-end web server need to travel over
an untrusted network such as the Internet, it is highly advisable to use secure connections between
the client browser and the front-end web server. SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is a technology which allows
web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secured connection. Data is encrypted by each
communicator, transmitted and then decrypted by the other communicator. Additionally, the SSL protocol
authenticates credentials during your initial attempt to communicate over the secure connection.

3.4.1. Understanding Certificates

When implementing SSL, a web server must have an associated Certificate for each external interface
(IP address) that accepts secure connections. This provides a level of identity assurance during commu-
nication. The certificate is cryptographically signed by its owner, and is therefore extremely difficult for
anyone else to forge.

SSL/TLS certificates are typically purchased from well-known Certificate Authorities (CA) such as VeriSign
and Thawte. Using a certificate from a well-established and widely recognized CA confers several benefits
to the web server operator. These include increased credibility and convenience because the root cer-
tificates for popular CAs are prepackaged into major browsers, eliminating the need to distribute anything
to client browsers that will connect to the web site.

If a web server is to be used solely internally within an organization, then the benefits of using a certi-
ficate from a well-recognized Certificate Authority may not be important. Any valid SSL/TLS certificate
can be used to encrypt traffic between client browser and web server as long as the client browser
accepts the certificate. For internal production use, and certainly for test use, it is often sufficient to
create and use an in-house Certificate Authority that can sign SSL/TLS certificates for these use cases.

A certificate that is signed by the same party that created it is known as a self-signed certificate. When
an internally-generated certificate is signed using an in-house Certificate Authority, then a self-signed
certificate is created. Self-signed certificates are perfectly usable for enabling HTTPS connections to a
web server. However, when a browser encounters a certificate that has been signed by an unknown
certificate authority, it will present the user with a warning, such as the following:

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

Once a user accepts the certificate, the HTTPS connection can proceed.

3.4.2. Configuring Tomcat Using Keytool

In cases where authenticity may be less of a concern but privacy is necessary, Java provides a relatively
simple command line tool called keytool. Keytool can create a simple, user-generated self-signed
certificate. The following instructions describe how to configure keytool and Tomcat for SSL. We recom-
mend that you read the Preparing the Certificate Keystore and Editing the Tomcat Configuration File
before beginning the configuration. Preparing the Certificate Keystore

Tomcat currently operates only on JKS, PKCS11 or PKCS12 format keystores. The JKS format is Java's
standard "Java KeyStore" format, and is the format created by the keytool command-line utility. This
tool is included in the JDK and is what can be set-up using ANSYS supplied tools. The PKCS12 format
is an internet standard, and can be manipulated via (among other things) OpenSSL and Microsoft's Key-

Using the keytool command line, create the keystore file as follow:

Go to the tools directory in your installation and execute the following platform specific commands:


cd "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing\tools"

Run the following command to create the file tomcat\conf\keystore:

java\winx64\bin\keytool.exe -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore



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42 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enabling Secure Connections to the Web Server (Optional)

cd /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools

Run the following command to create the file /licensing/tools/tomcat/conf/keystore:

java/linx64/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore tom-

cat/conf/keystore Editing the Tomcat Configuration File

Tomcat can use two different implementations of SSL:

JSSE implementation provided as part of the Java runtime (since 1.4)

APR implementation, which uses the OpenSSL engine by default

The JSSE implementation can be set-up using ANSYS supplied tools.

To configure the server.xml file using JSSE do the following:

Go to the licensing/tools/tomcat/conf directory in your installation and edit the server.xml file by adding:
<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
port="8443" maxThreads="150"
scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

where "changeit" is the password you specified when you created the keystore file above.

You can now use ANSYS License Management Center with HTTPS by restarting your ANSYS Licensing
Tomcat service and pointing to https://localhost:8443/ANSYSLMCenter.html.

To use the HTTPS secure connection exclusively:

1. Open the server.xml file in the licensing/tools/tomcat/conf directory

2. Remove or comment out the following 1084 connector entry:

<Connector port="1084" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata"
redirectPort="8443" />

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License Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center

3.5. Changing the Version of Java Used by ANSYS License Management

In some scenarios, it may be desirable to use a version of Java other than the version that was shipped
and installed with ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. This section contains instructions for changing the Java
version used by ANSYS License Management Center.


Changing the version of Java is only possible when the Java version is newer than the
version supplied as part of the ANSYS installation.

3.5.1. Changing the Java Version During a New Installation of ANSYS, Inc. Li-
cense Manager
Windows or Linux:

1. Prior to performing the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation, set the following environment variable
to point to the location of the Java version you want to use.


2. Run the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation.

3.5.2. Changing the Java Version on an Existing Installation of ANSYS, Inc. Li-
cense Manager

1. Set the following environment variable to point to the location of the Java version you want to use.


2. As an administrator, re-run the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager installation or run ansyslm_config.exe
-usemyjava .

By default, ansyslm_config.exe is located in:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\tools\bin\winx64\


When running this command on Windows 8.1, the message "Qt: Untested Windows version
6.2 detected!" may be displayed. You can safely ignore this message.


1. Set the following environment variable to point to the location of the Java version you want to use.


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Changing the Version of Java Used by ANSYS License Management Center

2. Stop any active version of Tomcat by running the stop_lmcenter script.

3. Run the start_lmcenter script to configure Tomcat to use your version of Java and start Tomcat.

Both the start_lmcenter script and the stop_lmcenter script are located in:

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46 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: End-User Settings
End users can set several controls for a customized licensing environment. These controls are explained
in this chapter.

4.1. Client Environment Variable Settings

You can set the following environment variables on individual machines to control their behavior, espe-
cially if you need it to be different from the general site configuration. These settings are especially
useful for situations where you are testing a new product installation/license manager installation on
a single machine before full site deployment, or other similar situations.

Can be used to identify a license server machine or license file. If set, this specification is used before
any other license path information. See License Files Settings Precedence (p. 48) for precedence in-
formation. The default port number assigned to ANSYS, Inc. is 1055. Therefore, if your server has the
hostname alpha1 and the IP address of, you can identify the server to use as 1055@alpha1
or [email protected].

Indicates that the default license path should not be searched when determining the licensing path
in the ANSYS product. When this environment variable is set:

Only ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variable settings are used.

Only the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable setting is required.

Settings in the ansyslmd.ini file and the license file in the licensing directory will NOT be used.
It will ignore the local server and will ignore the Specify the License Server setting.

Used to identify the server machine for the Licensing Interconnect. Set to port@host. The default
port is 2325. This setting takes precedence over settings specified in the ansyslmd.ini file.

Used to specify the amount of time that elapses before the client times out if it cannot connect to
the server. Default is 20 seconds. Minimum timeout period you can specify is 5 seconds and the
maximum is 60 seconds. If the client determines that a server is not available in less time, it will cancel

Used to specify the amount of time that elapses before the client times out if it cannot get a response
from the server. This setting applies only when the license server is running but is responding slowly
(generally because of network issues or server load). Default is 60 seconds. Minimum timeout period
you can specify is 30 seconds and the maximum is 300 seconds.

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End-User Settings

4.1.1. License Files Settings Precedence

ANSYS Licensing Interconnect settings have precedence in the following order:

1. ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variable

2. If ANSYSLI_SERVERS is not set, use ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, replacing the

FlexNet port number with the default Licensing Interconnect port number of 2325.

3. Settings in the ansyslmd.ini file in the relative client licensing directory for ANSYSLI_SERV-

FlexNet settings have precedence in the following order:

1. ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable

2. Settings in the ansyslmd.ini file in the relative client licensing directory for SERVER=keyword.


The FlexNet environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE is not supported with the ANSYS, Inc.
License Manager.

4.2. Establishing User Licensing Preferences

Before running ANSYS, Inc. products, you should establish your licensing preferences, especially if you
have multiple licenses at your site. Use the Set License Preferences for User option of the ANSLIC_AD-
MIN utility or choose Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client Licensing > User License
Preferences 16.2 to set your own licensing preferences. Note, preferences specified with this option
apply only to you on the computer system on which the option was run and will not affect other users
at your site.

You can use this option to review the licenses available, prioritize the licenses, and establish which li-
censes you will use. When you select this option, a dialog box opens. All licenses available to you on
your license server machine(s) are shown under the appropriate tab:





You control the order in which the system attempts to check-out a license by moving the licenses up
and down in the list using the Move Up or Move Down buttons. When you open an application, the
license manager attempts to check-out the license listed first in the list. If unable to check-out that license,
then the license manager attempts to check out the next license in the list that can be used by the
application. The license manager will continue through the list until an available license is found. If
none are found, a message displays.

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Establishing User Licensing Preferences

By default, all licenses available from your license server are shown and marked as available for use. If
you do not want a particular license to be available for your use, select the license in the list, and set
the Use/Don't Use field to 0.

If you received a new license, you may need to reset your preferences. If you had previously set your
license preferences using this option, add the new license to your list in the desired order.

If you have made changes to your license preferences, you can return the settings to the default state
by selecting the Reset to Default button.

When you have completed your changes, click OK to make the changes and close the dialog box. Click
Apply to make the changes without closing the dialog box. Selections you make here will take effect
with any new sessions/license checkouts but will not affect the current session or change the license(s)
currently in use.

If you are sending solve jobs to a remote compute cluster via Remote Solve Manager (RSM), note that
your license preferences set for your local machine (the RSM Client) may not be the same as the license
preferences set for the remote cluster machine (the Compute Server). In cases where local and remote
license preferences are different, the preferences for the local RSM Client machine will not be applied
when running on the remote Compute Server; instead, the preferences defined for the remote Compute
Server will be used. If the license preferences and/or the licensing checkout order do not make the
necessary licenses available to your remote solve, you must adjust the Compute Server preferences by
setting your license preferences on the remote machine. Remote license preferences may be defined
according to corporate IT policy, so see your license administrator about adjustments to Compute
Server preferences.

4.2.1. ANSYS Workbench Licensing Methods

ANSYS Workbench users can also specify the licensing method to use.

ANSYS Workbench offers two licensing methods at Release 16.2:

Share a single license between applications (default) (shared mode)

Use a separate license for each application (separate mode)

Use the Licensing Preferences dialog box (Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client Licensing
> User License Preferences 16.2) to specify which method to use and which licenses to use. You must
specify the licensing method before starting an ANSYS Workbench session. If you access the Licensing
Preferences dialog box from the ANSYS Workbench Tools menu, you will not be able to choose a licensing
preference from there.

Single License Sharing ANSYS Workbench allows you to work across multiple applications and
workspaces in ANSYS Workbench while consuming only one of a single type of license per user per
session. Using shared licensing, the active application holds the license, preventing other applications
that are sharing that license from using it during that time. The application or operation requiring use
of the license is called a concurrency event. For example, meshing and solving would each be a concur-
rency event.

Single license sharing allows you to progress through your analysis, from specifying engineering data
through building or attaching a geometry, meshing, setup, solving, and finally, reviewing your results,
all under the same license. The application holding the license must close or issue a PAUSE command,
or receive an automatic release request to release the license and allow another application to use it.
Licenses cannot be released while an application is actively performing a licensed operation (for example,

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End-User Settings

an application cannot release a license in the middle of a solve operation; the license cannot be released
until the solve operation is completed).

Single license sharing applies only to licenses of the same type (e.g., Mechanical). Choosing this option
does not affect your ability to use licenses of different types simultaneously (e.g., Mechanical for one
task and Fluid Dynamics for another).

Because this method is the default, you do not have to take any action to run this way.

Explanation of License Type and Examples License type is primarily by license feature. It is possible
to use both a Mechanical and an Emag license within a single ANSYS Workbench session. It is also
possible to use both a Multiphysics and a Mechanical license within a single ANSYS Workbench session.

The first license checked out within a session will be based on your preferences and what capabilities
are being requested. For all applications other than the first (subsequent) one opened (within ANSYS
Workbench), ANSYS licensing will first look at what other licenses are opened within this session. These
subsequent license requests will look at sharing first to satisfy their request: do any other licenses being
used within this session fulfill the needed capabilities? If yes, share an existing license. If not, preferences
are used and a new, different license is checked out.

Example 1: You have one license for Multiphysics and one license for Mechanical, with Multiphysics
listed first in your preferences. The first application starts and only needs capabilities in Mechanical.
Since Multiphysics contains Mechanical capabilities and is first in your preferences, Multiphysics will be
checked out. The second application starts and needs Multiphysics; since Multiphysics is already checked
out, the second application will share it with the first. Only the Multiphysics license is consumed in this

Example 2: You have one license for Multiphysics and one license for Mechanical, with Mechanical listed
first in your preferences. The first application starts and only needs capabilities provided in Mechanical,
so Mechanical is checked out. The second application starts and needs capabilities provided on Mul-
tiphysics; since (the already in use) Mechanical cannot satisfy its requirements, it checks out Multiphysics.
Both a Multiphysics and a Mechanical license are consumed in this session.

Restrictions of Single License Sharing You cannot run two concurrency events simultaneously (for
example, you cannot mesh one model and solve another simultaneously) with one license.

If you are using a license for one application, other applications may still not be able to share that license
if those applications require capabilities not supported by the license. For example, you cannot share
a Mechanical license with a Fluent application.

Single License Sharing in ANSYS Workbench Applications ANSYS Workbench applications handle
single license sharing differently:

The Mechanical Application:

You can launch the Mechanical application and move between its components (such as Meshing,
Setup, and Solve). The active component will control the license while completing its operations and
will release the license as soon as the operation is completed. For example, when you mesh, the
Meshing component will control the license during the meshing operation and then immediately
release the license when the operation is completed. The other components will remain in a read-

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50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Establishing User Licensing Preferences

only mode while Meshing uses the license, allowing you to view the data in other components but
not operate on it.


Applications in read-only mode because of shared licensing do not refresh their li-
cense status automatically. Once the shared license is released by the editor that
had consumed it, you must trigger Mechanical to query the license status. The most
straightforward way to do this is click outside the Mechanical application window
and then click back in the window to cause the license availability to be rechecked.

The Mechanical APDL Application:

This application consumes a license as soon as you launch it, and retains that license until it is finished.
If you launch the Mechanical APDL application interactively, the license is retained until you either
close the application or issue a PAUSE command at the Mechanical APDL command line. PAUSE allows
you to temporarily release the license for another application to use. No other operation other than
SAVE or /EXIT is permitted while PAUSED. When the second application has finished and releases the
license, issue an UNPAUSE command from the Mechanical APDL command line to resume its use of
the license.

CFX, Fluent, Autodyn, Polyflow:

These applications consume a license when launched and retain the license until they receive a request
from another application to release it. For example, if you open CFX-Pre, CFX-Pre will obtain and
control the license. It will retain the license until you close the application or until another application
(such as the CFX solver) requests it.

Autodyn and Polyflow also provide a manual PAUSE feature that allows you to interrupt
Autodyn or Polyflow and release the license, temporarily, for another application to use.

Separate Licenses By using the separate-licenses method, ANSYS Workbench requires a separate
license for each application. By using this method, you can move freely between the many applications
that you might require during an analysis in ANSYS Workbench, provided that you have sufficient licenses.
You can leave each application running and easily move between them at any point during the analysis,
even if one of the applications is actively using the license (such as during a solve process). The disad-
vantage to this method is that you could potentially consume many licenses.

To activate the separate licenses method, choose Use a separate license for each application in the
Licensing Preferences dialog box (Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client Licensing >
User License Preferences 16.2). You must specify the licensing method before starting an ANSYS
Workbench session.

Examples of Using Separate Licenses You have two Mechanical licenses. When you open and mesh
or solve a model in the Mechanical application, you consume one Mechanical license. If you link that
Mechanical analysis to a Mechanical APDL system, you would consume a second Mechanical license
when you launch the Mechanical APDL application, if you have not closed out of the Mechanical applic-
ation. Neither of these licenses would then be available for other users until you closed out of one or
both of the applications.

4.2.2. HPC Licensing

ANSYS, Inc. offers multiple high performance computing license options, described below. These license
options apply to ANSYS, Inc. commercial and academic associate licenses only. These license options

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 51
End-User Settings

do not apply to ANSYS LS-DYNA; see the ANSYS LS-DYNA User's Guide for details on parallel processing
options with ANSYS LS-DYNA.

The HPC license options below cannot be combined with each other in a single solution; for example,
you cannot use both ANSYS HPC and ANSYS HPC Pack licenses in the same analysis solution.

See the applicable product documentation for instructions on configuring and running a distributed

Notes on utilizing GPU acceleration:

GPU acceleration is allowed when using either ANSYS HPC Licenses or HPC Pack Licenses with the
Mechanical APDL, Mechanical, Polyflow or Fluent applications.

GPU acceleration is available on 64-bit Windows and Linux x64 systems only.

For more information on GPU acceleration, see GPU Accelerator Capability in the Mechanical APDL
Parallel Processing Guide and GPU Accelerator Capability in the Polyflow Users Guide .

These physics-neutral licenses can be used to run multiple analysis jobs across multiple processors and
work with most ANSYS, Inc. applications. The Mechanical APDL, Mechanical and Fluent applications can
utilize any combination of CPU and GPU processors. Other applications are limited to CPU processors only.
Contact your ANSYS sales representative for a complete list of applications that can be used with ANSYS

The Mechanical APDL application allows you to use two non-GPU processors without using any
HPC licenses; ANSYS HPC licenses add to this base functionality. For example, a Mechanical APDL
user using twelve processors (or cores) will consume only ten ANSYS HPC tasks.

ANSYS HPC licenses do work with ANSYS Workbench's Remote Solve capability; however, ANSYS
HPC licenses are not subject to single license sharing as described in ANSYS Workbench Licensing
Methods (p. 49).

