Midnight Under The Shadow OCR
Midnight Under The Shadow OCR
Midnight Under The Shadow OCR
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1975 County Rd. B2 #1
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Introduction 3 Chapter Three: Tyranny and Freedom 33
Lay of the Land 4 The Powers that Be 33
History of Badens Bluff 4 The Voice of Shadow 34
War in the Shadows 5 Lesser Legates 34
Chapter One: City of Secrets 6 Higher Echelons 35
Tidewood 6 The Bastard Baden and his Shining Court 36
Stone Docks 7 Politics and Factions 37
Worm Docks 9 The Courts Powers 37
The Quarries 11 The Baden Resistance 38
The Bellows 12 Organization 38
The Well 12 Operations 38
Guildall 13 Badens Bluffs 39
The Steeps 16 Avenging Knives 39
Leewall 17 Smugglers and Rogues 40
Weirhold 17 Caches and Safehouses 41
Hearthhome 20 Chapter Four: Heroes and Villains 44
Kingshand 21 Villains 44
The Crown 22 Helrion Baden 44
The Spire 23 Werner Dalmark 45
Baden Court 23 Cerano 45
The Watch 24 Horst of Guildall 46
Chapter Two: Beyond the Bluff 25 Zaindal the Drake 47
The Peninsula 25 Gorse 49
The Road of Ruin 25 Heroes 49
Elsweir 26 Tomas Baden 49
The Pellurian Coast 27 Colin the Tanner 50
The Plague Hills 28 Baroness Andilin Westerin 51
The Road of Salt and Tears 28 Victor Fausebender 51
Arwich 29 Ebore Arbter 52
The Salt Mines of Aarl 29 Delwen Todorivichi 52
The Sea of Pelluria 29 Ortwin Rammelhouse 53
Pirates and Reavers 30 Sergeloth 54
Dead Shoals 30 Doran Naismith 54
Trade Winds 30 Jen Almasi 55
The Westlands 31 Reidar Thorolfson 56
Horse and Hearth 31 Appendix: New Rules 57
Caderin 31 Visionary 57
Panock Shade and the Open Sky 32 New Feats 59
Trollskarl 32 Brine Ungral 60
Map: Badens Bluff 61
Map: Lands Near Badens Bluff 62
he harbor bell rang with grim solemnity in the Move on, ya laggards, before I start givin you
Introduction 3
series of low hills that follow the coastline, providing a
Lay of the Land northern edge to vast plains that stretch to the lush Eren
River Valley in the east and the shores of the Ardune in
Where the blue waters of the southern Sea of the south. The Shadows grip is felt in the hill country,
Pelluria meet the rocky shoreline, a broad peninsula pro- where the once multitudinous towns and villages of
trudes into a deceptively gentle sea, its length crenulat- Erenland lie largely in ruin and the proud men and
ed by gentle hills cloaked with dreaming woods and women of the kingdom eke out pitiful lives of servitude
pleasant pastures that have long provided a bounty as and toil. Only in the sea of tall sword grass can men and
rich as the sea that lies beneath them. At the tip of this the last remaining halflings snatch some freedom from
promontory a bluff of gray stone rears above the water; the Shadows tyranny, but their existence is a hounded
clinging to its sides and crowning its summit is the city one as orc bands led by traitorous men hunt them
of Badens Bluff. The west side of the bluff faces the through the plains.
open waters of the Sea of Pelluria, its surface pock-
marked by ledges and mine shafts and scarred by the
working faces of long defunct quarry works. The shal-
lower tunnels and excavations are now used by the most
History of Badens Bluff
destitute of the Bluffs residents as squalid tenements. When the Dorns came to Eredane in 3951 FA,
On the northern and eastern flanks, the ground rises less they arrived with the fire of conquest in their blood and
severely and is carved by a maze of canals and alley- drove the battle-naive fey before them like doves before
ways that make up the Tidewood district. The northern the falcon. They were a fierce people, honed by war and
part of this district is the claustrophobic shantytown of hardened by loss; the fey stood little chance before their
the Worm Docks, bound by rotting piers and the sea in onslaught. The Dorns spread quickly through southern
the north and the broad Aransway canal to the southeast. Eredane, coming within a few years upon what was then
Home to dour Dornish fishermen and grim-faced labor- called the Ebon Sea. Finding fertile lands and little
ers, the Worm Docks are rumored to be the last domin- resistance from the indigenous gnomes and halflings,
ion of the Badens in exile. The Stone Docks lie on the the Dorns paused in their advance and began to settle the
other side of the Aransway canal. Here is the true port of area in earnest. However, by this time the fey had begun
Badens Bluff, where ships have for centuries found safe to unite and offer resistance to the barbarian invaders;
harbor behind the dwarf-built sea wall. the conquerors soon had need to defend what they had
Occupying the north-easterly flanks of the Bluff, won. The great war-captain Baden, heading west from
the craftsmen and merchant quarters of Guildall and the the mouth of the Eren, came upon a pleasant land of fer-
Well make up the Bellows District. Clinging precarious- tile valleys and wooded hills that were readily defensi-
ly to the northern face, the slums known as the Steep ble and provided dominance of land and sea. So it was
provide shelter of sorts to the downtrodden and desper- that Badens Bluff was born as a fortified camp on a
ately poor. These are the squalid breeding grounds of promontory of the Ebon Sea.
