IEEE STD 404-2012 Redline
IEEE STD 404-2012 Redline
IEEE STD 404-2012 Redline
IEEE Standard for Extruded and
Laminated Dielectric Shielded Cable
Joints Rated 2.5 kV to 500 kV
Sponsored by the
Insulated Conductors Committee r om
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the prev n ge rsio
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Sh pre
ct change
3 Park Avenue
w IEEE Std 404-2012
New York, NY 10016-5997 Sho (Revision of
USA IEEE Std 404-2006)
18 June 2012
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IEEE Std 404-2012
(Revision of
IEEE Std 404-2006)
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Abstract: Electrical ratings and test requirements of cable joints used with extruded and
laminated dielectric shielded cable rated in preferred voltage steps from 2.5 kV to 500 kV are
established in this standard. In addition, test requirements for joint metallic-shield and jacketing
components are defined. A variety of common joint constructions are also defined. This standard
has been designed to provide uniform testing procedures that can be used by manufacturers and
users to evaluate the ability of underground power cable joints, and associated metallic-shields
and jacketing components, to perform reliably in service.
Keywords: basic insulation level (BIL), cable joints, dielectric integrity tests, extruded dielectric
cable, IEEE 404, laminated dielectric cable, sheath/shield sectionalizers, transition joints,
withstand voltage
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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the Revision of IEEE Cable Joint Standard 404 Working
Group had the following membership:
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 29 March 2012, it had the following
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Julie Alessi
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
Malia Zaman
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 404-2012, IEEE Standard for Extruded and Laminated Dielectric Shielded
Cable Joints Rated 2.5 kV to 500 kV.
This standard provides manufacturers and users with a consistent set of qualification test requirements for
all cable joints. It also provides production test requirements for many cable joints used on extruded
dielectric cables. Material properties and sampling rates are included for joint designs not easily production
tested in their final form.
This revision of the standard provides closer harmonization to international standards for those cable joints
used on extruded dielectric cables rated 69 kV and above.
It provides more applicable testing protocols to verify appropriate joint operation in the field for extruded
dielectric cable joints in a joint-series. A joint-series is a family of joints designed and manufactured to
cover a wide range of cable including various conductor sizes and materials as well as various extruded
insulation thicknesses and materials.
It changes the format of the design test sequence tables to provide a more clear and concise format to
eliminate interpretation errors.
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Cable joint categories .......................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Joint constructions ............................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Other terms .......................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Ratings........................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 Voltage ................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Current and temperature ...................................................................................................................... 5
6. General requirements.................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Identification........................................................................................................................................ 7
6.2 Shielding.............................................................................................................................................. 8
6.2.1 Semiconducting shield...................................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Jacket seal............................................................................................................................................ 8
6.4 Sheath/shield sectionalizers ................................................................................................................. 8
Annex B (informative) Typical values of elastomeric taped joint component tests and sampling rates ..... 31
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Copyright 2012 IEEE. All rights reserved.
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IEEE Standard for Extruded and Laminated Dielectric Shielded Cable
Joints Rated 2.5 2500 kV to 500 000 kV
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1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard establishes electrical ratings and test requirements of cable joints used with extruded
and laminated dielectric shielded cables rated in preferred voltage steps from 2.5 2500 kV to 500000
kV. In addition, it defines test requirements for joint cable jacket seal devices and joint metallic-
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Joints that connect more than two cables or connect cables with two different conductor sizes are not
covered by this standard. However, manufacturers and users are encouraged to use appropriate
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e.,
they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship
to this document is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda)
AEIC CS1, Specification for Impregnated Paper-Insulated Metallic-Sheathed Cable, Solid Type. 1
AEIC CS2, Specification for Impregnated Paper and Laminated Paper Polypropylene Insulated
AEIC CS3, Specification for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated Metallic Sheathed Cable, Low Pressure
AEIC CS4, Specification for Impregnated-Paper-Insulated Low and Medium Pressure Self-Contained
1 AEIC public ations are available from the Assoc iation of Edison Illuminating Companies, 600 N. 18th S treet, P.O. Box 2641,
Birmingham, AL 35291-0992, US A (http://www.aeic .org/). AEIC public ations are also available from Global Engineering
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AEIC CS6, Specifications for Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated
5 Through 69 kV.
AEIC CS7, Specifications for Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulated Shielded Power Cables Rated 69
AEIC CS8, Specification for Extruded Dielectric Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 Through 46 kV.
AEIC CS9, Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables and Their Accessories Rated Above
46 kV Through 345 kV ac.
ASTM D149-97a, Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric
Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies.
ASTM D412-98, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers.
ASTM D991-89, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Volume Resistivity of Electrically
ASTM D4325-08 02, Standard Test Methods for Nonmetallic Semi-Conducting and Electrically
2 ANS I public ations are available from the S ales Department, Americ an National S tandards Institute, 25 West 43rd S treet, 4th
3 AS TM public ations are available from the Americ an S oc iety for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
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ASTM D4496-04, Standard Test Method for DC Resistance or Conductance of Moderately
Conductive Materials.
IEEE Std 82, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Impulse Voltage Tests on Insulated Conductors.
IEEE Std 575-1988, IEEE Guide for the Application of Sheath-Bonding Methods for Single-
Conductor Cables and the Calculation of Induced Voltages and Currents in Cable Sheaths.
IEEE Std 592, IEEE Standard for Exposed Semiconducting Shields on High-Voltage Cable Joints
IEEE Std C37.09, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated
4 ICEA public ations are available from ICEA,, P.O. Box 1568, Carrollton, GA 30112, the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, P.O.
5 IEEE public ations are available from The Institute of Elec tric al and Elec tronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 088545-
1331 US A (
6 The IEEE standards or produc ts referred to in this c lause are trademarks of The Institute of Elec tric al and Elec tronic s Engineers,
Inc .
7 IEEE S td 575-1988 has been withdrawn; however, c opies c an be obtained from Global Engineering, 15 Inverness Way East,
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NEMA WC4/ICEA S-65-375, Varnished-Cloth-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and
IEEE Std 592, IEEE Standard for Exposed Semiconducting Shields on High-Voltage Cable Joints
IEEE Std C37.09, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, standard the following terms and definitions apply. The
Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Dictionary Online Terms [B7]9 should be consulted
8 NEMA public ations are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, US A
(http://global.ihs.c om/).
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3.1 Cable joint categories
Cable joints are generally described by one of the categories that follow. These descriptive categories
are provided only for convenience. They are not intended to cover all possible joint constructions.
Some joint constructions may incorporate characteristics of two or more of the design categories
extruded: A joint in which both cables are insulated with extruded dielectric materials rated 2.5 kV
to 500 kV.
laminated: A joint in which both cables have a dielectric that consists of fluid-impregnated paper or
transition: A joint that connects an extruded dielectric cable to a laminated dielectric cable.
field vulcanized: A joint constructed in the field using externally applied heat and pressure to
filled: A joint consisting of an outer shell that is filled with an insulating material to occupy the
heat-shrink: A joint provided to the end user as consisting of one or more expanded polymeric
components extruded tubes or molded parts that undergo thermally activated recovery when
type of joint because the stress control, insulation, and shield layers are not integrated during the
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multi-component cold-shrink: A joint provided to the end user as two or more expanded
individual components, excluding the metallic splice, and the cable shield and jacket restoration
components that are applied over a prepared cable and reduced in diameter without the use of heat
by removal of the supporting cores. Production electrical testing cannot be performed on this type of
joint because the stress control, insulation, and shield layers are not integrated during the molding
premolded: A joint that is factory molded in the shape that it will take when installed. Installation is
performed by sliding the joint over a prepared cable. The use of heat is not a part of the installation
procedure. Production electrical testing can be performed on this type of joint because the stress
control, insulation, and shield layers are integrated during the molding process.