You cannot combine ANSYS HPC licenses with any other type of HPC licenses, including HPC Pack
Licenses, in the same solution.

ANSYS HPC licenses are not valid with academic products; instead, use the appropriate ANSYS
Academic HPC license.

ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses

These physics-neutral licenses can be used to run a single analysis across multiple processors and work
with most ANSYS, Inc. applications. Contact your ANSYS sales representative for a complete list of applic-
ations that can be used with ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses. ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses enable parallel for single
simulations according to the following schedule:

1 ANSYS HPC Pack License per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 8

2 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 32

3 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 128

4 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 512

5 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 2048

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52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Establishing User Licensing Preferences

6 ANSYS HPC Pack License per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 8192

7 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 32768

8 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 131072

9 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 524288

10 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 2097152

11 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 8388608

12 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 33554432

13 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 134217728

14 ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses per simulation: Combined CPUs and GPUs not to exceed 536870912

You cannot use more than 14 HPC Pack Licenses on a single analysis. Individual HPC Pack Licenses
cannot be split between multiple users or between multiple analyses.

Mechanical APDL allows you to use two processors without using any HPC licenses; ANSYS HPC
Pack licenses function independently of this base capability. For example, a Mechanical APDL simu-
lation using a single ANSYS HPC Pack License can access up to eight processors (or cores), as noted
above, and not ten processors (or cores).

HPC Pack Licenses do work with ANSYS Workbench's Remote Solve capability; however, HPC Pack
Licenses are not subject to single license sharing as described in ANSYS Workbench Licensing
Methods (p. 49).

You cannot combine ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses with any other type of HPC licenses, including ANSYS
HPC licenses, in the same solution.

ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses are not valid with academic products.

One ANSYS HPC Pack License can be borrowed at a time. Multiple HPC Pack Licenses or other HPC
licenses cannot be borrowed.

Mechanical HPC, CFX Parallel Computing, CFD HPC, etc. Licenses

These physics-specific licenses will continue to work. The Mechanical APDL application allows you to use
two processors without using any HPC licenses; Mechanical HPC licenses accommodate this feature. For
example, a Mechanical APDL user with two Mechanical HPC tasks can access four processors/cores.

You cannot combine physics-specific HPC licenses with any other type of HPC licenses, including
ANSYS HPC or HPC Pack Licenses, in the same solution. Specifying HPC License Order

Use the HPC tab in the User License Preferences 16.2 dialog box to define the order in which HPC li-
censes are used. By default, the physics-neutral HPC licenses are listed before the physics-specific HPC
licenses. If you want to change the order, select licenses and click the Move up or Move down button
to reorder the list.

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End-User Settings

4.2.3. HPC Parametric Pack Licensing

ANSYS, Inc. offers additional license options called HPC Parametric Packs for ANSYS Workbench jobs
requiring multiple design point updates. HPC Parametric Packs enable you to simultaneously update
multiple design points of a single design study while using only a single license of each required base
license. You must use the ANSYS Workbench reserved licensing feature to use HPC Parametric Pack li-

HPC Parametric Packs enable a specific number of simultaneous design points, as follows:

1 HPC Parametric Pack: 4 simultaneous design points

2 HPC Parametric Packs: 8 simultaneous design points

3 HPC Parametric Packs: 16 simultaneous design points

4 HPC Parametric Packs: 32 simultaneous design points

5 HPC Parametric Packs: 64 simultaneous design points

You can use a maximum of five HPC Parametric Pack licenses per design study.

HPC Parametric Packs also work in conjunction with ANSYS HPC and ANSYS HPC Pack Licenses. Use the
HPC licenses to enable multiple parallel processes to be used for each design point.

For more details on working with HPC Parametric Pack licenses in ANSYS Workbench, see Using HPC
Parametric Pack Licenses in the Workbench User's Guide.

Additional Restrictions HPC Parametric Pack licenses have the following additional restrictions:

HPC Parametric Pack licenses apply to specific ANSYS, Inc. commercial licenses only; see your ANSYS, Inc.
sales representative for a complete list of applicable licenses.

HPC Parametric Pack licenses are supported only on platforms supported by ANSYS Workbench.

HPC Parametric Pack licenses are not supported for Explicit Dynamics.

HPC Parametric Pack licenses are not available for borrowing.

HPC Parametric Pack licenses do not work with ANSYS Academic products.

HPC Parametric Pack licenses do not interact with Ansoft licenses hosted in ANSYS Workbench.

4.3. Setting Up License Queuing

The License Queuing option allows an ANSYS process to wait (queue) for an available license in the
event all licenses are checked out. Activate this option by setting the environment variable ANSWAIT
to 1.

If the ANSWAIT environment variable is not set, then the ANSYS process will terminate with the following
message in the event all ANSYS licenses are checked out. This is the default condition.
Licensed number of users already reached (-4,132)

The License Queuing option may not be available on all products and may not work as expected with
job scheduling software.

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54 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Borrowing Application Licenses on Windows

4.4. Borrowing Application Licenses on Windows

License borrowing (available only on Windows machines) allows a user to take a license for use outside
of the company facility, such as for an engineer to take a license home on his laptop. Before users can
take advantage of license borrowing, the site administrator needs to set up the borrowing environment
(see Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility (p. 63)).

License borrowing is available only if you have borrowable licenses and only on Windows machines;
however, the license server machine that is managing the licenses can be any system that ANSYS, Inc.
supports as a license server. You cannot run both borrowed and non-borrowed licenses simultaneously.
For example, if you borrow licenses but remain connected to a network from which you can use licenses,
you will be able to use only the borrowed licenses. Likewise, if the machine on which you borrowed li-
censes is also a license server from which you could normally use licenses, you would be able to use
only the borrowed licenses. You can borrow only one task of any particular license.

This option is available only for the client version of ANSLIC_ADMIN.

1. Connect to the network where the license server machine is running.

2. Launch the client license borrowing utility: Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client Licensing
> Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2. Select Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility.

3. On the Borrow tab, specify the version number and return date. The return date defaults to the third day
from the current date.

If you change any of the borrowing criteria, the product list will automatically update in five seconds.
To update the list immediately, click the Update Delay (sec) button.

4. Select the product(s) you want to borrow. The product list includes add-on features or geometry interfaces.
If you do not see a product listed that you think should be available, verify that you have selected the
correct version.

5. Click Borrow.

6. Disconnect from the network. Note that even when you've disconnected from the network, you must still
run the products from the same account you used to borrow the licenses. For example, if you use a network
account to borrow the licenses, you cannot then run from a local account.

Be sure to verify that you can run the correct product with the borrowed licenses from your machine
AFTER you've disconnected from the network. If you encounter any difficulties, reconnect to the
network, return the license, and then re-borrow the correct license.

If you keep a license for the full amount of time, there is no need to check the license back in. Your
borrowed license will simply expire at the end of the borrow period, and the license will be released
into the pool of available licenses.

To return a license early:

1. Reconnect to the same license server from which you borrowed the license(s).

2. Launch the client license borrowing utility: Start>All Programs> ANSYS 16.2> ANSYS Client Licensing>
Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2. Select Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility.

3. Select the Return tab. Click Return all. If you want to keep some but not all of the licenses you borrowed,
you will need to re-borrow them.

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4. Disconnect from the network.

The license(s) you borrowed will be returned to the pool of available licenses.


You must return borrowed licenses from the same account you used to borrow the licenses

Some multi-feature products include other products and/or add-on features. The utility will automatically
check out any such included products or add-on features. If you borrow one of these multi-feature
products and then click on the Return tab, you will see the product you selected, as well as any other
products and add-ons that it includes. If you return a multi-feature product early, these products and
add-on features will also be returned.

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56 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN
For basic license administration, use the ANSYS License Management Center (LM Center). (See License
Server Administration Using ANSYS License Management Center (p. 31) for more information). Some
of the more advanced options have not yet been migrated. This chapter explains how to use the AN-
SLIC_ADMIN utility to perform many of the advanced procedures necessary to administer licenses.

On Windows license server machines, you will have access to a server (full) version of the ANSLIC_ADMIN
utility and an additional client version. The option descriptions below note which options are available
on the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility as well as the Server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.

The Server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility is accessed via Start> All Programs> ANSYS, Inc. License Manager>
Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility and updates the ansyslmd.ini file in the global license directory
that resides at <os drive>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing by
default. The Server ANSLIC_ADMIN offers access to all options and should be used to administer all li-
censes across a site that use that machine as a license server machine. Changes made using the Server
ANSLIC_ADMIN utility will affect all users who use that machine as a license server machine, where
appropriate. Note that settings such as Specifying the License Server Machine are always local settings
and do not affect other machines, even on a license server.

From a client machine, you will have access to a limited client version of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.
The Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility is accessed via Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client
Licensing > Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2 and updates the ansyslmd.ini file in the licensing
directory that resides with the product installation. The Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility should be used
only to make changes to that local machine's configuration. Changes made using the Client ANSLIC_AD-
MIN utility will affect only this machine and will not affect other users.

On Linux machines, you can access only the full version of ANSLIC_ADMIN; no client version is available.

Some options may apply to Linux or Windows systems only and are so noted.

See Advanced Licensing Configuration Options (p. 19) for details on configuring your license server to
use LMTOOLS or FLEXNet Manager to manage FlexNet. For more information on advanced FlexNet
operations, open the ANSYS License Management Center and select View FlexNet Licensing Guide.

5.1. Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility

To run ANSLIC_ADMIN on Windows, choose Start> All Programs> ANSYS, Inc. License Manager>
Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility (for the server version) or Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS
Client Licensing > Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2 (for the client version). To run the utility on
Linux, type the following:

To change the language to a localized version of the utility, first issue the following command with the
-setliclang option. On Windows, run:
"<os drive>\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\licadmin\anslic_admin.bat"
-setliclang language

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License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN

On Linux, run:
/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/lic_admin/anslic_admin -setliclang language

This command changes the language used for both the server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and the ANSYS,
Inc. Licensing Interconnect log file. Use the language directory name in the language subdirectory of
the licensing directory (en-us, fr, de, etc.) as the language value. This option is valid only with the
server ANSLIC_ADMIN. Then launch the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility using the above methods.


Changing the language will affect all users of the server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and the ANSYS,
Inc. Licensing Interconnect. Verify with your licensing system administrator before making
this change.

To change the language setting locally for only the current session of the server or client ANSLIC_ADMIN
utility, you can launch the utility using the -lang option:
<os drive>:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\licadmin\anslic_admin
-lang language

/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/lic_admin/anslic_admin -lang language

Windows 7 Administrator Privileges On Windows 7 machines, you need to always run these AN-
SLIC_ADMIN options as an administrator, preferably with UAC turned off. If UAC is on, even as admin-
istrator, you must right-mouse click on the ANSLIC_ADMIN selection from the Start menu and choose
Run as administrator.

Windows 8.1 Administrator Privileges On Windows 8.1 machines, you need to always run these
ANSLIC_ADMIN options as an administrator. Additionally, you should right-mouse click on the AN-
SLIC_ADMIN selection from the Start menu and choose Run as administrator.

See the User Account Control (UAC) section of the ANSYS, Inc. Windows Installation Guide for more
details on working with Windows and UAC.

We do not recommend running the ANSLIC_ADMIN on Windows machines by double-clicking the ex-
ecutable directly, especially on Windows 7 or 8 systems. Doing so could launch the utility with unexpected
permission levels.

To use the utility, select an action from the list of buttons on the left.

The ANSLIC_ADMIN utility consists of the following options:

Launch the ANSYS License Management Center (p. 59) (Server Option)

Specify the License Server Machine (p. 59)

Set License Preferences for User (p. 62)

Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility (p. 63) (Windows only) (Client Option)

Set Site Preferences (p. 65) -- includes the following options:

Specify Product Order (p. 65) (Server Option)

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58 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility

Modify Startup Options (p. 66) (Server Option)

Specify License Servers to Cache (p. 67) (Server Option)

View Status/Diagnostic Options (p. 68) -- includes the following options:

Display the License Status (p. 68)

Display Queued Licenses (p. 68)

Display the Customer Number (p. 69)

View the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Debug Log File (p. 69) (Server Option)

View the ANSYS FlexNet Debug Log File (p. 69) (Server Option)

Gather Client Diagnostic Information (p. 69) (Client Option)

From the Tools menu, you can select Set Language Options (server only) and then choose a different
language in which to view the server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and the ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Interconnect
log file. You must close and reopen the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility for this setting to take effect. This option
is valid only with the server ANSLIC_ADMIN.

From the Help menu, you can select:

View the ANSLIC_ADMIN Help

About ANSYS, Inc. Licensing


To exit the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility, choose File>Exit.

5.1.1. Launch the ANSYS License Management Center

Use this option to launch the ANSYS License Management Center (LM Center). The ANSYS License
Management Center is a browser-based user interface that centralizes many of the ANSYS licensing
administrative functions. For more information, see License Server Administration Using ANSYS License
Management Center.

5.1.2. Specify the License Server Machine

Use this option to set the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and ANSYS FlexNet servers. Using this option
creates or updates (lists, adds, modifies, deletes, or reorders) entries in the ansyslmd.ini file in the
licensing directory for the local machine. With this option, you can specify single servers, multiple single
servers, or redundant triad servers. You also use this option to specify the Licensing Interconnect and
ANSYS FlexNet port numbers. Run this option on every machine where you installed an ANSYS product.
We recommend using this method for specifying your license server preference.

This option is available for both the server and client versions of ANSLIC_ADMIN on Windows machines.
In most situations, you should use the client version. The client version is appropriate regardless of
where you have installed the product. You should use the server version of this option only to specify
the license server machines for Release 11.0 and lower versions. You can also use the server version to
specify license server machines if you have installed the product into <os drive>\Program Files,
but we recommend using the client version anytime you are working with the current release.

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License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN

If the product is installed in <os drive>\Program Files (by a user with administrative privileges),
you must have administrative privileges in order to add or modify your server specification. If you are
running on a Windows 7 machine, you must run as an administrator, preferably with UAC turned off.
If you are running with UAC turned on, you must launch ANSLIC_ADMIN using the Run as adminis-
trator option. If you are running on a Windows 8.1 machine, you must run as an administrator. Addi-
tionally, you must launch ANSLIC_ADMIN using the Run as administrator option. For more information,
see the User Account Control (UAC) section of the ANSYS, Inc. Windows Installation Guide for more
details on working with Windows and UAC.

To add a server:

1. Click Specify the License Server Machine.

2. Click Add Server Machine Specification.

3. Enter the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet port numbers (2325 and 1055 by default, respectively).
Specify the number of servers and enter the host name(s) of your license server(s). You cannot enter a
path or a filename in place of the hostname.

To specify multiple single servers, click OK on this screen after adding the first server. Then click
the Add Server Machine Specification button again and add information for the next server. Repeat
this process for each single server.

To specify redundant triad servers, click the 3-server (redundant triad) option and enter the
hostname for each of the three servers in the spaces available.

4. Click OK.

To delete a server, highlight the server in the list and click Delete Selected Server Machine.

To edit a server, click on one of the listed servers and click Edit Selected Server Machine. You can
then change the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and the FlexNet port numbers, the number of license
servers, or the hostname(s).

The ansyslmd.ini File The Specify the License Server Machine option creates or updates the an-
syslmd.ini file that is located in the licensing directory. Entries in the ansyslmd.ini file tell ANSYS,
Inc. products which license server(s) to query to find a valid license. Using this option allows all users
at your site to use this setting without having to individually set the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE or
ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variables to specify the license server machine(s). It also eliminates
the need to have a copy of the license file on every system at your site.

The order that the SERVER lines are listed in the ansyslmd.ini file dictates the order in which the
license request is granted. To reorder the entries in the list, highlight a server and use the Move up or
Move down buttons.

You are not limited to designating one set of license server machines for your network. You can have
multiple single-server or three-server (redundant triad) licensing systems on your network. In this situation,
you would have certain licenses connected to a set of server machines (one or three) on the network,
and other licenses connected to a different set of server machines (one or three) on the network.

The format of the ansyslmd.ini file created by ANSLIC_ADMIN follows. Each server's specification
entry in this file will typically begin with ANSYSLI_SERVERS= and SERVER= to specify the Licensing In-
terconnect and FlexNet port numbers, respectively.

On a single server:

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60 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility


For multiple single servers, each server should have its own ANSYSLI_SERVERS= and SERVER= lines.

On redundant (triad) servers on Linux platforms:


Windows platforms use semicolons (;) instead of colons:


Do not use commas as separators; use colons (:) on Linux machines and semicolons (;) on Windows

The ANSYS Licensing Interconnect default port number is 2325 and the ANSYS FlexNet default port
number is 1055. The host is the license server hostname. For example, if the license server name is alpha1:

The order of the ANSYSLI_SERVERS and the SERVER lines in the ansyslmd.ini file specifies the order
in which the requested license will be granted.

You must use the port@host format; you cannot enter a path or a filename in place of the hostname.

Overriding the ansyslmd.ini File If you want to override the server specification settings in the an-
syslmd.ini file, you can do so by setting the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and ANSYSLI_SERVERS
environment variables on individual machines. These environment variables are useful if you want to
temporarily point to a different license server machine without disrupting the machine's configuration.
Use the ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variable to specify the Licensing Interconnect port number.
Use the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE to specify the FlexNet port number.

If the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set but the ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment

variable is not set, the same server machines will be used to specify the Licensing Interconnect but the
port number will be replaced by the Licensing Interconnect default port of 2325. When both variables
are set, ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE explicitly defines the FlexNet servers while ANSYSLI_SERVERS ex-
plicitly defines the Licensing Interconnect servers.

