5 DR Mukund
5 DR Mukund
5 DR Mukund
Banks serve as the backbone to the financial sector, which facilitate the proper
utilization of financial resources of a country. The banking sector is increasingly growing
and it has witnessed a huge flow of investment. In addition to simply being involved in
the financial intermediation activities, banks are operating in a rapidly innovating industry
that urges them to create more specialized financial services to better satisfy the changing
needs of their customers. One of the most popular methods used to measure banking
performance is the CAMELS framework, developed in the early 1970s by federal regulators
in the USA. In this paper, an attempt was made to study the performance of Public sector
banks and their private sector counterparts based CAMEL framework. As per the study
the performance of the PSBs is substantially better than their private sector counterparts.
based on the primary hypothesis that public Mann-Whitney test for the difference in
sector banks are performing better than ranks between public and private sector
private sector banks in the country. Sixteen banks was significant (U = 119.5, p = 0.0425).
public sector and same number of private Thus, public sector banks had significantly
sector banks are selected for the study. The higher mean rank than private sector banks.
study is for a period of 6 years 2007-08 to Among public sector banks, State Bank of
2012-13. The study does not cover foreign India was ranked higher and Oriental Bank
banks operating in India. The study is purely of Commerce was ranked lowest, whereas
based on the secondary source of data among private sector banks, ICICI Bank was
sourced from annual reports of the highest ranked and AB Bank Ltd was lowest
respective banks and RBI reports. Once rank.
soundness across banks is determined using C. Ranking According to Net N PA to
the CAMEL model. Inferences can be drawn Total Loans:-
regarding convergence across these banks The Friedman test for the ranking of
based on the model. banks according to the different CAMEL
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS AND parameters for NNPA/TL ratio as shown in
FINDINGS table 1 was significant (X 2= 175.267, p =
The analysis of mean ranking of 0.000). The Mann-Whitney test for the
public and private sector banks for a period difference in ranks between public and
of six years based on various parameters is private sector banks was not significant (U
given below. = 154.5, p = 0.2625). Thus, there was no
www.epratrust.com March 2014 Vol - 2 Issue- 3 29
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review ISSN : 2347 - 9671
significant difference in Non-Performing F. Ranking According to Liquid
Assets rankings between public sector and Assets to Total Assets:-
private sector banks. Among public sector
The Friedman test for the ranking of
banks, Andhra Bank was the best performer
banks according to the different CAMEL
and Dena Bank was the worst performer,
parameters for LA/TA as shown in table 1
whereas among private sector banks, HDFC
was significant (X2 = 141.673, p = 0.000). The
Bank was the best performer and Lakshmi
Mann-Whitney test for the difference in
Vilas Bank the worst performer.
ranks between public and private sector
D. Ranking According to Profit per
banks was not significant (U = 169.5, p =
0.4240). Thus, there was no significant
The Friedman test for the ranking of difference in Liquid Assets to Total Assets
banks according to the different CAMEL rankings between public sector and private
parameters for profit per employee (table 1) sector banks. Among public sector banks,
was significant (X2 = 177.307, p = 0.000). The Bank of Baroda was ranked higher and
Mann-Whitney test for the difference in Indian bank ranked lowest, whereas among
ranks between public and private sector private sector banks, AB Bank was highest
banks was not significant (U = 165.5, p = ranked and Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd
0.3780). Thus, there was no significant lowest ranked.
difference in Profit per Employee rankings
between public sector and private sector G. Overall Mean Ranks of Banks:-
banks. Among public sector banks The Friedman test for the overall
Corporation Bank was ranked highest and ranking of banks according to the different
Central Bank of India ranked lowest, CAMEL parameters was significant (X 2 =
whereas for private sector banks, AB Bank 99.486, p = 0.000). The Mann-Whitney test
was highest ranked and Catholic Syrian for the difference in ranks between public
Bank Ltd lowest ranked. and private sector banks was significant (U
E. Ranking According to Returns on = 112.5, p = 0.0300). Thus, public sector
Assets:- banks had significantly higher mean rank
The Friedman test for the ranking of than private sector banks.