single-component cold-shrink: A joint provided to the end user as an expanded single component
device excluding the metallic splice, and the cable shield and jacket restoration components, that is
applied over a prepared cable and reduced in diameter without the use of heat a by removal of
supporting core. Production electrical testing can be performed on this type of joint because the
stress control, insulation, and shielding layers are integrated during the molding or extrusion
process. See also: multi-component cold-shrink.
taped: A joint constructed in the field with the use of one or more tapes that are applied over the
cable layers. Heat may or may not be applied as part of the installation procedure. Production
family of joints: A group of two or more joints designed for use on extruded and/or laminated
dielectric cables rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV. All joints within the family shall have the same insulation
and conductive materials, conductive shield thickness, and maximum electrical stresses within the
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fingerprinting: Tests made to establish and subsequently confirm the properties of materials or
components used in cable accessories. The samples used for the initial tests shall be from the same
batch as those used in the accessory design tests. For the purposes of this standard, this only applies
to field- fabricated joint constructions such as heat shrinkable, multi-component cold-shrink joints,
electrically interrupting the semiconducting shield and conducting metallic sheath or shield of the
two cable lengths that are joined together. Sectionalizers are primarily used on cable systems
splice body: The component in a power cable joint kit that provides the dielectric insulation and
may or may not contain the stress control and shielding as integral components.
4. Service conditions
Todays Current cable joint designs are considered suitable for use under the following service
conditions. However, it should be understood that this list was compiled based more on user
and manufacturer experience than on specific requirements of this standard actual design testing. It
is not meant, in any way, to imply that any or all of these conditions are fully verified in this
standard. For specific questions regarding these or other service conditions, the manufacturer
should be consulted.
a) Alternating currents
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c) Buried in earth
e) Environmental temperatures within the range of 30 C to +50 C for joints used on fluid-
filled and laminated dielectric cables. All other cable joints are suitable for use at
5. Ratings
5.1 Voltage
The voltage ratings and test levels of cable joints shall be in accordance with Table 1 through Table 4.
The current and temperature ratings of the cable joint shall be equal to or greater than those of the
cable for which it is designed as verified in 7.5, 7.6, 7.11, and the basic insulation level (BIL) test
conducted at emergency operating temperature in test of 7.4.3. For transition joints, the maximum
temperature rating is based on the cable with the lower temperature rating limit.
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Table 1 Voltage ratings and design test levels for extruded dielectric
cable joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV
Voltage Basic AC voltage design tests Minimum
Voltage Column D
rating insulation Column A partial DC
rating Column B Column C 1-min AC
phase-to- level (BIL) cyclic discharge withstand
phase-to- 5-min at 4.5 5 h at 3.5 withstand
ground, and full aging voltage level, voltage
phase, U U0 (kV U0 (kV voltage (kV
U0 (kV wave voltage 1.5 U0 15 min (kV)
a rms) rms) rms)
(kV rms)
rms)b (kV crest) (kV rms) (kV rms)c
2.5 1.4 60 4 6 5 9 2 30
5 2.9 75 9 13 10 18 45 35
8 4.6 95 14 21 16 23 7 45
15 8.7 110 26 39 31 35 13 75
a For use with 100% insulation level cable as defined in the applic able AEIC CS6 or AEIC CS 8.
To obtain test values for voltage
c lasses that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values and round off to the nearest
whole kilovolt.
For grounded systems.
Theses values are interpolated between 35 kV and 69 kV c lass and not as multipliers of U0 .
Based on a sensitivity of 5 pC.
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Table 2 Voltage ratings and design test levels for extruded dielectric
cable joints rated 69 kV to 500 kV
c lasses that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values and round off to the nearest
whole kilovolt.
For grounded systems.
c Based on a sensitivity of 5 pC.
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Table 3 Voltage ratings and design test levels for transition cable joints
Voltage AC withstand test AC HV time test DC
Voltage rating Basic
rating 1-min ac withstand
phase- to- insulation
phase-to- Time withstand Time Voltage voltage
phase, U (kV level (BIL)
ground, U0 (min) voltage (h) (kV rms) 15 min
rms) a (kV crest)
(kV rms) b (kV rms) (kV) c
2.5 1.4 60 1 8 6 8 30
5.0 2.9 75 1 16 6 16 38
8.7 5.0 95 1 20 6 20 48
15 8.7 110 1 35 6 35 55
25 14.4 150 1 58 6 58 75
test values for voltage classes that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values and round
off to the nearest whole kilovolt.
For grounded systems.
c Voltages represent 0.5 times the BIL.
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Table 4 Voltage ratings and test levels for laminated cable joints
Voltage rating Voltage rating Basic insulation AC withstand test c DC withstand
phase- to-phase, phase-to- ground, level (BIL) and full voltage 15 min
Time Voltage
U (kV rms) a U0 (kV rms) b wave (kV crest) (h) (kV rms) (kV) d
2.5 1.4 60 6 8 30
5.0 2.9 75 6 16 38
8.7 5.0 95 6 20 48
15 8.7 110 6 35 55
25 14.4 150 6 58 75
values for voltage classes that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values and round
off to the nearest whole kilovolt.
For grounded systems.
Where this test voltage or test proc edure differs from the applic able AEIC spec ific ation, the latter shall apply.
Voltages represent 0.5 times the BIL.
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6. General requirements Construction
6.1 Identification
Cable joints should be permanently and legibly identified with the following information:
b) Part identification
Joints that cannot accommodate this information should be supplied with a label that contains this
information. The manufacturer should also provide a method of securely attaching the label to the
outside of the joint after it is assembled in the field unless otherwise specified by the user. In all
cases, the identification should be legible for the life of the joint.
In addition, the following information shall be contained on either the joint, joint components, or the
packaging material:
If the joint consists of a kit that contains a variety of materials manufactured at different times,
then the date of manufacture should be the date that the kit is packaged.
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6.2 Shielding
Cable joints should have a shielding system that is capable of maintaining the outer surface of the
joint effectively at ground potential as well as initiating fault current The shielding shall comply
Joints with exposed semiconductive shields rated 15 to 35 kV, which operate with minimal or no
metallic- shielding directly contacting the semiconductive shield, shall comply with 7.9.
6.2.2 Metallic-shield
Metallic-shielding component systems supplied with joints or as an integral part of a joint design
shall comply with 7.10. Subclause 7.10 shall also be used to qualify stand-alone metallic-shielding
Environmental-seal component systems supplied with joints or as an integral part of a joint design
shall comply with 7.10. Subclause 7.10 shall also be used to qualify stand-alone environmental seal
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6.4 Sheath/shield sectionalizers
The sheath/shield sectionalizer shall meet the requirements of 7.8 to verify it is ensure they are
7. Design testing
Design tests are performed to qualify a particular product design, materials, and production process
for the general purpose or application covered in this standard. Design tests shall be performed on
prototype and preproduction units to shake out problems, but shall be performed on final
production units for the purpose of certifying that the process, as well as the materials and design,
comply with the requirements of this standard. Once a product design is qualified to the design test
requirements, quality is maintained, at a minimum, through the application of the production tests.