If you set the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE or ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variables on a three-

server (redundant) system, specify all three systems, in the same order as the SERVER lines are listed in
the license file. If you specify only the master and it is down, you could see a License Server Down or
No License Found message and the search for a license could fail. Join redundant or multiple single
server systems by separating the system names with colons on Linux systems and semicolons on Windows

To have your license server preference known each time you log in, set the environment variables AN-
SYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and ANSYSLI_SERVERS (both Windows and UNIX systems). On UNIX systems,
place these environment variables in your login startup file (e.g., .cshrc file). Sample Scenario

Suppose that you have a company with two departments, Design and Engineering. The Design Depart-
ment has one license of ANSYS Mechanical and one license of DesignSpace with the server DES1, and
all users in the Design Department run on DES1. The second department, Engineering, has two licenses

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License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN

of ANSYS Multiphysics with the server ENG1, and all users in the Engineering Department run on ENG1.
The ansyslmd.ini file states ANSYSLI_SERVERS=2325@DES1 and SERVER=1055@DES1 for the Design
Department, and ANSYSLI_SERVERS=2325@ENG1 and SERVER=1055@ENG1 for the Engineering Depart-
ment. These settings limit users in each department to work only on their own server. If individual users
in the Design Department need to run on the engineering server, ENG1, they could set the following
environment variable:

This example would automatically use 2325@ENG1 for the Licensing Interconnect license path. For this
example, you would need to set ANSYSLI_SERVERS only if you were not using the default Licensing
Interconnect port number.

5.1.3. Set License Preferences for User

Use this option to review the licenses available and prioritize the licenses. Settings specified here apply
only to the username shown in the button title. When you select this option, you will first choose the
release for which you want to set preferences. Select the release and click OK. All licenses available to
you on your license server machine(s) are shown under the appropriate tab on the next dialog:





You control the order in which the system attempts to check-out a license by moving the licenses up
and down in the list using the Move Up or Move Down buttons. When you open an application, the
license manager attempts to check-out the license listed first in the list. If unable to check-out that license,
then the license manager attempts to check out the next license in the list that can be used by the
application. The license manager will continue through the list until an available license is found. If
none are found, a message displays.

By default, all licenses available from your license server are shown and marked as available for use. If
you do not want a particular license to be available for your use, select the license in the list, and set
the Use/Don't Use field to 0.

If you received a new license, you may need to reset your preferences. If you had previously set your
license preferences using this option, add the new license to your list in the desired order.

If you have made changes to your license preferences, you can return the settings to the default state
by selecting the Reset to Default button.

When you have completed your changes, click OK to make the changes and close the dialog box. Click
Apply to make the changes without closing the dialog box. Selections you make here will take effect
with any new sessions/license checkouts but will not affect the current session or change the license(s)
currently in use.

ANSYS Workbench users can also specify whether to use the shared or separate licensing method.

For details on setting user license preferences, including shared vs. separate licensing for ANSYS Work-
bench and specifying HPC licensing settings, see Establishing User Licensing Preferences in End-User

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62 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility

5.1.4. Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility

License borrowing (available only on Windows machines) allows a user to take a license for use outside
of the company facility, such as for an engineer to take a license home on his laptop. Before users can
take advantage of license borrowing, you need to set up the borrowing environment.

License borrowing is available only if you have borrowable licenses and only on Windows machines;
however, the license server machine that is managing the licenses can be any system that ANSYS, Inc.
supports as a license server. You cannot run both borrowed and non-borrowed licenses simultaneously.
For example, if you borrow licenses but remain connected to a network from which you can use licenses,
you will be able to use only the borrowed licenses. Likewise, if the machine on which you borrowed li-
censes is also a license server from which you could normally use licenses, you would be able to use
only the borrowed licenses.

This option is available only for the client version of ANSLIC_ADMIN. Setting up License Borrowing

To use license borrowing, you must have license keys that specify borrowable licenses. License features
that can be borrowed will contain the keyword BORROW.

You can use the optional FlexNet options file settings to further control borrowing at your site. To use
these settings, you must first specify which users are allowed to borrow licenses by adding an IN-
CLUDE_BORROW group to the options file. Any user not in the INCLUDE_BORROW group will not be
allowed to borrow licenses. You may also want to set up an EXCLUDE_BORROW group to prevent spe-
cific users from borrowing licenses.

You can also limit the number of licenses that can be borrowed from your total pool of borrowable li-
censes. Set the BORROW_LOWWATER option in the options file to the number of licenses that cannot
be borrowed. For example, if you have 15 licenses total and want to limit the number that can be bor-
rowed to 5, set BORROW_LOWWATER=10.

The maximum number of hours a license can be borrowed at any one time is defined by your license
file. You can set that limit lower for your users by setting the MAX_BORROW_HOURS option in the options
file. MAX_BORROW_HOURS cannot exceed the limit specified in your license file. The total maximum
number of borrowable hours is defined by your license agreement.

Compatibility between versions Flexera Software has created an incompatibility in license borrowing
between FlexNet releases. Since different versions of FlexNet are used at most releases, the borrowed
licenses are not compatible between different ANSYS releases. The ANSBORROW utility includes a selection
for the ANSYS version you are planning to run using the borrowed license. Choose your version carefully,
because you will only be able to run one of the versions at a time with borrowed licenses.

The ANSBORROW utility allows you to borrow either initial release or service pack (SP) versions. The SP
versions for a given platform use the same FlexNet version as the initial release; therefore, licenses se-
lected for an SP should work for the initial release. Running the Borrowing Utility

To run the license borrowing utility, you must be running on a Windows machine connected to a network,
and you must have borrowable licenses. For more information about borrowable licenses, contact your
ANSYS sales representative.

1. Connect to the network where the license server machine is running.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 63
License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN

2. Launch the client license borrowing utility: Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client Licensing
> Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2. Select Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility.

3. On the Borrow tab, specify the version number and return date. The return date defaults to the third day
from the current date.

If you change any of the borrowing criteria, the product list will automatically update in five seconds.
To update the list immediately, click the Update Delay (sec) button.

4. Select the product(s) you want to borrow. The product list includes add-on features or geometry interfaces.
If you do not see a product listed that you think should be available, verify that you have selected the
correct version.

5. Click Borrow.

6. Disconnect from the network. Note that even when you've disconnected from the network, you must still
run the products from the same account you used to borrow the licenses. For example, if you use a network
account to borrow the licenses, you cannot then run from a local account.

Be sure to verify that you can run the correct product with the borrowed licenses from your machine
AFTER you've disconnected from the network. If you encounter any difficulties, reconnect to the
network, return the license, and then re-borrow the correct license.

If you keep a license for the full amount of time, there is no need to check the license back in. Your
borrowed license will simply expire at the end of the borrow period, and the license will be released
into the pool of available licenses.

To return a license early:

1. Reconnect to the same license server from which you borrowed the license(s).

2. Launch the client license borrowing utility: Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.2 > ANSYS Client Licensing
> Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 16.2. Select Run the ANSYS Borrow Utility.

3. Select the Return tab. Click Return all. If you want to keep some but not all of the licenses you borrowed,
you will need to re-borrow them.

4. Disconnect from the network.

The license(s) you borrowed will be returned to the pool of available licenses.


You must return borrowed licenses from the same account you used to borrow the licenses

Some multi-feature products include other products and/or add-on features. The utility will automatically
check out any such included products or add-on features. If you borrow one of these multi-feature
products and then click on the Return tab, you will see the product you selected, as well as any other
products and add-ons that it includes. If you return a multi-feature product early, these products and
add-on features will also be returned.

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64 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility

5.1.5. Set Site Preferences

This option is used for license server machines only.

The following site preference settings are available:

Specify Product Order (p. 65)

Modify Startup Options (p. 66)

Specify License Servers to Cache (p. 67) Specify Product Order

This option launches a utility that allows you to designate the order that the licensed products are listed
in the Mechanical APDL launcher and the order in which licenses are tried in all applications. You first
will need to select the product release. You can choose one of the following:

Release 11.0: Selecting this option affects the product ordering for Release 11.0 for this machine (including
all users who run a Release 11.0 product on this machine or mount to this machine). If you select this option,
the product ordering you specify will NOT affect any releases after 11.0.

Release 12.0 and higher: Selecting this option affects the product ordering for Releases 12.0 or later and is
applicable ONLY if this machine is a license server machine. The product ordering you select with this option
will affect all users who use this machine as a license server machine.

After you choose a release level, click OK. You will then need to select the installation directory (Release
11.0 only), product category (Solver, PrepPost, Geometry, or HPC). To re-order the products, select a
product and click the Move up or Move down button. When you have finished reordering all products
that you want to reorder, click Save and then Close.

All products available in a given category are shown, regardless of whether you have licenses for them.

If you have made changes to your product ordering, you can return the settings to the default state by
selecting the Reset to Default button.

For Release 12.0 and higher, after making changes to the product order (including resetting to the de-
fault), you will need reread the license file or restart the license manager for the changes to take effect.

Only those logged in as root or superuser (Linux) or with administrative privileges (Windows) can use
this utility. You should set the product order before any of the users at your site run; once a user sets
his preferences, the user preferences will take precedence.


After upgrading the License Manager, if you have specified a product order in a previous
release you must re-run the Specify Product Order option and re-specify your required product

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 65
License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN Modify Startup Options


Only those users who are logged in as root or superuser (Linux) or with administrative priv-
ileges (Windows) can use this utility.

Use this option to modify your license manager startup options. License manager startup options that
you can modify include:

ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Debug Log File

You can specify the path to the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect debug log file (ansysli_server.log,
by default), the detail level of the file (standard, connections, or verbose), the size limit of the file (default
is 10MB; minimum is 1MB), and the number of log files to save (default is 10; minimum is 1).

ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Debug Log File Detail Descriptions

STANDARD level logs ansysli_server STARTUP options, license cache information (such as fea-
tures/counts and FlexNet options file content), CHECKOUT, CHECKIN, RESERVE, and RETURN_RESERVE.
It also logs CLIENT_SHUTDOWN for all but ansysli_monitor.

CONNECTIONS level logs everything that STANDARD logs, and CLIENT_ACCEPT and CLIENT_SHUTDOWN
for the monitor.

VERBOSE level logs STANDARD plus CONNECTIONS, and ADD (product definitions and shared capabilities)
and REMOVE (shared capabilities).

FlexNet Options
You can specify the path to the FlexNet debug log file (license.log, by default). By default, a new li-
cense.log file is created each time you start the license manager; you can choose to have new inform-
ation appended to the existing file instead.

You can also set the -local setting (Linux only).

The -local option restricts the ability to shut down the FlexNet components of the license manager
to only an administrator running on the same machine where the FlexNet components of the license
manager was started. This option is off by default. See the FlexNet License Administration Guide for
more information on using this option.

The -local option is not recommended if you will be using license borrowing.

Miscellaneous Options
You can specify the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect port number here. The default port number is 2325.

All machines that have this server machine in their Licensing Interconnect paths must use the same
port number. If you change the Licensing Interconnect port number here, and other machines use
this machine's Licensing Interconnect, then on each of those machines, you must change the Licens-
ing Interconnect port number by one or both of the following options, as appropriate for your

Specify the License Server Machine option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility

Specify License Servers to Cache option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility

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66 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility

You can also disable the ability to reserve licenses for a design point study in ANSYS Workbench
and/or the users' ability to track licenses used by ANSYS Workbench. For more information on re-
serving licenses for design point studies in ANSYS Workbench, see Reserving Licenses for Design Point
Studies in the ANSYS Workbench documentation.

On Linux machines only, you can also specify who can shut down the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager.
By default, anyone can stop the license manager. You can restrict shutdown capabilities to only the
user who started it, or to a group, such as lmadmin. If you choose group, you will need to specify
the name of the group. If you specify a group restriction, any users in that group who want to stop
the license manager must have the specified group as their primary group. Note that the user who
started the license manager will still be able to shut it down, even if he is not part of a group with
shutdown capabilities.


The license.log file and the ansysli_server.log file for each server should be
located on a local disk. Writing to an NFS-mounted disk or remote file server creates a situ-
ation where the license server(s) may fail. If the remote system containing these files crashes,
the license manager would be unable to log license transaction data. This would create a
fatal error condition. Specify License Servers to Cache

When the Licensing Interconnect starts, it caches the licenses for any ANSYSLI_SERVERS lines that are
in the ansyslmd.ini file in addition to its own licenses. As you run ANSYS applications and they
connect with the Licensing Interconnect, it caches the licenses for any servers in your ANSYSLI_SERVERS
path that have not yet been cached. Sometimes, especially due to network traffic, this caching process
can impact the time it takes to check out a license. Use this option to cache your servers when you
start the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager, rather than at the point that you request individual licenses.


Only those users who are logged in as root or superuser (Linux) or with administrative priv-
ileges (Windows) can use this utility.

When you select this option:

1. On the Specify License Servers to Cache dialog, click Add Server Machine Specification.

2. On the Specify License Servers to Cache - Edit Selected Server Machine dialog box, enter the Licensing
Interconnect port number. The default Licensing Interconnect port number is 2325.

3. Enter the hostname of the server.

4. Click OK.

5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 for any additional servers that you want to cache.

6. When you have finished specifying servers, click Close on the Specify License Servers to Cache dialog.

To delete a cached server, highlight the server in the list and click Delete Selected Server Machine.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 67
License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN

To edit a cached server, click on one of the listed servers and click Edit Selected Server Machine. You
can then change the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect port number or the hostname(s).

5.1.6. View Status/Diagnostic Options

The following reporting options are available:

Display the License Status (p. 68)

Display Queued Licenses (p. 68)

Display the Customer Number (p. 69)

View the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Debug Log File (p. 69)

(Server Only)

View the ANSYS FlexNet Debug Log File (p. 69)

(Server Only)

Gather Client Diagnostic Information (p. 69)

(Server Only)

When you select one of these options, the data will appear in the log area on the right side of the
utility. Display the Customer Number appends the customer number to the session log itself; the
other options create their own display in the log area. Each option is explained in the following sections. Display the License Status

Use this option to see the status of licensing activity. All features are displayed in the status window,
along with the users of those features. You can append this information to the session log or write it
directly to a file using the buttons at the bottom of the window. This option displays information based
on the same license path rules as ANSYS, Inc. products, taking into account the settings in the AN-
SYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable and the ansyslmd.ini and license files. Setting the
ANS_FLEXLM_DISABLE_DEFLICPATH environment variable will affect the information displayed by
this option. Display Queued Licenses

Use this option to see a list of capabilities that are queued and awaiting availability, and the applicable
licenses that are being used. The report will have the following format:
Capability Timestamp User Count Host PID Platform
Product1 Count
Timestamp User1 Count Host PID Platform
Timestamp User2 Count Host PID Platform
Timestamp Usern Count Host PID Platform
Product2 Count
Timestamp User1 Count Host PID Platform
Timestamp User2 Count Host PID Platform
Timestamp Usern Count Host PID Platform

Where the first line shows information for the requesting user, and subsequent lines under that capab-
ility show information for the users who are currently using the licenses for each of the licensed products
that satisfy the requested capability.

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68 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility

An example report is shown below. Each line is numbered for reference in the discussion following the
example. Note that the actual report does not contain line numbers.
Capability Product Timestamp User Count Host PID Platform
1 ANS_SOLVER 2010/04/27 09:39:27 JQD 1 1234 winx64
2 ane3fl 3
3 2010/04/27 08:01:10 JXS 1 5678 winx64
4 2010/04/27 07:29:13 MQD 2 8765 winx64

Line 1: User JQD is running a process, 1234, on the machine, which has requested
one license with the ANS_SOLVER capability.

Line 2: Based on the site/user preferences, the ane3fl product can satisfy the requested capability, and
this site/user is permitted to use up to 3 licenses of this product.

Line 3: User JXS has been using 1 of the available licenses since 8:01:10, from machine, running process number 5678.

Line 4: User MQD has been using 2 of the available licenses since 7:29:13, from machine, running process number 8675.

Since users JXS and MQD are already using all of the available licenses, user JQD must either wait for
one of those licenses to be freed, or contact one of those users and request that a license be freed.

Select the Auto-Refresh button to have the information automatically refresh every five (5) seconds.

You can also display the queuing report via command line, without launching the ANSLIC_ADMIN
utility. To do so, run the following command on Windows systems:
"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\licadmin\anslic_admin" -queueinfo

If you need to view the queuing report frequently, you may find it convenient to set a desktop shortcut
using the above command.

Run the following command on Linux systems:

/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/lic_admin/anslic_admin -queueinfo Display the Customer Number

Use this option to display your customer number (necessary when requesting customer support). The
license manager must be running for you to obtain your customer number. View the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect Debug Log File

This option is available only on the license server machine(s). Use this option to view the Licensing In-
terconnect debug log file (named ansysli_server.log by default). View the ANSYS FlexNet Debug Log File

This option is available only on the license server machine(s). Use this option to view the license log
file (named license.log by default). Gather Client Diagnostic Information

When you choose this option, ANSLIC_ADMIN gathers various licensing-related files, logs and related
information about your license client system and places them in a single compressed file.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 69
License Administration Using ANSLIC_ADMIN

This feature is useful if you want to easily review the files from a single location, or if you need to
compress the files and send them to a technical support representative. Every time you choose to
gather these files, you are prompted to specify the path of the diagnostics directory or to accept the
default location. If you do not define the path of the diagnostics directory, the log and error files will
be copied into a new, date-stamped subdirectory in your $HOME/.ansys directory on Linux or in the
directory specified by the TEMP environment variable on Windows. Be aware when choosing this option
that some of these files can be large and could require significant disk space. You may want to delete
these directories when you are finished reviewing them because of the disk space usage.

