Bayat Islamism and Social Movement PDF
Bayat Islamism and Social Movement PDF
Bayat Islamism and Social Movement PDF
ABSTRACT There is a new, but still limited, realisation that the perspectives
developed by the social movement theory can be useful to illuminate aspects of
Islamist movements. This is a welcome development. Yet it is also pertinent to
point to some limitations of the prevailing social movement theories (those
grounded in the technologically advanced and politically open societies) to
account for the complexities of sociopolitical activism in contemporary Muslim
societies, which are often characterised by political control and limited means
for communicative action. The article argues for a more uid and fragmented
understanding of social movements, which may better explain the dierentiated
and changing disposition of such movements as Islamism. In this context, I
propose the concept of imagined solidarities, which might help illustrate modes
of solidarity building in such closed political settings as the contemporary
Muslim Middle East.
Asef Bayat is at the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) and Leiden
University, PO Box 11089, 2301 EB Leiden, The Netherlands. Email: [email protected].
perspectives. In fact, until recently Islamism had been excluded from the
mode of inquiry developed by social movement theorists in the West. It is
thus a credit to scholars who have lately attempted to bring Islamic activism
into the realm of social movement theory, even though they tend largely to
borrow from rather than critically and productively engage with and thus
contribute to social movement theories.2 It is still debatable how far the
prevailing social movement theories are able to account for the complexities
of socio-religious movements in contemporary Muslim societies, in particular
when these perspectives are rooted in the highly dierentiated and politically
open Western societies, presenting a highly structured and over-homogenis-
ing picture of social movements. In particular, to what extent can they help
us understand the process of solidarity building in these politically closed and
technologically limited settings? In view of both collective behaviour and
resource mobilisation paradigms, collective identity in the sense of
commonality and solidarity predates collective action. Social structure, in a
sense, selects people with a common identity, bringing them together to act
collectively. The collective behaviour approach extensively emphasises
generalised belief and shared values as the central axis around which
mobilisation takes place.3 Crowd theory, by proposing the notion of
collective mind, oers perhaps an extreme version of the pre-existing
identity and belongingness. Here actors simply submerge into the group,
becoming identical with it.4 Implicit in this paradigm is the assumption that
the sense of commonness gets formed spontaneously, motivated by a strong
psychological impulse, often without the actors rationalising their orienta-
Operating in a structuralist paradigm, resource mobilisation theory, in line
with other rationalist models, emphasises actors rational motives for being
part of a collective. Yet, like collective behaviour, it also presupposes the
existence of somewhat metaphysical commonness among social movement
actors, with the dierence that it bases this commonness on actors
understanding of their shared interests. Authors working in this model place
particular emphasis on collectivities based upon complex and structured
organisations in which movement leaders play a decisive role. Disarray or
dierences might appear, but these often result from external factors, for
instance, repressive conditions. Otherwise, cohesion, concerted ideas and
actions are what in a sense dene a movement.5
Perceived in this fashion, social movements come to characterise
Bourdieus real groupness, whose existence depends on its capacity to be
represented, and to be identied by its leadership. The image of Marcos, the
leader of the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, or Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran
as the embodiment of mass mobilisation, reects a vision of social movement
which dominates the narratives not only of the mass media but also of much
scholarly work.
Based upon my understanding of socio-religious movements in the Middle
East, this article discards monolithic and totalising narratives, because they
ignore and even suppress other narratives which may come to give dierent
understanding of things. To this end, I make the case for a more uid and
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Representing Islamism
Islamism has seen many kinds of representations. The numerous terms used
to describe the phenomenon point to its complexity. The term Islamic
fundamentalism has now been superseded by others, including Islamic
movements, political Islam, Islamic activism, Islamic revivalism or
resurgence, and new religious politics. The term Islamism is only the
latest invention. The notion of fundamentalism emphasises the scripturist
essentialism, pointing to the traditionalism of the movements. In a dierent
version, it points, in Gellners view, to a belief in the exclusive possession of a
unique truth.8 While Martin Riesebrodts careful redenition, radical
traditionalism wants to rescue the term,9 Keddie proposes new religious
politics as an alternative to fundamentalism, because it is neutral, making
clear both the political content of the movements, and their contemporary
nature.10 Revivalism or resurgence emphasise the religious at the expense
of the political content of these movements. In turn, political Islam places
emphasis on their political nature. This is cast o by some scholars (as well as
Islamists themselves) who argue that, given the overarching state control over
peoples lives, almost every Islamic practice (in the family, school, and the
like) becomes political. So, the term political Islam is simply irrelevant.11
The convergence of Ernest Gellner, suggesting Islam as being the state from
the very start,12 and many Islamists is ironic and understandable. Finally,
Islamic activism is intended to account for the inclusion of various types of
activities, political, social and cultural, that emerge under the rubric of
Islamic movement. The concept, however, lacks specicity to point to the
recent upsurge of action.
