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Rod ends and spherical bearings

Rod ends dimension series K

Standard P. 1-10

Stainless steel P. 1-14

Stainless steel copper alloys free P. 1-18

Pneumatic P. 1-20

Pneumatic stainless steel P. 1-24

Pneumatic stainless steel copper alloys free P. 1-28

ASKUROL ball bearing P. 1-30

ASKUROL roller bearing P. 1-32

RS P. 1-34

Spherical bearings dimension series K

Type G P. 1-38, 1-40

Type S P. 1-39, 1-41

Stainless steel type G P. 1-42, 1-44

Stainless steel type S P. 1-43, 1-45

Stainless steel type G copper alloys free P. 1-46

Stainless steel type S copper alloys free P. 1-47

RS P. 1-48

Rod ends dimension series E P. 1-50

Spherical bearings dimension series E,G,W P. 1-54

Pe r f e c t q u a l i t y a n d d y n a m i c

Rod ends and spherical bearings

Rod ends dimension series K

Standard Pneumatic ASKUROL

ball bearing
Stainless steel Pneumatic
stainless steel
Stainless steel
copper alloys free Pneumatic
stainless steel
copper alloys free

roller bearing

Spherical bearings dimension series K

Type G Type S RS
Stainless steel Stainless steel
type G type S
Stainless steel Stainless steel
type G copper type S copper
alloys free alloys free

Rod ends dimension series E

Spherical bearings dimension series E,G,W

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Selection of rod end and spherical Dynamic load capacity C (roller bearings)
bearing size In the case of Askurol rod ends with roller bearings, the
The selection and determination of spherical bearing and rod dynamic load capacity is the load at which 90% of a large
end sizes in Schedule K must be based on the specified load quantity of identical rod ends reach 1 million revolutions
capacity, applied loads and requirements for useful life and before they fail owing to fatigue of the rolling surfaces.
operating safety.
The load ratings specified in the tables serve as definitive
characteristic and arithmetic values for the load capacity of Operating temperature
the spherical bearings an rod ends.
All Askubal spherical bearings and rod ends can be used
Load ratings from different manufacturers cannot always be without restriction in an operating temperature range of
compared with each other, since no standardised load rating between -10 C bis +80 C.
definition exists for spherical bearings an rod ends. Increase of operating temperature occurs a decrease of load
capacity of the rod end housing and the bearing therefore the
The following conditions are used as a basis for the load ratings useful life will be reduced too.
of Askubal heavy-duty spherical bearings and rod ends:

Rod end selection

Static load capacity C0 (plain bearings)
When choosing a rod end, it is essential to know whether the
The static load capacity C0 is the radially acting static load which load is to be staic or dynamic. In the case of static loading
does not cause any permanent deformation of the components (load without pivot, swivel or tilt movements) the maximum
when the spherical bearing or rod end is stationary, i.e. the static load capacity corresponds to the static load rating C0
load condition without pivoting, swivelling or tilting move- specified in the tables. No permanent deformation of the rod
ments. It is also a precondition here that the operating tempe- end housing occurs up to this load.
rature must be in the normal room temperature range and the
surrounding components must possess sufficient stability. When choosing a rod end be sure that the real load is all-
ways explicitly less than the maximum load capacity of the
The values specified in the tables are determined by static rod end.
tension tests on a representative number of series components
at 20C normal room temperature. The static load capacity may
vary by lower or higher temperature according to the material.

In the case of all Askubal rod ends with plain bearings, the sta-
tic load rating refers to the maximum permissible static load of
the rod end housing in tensile direction up to which no
permanent deformation occurs at the weakest housing cross-

Static load capacity C0 (roller bearings)

In the case of Askurol rod ends with roller bearings, the static
load rating is the load at which the overall permanent
deformation of rolling elements and raceways is max. 0.0001
of the rolling element diameter.

Dynamic load capacity C (plain bearings)

Dynamic load ratings serve as arithmetic values for calculation

of the service life of dynamically-loaded spherical bearings
and rod ends. The values themselves do not provide any
information about the effective dynamic load capacity of the
spherical bearing or rod end. To obtain this information, it is
necessary to take into account the additional influencing
factors such as load type, swivel or tilt angle, speed
characteristic, max. permitted bearing clearance, max.
permitted bearing friction, lubrication conditions and
temperature, etc.

Dynamic load capacities depend on the definition used to

calculate them. Comparison of values is not always possible
owing to the different definitions used by various
manufacturers, and because the load capacities are often
determined under completely different test conditions.

Pe r f e c t q u a l i t y a n d d y n a m i c

Load direction Bearing movement

The load is of prime importance in the selection of bearing A differentiation is made between the following bearing
size, however the load direction is also important. movements in spherical bearings:
A differentiation is made between the following load

Radial load Swivelling


Axial load

Full pivot
Combined load

Tilting and swivelling

or rotating

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Housing load capacity

Depending on the load type, the following load factors must be taken into account for the permitted max. radial housing load
capacity Fr perm:

Load type Load factor SB Load factor SK

constant 1 0.7


pulsating 0.333 0.7


alternating 0.166 0.7


The load factor SK is valid for rod ends with male thread and Dynamic load
lubricating hole or lubricating nipple.
The named load factors should be used to value the limited Basically an exact calculation of useful life is not possible,
load capacity. Load factors for shock load, also caused by because of the conditions of use and the factors of influence
increasing the bearing clearance or by an additional load due which are often very hard to collect.
to simultaneous swivel movements are not included. The load
Therefore experiences of already performed and comparable
factor SK, which considers the weakening of the unit can only
be a rough reference value. In extreme operating conditions applications are highly important. To decide the size of bearing
specially in cases where the life and safety of individuals is you further have to consider the following criteria:
placed at risk, practice-orientated tests must be verified. - the load capacity of the housing
- the selection of mating materials for the spherical bearing
The permitted radial housing load capacity Fr perm is reduced We will best possibly support your selection. Please ask us for
as follows: help.

Fr perm [kN] = stat. load C0 [kN] SB (SK)

Note: Caution! Special requirements must be fulfilled for

use of these components in aircraft. For this reason, we
can accept no product liability for applications of this kind.

Spherical bearing load capacity

A mounted spherical bearing has a considerably higher static

load capacity than a rod end housing, as can be seen in a
comparison of the static load ratings for rod ends and for the
equivalent spherical bearings.

Pe r f e c t q u a l i t y a n d d y n a m i c

Bearing clearance
Bearing clearance is defined as the radial and axial freedom of
motion of the inner ring (see illustration). The radial clearance
given in the tables is based on a radial measuring load of

Reduced or enlarged bearing clearances (C3 or C2) are

available on request.

In plain bearings the axial clearance could be several times

higher than the radial clearance.

Radial clearance Axial clearance

Radial clearance

Spherical bearings to DIN ISO 12240-1, Dimension Series K

Bearing bore Mating materials steel on high-duty bronze Mating materials steel on PTFE
d C2* normal C3* C2* normal C3*
over incl. min max min max min max min max min max min max
mm mm
3 6 4 34 10 50 42 72 5 30 20 50 40 65
8 10 5 41 13 61 52 88 10 50 40 80 70 100
12 18 6 49 16 75 64 107 15 60 50 100 90 130
20 30 7 59 20 92 77 120 30 70 60 110 100 140
35 50 9 71 25 112 98 150 40 80 70 140 130 180

Spherical bearing to DIN ISO 12240-1, Dimension Series E

Bearing bore Mating materials steel on steel Mating materials steel on PTFE
d C2* normal C3* C2* normal C3*
over incl. min max min max min max min max min max min max
mm mm
2,5 12 8 32 32 68 68 104 0 25 0 32 15 45
12 20 10 40 40 82 82 124 0 30 0 40 20 60
20 35 12 50 50 100 100 150 0 35 0 50 25 65
35 60 15 60 60 120 120 180 0 40 0 60 30 80
60 90 18 72 72 142 142 212 0 50 0 72 35 90
90 140 18 85 85 165 165 245 0 60 0 85 40 100

Spherical bearing to DIN ISO 12240-1, Dimension Series G

Bearing bore Mating materials steel on steel
d C2* normal C3*
over incl. min max min max min max
mm mm
2,5 10 8 32 32 68 68 104
10 17 10 40 40 82 82 124
17 30 12 50 50 100 100 150
30 50 15 60 60 120 120 180
50 80 18 72 72 142 142 212
80 120 18 85 85 165 165 245

Spherical bearing to DIN ISO 12240-1, Dimension Series W

Bearing bore Mating materials steel on steel
d C2* normal C3*
over incl. min max min max min max
mm mm
2,5 12 8 32 32 68 68 104
12 20 10 40 40 82 82 124
20 32 12 50 50 100 100 150
32 50 15 60 60 120 120 180
50 90 18 72 72 142 142 212
90 125 18 85 85 165 165 245
*) on request
Rod ends and spherical bearings
Rod ends to DIN ISO 12240-4, Dimension Series K Rod ends to DIN ISO 12240-4, Dimension Series E
Bearing bore Mating materials steel Mating materials steel Bearing bore Mating materials steel Mating materials steel
on high-duty bronze on PTFE on steel on PTFE
d normal C3* normal C3* d normal C3* normal C3*
over incl. min max min max min max min max over incl. min max min max min max min max
mm mm
3 6 2 34 12 65 3 35 10 50 2,5 12 16 68 34 104 0 25 10 40
8 10 3 41 20 78 5 40 15 55 12 20 20 82 41 124 0 30 10 55
12 18 3 49 25 93 5 45 15 65 20 35 25 100 50 150 0 35 15 60
20 30 4 59 30 103 10 55 20 75
35 50 5 71 35 125 10 60 20 80

Rod ends on antifriction bearing basis, mounting sizes to DIN ISO 12240-4
Bearing bore Ball bearing Roller bearing
d C2* normal C3* C2* normal C3*
over incl. min max min max min max min max min max min max
mm mm
30 5 30 15 40 35 50 10 30 20 50 45 60

*) on request

In antifriction bearings the axial clearance could be several times higher than the radial clearance.

Tilt angle limitation

For all Askubal spherical bearings and Askurol rods ends,

the maximum tilt angle specified in the tables must not be
exceeded while mounting or during operation, otherwise the
bearing or washers and cover washers may be damaged.
The assembly must be constructed so that the rod end or
spherical bearing is effectively prevented from moving further
than the given angle (Fig. a). At the same time, however, no
major forces may be applied to the housing. It is also
important to ensure that there is always sufficient space
available for the seal (particularly with 2RS models), in order
to prevent contact with the surrounding components (Fig. b).