Using the ansys_pid utility:

After all relevant files are gathered (if selected), this option runs the ansys_pid utility, which queries the
system for information that may be useful for troubleshooting certain problems. This operation may
take a few minutes. You can append this information to the session log, or you can write it out directly
to a file using the buttons at the bottom of the window.

When you run this ansys_pid utility, information about your licensing information is displayed in the
ANSLIC_ADMIN log area. Information displayed may include:

operating system info

environment information, including environment variable settings

firewall information

available license information

The contents of specific log and error files will not be displayed in the ANSLIC_ADMIN log area. You
will need to review these files individually for specific errors and other status/log information.


If you have set the ANS_FLEXLM_DISABLE_DEFLICPATH environment variable, the inform-

ation will be displayed based on the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable setting;
settings in the ansyslmd.ini file in the licensing directory will NOT be used.

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70 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 6: Using Dongles with the ANSYS License Manager
This section explains dongle and dongle driver support and usage with ANSYS, Inc. products at Release
16.2. The information applies to the ANSYS License Manager only and does not apply to any other license
managers that you may be using. The following procedures assume that you have some familiarity with
dongles, their usage, and their advantages and disadvantages.

6.1. Assumptions, Restrictions, and Notes

The ANSYS License Manager supports limited dongle usage:

ANSYS, Inc. supports only FLEXID9 (Sentinel/Aladdin USB) dongles and their Flexera-provided drivers.

ANSYS does not support license borrowing for any license features tied to a dongle.

When we refer to dongles, we are specifically referring to FLEXID9 (Sentinel/Aladdin USB) dongles.

Every machine from which you are serving licenses tied to a dongle requires the following:

ANSYS License Manager is installed on the machine.

Dongle is inserted in an appropriate USB slot.

Dongle driver and associated FlexNet-provided FLEXID9 library are installed on the machine.

Only the dongle drivers that are included as part of our installation files are fully supported by ANSYS,
Inc. We strongly recommend that you use these drivers. If you use any other version of the driver, ANSYS,
Inc. can provide only limited support if you encounter problems. Flexera has stated that they will not
provide any support for drivers other than those that we include with our installation.

Due to requirements of non-ANSYS products that are installed on the machine or because of operating
system levels that ANSYS, Inc. supports but the drivers included in the ANSYS installation do not, you
may need to use a version of the drivers other than those that we provide. You will need to choose
which driver to use based on your individual business needs. Unfortunately, we cannot ensure that our
license manager will work with that driver.

All ANSYS paths shown in this document show the default installation directory. If your installation
directory is not the default location, replace all ANSYS paths with your installation directory. The default
installation directories are as follows:

Windows: C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc

Linux: /ansys_inc

You must have administrative/root privileges to install or remove dongle drivers.

In addition to installing the dongle driver, a Flexera-provided FLEXID9 library must also be installed
before FLEXID9 dongles will be recognized. The ANSYS License Manager installation's licensing config-
uration process handles this step for Windows machines. On Linux, copying this file to the correct loc-
ation is a manual step included in the Linux section below.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 71
Using Dongles with the ANSYS License Manager

6.1.1. Supported Platforms

The following operating system (OS) levels are supported for dongle usage with ANSYS 16.2:

Table 6.1: 64-bit Windows Support

ANSYS Operating System Support Driver Operating System Support

Windows 7, Windows 8.1 Windows 7, Windows 8.1

Table 6.2: 64-bit Linux Support

Linux Operating System ANSYS OS Level Support Driver OS Level Support

Red Hat Enterprise 6.5 through 6.6 5.8 and 6.2
SUSE Enterprise 11 SP2 and SP3 Up through 12.1

6.1.2. File Information

The following tables provide information about the files that will be used as part of the driver installation

Table 6.3: 64-bit Windows File Information

Zip File Driver Installation File FlexNet FLEXID9 Shared FlexNet Version
Library haspdinst.exe, version haspsrm_win64.dll, version 7.1

Table 6.4: 64-bit Linux File Information

Zip File Driver Installation File FlexNet FLEXID9 Shared FlexNet Version
Library aksusbd-2.4-1.i386.rpm,, version
version 2.4 7.1

6.2. Windows Procedures


Do not allow Windows Update to install later versions of the dongle driver as this is not
the Flexera-provided version. Automatic updates can cause unpredictable behavior with
dongles, such as:

Features that require the dongle cannot be checked out.

The dongle FLEXID (hostid) is not returned correctly.

The dongle driver cannot be removed using the methods described in this document.

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72 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Windows Procedures

6.2.1. Installing/Updating the Dongle Driver on Windows

To install the ANSYS-supplied driver on Windows systems, follow the steps below. You must have system
administrator privileges to install this driver.

1. Install the Release 16.2 ANSYS License Manager.

2. Confirm that the license manager is stopped by verifying that the 'ANSYS, Inc. License Manager' service is
not running.

3. Remove all FLEXID9 dongles attached to your machine. Do not attach any dongles to the system again
until told to do so in this document; if a dongle is plugged in before you have completed the driver install-
ation, the Windows operating system could automatically install a non-Flexera driver.


Removing drivers or dongles may seriously disrupt your ability to run products asso-
ciated with those dongles. Do not remove any dongles or dongle driver until you
determine that it is safe to do so. Always stop the license manager and remove the
dongle from the system before removing any existing driver.

4. Remove any existing driver on your system. See the Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Windows (p. 74)
section below for more information.

5. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the following directory:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared


6. Extract the contents of the file into C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared
Files\bin\winx64\drivers\flexnet. You will need to remove from the end of the default directory
shown, if it is included.

7. Open an administrator command prompt window and perform the following steps:

a. Navigate to the following directory:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared


b. Issue the following command:

haspdinst.exe -install

8. When the installation completes, restart the machine.


You may not see the new driver until the dongle has been inserted into the machine.
However, do not insert the dongle until the next step.

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Using Dongles with the ANSYS License Manager

9. After the machine has restarted, insert the dongle.

10. To see if the dongle is being recognized, open the ANSYS License Management Center and click the Get
System Hostid Information link. If the dongle is recognized, you will see a FLEXID9 Dongle ID (F) entry
under the IDTYPE column. (You can open the ANSYS License Management Center by clicking the ANSYS,
Inc. License Manager > ANSYS License Management Center item on the Windows Start Menu/Apps

6.2.2. Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Windows


Removing drivers or dongles may seriously disrupt your ability to run products associated
with those dongles. Do not remove any dongles or dongle drivers until you determine
that it is safe to do so. Always stop the license manager and remove the dongle from
the system before removing any existing driver. Do not attach the dongle to the system
again until told to do so in this document.

1. Before installing the ANSYS-supplied driver, you must remove any existing driver from your system. You
will need to use the installer or removal utilities provided with that driver to remove it. See the document-
ation provided with that driver for specific commands or procedures, or if you encounter problems.

If the dongle driver has been updated by Windows Update, it must be removed using the tools
provided by SafeNet, Inc. See SafeNets documentation for details.

Copies of the FLEXID_Dongle_Driver_installer.exe and FLEXIDCleanUtility.exe

files discussed in this section are included in the following file's contents, which must be extracted
to use either of these files:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared


2. The FLEXID_Dongle_Driver_Installer.exe file was the driver installation file that ANSYS, Inc.
provided prior to Release 16.2. If you used it to install an earlier version of the ANSYS-supplied dongle
driver, run the following command while in the subdirectory to remove it:

FLEXID_Dongle_Driver_Installer.exe /remove

3. Select the driver to uninstall and click Next.

If you used the FLEXIDInstaller.exe file to install an earlier version of the dongle driver, you
can use either the cleanup utility provided for use with the FLEXIDInstaller utility or use the Add
or Remove Programs option from the Windows Control Panel. To use the cleanup utility, run the
following command while in the subdirectory:


If, for some reason, you wish to remove the dongle driver supplied at Release 16.0, run the following
command while in the subdirectory to remove it:

haspdinst.exe -remove

4. Restart the machine.

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74 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Linux Procedures

6.3. Linux Procedures

6.3.1. Installing/Updating the Dongle Driver on Linux
To install the ANSYS-supplied driver on Linux systems, follow the steps below. You must have root
permissions to install this driver.

1. Install the Release 16.2 ANSYS License Manager.

2. Confirm that the license manager is not running.

3. Remove all FLEXID9 dongles attached to your machine. Do not attach any dongles to the system again
until told to do so in this document.


Removing drivers or dongles may seriously disrupt your ability to run products asso-
ciated with those dongles. Do not remove any dongles or dongle driver until you
determine that it is safe to do so. Always stop the license manager and remove the
dongle from the system before removing any existing driver.

4. Remove any existing driver on your system, if necessary. See the Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on
Linux (p. 76) section below to determine if you must remove an existing driver.

5. Navigate to the directory:


6. Extract the file.

7. Go to the subdirectory containing the file's contents, and do the following:

a. Copy the file to the /usr/lib directory.


If this file already exists in the /usr/lib directory, rename it before copying the

b. Unzip and untar the aksusbd-redhat-suse-2.4.1.tar.gz file.

c. Go to the Sentinel_LDK_RedHat_and_SuSE_RPM_Run-time_Installer subdirectory, and run the fol-

lowing command:

rpm -i ./aksusbd-2.4-1.i386.rpm

8. Reboot the machine.

9. Attach the dongle to the system.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 75
Using Dongles with the ANSYS License Manager

10. To see if the dongle is recognized, open the ANSYS License Management Center and click the Get System
Hostid Information link. If the dongle is recognized, you will see a FLEXID9 Dongle ID (F) entry under the
IDTYPE column. You can bring up the ANSYS License Management Center by running the following


6.3.2. Removing an Existing Dongle Driver on Linux


Removing drivers or dongles may seriously disrupt your ability to run products associated
with those dongles. Do not remove any dongles or dongle driver until you determine
that it is safe to do so. Always stop the license manager and remove the dongle from
the system before removing any existing driver. Do not attach the dongle to the system
again until told to do so in this document.

Before installing the new driver, you must determine whether an existing driver must first be uninstalled.

If the existing driver was installed via the script method (i.e., using the dinst script provided with the driver)
rather than by using the rpm method, you may not need to remove the currently installed driver before in-
stalling the new driver. The rpm installation method that will be used to install the new driver should replace
the existing driver with the new driver. If you decide to uninstall this driver, you must use the dinst script
that you used to install it.

If the existing driver was installed via the rpm method, you must uninstall this driver before installing the
ANSYS-supplied driver.

If you uninstalled a driver, reboot the machine.

6.4. Dongle Troubleshooting

On Linux systems, if you encounter transaction lock error messages, you may not have root privileges. Log
in as root and retry the operation.

If you have installed the new driver, rebooted the machine, and attached the dongle to the system, but the
dongle is not recognized, confirm that the following file exists in the location below:

Windows: <OS drive>\Windows\System32\haspsrm_win64.dll

Linux: /usr/lib/

If the file is missing, copy the installation's file with that name from the ANSYS FlexNet drivers directory
to the required location for your machine's platform.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
76 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
This chapter lists problems and error messages that you may encounter while setting up licensing. After
each situation description or error message is the user action required to correct the problem.

For more troubleshooting information, see the FlexNet License Administration Guide (accessible from the
ANSYS License Management Center).

The following troubleshooting topics are available:

7.1. Getting Additional License Debug Information
7.2. Gathering Diagnostic Information
7.3. Problem Situations
7.4. Licensing-Related Mechanical APDL Launcher Error Messages
7.5. Licensing Error Messages
7.6. License Manager Installation Directory Errors
7.7. ANSYS License Borrowing Errors
7.8. FlexNet License Log File Errors

7.1. Getting Additional License Debug Information

Use the following suggestions to display or generate additional error messages and debugging inform-

View the licdebug file. The licdebug file is generated when you run an ANSYS, Inc. application and
resides in the .ansys subdirectory under the directory specified by the TEMP environment variable (Win-
dows) or in the $HOME directory (Linux). The licdebug filename will vary depending on the product but
will follow the format licdebug.<product>.162.out. For example:

If a licdebug file already exists and is dated today, the information is appended. If it is dated before
today, the existing file will be renamed with a .old extension and a new file will be started.

Mechanical APDL (ANSYS): licdebug.ANS_SOLVER.162.out

ANSYS Workbench: licdebug.ANS_WB.162.out

Mechanical: licdebug.MECH.162.out

ANSYS Fluent: licdebug.FLUENT_SOLVER.162.out

ANSYS Polyflow: licdebug.POLYFLOW.162.out

ANSYS CFX-Pre: licdebug.CFX_PRE.162.out

ANSYS CFX Solver: licdebug.CFX_SOLVER.162.out

ANSYS CFD-Post: licdebug.CFD_POST.162.out.

ANSYS ICEM CFD (includes AI*Environment): licdebug.ICEM_AM.162.out

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 77

ANSYS Icepak: licdebug.ICE_PAK.162.out

ANSYS LS-DYNA: licdebug.DYNA_SOLVER.162.out

Connection functionality: licdebug.ANS_PM.162.out


The license debug file names include the current release of the application. Because not
all applications are updated with each release, it is possible to have licedebug file names
that are appended with older release numbers. For example, it is possible to be running
ANSYS Release 16.1 but still have a product license debug log file name include 160 as in

The directory specified by the TEMP environment variable may be hidden on your system. To view
the directory and file, click on My Computer. Choose Tools from the menu, and then click on Folder
options. Click on the View tab and select Show hidden files and folders. Click OK.

If after following these suggestions, the resulting debug information does not make sense, try these

Confirm that the license manager was restarted or the license file was reread after any changes were
made to the license file. If you did not make any changes to the license file for the server, check the
date/time that it was last changed. Get the relevant path information from the debug output. Also,
confirm that the same path is being used.

Try restarting the license manager and then attempt to run again. See if the same situation occurs.

If you installed a new license file but is not seeing it even after restarting the license manager, confirm
that the correct license file is being used to start the license manager. In this case, neither the client
application nor the license manager is using the changed file. Also confirm that if site or user license
preferences were set, the preferences were updated with the new license information.

If the ansyslmd.lic file is at the end of the path and it is a license file that uses the license manager
daemon/service, then confirm that the license manager is started with the same path as the an-
syslmd.lic file's path. The license manager could be looking at one file in the client application but
the license manager daemon/service was started with another file.

7.2. Gathering Diagnostic Information

There are situations which require licensing-related information to be gathered for diagnostic and
troubleshooting purposes. At times it may be necessary to provide this information to technical support.

The client-related diagnostic information can be gathered by using the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.
For more information, see, Gather Client Diagnostic Information.

The server-related diagnostic information can be gathered by using ANSYS License Management
Center or by using the standalone gatherdiagnostics script. For more information, see, Gathering
Diagnostic Information.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Problem Situations

7.3. Problem Situations

This section describes problems you may encounter when setting up licensing or running an ANSYS
product, as well as actions you can take to correct the problems.

7.3.1. License Manager Will Not Start

If the license manager will not start, perform the tests below in the order they are listed:

1. Check the license.log file in the licensing directory on the license server for errors. See the re-
mainder of this chapter for a list of possible errors and their resolutions.

2. Check the ansysli_server.log file in the licensing directory on the license server for errors.

3. Verify that TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly. Verify that the IP address is static. See Commu-
nications Requirements (p. 12) for information about configuring TCP/IP.

4. Verify that the hostid has not changed. If the hostid has changed, you must obtain a new license.

Linux x64 Systems:

Linux x64 systems running the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager require the Linux Standard Base (LSB)
package. If this package is missing, you will see one of the following errors when the license manager
attempts to run:
/lmgrd -h
./lmgrd: No such file or directory

In this case, try installing the LSB package from the Linux installation media.

Three-Server Environment

In a three-server environment, you could see the following message when you start the first server:

***Attempting to start the license manager...

Start the License Manager status:

The license manager failed to start.

This message results when a quorum of servers (2 of the 3) are not yet started. Start the other
servers, or verify that they are already started. When at least two of the three servers are started,
you will see the ANSYS License Management Center of this server change to reflect that it is now
running. Do NOT attempt to stop the license manager by clicking the Stop button in the ANSYS
License Management Center.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 79

If you verify that at least two servers are started and the ANSYS License Management Center does
not update to running in a reasonable time, follow the three steps noted in License Manager Will
Not Start (p. 79).


When you see this message, do NOT click the Start button again.

7.3.2. License Manager Will Not Stop

When you attempt to stop the license manager, it may not stop immediately. You should use the Stop
the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager option of the ANSYS License Management Center to stop the license
manager. For more information, see Stopping the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager (p. 34). We do not re-
commend stopping the license manager manually; however, if you choose to do so, you must stop the
components in the following order:

1. ansysli_monitor

2. Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server)

3. FlexNet components (lmgrd first, followed by ansyslmd)

7.3.3. License Manager Will Not Stop in a Three-Server Environment

When you attempt to stop the license manager in a three-server environment, the license manager
does not stop immediately. You will see a message stating that the currently-installed license file is a
three-server license file. With three-server license files, the license manager could take 60 seconds or
longer to successfully stop. Wait at least 60 seconds. When the license manager has successfully stopped,
the ANSYS License Management Center will show that it is stopped.

7.3.4. The Application Does Not Show the Correct License(s)

If you do not see the correct licenses in your application, in Client ANSLIC_ADMIN's Set License Pref-
erences for User option, or in the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher, check the following:

1. If you received a new license but your application does not recognize it, you may need to reset your pref-
erences. If you had previously set your license preferences, select Set License Preferences for User from
the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and add the new license to your list in the desired order.

2. If you had previously defined your preferences and have since installed the license manager to a different
location, you may need to reset your preferences.

