2017 Petro Skills Facilities
2017 Petro Skills Facilities
2017 Petro Skills Facilities
NEW in 2017
Crude Oil Pipeline Operations (pg 21)
Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage
Management (pg 21)
More Virtual/Blended Learning Options
Through PetroAcademy! (back cover)
Basic Petroleum Technology (pg 32)
Gas Conditioning and Processing (pg 6)
Process Safety Engineering (pg 7)
Production Operations 1 (pg 18)
Production Technology for Other
Disciplines (pg 18)
Message from the CEO
Anyone who has been in the industry through past downturns
knows that a competent workforce has always been critical 4 Course Progression Map
for our industrys success, but its even more important with
challenging product prices. Doing more with less is how we
can thrive in hard times, but that requires a very competent GAS PROCESSING
This guide presents the industrys most comprehensive 6 Gas Conditioning and Processing (Campbell Gas Course ) G4
workforce development programs focused on building (Virtual/Blended option for first week coming soon)
competent people. PetroSkills brings together industry-driven 7 Gas Conditioning and Processing LNG Emphasis G4 LNG
and industry-approved programs that deliver flexible, practical, 7 Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery G6
fit-for-purpose training and development. This guide can help 6 LNG Short Course: Technology and the LNG Chain G29
you find ways to advance your technical competence and build your companys value. 6 Overview of Gas Processing G2
7 Practical Computer Simulation Applications in Gas Processing G5
Since the first offerings of Production Operations 1 and the Campbell Gas Course over 50 7 Process Safety Engineering PS4 (Virtual/Blended option coming soon)
years ago, PetroSkills instructor-led training programs have set the standard for excellence
from subsurface to downstream. This guide presents hundreds of sessions offered
worldwide by top industry experts in each technical discipline across the value chain.
Our competency-based programs are designed and delivered under the direction of the PROCESS FACILITIES
PetroSkills Alliance - 30 of the top petroleum companies worldwide, working together, to
offer an industry-driven and vetted set of courses, products and services. 10 Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production PF21
11 CO2 Surface Facilities PF81
Some course changes to look for in this edition include: 9 Concept Selection and Specification of Production Facilities in Field
NEW Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management page 21 Development Projects PF3
NEW Crude Oil Pipeline Operations page 21 10 Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Produced Water Treating PF23
9 Introduction to Oil and Gas Production Facilities PF2
In addition to our instructor-led programs, our digital learning solutions and professional 9 Oil Production and Processing Facilities PF4
services continue to lead the industry. This guide outlines our electronic solutions ePilot, 11 Onshore Gas Gathering Systems: Design and Operations PF45
ePetro, ActiveLearner, Compass and PetroCore - see page 3 for more details. 10 Relief and Flare Systems PF44
We are also proud to announce our blended/virtual learning program, PetroAcademy. 10 Separation Equipment - Selection and Sizing PF42
This unique offering delivers the same competency development as our face-to-face courses 11 Troubleshooting Oil and Gas Processing Facilities PF49
via virtually delivered Skill Modules, available from anywhere in the world.
The following courses are available now or coming soon, and we will be adding more MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
throughout 2017.
Basic Petroleum Technology page 32 13 Compressor Systems - Mechanical Design and Specification ME46
Gas Conditioning and Processing (first week only) page 6 12 Corrosion Management in Production/Processing Operations PF22
Process Safety Engineering page 7 12 Fundamentals of Pump and Compressor Systems ME44
Production Operations 1 page 18 12 Mechanical Specification of Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers ME43
Production Technology for Other Disciplines page 18 12 Piping Systems - Mechanical Design and Specification ME41
13 Process Plant Reliability and Maintenance Strategies REL5
To learn more, see back cover, visit petroskills.com/petroacademy, 13 Risk Based Inspection REL61
or email [email protected]. 13 Turbomachinery Monitoring and Problem Analysis ME62
I hope you find this guide useful. If there is any way that we can help you, your team, or
your organization, please dont hesitate to contact me personally at
[email protected], or contact any of our regional offices (inside back cover). INSTRUMENTATION, CONTROLS & ELECTRICAL
17 Flow Assurance for Offshore Production FAOP 27 Contracts and Tenders Fundamentals SC41
17 Fundamentals of Offshore Systems Design and Construction OS4 28 Cost/Price Analysis and Total Cost Concepts in Supply Management SC64
17 Overview of Offshore Systems OS21 27 Effective Materials Management SC42
17 Overview of Subsea Systems SS2 27 Inside Procurement in Oil and Gas SC61
27 Strategic Procurement and Supply Management in the Oil and Gas Industry
28 Supplier Relationship Management SC63
26 Advanced Decision Analysis with Portfolio and Project Modeling ADA 2 PetroSkills Alliance
24 Basic Petroleum Economics BEC3 3 Comprehensive Solutions
25 Cost Management CM 8 In-House Training
25 Economics of Worldwide Petroleum Production EWP 11 e-Learning
14 Sign Up for Emails
25 Expanded Basic Petroleum Economics BEC
20 NEW Operations & Maintenance Courses
26 Fundamentals of International Oil and Gas Law IOG 22 PetroSkills Conference Center
24 Introduction to Petroleum Business IPB 23 Online HSSE Library
25 Petroleum Finance and Accounting Principles PFA Inside Back Cover Regional Contacts and Registration
26 Petroleum Risk and Decision Analysis PRD Inside Back Cover CEU/PDH Certificates
26 Strategic Thinking: A Tool-Based Approach STT Back Cover PetroAcademy
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
What Sets PetroSkills Apart? The Alliance.
Created in 2001 by BP, Shell, and OGCI, the PetroSkills Alliance provides important but not unique high quality, business-relevant,
competency-based training. Through its growing membership, the Alliance has successfully evolved into an industry-driven and approved
program that spans the value chain.
PetroSkills Solutions
Competency Maps
Industry Benchmarks. Developed with
industry-leading Alliance members.
Competency Management. Web-based software
that builds, manages, and assures competency.
Technical Reference. Online, on-demand access
to technical knowledge, documents, and articles.
Course Progression Map
Oil and Gas Processing Process Offshore Pipeline
Controls & Electrical
General Safety Instrumentation & Subsea Engineering
Gas Oil / Water Electrical
Processing & Controls
CO2 Surface
Facilities PF81
Terminals and
Storage Facilities
PL44 p.16
Process Safety
Engineering PS4
p.7 (Virtual/Blended Fundamentals of Onshore Pipeline
option coming soon) Offshore Systems: Facilities: Design,
Fundamental and Design and Construction and
Practical Aspects Electrical Instrumentation Construction Operations PL42
of Produced Water Risk Based Engineering and Controls OS4 p.17 p.16
Treating PF23 Process Safety Fundamentals for Fundamentals for
Gas Conditioning and Processing G4 p.6 (Virtual/Blended option for first week coming soon)
Overview of
Advanced Project
Management II
FPM63 p.30
Systems - Turbomachinery
Mechanical Design Monitoring and Advanced Project
and Specification Problem Analysis Management
ME46 p.13 ME62 p.13 FPM62 p.29
available in:
Production &
p. 18-19
Crude Oil Effective Environment
Pipeline Materials p. 21-24
Operations Management
OT50 p.21 SC42 p.27
p. 30-32
Gas Conditioning and Practical Computer Gas Treating and Sulfur Process Safety
Processing LNG Simulation Applications Recovery G6 Engineering PS4
Emphasis G4 LNG in Gas Processing G5
This is the LNG-industry version of our popular This full 5-day course covers sweet gas This course emphasizes process selection, This course provides an overview of process
G4 course, with expanded coverage of processing and NGL extraction, using a practical operating issues, technical safety engineering fundamentals for hydrocarbon
refrigeration and LNG technologies. The course commercial simulator to perform calculations. A fundamentals, and integration of the sweetening processing facilities, with emphasis on the
includes in-depth information on basic LNG gas basic working knowledge of the commercial facilities into the overall scheme of gas upstream oil and gas sector. The focus of this
conditioning and processing. In addition, process simulation package used (generally processing. Sulfur recovery and tail gas course is on the engineering/design aspects of
instructors will explain the LNG supply chain that UNISIM) is suggested to achieve the course processes are also covered, including standard Process Safety Management. Frequent reference
consists of four main links - natural gas learning objectives. Volumes 1 and 2 of the John Claus configurations, SuperClaus, EuroClaus, will be made to historical incidents and recurring
exploration and production, liquefaction, M. Campbell textbooks, Gas Conditioning and SCOT, etc. Special design and operation topics, problem areas. Techniques for analyzing and
shipping, receiving, and distribution. The course Processing, are the basis for the material such as trace sulfur compound handling and the mitigating process safety hazards applicable to
covers relevant details of both the mixed presented, coupled with a red thread importance of H2S:CO2 ratio, are covered as well. oil and gas processing will also be reviewed.
refrigerant (APCI) and cascade (ConocoPhillips) comprehensive exercise based on a typical gas Related topics reviewed during the course Integration of the concepts covered to achieve a
processes in LNG liquefaction. New liquefaction processing facility (can be applied to onshore or include liquid product treating, corrosion, measured approach to Process Safety
processes are addressed, such as mixed fluid offshore facilities). The exercise is developed in materials selection, and NACE requirements. Engineering is a key aim of this course as well.
cascade and dual nitrogen refrigeration cycles. stages as the material is covered. Participants Exercises and group projects will be utilized to
Versions of this course have been taught in many will develop a comprehensive process DESIGNED FOR emphasize the key learning points.
of the worlds base-load and peak-shaving LNG simulation that includes a dew point control Production and processing personnel involved
plants, such as Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, process, a mechanical refrigeration process with with natural gas treating and sulfur recovery, DES IGNED FOR
Norway, Qatar, UK, and West Indies. economizers, hydrate inhibition using MEG, and requiring an understanding of the principles of Facilities, process, and design engineers, as well
NGL liquid product stabilization with recycle. these process operations. This course is for as new safety/loss prevention engineers who
D E S IG NE D F O R facilities engineers, process engineers, require an overview of Process Safety
Personnel involved with natural gas processing NOTE: The individual exercises include operations personnel, and field supervisors, as Engineering.
and LNG production, as well as anyone condensed gas processing fundamentals drawn well as others who select, design, install,
interested in a solid technical understanding of from the internationally famous Campbell Gas evaluate, or operate gas sweetening and sulfur Y OU WILL LEARN
the principles of an LNG plant. Books Vols. 1 & 2. recovery facilities. Types of equipment and process systems
that have historically been problematic in the
YOU W IL L L E A R N DESI GN ED FOR YOU WILL LEA RN Upstream and Midstream oil and gas industry
The basics of LNG gas conditioning and Engineers that require practical in-depth training Evaluation and selection of processes to Basics of risk analysis
processing on natural gas processing and NGL recovery remove acid gases (H2S, CO2, COS, CS2, Thinking in terms of Inherently Safer Design
Selection and evaluation processes used processes, with emphasis on the use and mercaptans, etc.) from gas and NGLs Most common process hazard analysis
to dehydrate natural gas, remove heavy benefits of a simulation package. The advantages and disadvantages of available methods and where they are used
components and other contaminants, and gas treating technology and processes Layers of Protection concept - what the
extract NGLs for LNG plants How to estimate solvent circulation rates, different layers are and how they are applied
To determine the water content and hydrate
Physical/thermodynamic property correlations energy requirements, and equipment sizes Detection and mitigation methods for different
formation conditions for gas streams using
and principles, including heating values, etc. To recognize and evaluate solutions to types of hazards
both a commercial process simulator and
as applied to gas processing facilities and common operating and technical problems
hand calculation methods COURS E CONTE N T
LNG plants Sulfur recovery technologies, including an
Techniques to inhibit hydrate formation, Historical incidents and problem areas Risk
Fundamentals of propane, propane-precooled, overview of the Claus Sulfur process
including injection of equilibrium inhibitors analysis basics Process hazards analysis
mixed refrigerants, and cascade systems used How to select among the proper sulfur
such as methanol and MEG techniques - overview Layers of protection
in LNG plants recovery process given differing process
Preliminary design and evaluation of TEG Inherently safer design Hazards associated
Key points in other LNG liquefaction conditions
dehydration processes using quick hand with process fluids Leakage and dispersion of
technologies Tail gas cleanup
calculations hydrocarbon releases Combustion behavior of
How to perform and review equipment sizing
Process design used to control the COURSE CONTENT hydrocarbons Sources of ignition Hazards
for major process equipment
hydrocarbon dew point of sales gas streams Fundamentals of sour gas processing, associated with specific plant systems Plant
Solutions to operating problems and control
by removing NGLs using mechanical sweetening, etc. Overview of gas treating and layout and equipment spacing Pressure relief
issues in LNG and gas processing facilities
refrigeration processes sulfur recovery, terminology Gas specifications and disposal systems Corrosion and materials
COUR S E C O N T E N T Various techniques to optimize mechanical and process selection criteria Generic and selection Process monitoring and control
Basic gas technology principles Terminology refrigeration systems specialty amine treating Common operating Safety instrumented systems Fire protection
and nomenclature Physical properties of How to use the process simulator to evaluate and technical problems Proprietary amine principles Explosion protection
hydrocarbons Qualitative phase behavior the impact that pressure and temperature solvents, such as Sulfinol and Flexsorb
Vapor-liquid equilibrium Water-hydrocarbon changes have on the sizing of process Carbonate processes Physical absorption
system behavior, hydrates, etc. equipment and levels of NGL recovery processes, e.g. Selexol Metallurgical issues
Thermodynamics of LNG processes How to use short-cut distillation calculations (corrosion) Other technologies and new
Separation equipment Gas treatment, CO2, and to provide input to rigorous distillation developments Selective treating, acid gas
H2S removal Dehydration of natural gas (TEG simulations in order to obtain faster enrichment Solid bed and non-regenerable
and Molecular Sieve) Heat transfer and convergence treating; scavengers Liquid product treating
exchangers Pumps and compressors Which thermodynamic property correlations Sulfur recovery processes Tail gas clean-up
Refrigeration systems LNG liquefaction are appropriate for various gas processing (SCOT-type, CBA, and others) Acid gas
technologies Fractionation Other facilities systems injection Membranes Emerging and new
topics relevant to LNG Course summary and Limitations associated with commercial technologies Course workshop and summary
overview simulation packages and how the results can 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
be quickly checked for relative accuracy
DUBAI, UAE 17-21 DEC $5490
Physical properties of hydrocarbons PERTH, AUSTRALIA 27-31 MAR $6350+GST
Qualitative phase behavior Vapor-liquid
equilibrium Water-hydrocarbon equilibrium
Basic thermodynamic concepts Separation
equipment Heat transfer Pumps
Compressors Refrigeration Fractionation/ AVA ILA BL E S O O N
distillation Glycol dehydration Adsorption A S A V IRTUA L C O URS E
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 12-23 JUN $8760 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 6-10 NOV $4460 PetroAcademy
PERTH, AUSTRALIA 8-19 MAY $9720+GST HOUSTON, US 25-29 SEP $4700 LONDON, UK 25-29 SEP $5150+VAT
*plus computer charge PETROSKILLS.COM/BLENDED
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Fundamental and
Applied Water Separation Equipment - Relief and Flare
Practical Aspects
Technology in Oil and Selection and Sizing Systems PF44
of Produced Water
Gas Production PF21 PF42
Treating PF23
This course provides an overview of the main This course covers topics related to Produced This course covers the different types of This intensive course provides a comprehensive
water handling systems typically encountered in Water Treatment in upstream oil and gas separation equipment typically encountered in overview of relief and flare systems for oil and
upstream (E&P) production operations, both operations. Produced water composition and oil and gas production facilities. Fractionation gas processing facilities. The course begins with
onshore and offshore. The chemistry of the main physical properties are covered. Water quality equipment and produced water treating the need for pressure control/overpressure
water-related problems of mineral scales, requirements for various disposal methods are equipment are not covered in this course. You protection, continues with the key engineering
corrosion, bacteria, and oily water will be addressed, including onshore surface discharge, will learn where the different types of separation and design aspects including code
reviewed both from the theoretical and practical offshore discharge to sea, and reinjection for equipment are used based on operating considerations, and concludes with selecting
aspects. Produced water treatment equipment disposal or waterflood. Regulatory requirements conditions and separation performance and defining the components of a relief and flare
and typical water quality specifications will also and analytical methods used to monitor and requirements. Frequent references will be made system. The material of the course is applicable
be reviewed, as well as water injection and ensure regulatory compliance are discussed. to real production facility process flow diagrams to onshore field production facilities, pipelines,
disposal systems. An exercise will be given to Treatment technology is presented along with (PFDs). Typical operational problems and their gas plants, terminals, and offshore production
identify typical system problems and to apply the practical considerations for selecting and solutions will also be discussed. Exercises facilities.
knowledge you gained to propose solutions. operating typical water treatment equipment. requiring calculations are utilized throughout the
Emphasis will be placed on understanding and Representative process flow diagrams illustrate course as well. DES IGNED FOR
resolving operational problems in process equipment selection, design features, layout, and Engineers and senior operating personnel
Please be aware that due to overlap in content, it responsible for designing, operating, and
equipment. processes. Chemical treatment options are also
is not necessary to take the PF-42 course if you maintaining relief and flare systems in oil and
DES IG NE D F O R have already taken the PF-4 Oil Production and gas facilities.
Managers, engineers, chemists, and operators DESI GN ED FOR Processing Facilities course.
needing to understand water-related problems in Managers, engineers, chemists, and senior Y OU WILL LEARN
DESIGNED FOR Purposes of relief and flare systems and their
oil and gas production and their solutions. operations personnel responsible for designing,
Process/Facilities engineers who need skills for importance in safe operations
operating, and maintaining facilities that process
YO U W IL L L E A R N design and troubleshooting of separators. Causes of overpressure and the ways to
and manage produced water. This course will
The basics of oilfield water chemistry provide participants with an understanding of the control/mitigate
How to monitor and control corrosion, scale, technical aspects required to select, design, Defining the possible relief scenarios
Different types of separation equipment
and bacterial growth in produced water and maintain, and troubleshoot produced water Commonly used pressure relieving devices,
utilized in the oil and gas industry and where
water injection/disposal systems equipment. selection and sizing
they are used
How to implement system surveillance Determining set/relieving pressures to meet
Separation performance capabilities of the
programs to detect potential problems before YOU W I LL L EARN operational, safety, and code requirements
different types of equipment
system damage occurs How produced water compositions affect water Operational considerations of maintenance,
How to size the different types of separation
Produced (oily) water treatment options and treatment system design and performance testing, certification, and disposal of fluids
related treatment equipment How to interpret produced water analytical Designing and operating relief and
How to troubleshoot and debottleneck
How to use the knowledge gained to identify data and calculate common Scale Indices flare header systems considering fluid
separation equipment
typical system problems and be able to How emulsions form and contribute to water characteristics, service conditions, volumes,
How to calculate the wall thickness and
propose solutions treatment challenges gas dispersion, and radiation
estimate the weight of separators
How Total Suspended Solids (TSS) affects Selection and sizing other key components of
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Instrumentation and controls used on
water quality and what to do about it a relief/flare system
Water chemistry fundamentals Water sampling separation equipment
What water quality is required for surface or
and analysis Water formed scales Corrosion overboard disposal, for injection disposal, or COURS E CONTE N T
control Water treatment microbiology for beneficial use Overview of typical relief and flare systems and
Fluid properties and phase behavior Phase
Produced water discharge/disposal and The regulatory requirements for offshore water key components Codes and standards as well
separation processes Gas-liquid separation
treatment principles Produced water treating disposal and what is in an NPDES Permit as good practices typical in oil and gas facilities
equipment: slug catchers, conventional
equipment - theory of operation, advantages and What analytical methods actually measure and Safety implications and causes of
separators (horizontal and vertical), scrubbers,
disadvantages, and the importance of oil droplet how to select an appropriate method overpressure Overpressure protection
compact separators, filter separators/coalescing
size Water injection and disposal systems - How separators, clarifier tanks, CPIs, philosophy including source isolation and relief
filters Separator internals: inlet devices, mist
theory of operation, corrosion, scale, and hydrocyclones, flotation cells, and bed Determination of relief requirements and
extractors, baffles, weirs, etc. Emulsions
biological control Case study filtration work and how to improve their defining set point pressures Types,
Oil-water separation equipment: conventional
performance applications, and sizing of common relief
3-phase separators and freewater knockouts,
The most common causes of water treating devices Blow-down/depressurizing - purpose
wash tanks Oil treating and desalting
problems and how to diagnose and resolve and design/operational considerations Design
equipment: mainly electrostatic coalescers
them and specification considerations for relief valves
Liquid-liquid coalescing filters Mechanical
Typical PFDs used to illustrate operational and header systems, including fluid
design aspects: pressure vessel codes, wall
issues characteristics, services conditions, material
thickness and vessel weight estimation, material
selection, and header sizing Environmental
selection, relief requirements Operational
C OU RSE C ON T EN T considerations Radiation calculations and the
Introduction to water treatment technology and impact of flare tip design Selection and sizing
issues Produced water chemistry and of key components: knockout and seal drums,
characterization Defining and characterizing vent/flare stack, vent/flare tips, and flare ignition
emulsions that impact water quality and systems Defining need and quantity of purge
treatment Water quality requirements for gas Flare gas recovery, smokeless flaring, and
injection or surface disposal, NPDES permits, purge gas conservation Operational and
analytical methods Primary water treatment troubleshooting tips
technologies - separators, hydrocyclones, and
CPIs Secondary water treatment - induced gas
flotation Tertiary water treatment technologies
- media and membrane filtration Chemicals
and chemical treatment Diagnostic testing and
in-field observations Diagnosing and
resolving water treatment issues based on actual
field experiences
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
including the commonly used processes and
senior operating personnel responsible for the four-day session including a CO2 plant tour on
equipment involved.
design, operation and optimization of onshore Thursday, contingent on plant availability.
gas gathering systems and their associated field DESI GN ED FOR
facilities. Process/Facilities engineers with 5-10 years of Online Learning for
Engineers and senior operating personnel
experience, facilities engineering team leaders/
involved with carbon dioxide/natural gas/CO2 Operations & Maintenance
supervisors, and senior facilities operational
The impact of gathering system pressure on EOR systems.
personnel. ePilot is more than 1,200
gas well deliverability
The impact of produced fluids composition on YOU W I LL L EARN
YOU WILL LEA RN hours of technical skills and
What to expect over the life of a CO2 EOR
gathering system design and operation The difference between troubleshooting, safety training used at more
How to evaluate field facility and gathering optimization, and debottlenecking than 500 sites worldwide.