Notwithstanding their dierences, these terms point to aspects of religious
activism. By activism, I mean extra-ordinary, extra-usual practices which
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meanings. These issues and questions constituted the core of the debate
between British historians Gareth Stedman Jones and John Foster in the
early 1980s on the nature of 19th century Chartist movement.25 While some
(neo)Marxian interpretations focus, instead of discourse, on the material
processes which generate conditions for the emergence of Islamism, their
concept of social movements often remains overarching.26
On the other hand, it is only the perspective and discourse articulated by
leaders which inform the major bulk of the analyses. Examining the authority
of the Islamist leader in Morocco, a political scientist refers to Abd al-Salam
Yassin as one voice that eectively articulates the Islamic discontent.27
Here, one detects the strong inuence of Weberian elitist views regarding
social change. For Weber the activities of groups derive primarily from their
adherence to a particular belief system. Ideas and symbols, therefore, play a
fundamental role in social change; and groups are activated principally by
charismatic leaders who are able to galvanise people committed to a
particular idea. However, Webers concept of charisma, as Melucci notes,
implies a notion of an anonymous crowd vulnerable to irrational impulse
instigated by the emotional guidance of leaders.28
In short, most commentators tend to assume a unitary image of social
movements as homogeneous and harmonious entities, ones which are
identied with and represented primarily by leaders. In this view the
leadership manifests the personication of the emotion, energy and desire of
the participants. The expressed ideas of the leaders are assumed to be
internalised by the constituencies, thus making up the ideology of the
movement. Interestingly, such an approach converges fairly well with that of
the movements leaders themselves who often insist on presenting a coherent
picture of their movements. In the view of Abdullh Nouri, a reformist
Interior Minister of Iran, A leader of a revolution is one with whom the
revolution is identied; without whom revolutionary movement and its
victory is unimaginable; he is the creator of revolution.29 In a critical tone
Ayatollah Khameneii, the current supreme jurist of Iran, rejects the claims of
those analysts who suggest that the Iranian people during the Islamic
revolution were not sure what they wanted. At that time, people did know
exactly what they wanted, he emphasises, and so do they at the present.
They wanted the implementation of Islamic values in society, which
constitute the basis of the Islamic system.30 Indeed, a major task of a leader
is to ensure and even impose unity and homogeneity. The public and with
them the interpreters often hear the voice of the leadership at the cost of
those of the rest, the hidden transcripts. Finally, authors often study
movements in static form, in a frozen structure and discourse, rather than in
practice, in constant shift and motion.
It is clear that these assumptions, which have inuenced the historio-
graphies of Islamism, are based upon a problematic reading of social
movements in general and the Islamist movements in particular. The
empirical realities of Islamism demand that we adopt a more complex and
multifaceted approach to prepare our narratives. Thus to study the Islamic
education movement, one must go beyond simple content analysis of Islamic
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textbooks, but rather take account of how these texts are transmitted, how
they are perceived, what classroom dynamics are like, and what happens to
teachers and pupils outside schools. Such an approach considers social
movements as dynamic entities, as uid and fragmented collectives,
transcending merely discursive representation by focusing instead on power
and practice.
may alter the conditions which gave rise to their emergence in the rst place.
