Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries: Haijun Hu, Guangxu Cheng, Yun Li, Yiping Tang
Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries: Haijun Hu, Guangxu Cheng, Yun Li, Yiping Tang
Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries: Haijun Hu, Guangxu Cheng, Yun Li, Yiping Tang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Risk-based maintenance (RBM) strategy can be used in developing a cost-effective maintenance plan to
Received 27 September 2008 make nancial and safety improvements in a petrochemical system. Most maintenance is imperfect in
Received in revised form process industries. Previous works on RBM did not consider imperfect maintenance and thus could
3 February 2009
hardly meet the engineering requirements of process industries. An improved RBM approach based on
Accepted 3 February 2009
the proportional age reduction model is proposed in this paper. The parameters of the failure distribution
and maintenance effect of equipment are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation. The nancial
risk for each subsystem is estimated and compared with the risk criteria. Under the risk constraints, the
Imperfect maintenance
Preventive maintenance proper interval of periodic preventive maintenance is determined for the equipment in high-risk
Risk-based maintenance subsystems. The case of a reforming reaction system in a petrochemical plant is studied using the
Proportional age reduction model improved RBM approach. The results show most equipment in this system is imperfectly repaired. The
Reforming reaction system imperfect nature of the periodic preventive maintenance means it needs to be carried out more
2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-4230/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Hu et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22 (2009) 392397 393
always limited in process industries. Most maintenance only 3) Consequence estimation. There are two main parts to the
repairs some of the components in failing equipment. For example, economic consequence of equipment failure (halt, output
a maintenance action is scheduled to block the leaky tubes in a heat reduction, or lower quality of output): maintenance cost and
exchanger, but it may not address the erosion of the shell. There- production loss. The maintenance cost (MC) consists of xed
fore, the equipment is not restored to a good as new state and will costs (e.g., costs of purging, material discharge, inspection, and
deteriorate faster than equipment having had perfect maintenance component replacement) and variable costs (e.g., costs of labor,
or a complete replacement. As a result, it is necessary to consider maintenance materials, and vehicle rental) associated with
imperfect maintenance in the implementation of RBM strategy in downtime, while the production loss (PL) is the product of
process industries. downtime and production loss per day.
An improved RBM approach based on the proportional age
reduction (PAR) model is presented for the scheduling of tasks in an
MC Cf DT$CV ; (1)
equipment maintenance plan for which the criteria considered are
nancial risks. An extensive joint probability density function (PDF)
of successive failures and the nal survival is proposed to estimate PL DT$PLPD; (2)
the parameters of the failure distribution and maintenance effect.
where Cf is the xed cost of maintenance ($), DT is the downtime
Economic risk criteria are proposed on the basis of maintenance
(number of days), Cv is the variable cost of maintenance per day
expenditure. A periodic and imperfect PM plan for equipment in
($ day1), and PLPD is the production loss per day ($ day1).
high-risk subsystems is established to meet the risk criteria. The
Production loss is always far greater than maintenance cost in
case of a reforming reaction system in a petrochemical plant is
process industries. It rarely happens that two pieces of equipment
studied using the improved approach.
in a subsystem fail at the same time. Therefore, the failure conse-
quence of a subsystem can be estimated by the average of the
2. RBM strategy failure consequences of equipment in the subsystem.
Nearly 80% of the total risk in a process system is caused by 20% 4) Risk estimation. The risk for each subsystem is the product of
of equipment (API, 2000). The total risk can be reduced effectively its failure probability and consequence.
by RBM strategy, which prioritizes maintenance activities on the
basis of quantied risk due to equipment failures. The high-risk
equipment is maintained with greater frequency and thorough- 2.3. Risk evaluation
ness. There are slight differences in the implementation of RBM
strategies (Arunraj & Maiti, 2007; Khan & Haddara, 2003; Krish- The purpose of risk evaluation is to decide whether the risk is
nasamy et al., 2005). Generally, the RBM strategy includes acceptable. Risk criteria dene how much risk/probability in
subsystem identication, risk estimation, risk evaluation and a certain period (always one year) is acceptable. A detailed
maintenance planning. discussion of the risk measure and criteria was conducted by
Jonkman, Van Gelder, and Vrijling (2003). Economic risk criteria
vary with applications in different industries and countries. They
2.1. Subsystem identication are determined according to the yearly maintenance expenditure of
a system in this paper.
A complex process system may consist of many subsystems
identied by their functional and operational characteristics. Each 2.4. Maintenance planning
subsystem includes interrelated equipment/components. For
example, a stand-by pump system, a group of heat exchangers, or Subsystems with unacceptable risks are identied after risk
a compressor system in a reforming system can be identied as evaluation. Equipment in these subsystems is regarded as high-
a subsystem distinctly. The subsystem is the basic unit of risk risk equipment. Proper maintenance plans should be performed to
estimation and evaluation. reduce the equipment failure probability. On the basis of the risk
criteria, the maximum acceptable failure probability of each
2.2. Risk estimation subsystem is determined rst. Khan and Haddara (2003) and
Krishnasamy et al. (2005) applied reverse fault tree analysis to
Risk estimation comprises four steps. decide the maximum acceptable failure probability of equipment.
