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Dermoscopy is an in vivo method for the early diagnosis of malignant melanoma and the differential
diagnosis of pigmented lesions of the skin. It has been shown to increase diagnostic accuracy over clinical
visual inspection in the hands of experienced physicians. This article is a review of the principles of
dermoscopy as well as recent technological developments. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;52:109-21.)
110 Braun et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL
Table I. Vascular architecture of pigmented skin lesions according to Kreusch and Koch57
Morphological aspect Type of pathology
Tree-like vessels Thick, arborizing vessels, superficial Pigmented BCC of any type (discrete in
superficial BCCs)
Corona vessels Surround the tumor Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
Thinner than tree-like vessels
Less curved than tree-like vessels
Comma-shaped vessels Short, strong, curved, Dermal nevi
Located on the tumor
Short distance, parallel to skin surface
Point vessels Short capillary loops Thin malignant melanomas
Dense packed red points Epithelial tumors such as actinic keratosis,
Not in the holes of the pigment network Bowens disease, etc (short vertical height)
Hairpin vessels Long capillary loops of thicker tumors at the Thick melanomas
Whitish halo in tumors with keratin SCC keratoacanthoma, seborrheic keratosis
pigment network is either melanin pigment in Fig 2. Algorithm for the determination of melanocytic
keratinocytes, or in melanocytes along the dermoe- versus nonmelanocytic lesions according to the proposi-
tion of the Board of the Consensus Netmeeting. Adapted
pidermal junction.40 The reticulation (network) rep-
from Argenziano G et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 2003;48:
resents the rete ridge pattern of the epidermis.41-43
The relatively hypomelanotic holes in the network
correspond to tips of the dermal papillae and the
overlying suprapapillary plates of the epider- usually in the lower epidermis, at the dermoepider-
mis.13,36,37 mal junction, or in the papillary dermis.11,37,42,46
The pigment network can be either typical or Both dots and globules may occur in benign as
atypical. A typical network is relatively uniform, well as in malignant melanocytic proliferations. In
regularly meshed, homogeneous in color, and usu- benign lesions, they are rather regular in size and
ally thinning out at the periphery.36,39,44 An atypical shape and quite evenly distributed (frequently in the
network is nonuniform, with darker and/or broad- center of a lesion).32,36 In melanomas they tend to
ened lines and holes that are heterogeneous in vary in size and shape and are frequently found in
area and shape. The lines are often hyperpigmented the periphery of lesions.32,36,48
and may end abruptly at the periphery.36,39,44 Branched streaks. Branched streaks are an
If the rete ridges are short or less pigmented, the expression of an altered pigmented network in which
pigment network may not be visible. Areas devoid of the network becomes disrupted or broken up.11,32,45
any network (but without signs of regression) are Their pathological correlations are remnants of pig-
called structureless areas.11,45 mented rete ridges and bridging nests of melanocytic
Dots. Dots are small, round structures less than cells within the epidermis and papillary dermis.11
0.1 mm in diameter, which may be black, brown, Radial streaming. Radial streaming appears as
gray, or blue-gray.11,13,32,36 Black dots are caused by radially and asymmetrically arranged, parallel linear
pigment accumulation in the stratum corneum and in extensions at the periphery of a lesion.13,49 Histo-
the upper part of the epidermis.11,37,42,46 Brown dots logically, they represent confluent pigmented junc-
represent focal melanin accumulations at the der- tional nests of pigmented melanocytes.13,36
moepidermal junction.47 Gray-blue granules (pep- Pseudopods. Pseudopods represent fingerlike
pering) are caused by tiny melanin structures in the projections of dark pigment (brown to black) at the
papillary dermis. Gray-blue or blue granules are due periphery of the lesion.13,49,50 They may have small
to loose melanin, fine melanin particles or melanin knobs at their tips, and are either connected to the
dust in melanophages or free in the deep papillary pigment network or directly connected to the tumor
or reticular dermis.11,37,42,46 body.13,50 They correspond as well to intraepidermal
Globules. Globules are symmetrical, round to or junctional confluent radial nests of melano-
oval, well-demarcated structures that may be brown, cytes.13,50 Menzies et al49 found pseudopods to be
black, or red.11,13,32,36 They have a diameter which is one of the most specific features of superficial
usually larger than 0.1 mm and correspond to nests spreading melanoma.
of pigmented benign or malignant melanocytes, Streaks. Streaks is a term used by some
clumps of melanin, and/or melanophages situated authors interchangeably with radial streaming or
112 Braun et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL
Fig 4. A, Macroscopic picture of a blue nevus. B, Dermoscopy of A shows steel-blue areas (no
pigment network, no aggregated globules, no branched streaks).
pseudopods. This is because both these structures melanin pigment localized throughout the epidermis
have the same histopathological correlation.11,37,42,46 and/or dermis visually obscuring the underlying
Streaks can be irregular, when they are unevenly structures.41-43,46
distributed (malignant melanoma), or regular (sym- Regression pattern. Regression appears as
metrical radial arrangement over the entire lesion). white scar-like depigmentation (lighter than the sur-
The latter is particularly found in the pigmented rounding skin) or peppering (speckled multiple
spindle cell nevi (Reeds nevi).51-53 blue-gray granules within a hypopigmented area).