3. If you do not see the correct licenses in the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN's Set License Preferences for User
option or in the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher, and you updated your product order at a previous
release, you may need to update your product order again. Use the Specify Product Order option under
Server ANSLIC_ADMIN's Set Site Preferences.

On the license server machine:

1. Select the Reset to Default button to see the current release's default product order.

2. Reorder the products as you want, including any new products.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
80 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Problem Situations

For more information , see Specify Product Order (p. 65) and Establishing User Licensing Prefer-
ences (p. 48).

7.3.5. I Do Not See an HPC Product Category in the ANSLIC_ADMIN Specify

Product Order or the Set License Preferences for User dialog boxes
If your site has HPC licenses but you do not see an HPC Product Category in the Specify Product Order
or the Set License Preferences for User dialog boxes, you may already have site license preferences
set (via the Specify Product Order option) from an earlier release. You could also see this problem if
you had set site license preferences and have since installed the license manager to a different location.
To correct this problem, reset the site preferences again after installing the current release by selecting
the Reset to Default button and then resetting your product order preferences on the license server

1. Select the Reset to Default button to see the current release's default product order.

2. Reorder the products as you want, including any new products.

7.3.6. FlexNet Log File Shows Unexpected Messages When the License Manager
Is Stopped
On Windows systems, you may see unexpected error messages in the FlexNet licensing log file when
you shut down the license manager. Messages similar to the following could appear:

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Shutting down ansyslmd pid=1860 because of signal 15

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Can't connect to the license server system. Shutdown ansyslmd failed.

13:47:49 ((lmgrd)) 13:47:49 Loop info:(lmgrd) Cannot read data from license server system. (-
16,10009:10054 "WinSock: Connection reset by peer")

MT:0 VD_HB:5913:47:49 (lmgrd) reset:0Can't shutdown the license server system. Shutdown an-
syslmd failed. clients:013:47:49 (lmgrd) fd's:0EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 15

13:47:49 (lmgrd) ansyslmd exited with status 58 ()

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server

13:47:49 (lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.

13:47:49 (lmgrd) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 1

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Can't remove statfile C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

Data\Macrovision\FlexNet\lmgrd.620: errno No such file or directory

These or similar messages in the FlexNet log file can be safely ignored in most cases. You can verify
that the service is shown as stopped, and that the ansysli_server, ansysli_monitor, lmgrd,
and ansyslmd processes are stopped via Task Manager.

7.3.7. Unable to Check Out Licenses

If the license manager appears to start but you cannot check out any licenses, perform the tests below
in the order they are listed:

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 81

1. Review the Licensing Interconnect debug log file for more information. Use the View Licensing Interconnect
Log option of ANSYS License Management Center to view the file.

2. On the license server machine(s), review the FlexNet license.log file for error messages. Use the View
FlexNet Debug Log option of ANSYS License Management Center to view the file.

3. If neither log file exists or has a zero length, verify that you have write permissions on the files and on the
directory containing the files (the licensing directory by default).

4. If you have borrowed licenses, verify that you are not attempting to check out a non-borrowed license.
Once you have borrowed one or more licenses, you will not be able to use non-borrowed licenses until
you have returned all borrowed licenses. For more information, see Borrowing Application Licenses on
Windows (p. 55)

You could also encounter problems with obtaining a license if the Licensing Interconnect is still attempt-
ing to restart the FlexNet server. Check the FlexNet license.log file. If you see the following lines
multiple times, try rebooting your license server machine:
(lmgrd) ansyslmd exited with status 28 (Communications error)
(lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server
(lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
(lmgrd) REStarted ansyslmd (pid 103864)

7.3.8. Entries in the FlexNet Options File Are Ignored

If you are using a FlexNet Options file and the Licensing Interconnect is not recognizing those entries
(such as INCLUDE statements), and you are using IP addresses, you must also include the IP address of
the system on which the Licensing Interconnect is running.

7.3.9. Jobs Abort When a License Manager Goes Down in Three-Server Envir-
If you are running in a three-server environment and ANSYS program jobs abort when one of the license
managers goes down, perform the tests below in the order they are listed:


1. If this problem persists after you perform the steps below, you may want to consider switching
to a single-server environment.

2. When using a three-server environment, we strongly recommend that all three servers be on
the same subnet. If this is not the case, you should consider using three machines which are in
the same physical location and are on the same subnet.

1. Verify that two of the three license managers are still running. Use the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility (Display
the License Status). If the license manager is not already running on all servers, start it on all of them.

2. Check the ansyslmd.ini file in the licensing directory to make sure the server specification is correct.

3. Check to see whether the ANSYSLI_SERVERS or ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set.

If it is, verify that the settings are correct.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
82 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Problem Situations

4. Verify that the same license file exists on all three license servers in the licensing directory. The hostnames
of all three servers must appear in these files and in the same order. If the license files are not the same on
all three servers, make corrections as necessary and restart the license manager.

5. Verify that the date and time on all license servers are consistent and correct. Make corrections as necessary
and restart the license manager.

6. Verify that the hostid has not changed on any of the license servers. If any hostid has changed, you need
to obtain and install new licenses on all license servers.

7. Verify that the license manager and utilities are installed locally on each license server. If not, run the in-
stallation from the installation media and choose to install the license server only. See the installation
manual for your product and platform for more information.

8. Verify that the ansyslmd.opt files match exactly on all three license servers.

9. Check the FlexNet license.log and the licensing interconnect ansysli_server.log files for error
messages. See the remainder of this chapter for a list of possible errors and their resolutions.

7.3.10. Licensing Log File Not Created

On Windows, if the license manager starts and licenses can be taken from the license server, but the
FlexNet licensing log file and the ansysli_server.log file are not written, check the Administrator
account. Verify that the Administrator (as well as the individual user) has write privileges to the directory
where the log files are to be written.

7.3.11. Queuing Does Not Work

If queuing does not work, refer to the following list of possible causes and corrections:

Verify that the environment variable ANSWAIT is set to 1.

The license manager is down. In this case, use ANSYS License Management Center to start the license

The hostname is mistyped in the ansyslmd.ini file or the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment

variable. If so, correct the name and retry.

You are not licensed for the requested product. In this case, request a product for which you are licensed.

All licenses for the requested feature are reserved in the license options file. If so, have the license ad-
ministrator correct the license options file.

The user is excluded via the license options file from using the licenses for the feature(s) that are installed
on this machine.

You are running an application that does not support queuing.

7.3.12. The FlexNet Utility lmutil Does Not Shut Down License Manager
If you attempt to use the FlexNet utility lmutil from an earlier release (such as the FlexNet 10.8.8
version of the daemons) to shut down the ANSYS, Inc. Release 16.2 License Manager, you may see the
prompt to shut down the license manager repeatedly:

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 83

lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2008 Acresso Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]

Port@Host Vendors
1) 1055@pghxpuser7 ansyslmd

Are you sure (y/n)? y

If the current version of the lmutil is not in the licensing directory, the older version of lmutil may
or may not shut down the ansyslmd daemon, but it will not shut down the lmgrd daemon.

To correct this error, use the most current version of lmutil to shut down the license manager.

7.3.13. The FlexNet Utility lmcksum May Give Misleading Information

The FLEXlm utility lmcksum may give misleading information. Do not rely on its results to verify the
accuracy of your license file.

7.3.14. The Mechanical APDL Launcher is Excessively Slow to Start

If the Mechanical APDL launcher takes an excessively long time to startup (Windows only), make sure
the hostnames in the ansyslmd.ini file and in the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and the ANSYSLI_SERV-
ERS environment variables are typed correctly and that the hosts specified by the hostnames exist.
Replacing hostnames with IP addresses may improve the speed as well. Also verify that the port number
is correct.

7.3.15. Mechanical APDL Launcher is Not Using ANSYS162_PRODUCT Envir-

onment Variable Correctly
If the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher does not use the product specified by the AN-
SYS162_PRODUCT environment variable the first time that the launcher is run, you may need to clear
your profiles and settings. In the launcher, choose Options >Delete All Settings/Profiles. This option
will remove any profiles you have saved for this release, and revert back to using the AN-
SYS162_PRODUCT setting. See the discussion on Launcher Menu Options in the Operations Guide for
more details on using the Delete All Settings/Profiles option before choosing this option.

7.3.16. Cannot Run a Product Listed in the Mechanical APDL Product

When running the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher, if you see the products listed correctly under
the License field but are not able to run a product (you may see various error messages), the FlexNet
license path (usually <port>@<host>) may not be specified correctly. If you see the products listed
but are not able to run a product, select Tools> Display License Status and review the FlexNet license
path for errors.

7.3.17. No Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet Path Available from Display the

License Status Option
If you select the Display the License Status option from the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and see a message
stating that the Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet path is empty, try the following:

1. Use the Specify the License Server Machine option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to specify the missing
Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet port number. (On Windows, use the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.) If

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
84 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Problem Situations

the machine is already specified but the error message states that no FlexNet path has been specified, the
FlexNet port number may be missing from the license server specification shown in the Specify the License
Server window. Add the machine's FlexNet port number using the Specify the License Server Machine
option to add this machine to your FlexNet license path.


This particular machine may have been configured to run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect
without starting FlexNet. Verify that FlexNet is running on this machine before changing
this setting.

See Specify the License Server Machine (p. 59) for more information on specifying license server

2. Check the ANS_FLEXLM_DISABLE_DEFLICPATH environment variable setting. If this environment variable

is set, the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager will not use the license server machine specifications in the an-
syslmd.ini file. In this case, only the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment
variable settings will be used.

7.3.18. Cannot Enter Data in Text Fields

On some SuSE Linux systems and possibly other systems, if you cannot enter data in text fields during
the installation or when using the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility, you may be encountering a Tcl incompatib-
ility. To correct the problem, unset the following environment variables before running the installation
or the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility:


You should reset these environment variables when you are finished running the installation or using
ANSLIC_ADMIN. Do not permanently unset these environment variables as doing so could affect other

7.3.19. Design Point Project Locks Reserved Licenses During a Hang

If you are running a design point study in ANSYS Workbench and are using reserved licenses, you may
need to free licenses if one or more design points hang or do not complete successfully. To do so, you
will need to free the entire reserve. When a user reserves a group of licenses, the group is given a reserve
ID. To free a reserved license without shutting down the license manager, you can use a specific ID,
you can return licenses reserved by a specific user, or you can return all reserved licenses.

If you want to return a license associated with a specific reserve ID, issue the following ansysli_util
command option to find the reserve ID of the reserved licenses:
ansysli_util -reserve_list

The list of reserve IDs will be displayed. For example, issuing the above command might return output
similar to the following (your output will appear on a single line):
jqd MyProject(###)(###)634710595285628367
ANSYS Dynamics <dynamics> 19 1055@licabc

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 85

2012/05/01 14:51:43 ANSYS Academic Mechanical HPC 3

Using the reserve ID from the previous command output, issue the following command to remove a
specific reserve:
ansysli_util -return_reserve_by_id id

If you want to return licenses reserved by a specific user, issue the following command:
ansysli_util -return_reserve_by_user username

If you want the ability to return all reserved licenses, use one of the following Licensing Interconnect
startup options:

1. Start the License Interconnect under your user ID.


2. Start the Licensing Interconnect, using the ansyslmd.ini keyword (RETURN_RESERVE=USER) or Licensing
Interconnect command option (-reserveuser) to specify the users who are able to return reserved licenses.
Note that you can also specify by group on Linux, using the Licensing Interconnect command option-re-
servegroup or the ansyslmd.ini keyword RETURN_RESERVE=GROUP. See keyword and command options
in the Reference Section for more information.

Once you are permitted to return reserved licenses, issue the following command to return all reserved
ansysli_util -return_reserve_all

This command removes any free or hung licenses in the reserve; if any of the reserved licenses are still
in use, those running jobs will continue to completion. Any licenses checked out by those running jobs
will remain checked out until the jobs complete. The design point study will not start new jobs, since
the reserves have been removed.

7.3.20. Removing the Obsolete ANSYS FLEXlm License Manager Service

If you run the server ANSLIC_ADMIN utility, you may see a message displayed indicating that the ANSYS
FLEXlm License Manager Service, used from Release 5.7 through 11, is still on the machine and needs
to be removed. You must have administrative privileges to remove this service. To remove this obsolete

Open a command prompt window. (If the machine has UAC enabled, right-mouse click on the Command
Prompt option from the Start menu and select Run as administrator.) Enter the following commands
in the command prompt window:
net stop "ANSYS FLEXlm license manager"
sc delete "ANSYS FLEXlm license manager"

If you see a message stating that access is denied, confirm that your account has administrator privileges
and that you have opened the command prompt window with administrator privileges. It can take
several minutes for the service to be completely removed. Therefore, after you receive the message
stating that the removal of the service was successful, allow several minutes for it to complete.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Problem Situations

7.3.21. See a File Not Found Message When Running a Licensing Utility
Linux x64 System: Linux x64 systems running the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager require the Linux
Standard Base (LSB) package. If this package is missing, you will see a message similar to one of the
following errors when the license manager attempts to run, or when you attempt to run a licensing
utility, such as ANSLIC_ADMIN, getFLEXid, or lmutil.
/lmgrd -h
./lmgrd: No such file or directory

If you have confirmed that the file listed does exist, try installing the LSB package from the Linux install-
ation media.

7.3.22. Cannot See Installed Dongles

Verify that the latest FlexNet dll (haspsrm_win64.dll) is located in the Windows\System32 directory.
Typically, the directory path is:


If the FlexNet dll is not in the Windows\System32 directory, you can manually place it there by copying
it from the following ANSYS installation directory:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\bin\winx64\drivers\flexnet

7.3.23. Unable to Run a Bookmarked Version ANSYS License Management

To run the ANSYS License Management Center, Tomcat must be running. Start Tomcat prior to
starting the ANSYS License Management Center from a bookmark.

7.3.24. Unable to View PDF Files in ANSYS License Management Center

To view PDF files in the ANSYS License Management Center the Adobe PDF plugin for your browser
must be enabled.

7.3.25. Unable to Search PDF Files in ANSYS License Management Center

To perform searches of PDF files displayed in the ANSYS License Management Center the Adobe PDF
plugin for your browser must be enabled.

7.3.26. Starting ANSYS License Management Center Causes Error Messages

(Linux Only)
Installing the ANSYS License Manager as root and subsequently attempting to run ANSYS License
Management Center as a non-root user may display one of the following permission issues:

ANSYS License Management Center hangs up, displaying the message,Determining license manager

ERROR: In attempting to write to /ansys/root/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tom-

cat/logs/catalina.out, Tomcat will not be able to start successfully. Please check the file permissions.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 87

/bin/sh: /var/tmp/cmd.out: Permission denied

ERROR: Attempt to delete file "/ansys/root/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tom-

cat/bin/" failed.

ERROR: Attempt to rename file "/ansys/root/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tom-

cat/bin/" to "/ansys/root/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin/"

ERROR: The new value of export ANSYSLM_ROOT_DIR=/ansys/root/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/../..

was not updated in the Tomcat /ansys/root/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin/

Existing PID file found during start.

Removing/clearing stale PID file.

Unable to remove or clear stale PID file. Start aborted.

These permission issues may be resolved by running the following commands:

chmod 777 -R /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin

chmod 777 -R /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/logs

7.3.27. Manually Changing the Tomcat Port Number

During the default ANSYS License Manager installation, the Tomcat port number is set to 1084. To
change this port number, see, Modifying the Tomcat Port Number (p. 23)

7.4. Licensing-Related Mechanical APDL Launcher Error Messages

Some messages that you see from the Mechanical APDL launcher are related to product licensing. These
messages follow. For additional Mechanical APDL launcher error messages, see the Troubleshooting
section of the ANSYS, Inc. Installation Guide for your platform.

Various Messages

If you see any licensing-related messages, the launcher has encountered an error while trying to
find or retrieve a license. Possible causes are the license manager is not running, no licenses were
found, or the existing licenses have expired. If any of these messages appear, perform the tests that
are listed below in the order presented:

1. Verify that the license manager is running on all license servers by viewing the ANSYS License
Management Center. If the license manager is not running, start it on the license server machine(s).

2. Check the license.log and ansysli_server.log file on each license server for errors.

3. Run Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) from a command prompt to check for additional error messages.

Example (Windows):
"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V162\ANSYS\bin\winx64\ansys162"

Check the Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) Output window for error messages and additional in-
formation about the failure.

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88 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Licensing Error Messages

4. Use the ping command to test communication between the client machine and the license server.

If the ping command does not work, modify the hosts file or the DNS server to contain
the correct host names and IP addresses. Verify that the license server and the client ma-
chines have unique IP addresses.

5. Verify that the ansyslmd.ini file exists in the client licensing directory and that it contains the
correct hostname and port numbers of the license server. If this file does not exist, see Specify the
License Server Machine (p. 59) to specify the license server. If the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE
variable is used to specify the license server, verify that the hostname of the license server is correct.

6. Verify that the correct version of the license manager daemons (lmgrd and ansyslmd) is being
used. For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Soft-
ware (p. 1)

***Unable to load profile <name> because simulation environment <simulation environment>

is not available.

If you see this message, the simulation environment specified in the named profile was uninstalled
since the profile was created. You will need to specify a new simulation environment and re-specify
any launcher settings to continue. To avoid seeing this message in subsequent launcher sessions,
update and resave the profile, or reinstall the desired simulation environment.

7.5. Licensing Error Messages

*** Licensed number of users already reached.

You may have reached the number of ANSYS product tasks that you have licensed. Wait until a task
has been freed up and try again. If this error occurs on a regular basis, you may want to talk to your
ANSYS sales representative about obtaining additional licenses.