disease, misery, and violencethey are Izradors bene- Eventually, peace settled over Eredane like a
dictions, and are tools used well by his black priests. threadbare cloak and concord was found between men
Beyond Guildall, the plentiful inns of Hearthhome lie in and fey. By this time Badens Bluff had grown into a
crowded and incongruous proximity to a bewildering large fortified town built in true Dornish style. Trading
number of sinister temples and shrines to the dark god. war for commerce and soldiery for farming and fishing,
Along with the administrative quarter of Kingshand and the town quickly became a city. Although it could never
its imposing halls and governmental offices, and the rival Erenhead as the gateway to the south, Badens
dilapidated residences of Weirhold, Hearthhome forms Bluff became important for several reasons. Firstly, the
the district of Leewall. Above it all, the once splendid port stood at the narrowest crossing of the Sea of
Baden Court crowns the bluff, and within its walls pre- Pelluria and much of the traffic from the expanding
tenders, sycophants, and bastards squat in the Badens Northlands stopped at the Bluff before continuing along
palace, acting out a charade of governance and power. the coast to Erenhead. Likewise, Badens Bluff was a
On the delicate balustrades of the graceful Spire, a useful holdover for trade heading to or from Erethor by
winged horror squats where elven diplomats and emis- land or sea. But more than its position on the trade
saries once gazed at the stars. Corruption and menace routes, the fertile soil and balmy weather of the region
hang over Badens Bluff like a bilious cloud, and from provided perfect growing conditions for the sweetest
its gates march a seemingly endless horde of orcs, newly fruits and finest wines of the land. In the last centuries
alighted at the Stone Docks and on their way to war of the First Age, with the bitter scars of war fading, new
against the fey in Erethor. treaties were signed between the fey and the Dorns, and
The road that leads to the Burning Line passes Badens Bluff became a cosmopolitan epicenter of
through the wooded hills of the peninsula and traverses learning and influence. The Battle of Three Kingdoms
the borderlands bound on one side by the forests of cemented the friendship of human, elf, and dwarf, and
Erethor and on the other by the Westland plains. To the the legacy of those ties can still be seen in the city today.
east and west of the port city, the land rolls away in a From the dwarf-engineered canals and Stone Docks of
4 Introduction
the Tidewood and the wondrous stone-cunning of the Prince and his Fallen Court are careful not to foul their
Well to the graceful lines of the elf-built Spire set in gar- own pool. Those who fall to poison, knife, or spell are
dens that were once the envy of Southern Erenland, typically unwitting sacrifices set up by masters further
Badens Bluff was an example of the triumph that can be up the chain of command or by peers or adversaries who
wrought when humans and fey work together for the are more cunning in their use of subterfuge and intrigue.
betterment of all.
In the Second Age, the tumultuous arrival of the
Sarcosans brought further change, but the people of How To Use This Book
Badens Bluff endured the fires of conquest, revolution,
and rebirth with stoicism worthy of the dwarves and wis- Under the Shadow is an investigation of one of the
dom apropos of the elves, and were tempered rather than most mysterious and intriguing cities within the iron
diminished. In the new kingdom of Erenland, Badens grip of the dark lord Izrador. Of all the metropolises he
Bluff became the pre-eminent city of the Erenlanders, commands, Badens Bluff alone has managed to sacri-
mixing the strengths of each culture to derive a people fice its body for the sake of something far more valu-
distinct onto themselves. They were adaptable survivors able: its soul. It is an ideal setting for an entire smug-
with a quickness of wit that allowed them to become the gling or stealth-based resistance campaign, and is also a
kingdoms greatest entrepreneurs and inventors. The challenging and unusual location from which to stage a
potency of these cultural influences was nowhere as few adventures as part of a larger campaign.
apparent as in the family that ruled these lands through Some feats, prestige classes, and abilities from
three ages. Elven patience and dwarven cunning tem- other MIDNIGHT supplements are referenced in this
pered the impetuous fire and fierce pride of their Dornish book. AtS stands for Against the Shadow, while
and Sarcosan blood and, in Erenlands darkest hour, the M2E stands for MIDNIGHT 2ND EDITION.
Badens chose exile over extinction and thus survived
with power and influence through the Last Age.
Introduction 5
City of Secrets
This chapter gives broad descriptions of each sec- The Aransway is not the only divide between the
tion of the city of Badens Bluff, as well as detailed loca- two districts. The Stone Docks are an eclectic mix of
tions for each district. It would be impossible to provide Dorns, Erenlanders, Sarcosans, and gnomes from across
details for each and every building, business, and alley- Erenland. The district is awash in colors and sound, a
way in a city the size of Badens Bluff, but the sample melting pot of the cultures of Erenland. The buildings
locations should provide DMs with an idea of the sorts are at least somewhat stable, and the peninsula protects
of people and places that populate the city. the ships berthed here from the worst of the seas weath-
The information presented in this chapter is closed er. Crossing over Arans Gates into the Worm Docks, on
content. the other hand, is like stepping back in time. The Worm
Docks are named for the scrounged wormwood with
which the fishermen must build their homes and the oft-
falling-apart docks to which they secure their boats.
These dejected people hold fast to old Dornish traditions
and the houses and people are noticeably poorer and
At the base of the bluff, where the city touches the more subdued. Outsiders are not welcome and usually
sea and the human refuse huddles, is Tidewood. This stay only long enough to complete their business.
section of the city is a vast sprawl of warehouses, docks, The quarries, meanwhile, can barely be termed a
quarries, and shanties, speckled throughout with rickety part of the city. Half of the area is frequently underwa-
inns and taverns. Tidewood encompasses the abandoned ter, while the other half is precariously vertical or omi-
stone quarries of the western bluff as well as two distinct nously subterranean. This area consists of the western
wards, the Worm Docks and Stone Docks. Hundreds of face of the bluff upon which the city proper is built, and
boats are berthed here, from small flat-bottom canal is a remnant of the First and Second Ages when it was
runners to large sea-going vessels, all bringing in the mined to build everything from the citys harbors to its
bounty of the sea or ferrying goods from northern palaces, libraries, and outer wall. The face is pock-
Erenland. Movement through the Tidewood by boat is marked with mine tunnels cut horizontally into the rock,
quick, as the districts are covered in a spiderweb of most just above the waterline but others higher up the
canals. Most of these empty into a broad canal, the face where the stone could be hauled directly up into the
Aransway, that separates the two districts. Movement by city. Stone is no longer quarried from the bluff, and the
foot is far more difficult, and a pedestrian trying to cross shallower pockets near the waterline have been occu-
the Tidewood might spend the better part of a day doing pied by refugees. Meanwhile, the higher pockets have
so because the bridges are few and widely scattered. The become roosts for thousands of gulls, while the lowest
one exception is a wide avenue along the length of both pockets have flooded and become dark grottos from
the Worm and Stone Docks, which is connected by two which long-forgotten stores of supplies might be recov-
huge stone bridges known as Arans Gates. The ered.
