Book of Tables PDF
Book of Tables PDF
Book of Tables PDF
4 \
A: Agility E: Eloquence Mult. : Multiplier(s)
AB : Agility Bonus EL Expertise Level
- NA - Not Applicable
AHP Average Hit Point Value Em :
Empathy NAV : Natural Armor Value
Ap : Appearance EnL: Energy Level NF: Number Found
AV: Armor Value FV: Fatigue Value OCV: Offensive Combat Value
B: Bonus GC:Gold Coin(s) PA: Portage Ability
BB: Brass Bit(s) ,GT. = Greater Than PMR - Phase Movement Rate
HC: Healing Chance PR = Poison Resistance
BL: Base Line
C:Constitution HPY = Hit Point Value RD:Round Down
CB: Constitution Bonus I : Intelligence RU-Round Up
CC: Copper Coin(s) IC: Influence Chance S : Strength
CDF: Creature Difliculty Factor INT: Intellect SB: Strength Bonus
CEL: Combat Experience Level .LT. : Less Than SC: Silver Coin(s)
CEP = Combat Experience Points(s) MDV: Magic Defense Value St: Stamina
CL: Contact Level MEL: Magic Experience Level StB: Stamina Bonus
D - Dexterity MEP : Magic Experience Point(s) w:wi1l
DB: Dexterity Bonus ML-Mana Level WGT. : \\'eight
DCV: Defensive Combat Value Mod. - Modifier(s) WSB: Weapon Strength Bonus
D2:Roll a six sided die, I 3:l' 4-6:2.
D2* D2 except I - 4-1, 5 + 6:2.
-As for
D3-As for D2 except l+2--1,3+4:2,5+6=3.
D3*:As for D2 except 1 -3- 1, 4 + 5 :2' 6:3.
D6-Roll a six sided die. Read it as it is rolled.
D10 = Roll a ten sided die. Read it as it is rolled. (In all cases a
roll of 0 is equal to l0).
D100 before rolling, one to
- Roll two ten sided dice. Choose,
represent the ten's place and the other the one's place. The
final result yields a value between 1 and 100' (lf 00 is rolled'
the value is 100. In all other cases, 0 equals zero.)
xDy: yy1l.n this form is used, x indicates the number of dice
that are to be rolled. Dy indicates the type of die that is to be
used. (ln example, 3D10 tells you to roll three ten sided dice
and total them).
xDy times z: As for xDy above except the roll is multiplied by
z, a iired numerical exPression.
(xDy) times (xDv):11i. die rolls indicated are multiplied times
each other to determine the result. (In example, 1D6 x 1D3
yields a result from I to 18).
{l Fg A EtA {_tT F-t{e fl.; +,t ir i,,,c"{,,t'}' E {._}
The tables in this section are listed in the general order that
The Total Nlultipliers that thc Player may' assign to his
they are used in generaring a Character. By following these sec-
Character's modifiable characterisiics" i.e. all charactt-ristics
tions, in order, given knowledge of the powers and perils
except Constitution and Appearance , are determined with the
system, Characters can be generated.
die roll below:
This section is intended to provide the basic inlormation
necessary for generating a Character. It does nol include infor- 2D6 + \4
mation on Special Events or Special Attributes. Likewise, it The method of applying the multipliers rhar are gained via
does little to cover the figured statistics olthe Character. For in- the roli above is specified below:
formation on Special Events and Special Attributes, see Book
One ol Por.vers and Perils. For the formulae used to determine a A) The marimum multiplier that can be assigned to a
Character's basic ligured statistics, see Book One or lhe botrom modifiable characteristic is FOUR.
of each Character Record Sheet. B) The minimum multiplier that must be assigned to each
modifiabie characteristic is 1.5.
1) NATIVE ABII,ITY C) Multipliers are only assigned in incremenrs of .5 or l.
D) No multiplier may be assigned to Constitution or
E) Maximum Abilitl' equals the multiplier assigned to a
HUMAN ELF characteristic TIN,IES ),/our Native Ability in that
Cnauc rrnlsrrr' MalE Feuale Mar.e Ftvalr characteristic.
',r *3..r .. *1 :': -J F) All multiplication in this section is rounded up.
Stamina 0 +l -3 2
i.*'e E;i{y,.:.,, r::r '11,-+,l11i:, G) Beyond the restrictions above, Players mai' assign their
,: ,r.r.: {)' ':' . :: .,,'l [,, i.'1rj ,li,'+'2r
Agility' I +l rl rl multipliers in any rvay that they desire. The total number
,l t*l{!ggqqer..'1,,1 .::, $;:, ,,,,' :,,+ 3t,', ' t ; +2,, .
assigned may not exceed the Total Multipliers that are
will 0 +2 0+2 available for that Character.
:,El gFqeq.;.::''.;- :':' ,:,1 :0 :irrn
r ::'.+3r lt '.. t+l'.
Empathy 3 I 0 +l
r.l, i
:i :, ,'g .+,1'i ,:.1 : :'r', rl:': HEIGHT
Appearance 0 0 +1 +2 : : l:.: r:rr-l
MarE FEvelE Human 46 42 Faerry 28 28
,Elftrr, ,',:::,45,ir:":t , 'i,lDrvaff .: ' 3j,
,': : +:Jr :',';i:.1,',1.:rt'0:: 32
"+2 +2 :
r ri :; ti:. rir:'.i i +?l ,'*Iftan Hlf,is.over'?2 4 in height,,;a'iremtrer:oll the Alfar in-
21 stead of an Ell.
r i. .., 0. .'I:.:t
,l,jf .:,,0:
+2 +l
,,:, !3 ,', rr1:;;,,,--,!:. 4) AGE
-1 0
A Character's age is determined by rolling Dl00 on the
al l)
table below:
-l 2
A) Select a Race and Sex for your Character. 0l-05 1'7 4l-55 22 9t-94 2'7
9x.96 5SC Rich: merchant, large landhiolder, petty nobiiit-v {B*ron sndiessT,,field:grade;,cfficers,:(*t{a:ior,:thraugh
generaQ, Ctan chieves and shamans.'highly skilled husbandmen, artisans and barcls', , l: : .: :,1 , '
gT -99 Hirh nobilirr (Cr)unt Lilid hlrlrc.rr. impoilanr nrililarr lqrJcr- tt-itlLl Vrtr'hal. (irunt! adrrrirul. el( /. c\-
trenrell wealth-v and ponerful lamiiies. barbarian tribal chieres, tribal shamans.
100 Royalty {A rxember 0.{1he reigning r*yal fantil4 cr atlose bloctl re{Qti've1, Warrior society leader. tlomin-
anrtribalchietl,highly:respectetlrribal shamans,rvaichielolmorelhanonerelated tribe..l ;i :,;,1 1;: |,;::1 ,.
Nt-'trtgrl Cgan. ExpEntENc r Exprnrtsr:
ASSI( jN PoI NTS 1)ol\ ts Potlrs Wr,,lt.tlt+
832 75 40 160
, 9 ,,: 36' 1oo{cnl- 2} , 1s0 45:,:
l0 40 125 200 50
, ll. , r I 43 150 . :22A 55 A Character's Initial Increase Factor is equal to the result
12 46 175 240 60 of the formula belou':
lJ ':49 200 26$ s5 (Agex2)+Station+2D10
t1 52 225 280 '70
The number f ielded by the formula above is the total number
:'rl5 I, : 55 250{cL 3} :J00 ' 75
16 58 300 320 80 of lnitial Increase Points that the Player may allocate to his
,6t' ,'350 ' 85 Character. They are allocated to the four areas in the table
1T: ,;; 340
1E 61 400 360 90 below yielding various numbers ol points, or coins, depending
I9 , ,61 450{cEL 4) ,:,380, 'r :95: : on the number of points that you choose to assign to each nf the
20 70 500 .{00 100 four areas.
zl. , '72 , 550 425 I l0
EXAMPI,[-- I f you have 60 lnitial lncrease Points you could assign 10
22 14 600 450 120
1o Clharacteristics, 20 to Erpertise, 25 to Erperience and 5 to Wealth.
' 23",' . :,: 16:. 65S :
'.,4'Ii I ,.: !30 '
The result of this would mean that your Ciharacter has 40 Characteristic
24 78 700 500 140
Points, 500 Expertise Points, 550 Experience Points and, given a Sta-
?5 8ll ?50(cEL 5) 550, : 15O " tion of 3. 50SC.
26 82 800 600 160
27 ': 84 9{}{} ' I 650''' , :i?0' '
2E 86 0t)0
I 180
In using the table above, the following rules and restrictions
,r 29'.:::'' 88 :li00r ',' : : ?5O ,
,t:90 "
30 90 r200(cEL 6) 800 200 apply:
A) At least FIVE points must be assigned to each area.
*Final Wealth -Coin Type for station f IMES the number vielded B) No more than THIRTY points may be assigned to any
under Wealth. one area.
C) The total number of points that the Player assigns mav
NOTE-Where o CEL is listecl, that line and every line abo not exceed the Initial Increase Factor that he determined
it witt yield that CEL, until the next CEL reference is reached. for his Character.
IMPORTANT-Where a skill is specifically named above, it is
gained at the narimum EL currently possible. Any other skill
selected as Common Knorvledge is gained at a starting level
EXAMPI,E-A Character is a crty d*eller with a Station of 2.
Without cost, he speaks his native tongue at ELEO, has his nraxintum
EL in City Survival (ba,sed on his current characteristi<'s), has EL0 in
Rhetoric and receives the skill or skrlls listed in the table. He uill
choosc io have one of the skills that is erplicitll'listed at his marintum
lil- or two skills, u'ith a Cost to Lcarn of 20 or less, at a starting level.
A) The marimum EL currently possible in the terrain that
6) COMMON KNOWLEDGE the Characler'r tribe lives in.
HUMAN B) A starting level in Sign Language.
All human Characters speak their native tongue at an EL of C) (Station /3, rounded up) + I skills from the following
80. They also have the following skills, depending on rvhether
the) are cir ilized or barbarian in origin.
An;-- Combat Skill at ELO Climbing
A) The maximum EL currently possible in City Survival Tracking Carrf ing
and ELO in Rhetoric OR the marimum EL currently pos- H usbandrl' Forester
sible for Survival in a terrain that is contained within the Miner Seaman*
boundaries of the Character's home nation and ELO in Enlertainer A Language
Tracking. *This skill may not be sclected unless there is a largc bodl ol
NOTE-Here you are deciding whether the Character is a $ater, i.e. large lake, sea, ctc, in or adjacent to the tribal arca.
city dweller or a person from some outlying region of the IMPORTANT-Ercept u'here specified otherwise, all skills abovc are
nation. gained at the maximum FIL currently pcssible for the Character. lf
Survival is selected, the Chalacter gains Survival skill in any one ler-
B) Depending on the Character's Station, he has the
rain t.vpe desired, other than hrs native terrain.
following skills:
Elves have the following skills:
A) Mana Sensing MEL2, EL dependent on the Character.
B) The ability to hide invisibly in any forest. The EL equals
W+EM or 80, whichever is less. The EL is used to deter-
mine the chance that they are not observed if the person
that they are hiding from is aware that something is pres-
ent. Success indicates that they remain hidden. Any other
result means that their presence is discovered.
NOTE-Ill,s skill is primarily useJul against ueatures
whose primary sense, for obserying their environment, is
sight. Where this is not the case, or where magic is used to
detect the Elf, the skill is relatively useless.
IMPORTANT-Magic-using Characters receive their initial C) EL80 in the tongue of the Elf Sidh. EL60 in the tongue
of the Faerry Sidh. Il the Elf is a trained magician, EL80 in
magic experience and expertise based on their natural ability.
the tongue of the Sidh.
See section 8 in Book Two for the rules that apply lor trained
magic-users. If the Character is a untrained natural magician, D) Innate ability to enter the Upper and Lower World's.
or has some type of innate power, see section 13 in Book Two Determine EL based on the Elf's characteristics. MEL
for these starting points. No experience or expertise that is equals the Elf's MEL as a magic-user, or 2, whichever is
gained may be applied, other than to paying for the required ap- higher.
prenticeship, to magic in any way. E) The marimum EL currently possible in Forest Survival.
F) The ability to read the intent of others, as for Empathic 7) EDUCATION
Power. Treat as an Innate Power. The EL equals Em,/10
rounded down. STARTING EL
G) Any ability or liability specified for the E1f in Book
X or 80 The starting EL equals the highest Current Abiiity
that the Character has in a characteristic that ap-
plies to that skill.
Other skills that are not increased to E0. i.e.
Al[ Faerries:
thoscthal "or 80" rs not listed for. The starting
A) Learn new languages at 5090 of the normal cost to do E[, equals the hi-qhest characteristic that applies,
so. rounded dorvn. divided by TEN, the divisor that is used in rhe
Maximum EL formuia, rounded up, or TEN-
rvhichever, is higher.
B) Have Mana Sensing, MEL and EL dependent on the
Character': characterist ic:. Language The starting FlL for a new, non-native, language
equals the Empathy of the Character. For a
C) Have Mana Reading, MEL and EL dependent on the language of another race, it equals the Empathy
( haractcr'. characterirt icr. divided by 2, rounded up.
All Dwarfs:
A) Can communicate with other Dwarfs, wordlessly, as lor
a Communicate spell. MEL and EL are dependent on the
Character's characteristics. lf either Dwarf succeeds when
the rkill ir u.ed, communicarion occur\.
Srrrl TvpE Porxr Ca.rN
Combat Skill CDF*x2
Other Skill 1Dl0
Cosr Pen EL'l
SxIrr LEer.x IrcnEesr Lrvnr Counsr Navr Wr.,q.poNs lNcniplo
Arc 18 NELr6 (S+Sr)/10 Axe t,,., i,ttl,' Throuing Are*. Hand Axe. Axe and
Bor', 27 NELx9 (D + A)i l0 . l rlr.rr Batlle AXe.i j :.r f : ,.'t :i:t',,,:; .:'::'.
Cross borv 35 NELr8 (S + D)/lL) Borv Borv, Compositc Bon, Longbo.,r'
Dagger-Fight 16 NELr5 (St + D)/ l0
,Crosqbcq r ,':',1,::,:. '.r, ,,.,liig|.it,anelr HeavtlrCrrr'sil;g, ;.Art*{esr
Throu' 24 NELxT (D + A)/10 Dagger Throuing Dagger, Fighting Dagger
Hand-to-Hand 25 NEL squarcd (S+St+A+D)/20 HaarYl[enqd ', ' ". Hear 1 Lance
Hear'l Lance 35 NELx8 (S + A)/ 10 Heavy Srvord Broadsword. Bastarcl Su'ord Creat Su ord
Hear'1 Sn ord 25 NELrT (s + sr)/lc) :Light: I-anie' -:, '. " t*****.: ,, ,, 1
Cosr or
Irrlr Cosr Aver. Uprurp Nonuar Usacr:
RIDINC HORSE I 4C;C 100f,,b 3FPi da-v Non'Conrbat Mount (Poor Qualit"v)
RIDING I{ORSE III 16GC 70r,h 3FP/day Non-Combat lvlount (Cood Quality).
FALCON 3GC 9090 lFP/dai' Hunting. Per Strategic turn used, 8090 chance ol
IrEu Cosr Averr. Wsrcsr Nonuar Usecr
.1,.i;l{$riii,.,itffil$i#6?jf$},lr$*:.ii'6ti'*4i: ffi;tiitit,, i'ffi
:,t*nf,r-*g *r*R$i+*t$'i;i'ili;i1.u":1',":,',5,fi4;:i'fl[m uiit .,.1'."ji1$riii,ritffil$i#6?,i{ii},lr}r*:.ii'6ti'*ffi;"iiiii'irr;iiiiff,
CHAII.- BARDINC 30CC 6090 50 Chainmail Armor for Warhorse.
