Lesson Plan Title Week 1
Lesson Plan Title Week 1
Lesson Plan Title Week 1
Day #1: What kind of building do you live in? Day #2: What kind of materials would you use to build a
house in the snow? Day #3: What are some different shape of houses people live in? Day #4: What
kind of buildings are near our school?
Learning Outcomes: The children will understand that not all buildings are made from the same
materials. They will understand that people live in different shapes of houses and not all buildings are
the same. The children will learn that not all houses are shaped the same. The children will discover
what buildings are near our school.
Day #1
The Three Little Pigs book,
three little pigs puppets, straw, sticks and a brick. Art materials will include brown paint for painting
boxes to look like buildings and pretzels and peanut butter for building log houses.
Day #2
Igloos by Jack Manning, Art activity will include making igloos from sugar cubes and icing. Shaving
cream and wooden blocks will be out during center time. CDs for music and movement by The
Learning Station. Story time book will be The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett.
Day #3
Discuss the books Homes and Tepees during direct teaching time. Show the big book Shape
Space. For center time, have the big blocks out with the various shapes, have brown paint out cut into
triangle shapes for Teepees.
Day #4
CDs for movement, books about various buildings close to our school, the walking rope for a walk
around the neighborhood to investigate. Books about buildings
Technology (age & program appropriate)
Teacher laptop
SMART board
LCD projector
SMART senteos
Ipad or tablet
Ipod or mp3 player
Early childhood learning technologies
Digital Camera
Document Camera
Digital Microscope
Video Camera
Color Printer
FM System
Other: CD player, CDs
Prior Learning connections: the children will be able to tie in what they learn during center time to
understand that all houses and buildings are not the same. By starting off the week with what kind of
building do you live in? The majority are going to say a square wooden house. After the lesson they will
understand that not all houses are square and wooden. The first day they will build wooden houses
from pretzel sticks, then they will build ice houses from sugar cubes and icing, the third day they will
create a different shape of a house such as a T-Pee house and the final project will be blank pieces of
paper where they create their own house out of whatever they want. This should tie in all the different
types of houses and materials that have been discussed all week.
Differentiation/Accommodations: When creating houses from pretzels and peanut butter, make sure
that there arent any children allergic to peanuts. If so, they can use icing or possibly glue. When
creating the houses from sugar cubes glue can also be used for those children that may eat the icing
instead of putting it between the blocks like a mason. Some parents may not want their children to
have access to so much sugar. That is understandable.
Special Concerns: peanut allergies, some of the children wanting to eat their houses instead of
building them. Having small group time so close to lunch time when it involves a food project that the
children will obviously eat.
Assessment: Being able to see the final projects of their various houses
Formative Assessments Taking pictures of each childs projects and speaking individually with each child
to see if they clearly understand the concept of different houses and materials
Procedure: Day #1: Start morning instruction time with a song by Greg and Steve called the 3 Little
Pigs. This can be a fun interactive song with puppets. For discussion time, put a pile of straw on a tray
and have the children try to be a wolf and blow the straw off the tray. Do the same thing with sticks and
finally a brick. Let the children hold the brick to see how heavy it is. Then read the book after they are
calmed down. During center time have blocks of various shapes and sizes out, have brown paint out to
paint cardboard boxes and during group time build with pretzels and peanut butter. Day #2: Start
morning instruction time with an interactive song such as Johnny works with one hammer. Read a
story about igloos and discuss the materials needed to build one of those types of houses. Show
pictures of igloos and read the books about igloos and make igloo houses during small group time. Day
#3: Introduce various shapes by singing a finger play about shapes and showing the children different
shapes. Read aloud a big book about shapes. During center time let them build with various shapes and
during small group time let them create a house from a different shape such as a T-pee. Day #4: Open
up group time with a song about buildings. Show pictures of different buildings such as the bank, post
office, library, etc. Take a walk to investigate the buildings close to the school. During small group
time create buildings that you see on the walk. Use various art materials
Before the Lesson: Each morning at breakfast discuss the question of the day. That gives them a heads
up as to what the daily lesson will be about.
During the Lesson: Keep their enthusiasm with a combination of books, music and movement. Be able
to note when they are losing interest and be able to do something new and fun. Try to use a lot of
hands on activities that generate a lot of questions.
After the Lesson: Discuss at lunchtime what was learned that day
Notes/Reflection: I think this week went super. Direct teaching time was awesome and the children
were very attentive. They especially like the interaction with the 3 little pigs and blowing the straw,
sticks and bricks. I have found with this group that if I have real objects they are attentive. They liked
the pretzel and peanut butter craft but particularly liked the sugar cube and icing one building igloos. I
noticed this week that they love to build. They love to build out of anything. All different shapes and
sizes of blocks. I plan to keep this enthusiasm going into the whole month by adding new and different
activities. I thought the week went well.