The success of movements to meet all or part of the concerns of their
constituencies often leads to a change in strategy and tactics, or to their
dilution. This is so not simply because certain external forces (such as the
demonstration eect, social control or international factors) inuence them.
Equally important is the internal dynamics of movements themselves. Social
movements transform their own environment, their relationships with
surrounding social and political forces and institutions, society, their
constituency, and the state, which in turn aects their own existence. This,
I would suggest, provides a clue to the slowdown of political Islam in Egypt
in the late 1990s and in particular to the failure of Islamism in that country
to launch an Islamic revolution in the Iranian sense. The downturn of
political Islam in Egypt (including among radical groups as well as the
Muslim Brotherhood) is attributable not only to the regimes often repressive
counter-attacks through legislation or in the streets. It also has to do with a
decline in its popular support: the partial success of the movement in general
in Islamising Egyptian society allowed many people to believe that things
could change for the better within the context of the existing arrangements,
without altering the political system. Providing a social safety net through
Islamic welfare associations, and creating a moral community (in associa-
tions, mosques, alternative dress code, schooling, health centres, even Islamic
weddings) where believers felt safe and secure from cultural invasion and
moral decadence were some of these accomplishments.35
Much of the writing on social movement dynamics analyses it almost
entirely in terms of the eect the external factors have on a social
movement, notably the structure of political opportunity. Gamson views
the movement outcome in terms of either receiving new advantages or
gaining acceptance.36 Tarrow sees movement outcome, its decline for
instance, primarily in terms only of the structure of political opportunity.
It is the changing structure of opportunity emerging from a protest cycle
that determines who wins and who loses, and when struggle will lead to
reform, he argues.37 They rarely look at the impact of a movement itself on
changing its own constituency and environment, or at the fact that
movement dynamics also changes social opportunity. This is because the
prevailing tradition of social movement theory looks at it in terms of the
collectivity of contenders who challenge political power. Therefore, move-
ments are considered successful when they challenge and bring disruption
against the state.38 To be sure challenging political power is crucial.
However, I am suggesting that social movements may also succeed in terms
of changing civil societies, behaviour, attitudes, cultural symbols and value
systems which, in the long run, may confront political power, as in the US
womens movement.
These observations are directly related to the continuity, success or failure
of social movements. The weakening of or even a halt in a social movement
activity does not necessarily mean its failure, if all or part of its objectives are
met. For instance, the unemployed movement in post-revolutionary Iran was
seriously undermined, that is, it became diluted, not only because of external
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Islamism is dierentiated
There is a strong tendency in the dominant interpretations to deduce the
character of Islamist movements from Islam, which they often regard as a
xed and unique doctrine. Interestingly but not surprisingly, such a totalising
depiction by outsiders is shared by most Islamist leaders themselves. The
proposition of the idea of a unitary Muslim umma in modern times by such
Islamists as Mawdudi, Abdul-Salam Yassin or the Iranian traditional
Islamists, in a sense, ignores the inuence of national cultures on the
perception and practice of Islam across dierent national boundaries.40 By
now it has been established that there is not one but many Islams.
It is crucial to note that the term Islamism is often taken to describe not
the same but many dierent things in dierent national settings, of which
only a few maybe characterised in terms of social movements. In the Iranian
context the term refers to the revolutionary movement of 1979 and
subsequently to the Islamic state. During the countrys civil war the
Lebanese Hizbullah was indeed a quasi-state in its Islamisation policies.
Turkish Islamists were organised in legal political parties (Rifah and the
Virtue Party). The term Islamism has also been associated with guerrilla
organisations (eg militant Islamist groups in Egypt such as El-Jihad or al-
Gammaa al-Islmiyya) as well as with certain clerical groupings (eg the
Iranian radical ulema, or Jebhat Ulema in Egypt). It was mainly in Egypt that
a pervasive Islamic social movement developed to demand and to some
extent bring about change in various aspects of social and cultural life.