banks according to the different CAMEL
H. According to Yearly Ranks:-
parameters for ROA as shown in table 1 was
When the banks performance is
significant (X 2 = 205.054, p = 0.000). The
compared across the years, a few banks were
Mann-Whitney test for the difference in
found to have performed consistently over
ranks between public and private sector
the study period, a few banks improved
banks was not significant (U = 135.0, p =
their performance gradually over the study
0.1125). Thus, there was no significant
period, and the rest of the banks showed
difference in Return on Assets rankings
fluctuation in their performance over the
between public sector and private sector
study period as shown below.
banks. Among the public sector banks,
Indian Bank was ranked highest and Central Consistent performance: Andhra Bank,
Bank of India ranked lowest, whereas Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Oriental
among private sector banks, AB Bank was Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of
highest ranked and Dhanlaxmi Bank Ltd Hyderabad, AB Bank, ICICI Bank, Karur
lowest ranked. Vysya Bank and South Indian Bank.
www.epratrust.com March 2014 Vol - 2 Issue- 3 30
ISSN : 2347 - 9671 Dr. Mukund Sharma
Gradual improvement: Bank of Baroda, concentrate on the better utilization of assets
Dena Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, which will increase their profitability. Most
IndusInd Bank, ING Vysya Bank, Kotak private sector banks have poor performance
Mahindra Bank and Ratnakar Bank. in terms of earnings and asset quality. These
Inconsistent performance: Bank of can be improved by having better portfolio
Maharashtra, Canara Bank, Central Bank of management. In fact, it was observed in the
India, IDBI Bank, Indian Bank, Indian study that banks having a higher proportion
Overseas Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, State of investment in government securities have
Bank of India, Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd and lower rates of nonperforming assets. Also,
City Union Bank better portfolio management is needed to
increase the earnings, to reach an optimal
balance between returns and risk. It was
When the banks performance is
also observed in the study that public sector
compared across the CAMEL ratios, a few
banks were not utilizing their resources
banks such as Bank of Maharashtra, Punjab
optimally. The business per employee and
& Sind Bank, Dena Bank, South Indian Bank,
profit per employee ratios in public sector
State Bank of India etc. were found to have
banks are too low. Hence it is necessary for
poor rankings in more than 70% of ratios
public sector banks improve the
ranks comparisons.
productivity/efficiency of employees, either
It was found that private sector banks by training or through incentives. There
were better than public sector banks in were some limitations inherent in the study.
utilizing the available resources such as asset The study was completely done on the basis
and employees, which can be inferred from of ratios calculated from the balance sheets.
ratios such as Return on Asset, Business per It has not been possible to get sensitive real
Employee, Profit per Employee. Also, it was data on actual CAMEL ratings. It has not
found that banks whose investment ratios been possible to get a personal interview
in Government Securities were more tended with the top management employees of the
to have less Gross Non Performing Assets bank.
and Net Non Performing Assets. Only a few REFERENCES
banks have maintained the lower rate of 1. Altman, I.E. (1968), Financial Ratios,
Gross and Net Non Performing Assets. In Discriminant Analysis and Prediction of
Corporate Bankruptcy, Journal of Finance,
the final ranking, only 67% of private sector
September 1968, New York University.
banks have better ranks, whereas around
90% of public sector banks have better 2. Chowdhury Subroto, An Inquiry Into The
ranking. This shows that overall, public Financial Soundness of Commercial Banks in
sector banks are performing better than India Using the
private sector banks.
3. CAMEL Approach, Journal of Banking
RECOMMENDATIONS Financial Services and Insurance Research,
In order to sustain their competitiveness, 1(7) (2011)
banks must focus on their performance. The 4. Maishanu, M.M. (2004), A Univariate
results of the study suggest that most of the Approach to Predicting failure in the
banks are not utilizing their assets in the best Commercial Banking Sub-Sector, Nigerian
possible way. Hence, banks need to Journal of Accounting Research,Vol.1, No. 1.