WAR LEATHER 2CC 80qb 5 Leather Armor for Dogs ll and Ill.
DOG HARNESS 7CC 6090 2 Allorvs dog to pull small sledge or carry weight on its back.
Not u.ed b] Dog. II or IIL
HORSE HARNESS 3SC 100tr0 6 Allows rrgr;e t.o qurl o,' .*11: with Draft
l:con Y:.0
Horse, Mule. Riding Horses I and ll only'
DONKEY/BURRO HARNESS lSC 100% 3 Allows Donkey or Burro to pull Small wagon or carry loads.
'oXiY.t;Ke., i,ii1il;i,i'.:ri.;iiii,ilri...iEst"e, ',fi lm11.ii.iii:|i ri.iiiatlowff.t#p$tlil,E. r*i.tgliA,ee.ji' t;.:'l. r
BRIDLE 5CC 100% Used to control Mount.
NOTE-/1 the referee's oplion, other creatures may be trained Skill in Husbandry is requireri to lruin any creature.
METAL HELMET 2SC 10090 4 t2 All metal skull cap with flaps.
,'-guat''r*fitulilrii1ri'if i. tlilr" ii,s;ili ,ili+tl+,1i;ti*.iitl
BUCKLER 6CC 1ft)90 .1 5 Small leather and wood shieid.
ORNATE PLATE ARMOR 250CC l09o 80 4 Plate sections covering chainmail finely
crafted, ornate.
*The helm is worn wilh Platemail and Plate Armor. Reduce its AV by @Ring Moil may be worn over Leother or Quilted ormor. This is the
ONE if it is worn with other armors. only case where more than one suit of armor may be worn at the same
Pnoprnrv TvpE Cosr Descntpliolls
PEASAI"T HOUSE 2GC 20ll15 foot, lt'r storlr with cellar, land included.
Irelr Cosr Wntcnr DrscnrprtoN
5' of ROPE 3BB A/5' Used to bind and climb.
2' of CORD IBB ; / l)' Light rope used in binding and t1-ing only'.
I ' of FINE ROPE 1BB )/t / l0' A Climber's rope, thin and strong.
GRAPPI,INC HOOK 3CC I Attached to rope to grab protuberances.
CLIMBER'S HAMMER ISC 1V) Used to pound spikes,
IRON SPIKE (each) 2BB )/c VarioLis uses.
Irru Typr Cosr WErcnr DsscnrprroN
BELT iCC Leather Strap for binding clothing around the waist.
DRESS 5CC Vt Mid-calf to Ankle length sheath. Common garment for women.
SLAVE SILKS lSC J.'.i'" n* Xit*irnA$is rilili'q,@u:i:e.,*.la i"i1h$irrlii* "io.i" "ir.ri'i.r.i
RIDING TUNIC 5CC % Abbreviated Dress used when mounted.
,:'$tg-.vE$f l. :':rli I',r-1.:'i:1rr'.'r,,16E' ;:i1,,.,r,.F+ i gpi e .elb ,O+*hie6ffifilea6 ii+te rtkF.itad. !, ,,
CAP 2BB Cloth cap lor head. Double cost lor leather.
HAT 2CC ;; ",r.,.,r,:B-,ft1fu,foi:ir. 'p;.;6tn*ii i16e1*ir; ael* #t,r# ,iric:"nr+i lsr
NORMAL CLOTH lBB l/10 Cost per yard of comrnon fabric.
,:+t ryej1- tiTl-{,r;':' l. ,.;". i'i.1'..,,,tg",iii,y:af6,..*}r. td.b ii+;.:',i
SILK ICC l/10 Cost per -vard of Silk.
CANVAS 2BB 'ti;n',,..,C*st'par.r-r,ijrt, ofi.f:a|. il.lii:' :r,i,,.
PARCHN4ENT SCROLL 1SC )/c 10 'scroll with winding bar used for u'riting and documents.
REI,ICIOUS SYN,IBOLS lSC Varies Symbols ol various aligned deities. Price can vary by a factor of 100 in either
direction, i.e. lBB to l00SC.
Sreve Typr Cosr Fonuura DrscxrprroNs
FIGHTING ((OCVxDCV)+EL) in SC A trained soldier who is trusted not to turn on his master.
FIELD (S + St) in CC General Labor. Either unskilled or untrustworthv slave.
HOUSE (l + Ap) in CC plus Il this is a Female slave, double the value determined. House slaves
ISC per skill. are personal servants or in the House staff.
BONDSLAVE Varies A person that sells himself to pay debts owed. Cost = the amount of the debt.
Cost is repaid at salary rate of person or 25CC per year, whichever is less.
CHILDREN x f': Slaves aged 1 to 16 years. Cost % of area. Training must be provided
by purchaser.
EXAMPLE-A fighting slave with an OCV of 7, DCV of 6 ancl EL ol characteristics. These are not known in detail to the purchaser,
4 will cost .16SC. unless obvious. The honesty of the Slaver will determine how
close they are to the values that the person pays for. Roll
NOTE-As for hirelings, the referee must determine the actual lD10x1D6 for each characteristics.
Vlrircrs Cosr Wrtcnr DrscntprtoN
CART 8CC l0 Light wagon, pulled by one animal. Surface area 2' by 3'. Height 2t'r'.
WAGON IGC 100 Pulled by up to Four animals. Surface area4'by 8'. Height 4'.
CREAT WACON l2GC 300 Pulled by up to Twelve animals. Used as dwelling by some Nomadic barbarians. Surface
Tnever IN,/Pasr Cosr DrscnrptroNs
ROADSTATION ICC Tariff levied per person or animal.
CARAVAN ICC Paid per l0 miles travelled with the Caravan. All payment
is in advance.
MERCHANT SHIP zCC Paid per l0 miles, food extra. Payment in advance.
OTHER SHIP * As negotiated with the Captain.
SHIPPINC CARGO 3SC Per animal transported.
IBB Per l0 lbs of inanimate cargo transported.
NOTE-AII travel charges are per individual. Animais larger than Horse sized will cost at least twice the amount listed.
Irru Cosr Wsrcnr DrscnrptroN
.'TRA$,. 116'1r1i::.;..'i .r..rgg,.,;;,i",,:i,ri iitt.i,,'i1B tbs,nb;.pdi1s*ible,iar:ied. 1ut.
CRAIN (10 lbs) 2CC 10 TEN Food points ol grain, bagged. Usable
bv Characters or Herbivores.
,.',:FRE$,F{.,,h,{,8, :;l.,i,;r:,
,,:. i l' ':t,tr::::i': :
't,.'"",, ..
CHEESE (l lb)
OfHhR FOODS ID6BB VARIES Sugars. Fruits. Dried Fruits, erc. The Referee will
decide if the item derired is arailable and ho'a
much is received for the amount demanded.
WATER IBB One Quart of potable water, container extra.
ll:'.;, t',','i:1-;.:,1', : 'lri.,,2.n ..,'ilr'r,1 -;.:t'tlne',qtl4
,sf:8di".rC.e*,pbirrer,,*x:r ,'1F,Fit."'.',j.":t,i',.,'tfi.:i: ,:',t'..
ALE 3BB lh One quart ol Ale, container extra. lFP.
-,-r:rCH$APl$rilN ,,r,,, .rr ::i]: 11:,t. ,,.48Br,'1,. ,''i ,,i],ti,,.ii, ,l$fie;,qua'rc11.;f rtuA*t61n*t ,,,,'::1-.,::r .'l''';,1
COOD WINE ICC lk One quart, 2FP, container "luna*;
KEC I xl2 xl5 Ten quart keg. Multiply factors times the cost and u'eight ol the beverage within in.
KEC III x50 x50 Forty quart keg, rnultiply as specified above.
ri,' ti $:TfiAPr' :::, r,:tr',:| l
olL lCC 1A Four ounces, container ertra, used for Lighting.
FUSE IBB None l " of oil soaked material, used in bombs. Approximate burn rate is I second per inch.
,."1,,C45igr1,5'., .1.,,, .:, 1,1. ;:1.':
TAR ICC 3 One quart. Used in lighting and as protective.
PAVILION 5CC 30 Large shelter at least 20' by 20' in area for up to 25 people. Can be multi-room
are made.
..ri*rr,x,eoxstn!] ibxi,..1;*.-,i'..r,lti'iffiir*a.u1rlio.ns *ir*cdu'inrf,i d"d .i.i..fiit-
STAKES (per 5) IBB Yt Used for putting up tents.
..i.risEilT,?*,t;.e!{/ nsx{n'i14Bt ,-riN,o,fi.J$ffi6l.t,,ril l ln i-,j gtr.*} .s'w**, :l.iu;i,;..
SA,CK 2BB None Carrying Capacitl" 10(20). (10 lbs when held,20 when in Back rack).
course applies.
- ll
ACCEPTANCE AS AN APPRENTICE A) The Shaman rnakes his first drum. This drum is re-
No Character is automatically a magic-user. The chance quired in casting ANY Shamanic Magic, other than powers
that he is accepted for instruction by a trained master olthe gained lrom a Tonah tie.
Magic Path desired equals his Maximum Ability in the prime
B) The maximum EL currently possible as a Healer and a
requisite of that Magic Path PLUS TWENTY. Roll D100' If
the roll is higher than the value determined, the Character may starting EL as a Herbalist.
not start the game as a magic-user.
C) The Shaman starts with 1D3* Natural Magic materials,
EXCEPTION-In the acceptance formula, Shamans, add
from the Plant, Herbs and Liquors table in Book Four. He
(Native Empathy x 2) to their Will instead of TWENTY.
wiil have 2D6 doses of each material that he has.
STARTING EXPERIENCE & EXPERTISE NOTE-f the msterial that the Shaman possesses is not
Asrlttv Exprntrxcs ExPEnrtss consumed in use, he will have one item with the powers
,1e,ffi ;1;lrfjri*F;ii.*fi lilri'trils;,t*t**Bjr i;;rliiiriiiiii '.ifi ];.i1: specified for it. All Natural Magic material that the Shaman
20-25 l0 40 starts with is in enhanced form if it has an enhanced form.
.i:,$ii;i.i.'lirliiii t;i1"1i1j:ii;ii! ,l
33-40 40 (MEL2) 90 D) lf the Shaman rolls less than or equal to his Current
:i:1,#iiiiir4iiiili:l:;t{i$ i*H.*.#rg*il}ii;-il,,:ii*iii: ilri'i Empathy on D100, an animal of his Tonah's species is with
51-65 I 50 (MEL4) 160 him. This animal is treated as a pet, as for the Special Event
'rr,.ii:lltlli:ri:.rii:,ii*a$ 11;1;ilig#':,ii-1j!i'r1fl,ir.i!iirlliiiE iiiiiriii,:,:+l'i pet. It should be treated by the Shaman as a friend and Per-
E1-r00 300 (MEL5) 2s0
sonal Coltact.
,11i;ir;,;;.:lrir.;1.-1ffi ,.+;ilffi ,i#l
.LT. - Less than
EXAMPLE-A wizard with a Current Intelligence of 38 starts with 40 magic e TONAH-DERIVED GAINS
perience points and 90 magic expertise points.
NOTE-7fte points gained obove are used to determine the A) All animals that encounter the Shaman sense him to be
MEL and to purchase spell knowledge other than that which is a member of the species that his Tonah is a guardian of.
specifically gained in the Character's apprenticeship. They will react to him as such.
WIZARDRY GAINS B) The Shaman's MDV equals his MDV + the MDV ol an
A) Ali General Skills, section 10, at ELO. average individual of the species that his Tonah guards.
Bess MaNa Cosr oR. MDV
STARTING MEL EL+2 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20
HrcHrsr Hrcnrsr
2 2 4 6 8 l0 t2 t4 t6 18 20 30 40
Cnana.crrnrsuc MEL CseRectnnrsrrc MEL 3 3 6 9 t2 15 18 2t 24 27 30 45 60
1-r0 0 66-85 4
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 60 80
11-25 l E6-10s 5 5 l0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75100
26-45 2 106+Up
6 6 t2 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 90120
46-65 1 7 14 2t 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 105 140
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 120 160
The EL for these powers is a function ol the Character's I 9 18 27 36 4s 54 63 72 81 90 135 180
characteristics. The normal rules for EL advancement do NOT
l0 l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200
Where the MDV value affected is not listed in this table, determine
apply to Innate Magics.
the experience gain by adding combinations that equal that value on
the EL +2 line that is appropriate.
All Innate Magics are cast at the current EL ol the Caster. OTHER GAINS: MAGIC
Innate magic-users may NOT vary the EL of the spell that they EXPERTISE
cast, as a trained magic-user can. Using the cases specified in 3.4, the expertise point gain in
the spell used is:
for any Innate Magic power equals
The casting speed B) Base Mana Cost x 2
MEL+EL. Regardless of this cost, no power may be used
more than once in a given phase.
When a spell is attempted, and fails, the magic-user receives
ONE expertise point in that spell. He does not receive magic
CASTING ABILITY experience or characteristic points from lailure.
The basic Casting Ability of an innate magic-user equals his When abysmal lailure occurs, the magic-user receives
Energy Level. Any mana that he casts, in his innate power, is nothing for the spell. His failure is total and he learns nothing
deducted directly from this value. Like all other Characters, if lrom it.
his Energy Level ever reaches zero, he is dead.
EXCEPTION-The Energy Level listed for creatures that Per 25 magic experience points gained, rounded up, the
have innate powers represents the safe expenditure for that magic-user receives ONE characteristic point. Points that are
creature. gained through the use of magic may NOT be used to increase
Strength, Agility or any unmodifiable characteristic. No char-
acteristic points are gained due to failure or abysmal failure.
The table below shows the TOTAL magic experience points COMBAT EXPERIENCE LEVELS
that are required to reach each level: Porxr PorNr PorlJr
PotNr Porwr PoINr Lrvsr Torar LEvn Torar LEvn Torer
MEL Torar MEL Torer MEL Toral 0 0 8 3000 15 22Un
008 2400 15 32000
1209 4000 t6 42Un r 40 9 4200 16 30000
24010 6000 t] 54000 2 100 r0 5500 t7 40000
38011 9000 r8 68000
3 250 ll 7000 l8
4 150 t2 l 3000 t9 84in0 52m0
5 300 13 18000 20 100000 4 450 t2 9000 19 66000
6 600 t4 24Un 2l+Up 16000/level 5 750 13 12000 20 82000
7 12ffi
6 1200 t4 16000 2l + uP +zuJtn/
The section that follows highlights tables that specifically
relate to important ways in which characteristics are used in
play. It does not include formulae for the basic uses of
characteristics. These formulae are found in Book One and on
each Character Record Sheet.
Stamina StB l) A Character's StB is subtracted from IMPORTANT-In all divisions above, round down. All rolls
all healing chance rolls that he takes. It is are taken with D100. If the chance is 100 or higher, success is
added to the number of points that he automatic for that Character. Where the Referee considers the
heals, ifhe heals.
task to be impossible, the divisor listed is the MINIMUM
2) StB is a laclor in determining a
Character's OCV. divisor that he must apply. A divisor up to twice that listed
3) The Character's StB is used in deter- may be applied if he chooses to do so. In all cases, the Referee
mining his Portage Ability. wili determine whether Partial Success is appropriate for the
4) StB is used in determining a action attempted. Unless he specifies that it is, the action either
Character's Poison Resistance. succeeds or fails. No Partial Success applies.
5) The StB is used in determining the
DTV of the Character. APPLYING SKILLS
6) StB is used in determining a SKILL TYPE
Character's maximum Et- in certain skills. Drrrrculrv Or
THE ProerEv "or E0" Other*
Easy x2 x20
l)ext eritv DB l) Ihe DB is u\ed in determrning a
Moderate xl x10
Character's DCV.
