Objectives:: Figure 1: Graph For UCS
Objectives:: Figure 1: Graph For UCS
Objectives:: Figure 1: Graph For UCS
Get basic idea of tree traversing using Uniform-Cost Search (UCS) algorithm.
Implementing UCS algorithm using your preferred programming language.
Should have prior knowledge on any programming language to implement the algorithm.
Need knowledge on queue and priority queue.
Input a graph.
UCS algorithm that would be covered in theory class and that knowledge will help you here to
get the implementation idea.
Uniform-cost search (UCS) is a tree search algorithm used for traversing or searching a weighted tree,
tree structure, or graph. The search begins at the root node. The search continues by visiting the next
node which has the least total cost from the root. Nodes are visited in this manner until a goal state is
Typically, the search algorithm involves expanding nodes by adding all unexpanded neighboring nodes
that are connected by directed paths to a priority queue. In the queue, each node is associated with its
total path cost from the root, where the least-cost paths are given highest priority. The node at the head
of the queue is subsequently expanded, adding the next set of connected nodes with the total path cost
from the root to the respective node.
Expansion showing the explored set and the frontier (priority queue) for Figure 1:
Start Node: A
Goal Node: G
Step Frontier: a set of (node, its cost) objects Expand[*] Explored: a set of nodes
1 {(A,0)} A
2 {(D,3),(B,5)} D {A}
3 {(B,5),(E,5),(F,5)} B {A,D}
4 {(E,5),(F,5),(C,6)} E {A,D,B}
5 {(F,5),(C,6)}[**] F {A,D,B,E}
6 {(C,6),(G,8)} C {A,D,B,E,F}
7 {(G,8)} G {A,D,B,E,F,C}
The node chosen to be expanded for the next step.
^ **
B is not added to the frontier because it is found in the explored set.
1. Implement UCS algorithm using the pseudocode described above in your preferred language.
Input: a graph G, start node S and a goal node D.
Output: Goal found or not and the cost.