Codes and Conventions of Radio Dramas

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Codes, Conventions, Styles and Structures

Words are used within radio dramas to inform the audience or listeners of information about the character or plot of the
drama. This information can help push the narrative forward so that the narrative progresses. A common example of this is
when names are used in the dialogue of a character to help the listeners distinguish the characters apart. For example, at the
(00:28) of the audio it is said Oh, Im Sorry Debbie. By using a name it can help the audience to recognise the character later
on within the drama and also makes them seem more realistic.
Words are used in a different way in The Blind Mans Confession. Whereas in the archers, they are used to give information
such as character names, or qualities, they are also used for descriptive purposed to add atmosphere and make the scene more
vivid and the story more dramatic. For example at (01:44) the narrator and character describes the scene and his point of view
as thick, black, rain soaked forest.
Words can not always be used to help distinguish characters to the audience, as it may hider the content of the story and sound
disjointed to the listener. Because of this, many characters have different voices with accents and have different genders within
the same scene. This is so that the audience can distinguish the difference between the characters and the part they play within
the plot. For example, within the scene at (00.28) two new characters are introduced to the character Debbie. One character is
called Elizabeth. This character has a strong accent that is distinguishable against Debbies. The audience can also assume the
social class of her character as it is often associated with Southern England and the middle class society.
In The Archers there are multiple characters within an episode, so it is important for different voices to be used for them to
help the audience clarify and understand who is speaking and the plot. This is not as much of an issue within A Blind Mans
Confession because only three characters that speak. These characters are easily recognisable from each other from their
delivery and speech. The 3rd character has a very brief role, but distinguishable by the huskier tone that the character has at
Similar to to the use of voices, directors also use speech to help inform the audience of information without using words. This is
done by the voice actors as well as the directors, who decide how the script should be presented, using the tone or volume. For
example within scene (03:38) the character Linda is presented. Her character uses volume and tone to convey her role as a
director within the pantomime, by giving the order is a loud and commanding way, the audience gains an idea of her role
within the drama and the hierarchy.
Where as speech is used in the Archers to provide information, in A Blind Mans Confession a narrator is used for that
purpose. Speech is used for as a way of adding emotion and atmosphere to the show. For example, at (07:05) the actor uses an
emotional almost shaky tone of voice to tell the audience that the character is scared, and too add drama and tension to the
As a radio dramas can not use visual objects to tell the story, they must rely on other methods specifically sounds. These
sounds are usually diegetic and are used to create a soundscape. This can help the audience to picture the characters, stories,
movements or settings. For example, at (06:44) of the drama, the sound of applause can be heard by the listener, this informs
them that there are multiple people within the scene, as well as they appreciated the pantomime.
Sounds are used for the same purpose in A Blind Mans Confession as within The Archers. They are used to give the audience
information about what is happening within the show, event though A Blind Mans Confession has a narrator, the drama still
uses sound effects for the same purpose of each other meaning there are less, and are less important. For example, at (01:31)
the sound effect of a large crash is heard. This is used as a form of story telling, telling the listener about an action within the
plot. Not only does it do this, but is also ads atmosphere as all music is cut before that more, making the drama more realistic.
Ambience is different to sound effects. The ambience within radio dramas sets the scene within the story such as background
noise. For example, at (02:23) of The Archers, the scene is introduced with the sound effect of hammering which becomes
quieter as the dialogue is introduced. This is also accompanied by the quiet murmuring of people. This gives the listener
information such as the setting without using words and without increasing the duration of the frame, as well as making it
more realistic.
This is similar to how ambience is used within A Blind Mans Confession. In A Blind Mans Confession, sounds are used to
inform the audience about, the setting but create tension and atmosphere. For example at (08:27) the noise of a rain and