Impact of CO2 on the design and operation of
system configurations for different How to recognize trouble when it is occurring
applications How to develop a methodical approach to
oil production equipment Topics include:
Physical and thermodynamic properties Core Competency
To recognize and develop solutions to troubleshooting
of pure CO2, and the impact of CO2 in
operating problems with existing gas To recognize how different components of Electrical
hydrocarbon mixtures
gathering systems a facility interact with each other, and the
significance of these interactions
Dehydrate high CO2-content gases Gas Processing
Best practices to deal with Dense Phase
C OUR S E C O N T E N T How to gather, validate, and utilize the data
pipelines, metering, flaring etc.
Health, Environmental,
Gas well inflow performance and deliverability needed for troubleshooting
Overview of gas well deliquification methods for How to pump and compress CO2 Safety, & Security
The criteria to be considered for identifying the
low-rate, low pressure gas wells Effect of best solution when several feasible solutions
Using purification processes: membranes, Instrumentation
gathering system/abandonment pressure on Ryan-Holmes, amines, hot carbonate, etc.
are available Mechanical Maintenance
reserves recovery Impact of produced fluids Typical causes of problems, and their
composition Sweet/sour CO2 content solutions, for the main types of processes and
COURSE CONTENT Pipeline Fundamentals
Overview of CO2 injection and process facilities
Rich/lean Produced water Hydrates and equipment used in the upstream-midstream Heavy emphasis on CO2 for enhanced oil Process Operations
hydrate prevention Dehydration Heating oil and gas industry
Chemical inhibition Multiphase flow basics
recovery Physical and thermodynamic Production Operations
properties of CO2 and high CO2 mixtures Refinery Operations
Corrosion/materials selection Gathering C OU RSE C ON T EN T
Materials selection and design consideration in
system layout Wellsite/field facilities options Troubleshooting methodology fundamentals and Refinery Process Units
CO2 systems Process vessel specification
Provisions for future compression data reconciliation Gas - Liquid separators
Reciprocating compressors Amine gas
Pumps and compressors Fluid flow and Rotating & Reciprocating
special pipeline design considerations such as Equipment
sweetening Glycol dehydration units
the control of ductile fractures Dehydration of
3-phase separators Centrifugal pumps Oil Stationary Equipment
CO2 and CO2-rich gases General overview of
treating Produced water treating systems
Shell and tube heat exchangers Centrifugal
processes to treat/recover CO2 Turnaround Planning
compressors Molecular sieve dehydration
units NGL recovery processes
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA 7-11 AUG $5600+GST HOUSTON, US 3-7 APR $4150 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) For more information, visit:
HOUSTON, US 23-27 OCT $4150 LONDON, UK 14-18 AUG $4780+VAT MIDLAND, US 13-16 NOV $3875
includes field trip petroskills.com/elearning
Corrosion Management Mechanical
Piping Systems - Fundamentals of
in Production/ Specification of
Mechanical Design and Pump and Compressor
Processing Operations Pressure Vessels and
Specification ME41 Systems ME44
PF22 Heat Exchangers ME43
This course will cover the main causes of This 5-day, intermediate level course for FIELD TRIP This is an intensive 5-day course providing a
corrosion in upstream oil and gas operations, as engineers and piping system designers reviews comprehensive overview of pumps and
This 5-day, intermediate level course for facility
well as monitoring and mitigation methods. The the key areas associated with the design of compressor systems. The focus is on equipment
engineers and project engineers reviews the key
various corrosion mechanisms give rise to a piping systems for oil and gas facilities. The selection; type, unit, and station configuration;
areas associated with the mechanical design of
number of different forms of corrosion damage, course is focused on four areas: codes and and integration of these units in the process
pressure vessels and heat exchangers for oil and
which will all be considered. Participants will standards, pipe materials and manufacture, scheme and control strategy in upstream and
gas facilities. The course is focused on vessels,
estimate the corrosivity of a given environment piping components, and piping layout and midstream oil and gas facilities. The material of
heat exchangers built in accordance to ASME
through analysis of the chemical and physical design. Applicable piping codes for oil and gas the course is applicable to field production
VIII Div 1, considering material selection, key
characteristics of the system; review approaches facilities (ISO, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8, etc.), pipe facilities, pipelines, gas plants, and offshore
design calculations, and manufacturing
to selecting materials and coatings for corrosion sizing calculations, pipe installation, and systems.
processes. The course is not aimed at process
resistance for different conditions and materials selection are an integral part of the
engineers sizing equipment (PF-42 covers these DES IGNED FOR
applications (including the use of NACE course. The emphasis is on proper material
elements), although a brief review of the sizing Engineers, senior technicians, and system
MR0175/ISO 15156); and be introduced to selection and specification of piping systems.
correlations is included. The course is delivered operators designing, operating, and maintaining
cathodic protection (CP) surveys, selecting the
DESI GN ED FOR from the perspective of a vessel fabricator to pump and compressor systems in oil and gas
CP system type, estimating current requirements,
This PetroSkills training course is ideal for better understand the dos and donts of ideal facilities.
and the design principles of simple cathodic
mechanical, facilities, plant, or pipeline mechanical specification of pressurized
protection systems. The participant will learn
engineers and piping system designers who are equipment by owner/operators, in order to Y OU WILL LEARN
how to select and utilize corrosion inhibitors for
involved in the design of in-plant piping systems optimize material utilization and minimize Selecting the appropriate integrated pump
different systems, and how to select and apply
for oil and gas facilities. construction costs. The Houston session and compressors units (drivers, pumps,
corrosion monitoring techniques to create an
features an afternoon field trip to a large pressure compressors, and auxiliary systems)
integrated monitoring program. The course
YOU W I LL L EARN vessel fabricator. Integrating the pump or compressor units
content is based on a field facilities engineering
To apply piping system codes and standards with the upstream and downstream piping and
point of view, as opposed to a more narrowly- DESIGNED FOR
About line sizing and layout of piping systems process equipment
specialized corrosion engineering or chemistry Mechanical, facilities, construction, or project
in various types of facilities Evaluating pump and compressor units and
viewpoint. It provides an appropriate balance of engineers and plant piping/vessel designers who
How to specify proper components for their drivers in multiple train configurations,
necessary theory and practical applications to are involved in the specification and purchasing
process and utility applications parallel and series
solve/mitigate corrosion-related problems. of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and other
To compare alternative materials of Identifying the key local and remote control
construction pressure-containing equipment for oil and gas elements of pumps and compressors as well
The process of steelmaking, pipe facilities. as their drivers
Managers, engineers, chemists, and operators
who need to understand corrosion and its control manufacturing, and material specifications Defining the major life-cycle events, such
management in oil and gas production and Joining methods and inspection techniques as changes in flows, fluid composition, and
About ASME B&PV code and the commonly
processing. Key considerations for flare and vent systems, operating conditions that can affect equipment
used sections relevant to oil and gas
including PSV sizing selection and operating strategies
YO U W IL L L E A R N Assessing the key pump hydraulics and
C OU RSE C ON T EN T To specify correct and commonly used
The basics of corrosion chemistry compressor thermodynamics, and their effect
Piping codes and standards (ANSI/ASME, API, materials according to ASME II
The main corrosion mechanisms occurring in on selection and operations
ISO) Pipe materials and manufacturing How to design vessel shells, heads, nozzles,
oil and gas production/processing systems Identifying significant operating conditioning
Basic pipe stress analysis methods Valves and and heat exchanger details
The different types of damage caused by monitoring parameters and troubleshooting
actuators Welding and non-destructive testing How to provide accurate equipment
corrosion techniques
Line sizing basics (single-phase and specification documents and review
Materials selection for corrosion prevention
multiphase flow) Pipe and valve material documentation for code compliance COURS E CONTE N T
Some methods for conducting cathodic
selection Piping layout and design Key fabrication processes used in the Types of pumps, compressors, and drivers, and
protection (CP) surveys
Manifolds, headers, and flare/vent systems workshop and how to simplify construction their common applications and range of
Items to consider in corrosion inhibitor
Non-metallic piping systems Operations and through correct vessel specification operations Evaluation and selection of pumps
maintenance considerations of facilities and About welding processes and inspection and compressors, and their drivers for long-term
Key advantages and disadvantages of the
pipelines requirements per ASME IX efficient operations Unit and station
various corrosion monitoring methods
Where the main locations of corrosion configuration including multiple trains in series
concern occur within oil production systems, and/or parallel operations Integration with
Vessel codes and standards (ASME B&PV Code,
gas processing facilities (including amine upstream and downstream process equipment,
TEMA, API) Vessel material selection,
units), and water injection systems local and remote control systems, and facilities
corrosion mechanisms, heat treatment, and
utilities Key auxiliary systems including
basic metallurgy Essential design calculations
C OUR S E C O N T E N T monitoring equipment, heat exchangers, lube
for vessels and heat exchangers Welding
Fundamentals of corrosion theory Major and seal systems, and fuel/power systems
process overview and inspection requirements
causes of corrosion (O2, CO2, H2S, Major design, installation, operating,
Constructability and operability considerations
microbiologically influenced corrosion) Forms troubleshooting, and maintenance
Vessel integrity, evaluation, and re-purposing
of corrosion damage Materials selection considerations
of pressure-containing equipment according to
Protective coatings and linings Cathodic
protection Corrosion inhibitors Corrosion
monitoring and inspection Corrosion in gas
processing facilities Corrosion in water
injection systems Corrosion management
strategy and life-cycle costs
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
Turbomachinery Process Plant
Compressor Systems - Risk Based
Monitoring and Reliability and
Mechanical Design and Inspection REL61
Problem Analysis Maintenance Strategies
Specification ME46 ME62 REL5
This 5-day, specialized level course is for facility This 5-day course is an intensive, specialized This course is designed to teach reliability The risk-based approach requires a systematic
design engineers, operations engineers, and level program for experienced mechanical engineering skills as they apply to improving and integrated use of expertise from the different
technicians seeking an in-depth understanding equipment engineers to develop and expand process system reliability and developing disciplines that impact plant integrity. These
of centrifugal, reciprocating, and screw their capabilities in monitoring and problem maintenance strategies. You will use modern include design, materials selection, operating
compressors. This course provides basic analysis of turbomachinery. This course focuses software and analysis methods to perform parameters and scenarios, and understanding of
knowledge of compressor types and associated on defining the systems and subsystems that statistical analysis of failures and model system the current and future degradation mechanisms
auxiliary systems, mechanical design of form the turbomachinery, the potential problems performance, plus develop maintenance and and risks involved. Risk-based methodologies
equipment, operating and performance with these systems and subsystems, monitoring reengineering strategies to improve overall enable the assessment of the likelihood and
characteristics, control and monitoring systems, techniques for early detection of problems, and performance. potential consequences of equipment failures.
maintenance practices, and codes and standards. methods to analyze the monitored variables to Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) provides companies
detect potential problems or reconstruct reasons DESIGNED FOR the opportunity to prioritize their equipment for
DES IG NE D F O R for failures. Case studies are used throughout the Maintenance, engineering, and operations inspection; optimize inspection methods,
Mechanical, facilities, plant, or pipeline course. personnel involved in improving reliability, frequencies, and resources; and develop specific
engineers and technicians needing an in-depth availability, condition monitoring, and equipment inspection plans. This results in
understanding of the different types of DESI GN ED FOR maintainability of process equipment and improved safety, lower failure risk, fewer forced
compressors. Experienced mechanical or facilities engineers systems. Participants should have foundation shutdowns, and reduced operational costs.
and senior technicians needing an understanding skills in statistical analysis and reliability
YO U W IL L L E A R N of monitoring and troubleshooting techniques for equipment. DES IGNED FOR
How to apply thermodynamics to compressor turbomachinery. Inspection maintenance, production, and other
performance and operating characteristics YOU WILL LEA RN plant engineers and technicians responsible for
How to size, specify, and select compressors YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO Improving reliability in new facilities/systems the safe on-going operation of pressure-
Compressor auxiliary systems Evaluate turbine performance during startup Reliability design for maintainability containing equipment in oil and gas facilities.
Series and parallel application of compressors and operation Developing initial maintenance strategies
How to integrate compressor systems into Identify turbomachinery system components Virtual equipment walk-down; criticality using Y OU WILL LEARN
process facilities used in the oil and gas Define and use appropriate monitoring simulation and modeling; developing baseline To apply fundamental principles of risk
industry techniques and tools condition monitoring programs; developing analysis, using practical application through
How to use state-of-the-art monitor and Utilize effective operation and shutdown lubrication programs; and developing case histories and a step-by-step evaluation
control devices in the operation, maintenance, procedures process-specific maintenance strategies with process for each type of damage mechanism
and troubleshooting of compression systems Analyze common turbomachinery problems, reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) To quantitatively determine probability
How to apply maintenance practices to such as vibration, temp/pressure operation, Improving reliability in existing facilities/ of failure of pressure equipment, analyze
improve compressor reliability and surge systems consequences of failure, and develop an
Shop and field performance testing Solve instrumentation and control problems Analyzing process reliability plots to appropriate inspection plan
Compressor economics including OPEX vs. Understand the inter-relationships of drivers, determine the amount of opportunity About the fundamental principles of
CAPEX considerations couplings, gearboxes, and driven equipment Continuous improvement through failure component integrity, application of the API
Evaluate installation techniques, equipment reporting, analysis, and corrective action rules, material properties of strength and
C OUR S E C O N T E N T failures, and different maintenance practices systems (FRACAS) toughness, and the introduction to stress and
Types and application of compressors Evaluate economic considerations Developing policies and procedures; fracture mechanics
Selection criteria of dynamic and positive developing failure reporting codes; statistical How to assess the integrity of equipment and
displacement compressors Compressor C OU RSE C ON T EN T analysis of failures using Weibull; and make projections about remaining useful life
thermodynamics and operating characteristics Gas turbine machinery - general description developing root cause analysis (RCA) Assessment of existing static equipment to
Performance curves and off-design evaluations Operating principles of gas turbines Key programs (triggers for RCA and analyzing increase the equipment capacity and to extend
Key compressor components and other performance variables and means to monitor recommendations) service life; API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
auxiliary systems Equipment specifications Major components of axial flow compressors: Developing maintenance strategies with To apply and use API RP 580 and API RP
Compressor controls and monitoring devices rotors, blades, shafts, combustion chambers, condition monitoring 581 recommended practices; for pressurized
Driver and gear involvement Installation, nozzles, etc. Auxiliary systems: lube oil, seal Identifying applicable condition monitoring components (e.g. pressure vessels and
operation, maintenance practices, and oil, fuel, start-up, etc. Evaluation of turbine methods; using criticality to determine level piping), these assessments can be used
troubleshooting Economic considerations performance parameters during start-up and of condition monitoring application; and to determine optimum inspection intervals
normal operation Troubleshooting control reporting asset health through the considered application of ASME
systems for gas turbines: start-up, speed and Developing maintenance strategies with RCM section V NDE techniques
temperature controls, vibration Principles of Developing policies and procedures;
operation and general components of identifying systems for analysis; analyzing COURS E CONTE N T
compressors: rotors, seals, diaphragms, etc. recommendations with simulation RBI philosophy based on API RP 580 Risk-
Operating characteristics curves Surging and modeling; and implementing based decision making fundamentals and tools
phenomenon Choking phenomenon recommendations Technical integrity and mechanical properties
Compressor instrumentation: various control Monitoring results of pressure equipment Understanding and
loops, anti-surge control loops Compressor Understanding the true purpose of key managing risk Fires, vapor cloud explosions
safety interlock and trip systems Gas turbine performance indicators (KPIs) (VCE), and boiling liquid expanding vapor
and compressor systems start-up procedures Developing appropriate reliability and explosions (BLEVE) API risk-based inspection
Normal operation - monitoring of parameters maintainability KPIs methodology Damage mechanisms affecting
Shutdown procedures Logging of monitoring pressure equipment in the oil and gas industry
checks Vibration monitoring COURSE CONTENT Non-destructive examination techniques (NDE
Troubleshooting Criticality analysis Availability simulation and and NDT) API RP 581 Part 1, Part 2, and Part
modeling Statistical analysis of failures using 3 Fitness for service assessments using API
Weibull Maintenance strategy development; 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Inspection plan
condition monitoring; reliability-centered development and implementation RBI rollout
maintenance; and essential care Process and management
reliability analysis Root cause analysis
Failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action
systems Key performance indicators
Reliability definitions
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 18-22 SEP $4150 See website for dates and locations HOUSTON, US 15-19 MAY $4150 See website for dates and locations
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Instrumentation, Instrumentation and
Electrical Engineering
Controls and Electrical Controls Fundamentals
Si rece con
Fundamentals for
to able
gn iv te
Systems for Facilities for Facilities Engineers
up e nt
Facilities Engineers E3
Engineers ICE21 IC3
Technical This foundation-level course provides an This course applies fundamental electrical This course applies fundamental instrumentation
overview of electrical systems, instrumentation, engineering principles to oil and gas facilities. and control engineering principles to oil and gas
process control, and control/safety systems The course is designed for Facilities Engineers facilities design and operation, and is designed
typically encountered in oil and gas facilities, who interface with electrical systems, and to accelerate the development of new facilities
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
PLC and SCADA Valve and Actuator Flow and Level Custody Practical PID Control
Technologies IC71 Technologies IC72 Measurement IC73 and Loop Tuning IC74
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 11-15 SEP $4150 HOUSTON, US 18-22 SEP $4150 HOUSTON, US 27 NOV-1 DEC $4150 HOUSTON, US 4-8 DEC $4150
*plus computer charge
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Onshore Pipeline
Pipeline Systems Offshore Pipeline Terminals and Storage
Facilities - Design,
Overview PL22 Design and Facilities PL44
Construction and
Construction PL43
Operations PL42
This course that provides awareness level This intensive five-day foundation level course Successful onshore pipeline businesses require This 5-day, foundation level course reviews key
training for engineers new to the hazardous covers the principal aspects of design, personnel competent in fully integrated issues associated with development, design,
liquid and gas pipeline industry. The topics construction, and operations of offshore pipeline approaches to evaluation, planning, design, construction, and operation of terminals and
include the technical and economic basis for systems. The course focuses on pipeline construction, operations, and asset integrity storage facilities for liquid hydrocarbons and
pipeline systems; the key facilities that connect mechanical, strength, and stability design, and management. This intensive, 5-day foundation NGLs. The course focuses on six areas: 1)
pipelines to the other elements of the construction. Special challenges, such as level course explores best practices for terminal codes and siting constraints, 2) terminal
hydrocarbon value chain; regulatory and shoreline crossings, foreign pipeline crossings, developing and maintaining pipeline systems design and equipment layout, 3) types of storage
environmental compliance issues; key repair methods, flow assurance, corrosion and that maximize life cycle reliability; employee, and selection criteria, 4) design considerations
considerations for public and governmental cathodic protection are an integral part of this public, and environmental safety; and cost for loading racks, fire protection, vapor recovery,
interaction; project development and course. Participants will acquire the essential effectiveness. Design and operating exercises are blending equipment, and water treatment, 5)
construction challenges; and the strategies for knowledge and skills to design, construct, and an integral part of this course. detailed design of storage tanks, vessels, and
safe and efficient pipeline system operations, operate pipelines. Design problems and team caverns, and 6) operations and maintenance.
maintenance, and asset integrity. Case studies projects are part of this course. DESIGNED FOR Safety, quality control, system reliability,
are an integral part of this course. Pipeline project managers and engineers, availability, and regulatory compliance are
DESI GN ED FOR operations and maintenance supervisors, integrated throughout the course. Case studies
DES IG NE D F O R Engineers, designers and operators who are regulatory compliance personnel, and other and exercises are used to reinforce key points.
Recent graduate engineers involved in mid- actively involved in the design, specification, technical professionals with 1-3 years of
stream activities of pipeline and terminal design, construction, and operation of offshore pipeline experience in natural gas, crude oil, refined DES IGNED FOR
construction, and operations. It also provides systems. petroleum products, LPGs, NGL, chemical, Project managers, engineers, operations and
effective grounding for upstream and carbon dioxide pipeline engineering, maintenance supervisors, and regulatory
downstream managers, business development, YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO construction, operations, or maintenance. This compliance personnel with 1-3 years of
legal, human resources, finance, land Apply mechanical, strength, and physical course is intended for participants needing a experience in planning, engineering,
acquisition, and public relations professionals, principles to pipeline design, material broad understanding of the planning, constructing and/or operating terminals and
as well as independent investors interested in a selection, construction, and operation development, construction, start-up, and storage facilities for hydrocarbon liquids, NGLs,
general technically oriented overview of pipeline Describe the key construction methods operating and asset integrity management of and petrochemical feedstocks. This course is for
systems. For pipeline and terminal engineering, Define the importance of environmental onshore pipelines. participants needing a foundation level
and operations supervision and management conditions, construction methods, and understanding of the planning, engineering,
personnel with 1-3 years of direct experience pipeline system hydraulics in design, YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO construction, operations, and maintenance of
interested in taking the next step in advancing installation, and operations of offshore Apply regulatory codes, standards, and storage and terminals connected to pipelines,
their breadth of the knowledge, we refer you to pipeline systems industry guidelines (API and others) that rail, barges/tankers and/or truck loading
PL42, Onshore Pipelines and/or PL44, Terminal Identify special design and construction control and guide the permitting, design, facilities.
