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ISSN 0302-069X
List of participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Opening address by the representative of the Director-General of UNESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Address by the President and the Secretary-General of IUGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Address by the Director of the Division of Earth Sciences of UNESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Report by the IGCP Secretary for 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Adoption of the agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12
Assessment of annual project reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Review of the National Committee reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Reports from co-operating organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 12
(1) Thirtieth IGC, China, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
(2) UNESCO, World Heritage Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(3) Association of geochemistry and cosmochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(4) Man and the Biosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(5) INQUA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(6) Deposit Modelling Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(7) Ninth Latin American Geological Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Future objectives and Statutes of IGCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chairmans concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Scientific Board Working Groups for 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Suggestions by Board members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 14
Dates of the next Scientific Board meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Decisions of the Board on IGCP projects and proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 15
The Board assembled at UNESCO Headquarters, 1 rue Miollis, Paris, from 30 January to 3 February 1995.
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Opening address by the representative of the The report of the IGCP Review Committee was
Director-General of UNESCO well received by IUGS and UNESCO, and its
recommendations have been accepted. This report
The meeting was opened by the Chairman, with editorial comments by Sir Malcolm Brown
Sir Malcolm Brown, who welcomed all present, and appeared in the latest issue of Episodes. Despite our
invited the representative of the Director-General of recognition of the need to be more involved in
UNESCO, Dr G. Glaser, to address those assembled. environmental concerns, the public perception is one
Dr Glaser expressed pleasure at the increased of decreased importance of geoscience, and this at a
emphasis by IGCP on environmental projects, chiefly time of increasing threat to the earths resources. One
projects in the service of society. He expressed the problem is the need for increased co-ordination of
concern of UNESCO for increased co-operation our effort, including in particular the 13 different
among the four activities involved in Environmental environmental programmes endorsed by IUGS.
Sciences, IGCP, IOC (Intergovernmental Oceano- Geologists must do a better job of explaining our
graphic Commission), IHP (International Hydro- science and its benefit to mankind. It is well
logical Programme) and MAB (Man and the recognized that continuing population growth places
Biosphere) and for the success of the four increased demand on the earths resources, for
interdisciplinary projects on Coastal Zone example energy, water, waste disposal, soil for
Management, Small-Island Environments, Biological agricultural purposes and minerals. Studies of
Diversity and Natural Disaster Reduction. However, geofluctuations require exact science to enable more
Dr Glaser stated that this emphasis on the precise prediction.
environment must not detract from the need for
continuing basic geoscientific studies on the
lithosphere, in particular to use these studies to It is encouraging to note that Germany and the
improve the geoscientific capacity of developing United States have signed a new agreement on
countries. continental drilling, a project that has already
provided valuable geological information, knowledge
He noted that the latest issue of Nature & of the deep biosphere and improved technologies.
Resources (the UNESCO quarterly review of research
for sustainable development) is dedicated to a review
It is important that IGCP continue its good work
of IGCP for the years 1988-1993. This issue, prepared
and that it places increased emphasis on excellence
largely through the dedicated efforts of Sir Malcolm
and to reward superior programmes with increased
Brown and Vladislav Babuka, gives examples of the
many successful IGCP projects and of the dedication
of the scientists at the grass roots that have
contributed to the success. This was also recognized Dr R. Brett, Secretary-General of IUGS, echoed
in the excellent Review of IGCP but both the Review Professor Fyfes comments and expressed four areas
and UNESCO stress that IGCP must be re-oriented of concern. First, the IGCP Review Committee has
towards the Service of Society, a re-orientation that been universally recognized for its excellence and we
must be achieved without changing the basic trends of must be careful to heed its recommendations. Last
IGCP. year, there was concern that the decentralization of
certain projects to UNESCOs Regional Offices
The Chairman, in thanking Dr Glaser for his would detract from IGCP. However, there have been
remarks, gave the Boards appreciation of his no complaints about the Regional Offices, which
knowledge of, and concern for the welfare of IGCP. have been working well. The IGCP-Geoscience in
the Service of Society, must be wary that despite the
Address by the President and the Secretary- increased emphasis on the environment, we continue
General of IUGS to undertake basic science. There is an increasing
need to improve our public image to change it from
Sir Malcolm then introduced the President of IUGS, our perceived involvement mainly in mining and
Professor W.S. Fyfe, who addressed the meeting on petroleum exploration, and to sell the benefits of
the current activities of IUGS. He reported on last basic science and academic geology.
years ICSU meeting in Morocco that dealt with
long-range planning, in which context the work of
IUGS and IGCP is well respected. ICSU has The preparations for IGC in China are proceeding
proposed a new initiative Partnership in Earth well and there will be a considerable level of
Management and has begun to establish the structure contribution to the scientific programme by IGCP
to manage it. projects.