Aransway proceeds deeply into the Tidewood, eventual-
ly cutting into the rock of the bluff itself as it slopes
steeply upward. The Aransway continues through the
stone to a large central cavern hundreds of feet beneath
the Well, from which a rope-and-pulley system allows
goods to be hauled directly into the city.
1. The Yards
At the southern end of the Stone Docks are two
canals that have been drained of water and lined with 2. The Sea Witch
stone slabs. These canals have been converted into dry
Quite a bit of flotsam washes up on the shore of
docks for building large sailing ships. The ship frames
Badens Bluff, some of it human beings. Those with the
are built inside the canals, and when the fitters work is
least to lose usually end up finding their way to a tavern
done the locks holding the seawater at bay are opened
called the Sea Witch. The Witch is the most dangerous
and the ships are floated out into the harbor. Both yards
tavern on the docks and the best place to hire sailors and
are busy around the clock, constructing new ships or
mercenary soldiers, especially those who ask few ques-
repairing those ships that have survived a fight with the
tions about their employers or their activities. Weapons
Pirate Princes. The yards are under heavy guard due to
and other contraband are plentiful here, and disagree-
frequent attempts at sabotage. Workers are inspected
ments are usually fatal. The city guards give the tavern
entering and leaving the yards and a legate is assigned
a wide berth. Arash (Male Sarcosan Rogue 8), a
to the shipyard to question all new workers.
Sarcosan sailor who claims to have fled from Halisport,
Captain Abram Hamsten (Male Erenlander Expert
runs the Witch. Arash is no sailor and did not flee from
2/Fighter 7), commander of the Southern Pellurian Fleet
Halisport; Sunulaels spymaster recruited him to watch
and a veteran of twenty years of fighting the Pirate
the port and ferret out the Night King Jahzirs agents.
Princes, runs the Yards. Captain Hamsten loathes the
That mission allows him free reign in the Witch and
Pirate Princes, blaming them for the loss of his three
immunity from the local guards. With those gifts, and
sons and the suffering theyve caused in their pointless
using the mercenary scum as his enforcers, Arash has
resistance to the Shadow. When the Pirate Princes burn
been able to take control of almost a dozen taverns and
a port or sink a supply ship, its not the orcs and the
brothels, becoming one of the most influential and dan-
legates that go hungry or are forced to work until they
gerous men in the district. Arash has become compla-
drop; its the people of Badens Bluff and the surround-
cent in his loyalty to Sunulael and does what he must to
ing towns who suffer. When Captain Hamsten is not at
keep inquisitors at bay. He will work with any faction if
the Yards, hes on the deck of the Sea Sprite, one of four
he believes he can make good money off them and sur-
warships that call Baden Bluff home.
vive the experience.
Worm Docks
At the northern edge of Tidewood are the Worm
Docks. This district is dedicated to harvesting the rich
bounty of the sea, and as such is dominated by almost
two miles of rotting wooden docks and fishing boats. Beggar Bowl Tavern
Nets in various states of repair dry in the sun and
seabirds hover nervously offshore while the boats
offload their catch. The area reeks of day-old fish, brine,
and the tar used to patch boats that should have been
broken into firewood years ago. Under the watchful
eyes of the orc garrison, the sullen fishermen turn their
catch over to tithemasters who leave barely enough
behind to feed the fishermens families.
Scattered along the docks are taverns that provide
some relief from the hard, thankless labors on the sea
and the mistreatment from bored orc guards.
Warehouses, boat fitters, weavers, and simple carpentry
shops compete for the limited space along the piers.
Once past the piers, the district is a bewildering maze of
narrow canals, wooden causeways, and small cluttered
courtyards. Buildings are low, rarely more than two sto-
ries, and press tightly against their neighbors as if seek-
ing comfort and warmth in these bleak times. The fish-
ermen are primarily Dorns who still feel the call of the
sea in their blood.
The piers are active during the day, with workers,
returning fishermen, orc patrols, and tithesmasters tally-
ing the days catch. By contrast, the piers and streets are
empty and almost lifeless at night except for an occa-
sional flickering light from a tavern or the grumbling of
3. Hanford Bakers
The Hanfords have been bakers and guildsmen
for centuries. Their breads and rolls are hearty and
Arla Dell very closely. As a result, the people here tend to be out-
wardly very pious, and there is a culture of eavesdrop-
ping and backstabbing as those with the most to lose try
Arla Dell is actually not an Erenlander to keep a hold on their tenuous positions and reputa-
at all, but a wood elf named Areala Duelhe tions.
who represents the elves most valuable asset
within the city. She is a master spy in the Temples of Izrador
ranks of Aradils Eyes, and she regularly
communicates with the Witch Queen herself One of the most interesting developments in
to keep her apprised of important events with- Hearthhome over the century-long occupation has been
in the city. The trinkets that her people collect the propagation of large shrines dedicated to Izrador. At
from their patrons are not only a form of pay- first, two temples were established to oversee the con-
ment, they are also keys: keys allowing those version of recruits and to organize sacrifices to be taken
patrons to be scryed upon by Areala or, if the to the Black Mirror in the Crown. Some new recruits
donator is of a high enough rank, one of the who wanted to prove their piety began to establish
Witch Queens advisors. shrines to the fallen god, each of which soon attracted
As the war encroaches on Caradul, more and more followers. Thus were born the new
however, information from Badens Bluff has churches, led by unordained leaders who have estab-
become less and less important to Aradil, and lished a cult-like presence in the ward. Some of the
Areala seems to be falling more and more in legates are getting uncomfortable with this arrangement,
love with her primary alter ego. Its possible and since they dont want to be seen undermining reli-
that soon Areala may stop being an elven gious fervor, they have been turning to their natural ene-
asset, quietly renounce her allegiance to the mies in the resistance to sabotage these cults.