a) Qualify the particular joint design, including the specific joint insulating and conductive
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c) Satisfactorily complete the testing sequences of the applicable flowcharts:
d) For all cable joints designed for use on extruded dielectric cables rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV:
claim the design is suitable for use on aluminum or copper conductor cable. A
cable joint design, qualified on copper conductor cable, can be rated for
2) Satisfactorily complete the design tests on cable insulated with the material of
e) For cable joints 69 kV to 500 kV the user should consult the manufacturer for applicability
of the design test report data regarding the cable conductor material and insulation
f) Perform the production tests according to the requirements of Clause 8 7.1, 7.2, or 7.3
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Table 5 Range of conforming cable insulation materials
Cable insulation material used for design Joint design conformance for these cable
7.1 Design tests and testing sequence for all joint types
Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7 list the of design tests and
sequences required by this standard. Each sequence group column in each of the flowcharts tables
represents one test sequence. These design tests shall be performed on extruded, transition, and
laminated dielectric cable joints, respectively. All design tests shall be performed on production
units (or production materials if the joints are fabricated in the field) to demonstrate compliance of
the design with this standard. The results of these tests shall be recorded in the form of a report
certifying that a joint design meets the requirements of this standard, including the cable conductor
and insulation materials used for qualification testing. The report shall be available from the
The following design test conditions shall apply unless otherwise specified:
a) Cable joints shall be properly assembled with actual production components according
to the manufacturers instructions. All parts that are normally grounded shall be
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b) Ambient air temperature shall be between 10 C and 40 C.
e) The cable used in these tests should conform to the applicable AEIC specification.
specifications or ANSI/ICEA standards for the 100% insulation level. Unless otherwise
stated, the smallest nominal diameter cable for which the cable joint is designed
should be used, if practical. The exception to this is the short-time current test (see
7.8), in which case the largest nominal conductor for which the cable joint is designed
AEIC specification it is incumbent on the manufacturer to verify ensure that the tests are
at least as severe on the joint as would be the case on the appropriate AEIC cable. In this
case The cable construction and corresponding cable specification shall be referenced in
the joint test report. The cable conductor type and the cable insulation materials shall be
as described in Clause 7.
f) The cable conductor size, cable insulation material, as well as the specific splice body
size in a family of joints used in these design tests can significantly affect the outcome of
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i) For joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV, Figure 1, Sequence 1, sample number 1
cable as well as the largest available conductor cable for which the joint is
designed. To qualify a family of joints the smallest splice body in the family shall
be tested on the smallest available conductor size cable for which it is designed
and the largest splice body in the family shall be tested on the largest available
ii) For joints rated 69 kV to 500 kV, Figure 2, Sequence 1, sample number 1
2) The short-time current test of 7.5 shall be performed on the largest available size
cable conductor for which the joint is designed. When qualifying a family of joints, use
the splice body size that accommodates a cable size rated as close as possible to 40 kA,
0.17 s.
3) For extruded dielectric cable joints rated 15 kV to 35 kV, the semiconducting shield
must meet the resistance and fault current initiation tests of 7.9 and can be performed
on any conductor size. When qualifying a family of joints the test shall be performed
on the particular splice body in the family which has the highest resistance from the
cable entrance to the midpoint of the joint body, usually the housing for the smallest
cable size in the family. Any conductor size in that housing may be used.
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g) If a cable failure occurs during a design test, the failed cable may be reterminated
provided that the minimum specified distance between the joint and the termination is
met. The test shall be resumed by repeating the step during which the cable failed. If the
minimum length cannot be met, the joint on the failed cable or a new joint shall be
assembled on a new cable, and the entire design test sequence shall be repeated.
h) If a joint failure occurs during a design test, all qualification tests in that column
repeated for the number of samples specified for that sequence column. Any joint
samples that passed the original tests may be used to repeat that column of testing if
This procedure is part of the design test sequence for all joints intended for use on extruded
dielectric cables. It is also used as a routine production test for premolded and single-component
cold-shrink joints. The purpose of this test is to verify that the partial discharge voltage level of the
test specimen is not less than the value given in Table 1 or Table 2 for design testing or Table 10 or
Table 11 for production testing when tested in accordance with IEC 60270.
The test voltage shall be raised to 20% above the partial discharge voltage level specified in Table
1 or Table 2 for design tests or Table 10 or Table 11 for production testing. If partial discharge
exceeds 5 pC, the test voltage shall be lowered to the partial discharge voltage level specified in the
tables and shall be maintained at this level for at least 3 s, but not more than 1 min. If partial
discharge readings still exceed 5 pC, the joint design does not meet the requirements of this
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7.3.2 Ionization test
This test is applicable only for transition joints. The purpose of this test is to verify that the
ionization factor of transition joints remains within the limits specified in Table 6. The ionization
factor is the difference, at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, between the dissipation factor measured at an average
stress in the cable of 4000 V/mm and the dissipation factor measured at an average stress of 800
V/mm. The measurement voltage is based on the insulation thickness of the laminated cable.
Table 5 Design tests and sequence for extruded dielectric cable joints
Minimum number of samples required in each
applicable) d 7.9.2 X
7.9.1 or
Cyclic aging in water, 30 cycles X
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Partial discharge voltage level 7.6.1 X X
Shielding 7.12 X
For c yclic aging in-air, three samples are required for 2.5 kV to 46 kV joints ac cording to 7.9.1 and two samples are required for
69 kV to 500 kV joints ac cording to 7.9.2. Shield and jac ket restoration c omponents should be assembled on these in-air samples if
applic able.
For c yclic aging in water, three samples are required for 2.5 kV to 46 kV joints ac c ording to 7.9.1 and two samples are required
for 69 kV to 500 kV joints ac cording to 7.9.2. For 69 kV to 500 kV, the two samples in water are not required if the joint design
inc orporates a solid metal housing that is welded or soldered to a solid c able sheath or pipe.
Three samples are required for 2.5 kV to 46 kV joints. One sample is required for 69 kV to 500 kV joints.
S hield and jac ket restoration c omponent testing shall be performed in the sequenc e shown if tested in c onjunc tion with design
tests of a c ompleted joint. If testing either or both of these c omponents independent of a joint design test, it is not nec essary to
perform the previous dielec tric tests in this sequenc e.
Four samples are required for thermal tests, and three samples are required for mec hanic al tests.
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Table 6 Design tests and sequence for transition joints
Minimum number of samples required in each
2a 2b 2 7d
Ionization 7.6.2 X X
if applicable) c 7.9.2 X
Ionization 7.6.2 X X
Shielding 7.12 X
For c yclic aging in-air, two samples are required. S hield and jac ket restoration components should be assembled on these in-air
For c yc lic aging in water, two samples are required. For 69 kV to 500 kV, the two samples in water are not required if
the joint design inc orporates a solid metal housing that is welded or soldered to a solid c able sheath or pipe.
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S hield and jac ket restoration c omponent testing shall be performed in the sequenc e shown if tested in c onjunc tion with
design tests of a c ompleted joint. If testing either or both of these c omponents independent of a joint design test, it is not nec essary to
perform the previous dielec tric tests in this sequenc e.
Four samples are required for thermal tests, and three samples are required for mec hanic al tests.
Table 7 Design tests and sequence for laminated dielectric cable joints
Minimum number of samples
3(1) a 7b
temperature 7.7.3 X
a Thre e samples are re quired for 2.5 kV to 35 kV joints and one sample is re quired for 46 kV to 500 kV joints.
b Four sample s are re quire d for the rmal te sts, and thre e sample s are re quire d for me chanical te sts.
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Table 6Maximum allowable ionization factor values for transition
Joints connecting paper-insulated lead- Joints connecting self-contained and high-
Maximum Maximum
Rated voltage Rated voltage
ionization factor ionization factor
(kV) (kV)
(%) (%)
3669 0.20
The measurement shall be made at ambient temperature. For pressurized cables, the gas or liquid
pressure shall be within the operating limits specified by the appropriate AEIC cable specification.