This error may also occur when licenses have been reserved for certain users, or when certain users
have been excluded from licenses via the license options file.

*** All licenses are reserved for others.

This error may occur if you have multiple INCREMENT lines for the same feature in the license file,
and there are differing fields on each INCREMENT line (such as VENDOR_STRING and the version
field), and licenses have been reserved for this feature. In this situation, the number of reserved li-
censes is reserved out of each INCREMENT, rather than the sum total of both.

*** Cannot connect to license server.


***Unable to connect to FlexNet license server

The license manager is currently not running. Use ANSYS License Management Center to start
the license manager. Your license must exist on the license server prior to starting the license

If you install the license manager and a license file, and it appears that the server is running, but
you cannot connect to your license server, try rebooting.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 89

If you think the license manager should already be running, check the FlexNet license log file and
the ansysli_server.log file for errors.

Some other possible causes for this error include:

If Windows Firewall is enabled on the license server, ansyslmd.exe, lmgrd.exe, and an-
sysli_server.exe need to be included in the exceptions.

The wrong hostname is in the license file (machine ID is correct in the file and when the license
keys were generated). The license manager could not be started.

The wrong license file is on the system (both hostname and machine ID are incorrect and the license
keys were created with the wrong ID). The license manager could not be started.

The wrong license file is on the system AND the user changed the server line to have the machine's
hostid but not the hostname. The license manager could not be started.

An incorrect port number was used on the SERVER line(s) in the ansyslmd.ini file or in the setting
of the licensing path environment variable ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE

All of the installed license files have expired.

If none of the above causes are applicable, the Licensing Interconnect may not have started because
it was not able to start the FlexNet server or may have exited after failing to restart the FlexNet
server. Check the FlexNet license log file (license.log). If you see the following lines multiple
times, try rebooting your license server machine:
(lmgrd) ansyslmd exited with status 28 (Communications error)
(lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server
(lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
(lmgrd) REStarted ansyslmd (pid 103864)

*** Feature removed during lmreread, or wrong SERVER line hostid

Some possible causes of this message include:

There is a typographical error in the license file's SERVER line. Typically, the machine ID was mistyped
when manually entering the license file on a machine.

You tried to install another machine's license file on a machine and changed the SERVER line in the
file to have this machine's hostname but not the machine ID.

A laptop with a docking station (with an Ethernet card in it) is removed from the docking station
and the license file was made using this card's Ethernet address.

The feature was removed during lmreread but the client is reading an old copy of the license file
that still contains the removed feature.

*** Clock difference too large between client and server.

This message will appear if the date on the client machine has changed. The date should never be
set ahead or behind the actual date.

*** License server does not support this feature.

This message can be generated if the feature has expired (on the server), or has not yet started, or
the version is greater than the highest supported version, or the license file has been edited while

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90 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Licensing Error Messages

the license server is running and the license file is not reread. Additional causes for this message

If you are trying to install another machine's license file on a machine AND changes both the host-
name and the machine ID information on the SERVER line to be this machine's information. The
INCREMENT lines contained in the license file are still invalid for this machine.

If new information for the requested feature was added to the license file but neither an lmreread
was issued nor was the license manager restarted.

If a laptop with a docking station (with an Ethernet card in it) is removed from the docking station,
and the license was made using this card's Ethernet address, AND the user edited the SERVER line,
replacing the Ethernet address with the disk signature of the machine (in an attempt to fix the
problem). Such an attempt will not succeed because the INCREMENT lines were created using the
docking station's Ethernet address, which in this situation can no longer be seen on this machine.

If one or more INCREMENT lines that were made for machine A were installed in machine B's license
file and those features were trying to be checked out from machine B.

*** Feature has expired.

Your license has expired; contact your ANSYS sales representative for a renewal.

*** No such feature exists.

A license does not exist for the requested product. Verify that the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment
variable and the ansyslmd.ini file are pointing to the correct license server.

Verify that you are running the correct product. Use the Set License Preferences for User option of
the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to specify the products and the product order you want to use.

If you are not licensed to run this product, contact your ANSYS sales representative to obtain a license.

If you are licensed to run this product, install the license from the license supplied by ANSYS, Inc. or your
ANSYS sales representative using the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility. If you have already created the license,
use the ANSYS License Management Center to reread the license file.

You could also see this message if you are trying to use a license manager daemon from a previous release.
For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software (p. 1).

Failover feature <product name> specified in license preferences is not available.

You may see this message if you specify a particular license (such as with the -p command line
option on the Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) product) and no license for that product is currently
available in the license path. Check the following:

The license may have expired.

All of your licenses may be in use.

You do not have the specified license.

The license is not included in your license preferences as set with the Specify License Preferences for
User in the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 91

Your Technology Enhancements and Customer Support (TECS) for this version may have expired.

*** License file does not support this version.

The build date in the program is newer than the version in the license file. You may not be authorized
to run a new release or you may not have installed your new license. If this is the case, install the
license using the ANSYS License Management Center. If you have installed the new license, use
the ANSYS License Management Center to reread the license file. To view the build date in
Mechanical APDL (ANSYS), use the -v command line option.

*** Invalid (inconsistent) license key

For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software (p. 1).
Verify that you are not using the license manager daemons supplied with a previous release.

This error can also occur if the license key contains incorrect characters or format (sometimes caused
by transferring the file).

Invalid license file: None of the hostnames in the license file match the system hostname.

This message occurs when you install the license file if the hostname of the system you are running
on does not match any of the hostnames in your license file. Some possible reasons why this can
happen include:

You are attempting to run on a system that has not been included in your license.

The hostname of the system you are working on has been changed since it was used to generate the
license information.

A typographical error was introduced when the hostname was entered when creating the license key.

On some newer Linux machines, the system hostname is not listed consistently in the /etc/hosts
file. When you run the Get System Hostid Information option of the ANSYS License Management
Center, the utility uses the localhost information instead of the correct system hostname. An example
of the problematic /etc/hosts file might look like this:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost abclinux5 abclinux5 abclinux5
[root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname
[root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname -s
[root@abclinux5 ~]$

In this example, the Get System Hostid Information option would incorrectly use the localhost

To correct the problem, you need to edit the /etc/hosts file and change the order of the
hostname lines. The example shown above would then look like this:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. abclinux5 abclinux5 localhost.localdomain localhost abclinux5
[root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname
[root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname -s

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92 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Licensing Error Messages

[root@abclinux5 ~]$

In the corrected example, the Get System Hostid Information option would correctly use the
abclinux5 hostname.

*** Local checkout filter rejected request.

View the license debug log files (FlexNet license.log and the Licensing Interconnect an-
sysli_server.log) to find the specific cause of this message.

*** Cannot find server hostname in network database.

This message will appear if one or more of the SERVER computer names do not appear in the client
computer's /etc/hosts file (Linux) or the services file (Windows).

***The ANSYS license manager server is down. Unless a connection is reestablished, ANSYS will
exit in nn minutes.

A message similar to this one occurs in a one-server license environment if your license manager
has quit running. In a three-license server environment, the ANSYS, Inc. license manager must be
running on at least two of the three license server machines at all times. If two of the license server
machines go down, or two of the machines are not running the license manager, this error message
will appear in the program output or in a message box. The program will continue to run for nn
minutes to allow the license manager to be restarted or to be started on a second machine if using
redundant servers. When this error message appears, start the license manager on the other machines
designated as license servers.

If you get this message and determine that the license manager is still running, and you are running
in a one-server environment, then the IP address of the license server machine was changed while
the ANSYS product was running (this is usually caused by connecting to or disconnecting from an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) that dynamically allocates IP addresses). To correct this situation, you
must return the IP address to the same address that the license server had when the ANSYS product
was started.

If the IP address changes after you start the ANSYS product (either because you connected to or
disconnected from your ISP), you can correct the error by restarting the ANSYS product. You should
not need to restart the license manager.

You can avoid this problem by remaining connected to or disconnected from the ISP the entire
time you are running the application.

*** version of vendor daemon is too old.

For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software (p. 1).
Verify that you are not using the license manager daemons supplied with a previous release.

Your version of the ANSYS license client software is out of date. Refer to Licensing Error Messages
in the Troubleshooting section of the ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide.

The version of the license client ansysli_client [version] must be greater or equal to the
client ANSYS application [version].

This message indicates that you are attempting to start an ANSYS, Inc. application with an out-of-
date version of the license client.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 93

If you are using different installation directories for the current and prior versions, you need to ensure
that each version is running from the appropriate installation directory.

If you are using the same installation directory for the current version as you used for the prior
version, try the following solutions:

The license client was running during the installation process and was not replaced. In this case, close
all ANSYS, Inc. applications, making sure that the license client closes, and then run the Complete Un-
finished Licensing Installation Configuration option from the Client ANSLIC_ADMINs Tools menu.

The license client was running during the installation process and was replaced, but the application is
not reading the new client. In this case, close all ANSYS, Inc. applications, making sure that the license
client closes, and restart the ANSYS, Inc. application.

Your version of the ANSYS license manager software is out of date. Download and install the
current ANSYS license manager from the ANSYS Customer Portal.

The version of the license server ansysli_server [version] must be greater or equal to the
client ANSYS application [version].

This message indicates that you are attempting to start an ANSYS, Inc. product with an out-of-date
version of the license server. You need to update to the latest version of the license manager.

***Cannot read data from license server.

The server and the client are having difficulties communicating. This error is usually caused by the
network setup or by the network data being different from the data in the license file (for example,
the server name, machine ID, port number, or vendor daemon).

Confirm that the information on the SERVER line of the license file is the correct information for the

Confirm that the syntax of the SERVER and VENDOR lines of the license file is correct.

Verify that TCP/IP is enabled correctly.

Check that the hosts file on the client machine contains the license server.

Try using <port>@<ipaddress> when specifying the server.

***The license server is taking too long to respond. The application has stopped waiting for a
reply. The license server may be experiencing a high demand or a temporary outage. Try again

In rare occasions, your site could be submitting too many requests too quickly (simultaneously or
nearly simultaneously) to the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager. In this case, you will also see that the
license server machine in question is averaging 85% CPU usage or higher. In this scenario, we re-
commend that you either point some of the clients to a different license server or install one or
more standalone licensing interconnects for some of the clients to use. For instructions on installing
a standalone licensing interconnect, see Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect without
FlexNet (p. 19).

***Connection to the license server closed unexpectedly.

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94 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
License Manager Installation Directory Errors

If you see the above message and the server is not experiencing any demand, a virus scanner may
be blocking connections to your license server. Rebooting your license server may also resolve the

Could not bind socket on port 2325. Address already in use.

If you see the above message in your licensing log file, your operating system was not able to free
a port before the timeout period expired. This situation could happen if the port is being used by
some other application, or after you shut down a server if you did not wait long enough for the
ports to free before restarting it. This situation appears to occur more frequently on Sun systems,
because these operating systems have a default timeout period to free a port that may not be suf-

On Sun systems, the default is 4 minutes for the CLOSE_WAIT and TIME_WAIT port states. You can
adjust the default timeout period to 30 seconds by issuing either of the following commands as
appropriate for your operating system level:
ndd /dev/tcp -set tcp_time_wait_interval 30000
ndd /dev/tcp -set tcp_close_wait_interval 30000

Consult your system administrator before making changes to your default operating system settings
or to determine which command is appropriate for your operating system level.

***Failed to retrieve license preferences. Be sure that you are able to connect to the license

If you attempt to set your license preferences and the client information is at a higher release than
the server information, you may see this message. To verify, see the getuserprefs.log file (on
Linux machines, in .ansys in your home directory; on Windows, in %TEMP%\.ansys). Note the
last lines in the example below:
2012/08/24 17:18:00 INFO Not connected to a local port.
2012/08/24 17:18:00 NEW_CONNECTION
Connected to license server: [email protected].
ANSYSLI_SERVERS: [email protected]
Servers: [email protected]
2012/08/24 17:18:01 SITE_PREFS 2012.0806
Your version of the ANSYS license manager software is out
of date. Please download and install the current ANSYS license
manager from the ANSYS Customer Portal.
The version of the license server [email protected] [1.1.2]
must be greater or equal to the client ALI_UTIL version [1.3.0].

***License File filename has changed. Please do a reread to update the server.

The license file or the FlexNet options file has been changed since the last restart of the license
manager or reread of the license file. The changes will not be available until you restart the license
manager or reread the license file. If you are running the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet
independently and have cached the license file, the cached license file may be out of date. Restart
FlexNet or reread the license file to update the cached license file. If you make changes to the license
file, in addition to rereading the license file in FlexNet, you must also recache the license file in the
Licensing Interconnect by restarting the Licensing Interconnect or by using the Reread License
Manager Settings option in the ANSYS License Management Center.

7.6. License Manager Installation Directory Errors

The directory you specified is not valid for one of the following reasons:

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 95

Must not be a UNC path

Must not contain a symbolic link or junction

Must not be a filename

Must be an absolute path

Must be in long file name format (not 8.3 format)

Must contain a valid, existing local, fixed-media drive

Please check your path, correct the problem, and retry.

If you see this message or one that is similar, you may need to correct the path to the license
manager. The message will display a particular error code (listed below). The -100 series numbers
indicate errors associated with the path you entered; the -200 series numbers indicate errors asso-
ciated with the path specified in the service.

-108 / -208: path is a UNC path; UNC paths are not permitted.

-109 / -209: path contains a remote (network) drive; remote drives are not permitted.

-110 / -210: path does not contain a valid drive letter from a to z.

-111 / -211: path points to a file rather than to a directory.

-113 / -213: path is a relative path, which is not permitted.

-114 / -214: root path is invalid. (Example: The drive specified in the path doesnt exist.)

-115 / -215: paths root path isnt a local fixed-media drive path.

-116 / -216: path contains either a symbolic link or a junction, neither of which is permitted.

-117 / -217: path is a short (8.3) file name format path, which is not permitted.

7.7. ANSYS License Borrowing Errors

***Unable to return <Product>, encountered feature not found attempting to return license
feature <Product.>

If you see the above message when attempting to return a borrowed license before the expiration
date, the -2 -p license manager startup option might have been set. The -2 -p option is not
supported. If you are running an earlier release, you must manually unset the option. In this case,
you may also see the following in the log file:

UNAUTHORIZED lmremove request from <user> at node <host>.

You may also see the above message if the existing server specification does not contain the machine
from which the license was borrowed. To correct the problem, add the machine to the server spe-
cification. If the ANSYS Borrow Utility is open when the server specification is changed to contain

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96 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
FlexNet License Log File Errors

this server, you must close and restart the utility after changing the license server specification and
before returning the borrowed license.

7.8. FlexNet License Log File Errors

***Not a valid server hostname, exiting. Valid server hosts are: xxx

The hostname in the SERVER line of the license file does not match the hostname of the system. In
this case, change the hostname in the license file. Other possible causes include:

The license file was put on a machine other than the one for which it was created; therefore, the
hostname is not correct.

The hostname of the license server changed. Change the hostname on the SERVER line of the license
file to correct this problem. REMEMBER to send ANSYS the new hostname so that future license
files are made with the correct hostname.

The license file was put on a machine other than the one for which it was created AND the user
changed the machine's ID on the SERVER line but did not change the hostname. If the machine ID
is also wrong, you will also see a message about the wrong hostid on SERVER line after correcting
the hostname.

The wrong hostname was used to create the license file. As long as the correct machine ID was
used, you should be able to change the hostname on the SERVER line of the license file to fix this
problem. REMEMBER to send ANSYS the correct hostname so that future license files are made with
the correct hostname.

***Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)

The INCREMENT lines in the license file are not valid for this system (Hostid mismatch). This error
will also occur if the license file was typed incorrectly. Additional causes for this message include:

If a license file created for machine A is being installed on machine B AND the user changed the
hostname and the machine ID to machine B's in the SERVER line.

If INCREMENT lines created for machine A are appended to an existing ansyslmd.lic file on
machine B.

If a laptop with a docking station (with an Ethernet card in it) is removed from the docking station,
and the license was made using this card's Ethernet address, AND the user edited the SERVER line,
replacing the Ethernet address with the disk signature of the machine (in an attempt to fix the
problem). Such an attempt will not succeed because the INCREMENT lines were created using the
docking station's Ethernet address, which in this situation can no longer be seen on this machine.

In a three-server license environment, if the license file was created using an incorrect hostid for
one of the license servers, this message will appear and will prohibit an ANSYS product from running
on any machine. Verify that the hostid in the license file matches the hostid on all three license
servers. If it does not, the license file must be created using the correct hostid for all license server

***Wrong Hostid on SERVER line for license file: <path to license file>

License file is not valid for this machine. Possible causes include:

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 97

There is a typographical error. If the license file was entered manually, the machine ID may have
been incorrectly typed in the SERVER line.

The user installed a license file created for machine A on machine B and changed the hostname in
the SERVER line but did not change the machine ID.

The hostid changed on a machine but the hostname stayed the same.

A laptop with a docking station (with an Ethernet card in it) is removed from the docking station,
and the license file was made using this card's Ethernet address.

A license file was made using the Windows disk signature but the keyword 'DISK_SERIAL_NUM='
was not put before the ID. Ethernet address would be expected.

*** XXX : Not a valid server hostname, exiting. Valid server hosts are: YYY.

The hostname listed in the ansyslmd.lic (YYY) file does not match the hostname of the system

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
98 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 8: Product Variable Table
The following table shows each ANSYS, Inc. product and its associated feature name as used in the IN-
CREMENT lines.

This table is provided as a reference for both current and legacy products. Not all products listed are
generally available but are included here for customers running an older release. Contact your ANSYS
sales representative or technical support representative for details regarding product availability.

