08 Science Worksheets

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The textbook covers various science topics like crop production, microorganisms, materials, combustion etc. across different chapters.

The different chapters covered are Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms, Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Materials, Coal and Petroleum etc.

Methods of sowing seeds mentioned are broadcasting, drilling, dibbling and transplantation.


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Class- VIII (Science)
1. Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management 001

2. Chapter 2 Microorganisms : Friend And Foe 016

3. Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics 028

4. Chapter 4 Materials : Metals and Non-Metals 043

5. Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum 055

6. Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame 073

7. Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals 088

8. Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions 103

9. Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals 118

1. Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence 133

1. Chapter 11 Force and Pressure 148

2. Chapter 12 Friction 163

3. Chapter 13 Sound 178

4. Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current 193

5. Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 208

6. Chapter 16 Light 224

7. Chapter 17 Stars and the Solar System 236

8. Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water 246

CBSE Worksheet-01
ClassVIII Science (Crop Production and Management)

1. Sunflower seeds provide us mainly with :-

a. fats
b. carbohydrates
c. proteins
d. vitamins
2. Most commonly grown cereal crop is/are :-
a. rice
b. maize
c. wheat
d. all the above
3. Crops sown during winters are :-
a. rabi crops
b. kharif crops
c. mixed crops
d. cereal crops
4. The method of scattering seeds in the field by hand is :-
a. hand picking
b. transplantation
c. broadcasting
d. leveling

5. Match the column :-

a. horticultural crop i) potato
b. kharif crop ii) crotons
c. rabi crop iii) agricultural waste
d. compost manure iv) groundnut
e. green manure v) dry leaves
6. Fill in the blanks :-
a. ______ is large scale cultivation of vegetable, fruits & flower plants.
b. ______ is the process of loosening and turning up of the soil.
c. ______ is the process of supplying water to crops at different intervals.
d. ______ is result of too much water given to the soil.
e. ______ is the science dealing with growth of plants and animals for human

7. Why is it good to wash foodgrains before use?

8. Why are manures better than fertilizers?

9. Pick the wrong word out of the following:


10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

i) wwiinnngo
ii) shhtegrin

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1. a

2. d

3. a

4. c

5. a. ii, b. i, c. iv, d. v, e. iii.

6. horticulture, tilling, irrigation, waterlogging, agriculture.

7. may contain weedicides that are toxic to us.

8. no toxic effect and low in cost.

9. horticide

10. i) winnowing

ii) threshing


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CBSE Worksheet-02
ClassVIII Science (Crop Production and Management)

1. The disadvantage of broadcasting is :-

a. seeds are evenly distributed
b. seeds get damaged
c. seeds are unevenly distributed
d. seeds get infected

2. Seeds being used for sowing must be :-

a. inferior quality
b. disease free
c. hollow and light
d. all the above

3. Seed drill sows the seeds at :-

a. equal distances
b. proper depth
c. both a & b are correct
d. unequal distances

4. Two or more crops grown together in the same field is called :-

e. crop rotation
f. mixed farming
g. field fallow
h. mixed cropping

5. Match the column :-

i . s o w i n g i ) s p r i n k l e r s
j . i r r i g a t i o n i i ) t r o w e l
k . w e e d i n g i i i ) s i c k l e
l . h a r v e s t i n g i v ) s e e d d r i l l s
m . m a n u r i n g v ) m a n u a l l y

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
n. ______ were the first crop known to be cultivated.
o. ______ provide the staple food for people in every part of world.
p. Grains are rich in ______.
q. If there is a shortfall in production, grains are made available from ______
stock .
r. ______ is the most important cereal in the world.

7. List main advantages of preparation of soil?

8. What are silos?

9. What does the following picture represent?

10. Correct the following sequence of steps in crop production:

s. seed selection & sowing
t. preparation of soil
u. protection from pests
v. manuring
w. weeding
x. irrigation
y. storage
z. harvesting

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11. c

12. b

13. c

14. d

15. a. iv, b. i, c. ii, d. iii, e. v.

16. Cereals, Grains, Starch,

Buffer, Wheat.

17. Allows loosening and

turning of soil which traps air for easy root breathing, helps earthworms

to grow, brings nutrient rich soil to the top and provides better mixing of


18. Also known as granaries, they are places for storage of grains on

large scale .Packing is done within bags, bins and then stored.

19. Drip irrigation method in a crop field.

20. b, a, d, f, e, c, h, g.

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CBSE Worksheet-03
ClassVIII Science (Crop Production and Management)

1. A bacterial disease of plants is:-

aa. rust
ab. wilt
ad. smut

2. Which of the following is used as a biofuel:-

ae. Ethanol
af. Gammaxene
ag. Manure
ah. Amaranthus

3. Rearing of honeybees for products like honey and wax is called:-

ai. Sericulture
aj. Aquaculture
ak. Pisciculture
al. Apiculture

4. Which of the following is a milch animal:-

am. Camel
an. Sheep
ao. Honeybee
ap. Silkworm

5. Match the column :-

a q . l e g u m e c r o p i ) j u t e
a r . r o o t c r o p i i ) c o ff e e
a s . c e re a l c ro p i i i ) s w e e t p o t a t o
at. plantation crop iv) groundnut
a u . fi b r e c r o p v ) w h e a t

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
av.Better varieties of crops can be developed by plant ______.
aw. ______ means producing offsprings under controlled conditions.
ax. ______ is a technique used for developing new crop varieties by cross
ay. In the breeding experiments anthers of plants are removed by process
called ______ .
az.______ farming technique of crop cultivation employs biological methods.

7. How does transplantation of onion seedlings increases its production?

21. Define nitrogen fixation and its importance?

22. In the given diagram label the unknown represented by arrow:

1. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct

i) ouhgpl
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23. b
24. a
25. d
26. a
27. a. iv, b. iii, c. v, d. ii, e. i.

28. breeding, breeding, hybridization, emasculation, organic.

29. If onion is planted in nurseries and then their small plantlets called
seedlings are transplanted in the field,it will help farmers to select only
healthy seedlings that increases crop production.

30. Nitrogen fixation is the process of converting free nitrogen gas of the
atmosphere into nitrogen compounds. Biological nitrogen fixation is very
important for crop production. Generally bacteria like Rhizobium fix
atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.

31. beam.

32. i) plough
ii) cultivator
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CBSE Worksheet-04
ClassVIII Science (Crop Production and Management)

1. Cod liver oil from fish is found to be rich in :-

ba. Vitamin A
bb. Vitamin D
bc. Vitamin C
bd. Vitamin B

2. Conversion of ammonia into nitrates is called:-

be. nitrification
bf. denitrification
bg. ammonification
bh. deammonification

3. Which of the following are harmful for crop plants:-

bi. too little water
bj. too much of water
bk. both a & b
bl. too much light

4. The irrigation method in which water enters the field through channels
made between two rows of crop plants is:-
bm. Sprinkler irrigation method
bn. Basin irrigation method
bo. Furrow irrigation method
bp. Drip irrigation method

5. Match the column :-

b q . C o m p o s t i ) f e r t i l i z e r
b r . R o d e n t s i i ) i n s e c t i c i d e
b s . B H C i i i ) p e s t
b t . N P K i v ) w e e d i c i d e
b u . M e t a c h l o r v ) m a n u r e

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6. State whether following statements are true/false :-
bv.Rice is transplanted in standing water.
bw. Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of proteins.
bx. Rhizobium bacteria is found in the root nodules of non leguminous plants.
by.Technology has been developed to use crop stabs for making ethanol.
bz.Horticulture is a branch of agriculture.

7. Define water logging and its impact ?

8. Which method of irrigation would be recommended for a region with

uneven land surface and why ?

9. What are contributions made by Prof. M.S.Swaminathan?

10. Which one would you prefer a chemical pesticide or a biopesticide? why?

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33. b
34. a
35. c
36. c

37. a. v, b. iii, c. ii, d. i, e. iv.

38. true, false, false, true, true.

39. When a lot of water is given to the crop, it stands in the field and
accumulates around roots of crop plants. This is known as water-logging.
It causes damage to the crop because roots cant breathe properly and
salinity of soil is also increased.

40. Sprinkler system of irrigation is best suited for uneven land where
proper distribution of water is not possible. In this system, perpendicular
pipes are put in the field at regular intervals and have rotating nozzles at
the top end such that water gets sprinkled over crop plants.

41. He is better known as father of green revolution in India.

42. Biopesticides are ecofriendly and non toxic to humans for eg:
cochineal insect is used to eliminate prickly pear (opuntia= cactus) from
crop fields.

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CBSE Worksheet-05
ClassVIII Science (Microorganisms: Friend and Foe)

1. Low temperature prevents spoilage of food because it :-

ca.retards microbial growth
cb. inactivates enzymes
cc.both a & b
cd. removes water from food materials

2. Which of the following is found to be present in curd ?

cf. Rhizobium
ch. Lactococcus

3. In the given picture the microbe responsible for

spoilage is a :-
ci. virus
cj. protozoa
cl. fungus

4. The microorganism used in preparation of bread is :-

cm. yeast
cn. adenovirus
cp. blue green algae

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5. Match the column :-
Disease Transmission by
c q . D e n g u e i ) i n f e c t e d d o g s b i t e
c r . H e p a t i t i s B i i ) c o n t a c t
cs. Food poisoning iii) contaminated water
ct.Rabies iv) carrier Aedes mosquito bite
c u . P o x v ) c o n t a m i n a t e d f o o d

6. Fill in the blanks :-

cv. ______ are preserved by the use of oil and vinegar.
cw. ______ is the process of heat and cold treatment for preserving milk.
cx.______ is a dangerous form of food poisoning.
cy. ______ is the oldest method of food preservation.
cz. Jellies, squashes and jams are preserved by ______ syrup.

7. How the percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere remains more or less

constant ?

8. Identify the microorganism in the picture and write any one important
feature of it ?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

HIV, Cholera, Sleeping sickness, Cancer, Citrus canker.

43. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

i) ttiiibcoans ii) gotsenpah
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1. c
2. a
3. d
4. a
5. a. iv, b. iii, c. v, d. i, e. ii.

6. pickles, pasteurisation, botulism, dehydration, sugar.

7.Nitrogen present in air is fixed by some microbes as nitrifying bacteria. That

fixed nitrogen is utilised by plants and then by animals. After their death, fixed
nitrogen is thereafter released back into the atmosphere in its molecular form
by the action of another group of microbes called denitrifying bacteria. Due to
this cyclic movement the percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere remains
more or less constant

8. The picture shows a virus of bacteriophage group and they are all parasites on
bacteria. They reproduce inside the host cell by utilising the cell machinery of
it and increase their number till the bacterial cell bursts open to release the
virus particles.

7. All others are communicable diseases except Cancer.

1. i) antibiotics
ii) pathogens
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CBSE Worksheet-06
ClassVIII Science (Microorganisms: Friend and Foe)

1. Some microbes have a hard outer cover called :-

da. protein coat
db. mucilaginous sheath
dc. disc
dd. cyst

2. A vaccine contains :-
de. active disease causing microbes
df. weakened or killed microbes
dg. antibiotic dose
dh. combination of medicines

3. A group of similar microorganisms living together is called :-

di. factory
dj. colony
dk. herd
dl. capsule

4. Atmosphere comprises of 78% :-

dm. oxygen gas
dn. hydrogen gas
do. nitrogen gas
dp. carbondioxide gas

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5. Match the column :-
Disease Prevention by
dq. Pneumonia i) spraying insecticides
d r . P o x i i ) d r i n k i n g b o i l e d w a t e r
d s . M a l a r i a i i i ) B C G v a c c i n e
d t . Tu b e r c u l o s i s i v ) i s o l a t i o n o f p a t i e n t
d u . J a u n d i c e v ) u s i n g a n t i b i o t i c s

6. Fill in the blanks :-

dv.______ reproduce only inside the living cells.
dw. ______ is a bacteria eating virus.
dx. Viruses can be seen under the ______ microscope.
dy.Viruses are regarded as ______ link between living and non living.
dz.A virus do not have ______ structure.

7. Differentiate between atmospheric, biological and industrial nitrogen

fixation ?

8. What are chemical preservatives of food ? Name any two of them.

9. Give one word answer to the following:

i) A communicable disease caused by female anopheles mosquito.
ii) A disease of animals and humans which is caused by bacteria.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

iii) rreeesavvpit
iv) derndhatoyi

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1. a
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. a. v, b. iv, c. i, d. iii, e. ii.

6. virus, bacteriophage, electron, connecting, cellular .

7. Atmospheric nitrogen fixation takes places by electric discharge, during

rains. Compounds of nitrogen thus formed are dissolved in rain water and
reach the soil. Biological nitrogen fixation is performed by some microbes
(bacteria) which convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous
Industrial nitrogen fixation refers to manufacturing of ammonium salts
and compounds in chemical factories.

8. Food can also be preserved by the use of some chemicals which can kill
the food spoiling microorganisms. This method of conservation of food
materials is also called as chemical preservation of food. Such chemicals
that prevent food spoilage are called food preservatives for eg. Sodium
benzoate and Potassium metabisulphite.

9. i. malaria,
ii. anthrax

10. i) preservation
ii) dehydration
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CBSE Worksheet-07
ClassVIII Science (Microorganisms: Friend and Foe)

1. Nitrogen is never a part of :-

ea. proteins
eb. carbohydrates
ed. chlorophyll

2. Which group of microorganisms contains only pathogenic members ?

ee. viruses
ef. protozoans
eg. fungi
eh. algae

3. Some bacteria like E. coli living in human intestine synthesise :-

ei. vitamin E
ej. vitamin B
ek. antibiotics
el. glycogen

4. The first antibiotic was prepared from a :-

em. fungus
en. bacterium
eo. protozoan
ep. alga

5. Match the column :-

Disease causative organism
e q . C i t r u s c a n k e r i ) T M V
e r . M e a s l e s i i ) f u n g i
e s . W h e a t r u s t i i i ) v i r u s
e t . To b a c c o m o s a i c d i s e a s e i v ) p r o t o z o a
e u . K a l a - A z a r v ) b a c t e r i a

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
f. The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is called ______ .
g. The process of conversion of free atmospheric nitrogen into useful
nitrogenous compounds is called nitrogen ______ .
h. The process of conversion of compounds of nitrogen into free
molecular nitrogen is ______ .
i. Incomplete breakdown of organic matter in less air leading to foul
smell is called______ .
j. Complete breakdown of organic matter in sufficient air without foul
smell is called ______ .
7. Define pasteurization?

8. How is dehydration helpful in food preservation ?

9. Tick the odd one out :

Hepatitis, Polio, Leukaemia, Smallpox, chickenpox, Rabies.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

iii) posaircptyh
iv) scraapiit

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44. b
45. a
46. b
47. a
48. a. v, b. iii, c. ii, d. i, e. iv.

49. fermentation, fixation, denitrification, putrefaction, decomposition .

50. It is method utilised for preservation of milk. This method consists of

heating milk to a high temperature of 700 C for about half a minute and
then cooling it quickly which kills most of the bacteria.

51. Dehydration decreases the moisture/water content of food and

retards the growth of food spoiling microorganisms hence helps in food

52. Except leukemia for all other diseases vaccines are available.

53. i) saprophytic
ii) parasitic
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CBSE Worksheet-08
ClassVIII Science (Microorganisms: Friend and Foe)

1. Viruses can be :-
ew. crystallised
ex. isolated
ey. all the above

2. The group of microorganisms where all members contain chlorophyll is:-

fa. bacteria
fb. protozoa
fc. algae

3. Louis Pasteur discovered :-

a. Pasteurisation b. Fermentation
c. both a & b
fd. Putrefaction

4. Fixation of nitrogen can occur :-

fe. naturally
ff. artificially
fg. both a & b
fh. only during rains

5. Match the column :-

Disease organism affected
fi . Foot and mouth disease i) wheat
f j . A n t h r a x i i ) b h i n d i
f k . S m u t i i i ) h u m a n s
fl . B l a s t i v ) c a t t l e
fm. Ye l l o w vein mosaic v) rice

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
a. Chemical compound produced by certain microbes that inhibit the
growth of other microbes are called vaccines.
b. Food preservative chemicals increase the shelf life of perishable food
c. Polio drops given to children are actually vaccines.
d. Yeast can also make fruit juices unfit for consumption due to
formation of alcohol.
e. Snack packets are evacuated and flushed with nitrogen free oxygen.

7. What makes the dough rise while preparing idli, dosa, bhaturas and dhoklas

8. How can be communicable diseases prevented ?

9. What is botulism? Name the organism causing it.

10. Write the correct sequence for vaccination-

i) Body produces antibodies.
v) Introduction of weak or dead microbes.
vi) Antibodies protect from future microbial infection.
vii) Vaccine reaches internal parts of body.
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11. d
12. d
13. c
14. c
15. a. iv, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. ii.

16. false, true, true, true, false .

17. Yeast is a beneficial fungus. Through the process of fermentation it

breaks down sugar and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. Bubbles of
carbon dioxide gas fills the spaces in dough and make it to rise.

18. To avoid the spreading of communicable diseases :

v) we should cover our nose and mouth while we sneeze or cough.
i) we should take care of personal and community hygiene.
ii) we must keep food and water covered to prevent contamination.
iii) we must wash our hands before eating food .

9. When cooked food is kept for long time, some microbes grow on it and
produces toxins over there that makes food poisonous. If such spoiled
food is consumed it leads to food poisoning.
Food poisoning caused by a bacterium named Clostridium botulinum is
called botulism.

19. ii), iv), i), iii).


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CBSE Worksheet-09
ClassVIII Science (Microorganisms: Friend and Foe)

1. Organisms responsible for recycling of matter in nature is/are :-

fn. bacteria
fo. viruses
fp. fungi
fq. both a & c

2. A denitrifying bacterium is :-
fr. Pseudomonas
fs. Pseudopodia
ft. Nitrosomonas
fu. Nitrobacter

3. When a disease causing microbe enters into our body, defense system
produces :-
fv. antigens
fw. antibodies
fx. antibiotics
fy. both a & b

4. Which of the following is a biological nitrogen fixer ?

fz. bacteriophage
ga. lactobacillus
gb. blue green algae
gc. Euglena

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5. Match the column :-
vaccine given Age
gd. Polio(booster dose) i) 4 to 9 months
g e . S m a l l p ox ( r e v a c c i n a t i o n ) i i ) s o o n a f t e r b i r t h
g f . B C G i i i ) 2 y e a r s
gg.DPT (triple vaccine) iv) 5 years
gh. Ty p h o i d v a c c ine v ) 1 y ea r

6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-

a. Robert Koch was the first scientist to observe microbes through a
b. Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccine against small pox.
c. Louis Pasteur gave the germ theory of disease.
d. Antony Van Leewenhoek observed the dead cells.
e. Study of microorganisms is known as microscopy.

7. What are symbiotic or commensal bacteria and what is their significance for

8. What is an antibiotic? Give any four examples of antibiotics.

9. Pick the wrong word out of the following:

Bacillus, Coccus, Spirillum, Vibrio, Polygonal.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

vi) setrupa
vii) newheeeoklu
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Answer Key:-

54. d
55. a
56. b
57. c

58. a. iii, b. v, c. ii, d.i , e.iv.

59. false, true, true, false, false.

60. Some bacteria occur in the human intestine and intestine of other
animals as well. They benefit their host and referred to as symbiotic &/or
commensals like E.coli synthesizing vitamin B in our body .

61. Many microorganisms produce certain chemicals that inhibit the

growth of some other microbes. Such chemicals are called antibiotics.
examples are penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, gramicidine.

62. All are shapes of bacterial cells except polygonal.

63. i) Pasteur
ii) Leeuewnhoek

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CBSE Worksheet-10
ClassVIII Science (Synthetic fibres and plastics)

1. Polyester is a long chain polymer of a chemical substance called :-

gi. aldehyde
gj. ester
gk. alcohol
gl. ethene
2. Which of the following represent the smallest units of a polymer :-
gm. tetramer
gn. dimer
go. monomer
gp. octamer
3. A regenerated synthetic fibre is :-
gq. rayon
gr. nylon
gt. polythene
4. The first fully synthetic fibre is :-
gu. rayon
gv. nylon
gw. Acrylic
gx. Polyester
5. Match the column :-
Fibre articles made
g y. J u t e i ) b r i s t l e s f o r b r u s h e s
g z. Po l y e s t e r i i) s u rg ic a l d re s s in gs
h a . R a y o n i i i ) b a g s
h b . A c r y l i c i v ) s a i l s f o r b o a t s
h c . N y l o n v ) s w e a t e r s

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
k. Rayon is prepared from ______ .
l. Polythene is prepared from______ .
m. Nylon is prepared from simple chemicals obtained from ______ .
n. Polyester is made from ______ products.
o. ______ is called a regenerated fibre.

7. a) Define polymerisation?
b) For making synthetic polymers where from we get small molecules?

8. What are plant and animal fibres ?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

Terene, Terylene, Acrylic, Decron, Terycot.

10. Which synthetic fibre is the following cloth made up of :-

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20. b
21. c
22. a
23. b

24. a. iii, b. iv, c. ii, d. v, e. i.

25. cellulose, ethylene, coal, petroleum, rayon.

26. a)The process which involves combining of a large number of simple

molecules chemically so as to form a giant molecule is known as

b) Small molecules which form long chains of polymers are obtained from
petroleum and natural gas.

27. Plant and animal fibres are natural polymers and obtained from plant
and animal sources respectively. Cotton and jute are plant fibres while
wool and silk are animal fibres.

28. All contain polyester except acrylic.

29. nylon

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CBSE Worksheet-11
ClassVIII Science (Synthetic fibres and plastics)

1. Among the following a synthetic polymer is :-

hd. cellulose
he. chitin
hf. rayon
hg. silk
2. A synthetic polymer called polythene is prepared from:-
hh. Ethyene
hi. Ethene
hj. Ethanol
hk. Ethane
3. One of the most common form of polyester is :-
hl. artificial silk
hm. tetrafluoroethylene
hn. polyvinyl chloride
ho. polyethylene terephthalate
4. All are polyester fibres except:-
hp. Melamine
hq. Terylene
hr. Decron
hs. Terene
5. Match the column :-
Fibre Property/ characteristic
h t . C o t t o n i ) s i l k y t e x t u r e
h u . N y l o n i i ) p l a n t fi b r e
h v . R a y o n i i i ) f e e l s l i k e w o o l
h w. Polyester iv) does not absorb water
hx. Acrylic v) absorbs very little water

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
p. ______ burns vigorously and leaves little ash.
q. ______ burns slowly with the smell of burning hair.
r. ______ shrinks on burning producing black smoke.
s. ______ burns readily with the smell of burning paper.
t. ______ shrinks if burnt and forms a black bead along with sooty flame.

7. How are plastics good as well as bad to us ?

8. How can we contribute to reduce hazards of plastics ?

9. Name the components of blended fibres of which the following cloth is

made :-

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

viii) tcorety
ix) laaimmen

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64. c
65. b
66. d
67. a
68. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.

69. cotton, wool, polyester, rayon, acrylic.

70. Plastics are good because they are light in weight, strong and
durable, do not allow heat and electricity to flow through them, non-
reactive and cheaper than metals. Plastics are bad because they are non
biodegradable substances i.e. they do not decompose to harmless
substances through the action of air, water and microbes over a period
of time hence accumulate and cause pollution.

71. We must use plastic products to lesser extent, we must try to recycle
and atleast reuse the plastic materials, we must use either paper or cloth
bags for carrying good instead of using polythene bags, we must create
awareness among people about excessive use of plastics etc.