For transition joints on self-contained or pipe-type cables, the ionization factor is defined as the
difference, at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, between the dissipation factor measured at 1.2 U 0 and the dissipation
factor measured at 0.125 U0 . U0 , the phase-to-ground voltage, should be that of the cable with the
lower rating.
If the measured value is outside the limits specified in Table 6, the joint design does not meet the
This test is not required for joints that employ nonlinear, high dielectric constant or impedance layer
materials. However, the manufacturer shall demonstrate that the nonlinear material is stable
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S ample number 1, number 2, and number 3 to be used for c yc lic aging in-air, ac c ording to 7.6.1. Joint-metallic -shield and
jac keting c omponents shall be assembled on these in-air samples if applic able.
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S ample number 4, number 5, and number 6 to be used for c yc lic aging in water, ac c ording to 7.6.1.
Joint-metallic -shield and jac keting c omponent testing shall be performed in the sequenc e shown if tested in c onjunc tion with
design tests of a c ompleted joint. If testing either or both of these components independent of a joint design test, it is not nec essary to
perform the previous dielec tric integrity or voltage tests in this sequenc e.
S equenc e 1 performed on the smallest and largest available c onduc tor sizes.
S equenc e 2 performed on the largest available c onduc tor size.
Figure 1Flowchart 1
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S ample number 1 and number 2 to be used for c yc lic aging in-air, ac c ording to 7.6.2. Joint-metallic -shield and jac keting
c omponents shall be assembled on these in-air samples if applic able.
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S ample number 3 and number 4 to be used for c yc lic aging in water, ac c ording to 7.6.2. These two samples in water are not
required if the joint design inc orporates a solid metal housing that is welded or soldered to a solid c able sheath or pipe.
Joint-metallic -shield and jac keting c omponent testing shall be performed in the sequenc e shown if tested in c onjunc tion with
design tests of a c ompleted joint. If testing either or both of these components independent of a joint design test, it is not nec essary to
perform the previous dielec tric integrity or voltage tests in this sequenc e.
S equenc e 1 and sequenc e 2 performed on the largest available c onduc tor size.
Figure 2Flowchart 2
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S ample number 1 and number 2 to be used for c yclic aging in-air, ac c ording to 7.6.1 or 7.6.2. Joint-metallic -shield and jac keting
c omponents shall be assembled on these in-air samples if applic able.
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S ample number 3 and number 4 to be used for c yc lic aging in water, ac cording to 7.6.1 or 7.6.2. For 69 kV to 500 kV, the two
samples in water are not required if the joint design inc orporates a solid metal housing that is welded or soldered to a solid
c able sheath or pipe.
Joint metallic -shield and jac ket c omponent testing shall be performed in the sequenc e shown if tested in c onjunc tion with
design tests of a c ompleted joint. If testing either or both of these components independent of a joint design test, it is not nec essary to
perform the previous dielec tric integrity or voltage tests in this sequenc e.
Figure 3Flowchart 3
Three samples, number 1, number 2, and number 3, are required for 2.5 kV to 35 kV joints, and one sample is required for 46 kV to
500 kV joints.
Figure 4Flowchart 4
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7.4 Voltage withstand tests
The purpose of these tests is to verify that the insulation of the test specimen is not defective and
will withstand the design test voltages shown in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4. Some of
the tests are also used as routine both production and design tests for premolded and single-
These tests are applicable for all joint types. The test voltage shall be applied to the parts of the cable
For transition cable joints, all electrical test values are based on the cable with the lower test
For pressurized cables, the gas or liquid pressure shall be within the operating limits specified
7.4.1 AC voltage
This test is applicable as a design test for all joint types. It is also one of the routine production test
For design testing, the voltage shall be raised at a rate of 5 kV/s 3 kV/s, to the value specified in
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Table 4 for, ac withstand test for laminated dielectric cable joints
For routine production testing of premolded and single-component cold-shrink joints, the voltage
shall be raised at a rate of 5 kV/s 3 kV/s, to the value specified in one of the following:
Table 10, ac withstand test for extruded dielectric cable joints 2.5 kV to 46 kV, for 1 min
Table 11, ac withstand test for extruded dielectric cable joints 69 kV to 500 kV, for 15 min
The cable joint shall withstand the specified test voltage for the time specified in the tables.
7.4.2 DC voltage
See Annex C.
The test voltage shall have a negative polarity (the negative terminal is connected to the conductor
of the test specimen) and shall be raised to the value specified in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4.
The cable joints shall withstand the specified test voltage for 15 min.
This test is applicable as a design test for all joint types. It is also one of the routine production test
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The test voltage wave shape shall be as specified in IEEE Std 4, for full lightning-impulse voltages.
having the BIL specified in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4 of this standard. The test procedure
For design testing, the procedure (including sample conditioning) shall be as specified in IEEE Std
82. The cable joint shall withstand ten positive and ten negative full-wave impulses with a
magnitude equal to the BIL value specified in Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4.
Design tests at emergency operating temperature shall correspond to the impulse temperature
requirements outlined in the applicable specifications standard (see Table 7). The cable manufacturer
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For extruded dielectric cable joints, the test shall be performed first with the conductor at ambient
temperature, and then again with the conductor at the maximum emergency operating temperature
For transition joints, the test shall be performed first with the conductor temperature of both cables
at ambient temperature, and then again with the cables at elevated temperature, +0/-105C. The
elevated temperature is based on the maximum emergency operating conductor temperature of the
For laminated dielectric cable joints, the test shall be performed only at the maximum emergency
Elevated conductor temperatures are primarily obtained by circulating ac current in the conductor
of the cable. There shall be no current in the metallic-shields of the cable or joint. The reference
location for all conductor temperature requirements is midway between the end of the joint and the
In all cases, the test temperature shall be reported in the test report. Elevated conductor
temperatures produced by means other than by circulating current in the conductor of the cable is
permissible only by mutual agreement between the supplier and the end user. When such alternate
methods are used, it is necessary to verify must ensure that the conductor temperature is at the
When the impulse voltage withstand test is used as a production test, the cable joint shall withstand
one full-wave impulse at each polarity with a magnitude equal to the BIL value specified in Table 10
or Table 11.
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7.5 Short-time current test
The purpose of this test is to verify that the extruded dielectric cable joint is capable of withstanding
short- time, short-circuit currents. The magnitude shall be equal to the short-circuit rating (in rms
symmetrical amperes) of the largest conductor for which the joint is size defined in 7.2 for a
duration of 0.17 s. The 50 Hz or 60 Hz current magnitude shall be sufficient to raise the cable
conductor temperature from ambient to its rated short-circuit temperature. The current magnitude
used for this test should not exceed 40 35 kA and shall be determined by using ICEA P-32-382 and
utilizing the formulas given to correct the curves to the appropriate ambient temperature condition.
The current magnitude shall be measured in accordance with IEEE Std C37.09.