Eyes, and immerse herself fully in the
intrigues of the city. This would be a great
blow to the foes of Izrador, something the Legate Denarius
servants of the fallen god could not fail to
realize if they discovered her identity. The most vocal opponent of these false cults of
Izrador is a legate named Denarius, a gray-haired giant
of a man from the northern wastes. He has thus far resis-
ted his natural impulse to cleave through the congrega-
tions of cultists who twist his religion, and has instead
focused his efforts on courting dangerous relationships Shadow can be outmaneuvered by clever representatives
with some of the resistance factions. He has not gone so of the people.
far as having a cult leader assassinated, but intimidation Those who live in Kingshand work in the govern-
and threats against cultists have been increasing lately. ment or serve those who do. Most of the legates and
Both Denarius and the resistance are playing a danger- Shadow officials live in large homes, each of which is
ous game by working together, but so far it has worked kept up by dozens of halfling slaves. Citizens of Badens
to their mutual benefit. Denarius is risking everything Bluff that assist in the task of running the city also live
by helping the resistance in his ward perpetrate crimes here, but are not allowed to occupy the areas homes,
in others, and should the link be found out, the wrath of even those left empty for decades. Instead, they live in
his fellows would be swift and brutal. well-appointed apartments that are nonetheless painful
places to live, overlooking and abutting the orc garrison
and exposing their residents to the constantly horrific
Kingshand smells and sounds created by those vicious soldiers.
The Kingshand ward is a well-kept part of the city,
owing to the influence of those who live and work there. 1. Government House
Kingshand stays fairly dry, being sheltered from wind
and rain off the Pellurian by the rest of the bluff, as well The main house of government in Badens Bluff is
as benefitting from storm drains that filter water into a triangular structure with three wings and a courtyard
Weirhold. This ward fulfills the same duties now as it whose gardens boast flowers from all around the coasts
always hasit is where the administrative dirty work of of the Sea of Pelluria.
running the city is done, as well as the location of the One wing of the house is given over to the leaders
second-largest orc garrison in the city. The high legates of the citizenry. It is heavily guarded, and those within
minions relish their ability to lord power over the citi- deal with the most mundane aspects of keeping the city
zens token representatives, who meanwhile do their best runningwork orders, maintenance, and disputes
to keep their heads down and help the people of their between citizens. The legates allow the citizens to han-
wards as best they can. It is a place of allegiances and dle their own disputes most of the time, which gives the
conferences, where even those with the authority of the impression that they still govern themselves to a small
extent. Of course, the mere threat of a dispute being
The Crown
When the Dorns settled the city, they reserved the
highest ground overlooking the bluff for a stockade, a
last retreat in times of trouble. Over the centuries, the
stockade was converted to a simple keep, then a curtain
wall was built to enclose the hill, and finally, in the days
of the Badens, into a walled estate, with beautiful gar-
dens and an ornate but still defensible palace. Barracks
were constructed for the elite of the citys guard and a
parade ground was laid out to allow for their training
and review. For over two thousand years the Baden flag
flew proudly from the battlements and people looked
with pride toward the Badens and their city.
When the city fell, the court and its administrative
offices were gutted and converted into homes for those
sent up to the Crown ends many complaints even who would fawn at the feet of the legates. In the royal
when the resolution is not to the liking of either party. apartments, the legates installed a puppet duke and gave
Orc guards are plentiful here, and one loyalist human him all the trappings of a great lord, though with little or
agent is assigned for every three citizen workers to no real power. The dukes court was comprised of
watch for and report suspicious activities. legates, mercenary leaders, and merchants who sought
The second wing houses the legate representa- to profit from the subjugation of the city; they acted
tives, nominally in charge of crime and punishment. more as the dukes jailers than as his subjects. The once
They constantly exert their authority to crack down on magnificent gardens have become in some places fallow
resistance within the city as well as to improve their per- and in others a collection of weeds. The barracks were
sonal positions in the eyes of their masters in the Crown. given over to the most trusted of the human mercenaries
Serving as bureaucrats in the hellhole of Badens Bluff and soldiers, usually those raised in families that had
makes most of these legates petty and defensive, always secretly worshipped the dark god in the Third Age and
involved in a power struggle of some kind to validate paved the way for his great victory.
their lowly positions. The Crown, once open to the citizens of Badens
The third wing was largely devoted to records and Bluff, has become a fortified camp, designed to protect
taxation before the legates took over, and this has not the residences of the citys elite and keep the rabble
changed much in the intervening years. There is still a away. The walls surrounding the Crown have been
library full of records, although all of the non-religious strengthened and all of the gates but one have been per-
books have been destroyed, and taxes are accounted for manently sealed. Buildings outside the walls have been
here. Since animals cannot enter this section of the city, razed to provide almost a hundred yards of killing
an auxiliary taxation house has been established in ground, providing no cover for Baden assassins attempt-
Weirhold, where citizens can bring their tribute and ing to sneak into the court. Merchants wagons are thor-
have it accounted for before it is slaughtered. oughly searched and escorted the entire time they are
Hidden in a cramped chamber accessed through a inside the walls. Deliveries are only allowed during the
secret door found behind the stacks in the records wing day and then only from a small, vetted group of mer-
lies one of Badens Bluffs greatest treasuresa cache chants. The Crown, once the last refuge of the people of
of magic items and written lore that has survived intact Badens Bluff, has become a bastion seemingly under
since the days of the Last War, hidden within a box of siege from the people it was designed to protect.
special material called mirrorglass. The rare substance is
3. The Watch
Nestled inside the walls of the Crown are the for-
mer barracks of the House Baden guards. The barracks,
as befitting their status as the home of the House Baden
elite, were grand buildings with spacious apartments for
officers and ornate walls inscribed with the Baden vic-
tories. At the height of the Badens power, over 500 offi-
cers and troops were housed here, providing security for
the Crown and acting as a strike force for threats against
the city. When the gates were opened to the Shadows
armies, many of the guard had already fled, abandoning
their equipment and either hiding inside the city or try-
ing to join resistance groups in the Westlands. Some,
ingrained with a sense of duty to protect the city of their
birth, laid their weapons in front of the legates and
This chapter describes the land surrounding labors as the legates tithe-masters take most of what
Badens Bluff, from the peninsula on which the city lies they grow to feed Izradors growing armies. Meanwhile
to the coast of the Sea of Pelluria spreading to the east the hateful orcs arrive from the north in never-ending
and west, and culminating in the broad Westlands to the numbers, their howls and the fearful beating of drums
south. often filling the night air as they march along the Road
The information presented in this chapter is closed of Ruin to the war fronts of Erethor.