Khan and Haddara (2004b) proposed an optimization policy to
1) Failure scenario development. The failure scenario is developed determine the maximum failure probability of equipment by the
to determine the cause and effect relations between potential minimization of the quadratic maintenance cost. The new main-
events and nal failures according to the operational, physical tenance plan was scheduled by the reliability constraints of
and logical characteristics of the system. A failure scenario equipment. The default maintenance effect in the above works
occurs when the system fails to work as required; the system was considered to be perfect, though it is always imperfect in
may halt, output may be reduced, or output may be of lower practice.
2) Probability estimation. According to the failure scenario, a fault 2.4.1. Imperfect PM model
tree can be built, which may regard system failure as the top Imperfect maintenance restores equipment to a state some-
event, subsystem failures as intermediate events and equip- where between good as new and bad as old. Imperfect main-
ment failures as bottom events. The probability of the bottom tenance models were extensively discussed by Pham and Wang
event occurring is determined from the cumulative distribution (1996). The PAR model (Shin, Lim, & Lie, 1996) is an effective age
function of the equipment. Minimum cut sets of the fault tree model that assumes imperfect maintenance reduces the period of
are explored using Boolean algebra. The probabilities of the top operation of equipment from (tk tk1) to r(tk tk1), where
and intermediate events occurring are calculated with the help r(0 r 1) is the improvement factor and tk is the time of the kth
of the probability function of compatible events. failure. The PAR model was widely applied owing to its exibility.
394 H. Hu et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22 (2009) 392397
On the basis of the PAR model, Jayabalan and Chaudhuri (1992) 2.4.3. Determining the maximum acceptable failure
proposed a cost optimization maintenance policy for a system probabilities of equipment
requiring assured reliability. Shin et al. (1996) presented an esti- In a fault tree of system failure, the probability function of the
mation procedure for the PAR model to obtain distribution top event can be described as
parameters and the improvement factor. Martorell, Sanchez, and
Serradell (1999) extended the PAR model by introducing an accel- Q f q1 ; q2 ; .; qM ; (8)
erated life model to describe the effect of working conditions. The where Q is the probability of the top event occurring, f($) is the
PAR model is also used to describe imperfect maintenance in this probability function, qi is the failure probability of the ith bottom
paper. event and M is the number of bottom events.
To decrease the probability of the top event occurring, the
2.4.2. Parameter estimations for the PAR model probability of the ith bottom event should be reduced from qi to qiqi
Parameters of the failure distribution and maintenance effect (0 <qi 1, 0 <i M). The new probability of the top event is
are estimated from maintenance records. The two-parameter
Weibull distribution is a general distribution widely used to model Q 0 f q1 q1 ; .; qi qi ; .; qM qM ; (9)
processes such as failure due to aging and wear. It is assumed
where Q0is the new probability of the top event and qi is the factor
equipment failure follows the Weibull distribution with a non-
of the probability reduction of the ith bottom event.
decreasing failure rate of l1(t) in the rst maintenance stage. After
qi is the cumulative failure probability of the ith piece of
the kth effective maintenance (the (k 1)th stage), the equipment
equipment over a certain period dened by the risk criteria. qi can
failure rate is (Shin et al., 1996)
be determined by subjective judgments and optimizations of cost,
availability and risk. If the ith piece of equipment has a failure
a t rtk process following an exponential distribution (a 1), it will not be
lk1 t l1 t rtk ; a 1; b > 0; (3) preventively maintained. Therefore, its corresponding qi value
b b
cannot be reduced. Generally, it is assumed there are m pieces of
where b is a scale parameter and a is a shape parameter of the equipment in a subsystem, the failure processes of which follow
distribution. Weibull distributions with a > 1. It is further supposed that PM
The joint PDF for n successive failure times is (Shin et al., 1996) reduces the cumulative failure probabilities of the m pieces of
( ) equipment by the same proportion q (qi h q, 0 < i m). If Q0 is rst
Y n
Y n
X determined by the risk criterion, q can be obtained by solving
f t1 ; t2 ; .tn fk tk lk tk exp Ak tk ; (4) equation (9) with Newton iteration. The maximum failure proba-
k1 k1 k1
bility for the ith piece of equipment over a certain period is
where lk(tk) (a/b)((tk rtk1)/b)a1, Ak(tk) ((tk rtk1)/b)a
((tk1 rtk1)/b)a, and tk is the time of the kth failure. PFi* q$qi 0 < i m: (10)
However, an observation period may not necessarily end with
a failure, but with a survival. The joint PDF should be extended to 2.4.4. Altering the equipment maintenance plan
include a survival event. We let tn1 be the end time of the obser- Periodic PM policy is applied to enhance equipment reliability. If
vation period and the periodic interval is T, the cumulative failure probability of the
equipment is 2 3
0 failure occurs at tn1 Z t
d :
1 survival occurs at tn1 Ft 1 exp4 lsds5
The conditional PDF of the event that a failure occurs at tn1 is 2
k1 Z
6 X
f tn1 ln1 tn1 expf An1 tn1 g: (5) 1 exp4 li1 sds
i0 i*T
The survival probability at tn1 is
8 9 Z
> > t
< Z tn1 = lk1 sds7
5t > kT: (11)
Rtn1 jt1 ; t2 ; .tn exp ls rtn ds kT
: tn >
expf An1 tn1 g: (6) We let DT be the period associated with risk criteria (always one
year) and T* be the period of perfect maintenance. The ith piece of
Therefore, the log likelihood function of all events in [0, tn1] is equipment should have
Fi j$DT minf1; j$PFi g j 1.NS (12)
lnLa; b; r nlna nalnb a 1 lntk rtk1 ( )
T * Ns DT *
andFi T * Ns DT min 1; PFi ; (13)
Ak tk 1 dlna alnb
k1 where Fi($) is the cumulative distribution function of the ith piece
a 1lntn1 rtn : 7 of equipment and NS int[T*/DT].