Design, Construction and Operations. challenges of offshore pipeline systems construction, operation, and maintenance of
Incorporate construction methods into the pipeline facilities Y OU WILL LEARN
YO U W IL L L E A R N design of a pipeline system Apply mechanical and physical principles Storage and terminals basics for hydrocarbon
Basic concepts of liquid and gas pipeline Identify the principal interfaces of pipeline to pipeline design, hydraulics, and material liquids, NGLs, and petrochemical feedstocks
economics facilities, such as platforms, floating selection Design and operation of atmospheric tanks
Pipeline design overview production systems, sub-sea wellheads, and Describe the importance of route selection, and pressurized bullets and spheres
Construction methods and challenges SPMs on design, construction, and operations hydraulics, and pipeline infrastructure for long Fundamentals of underground storage (salt
Essential operations of offshore pipeline systems term profitability, reliability, and safety and rock caverns)
Asset integrity management Identify offshore safety and environmental Identify special design and construction Safety, product quality, and reliability/
Regulatory and code compliance requirements practices and their effect on design, challenges of onshore pipeline systems availability concerns
construction, and operations Identify the principle interfaces and potential
C OUR S E C O N T E N T interrelationships of pipeline facilities, such as COURS E CONTE N T
The business model and value-added premise of C OU RSE C ON T EN T pump stations and terminals, on design and Sizing criteria and economics for storage and
pipelines and their role in the overall energy Overview of oil and gas transportation systems operations terminal facilities Various storage types
value chain The advantages and limitation of Review pipeline hydraulics, focusing on those Apply operational and maintenance tools and (atmospheric storage tanks, pressure vessels,
pipelines, and the scope and general structure of aspects that affect design, construction, and procedures to pipeline systems, including salt or rock caverns) and appropriate
the industry The key components and facilities operations Pipeline systems definition, survey, system monitoring and control, leak detection, applications Terminal and tank farm layout
that are integrated into pipeline systems How and route selection Safety, environmental, and custody measurement and quality control, constraints Details of industry codes and
to recognize regulatory codes and industry regulatory considerations, focusing on Codes asset integrity management, efficient and standards, plus regulatory and environmental
guidelines (API and others) that control the and Standards related to pipelines Pipeline safe operations, and emergency response compliance Selection of equipment for
permitting, design, construction, operations, and conceptual and mechanical design for strength, capability delivery and receipt to/from pipelines, barges
maintenance of pipeline facilities The steps stability and installation Pipeline construction and ships, trucks, and rail, including metering
from concept to operating system to for offshore systems and the interrelationships COURSE CONTENT options, loading arms, pumps, and control
abandonment - design, permitting, land with design and material selection Pipeline Regulations and code compliance requirements systems Blending options and equipment,
acquisition, construction, and startup - with each materials and components selection including Pipeline survey and routing Proper system VRU/VCU, water treating, and fire protection
tied to the key issues for project and operations line pipe, corrosion and cathodic protection, and sizing and design Equipment selection criteria Key factors affecting safety, product quality,
management The strategic operational and coatings Specialized equipment and materials Facilities sites and design concern system reliability, and profitability in design,
maintenance needs and options for pipeline for integrating with subsea wellhead/manifold Construction methods and contracting construction, and operations Atmospheric
systems, including system monitoring and systems, side taps, insulation, and pipe-in-pipe approaches Operation and asset integrity storage tank design, layout, construction,
control, leak detection, measurement and quality will be reviewed Special design and management, including Pipeline Safety corrosion prevention, and operations covering
control, asset integrity management, efficient and construction considerations for risers and Management initiative (API 1173) API 650 and API 653 Overview of pressure
safe operations, and emergency response umbilicals, foreign pipeline crossings, single vessel and sphere design and construction
capability point moorings, and shore approaches Design, development, and operation of
Introduction to flow assurance considerations underground cavern storage facilities
and pipeline integrity aspects including in-line
inspection, leak detection and emergency
planning considerations Pipeline operations,
maintenance and repair considerations and their
impact on design and material selection
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
See website for dates and locations See website for dates and locations HOUSTON, US 1-5 MAY $4150 HOUSTON, US 30 OCT-3 NOV $4150
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
Fundamentals of
Overview of Offshore Overview of Subsea Flow Assurance for
Offshore Systems
Systems OS21 Systems SS2 Offshore Production
Design and
Construction OS4
This five-day course will accelerate the learning An overview of subsea components and how This 10-day course provides a fundamental Flow assurance is a critical component in the
and productivity of individuals with little to no they are integrated into field architecture is understanding of the technology and work design and operation of offshore production
experience working in the offshore oil and gas provided during this five-day course. Individuals processes used for the design and construction facilities. This is particularly true as the industry
industry. The course provides an overview of will develop a basic understanding of the various of all types of offshore systems, including goes to deeper water, longer tiebacks, deeper
field development concepts and explains how subsea components used in all water depths, consideration of asset development, surveillance, wells, and higher temperature and pressure
offshore structures and facilities function as from relatively shallow to ultra-deepwater. The and management. The content includes the full reservoirs. Although gas hydrate issues
integrated systems. The content includes the full participants will all learn how the components range of water depths from shallow water to dominate the thermohydraulic design, waxes,
range of water depths from shallow water to are integrated into subsea field developments, ultra-deepwater and will also address life-cycle asphaltenes, emulsions, scale, corrosion,
ultra-deepwater. All major components required which will accelerate learning and productivity. considerations in all phases of offshore field erosion, solids transport, slugging, and
for offshore developments such as fixed and Installation and flow assurance are emphasized development and operation. All major operability are all important issues which require
floating platforms, drilling and workover rigs, as key drivers in subsea design. The course components required for offshore developments, considerable effort. The participant will be
pipelines, risers, process and utilities and emphasizes a systems approach to design. such as fixed and floating platforms, drilling rigs, presented with sufficient theory/correlation
construction equipment are discussed. The Individual and group exercises are used workover equipment, pipelines, risers, process, information to be able to understand the basis for
importance of life-cycle considerations during throughout the course, including a case study to and utilities and construction equipment are the applications. This intensive five-day course
development planning is emphasized. Individual develop field architecture recommendations, discussed. Emphasis is placed on the multi- has considerable time devoted to application and
and group exercises, including a case study, are basic component selection, and high level discipline team approach needed to manage the design exercises to ensure the practical
used throughout the course. The course project execution plans for a subsea myriad interfaces of offshore facility design, applications are learned.
instructors are experienced offshore managers. development. Course instructors are experienced construction, and operations. Individual and
offshore managers. group exercises are used throughout the course. DES IGNED FOR
DES IG NE D F O R A case study for an offshore project development Engineers, operators, and technical managers
Technical staff, business professionals, DESI GN ED FOR is included. who are responsible for offshore completions,
technicians, analysts and other non-technical Technical staff who are beginning or transitioning production, and development; technical staff
staff who are involved but have limited into the design, construction, and operation of DESIGNED FOR needing a foundation in principals, challenges,
experience, or will be involved, with offshore oil subsea systems. Non-technical staff working Individuals with a basic awareness of or and solutions for offshore flow assurance. The
and gas facilities. The course provides a basic with a subsea development team will benefit by experience in offshore engineering and course is also appropriate for persons involved
understanding of offshore systems in all water developing an awareness of subsea systems. operations. Technical staff, project engineers, in produced fluids flow in onshore production
depths, from shallow to ultra-deepwater, engineering discipline leads, engineering operations.
including design, construction, and operations. YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO specialists, and operating staff find this course
Recognize the integrated nature of field accelerates their capability to contribute on Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO architecture, system design, and component offshore field development planning, design, and Identify the components of a complete flow
Identify the key steps in the development selection construction projects and field operations. assurance study and understand how they
of offshore fields from discovery through Identify appropriate applications for subsea relate to the production system design and
decommissioning systems YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO operation
Understand the elements of field architecture Identify the main subsea components, Identify the key facilities parameters that must Interpret and use sampling and laboratory
to define a workable field development their functions, strengths, weaknesses, and be evaluated for field development testing results of reservoir fluids relative to
Recognize key stakeholder issues interfaces from the well to the production Recognize the best applications and flow assurance
Recognize offshore production facilities and facility characteristics of each type of offshore fixed Understand the basic properties of reservoir
structures, fixed and floating. Understand key design, construction, and and floating structure fluids and how they are modeled for the
Understand the impact of the ocean installation issues Account for the effects of the ocean production flowline system
environment on facilities design and Describe basic operating and maintenance environment on facilities design, construction, Understand the thermohydraulic modeling of
operations considerations and operations steady state and transient multiphase flow in
Identify major design, construction, and Understand the key steps, from drilling Identify the impact space, loads and forces offshore production systems
operational issues and interfaces of offshore through startup, for the design, fabrication, have on the structural design and global Evaluate and compare mitigation and
systems testing, installation, and operation performance of offshore structures and how remediation techniques for: gas hydrates,
Recognize important forces on offshore Understand the importance of an integrated they influence their cost paraffin (waxes), asphaltenes, emulsions,
structures and their influence on design and approach to design, flow assurance, Describe the impact topside facilities (drilling, scale, corrosion, erosion and solids transport,
cost installation, and life-cycle considerations well servicing, processing, and utilities) affect and slugging
Understand strategic options for well drilling the structural design and how the topside Understand the elements of an operability
(construction) and servicing C OU RSE C ON T EN T design process is done report for subsea production facilities,
Appreciate the basic processes and equipment Applications for subsea systems Flow Recognize and manage key design and flowlines, and export flowlines
involved in the topsides design and operation assurance considerations in system design and operational interfaces between the major
Understand fluid transportation options and configuration Field architecture considerations components of offshore facilities systems COURS E CONTE N T
equipment Subsea component descriptions and functions Understand and apply the key design, Overview of flow assurance PVT analysis and
Recognize the marine equipment used in the Fabrication, testing, installation, construction, and installation issues fluid properties Steady state and transient
construction of offshore facilities commissioning, and operational issues associated with fixed and floating platforms multiphase flow modeling Hydrate, paraffin,
Understand basic issues in life-cycle and Production, maintenance, and repair to your work and asphaltene control Basics of scale,
decommissioning decisions considerations corrosion, erosion, and sand control Fluid
Appreciate advances in offshore technology COURSE CONTENT property and phase behavior modeling
Offshore systems overview and field architecture Equations of state Fugacity and equilibrium
C OUR S E C O N T E N T selection Well construction and servicing Viscosities of oils Thermal modeling
Field development concepts, fixed and floating equipment and operation Flow assurance Multiphase pressure boosting Slugging:
Subsea systems Wells, construction and Topside facilities Oil and gas transportation hydrodynamic, terrain induced, and ramp up
servicing Topsides facilities; processing; facilities Riser systems Subsea systems Commissioning, start-up, and shutdown
utilities Oil and gas transportation systems, Production operations Infrastructure impact on operations
design and installation Production operations design and operations Effects of the ocean
Offshore construction; equipment environment Introduction to naval architecture
Fabrication; transportation; integration; Structural design processes and tools
installation project management Life-cycle Construction plans and execution Project
considerations, including decommissioning management lessons learned Life-cycle and
decommissioning considerations
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
COVINGTON, US 2-6 OCT $4110 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) ABERDEEN, UK 7-11 AUG $4770+VAT
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) HOUSTON, US 3-7 APR $4150 HOUSTON, US 14-25 AUG $7615 HOUSTON, US 13-17 MAR $4140
HOUSTON, US 24-28 JUL $4150 LONDON, UK 11-15 DEC $4780+VAT LONDON, UK 11-22 SEP $8270+VAT KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 4-8 DEC $4935
LONDON, UK 19-23 JUN $4780+VAT SINGAPORE, SGP 14-18 AUG $5460 SINGAPORE, SGP 30 OCT-10 NOV $7960 LONDON, UK 15-19 MAY $4770+VAT
*plus computer charge
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Production Operations 1 PO1 Surface Production Production Technology
Operations PO3 for Other Disciplines
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
10 APR-14 JUL $7080 DUBAI, UAE 3-7 DEC $4990
7 AUG-3 NOV $7080 HOUSTON, US 22-26 MAY $3940
16-20 OCT $3940
O&M 19
Surface Water
Gas Production Oil and Gas Processing LNG Facilities for
Management in
Engineering GPO Facilities for Operations Operations and
and Maintenance OT1 Maintenance OT43
Resource Plays SWM
Learn the latest methods for calculating gas well Water management in unconventional resource This course will provide the basic knowledge This is a 5-day, LNG-industry version of our
performance from reservoir to sales. Reservoir plays has become a critical topic to the oil and required for understanding processes and popular OT-1 Gas Production/Processing for
performance covers the fundamentals of gas industry in the last decade. In order to operating issues common to gas processing Operations and Maintenance course, with
reservoir gas flow and details the best methods establish and implement an optimized water facilities. Course content is customizable to expanded coverage on refrigeration, liquefaction,
for testing wells, according to the time and management plan for hydraulic fracturing client needs. and utilities. The course includes in-depth
money available. Reserve calculations and operations, operators and service companies information on basic LNG mixed refrigerant
diagnostic testing from production data are need an understanding of a broad array of DESIGNED FOR processing. Instructors will explain contaminant
covered. The importance of flow regime and subjects, including water chemistry, systems Facility operators who require a working removal processes employed in LNG processes.
non-Darcy flow on test design and interpretation modeling, water treatment technology, the knowledge of the various processes used in Relevant details of the APCI LNG liquefaction
is emphasized for new wells and for the regulatory landscape, and best practices for field production fluid conditioning and processing, processes are described. Class exercises/
possibility of improving the performance of older operations. This course first establishes a including the common operational difficulties problems focus on application of theory to
wells. Also discussed are performances of tight foundation of knowledge regarding water that may arise and operational tactics used to operational trends, so operators can understand
formations, horizontal wells, fractured wells, and awareness, water chemistry, fluid dynamics, and resolve them. Also suitable for maintenance their processes and become proficient at
methods for estimating gas reserves. Participants water analysis tools. Upon this foundation the technicians, supervisors, and managers, as well identifying issues and troubleshooting problems
will learn to calculate and determine the effect of course will build a model for optimizing water as other non-engineering personnel who would before production suffers. Course content is
each system component on total well management in support of hydraulic fracturing benefit in an understanding of gas processing customizable to client needs.
performance, which permits optimum sizing of operations, providing reviews of best practices techniques that can be applied in their daily work
tubing, flowlines, separators, and compressors. and the latest industry technology, while always activities. DES IGNED FOR
Problem-solving sessions allow participants to considering key stakeholders. This course is LNG facility operators who require a working
YOU WILL LEA RN knowledge of the various processes used in
evaluate field problems. Participants receive designed for the practitioner; for the people who
About the effects of produced fluid (OGW) production fluid conditioning and processing,
complimentary software at the end of the course. will design and implement all or part of a water
compositions on facility design and operation including the common operational difficulties
management plan in unconventional resource
DES IG NE D F O R About various separation and conditioning that may arise and operational tactics used to
Production, reservoir and facilities engineers, processes for meeting specifications on oil, resolve them. Also suitable for maintenance
and others involved in gas production, DESI GN ED FOR gas, and produced water streams technicians, supervisors, and managers, as well
transportation, and storage including field Production, completion, operations, and surface Refrigeration 4-cycle process and application as other non-engineering personnel who would
supervisors. facilities engineers; operations managers, of economizers to the refrigeration process benefit from an understanding of gas processing
logistics coordinators, field superintendents; any To understand how to operate facilities so as techniques that can be applied in their daily work
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO personnel involved in establishing, improving, to minimize processing costs activities.
Apply proven techniques to field problems or supervising the implementation of an How to apply course material to
which increase profitability organizations water management plan; personnel troubleshooting gas conditioning and process Y OU WILL LEARN
Calculate gas well performance from the in service organizations seeking a more anomalies Basic chemistry and physical principles
reservoir to the sales line thorough understanding of the water system in related to hydrocarbons
Optimize gas well production unconventional resource plays. COURSE CONTENT Fundamentals of gas processing and
Relate reservoir and well performance to time Basic chemistry and physical principles related conditioning for the LNG industry
Predict when a well will die due to liquid YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO to hydrocarbons Quick overview of gas Important specifications for gas, LNG, NGLs,
loading Design and implement a water management processing Phase behavior fundamentals and condensate
plan for an unconventional resource play Mass transfer operations Amine gas Phase behavior fundamentals
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Assess the regional hydrological cycle in the sweetening Water-hydrocarbon behavior, Practical thermodynamics: mass and energy
Gas properties: real gas behavior equations of operational area including hydrate formation TEG gas balances
state, impurities, mixtures, phase behavior dew Adopt emerging best practices regarding water dehydration Solid bed adsorbers Important topics of H2S and CO2 removal
point, retrograde behavior, flash calculations; management? Mechanical refrigeration Gas expansion NGL before liquefaction
classifying gas reservoirs Reservoir Establish a water sampling and analysis recovery (turbo expanders and Joule-Thompson Processes used to sweeten and dehydrate
performance: gas well testing flow after flow, program effect) NGL stabilization and fractionation produced fluids
isochronal, stabilized inflow performance; Design and run a water treatment technology Claus sulfur recovery Specific to Geographical Mechanical refrigeration principles
turbulence and skin effects; perforation effects; pilot test Regions: Stavanger/Aberdeen - Typical North Other contaminants in LNG feed-gas
tight well analysis; horizontal wells; hydraulically Find the lowest cost solution for sourcing fluid Sea oil and gas producing operations, produced NGL stabilization and fractionation
fractured wells Reserve calculations: P/Z plots, for hydraulic fracturing operations water treating, seawater treating, and other Introduction to APCI LNG process
energy plots, water influx, abnormal pressure Select a water treatment technology for a offshore topics of general interest Brisbane -
effects; diagnostic testing based on production project Gas processing and introduction to liquefied COURS E CONTE N T
data Flow in pipes and restrictions: pressure Manage the primary service/equipment natural gas (LNG) processes Midland - Gas Basic chemistry and physical principles related
loss tubing, flowlines, chokes, safety valves; providers critical to water management conditioning and processing, sour gas treating, to hydrocarbons Introduction to LNG facilities
effects of liquids-liquid loading, liquid removal Establish basic water quality requirements and sulfur recovery Pittsburgh - Mechanical Phase behavior fundamentals Mechanical
methods, multiphase flow correlations; erosional necessary for frac fluid refrigeration principles and equipment, NGL refrigeration Production separators and oil
velocity Compression: types of compressors; Build a water management plan that complies fractionation, and cryogenic NGL recovery dehydration Mass transfer operations Amine
compressor selection reciprocating and with regulations sweetening Water-hydrocarbon behavior
centrifugal; effects of variables; capacity and Build a water management cost model to use Solid bed adsorbers Gas expansion NGL
horsepower Total system analysis: tubing and as a tool to optimize a water management plan recovery Fractionation fundamentals Basic
flowline size effects; perforating effects; relating LNG mixed refrigerant process
deliverability to time; evaluating compressor C OU RSE C ON T EN T
installations; analyzing injection wells Flow Global water awareness and the oil and gas
measuring: orifice metering design, accuracy, industrys impact Flowback and produced fluid
troubleshooting; other metering methods Basic water chemistry focused on oilfield
Condensate reservoirs: reservoir types - wet gas, concerns Water quality considerations for
retrograde; reserve estimates, laboratory hydraulic fracturing operations Water
simulation; gas cycling Field operations sampling and analysis, in the field and in the lab
problems: interpreting P/Z plots; hydrate Water treatment for reuse and recycling
formation programs Acquisition, storage, transportation,
disposal, and treatment of water Holistic field
water management Regulations applicable to
water management Water management system
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) cost modeling
CALGARY, CAN 20-24 NOV $4125+GST
HOUSTON, US 12-16 JUN $4165
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 7-11 AUG $4960 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
LONDON, UK 11-15 SEP $4795+VAT HOUSTON, US 6-8 NOV $3075 MIDLAND, US 6-10 NOV $3820 HOUSTON, US 27 NOV-1 DEC $3880
*plus computer charge
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Applied Maintenance Maintenance Planning
Management OM21 and Work Control
industry standard competency map for order to improve facility asset management, each
Maintenance Management. participant will develop an action plan to help
their organizations in the long-term effort to
DESIGNED FOR become more efficient and safe.
Maintenance supervisors, team leaders, or
Operations &
managers needing to improve their maintenance DES IGNED FOR
programs. This course is a broad survey of Maintenance managers, superintendents,
essential aspects of maintaining a safe, efficient, supervisors, team leaders, and planners engaged
and reliable facility asset. in work management, planning, and scheduling.