thunder can be heard, this gives the audience information about the conditions and sets the scene. This not only helps the
audience picture the story, and make it more realistic, in adds tension to the story making it more dramatic and engaging the
listener more. This is because the storm is used as an example of pathetic fallacy, where the whether reflects the story and plot,
meaning that the audience associates the thunder and lightning with fear and darkness.
This scene also includes the use of music as a form of ambience and to set the scene of the pantomime rehearsal. But the main
use of the music within the drama is as theme music. Theme music is used in radio dramas introduce the the drama, and helps
the audience recognize the program as the music would be automatically associate with the drama. The archers theme music
plays at (00.07) and at (12:43). The music is used to establish the type of show to the audience as it a positive, rural music. It is
also used to signify the end of the drama to the audience.
Hardly any music is used within A Blind Mans Confession except at the beginning of the drama. At (00:50) rock music can be
heard. Because of fast tempo of the music it reflects the description and actions within the scene of the biker as he speeds
down the road. This add tension and atmosphere to the story, accompanying the story.
Silence are often used in dramas as a way to add suspense, but are mainly used in The Archers to change the scene. At (02:21)
the audio of the scene between Debbie and her father fades out to silence for roughly 2 seconds before fading back into the
next scene of the pantomime. This indicates to the viewer that the not only has the scene changed but also the characters and
the setting.
The silences are used within A Blind Mans Confession as a way of adding suspense, rather than changing the scene. Although a
short silence is used at (10:55) as a way of showing the change of the scene, the silences are mostly used as a way of showing
the passing of time. For example, at (09:33) the silence is used to tell the audience that the character has gone unconscious, by
showing their perspective. This technique puts the listener in the characters perspective, and makes the listener engage with
the drama.
Characteristics are often used is radio dramas to help the audience differentiate between character and help recognize them
and their actions within the plot. These characteristics can be physical or can be a characters personality. For example, at
(00:42) the character Debbie uses the words gender panic when speaking to her father. This gives the audience information
about the personality and traits, and helps the audience establish the characters in their minds.
In The Archers words are used as way of showing the characteristics, through how what they do and what they say. In A Blind
Mans Confession, the audience is informed about the character through the words of the narrator, and the speech of the
characters. For example, at (05:18) a new character is introduced. This character immediately seems sinister because of the
tone and volume that the actor speaks in.
Aural Signposting
Aural signposting is used to establish the setting of the scene through audio cues. This is different to ambience or sound effects
as an aural signpost signifies that an event or action is about to happen within the drama, rather than happening within that
moment. For example at (03:48) within The Archers the sound of a door opening is heard within the background of the
dialogue. This is an aural signpost for the character Brian (Debbies father) entering this scene at (04:04), 16 seconds after the
aural signpost that signified the entrance of the character from the first scene of the drama.
There are very few aural signposts within A Blind Mans Confession because of the way the story is told. Because A Blind Mans
Confession has a narrator, that is retelling the event from his point of view in the future, the narrator often gives information
about the plot before it happens. Although at (07:43) of the story, the sound of a car driving fades in, telling the audience that a
new character is about to be introduced. This is similar to how it. is used within The Archers.
Cliff Hanger Ending
A cliff hanger ending is an unresolved plot or story that is most commonly used in series. This is because it causes a sudden and
dramatic ending that leaves the audience be viewer asking questions which can only be answered by listening to another
episode of the radio drama. It encourages the audience to listen to their drama to increase or sustain viewer rates. For
example, the character Elizabeth uses her tone of voice and words at (12:37) making the audience suspicious and ask question
about the relationship between Elizabeth, Richard and Debbie.
As A Blind Mans Confession is a single drama, the cliff hanger ending is not as important. Although a cliff hanger ending can be
used for an open ended drama, they are mostly used in drama series, as a way of encouraging the audience to watch or listen
