Fire Risk Analysis of Structures And: Infrastructures: Theory and Application in Highway Tunnels
Fire Risk Analysis of Structures And: Infrastructures: Theory and Application in Highway Tunnels
Fire Risk Analysis of Structures And: Infrastructures: Theory and Application in Highway Tunnels
System approach to fire safety design
Risk analysis
Hazard analysis
Risk acceptance
Risk reduction
What is risk?
Risk can be defined as the probability that the harm or damage from a particular
hazard is realized.
Risk is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood (a qualitative description
of probability or frequency). In mathematical terms risk can be defined as:
risk = f (frequency or probability, consequence) (1)
In the case of an activity with only one event with potential consequences, a risk (R)
is the probability (P) that this event will occur multiplied with the consequences (C)
given the event occurs:
R = PC (2)
The risk of a system is the sum of the risks of all harmful events of that system:
= (3)
Risk types
Life safety risks are normally presented in two ways:
- Individual risk and
- Societal risk
Individual risk:
The purpose of the individual risk is to ensure that individuals in the society
are not exposed to unacceptably high risks. It can be defined as the risk to any
occupant on the scene for the event/hazard scenario i.e. it is the risk to an
individual and not to a group of people.
Societal risk:
Societal risk is not looking at one individual but is concerned with the risk of
multiple fatalities. People are treated as a group, there are no considerations
taken to the individuals within the group i.e. the definition of the risk is from a
societal point of view.
Source: Jnsson, 2007
Fire risk analysis of structures and infrastructures: theory and 8
application in highway tunnels