Key performance indicators for your To employ business process analysis
dashboard techniques in work control
Essential elements of work planning and How to use a gap analysis on your work
scheduling management system
Optimization of preventive and predictive Step-by-step work control from identification
maintenance through using work history
To focus your resources on critical equipment Optimization of preventive and condition-
How to work with contractors more effectively monitoring activities
Development of organizational competence Techniques: critical equipment analysis,
Crude Oil Pipeline Operations OT50 critical spares control, and emergency
COURSE CONTENT response work
World class standards Maintenance strategies
An intensive 5-day course utilizes case studies and Planning and scheduling Optimizing COURS E CONTE N T
industry best practices for operating and maintaining preventative and predictive maintenance Work identification Planning prioritization
onshore crude oil and liquid pipeline systems that Identifying critical equipment Utilizing your Scheduling execution History records
CMMS Supplier certification Developing Optimizing preventive maintenance Predictive
maximize life cycle reliability; employee, public, organizational competence Presenting your maintenance planning Critical equipment
and environmental safety; and operational cost action plan focus Emergency response
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Applied HSE Applied Safety HS20 Contractor Safety
PLANNING A Management HS28 Management HS46
of knowledge development sessions, individual JSA, HAZOP, fault, and event tree analysis. We the supply chain is essential for competently
and team exercises, problem-solving, and sector use a rich blend of exercises, problem-solving, managing health and safety in a facility or
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
Lead Auditor for Health
Fundamentals of Risk Based Process
and Safety (IOSH) and
Process Safety PS2 Safety Management
Environment (IEMA)
The course will cover the fundamentals of This course introduces process safety This auditor training course is uniquely approved
Process Safety for all staff levels of processing management in the oil and gas industry, the by IEMA and IOSH for developing integrated
facilities in the upstream and downstream oil, elements and benefits of process safety management systems auditors for ISO 14001
gas, and petro chemical industry. To identify how management systems, and tools for and OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001. It is recognized
different disciplines and roles can have an implementing and managing a system. In this by IEMA (and others) for accreditation as a lead
impact on Process Safety performance, there is a course the participant will learn to use tools and auditor, after suitable practical experience.
rolling case study (Project COLEX) throughout techniques for managing process safety. The Participants work in teams of internal auditors to
the course that involves the installation of a Center for Chemical Process Safetys (CCPS) appraise the HSE-MS of Petros Barola Ltd, a
separator vessel, and the Process Safety book titled Guidelines for Risk Based Process fictitious but highly-realistic case study based on
considerations and implications are explored Safety or RBPS Guidelines will be the text for the distribution department of an integrated oil How can you
and discussed at the various stages, from design
to full operation.
this course. Participant centered exercises and
selected case studies will be used to build on the
company located on the island of Barola. Each
audit team is led by an experienced lead auditor,
reduce health,
concepts that CCPS advocates for risk based through each stage of a 5-day audit in real time. safety, security and
process safety. The audit includes an opening meeting, live
The course will benefit all staff associated with
Throughout the course, participants will be interviews, corporate documents and test results. environment risks?
the operation, maintenance, and governance in The class concludes with a presentation of the
production and processing facilities and is challenged to think how their process safety
management system can be enhanced and audit report to senior management. The class is
relevant to roles, including senior management, firmly based in the principles of corporate
project and engineering support teams, HSE modified to meet the concepts of risk-based
decision making. An individual action plan will responsibility for risk management and business
support, supervisors, and operator and control, and the theory and practice of modern
maintenance technicians. It provides an be developed to apply the information from the
course to the workplace. risk-based auditing. The book HSEQ Audits - A
understanding of the design basis and essentials Risk-based Approach by Stephen Asbury is
for safe operations, without addressing the more DESI GN ED FOR included for all participants.
detailed calculation aspects covered in Process HSE professionals, operations and maintenance
Safety Engineering PS4. technicians, engineers, supervisors and project DESIGNED FOR ONLINE HSSE LIBRARY
managers requiring a basic foundation in HSE professionals, line managers and
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO supervisors; aspiring and experienced auditors.
Identify the systems and processes required developing and managing process safety. The
more technical aspects of process safety The class has proven extremely beneficial for Types of Respirators
to create process safety in a high hazard those preparing for secondment to an audit team.
installation engineering are covered in PS4, Process Safety
Identify and choose appropriate techniques Engineering. YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
and tools to qualitatively assess process Lead/participate effectively in an audit or
hazards review in line with the standards of the
ntify processes applicable to Process Safety
Determine appropriate risk reduction auditing profession, including ISO 19011
Management (PSM) and describe relevant
strategies and identify effective risk reduction Relate audit to the essential principles of
terms used
measures to prevent, control, and mitigate corporate governance, risk management,
Identify which standards are to be applied for
process safety risk business control and management system
managing process hazards
Recognize and develop systems to manage standards
Apply programs and tools for managing a
Process Safety in operations through Add value for senior management from the
PSM system
operating procedures and operating limits, auditing process PetroSkills ePilot HSSE
Choose appropriate decision making methods
ensuring plant integrity through maintenance Apply the skills necessary to conduct an
and inspection
and tools to identify process hazards
effective HS/E audit, including: Library can help you:
Describe and use techniques available for
Use a management of change process to Familiarizing with the auditees business
minimize risk of change
control of hazards associated with process
environment and objectives Identify knowledge
Identify and monitor key performance Describe the criteria and methods of selecting
Developing a risk-based work plan gaps quickly and
measures and verifications to maintain and Effective interviewing, reviewing and testing generate pathways to
equipment and safe guarding controls
improve safety performance techniques
Research and apply the performance proficiency
Recording, analyzing and assessing audit
C OUR S E C O N T E N T parameters for the safety systems in
Business context for Process Safety Risk operations
Evaluating the auditees HS/E-MS Achieve compliance
assessment [hazard identification, hazard Explain the role of all disciplines and their
contribution to the management of potential
Summarizing, presenting and reporting at goals with compliance-
scenarios, consequence and likelihood analysis, high level the audit results to management
and risk analysis and tools and techniques] HSE hazards focused management
Risk reduction measures (barriers) [types and C OU RSE C ON T EN T
COURSE CONTENT and reporting
hierarchy of risk reduction measures (barriers)] Risk management and business control
Process safety culture and competency
Management of process safety in operations Compliance with standards Understand
Principles of auditing (ISO 19011) Initiating Reduce time-to-
[operating procedures, design and operating and planning any audit Reviewing and testing
hazards and risk Operating procedures and
effectiveness Effective interviewing Legal
proficiency, enable
limits, human factors, inspection and safe work practices Asset integrity and
maintenance, and emergency response] and ethical aspects relevant to auditing refresher training, and
reliability Management of change Conduct
Management of change Learning from Developing audit findings and writing business- improve on-boarding
of operations Incident investigation
previous incidents and near misses Self- focused recommendations
(associated with plant failures) Measurement
verification and measurement Process safety and metrics Management review and Reduce expenses of
key performance indicators Management
review and auditing Process safety leadership
continuous improvement classroom scheduling,
[governance and culture] travel
Study For more information, email
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) DUBAI, UAE 24-28 SEP $5090
[email protected]
HOUSTON, US 9-13 OCT $4040 HOUSTON, US 24-28 APR $4040 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
LONDON, UK 4-8 DEC $4670+VAT LONDON, UK 31 JUL-4 AUG $4670+VAT LONDON, UK 16-20 OCT $4770+VAT
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
24 HSE
Distance Learning Accredited Environmental
Introduction to Basic Petroleum
Vocational Diploma in Practitioner: IEMA Full
Petroleum Business IPB Economics BEC3
Occupational Safety Member by Applied
and Health HS70 Learning HS71
Achieve Chartered Membership of the Institution Achieve Full Membership of IEMA (MIEMA) and Creation of shareholder value should be at the Could you answer the following three questions
of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH) by Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) in this two- heart of every business decision. This course is for your next project? What will it cost? What is it
flexible, distance learning. IOSH is the worlds part mentored, distance learning program. Part 1 designed for technical professionals in the worth? Will it earn sufficient profit? Before
largest health and safety professional comprises six units each requiring submission petroleum industry who want to understand the undertaking any project, these questions should
membership organization, and its qualifications of work evidence to demonstrate competence. nature of the petroleum business and how you be answered, and this course will provide the
are recognized globally. Completion leads to award of the IEMA will contribute to the financial success of your fundamentals necessary to enable you to do so.
This is a mentored program typically lasting Associate Certificate in Environmental company. The course will introduce delegates to Contractual arrangements, which also
12-18 months. Every participant has a personal Management (AIEMA). In Part 2 (optional), the the structure of the petroleum business including significantly impact the economic viability of a
adviser who works with them on a one-to-one participant is guided through a personal supply and demand, how oil companies are project, are covered. Participants practice cash
basis. Our support is tailored to meet your development program, and the application and organized and financed and what it takes to be flow techniques for economic evaluations and
needs. Communication is usually through assessment process to complete the award of financially successful. Success will be explored investigate frequently encountered situations.
e-conference, e-mail and telephone. The start MIEMA and CEnv. Each participant has a through an understanding of how we calculate Each participant will receive Economics of
date is flexible, and you can work at a pace that personal mentor who works with them on a one- long-term shareholder value both at the Worldwide Petroleum Production, written
suits you and your job. to-one basis. Our support is tailored to meet corporate and project level as well as the specifically for PetroSkills courses.
your needs at a pace which suits you. valuation of competitive advantage and
Communication is usually through e-conference, incorporation of risk assessment in our models. DES IGNED FOR
Experienced health and safety managers/ e-mail and telephone. You can start your Delegates will be introduced to the primary Managers, engineers, explorationists, field
advisers/specialists. You will be an active program any time. Part 1 is usually spread over accounting financial statements and what they accounting supervisors and other personnel who
practitioner with at least two years experience. an 8-12 month period, but can be speeded up or tell us about a company. Common accounting need to develop or improve their skill and
slowed down to suit you. Completion of Part 2 and economic terms and metrics will be understanding of basic economic analysis and
YO U W IL L L E A R N requires 3-years full time environmental reviewed. Participants should bring a PC with profitability of petroleum exploration and
To build your portfolio of evidence, supported experience, but this can predate your enrollment. excel software to complete exercises. production.
by a personal mentor
To write reflective reports using templates
provided Experienced environmental specialists seeking Engineers, geologists, geophysicists, landmen, How to evaluate the economic viability of a
To identify and close any gaps in your H&S Associate and/or Full Membership of IEMA (the HR and other non-finance and accounting project
knowledge through assessment and internal Institute of Environmental Management and professionals who need an introduction to the Cash flow techniques applicable in economic
verification of your portfolio Assessment). Participants should have business aspects of the petroleum industry evaluations
responsibility for managing one or more including the interplay of finance and economic How to use economic criteria to choose
C OUR S E C O N T E N T environmental impacts within their work. evaluation in the creation of long-term investments
Develop and implement effective communication shareholder value. Models to weigh risk and uncertainty
systems for health and safety (401) Promote a YOU WI L L L EARN
Participants will be supported by a personal YOU WILL LEA RN COURS E CONTE N T
positive health and safety culture (501)
Develop and maintain individual and mentor to build a structured portfolio of How the petroleum business is structured and Forecasting oil production Defining:
organizational competence in health and safety work-based evidence, demonstrating skilled capital is raised reserves, operating expenses, capital
(502) Identify, assess, and control health and application of environmental management What is shareholder value and how it is expenditures, inflation, factors effecting oil and
safety risks (503) Develop and implement techniques, which collectively meet IEMA created gas prices Cash flow techniques Economic
proactive monitoring systems for health and requirements The critical importance of seeking competitive criteria: interest, hurdle rate, time value of
safety (504) Develop and implement reactive To prepare required reports advantage money, selection, ranking criteria Risk,
monitoring systems for health and safety (505) To close any knowledge gaps through directed Economic and accounting terminology uncertainty: types of risk, mathematical
Develop and implement health and safety reading How to make an economic valuation of techniques, probabilistic models, uncertainty in
emergency response systems and procedures Through assessment and internal verification an investment and assess its competitive economic analysis Tips on economic factors
(506) Develop and implement health and of submitted materials advantage in computer spreadsheet analysis Ethics in
safety review systems (507) Maintain By registering you with IEMA as an Affiliate How value creation impacts share price economic analyses
knowledge of improvements to influence health member for one year (included in your fee), How shareholder value is measured
and safety practice (508) Develop and and upgrading you upon completion to AIEMA What is risk and how is it assessed in
implement the health and safety policy (601) and MIEMA as applicable economic evaluations
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Advanced Decision
Petroleum Risk and Fundamentals of Strategic Thinking:
Analysis with Portfolio
Decision Analysis PRD International Oil and A Tool-Based Approach
and Project Modeling
Good technical and business decisions are Quality forecasts and evaluations depend upon International petroleum transactions occur within This course is a hands-on case-based course
based on competent analysis of project costs, well-designed project and portfolio models that a complex legal environment that limits what focused on enhancing strategic thinking
benefits and risks. Participants learn the decision are based upon clear decision policy, sound petroleum companies, host governments and capabilities of decision makers in the oil and gas
analysis process and foundation concepts so professional judgments, and a good decision service companies can do, and interprets and industry including those responsible for building
they can actively participate in multi-discipline process. In this course participants learn to build enforces many of their promises. Petroleum and sustaining successful strategic plans.
evaluation teams. The focus is on designing and good models. We use the familiar Microsoft professionals often lack the broad understanding Participants are presented with several strategic
solving decision models. Probability Excel spreadsheet as the platform for project and of what makes up this legal environment and tools for analyzing different aspects of the
distributions express professional judgments risk assessment models. Add-in software how it can have an impact on their work. This petroleum business from both a macro and
about risks and uncertainties and are carried provides Monte Carlo and decision tree course is designed to give participants a basic micro perspective. There is a major emphasis on
through the calculations. Decision tree and capabilities. The course emphasis is on the understanding of the legal fundamentals that understanding how the petroleum industry has
influence diagrams provide clear evaluation concepts and techniques, rather than make their international transactions work, developed over the last 150 years including both
communications and the basis for valuing each particular software programs. including the principles that apply to interpreting successful and unsuccessful strategies that were
alternative. Monte Carlo simulation is discussed and enforcing their agreements, the procedures used. This provides a basis for evaluating game
and experienced in detail in a hand-calculation for resolving their disputes, addressing changers that are now transforming the industry
Evaluation engineers, analysts, managers,
exercise. Project modeling fundamentals and planners, and economists. This course is intended interpretational issues posed by common and positioning our businesses to maximize
basic probability concepts provide the for professionals involved with developing project contract provisions, and avoiding liability under shareholder value. Case studies during this
foundation for the calculations. Mathematics is evaluation, portfolio, and other forecasting and environmental and bribery laws. The course will course provide opportunities for individualized
straightforward and mostly involves only assessment models. Prior background in decision teach participants to confidently identify potential and team-based learning. Teaching approach
common algebra. Emphasis is on practical analysis is expected. Before registering, please legal problems, address them before they follows an iterative process of interactive
techniques for immediate application. visit http://www.maxvalue.com/prereq.htm to become serious, and facilitate the smooth discussions, application of materials, discussion
review course prerequisites and to take a short interaction between oil and gas professionals, of results, and re-application of materials to new
DES IG NE D F O R host government representatives, and their contexts.
self-assessment quiz. You may login using
Geologists, engineers, geophysicists, managers, participant (no quotes) as both the user ID and lawyers.
team leaders, economists, and planners. password. DES IGNED FOR
DESIGNED FOR Geologists, geophysicists, engineers, managers,
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO Petroleum managers who deal with international and executives responsible for defining,
Describe the elements of the decision Frame, build, and evaluate decision models oil and gas legal matters in the course of their assessing, and developing business alternatives
analysis process and the respective roles of and extract key insights business, and legal professionals with little and strategy in the petroleum industry.
management and the analysis team Apply the exponential utility function for formal, specialized training in oil and gas law,
Express and interpret judgments about risks risk policy but expect to deal with international oil and gas Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
and uncertainties as probability distributions Design investment portfolio optimization law matters. Summarize, present, and discuss strategic
and popular statistics models that include constraints, management topics and issues
Represent discrete risk events in Venn requirements, and typical interrelationships YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO Determine the factors that influence
diagrams, probability trees, and joint between projects Recognize differences between international organizations to change their level of strategic
probability tables Use decision tree software for value of legal systems and transactions thinking
Solve for expected values with decision trees, imperfect information analysis Understand legal fundamentals behind Identify, understand, analyze, and evaluate
payoff tables, and Monte Carlo simulation Use Monte Carlo simulation software with international transactions the strategies of their own units/divisions
(hand calculations) optimization and other businesses in light of current and
Craft and solve decision models Develop quality Excel models for projects COURSE CONTENT potential game changers
Evaluate investment and design alternatives and portfolios Law governing international petroleum Describe, apply, draw, and defend conclusions
with decision tree analysis transactions (including significant differences from strategic analysis tools
Develop and solve decision trees for value of C OU RSE C ON T EN T between various national legal systems, and the
information (VOI) problems Decision Modeling: application of DA process sources, principles, and limits of international COURS E CONTE N T
for modeling; influence diagrams; free cash flow law as applied to petroleum transactions) Review of the history of strategic thinking
C OUR S E C O N T E N T concept; sensitivity analysis; good modeling Interpretation and enforcement of treaties and Assessment of the petroleum industry from a
Decision Tree Analysis: decision models, value practices; real options overview Monte Carlo private contracts Effects of international trade strategic perspective as a supplier of energy
of information (a key problem type emphasized Simulation: prospect risking (similar to play (and producing country) agreements such as the Understanding of how the industry responded
in the course), flexibility and control, project analysis); calculating probabilities and E.U., NAFTA, Mercosur, and OPEC Dispute strategically to historical events and what are the
threats and opportunities Monte Carlo distributions with simulation; modeling and resolution approaches, including litigation and game changers that are now framing its future
Simulation: Latin hypercube sampling, portfolio optimizing investment portfolios; valuing added arbitration Procedures under and enforcement STEEPLE framework Michael Porters value
problems, optimization, advantages and control and flexibility; stopping rules; ways to of common arbitration provisions Legal chain analysis Competitive Advantage: defined
limitations Decision Criteria and Policy: value model correlation Decision Tree Analysis: defenses available to foreign companies, states, theoretically and quantitatively SWOT
measures, multiple objectives, HSE, capital value of information review; sensitivity analysis; and state-owned or connected entities, and (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
constraint, risk aversion Modeling the solving with utility for risk aversion Decision recognition and enforcement of judgments and analysis Strategic thinking as a craft
Decision: influence diagrams, sensitivity Policy: overview of finance theory related to PV arbitration awards Basic legal concepts of Scenario analysis and planning Six sigma
analysis, modeling correlations Basic discount rate and risk (CAPM, modern portfolio ownership of mineral rights (onshore, offshore, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth share
Probability and Statistics: four fundamental rules theory); shareholder value model; portfolio and deep sea bed) Expropriation and matrix Personal application of strategic
optimization to maximize value; efficient
including Bayes rule, calibration and eliciting compensation issues State-owned entities and thinking
frontiers; multi-criteria decisions; risk policy as a
judgments, choosing distribution types, privatization Laws bearing on development
utility function; expected utility and certain
common misconceptions about probability rights Legal interpretational issues of common
equivalent; insurance and hedging
Expected Value Concept: foundation for decision Implementation: presentation formats; judgments contract provisions Interpretational issues for
policy, features, pitfalls to avoid Implementing and biases; model-centric enterprise model and service contracts Transfer and protection of
Decision Analysis: problem framing, guidelines balanced scorecard element focusing on technology and confidential business
for good analysis practice, team analyses, shareholder value creation information Operating agreements and
computer tools (discussion and demonstrations), unitized operations Environmental protection
mitigating risks Evaluating a multi-pay laws Criminal and civil liability for oil spills
prospect (team exercise) Indemnification and guaranty issues Bribery
laws Marketing and transportation
Petroleum futures
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
Strategic Procurement
Contracts and Tenders Effective Materials Inside Procurement in
and Supply
Fundamentals SC41 Management SC42 Oil and Gas SC61
Management in the Oil
and Gas Industry SC62
This three-day course is designed to help This three-day course covers practical This course will expand the industry The development and implementation of
companies award the right contracts to the best considerations essential to achieve major understanding of supply chain professionals and carefully crafted strategies for the procurement of
providers. Contracting involves many roles that improvements in planning, buying, storing, and increase their value-added in a global, fast all goods, equipment, materials, and services
must work together to negotiate, document, and disposing of the vast array of materials and spare changing environment. Participants will learn has become a critical issue for all those in the oil
ensure a reliable supply of goods and services parts needed in the oil and gas industry. Evolving what each industry segment requires from and gas industry wishing to reduce operating
for capital projects and ongoing operations. best practices by major oil and gas companies procurement and be given insights to maximize cost while improving quality and productivity.
Everyone involved in contracting with suppliers are explored under three inter-related modules - value delivery and increase their contribution. This program explores key concepts forming the
and service providers must understand the entire inventory management, warehousing, and The course includes an online, interactive forum basis of strategic supply management, and
process, the keys to success, and what is investment recovery. with the instructor, and pre-read materials moves todays supply management organization
required of their role if contracts are to be designed to familiarize course attendees with from its typical tactical focus to the strategic
effective in managing supply risks. Materials and DESI GN ED FOR relevant issues. Attendees will leave better focus needed to successfully implement the
exercises in this course are specifically built Professional and management personnel who prepared to create and support procurement processes and methods needed to reach world-
around oil and gas industry issues. have responsibility for materials, spare parts, and strategies that meet stakeholder needs, whether class performance.
supplies needed to support any refinery, gas for projects or operations support.
DE S IG NE D F O R plant, onshore/offshore production, or other DES IGNED FO R
Individuals involved in any aspect of sourcing, industry operations. DESIGNED FOR Managers and professionals in supply
tendering, selecting, forming, and executing Supply chain professionals with 2-7 years management, procurement, purchasing,
contracts with suppliers of goods and services to YOU W I LL L EARN experience either inside or outside the oil and contracts, materials, inventory control, projects,
the oil and gas industry. Included are project How to provide better customer service for gas industry. The course is for anyone who maintenance, operations, finance, as well as all
technical roles such as facilities engineers, long lead or critical materials and spare parts needs a better understanding of procurement other professionals interested in lowering total
drilling engineers, project engineers, essential to the success of any well field value creation in the oil and gas industry and cost and increasing productivity and profit
commissioning engineers, contracts engineers, operation, offshore platform, refinery, gas includes buyers, procurement specialists, contributions from better supply management
and planning engineers. plant, or chemical processing facility logistics specialists, business analysts, team operations.