72. Polyester and wool (terywool)

73. i) terycot
ii) melamine

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CBSE Worksheet-12
ClassVIII Science (Synthetic fibres and plastics)

1. The polymers in which smaller units are linked to each other in straight
arrangement are called :-
hy.cross-linked polymers
hz.branched polymers
ia. linear polymers
ib. all the above
2. A plastic which can be softened on heating and moulded repeatedly is
called :-
ic. thermoplastic
id. thermosetting plastic
ie. thermolabile plastic
if. both b & c
3. The synthetic plastic used for making insulation cover in electrical
wires/cables is :-
ig. Bakelite
ih. Melamine
ii. Polyvinyl chloride
ij. Polystyrene
4. Plastics are :-
ik. cheaper
il. durable
im. nonreactive
in. all the above
5. Match the column :-
column A column B
io. Plastics i) fi r s t fully synthetic fi b r e
i p . C o t t o n c l o t h i i ) P E T b o t t l e s
i q . N y l o n i i i ) n o n b i o d e g r a d a b l e
i r. Po l y e s t e r i v ) thermosetting plastic
i s . B a k e l i t e v ) b i o d e g r a d a b l e
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6. Fill in the blanks :-
u. ______ fibres are less expensive than natural fibres.
v. Synthetic fibres are not good absorbers of ______ .
w. In______ weather clothes made of synthetic fibre stick to the body.
x. Synthetic fibres catch fire easily so they are ______ .
y. Clothes made of synthetic fibres should not be worn in ______ .

7. What are plastics and how are they classified ?

8. How did NYLON fabric got this name ?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

bakelite, melamine, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polywool.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

x) sckoinnt wkccoorea
xi) nliyv lroedich

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30. c
31. a
32. c
33. d

34. a. iii, b. v, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.

35. synthetic, sweat, hot/humid, inflammable, kitchen/laboratory.

36. Plastics are such materials which can be moulded into a desired
form. A variety of day to day usable articles are prepared from plastics
such as- comb, toothbrush, chair, table, bottle etc. Like synthetic fibres,
plastics are also polymers.
Platics have been classified into two broad types: thermoplastic and
thermosetting plastics depending upon their ability of getting
reprocessed or not.

37. Nylon is the first fully synthetic fibre. The name nylon was derived
from New York (NY) and London (LON) as it was being produced in New
York and London at the same time.

38. All are plastics except polywool.

39. i) non-stick cookware

ii) vinyl chloride
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CBSE Worksheet-13
ClassVIII Science (Synthetic fibres and plastics)

1. Which of the following is not a part of 4Rs formula :-

it. reduce
iu. recycle
iv. recover
iw. reinvent
2. Synthetic plastics lead to :-
ix. water pollution
iy. air pollution
iz. solid waste pollution
ja. all the above
3. Rayon is made from :-
jb. wood pulp
jc. bark of the tree
jd. dry leaves
je. petroleum products
4. Acrylic fibres are advantageous over :-
jf. cotton
jg. wool
jh. silk
ji. jute
5. Match the column :-
Synthetic plastic Property/characteristic
j j . Po l y e t h y l e n e i ) q u i t e i n e r t
j k . P V C i i ) l i g h t e r t h a n p o l y t h e n e
jl. Polystyrene iii) high polish polymer
j m . T e fl o n i v ) t o u g h e r t h a n p o l y t h e n e
jn. M e la m ine v ) im pe rm e a ble to wa te r

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
jo. A polymer is made up of repeating units called monomers.
jp. Structure of a polymer can be compared to that of a gemstone in a ring.
jq. Polymerisation is the process of joining together of polymers to form a
jr. Polymers can have a cross- linked arrangement of molecules.
js. Cellulose is a synthetic polymer.

7. Why is rayon called a regenerated fibre ?

8. Describe the need for making polymers ?

74. Name the arrangement of small molecules as shown in the below

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct

iii) rlyompe
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40. d
41. d
42. a
43. b

44. a. v, b. iv, c. ii, d. i, e. iii.

45. true, false, false, true, false.

7. We can describe rayon as a regenerated fibre because the original raw

material used
for making rayon is cellulose. The cellulose is broken down and then
reformed to yield rayon fibers. For this reason rayon is called as a
regenerated fibre.

8. Properties of polymers make them very useful. Some of them are:

xii) they do not corrode or rust.
xiii) they can be produced in various colours.
xiv) they can be moulded into different shapes.
xv) they are comparatively cheap or inexpensive.
xvi) they are quite strong.

9. The polymers in which smaller molecules are linked to each other in a

straight (linear)
arrangement such a polymer is called linear polymer.

10. i) polymer
ii) insulator
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CBSE Worksheet-14
ClassVIII Science (Synthetic fibres and plastics)

1. The purest natural form of cellulose is :-

jt. rayon
ju. cotton
jv. wool
jw. silk
2. Rayon clothes are comfortable to wear in:-
jx. winters
jy. rainy season
jz. both a & b
ka. summers
3. The first fully synthetic plastic was :-
kb. bakelite
kd. teflon
ke. polythene
4. The non stick coating on pans and other cooking utensils is made from :-
kf. rayon
kg. teflon
kh. melamine
ki. PVC
5. Match the column :-
Synthetic plastic use/article made
k j . B a k e l i t e i ) t h e r m o c o l e
k k . M e l a m i n e i i ) s h o e s
k l . T e fl o n i i i ) c o m b s
km. Polystyrene iv) unbreakable dinner set
k n . P V C v ) n o n s t i c k c o o k w a r e

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
ko.Rayon is made from methanol.
kp. Nylon is also known as artificial silk.
kq. Polyester is prepared from petroleum products.
kr. Clothes made from acrylic fibres are low in cost than those made from
ks. PVC is a thermoplastic.

7. Define a thermosetting plastic and give examples.

8. Why has government banned the use of polythene bags ?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

Nylon, Teflon, Terrycot, Polyester, Acrylic.

10. Which synthetic fibre is the following cloth made up of ?

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46. b
47. d
48. a
49. b

50. a. iii, b. iv, c. v, d. i, e. ii.

51. false, false, true, true, true.

52. A plastic substance which once moulded into a shape cannot be

melted or made soft on reheating is said to be a thermosetting plastic.
Hence these plastics cannot be reprocessed and they can maintain their
shape and size even at very high temperatures. For example Bakelite and
melamine are thermosetting plastics.

53. Polythenes or plastic bags are non biodegradable i.e. they cannot be
decomposed or recycled by the microorganisms. Besides this an improper
disposal of polythenes leads to following environmental problems:
viii) soil and water pollution.
ix) Blockage and choking of drains and sewer lines.
iv) Death of animals that chew these polythene bags along with any food.

10. Only terrycot is a fibre made by blending polyester with cotton while
all others are unblended pure fibres/ plastics.

54. acrylic

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CBSE Worksheet-15
ClassVIII Science (Metals and non metals)

1. Which of the following is/are metalloid?

kt. silicon
ku. iodine
kv. both a & b
kw. gallium
2. Which of the following is/are noble gas?
kx. hydrogen
ky. argon
la. both b & c
3. Chile saltpeter contains :-
lb. hydrogen
lc. carbon
ld. nitrogen
le. chlorine
4. A metal with low melting and boiling points is :-
lf. F
lg. K
lh. B
li. I
5. Match the column :-
Metal Uses
l j . C o p p e r i ) c o n s t r u c t i o n p u r p o s e
l k . I r o n i i ) a u t o m o b i l e b a t t e r i e s
l l . A l u m i n i u m i i i ) c a b l e s & w i re s
l m . L e a d i v ) p h o t o g r a p h y
l n . S i l v e r v ) m e t a l l i c p a i n t s

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
lo. A pencil lead is made up of a non metal called ______ .
lp. Non metal do not make a ______ sound when struck.
lq. Non metals are ______ conductors of electricity.
lr. Non metals are not good conductors of heat hence also called as ______ .
ls. Bromine is the only non metal which is ______ at room temperature.

8. Cooking utensils are made of metals but their handles are made of wood
or plastic, why ?

75. Why is it advised not to store pickles and curd in metallic utensils ?

76. Name the non metal shown in the following picture?

77. Write the correct words :-

x) metals : shiny :: non metals : ?
xi) gold : noble metal :: helium : ?

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Answer Key:-

55. a
56. d
57. c
58. b

59. a. iii, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iv.

60. graphite, ringing, poor, insulators, liquid .

61. Cooking utensils are made of metals because metals are good
conductors of heat so that heat gets conducted in a proper way from the
fire( cooktop or induction cooker heat) into the food which is being
On the other hand, the handles of cooking utensils must be held time to
time during cooking. Since metallic handles will be very hot to hold thus
handles are made from any plastic or wood which are bad conductors of

62. Kitchen utensils are generally made up of metals like iron and
aluminium. These metals are quite reactive and due to the reaction
between acid present in pickle or curd and the utensil metal, a toxic
substance may be formed. This can harm our health.

63. Coal(a form of carbon).

64. i) dull.
ii) noble gas.
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CBSE Worksheet-16
ClassVIII Science (Metals and non metals)

1. Hard and brittle form of iron with a high carbon content is :-

lt. wrought iron
lu. steel
lv. pig iron
lw. rust
2. A reaction in which more reactive metal replaces a less reactive metal
from its salt solution is called :-
lx. addition reaction
ly. double displacement reaction
lz. exothermic reaction
ma. displacement reaction
3. Cryolite is an ore of :-
mb. aluminium
mc. boron
md. copper
me. iron
4. On sweets, thin sheets of which of the following metals is put :-
mf. aluminium
mg. silver
mh. copper
mi. platinum
5. Match the column :-
Non-metals Uses
m j . S u l p h u r i ) b l e a c h i n g
m k . P h o s p h o r u s i i ) r e s p i r a t i o n
m l . O x y g e n i i i ) f u e l
m m . C h l o r i n e i v ) m a k i n g g u n p o w d e r
m n . H y d r o g e n v ) f e r t i l i z e r s

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
z. Mercury is the only metal found in ______ state at room temperature.
aa. In nature, metals are mostly found as compounds called ______ .
ab. Metals can be drawn into wires and this property is called ______ .
ac.The property of metals by which they can be hammered into very thin
sheets without breaking is called ______.
ad. Metals are ______ conductors of heat and electricity.

7. Other than iron do any metal get rusted? If yes explain how?

8. How will you prove the nature of metal oxides ?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:


10. What is the following picture of ?

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Answer Key:-

65. c
66. d
67. a
68. b

69. a. iv, b. v, c. ii, d. i, e. iii.

70. liquid, minerals, ductility, malleability, good.

71. Yes copper also gets rusted in moist air and acquires a dull (non
shiny) green coating. Copper gets corroded or rusted in the presence of
carbon dioxide and water to form a green coating, which is a mixture of
copper hydroxide and copper carbonate. 2Cu+H2O+CO2+O2 Cu(OH)2 +

72. If we burn a magnesium ribbon, white ash of magnesium oxide is

formed. Now by adding little water to white ash we can prepare solution
of magnesium oxide. When we dip red litmus paper into this solution it
turns blue while when we dip blue litmus paper into this solution colour
remains unchanged. It proves that metal oxides are basic in nature.

73. C is odd because it is carbon which is a non metal while all other are

74. It is an aluminium sheet/foil.

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CBSE Worksheet-17
ClassVIII Science (Metals and non metals)

1. When a metal spoon hits the ground a characteristic sound is produced

and this property of metals is called :-
mo. malleability
mp. ductility
mq. sonorosity
mr. conductivity
2. Non metal found in liquid state at room temperature is :-
ms. chlorine
mt. bromine
mu. iodine
mv. sulphur
3. A gaseous non metal is:-
mw. chlorine
mx. bromine
my. carbon
mz. iodine
4. Tough and malleable form of iron is :-
na. pig iron
nb. wrought iron
nc. rust
nd. magnetite
5. Match the column :-
Metals Ores
n e . A l u m i n i u m i ) E p s o m s a l t
n f . C o p p e r i i ) H a e m a t i t e
n g . I r o n i i i ) C u p r i t e
n h . L e a d i v ) B a u x i t e
n i . M a g n e s i u m v ) G a l e n a

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
ae. Non metals are generally , so they break into pieces on hammering.
af. Sodium and ______ are soft enough to be cut with a knife.
ag. Strings of musical instruments are made up of a ______ .
ah. ______ is the only non metal which is a good conductor of heat and
ai. Metals oxides are ______ in nature because their solution in water turns
red litmus blue.

7. List any five important uses of metals ?

75. How will you prove the nature of non metal(sulphur) oxides ?

76. Which metal has been used to make the wires shown in the picture?

77. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xvii) saanniialtgov
xviii) namimgreu

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Answer Key:-

78. c
79. b
80. a
81. b

82. a. iv, b. iii, c. ii, d. v, e. i.

83. brittle, potassium, metal, graphite, basic. .

84. (i) Lead is used in X-ray machines.

(ii) Iron is used in construction.
(i) Mercury is used in thermometers.
(ii) Gold and silver are used in making jewellery.
(iii) Aluminium foil is used for packing food.

8. (i) Take a small amount of powdered sulphur in a deflagrating spoon and

heat it.
(iii) As soon as sulphur starts burning, introduce the spoon into a gas
jar/glass tumbler.
(iv) Remove the spoon after some time. Add a small quantity of water
into the tumbler and shake well.
(v) Check the solution with red and blue litmus papers. Since the blue
litmus paper
turns red thus oxide is acidic in nature.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) + Water (H2O) Sulphurous acid (H2SO3)

9. Copper.

10. i) galvanisation
ii) germanium
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CBSE Worksheet-18
ClassVIII Science (Metals and non metals)

1. An ore of lead is :-
nj. galena
nk. magnetite
nl. leadlite
nm. calamine
2. Corrosion of iron can be prevented by:-
nn. coating of zinc
no. aluminium paint
np. both a & b
nq. copper paints
3. Oxide responsible for acid rain is/are :-
nr. SO2
ns. NO2
nt. both a & b
nu. CO2
4. Which of the following metal will not replace copper from its salt solution :-
nw. mercury
nx. zinc
5. Match the column :-
Metal/Non-metal Physical state/property
n z . A l u m i n i u m i ) l i q u i d
o a . M e r c u r y i i ) g a s
ob. Platinum iii) hardest substance known
o c . D i a m o n d i v ) n o b l e m e t a l
o d . C h l o r i n e v ) m a l l e a b l e

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
oe. Graphite is a non metal and has very low melting and boiling points.
of. Sulphur burns in air to make a basic oxide.
og. When phosphorus burns in air, it forms an acidic oxide.
oh. Nitric oxide is and oxide of nitrogen and is neutral in nature.
oi. Non metals displace hydrogen from dilute acids.

7. What are noble metals?

8. List any five important uses of non metals ?

9. Arrange the following metals in their increasing order of ability to conduct

silver, aluminium, copper, gold.

10. Name the non metal which is employed to make the pink colored part of
the matchsticks shown in following picture?

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Answer Key:-

85. a
86. c
87. c
88. b

89. a. v, b. i, c. iv, d. iii, e. ii.

90. false, false, true, true, false.

91. Some of the metals are more reactive while other are less reactive.
But there are certain metals that are very unreactive as they do not react
with oxygen, water, moisture, or even any of the dilute acids for example
gold and platinum. Therefore such metals are called as noble metals.

92. (i) Sulphur is used in vulcanization of rubber, which makes

rubber sufficiently hard to produce tyres.
(ii) Phosphorus is used in making phosphatic fertilizers.
(i) Graphite is used in making lead of pencils.
(ii) Hydrogen can be used as a fuel that will be a non polluting option of fuel.
(iii) Chlorine is added to water for purification purpose.

11. aluminium < gold < copper < silver.

93. Phosphorus.

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CBSE Worksheet-19
ClassVIII Science (Metals and non metals)

1. Magnetite is an ore of :-
oj. magnesium
ok. iron
ol. zinc
om. aluminium

2. Most metals react with dilute acids to produce :-

on. hydrogen gas
oo. oxygen gas
op. chlorine gas
oq. nitrogen gas

3. In a transistor which of the following will be present :-

or. S
os. P
ot. Mg
ou. Si

4. The substance added to common salt is :-

ov. F
ow. Cl

5. Match the column :-

o z . M e t a l i ) C O
p a . N o n - m e t a l i i ) G e r m a n i u m
p b . M e t a l l o i d i i i ) N 2 O
p c . A c i d i c o x i d e i v ) Z i n c
p d . N e u t r a l o x i d e v ) G r a p h i t e

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
pe. Metals form neutral oxides when react with oxygen.
pf. Solution of MgO in water turns red litmus paper to blue.
pg. Rust is an oxide of iron.
ph. Zinc reacts with water but copper reacts only with steam.
pi. Zinc replaces copper from the copper sulphate solution.

7. What would happen if sodium and potassium are kept in open air?

8. What is the property of sonorosity?

9. Whether the following atomic structure represents a metal or a non metal?

Name it.

10. Arrange the following in descending order as per their reactivity

with oxygen : iron, copper, magnesium, zinc.

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Answer Key:-

78. b
79. a
80. d
81. c

82. a. iv, b. v, c. ii, d. iii, e. i.

83. false, true, true, false, true.

84. Both sodium and potassium are highly reactive metals. They react
violently (may catch fire) with oxygen and moisture present in air even
at the room temperature. A lot of heat is evolved when such reaction
occurs and as such the metal is lost because it makes oxides. Hence
these extremely reactive metals are not kept in open but are kept
immersed in the kerosene.

85. When a metal is struck hard like bell, it produces a ringing sound.
This property of metals if producing a typical sound is called sonorosity.
Sonorous nature of metals is brought into use in stringed musical

86. It is a metal named sodium.

87. magnesium > zinc > iron > copper.

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CBSE Worksheet-20
ClassVIII Science (Coal and Petroleum)

1. A solid fuel formed by heating coal in the absence of air :-

pj. hydrogen
pk. coke
pl. methane
pm. coal tar
2. Fossil fuels does not include:-
pn. coal
po. petroleum
pp. biogas
pq. natural gas
3. For generation of electricity in thermal power plants we need:-
pr. coal
ps. petroleum
pt. natural gas
pu. biogas
4. Coal is a mixture of substances containing:-
pw. hydrogen
px. oxygen
py.all the above
5. Match the column :-
Petroleum fraction Uses
pz. P a r a ffi n wa x i) dom es tic fue l
q a . D i e s e l i i ) m a k i n g c a n d l e s
q b . K e r o s e n e i i i ) m a k i n g r o a d s
qc. Petroleum gas iv) stove fuel
q d . B i t u m e n v ) a u t o m o b i l e f u e l

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
a. All such substances which are used by human beings for their
survival and welfare are called ______ .
b. Petroleum is a ______ and ______ resource.
c. ______ resources are present in unlimited amount in nature and can
be continually replenished.
d. A ______ is a substance that can be used to produce heat at a
reasonable cost.
e. A ______ fuel is obtained from the remains of plants and animals that
died millions of years ago.

7. Define carbonization?

8. How burning of coal can create serious global problems?

9. Classify the following resources as natural or man- made :

petroleum, bleach, coal, steel, wind, alloys, water.

10. Name the black liquid shown in the following picture?

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94. b
95. c
96. a
97. d

98. a. ii, b. v, c. iv, d. i, e. iii.

99. resources, natural and exhaustible, inexhaustible, fuel, fossil .

100. During a slow process, over a period of millions of years there has
occurred gradual decay and compression of buried remains of
plants/trees. Sometimes earthquakes and volcanoes buried entire forests
deep down in the earth.
The high temperature and high pressure inside the earth slowly
converted the buried vegetation into coal. This slow conversion of dead
trees and other plants (wood) is known as carbonisation.

101. When coal is burnt, many gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide, smoke, little carbon monoxide etc are produced. Each of these
gases causes considerable harm to health and environmental balance.
They are major cause of air pollution and global warming. Carbon dioxide
is considered one of the pioneer green house gas, nitrogen dioxide
causes acid rain and smog(smoke+fog) and smoke itself is very injurious
to eyes and respiratory system.

102. natural : petroleum, coal, wind, water.

man-made : bleach, steel, alloys.

103. bitumen
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ClassVIII Science (Coal and Petroleum)

1. The gas evolved when coal is heated in the absence of air :-

qe. coal gas
qf. biogas
qg. natural gas
qh. noble gas
2. Which variety of coal is the highest in percentage of carbon ?
qi. bituminous coal
qj. lignite
qk. anthracite
ql. all contain equal carbon content
3. Coal Volatile impurities and moisture =?
qm. coal gas
qn. coal tar
qo. CNG
qp. coke
4. The oil which is used as a fuel for jet aeroplanes is :-
qq. crude oil
qr. kerosene
qt. Lubricating oil
5. Match the column :-
Products uses
qu. Coal tar i) non polluting automobile fuel
q v . C N G i i ) a n i n d u s t r i a l f u e l
q w. L P G i i i ) i n m e t a l ex t r a c t i o n p ro c e s s
q x . C o a l g a s i v ) f u e l f o r h o m e
q y. C o k e v ) m a k i n g n a p h t h a l e n e b a l l s

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
qz.Soil is an ______ natural resource.
ra. Fossil fuels are valuable sources of ______ .
rb. Save electricity to save ______ .
rc. When coal is heated in the ______ of air, many useful products are formed.
rd. When coal is burnt in the ______ of oxygen, lot of smoke and harmful
gases are formed.

9. What can be potential effect of petroleum products on environment?

88. Where and how is petroleum separated into usable products?

89. Classify the following resources as living and non living

natural resources: plants, water, animals, microbes, soil,

90. Name this destructive distillation product of coal you are viewing in the
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1. a
2. c
3. d
4. b

5. a. v, b. i, c. iv, d. ii, e. iii.

6. inexhaustible, energy, coal, absence, presence, .

7. (i) While transporting petroleum and its products there might be oil
(ii) The process of refining petroleum generates various products that
can lead to air and water pollution.
(i) Drilling of petroleum may result into serious disturbances in the
aquatic life.
(ii) Any leakage in the tanks in which petroleum is stored may lead to
pollution and deterioration of groundwater.

8. Petroleum or crude oil contains large amount of hydrocarbons mixed with

lot many
impurities like sea water and silt. Hence it cannot be used as such.
The process of separating petroleum into usable fractions is done by
fractional distillation and it is called refining of the petroleum. This
process is carried out in a petroleum refinery.

10. living natural resources: plants, animals, microbes.

non-living natural resources: water, minerals, soil.

91. Coal tar

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CBSE Worksheet-22
ClassVIII Science (Coal and Petroleum)

1. A renewable resource that has become exhaustible due to faster use is :-

re. air
rf. sunlight
rg. soil
rh. groundwater

2. Non renewable resource that can be recycled are :-

ri. Coal
rj. Petroleum
rk. Metals
rl. Natural gas

3. The alternative source of energy in place of fossil fuels is/are :-

rm. wind
rn. Biogas
ro. sunlight
rp. all the above

4. Natural gas is used for manufacturing :-

rq. carbon black
rr. coke
rs. anthracite
rt. coal gas

5. Match the column :-

r u . C r u d e o i l i ) H 2 + C O
r v . P r o d u c e r g a s i i ) c o a l
r w. W a t e r g a s i i i ) c a t t l e d u n g
r x . F o s s i l f u e l i v ) b l a c k g o l d
r y . B i o g a s v ) N 2 + C O

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
f. Useful substances obtained from petroleum and natural gas are called
______ .
g. The constituent of petroleum added to produce Vaseline is ______ .
h. The wise and judicious use of the fossil fuels is called ______ of fossil
i. Process of conversion of wood to carbon is called ______ .
j. Process of separating the fractions of petroleum by fractional
distillation is called ______ of petroleum.

10. Which one is a better fuel coal or coke? Give reason.

92. Describe the process through which petroleum is formed?

93. Classify the following resources as exhaustible and inexhaustible

natural resources : wind, petroleum, coal, natural gas, sunlight,
forests, water, minerals.

94. Name the variety of coal shown in the picture below?

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95. d
96. c
97. d
98. a

99. a. iv, b. v, c. i, d. ii, e. iii.

100. petrochemicals, paraffin wax, conservation, carbonisation, refining .