Yet the Egyptian Islamic movement was not as uniform as it appeared or is
described. It is indeed a question of theory and methodology as to what we
mean exactly when we speak of the Egyptian Islamism. Do we mean the
radical Islamists who had taken up armed struggle against the tourist
industry, foreign visitors and the state? The reformist and moderate Muslim
Brothers who disagreed with the radicals on violent confrontation against the
state? The segment of the state-controlled al-Azhar clergy (the Ulema Front,
for instance) who have shown a religious conservatism equal to that of the
Muslim Botherhood on such issues as books and publications, gender,
cultural matters and artistic creation? Are we referring to the massive Islamic
welfare associations, many of them linked to mosques, but with little
relationship to political Islam? What about the upsurge in the 1990s of
religious conservatism in certain state institutions such as the courts,
entertainment industry, media, book publishers and universities? Or the
expanding evening gatherings (halaqat) for religious education and
socialisation among women with diverse socioeconomic backgrounds
women who seem to have little interest in political and social matters that
other Islamic activists espouse, but appear to seek personal piety and virtue?
Where to place certain religious intellectual currents and personalities such as
Mustafa Mahmoud, Salim el-Awa, Hasan Hana or Mohammad Emara?
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I regard the entirety of these diverse and dispersed emotions, ideas and
activities, what Meyer Zald would probably call the social movement sector,
as constituting the Egyptian Islamic movement of the past two decades.
These activities, actors and constituencies were quite dierent in character
and function, and detached from one another, although they often followed
each others news and inuenced one another. Yet what made them a part of
this pervasive social movement was their salience at a particular historical
juncture (roughly the 1980s and 1990s), sharing general religious language
and codes, advocating Islam as part of public life, and expressing a desire for
some sort of religio-political change. However, the actors biographies,
socioeconomic milieu, image of their society, and the kind of change they
pursued seemed to diverge. While the core of the movement was Islamist,
that is, it sought some kind of Islamic state, the margins exhibited greater
ambiguity in what they aspired to.
In general contemporary social movements by their very nature carry a
multiplicity of discourses espoused by diverse fragments and constituencies,
although they may be dominated by one. Shaped in a complex set of
concentric circles (like the whole set of circled waves on a calm water
surface), social movements possess various layers of activism and constitu-
ency (leaders, cadres, members, sympathizers, free riders, and so on) who are
likely to exhibit dierent perceptions about the aims and objectives of their
activities. At the same time, social movements usually possess an animating
eect in that they inspire and unintentionally activate fragmented
sentiments, sympathies and collectives outside, often on the periphery, of
social movement organisations, usually with little or no structural linkage
between them. The animation results, on the one hand, from demonstrating
the vulnerability of adversaries, and showing how things can be done. On the
other hand, it is caused by the outrage of people outside the movement at the
adversaries (regimes) repressive measures, which they may consider morally
unacceptable. Thus, in the mid-1990s some schoolgirls in Egypt took on
wearing the hijab (veil) not in a slow conversion process, but as a reaction to
the governments decision to ban veiling in schools for fear of Islamic
fundamentalism there.41
Thus, numerous kinds of actors, such as womens groups, cultural actors,
writers, journalists, workers, students and religious groups, tend to emerge
on the periphery of social movement organizations (SMOs) with little or no
networking among them, or between them and the SMOs. Where
opportunity allows, these actors may express views on prevalent issues, yet
they may not necessarily internalise the aims and objectives of the movement
leadership or each other. This characterised the diverse constituencies of
Irans Reform Movement (Jonbesh-e Eslah-talabi) under President Muham-
mad Khatami since 1997. All the segments of the Reform Movement spoke
of reform, perhaps, in the same fashion that the participants in the Islamic
revolution of 1979 talked about revolution. Both in 1997 and 1979,
however, the movements were infused with fragmentation and unarticulated
discord, with each segment often espousing dierent projections about
reform and change. However, for the reason I shall discuss below, while
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Imagined solidarities
If, as shown above, the Islamist movements are internally uid, fragmented
and dierentiated, then what binds these fragments together? What makes
them a movement dened as a co-operative unit, in terms of the collective
activities of many people to bring about social change? After all, unity of
purpose and action is the hallmark, indeed a dening feature, of a social
movement. And shared interests and values are invariably proposed to
account for the elements which bring actors together for a united purpose. In
what way, then, is commonality assured, consensus built and solidarity
achieved among dierentiated actors? I would like to propose that consensus
may be achieved not simply by actors real understanding of their shared
interests, but also by their imagining commonality with othersby imagined
To illustrate, let me begin with the other end of commonality and unity, by
asking why people disagree and disunite. I suggest that dissension and
discord among individuals may originate from at least two sources:
divergence of interests and/or in interpretations. Along with Isaac Balbus,
I take the idea of interests to mean having a stake in something, or being
aected by something.42 Of course, interests are not only material or
economic; we may also speak of political, social or moral (eg honour)
interests. Some interests are objective, that is, they exist beyond our
awareness and perceptions, as in the example of everyone having an interest
in clean air irrespective of whether one is aware of it or not. However,
interests attached to social, political and economic realms often have
subjective bases in that they are socially or culturally constructed. It is in
this sense that sociologist Nicos Poulantzas, among others, has argued that
interests do not exist beyond our consciousness, but they are in fact part of it.
