Form 1 English Teaching Organiser: SMK Merchang
Form 1 English Teaching Organiser: SMK Merchang
Form 1 English Teaching Organiser: SMK Merchang
Based on the new 2017 KSSM English Textbook
Note to the teachers using this organiser:
FormsDurationGrammar Item(s)1USM
(Intermediate High)
(Low - Intermediate)
(Low)3 weeks
(10.5 hours)4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context:
(iii) future tense
4.1.12 Identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context:
(i) capital letters
(ii) comma/full stop
(iii) question mark
(iv) exclamation mark
(questions/statements to be answered while and after lessons-similar to objectives) Listen to a news bulletin
Speak about your views and feeelings concerning disabled people
Read a timeline on medical discoveries
Write for creative and personal expressions
Learn about simple future tense and punctuation
Practise the stress patterns for nouns and verbs
Appreciate a poem
Flow map
Cross-curricular ElementsLanguage
Science and technology
Creativity and innovation
DURATION: 2 hours
Content Standards:
1.1 Can listen to and use correct pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns to communicate
1.2 Can listen to, engage and interpret meaningful conversation.
1.3 Can listen to and respond critically to a wide range of spoken, audio, visual texts.
1.4 Can speak intelligibly, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes.
Learning Standards:
1.1.2 Speak with correct intonation, stress and sentence rhythm
(i) stress on syllables
1.2.1 Can listen to and respond to directions, instruction and procedures
1.3.1 Can listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to:
(i) retrieve main ideas
(ii) retrieve supporting detail
1.3.2 Can listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to:
(i) compare and contrast
(v) solve problems
1.4.1 Can express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally
1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts
(i) Greeting
(ii) Invitation
(iii) Role play
-In pairs, discuss who should see to get the medical help (Task 3)
Formative Assessment:
Role play
* When awarding bands, listen to the vocabulary used during conversations and how much guidance is neededR
Audio CD, audio player and smartphone with QR Code reader/ scanner.Reflections:
To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.
Thoughts/ feelings:
DURATION: 1.5 hours
Content Standards:
2.1 Can demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
2.2 Can apply a range of strategies to comprehend texts related to everyday living
- Discuss whether medicine not only makes us live longer but better
Formative Assessment:
Learning Standard:
- Design own state flag and - Completing a flow map to - Write about the process
apply their own creativity show the process and and procedures of the flag
procedures raising ceremony
Formative Assessment:
- Designing own flag
- Completing a flow map
- Write about the process and procedures of the flag raising ceremony
- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.156 -157)
To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.
Learning Standards:
4.1.3 Can identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context:
(ii) possessive
(iii) comparison of adjectives
Formative Assessment:
- Completion of all tasks
- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.158- 159)
To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.
Content Standards:
1.4 Can speak intelligibly, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes.
3.2 Can produce a variety of texts for creative, personal, academic and functional
5.2 Can use a wide range of literary texts to convey views for different purposes and
audiences, and relate them to real life situations.
Learning Standards:
1.4.1 Can express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally
3.2.2 Can write for creative and personal expressions:
(iii) journals
5.2.3 Can create and produce linear/graphic presentation in a fun manner
- Whole-class discussion and group assignments. Different group will assume
different roles and complete different tasks. This lesson requires everyone to
play different roles.
- Conduct an interview, exchange views via social media and conducting a research
on how Malaysians feels and show national pride
Formative Assessment:
- Interviews
- Scripts written
- Research
- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.161)
- Computers with working internet connection for group research
- Newspaper/materials and pictures for a visual presentation
To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.
Learning Standards:
5.1.2 Can read and understand various literary works
5.1.3 Can share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new
ideas or solve problems
5.2.3 Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner
- Read the excerpt of the story on patriotism
- My reflective journal on patriotism
- In groups, discuss the lesson learnt from the story
Formative Assessment:
- Journal writing
- Dramatisation act of bravery and heroism (atmosphere, intonation, emotion,
body language and facial expression) during performance
- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.160-161)
To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.