101. Coke is a better fuel because coke does not produce more heat on
burning as compared to coal. Therefore no air pollution, no green house
effect and environment is not harmed so all these benefits prove coke to
be a better option.

102. Petroleum was formed from the dead remains of the animals and
plants that lived in the sea millions of years ago. After their death there
bodies sank and got buried at the bottom of ocean floor. Gradually, they
were covered by layers of sand, silt and clay. In the absence of oxygen or
air, high temperature and pressure slowly changed the dead remains
into petroleum and natural gas.

103. Exhaustible : petroleum, coal, natural gas, forests, minerals.

Inexhaustible : wind, sunlight, water.

1. peat/bituminous coal
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CBSE Worksheet-23
ClassVIII Science (Coal and Petroleum)

1. All are common varieties of coal except :-

rz. peat

2. Other name used for petroleum is/are :-

sd.crude oil
se.black gold
sf. rock oil
sg.all the above

3. Petroleum is generally found accompanied by the :-

si. coal gas
sj. natural gas
sk.noble gas

4. The constituent of petroleum used as solvent for dry cleaning is :-

sl. petrol
sm. diesel

5. Match the column :-

s p . C o k e i ) m e t h a n e r i c h g a s
sq. Coal tar ii) product of heating coal in absence
of air
s r. N a t u r a l g a s i i i ) s o l i d f u e l
ss. Coal gas iv) oil which serves as fuel
s t . Pe t ro le um v ) th ic k bl a c k li q ui d

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
su.The percentage of carbon is more in coke than in coal.
sv. Petroleum is soluble in water.
sw. Petroleum is an exhaustible or non renewable energy source.
sx.Ammoniacal liquor is formed by solution of ammonia in oil.
sy. Natural gas is a domestic and industrial fuel with high calorific value.

7. What are petrochemicals? Explain.

1. What is meant by destructive distillation of coal ?

2. Pick the odd word out of the following:

3. LPG/CNG/Diesel/Petrol/Kerosene/Paraffin/Lubricatin
Name the variety of coal shown in the picture
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104. b
105. d
106. c
107. a

108. a. iii, b. v, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.

109. true, false, true, false, true .

110. Many useful products are obtained from petroleum and natural gas.
They are called petrochemicals.
These petrochemicals are the raw materials for the manufacture of the
synthetic fibres (nylon, acrylic, polyester etc) and detergents and many
other useful polymers. Natural gas yields which is used in the
manufacture of ammonia which is further employed as a raw material in
the manufacture of fertilisers like urea.

111. The process of heating of coal in the absence of air is called

destructive distillation of coal.
The destructive distillation of coal is carried out by heating coal strongly
to 10000C in the absence of air (oxygen). It yields various useful organic
and inorganic products like coke, coal gas, coal tar, ammonium

112. CNG is odd because all others are fractions of fractions while it is a
component of natural gas.

113. lignite
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CBSE Worksheet-24
ClassVIII Science (Coal and Petroleum)

1. The fraction of petroleum used as fuel for stoves and lamps is :-

sz. kerosene
ta. LPG
tb. diesel
tc. both a & b

2. A fuel which doesnt cause any pollution on burning is :-

td. coal
te. natural gas
tf. diesel
tg. petrol

3. Petroleum is separated into useful products by :-

th. fractional distillation
ti. destructive distillation
tj. both a & b
tk. filteration

4. Destructive distillation will not produce :-

tl. coke
tm. coal tar
tn. coal gas
to. natural gas

5. Match the column :-

t p . C a r b o n i s a t i o n i ) h a rd c o a l
tq.Lignite ii) conversion of wood to carbon
t r. A n t h r a c i t e iii) solution of NH 3 in water
t s . P e a t i v ) s o f t c o a l
tt. Ammoniacal liquor v) inferior quality coal

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
tu. Oxygen is a non renewable resource.
tv. Natural gas is found along with petroleum in reservoirs under the ground.
tw.Natural gas is chiefly made up of methane.
tx. CNG is used as a domestic fuel.
ty. Biogas is very costly and inconvenient fuel for rural areas.

7. Why do we need to conserve resources?

8. What is anaerobic thermal degradation of wood? What is its importance?

9. Put the following statements in correct sequence:

In a petroleum refinery -
i. vapour rises and hydrocarbons with lower boiling points condense at
different heights.
ii. hydrocarbons get separated in the fractionizing tower to form the
different fractions.
iii. Crude oil is heated to 4000C in furnace.
iv. hydrocarbons with highest boiling points condense first.
v. they get collected near base of furnace.

10. Name the variety of coal shown in the picture below?

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104. a
105. b
106. c
107. d

108. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.

109. false, true, true, false, false.

110. All sorts of resources whether exhaustible or inexhaustible need to

be conserved. Groundwater though is a renewable natural resource yet
faster use of it is turning this resource into exhaustible. Fossil fuels are
exhaustible and cannot be replenished. Hence we need judicious use of
our resources such that future generations can also get advantages of
these resources and maintain their survival.

111. Anaerobic thermal degradation of wood is carbonisation. Through

this process cellulosic material of plants/trees which died and got buried
inside earth million of years ago are converted into coal or carbon.

112. iii, iv, v, i, ii.

113. Anthracite
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CBSE Worksheet-25
ClassVIII Science (Combustion and Flame)

1. Combustion refers to a :-
tz. physical change
ua. chemical change
ub. cyclic change
uc. all the above

2. Select the combustible substance :-

ud. wax
ue. water
uf. glass
ug. sand

3. During combustion of coal, the supporter of combustion is :-

uh. hydrogen
ui. nitrogen
uj. oxygen
uk. carbon dioxide

4. Fire can be extinguished by :-

ul. lowering temperature below ignition temperature
um. cutting the supply of oxygen
un. removing non combustible substances from surroundings
uo. both a & b

5. Match the column :-

up. Incomplete combustion i ) B u r n i n g a fi r e c r a c k e r
uq. Explosion ii) carbon to carbon monoxide
u r . C a l o r i fi c v a l u e i i i ) c a r b o n t o c a r b o n d i o x i d e
us. Complete combustion iv) spontaneous
ut. Slow combustion v ) f u e l e ffi c i e n c y

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
k. The lowest temperature at which any substance catches fire is called
______ temperature.
l. The substances which burn in air are called ______ substances.
m. In the absence of sufficient ______ , combustion of a fuel remains
n. ______ should not be used for extinguishing fire caused by an electric
o. The middle zone of a candle flame is also called the zone of ______

7. How will you distinguish between fire extinguishing action of water and CO2

8. Define fuel efficiency?

9. If you find such a symbol/sign on a box etc, what does it represent?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xiii) submobticle
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114. b
115. a
116. c
117. d

118. a. ii, b. i, c. v, d. iii, e. iv.

119. ignition, combustible, oxygen, water, partial/incomplete.

120. Water helps to extinguish fire in two ways:- it brings temperature of

the combustible material below its ignition temperature and the water
vapour formed due to the heat of fire cuts the supply of oxygen.
Carbon dioxide is highly volatile. So, it immediately vaporises to cut off
the supply of air. In the absence of supporter of combustion, fire is

121. Different types of fuels generate different amounts of heat. The heat
produced by fuels is measured and expressed through its calorific value.
For a fuel to be categorised as a good fuel should have a high calorific
value, in other words greater is the calorific value larger is amount of
heat produced on burning that fuel and vice a versa.

122. It represents that the substance kept inside the box is inflammable.

123. i) ignition
ii) combustible
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ClassVIII Science (Combustion and Flame)

1. The process of burning is also called as :-

uu. combustion
uw. induction
ux. conduction
2. For a good fuel :-
uy.ignition temperature should be below the room temperature
uz.ignition temperature should be above the room temperature
va. ignition temperature should be equal to the room temperature
vb. ignition temperature should be less than 250C
3. To fight fire :-
vc.we should cut off the supply of oxygen
vd. we should remove combustible substance
ve. we should cool down combustible substance below ignition temperature
vf. all the above
4. Water works as a fire extinguisher by removing :-
vg. heat
vh. oxygen
vi. both a & b
vj. source of combustible substance
5. Match the column :-
Fuel calorific value (kJ/kg)
v k . C o a l i ) 3 5 0 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 0
v l . C N G i i ) 5 5 0 0 0
v m . P e t r o l i i i ) 2 5 0 0 0 - 3 3 0 0 0
v n . B i o g a s i v ) 5 0 0 0 0
v o . L P G v ) 4 5 0 0 0

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
a. Substances having ______ ignition temperature will catch fire easily.
b. Non combustible substances do not burn in ______ .
c. When methane burns in enough oxygen supply, ______ and water are
d. When sufficient oxygen is not available, methane combustion
produces ______ and water.
e. Burning of matchstick is an example of ______ combustion.

7. A paper cup with water in it doesnt burn. Explain why?

8. Differentiate between complete and incomplete combustion?

? ?

9. If following is a fire triangle then label the question marks :

10. Sort out the combustible and non combustible substances :
stone, wood, gold, LPG, CNG, silver.

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114. a
115. b
116. d
117. c
118. a. iii, b. iv, c. v, d. i, e. ii.

119. low, air/oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, rapid .

120. A paper cup containing water in it not burns because the heat
conveyed by candle flame to the paper cup is further conducted to the
water present inside the paper cup. Since paper cup loses the heat to
the water by conduction, the temperature of the paper does not increase
beyond its ignition temperature as a result paper cup doesnt burn.

Incomplete combustion takes place when Complete combustion takes place

oxygen supply is not sufficient. when oxygen supply is sufficient.
During incomplete combustion many During complete combustion CO2,
harmful gases like CO, NO2, smoke etc are water and a lot of heat is produced.
121. air, fuel, heat.

10. i) combustible wood, LPG, CNG.

ii) non combustible stone, gold, silver.


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CBSE Worksheet-27
ClassVIII Science (Combustion and Flame)

1. The non SI unit for reporting calorific value is :-

vp. J/kg
vq. KP/kg
vr. KW/kg
2. The SI unit of the calorific value of a fuel is :-
vt. J/kg
vu. KJ/kg
vw. KW/kg
3. Acid rain is caused due to dissolution of :-
vx. oxides of nitrogen in rain water
vy. oxides of sulphur in rain water
vz.both a & b
wa. oxides of carbon in rain water
4. SPM released by combustion of coal in air may lead to :-
wb. bone cancer
wc. asthma
wd. arthritis
we. goitre
5. Match the column :-
w f . l i q u i d f u e l i ) n a t u r a l g a s
w g . g a s e o u s f u e l i i ) h y d r o g e n
w h . s o l i d f u e l i i i ) c o a l g a s
wi. Good gaseous fuel iv) LPG
wj. Fuel of future v) cattle dung cakes

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
p. One should never use water for extinguishing ______ fires.
q. Combustion of food inside living cells occurs through ______ .
r. Nowadays in place of petrol and diesel, a cleaner fuel ______ is
s. If ignition temperature of a substance is lower than room
temperature then it will undergo ______ combustion.
t. Wax vapours burn completely in ______ zone of a candle flame.

7. a) Define ignition temperature.

b) Define calorific value.

8. List any five characteristics of a good fuel.

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

water, wood, cement, sand, glass.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xiv) steerxuiingh
xv) malef

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122. d
123. a
124. c
125. b
126. a. iv, b.iii, c. v, d. i, e. ii.
127. oil, respiration, CNG, slow/spontaneous, outer .
128. a) Combustible substances generally do not catch fire on their own.
However if they
are provided heat they start burning. Heat increases their temperature.
So, the lowest temperature at which a substance catches fire is known
as its ignition temperature. b) The quantity of heat produced by
complete combustion of 1 kg of a fuel is called its calorific value.

8. i) Fuel should burn safely and should be readily catching fire.

ii) Fuel should have high calorific value.
xix) Fuel should not produce toxic gases when burnt.
xx) Fuel should be easily stored and transported.
xxi) Fuel should be cheap.

9. Only wood is combustible while all others are non combustible.

10. i) extinguisher
ii) flame

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CBSE Worksheet-28
ClassVIII Science (Combustion and Flame)

1. A fire triangle doesnt need :-

wk. oxygen
wm. heat
wn. fuel
2. Fire can be extinguished by spraying :-
wo. carbon dioxide
wp. carbon tetrachloride
wq. water
wr.all the above
3. Temperature is higher for a :-
ws. blue flame
wt. yellow flame
wu. brown flame
wv. both a & b
4. Type of combustion that leads to pollution is/are :-
ww. intermittent combustion
wx. complete combustion
wy. incomplete combustion
wz. both b & c
5. Match the column :-
Candle flame property
xa. yellowish i) not enough oxygen is available
x b . b l u e i i ) p l e n t y o f ox y g e n a v a i l a b l e
x c . i n n e r z o n e i i i ) fl a m e c o l o r i n n o n l u m i n o u s z o n e
xd.outer zone i v ) fl a m e c o l o r i n l u m i n o u s z o n e
xe. middle zone v) dark black in colour

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
xf. Ignition temperature of kerosene is lower than that of petrol.
xg. Food is a fuel for the body.
xh. Fuels are either solid or liquid but never gas.
xi. All fuels are pollutants.
xj. For easy combustion of coal , air has to be blown around coal.

11. How does a blanket help in extinguishing fire?

129. What are inflammable substances? Define them with examples.

130. Arrange the following fuels in their ascending order of

calorific value : hydrogen, methane, cow dung cake,
kerosene, wood.

131. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xvi) rocaciilf
xvii) lesionpxo

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Answer Key:-

124. b
125. d
126. a
127. c

128. a. iv, b. iii, c. v, d. ii, e. i.

129. false, true, false, false, true .

130. If a persons clothes catch fire (start burning), a blanket must be

wrapped over immediately on his/her body. This activity will cut off the
supply of oxygen which is a condition for burning(combustion). This will
help to extinguish the fire and save the life of that person.

131. Substances that have a very low ignition temperature can catch fire
readily and such substances are known as inflammable substances.
Examples are LPG, kerosene, petrol, diesel, alcohol etc. Even a small
spark can ignite them and result into a major fire outburst hence they
need special care during storage and transport.

132. cow dung cake < wood < kerosene < methane < hydrogen.

133. i) calorific
ii) explosion

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CBSE Worksheet-29
ClassVIII Science (Combustion and Flame)

1. Water should not be used as extinguishing agent for fires caused by :-

xk. oil
xl. electricity
xm. both a & b
xn. burning of wood
2. A fire extinguisher works on following principle/s :-
xo.removing combustible substance
xp. cooling the burning substance below ignition temperature
xq. cutting off supply of air
xr. both b & c
3. The dark zone of a candle flame is :-
xs.region around the wick
xt. base close to wick
xu. middle region of flame
xv.outer region of flame
4. Incompletely burnt fuel releases a very poisonous gas that can be fatal if
inhaled :-
xw. carbon dioxide
xx. ozone
xy. carbon monoxide
xz.water gas
5. Match the column :-
ya. Carbon dioxide i) also called gobar gas
y b. O x y ge n i i) hi g he s t c a l o r i fi c v a l ue
yc. Hydrogen iii) gas essential for burning
yd. Biogas iv) non pollutant vehicular fuel
y e . C N G v ) u s e d i n fi r e e x t i n g u i s h e r

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
u. If ignition temperature is higher than room temperature, the fuel is
considered good.
v. Combustion is an oxidation process.
w. If supply of oxygen is insufficient during combustion, carbon dioxide
is formed instead of carbon monoxide.
x. Any combustion reaction not accompanied by flame is known as
y. Body fuel like butter gives us more energy than others.

7. What is SPM? Which type of pollution it might cause?

9. Deforestation and excess burning of fossil fuels is leading to a global

problem. Explain it.

132. Pick the odd word out of the following:

LPG, wax, kerosene, charcoal, bunsen burner.

133. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xix) riversoco

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134. c
135. d
136. a
137. c
138. a. v, b. iii, c. ii, d. i, e. iv.

139. true, true, false, false, true.

140. Combustion of cabon containing fuels, releases harmful gases but

also leave behind ash and fine particles. These fine particles are called
SPM i.e. suspended particulate matter. If they are not disposed off
properly, may lead to air pollution and water pollution. These pollutants
create respiratory problems in living organisms because they can block
the respiratory passage.

141. Cutting down forests is leading to less utilisation of CO2 and less
release of oxygen. Combustion of fossil fuels leads to release of CO 2 in
atmosphere. Excess burning of coal, petroleum etc and deforestation is
adding lot of CO2 to our air.
An increase in concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to
an increase in temperature on earth. This is called the greenhouse effect
and it leads to global warming.

142. Other than charcoal all burn with a flame.

143. i) spontaneous
ii) corrosive
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ClassVIII Science (Conservation of plants and animals)

1. Large scale cutting of trees and clearing of forests is called :-

yf. reforestation
yg. global warming
yh. deforestation
yi. afforestation
2. Wise and judicious use of plants and animals is called their :-
yj. recycling
yk. conservation
yl. reforestation
ym. reconstruction
3. The largest among various protected areas is a :-
yn. national park
yo. wildlife sanctuary
yp. biosphere reserve
yq. botanical garden
4. The biosphere consists of a extensive network of inter-connected :-
yr. forests
yt. food chains
yu. ecosystems

5. Match the column :-

Protected area Animals maintained
y v. K a n h a n a t i o n a l p a r k i) Siberian crane
y w. Gir sanctuary ii) Indian elephant
yx. Bandipur sanctuary iii) one horned rhinoceros
y y. K a z i r a n g a s a n c t u a r y iv) Lion
yz. Bharatpur sanctuary v) Tiger

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
aj. Plants found in a particular area are called ______ of that area .
ak. All non living things constitute the ______ component of an ecosystem.
al. Red Data Book provides information on the ______ species.
am. Birds which fly from one habitat to another are called ______ birds.
an. Species that at present exist in small numbers are called ______ species.

7. Define threatened species?

8. What are endemic species? Give examples.

9. Write full forms of the following :

ii) WCU

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

iii) realbuvlen
iv) nerclygic
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144. c
145. b
146. c
147. d
148. a. v, b. iv, c. ii, d. iii, e. i.

149. flora, abiotic, endangered, migratory, rare .

150. Threatened species include such species of plants and animals

whose members are greatly reduced in number or are near extinction.
The international union for conservation of nature and natural resources
has classified threatened species into endangered, vulnerable and rare

151. Those species of plants and animals which are found exclusively in a
particular state or country or geographical area are called endemic
species. Such species are not found anywhere else. For example Sal trees
and Wild mango trees are from endemic flora of Panchmarhi biosphere

152. i) International union of conservation of nature and

natural resources ii) World conservation union

153. i) vulnerable
ii) recycling
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CBSE Worksheet-31
ClassVIII Science (Conservation of plants and animals)

1. The species of plants and animals which are found exclusively at a place are
called :-
za.endemic species
zb.epidemic species
zc. extinct species
zd.endangered species

2. Conservation means :-
ze.replacing present resources with new ones
zf. not using present resources at all
zg.both a & b
zh.using resources without depleting them

3. Function of an ecosystem is/are :-

zi. transfer of energy
zj. fixation of solar energy
zk.transfer of organic matter
zl. all the above

4. The first Red Data Book of animals was published in the year :-
zm. 1975
zn. 1991
zp. 1995

5. Match the column :-

zq. Extinct species i) crocodile
z r. E n d a n g e r e d s p e c i e s ii) Siberian crane
zs. Rare species iii) Chinkara deer
z t . Vu l n e r a b l e s pe c i e s iv) sarpagandha
zu. Migrating species v) Himalayan porcupine

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
ao. Developing forests by planting trees in places of trees destroyed is called
ap. Animals found in a particular area are called ______ of that area.
aq. Biosphere reserves are developed to conserve ______ .
ar. The living beings of an ecosystem constitute its ______ component.
as.In a ______ , grazing of animals and cultivation of crops is prohibited.

7. Differentiate between the terms extinct and extinct in the wild with
suitable examples?

8. Make a list of any three threats to global biodiversity?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:


10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxii) carnuasyt
xxiii) medicen

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154. a
155. d
156. d
157. b
158. a. iv, b. i, c. v, d. iii, e. ii.

159. reforestation, fauna, biodiversity, biotic, national park .

160. When the last individual of a particular kind of organismic species is

believed to have died, then the species is declared extinct. eg: Dodo.
When a species no longer exists in its natural habitat and is known only
to survive in the captivity, it is said to be extinct in the wild. eg: white

161. Threats to the global biodiversity includes :

i) Habitat loss or destruction of habitat is the primary cause of the loss
of biodiversity.
ii) Pollution and pollutants released from industries and vehicles etc
cause harm to environment, which threatens biodiversity.
iii) Over exploitation of natural resources by humans for food,
construction, industrial products, medicines etc is bringing about
imbalance in the nature. This harms different species and hence
threatens biodiversity.

12. other than Nepal all are megabiodiversity nations.

162. i) sanctuary
ii) endemic
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CBSE Worksheet-32
ClassVIII Science (Conservation of plants and animals)

1. The variety of plants, animals and microbes found in a particular area is

called :-
zv. globalisation
zw. biodiversity
zx.conservative variation
zy. flora and fauna
2. Longest migration is exhibited by :-
zz. Siberian crane
aaa. Sea turtle
aab. Arctic tern
aac. Salmon fish
3. The term biodiversity was coined for the first time by :-
aad. Wilson
aae. Jim Corbett
aaf. William
aag. Robert Hooke
4. Biotic components of an ecosystem will not include:-
aah. flora
aai. fauna
aaj. microorganisms
aak. rainfall
5. Match the column :-
Protected area State
a a l . S u l t a n p u r l a ke b i rd s a n c t u a r y i ) ka rn a t a ka
aam. Pa lama u na tiona l pa rk ii) kerala
aan. Ka z ir a n ga w i ld l i fe s a nc tu a r y i i i) M a dh ya p ra de s h
aao. Bandipur national park iv) Haryana
aap. Periyar national park v) Assam

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
at. ______ is a self-sustaining functional unit of biosphere.
au. Paper mills convert the wood of a tree into ______ .
av.That part of earth in which living organisms exist is called ______ .
aw. Conversion of a fertile land into barren land due to soil erosion is called
______ .
ax. Species that are on the verge of ______ are called endangered species.

7. Define migration and explain causes of bird migration through suitable


8. How is a biosphere reserve different from national park and sanctuary?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

whales, elephant, fishes, butterflies, turtles.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxiv) cartinetiosfedi
xxv) nuafa
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1. b
2. c
3. a
4. d

5. a. iv, b. iii, c. v, d. i, e. ii.

6. ecosystem, pulp, biosphere, desertification, extinction .

7. The seasonal movement of animals from one habitat to another to

unfavourable conditions is called migration. Birds migrate for :
xx) breeding grounds/reproduction
xxi) seeking food and water
Siberian crane travels long distance in search of feeding grounds.

8. As compared to national park and sanctuary, a biosphere reserve is a much

larger area
of protected land for conservation of wildlife, plant and animal resources,
and traditional life of the tribal groups living in the area .

9. All are migrating creatures except elephants.

10. i) desertification
ii) fauna
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CBSE Worksheet-33
ClassVIII Science (Conservation of plants and animals)

1. In India following hotspot of biodiversity is/are present :-

aaq. Western ghats
aar. Eastern himalayas
aas. Sunderbans
aat. only a & b

2. A place where numerous varieties of only plants are grown :-

aau. botanical gardens
aav. zoological parks
aaw. seed banks
aax. sanctuary

3. Sariska national park is located in :-

aay. Haryana
aaz. Uttrakhand
aba. Rajasthan
abb. Gujarat

4. Group of organisms capable of interbreeding to produce offsprings :-

abc. flora
abd. species
abe. fauna
abf. ecosystem

5. Match the column :-

abg. Global warming i) tiger reserve
a b h . P a p e r i i ) d e f o r e s t a t i o n
abi. Kanha national park iii) anima ls kept in ca ptivity
abj. Nilgiri reserve iv) recycling
abk. Zoological parks v ) fi r s t r e s e r v e i n I n d i a

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
abl. All varieties of papers can be recycled.
abm. India is a megabiodiversity nation.
abn. Climate determines the type of flora and fauna in a particular region.
abo. Rapid decline of biodiversity is caused due to competition between
abp. Wise and judicious cutting of trees by man results into deforestation.