Reconciling objective and subjective interests remains a theoretical
problem. Yet, irrespective of ones position on this, the fact remains that
dierence in interests accounts for the major source of discord and dissension
between individuals.
Apart from interests, social movement actors may also disagree because
they hold dierent perceptions, interpretations of things. The question of
why people understand things dierently is a complex one. But this may lie in
individuals distinct experiences, their specic biographies (according to
Japser), or their inner complexity (in Meluccis terminology).43 Prejudice, or
blind attitudes for or against certain values, represents the extreme moment
of divergent perceptions. It is crucial to emphasise, however, that perceptions
and interpretations should not be seen as being totally independent variables.
Peoples distinct interests may, and often do, inuence and even shape the
way they look at and interpret the world. So the concept of interests is
indeed a signicant variable, despite the fact that currently it is often
dismissed as either insignicant or unproblematic.
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Scholars who have discussed the issue of interests often point to the
conceptual diculties relating to the contradiction between objective and
subjective, or individual and group interests. For them peoples total
interests seem either to converge, in which case they facilitate collective
action, or to diverge, which impedes it. In other words, individuals are seen
as either carrying aggregate common interests or as lacking them.44 There
seems to be nothing in between. But in reality, individuals often carry
various elds of interests in various domains of lifeat the individual,
family or national levels, in economic, political, intellectual or moral
terrains. Groups interests may converge in some domains but diverge and
contradict in others. I would suggest that participants in a social movement
often espouse not totally shared, but partially shared interests. Unlike the
19th century working class movements which enjoyed, according to Laclau
and Moue, the synchronic unity of subject positions (that is, convergence
of total interests), participants in the contemporary social movements come
from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and do not in that sense form a
coherent unit.45 Yet certain elds of their interests and values may converge
over a particular issue or grievance. And it is these partially shared
interests or values (in addition to other requisites) that ensure collectivity.46
Egyptian Islamism exhibited such a convergence, based upon partially
shared interests and values on the part of its diverse constituencies,
including the modern middle classes, some businessmen, the farmers of
Upper Egypt, students, youth and women, who all seemed to be interested
in some kind of change. The same was true of the Hizbullah movement, a
Shii Muslim political group, in Lebanon before the Israeli withdrawal from
southern Lebanon. Some Christians and Sunni Muslims, in addition to
Shiites, supported (nancially and otherwise) Hizbullahs resistance eorts
in the south against the Israeli occupation, but refused to support the
movements Islamisation programme.47 Sharing partial interests also
characterised Irans Reform Movement of the late 1990s. This movement
consisted of a broad coalition of some 18 political groupings, professional
associations, student organisations, womens groups and intellectual gures
with diverse ideological religious tendencies ranging from socially con-
servative clerics, to moderates, liberals and secularists. Included among
them were the Moshareket Front, a pro-Khatami clerical association
(Majmas Rouhanioun Mobarez), students Daftar-e Tahkim Vahadat, the
Workers Party and the Hambastegui Party. They all seemed to agree on
the movements general ideals: an emphasis on democracy, the rule of law,
civil society and tolerance.