Fig. a) Fig. b)

Pe r f e c t q u a l i t y a n d d y n a m i c

Mounting instructions Note

Installation In order to avoid incompatibility of various lubricants that may

be used by ASK and the customer, spherical bearings and rod
All Askubal spherical bearings and rod ends are very high ends are supplied only with an anticorrosive coating. For this
precision, ready-to-fit bearing elements. For this reason, they reason, spherical bearings and rod ends which need
must be stored carefully and installed correctly. It is important maintenance should be given initial lubrication before
to comply with the following points: commissioning or directly after installation. We recommend
carrying out initial lubrication after a running-in time of approx.
1. The spherical bearings and rod ends must be kept in their 1 hour. Whenever this lubrication is carried out, the bearing
original packaging until shortly before their installation, so must be in an unloaded condition, so that the lubricant can
that they continue to be effectively preserved for as long as spread without obstruction. Lubrication should continue until
possible. Ensure during the installation process that foreign the lubricant emerges between the bearing outer ring and the
particles are on no account allowed to enter the outer ring inner ring. For rod ends with a female thread, it is also
of the bearing. advisable to fill the space in the shank thread with lubricant up
to the threaded connection journal before installation. This
2. The forces required for installation and removal should on reduces the amount of work involved in lubricating with the
no account be transmitted from the spherical form to the lubricating nipple.
bearing shells or raceways of the bearing outer ring.
Mating materials steel
3. In order for the spherical bearings to run smoothly, the sli- on high-duty bronze
ding movement must take place between the sliding faces
of the bearing inner ring and outer ring. Sliding movements We recommend using corrosion inhibiting, pressure-resistant
on the shaft or in the housing cause damage and premature lithium-base greases or lithium complex metallic soap greases
failure. For this reason, it is essential for there to be an for lubrication of this material combination. The operating
interferance fit between the bearing housing and bearing temperature range should be between -20C and +110C.
outer ring and between the bearing inner ring and the con- It is possible to reduce friction and increase the useful life of
nection shaft. This can be achieved by using tight fits and components which are used under load conditions in the
with axial tensioning of the bearing rings. However, the con- upper limit range by using solid lubricants. These are available
sequence of using tight fits is an alteration in the bearing on request.
clearance. Too high interferance between the housing and
the bearing outer ring causes contraction of the outer ring. Mating materials steel on PTFE
Too high interferance between the connection shaft and the
inner ring causes the inner ring to expand. This material combination is distinguished by its low friction.
The antifriction film is made of a material which makes
Maintenance and lubrication lubrication unnecessary, so that maintenance-free operation
is possible.
The useful life of all spherical bearings and rod ends with
metallic mating materials is greatly dependent on regular Askurol antifriction bearings
lubrication. A one-off initial grease filling is only adequate if
operating loads are very low. Ball bearings: These rod ends are given permanent
The effectiveness of lubrication is mainly dependent on the lubrication with a lithium soap grease.
load, type of load (constant, pulsating or alternating), the Subsequent lubrication is not required. There
swivel angle and sliding speed. is, however, a version available for a swivel
Numerous tests in our ASK laboratory have shown that small angle of <5 which does require subsequent
swivel angles and both very low and very high sliding speeds lubrication.
have an unfavourable effect on the formation of a film of
lubricant. A load which acts in one direction only is also Roller bearings: These rod ends are given initial lubrication
unfavourable compared to an alternating load. with a lithium soap grease. If they are used in
To ensure optimum and even distribution of the lubricant, heavy operating conditions, these rod ends
initial lubrication and subsequent lubrication should be carried can be relubricated through the fitted
out with the spherical bearing or rod end in an unloaded lubricating nipples.

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Please note, that the use of a non standard lubricating nipple housings with male thread which means a reduction of the
(DIN 3405 shape D) causes a cross sectional variation for static load capacity C0.

Lubricating nipple shapes

DIN-No. Designation d D
indicate by ordering,
if deviates from standard
rod end mm

DIN 3402 shape A

SN 3402 M 6 M6
SN 3402 M 8 x 1 M8x1
SN 3402 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1

DIN 3402 shape D

SN 3402 D 5.0 6.5
SN 3402 D 6 x 6.5 6.0 6.5

DIN 3405 shape A

SN 3405 M 6 M6
SN 3402 M 8 x 1 M8x1

DIN 3405 shape D Lubricating nipple for standard rod ends

SN 3405 D 3.5 x 5 3.5 5.0

DIN 71 412 shape A

SNA 5 5.0 8.0
SNA M 8 x 1 M8x1
SNA R 1/8 R 1/8

DIN 71 412 shape B

SNB M 8 x 1 M8x1

Pe r f e c t q u a l i t y a n d d y n a m i c

You have problems which

have not been solved so far?
Ask us!

threaded pin
DIN 914 M4x4

with Loctite 638

locked against

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating Materials:
Steel on high-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Standard Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-4

Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze.
dimension series K Lubricant is distributed via the lubrication groove in the outer ring.

Housing: Sizes 3 to 12 free-cutting steel, sizes 14 to 50 tempering steel (standar-

dised), all sizes galvanized and chromatised. The spherical bearing is
pressed into the housing and caulked at both sides.

nipple: Sizes 3 and 5 without lubrication nipple. Sizes 6 to 50 lubrication nipp-
le DIN 3405, shape D. Further lubrication nipple shapes available on

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 3 KIL 3 3 M3 6 4.50 5.1

KI 5 KIL 5 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7
KI 6 KIL 6 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8 KIL 8 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10 KIL 10 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12 KIL 12 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KI 14 KIL 14 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KI 16 KIL 16 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KI 18 KIL 18 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KI 20 KIL 20 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 22 KIL 22 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KI 25 KIL 25 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30 KIL 30 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
KI 35 KIL 35 35 M36x2 43 28.00 37.7*
KI 40 KIL 40 40 M42x2 49 33.00 45.2*
KI 50 KIL 50 50 M48x2 60 45.00 56.6*
*) deviates from standard

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KA 3 KAL 3 3 M3 6 4.50 5.1

KA 5 KAL 5 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7
KA 6 KAL 6 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KA 8 KAL 8 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KA 10 KAL 10 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KA 12 KAL 12 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KA 14 KAL 14 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KA 16 KAL 16 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KA 18 KAL 18 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KA 20 KAL 20 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KA 22 KAL 22 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KA 25 KAL 25 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KA 30 KAL 30 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
KA 35 KAL 35 35 M36x2 43 28.00 37.7*
KA 40 KAL 40 40 M42x2 49 33.00 45.2*
KA 50 KAL 50 50 M48x2 60 45.00 56.6*
*) deviates from standard

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -V:

as standard, but housing heat-treated,
for static load capacity see -V load rating stat C0

- Version -L:
as standard, but housing made from high-grade tempering steel (heat-treated),
for static load capacity see -L load rating stat C0

Further versions available on request. E.g.:

- Housing crack-tested

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 um to 10 um hard chromium plated

- Special surface coating of housing

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.

Standard -V -L
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kN kg

15 6.5 8 7.9 21 8 28.5 7 4 z z 13 0.008

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 z z 13 0.017
21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 z z 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 12 16 21 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 15 19 27 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 23 25 35 13 0.107
37 20.0 25 25.4 57 21 75.5 22 24 34 46 15 0.160
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 34 43 57 15 0.210
47 25.0 31 31.7 71 27 94.5 27 39 49 77 15 0.295
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 42 50 78 15 0.380
55 30.0 37 38.1 84 33 111.5 32 54 70 101 15 0.490
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 60 78 131 15 0.650
71 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 82 107 182 15 1.150
81 46.0 58 57.1 125 56 165.5 50 96 z z 16 1.600
91 53.0 65 66.6 142 60 187.5 55 145 z z 17 2.400
117 65.0 75 82.5 160 65 218.5 65 209 z z 12 5.000
z not available

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.

Standard -V -L
mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kN kg

15 7.9 27 15 34.0 1 z z 13 0.005

19 11.1 33 19 42.5 3 z z 13 0.013
21 12.7 36 21 46.5 4 z z 13 0.019
25 15.8 42 25 54.5 8 10 17 13 0.032
29 19.0 48 28 62.5 13 17 25 13 0.054
33 22.2 54 32 70.5 21 22 33 13 0.085
37 25.4 60 36 78.5 22 31 44 15 0.125
43 28.5 66 37 87.5 33 43 57 15 0.185
47 31.7 72 41 95.5 39 49 77 15 0.260
51 34.9 78 45 103.5 42 50 78 15 0.340
55 38.1 84 48 111.5 54 70 101 15 0.435
61 42.8 94 55 124.5 60 78 131 15 0.590
71 50.8 110 66 145.5 82 107 182 15 1.060
81 57.0 140 85 180.5 96 z z 16 1.640
91 66.0 150 90 195.5 132 z z 17 2.300
117 82.0 185 105 243.5 209 z z 12 4.800
z not available

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

Standard Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-4

Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed around
dimension series K inner ring.

Housing: Sizes 5 to 12 free-cutting steel, sizes 14 to 50 tempering steel (standardised),

all sizes galvanized and chromatised. The spherical bearing ia pressed into
the housing and caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 5-D KIL 5-D 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7

KI 6-D KIL 6-D 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-D KIL 8-D 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-D KIL 10-D 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-D KIL 12-D 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KI 14-D KIL 14-D 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KI 16-D KIL 16-D 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KI 18-D KIL 18-D 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KI 20-D KIL 20-D 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 22-D KIL 22-D 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KI 25-D KIL 25-D 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-D KIL 30-D 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
KI 35-D KIL 35-D 35 M36x2 43 28.00 37.7*
KI 40-D KIL 40-D 40 M42x2 49 33.00 45.2*
KI 50-D KIL 50-D 50 M48x2 60 45.00 56.6*
*) deviates from standard

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KA 5-D KAL 5-D 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7

KA 6-D KAL 6-D 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KA 8-D KAL 8-D 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KA 10-D KAL 10-D 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KA 12-D KAL 12-D 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KA 14-D KAL 14-D 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KA 16-D KAL 16-D 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KA 18-D KAL 18-D 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KA 20-D KAL 20-D 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KA 22-D KAL 22-D 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KA 25-D KAL 25-D 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KA 30-D KAL 30-D 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
KA 35-D KAL 35-D 35 M36x2 43 28.00 37.7*
KA 40-D KAL 40-D 40 M42x2 49 33.00 45.2*
KA 50-D KAL 50-D 50 M48x2 60 45.00 56.6*
*) deviates from standard

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -DV:

as standard, but housing heat-treated,
for static load capacity see -V load rating stat C0

- Version -DL:
as standard, but housing made from high-grade tempering steel (heat-treated),
for static load capacity see -L load rating stat C0

Further versions available on request. E.g.:

- Housing crack-tested

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 um to 10 um hard chromium plated

- Special surface coating of housing

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.

Standard -V -L
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kN kg

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 z z 13 0.017

21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 z z 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 12 16 21 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 15 19 27 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 23 25 35 13 0.107
37 20.0 25 25.4 57 21 75.5 22 24 34 46 15 0.160
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 34 43 57 15 0.210
47 25.0 31 31.7 71 27 94.5 27 39 49 77 15 0.295
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 42 50 78 15 0.380
55 30.0 37 38.1 84 33 111.5 32 54 70 101 15 0.490
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 60 78 131 15 0.650
71 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 82 107 182 15 1.150
81 46.0 58 57.1 125 56 165.5 50 96 z z 16 1.600
91 53.0 65 66.6 142 60 187.5 55 132 z z 17 2.400
117 65.0 75 82.5 160 65 218.5 65 209 z z 12 5.000
not available

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.

