Math Lesson Plan - Measurement

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Kristen Morris

Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan
2007 ACEI Standards
Nonstandard Units of Measurement

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s) Students will identify key methods for nonstandard measurement.
B. Objective(s) Students will practice the methods of nonstandard measurement by using
materials and manipulatives to determine the length or height of objects in the classroom.
C. Standard(s): 1.M.1: Use direct comparison or a nonstandard unit to compare and order
objects according to length, area, capacity, weight, and temperature.

II. Materials
a. Inch by Inch
b. Pencil measuring worksheet
c. Partner Work Worksheet
d. Green Pipe cleaners
e. Items:
i. Stapler
ii. Scissors
iii. Textbook
iv. Miss Morris Desk Nametag
v. Tissue Box
vi. Marker
vii. Crayon
viii. Desk
ix. Clipboard
x. Nametag
xi. Mailbox
III. Anticipatory Set
a. Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni

Hello students! I am so excited to see you today! Today we are going to do some more fun
activities with measurement. I know youve been working on it for about a week now, so today is going
to be a celebration of everything you have learned! First we are going to start by reading this fun book
that I brought with me today! This book is called Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni! When I read this to all of
you, I want you to pay special attention to how the inch worm measures all of the objects that he does
throughout the story.

Read the story.

Purpose: Today we are going to use materials from right here in our classroom in order to do some
measuring so we know just how the Inchworm did it in our book.


(ACEI 1.0)
IV. Adaptation to Diverse Students
a. Peyton & Paxton Each of these boys struggle with staying on task. Because of this,
they will be paired up with a student that they enjoy spending time with.
b. Mady Mady usually finishes her work very quickly. She is above her grade level in
most areas. I will pair Mady up with another student who is like her. If she is paired up
with someone who is much lower than her, she will do all the work.
(ACEI 3.2)

V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

Now that we saw how the Inchworm measured things in his life, we are going to measure some objects
in our everyday life. Lets start by looking at this crayon. If Mr. Inchworm were measuring this crayon
he would do it like this right? Model. Today, I brought some of my own inchworms with me and we are
going to use them to measure some objects right here in our classroom! First, I am going to show you
how we are going to use the inchworms that I brought in order to measure. I have on my board here, a
picture of a crayon. Can I have someone come and help me with this? Select a student. In the book,
the inch worm kind of scooted along in order to measure his objects. Instead of doing that, we are
going to imagine that there are a bunch of Mr. Inchworms. When they measure objects, they line up,
one behind the other. Model this while talking.

Repeat this with several different pictures.

Now that you have seen me measure with Mr. Inchworm, I would like each of you to give it a shot. I
have placed on each of your desks a paper and a plate full of Mr. Inchworms. When I count to three I
would like each of you to head back to your seats. I am going to set a timer and by the time the timer
goes off, I would like each of you to be in your seats and ready for my instructions. Make sure that
during this timer, you get all of your wiggles out so you are ready to be focused for the next part of our

Set a timer and give students a chance to get back to their seats.

Eyeballs! Student response: Snap!

Okay! Now that we are ready to move on and we have all of our wiggles out I am going to give you
some instruction on your worksheet. In front of you, you have your worksheet and about twenty Mr.
Inchworms. Lets all look at the first one together. The directions say Use Mr. Inchworm to measure
each pencil below and write your answers in the boxes. Lets do the first one together. Remember,
the inchworms need to be right behind each other. I want all of you to do this quietly and I am going to
look for someone who is working quietly to call on for the answer. Take about 15 seconds to do that.

Call on a student who is working quietly.

Very good! Now you may go through the rest of these on your own. When you are finished you may
put that paper in your mailbox and grab a clipboard on the way back to your seat.

Give students time to complete this.

Now that we have done this, I am going to call on three volunteers who were working very quietly and
diligently on their work to come up and write their answers on the board.

Call on three students to write their answers on the board.

For our last activity, I am going to pair all of you up into pairs. You and your partner are going to
complete some tasks for me. There are twelve different stops that you need to check off your list
around the room. You are going to take your Mr. Inchworms around the room to the different stations
and you are going to measure each object listed on your paper. You do not need to go to the numbers
in order. Remember that the Inchworms must be right behind one another! You and your partner may
use the same inchworms, but just make sure that you are taking turns measuring each object. The last
thing you will measure will be on your desks. Once you are done measuring that, I am going to look for
students who are sitting quietly at their desks and you will get a little treat.

Give students a chance to complete this activity. When students are sitting quietly they will receive a
ticket/candy for being on task.

(ACEI 3.3)
VI. Check for understanding.

I will be walking around monitoring during the stations. If students have not met the lesson
objectives, I will work with them more one-on-one or expand my lesson next time to include review
work. I have chosen subjects that some of my students who struggle the most, are interested in. This
should keep them engaged and motivated throughout the lesson. This will also make it easier to refer
back to this lesson if they struggle in the future. They will remember the aspects they enjoy from the

VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

Okay students! I would like everybody to come back to their seats and show me you are ready by
looking at me with your desk cleared off. Did you all notice that with each time you measured with
different objects, you got different answers? Even with the same materials? How cool is that? Just like
Mr. Inchworm, we were able to use our own unit of measurement to measure things in our classroom!
Very good job boys and girls.


Formative Assessment: Students will be collecting data within each of their groups. this data, I will
know if the students have grasped the concept. I will also be walking around and observing as they are
working with a checklist of achievement.

Summative Assessment: This will come in the form of a test at the end of chapter 9.

(ACEI 4.0)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences
7. Did I give my students enough time to finish their activities? Did I give them too much time?
8. Did my lesson challenge them too much or just enough that they learned something

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