7. What is poaching? Is it posing a threat to biodiversity ?

8. Describe the cause behind giant panda becoming an endangered species ?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

giant flying squirrel, lion-tailed macaque, giant panda, ganga river dolphin,
nilgiri leaf

10. Name the following extinct animal species?

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134. d
135. a
136. c
137. b

138. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.

139. false, true, true, false, false. .

140. Illegal hunting of wild animals is called poaching. Due to demand for
rhino horns, tiger bones, elephant teeth and furs of several animals,
illegal trade in animal parts continues. As a result all such species suffer
high rates of exploitation that can lead to their extinction. Hence posing
threat to the biodiversity.

141. Some of the animals have very specific requirements such as a

single specific food source. For example giant panda is endangered
because it survives only on bamboo shoots. In the past decades, more
than half of bamboo forests have been cleared for farming and
development. As a result, now only a few giant pandas live in the wild.

142. Other than giant panda all are endemic animals of India.

143. It is Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)

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CBSE Worksheet-34
ClassVIII Science (Conservation of plants and animals)

1. In a core zone of biosphere reserve :-

abq. limited human activity is permitted
abr. several human activities are permitted
abs. no human activity is permitted
abt. only tourists are allowed

2. Dried and deep frozen seeds are stored for conservation in :-

abu. silos
abv. botanical gardens
abw. zoological parks
abx. seed banks

3. Paper can be recycled :-

aby. 5 to 7 times
abz. 3 to 5 times
aca. only twice
acb. only 2 to 4 times

4. WWF is :-
acc. world wild life
acd. world wide fund
ace. world wild flora
acf. world wild fauna

5. Match the column :-

acg. Biodiversity hotspot i) chinkara
ach. Fa u n a o f R a j a s t h a n i i ) p i n e t r e e s
aci. Fl ora of Panchmarhi ii i) Himalayas
a c j . F l o r a o f H i m a c h a l P r a d e s h i v ) e xo t i c s p e c i e s
ack. Th rea t to endemic s pecies v) Wil d ma ngo trees

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
acl. Endemic species are exclusive to a state or country or geographical area.
acm. Threat to biodiversity will not be a threat to human existence.
acn. Forests are nicknamed as lungs of the nature.
aco. Deforestation is caused only by man never by nature.
acp. Biogas is a good alternative to fuelwood.

7. What are the different zones allotted in a biosphere reserve and their

8. Arctic tern is called the champion of migration?

9. Name the following endangered species?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxii) roalf
xxiii) refoednatiots

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Answer Key:-

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. b

5. a. iii, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iv.

6. true, false, true, false, true.

7. A biosphere reserve is divided into three zones for differentiation of

activities :
i) Core zone - In this zone absolutely no human activity is permitted.
ii) Buffer zone - In this zone limited human activity is permitted as
iii) Manipulation zone - In this zone several human activities are
permitted like tribals living and farming in that area.

8. An arctic tern migrates the longest than by any other living creature. This is
a seabird
and it breeds or reproduces in the northern hemisphere as the arctic and
spends winter in the southern hemisphere as far south in the Antarctica.
This means a round trip of upto 35,000 km every year.

9. It is giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

10. i) flora
ii) deforestation
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CBSE Worksheet-35
ClassVIII Science (Cell structure and functions)

1. The lowest level of organization of life is :-

acq. organ system level
acr. organ level
acs. cellular level
act. tissue level

2. Which of the following is not a part of nucleus?

acu. nucleolus
acv. lysosomes
acw. chromosomes
acx. nucleoplasm

3. Centrosomes are present only in :-

acy. plant cells
acz. animal cells
ada. both a & b
adb. only viruses

4. All functions of the body are carried out by a single cell in :-

adc. multicellular organism
add. unicellular organism
ade. bicellular organism
adf. tetracellular organism

5. Match the column :-

adg. magnifying glass i) single celled organism
a d h . A m o e b a i i ) s m a l l e s t c e l l
a d i . O s t r i c h e g g i i i ) p l a n t c e l l
a d j . c h l o r o p l a s t i v ) l a r g e s t c e l l
adk. Mycoplasma v) simplest microscope

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
ay. A ______ is the smallest unit of life.
az.Chromosomes contain basic hereditary units called ______ .
ba. ______ is the cell organelle which produces energy by the oxidation of
bb. Chromoplasts provide different ______ to the flowers and fruits.
bc. Green plastids contain ______ that help in photosynthesis.

7. What are the main postulates of the cell theory?

8. Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms with


9. Complete the following flow chart :

Cell 7 7 7 Organism

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxv) suites
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1. c
2. b
3. c
4. b

5. a. v, b. i, c. iv, d. iii, e. ii.

6. cell, genes, mitochondria, colour, chlorophyll.

7. i) All living organisms are made up of cells. Hence cells are structural
functional units of living organisms.
ii) All cells are similar in their structure and function but they are not identical.
i) New cells are formed through division in the pre-existing cells.

8. Such living organisms in which all life processes for entire organism are
within a single cell are called unicellular organisms. For example:
amoeba, paramecium etc.
Those organisms in which body is made up of more than one cell are
known as multicellular organisms. For example: fishes, frogs, birds.
humans etc.

9. tissue, organ, organ system.

10. i) pseudopodia
ii) tissue
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CBSE Worksheet-36
ClassVIII Science (Cell structure and functions)

1. The largest cells in our body are :-

adl. blood cells
adm. liver cells
adn. kidney cells
ado. brain cells

2. The part of cell that provides shape to it is :-

adp. nucleus
adq. cytoplasm
adr. plasma membrane
ads. nucleoplasm

3. Cells can be seen through :-

adt. hand lens
adu. microscope
adv. naked eye
adw.both b & c

4. Control centre of a cell is :-

adx. nucleus
ady. endoplasmic reticulum
adz. mitochondria
aea. golgi body

5. Match the column :-

aeb. mitochondria i) contains cell sap
a e c . v a c u o l e i i ) p o w e r h o u s e o f c e l l
a e d . p l a s t i d s i i i ) c e l l u l a r d i g e s t i o n
aee. ribosomes iv) kitchen of the cell
a e f. l y s o s o m e s v ) p ro t e i n s y n t h e s i s

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
bd. All the life functions take place in the ______ of a cell.
be. The nucleus of a cell is surrounded by ______ membrane.
bf. The process of colouring different parts of a cell is called ______ .
bg. A group of similar cells that are specialized to perform specific
functions is called ______ .
bh. Kidney shaped cells in plant leaves are called ______ cells.

8. How is a cell wall different from plasma membrane?

163. List the different functions performed by cell membrane.

164. Pick the odd word out of the following:


165. Identify in the following :

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166. d
167. c
168. b
169. a
170. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.

171. cytoplasm, nuclear, staining, tissue, guard .

7. Organisms like plants, fungi and bacteria have an additional outer wall
the plasma membrane. This outer wall is called the cell wall. It is made
up of cellulose in plants. It provides protection against temperature
variations, changing moisture content, high wind speed etc.
Plasma membrane or cell membrane is a thin and delicate membrane
that forms the outer boundary of the cell. It is made up of fats and

8. i) It separates cells from each other.

iii) It keeps the cells separated from surrounding external medium.
xxvi) It gives shape and size to the cell.
xxvii) It allows movement of selected substances inside and outside the cell.

9. All are eukaryotic organisms except bacteria which is a prokaryote.

10. It is an onion peel showing:

xxviii) cell wall
xxix) cytoplasm
xxx) nucleus
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CBSE Worksheet-37
ClassVIII Science (Cell structure and functions)

1. The cell organelle responsible for storage and secretion of materials from cell
is :-
aeg. golgi complex
aeh. lysosomes
aei. endoplasmic reticulum
aej. nucleus

2. Pollen grains of sunflower are:-

aek. tissue
ael. organ
aem. cell
aen. organ system

3. Cells are :-
aeo. transparent
aep. colourless
aeq. both a & b
aer. opaque & coloured

4. Deoxyribonucleic acid is found to be present within :-

aes. endoplasmic reticulum
aet. nucleus
aeu. lysosome
aev. ribosome

5. Match the column :-

a e w. dead cells i) Schwann & Schleiden
a e x . l i v i n g c e l l s i i ) Ro b e r t B r o w n
a e y. c e l l t h e o r y i i i ) L e e u w e n h o e k
a e z . l y s o s o m e i v ) R o b e r t H o o k e
a f a . n u c l e u s v ) C h r i s t i a n d e d u v e

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
a. ______ is a spherical body present inside the nucleus.
b. The function of receiving and transferring messages is carried out by
______ cells.
c. ______ of a non dividing nucleus, condenses in a dividing nucleus to
form chromosomes.
d. ______ are parts of DNA that are passed from parents to their offsprings.

7. What are genes? How are they important to organism?

8. Are nuclei of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different from each other?

e. ______ is the dense fluid like granular substance of a nucleus.

9. Fill with correct words :
xxvi) pseudopodia : false feet :: neurons : ?
xxvii) cell wall : bacteria :: centrosome : ?

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxviii) romeomocsh
xxix) romeobis

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Answer Key:-

172. a
173. c
174. c
175. b

176. a. iv, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. ii.

177. nucleolus, nerve, chromatin, genes, nucleoplasm.

178. Thread like structures called chromatin are present inside nucleus.
These condense to form chromosomes during cell division.
Chromosomes contain DNA in them. DNA is our hereditary material and
segments of DNA are called genes.
Genes contain all the information needed by the cell to function and to
reproduce further cells of next generation. So, genes are responsible for
inheritance of characters.

179. In prokaryotic cells there is no well defined nucleus rather it is called

a nucleoid. Such nuclear organisation lacks nuclear envelope and
nucleolus altogether.
In eukaryotic cells the nucleus is well defined with nuclear membrane,
nucleoplasm, nucleolus and chromatin network.

180. i)nerve cells,

ii) animal cell.

181. i) chromosome
ii) ribosome
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CBSE Worksheet-38
ClassVIII Science (Cell structure and functions)

1. The water filled spaces found in plant cells are :-

afb. lysosomes
afc. vacuoles
afd. cell membrane
afe. centrosome

2. Centrioles of an animal cell help in :-

aff. food oxidation
afg. transport
afh. transfer of characteristics
afi. cell division

3. Which of the following is not a stain ?

afj. safranine
afk. eosin
afl. methylene blue
afm. glycerine

4. Different types of tissues form together :-

afn. organs
afo. cellular organisation
afp. epidermis
afq. muscles

5. Match the column :-

a f r . W B C i ) h e r e d i t a r y v e h i c l e s
afs. chromosomes ii) found in Euglena
a ft . p rot opla sm ii i) fo und in blo od
afu. centriole iv) living material of cell
a f v. fl a g e l l a v ) c h r o m o s o m a l m o v e m e n t

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
z. Nerve cells both in rat and elephants perform the same function.
aa. In animal cells nucleus is shifted to one side of the cell.
ab. Cellular respiration occurs in the vacuoles.
ac.Epidermis is an organ.
ad. Animal cells contain small sized vacuoles.

7. What is the need of staining the cells? Name any four stains.

8. Define a vacuole inside a cell and mention its importance?

9. Complete the following:

Protoplasm = nucleus + ?

10. Label in the following diagram : i


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Answer Key:-

182. b
183. d
184. d
185. a
186. a. iii, b. i, c. iv, d. v, e. ii.
187. true, false, false, false, true.

188. Cells are transparent and colourless. They do not offer any sort of
contrast with their surrounding materials. Since transparent materials
which are also colourless, are difficult to observe under a microscope.
Therefore, to observe cells and their inclusions different coloured stains
or dyes are used.
Stains react with specific parts of cells and make them clearly visible
under a microscope.
Four stains : safranine, eosin, methylene blue, acetocarmine.

189. Cells contain water filled, sac like structures called as vacuoles. They
are large sized in plant cells while either absent or small sized in animal
In animal cells like that of amoeba, two types of vacuoles are found : food
vacuole that carries food and allows its digestion inside; contractile
vacuole that controls the amount of water present inside the cell.

190. cytoplasm.

191. i) contractile vacuole

iv) pseudopodium
xxxii) food vacuole
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CBSE Worksheet-39
ClassVIII Science (Cell structure and functions)

1. The cell wall of a plant cell is made up of :-

afw. cellulose
afx. starch
afy. glucose
afz. glycogen

2. Ribosomes are found in :-

aga. plant cells
agb. animal cells
agc. viruses
agd. only a & b

3. Food taken in by amoeba is digested in a :-

age. ribosome
agf. golgi body
agg. centrosome
agh. vacuole

4. Scattered in the cell are many small structures called :-

agi. chromosomes
agj. genes
agk. organelles
agl. WBCs

5. Match the column :-

agm. chromoplasts i) unicellular alga
agn. chloroplasts ii) unicellular fungus
ago. leucoplasts iii) colourless plastids
agp. Chlamydomonas iv) coloured plastids
a g q . Y e a s t v ) g r e e n p l a s t i d s

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
agr. The size of a cell is related to body size of the organism.
ags. An amoeba is irregular in shape.
agt. In plant cells, the nucleus is shifted to one side of the cell.
agu. Golgi body of a plant cell is called dictyosome.
agv. Leucoplasts have pigments of different colours that give colour to flowers
and fruits.

7. Name the organelle that can be called as kitchen of the cell also explain
why it can be
called so?

8. i)Name the organelle that helps in cell division?

ii) How is cell division important to unicellular and multicellular organisms?

9. Name the slide prepared and also mention the stain used to colour the cell

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxx) sorchltopla
xxxi) clueoav
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Answer Key:-

144. a
145. d
146. d
147. c
148. a. iv, b. v, c. iii, d. i, e. ii.

149. false, true, true, true, false.

150. Chloroplast i.e. the green plastids are better known as the kitchen of
the cell because it contains chlorophyll for the process of photosynthesis.
Through this process, plant cell prepares food which is ultimately stored
in the form of starch.

151. i) Centrosome.
ii) In unicellular organisms, cell division helps to increase their number
(reproduce), while in multicellular organisms cell division is required for
growth as well as repair in the body.

152. It is a human cheek slide and methylene blue stain is used to colour
the cellular components.

153. i) chloroplast
ii) vacuole

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CBSE Worksheet-40
ClassVIII Science (Reproduction in Animals)

1. For sexual reproduction number of parents required are :-

agw. only one
agx. two
agy. three
agz. four

2. Frogs are found to exhibit :-

aha. external fertilization
ahb. sexual reproduction
ahc. ovipary
ahd. all the above

3. Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are also called :-

ahe. drones
ahf. gametes
ahg. zygotes
ahh. clones

4. Binary fission can take place only in :-

ahi. unicellular organisms
ahj. prokaryotic cells
ahk. eukaryotic cells
ahl. multicellular organisms

5. Match the column :-

a h m . Z y g o t e i ) r e p r o d u c t i v e o r g a n
a h n . S p e r m i i ) a c l o n e
a h o . E g g i i i ) m a l e g a m e t e
a h p . F l o w e r i v ) f e m a l e g a m e t e
a h q . D o l l y v ) fi r s t c e l l o f n e w o rg a n i s m

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
bi. Because of ______ life continues from generation to generation.
bj. Bisexual organisms are also known as ______ .
bk. The process of fusion of sperm nucleus with egg nucleus is called ______ .
bl. ______ fertilization occurs in most of the aquatic organisms.
bm. ______ reproduction begins with fusion of male and female gametes.

7. Define an embryo? How is it different from zygote and foetus?

8. Which type of fertilization occurs in human beings ? How is human

embryo development different from development of a hens embryo?

192. In the following life cycle label different stages as asked for :

193. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxiii) noisfis
xxxiv) dubnigd

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Answer Key:-

194. b
195. d
196. d
197. a

198. a. v, b. iii, c. iv, d. i, e. ii.

199. reproduction, hermaphrodites, fertilization, internal, sexual.

200. An embryo is a ball of cells formed by the repeated cell divisions of

A zygote is a single celled structure which represents the first cell of a
new organism. It is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes.
Hence embryo is a multicellular structure. On the other hand the stage of
an embryo which start resembling features of a human being is called as

201. In human beings and hen both, the fusion of male and female
gametes takes place inside the body of the female partner. This type of
fertilization is known as internal fertilization. But hens lay eggs while
humans give birth to young ones.
So the development of embryo into baby takes place inside the body of
human female and the chick development occurs outside the body of

202. (top to bottom) late tadpole, fertilized eggs, early tadpoles.

203. i) fission
ii) budding
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CBSE Worksheet-41
ClassVIII Science (Reproduction in Animals)

1. Male gametes produced by fishes are released in the :-

ahr. water body
ahs. female reproductive tract
aht. air
ahu. vector or carrier

2. The first animal to be cloned was a :-

ahv. goat
ahw. rat
ahx. sheep
ahy. frog

3. Internal fertilization takes place in :-

ahz. frog
aia. humans
aib. sheep
aic. both b & c

4. Chick is the young one of a :-

aid. cat
aie. butterfly
aig. cow

5. Match the column :-

a i h . f o e t u s i ) c a r r i e s t e s t e s
aii. fallopian tube ii) ball of cells
aij. embryo iii) where body parts can be
i d e n t i fi e d
a i k . s c r o t u m i v ) f e r t i l i z e d e g g
a i l . z y g o t e v ) s i t e f o r f e r t i l i z a t i o n

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
aim. The process by which life continues on Earth is ______ .
ain. Through ______ hen provides sufficient warmth to the egg to develop.
aio. Change in shape and form from larva to adult is called ______ .
aip. In frogs, eggs hatch into larvae called ______ .
aiq. In butterflies, eggs hatch into worm like larvae known as ______ .

6. Label w,x,y and z in the following diagram

8. Differentiate between clones and test tube babies?

4. Compare asexual and sexual reproduction?

5. Pick the odd word out of the

following: sperm, ovum, tadpole,
zygote, frog egg.
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Answer Key:-

204. a
205. c
206. d
207. c
208. a. iii, b. v, c. ii, d. i, e. iv.
209. reproduction, brooding, metamorphosis, tadpoles, caterpillars.
210. The production of an exact copy of a cell, any of the body parts,
or a complete
organism from single parent is referred to as cloning and the cell or part
or individual thus formed is known as a clone for eg in asexual
reproduction the daughter cells are clones to the parent cell.
If a womans oviduct is blocked, then she cant bear baby because
sperms cant reach the egg. Medical science has developed the
technique of IVF (in vitro fertilization) for those couples. Babies born
through IVF are called test tube babies. Fertilization of sperm and egg
takes place under lab conditions and the zygote is transferred to
mothers uterus.
211. That mode of reproduction in which a single organism is able to
reproduce one or more of its kind as a single parent is called asexual
reproduction. For example amoeba, paramecium, bacteria etc.
The other mode of reproduction which involves two parents in the
process of new individual formation is called sexual reproduction. Each
parent produces gametes. For example in human beings the males
produce sperms (male gamete) and the females produce ova ( female
212. All are single cell except a tadpole.
213. w- vagina
x - ovary
y - fallopian tube
z - cervix
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CBSE Worksheet-42
ClassVIII Science (Reproduction in Animals)

1. In human female reproductive system, fertilization takes place in the :-

air. ovary
ais. oviduct
ait. uterus
aiu. vagina

2. In human male reproductive system sperm formation takes place inside :-

aiv. testis
aiw. sperm duct
aix. seminal vesicle
aiy. penis

3. A human sperm represents :-

aiz. single cell
aja. two cells
ajb. three cells
ajc. more than million cells

4. Choose the correct life cycle pattern for a mosquito :-

ajd. egg - adult - larva - pupa
aje. egg - pupa - larva - adult
ajf. adult - larva - pupa - egg
ajg. egg - larva - pupa - adult

5. Match the column :-

a j h . M a r s u p i a l i ) s i l k w o r m
a j i . B i s e x u a l i i ) y e a s t
a j j . f r a g m e n t a t i o n i i i ) l e e c h
a jk. m eta morphos is iv) plana ria
a j l . b u d d i n g v ) k a n g a r o o

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
f. In human males, testis lie within the ______ outside the abdominal
g. After repeated divisions in the embryo, the embryo attaches to the
wall of ______ in the female reproductive tract.
h. Embryo obtains nutrients and oxygen from mothers blood through
______ .
i. Part of female reproductive system that receives sperms is ______ .
j. In human females, ______ egg is released every month by either of
the two ovaries.

7. What are unisexual and bisexual organisms?

8. Describe male reproductive system of humans?

9. In the following diagram select the number which shows the stage for
implantation of
the embryo?

10. Write the stages in life cycle of a butterfly in correct sequence-

caterpillar, adult butterfly, pupa, eggs.
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Answer Key:-

214. b
215. a
216. a
217. d
218. a. v, b. iii, c. iv, d. i, e. ii.

219. scrotum, uterus, placenta, vagina, one/single .

220. Those animals in which male and female gametes are produced by
different individuals are called unisexual organisms such as humans in
which males produce sperms while females produce eggs.
On the other hand in earthworms and some other animals both the male
and female gametes are produced by the same individual. Such animals
are called as bisexual or hermaphrodites.

8. The human male reproductive system comprises of following:

ii) Testes A pair of testes are located within the scrotal sacs outside
the abdominal cavity. They produce male gametes or sperms.
iii) Sperm duct Also called vas deferens, they are two in number and
carry sperms to the urethra via seminal vesicle.
iv) Seminal vesicle It adds seminal fluid to sperms (semen) and leads
through urethra into penis.
v) Penis It is a muscular organ that is used to pass urine and semen as

9. number 8 is the answer because at this stage the embryo gets embedded
into the uterus.

10. egg , caterpillar, pupa, adult butterfly.


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CBSE Worksheet-43
ClassVIII Science (Reproduction in Animals)

1. The stage of life cycle of silkworm that yields silk is :-

ajm. adult
ajn. eggs
ajo. larva
ajp. pupa

2. Zygote contains chromosomes :-

ajq. from father only
ajr. from mother only
ajs. from both father and mother
ajt. only newly formed chromosomes

3. Uterus of human female opens into :-

aju. oviduct
ajv. ovary
ajw. vagina
ajx. penis

4. In birds eggs are fertilized :-

ajy. inside the body
ajz. outside the body
aka. not fertilized at all
akb. asexual reproduction occurs so no fertilization

5. Match the column :-

a k c . u n i s e x u a l i ) t a p e w o r m
a k d . d e v e l o p m e n t i i ) c o c k r o a c h
a k e . b i s e x u a l i i i ) e m b r y o t o a d u l t
a k f. b i n a r y fi s s i o n iv) attachment of embryo to
akg. implantation v) two daughter cells

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
akh. A thin and coiled tube that joins uterus with ovary is called fallopian tube.
aki. Sperm ducts deliver sperms into the vagina of the female partner.
akj. Ovum is the unfertilized egg.
akk. During rainy season a female frog lays shelled eggs in water.
akl. One ovum is fertilized by more than one sperm.

10. Label A and B in the following diagram :

7. Name the parts of female reproductive system and its functions?

8. What do you mean by the following terms:

v) gestation period
vi) implantation

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

ostrich, turtle, crocodile, Siberian crane, blue whale, rohu fish.
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Answer Key:-
221. d
222. c
223. c
224. a
225. a. ii, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. iv.
226. true, false, true, false, false.

227. Human female reproductive system is made up of the following parts :

iv) Ovaries A pair of ovaries are situated in abdominal
cavity of female body. Single mature ovum is produced
and released every four weeks alternately by either
v) Oviduct They are a pair of thin and muscular tubes
that joins uterus to ovary and contains cilia that helps
in movement of ovum and zygote.
vi) Uterus It is a broad muscular chamber which
receives and attaches the dividing zygote.
vii) Vagina It is a wide muscular tube that leads
upto the opening of female reproductive tract.

