Ie 673 Assignment 4
Ie 673 Assignment 4
Ie 673 Assignment 4
Carlos G. Garces
[email protected]
Assignment 4
Understand the needs of the costumer, meet them and aim to surpass them.
Create unity of purpose and organizational direction and provide an environment in
which employees will be involved and objectives can be achieved.
Ensure to use employees who are fully involved, by using all their abilities to improve
the organization.
Recognize that things accomplished are the results of processes and that processes
along with related activities and resources need to be managed.
The multiple interrelated process that contributes to the organization effectiveness
are a system and should be manage as such.
Continual improvement should be a permanent objective applied to the organization
and to its people, processes, systems, and products.
Decisions must be based on the analysis of accurate, relevant, and reliable data and
Both the organization and the supplier benefiting from one anothers resources and
knowledge results in value for all.
The Pareto Chart is a very useful tool wherever one needs to separate the important from
the trivial. By doing so we can determine where to apply our resources based on priorities.
Among the charts, we have the cascading Pareto Charts, with this type of chart we start
by determining the most significant category in the first chart, from that we create a
second chart related only to that category and just repeat the process as far as needed,
this will lead to determining the root of problems.
3. Discuss fishbone diagrams.
Fishbone diagram also known as Ishikawa diagram due to its creator Dr. Ishikawa. This
type of diagram is not based on statistic, but based on similarities. This chart is a way to
visualize how the various factors associated with a process affects the processs output.
The chart gain is name of fishbone for its appearance, the spine is the effect and the ribs
are the causes that lead to the effect.
4. Discuss histograms.
Control charts were developed by Shewhart in order to separate the special causes from
common ones. The data is plotted over time, the date however stays between the upper
control limit. Whenever there is a special cause, two scenarios can occur:
1. A run of multiple points in a row will be place under or above the average line.
2. A point will penetrate the upper control limit or the lower control limit.
Due to such a control chart is a great tool in order to monitor the process. Control charts
are a great tool for immediate notification of a change taking place in the process.
A flowchart is the representation of a process through the use of shapes. A basic way to
improve a process is by the use of a flowchart, this provides the same understanding of
the process to everybody involve with it. A flowchart is represented by different shapes,
each of these shapes is associated with a different meaning and in turn create a sequence
which lead to a full process. Some of the shapes and meanings are:
The flowchart will then be connected with arrows that determine the sequence in which
the actions take place. This can be use to present a solution to a problem and the way it
will work.
7. Explain what is an FMEA.
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) tries to identify all potential failures of a process
or product, it then sorts them in accordance to risk and then it starts a set of actions in
order prevent them and eliminate the probability of happening. FMEA uses the following
risk assessment factors in determining the level of risk:
If the RPN will be with the range 1 to 1,000 (low risk to extreme high risk).
8. Provide an overview of the Toyota practical problem solving process.
The Practical problem solving process of Toyota has seven principal steps, however the
number steps can be increase depending on the problem, for instance from these seven
principal steps we can break down step 2 farther into sub steps.
Decision making can be defined as the process by which a selection is made between two
or more alternatives. Decision making has been a critical aspect of quality decision
making, decision keep an organization running the correct ones push it forward, while
poor decisions holds it back. Decisions that management do are to be evaluated and
criticize, this is done to help management improve their decision-making skills that will in
turn lead to higher quality due to such.
Quality tools are important because they help collect and display information in a way
that will help the human brain grasp thoughts and ideas. An organization that has
embraced total quality but does not use any of the following tools wont function. The use
of this tools helps everyone do their job more efficiently. The following are seven of the
quality tools:
Pareto Charts
o Cascading Pareto Charts.
Cause and Effect Diagrams (Fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram).
Check Sheets.
Scatter Diagram.
Run Charts and Control Charts.
For this assignment Fady and I discuss the addition of four transmissions lines and the
impacts that can have on wind energy as well as how privatizing the renewable energy
source will impact the industry, we discuss as well the need for a smart electric grid and
how to empower prosumers in order to have a better impact on climate change, and
lastly, we discuss different models of electric cars as well as the impact on the market and
how they compare to their counterparts in the Asia market. We came to the agreement
that the addition of these four lines is a step towards the right direction due to the figures
that were presented on the article we can see that a major improvement will be seen in
upcoming years, however it lets you wonder if this is so good why are not more efforts
being put towards this. We also discuss that the idea of privatizing the sector has a high
chance of leading to monopolization of the industry and poorly regulated prices. We
discuss the need of smart electric grids, by improving the grid system will empower the
users to make better decisions regarding their usage according to their needs. As for the
electric car discussion, we touch a particular point from the article regarding BYD, Leaf,
and Waymo electric cars. The article made a great point in informing that the king of
electric cars in the west is Tesla however if we see our neighbors at the east tesla is not
the top competitor, and when numbers come to show we see that the organizations in
Asia have Tesla beat.