Following the short-time current test, the cable joint shall be tested in accordance with the ac voltage
7.6 Cyclic aging test for extruded dielectric and transition joints
The purpose of this test is to verify that cyclic loading will not adversely affect the ability of the
cable joint to operate in-air or submerged in water. If a joint design or construction requires an
integral specific jacketing restoration kit or environmental sealing components for proper operation,
and the manufacturer only provides the joint with this device as a complete kit, then 7.6.1 or 7.6.2
If desired, joint cable metallic-shield restoration components and/or cable restoration jacketing
components may be qualified simultaneously with a cable joint qualification. In this case, either or
both of these restoration components shall be assembled only on the in-air samples as described in
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7.6.1 Extruded cable joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV
simultaneously with a specific joint design, the appropriate restoration components shall be
assembled on the in-air joints. The joint samples in water shall be cycled without restoration
jacketing components to verify ensure that these devices do not influence potentially marginal joint
electrical interfaces unless their design or construction specifically requires an integral jacketing kit
or environmental seal for proper operation and the manufacturer only provides the joint with this
The test may be conducted on each joint individually or with two or more joints connected in series
The required number of tests, as well as the specific cable sizes required for each test, are described
in 7.2. Each test group The cable joints shall be assembled on a cable that has an insulation outside
diameter that is at or near the minimum diameter for which the cable joint is designed, and shall be
subjected to the continuous ac voltage shown in Table 1, column A, for 30 d. The test shall be
performed on a minimum of three cable joints in-air and a minimum of three cable joints in tap
water on the same type and size cable The cable insulation material and cable conductor material
used for each test group shall be according to Clause 7. The same six joints in each group shall are
to be used for on all cyclic aging tests in Sequence 1 of Figure 1. The cable joints in water shall be
submerged at a minimum depth of 0.3 m (1 ft), measured from the top surface of the joints. The
water shall neither be heated nor cooled during this test, but shall be left to follow the load cycling
A minimum length of 2 m (6.5 ft) of cable is required between joint ends and the base of each
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The six joints in each test group shall be subjected to 30 load cycles. Each load cycle is defined as a
24 h time span with a current-on period and a current-off period. During the current-on period,
sufficient ac current shall be passed through the conductor to achieve a cable conductor
temperature within +0 C/-105 C of the cable rated emergency operating temperature for a period of
at least 6 h. The 6 h period does not include the time it takes to achieve the emergency operating
temperature. There shall be no current in the cable metallic-shield. The cable emergency operating
temperature shall be determined by reference to the applicable specification standard (see Table 7).
The samples shall be subjected to the continuous ac voltage shown in Table 1, Column A, for the 30
The reference location for all conductor temperature requirements is midway between the water
surface and the base of the end terminations for joints tested in water, or midway between the joint
end and the base of the end terminations for joints tested in-air. The temperature at this location
a) The maximum temperature of the outside of each the joint body housings in water
b) The maximum temperature of the outside of each the joint body housings in air
d) The cable rated emergency operating temperature used to qualify the joint
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During the current-off period, the reference cable conductor temperature shall drop to within 5 C of
the ambient air temperature. If this condition cannot be met, the test shall be interrupted at the end
of the 5th cycle, 10th cycle, 15th cycle, 20th cycle, and 25th cycle. During these interruptions, the
voltage, current, and any supplemental heat source shall remain off for a minimum period of 24 h
to allow the joints to cool as close to room temperature as possible. The load cycle (current and
voltage) and supplemental heat source (if used) shall be resumed at the end of the interruption
period. This procedure may be followed even if the temperature condition during the current-off
The test samples specimens shall complete 30 load cycles. The 24 h interruption periods are not
If, for any reason, the voltage or conductor temperature falls below the specified level for more
than 5 min at any time during any given load cycle, then that load cycle shall be repeated. Load
Cycles may be contiguous, or there may be periods with no voltage and no current between load
If joint metallic and jacketing cable restoration components are to be qualified simultaneously with
a specific joint design, the appropriate restoration components shall be assembled on the in-air
joints. The joint samples in water are cycled without restoration jacketing components to verify
ensure that these devices do not influence potentially marginal joint electrical interfaces unless their
design or construction specifically requires an integral jacketing kit or environmental seal for proper
operation and the manufacturer only provides the joint with this device as a complete kit.
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The test may be conducted on each joint individually or with two or more joints connected in series.
The cable joints shall be assembled on cables with conductor sizes as described in 7.2. that have an
insulation outside diameter that is at or near the minimum diameter for which the cable joint is
designed. Sheath/shield sectionalizers shall be incorporated if they are part of the joint design. They
Testing shall be performed on four cable joints. The same four joints are to be used for all cyclic
aging tests in Sequence 1 of Figure 2 or Figure 3. Multi-conductor joints in a common housing are
considered one joint. Two joints are suspended in-air, and two are submerged in tap water to a
depth of 1 m (3.3 ft). The two samples in water are not required if the joint design incorporates a
solid metal housing that is welded or soldered to a solid cable sheath or pipe.
Conduit may be used for the in-water portion of this test and may be made of any appropriate
material. The conduit (or enclosure) should be longitudinally centered on the joints and shall extend
a minimum of 300 mm (12 in) beyond each joint end. A vertical tube having a minimum inside
provide the specimen with a head of tap water measuring a minimum of 1 m from the top surface
of the joint. The water shall neither be heated nor cooled during this test, but shall be left to follow
A minimum length of 2 m (6.5 ft) of cable is required between the conduit or water tank and the
base of each end termination for joints tested in water or between the joint ends and the base of
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The four joints shall be subjected to 30 load cycles. Each load cycle is defined as a 24 h time span
with a current-on period and a current-off period. During the current-on period, sufficient ac
current shall be passed through the conductor to achieve a cable conductor temperature within +0
C/-105 C of its rated emergency operating temperature for a period of at least 6 h. The 6 h period
does not include the time it takes to achieve the emergency operating temperature. For transition
joints, the emergency operating temperature of the cable with the lower rating should be used. The
specification standard (see Table 7). The cable manufacturer should be consulted in the case of
special-use cables.
Two times the rated phase-to-ground ac voltage shall be applied continuously for the 30 cycles. For
transition joints, two times the rated phase-to-ground ac voltage of the cable with the lower rating
The reference location for all conductor temperature requirements is midway between the end
of the conduit or water tank and the base of the end terminations for joints tested in water or
midway between the joint ends and the base of the end terminations for joints tested in-air. For
transition joints, this measurement is made on the cable with the lower temperature rating. The
temperature at this location shall not be influenced by the joint, water-filled conduit or tank, or end
a) The maximum temperature of the outside of each the joint body housings in water
b) The maximum temperature of the outside of each the joint body housing in-air
d) The cable rated emergency operating temperature used to qualify the joint
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During the current-off period, the reference cable conductor temperature shall drop to within 5 C of
the ambient air temperature. If this condition cannot be met, the test shall be interrupted at the end
of the 5th cycle, 10th cycle, 15th cycle, 20th cycle, and 25th cycle. During these interruptions, the
voltage and current shall remain off for a period of at least 24 h to allow the joints to cool as
close to room temperature as possible. The load cycle (current and voltage) shall be resumed at the
end of the interruption period. This procedure may be followed even if the temperature requirement
The test samples specimen shall complete 30 load cycles. The 24 h interruption periods are not
considered part of a load cycle.
If, for any reason, the voltage or conductor temperature falls below the specified level for more
than 5 min at any time during any given load cycle, then that load cycle shall be repeated. Load
Cycles may be contiguous or there may be periods with no voltage and no current between load
For transition joints, the ionization factor shall be measured as specified in 7.3.2 at the beginning of
the test period and at the end of the load cycle test (the completion of 30 cycles). The ionization
For transition joints, the internal pressure of the pressurized and laminated dielectric cable shall be
maintained at normal operating pressure throughout this test, except for solid-type laminated
dielectric cables, which shall have a maximum pressure during the test of 103 kPa (14.9 psi) gauge.
The purpose of this test is to verify the electrical integrity of extruded dielectric and transition joints.
Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 Table 5 and Table 6 specify the design test sequence. Test voltage is
applied as follows:
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For extruded dielectric cable joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV:
Test voltage and time as specified in the ac High Voltage (ac HV) time test column of
Table 3.
All joints subjected to this test shall be completely submerged in ambient temperature tap
water. The submersion depth is a minimum of 0.3 m (1 ft) for 2.5 kV to 46 kV extruded dielectric
cable joints and a minimum of 1 m (3.3 ft) for 69 kV to 500 kV extruded dielectric cable joints and all
transition joints. These submersion depths correspond to the submersion depths required during the
load cycle tests for each joint construction. They are measured from the top surface of the joint.