9. In human beings fertilization is internal i.e. fusion of sperm and ovum

takes place inside the body of female partner. The fertilised egg is called
as zygote. Zygote divides to make a ball of cells and this structure fixes
itself into the wall of uterus and this phenomenon is called implantation.
The multicellular structure or embryo starts developing into a foetus. The
period for which embryo or foetus develops inside the body of female is
called gestation period for example in humans gestation period is 9

228. All lay eggs except blue whale that gives birth to young ones.

229. A) sperm head

B) sperm tail
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CBSE Worksheet-44
ClassVIII Science (Reproduction in Animals)

1. Which of following do not produce buds :-

akm. hydra
akn. sponges
ako. sea star
akp. sea anemone

2. In hen, development of embryo takes place :-

akq. inside the body
akr. outside the body
aks. no development occurs
akt. in a pouch like structure

3. The human foetus remains connected with mothers blood circulation

through :-
aku. oviduct
akv. fimbriae
akw. umbilical cord
akx. vagina

4. Human foetus shows:-

aky. features similar to adult
akz. metamorphosis
ala. attachment to mother via placenta
alb. both a & c

5. Match the column :-

a l c . e a r t h w o r m i ) b u d d i n g
a l d . a m o e b a i i ) h e r m a p h r o d i t e
a l e . h y d r a i i i ) o v i p a r o u s
a l f . s t a r fi s h i v ) fi s s i o n
a l g . b i r d s v ) e x t e r n a l f e r t i l i z a t i o n

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
alh. Like all other systems, reproductive system is also essential for survival
of an organism.
ali.Plants can reproduce by both asexual as well as sexual methods.
alj.Number of eggs produced at a time is different for different mammals.
alk. New individual inherits characteristics from mother only.
all.Animals that give birth to young ones are called viviparous.

9. Define metamorphosis with suitable examples.

230. How did cloning experiments begun? Is cloning safe and absolutely

231. Label the parts or stages asked for in the following diagram :

232. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxii) rationlifetiz
xxxiii) terphisosomam

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Answer Key:-

233. c
234. b
235. c
236. d
237. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.

238. false, true, true, false, true.

239. A human baby, a kitten, a puppy etc have similar shape and feature
as their parents have. In frogs, butterfly, silkworm, mosquitoes etc the
young ones that hatch out of eggs look very different from the adult
organisms. However they gradually transform through various stages.
This transformation of immature or larval stages through drastic changes
into mature or adult organism is called metamorphosis.

240. Dr. Ian Wilmut and his co-workers at the Roslin Institute in
Edinburgh, Scotland, produced a baby sheep named Dolly without using
the sperm in year 1997.
Dolly was developed from a cell taken from the mammary gland of a
female sheep and an unfertilised egg taken from other female sheep. The
nucleus of unfertilised egg was replaced with nucleus from mammary
gland cell and cell started developing into embryo inside a third female
sheep. But success of cloning experiment is limited and cloned animals
also die at less age or are born with abnormalities.

241. ball of cells, uterus (top to bottom).

242. i) fertilization
ii) metamorphosis
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CBSE Worksheet-45
ClassVIII Science (Reaching the Age of Adolescence)

1. Which of the following is a ductless gland :-

alm. sweat gland
aln. salivary gland
alo. sebaceous gland
alp. pituitary gland

2. Adolescence brings in the individual :-

alq. mental maturity
alr. reproductive maturity
als. emotional maturity
alt. all the above

3. In boys, voice box protrudes out in throat region and is called :-

alu. custards apple
alv. adams apple
alw. eves apple
alx. both b & c

4. A female secondary sexual characteristic is :-

aly. voice becoming shrill
alz. voice becoming hoarse
ama. growth of adams apple
amb. growth of hair on the chest

5. Match the column :-

a m c . i n f a n c y i ) 1 1 t o 1 2 y r s
a m d . a d o l e s c e n c e i i ) 1 4 t o 1 5 y r s
ame. puberty in female iii) from birth to 2 yrs
a m f. c h i l d h o o d i v ) f ro m 1 1 t o 1 8 y r s
amg. puberty in male v) 2 to 11 yrs

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
a. Time period when body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive
maturity is called______. b. Teenagers is the other name used for
______ .
c. At , sweat and sebaceous glands become more active.
a. In girls, first menstrual flow and is called ______ .
b. As a woman grows old, menstrual cycle stops which is termed as ______.

7. What are ductless glands?

8. Define hormones and their special features?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:


10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxiv) trepbuy
xxxv) carhenem
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Answer Key:-

154. d
155. d
156. b
157. a
158. a. iii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. ii.

159. adolescence, adolescents, puberty, menarche, menopause.

160. Such glands which do not have ducts and release their secretions
directly into the bloodstream are known as ductless glands. These glands
secrete chemicals called hormones that act on specific targeted cells
only. These glands are also known as the endocrine glands since they
form the endocrine system of our body.

161. To attain proper growth and development our body needs certain
chemicals called hormones. These chemicals are also known as chemical
messengers because they carry information from endocrine glands to
various parts of the body.
Hormones are carried by blood to various specific target sites within
body. They are essential for body but in very small quantities.

162. Other than amylase which is an enzyme all others are hormones.

163. i) puberty
ii) menarche
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ClassVIII Science (Reaching the Age of Adolescence)

1. Hormones are secreted into :-

amh. lymph
ami. ducts
amj. blood
amk. nerves

2. Along with testicular hormones, sperm formation also needs hormones

from :-
aml. thyroid gland
amm. pituitary gland
amn. adrenal gland
amo. pancreas

3. In girls, the ovaries secrete during puberty :-

amp. estrogen
amq. progesterone
amr. both a & b
ams. ovulation hormone

4. Nucleus of each human cell contains :-

amt. 23 pairs of chromosomes
amu. 22 pairs of chromosomes
amv. 48 chromosomes
amw. 40 chromosomes

5. Match the column :-

gland hormone secreted
a m x . p a n c r e a s i ) t e s t o s t e r o n e
a m y . t e s t i s i i ) i n s u l i n
a m z . p i t u i t a r y i i i ) e p i n e p h r i n e
a n a . o v a r y i v ) g r o w t h h o r m o n e
a n b . a d r e n a l v ) e s t r o g e n

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
bn. Hormones are required in very ______ quantity.
bo. Hormones are secreted from ______ glands directly into bloodstream.
bp. Diet for an adolescent has to be a ______ one.
bq. Adolescents must take proper care of personal ______ .
br. Hormone named ______ prepares the body to fight or flight.

7. Name the specific term used for characteristics that help to distinguish
males from
females and give examples of those as well.

8. Name the gland which regulates secretion of hormones from male and
female gonads also mention functions of male and female sex hormones.

9. Write the following sentences related to menstrual cycle in their correct

sequence :
a) release of egg from ovary
b) breakdown of thickened inner wall of uterus
c) thickening of wall of uterus
d) maturation of ovum

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxvi) turamyit
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Answer Key:-

243. c
244. b
245. c
246. a
247. a. ii, b. i, c. iv, d. v, e. iii.

248. small, endocrine, balanced, hygiene, adrenalin.

249. The physical feature which help to differentiate between the male
and the female individuals are called secondary sexual characteristics.
Examples of such characteristics are as follows :
In males growth of pubic hair, beard and moustaches, hair on chest
and under arms, deepening of voice, etc & also adams apple in some
In females enlargement of breasts and hips, growth of pubic hair and
hair under arms etc.

250. The master endocrine gland i.e. pituitary gland controls the
secretion of hormones from the male gonad i.e. testis and female gonad
i.e. ovary.
The male sex hormone is testosterone. It is released by testis in the male
body. Function of this hormone is to help in growth and development of
secondary sexual characteristics in boys. The female sex hormone if
estrogen. It is released by ovaries in the female body. Function of this
hormone is to regulate development of secondary sexual characteristics
in girls.

251. d, a, c, b.

252. i) infancy
ii) maturity

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ClassVIII Science (Reaching the Age of Adolescence)

1. Number of sex chromosomes in human kidney cell :-

anc. one
and. two
ane. four
anf. zero

2. The term used for production of male gametes in humans is:-

ang. spermatogenesis
anh. spermgamogenesis
ani. oogenesis
anj. spermtestogenesis

3. To keep their body healthy teenagers need :-

ank. protein rich diet
anl. fat rich diet
anm. balanced diet
ann. carbohydrate rich diet

4. Production of sex hormones is under the control of :-

ano. thyroid gland
anp. adrenal gland
anq. testis
anr. pituitary gland

5. Match the column :-

hormone function
ans. thy rox ine i)develops secondary sexual characters
in female
ant. testosterone ii) prepares body for emergency
anu. estrogen iii) overall body growth
a n v. growth hormone iv) regulates ra te of meta bolism
a n w. adrenal v) develops secondary sexual characters
in male
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6. Fill in the blanks :-
bs.Chips, burgers, cakes, colas etc are ______ food.
bt. In males, sex hormones are secreted by ______ .
bu. In females, sex hormones are secreted by ______ .
bv.Bleeding in women due to breakdown of inner wall of uterus is called
______ .
bw. ______ occurs in a human female at the age of 45 to 50 yrs.

7. List the changes and related problems that adolescents face during puberty.

8. What kind of diet an adolescent should be provided with and why?

9. Label in the following diagram :

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxvii) neghyei
xxxviii) sixreece

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253. b
254. a
255. c
256. d
257. a. v, b. iv, c. i, d. iii, e. ii.
258. junk, testes, ovaries, menstruation, menopause.
259. i) The sweat glands and sebaceous glands become more active
during this period resulting into pimples, acne and underarm odour.
ii) Hormonal secretions lead to mood swings which can cause
aggressiveness and depression at times.
i) Adolescents feel insecure with the changes taking place at a fast pace in
can you think of any more problems, discuss amongst yourselves

10. The adolescent should be provided with a balanced diet. To stay

healthy during
adolescence phase and cope up with growth and development rate, one
needs the
following ingredients in his/her balanced diet :
carbohydrate - 60%
fats - 15 %
proteins - 25%
minerals and vitamins are also required in requisite amount.
Other than above roughage and sufficient water are also essential for
proper health.

260. Adams apple

261. i) hygiene
ii) exercise
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CBSE Worksheet-48
ClassVIII Science (Reaching the Age of Adolescence)

1. The body part where a hormone reaches and produces its effect is called :-
anx. end site
any. regulator site
anz. tropic site
aoa. target site

2. Number of sex chromosomes in a gamete :-

aob. one
aoc. two
aod. four
aoe. eight

3. The process by which mature ovum is released from ovary is called :-

aof. oogenesis
aog. oogamy
aoh. fertilisation
aoi. ovulation

4. Thyroid gland is located in the :-

aoj. head region
aok. near heart
aol. throat region
aom. gonad region

5. Match the column :-

a o n . X X i ) m a l e g o n a d
a o o . t e s t i s i i ) s e x c h r o m o s o m e s o f b o y
a o p . X Y i i i ) f e m a l e g o n a d
a o q . o v a r y i v ) s e x c h r o m o s o m e s o f g i r l
a o r. chemical messenger v) hormone

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
aos. Girls begin going through puberty a little earlier than boys.
aot. During puberty, testis secretes testosterone.
aou. Ovum from mother always carries an X chromosome.
aov. Gender of a child depends upon the kind of egg that fuses with the
aow. Sperm from father always carries a Y chromosome.

7. Define personal hygiene and explain its importance in an adolescents life.

8. Give a brief description of menstruation and menstrual cycle in females.

9. Name the plant and the drug it provides :

10.What problem is the adolescent shown in following picture facing?

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262. d
263. a
264. d
265. c
266. a. iv, b. i, c. ii, d. iii, e. v.

267. true, true, true, false, false.

268. The word hygiene refers to cleanliness. To keep ones own body
clean by taking proper bath, wearing clean clothes, eating clean and
protected food with washed hands etc and also keeping the house clean,
all are collectively called personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is very
important for adolescents. Taking a bath everyday and cleaning all parts
of the body helps preventing body odour and bacterial infection. Among
girls, special care about hygiene is required during menstruation.

269. In females, at the onset of puberty, one of the two ovaries produces
an egg every 28-30 days. Release of the mature egg from ovary is
known as ovulation. If this egg is not fertilised ( fused with sperm) then
lining of uterus is shed off along with its blood vessels containing blood.
It results into bleeding. This bleeding phase lasts for 4 to 6 days and is
called menstruation or period. Every 28 to 30 days the same sequence is
repeated so the menstrual flow cycle is called as menstrual cycle.

270. It is a tobacco plant and it is a source of nicotine.

271. i) Acne
ii) Pimples

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ClassVIII Science (Reaching the Age of Adolescence)

1. Pituitary gland is located at the base of :-

aox. heart
aoy. lungs
aoz. brain
apa. pancreas

2. Pancreas is :-
apb. exocrine gland
apc. endocrine gland
apd. type of sweat gland
ape. both a & b

3. Baby is going to be a girl or a boy depends on :-

apf. type of sperm
apg. type of ovum
aph. amount of sex hormone
api. amount of regulatory hormone from pituitary

4. Deficiency of iodine in adolescents diet causes a disease called :-

apj. infertility
apk. goitre
apl. dwarfism
apm. irregular menstruation

5. Match the column :-

a p n . a d o l e s c e n t i ) p ro d u c e s s p e rm s
a p o . l a r y n x i i ) m a s t e r e n d o c r i n e g l a n d
a p p . t e s t i s i i i ) p r o d u c e s o v a
a p q . o v a r y i v ) t e e n a g e r
a p r . p i t u i t a r y v ) v o i c e b o x

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
aps. During puberty, ovary secretes oestrogen.
apt. Oogenesis term represents formation of zygote from mature ovum.
apu. Maleness is decided by the presence of Y chromosome.
apv. Every egg cell has two X chromosomes.
apw. Chromosomes from the female parent decides the sex of the child.

7. How metamorphosis in frog tadpole is delayed or improper if iodine is


8. What are drugs and how are they detrimental to adolescents?

9. What does the following picture depicts ?

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxvi) norsoeget
xxxvii) setgoneprore

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272. c
273. d
274. a
275. b
276. a. iv, b. v, c. i, d. iii, e. ii.

277. true, false, true, false, false.

278. Metamorphosis in tadpole larva requires hormone thyroxine which is

secreted by another endocrine gland named thyroid. The formation of
thyroxine needs iodine as a raw material hence in the absence or less
amount of iodine, the thyroxine hormone formed is very less, as a result
metamorphosis of tadpole into frog is either delayed or is improper.

279. During adolescence, teens are physically, mentally and emotionally

agitated due to lot of changes taking place in their body and mind. They
sometimes feel confused and insecure due to the stress caused by
hormonal secretions. By this time they may prey to drugs and alcohol.
Drugs are medicines that are very addictive and once taken, teen
develops tendency to take them again and again. Drugs harm the body in
long run destroying health and happiness.

280. It is showing the various stages of a menstrual cycle in human female.

281. i) oestrogen
ii) progesterone
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CBSE Worksheet-50
ClassVIII Science (Force and Pressure)

1. Example of non contact force is/are :-

apx. magnetic force
apy. gravitational force
apz. electrostatic force
aqa. all the above

2. 1 kg-wt is equivalent to :-
aqb. 9 N
aqc. 9.8 N
aqd. 8 N
aqe. 8.8 N

3. A push or a pull applied on an object is defined as :-

aqf. force
aqg. area
aqh. pressure
aqi. speed

4. Tennis player will send the ball to his contender by :-

aqj. pushing
aqk. pulling
aql. hitting
aqm. lifting

5. Match the column :-

a q n . f o r c e i ) c o n t a c t f o r c e
aqo. pressure ii) measure of gravity on object
a q p . f r i c t i o n i i i ) f o rc e p e r u n i t a re a
a q q . g r a v i t y i v ) p u s h a n d p u l l
a q r. weight v) action at a distance force

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
bx. ______ is required to move things .
by. ______ can stop a moving object.
bz.Moving object has its own force, due to its ______ .
ca.The ______ of an object is the measure of force of gravity produced on it.
cb. To open a car door and get inside we must ______ the door.

7. Define resultant force ?

8. A force of 35 N acts over an area of 7 square meter. Calculate the

pressure ?

9. Recognise which kind of force is imparted to the child in the following


10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxviii) car : fuel :: body : ?
xxxix) weight : Newton :: pressure : ?
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164. d
165. b
166. a
167. c
168. a. iv, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. ii.

169. force, force, motion, weight, pull .

170. Resultant force is also known as the net force. In many situations
more than one force acts on a body at the same time. All these forces
collectively produce the same effect in the body as a single force hence
it is defined as the single force which acts on a body to produce the
additive effect of all the forces that work on that object.

171. Pressure = 35 N/7 m2

= 5 N/ m2

172. It is a pull force.

173. i) food
ii) Newton/m2
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CBSE Worksheet-51
ClassVIII Science (Force and Pressure)

1. Pressure has another unit named :-

aqs. Pascal
aqt. Tesla
aqu. Ohm
aqv. Joule

2. It is a tug of war and the force applied is :-

aqw. push
aqx. pull
aqy. hit
aqz. kick

3. What does the given image imply?

ara. force can stop a moving object
arb. force can change speed of an object
arc. force can change shape of an object
ard. force can change direction of an object

4. Force can be described by stating its :-

are. speed
arf. magnitude
arg. direction
arh. both b & c

5. Match the column :-

ari. Barometer i) gravitational force
arj. Movement of carom coins ii) pressure
ark. Satellite orbiting earth iii) weight
arl. Attracting paper pins iv) impact force
arm. Spring balance v) magnetic force

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
c. Forces that work on an object at rest are ______ .
d. ______ is used to exert force.
e. Force changes the ______ of an object in motion.
f. The invisible attraction force that earth exerts on all sorts of matter is
called ______ force.
g. ______ is defined as the force exerted per unit area..

7. Describe weight and its cause?

8. Why do astronauts appear floating inside a spaceship?

9. What is the player going to do with the ball in the following image?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xl) resresup
xli) taryvgi

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174. a
175. b
176. c
177. d
178. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.
179. balanced, energy, direction, gravitational, pressure .

180. Weight is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object. It

is measured in Newtons.
An object is felt heavy due to the force of gravity acting on that object
when you try to lift it up. Gravity or gravitational force acts upon an
object and gives it weight.

181. Force of gravity pulls object down towards earth but in the outer
space, where the force of gravity is very weak. Because of no or very
weak gravitational force in space objects are almost weightless and
therefore appear floating. Hence astronauts cant stand in their
spaceship but float.

182. The soccer is going to kick the ball.

183. i) pressure
ii) gravity
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CBSE Worksheet-52
ClassVIII Science (Force and Pressure)

1. To increase the speed of swing the childs father must :-

arn. pull the swing
aro. kick the swing
arp. push the swing
arq. lift the swing

2. The force involved in picking up a school bag is :-

arr. gravitational force
ars. muscular force
art. magnetic force
aru. electrostatic force

3. The correct relation between force, pressure and area is :-

arv. pressure= area/force
arw. area= pressure/force
arx. force= pressure/area
ary. pressure= force/area

4. If 2 or more forces act on a body in the same direction :-

arz. net force decreases
asa. net force increases
asb. net force remains the same
asc. pressure decreases

5. Match the column :-

a s d . c o n t a c t f o r c e i ) g r a v i t y
ase. non contact force ii) pressure x area
a s f. w e i g h t i i i ) m a x i m u m a t s e a l e v e l
a s g . f o r c e i v ) e l e c t r o s t a t i c
ash. atmospheric pressure v) friction

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
cc.Pressure depends on ______ over which the force is spread.
cd. Pressure exerted by air is called as ______ pressure.
ce.A ______ is used to measure the air pressure.
cf. The pressure of water ______ with depth.
cg.Force can make a ______ object move faster.

7. What is necessary to apply force?

8. What happens when more than one force works on an object and that to in

9. Recognise which kind of force is imparted to the person walking ahead in

following picture?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xlii) gamecitn
xliii) coalsettrict
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Answer Key:-

282. c
283. b
284. d
285. b
286. a. v, b. iv, c. i, d. ii, e. iii.

287. area, atmospheric, barometer, increases, moving.

288. A force can be applied only when there occurs a mutual interaction
of two objects. For example when a child pulls a dog, the dog also pulls
the child. Another example is of two speeded cars that hit each other i.e.
they interact with each other so force is applied on both of them.
Conclusion says that to apply a force , minimum of two bodies are
required to interact with each other.

289. In such cases the net or resultant force will move the object in the
direction of bigger force if two opposite forces are unequal but if the
opposite forces are equal in magnitude then both cancel each other. As a
result the object doesnt move at all.

290. It is a push force.

291. i) magnetic
ii) electrostatic

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CBSE Worksheet-53
ClassVIII Science (Force and Pressure)

1. The force we use while ploughing is :-

asi. magnetic force
asj. muscular force
ask. frictional force
asl. gravitational force

2. Pressure exerted by a liquid on the wall of vessel is :-

asm. more towards bottom
asn. equal in all directions
aso. more on the sides
asp. both a & c

3. Pressure in liquids increases with :-

asq. depth of liquid
asr. density of solute
ass. nature of vessel
ast. all the above

4. While opening a drawer you are :-

asu. pushing
asv. hitting
asw. pulling
asx. lifting

5. Match the column :-

a s y. lifting a school bag i) kicking
asz. closing a drawer ii) shape changes
ata. making a stationary football move iii) pulling
atb. squeezing a sponge iv) makes it longer
atc. pulling a rubber band v) pushing

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
atd. The unit of force is pascal.
ate. Weight is measured in newton.
atf. Pulling a cart needs direct contact with the object.
atg. Direction in which an object is pushed or pulled is measure of magnitude
of force.
ath. Interaction between two objects always involve direct physical contact.

7. What is meant by direction of a force?

8. To slow down an object in which direction should be force applied?

9. By what best possible way these two people should carry the table?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xliv) somerichtap
xlv) taiganorvit

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184. b
185. b
186. a
187. c
188. a. iii, b. v, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.

189. false, true, true, false, false.

190. Any force can be described by stating its magnitude and the
direction in which it acts. The direction in which an object is pushed or
pulled is called the direction of the force

191. Applying force in the opposite direction in which the object is moving
can slow down or stop the moving object. For example : a goalkeeper
slows down or stops a football by applying force in opposite direction in
which ball is moving.

192. They must lift the table and carry it along with them. So they must
carry it by lifting.

193. i) atmospheric
ii) gravitation
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CBSE Worksheet-54
ClassVIII Science (Force and Pressure)

1. In a given situation what does a child do while playing with moulding clay?
ati. lifting
atj. hitting
atk. pulling
atl. pushing

2. Acting force on a surface is :-

atm. perpendicular to that surface
atn. parallel to that surface
ato. diagonal to that surface
atp. linear to that surface

3. CGS unit of pressure is :-

atq. Newton
atr. Newton/m2
ats. dyne/cm2
att. kg/Newton

4. Which force will act between two charged objects?

atu. gravitational force
atv. electrostatic force
atw. frictional force
atx. muscular force

5. Match the column :-

a t y . f o r c e i ) n o n c o n t a c t f o r c e
atz. change in object ii) contact force
aua. magnet pulling iron pins iii) air pressure
aub. pulling the window pane i v ) e ff e c t
auc. bl oa ting of tube of cycle tyre v) cause

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
aud. The relation between force, pressure and area says: force= pressure x
aue. Force cannot make a moving object slow down.
auf. Both water and air will apply equal force in all directions.
aug. With the increasing depth, pressure of liquid decreases.
auh. Weight is due to the earths friction acting on an object.

7. What are the applications of atmospheric pressure of earth?

8. Describe the force due to which Earth keeps on revolving around the Sun.

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

gravitational, magnetic, muscular, electrostatic, comb rubbed on hair

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xlvi) capsal
xlvii) wonten

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292. d
293. a
294. c
295. b
296. a. v, b. iv, c. i, d. ii, e. iii.