Difficult /2 x5
2) DB is used in determining a
Character's Dodge Value.
Very Difficult /3 x3
Impossible /4 xl
EXAMPLE-A barbarian wants to track an unskilled man that is trekking
Agility AB 1) As for Dexterity. through the barbarian's lands. This is easy. The Tracking EL x 20 is his chance
2) As for Dexterity. of success.
J) The AB is used in determining a A thief wants to trail an experienced assassin through the streets of a city that
Character's maximum EL in certain skills. the thief has just entered. This is very difficult. The Trailing EL divided by 3 is
his chance of success.
4) AB is used in determining a
Character's MR. IMPORTANT
In certain situations, the Referee will determine that both
Constitution CB l) Per day that an injured Character fails characteristics and a skill apply to a given problem. When this
to heal, CB is subtracted, as an additive is the case, the value of the skill, after multiplication or divi-
modifier, from the healing chance roll.
2) CB is used in determining a sion for difficulty in section 5.2, is used as a characieristic in
Character's Poison Resistance. section 5.1.
IMPORTANT-No characteristic that is one of those used in SWIMMING
the maximum EL formula for the skill being used should be
added into the problem as an influencing factor (Its weight is
already part of the skill training).
A) No more than THREE characteristics should be used
for any one problem.
B) No more than one should be applied to any one
C) Where both characteristics and a skill are applied, no
more than three factors should be applied, i.e. the skill ap-
plies as a characteristic towards the limit of three specilied
in (A) above.
D) Any success chance, for solving any problem, of 100 or
higher indicates automatic success. Any result of zero or
less is automatic failure.
E) Where skills are used to solve a problem that involves
another entity, and that entity has the skill that the Referee
chooses to apply, the entities skill may be used to reduce the
chance that the Character succeeds in the action. Use of
non-player skill in this way is not mandatory.
DROWNING-When the number of turns swimming, or
phases underwater, is exceeded the Character has a chance to
drown. Per turn swimming or phase underwater, the
EL + AB + ((SB + StB)/2 rounded down)
Character will roll his drowning chance. per additional incre-
CLIMBING TABLE ment of time, the listed drowning chance is added to the ac-
CrrMerNc Drrrrcurry Lrvrr cumulated drowning chance, i.e. after three turns on the sur-
Fecron0l234S face, after becoming fatigued, a Character with EL9 will have
i!XHr'iEtiiR*1#i*t+ii,1i..+,iErtii ilr+i
an l8ro chance of drowning.
I +2 5090 40Vo 30Vo 20Vo 10Vo F
UNTRAINED SWIMMERS-Persons thar do not know how
i11iri:ii#1-<iitifli:1., fj1{i;i.11!:
5+6 70Vo 60Vo 5090 40Vo 30Vo 20Vo to swim will be fatigued from the first turn of swimming. Their
iili{+:!,ls--E_t:j:Et+iF,:XL{11;i n#ffiJ:itliri:J$#81iu.+!i.!'ffi|
--0T drowning chance is 2090 per turn, or phase underwater. They
iit'*-: "*.'td?;.---'80 dil*-"ib'fi;*'-*"66 d;"""'3'0 d;""' "- i6 q; will have a swimming speed of l.
SWIMN{ING UNDERWATER-On the first two phases
:i:1]::.-!!:1f;E :i:tt:1.i!i:i]i:.i::Ii]+f underwater, if the Character dives in, his swimming speed will
20+Up S S S S 90Vo 8090 equal his MR. At all other times, the speed swimming under-
S:Success, F=Failure water will equal 5090 ol the MR, rounded up.
Partial Success with this skill indicates that the climber loses TURNING-When a swimming Character turns more than 45
his grip BUT has a chance to regain it. Re-roll subtracting the degrees his speed is reduced to zero for one phase. In that
phase, he may not move.
climber's EL from the roll. If he succeeds, he does not fall. If
he does not succeed, he lalls. NOTE-,4// rules and restrictions obove apply to humanoid
form creatures that are swimming unless they are fully adapted
FALLS to an aquatic existence. The Referee moy create other rules as
When a climber fails, or fails to catch himself after Partial Success. he believes they are necessary.
he will fall to the ground. If he catches himself after Partial Success,
he will fall f DlO - 2 feet before he catches himself.
In all cases, rhe damage scored from a fall is determined using the
following formula:
(lD6 x (Feet fallen,zl0, round
up)) - EL
In all cases, the minimum damage that can be suffered from a fall
equals the number of feet fallen, divided by 10, rounded down.
EXAMPLE-Two Characters, EL3 and EL -2, fall 17 feet off a
wall. The damage roll for the first is a 3, the roll for the second is a 2.
The first Character takes, (3x(17./10) - 3, 3 hits. The second Character
Iakes, (2x(17/10)- (-2), 6 hits.
OPTIONAL-The Referee can modify the damage suffered in
a fall, il positive damage results, using the foliowing table:
THE ENTERTAINMENT TABLE 1D6FP : You are pelted with this food. It is barely edible.
To determine success, roll 2D10, subtract your EL and add xDx hits : You are pelted with bricks, botties, etc. and sulfer
damage as a result. Gain 1D6FP if it is a BB or CC audience.
any Crowd Type modifier that applies on the table below:
None : The audience holds you in disdain but are too
Sxrrr 4 oR LEss 5-7 I2-t6 17 aNo Up
cultured to throw bricks or tomatoes.
Singer 2D6 lD6 1D3 tD2
Musician lDlO+2 1D3 lD2 I D2+
Evicted : You are bodily removed from the stage, the
Troubadour 2D10 1Dl0 lD6 lD3 building and, if it is a noble audience, the City.
Actor 2D6 +2 1D6+ I lD3 tD2 Lashed : As for Evicted. You sulfer 1D10 hits from a
Dancer 3D6 zD6 rD6 tD2 thorough flogging.
CROWD TYPE Tar and Feathers : Hot Tar is spread on your body and
Ror-r- CorN Tvpr Moo. feathers are ground into it. You are ridden out of town on a
t-4 BB 2 rail. All equipment is lost if you roll a 40 or less on D100' If
5-7 CC 0 not, it is put next to you when you are released. Take 2D6 hits
8+9 SC 4 in burns from the tar.
l0 GC 8 Prison : The Noble is not pleased. You are locked in his
THE PUNISHMENT TABLE dungeon for 2D10 days. When this period ends, if you fail to
Rorr BB CC SC GC influence him, severe punishment will be meted out to you.
l-4 Gain 1D6FP I Hits
D3 None None Death : The Noble is insulted by your performance. You are
5-'7 1D3 Hits lD6 Hits Evicted Lashed incarcerated for 1D6 days. At the end of this time, if you fail
8+9 1D6 Hits Evicted Lashed Prison to influence the Noble, you will be executed. If you influence
10 Evicted Lashed Tar and Death him, you are lashed.
This section contains the basic tables that are used in resolv- OFFENSIVE COMBAT VALUE
The OCV of a Character equals CEL + SB + StB.
ing normal combat. It also includes a merged listing of the
various parameters that apply in using Horsemanship in battle. DEFENSIVE COMBAT VALUE
A Character's DCV equals CEL+AB+DB.
Its final inclusion is a table that details situations that modify
the value of weapons in combat with a listing of their FV and
WSB values (from the weapon table in Book One). COMBAT MODIFIER TABLE
The CDF of an opponent equals (HPV/10) + (M.EL/Z)"
When a creature is near death, and one or more wounds
strike him down, the formula below is used to determine the
MAXIMUM number of his points that the striker can get
credit for. Strength Bonus None
Target's remaining HPY + (Target's DTV x ( * 1)) *Applies on Deadly and Severe hits only.
BesE Draoly SnvnRp SsrErn DEADLY HIT
LiNr Hrr t:
Htr Hrr Hrr Mrss A Deadly Hir will score 2Dl0 OR 1D10 + (SB)D10,
r,r,r., :'*ilO*
:'J0 l, :
9,ls : ; 5.;r r 4rtO"S3,, i
;04i lJ: ; .:r::r 1 6. 100,,, whichever is greater. To this value, WSB and EL are added.
19 9 -8to 4--3ro04 05-16 17-l0O
:1,:;',, :+ li$:
,,' -8 -7to-J -2ro05 06-t7 18-100 SEVERE HIT
t'7 8 -7 to -2 - 1 ro 06 07-18 t9-100 A) The ottacker possesses notural weopans*:
:,.,',tt, 116, , ,,',
j ?,' r,r;$,1o.' *,ti.,' S,to,,07.rriit :{}8i lg : f .rr, 20-1&:.,: lD10+SB or ZERO, whichever is higher
15 7 -6 ro 0 01 ro 08 09-20 2t-100 B) The attacker is unarmed and without natural weapons;
:.,',, ,,114, ,' -;,6:1 r0!-r., Og,.: :16112 r.:,?3.t00'
,:,liSito '1, I
1D6 + SB**
-13 -6 5 ro 02 03 ro l0 n_24 25_100
' l:::l *':12:: l - 5 -4 ro 0l 04 ro ll l:-26 27-100 C) The attacker is armed with a weapon:
- ll 5 4 ro 04 05 ro 12 13_28 29_100 1D10+SB+WSB +(FL/2, round up)
.,,,':, ;, 0.r'r, *An attacker is considered to have natural weapons if the NWI
'.i+ J rol' ,.' ff tcl,.ii.. .:-,i14ii0,
, . :r4. :", :, r.
3:l -$1S,,
g ,1 -3 1() 06 07 ro 15 t6-32 33_100 specilied for it is ZERO or higher.
:,:: ::r .
-8.:.:: -3 -2 ro 06 07 ro t6 t1-34 35-100 **Il the attacker has hand-to-hand skill, the EL/Z rounded up
7 -3 2to 07 08 to 18 19-36 37_100 is added to the damage thai is scored.
,,],. ;6 :,:,: -2 -l ro 07 08 ro t9 20-38 i9-100
-2 I to 08 09 ro 20 2t-40 41-100 NORMAI, AND SHIET,D HIT
.,, ,,: -:,,,.
-I 0 to 08 09 ro 2l ZZ-42 43-100 A) The attacker possesses natural weapons*:
.J I 0 to 09 l0 to 22 23-44 45-100
1D6 + SB
-I 0 to 09 l0 ro 23 24-46 47-100
-l 0 0l ro l0 11 to 24 25-48 49-100 B) The attacker is unarmed and without natural weapons:
.' : : tS ..::..:g1r{ot. }0 ,.t., :1,;1.5lr,}$ 1D3 + (SB/2, round down)**
":rr.'EEtri&,. tlrltO.2!:,:,,;:.'g6, .,,
+l 0 01 1 to I
26 27-52 53-100
12 to C) The attacker is armed with a weapon:
at ."i.3 S,ij:tr,?9.54-i iri ;rJ,;i:l00il:t
,:01','.: 92,to.,.U 1D6+SB+WSB
+3 01 02 to 12 13 to 29 30-56 57-l0O +See Deadly
':*4.. 0l 02 ro 13 14 ro ll Hit lor (A).
:: :::. :: 32-58 59-100 **If the attacker has hand-to-hand
+5 02 03 ro 14 15 to 32 33-60 6l-100 skiil, the SB is not divided
: i::::'.::+:6 :.:: ' '.: , .02
-'-:t93. to .,1+.',.l.5.rto-*fi 3r5,e2,. .,.':,6,3,.i 1
as specified above.
+7 02 36 37-64 65-100
03 to 15 16 to
.::ll:: 1: +::,: . -O3 ".'1S-4,1!],,,,l n;.lSria'*?,,1.1,,,, *6,.',r;r 1 6.r.
i: :
Sttu.qrloN Enrrcr
+g 03 04 to 16 17 to 39 40-68 69-100 Fffingirnor'etha'iir0NE.opponelrt:. r, r::,, :r ,:,t*.*,:. :,:,1 r,
,:ii :: + 1$.rr :.:':- :'gJ .:.':: n 1o-., J?ji,itg.ior40,:.,.:. 4 lj:!iE.]:ri l riL.:l$ ",.
MeNe Anoc.qrrox
MrssrrE Frnr
Ma.crc ErEecr
? He";
N +rrr}_ ,rr
rr rrx\
.tf...',:,,lt,,,.,,;il,,,Throw,q aran
WEaroN Crass
CnEerunr OCV
rr r -:lr, ::
,, '1".'lllrr ::.:r ii 'l :
lV) MovEMrNrr AN-D MELSE 2- .,, ,, ,
G Htrt*,-- 17+UP
\-/ 3 Polearms r::,.:': :! 13+6r, .r::.
4 Heavy Lance
TABLE EXPLANATION riii'rrr:::'}r: ri, t:. Sbear/lr,ig l: Lance, :,r :.:,: r:.p-}i,, ': r,':
,"r:.: , ,1:.
CREATURE-The factor is added to the creature's attack 6 Staff
:: ,qr:: 1;,.. 1f;,-';r'' 1, ,,.r, HeAqyr.S,ly,ofdz. Afe1r.;I .,,.-. .r,'1;1,,,,if-$,1,1,, , rr
each phase. Any remainder is assigned, I per phase, in phase Riding horse I 0 War horse II 3
1,3,2,4 order.
Riding horse II 1 War horse III 5
To use a Bow class weapon the firer's SB must be greater
than, or equal to, the WSB of the weapon l. If it isn't, he
Cnosssow Typr puasrs ro Rrroao -
cannot draw or string the bow.
RepeatingCrossbow g
Light Crossbow 2 NOTB-The rule above will not apply to any Elven bows. For
Heavy Crossbow Magic Bows that are not Elven, the (WSB/2)
- l, rounded
4 down, is compared to the firer's SB.
Doocr Tor.qL V,A.rus DoocEo
l0 11
veruE .LT.1 l+2 3+4 5 6 7 E 9 12+-Up
0309020V010%5goNNNNNNN )i N
+o', :o',
i '5090 zo'. tqZ; 5Zo 590
lt l! N
N N N I't
2 40Vo 3090 zniqo 1090 N N
6 9090 80% 10vo 6090 5090 40s/0 3090 20vo l09o 590 , .lJ.
8 A 'A 90vo 80vo '70iq0 60% 5090 . aQfio 3090 2avo 10,Yr
lg;Up'' ; A A A gOVo 80% lOVo 6090 5090 4090 3090
A = Automatic success N : Automatic failure
IMPORTANT-If a Character attempts to dodge a spell, and NOTE-ln all cases, the maximum EL that a caster can cast is
fails, he will use his MDV at % value, rounded down, in used in the formula above regardless of the EL that he actually
resisting its effects. cast. Ilthe caster of a spell is struck by a hostile spell before his
spell goes olf his spell is lost.
OPTIONAL-The following rules may be employed in THE MAGIC TABLE
physically resisting magic that can be dodged: The table below is used to determine the eflect of all spells,
poisons and supernatural events. Where the term BL is used
A) lf the dodge attempt is a Partial Success, the dodger for ANY roll, anywhere in these rules, the roll is taken on the
may subtract his Dodge Value + 3 from the number ol hits Magic Table.
that the spell inflicts.
B) The dodger, if his dodge does not succeed, may attempt ABYSMAL
to interpose his shield betrveen himself and the spell. His LINE SUCCESS FAILURE FAILURE
chance of doing so equals: 0 0l-35 36-90 9l
1 0l-38 39-91 92
Dodge Chance + Shield AV + EL in the Shield r,:,,,,.,,,,,.,,r,'j,.:r,.;1..,,:,i,1,]i6i".$.1r.,::'i1.,,i,i -4!:92.r,,;.:r:, 'ii,,',,r'r,;93 .