Standard -V -L
mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kN kg

19 11.1 33 19 42.5 4 z z 13 0.013

21 12.7 36 21 46.5 6 z z 13 0.019
25 15.8 42 25 54.5 10 12 19 13 0.032
29 19.0 48 28 62.5 15 19 27 13 0.054
33 22.2 54 32 70.5 23 25 35 13 0.085
37 25.4 60 36 78.5 24 34 46 15 0.125
43 28.5 66 37 87.5 33 43 57 15 0.185
47 31.7 72 41 95.5 39 49 77 15 0.260
51 34.9 78 45 103.5 42 50 78 15 0.340
55 38.1 84 48 111.5 54 70 101 15 0.435
61 42.8 94 55 124.5 60 78 131 15 0.590
71 50.8 110 66 145.5 82 107 182 15 1.060
81 57.1 140 85 180.5 96 z z 16 1.640
91 66.6 150 90 195.5 132 z z 17 2.300
117 82.5 185 105 243.5 209 z z 12 4.800
not available

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on high-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-4

Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze.
dimension series K Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating groove in the outer ring.

Housing: Stainless steel. The spherical bearing is pressed into the housing and
caulked at both sides.

Lubrication nipple: Size 5 without lubrication nipple. Sizes 6 to 30 lubricating nipple DIN
3405, shape D. Further lubricating nipple shapes available on request.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
KI 5-NR KIL 5-NR 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7
KI 6-NR KIL 6-NR 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-NR KIL 8-NR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-NR KIL 10-NR 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-NR KIL 12-NR 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KI 14-NR KIL 14-NR 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KI 16-NR KIL 16-NR 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KI 18-NR KIL 18-NR 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KI 20-NR KIL 20-NR 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 22-NR KIL 22-NR 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KI 25-NR KIL 25-NR 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-NR KIL 30-NR 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
KA 5-NR KAL 5-NR 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7
KA 6-NR KAL 6-NR 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KA 8-NR KAL 8-NR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KA 10-NR KAL 10-NR 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KA 12-NR KAL 12-NR 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KA 14-NR KAL 14-NR 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KA 16-NR KAL 16-NR 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KA 18-NR KAL 18-NR 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KA 20-NR KAL 20-NR 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KA 22-NR KAL 22-NR 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KA 25-NR KAL 25-NR 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KA 30-NR KAL 30-NR 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
Sizes 18 and 22 only on request.

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -R:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated

Further versions are available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 13 0.017
21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 10 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 13 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 15 13 0.107
37 20.0 25 25.4 57 21 75.5 22 22 15 0.160
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 28 15 0.210
47 25.0 31 31.7 71 27 94.5 27 35 15 0.295
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 41 15 0.380
55 30.0 37 38.1 84 33 111.5 32 51 15 0.490
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 58 15 0.650
71 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 80 15 1.150

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
19 11.1 33 19 42.5 3 13 0.013
21 12.7 36 21 46.5 4 13 0.019
25 15.8 42 25 54.5 6 13 0.032
29 19.0 48 28 62.5 11 13 0.054
33 22.2 54 32 70.5 15 13 0.085
37 25.4 60 36 78.5 22 15 0.125
43 28.5 66 37 87.5 28 15 0.185
47 31.7 72 41 95.5 35 15 0.260
51 34.9 78 45 103.5 41 15 0.340
55 38.1 84 48 111.5 51 15 0.435
61 42.8 94 55 124.5 58 15 0.590
71 50.8 110 66 145.5 80 15 1.060

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-4

dimension series K Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
around inner ring.

Housing: Stainless steel. The spherical bearing is pressed into the housing and
caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 5-DNR KIL 5-DNR 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7

KI 6-DNR KIL 6-DNR 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-DNR KIL 8-DNR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-DNR KIL 10-DNR 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-DNR KIL 12-DNR 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KI 14-DNR KIL 14-DNR 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KI 16-DNR KIL 16-DNR 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KI 18-DNR KIL 18-DNR 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KI 20-DNR KIL 20-DNR 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 22-DNR KIL 22-DNR 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KI 25-DNR KIL 25-DNR 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-DNR KIL 30-DNR 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KA 5-DNR KAL 5-DNR 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7

KA 6-DNR KAL 6-DNR 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KA 8-DNR KAL 8-DNR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KA 10-DNR KAL 10-DNR 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KA 12-DNR KAL 12-DNR 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KA 14-DNR KAL 14-DNR 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KA 16-DNR KAL 16-DNR 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KA 18-DNR KAL 18-DNR 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KA 20-DNR KAL 20-DNR 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KA 22-DNR KAL 22-DNR 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KA 25-DNR KAL 25-DNR 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KA 30-DNR KAL 30-DNR 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
Sizes 18 and 22 only on request.

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -DR:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated

Further versions are available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 13 0.017

21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 10 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 13 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 15 13 0.107
37 20.0 25 25.4 57 21 75.5 22 22 15 0.160
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 28 15 0.210
47 25.0 31 31.7 71 27 94.5 27 35 15 0.295
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 41 15 0.380
55 30.0 37 38.1 84 33 111.5 32 51 15 0.490
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 58 15 0.650
71 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 80 15 1.150

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

19 11.1 33 19 42.5 4 13 0.013

21 12.7 36 21 46.5 6 13 0.019
25 15.8 42 25 54.5 8 13 0.032
29 19.0 48 28 62.5 12 13 0.054
33 22.2 54 32 70.5 15 13 0.085
37 25.4 60 36 78.5 22 15 0.125
43 28.5 66 37 87.5 28 15 0.185
47 31.7 72 41 95.5 35 15 0.260
51 34.9 78 45 103.5 41 15 0.340
55 38.1 84 48 111.5 51 15 0.435
61 42.8 94 55 124.5 58 15 0.590
71 50.8 110 66 145.5 80 15 1.060

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

copper alloys free

DIN ISO 12240-4 Outer ring: Stainless steel lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold
formed around inner ring.
series K
Housing: Stainless steel. The spherical bearing is pressed into the housing and
caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
KI 5-DNRBF KIL 5-DNRBF 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7
KI 6-DNRBF KIL 6-DNRBF 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-DNRBF KIL 8-DNRBF 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-DNRBF KIL 10-DNRBF 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-DNRBF KIL 12-DNRBF 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KI 14-DNRBF KIL 14-DNRBF 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KI 16-DNRBF KIL 16-DNRBF 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KI 18-DNRBF KIL 18-DNRBF 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KI 20-DNRBF KIL 20-DNRBF 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 22-DNRBF KIL 22-DNRBF 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KI 25-DNRBF KIL 25-DNRBF 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-DNRBF KIL 30-DNRBF 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
KA 5-DNRBF KAL 5-DNRBF 5 M5 8 6.00 7.7
KA 6-DNRBF KAL 6-DNRBF 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KA 8-DNRBF KAL 8-DNRBF 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KA 10-DNRBF KAL 10-DNRBF 10 M10 14 10.50 12.9
KA 12-DNRBF KAL 12-DNRBF 12 M12 16 12.00 15.4
KA 14-DNRBF KAL 14-DNRBF 14 M14 19 13.50 16.8
KA 16-DNRBF KAL 16-DNRBF 16 M16 21 15.00 19.3
KA 18-DNRBF KAL 18-DNRBF 18 M18x1.5 23 16.50 21.8
KA 20-DNRBF KAL 20-DNRBF 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KA 22-DNRBF KAL 22-DNRBF 22 M22x1.5 28 20.00 25.8
KA 25-DNRBF KAL 25-DNRBF 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KA 30-DNRBF KAL 30-DNRBF 30 M30x2 37 25.00 34.8
Sizes 18 and 22 only on request.

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: are available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 13 0.017
21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 10 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 13 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 15 13 0.107
37 20.0 25 25.4 57 21 75.5 22 22 15 0.160
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 28 15 0.210
47 25.0 31 31.7 71 27 94.5 27 35 15 0.295
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 41 15 0.380
55 30.0 37 38.1 84 33 111.5 32 51 15 0.490
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 58 15 0.650
71 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 80 15 1.150

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
19 11.1 33 19 42.5 4 13 0.013
21 12.7 36 21 46.5 6 13 0.019
25 15.8 42 25 54.5 8 13 0.032
29 19.0 48 28 62.5 12 13 0.054
33 22.2 54 32 70.5 15 13 0.085
37 25.4 60 36 78.5 22 15 0.125
43 28.5 66 37 87.5 28 15 0.185
47 31.7 72 41 95.5 35 15 0.260
51 34.9 78 45 103.5 41 15 0.340
55 38.1 84 48 111.5 51 15 0.435
61 42.8 94 55 124.5 58 15 0.590
71 50.8 110 66 145.5 80 15 1.060

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on high-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Pneumatic Inner ring: Antrifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version for

Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze.
pneumatic cylinder Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating groove in the outer ring.

Housing: Sizes 5 to 12 free-cutting steel, sizes 16 to 50 tempering steel (standar-

dised), all sizes galvanized and chromatised. The spherical bearing is
pressed into the housing and caulked at both sides.

nipple: Size 5 without lubricating nipple, sizes 6 to 50 lubricating nipple DIN
3405, shape D, further lubricating nipple shapes available on request.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 5-M4 5 M4 8 6.00 7.7

KI 6 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-M10x1.25 10 M10x1.25 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-M12x1.25 12 M12x1.25 16 12.00 15.4
KI 16-M16x1.5 16 M16x1.5 21 15.00 19.3
KI 20 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 25 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-M27x2 30 M27x2 37 25.00 34.8
KI 35 35 M36x2 43 28.00 37.7
KI 40 40 M42x2 49 33.00 45.2
KI 50 50 M48x2 60 45.00 56.6

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -V:

as standard, but housing heat-treated,
for static load capacity see -V load rating stat C0

Further versions are available on request. E.g.:

- Housing crack-tested

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 um to 10 um hard chromium plated

- Special surface coating of housing

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min. Standard -V

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 z 13 0.016

21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 z 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 12 16 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 15 19 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 23 25 13 0.107
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 34 36 15 0.210
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 42 50 15 0.380
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 60 78 15 0.650
70 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 82 107 15 1.150
81 46.0 58 57.1 125 56 165.5 50 96 z 16 1.600
91 53.0 65 66.6 142 60 187.5 55 145 z 17 2.400
117 65.0 75 82.5 160 65 218.5 65 209 z 12 5.000

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

Pneumatic Inner ring: Antrifiction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version for

Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
pneumatic cylinder around inner ring, outside diameter ground.

Housing: Sizes 5 to 12 free-cutting steel, sizes 16 to 50 tempering steel (standardi-

sed), all sizes galvanized and chromatised. The spherical bearing is pres-
sed into the housing and caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 5-DM4 5 M4 8 6.00 7.7

KI 6-D 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-D 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-DM10x1.25 10 M10x1.25 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-DM12x1.25 12 M12x1.25 16 12.00 15.4
KI 16-DM16x1.5 16 M16x1.5 21 15.00 19.3
KI 20-D 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 25-D 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-DM27x2 30 M27x2 37 25.00 34.8
KI 35-D 35 M36x2 43 28.00 37.7
KI 40-D 40 M42x2 49 33.00 45.2
KI 50-D 50 M48x2 60 45.00 56.6

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -DV:

as standard, but housing heat-treated,
for static load capacity see -V load rating stat C0

Further versions are available on request. E.g.:

- Housing crack-tested

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 um to 10 um hard chromium plated

- Special surface coating of housing

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min. Standard -V

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kg

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 z 13 0.016

21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 z 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 12 16 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 15 19 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 23 25 13 0.107
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 34 36 15 0.210
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 42 50 15 0.380
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 60 78 15 0.650
70 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 82 107 15 1.150
81 46.0 58 57.1 125 56 165.5 50 96 z 16 1.600
91 53.0 65 66.6 142 60 187.5 55 132 z 17 2.400
117 65.0 75 82.5 160 65 218.5 65 209 z 12 5.000

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on high-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Pneumatic stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version for

Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze.
pneumatic cylinder Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating groove in the outer ring.

