Zoom Science Lesson

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Zoom Science Lesson

Learning Intention: To follow the scientific method when doing an experiment.

In this lesson you will be doing a science experiment!

Please have a look at the Scientific Method on the next page and talk to your
supervisor about the words in brown. Discuss what you think the words might
mean before the lesson. We will share ideas in the lesson.

On page 4 you will find a list of equipment needed for the experiment.

What do you want to find out?

A guess on what you think the answer to your question
might be.

The things you need to complete the experiment.

Test your question by doing an experiment.

What happened during the experiment?

Discuss your findings and answer your question.

Page 3 Have this sheet with you for the
List of Materials:
live lesson. Please do not complete this
sheet before the lesson.

Question: What do you want to know?

Hypothesis: Guess what will happen.

Experiment: What did you do?

Results: What happened?

Conclusion: What do you now know?

Zoom Science Lesson

Learning Intention: To follow the scientific method when doing

an experiment.

This is a list of the equipment you will need for the science
Please have all equipment ready before the lesson begins.
Your student will need a clear surface area next to the
computer/iPad to do the experiment.
Make sure the cups of water are not too close to the
computer/iPad as there may be an over spill of water.
Please have a pencil and the worksheet on page three ready
for the lesson.

A permanent Bi-Carb Soda Citric Acid One spoon Two cups of water.
marker Have the lid Have the lid open Filled way.
open ready. ready. Clear cups are better
The cups will be written
on with a marker.

Optional- A drop of food colouring in the water

*If you are unable to access the required equipment for the lesson, you are most
welcome to still join in on the Zoom Session!

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