Il he succeeds, handle the spell's success as specified for 3 01-44 45-93 94
a Shield Hit except that magical shields will block
Short 4 Extreme -2
Medium 2
Where the weapon that fires the missile has a listed WSB'
the WSB/3. rounded up, is added to the modifier above'
AB}'SMAL A) SUCCESS-The poison has its affect on rhe rarger.
Various types of poison exist in this game. When thev
ceed, the following eflects will be applied:
(MEL+EL)/2, round up CHAOS POWERS
ErPeRtrsr LsvEr
MEL012 3 4 S 6',l 8 910 11
r'rii rii'l$-ii|'::3,itft.1.;*.1:i|$li irii:
':,l.rg:ii.rjrf.1ii,i,4r..;..1;..1;$:.i girit', ,1:.,i4:t*r'll iii; il:.6ir'rri. i?;ri
1iir. i.i; 1: li;:,4,.r'ii*.r,,r,i."ii,"i ,,,',: ti 'i .:i:: i8'.;,
..,:ili. .,r:3.iiir rli.i. i ,,;,, l tiotli'i:.. ''ii*' lttffi
ii.r,.:si:1l :i. .!i r;u6rii :,,.1+.;ii,Eiiiiffi.'i!',ii;is+i$itt]:'i
955667788991010 ji'iiitli:ii.iitliiler,::i;,i*.iji
i1..11i1ii1,;;.':j,riiiir*,,ffi rib: giii1|}$l$,.j.ti:i
11 6 6 7 '7 8 8 9 9 l0 l0 11 ll
,"'i':il'g r,:.$:iiiiti:jil+;iir tj.i :ri,. ;.l9'o.i{b,i,: 'j;ii1,i:Liiii ,
13 7 't 8 8 9 9 l0 i0 ll ll 12 12
irr, ,n:r,$t,, *i*+ ]ftI:i6ji:i :+11t"'{ti
15 8 8 9 9 l0 l0 1l 1l 12 12 13 13
.:.i ;iiii,i.l#ir'1*ilu.iiU.1;;r*rili,,,i:i:.r,'i i...'!.#i#t+!ff
l1 9 9 l0 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14
i::i;,:, r: i,.*$;',ftii:jjii:r,illiiLij,i..i ira:ii;'t+liiirl ligi.:ll. itt;
19 10 10 1l ll 12 12 13 i3 14 14 15 15
;rq.':ior1i'-ii}iiii. iiis.i'i.icj .irs;il it+ilirliilsiinii
*When these values apply, the casting speed is ONE mana Besr Besr
MeNa MaNe
point per turn. The person has little or no knowledge of what Ron Sprrr Cosr Rorr Cos:r
he is doing.
06-09 Hatred I 60-64 Shape Changing
,li,F}t$fl,ii,ii:A,t S
Besr 38-43 Desert Powers 2 86-88 Travel Powers
MeNa PorNr Cosr MeNe PorNr Cosr i:ii&-i$?ii,I,F$",ii.$
Cosr alone instructed Cosr alone inslructed 48-51 Storm Powers 2 92-94
2 9 5 E 81 1l 'j+$a.41$3'ililbbi$ii!r lil,tliir.i!ni;i
Blood Vengeance
4 25 13 l0 l2l 61
s 35 l8 15 256 128
6 19 25 20 441 221
Asuna, Ahura I Law Tongue ot Lieht Devox, Storm 2 Chaos Young Chaos
iiii;.Ci1 ii#ffi1ii fi;.t,1ri J Lavr. ronlueor,La"wft1r;re , .Dttrnoxl;i-Jp,1.tfll$*r--*, irr$,{$pei, '
Asunn. Angels of Fury 2 Law (Tongue of Lawful Fire Drvor, Subterranean I Chaos Fiery Chaos, Young Chaos
and Tongue of Light) DtvoN, Terrestrial I Chaos Young Chaos
llii.l .i!it*li*l.,1, iiiiil:i'l'iii,;i:,r,,i,:l i#$i{i,e;i.;;'.ffiiiliiliiiitriil.
AHuRA, Kerubim 3 Law Lawful Fire and Liehr ErrusNrer, Air I Elder Wind
iiliiJ.riA*$**lr*rrti!: irliiiieit:'#L[dj:tit',ftgh+;i
AHrna. Vereshina I I au tl a\4ful Firet tt lutrret . Fire I Elder EJder Fire
a*"*"o*u, i,ti*orrut z Chuo, Lifitrr:, corrnuna EreMEnrat. Warer I Flder Fldei Water
Asecur I Balance Primal Fev Honse, Female 1 Elder (Sidh and Elf Sidh)
DrvoN, Disease lD3* Chaos Death, Young Chaos ToNas I Elder Tonah Tongue,
Dgnur.r. Fierv Soirir 2 Chaos Fierv Chaos one Animal tongue
. Ds^a{rx, Hurab s*rapet .-=:,:-:i=,,:.:,.:-:,, .li1i;ltilii;Llliffi
DrnoN, Heliophobic 2 Chaos Darkness, Death,
Young Chaos
Bese Basr
Maue Mare
Rorr Spnrr Cosr Rorr SPrrr Cosr
10-18 Damage Reversal I
68-75 Travel Powers 4
ts-zi. spqeal' -'Sleep ijiltFl/iiijiill
I 83-88 Fate l0
28-36 Watchful
iiil":,1liili.ii i;t
45-52 Preserve the Dead 2
2 93-100 Planar Travel 15
i111141;1lii"ri'it; ilri;i;+:irrii1
5) E}lCCILJNTNRS lists the basic statistics for each creature and animal. These
This section details important tables that are used to resolve tables do not include any information on the special attributes,
various things that can occur in moving strategically. It is also powers or appearance of these creatures. They are solely intended
used to determine the chance that an encounter will occur. As a as a statistical reference. For more detailed information, you
new aid, the section contains a Creatllre Statistics section that must consult Book Three.
Cnnarunr HuuaN NoNr Cnrerunr HulaaN NoNr
Cnraruns HulreN NoNr Cnrarunr HuuaN NoNr
Cns,q.trins Huulw NoNn Cnrerunr HuuaN Nowr
Cnparunr HuueN NoNr Cnrerunr Hulra,N NoNr
Cnrarunr HuueN NoNr
Cnrerune Huuax NoNp
Cnrarunr HuueN Noun
Cnrerunr HuuaN NoNr
Cnsarunr HuuaN NoNr
Cnratunr HunaaN NoNp
Cnrerunp HurnleN NoNr
lii+iji,liiiirlii'it i
iiiifilitlsr+r1i BASE ENCOUNTER CHANCE
Cnsarunr HuM,q.N NoNr Cnnarunr HurraaN Noxr
ilt;iil,f;i]litiliii lil'r''lriliiliiiill
Cnrerunr HuueN NoNs
Cnrerunr HuuaN NoNr
Cnrerunr HuueN NoNr
Cnrerunr Huuex Norsr
Cnrerunr HuueN NoNB
MODE MODIFIER* A) The Releree will set a Base Chance of success, depending
NormalMovement 0
on the size of the item searched for, how well it is hidden and
Hunting - 5
other factors that he considers to be appropriate.
Searching l0
Camoed 5
The MINIMUM Base Chance that the Referee may set is
*The modifier listed in the table above is added to the Referee's roll on 10%. The MAXIMUM Base Chance that can be set is 80V0.
the appropriate Encounter Table. The minimum result, drie to this B) The Player with the Highest Survival EL for the terrain
modifier, will be 01. that is being searched will roll D100 and subtract his EL from
the roll. Any result less than or equal to the Base Chance in-
HUNTING SUCCESS CHANCE dicates a successful search. Partial Success means that the
Base Chance + (Highest Survival EL* X 3)
party may continue to search during future strategic turns
*The Highest Survival EL for the terrain that the party is actually with no reduction in their Base Chance of success. Failure
hunting in. means that the Base Chance is reduced 5090, rounded down,
if the party chooses to continue the search. At any time that
the Base Chance reaches zero, the party will give up and is no
longer allowed to search that hex for the item that they want
BASE BASE to find.
.,,iiiF,t*F-,t' tili.:;.r.r,1ii1l
Rorr Fnio Rorr FrNn
Badlands 30Vo 2 01-25 Food Points** 1l-75 Mineral Deposit
i 26-40 Animal Signs 76+77 Buildings
City Margins ** ** 41-50 Game Trail
51-65 Creatures
Creature Lair
Cave or Cavern
Forest 5090 5 66-10 Natural Material 89-100 Other*
:-;. _===-..-::l!
rAnything that the Rel'eree desires the Darty to find.
Jungle 40Vo **Dl(X) food points. The type of food is at the Referee's discretion.
(W + Em)/2, round up
Upper World*** 20Vo 2D6
A) There is a discernible noise OR another party member
tries to wake the person-Chance x 2.
*Add the Base Chance to the Base Chance for the terrain that B) There is a discernible noise AND another party member
the party is flying over. The increase is only received when the tries to wake the person-Chance x 3.
flyer is at an elevation of at least 30 and no more than 120 feet. It C) The person suffers an injury while sleeping-
will apply at l/2 value in Forest, Jungle, Mountains, Ruins and Automatically wakes.
Swamps. It will not apply in Underground, City and Upper Each sleeper is allowed to roll each phase. The chance deter-
World hunting unless the Referee specifies that it does. Any mined above is always additive. On the first phase after waking
encounter that a flyine hunter has will be an ,Aerial Encounter. the person is allowed to stand and gather his wits. On all phases
**As listed for the surrounding terrain or, for Aerial, the terrain thereafter he may take any action that he desires.
***Food is only found in Law or non-elemental Elder Regions. AMBUSH
Other areas, unless specifically allowed by the Referee, have no BASE CHANCE
edible growing substances or food animals. The food potential of
areas that are created bv the Referee mav be set at his discretion. Ambush Chance + Highest Survival EL
@The multiplier to the left of the slash applies in the Elder
Lands, areas inhabited by the Sidh and other Elder Races. The AMBUSH CHANCE TABLE
multiplier to the right of the slash applies in the Pale of Kototh TERRAIN CHANCE TERRAIN CHANCN
and all Elemental Kingdoms. In all multiplications using this Badlands
factor, the result is rounded down. If the final result is zero, no
25Vo Ruins * 1090*
Desert 20Vo Swamp 35Vo
edible food can be found in the area. It is a desicated, withered Forest
and noxious area.
3090 Underground 20Vo
Hill 25Vo Waterway 25Vo
Jungle 3590 City** 25Vo
AVOIDANCE CHANCE Mountain 25Vo Lower World * 590*
(Ambush Chance x 3) the Numtrer of Entities involved
Plains 20Vo Upper World ***
- Roadway + 10Vo*
The Referee will set the chance based on the type of *The listed factor is added to the chance for the surrounding
"terrain" that exists. He may set any chance from 5Vo to 80V0. terrain.
Only creatures native to the "terrain", or persons with survival **In cities, the Trailing EL divided by 5, rounded down, may be
skill in it can attempt an ambush. Novices have no chance used in addition to City Survival. Only the Trailing skill of the
whatsoever. person with the highest City Survival will apply in this case.
, .{le'! gf p :, r 1'.',. :,f iii .i09ri:,
Roli lD10 on the table below:
Main Road 590 I 090
ROI,I, NF** ROLL NF** :.illtalketl$Ir{r , i, "' ?0q$ i '1O.qol
t I 8+9 2Dl0 Military Area 3090 20Vo
2+3 1D6 10 ,r,,,Pig fiJ4 ryt,,, .,,. l0- -rlr'r, :lsrrys"
4-1 2D6 Poor Road l0rto 2AVo
:,' FLivat*1,tl.oir.q9 ,,,,' afl%:l .?5 n,
**NF = Number Found. Private Room l09o 590
..,,f.ublte.gdld .,., {i.!rp;,,1 .r JVo'
Rich District l09o l59o
MOTIVATION TABLES :',.,Taltrn1{11nr.,r,"...,t 1t{h.:,: ::2sry0,
A) SINGLE ENCOUNTER-Whenever only one person is encountered District 15% 3090
(This includes a lD6 encounter where a I is rolled.) ENCOUNTER AREAS
i11,1i19.{!.ffi;;ffi d.i_ii1{;i,.rt i1lilfi,,,ij$+i:t!*rr,i1irFl,..1:1,, ,;"r,'f{ic*?':i'l ';r:',,,
ENcouNtEn Tvpr. Dav Nrcur
05-10Adventurer Adventurer Shaman ,r,;Stafl,Mp.f$+r ::r,,.1,;,;.r,:r"f;,,;.,1;Q:l; r;:r. - gl, g:' I
ra*dr"e.nlltq .,,;.
iii:iililF.s,ijtn4ji ;,ii'.,;iiir*T i;, Guard, Private 16-20 06-15
21-35 Patrolman Warrior Runaway :ir:{1ii1t14lr,:i,,,,i1..,.r1r.i:.l'.,,.:.,r,J:J .,,.1l }6:,:.
iiifi$ ";r,ii';iEscapee tf.{s ;i..'i.,i1 :ir.;.;S.iiteitr.,'. r:;i,;,' 1i,
Funeral Service 26-35
51-60 Escapee Warrior Criminal 36-40 3145
i:r: !r?$;1p1q*,t ;.:,;1i ii"i''liliri:ftantf{,ii,,,r,,.,,,:r,, 1,,rj.Se.4d,*, ying',. Citizen 41-65 46-50
7l-80 Peasant Dead or Dying Lost .t,:t 1eiglrif.u,l;litl; ,.'1.1,..,',1:,.,...r,-.66:$p.r-,t,,-1$1.6$,,.,
iliiri,!;,,-r-;tit tf ,;ir[mrr;...-i:i1,fi :: .Eg,e*itgii, iu i;,t,,," Crealure* 81-85 6l-80
91-96 Merchant Traveller Hunter .',-,Met*tf4uf : 1;.. , iilr.rr; irri I r..r,.13giqp,,:.,'r.$,!;*'8?, ,
iii$.5,1lffi i* j1i;'..:ir.ill{,e.i,s,h.r+S.ii'i:..t'r. iti"li.i dfi S,rartsii.:::: j;.rri i: Street Gang 9l-91 83-88
, ,,:f1g:gv .-: 1,. ',,,:., .,1,,t,,1;,:;jlr. ::,:irI9l19jl;irr I::S9*9l
Other ''
98-100 92-100
B) 1D6 and 2D6-Whenever two to twelve persons are encountered *Roll on the appropriate Creature cncounier ',ablc
use this table. tvtAttt t(t AL,
(lncluding 2Dl0 results of 2 tol2 percons.) ExcouNrsn Typp Dev NrGHr
i..irr$-h+fi**,'{Far{yi Beggar 03-12 09-15
irt:li03iif3j,i$t:!.1ffiii.i:,sta.utarlr.l :rr ,:,.::,:itr,.,:.rrritr,,r,:,t,13.3c ,:
04-0E Adventurers Adventurers Wizard's Party :iiatii'ititr*!lf:,,,1,ir 16,35
C) 2D10-Use this table whenever 2Dl0 are rolled and the result is thir
Er.JcouNrsR. Dev Nicsr
teen or higher.
Guard. Prirate 0l-10 0l-15
Guard 1l-20 16-25
::S'{*hl :'l:-rt,':l;',, r:, .' . ":,, :' 1,.. ?1.3S,.,,"'*. tO'
il.i$,$ftt jli8,,qll ri.,L,,,.iWqrx,1pi ii i:i.....;iu,',&-ar.rdit-si;"iii';,;rr', :
31-45 3l-34
16-35 Bandits Raiders Hunters ,.,r;l.,rr:. i'4;6;5O :' ':,,,J5.50
iliu+rg.rifi,..r,'f.,i,!rffi-i,:.",,,i,, ,l'eii!nirfbl.,.,.,";,.r1ti:, t.;,:,,,,:.