Table 8.1: Product/Feature Names for Licensed Products

Product Feature Names

ANSYS Multiphysics Products
ANSYS AIM Professional aim_mp2
ANSYS AIM Standard aim_mp1
ANSYS Mechanical CFD-Flo ancfx*
ANSYS Mechanical Emag ane3*
ANSYS Multiphysics ane3fl*
ANSYS Multiphysics Solver mpba*
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Products
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Standard ancode_standard
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Vibration ancode_vibration
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Accelerated Testing ancode_acc_testing
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Welds ancode_welds
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Parallel ancode_hpc
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Thermo-Mechanical ancode_thermo_mech
ANSYS nCode DesignLife Composites ancode_composite
ANSYS Structural Mechanics Products
ANSYS Composite Cure Simulation a_lmat
ANSYS Customization Suite ans_act
ANSYS DesignSpace caewbpl3
ANSYS DesignXplorer dsdxm
ANSYS Fatigue Module dfatigue
ANSYS Mechanical ansys*
ANSYS Mechanical Solver meba*
ANSYS Professional NLS prfnls
ANSYS Professional NLT prf*
ANSYS Rigid Body Dynamics kinemat, dynamics

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 99
Product Variable Table

Product Feature Names

ANSYS Structural struct*
ANSYS Structural Solver stba*
ANSYS Explicit Dynamics Products
ANSYS Autodyn acdi_ad3dfull, acdi_adhpc, acdi_adprepost,
ANSYS Explicit STR acdi_explprof
ANSYS Fluid Dynamics Products
ANSYS BladeModeler acfx_bldmdlr
ANSYS CFD MHD acfd_mhd
ANSYS CFD Solver acfd_solver
ANSYS CFD-Flo acfd_flo
ANSYS CFD-Flo Solver acfx_pre, acfx_solver, acfx_nolimit,
ANSYS CFX acfd_cfx
ANSYS CFX Advanced Turbulence Models acfx_advanced_turbulence,
ANSYS CFX Multiple Frames of Reference acfx_mfr
ANSYS CFX Multi-Phase Flows acfx_multiphase
ANSYS CFX Radiation Models acfx_radiation
ANSYS CFX Reacting and Combusting Species acfx_combustion
ANSYS CFX Solver acfd_cfx_solver, acfx_pre
ANSYS CFX-RIF Flamelet Library Generator acfd_rif
ANSYS Fluent acfd_fluent
ANSYS Fluent Immersed Boundary Module acfd_ib
ANSYS Fluent PEM Fuel Cell Module acfd_fcell
ANSYS Fluent SOFC Fuell Cell Module acfd_fcell
ANSYS Fluent Solver acfd_fluent_solver
ANSYS Fluent V2F Module acfd_v2f
ANSYS Polyflow acfd_polyflow
ANSYS Polyflow BlowMolding acfd_polyflow_blowmolding
ANSYS Polyflow Extrusion acfd_polyflow_extrusion
ANSYS Polyflow Solver acfd_polyflow_solver
ANSYS TurboGrid acfx_turbogrid
ANSYS CFX Turbo acfd_cfx_turbo
ANSYS Vista TF acfd_vista_tf
ANSYS HPC Products

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Product Feature Names
ANSYS HPC anshpc
ANSYS HPC Pack anshpc_pack
ANSYS HPC Parametric Pack ans_dp_pack
ANSYS LS-DYNA Parallel dysmp
ANSYS Pre/Post Processing and Geometry Interface Products
ANSYS Autodyn PrepPost acdi_adprepost
ANSYS CATIA V6 Reader a_catv6_reader
ANSYS CFD-Post acfx_post
ANSYS CFD PrepPost acfd_preppost
ANSYS Composite PrepPost acpreppost
ANSYS DesignModeler agppi
ANSYS Extended Meshing amesh_extended
ANSYS Geometry Interfaces a_geometry
ANSYS ICEM CFD Hexa aimed, aihexa, aimshcrt, aibfcart, aiiges,
aiacis, aioutput, aioutcfd, aidxf, aiquad,
ANSYS ICEM CFD Tetra/Prism aimed, aitetra, aiprism, aiiges, aiacis,
aioutput, aioutcfd, aidxf, aiquad
ANSYS Interface for Team Center Engineering pdmiman
ANSYS JT Reader a_jt_reader
ANSYS LS-DYNA PrepPost dynapp*
ANSYS Mechanical PrepPost preppost*
ANSYS Meshing amesh
ANSYS Mesh Morpher paramesh
ANSYS RBF Morph Module rbfmorph
ANSYS SpaceClaim CATIA V5 Interface a_spaceclaim_catv5
ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler a_spaceclaim_dirmod
GD&T Module for SpaceClaim a_spaceclaim_gdt
JT Open Reader for SpaceClaim a_spaceclaim_jt
Faceted Data Toolkit for SpaceClaim a_spaceclaim_faceteddata
3D PDF Reader for SpaceClaim a_spaceclaim_3dpdf
CADNexus/CAPRI CAE Gateway for CATIA V5 capricatv5
Geometry Interface for Autodesk piautoin
Geometry Interface for CATIA V5 picatv5
Geometry Interface for CATIA V5 Linux linux_catiav5
Geometry Interface for Creo Elements/Direct 1spacdes
Geometry Interface for Creo Parametric piproe
Geometry Interface for NX piug

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 101
Product Variable Table

Product Feature Names

Geometry Interface for Parasolid rdpara
Geometry Interface for SAT rdacis
Geometry Interface for SolidEdge pisoledg
Geometry Interface for SolidWorks pisolwor
ANSYS Academic Products
ANSYS Academic Associate aa_a*, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Associate CFD aa_a_cfd, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Associate HPC aa_a_hpc
ANSYS Academic CFD Turbo Tools aa_turbo
ANSYS Academic Fuel Cell Tools aa_fcell
ANSYS Academic Meshing Tools aa_mesh, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research aa_r*, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research AUTODYN aa_r_ad, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research CFD aa_r_cfd, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research Electronics aa_r_et, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research HPC aa_r_hpc
ANSYS Academic Research LS-DYNA aa_r_dy*, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research LS-DYNA HPC aa_dy_p
ANSYS Academic Research Offshore/Marine aa_r_om, aa_mcad, aa_r_aql
ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical aa_r_me, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Research Polyflow aa_r_pf, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Teaching Advanced aa_t_a*, aa_mcad, aa_ds
ANSYS Academic Teaching CFD aa_t_cfd, aa_mcad
ANSYS Academic Teaching Introductory aa_t_i*, aa_mcad, aa_ds
ANSYS Academic Teaching Mechanical aa_t_me*, aa_mcad, aa_ds
ANSYS AIM Student aa_s_aim
ANSYS EKM Products
EKM Individual ekm_desktop, ekm_md
EKM Shared ekm_user, ekm_md
ANSYS Offshore Products
ANSYS AQWA DIFFRACTION acdi_aqwags, acdi_aqwaline,
acdi_aqwawave, acdi_hydrodiff
ANSYS AQWA SUITE acdi_aqwadrft, acdi_aqwafer, acdi_aqwags,
acdi_aqwalbrm, acdi_aqwaline,
acdi_aqwanaut, acdi_aqwawave,
ANSYS AQWA SUITE with Coupled Cable acdi_aqwaline, acdi_aqwawave, acdi_cd-ags,
Dynamics acdi_cd-drift, acdi_cd-fer, acdi_cd-libr,
acdi_cd-naut, acdi_hydrodiff

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
102 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Product Feature Names
ANSYS ASAS FEMGV acdi_femgv, acdi_fgv_asas
ANSYS ASAS-OFFSHORE acdi_asas, acdi_asaslink, acdi_asasnl,
acdi_asas-vis, acdi_beamst, acdi_comped,
acdi_fatjack, acdi_loco, acdi_mass,
acdi_maxmin, acdi_post, acdi_postnl,
acdi_prebeam, acdi_prenl, acdi_response,
acdi_splinter, acdi_wave, acdi_windspec,
acdi_xtract, preppost
ANSYS BEAMCHECK acdi_asas-vis, acdi_beamst
ANSYS FATJACK acdi_fatjack
ANSYS Electronic Thermal Management Products
ANSYS Iceopt aice_opt
ANSYS Icepak aice_pak, aiiges, aice_mesher, aice_solv
ANSYS Legacy Products
ANSYS ASAS acdi_asas, acdi_asaslink, acdi_asasnl,
acdi_asas-vis, acdi_beamst, acdi_comped,
acdi_loco, acdi_maxmin, acdi_post,
acdi_postnl, acdi_prebeam, acdi_prenl,
acdi_response, acdi_xtract, preppost
ANSYS Autodyn HPC acdi_adhpc
ANSYS CAE Templates caetmpl
ANSYS CFD HPC acfd_par_proc
ANSYS CFX-CAD2Mesh with DesignModeler cad2mesh, aimed, aioutput, aiprism, aitetra,
agppi, aiiges, aiacis, aipips, aidxf, acfx_pre
ANSYS CFX-Flo acfx_anymodule
ANSYS CFX Full Capability Solver acfx_pre, acfx_solver acfx_nolimit, acfx_mfr,
acfx_multiphase, acfx_combustion,
acfx_radiation, acfx_parallel,
ANSYS CFX-Mesh cad2mesh
ANSYS CFX Parallel Computing acfx_par_proc
ANSYS CFX PrepPost acfx_anymodule
ANSYS DesignSpace Structural dsstruct
ANSYS Emag emag*
ANSYS ICEM CFD aienv, aienvsub, aiprism, aiiges, aiacis,
aiedgeom, aioutcfd, aidxf
ANSYS ICEM CFD AddOn aiaddon
ANSYS ICEM CFD Hexa CAA V5 Based (for aihexct5, aihexct5e
ANSYS ICEM CFD Quad aimed, aiquad
ANSYS ICEM CFD Visual3 / PV3 aivis3
ANSYS Mechanical HPC mechhpc

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 103
Product Variable Table

Product Feature Names

ANSYS Mechanical LS-DYNA ansysds*
ANSYS Multiphysics LS-DYNA ane3flds*
ANSYS Multiphysics Option 3 ane3fl3*
ANSYS Professional NLT Emag prfe3*
ANSYS Structural CFD-Flo stcfx*
ANSYS Structural Emag ste3*
ANSYS TGrid amesh_tgrid
Direct CAD Interface - SDRC-IDEAS aipiidea
Geometry Interface for CATIA V4 picatia
ANSYS Electromagnetics Products
ANSYS ALinks for EDA al4allegro, al4ansoft, al4apd,
al4boardstation, al4encore, al4expedition,
al4generic, al4powerpcb, al4virtuoso,
al4zuken, alinks_gui, al4cadvance, al4cds,
al4gem, al4first
ANSYS ALinks for MCAD xlate_iges, xlate_proe, xlate_step,
xlate_inventor, xlate_solidworks
ANSYS ALinks for MCAD CATIA xlate_catia4, xlate_catia5
ANSYS ALinks for MCAD NX xlate_unigraphics
ANSYS ALinks for MCAD Parasolid xlate_parasolid
ANSYS Designer Pre/Post Processor al4ansoft, al4generic, designer_desktop,
ensemble_gui, nexxim_gui, nexxim_netlist,
serenade_gui, symphony_gui, nexxim_dc,
ANSYS Distributed Solve (DSO) ansoft_distrib, ansoft_distrib_engine,
ANSYS Electronics HPC hfsshpc
ANSYS HFSS ensemble_gui, hfss_desktop, hfss_gui,
hfss_solve, nexxim_gui
ANSYS HFSS Pre/Post Processor ensemble_gui, hfss_desktop, hfss_gui,
ANSYS HFSS Solver hfss_solve
ANSYS HFSS-IE Solver hfssie_solve, hfssie_gui
ANSYS HFSS-TR Solver hfss_transient_solve
ANSYS Maxwell 2D m2dfs_ac, m2dfs_ax, m2dfs_ckt, m2dfs_cn,
m2dfs_ed, m2dfs_es, m2dfs_gui, m2dfs_ms,
m2dfs_par, m2dfs_post, m2dfs_solve,
maxwell_desktop, maxwlspc, schem_gui,
m2dfs_th, m2dfs_tran, m2dfs_qs_solve
ANSYS Maxwell 3D m2dfs_ac, m2dfs_ax, m2dfs_ckt, m2dfs_cn,
m2dfs_ed, m2dfs_es, m2dfs_gui' m2dfs_ms,
m2dfs_par, m2dfs_post, m2dfs_solve,
m3dfs_gui, m3dfs_solve, maxwell_desktop,

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
104 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Product Feature Names
maxwlspc, schem_gui, m2dfs_th,
m2dfs_tran, m2dfs_qs_solve,
ANSYS Maxwell 3D Pre/Post Processor m2dfs_gui, m3dfs_gui, maxwell_desktop
ANSYS Maxwell 3D QS m2dfs_gui, m3dfs_gui, maxwell_desktop,
m2dfs_qs_solve, m3dfs_qs_solve
ANSYS Optimetrics (For HFSS, Q3D Extractor, optimetrics, ansoft_distrib_engine
ANSYS PExprt m2dfs_gui, maxwell_desktop, maxwlspc,
pemag, pexprt, m2dfs_qs_solve
ANSYS Q3D Extractor q3d_desktop, si2d_gui, si2d_solve, si3d_gui,
ANSYS Q3D Extractor 3D Solver si3d_solve
ANSYS Q3D Extractor Pre/Post Processor q3d_desktop, si2d_gui, si3d_gui
ANSYS RF Option ensemble_25_sim, symphony_dt_sim,
symphony_fd_sim, nexxim_dc, nexxim_tran,
nexxim_hb, nexxim_osc, nexxim_tvnoise,
ANSYS RMxprt maxwell_desktop, rmxprt_bcm, rmxprt_ecm,
rmxprt_gui, rmxprt_im, rmxprt_sym
ANSYS RMxprt (Node) maxwell_desktop, rmxprt_bcm, rmxprt_ecm,
rmxprt_gui, rmxprt_im, rmxprt_sym
ANSYS SI Option nexxim_dc, nexxim_eye, nexxim_tran,
nexxim_ami, hfss_transient_solve,
ANSYS Simplorer simplorer_desktop, simplorer_gui,
simplorer_sim, mspc_fws, DayBasic,
DayIEEEDataInterface, SimplorerBasic,
SimplorerKernel, SimplorerSchematic,
SimplorerLibPower, SimplorerLibMechanics,
SimplorerLibHydraulic, SimplorerLibSensor
ANSYS Simplorer Advanced simplorer_advanced,
simplorer_desktop, simplorer_gui,
simplorer_sim, mspc_fws, DayBasic,
DayIEEEDataInterface, SimplorerBasic.
SimplorerKernel, SimplorerMaxwellTr2D,
SimplorerOptimizer, SimplorerSchematic,
SimplorerSIMULINK, SimplorerLibPower,
SimplorerLibHydraulic, SimplorerLibSensor,
simplorer_vhdlams, simplorer_control

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 105
Product Variable Table

Product Feature Names

ANSYS Simplorer Basic simplorer_CProgrInterface,
simplorer_desktop, simplorer_gui,
simplorer_sim, mspc_fws, DayBasic,
DayIEEEDataInterface, SimplorerBasic,
SimplorerKernel, SimplorerSchematic
ANSYS Simplorer Control Option simplorer_control
ANSYS Simplorer ML simplorer_CProgrInterface,
simplorer_desktop, simplorer_gui,
simplorer_sim, mspc_fws, DayBasic,
DayIEEEDataInterface, SimplorerBasic,
SimplorerKernel, SimplorerSchematic,
ANSYS SIwave al4generic, designer_desktop, ensemble_gui,
nexxim_gui, nexxim_netlist, siwave_gui,
siwave_reporter, siwave_solver, nexxim_dc,
nexxim_eye, nexxim_tran, nexxim_ami,
designer_hspice, siwave_level1,
siwave_level2, siwave_level3
ANSYS SIwave - DC siwave_gui, siwave_level1
ANSYS SIwave PI designer_desktop, ensemble_gui,
nexxim_gui, nexxim_netlist, siwave_gui,
siwave_reporter, designer_hspice,
siwave_pi_adv, siwave_level1, siwave_level2
ANSYS SIwave PI Advisor Suite siwave_gui, siwave_reporter, siwave_pi_adv
ANSYS SIwave Pre/Post Processor al4generic, siwave_gui, siwave_reporter
ANSYS SIwave PSI Solver siwave_psi_ac_solve
ANSYS SMPS Power Package simplorer_LibSMPS

An * after a feature name indicates that an item is a product variable and can be used on a stand-alone
basis to start a product run in the Mechanical APDL (ANSYS) application.

Products listed here use the ANSYS license manager (ansyslmd vendor daemon). ANSYS, Inc. does
supply licenses for products that use other license managers, such as the Fluent product which is not
listed above; however, those products will use their respective license managers. To determine the license
manager to which the license applies, see Recognizing an ANSYS, Inc. License File (p. 7)

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
106 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSLIC_ADMIN A utility that centralizes the various ANSYS product licensing administrat-
ive functions.

ANSWAIT An environment variable that will allow you to queue your ANSYS job in
the event that all ANSYS licenses are in use. Once a license becomes
available and you are next on the queue, your ANSYS job will automatic-
ally start.