How to establish the best methods of leaders, project managers, commodity
YOU W IL L L E A R N inventory analysis and create performance managers, materials managers, and new Y OU WILL LEARN
How to better manage project and legal risks measures for min/max and order point sourcing specialists or category managers. Stages to world class supply management
with the contracting process systems Skill sets in supply management
How to successfully manage disputes and How to use supplier stocking programs, YOU WILL LEA RN Organizing the spend profile
contract performance issues consigned inventory, and integrated supply How industry is structured, including host Greater abilities in leading continuous
What is required in a successful tender agreements country and strategic relationships improvement programs
package How inventory systems use forecasting Business drivers and interface issues to be Ways in dealing with economic uncertainties
How to identify the appropriate contract techniques and what can be done to improve supported by procurement Questions for internal surveys to enhance
price strategy to minimize financial risks and them The role of industry economics in dictating purchasing performance
contract costs How to improve warehousing efficiency, procurement good practices in cost How to develop a Purchasing Coding
The difference between cost and price analysis layout, and space utilization for better management System
and how to use each technique to evaluate a inventory management Industry global compliance needs and how Steps in the development of a Composite
proposal How to improve inventory record accuracy procurement can add value Purchase Price Index
Appropriate commercial and legal contract and physical control of materials to lower How the industry is modeled in the E&P How to get more time to work on strategic
terms and conditions inventory levels and increase space utilization (upstream), midstream, and downstream issues
Best practices used to manage surplus or value chains Negotiation planning and strategies
C OUR S E C O N T E N T inactive assets and increase investment The E&P Asset Management Cycle and Total To understand the elements of cost that make
Overview of the contracting process Key recovery dollars Cost of Ownership concepts up a suppliers price
issues in forming a contract in the oil and gas Characteristics of supply markets to oil and Categories in a purchased materials/services
industry Establishing risk management C OU RSE C ON T EN T gas and the emphasis on market intelligence strategic plan outline
priorities throughout the contracting process Setting comprehensive inventory goals and practices and managing supply risks
The legal environment and best use of legal objectives Understanding carrying costs and What constitutes effective procurement/supply COURS E CONTE N T
counsel in contracting Avoiding and managing economic order quantity theory Improving chain metrics for performance improvement Stages to world class supply management
contract disputes in a challenging industry material identification and coding Segmenting Procurement challenges unique to the Change and becoming more strategic Supply
The tendering process and key documents in the inventory for analysis Using formal industry management skill sets Defining supply
tender package Buyer and seller pricing procedures for making the decision to stock management Examples of job descriptions for
objectives to consider when tendering Tools Determining safety stock levels and order points COURSE CONTENT supply management Developing the spend
used in tendering to address financial key risks Improving min/max systems and settings Industry overview for procurement including profile Creating time to be strategic The
Types of contracts and examples of industry Understanding and using material forecasts host country and strategic relationships Key ABC (Pareto) analysis and what to do with it
applications Using economic price adjustment Establishing a warehouse scorecard Creating business drivers and interface issues between Material/services purchasing code development
clauses in lump sum agreements Bid best practices in the physical control of materials projects (CAPEX) and operations (OPEX) Elements of cost that make up the price
evaluation and award considerations including Measuring record accuracy and improving Procurements role in oil and gas value chain Developing should cost Producer price
price/cost analysis Using a formal contract cycle counting systems Increasing the use of management - upstream, midstream, and indexes Requesting suppliers cost and pricing
change control process warehouse technologies Improving warehouse downstream E&P asset management cycle and data Dealing with economic uncertainties,
safety and security Preventing and reducing total cost of ownership Economics of oil and when, where, and how to use Economic Price
surplus materials Understanding investment gas that drive procurement value creation Adjustment clauses Internal surveys to
recovery techniques Using the disposition Industry regulatory and contractor safety improve purchasing performance Total cost of
value chain for investment recovery compliance issues Industry market intelligence ownership concepts Cost containment
practices in procurement Industry spend methods Cost reductions and cost avoidance
analysis characteristics and strategies Creating Savings reporting procedure Developing
industry category management (sector) purchased materials/services strategic plans
strategies Key procurement and supplier Developing the purchase price index for your
performance metrics Trends in global sourcing organization Negotiation skill sets Steps in
and local content requirements Oil and gas negotiation preparation Positional negotiations
law and global contracting risks Influence of Final points before the negotiation
eCommerce and eProcurement initiatives in oil
and gas
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Cost/Price Analysis and
Supplier Relationship Introduction to Project Petroleum Project
Total Cost Concepts in
Management SC63 Management IPM Management: Principles
Supply Management
and Practices PPM
Continuous improvement in all aspects of the Managing and reducing cost continues to be one As the relative importance of effective Project Running a successful petroleum operation
supply chain is necessary to remain competitive of the primary focal points of PSCM in oil and Management continues to grow in corporate requires a blend of technology, business savvy,
in todays global economy. The traditional gas today. In many organizations, more than half recognition, and as strategies are increasingly and people skills. If you already have a firm
adversarial relationship and transactional focus of the total revenue is spent on goods and set with a project-based delivery vehicle in mind, grasp of exploration or production technology,
of buyers and suppliers cannot meet this services, everything from raw material to the need for in-depth understanding of this learn to amplify its effectiveness with applied
demand for continuous improvement in lead- overnight mail. Maintaining a competitive complex subject grows. Those in the industry project management techniques. This course is
time, quality, and overall supplier performance. position and even survival will depend on the with the knowledge and expertise have an ever aimed at helping technical personnel make the
As a result, significant changes are occurring in organizations ability to use all of the continuous shorter period of their working lives left, to be best business decisions, decisions that lead to
the philosophies and approaches that define the improvement strategies that have been replaced by a new and younger generation, so lowest project cost while still meeting all
relationship between purchasers and sellers in developed to reduce cost across the entire focus on the basics from which to build a robust production or exploration goals. Petroleum
world-class organizations. Simply put, Supplier supply chain for the life of the product or service. and deep knowledge and skill set is increasingly Project Management covers the principles and
Relationship Management (SRM) and Fundamental to developing and implementing desirable. In order to ensure that competence is application of project management to the
collaboration provide an organizational focus on these strategies is knowledge of cost/price created within the next generation of project upstream oil and gas business. Participants may
communicating with suppliers on the many steps analysis, value analysis, and total cost of managers, this course serves as an in-depth choose a case study from a number of real-life
of the Supply Management process. This focus ownership concepts. This course provides the primer for those wishing to make this fascinating exploration, production, facilities, and general
reduces the lead-time and total cost of concepts that are essential skill sets in and dynamic area a career. management situations, or they may bring the
acquisition, transportation, administration, and developing and implementing the strategies details of one of their own current projects.
possession of goods and services for the benefit required to achieve the high levels of cost DESIGNED FOR Because of this experience with practical
of both the buyer and seller, and as a result, reductions possible from the supply chain. SC64 New employees/graduates or anyone else situations, participants can use these project
provides a competitive advantage and improved is also available as a 5-day in-house course with wishing to obtain a firm understanding of the management principles their first day back on
profits. expanded content. basics of Project Management. This course the job.
serves as a foundation upon which to build
DES IG NE D F O R DESI GN ED FOR further specialist knowledge and create a DES IGNED FOR
Managers and professionals involved in Managers and professionals in purchasing, transferable skill set applicable across the Exploration, production, and management
purchasing, projects, contracts, supply procurement, and contracts as well as those industry. personnel interested in applying project
management, operations, maintenance, involved in operations, engineering, management techniques to their operations. If
engineering, quality, and other activities that maintenance, quality, projects, and other YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO you are a facilities engineer, we refer you to our
expose them to dealings with suppliers for company activities that expose them to suppliers Adopt project planning and methodology Project Management for Engineering and
goods, equipment, and services in the oil and and buying activities for production, Incorporate project interfaces and Construction (FPM22) and Project Management
gas industry. maintenance, equipment, MRO, services, and communication for Upstream Field Development (FPM2)
other outside purchased requirements. Manage resource identification and alignment courses.
YO U W IL L L E A R N Utilize scheduling resources and tasks
The Supplier Relationship Management YOU W I LL L EARN Apply creative compromise Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
Maturity Model Importance of price/cost analysis in Properly define a projects scope
Importance of SRM in continuous continuous improvement programs COURSE CONTENT Use project management tools to create a
improvement The difference between price and cost analysis The project methodology Identifying project project schedule to meet goals, deliverables,
Critical steps in developing trust with Methods of price analysis risks and opportunities Project lifecycle and resource constraints
suppliers How to manage volatile markets Project manager Project business case Use practical tools to identify and manage a
Supplier segmentation models Use of Producer Price Indexes Project sponsor Project scope projects risks
8 Step Strategic Alliance Development Methods of cost analysis Understanding project interfaces Managing a Manage a project team
The difference between SRM and collaboration Development of Should Cost project budget Project scheduling Resource Organize your project to capture lessons
Best practices in managing supplier relations Types of TCO models management Lead time and project inventory learned
Key elements in improving the supplier management Remote teams
Best practices in supplier qualification, Use of price indexes Cost/price analysis The project management process Scope
measurement, and recognition Total cost of ownership RFQ/tendering as a definition Scheduling tools Manpower
The importance of reengineering in SRM price analysis tool Cost estimating resources Project risk management
Supplier risk management process relationships Purchasing savings impact on Learning, continuous improvement, and quality
the bottom line Developing the spend profile management in projects Project team
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Sources of spend data How to perform the management Case studies and exercises
The organizational challenge Defining the ABC analysis Examples of using pivot tables
supply management mission and vision in Excel for data mining Continuous
Critical supply strategies Defining Supplier improvement skill sets Difference between
Relationship Management (SRM) The SRM cost and price analysis Selection tool
Maturity Model Major components of SRM Methods of price analysis Historical analysis
Defining levels of the organizations SRM Developing company purchase price Index
Maturity Critical ABC analysis Commodity methods of cost analysis Major elements of
and service coding Segmentation of the cost Requesting supplier cost info Sources
supplier base Defining the alliance The of cost information What and how important
alliance process Success factors and barriers are supplier overheads How much profit
to alliances Focusing on high value activities should the supplier make economic Price
Reengineering Detailed mapping of adjustment clauses Total costs of ownership
processes Developing the skills and defining models How to combine price and
the organizations mission in building supplier performance to obtain TCO
relationship Best practices for managing
supplier relations A survey for letting the
supplier rate you Maintaining good supplier
performance Who and what to measure
Monitoring supplier performance Developing
and maintaining a supplier performance index
Supplier recognition and expectations Supply
Risk and trends leading to greater risk Typical 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
risk management process
HOUSTON, US 6-10 NOV $4140
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 2-6 OCT $4935
See website for dates and locations HOUSTON, US 25-27 SEP $2730 See website for dates and locations LONDON, UK 4-8 SEP $4770+VAT
*plus computer charge
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 3-7 APR $4140 HOUSTON, US 23-27 OCT $4140 HOUSTON, US 7-11 AUG $4140 HOUSTON, US 24-28 JUL $4240
KUALA LUMPUR, MYS 6-10 NOV $4935 LONDON, UK 8-12 MAY $4770+VAT LONDON, UK 27 NOV-1 DEC $4770+VAT LONDON, UK 15-19 MAY $4870+VAT
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
30 $
Advanced Project Managing and Leading Team Leadership TLS Essential Leadership
Management II FPM63 Others MLO Skills for Technical
Professionals OM23
This five-day, advanced level course for Why would any company expend hundreds of This program will develop and refine the skills In the oil and gas industry, skillful and competent
experienced project management professionals thousands of dollars to seek, recruit, and hire the essential for leading a high performance team. leadership is extremely important for safety,
addresses the fundamental principles and best employees then leave their development and Emphasis is placed on the leaders role in productivity, and asset management. The 21st
techniques of project management and how to performance to lucky chance through ineffective effectively enhancing total team functionality and century brings new emphasis on leaders, new
apply them on large international projects. This leadership and management practices? maximum team productivity. Individual communication technologies, increased focus on
course will cover all the project phases, with Unfortunately, that chance occurs every time an communication styles will be assessed and safety, information overload, workforce
hands-on content directly supported by practical employee is promoted to a leadership, examined to identify the most appropriate dynamics, asset integrity, and many other
case studies. supervisory or management position without communication style to use with your team. This concerns which challenge even the most
training in the techniques and practices of will be an active experience. In addition to proficient leader/manager. How do we blend
DES IG NE D F O R effective leadership and management. Managers receiving individual assessment information, these new challenges with tried and true wisdom
Experienced project managers, project engineers, and supervisors, regardless of technical participants will be exposed to team concepts, of success? There are skills to learn that will help
project controls managers, and construction expertise, can make an error setting off an theories, and skill development through the use you be more effective, with less stress. In this
managers who are working on large international uncontrolled and disastrous chain reaction of lectures, videos, readings, role plays, case seminar/workshop you will explore your internal
projects or about to start new assignments on unless he/she has command of principles and studies, and discussions. This course has been drivers and learn how to combine them with new
international projects. Practical case studies will practices leading to employee effectiveness, constructed to maximize opportunity to improve skills for greater effectiveness. This seminar/
cover the entire spectrum of a large international productivity, and teamwork. The first-line and both knowledge and practical skills in leading a workshop will include self-assessment,
project and will include offshore and onshore mid-level supervisor has more direct effect on team and being a team player. (This is a great discussion, lecture, readings, role-playing,
capital investment. employees and the productivity of a work group course to attend immediately following games, video examples, and creation of
than any other single entity in the organization. PetroSkills course titled: Leading and Managing participant action plans. This course will help
This course increases the confidence and Others.) In addition to this program designed you unleash natural motivation in your team.
Why international projects fail and the early
productivity of leaders, supervisors and specifically for Team Leaders, PetroSkills has a Your stress level can be lowered by working
warning signs to look for
managers who may be scientific or technical 2-day course titled: Team Building for Intact more efficiently and effectively by tapping the
The principles of project management that
specialists, but have minimal training in the teams. emotional intelligence of your team and
ensure project success
science and art of leading others. Skills in co-workers.
How to build a strong and effective Project DESIGNED FOR
human relations, communication, motivation,
Management Team (PMT) Team leaders, supervisors, managers, and others DES IGNED FOR
and leadership are essential tools for the
How to identify and manage project responsible for leading a team and interested in Anyone who has new responsibilities to lead a
supervisor and manager. This course provides
stakeholders establishing and/or being a part of a highly team. Supervisors, team leads, managers, and
techniques enabling leaders to efficiently use one
How to conduct business and yourself in the productive team. others interested in becoming a better leader and
of the greatest resources a company has, its
international arena a contributing team member will greatly benefit
people. This interactive learning program will
How to select an effective contracting strategy YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO from this one-week experience. Many may want
assist you in expanding your options for leading
and the appropriate negotiation style Characterize high performance teams to take this seminar/workshop more than once
others. You will explore different concepts of
The practical approach for global engineering, Gain clarity of goal and worthiness for continuous improvement.
management and leadership and how to apply
procurement, logistics, fabrication, Develop a team charter
your new skills in real world applications.
construction, and commissioning Gain commitment Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
How to conduct project risk management DESI GN ED FOR Build team collaboration and trust Become a more effective leader by overcoming
throughout the entire project lifecycle Anyone responsible for leading others in the Establish operational norms the tyranny of the urgent with better time
How to apply effective leadership and strategy daily performance of a work, including soon to Recognize stages of team development management
on your international project be leaders, front-line leaders, new and Define team roles and relationships Make better decisions by assessing when to
experienced supervisors and managers, team Understand system influences make what kind of decisions
C OUR S E C O N T E N T Promote conditions for effective team building Help others develop themselves by unleashing
leaders, coaches, and mentors.
Why projects fail Project Management Conduct individual and team assessments their career motivation
principles (PMT, scope, cost, schedule, safety, YOU W I LL L EARN H OW TO Improve team communications Have more effective communications with
and quality) Stakeholders management on Apply concepts of leadership and Improve group dynamics technical and non-technical teams by
international projects Host country - business management to real work situations Develop personal plans to improve team developing the patience to let the team do
and culture contracting Strategies and Coach and supervise a diverse and dispersed effectiveness its work
negotiations Global engineering - from workforce Foster team leadership Recognize and resolve conflicts before
concept through detailed design procurement Set appropriate goals and manage Monitor team progress they get out of control by early detection of
and logistics Fabrication, construction and performance and change to ensure these goals conflicts, when theyre simpler and have less
commissioning International project risk are reached COURSE CONTENT impact
management Leadership and strategy Empower your workforce to exceed Definition and purpose of teams Develop the ability to lead an empowered team
expectations Characteristics of a high performance team of technical professionals by more effective
Develop effective communication skills Gaining clarity of goal and worthiness delegation
Developing a team charter Gaining Reduce your own stress level by teaching
C OU RSE C ON T EN T commitment Team collaboration and trust yourself how to lower your stress with clearer
The role and function of the leader, supervisor, Establishing operational norms Stages of team thinking
and manager Understanding and applying development Team roles and relationships Learn assessment techniques for yours and
essential behavioral management concepts System influences Conditions for effective others people skills by raising the competency
Understanding and increasing employee team building Individual and team levels of yourself and your team
motivation Understanding and applying assessments Team communications Group Walk your talk by getting buy-in for your ideas
leadership concepts Effectively supervising a dynamics Developing a personal team and vision
diverse workforce Basic skills in interpersonal leadership plan Monitoring team progress Leading by example
communications Performance management Developing a team leadership action plan
Coaching Working with difficult employees COURS E CONTE N T
Goal setting Empowering subordinates The nature of teams Leadership vs.
Creating positive and functional thinking about management Self-centering and tangential
work Making ongoing change for growth and leadership Listening Motivation Group
improvement Taking personal responsibility dynamics Conflict management Team-
Developing personal plans to improve team building Critical thinking and taking action
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
DUBAI, UAE 29-31 OCT $3810 DUBAI, UAE 1-2 NOV $3040 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 1-3 MAY $3015 HOUSTON, US 4-5 MAY $2400 HOUSTON, US 24-28 APR $3940
See website for dates and locations LONDON, UK 6-8 NOV $3490+VAT LONDON, UK 9-10 NOV $2780+VAT ORLANDO, US 4-8 DEC $4000
+1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America) All classes available at your location. Contact us today.
Essential Technical Negotiation Skills for Team Building for Presentation Skills for
Writing Skills ETWS the Petroleum Industry Intact Teams TB the Petroleum Industry
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 21-23 AUG $2955 HOUSTON, US 14-16 AUG $2955 HOUSTON, US 8-9 MAY $2400 HOUSTON, US 24-26 JUL $3015
All classes available at your location. Contact us today. +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
Exploration and
Making Change Overview of the Basic Petroleum Production Process
Happen: People and Petroleum Industry Technology BPT Basics: Understanding the
Process MCPP OVP Petroleum Industry Value
Cycle EPB
Attendees will work in teams to overcome the OVP presents an overview of the Petroleum This course provides the participant with an This workshop describes the petroleum value
problems encountered when making changes in Industry from the point of view of the Asset Life understanding of basic petroleum technology in chain from prospect identification, to project
their organizations. You will also learn how to Cycle. Participants will gain an understanding of the context of the Petroleum Value Chain, from commissioning, to final abandonment.
develop the ability to effectively handle Exploration, Appraisal, Development and exploration to abandonment. The participant will Participants will leave this course with a firm
organizational changes by examining the eight- Production phases with particular emphasis understand how and when geoscience and understanding of the petroleum industry,
step change process and understanding your being placed on actions they can personally take engineering professionals use technology to including the knowledge and tools necessary to
own, and others, needs and responses to each within each phase to support value creation. determine and then optimize the economic value understand the relationships and dependencies
step in the change process. A group workshop Through use of lecture, multimedia and class of an oil and gas field. This enables the participant across the E&P industry. The course offers a
allows attendees to engage in, comment on, and interactive exercises, a breadth of upstream to maximize their professional and administrative fresh look at a range of critical, inter-related
improve their competencies in managing business acumen will be delivered covering contribution in their organization. Participants first topics and will be taught with the modern learner
change. economic, business, geoscience and learn and understand why various global oil and in mind. Multiple tools, such as peer-based
engineering topics. Discussions will include gas have different value. The participant learns learning, internet resources, hands-on exercises,
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO topics related to all types of resource plays which technologies are used by the geoscience in-depth team workshops, and group discovery
Profile individual and group behavior including deepwater, shale oil/gas and enhanced and engineering departments during each stage of sessions, will be used to ensure learning
exhibited during change oil recovery technologies. the asset life cycle and WHY! This E&P lifecycle retention and recall. Participants work as
Improve individual and team dynamics for context accelerates an understanding of basic members of multi-disciplinary teams using real
high performance DESI GN ED FOR petroleum technologies and the oil industry. This
oilfield data in interactive workshops that
Apply the GROW model to coach and sustain Both technical and business oriented learning is achieved through guided discussions,
illustrate technology/business concepts. Each
individuals undergoing organizational change professionals who are either new to the upstream videos, animations, and progressive team
team will be accountable for the results of their
Design a practical framework for positive oil and gas industry or experienced in one part, exercises utilizing Our Reservoir and Our Well as
working models. interpretations in a safe, constructive learning
engagement with organizational change but could benefit from a wider point of view. OVP environment. Other skills will be learned in short
will likewise deliver for non-industry personnel a DESIGNED FOR hands-on exercises that reinforce the lectures.
C OUR S E C O N T E N T broad, basic knowledge set of multiple E&P This course is appropriate for those who need to Lecturers are widely experienced oil field
Explore the characteristics of change Build an topics. Legal, Financial, Accounting, achieve a context and understanding of E&P professionals who can share experiences from a
integrated change strategy Embrace change Management, and Service Company team technologies, or the role of technical number of technical settings and organizational
positively using the power of vision Use people members will certainly benefit. departments in oil and gas operations, and/or be approaches to give the students a broad view of
and process to make change happen Craft an able to understand and use the language of the the industry and its participants. The extended
effective measurement process to evaluate change YOU W I LL L EARN oilfield. workshops conducted during the course include
Facilitate change and overcome resistance The critical importance the industry plays
YOU WILL LEA RN an exploration/discovery workshop, an appraisal
through effective communication on the worlds economic stage, including
The E&P Process, the role of each technical workshop to define the static and dynamic
discussions of pricing, global reserves and
department and specialist, and the models for a new discovery, and a facilities
key short/long-term energy trends.
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) Business and exploration elements critical technologies used workshop in which the students fit the facilities
HOUSTON, US 17-18 AUG $2440 The economic value and properties of to their newly-defined discovery. Uncertainties,
to the success of organizations in search of
reservoir fluids risk management, business practices, and
new reserves
Petroleum geology for exploration and project management lessons are learned through
Methods by which new field prospects are
Meeting Management evaluated and risk factors assessed (Geology, production these team events.
About petroleum reservoirs - conventional and
and Facilitation for the Geophysics, Petrophysics)
unconventional DES IGNED FOR
How exploration rights are acquired (Land Newly-hired engineers and geoscientists.