6l-75 Travellers
'.,i:ii;ri l Outcasts Lost
Citizen 51-65 51-55
.t*,.i.:, t:lrftt:ti,-
.1t,r; ;r1$Sr1ff.,. .'56160,
itr,..i?'c,i .it.r'f,,ti'$l.gr1i ,i',,,t 1..,'l1t Foreigner 7l-15
E6-92Merchants Entertainers Travellers Magician 76 +77 66
i;iirEp!i9f,:ii.S"4 1'iijri;'i#erlr{ l'r.iii.'iii:'.l. itresdi'o4 idg'i::., Animal 78-85 67-80
98-100 Slavers Slavers Wild Men
Crowd 86-90 8l -85
Other 91-100 86-100
D) **The Referee may estab[sh any encounter that he desires EucouNrEr. Tvpr Dlv Nrcur
without restriction, or roll on the table below: Guard 0l-40 0l-25
ROLL CIVILIZED BARBARIAN WILD Military Column 4l-60 26-30
ii,llti+l;flgi11 ,til t1r,:1L.:.ii ins.fil,r:.rr1.r,:' 'ri,Of:f.i{er:il::]i..,,,,i,rr:r.trli ,'.,ri:]i rii,;r. :6iI'65.:::.,:.::3i+33,] it
06-15Hamlet CIan Camp Band Camp Citizen 66-'70 34-36
riili;,tfi#;rile .!l#j',,:. ,,ii.i.i;,..1 i1o.9,;l ii]H*ftle.t' .,,j:,ii-: Merchsnl 7l-15 37-1f
31-50 Ceremony Army Outcasts Recruiter 76-80 4l-50
5l'65 Secret Sociery Outcast Camp Character "11f,'.oteigl**il'L:lli::
iilr'.:::;ii:r.r.8'1,i,,.,frJ. :,':
66-E0 Maior Endeavor Major Hunt Secret Society Magician 86 6l + 62
91-97 Battlefield Secret Society
ilv:itgr..{l1a* ,'.',
i,,i4fli!h$l!..;.ir.-t"1..;;;':1'1,', ::1.,,'.i-{lrS$ill,ii 63"ff|
Criminal 9i-95 76-90
!ril..t"i}.,ffilll i.,i ,;:110.t'l}*................f,;.r:,:.;,,,;i.,:.'lrl:.l.... ll: ,:1, .:l:l: ,t1,${.!- 1;li'1,91=.1.,@11,
ExcouNrrn Typr Day Ntcnr ENCoUNTER TypE Day Nrcur
Citizen 06-15 03-25
.:..,,,f fr !:,;i! in$**iri
Criminal 36-40 5l-55
i,:iri:i r,ltr,rtt;*?.g1,*i
Foreigner 46-52 57-60
Magician 66 + 67 74
.j,;t;rlli"iiliirli' liit;iiil'ttttlili'
Animal 76-85 86-95
:r.'ii'jlli,l;..:ri i;:1i'iii,i.i"..ii +li
96-100 r00
Animal ""*'"""""-'ii4-il' " ez'-i5'
Crowd 86-90 9t + 92
,,t'.,.riliii jiirt.iitii
:r' ':j:l,l .il:jili$I$i{isr,,$ .tr ENcouxrsn Typr Day Ntcnr
Family Member 2l-30
,,.i:ill',iitiiiiiilit; i riitjiiil:iirlir,iii Guard 04-12 Il-15
Merchant 4l -55 4l-48 lijiltli:iijliii''i,i
..!ii.,:'iiriii1iiiji t," 1 ,
Recruiter 25-30 2l-30
Animal 66-75 66-85 ,ilri:ii:jilii-iii'a'1il
iiii.'. ij,,ilii,,iie,b.r..l I
*Either a wild animal that has wandered into the city or escaped from
on the appropriate Creature encounter table | I
I rhe local arena or a diseased animal of some kind, i.e. a rabid dog, flea- |
I carrying rat, etc. The animal should have EL lD6 Disease on a lD10 I
Merchgnt 2l-30 26-30 J so, rtrey will not attack large creatures, i.e. larger rhan cat size. If con- |
I flicr resrritr. thev will have the followins sratisrics' I
4l-55 36-40 AHP 2 ocv 0 DCV 2 NWI +3
s r(- l) st6 D6 At2
Criminal 66-7 5 5l -60
HC 4Vo
Magician 8l 66
SS Nocturnal Scavenger/Omnivore
Crowd 9l -95 8l -90 NOTE-Rats are noted disease carriers. When they are en-
.;,.:l.liil|lJiiill countered in the city the Referee should allow a chance that they
*If the public building is an arena the encounter is a gambler. If not, the are carrying some form of contagious disease or hosting a
encounter is with a Tax Collector. parasite that corries one.
ROLL ENCOUNTER ROLL ENCOUNTER An Aerial encounter is an encounter that occurs IN THE
I Wizard's Party 5-7 Adventurers ,AIR. The only Humans that can possibly be encountered in this
2 Shaman's Party E Character's Party way are:
3 Exploring Soldiers* 9 Lost ROLL ENCOUNTER ROLL ENCOUNTER
4 Escapee 10 Outcast Camp** l+2 Wizard 7 Shaman
*Exploring Soldiers are encountered if the area is Civilized. The
3-5 Wizard's Party t+9 Shaman and Birds
result indicates a party of 2D6 Soldiers protecting lD3 other 6 Flying Artifact l0 Special Character
people. They are exploring the area for mineral wealth,
treasure, etc. In Barbarian areas, this result indicates a party of MAGIC-USERS
2D6 Warriors that are seeking adventure. In a Wild area, this MAGIC USERS-Roll 2D6 lor a random NPC
result is a Band Camp of Wild Men.
**As described oreviousl
FIGHTERS-RoI1 2D10 for a random NPC.
0l+02 .s(2) 7l-80 t.2(.9)
03-06 .6(1.8) 81-68 1.4(.8)
07-12 .7( 1.6) 89-94 1.6(.7)
13-20 .8(1.4) 9s-e8 1 8(.6)
2l-30 .9(1.2) 99+ 100 2(.5)
3l-70 r(l)
The unparenthesized, +, modifier is multiplied times:
Speed modification is based on the + modifier. Consult the
table below using this modilier. 'lhe number yielded is
multiplied times the creature's NIR.
.5 1.5 1.2+1.4 "9
.6+.7 1.3 1.6+l.E .8
.8 + .9 1.1 2 .'7
Dren 9 2 3 +5* t4 13 8 8 9 2 0 0 I 0 I
Drrerrre-Te 6 2 3 +3 10 8 NA ZO(+t) t0 0 3 I I 0 1
Cancoyrr. Male l6 3(6) - I 19( + 1) 24( + 1) l0 8 9(2.1) 2 3 15 2 3+ 5
Cnosr NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA I I(20) NA IO 30 NA NA 6
GoBLIN 6 2 3 +1 6 8 ll 16( +1) 9 0 2 l0 I I _s
4 1 52(+3) 24(+1) 12 8 12
l 4 r8 3
GREAr APE. ivlale l0 -4* 5
+.r.!itliirli{ jr+-,ip.,-
(iREAT SFRPFNT 50 15 ,1 -5 75(+3) 33(+2) NA 6 6 3 20 60 9 6* 1
GRIFFIN 74 7(ll)* 5(9) I l8(+l) 20(+l) 12 25(+l) 12(12) 1 1 11 3 -2 4
H rppocrrrr l8 5 5(9) 0 15 2l(+l) 12 16(+l) 20(36) 0 3 8 2 I 3
Hvonr. Children 2 3 0
.,1 12
MERKABAH 41 15 9(16) 0 100(+.1) 26(+ l) 40(+2) 24(+t) 16(52) 3 28 160 10 9
MoLANT 8 2 6 -2 14 15 33(+2) 20(+l) t2 0 8 21 I 3
Orcsr 46 t1 5 4 68(+3) 30(+l) 9 12 12 3 1 13 7 -4* 4
PErsr 35 I I 5(ll) -l 36(+2) 32(+2t NA 3l(+2) 8(16) 2 15 51 7
i.:iit iii''i!,Flj.riiiji,1;.:
15 5 4 Q l8(+l) 2',7(+1t 8 l'1 12 | 2 8 2 -3* 5
SEARBHANI 10 23 -3 3 120(+5) 80(+4) 9 12 13 0 16 5l 7 5* 6
SErprrut WoveN 12 3(5)* 3(4)* * t2 II t? t4 l2(8) * 6 30
3 -2 6
i:,llilii rrili:.ltii
Sour Dalve NA ll NA(12)* r- 150(+6) 100( +4) 80(+4) 40(+2) (28) 0 24 2s0 * NA 1
ITE 1 0 6(ll) +3 5( l) l0 20('1, b0(.3) 6(J2) {r 6 l0 I -l b
i;tris,1 4:ii:t:li.,i
Touns x1.5 x2 xl.5 x2 xl.5 xl.5 xl.5 x2 xl.5 x2 x4 x3 x2 x2 +2*
NOTE-Except where it appears in the DTV column w.ith a number, the symbol * indicates that you must look at the creature descript ion to determine the value of this factor
ln all cases, th table above only gives the basic characteristics of the creature type. For details on any special parameters that apply to it, you must see Book Three.
28 9(14)* t2 + l) 40(+2)
*The parenthesized OCV values apply against some or all of the forces of Chaos.
Unoccupied t-4 6 7- 10 ll
itsBf..i:c,{$i:.i, :
ii'. - ::l
::L3:,':::..:::,:4+5 ::: ::'::= '
,,-6-10' I 1t'
Catacombs l+2 3+.1 5+6
fo l0+11
tt,l{t.:':,.:t,,li.,,,1, i::. Ir-**
g1*{,,,r.i.r.l;| l: r i,ll:ilrl.:i,'
Prison l-5 6 7 8-10 ll
rStgtags,:,..'r:ii:..r., ,.; J :.r,r.. ri,',.,.;;:
r ,i ,-:ii i:i :-_ :: : ,'.8-ts, ' ::1:1 '
Treasury | 2-6 /+u 9r l0 l1
rrtirriieraqlLl,.:l: :r..,. ili+:?:1..,:if i::.. i3. +,4 :':l::','. 5 ,:6-10 , ,'' 1,1
' ,:
Inn 1-6 7 8 9+ l0 1l
.,P.itlt+ 4MaEFri,,- :::l,Jil ul ii:i4.+5i "t:ilt'i6+7'l .8+9 1S +, i I.,
Private House l-6 I 8 9*10 1i
r:t!l a*.d.Sf1i ,,,;.
::ll3:ti:',r ,4+6 ,,7 r.&1,*: t t,
Public Building I -3 1-7 8 9+10 1l
. Ro*d :To1*gfj,r.r :
;, .r 14... .t.1,,:.:.:5.+6 ' : l,i l':-,l
, 7.lS , 1'f:r'
The tables in this section are a compilation ol the Ruin | +2 3 4+5 6-8 9+10
tables that are used to select treasures. It does not con- r$*e tc,v'ei.,.tt, ;,: ,i':,".,:. il;'
:r.,5 +#r:,
. i' ::
:: , ,7-9 I{}+ 11.
tain any treasure information beyond these tables. To Secret Room 1+2 3-5 6+7 8+9 10+ ll
determine precise values for the treasure item that is ;;$!i$pf..r:;..:,| , 1.4 5+6
i:,,:r,-'i.:l::ra!.,: '',?-l$, ,,. 11, ':i,
found, Book Four must still be consulted. Shrine, Roadside l-5 6+',7 8 9+10 ll
iS*]rifi s ;: Ssi$rf lq. : l ,, 14 i':il.rrrt.4.6: ? +.R 9+ 1O ll ,
STRATEGY DAY NIGHT ::tart*iFj.. -,,.,.;,, ;, Irl-di. r..',;.tr. $4,3 r::.:::,!r, :,":r:.., r:"-&ls,' .,:,,1,tr: .,:,:,
*lf the Referee determines that the cave has a special religious or ***The Referee selects the treasure to suit the building's purpose.
political purpose, this roll applies. #The majority of the treasure found should be items that are made by
**Areas established by the Referee. He may set any ranges, or place the guild that owns the hall or the type of goods sold in the shop.
any lreasure. that he desires. @The Releree selects treasures that suit the purpose of the site.
i:rA,f;anb:ri.rir.1.iii'.i:..,r.r,,:',-r.i4*,rt-F,ieiueilialsr.*,ti$iri .i:'rr,1g ,:-, ROLL COIn* TYPE STATION*
Ahuras, Ahura** 5 Elementals, Water Beast 12 f-3 Brass Bits 0+I
Ahuras, Amaliel** 6 Elementals, Water 16* 4-1 Copper Coins 2
Serpenr E+9 SilverCoins 3+4
Ahuras, Hafaza** 8 Elementals. Undine** 8* 10 + Up Gold Coins 6 + 10
,4hrt ,Rerubixr,*;.,,ii.nii-'1,,1 :f E;!f,,tJ,i'r',i,.'',-,rii,,ri-i,i,,ii..,il,i
*For humans, the coin type is determined by the
Ahuras, Maskela 12 Faerr\'** 25* station ol the person that they are taken from. Do
,,!a16{rLrlr:1i,..--t,:r,,-'1 ,.,' 9 Gargoyle** r:r,,ii;..r.::,61::,,1.' not roll randomly for this lactor.
Alfar** 30* Giants, Earth g
.'Akh,kh *rri f;..,.l tj'3..r,',:{ija ii;,$iiC*rrri:-,, , r,.i?.i., NUMBER
rotf,Al ,;. .::
Akhkharu, Lamia** 4 Giants, F'rost** l0 ROLL COINS
.:fi*$154g1;r,96$ire**.,.''' .,,X...,:,Slgnlis".*Lo1r
1ai 1rrr1,:';.,16*ir. 01-05 2D6
Asaghi** 8* Giants, Storm** 15* 06-1s 2Dl0
il,$,g1al:;f rnil' f.::i r' :j:1t: ::i ., t.t$i-..:,ifi:oblj,U*:*r,.:, ., .i:,*i;,. 8 l 16-30 3D10
Baobhan Sith** 3* Great Ape** 4 3t-50 2Dt0 x 2
l.&e+ij1eJ *il-tjo:h-,.'..,,,.', 91 ,.::Cfeailserp ,;.;'.1:rrr'r,.:,,,.r,:rrrg*...1r
5l-80 Dl00
Beast, Disorder** 9 Creat Spider 6* E1-r00 Dl00 x 2
.]BCA t;.te*,O,ni ,',.. ' ,,,:' 15i,'-',gyif.fl ,;r1:tr1:r:,i .1:r.1i: i,rrh;1,11 r1., 101-115 Dl00 x 3
Beithir 8 Crunduergen I0 716-125 Dl00 x l0
li.,gb*haj"t ';, i.,;,.,;t,1, ,11tlt ,, i'i*,.' ::lJurnan**'i1t.1,1,,,
, St4{-ig,r.r +f 126-130 1Dl0 x 200
Bush Warrior** 2 Hvdra 16* 131 + Up 2Dl0 x 200
Cenlaur** 8 Jinn Races, Ifreet** 9*
Chimana** 5* Jinn Races, Jinn** l0* GEMS, JEWELS AND JEWELRY
,'..{$i6!$',.:,,",,'.. ,l.,,,'., 9 Jinn Races, peri**rltii..Lr.:1,:}.5t*...:
Dae'ta Koti 12 Lammashta** Z*
....$;nige.$i45g11. : -:r,::.- :,. :36,*:,, Lieh*t.i.ii-,.:,,,,.-r,,:,ifo...|p1g;ll.,:, ROLL STONE SIZE GEM JEWEL JEWELRY
Dead** 4 Merkabah** 20*
l-1 Small 248
,'i,.8e#6jfi$iilciy .; ': ::: r: 3 Mushrussu :,,.,1ni,,, '1 ,.r, E+9 Medium 3 6 t2
Demons, Disease 5 Norggen ** 6*
10 Large 5 l0 20
l: di tli,rS.Flirit'.,,',,t: 9 Peisl ... tir .rr.'r:r ':::g*:rrtl.
