To The Executive Director

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02 June 2013

The Executive Director,
Community Development Centre (CODEC),
plot-02, Road #02, Hazi Zafar Ali Road,
Foys lake, Chittagong.

Through the Proper Channel.

Subject: Application for the post of Upazilla DRM Coordinator.

Ref: Job advertisement date 25 May 2013 online job posting .

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I am working Nobojibon Program as Field Supervisor. I came to know from Online job posting, Published On: February 03, 2014 ] the above Mentioned reference
that you are looking Upazilla DRM Coordinator. By the meanwhile I have heard that above
position is vacant. I strongly believe my experience and educational qualification will make
me the ideal candidate for the same.

I have been working in development field for the 17 years and working in DRM related
Program 5 years and my key achievements are as follows:

Providing technical support in planning, designing and implementation of the Disaster

Risk Management related activity.
Coordinated & Strengthening Upazila level UzDMC, Union level UDMC, village level
VDMC and Youth volunteer group activities.
Provide technical assistance to activate above group.
Have clear concept and experience PRA & PLA.
Formation and training VDC, UzDMC, UDMC, VDMC & Youth Volunteer on DRR.
DRR activities related report.
Prepared DNA (Disaster Need Assessment), RENA (Rapid Emergency Need
Assessment) & MIRA (Multi-response for initial rapid assessment).
To conduct coordination meeting with GO & NGO.

Experience in developing training modules & training facilitation. There are only few of my
accomplishment. I look forward to speaking with you in more detail about my record.

So therefore, I am requesting you to provide me the opportunity, so that I can join myself as
Upazilla DRM Coordinator and oblige thereby.

With best regards.

Md. Shaheed Alam
Two passport size photographs.
Photocopies all Certificates.
Photocopies National ID Card
Photocopy of motorcycle driving license

MD. Shaheed Alam
Cell: 01715251193
E-Mail: [email protected]
Career Objective:

Interested to learn, grow and take responsibilities and proper utilization of

educational and professional background and to get a practical experience in a
development organization where exist a congenial environment and good
opportunity for career development.

(a)Academic Qualification:

MA National University, Obtained 2nd Class.

Work Experience: More than 17 years in development sector

Key area of competencies:

Institution building among the target people as per project need.

Organize, facilitate and supervise training, courtyard session, workshop,
seminar with targeted stakeholders like extreme poor, poor, marginal
farmers, VDC Member, VHC member, VDMC member, youth volunteer,
Adolescent volunteer, elected UP bodies and other social activists on
maternal child health and nutrition, disaster management, gender,
organizational capacity building etc.
Organize and facilitate training session on aquaculture and open water
fisheries management, vegetable cultivation, nursery management,
integrated fish culture with targeted beneficiaries.\
Responsibility to perform activate check and verify the expenditure
(bill/voucher) as compare to the budget line.
Maintained a close liaison with UP Chairman/Members, MOH&FP
representatives at union and Upazilla level, Agriculture and fisheries and
other service providing institutions.
Feasibility study of project like fishery, poultry, dairy and small business
for organized group at the community level.
Prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly action plan as per DAP/DIP.
Prepared progress and monitoring report.
Employment History:

A. Name of organization:

Community development center CODEC

Project: Nobo Jibon

Position: Field Supervisor

Working place: Amtoli.

From 26 october,2010 till to date.

Major responsibilities :

a. Assist FFs and MPs for form activate VDC, VHC, VDMC,YV and livelihood sub
b. Assist to FFs in CBGP session for counseling properly.
c. Collect and compile CBGP, ANC & other report & document on regular basis.
d. Organized monthly coordination meeting with MOH&FP & NGO staff.
e. Organized community meeting with stakeholder .
f. Ensuring end-use monitoring of Beneficiaries.
g. Assist beneficiaries selection and registration for the three SOs.
h. Functioning Satellite Clinic and community clinic
i. Assist to prepare social mapping, risk and resource, yearly and multiyear
action plan for the VDC & VDMC.
j. Assist, supervise and reporting, distribution of ration to the beneficiaries.
k. Assist Identify, registration and follow up SAM Child and refer to community
l. Random house visit of malnourished & SAM (Severeion Acquired Malnutrition)
n. Responsibility to perform activate check and verify the expenditure
(bill/voucher) as compare to the budget line.
o. Maintained a close liaison with UP Chairman/Members, MOH&FP
representatives at union and Upazela level, Agriculture and fisheries and
other service providing institutions.
p. Feasibility study of project like fishery, poultry, dairy and small business for
organized group at the community level.
q. Prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly action plan as per DAP/DIP.
r. Prepared progress and monitoring report.

B. Name of organization:

Community development center CODEC

Project: CODEC Social and Cultural Development Program

Position: Upazila Coordinator

Working place: Chandanish Upazila, Chittagong.

From 01 March, 2009 to 25 October 2010.