ANSYS, Inc. License Man- The ANSYS, Inc. License Manager consists of three components. The first
ager two are FlexNet components; the last one is an ANSYS component. See
the definitions of each for more information.




ansysli see Licensing Interconnect

ANSYS License Manage- The ANSYS License Management Center is a browser-based user inter-
ment Center face that centralizes many of the ANSYS licensing administrative functions.

ansysli_client A component of the Licensing Interconnect that is run by ANSYS

applications on client systems. No user configuration or administra-
tion is required or associated with this component.

ansysli_monitor The ansysli_monitor runs on the same machine where the an-
sysli_server is running and ensures that the Licensing Interconnect
is functioning correctly. If the Licensing Interconnect is not running,
ansysli_monitor can restart it. If the Licensing Interconnect is running
but is not responsive, ansysli_monitor can kill and restart it.

ansysli_server A component of the Licensing Interconnect that is run on the license

server systems. Use ANSLIC_ADMIN to manage (start, stop, etc.).

ansysli_server.log The Licensing Interconnect log file, it provides a chronicle of Licens-

ing Interconnect licensing activity, including problems. The Licensing
Interconnect log file is located in the licensing directory by default.

ansysli port number Communication channel by which the ANSYS, Inc. applications commu-
nicate with the Licensing Interconnect. The default ansysli port number
is 2325.

ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE An environment variable that may be used to specify the license server
machine from which you want to check out a license.

ansyslmd This is one of the FlexNet components of the ANSYS, Inc. license manager
used to process ANSYS product licensing requests, including issuing and
returning licenses. ansyslmd, often referred to as the vendor daemon,

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 107

is started by lmgrd and must be running to perform the aforementioned


ansyslmd.ini File that resides in the licensing directory. It is created by ANSLIC_ADMIN

utility options Specify the license server machine and Modify license
manager startup options.

backup server In a three-server (redundant triad) network, the two servers not chosen
to be the master are the backup servers. If the master server goes down,
the backup server listed next in the license file automatically assumes
the role of master. (A backup server is also known as a shadow server.)

borrowable license A borrowable license is a license that you can use temporarily outside
of the company facility (such as at home on a laptop). A special license
key is required before any license can be borrowed.

build date The build date is the year, month, and date the ANSYS application was
built. The version field in the license file specifies the latest build date
that can be run using that license. It may also appear as 9999.9999 if a
maintenance agreement is not applicable.

Capability ANSYS, Inc. has assigned identifiers to each of the specific areas of func-
tionality in the software. We refer to these identifiers as capabilities, which
you may see in ANSYS, Inc. licensing displays and logs. Each capability
can be satisfied by at least one license feature; often, multiple license
features can satisfy a particular capability.

client A client is a machine that requests licenses but is not a license server
machine (i.e., does not have licenses installed on it).

feature The word feature, when used in the descriptions of the licensing utilities,
refers to the ANSYS product. See Product Variable Table (p. 99) for the
list of ANSYS products and their corresponding license features.

FlexNet A component of the ANSYS, Inc. license manager used for all ANSYS
products. Also called FlexNet License Manager. The FlexNet component
authenticates and processes all license requests.

FlexNet license log file Typically referred to as the FlexNet Debug Log File, it contains information
relevant to licensing activity. This file provides a way of tracking licensing
problems that may occur. The licensing log file, license.log, is located
in the licensing directory by default.

FlexNet port number Communication channel by which the license manager communicates
with the client (Licensing Interconnect). The default FlexNet port number
is 1055.

floating license Anyone on the network can run a licensed ANSYS product, up to the
limit specified in the license file. Floating licenses require the license
manager daemon (lmgrd) and the vendor daemon (ansyslmd) to be
running to count the concurrent usage of the licenses.

license See license task.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
license borrowing License borrowing allows a user to take a license for use outside of the
company facility, such as for an engineer to take a license home on his

license file A license file grants access to run specified products. Each licensed
product will have an entry in the license file, ansyslmd.lic, which
will reside in the license_files directory. Proper installation of a license
file grants access to ANSYS products. Install the license file using the
ANSYS License Management Center or during the installation process.

license key The actual full license for the product.

license.log Typically referred to as the FlexNet Debug Log File, it contains information
relevant to licensing activity. This file provides a way of tracking licensing
problems that may occur. The licensing log file is located in the licensing
directory by default.

license manager Software used for licensing ANSYS, Inc. products. The ANSYS, Inc. License
Manager is comprised of two components: the FlexNet software and the
Licensing Interconnect.

license options file A FlexNet file containing license manager-related resource information.
By default, the file is named ansyslmd.opt and resides in the li-
cense_files directory. You may specify the following information in the
options file:

Licenses that are reserved for individuals, groups, or machines

Those individuals, groups, or machines that are denied access to licenses

license server machine A license server machine is a computer that you have designated to be
the administrator of ANSYS product licenses; the licenses are installed
on the server machine(s). One or three systems (redundant triad) can be
used to administer any particular set of ANSYS product licenses.

license task Each concurrent use of an ANSYS product is a license task. Each use of
an ANSYS product will take a number of license tasks from the total
number available.

licensing directory The default location for the licensing files. On Linux systems, the licensing
directory is /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing. On Windows
systems, the default licensing directory is <OS_Drive>\Program
Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing, located in the
same drive as the operating system.

Licensing Interconnect Communications between the ANSYS applications, lmgrd, and an-
syslmd are handled by an intermediary process called the ANSYS Licens-
ing Interconnect. The ANSYS Licensing Interconnect communicates with
the FlexNet license manager to authenticate and process all license re-

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 109

Licensing Interconnect Log Provides a chronicle of Licensing Interconnect licensing activity, including
File problems. The Licensing Interconnect log file, ansysli_server.log,
is located in the licensing directory by default.

lmadmin A group of users that you designate to have the ability to perform license
administrative tasks that are considered disruptive.

lmgrd One of the FlexNet components of the ANSYS, Inc. License Manager, used
to process ANSYS product licensing requests, including issuing and re-
turning licenses.

LMTOOLS LMTOOLS is a Windows-only utility that will perform various license ad-
ministrator functions, such as listing the users of licensed products.
LMTOOLS is no longer sufficient to manage the ANSYS, Inc. License
Manager and the Licensing Interconnect. You should use the ANSYS Li-
cense Management Center to start or stop the license manager and
use the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to check the license status, etc. However,
if you have well-established processes to manage FlexNet, you can con-
tinue to use LMTOOLS (see Advanced Licensing Configuration Options).

lmutil lmutil is a FlexNet-supplied utility that will perform various license

administrator functions including: rereading the license file, shutting
down the license manager, starting the license manager, and listing the
users of licensed products. lmutil is the underlying process in several
of the ANSYS License Management Center and ANSLIC_ADMIN options.

master server In a three-server (redundant triad) network, one of the servers must be
the master server. The server listed first in the license file automatically
assumes the role of master. The other two license servers machines are
shadow servers (or backup servers). In a one-server network, that server
is automatically the master.

options file See license options file.

path When used in the context of a license file path, the list of places that are
searched in order to locate a valid license file. The path is built from
values in the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, settings
in the ansyslmd.ini file, or an actual license file.

product variable Each ANSYS product has been assigned a specific product variable value.
Use this product variable value when starting a job to specify which
ANSYS product is to be run. For Mechanical APDL, the product variable
may be set by using the -p command line option, the AN-
SYS162_PRODUCT environment variable, or the Mechanical APDL
launcher. See Product Variable Table (p. 99) for a list of ANSYS products
and their associated product variables/feature names.

quorum You may designate either one or three machines to be license servers.
In a three-server (redundant triad) network, license manager daemons
must be running on the majority (2) of the server machines (a quorum)
before requests for licenses will be processed.

redundant (triad) servers Having multiple machines designated as license servers for an ANSYS
product. Redundancy can be achieved either by having three license

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
110 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
server machines working together in tandem, where two of the three
must be running at all times but serving from a single set of licenses, or
by having any number of license server machines running independently,
each serving from different license files.

server See license server.

shadow server See backup server.

Tamper Resistant License A sixty character encryption used in the licensing file.

task See license task.

TRL Tamper Resistant License

vendor daemon FlexNet terminology used to refer to the vendor-specific component of

the FlexNet license manager. The ANSYS vendor daemon is ansyslmd.

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 111
Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
definition, 107
Index ansysli_server, 3
definition, 107
A ansysli_server log file
Academic licenses, 48, 62 definition, 107
Agreement number, 69 ANSYSLI_SERVERS, 47
All licenses reserved, 89 ANSYSLI_TIMEOUT_CONNECT, 47
ANSLIC_ADMIN utility, 57 ansyslmd, 2-5
debug log, 37 definition, 107
definition, 107 ansyslmd.ini
display customer number, 69 definition, 108
display queued licenses, 68 ansyslmd.ini file, 24, 48, 59
display the license status, 68 ansyslmd.lic file, 2-3, 24, 32, 48
gather diagnostic information, 39, 69 ansyslmd.opt file, 26, 61
modify startup options, 66 ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE, 3, 47
run the ANSYS borrow utility, 63 ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable
set license preferences, 62 definition, 107
set site preferences, 65
specify product order, 65 B
specifying the license server, 59 Backup server
using its options (Linux), 57 definition, 108
view FlexNet debug log file, 69 boot_ansflex file, 20
View status/diagnostic options, 68 Borrowable license
view the ansysli debug log file, 69 definition, 108
ANSWAIT environment variable, 54 Borrowing
definition, 107 licenses, 55, 63
ANSYS Build date
licenses, 8 definition, 108
ANSYS License Management Center, 32
display license server hostid, 36 C
functionality, 32 Caching FlexNet licenses, 19, 66
install license, 32 Caching license servers, 67
License Manager run mode, 39 Capability
log, 38 definition, 108
requirements, 31, 71 Changing Java Version, 44
rereading license manager settings, 35 Client configuration, 47
shutdown the license manager, 34 Clients
start the license manager, 34 definition, 108
update license, 32 Commands (Linux)
using its options , 32 ps, 20, 22
ANSYS Licensing Guide Commercial licenses, 48, 62
viewing, 40 Communications requirements, 12
ansys_pid utility, 78 Complete unfinished client licensing installation config-
ansysli, 2 uration, 57
definition, 107 Configuring redundant (triad) servers, 27
port number, 13 Configuring TCP/IP, 12
ansysli port number Configuring the license server machine, 24
definition, 107 .cshrc file, 59
ansysli_client customer number, 69
definition, 107

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 113

D license (ansyslmd.lic), 24
daemon license files format, 3
vendor, 4-5 license.log, 20, 22
Daemons viewing, 37-38, 69
starting at system boot time, 20, 22 sample license files, 6
starting manually, 34 Firewall settings, 27
vendor (ansyslmd), 3 FlexNet
Debugging, 77 compatibility with other software, 1
design points definition, 108
licensing, 54 license, 36
Diagnostic information port number, 13
gathering, 69 FlexNet debug log (license.log)
Diagnostic log files, 39 viewing, 37
Display customer number, 69 FlexNet debug log file (license.log)
Display license server hostid, 36 viewing, 38, 69
Display license status, 68 FlexNet icensing Guide
Display queued licenses, 68 viewing, 40
Dongles FlexNet license options file (ansyslmd.opt)
using, 71 editing, 26
FlexNet Licenses
E viewing, 36
FLEXNet Manager, 19, 57
Enabling Secure Connections, 41
FlexNet Manager, 31
Environment variables
FlexNet port number
definition, 108
floating license
definition, 108
Floating licenses, 1, 8
Format of license files, 3
Freeing a license, 57
Error messages, 77
Functions requiring lmadmin group privileges, 25
launcher , 88
license borrowing, 96
license log file, 97 G
licensing, 20, 89 Gather diagnostic information, 69
Establishing user licensing preferences, 48 Group
Expired license, 91 creating, 25
Group restrictions
F defining, 25
definition, 108 H
Feature names, 99 high performance computing
Files licensing, 51
ansyslmd.ini, 24, 48, 59 hostid, 4, 8
ansyslmd.lic, 32, 48 hostname, 4, 8
ansyslmd.opt, 26, 61 HPC licensing, 51
boot_ansflex HPC Parametric Pack licensing, 54
init_ansysli, 20 HTTPS
.cshrc, 59 configuring, 41
init_ansysli, 20
init_ansyslm_tomcat, 22 I
license, 2-3 INCREMENT lines, 5, 99
installing, 24 init_ansysli, 20

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
init_ansyslm_tomcat, 22 error messages, 97
Installation License log file error messages, 97
license, 32 License Management Center, 31, 59
uninstalling the license manager, 28 launching, 59
Installing license files, 24 License manager
Installing the license manager, 11 advanced configuration, 19
Linux, 16 compatibility with other software, 1
post-installation instructions, 20 Complete unfinished licensing client installation
Windows, 14 configuration, 57
installing the license manager, 13 Complete unfinished licensing installation configur-
Complete unfinished client licensing installation ation, 32
configuration, 57 components, 2
Interconnect daemon, 110
debug log , 37 defined, 1
Interconnect debug log (license.log) definition, 109
viewing, 37 installation prerequisites, 14
is down error message, 89 installing, 11, 13
installing on Linux, 16
J installing on Windows, 14
Java modifying startup command options, 24
version, 44 modifying startup options, 66
post-installation instructions, 20
L shutting down, 34
Launcher shutting down with ANSLIC_ADMIN, 34
error messages, 88 starting at system boot time, 20
License starting manually, 34
error message: has expired, 91 starting with ANSYS License Management Center,
installing, 32 34
updating, 32 uninstalling, 28
License administration, 31, 57 License Manager
creating lmadmin group, 57 rereading settings, 35
License borrowing, 55, 63 License Manager Run Mode, 39
definition, 109 License methods
running, 55 sharing vs. separate, 62
running the borrow utility, 63 License options file (ansyslmd.opt)
setup, 63 definition, 109
License borrowing error messages, 96 License preferences
License file installation, 24 academic vs. commercial, 48, 62
License files, 2-3 License queuing, 54, 57
definition, 109 License server
example, 6 error message: is down, 89
format, 3 specifying, 26
INCREMENT lines, 5 license server machines, 2
recognizing, 7 License server machines
SERVER lines, 4 definition, 7, 109
settings precedence, 48 display hostid, 36
specifying the location, 24 master, 7
VENDOR lines, 4 selecting, 8
License key three-server network, 7
definition, 109 License server manager, 2
License log file (license.log) License servers
definition, 108-109 caching, 67

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 115

configuring, 24 lmreread, 25
designating for license checkout, 57, 59 LMTOOLS, 19, 57
error messages, 20 lmutil
network licensing , 2 utility definition, 110
redundancy, 9 Log file, 110
shutting down the license manager daemon, 34 (see also license log file)
specifying, 59
License status M
display, 68 Master server, 7, 20, 22
License task definition, 110
definition, 109
license.log N
viewing, 37 Network File System
license.log file, 20, 22 licensing failures on, 24
viewing, 38, 69 Network licensing
Licenses network licensing considerations, 8
customer number, 69 queuing facility, 54
floating, 8 shutting down the license manager, 34
freeing, 57 starting license manager at system boot time, 20
installing/updating, 32 starting license manager manually, 34
waiting for available, 54 No license file found for feature error message, 91
Licensing No licenses are currently available error message, 89
debugging, 77
error messages, 77 P
problem situations, 79
process, 1
definition, 110
sample scenario, 61
Pool of available tasks, 8
selecting server machines, 8
Port number
separate method, 62
FlexNet, 4
sharing method, 62
Port Number
tasks, 8
changing Tomcat port number, 23
three-server license network, 7
Port numbers
Licensing Configuration Details
changing, 13
viewing, 40
FlexNet, 13
Licensing directory, 1
Licensing Interconnect, 13
Licensing environment
setting up, 31, 57
setting, 48, 62
Licensing error messages, 89
Product list, 99
Licensing Interconnect, 2
Product order
defining group restrictions, 25
specifying , 65
port number, 13
Product variable
running independently of FlexNet, 19
definition, 110
running without FlexNet, 19
PS command, 20, 22
Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server), 3
Licensing preferences
establishing for users, 48
Queued licenses
lmadmin group, 25, 57
display, 68
lmdown, 25
Queuing, 54, 57
lmgrd, 2
utility definition, 110
definition, 110
lmhostid, 36
lmremove, 25

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
R licensing error messages, 89
Redundant (triad) servers problem situations, 79
setting up, 27 Troubleshooting ANSYS error messages, 77
Redundant server options, 9
Redundant servers U
definition, 110 Unavailable licenses, 89
Requirements Uninstalling the license manager, 28
ANSYS License Management Center, 31, 71 Updating license, 32
Reread License Manager Settings, 35 User privileges, 57
root login, 28, 57 Using the FlexNet options file, 26
Running the Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet inde- Using Dongles, 71
pendently, 19-20
Running the Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet, V
19 Vendor daemon, 2-3, 5
vendor daemon
S definition, 111
Sample license files, 6 Vendor daemon (ansyslmd), 4
Sample licensing scenario, 61 VENDOR lines, 4
SERVER lines, 4 View status/diagnostic options, 68
Set site preferences, 65 View the ansysli debug log file, 69
Shadow server Viewing FlexNet Licenses, 36
definition, 111 Viewing the FlexNet debug log, 37
Shutting down the license manager, 34 Viewing the FlexNet debug log file, 38, 69
Site preferences Viewing the interconnect debug log, 37
setting , 65
Specify product order, 65 W
Specifying firewall settings, 27 WANs, 8
Specifying the license server, 26, 59 Wide area networks, 8
Starting the license manager, 34
Starting the license manager at system boot time, 20
Startup options for license manager
modifying, 66
viewing, 68
superuser login, 28, 57
Symbolic links, 1

Tasks, 8
dial-up connection, 12
testing whether TCP/IP is installed, 12
TCP/IP requirements, 12
Three-server network, 7
changing port number, 23
starting at system boot time, 22
ansys_pid utility, 78
getting additional debugging information, 77
license borrowing errors, 96
license log file errors, 97

Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 117
Release 16.2 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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