Simple Satellite Network Simulation Using OMNET++ 5

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ISSN (Online) 2278-1021

IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2016

Simple Satellite Network Simulation using

Narendra Kumar Dewangan 1, Narayan Sahu 2
Student (M.Tech.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, ITM University, Naya Raipur, India1
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, ITM University, Naya Raipur, India2

Abstract: In present days satellite play important role in various part of life and industry. Security, entertainment, data
communication and many other things are dependent on satellite networks and communication modules. Satellite is
more or less like wireless networks with broadcasting data transfer facility. Data can be transmitted from one point of
earth to another point through the geostationary satellites. Satellite implementation is very costly in real, so we have to
make first virtual simulation of satellite network to measure its performance. This paper describe the Satellite network
Simulation with tool OMNET++5. Before implement a real time model of communication channel, we create
simulation model for testing.

Keywords: Satellite network, wireless, OMNET++ 5, Network Simulation, wireless networks.


Satellite network is less or more like wireless networks, launch cost but larger delays and big path loss. In GEO is
where the earth station is work like server as well as host covered 24 hour with 35859.403008 km height from earth.
and the geostationary station is like the communication These satellites are good for broadcast communication.
channel to receive and send communication signal and
data from one station to another. Receiver can be static
and mobile both types. In todays world thinking of IoT
(internet of Things) can be easily implemented by the use
of low earth orbit(LEO) Satellites , many metro IT
projects can be handled from far away and it can only be
possible through the high speed broadcast satellite data
transmission units. Think that if satellite short models with
basic data transmission facility and high data rate
transmission are possible then we can connect remote
areas with the internet and network broadcast technology.
Provide E- services to the remote areas. By using
simulation models we can find the ability of data Fig. 1 Satellite Uplink
transmission of satellite and easily use the analysis data to
implement real model of satellite. There are many network
simulator are available but OMNET++ is more powerful
and open source simulation model for any type of


Satellite network communication can be effected by the

following factors:
[1] Satellite orbit
[2] Delay
[3] Signal to noise Ration
[4] .Data rate. Fig. 1 OSG-satellite simulation in OMNET++

A. Satellite orbit B. Delay

There are LEO, MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) and GEO Most of the satellite network communication; TCP is not
(Geostationary Earth Orbit) type satellite in the orbital work for the proper delay. Most satellite delay model is
types. In which LEO is designed for the short time benefits depending on buffering delay and propagation delay. The
with low data rates and frequency. MEO has moderate factors affecting the satellite delay are as follows:

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.51016 84

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2016

[1] Available bit rate(ABR) 1. USER FRIENDLY

[2] Minimum Cell Rate()MCR) 2. MULTI USABLE
[3] Unspecified Bit rate(UBR) 3. VIRTUALIZATION
[4] Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR) 4. FAST
ABR are from 7.2 Mbps to 634.5 Mbps
Satellite network delay model is an end-to-end model in A. User friendly :
which transmission delay is calculated as Simulation environment of OMNET++5 is user friendly.
Easily modules can be modified and can be develop as our
D=tt+tup+tdown+tl+ts requirement. For example if we required wireless system
Where D=end-to-end transmission delay then a simple module can be modified with IEEE WLAN
tt= sum of transmission delay module by editing its source and NED with C++
tup= uplink delay time definitions and header definitions. Data rates can be
tdown=downlink delay time define; simulation time limit can be defined. We can limit
tl=link delay time the speed of simulation at run time and with the stop and
ts= switching and process delay time finish () we can stop the simulation.
The result can be plotted as graph and other formats. The
C. Signal to noise ratio(SNR) simulation scenario provides facility to select the number
In satellite communication network very low SNR are of nodes at run time also, for example in case of tic-toc
used. In model satellite communication very high rate of we can select the tictoc1 to tictoc16. We can define own
data is transmitted from one end to another so the chances parameters for different simulation models.
of noise are more than the simple data communication
So we can reduce noise by using the best transmission
medium as CDMA/CS. SNR margin is difference between
the actual SNR and minimal SNR required to synchronise
at a specific speed. It is normally measured in decibel.
SNR margin is often confused and used interchangeably
with SNR.