Housing: Stainless steel. The spherical bearing is pressed into the housing and
caulked at both sides.

Lubrication nipple: Size 5 without lubricating nipple, sizes 6 to 50 lubricating nipple DIN
3405, shape D, further lubricating nipple shapes on request.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 5-NRM4 5 M4 8 6.00 7.7

KI 6-NR 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-NR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-NRM10x1.25 10 M10x1.25 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-NRM12x1.25 12 M12x1.25 16 12.00 15.4
KI 16-NRM16x1.5 16 M16x1.5 21 15.00 19.3
KI 20-NR 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 25-NR 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-NRM27x2 30 M27x2 37 25.00 34.8

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -R:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated

Further versions are available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 13 0.016

21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 10 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 13 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 15 13 0.107
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 28 15 0.210
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 41 15 0.380
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 58 15 0.650
70 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 80 15 1.150

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Pneumatic stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version for

Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
pneumatic cylinder around inner ring, outside diameter ground.

Housing: Stainless steel. The spherical bearing is pressed into the housing and
caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

KI 5-DNRM4 5 M4 8 6.00 7.7

KI 6-DNR 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-DNR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-DNRM10x1.25 10 M10x1.25 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-DNRM12x1.25 12 M12x1.25 16 12.00 15.4
KI 16-DNRM16x1.5 16 M16x1.5 21 15.00 19.3
KI 20-DNR 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 25-DNR 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-DNRM27x2 30 M27x2 37 25.00 34.8

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: - Version -DR:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated

Further versions are available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 13 0.016

21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 10 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 13 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 15 13 0.107
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 28 15 0.210
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 41 15 0.380
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 58 15 0.650
70 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 80 15 1.150

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Pneumatic stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

copper alloys free

Outer ring: Stainless steel lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold
Special version for formed around inner ring, outside diameter ground.
pneumatic cylinder
Housing: Stainless steel. The spherical bearing is pressed into the housing and
caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
KI 5-DNRBFM4 5 M4 8 6.00 7.7
KI 6-DNRBF 6 M6 9 6.75 8.9
KI 8-DNR 8 M8 12 9.00 10.3
KI 10-DNRBFM10x1.25 10 M10x1.25 14 10.50 12.9
KI 12-DNRBFM12x1.25 12 M12x1.25 16 12.00 15.4
KI 16-DNRBFM16x1.5 16 M16x1.5 21 15.00 19.3
KI 20-DNRBF 20 M20x1.5 25 18.00 24.3
KI 25-DNRBF 25 M24x2 31 22.00 29.5
KI 30-DNRBFM27x2 30 M27x2 37 25.00 34.8

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
19 9.0 11 11.1 27 8 36.5 9 6 13 0.016
21 10.0 13 12.7 30 9 40.5 11 7 13 0.025
25 12.5 16 15.8 36 12 48.5 14 10 13 0.043
29 15.0 19 19.0 43 15 57.5 17 13 13 0.072
33 17.5 22 22.2 50 18 66.5 19 15 13 0.107
43 22.0 27 28.5 64 24 85.5 22 28 15 0.210
51 27.5 34 34.9 77 30 102.5 30 41 15 0.380
61 33.5 42 42.8 94 36 124.5 36 58 15 0.650
70 40.0 50 50.8 110 45 145.5 41 80 15 1.150

Rod ends and spherical bearings

Ball bearing Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, raceway precision ground.

Mounting sizes acc.

Housing: To size 12 made of free-cutting steel with bearing outer ring pressed
to DIN ISO 12240-4 into housing, raceway precision ground. Size 16 made of case harde-
ning steel, raceway hardened and precision ground.
dimension series K
Rolling element: Balls made from through-hardened, antifriction bearing steel.

Cover washer: Aluminium sheet, caulked in housing.

Lubrication: The rod ends are given lifetime lubrication. There is, however, a version
available on request for a swivel angel of < 5 which requires subse-
quent lubrication.

Note: With these rod ends, it is important to ensure that the tilt angle speci-
fied in the table it not exceeded, either while mounting or during opera-
tion, otherwise the cover washers may be damaged.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 b3 d1 d2

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


KUI 6 KUIL 6 6 M6 9 6.75 7.5 8.5 21

KUI 8 KUIL 8 8 M8 12 9.00 10.5 10.1 25
KUI 10 KUIL 10 10 M10 14 10.50 12.0 12.8 29
KUI 12 KUIL 12 12 M12 16 12.00 13.5 15.0 33
KUI 16 KUIL 16 16 M16 21 15.00 18.0 19.3 43

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 b3 d1 d2

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


KUA 6 KUAL 6 6 M6 9 6.75 7.5 8.5 21

KUA 8 KUAL 8 8 M8 12 9.00 10.5 10.1 25
KUA 10 KUAL 10 10 M10 14 10.50 12.0 12.8 29
KUA 12 KUAL 12 12 M12 16 12.00 13.5 15.0 33
KUA 16 KUAL 16 16 M16 21 15.00 18.0 19.3 43

Perfect quality and dynamic

Max. per-
missible speed: This is affected by the bearing load, the bearing clearance, the lubricant and heat output
and input.The maximum permissible speed given in the tables applies for apurely radial load,
normal bearing clearance tolerance, no external heat, an operating temperature which is not
above the limit, and a low and absolutely shock-free load.

Special versions: available on request

d4 d5 e1 h1 l3 l4 W Limiting Load ratings Tilt angle Weight

min. speed bearing bearing housing
dynamic static C0 static C0
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm min-1 kN kN kN kg

10.0 13 14 30 9 40.5 11 1300 2.75 0.65 7 7 0.023

12.5 16 20 36 12 48.5 14 1250 3.90 0.90 10 7 0.045
15.0 19 24 43 15 57.5 17 1200 4.20 1.30 12 7 0.075
17.5 22 26 50 18 66.5 19 1150 4.50 1.50 16 7 0.110
22.0 27 34 64 24 85.5 22 950 5.90 2.00 20 7 0.210

e1 h l1 l2 Limiting Load ratings Tilt angle Weight

min. speed bearing bearing housing
dynamic static C0 static C0
mm mm mm mm min-1 mm kN kN kg

14.0 36 21 46.5 1300 2.75 0.65 6 7 0.018

20.0 42 25 54.5 1250 3.90 0.90 8 7 0.035
24.0 48 28 62.5 1200 4.20 1.30 12 7 0.055
26.0 54 32 70.5 1150 4.50 1.50 16 7 0.085
34.0 66 37 87.5 950 5.90 2.00 20 7 0.185

Rod ends and spherical bearings

Roller bearing Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, raceway precision ground.

Mounting sizes acc.

Housing: Made of case hardening steel, raceway hardened and precision
to DIN ISO 12240-4 ground.
dimension series K
Rolling element: Barrel roller bearings made from through-hardened, antrifriction bearing

Sealing washer: Synthetic rubber-metal compound.

Lubrication: The rod ends are given initail lubrication.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 b3 d1 d2

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


KI 20203 KIL 20203 16 M16 21 15 18.0 19.3 43

KI 20204 KIL 20204 20 M20x1.5 25 18 22.5 24.4 51
KI 20205 KIL 20205 25 M24x2 31 22 28.0 29.5 61
KI 20206 KIL 20206 30 M30x2 37 25 34.0 34.9 71

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 b3 d1 d2

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


KA 20203 KAL 20203 16 M16 21 15 18.0 19.3 43

KA 20204 KAL 20204 20 M20x1.5 25 18 22.5 24.4 51
KA 20205 KAL 20205 25 M24x2 31 22 28.0 29.5 61
KA 20206 KAL 20206 30 M30x2 37 25 34.0 34.9 71

Perfect quality and dynamic

Note: With these rod ends, it is important to ensure that the tilt angle specified in the
table it not exceeded, either while mounting or during operation, otherwise the
sealing washers may be damaged.

Max. per-
missible speed: This is affected by the bearing load, the bearing clearance, the lubricant and heat
output and input. The maximum permissible speed given in the tables applies
for apurely radial load, normal bearing clearance tolerance, no external heat, an
operating temperature which is not above the limit, and a low and absolutely
shock-free load.

Special versions: available on request

d4 d5 e1 h1 l3 l4 W Limiting Load ratings Tilt angle Weight

min. speed bearing bearing housing
dynamic static C0 static C0
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm min-1 kN kN kN kg

22.0 27 35 64 24 85.5 22 650 13.3 9.0 20 7 0.200

27.5 34 42 77 30 103.5 30 550 19.9 13.2 27 5 0.350
33.5 42 47 94 36 124.5 36 400 24.0 16.8 44 5 0.710
40.0 50 55 110 45 145.5 41 300 27.3 19.2 65 7 0.990

e1 h l1 l2 Limiting Load ratings Tilt angle Weight

min. speed bearing bearing housing
dynamic static C0 static C0
mm mm mm mm min-1 kN kN kN kg

35.0 66 37 87.5 650 13.3 9.0 20 7 0.170

42.0 78 45 104.5 550 19.9 13.2 27 5 0.280
47.0 94 55 124.5 400 24.0 16.8 44 5 0.580
55.0 110 66 145.5 300 27.3 19.2 65 7 0.880

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on high-duty bronze
Maintenance required

RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version
Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze.
adjustable clearance Lubricant is distributed via the lubrication groove in the outer ring.
2RS sealing
rubber bellows: Synthetic rubber.

Housing: Sizes 8 to 12 free-cutting steel, sizes 14 to 30 tempering steel (standar-

dised), all sizes galvanized and chromatised.