to the next episode. Because A Blind Mans Confession is a single drama, a cliff hanger ending is not used. But rather a closed
Use Of Fades
Fades are used within radio dramas for the same purpose as silence to inform the audience that a scene is changing. Fades
are used for this purpose and to make the transition of sound smoother and more appealing to the listener rather that making
the transition sudden and disjointed. Fades can also be used to balance the difference between dialogue and ambience. For
example at (02:19) the dialogue of the first scene ends, leaving the ambience which fades to silence before the ambience of the
second scene fades in and the dialogue starts for the second scene, showing the change of scene and characters smoothly and
Fades are used within A Blind Mans Confession for the same purpose as The Archers. They are used to show the change of
scene but also the passing of time. Similar to how the drama uses silences, fades are used at (09:33) to tell the audience that
the character has gone unconscious, in a smooth progressive way, so that is doesn'tt seem sudden. Equally fades are used at
(09:37) to show the tell the audience that the character was regaining consciousness.
Chronological Development
The Archers is a chronological drama, meaning that the plot and scenes of the drama happen is the order of time. A chronological
drama has a linear narrative, meaning that it does not have flash backs or flash forwards, changing the time in which the scenes where
changed. This helps the audience understand and follow the plot, and the order of the scenes. This also means that the audience finds
it easier to listen and engage with the story. The Archers also has a wider development when it shows the link between the time the
drama was aired and in the dialogue of the drama itself. At (08:09) the character Debbie says So how has Christmas been?, linking to
the time in the drama was aired between Christmas and New Years Eve.
A Blind Mans Confession, could be considered chronological, because the plot and scenes happen in the order of time. Although, the
story is also told through the narration of the main character. Because of the phrases used such as the only thing I didn't account for
was the other car at (01:21). The narrator is speaking in first person, but is also speaking in past tense. This immediately tells the
audience that the narrator is the character from after the event, meaning the drama could be considered a non-linear narrative.
Titles & Credits
Titles are used at the beginning and sometimes end, of a radio drama for a similar purpose as theme music. They are used to introduce
the drama to the audience to help them recognize the radio drama in the future, and to keep the audience interested for when the
program airs. For example at the beginning of the drama at (00.02) the continuity editor reads you are listening to Tuesdays episode of
The Archers, from BBC Radio 4. This informs the listener of the drama title and its channel for future reference.
No credits are used within The Archers although may be used in the live broadcast rather than the podcast. But in A Blind Mans
Confession credits are used at (12:35). Credits are used to inform the viewer of the actors and writers of the drama, but are equally
used to tell the audience of the name of the drama, for those who may have missed the titles at the beginning of the broadcast. This
can be important for series dramas, so that the audience knows the name and recognises the drama for its next episode.
A narration is when a person gives a spoken account the narrative of a story. The narrator can either be a character who recounts the
events of the story, or is used to describe events, emotions, or appearances that otherwise have no other role in the drama. Narrators
are often used within radio dramas, and are often the main character. These narrations can be the characters internal dialogue or told
from a future perspective. They are good techniques in radio dramas as they there is no visual aspects available, so the audience must
rely on audio stimuli, such as sound effects, ambience and speech to set the scene, and tell the story. The Archers does not use a
narrator within their radio drama, but uses the characters speech and other techniques to tell the story.
A Blind Mans Confession uses a narrator form the beginning of the radio drama. At (00:40) of the radio drama, the narration begins.
This is evident from the words and tenses used in the characters dialogue. Although sound effects, and music are used, the character
describes the actions, emotions and thought on what is happening within the story. This evident when the character say It all started
when a car careened down a black swift road one late October night. My pulse quickened as I skidded around each corner. Each time
gripping a little less, losing a little more control. This dialogue is told from first point of view, from the use of I and talks about the
events of the story, that might not be possible, by using other story telling devices.
Direct Speech