Major responsibilities :

a. Institution building among the target people (ward committee,

Union coordination committee and Upazila coordination committee
and guardian forum)
b. To organize and conduct training program, learning sessions,
Courtyard session, for elected UP bodies, civil society actors,
religious leaders, on climate change issue, human rights, gender
and paralegal, women rights, child rights and advocacy.
c. Responsibility to perform activate check and verify the expenditure
(bill/voucher) as compare to the budget line.
d. Maintained a close liaison with UP Chairman/Members, MOH&FP
representatives at union and Upazila level, Agreculture and fisheries
and other service providing institutions.
e. Prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly action plan as per DAP/DIP.
f. Prepared progress and monitoring report.
C. Name of organization:

Community development center CODEC

Program: CODEC Micro Finance Program

Position: Branch Manager

Working place: Char Gazi, Laxmimur and Dhankhali, Patuakhali.

From 18 October, 2007 to 28 February 2009.

Major responsibilities:

a. Assist group formation for savings and credit operation.

b. Provide credit support to the poor, extremely poor and ME groups
c. Feasibility study of project like fishery, poultry, dairy and small business for
organized group at the community level.
d. Prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly action plan.
e. Prepared financial report monthly, quarterly and yearly.

D. Name of organization : Love Thy Neighbor (LTN)

Funded by : Manusher jonno foundation

Name of Program : Narir Odhiker project

Designation :Project Officer

Working Place : Muladi Upazela, Barisal.

Duration :24 October 2004 to15 October 2000

Major responsibilities :

a. Organization building among the Civil society and UP elected bodies

especially UP women members at the ward
level to protect violence against women.

b. Conducting training, workshop, seminar, meeting/courtyard session on

women rights.

c. Providing legal supports to the victims.

d. Conducting training session on women rights and advocacy with the Civil
society and UP elected bodies especially UP women members.

E. Name of organization : PROSHIKA

Designation : Senior Field Organizer & Area Training Coordinator.

Working Place : Mehendigonj Upazela, Barisal.

Duration : 21 December, 1996 to 30 June 2002.

Major Responsibilities :

a. Institution building among the target people as per project need.

b. Organize and facilitate training session on aquaculture and open water

fisheries management, vegetable cultivation, nursery management,
integrated fish culture with targeted beneficiaries.\
c. Responsibility to perform activates check and verifies the expenditure
(bill/voucher) as compare to the budget line.
d. Maintained a close liaison with UP Chairman/Members, MOH&FP
representatives at union and Upazila level, Agriculture and fisheries and
other service providing institutions.
e. Feasibility study of project like fishery, poultry, dairy and small business
for organized group at the community level.
f. Prepared monthly, quarterly and yearly action plan as per DAP/DIP.
g. Prepared progress and monitoring report.

E. Name of organization : Gono Sahajay Sangastha (GSS)

Designation : Community Supervisor

Working Place : Mirpur, Dhaka.

Duration : 10 March, 1995 to 30 September, 1996.

Major Responsibilities :

a. Identification of dropped out of Children and provide them primary

education at the urban slums.
b. Supervise the Non Formal Primary Education School and technical support
to the school teacher.
c. Conducting training session among the NFPE teachers.
d. Facilitated the guardian meeting and others stakeholder.
e. Participated directly assist and supervise the conduction for baseline
survey and monitoring survey, etc.
(c) Major Training Received :

SL Name of Training Organized by

Basic Training on Aquaculture and open

01 13 Days Proshika
water fisheries management

02 ToT on Aquaculture and pond-dike cropping 3 Days Proshika

03 Integrated Fish culture 3 Days Proshika

Modular training course on:

a. Non-Formal Education Program

Planning & Management.
CODEC Training
04 b. Post Literacy Planning & 25 Days
Center; Patuakhali.
c. Material Development
d. Role of Facilitators.
e. Monitoring & Evaluation
05 Strategic Program Management 6 Days CTC, Chittagong

06 8 Days Save The Children

Sustainable Development Strategic and

07 7 Days Proshika
Poverty Eradication

08 ToT on Community Mobilization 5 Days Save The Children

09 Basic Training on MCHN 3 Days Save the Children

10 Basic Training on DRR 3 Days Save the Children

11 Facilitation skill development 10 Days Proshika

ToT on Primary education program and

12 14 Days GSS
Adult literacy program

13 Peoples Theatre 7 Days Proshika

(d) Personal Information :

Name : Md. Shaheed Alam

Father`s Name : Md. Moksed Ali

Mother`s Name : Jahan ara Begum

Permanent Address : Vill: Piprakhali P O: Sundrakalikapur

Upazila: Mirzagong, Dist: Patuakhali.

Present Address : Gazi Vila, NSS Training Center road, Amtoli,


Date of Birth : 25 September, 1973

Blood Group : B positive

Nationality : Bangladeshi (By Birth).

Marital Status : Married.

(e) Extra Quality:

(i) Drive Motorcycle smoothly and having valid driving license.

(ii) Able to work with Microsoft Office Packages and Internet.
Overseas Visit: ATSEC, Kolkata, India

(g) Reference:

1 Al Mamun Talukder 2. SM.

Zakir Hossain
Project Coordinator Deputy
Team Leader

PROTEEVA Program Nobo Jibon

CODEC, Barisal CODEC, Amtoli

Mobile: 01716148376 Mobile:

[email protected]


(Md. Shaheed Alam)


Have good interpersonal relationship and ability to work in a team.

* Have good knowledge on administrative rules, policies and commodity
* The applicant must be computer literate. * Fluency of English both in written and
speaking is a must.
* Willing to drive motor cycle

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