The joint shall be submerged for at least 1 h before the test voltage is applied. Samples previously
tested in a water-filled conduit may be left in the conduit. Samples previously tested in-air shall be
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7.8 Sectionalizer tests
Cable joints with sectionalizers, samples 1, 2, and 3 of Figure 1 or samples 1 and 2 of Figure 2 or
Figure 3, shall be tested in accordance with the following procedures. All joints subjected to this test
shall be completely submerged in ambient temperature tap water. The minimum submersion depth
shall be 0.3 m (1 ft) for extruded cable joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV and 1 m (3.3 ft) for all
other joints. This depth corresponds to the submersion depth required during the load cycle
test, 7.6.1 and 7.6.2, for each joint construction and is measured from the top surface of the joint.
The joints containing sectionalizers shall remain submerged in the water following the high-voltage
time test.
Serious injury may result if the water is not grounded during this test. During this test, the water
The sectionalizer shall then be shorted, and 20 kV ac shall be applied between the sectionalizer and
the grounded water for a minimum of 1 min. The sectionalizer shall withstand both tests without
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7.8.2 Basic Insulation Level (BIL) Impulse voltage withstand tests
The impulse test voltage shall be a 1.2 s 50 s wave that meets the requirements of IEEE
Std 4. The joints containing sectionalizers shall remain submerged in the water
Serious injury may result if the water is not grounded during this test. During this test, the water
The sectionalizer shall remain then be shorted following the ac test of 7.8.1, and ten 30 kV-crest,
positive impulses followed by ten 30 kV-crest, negative impulses shall be applied between the
The joints containing sectionalizers shall then be removed from the water and the short across the
sectionalizer removed. Ten 60 kV-crest, positive impulses followed by ten 60 kV-crest, negative
The sectionalizers are considered satisfactory if all impulse voltage surges are withstood without
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7. 9 Semiconducting Shielding test
Many cable joints are supplied with exposed semiconductive insulation shields and minimal or no
metallic- shielding in direct contact with the semiconducting shield. The purpose of this test is to
verify that these cable joint designs insulation shield will maintain their outer semiconducting shield
surface effectively at ground potential under normal operating conditions and initiate fault current
The insulation shield of all joint types shall meet the resistivity stability requirement of IEEE Std 592.
All joints with exposed semiconducting shields for use on extruded dielectric cable joints rated 15
kV to 35 kV shall meet the shield resistance and fault-current initiation short-circuit requirements of
IEEE Std 592 to verify the adequacy of the shielding system. This test is a requirement only if the
joint kit is supplied to the end customer in any of the following configurations:
a) with no metallic-shielding
b) with metallic-shielding having a cross-sectional area less than that of #4 AWG copper (the
c) with metallic-shielding having a cross-sectional area greater than that of #4 AWG copper
(the conductor size which would fuse at 10 kA, 0.17 s) but not in direct contact with the
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7. 10 Joint Cable metallic-shield restoration and cable jacket restoration
jacketing components
Virtually all modern cable designs are provided with require jacketing components materials over
the cable metallic- shielding. Therefore, when cables are joined, it is necessary to replace or restore
these cable components with appropriate devices that will provide the same current carrying
capability and environmental protection as the non-spliced portions of the cable. In many cases, the
components needed to restore the cable metallic-shield and jacket are provided with the joint kit.
Sections 7.10.1 and 7.10.2 provide qualification requirements for both the metallic-shield
components and jacketing components of a joint. These tests may be performed simultaneously with
the joint design test sequence or as independent component tests on separate samples. When testing
these components independently on separate samples, the samples shall be assembled as they
would be installed in service. In this case, it is only necessary to perform the appropriate tests of
clause 7.10.1 or 7.10.2 without the continuous voltage requirement of 7.6 or any of the dielectric
Metallic-shield restoration components are available in various configurations and in many cases are
provided along with an environmental sealing device. The following test sequence encompasses
both the metallic-shield restoration and environmental seal restoration components. They may be
tested on joints that are undergoing design testing or they may be tested on separate samples. If they
are tested on separate samples, these samples shall be assembled in the same manner as they would
restoration device, it is only necessary to perform the tests in the appropriate subclause (7.13.1 or
7.13.2). If these tests are being performed on the restoration components only, and not as part of a
joint qualification test, it is not necessary to apply the continuous, ac phase-to-ground voltage of 7.9
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The joint cable metallic-restoration shielding and/or jacketing cablerestoration components shall be
installed on three complete extruded dielectric joint assemblies for rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV jointor, two
complete extruded dielectric joint assemblies rated for 69 kV to 500 kV, or two complete transition
joint assemblies rated 2.5 kV to 500 kV. It is not possible to perform a dielectric test to verify the
integrity of the environmental sealing of the jacketing components in certain situations without
altering the design of the device. An example is when either bare metallic- shield materials emerge
from the restoration jacketing devices or when the cable jackets are semiconductive. Therefore, the
integrity of the sealing capability of the jacketing device shall be determined using moisture
sensitive tape. Prior to installing the restoration jacketing component(s), apply a moisture sensitive
tape within 25 mm (1 in) of the inner moisture barrier of the jacketing restoration component on
each side of the joint. A sufficient length of this tape shall be used to go completely around the
The metallic-shielding restoration and jacketing cable restoration components are only installed on
the cable joints that will be cyclically aged for 30 days in-air according to the requirements of 7.6.1 or
7.6.2, cyclic aging test, for 30 load cycles. The joint samples in water are cycled without jacketing
restoration components as to ensure that these devices may do not influence potentially marginal
joint electrical interfaces. If the joint design or construction specifically requires an integral jacketing
kit or environmental seal for proper operation and the manufacturer only provides the joint with
this device as a complete kit then the joint samples in water shall be cycled with these components
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7.10.1 Joint Cable metallic-shield restoration components
When qualifying metallic-shield component designs independent of any joint design, complete
the 30 cycles of the cyclic aging test on in-air samples, according to either:
a) 7.6.1 for components used on joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV, noted as sample numbers 7, 8,
and 9 in Figure 1; or
b) 7.6.2 for components used on joints rated 69 kV to 500 kV, noted as sample numbers 5
and 6 in Figure 2; or
c) 7.6.2 for components used on transition joints rated 2.5 kV to 500 kV, noted as sample
Load cycle the cable joints, shield restoration components, and/or the jacket restoration components,
as applicable, in-air only according to 7.9.1 for joint ratings of 2.5 kV to 46 kV or 7.9.2 for joint
Following the cyclic aging, load and, if applicable, the partial discharge, high-voltage time,
impulse, and sectionalizer tests, it is necessary to verify that the metallic-shield restoration
components are capable of withstanding two short-time, short-circuit current tests as described
When qualifying a metallic-shield component design along with a specific joint design, complete
a) 7.6.1 for joint ratings of 2.5 kV to 46 kV, noted as sample numbers 1, 2, and 3 in Figure 1; or
b) 7.6.2 for joint ratings of 69 kV to 500 kV, noted as sample numbers 1 and 2 in Figure 2; or
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c) 7.6.2 for joint ratings of 2.5 kV to 500 kV, noted as sample numbers 1 and 2 in Figure 3.