297. true, false, true, false, false.

298. Applications are as follows:

For safe landing on the ground, by using a parachute during
paradropping. While falling down from an aircraft the person uses
atmospheric pressure against gravity. Here the parachute blocks the air
(in a localised area of the atmosphere) acting in an upward direction that
further slows down the rate of falling and as such the person lands

299. Earth keeps revolving around Sun, moon keeps revolving around
Earth due to the gravitational force. It is also known as gravity. This force
exists everywhere in the universe.
Earth has a huge mass so it attracts every object towards it via the
gravitational force. That is why a ball thrown upwards finally comes
down, a ripened fruit when detached from tree falls down on the earth.

300. Muscular force is a contact force while all other forces can act on an
object from a distance hence non contact forces.

301. i) pascal
ii) newton
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CBSE Worksheet-55
ClassVIII Science (Friction)

1. Force of friction does not depend upon :-

aui. weight of object in motion
auj. nature of surface in contact
auk. area of surfaces in contact
aul. external force applied on object

2. If applied force is increased then friction will :-

aum. increase at the same rate
aun. decrease at the same rate
auo. increase at a different rate
aup. decrease at a different rate

3. Which of the following is not a type of friction?

auq. static friction
aur. rolling friction
aus. kinetic friction
aut. magnetic friction

4. That maximum force of friction when block just starts to move is :-

auu. highest friction
auv. limiting friction
auw. lowest friction
aux. sliding friction

5. Match the column :-

a u y. sliding friction i) heat production
auz. static friction ii) applying brakes
ava. polishing surfaces iii) greater than kinetic
avb. advantage of friction iv) greater than rolling friction
avc. disadvantage of friction v) decreases friction

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
ch. Frictional force is caused by the interaction of a body with ______ .
ci. None of the solid surfaces are perfectly ______ .
cj. Two ______ surfaces when placed together meet only at certain points.
ck.The interlocking of the irregularities of the surfaces in contact causes ______
cl. There is no relative motion between the two surfaces in contact in case of
______ friction..

7. A ball moving on a horizontal surface stops after sometime without

applying any force. Why ?

8. Friction is wasteful at times so why we need to increase it in some cases?

9. What will be the direction of friction in the following image?


10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xxxix) mendealrist
xl) blintucar

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302. c
303. a
304. d
305. b
306. a. iv, b. iii, c. v, d. ii, e. i.

307. surroundings, smooth, rough, friction, static.

308. The ball stops because the surface opposes the motion of the ball
i.e., the ball experiences a force, which opposes its motion. This force is
called the force of friction or simply friction.
Frictional force is a contact force that works along the two surfaces in
contact. It always opposes the relative motion between the two bodies in
contact irrespective of the direction of motion.

309. Friction is very much advantageous as well. Grooves are made on

tyres to increase friction, which prevents the slipping of the vehicles,
athletes wear shoes with spikes to increase their grip on ground and
therefore friction, gymnasts use coarse substance on their hand to
improve their grip etc.

1. Motion

310. i) streamlined
ii) lubricant

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ClassVIII Science (Friction)

1. Choose the correct order :-

avd. static friction > rolling friction > sliding friction
ave. sliding friction< static friction< rolling friction
avf. rolling friction > sliding friction > static friction
avg. static friction > sliding friction > rolling friction

2. Friction prevents motion until applied force is :-

avh. more than frictional force
avi. less than frictional force
avj. equal to frictional force
avk. more than weight of object

3. Without friction we :-
avl. cannot walk
avm. cannot light a matchstick
avn. cannot stop our bicycle
avo. all the above

4. Friction generates :-
avp. gravity
avq. heat
avr. lubrication
avs. fluidity

5. Match the column :-

a v t . Po l i s h i n g i ) f r i c t i o n is h e l p f u l
avu. wear & tear ii) increases friction
a v v. lighting a matchstick iii) reduces friction
avw. car engine getting hot after use iv) result of friction
avx.Wrestlers rubbing soil on hand v) friction is troublesome

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
avy. Friction always ______ the motion.
avz. Friction is caused due to ______ of the two surfaces in contact.
awa.Force of friction has a remarkable property of adjusting its ______ .
awb.Force of friction exerted by fluids is called ______ .
awc. A ______ shape of an object offers least resistance due to friction.

9. Why is it difficult to stop a boat?

7. What is a streamlined shape? Explain with four examples.

8. In the following image in which condition will the object B move?

If the upper arrow represents external force and lower arrow represents

9. Select the odd word out of the following :

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Answer Key:-

311. d
312. a
313. b
314. b
315. a. iii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. ii.

316. opposes, roughness, magnitude, drag, .

317. The friction due to water is much less than that between solid
surfaces and hence it is difficult to stop ships or boats. Other than this
ships and boats have a streamlined shape that reduces friction hence
further prevents them from stopping. That is why to stop a ship the
engine is fired in the opposite direction.

318. A streamlined body has a somewhat long, pointed and sloppy shape,
which can let fluid flow past over it easily. Hence such a body shape helps
an object through air or water (fluid) to overcome friction. In a
streamlined body, the front portion of the object is narrower than the
back. Examples are : boats, ships, birds, cars etc.

319. When external/applied force will be greater than the frictional force
then the object B will move.

320. Other than camels all have a

streamlined body.

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CBSE Worksheet-57
ClassVIII Science (Friction)

1. The deformation of a motor car tyre in contact with the road is an example of
awd. sliding friction
awe.rolling friction
awf. static friction
awg. limiting friction

2. Friction is exerted by :-
awh. solid
awi. liquid
awj. gas
awk.all the above

3. A shower of meteors or shooting stars is caused due to :-

awl. friction of air
awm. friction of only Carbon dioxide
awn.friction from spaceship
awo.friction due to streamlined shape

4. An object/body moves due to :-

awp. force applied on it
awq. friction
awr. resultant force

5. Match the column :-

a w t . r o u g h i ) i n t e r l o c k i n g o f s u r f a c e s
awu. absolutely smooth ii) all solid surfaces
a w v. cause of friction iii) self adjusting
a w w. applied force & fric tion iv) highly pol ished surface
awx. small frictional force v) no solid surface

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
awy. It is difficult to roll a body than to slide it along the ground.
awz. It is easy to walk on floor without friction.
axa. Maximum value of static friction is called limiting friction.
axb. Friction is always a nuisance.
axc. Saliva in our mouth is a lubricant.

7. What are lubricants and what are they meant for?

8. Does any friction occurs in fluids? Name it and describe the same.

9. Name the shape shown through paper rockets in the following image that

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xlviii) cattis
xlix) ciiktne

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Answer Key:-

321. b
322. d
323. a
324. c
325. a. ii, b. v, c. i, d. iii, e. iv.

326. false, false, true, false, true.

327. Lubricant is a substance that reduces friction between two moving

surfaces. Such as oil/grease forms a thin layer between two surfaces that
separates those two surfaces from each other. This reduces chances of
interlocking of the two surfaces and thus reduces friction.
Soap solution and saliva are also lubricants.

328. Scientifically, any substance that can flow is called a fluid. Since all
gases and liquids flow, they are commonly called as fluids.
Whenever any object moves through a fluid, it experiences friction. This
frictional force that fluids exert on objects moving through it is called
drag. Objects that need to move through fluids, have to apply a lot of
energy to overcome the drag. To get out of this difficulty such objects are
given a symmetrical shape called as streamlined shape.

329. Streamlined shape.

330. i) static
ii) kinetic

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CBSE Worksheet-58
ClassVIII Science (Friction)

1. kinetic friction is also known as :-

axd. potential friction
axe. successive friction
axf. resultant friction
axg. dynamic friction

2. Rolling friction will be less when :-

axh. smaller is the flattened area of contact
axi. greater is the flattened area of contact
axj. object is dropped in water
axk. object is cut into two equal halves

3. Friction is directly proportional to the :-

axl. colour of sliding object
axm. direction of motion of sliding object
axn. mass of sliding object
axo. smoothness of sliding object

4. Tyres have grooves on their surface to :-

axp. decrease friction
axq. increase friction
axr. decrease applied force
axs. equalize applied and frictional force

5. Match the column :-

axt. Friction i) same as sliding friction
axu. measuring friction ii) natural force
ax v. Zero friction iii) spring balance
a x w. Ball bearings iv) not possible
axx. Dynamic friction v) decrease rolling friction

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
axy. Friction is a necessary evil.
axz. Friction is an evil of all motion.
aya. Glass is a perfectly smooth surface.
ayb. Friction is one of the important natural gift to us.
ayc. Friction transfers the energy of motion always into bright light.

7. Why do meteors burn soon after entering earths atmosphere?

8. A spaceship tragedy took place with atlantis spaceship which carried

Kalpana Chawla
and her crew members. What precautions are taken to prevent such accidents?

9. Name the type of friction shown in the

Select the odd word out of the following :
ball bearings, oil, soil, electroplating, grease, powder,
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Answer Key:-

194. d
195. a
196. c
197. b
198. a. ii, b. iii, c. iv, d. v, e. i.

199. true, true, false, true, false.

200. Meteors are pieces of rocks that keep floating in space, when they
come nearby earth they get attracted by gravitational force. Gravity
pulls meteor with great intensity as a result meteor enter earths
atmosphere at very high speed. So drag is also very large. Due to this,
temperature of meteor rises very high and it burns out soon after
entering the earths surface.

201. Just like a meteor when spaceship enters the earths atmosphere its
temperature rises due to increased drag. To protect spaceships from
burning during entry to earths atmosphere, they are provided with a
heat shield. If this shield is broken or damaged then accidents like
atlantis happen.

202. Rolling friction.

203. Other than soil all are used for

reducing friction.
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ClassVIII Science (Friction)

1. A boy exerts force of 40N on a block and 60N frictional force operates in
opposite direction. Result will be?
ayd. A force of 100N will make block move
aye. block will not move due to cancellation of both forces
ayf. block will not move because opposing force is more than applied force
ayg. block will move with a force of 20N

2. Which of the following is a disadvantageous friction :-

ayh. deformation of soles of shoe
ayi. writing on paper and blackboard
ayj. working of brakes on cycle and car
ayk. truck tyres have grooves on it

3. An irregular surface will have :-

ayl. lesser friction
aym. greater friction
ayn. zero friction
ayo. lubrication

4. To increase friction between field and shoes, athletic shoes are provided
with :-
ayp. grooves
ayq. polish
ayr. grease
ays. spikes

5. Match the column :-

ayt. fl u i d i) minimizes friction caused by
ayu. dra g ii) re m ov es hills and valleys
a y v. streamline shape iii) friction due to air
a y w. p o l i s h i n g i v ) c a u s e s f r i c t i o n
ayx. rough surface v ) air & wa ter
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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
ayy. Hills and valleys on two surfaces interlock and help in achieving faster
ayz. Drag does not depend on nature of the fluid.
aza. Friction between eraser and paper causes eraser to wear out.
azb. Writing on blackboard with chalk would be possible without friction.
azc. Both air as well as water exert frictional force on objects.

7. Why do we say that friction is a necessary evil?

8. Differentiate between action of wheels and ball bearings?

9. If in the following image F is a small force applied on to the object what will

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

l) shodanei
li) tinrinekgclo
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Answer Key:-
331. c
332. a
333. b
334. d
335. a. v, b. iii, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.
336. false, false, true, false, true.

1. Friction has several disadvantages like it causes loss of energy and causes
wear and tear
of machines. On the other hand our normal daily life would not be
possible without
+ nails and screws hold the wall due to friction.
+ we are able to walk on the road due to friction.
+ friction between road and surface allows safe driving.
+ writing on paper and blackboard is possible due to friction.
+ application of brake system is possible by friction only.
Hence friction is a necessary evil.

337. Vehicles have wheels to facilitate their motion. Since it is easier to

roll over an object than to slide it as described below.
When a spherical object rolls on a surface, the resistance it faces is rolling
friction. Rolling friction is quite less than sliding friction. Ball bearings are
used between the wheel and axis of car that further reduce friction and
makes motion smoother.

338. A very small force F will not be able to move the object therefore
object remains at rest because Fs opposes the motion of object caused
by F.

339. i) adhesion
ii) interlocking
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CBSE Worksheet-60
ClassVIII Science (Sound)

1. Speed of sound increases as it passes through :-

azd. solid < liquid >gas
aze. gas < liquid < solid
azf. liquid < gas < solid
azg. gas > liquid > solid

2. The shape of outer ear resembles a :-

azh. funnel
azi. kernel
azj. tunnel
azk. both a & b

3. A tightly stretched membrane that separates outer ear from middle ear is :-
azl. eartube
azm. earpinna
azn. eardrum
azo. earfiller

4. The part of ear which converts sound energy into electric impulses for brain
is :-
azp. outer ear
azq. pinna
azr. middle ear
azs. inner ear

5. Match the column :-

a z t . E l e c t r i c i ) m i d d l e e a r
a z u . S o u n d i i ) i n n e r e a r
a z v . E a r d r u m i i i ) s t i m u l u s
a z w . P i n n a i v ) g u i t a r
a z x . C o c h l e a v ) o u t e r e a r

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
cm. Sound is caused by a source that ______ .
cn. ______ cords are present inside the voice box.
co.The sense organ that perceives sound is ______ .
cp. The function of outer ear is to ______ sound waves.
cq. Inner ear transmits vibrations to brain by ______ nerve.

7. How does a human being produces sound? Explain.

8. Sita felt some irritation in her ears and put a needle into her ears to remove
it. Can it
be dangerous?

9. Name the instrument and its category also among musical instruments.

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lii) nlyaxr
liii) sonei

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Answer Key:-
340. b
341. a
342. c
343. d
344. a. iv, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. ii.

345. vibrates, vocal, ear, collect, auditory.

346. When you sing a song, shout, speak, etc, put your hand on your
throat. You will find a part of your throat moving up and down. This part
of your throat is known as the voice box or larynx. The larynx or voice
box is responsible for producing sounds in humans. It moves when you
eat, chew and swallow something. The voice box consists of two vocal
chords. These chords are arranged in such a manner that there is a small
gap between them. This small gap allows air to pass through. When we
speak, air is forced into this small gap by the lungs. (larynx grows larger
in boys reaching puberty and called adams apple).

347. It is very dangerous to put a sharp, pointed or hard thing into our
ears. It is so because outer part of the ear channels vibrations down to a
thin membranous structure called the eardrum which is stretched very
tightly and is flexible but delicate tissue.
Any of the above mentioned objects can damage the eardrum. Damaged
eardrum in turn can impair the hearing process.

348. It is a violin and it belongs to category of stringed instruments.

349. i) larynx
ii) noise
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CBSE Worksheet-61
ClassVIII Science (Sound)

1. In humans sound is produced by :-

azy. layrnx
azz. laryxn
baa. larynx
bab. larnyx

2. The outer ear is also known as :-

bac. pina
bad. peena
bae. piina
baf. pinna

3. Which of the following is not an ear bone?

bag. strammer
bah. hammer
bai. anvil
baj. stirrup

4. Sound will travel fastest in :-

bak. hydrogen
bal. silver
bam. vacuum
ban. water

5. Match the column :-

bao. contraction i) coiled organ of hearing
bap. rarefaction ii) organs of balance
baq. amplitude iii) compressed sound waves
b a r. cochlea iv) loudness of sound waves
bas. semicircular canals v) expanded sound waves

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
cr. The ______ of a note in musical scale tells you now high or how low it is.
cs. Humans cannot hear sounds with frequency higher than ______ hertz.
ct. The voice box is located at the upper end of ______ .
cu. Slower vibrations are also known as ______ .
cv. Movement of a body from one extreme position to the other and back is
called an ______ .

10. How does an ultrasound machine work in detecting pregnancy or tumor?

350. A Veena player tunes his instrument before a concert. What is this tuning all
about ?

351. The image shows a pair of musical instruments. Name them and their

352. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xlii) duplimate
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Answer Key:-

353. c
354. d
355. a
356. b
357. a. iii, b. v, c. iv, d. i, e. ii.

358. pitch, 20000 Hz, trachea, oscillations, oscillation.

359. Ultrasonic sound waves have frequency higher than 20000 Hz and
are used to investigate structures inside human body. These waves can
penetrate human tissue and get reflected back. The reflected rays from
the tissues are interpreted by the ultrasound machine and shown on the
monitor. So they can be used to check that a baby is developing
normally inside mothers body or a tumour and its size in human body.

360. A veena player tunes his instrument before a concert because if he

wishes to raise the pitch of a string, he must tighten the string since
tighter string will vibrate faster to produce high pitch of the sound while
reverse will happen if he loosens string.
Tuning of stringed musical instrument means tightening or loosening the
strings with the help of pegs provided in it.

361. They are congo and bongo. They belong to group of percussion

362. i) frequency
ii) amplitude
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CBSE Worksheet-62
ClassVIII Science (Sound)

1. The pitch of a note depends upon :-

bat. frequency of the sound
bau. amplitude of the sound
bav. speed of the sound
baw. both a & b

2. The loudness of sound depends upon :-

bax. frequency of the sound
bay. amplitude of the sound
baz. speed of the sound
bba. both a & b

3. High pitch notes are produced by stringed instruments when :-

bbb. strings are short
bbc. strings are thin
bbd. strings are tightly stretched
bbe. all the above

4. Audible range for humans is between :-

bbf. 10 to 10000 Hz
bbg. 20 to 10000 Hz
bbh. 20 to 20000 Hz
bbi. 10 to 20000 Hz

5. Match the column :-

feeling range of loudness (db)
b b j . n o r m a l b r e a t h i n g i ) 9 0
b b k . w h i s p e r i i ) 1 1 0
b b l . b u s y t r a ffi c i i i ) 1 0
bbm. normal conversation iv) 30
b b n . p a i n f u l s o u n d v ) 7 0

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bbo. We can always see the vibrations when a sound is produced.
bbp. When we hit the tuning fork on a rubber pad, its prongs oscillate.
bbq. Vocal cords are thin folds at the top of your foodpipe.
bbr. Ma is at a higher pitch than ga on a music scale.
bbs. Re is at a lower pitch than sa.

7. How do we hear sound? Explain stepwise.

8. Why do we need a medium to make sound travel? Name such mediums and
their ability to propagate sound.

9. Is the labeling correct? If not which part of the image represents vocal cord?

vocal cord

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

liv) nabivtroi
lv) locisilotna

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Answer Key:-
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. a. iii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. ii.
6. false, true, false, true, false.

7. Our ears are sense organs for hearing and it occurs as explained in
following steps :
i. Vibrations (sound waves) from air reach our outer ear and are
collected then send to eartube.
ii. Now vibrations strike the eardrum that is a part of middle ear.
Eardrum vibrates and causes the bones of middle ear to vibrate.
iii. Vibrations in ear bones stimulate hearing organ in the inner ear to
change vibrations into nerve signals that are transferred to brain and
we hear the sound.

8. Our ears perceive sound as vibrations or oscillations in the air molecules. In

words we will not be able to hear anything if air particles are not there.
In order to make sound travel to our ears from an object like a musical
instrument it is necessary to have molecules that can vibrate in the
space in between the ear and the matter/object. Those molecules
constitute a medium that can be solid or liquid or gas. Sound propagates
faster in solids and liquids than in gases.

9. No the labelling is incorrect, the correct labelling is shown below:

vocal cord
10. i) vibration
ii) oscillation

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CBSE Worksheet-63
ClassVIII Science (Sound)

1. Sound is not characterized by :-

bbt. quality
bbu. time
bbv. loudness

2. Which of the following produce ultrasound waves :-

bbx. monkeys
bby. dolphins
bbz. bats
bca. both b & c

3. Sounds having frequency less than 20 Hz are :-

bcb. sonic sound
bcc. subsonic sound
bcd. ultrasonic sound
bce. infersonic sound

4. A reflected sound is called an :-

bcf. geco
bcg. echo
bch. sonar
bci. radar

5. Match the column :-

bcj. regular vibrations i ) s o u n d s fl a t
bck. irregular vibrations ii) sounds rich
b c l . t u n i n g f o r k i i i ) n o i s e
b c m . s i t a r i v ) o c t a v e
bcn. musical scale v) musical sound

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bco. Objects that vibrate slow have a high pitch.
bcp. Same note sounds different on different musical instruments.
bcq. The shrillness of a sound is called its pitch.
bcr. Noise is unwanted and displeasing sound.
bcs. Speed of light in air is very much less than the speed of sound in air.

7. What is meant by echolocation? Is it useful?

8. An object completes 900 oscillations in 30 seconds. Calculate its frequency.

9. Name the musical instrument and its category.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lvii) nimomonuticca

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Answer Key:-

204. b
205. d
206. b
207. b
208. a. v, b. iii, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.
209. false, true, true, true, false.

210. Echolocation is a technique of detecting objects with the help of

sound waves. A bat flying in the dark uses echo location where it
produces high frequency sounds that bounce off objects in its path and
the bat hears echoes, which enable it to detect location of objects. Sonar
is a form of echolocation used by ships to detect echoes coming from
submerged objects. Geologists use sonar to find out oil deposits below
the surface of earth.

211. Number of oscillation completed in 30 sec = 900

Number of oscillations completed in 1 sec = 900/30= 30
Therefore, frequency = 30 Hz

212. It is a trumpet and it belongs to category of wind instruments.

213. i) propagation
ii) communication

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CBSE Worksheet-64
ClassVIII Science (Sound)

1. Scientists measure the loudness of sound in :-

cw. desibels
cy. decibels
cz. decibils

2. Speed of sound in air as calculated by scientists is :-

da. 230 m/s
db. 330 m/s
dc.300 m/s
dd. 600 m/s

3. if speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s then in steel it will be :-

de. 1000 m/s
df. 1500 m/s
dg. 600 m/s
dh. 6000 m/s

4. A tuning fork produces sound of :-

di. single frequency
dj. double frequency
dk. triple frequency
dl. multiple frequency

5. Match the column :-

Animals audible range
d m . c a t s i ) 1 t o 2 0 0 0 0 H z
d n . E l e p h a n t s i i ) u p t o 4 0 0 0 0 H z
d o . M o t h s i i i ) u p t o 5 0 0 0 0 H z
d p . D o g s i v ) 1 0 0 t o 6 0 0 0 0 H z
dq. Grasshoppers v) 1000 to 240000 Hz

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bct. Sound producing organ in human is pharynx.
bcu. Objects that vibrate fast have a low pitch.
bcv. Ultrasound is safer method to detect the baby as compared to X-ray.
bcw. Sound travels most easily through solids.
bcx. Sound can travel through a vacuum.

7. Differentiate between infrasonic, sonic and ultrasonic sounds?

8. Calculate distance travelled by sound in air in 15 seconds?

9. Which is this musical instrument and also name its categorical placement.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lviii) hicpt
lix) cebiled

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Answer Key:-

363. c
364. b
365. d
366. a
367. a. iv, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iii.

368. false, false, true, true, false.

369. Infrasonic or subsonic sounds are inaudible to human ear as they

have frequency below 20 Hz. An infant (human child) can hear
infrasound. Sonic sound frequency ranges between 20 to 20000 Hz and
this can be heard by humans. While ultrasonic sounds are high frequency
sounds greater than 20000 Hz. They are again inaudible to us. Certain
animals like dog, cat, monkey etc can hear them and some others can
produce them as well.

370. Speed of sound in air is 330 m/s.

time = 1.5 sec
distance = speed X time
= 330 X 1.5
= 495 m.

371. It is a very popular instrument named synthesizer and it is an

electronic instrument.