Lubricating nipple: DIN 3405, shape D, further lubricating nipple shapes available on

Tolerances: To DIN ISO 12240-4, schedule K, except: d = H10, B = +-0.3

Note: With these rod ends, it is important to ensure that the tilt angle speci-
fied in the table is not exceeded, either while mounting or during opera-
tion, otherwise the rubber bellows may be damaged. Replacement for
previous 2RS-version. Available starting midyear 2008.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm


KI 8-RS KIL 8-RS 6 M8 19 9.0 11.0

KI 10-RS KIL 10-RS 8 M10 21 10.5 13.0
KI 12-RS KIL 12-RS 10 M12 23 12.0 15.5
KI 14-RS KIL 14-RS 12 M14 26 13.5 17.0
KI 16-RS KIL 16-RS 14 M16 28 15.0 19.5
KI 18-RS KIL 18-RS 16 M18x1.5 30 16.5 22.0
KI 20-RS KIL 20-RS 18 M20x1.5 32 18.0 24.5
KI 22-RS KIL 22-RS 20 M22x1.5 35 20.0 26.5
KI 25-RS KIL 25-RS 22 M24x2 38 22.0 29.5
KI 30-RS KIL 30-RS 25 M30x2 44 25.0 35.0

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm


KA 8-RS KAL 8-RS 6 M8 19 9.0 11.0

KA 10-RS KAL 10-RS 8 M10 21 10.5 13.0
KA 12-RS KAL 12-RS 10 M12 23 12.0 15.5
KA 14-RS KAL 14-RS 12 M14 26 13.5 17.0
KA 16-RS KAL 16-RS 14 M16 28 15.0 19.5
KA 18-RS KAL 18-RS 16 M18x1.5 30 16.5 22.0
KA 20-RS KAL 20-RS 18 M20x1.5 32 18.0 24.5
KA 22-RS KAL 22-RS 20 M22x1.5 35 20.0 26.5
KA 25-RS KAL 25-RS 22 M24x2 38 22.0 29.5
KA 30-RS KAL 30-RS 25 M30x2 44 25.0 35.0

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: available on request

d2 d4 d5 h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

25 12.5 16 36 12 48.5 14 12 9 0.066

29 15.0 19 43 15 57.5 17 15 9 0.118
33 17.5 22 50 18 66.5 19 23 9 0.162
37 20.0 25 57 21 75.5 22 24 10 0.235
43 22.0 27 64 24 85.5 22 34 10 0.285
47 25.0 31 71 27 94.5 27 39 10 0.385
51 27.5 34 77 30 102.5 30 42 10 0.500
55 30.0 37 84 33 111.5 32 54 10 0.615
61 33.5 42 94 36 124.5 36 60 10 0.800
71 40.0 50 110 45 145.5 41 82 12 1.210

d2 h l1 l2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm kN kg

25 42 25 54.5 8 9 0.055
29 48 28 62.5 13 9 0.100
33 54 32 70.5 21 9 0.140
37 60 36 78.5 22 10 0.200
43 66 37 87.5 33 10 0.260
47 72 41 95.5 39 10 0.350
51 78 45 103.5 42 10 0.460
55 84 48 111.5 54 10 0.560
61 94 55 124.5 60 10 0.740
71 110 66 145.5 82 12 1.120

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version
Outer ring: Steel lined with an antifriction film, consisting PTFE, cold formed
2RS sealing around inner ring.

Rubber bellows: Synthetic rubber.

Housing: Sizes 8 to 12 free-cutting steel, sizes 14 to 30 tempering steel (standar-

dised), all sizes galvanized and chromatised.

Tolerances: Acc. To DIN ISO 12240-4, schedule K, except: d = H10, B = +-0.3

Note: With these rod ends, it is important to ensure that the tilt angle speci-
fied in the table is not exceeded, either while mounting or during opera-
tion, otherwise the rubber bellows may be damaged. Replacement for
previous 2RS-version. Available starting midyear 2008.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm


KI 8-DRS KIL 8-DRS 6 M8 19 9.0 11.0

KI 10-DRS KIL 10-DRS 8 M10 21 10.5 13.0
KI 12-DRS KIL 12-DRS 10 M12 23 12.0 15.5
KI 14-DRS KIL 14-DRS 12 M14 26 13.5 17.0
KI 16-DRS KIL 16-DRS 14 M16 28 15.0 19.5
KI 18-DRS KIL 18-DRS 16 M18x1.5 30 16.5 22.0
KI 20-DRS KIL 20-DRS 18 M20x1.5 32 18.0 24.5
KI 22-DRS KIL 22-DRS 20 M22x1.5 35 20.0 26.5
KI 25-DRS KIL 25-DRS 22 M24x2 38 22.0 29.5
KI 30-DRS KIL 30-DRS 25 M30x2 44 25.0 35.0

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm


KA 8-DRS KAL 8-DRS 6 M8 19 9.0 11.0

KA 10-DRS KAL 10-DRS 8 M10 21 10.5 13.0
KA 12-DRS KAL 12-DRS 10 M12 23 12.0 15.5
KA 14-DRS KAL 14-DRS 12 M14 26 13.5 17.0
KA 16-DRS KAL 16-DRS 14 M16 28 15.0 19.5
KA 18-DRS KAL 18-DRS 16 M18x1.5 30 16.5 22.0
KA 20-DRS KAL 20-DRS 18 M20x1.5 32 18.0 24.5
KA 22-DRS KAL 22-DRS 20 M22x1.5 35 20.0 26.5
KA 25-DRS KAL 25-DRS 22 M24x2 38 22.0 29.5
KA 30-DRS KAL 30-DRS 25 M30x2 44 25.0 35.0

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: available on request

d2 d4 d5 h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

25 12.5 16 36 12 48.5 14 12 9 0.066

29 15.0 19 43 15 57.5 17 15 9 0.118
33 17.5 22 50 18 66.5 19 23 9 0.162
37 20.0 25 57 21 75.5 22 24 10 0.235
43 22.0 27 64 24 85.5 22 34 10 0.285
47 25.0 31 71 27 94.5 27 39 10 0.385
51 27.5 34 77 30 102.5 30 42 10 0.500
55 30.0 37 84 33 111.5 32 54 10 0.615
61 33.5 42 94 36 124.5 36 60 10 0.800
71 40.0 50 110 45 145.5 41 82 12 1.210

d2 h l1 l2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min.
mm mm mm mm kN kg

25 42 25 54.5 10 9 0.055
29 48 28 62.5 15 9 0.100
33 54 32 70.5 23 9 0.140
37 60 36 78.5 24 10 0.200
43 66 37 87.5 33 10 0.260
47 72 41 95.5 39 10 0.350
51 78 45 103.5 42 10 0.460
55 84 48 111.5 54 10 0.560
61 94 55 124.5 60 10 0.740
71 110 66 145.5 82 12 1.120

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on heavy-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Type G Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, outsidee diameter ground. Sliding face
dimension series K made of high-duty bronze. Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating
groove in the outer ring.

Lubrication: The lubricant enters the lubricating groove througth a cross hole in the
outer ring.

Special versions: are available on request e.g.:

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 mm to 10 mm hard chromium plated.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

G 3 3 5.1 6 4.50 10 7.9 8 13 0.004

G 5 5 7.7 8 6.00 13 11.1 15 13 0.007
G 6 6 8.9 9 6.75 16 12.7 19 13 0.010
G 8 8 10.3 12 9.00 19 15.8 31 13 0.016
G 10 10 12.9 14 10.50 22 19.0 43 13 0.031
G 12 12 15.4 16 12.00 26 22.2 58 13 0.065
G 14 14 16.8 19 13.50 28 25.4 74 15 0.090
G 16 16 19.3 21 15.00 32 28.5 92 15 0.100
G 18 18 21.8 23 16.50 35 31.7 112 15 0.125
G 20 20 24.3 25 18.00 40 34.9 135 15 0.180
G 22 22 25.8 28 20.00 42 38.1 164 15 0.210
G 25 25 29.5 31 22.00 47 42.8 203 15 0.295
G 30 30 34.8 37 25.00 55 50.8 273 15 0.425
G 35 35 37.7* 43 28.00* 62* 57.1 344 16 0.500
G 40 40 45.2* 49 33.00* 75* 66.6 473 17 0.900
G 50 50 56.6* 60 45.00 90 82.5 798 12 1.640
*) deviates from standard

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on heavy-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Type S Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version
Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, outsidee diameter ground. Sliding face
made of high-duty bronze. Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating
groove in the outer ring.

Outer case: Free-cutting steel, outside diameter ground. Spherical bearing is pressed
into the outer case and secured at both sides against axial movement.
However the two outer rings should be axial supported at mounting.

Lubrication: The lubricant enters the lubricating groove througth a cross hole in the
outer case.

Special versions: are available on request e.g.:

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 mm to 10 mm hard chromium plated.
- Outer case made of stainless steel.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

S 3 3 5.1 6 4.50 12 7.9 8 13 0.005

S 5 5 7.7 8 6.00 16 11.1 15 13 0.009
S 6 6 8.9 9 6.75 18 12.7 19 13 0.013
S 8 8 10.3 12 9.00 22 15.8 31 13 0.024
S 10 10 12.9 14 10.50 26 19.0 43 13 0.040
S 12 12 15.4 16 12.00 30 22.2 58 13 0.080
S 14 14 16.8 19 13.50 34 25.4 74 15 0.100
S 16 16 19.3 21 15.00 38 28.5 92 15 0.130
S 18 18 21.8 23 16.50 42 31.7 112 15 0.170
S 20 20 24.3 25 18.00 46 34.9 135 15 0.230
S 22 22 25.8 28 20.00 50 38.1 164 15 0.280
S 25 25 29.5 31 22.00 56 42.8 203 15 0.390
S 30 30 34.8 37 25.00 66 50.8 273 15 0.610

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

Type G Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
dimension series K around inner ring, outside diameter ground.

Special versions: are available on request e.g.:

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 mm to 10 mm hard chromium plated.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

G 5-D 5 7.7 8 6.00 13 11.1 14 13 0.007

G 6-D 6 8.9 9 6.75 16 12.7 18 13 0.010
G 8-D 8 10.3 12 9.00 19 15.8 30 13 0.016
G 10-D 10 12.9 14 10.50 22 19.0 42 13 0.031
G 12-D 12 15.4 16 12.00 26 22.2 56 13 0.065
G 14-D 14 16.8 19 13.50 28 25.4 72 15 0.090
G 16-D 16 19.3 21 15.00 32 28.5 90 15 0.100
G 18-D 18 21.8 23 16.50 35 31.7 110 15 0.125
G 20-D 20 24.3 25 18.00 40 34.9 132 15 0.180
G 22-D 22 25.8 28 20.00 42 38.1 160 15 0.210
G 25-D 25 29.5 31 22.00 47 42.8 198 15 0.295
G 30-D 30 34.8 37 25.00 55 50.8 267 15 0.425
G 35-D 35 37.7* 43 28.00* 62* 57.1 336 16 0.500
G 40-D 40 45.2* 49 33.00* 75* 66.6 462 17 0.900
G 50-D 50 56.6* 60 45.00 90 82.5 780 12 1.640
*) deviates from standard

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

Type S Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version
Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
around inner ring, outside diameter ground.

Outer case: Free-cutting steel, outside diameter ground. Spherical bearing is pressed
into the outer case and secured at both sides against axial movement.

Special versions: are available on request e.g.:

- Sliding face of inner ring 5 mm to 10 mm hard chromium plated.
- Outer case made of stainless steel.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

S 5-D 5 7.7 8 6.00 16 11.1 14 13 0.009

S 6-D 6 8.9 9 6.75 18 12.7 18 13 0.013
S 8-D 8 10.3 12 9.00 22 15.8 30 13 0.024
S 10-D 10 12.9 14 10.50 26 19.0 42 13 0.040
S 12-D 12 15.4 16 12.00 30 22.2 56 13 0.080
S 14-D 14 16.8 19 13.50 34 25.4 72 15 0.110
S 16-D 16 19.3 21 15.00 38 28.5 90 15 0.130
S 18-D 18 21.8 23 16.50 42 31.7 110 15 0.170
S 20-D 20 24.3 25 18.00 46 34.9 132 15 0.230
S 22-D 22 25.8 28 20.00 50 38.1 160 15 0.280
S 25-D 25 29.5 31 22.00 56 42.8 198 15 0.390
S 30-D 30 34.8 37 25.00 66 50.8 267 15 0.610

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on
heavy-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Type G
Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, outside diameter ground. Sliding face
DIN ISO 12240-1 made of high-duty bronze. Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating
groove in the outer ring.
dimension series K
Lubrication: The lubricant enters the lubricating groove through a cross hole in the
outer ring.