Direct speech is a way of providing information to the audience through character speech. Often used in the dialogue between two characters,
direct speech is when a character speaks about an event, action or something that is happening directly from their point of view. This is often
how radio dramas that do not have narrator provide information, and most speech between characters is direct speech. For example at (01:58)
of The Archers the character Debbie talks to her dad about events within the drama and says youve spoiled Christmas, alienated Adam.
Mums desperately upset about the whole situation, but its all worth it so that you can stand on a rock and beat your chest. This dialogue
provides information directly from the character speaking.

Another example of direct speech is in A Blind Mans Confession. At (06:16) the main character, who is speaking in the form of a narration says
I fought to utter a form of one last word of protest, but the next blow was cold steel against my head. This we later find is when the character is
retelling the event to another. This is another form of direct speech, as the character is telling the event, directly from their perspective. This is
evident from the first person tense they use, and the constant use of I.


Flashbacks are used within radio dramas to show a previous scene or moment that is happening in time. This sense must have happened
previously to when the narrator is talking or, the main scene is happening. If the scene jumps forward in time, this is the opposite to a flashback,
and is called a flash forward. This technique is used in radio dramas, to provide the listener with information about previous scenes, moments or
memories of the characters that link to the narrative. No flashback are used within The Archers as the radio drama has a linear narrative that
runs with all scenes in the order of time.

Although A Blind Mans Confession could be considered to have flashback. This is because the main character is the narrator of the story and is
telling it from after the event is happening. This is clear from the words used at (00.24) of narration. The main character says ankle deep in mud,
blood everywhere. Gun against my skull, and he couldnt extend the simple curtesy of introducing himself. It would have made everything else
more bearable. This monologue describes the events that happen later on in the drama, and use words such as would have which is said in
the past tense. This show that from the point of view of the narrator and main character, these events have already happened.
Target Market

When The Archers was first aired in the 1950s. The Archers was created as a way of broadcasting information to farmers and smallholders to help
increase production in the post-World War II years because of rationing and food shortages. Because of this the target market was for the production was
mainly for semi-skilled manual workers, and skilled manual occupations within the C2 and D socio-economic groups. Although today, the target market for
the drama, is a range from B to D is the socio economic group. This is because of the content of the show, which is still based around village life, an the
language and terms used. For example, at (00.42) the character Debbie uses the words gender panic. This gives the impression of the characters high
level in education. A does the use of the Latin term sine qua non at (oo:35). The target market age group is adults, this is because of the adult content
such as the scene at (08:10) of the drama is set in a bar which is evident from the soundscape, and speech such as chardonnay.

Likewise the target market of A Blind Mans Confession has the same adult target audience. This is because of the adult content of the plot. For example,
at (01:31) the sound of the a car crash can be heard due the character speeding. Not only this, but at (08:32) a character is killed, evident from the use of a
gun firing sound effect. These topic are dark and are therefore not meant for a younger age, meaning that the drama, is most likely aimed at an adult
target market.

Dramatic Reconstruction

Dramatic reconstruction is the retelling of a story using a dramatic forms such as actors, settings, audio or visual ideas. These reconstructions can be based
on real events or fictional events such as flashbacks. For example, this is often used in radio dramas to retell the story from wither real events or within the
story. This idea is used to make the scene for dramatic and realistic. Audio from actors (speech) objects (sound effects), settings (ambience) are forms that
are used for dramatic reconstruction in radio drama. This technique is not used within the episode I analysed of The Archers, but as it is a series, dramatic
reconstruction may have been previously used.

