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Background and PurposeThe capillary index score (CIS) has been recently introduced as a metric
for rating the collateral circulation of ischemic stroke patients. Multiple studies in the last five years have
evaluated the correlation of good CIS with clinical outcomes and suggested the use of CIS in selecting
patients for endovascular treatment. We performed a meta-analysis of these studies comparing CIS with
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Vol. 9
clinical outcomes.
MethodsWe conducted a computerized search of three databases from January 2011 to November 2015
for studies related to CIS and outcomes. A CIS = 0 or 1 is considered poor (pCIS) and a CIS = 2 or 3 is
considered favorable (fCIS). Using random-effect meta-analysis, we evaluated the relationship of CIS to
neurological outcome (modified Rankin scale score 2), recanalization, and post-treatment hemorrhage.
Meta-regression analysis of good neurological outcome was performed for adjusting baseline National
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) between groups.
ResultsSix studies totaling 338 patients (212 with fCISs and 126 with pCISs) were included in the anal-
ysis. Patients with fCIS had higher likelihood of good neurological outcome [relative risk (RR) = 3.03; con-
fidence interval (CI) = 95%, 2.054.47; p < 0.001] and lower risk of post-treatment hemorrhage (RR =
0.38; CI = 95%, 0.190.93; p = 0.04) as compared with patients in the pCIS group. When adjusting for
baseline NIHSS, patients with fCIS had higher RR of good neurological outcome when compared with
those with pCIS (RR = 2.94; CI = 95%, 1.237, p < 0.0001). Favorable CIS was not associated with higher
rates of recanalization.
ConclusionsObservational evidence suggests that acute ischemic stroke patients with fCIS may have
higher rates of good neurological outcomes compared with patients with pCIS, independent of baseline
NIHSS. CIS may be used as another tool to select patients for endovascular treatment of acute ischemic
The degree of collateral circulation has been identified who will achieve a good clinical outcome following
as a major factor in determining the outcomes of acute endovascular treatment [8]. Several studies have been
ischemic stroke secondary to large vessel occlusion [1]. published in the last five years for evaluating the useful-
Adequate collateral blood flow mitigates infarct growth ness of the CIS and its correlation with clinical out-
and post-treatment hemorrhage and increases the likeli- comes [813]. However, the relatively small individual
hood of recanalization and reperfusion [27]. Many study sizes and the still small number of studies limit the
studies have shown that the presence of good collaterals ability of clinicians to determine the practicality of CIS
is associated with good clinical outcome [5,6,814]. in patient selection or as a predictor of outcomes. Due to
these pitfalls, we performed a systematic review and a
The capillary index score (CIS) has recently been pro- meta-analysis of studies that evaluated CIS in relation to
posed as a method of rating the collateral circulation of outcomes in patients undergoing intra-arterial therapy
acute ischemic stroke patients [9]. CIS was suggested to for acute ischemic stroke.
improve patient selection for endovascular treatment,
and it is thought to be a reliable predictor of patients
Figure 1. Quantification of the Cis. in each image, the ischemic area is divided into three sectors. Sectors with no capil-
lary blush: 0. Sectors showing capillary blush: 1. Patient in (a) receives a Cis = 1. Patient in (b) receives a Cis = 2.
Patient in (c) receives a Cis = 3. Adapted from [11].
being 332 min (264.8397.2) and the mean in the pCIS those with pCIS (RR = 2.94; CI = 95%, 1.237, p <
group being 326.5 min (246.5406.6). 0.0001).
There was lower risk of post-treatment intra-cerebral
hemorrhage within the fCIS group (RR = 0.38; CI =
Favorable CISs were associated with higher RR of good 95%, 0.190.93; p = 0.04). Favorable CIS was not asso-
neurological outcome (RR = 3.03; CI = 95%, 2.054.47; ciated with higher rates of recanalization (RR = 1.18; CI
p < 0.001) compared with pCIS [Figure 3 (forest plot)]. = 95%, 0.991.41; p = 0.06). These data are summarized
in Table 2. Forest plots for hemorrhage and recanaliza-
Fifty-nine percent (112 of 191) of patients with fCIS had
tion are provided in Figures 4 and 5.