Special versions: - Version -R:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated.

Further versions are available on request.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

G 5-NR 5 7.7 8 6.00 13 11.1 15 13 0.007

G 6-NR 6 8.9 9 6.75 16 12.7 19 13 0.010
G 8-NR 8 10.3 12 9.00 19 15.8 31 13 0.016
G 10-NR 10 12.9 14 10.50 22 19.0 43 13 0.031
G 12-NR 12 15.4 16 12.00 26 22.2 58 13 0.065
G 14-NR 14 16.8 19 13.50 28 25.4 74 15 0.090
G 16-NR 16 19.3 21 15.00 32 28.5 92 15 0.100
G 18-NR 18 21.8 23 16.50 35 31.7 112 15 0.125
G 20-NR 20 24.3 25 18.00 40 34.9 135 15 0.180
G 22-NR 22 25.8 28 20.00 42 38.1 164 15 0.210
G 25-NR 25 29.5 31 22.00 47 42.8 203 15 0.295
G 30-NR 30 34.8 37 25.00 55 50.8 273 15 0.425

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Stainless steel on
heavy-duty bronze
Maintenance required

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version type S

Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, outside diameter ground. Sliding face
made of high-duty bronze. Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating
groove in the outer ring.

Outer case: Stainless steel, outside diameter ground. Spherical bearing is pressed
into the outer case and secured at both sides against axial movement.

Lubrication: The lubricant enters the lubricating groove through a cross hole in the
outer case.

Special versions: - Version -R:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated.

Further versions are available on request.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

S 6-NR 6 8.9 9 6.75 18 12.7 19 13 0.013

S 8-NR 8 10.3 12 9.00 22 15.8 31 13 0.024
S 10-NR 10 12.9 14 10.50 26 19.0 43 13 0.040
S 12-NR 12 15.4 16 12.00 30 22.2 58 13 0.080
S 14-NR 14 16.8 19 13.50 34 25.4 74 15 0.110
S 16-NR 16 19.3 21 15.00 38 28.5 92 15 0.130
S 18-NR 18 21.8 23 16.50 42 31.7 131 15 0.170
S 20-NR 20 24.3 25 18.00 46 34.9 157 15 0.230
S 22-NR 22 25.8 28 20.00 50 38.1 164 15 0.280
S 25-NR 25 29.5 31 22.00 56 42.8 203 15 0.390
S 30-NR 30 34.8 37 25.00 66 50.8 273 15 0.610

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Type G
Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
DIN ISO 12240-1 around inner ring, outside diameter ground.
dimension series K
Special versions: - Version -DR:
as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated.

Further versions are available on request.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

G 5-DNR 5 7.7 8 6.00 13 11.1 14 13 0.007

G 6-DNR 6 8.9 9 6.75 16 12.7 18 13 0.010
G 8-DNR 8 10.3 12 9.00 19 15.8 30 13 0.016
G 10-DNR 10 12.9 14 10.50 22 19.0 42 13 0.031
G 12-DNR 12 15.4 16 12.00 26 22.2 56 13 0.065
G 14-DNR 14 16.8 19 13.50 28 25.4 72 15 0.090
G 16-DNR 16 19.3 21 15.00 32 28.5 90 15 0.100
G 18-DNR 18 21.8 23 16.50 35 31.7 110 15 0.125
G 20-DNR 20 24.3 25 18.00 40 34.9 132 15 0.180
G 22-DNR 22 25.8 28 20.00 42 38.1 160 15 0.210
G 25-DNR 25 29.5 31 22.00 47 42.8 198 15 0.295
G 30-DNR 30 34.8 37 25.00 55 50.8 267 15 0.425

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version type S

Outer ring: Brass lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold formed
around inner ring, outside diameter ground.

Outer case: Stainless steel, outside diameter ground. Spherical bearing is pressed
into the outer case and secured at both sides against axial movement.

Special versions: - Version -DR:

as standard, but inner ring hard chromium plated.

Further versions are available on request.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

S 6-DNR 6 8.9 9 6.75 18 12.7 18 13 0.013

S 8-DNR 8 10.3 12 9.00 22 15.8 30 13 0.024
S 10-DNR 10 12.9 14 10.50 26 19.0 42 13 0.040
S 12-DNR 12 15.4 16 12.00 30 22.2 56 13 0.080
S 14-DNR 14 16.8 19 13.50 34 25.4 72 15 0.110
S 16-DNR 16 19.3 21 15.00 38 28.5 90 15 0.130
S 18-DNR 18 21.8 23 16.50 42 31.7 110 15 0.170
S 20-DNR 20 24.3 25 18.00 46 34.9 132 15 0.230
S 22-DNR 22 25.8 28 20.00 50 38.1 160 15 0.280
S 25-DNR 25 29.5 31 22.00 56 42.8 198 15 0.390
S 30-DNR 30 34.8 37 25.00 66 50.8 267 15 0.610

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

copper alloys free

Outer ring: Stainless steel lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold for-
Type G med around inner ring, outside diameter ground.
DIN ISO 12240-1
dimension series K Special versions: are available on request.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
G 6-DNRBF 6 8.9 9 6.75 16 12.7 18 13 0.010
G 8-DNRBF 8 10.3 12 9.00 19 15.8 30 13 0.016
G 10-DNRBF 10 12.9 14 10.50 22 19.0 42 13 0.031
G 12-DNRBF 12 15.4 16 12.00 26 22.2 56 13 0.065
G 14-DNRBF 14 16.8 19 13.50 28 25.4 72 15 0.090
G 16-DNRBF 16 19.3 21 15.00 32 28.5 90 15 0.100
G 18-DNRBF 18 21.8 23 16.50 35 31.7 110 15 0.125
G 20-DNRBF 20 24.3 25 18.00 40 34.9 132 15 0.180
G 22-DNRBF 22 25.8 28 20.00 42 38.1 160 15 0.210
G 25-DNRBF 25 29.5 31 22.00 47 42.8 198 15 0.295
G 30-DNRBF 30 34.8 37 25.00 55 50.8 267 15 0.425

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Stainless steel on PTFE

Stainless steel Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

copper alloys free

Outer ring: Stainless steel lined with an antifriction film, consisting of PTFE, cold for-
Special version type S med around inner ring, outside diameter ground.

Outer case: Stainless steel, outside diameter ground. Spherical bearing is pressed
into the outer case and secured at both sides against axial movement.

Special versions: are available on request.

Designation d d1 B C D dk Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
S 6-DNRBF 6 8.9 9 6.75 18 12.7 18 13 0.013
S 8-DNRBF 8 10.3 12 9.00 22 15.8 30 13 0.024
S 10-DNRBF 10 12.9 14 10.50 26 19.0 42 13 0.040
S 12-DNRBF 12 15.4 16 12.00 30 22.2 56 13 0.080
S 14-DNRBF 14 16.8 19 13.50 34 25.4 72 15 0.110
S 16-DNRBF 16 19.3 21 15.00 38 28.5 90 15 0.130
S 18-DNRBF 18 21.8 23 16.50 42 31.7 110 15 0.170
S 20-DNRBF 20 24.3 25 18.00 46 34.9 132 15 0.230
S 22-DNRBF 22 25.8 28 20.00 50 38.1 160 15 0.280
S 25-DNRBF 25 29.5 31 22.00 56 42.8 198 15 0.390
S 30-DNRBF 30 34.8 37 25.00 66 50.8 267 15 0.610

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on high-duty bronze
Maintenance required

RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version
Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze.
2RS sealing Lubricant is distributed via the lubrication groove in the outer ring.

Rubber bellows: Synthetic rubber.

Lubrication: The lubricant enters the lubricating groove through a cross hole in the
outer ring.

Tolerances: To DIN ISO 12240-1, schedule K, except: d = H10, B = +-0.3

Note: With these rod ends, it is important to ensure that the tilt angle speci-
fied in the table is not exceeded, either while mounting or during opera-
tion, otherwise the rubber bellows may be damaged. Replacement for
previous 2RS-version. Available starting midyear 2008.

Designation d d1 B C D Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
S 8-RS 6 11.0 19 9.0 22 31 9 0.035
S 10-RS 8 13.0 21 10.5 26 43 9 0.065
S 12-RS 10 15.5 23 12.0 30 58 9 0.110
S 14-RS 12 17.0 26 13.5 34 74 10 0.150
S 16-RS 14 19.5 28 15.0 38 92 10 0.180
S 18-RS 16 22.5 30 16.5 42 112 10 0.225
S 20-RS 18 24.5 32 18.0 46 135 10 0.300
S 22-RS 20 26.5 35 20.0 50 164 10 0.350
S 25-RS 22 29.5 38 22.0 56 236 10 0.470
S 30-RS 25 35.0 44 25.0 66 273 12 0.690

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on PFFE

RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

Special version
Outer ring: Steel lined with an antifriction film, consisting PTFE, cold formed
2RS sealing around inner ring.

Rubber bellows: Synthetic rubber.

Tolerances: Acc. To DIN ISO 12240-1, schedule K, except: d = H10, B = +-0.3

Note: With these rod ends, it is important to ensure that the tilt angle speci-
fied in the table is not exceeded, either while mounting or during opera-
tion, otherwise the rubber bellows may be damaged. Replacement for
previous 2RS-version. Available starting midyear 2008.

Designation d d1 B C D Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

S 8-DRS 6 11.0 19 9.0 22 30 9 0.035

S 10-DRS 8 13.0 21 10.5 26 42 9 0.065
S 12-DRS 10 15.5 23 12.0 30 56 9 0.110
S 14-DRS 12 17.0 26 13.5 34 72 10 0.150
S 16-DRS 14 19.5 28 15.0 38 90 10 0.180
S 18-DRS 16 22.5 30 16.5 42 110 10 0.225
S 20-DRS 18 24.5 32 18.0 46 132 10 0.300
S 22-DRS 20 26.5 35 20.0 50 160 10 0.350
S 25-DRS 22 29.5 38 22.0 56 198 10 0.470
S 30-DRS 25 35.0 44 25.0 66 267 12 0.690

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

DO Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-4

Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
dimension series E split for assembly of inner ring.

Housing: Made of steel, all sizes galvanized and chormatised. The spherical
bearing is pressed into the housing and caulked at both sides.