In this case, the joint samples together with the metallic-shield components shall undergo all
dielectric integrity tests, voltage tests, cyclic aging tests, as well as final dielectric tests and voltage
tests. Following this sequence, verify that the metallic-shield components are capable of
The two short-time, short-circuit 50 Hz or 60 Hz current tests shall have a magnitude (in rms
symmetrical amperes) and duration (in seconds) as determined by Eq. (1). The current magnitude
shall be sufficient to raise the cable shield temperature from ambient to its rated short-circuit
temperature, either 350 C if all cable materials in direct contact with the metallic-shield are
thermosetting (e.g., XLPE or EPR), or 200 C if any cable materials in direct contact with the metallic
-shield are thermoplastic or laminated dielectric material. For example, as stated in ICEA P-45-482, a
cable having a cross-linked semiconducting shield under the metallic-shield and a cross-linked
jacket over the metallic-shield would have a maximum allowable shield temperature of 350 C. Or,
if the cable sheath is lead, the short-circuit temperature should be limited to 200 C regardless of the
other cable materials. The 350 C or 200 C short-circuit temperatures are calculated values only
and need not be measured during the test. Unless otherwise required by customer or
manufacturer specifications, the current magnitude used for this test should not exceed 40 kA.
The current source shall be connected between the cable conductor and the cable shield at one end
of the cable. The conductor and shield shall be connected together at the other end of the sample.
The test may be performed on several joints simultaneously if connected in series. If the shielding
components exit the restoration jacketing components on each end of the joint, then a jumper of
appropriate cross section shall be used to join them across each joint. The current magnitude shall be
In accordance with ICEA P-45-482, the required short-circuit test current magnitude for the shield is
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A is the cable metallic-shield cross-sectional area in circular mils (calculated from Table 9)
T2 is equal to 350 C if all cable materials in direct contact with the metallic-shield are
thermosetting (e.g., XLPE or EPR) or 200 C if any cable materials in direct contact with the
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Table 8 Values for or K
Cable shielding material Value of Value of K
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Table 9 Calculation of cross-sectional area [the symbol A in Eq. (1)]
Formula for calculating A
Type of shield or sheath
(See Note 2)
Helically applied tape or flat wires, not overlapped 1.27 nwb (b)
A is the effective cross-sectional area, shield, or sheath
NOTE 2The effective area of composite shields is the sum of the effective areas of the
components. For example, the effective area of a composite shield consisting of a helically applied,
not overlapped tape and a wire serving would be the sum of the areas calculated from Eq. (b) of
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NOTE 3The effective area of thin, helically applied overlapped tapes depends, also, on the
degree of electrical contact resistance of the overlaps. Eq. (c) of Table 9 may be used to calculate the
cross-sectional area of the shield of new cable. An increase in contact resistance may occur after
cable installation or during service involving exposure to moisture and heat. Under these conditions
the contact resistance may approach infinity, where Eq. (b) of Table 9 could apply.
If practical, the test duration should be conducted using a 0.17 s (10 cycles at 60 Hz). If the calculated
fault current cannot be achieved due to equipment limitations, then an alternate current and time
combination shall be used to conduct the test as long as the alternate time and current have the same
I2t value as the originally calculated values and the alternate time (t) is not longer than 1 s. The
test samples may be allowed to cool to ambient after the first short-time current test.
All shield restoration components shall withstand two, full short-time current tests without signs of
arcing of the metallic components, and without catching on fire. All metallic-shield restoration
components also shall remain intact. Slight melting of polymeric components is allowed as long as
The following procedure is used to qualify cable jacket restoration components for seal integrity.
If the joint jacket seal is being qualified independent of any joint or metallic-shield component, If the
following test is being performed following the cyclic aging for 30 days in air. If the joint jacket seal
is being qualified in conjunction with the metallic-shield restoration component test of 7.10.1, the
following procedure is performed after following the two short-time current tests of that subclause.
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If this test is being performed to qualify a cable jacket restoration seal design exclusive of any
metallic- shield components, the following procedure would be performed following the partial
The joint cable jacket component restoration assemblies that were cyclically aged in-air for 30 cycles
shall be completely submerged in ambient temperature tap water for a minimum of 24 h. The
minimum depth of water shall be 0.3 m (1 ft) for extruded cable joints rated 2.5 kV to 46 kV and 1
m (3 ft) for all other joints. This depth corresponds to the submersion depth required during the load
cycle test of 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 for each joint construction and is measured from the top surface of the
joint. The assemblies shall then be subjected to an additional ten thermal cycles using a with current
of magnitude equal to the cyclic aging current requirements of 7.6.1 or 7.6.2. It is not necessary to
apply the continuous, ac phase-to-ground voltage of 7.6.1 or 7.6.2. Afterward, the assemblies shall
be removed from the water and the external surfaces fully dried. Within 2 h of removal from the
water, the environmental seals shall be removed and the moisture sensitive tape examined. The
evidence of water migration beyond the water block area as determined by the color of the
Connectors used in cable joints to join two aluminum conductors, two copper conductors, or an
aluminum conductor to a copper conductor, shall meet all Class A current cycle requirements given
in ANSI C119.4.
copper conductor for use in any cable joint excluding pipe-type, laminated dielectric cable joints,
shall meet all Class 2 partial tension requirements given in ANSI C119.4. The tensile strength
requirements for connectors used in pipe-type laminated dielectric cable joints should be
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NOTEThere is a wide variety of compression tools and dies for any particular connector design
as well as a variety of connector designs (such as overall length and diameter) for any particular
conductor size. There is also variation in crimping techniques such as the number of crimps, rotation
of successive crimps, etc. It should be understood that these tests may only have been performed on
The manufacturer should follow a similar test protocol to verify that connectors used between
Production tests shall be performed on 100% of all premolded joints produced and 100% of all
The production electrical tests of 8.1 cannot be performed on field-fabricated joints, such as heat-
of these field-fabricated joints, the manufacturer shall perform a series of physical and
electrical tests on the materials that make up the joint according to 8.2 for heat-shrink or multi-
component cold-shrink joint components and 8.3 for taped joint components.
The following production tests shall be performed by the manufacturer on 100% of all
a) Partial discharge voltage level (see 7.3.1, Table 10, and Table 11)
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b) AC withstand or BIL full-wave impulse withstand voltage (see 7.4.1 or 7.4.3, Table 10, and
Table 11)
The following fingerprint tests shall be performed by the manufacturer according to the
sampling rate shown in Table A.2. These tests shall be performed on stress control, conductive,
insulating, and protective tubes whether extruded or molded. The tests are performed after these
components have completed all manufacturing processes, such as molding, extruding, cross-linking,
and expansion (i.e., in the as-supplied forms). The required tests are summarized in Table A.1 along
Expanded tubes shall be free from splits, pinholes, inclusions, or other visible defects. Tubing
8.2.2 Dimensions
The wall thickness of expanded tubes shall be measured at four equally-spaced positions
around the sample. The length of the expanded tubes shall also be measured.
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The same tubes shall then be fully recovered and cooled (if applicable). The above measurements
shall then be repeated. Calculate the ratio of minimum thickness to maximum thickness expanded
and the ratio of minimum thickness to maximum thickness recovered. Calculate the change in
See Table A.1 for typical values of expanded wall thickness ratio, recovered wall thickness
thickness shall be between 2 mm and 4 mm (0.079 in and 0.157 in). From each of the samples in the
lot, five specimens of each material shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM D412-98. Tubing
The test shall be performed at a cross-head speed of 500 mm/min 50 mm/min (20 in/min 2
The tensile strength shall be determined using the maximum applied load and the initial specimen
Ultimate elongation is the increase in length at the point of break over the initial length expressed as
a percentage.
See Table A.1 for typical values of tensile strength and elongation.