Petroleum Industry themes, International Concessions)
Exploration and appraisal technologies
Drilling operations for exploration,
MMF The basic process for drilling and evaluating development and production Y OU WILL LEARN
an exploration well (Drilling, Petrophysics, Production - well completions and production Exploration/production overview
FOUNDATION 2-DAY Testing) technology Basic petroleum geology and geophysics
Major steps required to appraise a new Reservoir recovery mechanisms through principles
Properly planned and managed, meetings are discovery and estimate its commerciality Log interpretation basics
extremely positive and dynamic ways to primary, secondary and tertiary recovery
(Reservoir Engineering) Surface processing of produced fluids Drilling basics
exchange ideas, shape policy, resolve problems, Strategies to maximize the value of an oil or Basic reservoir, production, and facilities
effect change, etc. However, when poorly gas field asset COURSE CONTENT engineering
designed and implemented, meetings become How geology and reservoir management plans E&P asset management process overview Business principles governing E/P
virtual breeding grounds for confusion, tension, are used to guide new field development Reservoir fluid properties Petroleum geology
frustration, boredom, and negativity. During this Major steps in the design, construction, and The petroleum reservoir Unconventional COURS E CONTE N T
interactive session, participants will learn how to commissioning of facilities reservoirs Exploration technologies Drilling Opportunity identification Elements of
perfect meeting facilitation skills; master meeting Basic technical and operational steps required technology Well completions and workovers petroleum environment Play to prospect to
agenda design skills; and polish meeting to produce an oil or gas field (Production Production operations Reservoir recovery field technologies Concessions and contracts
communication skills so that theyll be able to Engineering) mechanisms Surface processing Find and define an asset Appraise an
run meetings efficiently, effectively, and Types of opportunities to optimize older fields opportunity Build a field development plan
smoothly. and increase production Facilities: gas, oil, design, construction,
processing, maintenance, decommissioning
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO C OU RSE C ON T EN T Building an effective team Company/industry
Run efficient face-to-face and online meetings The business of E&P Hydrocarbon origin 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) processes and procedures
Prepare and implement meeting agendas Exploration - acquisition of exploration/ HOUSTON, US 13-17 MAR $3940
Incorporate meeting facilitation techniques development rights Exploration - prospect 10-14 JUL $3940
and tools generation and evaluation Appraisal - asset 16-20 OCT $3940
Understand meeting roles and responsibilities characterization and reserve quantification
Use meeting facilitation tools LONDON, UK 15-19 MAY $4570+VAT
Development - drilling, completion, and facilities 6-10 NOV $4570+VAT
Master meeting management skills, i.e., use Produce Asset - recovery optimization
time wisely, avoid topic confusion, handle strategies
personal attack, avoid traffic problems, deal
with individual and group communication,
and maintain topic (agenda) focus AVA ILA B LE S O O N
Recognize and understand the various roles A S A V IRTU A L C O U R S E
that a facilitator plays during the course of a
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) 2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD) PetroAcademy
2017 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
HOUSTON, US 27-28 JUL $2400 HOUSTON, US 1-2 MAY $2360 HOUSTON, US 10-21 JUL $6890
18-19 SEP $2360 PETROSKILLS.COM/BLENDED *plus computer charge
Our Instructors 33
DR. ROSALIND ARCHER is Professor of the Mighty River Power Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi. He is an invited Adjunct Professor of reengineering the supply management process, the management of
Chair in Geothermal Reservoir Engineering as well as Head of the Department Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa and a member of its Industrial procurement functions, global sourcing of materials and components,
of Engineering Science at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. She is Advisory Board. He is the author of numerous technical publications, the reducing cost of purchased materials and services, and negotiation of complex
also Director of Auckland Geothermal Institute. She has received several recipient of several professorship, research, teaching and merit awards and transactions and contracts. He has held purchasing and contracts management
awards including the Supreme Excellence in Teaching Award within the Faculty listed in the Whos Who in Science and Engineering. He received a Chemical positions in high volume manufacturing, subcontract, job shop, and service
of Engineering. She is an accomplished technical writer, collaborator and editor Engineering State Diploma from the National Polytechnique School of Algiers, operations, involving gas turbine manufacturing, power generation, nuclear
with over 25 articles published in the last five years. Dr. Archer has taught an MS and a PhD from the University of Tulsa. INT P&C and fossil power plants, electrical distribution and control, air conditioning
courses on Well Testing, Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation and PVT equipment and global sourcing services. Prior to becoming a full-time
Analysis for industrial clients including Chevron/Schlumberger, Chevron, MR. PAUL M. BARRY is a petroleum engineering consultant consultant in 1994, he served as Manager of Customer and Supplier
China, ONGC, Petronas, Yukos Petroleum, PTT Exploration and Schlumberger. specializing in production technology, production operations, and project Development for the Westinghouse Trading Company. He has given
She directs her own consulting practice undertaking technical work, expert evaluations. Mr. Barry has over 42 years of international and domestic USA presentations on numerous purchasing and contract management topics to the
witness work and training for a wide range of clients. She has performed upstream oil and gas production and reservoir engineering and management Institute for Supply Management (ISM/NAPM), major universities, and
technical work for Todd Energy, Shell Todd Oil Services, Austrial Pacific Energy, experience in conventional and unconventional reservoir development. numerous in-house seminars for industrial and services clients in the US and
Greymouth Petroleum, Mighty River Power, Genesis Energy, Scott Hawkins Assignments include working and residing in South America, SE Asia, the over 170 public seminars internationally. He was selected to present seminars
(USA) and Sigma Energy (USA). She holds PhD and MS degrees in Petroleum Middle East, the North Sea region, and the USA. He has been a PetroSkills at the last 17 Institute for Supply Management International Conferences and
Engineering from Stanford University and a BE degree in Engineering Science instructor since 2002; during this period, he was based in Perth, Australia from is the contributor of numerous articles published in Purchasing Today and
from the University of Auckland. INT 2007-2009 and in Dubai, UAE, from 2003-2006, developing PetroSkills Inside Supply Management. Robi was selected as ISMs National Person of
regional business in both locations. Earlier industry experience was as field the Year in both Global Resources and in Education/Learning. Robi is a
DR. FRANK ASHFORD has over 50 years experience in oil and gas production engineer and field production engineering manager of an onshore lifetime CPM, and has received ISMs new certification, the CPSM, and also
reservoir engineering, downhole and surface design and operations, as well as oilfield re-development project for PDVSA and partners in Venezuela which holds the MCIPS Certification as awarded by CIPS. He has an undergraduate
oil and gas conditioning and producing facilities. He has been with PetroSkills required a combination of new development well and well re-completion degree from the University of Texas, and a Masters Degree from Penn State
since 1988 and has worked extensively in most energy producing countries designs for gas lift, submersible pump, and rod pump artificial lift technology, University. His energetic and enthusiastic style, combined with extensive
throughout the world. He provides instruction fluently in either English, and frac pack and gravel pack sand control well completions. Previous functional experience, makes him an excellent consultant, trainer, and
Spanish, or Portuguese based on material originally prepared in English or Indonesia experience was in the design and completion of dual string, multiple facilitator of change. SC
Spanish, but presented in the native language requested. He worked with Gulf selective, underbalanced, tubing conveyed perforated high pressure gas wells,
Research (GR&DC) in Houston, Texas where he developed many reservoir exploration well testing and evaluation for Pertamina and Atlantic Richfield, MR. JAN BLUM is a seasoned Asset Management professional with
engineering laboratory techniques for the determination of applicable oil/gas/ Huffco, Virginia Indonesia, and joint venture contract partners for both oil 33 years experience in the oil, gas, and downstream business sectors. At the
water relative permeability correlations, and choke performance prediction operations and Bontang LNG gas supply operations. As district reservoir moment he is based in Suriname working as Technical Service Manager for a
techniques still in application today. Previously, Dr. Ashford was a Professor of engineer for Pertamina and Arco partners in Indonesia, Mr. Barry was national oil refinery. He worked 30 years with Shell and fulfilled roles as
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at the Central University of Venezuela responsible for the plan of development and reserves determination and Inspection, Shutdown, and Asset Manager and for 10 years was Training
in Caracas, where he taught various courses in natural gas engineering certification for a 1.3 TCF offshore gas field. He has also worked as field Director for the group Asset Management. He has developed and delivered
technology. He was a founder of the Petroleum Engineering Department in engineer in Saudi Arabia, responsible for a 1.2 MMBWD reservoir pressure training all over the world and has broad consultancy experience. Mr. Blum is
INTEVEP, the research Institute for PDVSA (Venezuela). He was a participant in support injection well system, injection water quality assurance, producing well a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and post graduate in inspection and welding.
the initial gas lift optimization operations held in Venezuela, and developed gravel pack completions, internal and external well and flowline corrosion He has worked and lived in several countries including Saudi Arabia, New
many field, and numerical techniques and correlations for downhole, and control systems, and, as Mobil Oil facilities engineer in the Arabian American Zealand and Suriname. GP
surface choke performance with Otis Engineering (US, and Venezuela), and Oil Company (Aramco) Gas Projects department. He has represented company
Compania Shell de Venezuela (CSV). He has authored technical articles technical and commercial interests in both UK and Norwegian North Sea MR. ROBERT BOMBARDIERI has almost 30 years in the oil
published in World Oil, JPT, SPE, Intevep Pub., PDVSA, Pacific Oil World, sectors oil and gas producing fields. Mr. Barry has served as an officer in the and gas industry. His expertise is the use of process engineering to optimize
AAPG, SPELAC, and GPA. He holds a BS (1961) and MS (1963) in Petroleum Jakarta and Dubai SPE sections. He holds a BSCE from the University of Notre operating facilities economics via addressing availability, product recovery and
Engineering and a PhD in Engineering Sciences (1970) from the University of Dame and an MSCE from Marquette University, and is a registered Professional bottleneck issues. As such, Robert has tested, identified, designed, project
Oklahoma. He was one of Dr. John M. Campbells graduate students from Engineer in Colorado, USA. P&C managed and lead implementation of numerous molecular sieve, NGL
1962-1968, and participated in the initial data collection and organization for recovery, sulfur recovery and debottleneck projects in several countries. He
the original John M. Campbell technical textbooks Gas Conditioning and MR. JAMES (JIM) BEASLEY joined Butler Associates, Inc., the also has had roles in operations, business development and management. Mr.
Processing, Volumes I and II. These books provided the basis for a worldwide predecessor company of Willbros Engineers (US), LLC, in 1973 as a Project Bombardieri co-authored a paper on molecular sieve dehydration that was
and extensive training organization initiated by Dr. John M. Campbell during Manager. He was named Vice President and Manager of Projects in 1981. In selected Best Paper Award at the 2008 Gas Processors Association annual
the late1960s, and are still applied by PetroSkills | John M. Campbell for 1984, Mr. Beasley became Executive Vice President and Chief Operating convention and was published in the Oil and Gas Journal. He has a B.Sc. in
worldwide engineering training to this date. GP PF PL Officer, and in 1986 was promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer, a Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta and an M.B.A. from Tulane
position he held until August 2003. In 2001, Mr. Beasley was given additional University. GP PF
DR. OMAR BARKAT is a registered and licensed Professional responsibilities as Senior Vice President of Willbros USA, Inc., the parent
Engineer and the Executive Director for Upstream Operations with company of Willbros Engineers (US), LLC. He has over 40 years of experience MR. MARK BOTHAMLEY has experience that covers the areas
PetroProTech. He has been a training specialist and technical consultant for in project management, engineering, and construction management of pipeline of design, operation, troubleshooting and optimization of offshore and
OGCI-PetroSkills since 1997. He has over 28 years of combined industrial and systems and military facilities. PM PL onshore oil and gas production and treating facilities. Prior to joining
academic experience in the USA, North Africa and Europe. He has been an PetroSkills he was with BP/Amoco for 24 years, in several locations around
active international oil and gas consulting engineer since 1993 involved in MR. DON BEESLEY has over 38 years of management, engineering, the world. Mr. Bothamley is a past chairman of the SPE Facilities
projects related to surface production operations, upstream facilities, field and operations experience in the oil and gas industry - virtually all on Gulf of Subcommittee and a former member of the GPSA Data Book Editorial Review
development, oil and gas production systems performance optimization, Mexico projects, including subsea systems, floating systems and fixed Board. Mr. Bothamley holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Lakehead
equipment selection, petroleum fluids treating and processing and fluids platforms. He has worked for operators Eni, Shell and Texaco, and has held University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, and a Diploma in Natural Gas
disposal management. From 1980 to 95, he worked on several oil and gas management positions including Project Development Manager and and Petroleum Technology from the British Columbia Institute of Technology
production technical issues and led research and development projects in Production Manager. Mr. Beesley has been a member of industry groups Deep in Vancouver, BC Canada. GP PF PL
areas such as: cement slurries, hydraulic fracturing fluids, proppant transport, Water Repair Underwater Pipeline Emergencies (DW RUPE) and Subsea
Tieback Forum (SSTB). He earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Auburn MR. JOHN C. BOURDON has more than 29 years experience in
emulsions, drilling muds, formation damage, cutting transport, H2S/CO2 hydrocarbon processing and specializes in sulfur recovery processes for the
corrosion, fluid flow and rheology, drag and pour point reducing agents and University, and he is a registered professional engineer in the states of Texas
and Louisiana. OS petroleum refining industry. Mr. Bourdon has been involved in the development
petroleum processing. He has successfully designed and delivered several of several sulfur-related technologies and mechanical innovations, has
short courses, seminars and lectures in a variety of oil and gas topics MR. ROBI BENDORF, CPSM, MCIPS, CPM, M.Ed., has over 35 authored several papers and made presentations worldwide. He has experience
throughout the world. He is a former tenured university full professor in years of purchasing and sales experience, involving domestic and international with several E&C firms including extensive start-up and troubleshooting
Louisiana and Oklahoma, a current member of several international societies activities, for a broad range of manufacturing and service businesses. He has activities. He consults for both North American and international clients. He is
including SPE, AIChE, ACS and ASEE, and a member of the US National extensive experience in consulting and training in purchasing, contracts, a registered professional engineer and member of Chi Epsilon Sigma Honor
34 Our Instructors
Society. Mr. Bourdon is fluent in English and Spanish. Mr. Bourdon has a BS (BSEE), charged with evaluating the Effectiveness of Safety and Environmental He founded and was President of Gulfex, Inc. for more than 37 years. This firm
in Chemical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Management Systems for Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Operations. Mr. is a major producer of pressure vessels for the refining, natural gas, oil
advanced degrees in other fields. GP PF PL Brett has authored or co-authored over 30 technical publications, and has production and petrochemical industries. Since 2003, he has been a lecturer
been granted over 30 US and International patents - including several patents on Section VIII, Div.1 of the Code teaching engineers worldwide on pressure
MR. MARK BOWERS is the Head of Training for CRS and is a relating to elimination of Drill Bit Whirl (which the Oil and Gas Journal Listed vessels. He consults in the field of upgrading and rerating existing pressure
Chartered Health and Safety practitioner with over 30 years of occupational as one of the 100 most significant developments in the history of the vessels for new service. He continues to be a volunteer for the Boy Scouts of
health, safety and environmental experience. His early career was engaged in petroleum industry). In 1999 the Society of Petroleum Engineers honored him America promoting high adventure programs for older scouts. He has been
the Royal Air Force training in both aircraft engineering and environmental as a Distinguished Lecturer. He served on the SPE International Board of teaching Biblical History for over 25 years. After completing his mechanical
health and safety, where he was engaged in operations worldwide including Directors 2007 to 2010 where he served as Drilling and Completions engineering training, he completed an MBA from the University of Texas at
the Falkland Islands, Northern Ireland, the Balkans and in the Gulf. Mark has Technical Director. Mr. Brett holds a BS in mechanical engineering and Austin. He spent two years in night school studying metallurgy at Rice
operated as a senior health and safety practitioner and trainer within safety physics from Duke University as well as an MS in Engineering from Stanford University. ME
critical industries including the railways, power supply industry and University and an MBA from Oklahoma State University. PM
petrochemicals. He has also applied his health and safety knowledge and MR. KRIS DIGRE has over 36 years of experience working in
expertise in a diverse blend of industries and business across the United MR. PAUL CARMODY has more than 34 years of experience in locations around the world. He has designed or been involved with the design
Kingdom as well as internationally. Mark is a registered trainer and examiner the petroleum industry. During his 32 years with Hess Corporation and its of offshore structures located off the coast of West Africa, Alaska, Australia,
for National Examining Board for Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH), predecessor, Amerada Hess Corporation, Mr. Carmody has been involved Brazil, Borneo, California, China, Egypt, the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea.
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and Chartered Institute of in nearly all aspects of oil and gas engineering from the reservoir sand face He has been involved in the technical specification development and/or
Environmental Health (CIEH). He has set up training and consultancy through the outlet of gas plants. He is a registered Professional Engineer in installation of all of deepwater Tension Leg Platforms (TLP) and a Floating
businesses in the universities sector developing a department teaching safety North Dakota where his experience includes Bakken oil development, Production System (FPS) in the Gulf of Mexico and an FPSO offshore Nigeria.
at University College London (UCL) along with a specialist asbestos skills production engineering, pipelines, and compressor station installations. Mr. Digre remains active in retirement providing advice to E&P project groups
training business and a behavioral safety consultancy. He is an active member West Texas experience includes CO2 EOR flood gas gathering, CO2 on various Nigeria FPSO projects. Mr. Digre is a graduate (BSCE) of Illinois
of the East Midlands IOSH Branch and provides a national travel agency with pipelines, and gas plant engineering. His gas plant experience includes Institute of Technology and a Licensed Professional Engineer in New Jersey,
advice in safety for international travelers. HSE three expansions of a CO2 Gas plant, cryogenic gas plants, and lean oil Louisiana, Texas and California. OS
plant processes where he has supplies process and design engineering
MR. ROBERT E. BOYD, CPA, MBA, CGMA is the Founder and services. He has served as a board member of the CO2 Conference in DR. ISKANDER DIYASHEV is a director and a co-founder of
President of Boston Street Advisors, Inc. an investment banking and financial Midland. Mr. Carmody graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Petroleum and Energy Technology Advisors, Inc., an engineering and
advisory firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is also the founder of Boston Street degree in Mechanical Engineering. PF PL consulting firm based in Houston, Texas, focused on drilling, completion and
Capital, a private equity investment firm, and a co-founder and Managing stimulation (www.1penta.com). Prior to that Dr. Diyashev was an officer and a
Member of Boston Street Capital Partners, LLC, a capital management MR. AJEY CHANDRA is a principal in the Houston office of Purvin board member with Independent Resource Development Corporation, based
company. Mr. Boyd has over thirty years of experience in the fields of capital & Gertz. He joined the firm in 1998 after working for Amoco for 12 years in in Moscow with operations in Western Siberia Russia. Dr. Diyashev was
formation, international finance, investment and portfolio management and gas processing and gas transportation. Prior to joining Purvin & Gertz, Ajey responsible for the planning of field development, reserves evaluation and
investment banking. Prior to forming his own firm, he worked in the was responsible for all facets of a 2.4 Bcfd gas processing facility in the United addition, planning of exploration activities, as well as engineering and
accounting department for Warren Petroleum Company, a division of Gulf Oil, Kingdom. Since joining Purvin & Gertz, Ajey has worked on a variety of technology. In 2001-2006 Dr. Diyashev served as a Chief Engineer for Sibneft,
and at Reading & Bates Corporation where he was supervisor of corporate assignments in the areas of market analysis, forecasting, gas processing and one of the largest integrated oil companies in Russia with a daily production
accounting and a senior financial analyst. He has also held positions as Chief transportation costs. He holds a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from of 700,000 BOPD. During his career, Dr. Diyashev worked in R&D, consulting,
Financial Officer - Treasurer and Manager of Treasury in the manufacturing Texas A&M University and an MBA from the University of Houston. GP and the service and production sides of the business both in Russia and
sector and senior financial analyst for a major international energy company. internationally. Prior to his work with Sibneft, Dr. Diyashev was one of the key
Mr. Boyds international experience includes engagements in Europe, Asia, MR. ALEXANDRE CHWETZOFF has over 35 years Schlumberger specialists to start the horizontal drilling project in Noyabrsk
Canada, South America, and the Middle East. Mr. Boyd has been involved in experience in engineering applications most of which was devoted to a major Western Siberia. He holds a PhD in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M
over 30 corporate ventures and has successfully negotiated several business oil company in various management level positions. He has extensive University, and advanced degrees in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow
transactions including the planning and restructuring of over $500 million of experience in exploration, business development, strategic planning, training Institute of Physics and Technology. He has authored 30 technical papers. Dr.
corporate debt for a major multi-national energy concern, and has served as development and management of multi-disciplinary conceptual teams. He is Diyashev is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and
exclusive financial advisor for the financing and sale of several mid-market fluent in French, English and Russian and is knowledgeable in German. He served on the Board of Directors of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE
companies across a variety of industries. He has also played key roles in received a Master of Engineering in Marine and Construction Engineering from International), and on the boards of various private E&P, service and
establishing a sales and distribution office in Germany and has advised major Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Techniques Avances (ENSTA) in Paris. P&C engineering firms in the petroleum industry. Twice in his career Dr. Diyashev
energy and service companies in the areas of shareholder value and MR. STEWART CLARKE is an occupational health and safety was elected to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer of the SPE, in 2005-06, and
performance measurement. Since founding his own firm, Mr. Boyd has practitioner employed with Corporate Risk Systems Limited. He has over in 2017-18. P&C INT
advised management and shareholders on capital acquisition, business twenty years experience in training, personnel development and mentoring at
development, transaction structuring, valuation services and strategic MR. WILLIAM (BILL) DOKIANOS has over 35 years
all levels within a wide range of organizations. He is a Chartered Member experience in engineering, production and pipeline. He is a Professional
business planning for mid-market companies. He currently serves on the (CMIOSH) of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health with a
National Advisory Council of the US Small Business Administration and Engineer in the states of Louisiana and New Mexico, and holds a General
background in engineering and teaching. Stewart was formerly a principal and Commercial Contractor License in the State of New Mexico. Over the
serves on several corporate and civic boards including the Tulsa University tutor at the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health in the Division
Friends of Finance and the University of Tulsa Student Investment Fund. He last 7 years he has been instructing for PetroSkills | John M. Campbell. He
of Epidemiology and Health Sciences in the School of Medicine at The instructs the PF4 course, Oil Production and Processing Facilities. He has
has served as chairman of the Capital Exchange Committee of the Wharton University of Manchester. Stewarts technical expertise includes mentoring
Club of New York where he founded the Wharton Investor Resources actively consulted over the past 10 years with ExxonMobil, Shell Exploration
and assessing NVQ OS&H Diploma candidates (PetroSkills mentored and Production, Sandridge Energy, Repsol and Chevron. Mr. Dokianos
Exchange, a network of capital investors and companies headed by Wharton program HS70), investigating loss events, and providing instruction on
Alumni and is a past president of the Graduate Business Association of the onshore consulting has focused on optimizing production utilizing casing
NEBOSH, IOSH and CIEH externally-certified courses. HSE gas systems, vessel and battery design, revising gun barrel design for better
University of Tulsa. Mr. Boyd is a current member of the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants and is listed in Whos Who of Global Business MR. JIMMY CLARY has 25 years of experience in the Hydrocarbon separation, production optimization and production troubleshooting (bad
Leaders. He has been an adjunct professor of Finance for the University of Processing Industries. During his 17 years with RWD Technologies, he held oil and or bad water). His offshore experiences include analyzing and
Tulsa. Mr. Boyd holds a BS in Business Administration from Phillips technical and management positions including Senior Training Analyst, solving poor platform up time at GB 128, GC 65 and other offshore
University with majors in Finance and Accounting and a Master of Business Project Manager and Team Leader. Mr. Clary has lived and worked in Los locations. Activities included process control changes due to stacked
Administration from the University of Tulsa, graduating with honors. He Angeles, California and Houston, Texas; completing projects in Asia, Africa separator vessels, revising safe charts, operating settings and
graduated from the Wharton Advanced Management Program of the Wharton and North and South America. He is currently based in Houston where he also reconfiguration of pipeline export pumps. He managed a subsea tieback
School of the University of Pennsylvania and is a Fellow of the Wharton worked for Petroleum Testing Services and NPR services in Special Core project in which the platform modifications included high pressure vessel
School. Mr. Boyd is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, the honor society for Analysis, Fluid Analysis and Amine reclamation areas. Mr. Clary earned a BA redesign, dehydrator expansion, adding a second vapor recovery unit,
collegiate business schools and is a Certified Public Accountant in the state in Mathematics and a BS in Physics from the University of Oklahoma. OM restaging high pressure and intermediate gas compressors and modifying
of Oklahoma and a Certified Global Management Accountant. He holds a bulk oil process design. He has been responsible for DOT compliance
series 65 securities license. PB MR. MICK CRABTREE has spent the last eight years running activities and reporting. This compliance responsibility has included
industrial workshops throughout the world in the fields of: Process Control development and implantation of federal risk programs and smart pigging.