372. i) pitch
ii) decibel
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CBSE Worksheet-65
ClassVIII Science (Chemical Effects of Electric Current)

1. Which of the following will conduct electricity?

bcy. pure water
bcz. impure water
bda. distilled water
bdb. all the above

2. LED is :-
bdc. light emitting diode
bdd. light evolving diode
bde. light eliminating diode
bdf. light entering diode

3. An electrolytic cell converts :-

bdg. electrical energy to light energy
bdh. chemical energy to electrical energy
bdi. chemical energy to light energy
bdj. electrical energy to chemical energy

4. An electric current is generated due to :-

bdk. flowing protons
bdl. flowing neutrons
bdm. flowing electrons
bdn. all the above

5. Match the column :-

bdo. Ca thode i) pos itiv e ly cha rged ions
b d p . c a t i o n s i i ) n e g a t i v e e l e c t r o d e
b d q . A n o d e i i i ) r e s i s t c o r r o s i o n
b d r. a n i o n s i v ) p o s i t i v e e l e c t r o d e
bds. Electroplating v) negatively charged ions

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
dr. An electric current can bring about a ______ change.
ds.An ______ when dissolved in water, breaks up into ions.
dt. ______ are materials that allow electricity to flow through them.
du. ______ are also called as insulators.
dv.A source of electricity is called a ______ .

7. Define electrolysis. Through diagram represent movement of ions during


8. Write one important application of electrolysis in our daily life.

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

salt solution, sugar solution, lime water, tap water, river water.

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xliii) temream
xliv) temaltover

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Answer Key:-

373. b
374. a
375. d
376. c
377. a. ii, b. i, c. iv, d. v, e. iii.
378. chemical, electrolyte, conductors, non- conductors, cell.
379. If any substance conducts electricity when dissolved in water and
breaks up into its constituents during the process of dissolving, is known
as an electrolyte. The process of breaking down of an electrolyte on
passing electric current through it is called electrolysis.

380. Electrolysis has many applications in our daily life but the most
common of all the applications is electroplating. In the process of
electroplating, a thin layer of a metal like gold, silver, chromium, tin,
nickel etc is coated over another cheaper metal either to protect the
cheaper metal or to make that metal look attractive.
381. Except sugar solution all will conduct electricity.
382. i) ammeter
ii) voltameter

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CBSE Worksheet-66
ClassVIII Science (Chemical Effects of Electric Current)

1. Sugar solution is an :-
bdt. electrolyte
bdu. non electrolyte
bdv. cation

2. Effect/s of electric current includes :-

bdx. chemical effect
bdy. magnetic effect
bdz. heating effect
bea. all the above

3. Lime water conducts electricity because :-

beb. it is acidic in nature
bec. it is basic in nature
bed. it is neutral in nature
bee. it is a salt

4. Protons are :-
bef. negatively charged particles
beg. uncharged particles
beh. positively charged particles
bei. particles not found in an atom

5. Match the column :-

bej. pure water i) negatively charged particles
b e k . a n i o n s i i ) g o o d c o n d u c t o r
bel. Impure water iii) positively charged particles
bem. aqueous solution iv) distilled water
b e n . c a t i o n s v ) d i s s o l u t i o n i n w a t e r

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
beo. Electrolysis is used for ______ one metal over another metal.
bep. A combination of cells is known as ______ .
beq. In liquid the moving charges are called ______ .
ber. The driving force that carries charges around a circuit is ______ force.
bes. Electric current is the flow of negatively charged particles called ______ .

7. What is the actual direction of electric current?

8. Why is it dangerous to handle electrical appliances with wet hands or while

on a wet floor ?

9. What conclusion can be drawn from the circuit shown in the image below :

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lx) relylescisot
lxi) aircoptlengetl

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Answer Key:-

383. b
384. d
385. a
386. c
387. a. iv, b. i, c. ii, d. v, e. iii.

388. electroplating, battery, ions, electromotive, electrons.

389. Electrons flow from an electron rich body/object to an electron deficit

one. In other words from a body that is negatively charged to a body that
is positively charged. However, scientists from earlier days thought that
electric current is the flow of positive charge from a positively charged
body to a negatively charged body. Therefore, they took this as the
direction of flow of current.
Today, we consider the flow of conventional electric current to be from
positive to negative electrode.

390. Small amounts of mineral salts are present naturally in water. They
are beneficial for human health. However, these salts make water
conducting as such if we touch an electrical appliance with wet hands or
while standing on a wet floor, current will flow through our body and
result will be an electric shock.

391. Metallic wire shown in the diagram is a good conductor of electricity.

392. i) electrolysis
ii) electroplating
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CBSE Worksheet-67
ClassVIII Science (Chemical Effects of Electric Current)

1. The bulb will light up when :-

bet. sample inserted will be non conductor
beu. sample inserted will be conductor
bev. sample inserted will be a non electrolyte
bew. sample inserted will be a thermocoal

2. A charged atom is called as :-

bex. ion
bey. element
bez. compound
bfa. complex

3. Plastic coating on wires is a :-

bfb. conducting material
bfc. electroplating material
bfd. insulating material
bfe. atomic nucleus material

4. Which of the following will not conduct electricity?

bff. distilled water
bfg. glucose solution
bfh. pure water
bfi. all the above

5. Match the column :-

b f j . l e a d i ) e l e c t r o l y t e
b f k . c h l o r i d e i o n s i i ) i n s u l a t o r
b fl . s o d i u m i o n s i i i ) c o n d u c t o r
b f m . g l a s s i v ) a n i o n
b f n . c o m m o n s a l t v ) c a t i o n

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bfo. Every ion has both positive as well as negative charges.
bfp. Electricity is a form of energy.
bfq. Asbestos is a good conductor of electricity.
bfr. Current flows in a closed circuit as well as an open circuit.
bfs. Different LEDs may give out light of different colours.

7. Is electric shock lethal? What should be done in case of electric shock?

8. What is deplating? How is it useful?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

nitric acid, sulphuric acid, carbonic acid, sodium chloride, potassium

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxii) neplacpai
lxiii) eiddo

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Answer Key:-

393. b
394. a
395. c
396. d
397. a. iii, b. iv, c. v, d. ii, e. i.

398. false, true, false, false, true.

399. The electric shocks vary in their effect, as they can be mild to
severe, sometimes they even lead to death i.e. lethal.
Electric shocks can cause severe burns and tissue damage. The function
of the heart can also be disrupted by a strong electric shock. Irreparable
injury to vital organs result into lethality. If shock occurs indoors,
immediate disconnection of power supply is required. If a person is in
contact with source of electric current, stand on a dry rubber mat,
wooden slab etc and try to move the person using a completely dry
wooden pole.

400. The process just opposite to electroplating is deplating. In this

process, the object to be deplated is used as the anode ( positively
charged electrode) and the recovered metal is deposited on a cathode
(negatively charged electrode) usually of the same metal.
To recover gold and other valuable metals from the circuits of computers,
mobiles, other electronic goods, the process of deplating is very useful.

401. Except carbonic acid all are strong electrolytes.

402. i) appliance
ii) diode

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CBSE Worksheet-68
ClassVIII Science (Chemical Effects of Electric Current)

1. A non metal that conducts electricity is :-

bft. graphite
bfu. diamond
bfv. sulphur
bfw. nitrogen

2. During electrolysis of water, hydrogen gas collects at :-

bfx. cathode
bfy. anode
bfz. diode
bga. both electrodes

3. A good conductor of electricity will be :-

bgb. distilled water + common salt
bgc. distilled water + vegetable juice
bgd. distilled water + fruit juice
bge. all the above

4. The container which carries electrolyte along with electrodes is called :-

bgf. electrometer
bgg. electrolyter
bgh. voltameter
bgi. ammeter

5. Match the column :-

bgj. electro deposition i) ionize partially
bgk. weak electrolyte ii) collect on positively charged
b g l . c a t i o n s i i i ) i o n i z e c o m p l e t e l y
b g m . a n i o n s i v ) e l e c t r o p l a t i n g
bgn. strong eletrolyte v) collect on negatively charged
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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bgo. Natural water that runs down the hills is 100% pure water.
bgp. Formation of a new chemical compound by electricity is electrolysis.
bgq. Kerosene is a non electrolyte.
bgr. Lemon juice is an electrolyte.
bgs. All liquids conduct electricity.

12. Are conductors and electrolytes same? If not explain differences

between them with examples.

214. Purification of metals is possible through electrolysis. Describe this


215. Pick the odd word out of the following:

Sulphur, Quartz, Glass, Brass, Plastic, Dry wood.

216. Label the arrow in the following image :

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Answer Key:-

403. a
404. a
405. d
406. c
407. a. iv, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iii.
408. false, false, true, true, false.

409. Materials that allow electricity to flow through them are called
conductors. Conductors like, silver, gold, copper, mercury, aluminium,
iron, graphite etc are elements, and remain unchanged when they
conduct electricity.
Substances which conduct electricity when dissolved in water or when
melted are called electrolytes. In solution or in molten state, electrolyte
decomposes into ions that are charged particles and conduct electricity.
Example: common salt, vinegar, caustic soda etc.

410. Purification of metals can be done by electrorefining, where metals

are refined by electrolytic method. For example: copper, silver, nickel,
gold, aluminium etc purified through electrorefipning.
The purified metal after electrolysis deposits at the negatively charged
electrode i.e. the cathode and is collected from time to time.

411. Brass is a conductor while all others are insulators.

412. Those two are called leads in an LED.


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CBSE Worksheet-69
ClassVIII Science (Chemical Effects of Electric Current)

1. In the process of electrolysis of water :-

bgt. hydrogen gas collects at anode
bgu. oxygen gas collects at cathode
bgv. oxygen gas collects at anode
bgw.no gases are collected at either electrodes
2. Electrolysis is _____ effect of electric current :-
bgx. magnetic
bgy. chemical
bgz. heating
bha. physical
3. Iron is electroplated with _____ to protect is from corrosion :-
bhb. tin
bhc. copper
bhd. silver
bhe. chromium
4. The person who had shown that if electrodes were immersed in water,
and a current was passed, bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen were
bhf. Nicholson
bhg. Sir Humphrey Davy
bhh. Faraday
bhi. Galvani
5. Match the column :-
Salt At cathode
b hj . s od iu m c hl o r i de i ) c op pe r
b h k . l e a d n i t r a t e i i ) s i l v e r
bhl. copper sulphate iii) aluminium
b h m . s i l v e r n i t r a t e i v ) l e a d
bhn. Aluminium chloride v) hydrogen gas

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bho. Passing electric currents through a conducting liquid causes chemical
bhp. Electrolysis is an application of electroplating.
bhq. Vinegar is a conductor of electricity.
bhr. A solution that contains oppositely charged ions conducts electricity.
bhs. Glucose solution is an electrolyte and hence conducts electricity.

7. Describe the specific features of an LED?

8. Chrome plating is very popular in the industry. What are its pros and cons?

9. What does the following image depicts?

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxiv) ciswht
lxv) doceterel

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Answer Key:-

413. c
414. b
415. d
416. a
417. a. v, b. iv, c. i, d. ii, e. iii.

418. true, false, true, true, false.

419. An LED or light emitting diode is an electronic device. It lights up

(starts emitting light) even when a very weak current flows through it. It
contains two leads (as shown in worksheet 68) one of which is longer
than the other. The longer lead is connected to the cell/battery. Hence
when current flowing through the circuit is too weak then bulb may not
glow at all so for such cases we can utilise LED which is a more sensitive
detector of current.

420. Chrome plated objects have a good lustrous shine and appear
attractive. They are scratch and corrosion resistant. Therefore, chromium
plating is done on large number of objects, like fancy lights, bathroom
accessories, kitchen appliances, automobile parts etc.
However, chrome plating is done in a bath (solution) of chromic acid,
which is considered carcinogenic and has been known to be
poisonous/toxic and cause sores and ulcers etc.

421. The image shows electroplating taking place on to the spoon dipped in
the electrolyte.

422. i) switch
ii) electrode
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CBSE Worksheet-70
ClassVIII Science (Some Natural Phenomena)

1. When a comb is rubbed against hair, force generated in it is :-

bht. muscular force
bhu. gravitational force
bhv. frictional force
bhw.electrostatic force

2. Clouds can charge tall buildings and trees by :-

bhx. friction
bhy. induction
bhz. conduction
bia. gravitation

3. The waves generated by an earthquake are called :-

bib. tectonic waves
bic. internal waves
bid. seismic waves
bie. tsunami

4. Charges are of two kinds:-

bif. negative and positive
big. negative and neutral
bih. positive and neutral
bii. neutral and static

5. Match the column :-

bij. glass rod rubbed with silk i) attract each other
bik. like charges ii) positive charge
bil. ebonite rod rubbed with wool iii) transferring of charge
b i m . E a r t h i n g i v ) r e p e l e a c h o t h e r
bin. unlike charges v) negative charge

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
dw. The electrical charges generated by rubbing are ______ .
dx. Tall buildings are protected from damage by lightning through a lightning
______ .
dy. The simplest form of a seismograph is a simple ______ .
dz.Magnitude and intensity of earthquake is measured by ______ scale.
ea. Lithosphere of earth is divided into about 20 parts called ______ plates.

10. Describe how tsunamis form?

11. Write
What the correct
causes words by putting letters in correct
an earthquake?
12. Name the type of electricity that will be
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Answer Key:-

217. d
218. b
219. c
220. a
221. a. ii, b. iv, c. v, d. iii, e. i.

8. 6. An earthquake
static, is the
conductor, vibration,
pendulum, sometimes violent, of the Earth's surface
13. thatdisturbance such as
follows a release an earthquake,
of energy landslide,
in the Earth's volcanic
crust. This eruption,
energy can be or
meteorite by :
generated impact
can generate a series of waves in an ocean or other body of water.
Undersea earthquakes occur around tectonic plates and faults cause the
water above to be moved up or down. When movement along a fault
moves the seafloor upward, water is also pushed upward and becomes
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i. a sudden dislocation of segments of the crust i.e. faults.
i. volcanic eruptions
ii. man-made explosions
iii. movement of tectonic plates
The most common kind of quakes, the most destructive and the kind
people generally have in mind when we think of earthquakes are the
ones that are caused by the sudden dislocation of large rock masses
along the faults within the earth's crust. A fault is a fracture within some
particular rocky mass within the earth's crust. Fault sizes can vary
greatly, as some faults can be miles long. Earthquakes are caused by
active faults, which are, faults along which the two sides of the fracture
move with respect to each other.
In short, an earthquake is caused by the sudden movement of the two
sides of a fault with respect to another.

13. It is the static electricity that will be produced.

423. i) conductor
ii) tectonic

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CBSE Worksheet-71
ClassVIII Science (Some Natural Phenomena)

1. Static electricity charges :-

bio. insulators
bip. conductors
biq. electrolytes
bir. all the above

2. Clouds contain :-
bis. positive charges
bit. negative charges
biu. neutral charges
biv. both a & b

3. The plates of hard rock that covers the surface of earth are :-
biw. seismic plates
bix. tectomic plates
biy. seasonal plates
biz. tectonic plates

4. Central portion of the earth is mainly made up of :-

bja. nickel
bjb. aluminium
bjc. iron
bjd. both a & c

5. Match the column :-

bje. fault lines i) region of eruption
b j f . v o l c a n o i i ) s i n g l e l a n d m a s s
b j g . l a v a i i i ) e a r t h q u a k e u n d e r a r i v e r
b e d
bjh. Pangea iv) place where tectonic plates meet
bji. fl o o d v) molten matter thrown out of
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6. Fill in the blanks :-
h. ______ are the zones of weakness in the earths crust.
i. ______ is a device that can be used to check whether an object is
carrying a charge or not.
j. The process of transferring charge from a charged object to the earth
is called ______ .
k. Outermost layer of the earth is called ______ .
l. Layer of the earth below the tectonic plates is called ______ .

7. Describe different ways of charging a body?

8. Mention the principle on which an electroscope is based upon. What are

the uses of a gold leaf electroscope?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, rainfall, drought, tsunamis

10. Identify the instrument shown in the following image :

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Answer Key:-
424. a
425. d
426. d
427. d
428. a. iv, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iii.
429. faults, electroscope, earthing, crust, mantle.

430. A body can be charged by following ways:

a) Charging by friction : When two objects are rubbed together, there is
a frictional force created between them which makes them charged.
b) Charging by conduction : If an uncharged object is brought in contact
with a charged body some charge gets transferred to the uncharged
body. This is called charging by conduction.
c) Charging by induction : An uncharged body can also be charged by
bringing a charged body near it but not touching it. In this way the
uncharged object acquires opposite and equal charge to that of body
charging it.

8. An electroscope is a device based on the principle that electric charge

can be transferred from a charged object to another through a metal
conductor. The strips within an electroscope get charged negatively by
conduction when touched with an ebonite rod. So two strips repel each
other and open out (repulsion is the confirmatory test for charged body).
The gold leaf electroscope is used for :
i. to detect and measure charge on a body.
i. to find the nature of charge on a body.

9. Except rainfall all others are natural misfortunes or disasters.

10. It is an electroscope.


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CBSE Worksheet-72
ClassVIII Science (Some Natural Phenomena)

1. What is the name of instrument shown in the following image :-

bjj. sesmograph
bjk. siezemograph
bjl. seismograph
bjm. siesmograph

2. Static electricity word refers to :-

bjn. dynamic
bjo. stationary
bjp. mobile
bjq. flowing

3. Deforestation can cause :-

bjr. lanslides
bjs. floods
bjt. draught
bju. all the above

4. An INSAT picture shows a circular mass of clouds that will indicate:-

bjv. a cyclone
bjw. a tsunami
bjx. a forest fire
bjy. an earthquake

5. Match the column :-

b j z . c r u s t i ) m o l t e n r o c k
b k a . m a n t l e i i ) s u p p o r t s l i f e
b k b . c o r e i i i ) g r e a t e s t b u l k o f e a r t h
b k c . m a g m a i v ) s o l i d l a y e r
b k d . l i t h o s p h e re v ) t h i n n e s t l a y e r

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bke. Static electricity consists of electric charges which do not flow.
bkf. Tectonic plates that cover the earth surface are clearly visible.
bkg. Earthquakes are natural means of releasing stress built up in the mantle.
bkh. Heavy rainfall brings about a kind of natural disaster named famine.
bki. Seismogram is the instrument that detects and records earthquake.

7. What is the process for discharging a electroscope for next use?

8. When a lightning conductor containing building is struck with lightning what


9. In the following images the relative movements of faults or fractures will

lead to which
type of natural disaster?

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxvi) netcipere
lxvii) nagretih

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Answer Key:-

431. c
432. b
433. d
434. a
435. a. v, b. iii, c. iv, d. i, e. ii.

436. true, false, true, false, false.

437. The process of removing the charge from a charged object is called
discharging.The process applied for discharging an electroscope before it
can be used for next experiment involves earthing.
If you touch the disc of a charged electroscope with your fingers, the
metal leaves collapse because the charge flows through your body to the
earth. This transfer of charge from a charged object to the earth is known
as earthing.

438. Lightning conductor is a safety device that protects a tall building

from lightning strike, by providing an easy and alternative path to the
heavy charge attack of lightning. It consists of a long metal rod fixed
with side wall of tall building such that its upper end like trishul
protrudes much above the building while lower end runs deep under
earth and joins a large metal plate (like copper) that helps in quick
distribution of charges in earth.

439. They might lead to an earthquake.

440. i) epicentre
ii) earthing
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CBSE Worksheet-73
ClassVIII Science (Some Natural Phenomena)

1. The layer between core and crust of earth is :-

bkj. magna
bkk. mantel
bkl. mantle
bkm. mental

2. In a simple gold leaf electroscope the gold leaves hang from a :-

bkn. glass rod
bko. copper rod
bkp. gold rod
bkq. brass rod

3. During thunderstorm :-
bkr. +ve charges accumulate near upper edges of cloud
bks. ve charges accumulate near upper edges of cloud
bkt. ve charges do not accumulate in the cloud
bku. both a & b are true.

4. In a lightning conductor :-
bkv. a large non metal plate is kept buried in damp earth
bkw. a large metal plate is kept buried in damp earth
bkx. a thin copper wire is kept buried in damp earth
bky. an iron rod is kept buried in the damp earth connected to core of earth

5. Match the column :-

Scientists contribution
bkz. Benjamin Franklin i) measurement of intensity of an earthquake
bla. Charles F. Richter ii) lightning is a huge electric spark among clouds
blb. Mercalli iii) gold leaf electroscope
blc. Thales i v ) m e a s u r e m e n t o f m a g n i t u d e o f a n e a r t h q u a ke
bld. Abraham Bennet v)attracting ability of amber on rubbing with fur

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
f. 50% earth surface is covered by water.
g. The effect of an earthquake on the Earth's surface is called the
h. Oceanic crust of earth is thinner as compared to crust in continental
i. Two bodies repel each other if they have unlike charges.
j. When a charged body touches an electroscope, the latter acquires
equal and opposite charge.

7. What is a focus and an epicenter?

8. Describe the modified Mercalli scale for measuring intensity of earthquake?

9. What causes lightning as per the image given below?

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

ii) memosraigs
iii) rosectelpeco
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Answer Key:-
441. c
442. d
443. a
444. b
445. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.
446. false, true, true, false, false.

447. Focus is the point deep within the earths crust from where an
earthquake originates. As earthquake occurs along tectonic plate
margins, when these plates move faster due to friction force they get
stuck at times. This causes pressure to build up and earthquake results
when this pressure is released.
Energy waves move rapidly from the focus point of earthquake and the
point at ground level, directly above the focus is called as the epicentre.

8. This scale measures the intensity of an earthquake over a range of 1 to

12 , depending on the impact it has.
I Instrumental
II feeble
III slight
IV moderate
V rather strong
VI strong
VII very strong
VIII destructive
IX ruinous
X disastrous
XI extremely disastrous
XII catastrophic

9. Accumulation of charges in the atmospheric clouds leads to lightning.

10. i) seismogram
ii) electroscope

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CBSE Worksheet-74
ClassVIII Science (Some Natural Phenomena)

1. During thunderstorm :-
ble. ve charges accumulate near lower edges of cloud
blf. ve charges accumulate near upper edges of cloud
blg. ve charges do not accumulate in the cloud
blh. both a & b are true.

2. If earth : ground then earthing :: ? :-

bli. crusting
blj. charging
blk. grounding
bll. inducing

3. Which of the following non metal will conduct charge :-

blm. chlorine
bln. carbon
blo. sulphur
blp. nitrogen

4. Seismic focus for earthquake is also known as :-

blq. pericentre
blr. radial centre
bls. epicentre
blt. hypocentre

5. Match the column :-

Reading on Richter scale Effect of earthquake
b l u . 6 t o 6 . 9 i ) n o t f e l t b u t re c o rd e d
b l v. 4 to 5. 9 i i) c a u s e s s e ri o us da m a g e
b l w. 0 to 3 iii) can be destructive in a small
blx. 7 to 7.9 iv) often felt but damage less
b l y. 8 and above v) total damage due to great
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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
k. Seismic energy travels through the crust in the form of waves.
l. Intensity of an earthquake decreases when the distance from the
epicenter deacreases.
m. Each point increase on Richter scale represents an increase of ten
times in magnitude of earthquake.
n. Tremor is discharge of static electricity between the clouds.
o. Franklin discovered atmospheric electricity.

7. What causes thunder and lightning ?

8. Describe briefly the following terms:

a) aftershocks
b) convection currents

9. Label the locations asked for in the following image in top to bottom order:

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxviii) somehtrdutnr
lxix) gardiehcs

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Answer Key:-

448. a
449. c
450. b
451. d
452. a. iii, b. iv, c. i, d. ii, e. v.

453. true, false, true, false, true.

454. Clouds contain tiny crystals of ice and droplets of water, which move
against each other (friction). This can cause huge amounts of charge to
build up in clouds. Generally, nothing happens due to this charge build-up
because air is poor conductor of charges but when accumulation of the
charge is great enough and the wind bring clouds close together then
charge can jump from one cloud to another through the air. This electric
discharge is called lightning.
Layers of air get rapidly heated up due to the heat produced at the time
of lightning and expand, this rapid expansion of air sends a disturbance
produced as sound and heard as thunder.

