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Effective February 2011

General Technical Information

Dual Matching
Tires in dual assemblies should be matched with regard to

Medium Truck
design and dimensional tolerances as noted below.
Improperly matched duals may result in irregular wear, rapid
wear, vehicle mechanical problems and premature tire failure.
Failure to match tires in a dual assembly may result in sudden
tire destruction.

Dual Matching Limits

Tire Construction Diameter Circumference

Radial 0 to 1/4 inch 0 to 3/4 inch

Light Truck
Medium Truck Approved Rim Width & Minimum Dual Spacing
Width shown in TUBE TYPE
boldface type. 11.00R24 8.5, 8.50VM, 8.0, 7.5 13.2
12.00R24 9.0, 8.5, 8.50VM, 8.0 14.1

General Technical
9R17.5HC 6.75HC 10.3
215/75R17.5 6.00HC, 6.75HC 9.3
245/70R17.5 6.75, 7.50 10.6
8R19.5 5.25, 6.00, 6.00RW, 6.75, 6.75RW 9.1
9R22.5 6.00, 6.75, 7.50 10.3
10R22.5 6.75, 7.50, 8.25 11.4
11R22.5 7.50, 8.25 12.5
12R22.5 8.25, 9.00 13.5
225/70R19.5 6.00, 6.00RW, 6.75, 6.75RW 10.0
245/70R19.5 6.75, 6.75RW, 7.50, 7.50RW 11.0
265/70R19.5 7.50, 7.50RW, 8.25, 8.25RW 11.6

285/70R19.5 7.50, 8.25, 9.00 12.5
305/70R19.5 9.00, 8.25, 8.25RW 13.5
445/65R19.5 13.00, 14.00 NA
245/75R22.5 6.75, 7.50 11.0
255/70R22.5 7.50, 8.25 11.3
Minimum Dual Spacing is listed for
265/75R22.5 7.50, 8.25 11.6
the design rim width. If design rim not
used Minimum Dual Spacing must be 275/70R22.5 7.50, 8.25, 9.00 12.2
adjusted per note 1 (below) for other rim
295/80R22.5 8.25, 9.00 13.2
8.25-rim may be used if tire load is 295/75R22.5 8.25, 9.00 13.2
limited to 8,000 lbs. single and 7,610
315/80R22.5 8.25, 9.00, 9.75 13.8
lbs. dual @ 120 psi. Note: The minimum
Technical Bulletins

dual spacing for 8.25-rim is 13.2". Do not 385/65R22.5 11.75, 12.25 NA

exceed manufacturers recommended
425/65R22.5 11.75, 12.25, 13.00 NA
maximum load and inflation.
Note 1: New tire section widths and overall 445/50R22.5 14.00 NA
widths will change 0.10-inches for each
445/65R22.5 13.00, 12.25, 14.00 NA
0.25-inch change in rim width.
Note 2: Use alternate rims only when 11R24.5 7.50, 8.25 12.5
recommended rims cannot be used. 12R24.5 8.25, 9.00 13.5
Note 3: Do not use different rim widths in
dual applications. 285/75R24.5 8.25 12.5


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