Although it is not used in The Archers, dramatic reconstruction is used in the fictional form in A Blind Mans Confession. In the radio drama a flashback is
used to tell the story. This is evident from the narration at the beginning of the drama, from the main character point of view. The character says the
narration in past tense at (00:34) when he says it would have made everything else more bearable. The use of it would have show that the events that
proceed later on within the radio drama have previously happened, and that the scene is a recreation for dramatic purposed, to make it more realistic, and
engage the audience.
Drama Styles
The Archers is a tradition radio drama. This is not because of how long it has been aired for but because of the plot and the set up of the
story. The characteristics of a traditional drama is that the storyline is written with an exposition where the story is introduced (00:35)
Its all hands to the pump with the panto costumes; a conflict, problem or dilemma (03:23) What dress rehearsal? A sine qua non of a
dress rehearsal is some dresses and a resolution (07:47) howd the dress rehearsal go?.
A Blind Mans Confession is a post-modern drama. The post-modern style of radio drama is different to traditional dramas because
rather than giving the audience all the information so that they can address the questions raised within the plot, the story is told in a
way so that audience must answer the question themselves, and assume the actions of the characters. For example, at (09:04) the plot
changes, and narrator describes fires burning throughout me body and at (11:12) beauty is gone forever. Because of this when
audience is left answering questions about what has happen. Yet the answer is assumed due the the title of the drama.
Creation of Mood
In radio dramas, much like any drama, it is important to create a mood and to cause the audience to feel some form of emotion. This
can be done using different audio methods such as music, tone of voice or ambience. This is important as it makes the listener engage
in the drama, find an interest and therefore continue to listen to it, especially series dramas such as The Archers. For example, tone of
voice is used at (12:00) by the character Elizabeth. From her tone of voice when she delivers the line Tracy? What? Roy and Tracy?
and at (12:37) well their grown ups aren't they? They can do what they like. The lines are delivered with a saddened tone and therefore
help the audience to understand the characters emotions, and empathise with them, creating a sorrowful mood.
A Blind Mans Confession uses the same technique as The Archers in the tone of voice of the main character at (04:54) when he says I
have a family. A girlfriend. Theyll miss me. The characters tone of voice shows how scared the character is, and builds tension. But
another method A Blind Mans Confession uses that is not used in the episode of The Archers is music. This technique is used from
the beginning of the drama. At (00:20) music fades in and the tone of the music is low, creating a dark foreboding mood, that also
builds tension in the audience that links to the horror styled plot.
The archers is typically a 15 minute long show, although the episode I analysed was 13 minutes and 21 seconds long. The drama is this
length so that the drama has enough air time to show the story arc an introduction, a dilemma or problem and a resolution. As the
drama is linear, it gives the audience creators enough time to show the chronological development of the character within the story.
Even more so, because The Archers is a series. This length also means that the episode can be clear and consisted, by being straight to
the point the viewer doesn't lose interest. This also means that air time, and broadcasting costs are minimized since The Archers is a
Likewise, A Blind Mans Confession is a similar duration as the Archers of 12 minutes and 35 seconds. Post modern dramas can range
in duration from 10 minutes to an hour. A Blind Mans Confession is a stand alone drama, meaning it that the drama had to have
enough for a introduction and closed narrative, although because of the post modern style of the dram, it meant the narrative could
have an open end as many of the questions within the drama do not need to be answered, but the drama does not have a cliff-hanger
Narrative Structure
There are two main narrative structures to dramas, including radio dramas. These are the linear and non-linear structure. The linear
structure is when a plot runs from beginning to end with no flashback, and no scenes that change in time. The Archers is an example
of a radio drama with a linear structure. The drama has no flashbacks and runs with no disturbances in the order of the plot. For
example, at (03:11) the character Kenton says tonight at the bull. The scene later proceed to The Bull at (07:02) showing the
progress and structure of the drama.
Although A Blind Mans Confession could be considered to have a linear structure, it could also be considered to have a non-linear
structure. The narration of the character at (00:40) is told in the past tense, showing us that the event has already happened from his
point of view, which the audience later finds out at the end of the drama at (07:25).
Development of Plot
Most narratives use a basic plot structure that shows the development of the plot and the characters as it progresses. This
structure is the basic: beginning, middle, end structure. Otherwise knows as a exposition, conflict, and resolution. For example,
the exposition is when the plot or theme is introduced into the story. In The Archers this is when that character Debbie says
Its all hands to the pump with the panto costumes at (00:35). The conflict is when a problem arises in the drama, that puts the
character in a situation such as at (03:23) What dress rehearsal? A sine qua non of a dress rehearsal is some dresses . Finally
the plot has a resolution, where the problem of dilemma is resolved. This happens in The Archers at (07:47) howd the dress
rehearsal go?. This shows the basic plot arc, which sometimes has a problem at the end or a cliff hanger ending to entice the
audience to come back for another episode.
This plot structure is also used in A Blind Mans Confession. The exposition is immediate with the drama, in the form of a
narrator. At (00:22) the character says He never told me his name. Ankle deep in mud. Blood everywhere. Gun against my
skull, and he couldnt extend the simple curtesy of introducing himself. This introduced the pivotal ideas of the plot in an
obvious manner with the use if Blood and gun. The conflict is shown in the flashback that the narrator speaks of in the
narration. This is shown at (03:33) when the character says It was a fear just like I felt that next moment when somebody
tapped me on the shoulder. This introduces the conflict in the form of a villain, and danger. Finally the exposition is when the
character is blinded, but saved. Shown at (07:25) when the characters says And I woke up to the hard dry bed where I am now.
Because the drama is a single drama, no cliff hanger ending are used.

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