For example to calculate SNR margin

Fig.3 Simple user friendly environment of OMNET++ 5
If actual measured snr is 32db
and SNR to sync at 8Mbit/s is 20db
B. Multi Usable-
Then SNR margin is =32-20=12db
The OMNET++ has the quality of multiple usable; we can
If the SNR margin is higher than the signal clarity is
use the simulation scenario for business communication
simulation for a small area network with low bandwidth
requirement and also can be used as the high rate
D. Data Rates
broadband communication simulation for the wide area
Data rates of satellite can be organized in following table
covered with telecommunication system.
manner as the available band wise
C. Virtualization
We can first test the network of small or large in this
S.N. Satellite type Band Rate
simulator then we can apply in real world. That means a
1 L-band 1-2 GHz
virtualization of real time network and data
2 S-band 2-4 GHz communication can be created by the OMNET++, later the
3 C-band 4-8 GHz simulation results can affect on the cost, time and risk
4 X-band 8-12 GHz management of real time network.
5 Ku-band 12-18Ghz
6 Ka-band 26-40Ghz

As we can clearly see that the recent band with of satellite

data rate is 26-40 GHz that is used for the data
communication in satellite.


OMNET++ is an open source network simulation

environment which has many features. Some of them are
discussed as follows: Fig.4 Virtualization of Google earth

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.51016 85

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2016

D. Fast
As compare to other simulation models of network the
OMNET++ simulator is fast. It takes large amount of
memory and high performance data rates but faster than
other simulation packages...

E. Reliability
In case of accuracy with the real time implementation the
OMNET++ simulator provides the nearer results to the
real time simulation environments.

For example a wireless small area network can be

implement in OMNET++ simulator has the efficiency of
95% data transfer with loss, but in real time
implementation it cans 90%. So the performance of
OMNET++ Simulator is nearby accurate and reliable.

IV. SATELLITE NED IN OMNET++ 5 Fig.5 Satellite earth Station

NED (Network Descriptor) is used to implement the C. Receivers

required network with visualization facility in OMNET++. The receivers on the earth may be different in rates
To implement satellite network in OMNET++5 we were because the capacity of different devices is different. For
used the following components and modules: example a wireless access point is used for distribute the
data signal to the other PDA devices; a wireless access
A. A satellite transceiver point has high capacity receiving facility. An army
B. An earth station for satellite data sending Satellite driven tank may need only instruction from the
C. Receivers in earth for example a car with satellite driving side so it does not required more data at a time so
receiving facility, a mobile tower, a wireless access point. its data rates may me little bit less. The NED as shown in
The detailed description of NED and their working are as the following figure

A. Satellite Transceiver
A satellite transceiver can do both receive data from one
earth station or from main source of data updating centre.
Main description of this wireless component module is

Fig.6 Satellite Network NED

Data rates of the component are as described in the

following table


B. Earth Station (Only send data to satellite orbital S.N. Component Data Rate
station) 1 Sate Ground Station 10Gbps
This module has only one communication path to send 2 Orbital Station 100Gbps
only data to the orbital station of satellite. It can also be 3 PDA 1Gbps
defined as the satellite data control station. Main 4 Access Point(Wireless) 1Gbps
components of satellite data sending station are as follows: 5 Tower 10Gbps

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.51016 86

ISSN (Online) 2278-1021
IJARCCE ISSN (Print) 2319 5940

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering

ISO 3297:2007 Certified
Vol. 5, Issue 10, October 2016

V. CONCLUSION working as Assitant Professor in Department of

Computwer Science & Engineering , ITM University,
We can develop various network features of the satellite Naya Raipur, India.
communication by using this satellite simulation model.
This simulation model may be a reference model for future
research on the satellite data networks their security and
data rates enhancements. In future expectations on
research on the satellite controlled war machine, Internet
of Things and Life support systems satellite plays an
important role. So the satellite security and enhancement
of security time to time is also important. This is the base
paper for more on the testing on satellite network
simulation and their parts with the satellite data networks.


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Narendra Kumar Dewangan, has

completed his B.E.(2011) In Computer
Science & Engineering from
Government Engineering College,
Raipur, India and persuing M.Tech in
Cyber Security from ITM University
Raipur, India. His research interest include Nework
Security, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography and Next
Generation Networks.

Narayan Sahu, recived his B.E.(2006)

In Computer Science & Engineering
from Chauksey Engineering College,
Bilaspur, India and M.Tech in
Information Security from DIMAT
Raipur, India. His research interest
include Computer Nework, Artificial Intelligence, data
Structures and Biometric Security.He is Curerently

Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.51016 87

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