to the seemingly endless prairies of the Westlands. This
highway is known as the Road of Ruin. Men speak its
name with fear or smoldering rage, while orcs growl it
with spiteful mirth as they grind the bones of Erenland
The city of Badens Bluff crowns a wide peninsu- beneath their hobnailed boots.
la that juts out into the mockingly serene azure waters of The Road of Ruin is a wide highway of compact-
the Sea of Pelluria. The bluff is the last in a series of ed earth, broken stone and, in the muddier regions,
gentle hills that march north from the River Orh, a rich felled logs, which cuts through the gentle hills and
land blessed with fertile soil and good weather. The wooded lands south of the Bluff. In the shadow of the
estates that the Dorn and Erenlander nobility once held orc citadel of Vorstuk it meets the Eren Road to
here were famed for their splendid orchards, finely bred Erenhead in the east and the Road of Salt and Tears from
livestock, and vineyards that were the envy of the king- Arwich in the west. The Road of Ruin continues south-
dom. Now, once grand manors lie in overgrown ruin or west until it reaches the River Orh where it turns south
are occupied by traitorous usurpers who serve the again and, with the emerald smudge of Erethor ever on
Shadow and call themselves lords. The fine flocks and the horizon, follows the edge of the Westland plains to
herds are gone, the pasturelands and orchards are Eisin. Along this route from Badens Bluff to the Orh a
reclaimed by the wilds, and the scions of the true lords straggling chain of ghost towns slip slowly into obliv-
are dead or live in secrecy among the winding back ion. In the Second and Third Ages, these market towns
alleys of Badens Bluff. and villages were the thriving heart of the Badens
Towns that once dotted this pleasant land lie in dominion; now their eerie desertion is a poignant
echoing abandonment or have become slums where the reminder that the Shadows knife has pierced that heart
race of men sinks into fearful ignorance, forgetting who and that it beats no more. It was the orcs that caused the
they were and why they had once been proud. The rural inhabitants of these settlements to flee, for to live in the
folk whose ancestors lived free under the benign aus- path of Izradors armies is to live in the shadow of death.
pices of House Baden now eke out cruel lives as serfs Those who could left decades ago, while those who did-
forced to toil in servitude to traitors and black-hearted nt were taken as slaves or food. Now, only the truly
legates. They see little return for their back-breaking desperate haunt the desolate towns: scavengers and
The venture too far from the relative safety of the road.
West of the Bluff Peninsula, the land undulates
toward the distant shadow of Erethor. These lands are
warm waters of the Southern Sea of Pelluria, fertile soil,
and a balmy climate have long been a haven for those
who would work the land and fish the sea. In the First
Age, simple gnomish fishermen first learned their love
Six hundred miles southeast of quietly defiant of the water along this coast. When the barbarous Dorns
Badens Bluff, the fallen city of Erenhead has become a brought war and enslavement, the gnomes were dis-
black nest swarming with goblins and orcs. Along the placed and the Sea of Pelluria became their refuge and,
rocky coastline that separates them, the land becomes later, their home. In the Second Age, the Northmen were
progressively more difficult as it rises from the Orh conquered themselves, and from the ultimate union of
River Valley to the grassy plateaus of the Westlands. the Sarcosan and Dorn races sprang the Erenlanders.
These littoral wilds have long been abandoned by men The region prospered during this time of peace, and
and orcs, who fear a terrible curse supposedly cast by countless villages and towns sprang up amongst its ver-
legates decades ago. The Eren Road follows the edge of dant dales. Halflings and gnomes resettled the western-
the downs and wooded hills and is broken only occa- most holdings and lived harmoniously with the men of
sionally by drab settlements that are only ever built on Erenland. In the adjacent forests of Erethor, the wood
the southern side of the road. Goblin patrols led by sea- elves of the Green March looked on in approval and
soned hobgoblin warriors are common along the Eren Badens Bluff became second only to Eisin as a trading
Road. So too are orcs in great numbers, in the form of center with the woodland realm.
fists and even whole warbands traveling to the distant When the Kingdom of Erenland fell to the
warfronts on the border with Erethor. However, even Shadow, the vile minions of the dark godtraitorous
these battle-eager troops keep a wary eye on the sea- humans, foul orcs, and monstrous beastswere not
The Sea of
providers of it. In the face of looming disaster wrought
of their own voracious and destructive nature, the orcs
were forced to adapt to the role of occupiers rather than
conquerors, besiegers rather than raiders. The legates
began to restore order in the rural communities, slowly
resurrecting the devastated society so that it might sup-
port the very forces that destroyed it. Soon, thousands of
slaves toiled in the countryside of Erenland, growing The Pelluria is not a true sea, but rather an
and rearing food enough to feed Izradors ravenous immense freshwater lake fed by the Gamaril, Ishensa,
hordes. To solve the problem of spoilage, the legates and Torbrun rivers and drained by the mighty Eren. With
reopened the salt mines at Aarl and shipped the dirty the forests of Erethor dominating the western side of the
white powder by the wagon- and boat-load to Badens continent and the towering Kaladruns looming to the
Bluff and Erenhead. east, the Pelluria effectively splits Eredane in two, and
The inhabitants of Arwich earn a meager living by its presence has been a vital check preventing the
providing food and labor to support the mining opera- Shadow from achieving total domination. The stormy
tion, although the mines themselves are worked by expanse of the Pelluria and the orcs natural fear of wide
slaves drawn from across Eredane. The town is overseen
Few permanent settlements remain on the
Westland plains; the orcs hate the grasslands and are
suspicious of those who would hide themselves in the
sea of swordgrass. Sword and flame are the common
The Westlands lie between Erethor and the Eren solutions employed by Izradors chosen, and because of
River to the east and west, and are bordered on the north this brutality, the majority of Erenlander communities
by the Sea of Pelluria and on the south by the Ardune. cluster along the edge of the grasslands. Some choose to
From the Eren River Valley, plateaus and rocky steppes live in the fertile hills of the Pellurian and Ardune
clad in low speargrass and sagebrush descend to wide coasts, while others stay close to the Eren River Valley.