Demons, Harab Serapel 4 Roc II CLARITY TABLE
Demons. Heliophobic** 8* Satyr** j Rorr Clenrry Flcron
Denlons, Hellhound
r,renlons, 12*
I2* Scorplon people**
Scorpion People** 15* I Clouded 5
,i$ern*d&,]]ltei;.&i ',,,,', 2 Searbhani., , ,.i:.,,;'ir,!|,:r.u 2+3 Dull, misted -2
Demons, Storm** 16 Serpent Women** 3* 4-1 Average clarity 0
,,,-',,,6,r:r..Sen'ti4'{}.**ui;i'lt;r'|t..11,.,..l -,,;: 8+9 Fine clarity +z
Demons, Subterranean 12 Sprite** 8 10 Brilliant + 5
,:,.,,elrlen;,,T-$+r,*ii.iatr!].-:,,:-.5,:r,.,,1rg1*iFii{i(r, .r,l:ir.,,,,:.::,.',,1?"..,,,,
Dragons, Dragon 2A Trolls, Rock Troll** l0 APPEARANCE TABLE
' Dia$qnsrisi$e;.{}ra$oa'.i.r,;..:?,,,11, 'Trol}s, T,{rtffii.. ':.: i::: ,r:t,:,,r }6 : :,:
Dragonr. Wl rm
Appt,qRa.NcE Frcrop
40* Troll,, \\ ood f roll** 8
I Severely flawed * 5
r: q!19itl!: 1r.';r. ir. :i:: ::.Vily**.,:r: rrr r, t'::: . .9* ,,,
2+3 Slight flaws
Edimmu, Corporal** 10 Were-creature 4
4-7 Minimal flaws 0
::fdjmrnu;iSpjij,t i{r,.,'.-.,-,; *,r:';,1tr1.,yvefr:,::rr ::r.-i : r.:: ,::::::::'.8:';
8+9 Nearlyflawless +2
nrals, t,lre
Fire Lord**
Lord"* 8* Lehant
Zehani 15* l0 Flawless + 5
ii*ls"rCnal*.f :fiiirii rrijia;: 'rr: ,:,i'...::1:-,::-.::r' :,,'-':,,1,1,f.',1
*add I when rolling on the Treasure Type table.
**Creatures that are marked with this symbol also have portable
lreu ITEM PEn CsNr Varur
Rorr Tvpr Fecror Ror-r Tvpe Fecron Rorr. Lancsn Moorrrrn
I Ring 1D6 6+1 Necklace 2Dl0 ,r,,,:,::,i;:i,i :,r!ll: f]13fi:j,,l 1:L :r.,,; :.S,.{.1,i11i11..r"i.=,"iJr,iXj:1,.,.,, :
Rorr Rrllrctlox MoolrtPr
31-60 20clo x I
liir:i .',:l: rir,.{,ltE$i:,',,i :,i i,.,.j!r1$ffirLl;:iili.r,i,ri:::,a,.9.:.' ,,
96 60% x.'7
l ijirl',: r...,101,. ,.ii ,'.il,,ri.0$--il"r.t,1,,",,.,1 ,x, r' , ,,.,:..
9E 7590 x.5
tl.,li.ii,:irl.B$vE,.11;:i;r,r.ii 1;::,.. :;#-,:,1, ., , ,,
:';ii :',.,r..riiirlitt':i$'i.r!tit..-,i..,$o,ifllnlo!lr['*61l1; ,,'rir., : '].1,i:,:,;J{e ',. ;,;, :;' ,;,r1r,,,;;i1l;i
27-28 Legal Text 2SC'
.=i] r.r::..:l:.::':..'q+;33lii..,Rib$1d,gj! iui*,1, ,.,;',,,,,,. ,;1fi:,.,:...],1,.'i ,,,.1,. i.:
19-30 Container
.iiiiir.ltll.liitlilffi ;";:i.!ifi 119'1
E4-EE Clothing
'"::,i:',.-=,.:-::41.S,,::., ltural,Texl,. ..,...,.,,,,,, 5SC":
:::::,::,r,:.:r::;,:.i:::=:-l-6r',, ,,G;;J;;
r','.:::i,r ,:::rr::'i,r:
"*-,,: ': : i,ii,r':,::i']:ir:rl
36-40 Furniture
.,,8;ffi;ii,:riit:i$ft{-ii.i, .ifi:irr.-l
93-96 Musicallnstrument
iiiii af"i=1{6j}5,;.iperij :ffis :i::.:f1,:1,riirii:1:$c.'ri-::i "i ,:'i:i,1:
'16 +77 Biography 2SC
i.iii.iijiiiijii.:il; 1, Ifti.*il,i.iril lirir,:l#i 1..',;$,,.:-,1,.r,.r,;i*ii,'!.,'gfag'hy.r,j;11, 1r :',.,.;.,1i4$C
Fine Covering 98 Exceptional Size* 79-85 Philosophical Journal 2GC
96-99 Magrcal Journal 15SC
*Re-roll subtracting 3 from your roll. The minimum result is 01. r'iif;ft;i.iiii.l.0pi{{*.;'.i.Fli ,$.f.,plt.Eo$';.;,:.lii-,..,-5${,,.,,rr11,1,..,,,.,,,.,i:,,.1
**Re-roll subtracting 2 from your roll. The minimum result is 01' 109-lf4 Major Sepll Book l5GC
ri,l:1r,:,trl1r,1t.1;l,,i11 iiri-t",,1,TOnie,.lri.t:r:rir::irr.::i:i,u:::i:ir:t:,!:;:iil:5,0Oe:',,:,:'.: ,,r::,.ii'l.l
06-0E Cood Wine 50-5E Water
Belt, Hat .5
Stole I
Coat, Cloak 2
17-22 Flour 73+74 Coideli Wine
Cape, Robe 2.5
25-30 Dried Fruits 8l-8S Soothing Herb
STATION VALUE 36 + 37 Fine Wine E9 + 90 Natural Magic Material
O 2BB il*T
l+2 4l-44 Oil 95-99 Other Item
iit iltu-- aliii +
..'i,r,ri',.sli$S,r',1!:e.athlq{::rr$ t1g{#ro-ile}ir,63"6.?.,i 1}"cj:n-li.e hrir:Il $tt: i, ,r,',r 01-08 One man tent 52-65 Two man tent
09-14 Chain Barding (I!orse) 68-70 Or yoke 09-22 Four man tent 66-10 Pavilion
,:,,1ri,.;.r1$.",{1t fiiljJ,rB$rid,i,4gleair.sgfiil.5,I,1?..: g,I ir,','ii",, i;;'r.,;.,;
23-30 Tent poles 1l-15 Sledge
19-25 War Leather (Dog1 78-E5 Saddle 31-34 Cart 16-18 Small wagon
i:ri,f:irii*S '$iai.:M :l' .r l;1i"',r8fr+,i$f g641qr.,.",;-:;|;.1ri.1..,.:;
3l-35 Falconhood
35-40 Wagon 79-85 Large wagon
8E-90 Spurs
4l-43 Great wagon 86-91 Small trarois
rrLli:;r,r.r6641,5,;*O1leir.l*..,gau.1t1ie ,u:;i:,,,pl"93r,ilf ir'i1:iiriiiijr,i:ii i
44-48 Hauk hood
94 Bolas 44-50 Travois 92-100 Litter
,:.!,,';:.. 15?ii:E4,e1ei; .ii''pS1+ :*il ,tri|.;..1.1r,;.,,..,.'-
g.,t. ..1.1i,:i 5l Palanquin
53-56 Dog harness 97 Whistle
ff.i,..,.1+15pi1,H ,,:$S;ilifs-.:Ilitesli '.,i';.'.j,.
Armor, shields and helmets that are commonly used bf intelligent
races. fhe t1'pe is found by rolling Dl00 on the table belou'. If the itenr
was made by Elves, subtract 20 from your roll. lf it was made by the
Dwarfs. add 20.
06-10 Quilted Armor 69-75 Metal Shield
.,,1.:1r'1t'i;*ii;,.LBiitlig.i:$1 l....liijij' +.66*,6,t tiM+.r,gi$lnb l ,,, :,.,,,.t'
2l-30 Banded Ring Mail E6+87 lrull Helm
li'riiii'I@;itil1{:tFg.'$1.a:i,{ir,f,.,,i;;,,,rri.,tii;S*:$s;..:j:P,.};11 r
4l-45 Brigandine 94 + 95 Plate Armor
5l-60 Banded Shield 97 + Up Chainmail
0l-15 Battle horn 61-66 Musical instrument
16-30 Camp furniture 67-80 Bedding
3l-35 Maps/Books 8l-90 Utensils
36-50 Tools 9l-96 Rope
5l-60 Keg Goods 97-100 Miscellaneous sup-
*Any item with a common miiitary usage that is not cot'ered in
another section or by one of the other listings in the table.
Ornrn Tnresunr-s CURATIVE ITEMS
01-05 Specific Detection 66-80 Enhance ltem l-5 The item must be on the person thal is to be cured. Ifthe item
06-15 Cure El-8E Repel or Banish is consumed in use, it must be consumed by the person to be
16-30 Communicate 90-92 Influence cured, rubbed in or otherwise expended.
4l-55 Protection 93 Curse
56-65 Attribute Effect 94-100 Other
6-8 The item must be placed in water, or some other 1'luid, that is
in a receptacle of a general or specific kind. The person
drinks the tluid created to be alfected by the power.
GENERAL RUI,ES 9 The person wearing the item must touch the person to be
MEL l0 The item will only operate to cure the person that owns it. It
All items have an MEL of 2D6. If the item is a named or will do nothing for any other person while its latest owner is
special item, double the number rolled. A minimum MEL of alive.
EIGHT will apply for named and special items. The powers that the item rs beneficial against, when used in the cor-
rect manner, are determined by rolling 2D6 on the table below:
The EL of an item equals 1D10. If the item is a named or 2 Insanity
special item, increase the number rolled by 3. For ALL items, 3-7 Physical injury
the maximum EL possible is 5090 of the MEL, rounded up. E+ 9 Poison
If an item has more than one power, the Releree may l0 Disease and Plague
select a separate EL for each power. The EL is selected obeying ll Energy point Ioss
all rules specified in2.2622. 12 Two of the Above*
*Re-roll subtracting one from each roll until two
benefits are determined.
The MDV ol a magic item equals MEL + EL. IMMUNITY
ALIGNMENT TIES 0l-05 Storm Powers 62-65 Special Attnbure
06-09 Fire Powers 66 Astral Pou'ers
ROLL ALIGNMENT ROLL ALIGNMENT 10-12 Water Powers 67 Balance Powers
2OtherForces* 8+9 l-aw 13 Chaos Powers 68 Elder Powers
3+4 Balance l0 Kotothi** l4-18 Iron 69-72 Death Powers
5+6 Elder ll ShamanicElder 19-23 Other Metals 73-16 Hell Powers
7 Chaos l2 Sidh Elder 24-27 Aerial Powers 77 Sidh Powers
*Forces created by the Referee 2E-31
that are not specifically aligned with the Disease/Plague 78-E1 Darkness Powers
general alignments. 32-35 Energy loss 82-E5 Light Powers
**Forces loyal to the god Kototh. Powers gained
are derived from the 36-38 Poison 86 + 87 Necromantic Powers
Elder Powers spell list. 39 Law Powers 8E Shamanic Powers
IMPORTANT-Any person that has an item of this type will be treated
40-42 Telepathic Powers E9-91 Detection
43-46 Sea Powers 92 + 93 Shadow Powers
as an enemy by a member of any alignment that is hostile to the align-
ment of the item. Any hostile supernatural force will attempt to destroy
41-50 Desert Powers 94-96 Earth Powers
the item and the person that holds it.
5l-61 A Spell 97-99 Other Powers*
100 Total Immunity**
*Anything that the Referee desires including any combination of
up to
ATTRIBUTE EFFECT three immunities from the table. (Re-roll subtracting four until three
distinct items are determined. Re-roll if any rol! is Tero or less.)
ROLL CHARACTERISTIC ROLL CHARACTERISTIC **Re-roll subtracting one. A result of zero yields two total immunities.
01-12 Strength 57-65 Will
13-23 Stamina 66-16 Eloquence
Imntunity allows the person to ignore the eflects of the power or
24-35 Dexterity 77-EE Empathy
thing to which he is immune IF the EL of his immunity is higher than the
36-41 Agility E9-94 Consrirution
attacking EL. If not, immunity serves to reduce the effect ol the attack-
48-56 Intelligence 95-100 Appearance
ing power as follows:
IMPORTANT-AII modifiers of this type are recorded in rhe tem- Attacking EL - Immunity EL = Effective EL
porary modifiers column on the record sheet. Current Ability plus any
value in the appropriate temporary modifer column equals the Current
Ability that applies for that characteristic.
01-f5 Creature
Slay a 1l-75 Protect the Kotothi
16-20 Protect Law 76-E0 Preserve the Balance
2l-25 Protect the Elder EI-EE Protect a specific race
26-30 Protect the Sidh E9-94 Slay magic-users
31-35 Protect Shamanic Elder 95 + 96 Slay Law
36-45 Slay a race 97+9E Slay Chaos
.16-55 Slay guardians I Slay Balance forces
56-65 Protect a Creature f00 Slav Other*
66'-70 Protect Chaos
iPotent against any forces that the Referee decides to give it potency
0l-30 Sword 56-70 Armor
3l-45 Staff 7f-90 Jeweled Item
46-55 Talisman 91-100 Other*
*Any other type of non-consumable item that the Referee wishes
Once the item type has been determined, the value of the
determined bv the Referee as follows:
A) All named items have BOTH and a purpose. See
Dedicated Items and Intellect.
B) All named items are aligned. See Alignment Tie.
C) All named items have magical powers. The powers are derived
from the alignment of the item and must fit the purpose of the item NATURAL MATERIALS
in some way. If the item has more than one, they should be related in
what they do and the basic force that they derive their power from.
Herb, Plant, Resin l0/2 Herbalist, Healer
D) Sword and armor forms of this item may be used by any
Mineral. Gem 5/l Jeweler
Character. Other iorms may only be used by a trained magic-user. Metal 5/0 Armorer, Blacksmith
E) ALL named items have a liability, i.e. something about them Liquor -/4* Tavern, Inn, Special
that is dangerous or disadvantageous to the person that uses rt. This Building
liability is set by the Referee. It can, with continued use of the item,
be severely debilitating or even fatal. IMPORTANT-The factor listed above is multiplied times the
percentage chance of finding the item in the tables that follow.
COMMON FORMS The value to the left of the slash yields the chance of finding it in
SWORDS ARMOR unenhanced form. The value to the right is the chance of finding
Rorr- WeapoN Tvpr ROLL Anvon TvpE the enhanced material. An asterisk indicates that the material
01-10 Sword 0l-05 Buckler can only be found in enhanced form. In all cases, the Referee
1l-15 Fighting Dagger 06-f5 Banded Shield should set the prices based on the benefits that can be gained
16-20 Throwing Dagger 16-20 Metal Shietd from the material in the state in which it is found.