Lubrication nipple: Sizes 6 to 15 without lubricating nipple, sizes 17 to 30 nipple DIN 3405,
shape D, further lubricating nipple shapes on request.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1
Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
GIR 6-DO GIL 6-DO 6 M6 6 4.5 8
GIR 8-DO GIL 8-DO 8 M8 8 6.5 10
GIR 10-DO GIL 10-DO 10 M10 9 7.5 13
GIR 12-DO GIL 12-DO 12 M12 10 8.5 15
GIR 15-DO GIL 15-DO 15 M14 12 10.5 18
GIR 17-DO GIL 17-DO 17 M16 14 11.5 20
GIR 20-DO GIL 20-DO 20 M20x1.5 16 13.5 24
GIR 25-DO GIL 25-DO 25 M24x2 20 18.0 29
GIR 30-DO GIL 30-DO 30 M30x2 22 20.0 34
GIR 35-DO GIL 35-DO 35 M36x3 25 22.0 39
GIR 40-DO GIL 40-DO 40 M39x3 28 24.0 45
GIR 50-DO GIL 50-DO 50 M45x3 35 31.0 55
GIR 60-DO GIL 60-DO 60 M52x3 44 39.0 66
GIR 70-DO GIL 70-DO 70 M56x4 49 43.0 77
GIR 80-DO GIL 80-DO 80 M64x4 55 48.0 88

Male thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1
Righthand Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
GAR 6-DO GAL 6-DO 6 M6 6 4.5 8
GAR 8-DO GAL 8-DO 8 M8 8 6.5 10
GAR 10-DO GAL 10-DO 10 M10 9 7.5 13
GAR 12-DO GAL 12-DO 12 M12 10 8.5 15
GAR 15-DO GAL 15-DO 15 M14 12 10.5 18
GAR 17-DO GAL 17-DO 17 M16 14 11.5 20
GAR 20-DO GAL 20-DO 20 M20x1.5 16 13.5 24
GAR 25-DO GAL 25-DO 25 M24x2 20 18.0 29
GAR 30-DO GAL 30-DO 30 M30x2 22 20.0 34
GAR 35-DO GAL 35-DO 35 M36x3 25 22.0 39
GAR 40-DO GAL 40-DO 40 M39x3 28 24.0 45
GAR 50-DO GAL 50-DO 50 M45x3 35 31.0 55
GAR 60-DO GAL 60-DO 60 M52x3 44 39.0 66
GAR 70-DO GAL 70-DO 70 M56x4 49 43.0 77
GAR 80-DO GAL 80-DO 80 M64x4 55 48.0 88

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. max. min. max.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

22 11 14 10 30 11 43 11 8.1 13 0.021
25 13 17 13 36 15 50 13 12.9 15 0.039
30 16 20 16 43 15 60 16 17.6 12 0.061
35 19 23 18 50 18 69 18 24.5 10 0.096
41 22 27 22 61 21 83 21 36.0 8 0.162
47 25 31 25 67 24 92 27 45.0 10 0.233
54 28 36 29 77 30 106 30 60.0 9 0.324
65 35 44 35 94 36 128 36 83.0 7 0.625
75 42 52 40 110 45 149 46 110.0 6 0.976
84 47 60 47 125 60 169 55 146.0 6 1.520
94 52 67 53 142 65 191 60 180.0 7 2.060
114 62 77 66 160 68 219 70 290.0 6 3.570
137 70 90 80 175 70 246 80 450.0 6 5.630
162 80 100 92 200 80 284 85 610.0 6 8.330
182 95 112 105 230 85 324 95 750.0 6 13.040

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load ratings static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min. max.
mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

22 10 36 16 49 5.5 13 0.017
25 13 42 21 56 10.0 15 0.029
30 16 48 26 65 16.0 12 0.044
35 18 54 28 73 23.0 11 0.066
41 22 63 34 85 32.0 9 0.121
47 25 69 36 94 44.0 10 0.172
54 29 78 43 107 60.0 9 0.283
65 35 94 53 128 83.0 8 0.504
75 40 110 65 149 110.0 7 0.835
84 47 140 82 184 146.0 6 1.410
94 53 150 86 199 180.0 7 1.860
114 66 185 104 244 290.0 6 3.580
137 80 210 115 281 450.0 6 5.730
162 92 235 125 319 610.0 6 7.940
182 105 270 140 364 750.0 6 12.060

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

UK Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished, raceway hard
chromium plated.
DIN ISO 12240-4
dimension series E Outer ring: Free-cutting steel, lined with PTFE, swaged around the ring.

Housing: Made of steel, all sizes galvanized and chormatised. The spherical
bearing is pressed into the housing and caulked at both sides.

Female thread
Designation d d3 B C1 d1
Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm
GIR 6-UK GIL 6-UK 6 M6 6 4.5 8
GIR 8-UK GIL 8-UK 8 M8 8 6.5 10
GIR 10-UK GIL 10-UK 10 M10 9 7.5 13
GIR 12-UK GIL 12-UK 12 M12 10 8.5 15
GIR 15-UK GIL 15-UK 15 M14 12 10.5 18
GIR 15-UK2RS GIL 15-UK2RS 15 M14 12 10.5 18
GIR 17-UK GIL 17-UK 17 M16 14 11.5 20
GIR 17-UK2RS GIL 17-UK2RS 17 M16 14 11.5 20
GIR 20-UK GIL 20-UK 20 M20x1.5 16 13.5 24
GIR 20-UK2RS GIL 20-UK2RS 20 M20x1.5 16 13.5 24
GIR 25-UK GIL 25-UK 25 M24x2 20 18.0 29
GIR 25-UK2RS GIL 25-UK2RS 25 M24x2 20 18.0 29
GIR 30-UK GIL 30-UK 30 M30x2 22 20.0 34
GIR 30-UK2RS GIL 30-UK2RS 30 M30x2 22 20.0 34
GIR 35-UK2RS GIL 35-UK2RS 35 M36x3 25 22.0 39
GIR 40-UK2RS GIL 40-UK2RS 40 M39x3 28 24.0 45
GIR 50-UK2RS GIL 50-UK2RS 50 M45x3 35 31.0 55
GIR 60-UK2RS GIL 60-UK2RS 60 M52x3 44 39.0 66
GIR 70-UK2RS GIL 70-UK2RS 70 M56x4 49 43.0 77
GIR 80-UK2RS GIL 80-UK2RS 80 M64x4 55 48.0 88

Male thread Designation d d3 B C1 d1

Righthand thread Lefthand thread mm mm mm mm mm

GAR 6-UK GAL 6-UK 6 M6 6 4.5 8

GAR 8-UK GAL 8-UK 8 M8 8 6.5 10
GAR 10-UK GAL 10-UK 10 M10 9 7.5 13
GAR 12-UK GAL 12-UK 12 M12 10 8.5 15
GAR 15-UK GAL 15-UK 15 M14 12 10.5 18
GAR 15-UK2RS GAL 15-UK2RS 15 M14 12 10.5 18
GAR 17-UK GAL 17-UK 17 M16 14 11.5 20
GAR 17-UK2RS GAL 17-UK2RS 17 M16 14 11.5 20
GAR 20-UK GAL 20-UK 20 M20x1.5 16 13.5 24
GAR 20-UK2RS GAL 20-UK2RS 20 M20x1.5 16 13.5 24
GAR 25-UK GAL 25-UK 25 M24x2 20 18.0 29
GAR 25-UK2RS GAL 25-UK2RS 25 M24x2 20 18.0 29
GAR 30-UK GAL 30-UK 30 M30x2 22 20.0 34
GAR 30-UK2RS GAL 30-UK2RS 30 M30x2 22 20.0 34
GAR 35-UK2RS GAL 35-UK2RS 35 M36x3 25 22.0 39
GAR 40-UK2RS GAL 40-UK2RS 40 M39x3 28 24.0 45
GAR 50-UK2RS GAL 50-UK2RS 50 M45x3 35 31.0 55
GAR 60-UK2RS GAL 60-UK2RS 60 M52x3 44 39.0 66
GAR 70-UK2RS GAL 70-UK2RS 70 M56x4 49 43.0 77
GAR 80-UK2RS GAL 80-UK2RS 80 M64x4 55 48.0 88

Perfect quality and dynamic

Special versions: available on request

d2 d4 d5 dk h1 l3 l4 W Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. max. min. max.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg
22 11 14 10 30 11 43 11 8.1 13 0.021
25 13 17 13 36 15 50 13 12.9 15 0.039
30 16 20 16 43 15 60 16 17.6 12 0.061
35 19 23 18 50 18 69 18 24.5 10 0.096
41 22 27 22 61 21 83 21 36.0 8 0.160
41 22 27 22 61 21 83 21 36.0 8 0.160
47 25 31 25 67 24 92 27 45.0 10 0.230
47 25 31 25 67 24 92 27 45.0 10 0.230
54 28 36 29 77 30 106 30 60.0 9 0.320
54 28 36 29 77 30 106 30 60.0 9 0.320
65 35 44 35 94 36 128 36 83.0 7 0.620
65 35 44 35 94 36 128 36 83.0 7 0.620
75 42 52 40 110 45 149 46 110.0 6 0.970
75 42 52 40 110 45 149 46 110.0 6 0.970
84 47 60 47 125 60 169 55 146.0 6 1.500
94 52 67 53 142 65 191 60 180.0 7 2.100
114 62 77 66 160 68 219 70 290.0 6 3.500
137 70 90 80 175 70 246 80 450.0 6 5.600
162 80 100 92 200 80 284 85 610.0 6 8.300
182 95 112 105 230 85 324 95 750.0 6 13.000

d2 dk h l1 l2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

max. min. max.
mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

22 10 36 16 49 5.5 13 0.017
25 13 42 21 56 10.0 15 0.029
30 16 48 26 65 16.0 12 0.044
35 18 54 28 73 23.0 10 0.066
41 22 63 34 85 32.0 8 0.120
41 22 63 34 85 32.0 8 0.120
47 25 69 36 94 44.0 10 0.170
47 25 69 36 94 44.0 10 0.170
54 29 78 43 107 60.0 9 0.280
54 29 78 43 107 60.0 9 0.280
65 35 94 53 128 83.0 7 0.510
65 35 94 53 128 83.0 7 0.510
75 40 110 65 149 110.0 6 0.840
75 40 110 65 149 110.0 6 0.840
84 47 140 82 184 146.0 6 1.400
94 53 150 86 199 180.0 7 1.800
114 66 185 104 244 290.0 6 3.600
137 80 210 115 281 450.0 6 5.700
162 92 235 125 319 610.0 6 7.900
182 105 270 140 364 750.0 6 12.000

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

DO Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
dimension series E split for assembly of inner ring.

Lubrication: Sizes 6 to 15 without lubrication groove and lubrication hole. Form size
17 upwards, relubrication is also possible through the inner bore.