Generally, the longer Ti is, the greater the savings in the PM
budget is. If all equipment in the system has the same perfect repair
Maintenance records from different observation periods are period of T* (Ni 1)Ti (which is common in petrochemical plants),
collected together to obtain more accurate estimation. The the objective of maintenance planning is to seek the minimum
parameters a, b, r are obtained by maximum likelihood estimation. value of Ni for each piece of equipment.
H. Hu et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22 (2009) 392397 395
Steam gas
Refining gas
High pressure
absorber (D204)
Hydrogen gas
3. Application of RBM strategy to a reforming reaction system naphtha per day is processed in the system. The plant usually
halts for several months to perform a major overhaul once every
3.1. System description 35 years. In the downtime, equipment is completely examined
and repaired. The major overhaul is considered to be perfect
The improved RBM approach is applied to the reforming maintenance. Routine maintenance including lubrication, the
reaction system in Sinopecs Luoyang Petrochemical Plant. Fig. 1 removal of dust, and the replacement of seals is considered to be
is a ow diagram of the process. Nearly 2500 tons of rened minimal maintenance. Corrective maintenance (CM) follows
Table 1
Parameters of the failure rate and improvement factor.
No. Subsystem Equipment Scale parameter Shape parameter Improvement Cumulative failure probability
b/month a factor r F(t) (during 1 year)
1 1th compressor subsystem Steam turbine (T201) 19.001 2.713 0.822 0.24979
Hydrogen compressor (K201) 17.711 1.895 1 0.38011
Steam feed pipeline 120.000a 1 N/A 0.09516
3 Heat exchanger subsystem Heat exchangers (E201A/E201B) 22.802 2.171 0.770 0.21977
9 Instrument subsystem Control valves & Detecting Instruments N/A N/A N/A 0.58590a
Cited from the literature (Shen, 2006).
Approximate running time is 6 months.
396 H. Hu et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22 (2009) 392397
Failed to perform as
Heat Heat
steam turbine exchanger Reactor R203 Solo Furnace pump system High pressure
T201 failed E201B failed failed H201B failed failed absorber
E202 failed
D204 Failed
Steam feed Reactor R201 Reactor R204 Refining gas Separator compressor Instrument
pipeline failed failed failed feed pipeline D202 failed system failed system failed
failures. Periodic PM is applied to some key equipment. CM and detailed maintenance records for all equipment from
PM are considered to be imperfect maintenance, since they November 1998 to August 2007. The parameters of failure
generally only repair failed or faulty components; for example, distribution and improvement factor of the equipment are
the replacement of tube banks, repair of cracks in shells, and estimated from the maintenance records or taken from refer-
laying of anticorrosive coatings for vessels. A high production loss ences (Shen, 2006). The results of the parameter estimations
and maintenance cost cannot be tolerated when the renery are given in Table 1. The results show four pieces of equipment
prot decreases with the soaring of oil prices. To reduce the designated K201, A201, E202, and D204 are always perfectly
economic risk due to unexpected failures, the RBM strategy is maintained while the remaining equipment is usually imper-
applied to determine the proper interval of periodic PM for each fectly repaired.
piece of equipment at a cost of probably low maintenance
expenditure. 3.3. Risk estimation
3.2. Subsystem identication and parameter estimations The scenario of system failure (system halt, output reduction, or
lower quality of output) is developed. A fault tree of the scenario is
The system can be divided into nine subsystems according constructed (Fig. 2). Generally, the intermediate events are failures
to their functions and operational characteristics (Table 1). The of subsystems. To simplify the modeling work, the failures of three
pump subsystem and the second compressor subsystem are the subsystems (instrument subsystem, pump subsystem and second
cold stand-by system with two pieces of equipment. There are compressor subsystem) are regarded as bottom events, so there are
Table 2
Risks of subsystems (exchange rate of US$1 6.9 RMB).