21-35 Broadsword 2l-30 Scalemail
36-50 Bastard Sword 3l-45 Chainmail
5l-70 Great Sword 46-60 Plate Mail
71-90 Scimitar 61-70 Plate armor ITEM TYPE DETERMINATION
91-100 Tulwar 7l'90 Metal helmet Rol.r. T,qsl.n ro IJsE
9l-100 Metal helm 1 Plant, herb and liquor
2 Animal and Creature products
SPECIFIC DETECTION 3 Stone, Mineral, Metal and Cem
Rorl lrru Rolr Irrv Rorr ltalr Rolr- lrru
0l-05 Asate 59-62 Jet 34+35 Crystal 84 Smarag
06-09 Amethyst 63 + 64 Lapiz Lazuli 36 + 37 Dark Ruby 85 Snake stone
10-12 Antimony 65 + 66 I-odestone 38 + 39 Diarnond 86 Star Ruby
13 Black Diamond 67 Meteorite 40+41 Dinothera E7 Star Sapphire
14-16 Bloodstone 68-70 Onyx 42-44 Emerald 88 Toadstone
l1-20 Carbuncle 77-73 Opal 45 Heliotropius 89-91 Topaz
2l-24 Chalcedony 74 Quicksilver 46-48 Hyacinthus 92 + 93 Tourmaline
25-21 Chrysolite 75-71 Ruby 49-51 Jacinth 94-97 Turquoise
28-30 Chrysoprase 78-81 Salt 52-54 Jade 9E-100 Whire Flinr
3l-33 Corneolus E2+E3 Sapphire 55-58 Jasper
The table below details the speakers of the Tongue of Light: related, for distance only, to the physical layout of your Middle
LANGUAGE ALIGNMENT SPEAKERS World. They should be allorved to move any direction without
Tongue of Light Law Ahura, Kerubim, Maskela regard to terrain. Metaphysically, they can be viewed as moving
HUMAN TONGUES (Page 43) through a neutral ground between the Upper World and the
Ignore all references to the language Tungali. Middle World.
AsleAl Pt;rtr:Rr!, r r, Akasha (2), Astral Web (3), Astrai INSUBSTANTIALITY (Page 43 + 44)
Path\ (4), Aslral Leech 16;, This spell does not conler any special movement abilities on
Opposition^(6t. Asrral Well t8).
the caster. Unless he also casts the Levitate spell, or originally
Creation ( l0).
casts this spell at three times the normal Mana Cost, he may not
3 Darkness (l), Darkling Light (3),
move in any way that he could not if he was solid (except that he
Dark Cornpanion (5).
may pass through physical obstructions such as walls, doors,
DnatH:iPo\l.'r*s l-,larrd-oi, neErli i4; ; Fog.:ct Oea,lr
etc.). To alter his position higher or lower, without a clear path
Navigation (1), Desication (2), of access such as a staircase, requires additional mana or the
Crasping Sands (3), Heat (4), successful casting of Levitation. Onl-v Travel Powers may be
Whirlwind (5). cast while Insubstantial.
IdRTH,,FrlwERs :,,3. : Fire Reristance (| ). Earl h Strength
t2). Lucarion (2). Aialanche t3t, VENGEFUL HORROR (Page 44-45)
""'t'"' Transport {4},,Eailhquake:(6}.,, ::r:r :'
The horror created is a product of the person that is attacked
E t-E Ii4 I x r..\ r. Pr.rr,, r- ns Va ries Air 5 Earth 4
bf it. lt mind. It cannot be seen or attacked by any other
is in his
Fire 5
person. The presence of this phenomena can be detected
FIRE POe.sRi :;, ,r,,, , 1l Combustion (l), Fire Detection
magicall-v. If it is, the magic-user who detected it can attempt to
{ I }. I'ire Darr {2), f ire Shower (l).
dispell it by Dispelling Magic or casting a Sanity spell on the per-
trircball (41.
son affected.
Hr.r.r. Pou,lns Fire Resistancc (1), Fire Dart (2),
Pain (4), Summon Demons (4).
lLLLisro** Fow.t'Rs
In the earliest version of Powers and Perils, this table is in-
correct. The Combat Table that should be used is the one on
Page 3 of Book Two.
ing Light (5)
Nsr.noa.resrrc Pcw,ftsr :, :, :r4ri,,,,,,rommulitgry;wift,ftIDeadr{,1};r,.1 DESERT POWERS-HeaI (Page 24)
Control the Dead (2). Animation Damage equals EL+2 per phase. No armor values apply
(3). Dark Knowledge (4), Decay against this elfect.
t4). Corruprion (5). r he Black
Curse {7). Seeking Dearh t l0).
FIRE POWERS-Fireball example (Page 27)
C)nrcrx Pou e ns 8 Repulsion (5), Inanimate Creation
(8), Dissolution (10). The correct range for the example is 14" not 18.
Prnvqrr'r r \lnr;rcs* 9 Enhancemenl (51, Enchantmenl
ment ( l0). Lnchanted Dedication The Black Curse (Page 32)
Add the following:
Sr,e Po*'rns .1 Water Breathing (2), Calm Sea E) OCV: HPV/S + SB + StB
(3), Friendly Current (4), Naviga-
tion (6).
j:r (4).
G) MR=8, C and EnL both equal zero.
Sr rnp Powr ns 4 Sleep Touch t2i. Sleep M
Perpetuai Trance (8I.
Sronu Po*'r.ns 3 \\ ind ( l), Flight 12;. Lightning
Srvarm (3), Lightning (4), BSOK-T'HREE ERRATA
Srnqtcr Pour'R\ l0 Astral IIls (8). Auromata(10t. Were-creatures were inadvertently left off of the Encounter
: , ,:'|: 'ri.r'l:r'',,,'::,,.:.1'1r.r ,, Simulcra{15).
i:r. .it,'t-,,i1.,rt:"., Tables. To rectify this error, change the following tables as
Tprrpe r nrc Porr rns 4 Sending (l ), Mind Search (2), specilied below:
yi:i,:ii :r $ l;i i,'"T;"ili''''
TrMEiPo'*-[Rs ',ir , ri]r::,,': ,,r ,!:1o Tlme SItw (8]: fjmg S. ,('?!it,rlr.. City Margrn Change "Closest Terrain" from 81-100 to 86-100.
: :,,r,:.,,:!l ,: : lr':::, r:rr.':'ril CureAge (10),Time. +iip4f0iot;i;; Add \\ ere-erearure ar 8l -85.
ti*i.r,,{' i,,:, '.',,r,,,,,.,,t,.n
Citv Change Demons, Hellhound from 97-99 to 97 + 98.
TnavEr- Pou'rr.s 5 Levitate (3), lnsubstantiability (4), Add Were-creature as 99.
Teleport (5), Interworld Travel
D) If a weapon has a castable magic power, or an item is d. Items that have (by the decision of the Releree) a vefy
named or special, multiply the base factor by 10. special power or attribute-xS, 10 or 20 (dependin_u on the
decision ol the Referee).
OCopyrighr l9U4
I 0 1+2 3-5
range the modifier is +20, i.e. a 14 becomes a 34.)
10 0+1 2: '3:5
1l 0+1 2 3-6 @These weapons may only be used from a mount at Point
12 0-+ I '2+3; ' : 4.6 Blank and Short range. The modifier is added at each range
13 0+1 2+3 4-7 levei, starting with Point Blank, as stated for Bows.
t4 t0+ I 2+t 4-7 #For the Light Lance, the modifier in parentheses is used il the
l5 0+1 2+3 4-8 missile is cast at Point Blank range. If it is cast at Short Range,
I6 .o+rl : .2;4 , ,. ' 5,8 the other modifier applies.
t1 0+ I 2-4 5-9
18 'o+ 1'l "2;4 ' 5;9
19 0+1 2-4 5-10 SE IIASE
20 '0.2 ' 3-5 , 6-10 MRl 2 34MR1 234
21 0-2 3-5 00 0 00164 4 4 ,4
,, Q-Z: t-5 11 0 00175 444
23 0-2
3-5 6-12 2l 0 10185 454
l4 3.6 31 I 10195 554
0-2 3-6 '/ -13
4t 1 11245 5 5r' '5
52 I 1121 6 555
IE , 0-2:' 3:?, ',8"14 6,2 I 21226 5 ''6 ,5
29 0-2 3-7 8- 15
72 2 21236 665
30 0-3 4-'7 , 8"ts E2 2 22246 6 6,6
*Il Extreme Range is possible for the weapon type that is being 93 2 2225'7 666
used. 103 z 3226 1 6"t6
11 3 3 3221 "l 776
w3 -l 33287 7 ,7 7
134 3 33298 7'/7
To use a Bow class weapon the firer's SB must be greater .14 4 J 43308 ? I ,?
than, or equal to, the WSB of the weapon 1. If it isn't, he
cannot draw or string the bow.
154 4 4331 8 887
NOTE-The rule above will not apply to any Elven bows. For For determining the Phase Movement Rate (PMR) lor MRs
Magic Bows that are not Elven, the (WSB/2) - 1, rounded in of 32, divide the MR by 4. This value is assigned to
down, is compared to the firer's SB. each phase. Any remainder is assigned, 1 per phase, in phase
+3 01 02 Lo 12 13 to 29 30-56 57-100 REDLCE-The factor is subtracted lrom the hit points that
+4 . 01, to
rr02: 13 14 to 31 32-58 59-lm are scored on the user bV an attacker.
+5 02 03 to 14 15 to 32 33-60 6l-100
'+6' , *2,, 03 to '14 15 to 34 35-62 6l-100
+7 02 03to 15 16 to 36 37-64 65-100 Srru.rrros Errecr
r+8., ' 03 04 io 16 17 to 37 38-66 67-100 Fighring more than ONE opponent -lt*,
+9 03 04 to 16 17 to 39 40-68 69-100 Defender i: unable lo more* -20
.*.1{}':: r: . 03, . 04 to lT l8 10,40r ' 41-70 71-100 Defender i' ambushed. taken lrom the rear
+11 04 05 to 18 19 rc 42 43-12 7l-100 or una\\'a-re of the altacker*
1 Defender is not ful1l conscious, i.e. drugged,
04,:, 05''tor l8 19 to 43 44-74 75 -100 asleep. un.'onsiious. etc.*
+13 04 05 to 19 20 ro 45 46_.76 17_100 Defender is taken iro;a the ilank
, +'14.:' .'.i ,.05 ..., 06 tor 20 2l to 47 48-78 79-100 \{ounted Attack See Mounted
+15 05 06 to 20 21 to 48 49-80 8l-100 Combat and
.+16 r,': .O5..' r06 tor. i21 22 lo 50 5l-81 82-100 Horsemanship.
+71 06 07 to 22 23 to 51 52-82 83-100 Arlack from abore
Defender is Small + 3 per point below
, + 18,' 06,,:i {'l'1o 22 23 to 53 54-83 84-100 4 in OCV. (For
+19 06 07 to 23 24 to 54 55-84 85-100 Humanoid form, + 2
.*2lll : . I. O?: i: :r08'td ..24 25 ro 56 57-85 86-]00 per hit point
below 8).
*Any result with a base line less than 20 is roiled on the 20
- - *When the Defender is in this position any Deadly Hit is fatal,
iine. This is the worst possible chance. Any result greater than
+ 20 is rolled on the + 20 line. This is the best possible chance. Severe Hits are Deadl)', Hits are Severe and Shield Hits are
IMPORTANT-When + 20 is exceeded, the attacker will sub- **Modifier used b-v rhe forces that outnumber the person
tract the difference between the two lines IF the roll, after all attacked.
other modifiers, is an 85 or less. If it is an 86 or higher, the line
difference is ignored.
DE n WeapoN Crass Cnreruno OCV
I Thrown Weapon : ..i,:i,r:..,
8 Scimitar/Mace
9 Surord :, 3-5.. :. rr '
I) MaNe ArLocarroN 0
II) Mlssrrr Frnr
III) Mecrc Err,rct In case of ties, Character's will always attack first. If both
IV) MovEurNr eNo Mrler combatants are Characters, ties are broken as for movement
ties. Use Dexterity as the first tie breaker in'stead of Agility.
.4 Deadly Hit will score 2D10 OR 1D10 + (SB)D10, The chance, stated as a percentage of the HPY, equals:
whichever is greater. To this value, WSB and EL are added. (TOTAL SUBDUAL DAMAGE + ACTUAL DAMAGE)/HPV
This fraction is converted to a percentage, rounding down.
This percentage, minus the Stamina of the victim, is the
percentage chance that that punch will knock the person out.
A) nqturql weapons*:
The attacker possesses
1D10+SB or ZERO, whichever is higher
B't The attacker is unarmed and without natursl weapons: IMPORTANT-If the victim is not knocked out, he carries
1D6 + SB** fifteen points of subdual damage into the next round. Actual
damage applies only towards knockouts in the subdual system,
C) The attacker is armed with a weapon: unless the actual damage scored is sufficient to kill the vic-
1D10 + SB + WSB + (EL/2, round up) tim-in which case it will. No target that is taken unaware
*An attacker is considered to have natural weapons if the NWI when subdual is attempted may subtract his Stamina from his
chance of being knocked out. Use the determined percentage
specified for it is ZERO or higher.
**If without modification.
the attacker has hand-to-hand skill, theEL/2 rounded up
is added to the damage that is scored.
A person that is knocked out will remain unconscious for:
HIT AND SHIELD HIT (100 - Stamina) + (Actual Damage x 10) turns
10+Up A A
A : Automatic success
Cun'nrNr CunnnNr CunnrNr A) The Character has a clear view of the person or thing
RerrNc BoNus RarrNc BoNus Rarruc BoNus that is casting the spell.
::!,rtjl"#&,i;r;iiiif &$irrf t!iii'i*$#gi;i!:t
B) The spell is a spell that inflicts damage when it succeeds.
6-15 0 106-140 +5 331-395 +10
C) The physical appearance ol the spell is BOTH direc-
31-s0 t8t-225 +1 466-s50
tional and visible.
4) AB is used in determining a Where the weapon that fires the missile has a listed WSB,
Character's MR (See section 1.335). the WSB/3, rounded up, is added to the modifier above.
:r,:r.{s:ttq&rs.1!q$;.l{lahi.ty':$erioq $qt$e.I;..qti&iqss;i.:Siig+ :.silss,l
rnr Btasrpo Sour Leeching
.:,Ii*CfNPSi'1.'r:"l:::f :,': ..:: Darkness Powers, Disintegration
Dearn Death Powers, Plague, Disease, Withering Hand,
:i TiTjil :DgA,D.:i ::'
:.:,.'...:. :....:: :;:::
::: Nd..6ihanta..Fl51{eir*':*idhtr*ftj::::,.:-::r:::::: j=:-::].:l]i:::,.:t'
THE DESERT Desert Powers
.;,1l' a;iPsf i-rB{}eirt-lvt&in.eSr:...:,':::.=,.'::.:.::i,..::::,.:=
THE EARTH ".;,tL'..,,t' Desert Powers, Elemental Powers (Earth)
.Blood Vengeanci
Erorr Warun Sweeten Water, Elemental Powers (Water)
Frcnv Cnaos Earth Powers, Hell Powers Fire Dart, Quarrels, Invulnerability, Petrify
rnr KororHl
Lewrtn Frnr Pnrificatioh, Protection, Fire Power.S, Storm .Powers, Truth, [esurrection
LIcnr Divination, Detection, Summoning, Cure Disease, Healing, Sanity,
Sustenance, Wakefulness, Light Powers, Open Prison, Negate Curse,
Revivification, Healing Light
rsr PntvnL Clairavoyance, Damage Reversal, Watchlul Sleep, Oblivion, Preserve lhe
Dead, Astral Fire, Astral Powers, Time Powers, Fate, Strange Powers,
Planar Travel
a:::t:-,:' .,;:i :SlS*::,;:.t4ft;*:;:; Mabics, Concgaling Miii; ,.,,:,:,,,:..,,,,.,.
lns ToNas Communicate, Orient Self, Protection, Soul Sight, Perception, Shape
Changing, Lower World Travel, Knowledge, Restoration, Summoning
A) Reduce the casting cost by 20V0. The amount of the D) Any expertise points gained for success with the spell
reduction is rounded down. are also gained in the caster's ability with the language that
he used.