Designation d d1 B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

min. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 6-DO 6 8 6 4 14 10 0.3 0.3 17 13 0.004

GE 8-DO 8 10 8 5 16 13 0.3 0.3 27 15 0.008
GE 10-DO 10 13 9 6 19 16 0.3 0.3 40 12 0.011
GE 12-DO 12 15 10 7 22 18 0.3 0.3 53 10 0.015
GE 15-DO 15 18 12 9 26 22 0.3 0.3 84 8 0.027
GE 17-DO 17 20 14 10 30 25 0.3 0.3 106 10 0.041
GE 20-DO 20 24 16 12 35 29 0.3 0.3 146 9 0.066
GE 25-DO 25 29 20 16 42 35 0.6 0.6 240 7 0.119
GE 30-DO 30 34 22 18 47 40 0.6 0.6 310 6 0.153
GE 35-DO 35 39 25 20 55 17 0.6 1.0 399 6 0.233
GE 40-DO 40 45 28 22 62 53 0.6 1.0 495 7 0.306
GE 45-DO 45 50 32 25 68 60 0.6 1.0 637 7 0.427
GE 50-DO 50 55 35 28 75 66 0.6 1.0 780 6 0.939
GE 60-DO 60 66 44 36 90 80 1.0 1.0 1220 6 1.040
GE 70-DO 70 77 49 40 105 92 1.0 1.0 1560 6 1.550
GE 80-DO 80 88 55 45 120 105 1.0 1.0 2000 6 2.310
GE 90-DO 90 98 60 50 130 115 1.0 1.0 2440 5 2.750
GE 100-DO 100 109 70 55 150 130 1.0 1.0 3030 7 4.450
GE 110-DO 110 120 70 55 160 140 1.0 1.0 3270 6 4.820
GE 120-DO 120 130 85 70 180 160 1.0 1.0 4750 6 8.050
GE 140-DO 140 150 90 70 210 180 1.0 1.0 5350 7 11.020
GE 160-DO 160 170 105 80 230 200 1.0 1.0 6800 8 14.010
GE 180-DO 180 192 105 80 260 225 1.1 1.1 7650 6 18.650
GE 200-DO 200 212 130 100 290 250 1.1 1.1 10600 7 28.030

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

FO Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
dimension series G split for assembly of inner ring.

Lubrication: Lubrication groove and lubrication hole, relubrication is also possible

through the inner bore.

Designation d B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 20-FO 20 25 16 42 35.5 0.6 0.6 240 17 0.15

GE 25-FO 25 28 18 47 40.7 0.6 0.6 310 17 0.19
GE 30-FO 30 32 20 55 47.0 0.6 1.0 400 17 0.29
GE 35-FO 35 35 23 62 53.0 0.6 1.0 500 16 0.39
GE 40-FO 40 40 25 68 60.0 0.6 1.0 640 17 0.52
GE 45-FO 45 43 28 75 66.0 0.6 1.0 780 15 0.68
GE 50-FO 50 56 36 90 80.0 0.6 1.0 1120 17 1.40
GE 60-FO 60 63 40 105 92.0 1.0 1.0 1560 17 2.00
GE 70-FO 70 70 45 120 105.0 1.0 1.0 2000 16 2.90
GE 80-FO 80 75 50 130 115.0 1.0 1.0 2450 14 3.50
GE 90-FO 90 85 55 150 130.0 1.0 1.0 3050 15 5.40
GE 100-FO 100 85 55 160 140.0 1.0 1.0 3250 14 5.90

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

LO Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
dimension series W split for assembly of inner ring.

Lubrication: Lubrication groove and lubrication hole, relubrication is also possible

through the inner bore.

Designation d d2 B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 20-LO 20 25.0 20 12 35.0 29.0 0.3 0.3 146 4 0.070

GE 25-LO 25 30.0 25 16 42 35.5 0.6 0.6 240 4 0.120
GE 32-LO 32 38.0 32 18 52 44.0 0.6 1.0 335 4 0.200
GE 40-LO 40 46.0 40 22 62 53.0 0.6 1.0 500 4 0.340
GE 50-LO 50 57.0 50 28 75 66.0 0.6 1.0 780 4 0.560
GE 63-LO 63 71.5 63 36 95 83.0 0.1 1.0 1270 4 1.200
GE 70-LO 70 79.0 70 40 105 92.0 1.0 1.0 1560 4 1.700
GE 80-LO 80 91.0 80 45 120 105.0 1.0 1.0 2000 4 2.400

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

UK Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Stell, lined with PTFE, cold formed around the inner ring.
dimension series E 2RS, sealings on both sides

Designation d d1 B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

min. min.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 6-UK 6 8 6 4 14 10 0.3 0.3 9 13 0.004

GE 8-UK 8 10 8 5 16 13 0.3 0.3 14 15 0.008
GE 10-UK 10 13 9 6 19 16 0.3 0.3 21 12 0.011
GE 12-UK 12 15 10 7 22 18 0.3 0.3 28 10 0.015
GE 15-UK 15 18 12 9 26 22 0.3 0.3 45 8 0.027
GE 17-UK 17 20 14 10 30 25 0.3 0.3 56 10 0.041
GE 17-UK2RS 17 20 14 10 30 25 0.3 0.3 60 10 0.041
GE 20-UK 20 24 16 12 35 29 0.3 0.3 78 9 0.066
GE 20-UK2RS 20 24 16 12 35 29 0.3 0.3 83 9 0.066
GE 25-UK 25 29 20 16 42 35 0.6 0.6 127 7 0.119
GE 25-UK2RS 25 29 20 16 42 35 0.6 0.6 137 7 0.119
GE 30-UK 30 34 22 18 47 40 0.6 0.6 166 6 0.153
GE 30-UK2RS 30 34 22 18 47 40 0.6 0.6 176 6 0.153
GE 35-UK2RS 35 39 25 20 55 17 0.6 1.0 224 6 0.233
GE 40-UK2RS 40 45 28 22 62 53 0.6 1.0 280 7 0.306
GE 45-UK2RS 45 50 32 25 68 60 0.6 1.0 360 7 0.427
GE 50-UK2RS 50 55 35 28 75 66 0.6 1.0 440 6 0.939
GE 60-UK2RS 60 66 44 36 90 80 1.0 1.0 695 6 1.040
GE 70-UK2RS 70 77 49 40 105 92 1.0 1.0 880 6 1.550
GE 80-UK2RS 80 88 55 45 120 105 1.0 1.0 1140 6 2.310
GE 90-UK2RS 90 98 60 50 130 115 1.0 1.0 1370 5 2.750
GE 100-UK2RS 100 109 70 55 150 130 1.0 1.0 1730 7 4.450
GE 110-UK2RS 110 120 70 55 160 140 1.0 1.0 1860 6 4.820
GE 120-UK2RS 120 130 85 70 180 160 1.0 1.0 2700 6 8.050

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on PTFE

TGR Inner ring: Stainless steel, hardened, ground and polished.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Stainless steel lined with PTFE, cold formed around the inner ring.
dimension series E

Designation d d2 B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 8-TGR 8 10 8 5 16 13.0 0.5 0.5 15 15 0.008

GE 10-TGR 10 13 9 6 19 16.0 0.8 0.5 22 12 0.012
GE 12-TGR 12 15 10 7 22 18.0 0.8 0.8 29 11 0.017
GE 15-TGR 15 18 12 9 26 22.0 0.8 0.8 44 9 0.032
GE 17-TGR 17 20 14 10 30 25.0 0.8 0.8 56 10 0.049
GE 20-TGR 20 24 16 12 35 29.0 0.8 1.0 78 9 0.065
GE 25-TGR 25 29 20 16 42 35.5 0.8 1.0 127 8 0.115
GE 30-TGR 30 34 22 18 47 40.7 0.8 1.0 166 7 0.160

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

DO2RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
dimension series E split for assembly of inner ring.

Sealing: Polyurethane sealing rings at both sides.

Lubrication: Sizes 6 to 15 without lubrication groove and lubrication hole. Form size
17 upwards, relubrication is also possible through the inner bore.

Designation d d2 B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 15-DO2RS 15 18 12 9 26 22.0 0.8 0.8 84 9 0.032

GE 17-DO2RS 17 20 14 10 30 25.0 0.8 0.8 106 10 0.049
GE 20-DO2RS 20 24 16 12 35 29.0 0.8 1.0 146 9 0.065
GE 25-DO2RS 25 29 20 16 42 35.5 0.8 1.0 240 8 0.115
GE 30-DO2RS 30 34 22 18 47 40.7 0.8 1.0 310 7 0.160
GE 35-DO2RS 35 39 25 20 55 47.0 1.0 1.2 399 7 0.258
GE 40-DO2RS 40 45 28 22 62 53.0 1.0 1.2 495 7 0.315
GE 45-DO2RS 45 50 32 25 68 60.0 1.0 1.2 637 8 0.413
GE 50-DO2RS 50 56 35 28 75 66.0 1.0 1.2 780 7 0.560
GE 60-DO2RS 60 66 44 36 90 80.0 1.2 1.5 1220 7 1.100
GE 70-DO2RS 70 77 49 40 105 92.0 1.2 1.5 1560 6 1.540
GE 80-DO2RS 80 89 55 45 120 105.0 1.2 1.5 2000 6 2.290

Rod ends and spherical bearings
Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

FO2RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-1

dimension series G Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
split for assembly of inner ring.
Lubrication: Lubrication groove and lubrication hole, relubrication is also possible
through the inner bore.

Designation d B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 20-FO2RS 20 25 16 42 35.5 0.6 0.6 240 17 0.15

GE 25-FO2RS 25 28 18 47 40.7 0.6 0.6 310 17 0.19
GE 30-FO2RS 30 32 20 55 47.0 0.6 1.0 400 17 0.29
GE 35-FO2RS 35 35 23 62 53.0 0.6 1.0 500 16 0.39
GE 40-FO2RS 40 40 25 68 60.0 0.6 1.0 640 17 0.52
GE 45-FO2RS 45 43 28 75 66.0 0.6 1.0 780 15 0.68
GE 50-FO2RS 50 56 36 90 80.0 0.6 1.0 1120 17 1.40
GE 60-FO2RS 60 63 40 105 92.0 1.0 1.0 1560 17 2.00
GE 70-FO2RS 70 70 45 120 105.0 1.0 1.0 2000 16 2.90
GE 80-FO2RS 80 75 50 130 115.0 1.0 1.0 2450 14 3.50
GE 90-FO2RS 90 85 55 150 130.0 1.0 1.0 3050 15 5.40
GE 100-FO2RS 100 85 55 160 140.0 1.0 1.0 3250 14 5.90

Perfect quality and dynamic

Mating materials:
Steel on steel
Maintenance required

HO2RS Inner ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated.

DIN ISO 12240-1

Outer ring: Antifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground, phosphated. Outer ring is
dimension series W split for assembly of inner ring.
Lubrication: Lubrication groove and lubrication hole, relubrication is also possible
through the inner bore.

Radial clearance: see technical basics, table spherical bearings dimension series E, mating
materials steel on steel.

Designation d d2 B C D dk r1 r2 Load rating static C0 Tilt angle Weight

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kg

GE 20-HO2RS 20 24.0 24 12 35 29.0 0.2 0.3 146 3 0.057

GE 25-HO2RS 25 29.0 29 16 42 35.5 0.2 0.6 240 3 0.100
GE 30-HO2RS 30 34.2 30 18 47 40.7 0.2 0.6 310 3 0.140
GE 35-HO2RS 35 40.0 35 20 55 47.0 0.3 1.0 400 3 0.240
GE 40-HO2RS 40 45.0 38 22 62 53.0 0.3 1.0 500 3 0.290
GE 45-HO2RS 45 51.5 40 25 68 60.0 0.3 1.0 640 3 0.430
GE 50-HO2RS 50 56.5 43 28 75 66.0 0.3 1.0 780 3 0.540
GE 60-HO2RS 60 67.7 54 36 90 80.0 0.3 1.0 1220 3 1.100
GE 70-HO2RS 70 78.0 65 40 105 92.0 0.3 1.0 1560 3 1.600
GE 80-HO2RS 80 90.0 74 45 120 105.0 0.3 1.0 2000 3 2.400


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