good neurological outcome compared with 18% (21 of
114) of patients with pCIS. On meta-regression adjust-
Study Heterogeneity
ing for baseline NIHSS, patients with fCIS had higher
The I2 values were <50% for the three main outcomes:
RR of good neurological outcome when compared with
1) good neurological outcome (I2 = 38%), 2) post-treat-
Jagani et al. 11
ment hemorrhage (I2 =0%), and (3) recanalization (I2 = 0.001) [14]. Of the 19 studies, the majority graded col-
0%). These values indicate relatively low heterogeneity laterals using DSA imaging, primarily on the American
among the studies. Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiol-
ogy and the Society of Interventional Radiology scale
Dicussion [20]. One potential advantage of the CIS scoring method
over traditional DSA-based collateral scoring methods is
We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the fact that the scale is easily quantifiable with high
five studies reporting on 338 patients and found that rates of inter-observer agreement [11]. Furthermore, the
patients with favorable CISs had higher rates of good scale evaluates the functionality of collaterals by assess-
neurological outcome (mRS 2) following endovascu- ing capillary perfusion rather than the presence of collat-
lar therapy for acute ischemic stroke when compared erals alone.
with those with a poor CIS, even when adjusting for
baseline NIHSS. Patients with fCIS had significantly In addition, several studies have used collateral grading
lower rates of post-treatment hemorrhage and trended methods based on CT angiography and CT perfusion
toward higher recanalization rates as well. These find- techniques [2124]. One advantage of CT-based collat-
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Vol. 9
ings are important as they suggest that CIS is a poten- eral scores is the fact that they rely on non-invasive
tially useful tool in predicting outcomes following endo- imaging and can, thus, be used for patient selection prior
vascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke. to conventional angiography. These scores may be more
advantageous because they truly evaluate the enhance-
Proposed applications of the CIS are in patient selection
ment and extent of collateral vessels in the ischemic ter-
and prognostication. Many of the individual studies and
ritory. To date, no studies have been performed compar-
this meta-analysis found fCIS and good neurological
ing the accuracy of CTA-based scoring systems and the
outcome to be strongly correlated. The relationship of
CIS in predicting good neurological outcome following
collateral grade to clinical outcome supports the hypoth-
endovascular therapy.
esis that fCIS can identify viable ischemic tissue that
may be amenable to revascularization; however, there is
no guarantee that the tissue will recover with or without
endovascular intervention. In addition, identifying This study has several limitations. First, there were a rel-
patients with pCIS can be valuable. Reperfusing patients atively small number of studies included in analysis.
with pCIS can be harmful because reperfusing nonviable This may be due to the relatively short time since the
tissue may lead to hemorrhagic transformation and introduction of the CIS. In addition, not all studies had
edema, as demonstrated in our study. Our findings reaf- each of the investigated outcomes, further adding to the
firm the importance of collaterals and CIS in predicting small size and limiting the power of the meta-analysis.
clinical outcomes, independent of baseline NIHSS. It is Each of the studies included was retrospective and non-
important to point out, however, that fCIS cannot be the randomized, further limiting certainty in the observed
sole determinant in patient selection for endovascular estimates. Baseline NIHSS scores were lower in the
therapy. The degree of collateral flow can help predict fCIS group and likely played a role in the association of
the likelihood of good outcomes, but the absence of the score results and outcome. It is important to point
good flow should not prevent endovascular therapy[6]. out, however, that in meta-regression of good neurologi-
In patients with pCIS, 18% still recovered with good cal outcomes adjusting for baseline NIHSS, fCIS was
neurological outcome. still significantly association with good neurological
outcome. Differences in grading the CIS, quality of
A number of studies have been published examining angiogram scored, and rater experience among the inclu-
efficacy of other collateral grading systems in predicting ded studies could not be evaluated. Publication bias was
outcomes of endovascular therapy for treatment of acute not assessed because our meta-analysis incorporated less
ischemic stroke. In general, poor collaterals are associ- than 10 studies. Overall, the quality of the evidence (i.e.,
ated with lower rates of good neurological outcomes and confidence in the estimates of effect) is low.
higher rates of hemorrhage, similar to those seen with
the CIS [3,18,19]. In a large meta-analysis of 19 studies Conclusion
over the last 15 years that compared collateral grades
with outcomes, Leng et al. found that good pre-treat- Observational evidence suggests that acute ischemic
ment collateral status almost doubled the rate of good stroke patients with favorable CISs had higher rates of
neurological outcome as compared with patients with good neurological outcomes, independent of baseline
poor collaterals (RR = 1.98; CI = 95% ,1.642.38; p < NIHSS. These findings suggest that CIS can be used as
Jagani et al. 13
a tool to prognosticate outcomes of endovascular treat- 12. Labeyrie PE, et al. The capillary index and aspect scores are strong
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