open grasslands dominated by a towering sea of sword For the most part, these settlements are poor farming
grass. As the arc of Shareel gives way to Doshram, communities that are barely self-sufficient. The inhabi-
heavy rains are followed by a flush of green that slowly tants of these impoverished places live beneath a cloud
fades into yellow, ending in brown by the arc of Halail. of fear and have sold their pride and spirit in the hope
The winter arcs bring frosts and cold rains which, like that the legates and the orcs will leave them unmolested.
the heavy spring rains, can cause flash floods across the Unfortunately, hope is a rare commodity in the Last
plains. Dust storms blow on raging winds during the dry Age, and providence is rarer still.
arcs and lightning storms that set the grass ablaze There are still those who defy their oppressors,
become the ascendant hazards. however, following the lead of their southern brethren to
The occasional grove of panock trees or rocky pursue a semi-nomadic existence amongst the swaying
bluff seems to be all that breaks the monotony of the grass. These are the horseclans, and it is in them and the
grassland sea. However, like the waters of the Sea of various resistance groups of Badens Bluff that the spir-
Pelluria, much is concealed beneath this gently swaying it of the Erenlanders and southern Dorns lives on. The
surface. While seeming flat and featureless from afar, horseclans follow the herds of wild boro on horseback
the ground is stony and carved by countless rills, deep for much of the year, camping during the winter arcs in
channels, and gullies that carry the springtime floods. redoubts hidden deep in the grasslands.
Progress can be slow through this broken terrain.
Great herds of boro roam the grasslands, following
migratory routes that their ancestors walked millennia Caderin
before them. Plains leopards stalk unseen in their wake.
The seasonal paths of the boro are well known to the Caderin is a semi-permanent walled settlement in
halflings and humans who still dwell here, and while the the center of the Westland plains. Crouched atop a short
orcs are quickly lost without guides, the plainsmen and mesa-like mount of rock, Caderin is a dusty place whose
nomadic halflings seem to know the trails as instinctive- squat stone buildings are built without windows in order
ly as the herds. Wild herds of horses roam free on the to protect its inhabitants from the fierce winds and dust
Tyranny and
This chapter describes the power plays in Badens the citys garrison to prevent his forces in Erethor from
Bluff and the organizations that guide them, from the being overrun. Another near holocaust was avoided
determined and ruthless Badens to the insidiously mer- when a fight broke out among the orcs scheduled to per-
ciful legates, from the daring pirates of the Sea of form the culling, and they turned to butchering one
Pelluria to the brutal orc garrison. another in the fields before dawn.
The setting and background information present- Eventually, Sunulael stepped in to prevent further
ed in this chapter are closed content. The rules for find- waste. He acerbically pointed out the Bluffs historic
ing and accessing caches or safehouses are designated pattern of cooperation when presented with a way to do
as Open Game Content. so. He also suggested that a few hundred dead orcs,
more or less, did not justify losing one of the few work-
ing cities left in Erenland. Within a relatively short time
The Powers
Badens Bluff would become the northernmost city of
Southern Erenland with either industrial or agricultural
capacity. Given its long-term importance, perhaps his
subordinates could use their minds rather than the orcs
The Voice of
local society. Locals come to them with problems and
they provide solutions. Sometimes, those solutions
come free of charge. More often, they carry with them a
price that the locals do not fully understand.
the Shadow The legates of the Bluff express their personal evil
in little ways. None of their number engage in the kind
of random sadism or brutality so common outside of the
The Order of Shadow exerts considerable power Bluff. Instead, some spread malicious gossip, or quietly
in Badens Bluff. While the place is notoriously danger- build enough influence over someone to force that per-
ous for astiraxes and unusual in that legates cannot sim- son to engage in acts of depravity instead. One or two
ply have their way based on whims, the citys wealth even delight in the long, steady process of corrupting a
and importance to the logistical side of the war make it good soul by inches, eeking out evil from an honest man
a surprisingly strong place from which to build influ- one drop of blood at a time.
ence within the Order. A legate who can ride the tem- These subtle evils require a craftsmans touch.
pestuous tides sweeping the wards can, in time, create a The lesser legates of Badens Bluff all possess remark-
name for himself in the Order. able skills with lies, diplomacy, intimidation, and the
The Badens Bluff resistance is organized around
the remnants of Fredrick Badens feudal court. His great
grandnephew, Tomas Baden, accepts the loyalty oaths of
the nobles who survived the citys occupation. These
nobles, in turn, organize cells of knights who take the
oaths of the common people.
Within the city, the insurgents know only the
members of their cell and the knight to whom they
swore an oath, and he only knows his peers and the
noble to whom he swore an oath. Each tier of the resist-
ance meets in small groups at irregular intervals; any
one of these members might secretly be one of Tomass
inner circle of lieutenants and trusted agents.
The Fallen Court is the only truly organized land-
Operations bound resistance network in Erenland. Anyone else
fighting against the Shadow either does so from the Sea
Within the city limits, the Fallen Court brutally of Pelluria, is part of an independent cell, or fights under
maintains the uneasy status quo. It punishes servants of the loose supervision of one of the rebel heroes of the
the Shadow who are left out to dry by their masters. It age, like Roland and his riders. A fortuitous combination
makes life miserable for orcs who become lost in the of circumstances and forethought have given the Badens
wrong parts of town or let their violent natures get the a working command structure, loyal agents, consider-
best of them. At the same time, the courts cells leave the able supplies, and an intact network extending as far as
firmly entrenched legates alone, allow most orcs to go the southern Sarcosan horse-steppes.
about their normal patrols and demand their tithes, and The self-deposed rulers put these resources to
even help the legates hunt down serious troublemakers. work almost immediately upon their descent from the
Under this veneer of calm the cells of the Fallen throne. Now they manage many separate operations,
Court work at a fevered pace. Tomass inner circle gets ranging from gnomish smuggling to complex exchanges
reports from hundreds of field agents, manages dozens of involving corrupt legates and forgotten captives. Their
safehouses, and maintains caches of materials as far south activities rely on an ever-widening network of inform-
as Drumlen and as far north as Davindale. They also ants, rogues, and neer-do-wells pressed into service by
attempt to coordinate the activities of scattered resistance desperation and achieving levels of heroism they never
groups, sometimes orchestrating strikes involving a half- thought themselves capable of. Among the Fallen
dozen organizations. Courts greatest accomplishments have been the estab-
Outside of the city, Baden agents move though the lishment of caches and safehouses throughout Erenland.