But do these social movement participants rationally and squarely identify
their partial commonalities and then decide to act together? This is certainly
the case with deliberate coalition building, as in Irans Reform Movement.
The incidence of coalition building is not uncommon. United fronts typify
the organisational form of such deliberate but ad hoc alliances. Here, the
parties, aware of their dierences, come to work together on certain
perceived common objectives. Beyond this, frame alignment, or consensus
mobilisation, represents another common strategy. Through frame alignment
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Egypt today is far less eective than that in the West. It is true, in most
Middle Eastern countries, that Islamist movements have utilised mosques to
assemble and communicate, cassettes to get messages across and agitate,
and Islamic symbols to frame their ideas. However, while such opportu-
nities and resources are just enough to deploy a general master frame, to
oer a broad message (such as, Islam Huwa al-Hall, Islam is the solution,
or Jomhuri-ye Islami, the Islamic Republic), they are not enough to discuss
details and clarify ambiguities. The result is that the diverse participants
tend to converge on the generalities, but are left to imagine the specics, to
envision commonalities. I am, in short, proposing the possibility of
projecting imagined solidarities between heterogeneous social movement
actors, in the same way that people of a territory imagine their communities
as nations.52 An imagined solidarity is, thus, one which is forged
spontaneously among dierent actors who come to a consensus by
imagining, subjectively constructing, common interests and shared values
between themselves. But such imagining by the dierent fragments is by no
means carried out in homogeneous fashion. Just as in the case of the nation
which is imagined dierently by its fragments53, social movements actors
also imagine common aims and objectives not in the same fashion, but
dierentially. Fragmented actors therefore render imagined solidarity, the
social movement, a negotiated entity. Theirs is a contested imagining.
Imagined solidarities are usually the characteristic of societies with an
authoritarian polity, where the eective exchange of ideas and commu-
nicative action in the public sphere are lacking. This characterises the
revolutionary movement, such as the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979.
Although the Iranian Revolution was led by radical clergy and liberal
Islamic leaders, it was carried out by very diverse social groups, including
the secular middle class, workers, students, urban lower classes, ethnic
minorities and women. It became clear only later that dierent social
clusters and constituencies had dierent purposes, prospects and expecta-
tions of the change. Indeed, the dierences and divergence came to the
surface no more than few weeks after the regime change in April 1979. At
the time when Ayatollah Khomeini, reacting to various economic demands
made just after the revolution, commented that We have not made the
revolution for cheap melons; we have made it for Islam, a factory worker
reacted: They say we have not made revolution for economic betterment!
What have we made it for, then? They say, for Islam! What does Islam
mean then? 54 In a letter to a daily in Tehran a young women from a
provincial village stated in July 1980:
[During the revolution], I used to think revolution meant clothing and covering
bare feet of the poor. I thought it meant feeding the hungry. Now I know how
optimistic I was. . .Because neither my bare feet are covered, nor my hunger is
satised. . .55
No other group felt the wide gap between their expectations of the revolution
and its actual outcome more than the religious minorities and the secular
unveiled women. They poured on to the streets en masse crying this is not
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Given the fragmented nature of contemporary social movements, including
Islamism, a plausible narrative would take account of the heterogeneous
layers of perceptions, discourses and practices within a given movement. A
totalising discourse suppresses the variations in peoples perceptions about
change, diversity is screened, conicts belittled, and instead a grand united
language is emphasised. This suppression of dierence by the dominant voice
of the leadershipor opposition for that matterusually works against the
concern of the ordinary, the powerless, the poor, minorities, women and
other subaltern elements. Writing a history of social movements by taking
account of the multiple discourses is by no means an easy task. Not long ago
a breed of historians entertained the idea that the subaltern can write its own
history without needing the professionals. They were prepared to drop the
privileged position of the historian vis a` vis their subjects. The idea was that
narration, or the stories of the subjects, is as historically valid as the
narratives, or historiographies, of historians. There were even those who
wondered if academic historians kill history. However intriguing these
propositions may be, they do not seem to salvage much. Serious questions
still remain. How can we get the stories of the ordinary people when many of
them cannot read or write, when they are not easily accessible, are suspicious,
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do not understand our elitist language? These technical diculties apart, the
crucial challenge is how to construct a narrative of a social movement when
its constituent multiple narratives diverge from or contradict each other? This
seems to suggest at least that depending merely on discourse may not take
us very far, and that we need to bring context, structure and practice into
play. But this is easier said than done.