455. a) Aftershocks are minor earthquakes that usually follow a major

b) Convection currents are the movement in fluid magma that occur due
to difference in the temperature between mantle and solid core. These
currents move magma towards the surface and as it moves, it drags
tectonic plates that float on it causing disturbances.

456. mantle, outer core, inner core.

457. i) thunderstorm
ii) discharge
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CBSE Worksheet-75
ClassVIII Science (Light)

1. The amount of light that is reflected depends on :-

blz. the material of the surface
bma. the length of the surface
bmb. the nature of the surface
bmc. only a & c

2. Form of energy that gives us sensation of sight is :-

bmd. reflection
bme. light
bmf. refraction
bmg. dispersion

3. Moon is a :-
bmh. non-luminous body
bmi. luminous body
bmj. semi-luminous body
bmk. black body

4. Which of the following is possible?

bml. sunlight
bmm. moonlight
bmn. earthlight
bmo. all the above

5. Match the column :-

bmp. smooth surface i) upright image
b m q . e r e c t i i ) d i ff u s e d r e fl e c t i o n
b m r. uneven surface iii) splitting of light into colours
b m s . s p e c t r u m i v ) re g u l a r r e fl e c t i o n
b m t . D i s p e r s i o n v ) b a n d o f c o l o u r s

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
eb. Images are visible only on ______ surface.
ec.______ is the light sensitive area in the eye.
ed. ______ spot is the area of no vision in eye.
ee. Bouncing back of light rays from the surface of an object is called ______ .
ef. A smooth and highly polished reflecting surface is called ______ .

7. What are the laws of reflection?

8. Through a well labeled figure show various terms related to reflection?

9. State difference between following two images:

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xlv) dictenin
xlvi) dertclef

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Answer Key:-

1. d
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. a. iv, b. i, c. ii, d. v, e. iii.
6. polished, retina, blind, reflection, mirror.
7. When light falls on a plane smooth surface, it follows certain laws that are
called the
laws of reflection:
ii) When a ray of light falls on a plane smooth surface, it reflects in the
same medium in such a way that the angle of reflection is equal to
the angle of incidence.
iii) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal all lie in the same


Normal OA is incident ray, OB is reflected ray, angle i is angle of incidence, angle r is angle
of reflection.

11. The first image shows regular reflection while second image shows
irregular reflection.
222. i) incident
ii) reflected
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CBSE Worksheet-76
ClassVIII Science (Light)

1. The most comfortable distance at which one can read with a normal eye is
about :-
bmu. 20 cm
bmv. 22 cm
bmw. 25 cm
bmx. 30 cm

2. Impression of an image persists on retina for about:-

bmy.1/12th of a second
bmz. 1/16th of a second
bna. 1/10th of a second
bnb. 1/15th of a second

3. The visually impaired can also read with fingers using a special alphabet
called :-
bnc. Bralle
bnd. Brialle
bne. Brallie
bnf. Braille

4. Image formed on retina is/are :-

bng. upside down
bnh. flat
bni. reversed left to right
bnj. all the above

5. Match the column :-

bnk. nearsightedness i) old age eye defect
bnl. farsightedness ii) area of no vision
b n m . c a t a r a c t i i i ) p l e n t y o f c o n e s
b n n . b l i n d s p o t i v ) h y p e r m e t r o p i a
b n o . y e l l o w s p o t v ) m y o p i a
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6. Fill in the blanks :-
eg. The objects which shine in the light of other objects are called ______
eh. When a light ray falls on a mirror, it gets ______ along a particular
ei. Brain interprets image signals from both eyes to provide a ______
dimensional image.
ej. Nerve fibres of rods and cones join to form ______ nerve.
ek. Sunlight is made up of seven different colors which make up the ______ .

7. Differentiate between image formed by regular and diffused reflection?

8. Describe lateral inversion. Do you find any application of it in daily life?

9. Name the device shown in the following image :

10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

xlvii) rodpensisi
xlviii) vionsiner
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Answer Key:-

458. c
459. b
460. d
461. d
462. a. v, b. iv, c. i, d. ii, e. iii.

463. illuminated, reflected, three, optic, spectrum.

464. In the situation of regular reflection all the rays of light that fall on a
smooth reflecting surface, bounce back along a particular direction. So, a
smooth surface gives a sharp and clear image.
When light rays fall on an irregular/rough surface, they bounce back in
different directions. As a result, the reflected light falls over a larger area
and the image formed in case of diffused reflection is not sharp and clear.

465. In the image formed by a plane mirror, there is an interchange of left

and right. The objects on the right side appear to be on the left in the
image and vice a versa.
This phenomenon in which the left of an object appears to be the right
and right appears to be the left is called lateral inversion. It is an
important property of the plane mirror image. That is why the letters of
the word AMBULANCE are written laterally inverted in front of the
ambulance. This makes the word appear the correct way in rear view
mirrors of other vehicles.

466. It is a kaleidoscope.

467. i) dispersion
ii) inversion
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CBSE Worksheet-77
ClassVIII Science (Light)

1. What will be the angle of incidence if a ray of light is reflected back at an

angle of 300 :-
bnp. 600
bnq. 750
bnr. 300
bns. 150

2. A person sees blurred images of all objects around him or her. That
person is suffering from :-
bnt. myopia
bnu. hypermetropia
bnv. night blindness

3. The eye perceives an object as moving when images are flashed on the eye
at a rate :-
bnx. faster than 10 per second
bny. slower than 10 per second
bnz. faster than 16 per second
boa. slower than 16 per second

4. A triangular piece of glass that breaks up white light into spectrum is :-

bob. presm
boc. prism
bod. mirror
boe. convex lens

5. Match the column :-

b o f. O w l s e y e i ) g o o d e y e s i g h t
bog. convex lens ii) large number of rods
boh. Eagles eye iii) corrects myopia
boi. Vitamin A iv) large number of cones
boj. concave lens v) corrects hypermetropia
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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bok. The sunlight reflected from earth surface is called Earth light.
bol. A highly polished and smooth surface does not reflect any light.
bom. In any mirror, silver layer acts as the non reflecting surface.
bon. For a given incident ray of light falling on a mirror, there is only one
reflected ray.
boo. All objects reflect light.

7. Are cataract and glaucoma different from each other?

8. What is meant by multiple reflection and what are its consequences?

9. What does the following images show ?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxx) rindeafr
lxxi) letratlivou

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Answer Key:-

468. c
469. d
470. c
471. b
472. a. ii, b. v, c. iv, d. i, e. iii.
473. true, false, false, true, true.

474. Cataract is the disease of the eye which makes the eye lens opaque
and cloudy. This can be treated by removing the affected lens by surgery
and an artificial plastic lens is implanted for clear vision.
Glaucoma is the disease of eye that damages the optic nerve of eye and
may result in vision loss and blindness. It occurs when normal fluid
(aqueous and vitreous humour) pressure inside our eyes gradually

475. The phenomena of light ray getting reflected more than once is
called multiple reflection. This can happen if two or more plane mirrors
are used and by varying the angle between the two mirrors. As such we
can get any number of images. Hence we get multiple images like in a
kaleidoscope and periscope.

476. It is the Braille system of English alphabets developed for visually

impaired people.

477. i) infrared
ii) ultraviolet
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CBSE Worksheet-78
ClassVIII Science (Light)

1. The earth light can be seen from :-

bop. sun
boq. earth surface
bor. another galaxy
bos. moon

2. If the angle of reflection is 550 then angle of incidence will be :-

bot. 450
bou. 900
bov. 550
bow. 350

3. If the angle between incident and reflected ray is 60 0 what will be angle of
box. 600
boy. 300
boz. 500
bpa. 100

4. If a person has blue eyes that means :-

bpb. his iris is blue
bpc. his cornea is blue
bpd. his sclera is blue
bpe. his retina is blue

5. Match the column :-

b p f. Sclera i) help to focus the image
bpg. Cornea ii) gives color to the eye
bph. Ciliary muscles iii) outermost tough covering
bpi. Iris iv) opening in the iris through which light
bpj. Pupil v) transparent outer layer that refracts
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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
bpk. Blindness is always acquired never inborn.
bpl. A kaleidoscope contains only one mirror.
bpm. Periscope is used to see ships on water surface from a submarine.
bpn. Spectrum of white light is formed due to refraction.
bpo. Red light travels fastest and violet light travels slowest out of VIBGYOR.

7. Define persistence of vision in human eye?

8. Differentiate between sensations of still pictures and movies?

9. In the following image which device is represented above water surface?

10.Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxxiii) cancontijvu

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Answer Key:-

478. d
479. c
480. b
481. a
482. a. iii, b. v, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.

483. false, false, true, false, true.

484. Persistence of vision is the phenomenon of the eye by which the

impression of an image remains on the retina of eye for one sixteenth of
a second. If another image is imposed before the first image has been
wiped out then the images seem to be moving.

485. For viewing still pictures the gap between the changing of pictures
are more than one sixteenth of a second.
Movie is a short form used for moving pictures. They are actually still
pictures but there are so many pictures which move so fast one after the
other that they seem to be moving.

486. It represents a periscope.

487. i) vitreous
ii) conjuctiva

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CBSE Worksheet-79
ClassVIII Science (Stars and solar system)

1. The clusters of stars forming recognizable patterns on a clear night :-

el. phases
em. eclipses
en. milky way
eo. constellations

2. If the distance of Saturn from the sun is 1427 million km then the
distance of Neptune should be :-
ep. 780 million km
eq. 1420 million km
er. 4498 million km
es.58 million km

3. The planet also known as evening star is :-

et. Mercury
ev. Mars
ew. Jupiter

4. A planet with well developed set of rings is :-

ey. Jupiter
ez. Uranus
fa. Saturn

5. Match the column :-

f b . m e r c u r y i ) b r i h a s p a t i
f c . j u p i t e r i i ) s h a n i
f d . v e n u s i i i ) S a p t a r i s h i
f e . s a t u r n i v ) b u d h
ff . U r s a M a j o r v ) s h u k r a

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
fg. Changes in the shape and size of the moon are called its ______ .
fh. Moon takes ______ days to rotate on its axis.
fi. Moon is the earths only ______ .
fj. Meteors which on the earth without getting completely burnt are called
______ .
fk. ______ is no longer a planet of the solar system.

11. What is a lunar month?

14. Write the correct
Differentiate wordsaby
between putting
new moonletters in correct
and full
moon ?
vii) eontoscatlnli
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Answer Key:-

488. d
489. c
490. b
491. d
492. a. iv, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iii.

493. phases, 29, satellite, meteorites, Pluto.

494. The time period between two consecutive full moons is named as a
month according to Indian calendars. It is approximately 29 days, 11
hours and 43 minutes. This is also called a lunar month.
In other words the time from one new moon to next or from one full moon
to the next constitutes a lunar month.

495. Full moon : When rays from the sun fall directly on moon, it appears
as a full circular disc and is called as full moon. The full moon day is
called purnima.
New moon : When earth and sun are on opposite sides of the moon, we
cannot see the moon. This is known as the new moon. The new moon day
is called amavasya.

496. Phases of the moon are changing and it occurs every month.

497. i) constellation
ii) satellite
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CBSE Worksheet-80
ClassVIII Science (Stars and solar system)

1. Next nearest star for Earth after Sun is :-

bpp. Ursa major
bpq. Ursa minor
bpr. Orion
bps. Alpha Centauri

2. Science that deals with the study of universe is :-

bpt. Astronomy
bpu. Astrology
bpv. Agronomy

3. Pole star is a part of which of the following constellations?

bpx. ursa major
bpy. ursa minor
bpz. orion
bqa. cassiopeia

4. ______ is the dwarf planet :-

bqb. neptune
bqc. uranus
bqd. pluto
bqe. mercury

5. Match the column :-

b q f . S p u t n i k I i ) s h o o t i n g s t a r s
bqg. Asteroids ii) a star that appears stationary
bqh. Meteorsiii) rocks found between mars and
b q i . P o l a r i s i v ) o u r g a l a x y
bqj. Milky way v ) fi r s t a r t i fi c i a l s a t e l l i t e

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
fl. When sun rays fall directly on moon, it is called ______ moon.
fm. When sun rays fall only on a part of the moon, it is called ______ moon.
fn. When we cannot see the moon, it is a ______ moon.
fo. ______ is also called the Red planet.
fp. ______ is the first Indian satellite launched on 19th April,1975.

12. Compare stars and planets?

4. Differentiate
Write between
the correct wordsmeteors andletters in correct
by putting
ix) viruesen
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Answer Key:-
223. d
224. a
225. b
226. c
227. a. v, b. iii, c. i, d. ii, e. iv.

228. full, crescent, new, Mars, Aryabhatta.


xi) Stars are made up of highly xii) Planets are made

11. compressed
Meteors are smallgases, mainly
objects, rather chunks up ofof solid
rocks,rocks, liquids
floating in the
hydrogen and helium. and gases.
space. A meteor enters the earths atmosphere with high speed. It is
heated v) Inbystars, energy
friction with is
air, and in most of xiii)
the cases Planets haveinto
it is burnt onlyashes
produced due to nuclear thermal energy due to
iniii)a Stars
very shine
short due
to As it own
their heats up and burns, itdoappears
iii) Planets not have astheir
a glowing
light. of light and is called a shooting star,
streak own or light, theystar.
falling shine due to
the light of the nearest star
Comets are lumps of ice and dust, which periodically reach upto the
falling on them.
iv) Stars
centre appear
of the tosystem from somewhere
solar iv) Planets do not
outside. A comet appears like
twinkle. twinkle.
a ball of fire with a long bright tail as it approaches the Sun.
v) Position of a star at a particular v) Positions of planets
498.timeEarth at accompanied
night remains almost
by moon appear
revolving to change.
round the Sun in its respective
499. i) universe
ii) astronomer
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CBSE Worksheet-81
ClassVIII Science (Stars and the Solar System)

1. Sun is a :-
bqk. planet
bql. star
bqm. comet
bqn. satellite

2. Study by astronomers has proved that :-

bqo. universe is contracting
bqp. universe is breaking into pieces
bqq. universe never existed
bqr. universe is expanding

3. Distance travelled by sunlight in one year is :-

bqs. 9.46 x1012 km
bqt. 2.33 x 1012 km
bqu. 3.26x 1012 km
bqv. 1x 1012 km

4. Path on which a planet revolves around the sun is called :-

bqx. pole
bqy. orbit
bqz. radius

5. Match the column :-

b r a . P o l a r i s i ) h u n t e r
brb. Big question mark ii) tail of ursa minor
b r c . O r i o n i i i ) l a r g e s t a s t e r o i d
b r d . M o o n i v ) g r e a t b e a r
b re . C e re s v ) n a t u r a l s a t e l l i t e o f e a r t h

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
brf. Distance travelled by light in air in one year is called a light year.
brg. Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system.
brh. Earth has only one natural satellite.
bri. APPLE and INSAT are artificial satellites.
brj. Moons atmosphere is rich in hydrogen.

7. What are artificial satellites? How are they useful to us?

8. Why is Pluto not considered as a planet anymore?

9. Name the star shown in the given image?

10. Select the odd word out of the following : mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Uranus, Neptune
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Answer Key:-

500. b
501. d
502. a
503. c
504. a. ii, b. iv, c. i, d. v, e. iii.

505. false, false, true, true, false.

506. Scientists have been designing some objects and sending them out
to revolve around the Earth in their fixed orbits for some special purpose.
Such objects are called man made or artificial satellites.
Usefulness of artificial satellites :
i. They help in television and radio transmission.
ii. They help in telephone communication.
iii. They help to study and forecast the weather by sending cloud
pictures to the Earth, taken from space.
iv. They help in locating mineral elements by remote sensing
(collecting information from distance).
v. They help the scientists to explore the universe in a better way.

12. Pluto got demoted from planet status in August 2006. It failed to
abide by the definition of a classical planet as per The International
Astronomical Union (IAU). It is now considered as a dwarf planet. Other
dwarf planets known are Ceres and Eris.

507. Its a pole star.

508. Except mercury(has

a circular orbit) all other

planets orbit in an

eclipse. *****

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CBSE Worksheet-82
ClassVIII Science (Pollution of Air and Water)

1. Water is a :-
brk. renewable
brl. non renewable
brn. both a & c

2. Extracts from neem tree are example of :-

bro. non biodegradable pesticide
brp. biodegradable pesticide
brq. pollutants
brr. fertilizers

3. Water that is fit for drinking is called :-

brs. portable water
brt. pourable water
bru. potable water
brv. ground water

4. A poisonous gas that has a strong smell of rotten eggs is :-

brw. hydrogen sulphide
brx. hydrogen chloride
bry. carbon monoxide
brz. sulphur dioxide

5. Match the column :-

Air pollutant Source
b s a . C O i ) d r y c l e a n i n g
b s b . Ac i d f u m e s i i ) s t o n e c r u s h e r s
b s c . S m o k e i i i ) a u t o m o b i l e e x h a u s t s
b s d . D u s t i v ) f u n g i c i d e s
bse. Mercury v) combustion of fossil fuels

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
bsf. ______ is made from natural organic substance, is a biodegradable
bsg. Filtered water may still have ______ in it.
bsh. ______ the water for 20 minutes kills all microbes.
bsi. ______ is the combination of smoke and fog.
bsj. Very small particles of solids and liquids suspended in air are called ______

13. Describe greenhouse effect? Name any four greenhouse gases and
measures to reduce them.

229. List some of the most hazardous effect of air pollution on human

230. What does the following image show?

231. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxxiv) ribsoncith
lxxv) pantectouiihor
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Answer Key:-
509. d
510. b
511. c
512. a
513. a. iii, b. i, c. v, d. ii, e. iv.
514. compost, germs, boiling, smog, particulates.

515. A greenhouse is an enclosure of glass in which plants are kept to

protect them from the cold air outside. The glass traps the heat of the
sun, making the air inside warmer. In a quite similar way the carbon
dioxide in the air traps the heat of the sun radiated back by the earth.
This makes the air warm and comfortable for living beings, and in fact
makes it possible for life to exist on the earth.
But excess increase in carbon dioxide has made much more warmer than
required and this is known as greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases
include carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, water vapour, nitrogen oxides

516. (i) Global warming Due to increase in the thickness of layer of

greenhouse gases in atmosphere more heat is being retained thus raising
the earths average temperature. This increase in temperature worldwide
is called global warming. This would affect agriculture & cause melting of
ice caps, irregular rainfall, warmer weather etc.
(ii) Acid rain Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are produced by
burning of fossil fuels and in the atmosphere they react with water
vapour to form sulphuric and nitric acid. Both are strong and highly
corrosive in nature. They come down with rain, making rain water
significantly acidic. Such rain is called acid rain. They particularly harm
stone structures and buildings, damages crops and forests, makes lakes
and streams acidic and unsuitable for organisms.

517. It shows a eutrophic pond.

518. i) bronchitis
ii) eutrophication

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CBSE Worksheet-83
ClassVIII Science (Pollution of Air and Water)

1. Acid rain pollutes :-

bsk. air
bsl. water
bsm. soil
bsn. both b & c

2. Water pollution can be classified as :-

bso. chemical
bsp. biological
bsq. both a & b
bsr. economical

3. An air pollutant that combines with hemoglobin present in the blood is :-

bss. CO
bst. CO2
bsu. HCl
bsv. H2S

4. Which of the following will cause the minamata disease :-

bsw. lead poisoning
bsx. mercury poisoning
bsy. Arsenic poisoning
bsz. all the above

5. Match the column :-

bta. Bhopal gas tragedy i ) a s b e s t o s fi b r e
b t b . L u n g c a n c e r i i ) S P M
b t c . A s t h m a i i i ) c a r b o n d i o x i d e
b t d . G re e n h o u s e ga s i v ) s e w a g e
bte. Contaminated water v) methyl isocyanate

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6. Fill in the blanks :-
btf. ______ petrol does not release toxic lead on burning.
btg. ______ is a cleaner vehicle fuel.
bth. CFCs converts ______ to oxygen.
bti. Nowadays domestic water purifiers are using a technique called ______ .
btj. Chlorination is a method used for purifying ______ .

7. Differentiate between effect of ozone in different layers of atmosphere?

8. What are the methods of reducing air pollution?

9. Which type of pollution will be caused by the materials shown in following


10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence-

lxxvi) asgewe
lxxvii) ratsoncivnoe

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Answer Key:-

519. d
520. c
521. a
522. b
523. a. v, b. i, c. ii, d. iii, e. iv.
524. unleaded, CNG, ozone, RO, water.

525. Ozone gas present in the upper layer of atmosphere (troposphere)

shields our earth from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. But at the
ground level, the ozone gas present works as an air pollutant. When
inhaled ozone causes coughing, irritation in eyes, decrease in lung
efficiency, lowered body resistance etc.

8. We can reduce air pollution by :

iv) Modifying automobile engines such that complete combustion of
fuel takes and less amount of harmful gases are released.
v) Using unleaded petrol will generate lead (poisonous) free exhaust
and keep air cleaner.
vi) Using CNG i.e. compressed natural gas that burns completely and
produces less pollutants when used as automobile fuel.
vii) Using cleaner souces of energy like hydroelectricity, solar
energy, wind energy etc instead of burning fossil fuels (coal and
petroleum) that on burning produce many air pollutants.

9. They will cause solid waste pollution.

10. i) sewage
ii) conservation

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CBSE Worksheet-84
ClassVIII Science (Pollution of Air and Water)

1. Water is pure when :-

btk. transparent
btl. clear
btm.free of physical, chemical and biological impurities
btn. treated with HCl

2. Ozone gas is :-
bto. [O]
btp. O2
btq. OZn
btr. O3

3. A region of a lake turned into a dead zone, reason may be :-

bts. eutrophication
btt. acid rain
btu. washed off fertilizers in the lake
btv. all the above

4. Process used to obtain pure water for industrial purpose is :-

btw. distillation
btx. sedimentation
bty. filteration
btz. chlorination

5. Match the column :-

pollutant Impact on health
bua. Nitrogen oxide i) unconsciousness
bub. Sulphur dioxide ii) chest pain
buc. Carbon monoxide iii) heart diseases
b u d . L e a d i v ) r e d u c e d v i s i b i l i t y
b u e . F l y a s h v ) d e c r e a s e d H e m o g l o b i n

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6. State whether the following statements are true or false :-
m. High temperature waste water from industries leads to thermal
n. Pesticides get washed off by rain into water sources and make
ground water germ free.
o. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides decompose by natural methods.
p. Germs can be killed by adding iodine to the water.
q. Water completely free from all solid and dissolved impurities is not
necessarily potable as well.

7. What is reverse osmosis? Mention its uses.

8. Explain the phenomenon of eutrophication?

9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

lead, arsenic, chlorine, cadmium, mercury, nickel.

10. Name the phenomenon that is depicted in the following images of earth?

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Answer Key:-

526. c
527. d
528. d
529. a
530. a. ii, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. iv.
531. true, false, false, false, true.

532. In the method of RO, sea water(saline water) is taken in a tank fitted
with a semi permeable membrane. A high pressure is applied on saline
water so that pure water passes through the membrane to the other side
and can be used for drinking purpose and impurities cannot pass through
the membrane. These days domestic water purification systems have RO
technology in them as they remove solid and chemical impurities and
germs as well.

533. When too much of fertilizers and organic waste is present in the
water bodies, aquatic organisms like blue green algae (cyanobacteria)
and other microbes grow rapidly. This occurs because organic matter
supplies plenty of nutrients for their growth and during their growth
dissolved oxygen is used up fast that results in increased BOD(biological
oxygen demand). Rest of the aquatic animals and plants due to less
oxygen in water begin to die and this process is called eutrophication. On
the surface of a eutrophic lake you can easily find algal blooms floating
over that add up to the death of aquatic organisms(refer worksheet 1

534. Chlorine is a non metal and used in water purification but all others are
toxic metals.

535. The images represent

ozone depletion leading to
formation of ozone hole.

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