Structureless areas. Structureless areas repre- Histologically, regression shows fibrosis, loss of pig-
sent areas devoid of any discernible structures (eg, mentation, epidermal thinning, effacement of the rete
globules, network). They tend to be hypopig- ridges, and melanin granules free in the dermis or in
mented, which is due to the absence of pigment or melanophages scattered in the papillary dermis.43,46
diminution of pigment intensity within a pigmented Blue-white veil. Blue-white veil is an irregu-
skin lesion.11 lar, indistinct, confluent blue pigmentation with
Blotches. A blotch (also called black lamella by an overlying white, ground-glass haze.13,32 The
some authors) is caused by a large concentration of pigmentation cannot occupy the entire lesion.
114 Braun et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL
Histopathologically this corresponds to an aggrega- References 8, 11, 13, 32, 36, 37, 49, 55, 60-64.
tion of heavily pigmented cells or melanin in the Fissures and ridges (brain-like appear-
dermis (blue color) in combination with a compact ance). Fissures are irregular, linear keratin-filled
orthokeratosis.13,32,36,43,46,54 depressions, commonly seen in seborrheic kerato-
Vascular pattern. Pigmented skin lesions may ses.63 They may also be seen in melanocytic nevi
have dermoscopically visible vascular patterns, with congenital patterns and in some dermal mela-
which include comma vessels, point vessels, nocytic nevi. Multiple fissures might give a brain-
tree-like vessels, wreath-like vessels, and hair- like appearance to the lesion.32,36,63,65 This pattern
pin-like vessels (Table I).55-57 Atypical vascular has also been named gyri and sulci or mountain
patterns may include linear, dotted, or globular red and valley pattern by some authors.11
structures irregularly distributed within the le- Fingerprint-like structures. Some flat sebor-
sion.32,36,58,59 Some of the vascular patterns may be rheic keratoses (also known as solar lentigines) can
caused by neovascularization. For the evaluation of show tiny ridges running parallel and producing
vascular patterns, there has to be as little pressure as a pattern that resembles fingerprints.11,32,65,66
possible on the lesion during examination because Moth-eaten border. Some flat seborrheic kera-
otherwise the vessels are simply compressed and toses (mainly on the face) have a concave border
will not be visible. The use of ultrasound gel for so that the pigment ends with a curved structure,
immersion helps to reduce the pressure necessary which has been compared to a moth-eaten gar-
for the best evaluation of the skin lesion.57 ment.11,13,32,63,65,66
Milia-like cysts. Milia-like cysts are round whit- Leaf-like areas. Leaf-like areas (maple leafelike
ish or yellowish structures which are mainly seen in areas) are seen as brown to gray-blue discrete
seborrheic keratosis.* They correspond to intraepi- bulbous blobs, sometimes forming a leaf-like pat-
dermal keratin-filled cysts and may also be seen in tern.* Their distribution reminds one of the shape
congenital nevi as well as in some papillomatous of finger pads. In absence of a pigment network,
melanocytic nevi. At times, milia-like cysts are they are suggestive of pigmented basal cell car-
pigmented, and thus, can resemble globules. cinoma.11,32,67
*References 8, 11, 13, 32, 36, 37, 49, 55, 60-63. *References 8, 9, 11, 13, 32, 36, 37, 39, 55, 65,
Comedo-like openings (crypts, pseudofollic- 67, 68.
ular openings). Comedo-like openings (with Spoke wheelelike structures. Spoke wheele
blackhead-like plugs) are mainly seen in sebor- like structures are well-circumscribed, brown to
rheic keratoses or in some rare cases in papilloma- gray-blue-brown, radial projections meeting at
tous melanocytic nevi.y The keratin-filled invaginations a darker brown central hub.11,32,67 In the absence
of the epidermis correspond to the comedo-like of a pigment network, they are highly suggestive of
structures histopathologically. basal cell carcinoma.