MR. FORD BRETT is recognized worldwide as a leader in the area and Instrumentation; Data Communications; Fieldbus; Emergency Shutdown Mr. Dokianos holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from
of Petroleum Project and Process Management. A registered Professional Systems; Project Management; On-Line Analysis; and Technical Writing and Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. GP PF
Engineer and a certified Project Management Professional, Mr. Brett has Communications. He has trained over 5,000 engineers, technicians and
consulted in over 32 countries on five continents. Formerly, Mr. Brett worked scientists. Mr. Crabtree formerly trained in aircraft instrumentation and guided MR. CHRISTOPHER DOUGHERTY spent over 20 years
with Amoco Production Company where he specialized in drilling projects in missiles in the Royal Air Force, having completed his service career seconded in the British Royal Navy, where his primary job was marine engineering
the Bering Sea, North Slope of Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, offshore Trinidad and to the Ministry of Defense and he was responsible for ensuring the reliability, with an equally important secondary role involved with ship safety and
Wyoming. He has received many honors, including the 2000 Crosby maintainability and functional usefulness of specific equipment entering the firefighting. Since then, his career has been spent learning how to apply
Medallion for Global Competitiveness by the American Society for RAF. He is the former editor and managing editor of Pulse magazine, South his health and safety knowledge and expertise in a variety of industries
Competitiveness for its work in global competitiveness through quality in Africas leading monthly journal dedicated to the general electronic and and businesses, with recent clients including RasGas, Baker Hughes and
knowledge management, best practices transfer, and operations improvement. process control instrumentation industries. He has written and published six Chevron. Chris holds a Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Safety and
For his work on improved drilling techniques he was also honored in 1996 technical handbooks on industrial process control. Mr. Crabtree holds a MSc Health, and has worked with PetroSkills since 2008 delivering many of
with a nomination for the National Medal of Technology, the US Governments (Research) in Industrial Flow Measurement and an HNC in Electrical our health and safety courses worldwide. He is a registered trainer for
highest technology award. In 2010, he advised the US Department of Interior Engineering (with distinctions). IC&E NEBOSH, IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) and CIEH
as one of seven reviewers of the 30 Day Study immediately following the BP (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health). More recently, he has
Gulf of Mexico Tragedy, and in 2011-2012 he served on the National Academy MR. JOHN CURRY is a recognized authority on the ASME Boiler become an active member of the Humberside, UK Business Hive group
Committee to advise the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and Pressure Vessel Code, pressure vessel design, fabrication and metallurgy. and a volunteer Health and Safety Advisor for the Lincolnshire region of
MS. KERRY EDWARDS is a lead instructor for the PetroSkills design of process equipment, and the development of process systems has
provided him with unique insights into the issues that challenge operators as MR. GERALD GUIDROZ started out as a vibration test engineer
Health classes, with over twenty years HSE experience. She is a Chartered for the space shuttle main engines. He then moved into the oil and gas
Safety and Health Practitioner and a Member of the International Institute of their water production and water treatment complexity and cost escalates over
time. PF industry on the North Slope on the production side of the business. He worked
Risk and Safety Management. Ms. Edwards prior career was spent in as a rotating equipment engineer for several years as well as getting involved
paramedic nursing, specialising in intensive care and major trauma. In 1992, MR. RONALD FREND is a registered engineer, and has almost 40 with projects involving well pads, pipelines, waterflood, and gas injection
she joined an international manufacturing group as Health and Safety years of engineering, consulting and management experience. He rose to a before moving over to the pipeline side of the business. He was able to transfer
Manager. In 1997, she was awarded a Recognition Award for her senior management position in Shell International (Middle East) before some of his vibration experience into solving complex piping and equipment
achievements. After five years, she moved into accident research and opening an engineering consultancy in England. His entire career has been problems. Mr. Guidroz worked with the Trans-Alaska pipeline on pipeline and
investigation, where she used her biomechanics and medical knowledge to concerned with practical applications of maintenance and engineering. Ron is tank corrosion monitoring and repairs and worked as a construction engineer
aid research into vehicle safety and future vehicle design. She presented her experienced in a variety of predictive maintenance analytical techniques as at the Valdez Marine terminal. He then transferred to the refinery side of the
research into Pedestrian Biomechanics and Lower Limb Injury Inter- well as possessing management skills suitable to an engineering consultancy business working for multiple clients as an engineering consultant. He has
relationships at the IRCOBI Conference in Barcelona in 1999. Ms. Edwards and a large multi-national corporation. Specialized training has also been been involved with major refinery upgrades, multiple turnarounds and
was awarded BSc in Occupational Health and Safety by Wolverhampton carried out on the following topics: management techniques, non-destructive greenfield projects. He has acted as owners engineer on projects including a
University and Birmingham University Medical Institute. Latterly, she has testing, oil tanker cargo operations, instrumentation and control, resistance new spill response barge for drilling in the arctic. Mr. Guidroz has been
worked as an OH&S consultant and accredited trainer with Corporate Risk and gas welding, vibration analysis, infrared thermography and passive involved with all phases of projects from FEL1/Conceptual Design to Detailed
Systems Limited. She has worked with PetroSkills members in Europe and ultrasonics. Ron has successfully completed Helicopter Underwater Escape Design on through construction. His areas of expertise are in piping
the USA. She is a Lead Auditor for OSHAS 18001, a NEBOSH instructor and Training for offshore facilities. He is a Registered Engineer with an MSc from specification and design, welding, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, fired
examiner, as well as providing vocational mentoring and assessment to Huddersfield University in England as well as being a certified Chief Engineer heaters, pumps, compressors, drivers, valves, pipelines, and stress analysis.
individual professionals. HSE Officer (marine). PF ME PL Mr. Guidroz has a broad knowledge base from over twenty 28 of experience in
MR. ROBERT FANNING has held various Process the oil and gas business. ME
MR. RICHARD (RICK) GENTGES has over 32 years
Engineering and Management positions in his 26 years with Mobil. Mr. experience in the design, construction, and operation of underground natural MR. ROGER HADDAD, P.E., PMP, is a practicing project manager
Fannings background includes general oilfield facilities, water flood facilities, gas storage facilities. His experience includes assignments in operations, with Occidental Petroleum and has over 25 years of design and project
CO2 flood facilities, NGL recovery, and LNG. Mr. Fanning was on the Board of technical support, engineering management, and project management. Most experience in the Oil and Gas and Chemical Industries. He started his career
the Permian Basin Chapter of the GPA for several years and is a past President recently (2010-2012) he served as Senior Project Manager for Cook Inlet as a structural engineer and progressed from design to construction to project
of the chapter. He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Natural Gas Storage Alaska, LLC, and was responsible for overall construction management. He gained his project management skills while working on fast-
University of Wyoming and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of the first commercial underground gas storage facility in Alaska. From 1982- track projects in North America where he held various positions in project and
of Texas. GP 2010 he worked for ANR Pipeline Company where he held various technical portfolio management. For the last 10 years, Roger has been managing large
MR. WOLFGANG FOERG has over 20 years experience in plant and managerial positions involving gas storage assets. His technical offshore and onshore oil and gas projects in the Middle East. With his
system design, control system design and selection, procurement, experience includes performing and analyzing well tests, reservoir extensive experience in design, construction, risk management and project
engineering management, and installation and commissioning of vendor performance analysis, reservoir simulation, and overall storage facility controls, he has been managing large project teams and contractors and
proprietary equipment. His experience includes assignments as project optimization. During his career he managed construction projects that working with JV partners as well as national oil companies. Roger earned a
engineer, rotating equipment specialist, lead engineer for major EPC involved enhancements to existing gas storage facilities and construction of MS in Structural Engineering and a BS in Civil Engineering from the
contractors, as well as experience in construction, module design, new gas storage facilities. The scope of construction included the drilling and University of Buffalo, New York. He is currently based in Abu Dhabi, United
commissioning and startup of plants. The types of plants include air completion of vertical and horizontal wells, upgrades to gathering systems, Arab Emirates. PM
separation plants, gas plants, gas storage facilities, power generation, MTBE new compression, and gas processing equipment. Mr. Gentges is a past
Chairman of the Underground Gas Storage Committee of the American Gas MR. GERARD HAGEMAN is based in The Hague (The
plants, refinery wastewater treatment facilities, phenol plants, polypropylene Netherlands), where he settled after 33 years in the downstream oil and gas
plants, crude oil treating facilities and crude oil pipelines, LNG/NGL Association (1994). He also served as Chairman of the Underground Gas
Storage Research Committee for the Pipeline Research Council International business (including LNG). He is equipped with thorough knowledge and
liquefaction plants, and LNG receiving terminals. Specific equipment experience in LNG, gas and refinery operations, start-up, design, process
experience includes gas turbines, steam turbines, cryogenic expanders, (1998-2003), and served on the National Petroleum Council Gas Storage
Team (2003-2004). Mr. Gentes holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering from the technology, teamwork, change processes, and competency assessment. He
centrifugal compressors, reciprocating compressors, centrifugal pumps, started his career with the Gulf Oil refinery in The Netherlands as a process
positive displacement pumps, polymer extruders, refrigeration systems, diesel University of Michigan (1981). PF
engineer, followed by a job as economic analyst for Gulf Oil Chemicals in
engines, motors, generators, dryers, chemical injection systems, cooling MR. DAN GIBSON is a consulting engineer with over 35 years of London, after which he joined Shell for 29 years. During his career with Shell,
towers, boilers, and loading arms. Mr. Foerg holds a MS, Mechanical experience in production, completions, and well integrity issues from oil and Mr. Hageman has worked in numerous countries including Malaysia,
Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology and a BS, Mechanical gas fields all over the world. After working as a roughneck and roustabout Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom,
Engineering from Cornell University. He is a Registered Professional Engineer through college, he started his professional life as a facility engineer in Alaska. Denmark and, of course, The Netherlands. He has been responsible for
in Wyoming, Colorado, Alberta, and Texas and is a CCHEST Safety Trained He has worked his way through the value stream from facilities to completions Process Engineering, Design, Operation, Start-up, Process Safety (Integrity),
Supervisor (STS). ME with jobs in Anchorage, Denver, Houston, Gabon, Congo, Egypt, Scotland, Interface Management, Change Processes, Competency Assurance and
MR. ERIC A. FOSTER is a Geoscience Technical Advisor with Russia, and Australia. He is currently a consulting engineer, working on Training. He holds an MS in Chemical Engineering from Twente University in
PetroSkills-OGCI based in Houston. He has 40 years of operations and completions and well integrity problems for a wide range of independents and The Netherlands. He is a member of KIVI, i.e. The Royal Dutch Institute of
management experience in the oil and gas industry. Prior to joining majors. He has worked as a Wells Technical Authority for a large international Engineers. Mr. Hageman joined PetroSkills | John M. Campbell in 2012.
PetroSkills, he was with Landmark and responsible for managing geoscience independent with a varied portfolio of offshore oil and gas wells. He was the GP PF
and engineering consultants, representing geological, geophysical and first Senior Completion Advisor for a super major. As part of this role, he
worked with teams on both major technical incidents and on planning and DR. JAMES L. HANER is the head of Ultimate Business Resources
petrophysical software applications and services for global operations. (UBR) Consulting, specializing in Building Better Businesses. UBR is an
Starting as a geologist in field operations in the US, South America, North assurance of high profile projects around the world. These experiences have
given him a unique viewpoint of how fields are developed; how wells are independent firm offering business consulting and project management
Sea, Trinidad and Mexico, he then worked as a training instructor and services to Fortune 500 companies in the US, Europe, Africa, and China.
coordinator for worldwide operations at Core Laboratories in Dallas and designed, constructed, and produced; how things can go wrong with a well
during construction and production; and how best to mitigate and manage James has more than 30 years of experience in business and IT. His
subsequently moved to Calgary as Manager, Geological Operations. His responsibilities have included establishing a corporate web presence for a
background has included all aspects of formation evaluation and the well problems. He has authored and co-authored a number of papers, ranging
from polymer flood management to ice mechanics and most recently a design Fortune 500 company, creating a successful organization-wide employee
application of software to geological and drilling engineering data acquisition development plan, and developing the IT infrastructure for a start-up company
and interpretation. He has acted as a technical advisor/consultant on projects of an innovative ICD system for a high rate water injection well. Dan graduated
from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater and Studied Arctic Engineering at in both project management and leadership roles. He completed his PhD work
throughout the world; and has extensive experience in the design and delivery at the University of Idaho and Corillins University. He earned an MA degree in
of training programs. He was an instructor of petroleum technology at Mount the University of Alaska, Anchorage. His teaching style focuses on first
principles and developing an understanding of why things happen which then Management/Leadership from the Claremont Graduate School and took
Royal College and SAIT in Calgary and in-house for Amoco. He was classes with Peter F. Drucker, the father of modern management. James is a
nominated for the Distinguished Lecturer award. Mr. Foster graduated with a dictates an appropriate response. P&C
contributing author of 140 Project Management Tips in 140 Words or Less,
BSc (Honors) in Geology, from the University of London; he is a registered MR. JOSH GILAD, P.E., has 40 years of domestic and international 2010; Making Sense of Sustainability in Project Management, 2011; and
Professional Geologist and is a member of APEGGA, AAPG, SPE, HGS and experience in the engineering, analysis, inspection, troubleshooting, forensic Program Management: A Lifecycle Approach (2012). PPD
SPWLA. He served as Publications Chairman and on symposium committees investigation and expert witness for marine liquid bulk terminals for oil (crude,
for the CWLS; he co-authored a paper on computer data formats (LAS) and products) and gas (LNG, LPG), cargo handling and storage facilities, prime MR. MALCOLM HARRISON graduated in Chemical
has compiled numerous technical papers and training materials; he is a movers, piping and pipelines. His experience includes pipeline flow and Engineering in 1981 and completed an MBA in 1995. He has worked mostly
certified tutor for online learning. INT in the areas of oil and gas, cryogenics and gas monetization. Mr. Harrison has
Discipline icon legend on page 33
36 Our Instructors
worked for BP, BOC, Foster Wheeler and BG. He was Director of Process in the Oklahoma City SPE Section including the section chairperson in 2011- eliminate entrainment, and upgrading oil dehydrators. Mr. Jentz has worked
Engineering for Foster Wheeler and, most recently, was BGs Chief Process 2012. He has published several papers in the area of gas processing and for both operating and engineering contracting companies. He is a
Engineer. He has travelled a lot, worked on all the continents except Antarctica, facilities design. He was the distinguished author in the August 2009 Journal Registered Professional Engineer in Alaska and Washington. Mr. Jentz
visited more countries and encountered more cultures than he can remember. of Petroleum Technology with an article titled The Role of Gas Processing in received his BS in Chemical Engineering from California State University
While his foundations are in process engineering, the MBA sparked an the Natural Gas Value Chain. Mr. Hubbard holds a BS in Chemical Long Beach in 1974. PF
interest in corporate strategy, in changing organizations and building high Engineering from Kansas State University (1971), and an MBA from Tulane
performing teams. GP University (1978). GP PF ME PL MR. STEPHEN JEWELL is an independent oil and gas consultant
and advisor with 30 years experience in the upstream sector. He was
DR. W. GREG HAZLETT was Vice President of PetroSkills from MR. WILLIAM E. HUGHES is a practicing lawyer in Tulsa, previously the Managing Director and co-founder of Xodus Subsurface Ltd,
2002-2016 where he designed competency-based training programs, Oklahoma, who has handled a wide variety of cases involving oil and gas the Wells and Subsurface company within the Xodus Group of technical
evaluated course materials and instructors, taught training courses, and related matters. He has studied in France and lived in Morocco and received consultants. He was also Chief Operating Officer and a founding shareholder
consulted on technical issues. Prior to joining OGCI, he was Vice President a Fulbright scholarship to teach US and comparative law at the University of of Composite Energy Limited, a European Unconventional Gas company,
of a consulting firm, where he was in charge of the petroleum and geological Tunis during the 2000-2001 academic year. He teaches courses at the growing the company from seed capital of $500k to an ultimate sale value of
engineering consulting group. He specializes in performing reservoir University of Tulsa, including courses in comparative and international law, over $60 million in 5 years. He has over 16 years experience with Amerada
characterization, engineering and simulation studies. Studies include deep- European Union law, banking law, US Constitutional law, and an introduction Hess starting as petroleum engineer and progressing to Acting General
water Gulf of Mexico oil and gas fields, a granite gas reservoir offshore India, to the US law and legal system for non-US lawyers and graduate students. He Manager of its North Sea Operations Base. He received a BEng (Honors)
and steamfloods in California. Dr. Hazlett has also worked for Mobil as a is a graduate of Harvard University Law School. PB degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Sheffield and speaks
drilling engineer, and for Texaco as a steamflood project manager in Norwegian and French. INT
Colombia, and as a reservoir and simulation engineer in both research and MS. SELMA (SALLY) A. JABALEY is a Senior Engineering
Kuwait operations. He was a Lecturer at Texas A&M University and an Manager with expertise in management of engineering departments. She DR. SATISH K. KALRA is a petroleum engineer with over 25
Associate Professor at New Mexico Tech, and has published on petroleum specializes in engineering, procurement and construction of oil and gas years of management, operations, teaching, research, and consulting
engineering topics, served as SPE coordinator for the Reservoir, Gas facilities projects, evaluation and due diligence of oil and gas projects for experience with national and private oil companies. As an Associate Professor
Technology, and Fluid Mechanics and Oil Recovery Processes committees, participation and implementation, and optimization of mature oil and gas of Petroleum Engineering, he taught graduate and undergraduate students at
and has testified as an expert witness. Dr. Hazlett has BS, MS and PhD fields. She is currently the Owner and Principal of Jabaley Consulting LLC, a the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. He also worked for the
degrees in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University and is a company that does consultant work for Shell, as well as companies in Africa, University of Texas at Austin. His career includes assignments with ONGC
registered Professional Engineer in Texas. INT the Middle East, and other locations around the globe. She is an SPE Gulf (National Oil Company of India), ARCO Offshore (now BP), BJ Services, Agio
Coast Section, Projects, Facilities, and Construction study group member and Oil and Gas, Schlumberger / Holditch, Miller and Lents and SKAL-TEX
MR. RON HINN is the EVP for Sales and Member Engagement for past Chairman, and was awarded their Distinguished Contributions to Corporation. He is widely published in technical literature and was the
PetroSkills. He is a people oriented manager, possessing strong leadership Projects, Facilities, and Construction award in 2008. She has earned a Chairman of the National SPE Committee on Monographs. His technical
and communication skills. A registered professional engineer, Rons 39-year Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2008, expertise includes the design and supervision of production and well
career has spanned numerous roles including staff engineering, engineering Ms. Jabaley was inducted into the Georgia Tech Academy of Distinguished completion operations, formation damage and sand control, reservoir
supervision, corporate knowledge management and professional staffing and Engineering Alumni, and now serves as an advisory board member for the management, technology transfer and contract negotiations. He actively
competency development. Ron is an active supporter of global engineering Georgia Tech Civil and Environmental Engineering department. PM participated in several technology transfer agreements with various Indian,
accreditation activities, having served in multiple roles for ABET up to and Chinese, and Russian companies. He is fluent in English, Russian and several
including Executive Committee of the ABET Board. Ron received a BS degree DR. RODNEY JACOBS is recognized as a worldwide leader in the Indian languages. Recently he was nominated as a member of the Russian
from the University of Tulsa in petroleum engineering. INT field of Instrumentation, Automation and Process Control. He has been Academy of Natural Sciences US Section. He received an M.S. and Ph.D. in
involved in instrumentation for the last 35 years, and has presented a great petroleum engineering from the Gubkin Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia and a
DR. FRANK HOPF has 35 years of experience in engineering and deal of workshops in many countries around the world (with most of them degree in law from Gujarat University, India. P&C INT
management of energy transportation and distribution facilities for crude oil, being in countries that have an interest in the oil and gas industries). Apart
refined products, petrochemicals and LNG. He also has seven years from in-house and public workshops, he has also presented hundreds of DR. MOHAN G. KELKAR is a professor of petroleum engineering
pursuing a PhD in geography where he conducted research in engineering internet-based (e-learning) sessions, primarily related to process control and at the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His main research interests
geomorphology, GIS and remote sensing, hazard analysis, and the safety. His main area of focus includes PLCs, SCADA, DCS, loop tuning, include reservoir characterization, production optimization, and risk analysis.
relationship of science and public policy development. During his 31 years instrumentation and other areas related to the control of processes. Although He is involved in several research projects, which are partially funded by
with Shell Oil Company and affiliated companies, he managed engineering, his primary focus has always been instrumentation, he does have various national and international oil companies, the US Department of
construction and operations for pipelines and terminals in the Gulf of qualifications in electrical heavy current aspects, and has lectured this at Energy, and Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science and Technology.
Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Montana, California, New Mexico, Mississippi, university level. In addition to presenting international seminars, he is also He has taught various short courses for many oil companies in Canada,
Louisiana and Washington. He also served on the board of directors of actively involved as a consulting engineer, in his area of expertise. He is a past Indonesia, Singapore, Nigeria, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Scotland, India, Denmark
several major joint interest pipeline systems. Mr. Hopf concluded his career recipient of the N&Z award, which is one of the highest awards, in the field of and across the United States. He has been a consultant to many oil companies,
with Shell in the implementation of an SAP based supply chain management instrumentation, in South Africa. Apart from a Doctorate in Electrical as well as to the United Nations. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering
system for the pipeline organization. He accepted a graduate assistantship Engineering, Light Current, he also has an Honors degree in Psychology, and from the University of Bombay, an M.S. in Petroleum Engineering and a Ph.D.
to pursue a PhD in geography, completing his dissertation on the risk of is internationally certified in training and assessment. IC&E in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and a J.D. from the
levee failures in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and the impacts University of Tulsa. P&C
of the assessment of risk on public policy formation. He also studied MR. FRANK JARRETT has over 40 years of experience, primarily
engineering geomorphology, fluvial and coastal geomorphology, and GIS/ in the natural gas processing industry. Responsibilities have included project MR. BILL KEMP has over 35 years of oil and gas industry experience
remote sensing applications to the energy transportation and distribution design team supervision, conceptual and detailed process design, extensive in engineering, operations, product development, commercialization,
industries. He has taught large courses (excess of 300 students) at Texas use of computer simulation tools, computer program development and business development, sales, and marketing. He is currently Senior Sales
A&M University. Mr. Hopf was awarded his PhD in December of 2011. He testing, process and mechanical flow sheet development, equipment sizing Consultant for PetroSkills. He joined in July 2013. Bill is responsible for
is a registered Civil Engineer in Texas. PL and specification, hazards analysis, facilities checkout, start-up, strategic member/client interaction in workforce development, consulting and
debottlenecking and teaching. His background covers natural gas liquids software in the upstream, midstream and downstream segments. Previously,
MR. AARON HORN is the founder of Eos Resources, a training recovery, natural gas liquefaction, nitrogen rejection and recovery of helium Bill was manager, sales and marketing, for the Oilfield Technology Group of
company aimed at providing leadership and technical training to multiple from natural gas, acid gas removal, product distillation, dehydration, relief Momentive (Hexion) in Houston. Bill joined Hexion in late 2004. At Hexion,
industries. He consults to CAP Resources, a company that provides system design and evaluation, CO2 pipeline and compression, plant utilities Bill was responsible for new stimulation technology commercialization as well
business development services, primarily in the oil and gas industry, to and support systems. He is a registered professional Engineer in the state of as managing strategic relationships with customers and industry
startup technology companies assisting clients with market strategy, Colorado and has served on the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain organizations. He began his career with Halliburton in 1977 as an engineer-
mergers and acquisitions, and strategic operational planning. He also Chapter of the Gas Processors Association. Mr. Jarrett received a BS in in-training. He had numerous field engineering, sales, product marketing and
provides technical support to the senior management of Hydrozonix, a water Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering from the Colorado School of business development positions at Halliburton. As global marketing manager
treatment service provider in the oil and gas industry. His background Mines. GP PL for stimulation in the late 1990s, he led the introduction of various innovative
includes Operations Engineering experience in both completions and acidizing and fracturing technologies. He left Halliburton in 2000 to start a
production areas. Aaron served in the military rising to the rank of Captain MR. ALFRED R. JENNINGS, JR. is a well stimulation consulting company specializing in oilfield market research and new
after receiving a BS degree in Systems Engineering from the United States consultant with Enhanced Well Stimulation, Inc., located in Tyler, Texas. He technology commercialization. Bill has been active in SPE and served
Military Academy at West Point. P&C actively provides well stimulation consulting services throughout the world. numerous roles at both the local and national level. Bill has a BSEE from the
Prior to establishing Enhanced Well Stimulation, Inc., he worked for Mobil University of Texas at Austin. INT
MR. ROBERT (BOB) HUBBARD is based in Norman, R&D Corporation/Mobil E&P Services, Inc. where he was involved in various
Oklahoma with over 42 years experience in oil and gas facilities, worldwide. applications of well stimulation throughout Mobils worldwide operations. MR. DALE KRAUS has over 30 years of progressive responsibility
Mr. Hubbard is currently Sr. Technical Advisor-Facilities and Process Prior to Mobil, he worked 15 years for Halliburton Services in all aspects of from staff to management positions within the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry.
Engineering for PetroSkills. He previously served as President of John M. hydraulic fracturing research and field applications. He is a registered Mr. Kraus has obtained a sound basis in Facility/Processing Engineering with
Campbell & Co. until December 2012 when the company was acquired by Professional Engineer and has authored or co-authored 95 US patents an emphasis on Plant and Field Operations in Oil and Gas Production, both
PetroSkills. In 2009 he retired from the University of Oklahoma where he pertaining to applications and techniques for well stimulation. He is widely sweet and sour. He is also the President of D. Kraus Oil & Gas Consulting
served as a visiting professor and directed a masters program in Natural Gas published and has served on numerous SPE Committees. He received a BS Corp., a member of APPEGA and holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from
Engineering and Management in the Petroleum and Geological Engineering Degree in Chemistry and an MS Degree in Petroleum Engineering from the the University of Saskatchewan. He currently resides by the lake in Wakaw,
Dept. In 2002 he retired from John M. Campbell & Company where he worked University of Oklahoma. P&C Saskatchewan. GP PF
for 23 years providing training and consulting services to several international
oil and gas companies. He served in several capacities at JMC including MR. ROBIN JENTZ has 38 years of oil and gas processing MR. JAMES LANGER is a registered professional chemical
chairman, a position he held when he retired in 2002. He also worked for experience. His work has included most process areas of oil and gas engineer in Texas and California. He graduated with a BS in Chemical
Texaco from 1972-1980, where he held various engineering and management production, including design and testing of low dewpoint glycol dehydration Engineering from UCLA and has an MBA from Pepperdine. Jim has been
positions. Mr. Hubbard is a member of SPE and GPSA; he has chaired the units, analysis of flare and relief systems using dynamic simulation working for Hess as a Senior Process Engineering Advisor for the past 7
SPE Facility Engineering Committee and has held several leadership positions programs, retrofitting gas/liquid separators to increase capacity and years. He is retired from Shell having worked 28 years as a Senior Staff
Mechanical Engineering from Rice University and a PhD in Oceanographic Decision Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, 2nd Ed., author of Risk and
Decision Analysis in Projects, 2nd Ed., and has written over 40 articles, papers MR. MARCUS (MARC) A. SUMMERS has over 30 years of
Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Woods Hole oilfield experience and over 15 years of hands on training experience. He
Oceanographic Institution. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State and handbook chapters. He received BS and MS degrees in mineral-
engineering physics from the Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from the founded and ran PetrEX International, Inc., and is currently Discipline
of Texas and is a member of ASME. OS Manager of Well Construction/Drilling and a Sr. Instructor with PetroSkills. In
University of Colorado. His website is www.maxvalue.com. PB
MR. GERRY H. ROSS, PetroSkills Advisor and Instructor, has 1980, he began working as a drilling engineer for Amoco for fifteen years in
more than 39 years formation evaluation and rock based Petrophysics MR. JOHN C. SCRUTON-WILSON is a founding faculty various locations around the world. His background includes operations,
experience. He has participated in global oil and gas operations from member of the BP Financial University responsible for developing and technical support, and drilling research functions. Since 1986 he has written
exploration through production. He has been a PetroSkills Instructor for 14 delivering finance and economic evaluation training throughout the BP a number of papers presented at SPE/IADC conferences and several articles
years. From 2002 until 2016, while at PetroSkills, he was an executive VP organization. His leadership in negotiation was displayed by developing a published in Petroleum Engineer International, American Oil and Gas
with responsibility for Alliance membership growth and engagement. He is consensus position with ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips in agreements for Reporter, etc. He received a BS in Petroleum Engineering from the University
course director for Basic Petroleum Technology and the online ePetro the Alaska Gas Pipeline as well as shaping $20 billion of Federal Loan of Oklahoma and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Oklahoma. INT
guarantees and tax benefits for the pipeline. He is experienced in project
Discipline icon legend on page 33
40 Our Instructors
MR. DAVID TENHOOR, CPIM has been consulting and MR. HUGO VARGAS has more than 33 years of active experience engineering consultancy supporting both mechanical and process disciplines.
teaching APICS (The Association for Operations Management) CPIM in oil fields. He provided professional technical training to engineers and In 2009 he started instructing part time for John M. Campbell and Co. in
certification courses since 2005. He has taught in many different supervisors as a Senior Technical Instructor for 5 years. He worked in office mechanical engineering and operator training. Currently, Mr. Watson supports
industries from chemical processing to discrete manufacturing. and field positions with both a major Service Oil Co. and also with a Major Oil PetroSkills in a full time role to ensure technical and quality assurance in ICE,
Companies include BASF, National Oilwell Varco, Halliburton, Co. His experience includes execution, supervision and management with Pipeline, Mechanical and Offshore engineering. ME PL O&M
ExxonMobil Chemical and Cameron. David brings a well-rounded well testing, down hole tools, data acquisition, completions, cementing,
package of industry experience to PetroSkills/JMC. He has held positions fracturing, stimulations and workover in general. He has coordinated testing MR. DAVID WHITELEGG graduated with a BSc (Hons) in
in Inventory Control, Manufacturing Management, Strategic Sourcing and operations at well sites with authority over all service companies at rig and Environment Management from Cranfield University in the UK. He is a
Transportation/Distribution Management. He also has experience in rig-less environments, both land and offshore including deep water. While Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) with the Society for the Environment, a
Finance and Product Development. David received his undergraduate coordinating completion and testing phases, he became familiar with Electric Chartered Waste Manager with Chartered Institution for Wastes Management
degree in Geology from Hope College in Holland, Michigan and an MBA wire line, Coil Tubing and Slick line operations. He has a high level of (CIWM), and a full member (MIEMA) of IEMA (Institute of Environmental
in Supply Chain Management from Michigan State University. He is a understanding of workover operations, costs and technical issues, with Management and Assessment). He is also a Graduate Member (GradIOSH) of
member of the Houston Chapter of APICS and served two terms on the emphasis in testing. He has authored applications in Visual Basic for IOSH. David is a member of the Professional Standards Committee at IEMA.
Board of Directors as Treasurer. SC hydraulic calculations, risk assessment, financials and for training purposes. He comes from a background in landfill and waste sites operations
He is IWCF certified and received a B.S. in Chemistry and is fluent in English, management, and is an experienced environmental and OH&S instructor with
MR. BUCK TITSWORTH has over 40 years experience with Spanish and Portuguese and communicates in French. P&C considerable international experience. HSE
major international operating and service companies in worldwide oil and
gas production/process engineering, project execution, and business MR. PAUL VERRILL has over 25 years experience working in the MR. PETER WILLIAMS has over 35 years of industrial
planning. Specific experience includes upstream projects (Middle East - chemicals, petrochemicals, hydrocarbon processing and power sectors with experience, most of which were in oil and gas processing. His experience
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait); oil & gas pipeline and production facilities the last 15 years predominantly in gas processing and gas and liquid includes plant process engineering, operations supervision, project
projects (South America, the Far East, FSU, Austral-Asia); FPSO/mobile pipelines. He has held a number of technical and senior management development and business case definition, project technical support,
system development projects (Canada, Asia-Pacific, West Africa); refining positions including Mechanical and Piping Designer, Machinery Engineer, plant engineering management, and internal consulting, primarily with
projects (USA and eastern Europe); and global business/strategic Project Manager, Engineering and Maintenance Manager and other Senior Saudi Aramco. Canadian experience includes plant engineering in
planning for the engineering and construction industry. Assignments Plant and Business Management roles. He has worked for a number of phosphorus production, heavy water, and bitumen upgrading, and project
have included establishing joint ventures and/or new offices in Vietnam, international operating and engineering companies including ICI, Rolls Royce engineering. He also has experience with benchmarking, implementation
Pakistan, Nigeria, Australia, Canada, and Holland. Mr. Titsworth has a BS and Enron Engineering & Construction, working on projects around the world. of a safety management system, and the application of lean Six Sigma
in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston, and is a His experience includes piping and mechanical equipment design, rotating methods to engineering management. He has Masters degrees in
registered professional engineer in four states. O&M equipment engineering, project management, gas processing project Chemical Engineering and in Economics, is a Professional Engineer in
development including FEED study management and operations and Alberta and is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt. GP PF
MR. KYLE TRAVIS is a Petroleum Engineer with 32 years of turnaround management. For the previous 3 years Mr. Verrill has been
diversified experience in the oil and gas industry. He has a proven track record MR. RONN WILLIAMSON, CFPIM, CPM, has provided
working in the senior management team of an 800mmscfd gas processing education programs and consulting globally in supply management for the oil
of effectively building oil and gas companies from infancy to significance. His facility which has been developing the onshore assets for a new UK gas field.
experience includes managing oil and gas companies from the initial and gas industry through PetroSkills and John M. Campbell & Co for the past
In 2011 Mr. Verrill started working with JM Campbell as an Instructor in eleven years. Most recently, he was the Technical Training Director for John
formulation of a business plan and establishment of goals through the addition to providing project development and asset management services
execution of such. He has built and supervised a staff of experienced oil and M. Campbell & Co. Working with major oil companies, he created the
through his own consultancy company. Mr. Verrill is based in Yorkshire, PetroSkills discipline competency maps for strategic supply chain
gas professionals, evaluated drilling prospects, acquired producing England and graduated with a B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from
properties, managed the operations of drilling and the production of oil and management and led the supply chain discipline network for several years.
Newcastle University in the UK and he is a Chartered Member of the Institute Ronn has almost 40 years of supply chain management experience, with 18
gas properties. He is experienced in all phases of petroleum engineering of Mechanical Engineers. GP ME
including economics, drilling, log analysis, completion, production and years of operational management experience and 21 years of consulting and
reservoir. He has a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of MS. NAOMI WARR has 15 years environmental management training around the globe. As a consultant, Ronn has designed and managed
Oklahoma. P&C experience. Starting her career in a research laboratory, she moved into projects for more than fifty organizations in numerous industries to deliver
infrastructure where she held various environmental management roles in improved organizational policies and procedures, increased leverage of
MR. RONNIE TUCKER is a seasoned Irish business executive major construction groups dealing with roads construction, utilities, M&E, purchasing power, reduced inventories, and improved resource utilization in
and financial and economic consultant with extensive practical experience. building, rail, gas, sewage treatment, waste and quarrying. In 2009 Naomi, the supply chain. Ronn gained his supply management expertise in the first
He has worked as a corporate business process reengineering Project stepped into consulting and training; at the same time expanding her work into half of his career through ever-increasing operational and executive
Director in Helsinki, as a CFO/COO in New York, as a Director of Corporate other business sectors such as manufacturing, distribution and food. As well management roles at Thermo King Corporation, a billion-dollar global
Risk Management in Brussels and as a Financial Analyst in Silicon Valley. as advisory and auditing assignments, she also implemented environmental manufacturing subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Ronn
He has been a board member in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, management systems(EMS) for several businesses. In her spare time, Naomi received a BS in Physics from St. Johns University and a BME in Engineering
UK and USA and has sat on a number of board audit, finance and competes in endurance triathlons and helps with the construction and and an MBA from the University of Minnesota. He has been a member and
governance sub-committees. Since 2012 he is a Divisional Director with development of her family home - of course, incorporating environmental and past chapter president, of the American Production and Inventory Control
Indecon Consultants. Since 1997 he has trained more than 4,000 non- sustainable technologies where practicable. HSE Society (APICS). He has been a member of the National Association of
financial managers in finance, economics and accounting for multinationals, Purchasing Management-Twin Cities (NAPM-TC), the Manufacturers Alliance
governments and management institutes. He also taught management at the MR. COLIN WATSON has over 36 years broad experience in and the International Association for Commercial Contracts Management
National University of Ireland and has spoken on governance for the petrochemicals, primarily in engineering support and process safety (IACCM). Ronn is certified at the Fellow Level by APICS and has a lifetime
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. Ronnie has a particular management. He joined PetroSkills as an instructor in 2014. His experience purchasing certification by the Institute of Supply Management (ISM). SC
interest in the petroleum industry. In 2012 he taught MPs and civil servants includes assignments in technical support, operations, turnarounds, project
from the Ministries of Finance and Natural Resources in Kurdistan, Iraq on execution and HSE and engineering management. From 2006 he has worked MR. WES WRIGHT has 32 years experience in oil and gas
production sharing contracts. He also recently trained government officials as an independent Engineering and Process Safety Consultant working with producing facilities. Mr. Wright began teaching with PetroSkills in 2004 where
from Myanmar in energy project economics and finance. His long client list oil and gas clients. He has worked primarily with BP to design, develop and he has been delivering courses in CO2 Surface Facilities, Oil and Gas
includes ExxonMobil and Schlumberger. He is a member of the petroleum facilitate their global Process Safety training and awareness programs both for Processing and Operator Training world-wide. Previously, Mr. Wright was the
business faculty at PetroSkills. He conducted cost-benefit appraisals of engineering and operations teams. In a varied 28-year career in BP he latterly lead on-site engineer at the Weyburn CO2 Miscible flood where he was closely
infrastructure projects for the Office of the Prime Minister of Malta. This also worked to develop strategic structures and governance systems to manage involved in the development, design, construction, start-up and operations.
involved knowledge transfer to the Prime Ministers staff. Ronnie brings to Process Safety and Integrity Management for the BP Grangemouth Complex Through the 1980s, Mr. Wright performed contract research at the University
bear his work in many industries including pharmaceuticals, logistics, and the European BP Chemicals Sites. His operations experience providing of Calgary in Enhanced Oil Recovery and was a consultant on a wide range of
retail, forest products, hospitality, and ports. He has worked extensively in technical support and engineering management extends across a variety of sweet and sour oil and gas projects throughout Western Canada. Mr. Wright
the Middle East including in Algeria, Dubai, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, petrochemical and refining processes. He holds a BSc in Engineering Science graduated in 1983 with a BSc in Engineering from the University of Calgary.
Syria, and Tunisia. For petroleum industry clients he has also worked all (Mechanical) from Edinburgh University (1978) and is a Chartered Engineer He is a Professional Engineer in Alberta, Canada and is a member of the SPE.
over the world. Ronnie has a Bachelors degree in business and economics with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. HSE He has been published in the ASME-OMAE, CSCE, IAHR, and in Carbon
from Trinity College, Dublin (1978) and an MBA from Stanford University Sequestration and Related Technologies (Wiley, 2011). PF
(1985). PB MR. STUART WATSON is the Facilities Engineering Technical
Director for PetroSkills. He has over 18 years of experience in oil and gas MR. CLYDE YOUNG has over 30 years of diverse experience in
MR. DANNY VAN SCHIE is a chemical engineer with 20 years of processing. His experience has taken him to facilities around the world in operations and maintenance of production and processing facilities. This
experience within the oil and gas sector and the chemical industry. He is a regions including Australia, Africa, the Middle East and the US. Mr. Watson includes significant experience in operations and development of management
Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers. His graduated with honors in 1995 from Curtin University, Perth, Australia, with a systems for gas processing and water/wastewater treatment facilities. This
areas of expertise include: high level conceptual design with a view to engage BS in Mechanical Engineering. After graduating he worked in Perth, Australia includes operating procedure development, training program development,
EPC type contractor who will take the concept further into FEED and ultimately supporting Woodsides offshore facilities. In January 2000, Stuart accepted a compliance auditing, vulnerability assessment, emergency planning and
EPC. Additional areas include FEED and Detailed Design engineering within position with Pearl Development Company of Colorado where he worked over mechanical integrity program development. Mr. Young provides many of our
major contractors, construction support, commissioning and operation of a the next eight years at many of the gas production and processing facilities in clients with PHA services, compliance audits and Hazards Reviews. Mr. Young
plant. He has worked on varied projects ranging from green field to the western US. His work included expansions for Unocal Alaska, facilities has presented at the Mary K. OConnor Process Safety Symposium and
debottlenecking and expansion of existing plants. O&M engineering at the El Paso Field Services 650MMscfd Chaco Plant and written several papers that have been published in various industry
various other projects in Colorado and Wyoming. In 2008, he oversaw and publications. Mr. Young holds a B.S. in Social Sciences from the University
commissioned a 92MMscfd amine sweetening and cryogenic NGL train for of Wyoming- Laramie Wyoming. HSE
the Government of Ras Al Khaimah (UAE). Thereafter, he started his own
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