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8.2.4 Volume resistivity of conductive tubes
From each of the samples in the lot, five specimens shall be prepared from tubing or molded
From each sample of the lot, five specimens of tubing or molded components shall be recovered
onto a cylindrical mandrel of diameter equal to the fully recovered specimen inside diameter plus
requirements after each manufacturing step, including molding, extrusion, cross-linking, and
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8.3 Fingerprint tests for Elastomeric taped joint components
The following fingerprint tests for taped joint components shall be performed by the manufacturer
according to the sampling rate shown in Table B.2.These tests shall be performed on non-metallic
and electrically insulating rubber tapes according to 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, and 8.3.5 and on
semiconducting rubber tapes according to 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, and 8.3.4. The required tests for each
type of tape, along with the corresponding ASTM tape classification, are summarized in Table B.1
All tests are performed on the sample rolls after removing and discarding at least 610 mm (24 in)
All sample rolls shall be subjected to 23 C 2 C and 50% 2% relative humidity for a minimum of
All samples are then removed from the rolls at a slow, uniform rate without jerking. The individual
samples shall be left for a minimum period of 1 h at 23 C 2 C and 50% 2% relative humidity.
8.3.1 Fusion
Remove three specimens, 280 mm in length, from each roll of the sample lot. Using the winding
fixture and procedure described in Clause 8 and Clause 9 of ASTM D4325-0802, wind the specimens
using 300% elongation. After wrapping, condition the specimens at 23 C 2 C and 50% 2%
relative humidity for a minimum of 24 h. Following the conditioning, the maximum flag for any
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8.3.2 Dimensions Length
Unwind the tape and separator from each roll of the sample lot. After the conditioning in 8.3, place
each tape/separator sample on a hard, smooth surface and measure its length. The length shall meet Width
Unwind the tape and separator from each roll of the sample lot.After the conditioning in 7.3, place
each tape/separator sample on a hard smooth surface and measure their width. The width shall Thickness
Unwind the tape and separator from each roll of the sample lot. Measure the tape/separator
sample thickness at five locations uniformly distributed over the length of the test specimen using
the procedure described in of Clause 12, Clause 13, and Clause 14 of ASTM D4325-08. The average
of the five measurements shall meet the requirements of Table B.1.
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8.3.3 Tensile strength and ultimate elongation
For each roll in the sample lot, cut five specimens, 610 mm in length, from a single ply of tape
(rubber and separator) that is free from visible defects using the ASTM standard die, as shown in
Figure 1 (die A) of ASTM D412-98, except that the ends of the specimens cut from 19 mm tape need
not be full width. Place bench marks on the specimens as directed in ASTM D412-98. Measure the
thickness in accordance with 14.2 of ASTM D4325-0802, removing the separator where it is not an
integral part of the tape. The average breaking strength and average percent elongation shall meet
the requirements of Table B.1. When specimens break at the jaws, discard the results and retest.
This test is applicable only to semiconducting tapes. For each roll in the sample lot, test five
specimens. Condition the tapes at 90 C 2 C for 168 h. Remove the specimens from the
oven, assemble in electrodes, and test within 2 min. Use strip electrodes for tape as shown in Figure
2 of ASTM D4496-04. Apply direct voltage of 5 V 0.5 V for the time specified in ASTM D4496-04.
The average volume resistivity shall meet the requirements of Table B.1.
This test is applicable only to insulating tapes. Make five breakdown tests on each roll of the
sample lot. Use Type-3 electrodes as described in Table 1 of ASTM D149-97a. To prevent flashover
of the sample, insulating fluid may be used, or the tape width can be increased by attaching
additional tape strips to each edge of the test sample. Measure and calculate the dielectric strength
in kilovolts per millimeter (kV/mm) in accordance with ASTM D149-97a using the short-time test
by increasing the voltage at a uniform rate of 500 V/s. The average dielectric strength in kV/mm
shall meet the requirements of Table B.1. The specimen thicknesses for each test shall be reported.
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8.3.6 Sampling
2.5 1.4 60 9 2
5 2.9 75 18 4
8 4.6 95 23 7
15 8.7 110 35 13
25 14.4 150 52 22
35 20.2 200 69 30
46 26.6 250 80 40
a To obtain test values for voltage classes that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values
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Table 11 Routine production test levels for extruded dielectric cable
joints rated 69 kV to 500 kV
Minimum partial
Voltage rating Voltage rating Basic Insulation 5-min ac withstand
discharge voltage
phase-to- phase, U phase-to- ground, Level (BIL) (kV test at 3 U0 (kV
level, 1.5 U0
(kV rms) a U0 (kV rms) b crest) rms)
(kV rms)
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Annex A
Dimensions (%)
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Table A.2Heat-shrink and multi-component cold-shrink joint
component sampling rates
Length of lot size (m) Sampling size (pieces)
1 to 500 2
501 to 2000 4
2001 to 5000 7
5001 to 10 000 10
> 10 000 15
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Annex B
Dimensions (acceptable
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Table B.2Taped joint component sampling rates
Number of rolls in shipment Number of sample rolls
50 to 200 2
201 to 500 3
501 to 1000 4
1001 to 5000 50
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Annex C
For reference only, the following dc test voltages have been used in the past for design qualification
testing of cable joints. Many standards-making bodies have eliminated the use of dc testing since
industry data has determined that ac testing is more appropriate for extruded dielectric cables.
2.5 30
5 35
8 45
15 75
25 105
35 140
46 172
a To obtain test values for voltage c lasses that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed
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Table C.2Voltage ratings and reference dc test levels for extruded
dielectric cable joints rated 69 kV to 500 kV
69 240
115 300
138 315
161 375
230 525
345 650
500 775
a To obtain test values for voltage classes that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values
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Table C.3Voltage ratings and reference dc test levels for transition and
laminated cable joints
Voltage rating phase-to- phase, U (kV rms) a DC withstand voltage 15-min (kV)b
2.5 30
5.0 38
8.7 48
15 55
25 75
35 100
46 125
69 175
115 225
120 275
138 325
161 375
230 525
345 650
500 775
a To obtain test values for voltage classes that are not listed, use linear interpolation between the next higher and lower listed values
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Annex D
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not
need to be understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made
[B1] ANSI/ICEA S-94-649, Standard for Concentric Neutral Cables Rated 5 Through 46 kV 5,000
46,000 Volts. 1
[B2] ANSI/ICEA S-97-682, Standard for Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 Through 46 kV.
[B3] ANSI/ICEA S-108-720, Standard for Extruded Insulation Power Cables Rated Above 46 kV
[B4] ASTM D4388-02, Standard Specification for Nonmetallic Semi-Conducting and Electrically
1 ICEA public ations are available from ICEA, P.O. Box 1568, Carrollton, GA 30112, 20048, Minneapolis, MN 55420, US A
2 AS TM public ations are available from the Americ an S oc iety for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
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[B5] CEI/IEC 60502-4, Power Cables with Extruded Insulation and Their Accessories for Rated
[B6] CEI/IEC 60840, Power Cables with Extruded Insulation and Their Accessories for Rated
[B7] IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standard Terms, Seventh Edition. 14, 15
[B8] NEMA WC 3/ICEA S-19-81 (Reaff 1992), Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the
[B9] NEMA WC 5/ICEA S-61-402, Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission
[B11] NEMA WC 8/ICEA S-68-516, Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the
3 CEI/IEC public ations are available from the S ales Department of the International Elec trotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131,
3, rue de Varemb, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland/S uisse ( IEC public ations are also available in the United
S tates from the S ales Department, Americ an National S tandards Institute, 11 West 42nd S treet, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
14 IEEE public ations are available from the Institute of Elec tric al and Elec tronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-
1331, US A (
15 The IEEE standards or produc ts referred to in this c lause are trademarks of the Institute of Elec tric al and Elec tronic s Engineers,
Inc .
16 NEMA public ations are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, US A
(http://global.ihs.c om/).
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