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Braun et al 115
Large blue-gray ovoid nests. Ovoid nests are Multiple blue-gray globules. Multiple blue-
large, well-circumscribed, confluent or near-con- gray globules are round, well-circumscribed struc-
fluent, pigmented ovoid areas, larger than glob- tures that are, in the absence of a pigment network,
ules, and not intimately connected to a pigmented highly suggestive of basal cell carcinoma.11,32,67
tumor body.11,32,67 When a network is absent, They have to be differentiated from multiple blue-
ovoid nests are highly suggestive of basal cell gray dots (which correspond to melanophages and
carcinoma. melanin dust).
116 Braun et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL
Table IV. The 7-point checklist according to Table V. The Menzies Method according to
Argenziano et al44 Menzies et al13,49
Criteria 7-point score Negative features
Major criteria Point and axial symmetry of pigmentation
Atypical pigment network 2 Presence of a single color
Blue-white veil 2 Positive features
Atypical vascular pattern 2 Blue-white veil
Minor criteria Multiple brown dots
Irregular streaks 1 Pseudopods
Irregular pigmentation 1 Radial streaming
Irregular dots/globules 1 Scar-like depigmentation
Regression structures 1 Peripheral black dots-globules
Multiple colors (5 or 6)
Multiple blue/gray dots
Broadened network
There are many publications on the subject of the Once the lesion is identified to be of melanocytic
differential diagnosis of pigmented lesions of the origin, the decision has to be made if the melanocytic
skin. The 5 algorithms most commonly used are lesion is benign, suspect, or malignant. To accom-
pattern analysis8,39,62; the ABCD rule of dermo- plish this, 4 different approaches are the most
scopy11,45,70; the 7-point checklist32,36,44; the commonly used.
Menzies method13,32,49; and the revised pattern
analysis.71 Pattern analysis (Pehamberger et al)
The Board of the Consensus Netmeeting agreed Pattern recognition has historically been used by
on a two-step procedure for the classification of clinicians and histopathologists to differentiate be-
pigmented lesions of the skin (Fig 1). A similar nign lesions from malignant neoplasms. A similar
approach has been proposed by other authors in process has been found useful with dermoscopy,
the past. and has been termed pattern analysis. It allows
The first step is the differentiation between distinction between benign and malignant growth
a melanocytic and a nonmelanocytic lesion. For features. It was described by Pehamberger and
this decision, the algorithm in Fig 2 is used. colleagues based on the analysis of more than 7000
Are aggregated globules, pigment network, pigmented skin lesions.8,39,62 Table II shows the
branched streaks (Fig 3), homogeneous blue pig- typical patterns of some common, pigmented skin
mentation (blue nevus: Fig 4), or a parallel pattern lesions using pattern analysis.
(palms, soles, and mucosa) visible? If this is the case,
the lesion should be considered as a melanocytic ABCD rule of dermatoscopy (Stolz et al)
lesion (Fig 3). If not, the lesion should be evaluated The ABCD rule of dermatoscopy, described by
for the presence of comedo-like plugs, multiple Stolz et al in 1993 was based on an analysis of 157
milia-like cysts, and comedo-like openings, irregular pigmented skin lesions.11,70 The complete ABCD
crypts, light brown fingerprint-like structures, or rule is explained in Table III.
fissures and ridges (brain-like appearance) pat- For the evaluation of asymmetry, the lesion is
tern. If so, the lesion is suggestive of a seborrheic divided into 4 segments (2 perpendicular axes). The
keratosis (Figs 5 and 6). If not, the lesion has to be axes are oriented so that the lowest asymmetry is
evaluated for the presence of arborizing blood obtained. For asymmetry in both axes, a value of 2 is
vessels (telangiectasia), leaf-like areas, large blue- obtained. To calculate the subscore, the value of each
gray ovoid nests, multiple blue-gray globules, spoke ABCD category has to be multiplied by the corre-
wheel areas, or ulceration. If present, the lesion is sponding weight factor. To obtain the total score
suggestive of basal cell carcinoma (Figs 7 and 8). If value, the different ABCD subscores have to be
not, one has to look for red or red-blue (to black) added.