land like smoke. They carry messages, locate people
who require assistance from gnome smugglers, identify
weaknesses in the Shadows forces, and generally stay Avenging Knives
out of trouble. Occasionally one will stay in place long In all of Erenland, no organization dares dream
enough to train a few resistance fighters, but usually to what the Avenging Knives of Badens Bluff have begun
stop is to die. to do. They stand on the front lines, murdering traitors
and orcs alike. They burn supply trains, sink ships, free
Holding Court in the Sewers slaves, and fight the good fight. The permanent residents
of the city treat them like lepers, warding them off lest
Tomass informants and connections normally they bring down the Shadows wrath, but the Knives do
interact with him in the anonymous safety of the fishing not care. They would happily sacrifice their own
fleets on the Sea of Pelluria. However, a more formal wretched lives, as well as those of any who are near
organization of his men has a home deep in the Snarl, the them, for a brief, shining moment of honor. Ironically,
collection of sewers and unused tunnels beneath Badens despite their ideals, these reckless warriors are the
Bluff. Tomass inner circle meets there once a month to Badenss worst enemy.
discuss current events and assess their operations. Overtures by Tomass messengers have fallen on
During these meetings they also meet ambassadors from deaf ears. The leader of the band of Knives, one Jen
other organizations and reward those who have served Almasi, long ago lost everything he cared about, and is
the resistance well. Tomas himself never appears at these himself no longer under the control of his superiors out-
meetings, as the risk of betrayal is too high. side of Badens Bluff. To him, Badens Bluff is just one
The Snarl is also the resting place of the accumu- in a long string of places for him to take his war to the
lated reports of the resistance and the ancestral arms of Shadow. His overt methods and daring raids have begun
the Baden family. Though the arms hold great symbolic to attract the attention of the less patient residents of the
Accessing a Safehouse
Once an agent has met a safehouse contact, on the
Awareness and Discovery other hand, he must present the appropriate credentials
in order to be led to the location. If his Baden masters
The DC for the skill checks required to know of a expected him to call on the safehouse they may, at the
a cache or safehouse and to uncover it depends on both DMs discretion, have given him the correct recognition
the location (which will generally be the agents current codes. In this case he does not have to make any skill
whereabouts) and the contents or services the agent checks to prove his identity.
hopes to find. The agent tells the DM what contents or If the agent does not possess the appropriate cre-
services he hopes to find; the DM then determines the dentials, he must make a Diplomacy check with a DC
total DC for both the awareness and discovery checks equal to the safehouses discovery DC. Success indi-
and rolls secretly. The table below provides the base cates that he has proven his identity. Failure indicates
DCs based on location, while the agents requirements that the contact does not trust him, and will try to escape
* Each of these amounts counts as one item, of which there can be several in a single cache. For instance, a
small cache is large enough to contain 5 days of food, or 10 arrows, or 5 daggers, etc. A medium cache may
contain 2 of the items listed under sample amounts, or twice that number of items from the previous cache
size, so it might have 20 days of food, 10 days of food and 5 short swords, 3 light shields and 10 daggers,
and so on.
The following personalities call Badens Bluff bastard sword, masterwork heavy steel shield, circlet of
home. Some come from unique backgrounds. Others persuasion, cloak of protection +2, courtiers outfit.
arise from the circumstances attendant on the Shadows
dominion and could easily be used as templates for sim- When he draws himself up to his full height,
ilar character types. Helrion Baden stands well over six feet tall. His solid
The names and background information presented strength and devilishly handsome good looks combined
in this chapter are closed content. The stat blocks are with blowing blonde hair and steely-gray eyes make
designated as Open Game Content. him look like something out of legend. However, his
appetite for luxuries, lack of moral courage, and will-
ingness to sacrifice others to his greater glory reveal him
to be a man of his times.
In other, more settled, circumstances Helrion
would never have come to the Baden throne. Though he
has the honor of being the eldest son of Prince Tomass
aunt (and therefore the great grandson of Fredrick
Helrion Baden Baden), his birth was less than legitimate. In fact, ugly
rumors swirl around his birth, including the possibility
The Bastard Count of rape or even a forced breeding program run by a
Male Erenlander Aristocrat 6/Fighter 4: CR 7; Whatever the case, Helrion was born and trained
Medium human (6ft. 4 in. tall); HD 6d8+4d10+20; hp to rule over Badens Bluff. He knows how to use his
69; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 23 (+1 Dex, +8 masterwork blood to impress the people of his court. He also knows
full plate, +2 masterwork heavy steel shield,+2 cloak of how to fine-tune a gift so that it elicits envy in those who
protection), flat-footed 22, touch 13; Base Atk +8; Grp see it. This later skill he uses to set courtiers against one
+9; Atk +12 melee (1d10+3, masterwork bastard another and to manipulate the various guards, army offi-
sword); Full Atk +12/+7 melee (1d10+3, masterwork cials, government officials, and other power brokers
bastard sword); SQ Erenlander traits; AL NE; SV Fort who truly run the city. He never speaks of his early years
+8, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 15, Wis or of his plans for the future. Instead he turns every con-
8, Cha 16. versation to what he might, perhaps, be able to do for the
Skills: Bluff +17, Craft (brewer) +5, Diplomacy person he talks to. These evasions serve to prevent peo-
+21, Forgery +9, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +19, ple from gaining any handle on what he truly wants;
Ride +7, Sense Motive +14, Spot +4. when no one knows what you desire, he figures, no one
Feats: Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Exotic can manipulate you.
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Though Helrion may occasionally seem shallow
Initiative, Leadership (Leadership 13), Persuasive, Skill and ineffectual, his desires are anything but. The bastard
Focus (Sense Motive), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), count remains focused on one goal: absolute domination
Weapon Specialization (bastard sword). of the southern coast of the Sea of Pelluria. The exact
Languages: Courtier, Erenlander, Norther, and shape of his plans has not yet unfolded in his mind, but
Orcish Pidgin. he is absolutely sure it will be brilliant.