1 Anthony Parsons, The Iranian Revolution, Middle East Review, Spring 1988, pp 3 9.
2 A very useful recent publication is Quintan Wiktorowicz (ed), Islamic Activism: A Social Movement
Theory Approach, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004.
3 Niel Smelser, Theory of Collective Behavior, New York: Free Press, 1963; and R Turner & L Killian,
Collective Behavior, Englewood Clis, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1987.
4 Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, New York: Viking, 1960.
5 Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution, London: Addison-Wesley,1978; and Meyer Zald & D
McCarthy (eds), Social Movements in an Organizational Society, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction,
6 James Jasper, The Art of Moral Protest, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997; Hank Johnston &
Bert Klandemans (eds), Social Movements and Culture, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
1995; and Alberto Melucci, Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
7 Elsewhere I have attempted to conceptualise what, for instance, youth and womens movements mean
in the context of contemporary Muslim societies. See Asef Bayat, Post-Islamism: Social Movements,
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy, Berkeley: University of California Press, forthcoming.
8 E Gellner, Post-Modernism, Reason and Religion, London and New York: Routledge, 1992.
9 M Riesebrodt, Pious Passion, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993.
10 Keddie, New Religious Politics: Where, When and Why Fundamentalism Appear? in Comparative
Studies in Society and History, 40, 1998.
11 Charles Hirschkind, What is Political Islam?, Middle East Report, No. 205, October December 1997,
pp 12 14.
12 Gellner, p 9.
13 Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations; Bernard Lewis, Roots of Muslim rage, Atlantic
Monthly, September 1990; and Lewis, What Went Wrong, London: Phoenix, 2002.
14 Alberto Melucci, Challenging Codes, p 104; A Touraine, The Return of the Actor, Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 1988, p 64. See also Touraine, Do social movements exist?, paper
presented to the World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, 26 July 1 August 1988.
15 M. Foucault, An interview with Michele Foucault, Akhtar, 4, 1987, p 43.
16 A Giddens, Social Theory and Modern Society, Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 1987, p 50.
17 Manuel Castells, The Power of Identity, Oxford: Blackwell, 1997, p 9; and John Esposito, Religion and
political aairs: political challenges, SAIS Review: A Journal for International Aairs, 18(2), 1998, p 20.
18 Gille Kepel, The Revenge of God: The Resurgence of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the Modern
World, State College, PA: Penn State Press, 1994, p 3.
19 Francois Burgat & William Dowell, The Islamic Movements in North Africa, Austin: University of
Texas Press, 1993.
20 Emad Eldin Shahin, Secularism and nationalism: the political discourse of Abd al-Salam Yassin, in
John Ruedy (ed), Islamism and Secularism in North Africa, New York: St Martins Press, 1994, pp
167 186.
21 Here I have cited only sources in English which are accessible to non-native readers. See Ali Shariati,
Return to self, in John Donohue & John Esposito (eds), Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982, pp 305 307; Abul-ala Mawdudi, Nationalism and Islam, in
Donohue & Esposito, Islam in Transition, pp 94 97; 1983, p 54; Abdulaziz Sachedina, Ali Shariati:
ideologue of the Iranian Revolution, in John Esposito (ed), Voices of Resurgent Islam, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1983, pp 191 214; and Yvonne Haddad, Sayyid Qutb: ideologue of Islamic revival,
in Esposito, Voices of Resurgent Islam, pp 67 98.
22 I would like, however, to point to a curious convergence between the often totalising discourse of the
Islamists and the post-structuralist framework of these authors. This probably results from their
essentialism of dierence, a notion which says that, whatever they are, Islamists are dierent from the
23 See Castells, The Power of Identity, p 71.
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