lagoons. If these structures are present, the lesion The total score ranges from 1 to 8.9. A lesion with
should be considered a hemangioma (Fig 9) or an a total score greater than 5.45 should be considered
angiokeratoma. If all the preceding questions were as melanoma. A lesion with a total score of 4.75
answered with no, the lesion should still be or less can be considered as benign. A lesion with
considered to be a melanocytic lesion. a score value between 4.75 and 5.45 should be
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Braun et al 117
considered suspicious and should therefore be The face has a very particular anatomic architec-
monitored closely or removed.11,70 ture especially concerning the dermoepidermal
junction where rete ridges are shorter. That is why
7-point checklist facial lesions often do not exhibit a regular pigment
In 1998 Argenziano and colleagues described a 7- network. Dermoscopy shows a broadened pigment
point checklist based on the analysis of 342 pig- reticulation which is called a pseudonetwork. This
mented skin lesions.32,36,44 They distinguish 3 major does not correspond to the projection of pigmented
criteria and 4 minor criteria (Table IV). Each major rete ridges. It is due to a homogeneous pigmentation
criterion has a score of 2 points while each minor which is interrupted by the surface openings of the
criterion has a score of 1 point. A minimum total adnexal structures.11,66,73
score of 3 is required for the diagnosis of malignant The differential diagnosis of a pseudonetwork is
melanoma. solar lentigo, seborrheic keratosis, lentigo simplex,
melanoma in situ, lichen planuselike keratosis, and
Menzies method pigmented actinic keratosis.11,66,73 These lesions
In the Menzies method13,32,49 for diagnosing are often difficult to distinguish dermoscopically.
melanoma, both of the following negative features However, when there are multiple colors and
must not be found: a single color (tan, dark brown, a broadened, thickened, and irregular pseudonet-
gray, black, blue, and red, but white is not consid- work, melanoma is often the diagnosis suggested.
ered) and point and axial symmetry of pigmenta- Other, more specific characteristics include an an-
tion (refers to pattern symmetry around any axis nular granular or rhomboidal pattern.11,66,73
through the center of the lesion). This does not
require the lesion to have symmetry of shape.
Additionally, at least one positive feature must be Revised pattern analysis
found (Table V). The overall general appearance of color, architec-
tural order, symmetry of pattern, and homogeneity
Exceptions to the algorithms (CASH) are important components in distinguishing
The ABCD rule is not applicable for pigmented these two groups. Benign melanocytic lesions tend
lesions on the palms, soles, or face.11 Palms and soles to have few colors, architectural order, symmetry of
have a particular anatomy which is characterized by pattern, or homogeneity. Malignant melanoma often
marked orthokeratosis and the presence of sulci and has many colors and much architectural disorder,
gyri. The sweat ducts join the surface at the summits asymmetry of pattern, and heterogeneity.
of the gyri.11,32 A classification of 10 different The reticular pattern or network pattern is the
dermoscopy patterns on the palms and soles has most common global feature in melanocytic lesions.
been proposed by Saida et al.72 This pattern represents the junctional component
118 Braun et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL
of a melanocytic nevus (Clark nevus, dysplastic with dermoscopy has been shown to depend on the
nevus).32,36,71 experience of the dermatologist, such objective
Another pattern is the so-called globular pattern. systems might help less-experienced dermatologists
It is characterized by the presence of numerous in the future.
aggregated globules. This pattern is commonly Another expanding field is teledermoscopy. At
seen in a congenital nevus, superficial type.32,36,71 the beginning of the digital dermoscopic era, tele-
The cobblestone pattern is very similar to the dermoscopy was used between experts to exchange
globular pattern but is composed of closer aggre- difficult or interesting images. The development of
gated globules, which are somehow angulated, re- new electronic media and the evolution of the
sembling cobblestones. Internet will have an important impact as the in-
The homogeneous pattern appears as diffuse frastructure becomes available to almost everyone,
pigmentation, which might be brown, gray-blue, and the exchange is now easy to perform. Recent
gray-black, or reddish black.32,36,71 No pigment studies were able to show the feasibility and impor-
network or any other distinctive dermoscopy struc- tance of teledermoscopy.95-98 This was recently used
ture is found. An example is the homogeneous steel- in a Consensus Netmeeting on Dermoscopy held in
blue color seen in blue nevi. Rome during the first World57,69 Congress on Der-
The so-called starburst pattern is characterized by moscopy (
the presence of streaks in a radial arrangement,
We thank Dr G. Argenziano, Dr J. Kreusch, Professor S.
which is visible at the periphery of the lesion.32,36,71 Menzies, Professor H. Pehamberger, and Professor W.
This pattern is commonly seen in Reed nevi or Spitz Stolz for their suggestions and their permission for the
nevi. reproductions. We also thank Dr S. Rabinovitz for her help
The parallel pattern is exclusively found on the during the entire editing process and for her valuable
palms and soles due to the particular anatomy of suggestions.
these areas.32,36,71
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ADDITIONAL READING London: Taylor & Francis; 2005.
1. Argenziano G, Soyer HP, De Giorgi V, Piccolo D, Carli P, et al. 9. Malvehy J, Puig S. Principles of dermoscopy. Barcelona: CEGE
Dermoscopy: A tutorial. 1st ed. Milan: EDRA; 2000. Editors; 2002.