Q2 - Final Format PDF
Q2 - Final Format PDF
Q2 - Final Format PDF
During the creation of my magazine, I conducted a variety In contrast to this, I decided that my model should have
of different research methods which gave me information very simple makeup, on the basis that i wanted the simple
about my pop/ electro pop target audience. I was able to makeup to compliment her dark features, making her look
refine my audiences interests and lifestyle as a whole, more beautiful and admirable. This will also entice the
through these research methods. Due to the fact that male minority of my target audience. I specifically did this
during my research and planning section, I was able to as i was attempting to conform to Laura Mulveys theory of
create a clear representation of what my target audience the male gaze.
was like, which then enabled me to cater their hobbies and
interest and appearance and put it into a suitable magazine As mentioned before, Pria was heavily influenced by big
format, including things that this audience would enjoy pop/ electro pop artists such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga and
reading and therefore a magazine that they would buy. One Ke$ha as I felt that all of these women has a clear
of the most useful websites, that enabled me to do this, presence on the pop/ electro pop market, which is what I
was UK Tribes on the basis that it was a website that took wanted to achieve through my magazine and artist. I also
into account peoples interests and allocated them into a think that all of these women provide an established look,
tribe, which meant that finding the specific target audience whom inspire others with their fashion and confidence.
wasnt as difficult as say other research methods. Through Which is what I wanted my artist to be portrayed like, as
looking at different social groups I decided that my its evident that these artists are all aspirational inspiring
audience would split between the Stylers (which are a todays generation and a younger demographic (my target
younger demographic, that are influenced by music and audience). I think that by using these qualities featuring in
fashion) and the Creatives (which are a modern social the electro pop female artists, the target audience will
group that enjoy bending the boundaries). I decided to arguably be more attracted to the, magazine on the basis
categorise my audience to these specific groups as I that they will recognise these traits and instantly be
thought that the description showed me that both of these interested in the artist and the magazine as a whole.
groups are looking for new and modern things, both
My magazine overall represents the particular electro pop/
features that I wanted to include and interpret into my pop social group of people with a thirst for current, up-to-
magazine. date fashion and music. Their creativity is displayed
From this research, I felt that my artist has to be quirky, through their quirky style, following statement trends and
cool and different to usual artist in the industry, as I bright colours. My magazine mainly targets a female
thought that this would attract my target audience. I also audience however I have applied element of a male
think that fashion is a massively important factor, on the audience through the male gaze, however it mainly caters
basis that up to date fashion trends were evident for both towards a female audience. I think that despite my
of the groups and todays society as a whole, not only magazine being aimed at a pop genre, once it grows in
would this attract my target audience. Which is why my popularity and status, it will cater to all audience types.
artist Pria Downing is represented and dressed in the way Although this has many positive aspects, its arguable that
she is, as it is apparent that she is influenced by big, there are also a variety of negatives that also come with
modern pop artist such as Rihanna, wearing quirky outfits targeting my magazine towards a creative social group.
(big pink fur coat, knee high boots) which is similar to The first being the population, its evident that they're are
other pop artist that are portrayed in cool, up to date not as many creative people than say academic, on the
outfits. Her overall style, is fairly out there, showing her basis that there comes a greater difficulty when finding
quirky, big personality, she tends to wear bright colours job that look for creative individuals instead of say people
and big statement outfits like say Lady Gaga (another will all As in their A Levels. Which means that the
population of these individuals are fairly limited, as a result
electro pop artist), conforming to the latest trends and also
being respected on the fashion scene because of her bold of this, its arguable that there wont be enough of these
clothing sense. creative individuals purchasing this magazine, therefore
creating enough money.