Possessions: Masterwork full plate, masterwork
Erenland. Eventually this shadowy champion turned his
attention to one of the most dangerous targets in all
Eredane: the Night King Sunulael. Fully expecting to
die but hoping to destroy the undead monstrosity as
well, Gorse recruited like-minded heroes, powerful in
their own rights but frustrated by their inability to stop
the vast armies of the Shadow. They planned meticu- Tomas Baden
lously, ensuring that everything was in place before
launching their assault. Scion of Baden
Unfortunately, Sunulael proved to be far more
Male Dorn Charismatic Channeler 7/Visionary
than a mortal opponent. He easily trapped, tortured,
3: CR 10; Medium Human (6 ft. 7 in. tall); HD
broke, and then killed the heroes. Rather than leave such
7d6+3d8+20; hp 58; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex),
a useful potential servant untapped, however, the Night
flat-footed 10, touch 11 or AC 18 (+1 Dex, +2 natural
King then raised Gorse from the soil using a process
armor, +7 invulnerable mithril chain shirt +3), flat-foot-
which transformed him into something like a lich. He
ed 21, touch 11; Base Atk +6; Grp +9; Atk +10 melee
then imbued the new creature with magical abilities that
(1d6+3, club) or +13 melee (2d6+9, +2 ghost touch
would make him the ultimate spy and assassin.
greatsword); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (1d6+3 club) or
The creature that was Gorse is a master of dis-
+13/+8 melee (2d6+9, +2 ghost touch greatsword); SA
guise. In his own, unaltered visage he looks like a young
spells; SQ art of magic (20%), cast daze, prestidigita-
man of mixed Dorn and Sarcosan descent. He speaks
Ebore Arbter
Trader and Smuggler
Female Erenlander Expert 5/Smuggler 3: CR
5; Medium human (5 ft. 6 in. tall); HD 8d6; hp 28; Init
+5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, flat-footed 10, touch 11; Base Atk
+6; Grp +6; Atk +6 melee (1d4, dagger) or +7 ranged
(1d4, thrown dagger); Full Atk +6/+1 melee (1d4, dag-
ger) or +6 ranged (1d4, thrown dagger); SQ dominant
will +2, Erenlander traits, mystifying speech 1/day,
oathbound to Tomas Baden, smugglers trade +4; AL
NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will 9; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10,
Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14.
Aradils Eye
Male Wood Elf Rogue 5/Aradils Eye 4: CR 9;
Medium Human (5 ft. 10 in. tall); HD 9d69; hp 21; Init
+4; Spd 30 ft; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk
+6; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (1d81, longsword); Full Atk
+5/+0 melee (1d81, longsword); SQ alter egos (2), cast
dancing lights, mage hand, and mending 1/day each,
closed mind, evasion, fascinating speech, mind bond,
sneak attack +3d6, spy initiate, trapfinding, trap sense
+1, uncanny dodge, wood elf qualities; AL CG; SV Fort
+1, Ref +5, Will +8; Str 8, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 12, Wis
16, Cha 9.
Skills: Bluff +7, Disguise +7, Gather Information
+11, Hide +12, Knowledge (Caraheen) +9, Listen +13,
Move Silently +8, Read Lips +13, Search +13, Sense
Motive +15, Spot +17, Tumble +8.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Inconspicuous, Two-
Weapon Fighting*, Two-Weapon Defense*.
*Sergeloth cannot use these feats due to the dam-
age he suffered in the war.
Languages: Black Tongue (literate), Erenlander
(literate), and High Elven (literate).
Possessions: longsword, travelers outfit.
The residents of Badens Bluff are among the clos-
est humans to the elves, yet they might as well be thou-
sands of miles away. Most have never seen an elf, and
imagine them as otherworldly beings cloaked in power,
New Rules
Under the Shadow introduces dangerous new from the current status-quo. The DM may disallow any
opponents and powerful allies. The background infor- vision he feels fails to inspire heroism or at least strong
mation and illustrations presented in this appendix are action in Eredane.
closed content. All other material presented in this chap-
ter is designated as Open Game Content. Class Skills
The visionarys class skills (and the key ability for
The Visionary each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int),
New Prestige Class Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis),
and Speak Language.
One hundred years ago, the Shadow came from Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
the north and extinguished all hope from the world.
Only scattered fighters remain to oppose him, many pur-
suing ultimately self-destructive paths. However, no Class Features
matter how dark things may seem, there are men who All of the following are features of the visionary
will continue to dream of a chance to regain the light. prestige class.
Even in the broken lands of Eredane those dreams may Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The visionary
kindle a flame, blazing bright enough to give men hope gains no proficiency with weapons or armor.
once more. Vision (Su): At 1st level the visionary creates a
Among those who dare to dream stand the vision- unique view of the future. This vision, regardless of its
aries, men and women who not only see a brighter contents, feels just as real to the character as the real
future but inspire others with their vision. They blaze world does to ordinary people. The visionary can, as a
like beacons in the Last Age, attracting the lost and the standard action, use his Perform skill to communicate
hopeless to their cause. this vision to one character per class level within range.
Hit Die: d8. For each shared alignment component (e.g., a lawful
neutral character affected by the vision of a lawful good
Requirements visionary), a target gains a +1 bonus to attacks, level
checks, skill checks, and saving throws for as long as the
To qualify to become a visionary, a character must visionary performs. For each opposed alignment com-
fulfill all the following criteria. ponent (e.g., a chaotic evil character affected by the
Skills: 10 ranks each in any three Charisma-based vision of a neutral good visionary), a target suffers a 1
skills. penalty to armor class and to damage rolls. For this pur-
Feat: Leadership pose, chaotic is opposed to lawful and good is opposed
Special: The character must clearly articulate a to evil, but neutral has no opposed component.
vision of the future. This vision must include specific A target may gain both the penalty and the bonus
long-term and short-term goals, a clear role for both the from this ability simultaneously.
character and his allies, and at least one radical change
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