EXAMPLE-A spell that costs 4 Mana Points will still cost 4 if it
is cast in its tongue. A spell that costs 16, however, will only cost
13 if the correct tongue is used.
E) Any Summoning, Dispell/Banish or Exorcism spell
that is attempted is rolled with 10 subtracted from the roll
IF the Caster speaks the spell in the tongue of the force
B) Increase the EL for the spell by one. that he is attempting to summon or oppose.
EXAMPLE-If your current EL in Darkness is 3, you cast EXAMPLE-If a Banishment rite is spoken to an Edimmu in the
Darkness, when speaking in the Tongue of Darkness, at EL4. Tongue of Hecate, subtract 10 from your roll for success.
ffin ffi'X.,.ronHill F) The spells that each supernatural language will apply
for are listed on the table below. The advantage is only
gained when they are used by a trained magic-user, or
11 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 l0 l0 11 11
MPORTANT-A1I energy losses are temporary. When the ef-
lect of the poison ends, the points are regained as specified in
13 "7 1 8 8 g g l0 l0 ll ll 12 12
Book One, section 1.3253. They are used above to determine
long it will take a given type of poison to effect a given
15 8 8 9 9 l0 l0 11 11 12 12 13 i3 ictim. The life can be saved if the Character is helped before
16 8 9 9 10 l0 ll ll t2 t2 13 13 14
poison has a terminal effect on him.
t7 9 9 l0 l0 ll ll t2 t2 l3 13 t4 t4
6000 l} 54000
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 105 140
r ao 1l 9000 lE 68000
.'4 , ,"150 , , 12 13000 19 84{00 E g,, 1,6, 2,4: 3A,::: 40::r48:., 56 ,:,64: r72r ,8Or,120 1,6O.
5 300:.;:.. 13 ' 18000 20 100000 g 9 l8 27 36 4s 54 63 72 81 90 ll5 180
'6':.: :.... .':fSS rr'.14 ', 24til1- .Zl+Up.''160 .oonevel l0 l0 20 30 q 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200
7 1200
Where the MDY value affected is not listed in this table, determine
EXAMPLE-A Character with 80 to 149 magic experience points is MEI3. To reach the experience gain by adding combinations that equal that value on
MEL22, 132000 magic experience points are needed. the EL + 2 line that is appropriate.
A) Any spell used to inflict physical damage or that is used
Using the cases specified in 3.4, the expertise point gain in
offensively to cause something to happen to another
the spell used is:
A) Target's MDV x 2
Victims's MDV x (EL+2) B) Base Mana Cost x 2
B) Any other type of sPell:
Base Mana Cost x (EL + 2) Per 25 magic experience points gained, rounded up, the
magic-user receives ONE characteristic point. Points that are
IMPORTANT-In all cases where multiple targets are af- gained through the use of magic may NOT be used to increase
fected by a single spell, the magic-user gains experience points Strength, Agility or any unmodifiable characteristic. No char-
for the highest MDY that is affected ONLY. acteristic points are gained due to failure or abysmal failure.
When a spell is attempted, and fails, the magic-user receives
Rorr Sprrr Lrsr Rorr SpErr Lrsr ONE expertise point in that spell. He does not receive magic
'..I. :.:,.i i. t:' -.,Sharnaiii$iePowers,8rkills', experience or characteristic points from failure.
2*3 Law Powers 9 Sidh Magics When abysmal failure occurs, the magic-user receives
r d+ 5 Chiios Powers ' . -r 10 ' , ' Balance Poiets . nothing for the spell. His failure is total and he learns nothing
6 +1 Elder Powers from it.
(Base Mana Cost + L) squared
I+W+Em Basr BesB
Torer MeNe Torar MeNa Torer MeNa MeNa PotNr Cosr MeNe Ponrr Cosr
Varur Lrvrr Veru'r Lnvn Vlrtrr Lrvnr Cosr alone instructed Cosr alone instructed
3:10r. ' , ,:1,,' ,, r.9140, - ,
.:' 9 , .r,il6l:l?g:-,. ,;.,17 ,,, ,1
'di;?0 '' : ., ?', , ".14r1u150 15 221-230 , 23 : IMPORTANT-In the table above, "instructed" indicates
71-E0 8 151-160 16 231-240 24 ALL cases where the reduction in cost that is specified in 7.3
If the total value exceeds 240, continue the established progression. applies. "Alone" indicates all cases where it does not apply.
46-65 3
5r-60 6 7 8 9 l0 ll
7l-E0 8 9 l0 11 t2 13
The EL for these powers is a function of the Character's
characteristics. The normal rules for EL advancement do NOT 9l-r00 l0 I l t2 13 t4 15
apply to Innate Magics. If the Character's Will exceeds l(X), or the MEL exceeds 29,
continue the progressions as established in the table.
The casting speed for any Innate Magic power equals
MEL+EL. Regardless of this cost, no power may be used
more than once in a given phase.
20 88 120 156 tg6 24O 288 3zm 396 456 520 588
lg-22 Divinarion ,;':;r:',:,,1,,i',,;.,t' 45-52 Preserve the Dead 2 93,100 flqal rlavql l5
23-25 Healing 1 53-60 Astral Fire 4'
2'7-33 Orient Sell*
34-38 Speed I
39-42 "tnvisibiiiry a : : a:.:.:': : :,.2::'.:' .a
43-46 Plague 2
47 -50. Prolect ion t::a:a..',:,::a:,A';,:.:::.
5l-54 Purification 2
' 55-57 Sout Sigirt itrtr;illratr;;',':
58-62 Dispell/Banish 3
;t' irl$gt*ty,si:ii:::l.ti'l':li.::i:,::r:',i;:: t;rl::;::ll.l,,:,:
67-70 Perception 3
. '7i-75 Shape t-hanging : ,,'r,,r,l.rlt:31'::'.l
94-95 Restoration 7
'. 95 '. ndviu.ification'
96 Summoning 7
" g'l' Peritrafrent Mag.ics :r;::t::'t;8r:i.::
98 Spirit Cage 8
99 . Orjern Powers :::,':tl :r191,,r:
100 Resurrection l0
:)i Ppinrii
^.:r iI \VJi j-J!\)
i:l: .
Ma.rerrar Rssrstexcr*.lvooa:;......:..:..:.:.:...1;.;..'];..0:5'1i.{'o6lii:1.;':,'11,;::
Normal Wood 6-16 (2D6 + 4)
i:i ti:.,i':ia.:;i::.
jil1f {i3:, r,,,
Partial Success with this skill indicates that the climber loses
his grip BUT has a chance to regain it. Re-roll subtracting the
climber's EL from the roll. If he succeeds, he does not fall. If
he does not succeed, he falls.
47 lVo 8
FALLS .:".':lqo..' ''9:."
When a climber fails, or fails to catch himself after Partial +Add the Character's StB x 2 to these factors.
Success, he will fall to the ground. If he catches himself after DROWNING-When the number of turns swimming, or
Partial Success, he will fall 1D10-2 feet before he catches phases underwater, is exceeded the Character has a chance to
himself. drown. Per turn swimming or phase underwater, the
In all cases, the damage scored from a fall is determined us- Character will roll his drowning chance. Per additional incre-
ing the following formula: ment of time, the listed drowning chance is added to the ac-
cumulated drowning chance, i.e. after three turns on the sur-
(1D6 x (Feet fallen/I0, round up)) - EL face, after becoming fatigued, a Character with EL9 will have
an 1890 chance of drowning.
In all cases, the minimurn damage that can be suffered
UNTRAINED SWIMMERS-Persons that do not know how
from a fall equals the number of leet fallen, divided by 10,
to swim will be fatigued from the first turn of swimming. Their
rounded down.
drowning chance is 2090 per turn, or phase underwater. They
DIFFICULTY RATING will have a swimming speed of l.
Fluid x.l x.2 x.4 x.6 x.8 xl
Soft x.2 x.4 x.6 x.8 xl x2 WEAPON WSB FATIGUE SKILLTYPE
Resistant x.3 x.6 x.8 xl x2 x3 Sword +1 t2 Scimitar
Hard x.5 x.8 xl x2 x3 x4 Dagger +1 8 Sword
In all cases where the faller strikes a sharp or jagged object in falling, Throwing Dagger 0 7 Sword
double the multiplier listed above. In using the multipliers, all frac- Bow +2 NA Bow
tions are dropped. Spear 0(+2) 10 Spear
Arrow +l l5 Used rvith the Bow
Combat Skill CDF* *All Dwarf armor is one AV level higher than the AV listed in the
Other Skill D10 Armor Table in Book One. All shields and helmets are two levels
I . fizard's Party 5-7 Adventurers'
2 Shaman's Party 8 Character's Party
Cr.returr l{uueN NoNE
0l-21 22-25 26-t00
MODE MODIFIER* A) The Referee will set a Base Chance of success, depending on the size of the
item searched for, how well it is hidden and other factors that he considers to
Normal Movement 0 be appropriate.
Hunting -5 The MINIMUM Base Chance that the Referee may set is 10q0. The MAX-
Searching 10 IMUM Base Chance that can be set is 8090.
Camped +5 B) The Player with rhe Highest Survival EL for the terrain that is being search-
ed will roll Dlfi) and subtract his EL from the roll. Any result less than or equal
*The modifier listed in the table above is added to the Referee's roll on to the Base Chance indicates a successful search. Partial Success means that
the appropriate Encounter Table. The minimum result, due to this the party may continue to search during future strategic turns with no reduc-
modifier, will be 01. tion in their Base Chance of success. Failure means that the Base Chance is
reduced 5090, rounded down, ifthe pilty chooses to continue the seuch. At
any time that the Base Chance reaches zero, the party will give up and is no
longer allowed to search that hex for the item that they want to find.
Base Chance + (Highest Survival EL* x 3) RoLL
*The Highest Survival EL for the terrain that the party is actually
Rorr FD{D FrND
01-25 Food Points** 1l-75 Mineral Deposit
hunting in. 26-40 Animal Signs 76+77 Buildings
4l-50 Game Trail 7E-E2 Creature Lair
51-65 Creatures 83-88 Cave or Cavern
66-70 Natural Material E9-100 Other*
*Anlthing that the Referee desires the party to find.
Badlands 30Vo
30Vo 2 **Dlfi) food points. The type of food is at the Referee's discretion.
psfiiif${iffifi*', f;ii *
Foresl 50% 5
Ambush Chance + Highest Survival EL
The Ambush Chances that apply are:
iiriii! i::,isllifit'x**:i iii#fi* iiiii
Mountain 4OVo 2
{t*iiii:lll*i,qi1i$:i{ffi i4itili:{i:lil;rt**:*::.i
25Vo I
Swamp 35Vo 4
ffirf *The listed factor is added to the chance for the surrounding
the Base Chance to the Base Chance for the terrain that terrain.
the party is flying over. The increase is only received when the **In cities, the Trailing EL divided by 5, rounded down, may be
flyer is at an elevation of at least 30 and no more than 120 feet. It
used in addition to City Survival. Only the Trailing skill of the
will apply atl/2value in Forest, Jungle, Mountains, Ruins and person with the highest City Survival will apply in this case.
Swamps. It will not apply in Underground, City and Upper ***The Referee will set the chance based on the type of
World hunting unless the Referee specifies that it does. Any
encounter that a flying hunter has will be an Aerial Encounter.
"terrain" that exists. He may set any chance from 590 to 8090.
**As listed for the surrounding terrain or, for Aerial, the terrain Only creatures native to the "terrain", ot persons with survival
skill in it can attempt an ambush. Novices have no chance
***Food is only found in Law or non-elemental Elder Regions.
Other areas, unless specifically allowed by the Referee, have no
edible growing substances or food animals. The food potential of
bush Chance x 3) - the Number of Entities involved
areas that are created by the Referee may be set at his discretion.
@The multiplier to the left of the slash applies in the Elder
Lands, areas inhabited by the Sidh and other Elder Races. The (W + Em)/2, round up
multiplier to the right of the slash applies in the Pale of Kototh
and all Elemental Kingdoms. In all multiplications using this A) There is a discernible noise OR another party member
factor, the result is rounded down. If the final result is zero, no tries to wake the person-Chance x 2.
edible food can be found in the area. It is a desicated, withered B) There is a discernible noise AND another party member
and noxious area. tries to wake the person-Chance x 3.
C) The person suffers an injury while sleeping-
Automatically wakes.
Each sleeper is allowed to roll each phase. The chance deter-
Fooo Fooo mined above is always additive. On the first phase after waking
Wrrcnr REqurRro WEIGHT Rnqurnro the person is allowed to stand and gather his wits. On all phases
Under 100 lbs. l/2FP 161-210 lbs. 3FP thereafter he may take any action that he desires.
100-125 lbs. lFP 211-250 lbs. 4FP
126-160 lbs. 2FP Per additional 30 lbs. + IFP
Humans use this table as listed. Faerries and Elves reduce
the value listed by 5090, retaining fractions. Dwarfs increase ilm ffi'X.'.ton Hill
the requirement by lFP, i.e. a Dwarf weighing 130 pounds
needs 3FP.
lllll S,*T$?"c*,Tp^1Tt"r" reseryed
Y-2652 rlt84
Powere@Pemils Record Sheet Combat Record
ENrncy Lrvrr
Rrslstehrcr PMR t) 2) 3) 4)
WrapoN CunnrNr _ Damcn
EL WSB*** Srvrnp DEeor,y FV Terx*
1D6+ | rOrO* |
lD6+ llDl0+ -OrO+
1D6+ ltoto+ | plo+
ID6+ ltoto+ l-oto+
1D3+ lroo+ l-nto+ i Hand-to-Hand
rlist the Horse rating here for Horsemanship. **This column also applies for Shield Hits.
I to.uatrl wsB + EL
Hit Chance Modifier EL (Norm.) wSB + (EL/2)
| {seuere)
= SB + WSB SB +
CHARACTERISTIC poINTS GAINED EeuAL oNE prn 50 sxpEnrrNcE porNTs renNno (RU).
This supplement to the Powers & Perils It contains a 48.pae book, 5 Reference
fantasy' role-playing system is designed to Screens and a pad ot Adventure Record
streamline -your campaign and increase your Sheets. The book presents the major tables manage the infinite subtleties inherent from Powers & Perils, errara rhat penains ro
in Powers & Perils. these books and new tables rhat will help you in
play. It is designed lo ease the rask of uny
The screens conrained within highlighr the
Combat, Magic and Encounter tables. One
screen is dedicated to each of these
The Adventure Record Sheets are used as a
supplemenr to the Powers & Perils Characrer
Record Sheet. \!'izards. warriors and other
characters can easily use them to keep track oi
their character during play and avoid much of
the necessiry to *ak" calculations while rhe
game is in proglress.
All told. the Book of Tables is a powerful
supplement that brings order to the Powers &
Perils s!'srem.
It is a bry for serious fantasy gamers
who have^rst
chosen Powers & Perils as their
route to infinire adventure.
Or.r'nership of Powers & Perilso is a
.-:.1=.+i-j:.,, prerequisite for use of this material.
! Lop)right 198'1