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303 Precambrian/Cambrian event stratigraphy, 373 Felsic igneous systems in Eurasia, R. Seltmann
M. Brasier (United Kingdom), 1990-1993 (Germany)
344 Biosedimentology and correlation of microbial 375 Archaean/Proterozoic craton of West Africa
build-ups, C. Monty (France) M. Kone and J. Camil (Cte dIvoire)
353 The last interglacial period in the circum-artic, 377 Groundwater exploration technics in West
J.V. Mathews Jr., A.D. Vernal (Canada) Africa, C.A. Kogbe (France), K. Schoeneich
4. Project proposals received in 1993
5. Ongoing projects in 1994
(a) Out of 20 proposals received in 1993 and The list of ongoing projects has been distributed to all
assessed by the IGCP Scientific Board in 1994, participants. It comprises 52 active projects and two
10 were accepted: O.E.T. projects (Nos. 276 and 287).
Distribution of projects according to the year of
346 Neogeodynamica Baltica, R.G. Garetsky and
E.A. Levkov (Belarus)
363 Lower Proterozoic of Sub-Equatorial Africa, 1994: 253, 286, 288,290, 293, 299, 302, 304, 308
M. Kanika (Zaire), S. Master (Zimbabwe) (nine); two O.E.T.: 276,287
364 Caribbean volcanic arcs and ophiolites, 1995: 301,306,314,315,317, 318, 320, 321,324,
G. Draper (United States) 325,328,339 (twelve)
366 Ecological aspects of the Cambrian radiation, 1996: 319, 322, 326, 329, 336, 342, 343, 349
A. Zhuravlev and R. Wood (United Kingdom) (eight)
367 Late Quaternary coastal records of rapid 1997: 335,341,345,348, 350, 351, 355, 356, 357,
change, D.P. Scott (Canada) 359,360, 361, 362, 378 (fourteen)
369 Peritethyan rift basins, W. Cavazza (Italy), 1998: 346, 363, 364, 366, 367, 369, 371, 374, 376
A. Robertson (United Kingdom), P. Ziegler (nine)
371 North Atlantic Precambrian (COPENA),
R.R. Gorbatschev (Sweden) 6. Projects due to terminate in 1994
374 Palaeoclimatology and palaeoceanography
from laminated sediments, A.E.S. Kemp No.
(United Kingdom) 253 Termination of the Pleistocene, J. Lundqvist
376 Laurentian-Gondwanan connections, V.A. (Sweden), 1989-1994
Ramos (Argentina), F. Herv, J.D. Keppie 276 Paleozoic of the Tethys, D. Papanikolaou
(Canada) (Greece), P. Sassi (Italy)
378 Circumalpine Quaternary correlations, 286 Early Palaeogene Benthos, L. Hottinger
C. Schlchter (Switzerland) (Switzerland), E. Caus (Spain), 1990-1994
287 Tethyan Bauxites, A. Dangic (Yugoslavia),
(b) Ten proposals were rejected, out of which A. Mindszenty (Hungary), L. Simone (Italy),
1989-1993, O.E.T. in 1994
three (Nos. 365, 370 and 377) were
recommended for resubmission: 288 Gondwanaland sutures and fold belts,
R. Unrug (United States), G.R. Sadowski
(Brazil), 1990-1994
No. 290 Anorthosites and related rocks, M. Higgins
352 Upgrading and application of SEDBA, Liu (Canada), J.-C. Duchesne (Belgium), 1990-
Baojun (China), N. Nishiwaki-Nakajima 1994
(Japan) 293 Geochemical event markers in the
354 Settings and origin of giant ore deposits, Pei Phanerozoic, H.H.J. Geldsetzer (Canada), Xu
Rongfu (China) Dao-Yi (China), 1990-1994
358 Chad transect, R. Erdimi (Chad) 299 Geology, climate, hydrology and karst
365 Proterozoic sedimentation, I. Fairchild (United formation, Yuan Daoxian (China), H. Hotzl
Kingdom), Song Tianrui (China) (Germany), J.W. Hess (United States), 1990-
368 Proterozoic events in East Gondwana, 1994
M. Yoshida (Japan) 302 The structure and metallogenesis of Central
370 Rifting events in Europe, I. Bilik (Hungary) African Late Proterozoic Belts, M. Wendorff
372 Mud volcanoes of the World, I.S. Guliev (Botswana), W.M. Katekesha (Zaire), 1990-
(Azerbaijan) 1994
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304 Lower crustal processes, B.J. Hensen the UNESCO NationaI Commissions and suggesting
(Australia), L. Ya Aranovich (Russia), 1990- submission of a summary annual report was
1994 distributed at the beginning of October 1994.
308 Palaeocene/Eocene boundary events. M.-P.
Aubry (France), 1990-1994 The following countries have reported Argentina,
Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil,
Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba
7. Extension requests by projects
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
O.E.T. (on extended term) status has been requested Germany, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iraq,
Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nepal,
by the leaders of IGCP Projects 288 and 308.
New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru,
Poland, Republic of Korea, Republic of South Africa,
8. Publications
Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
The English and French versions of Geological Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine,
United Kingdom, Venezuela and Yugoslavia.
Correlation No. 21 (1993) were published in
September 1994 and distributed according to the
updated address list.
10. Finances
The manuscript of Geological Correlation No. 22
IGCP recognizes the rationale for increased
(1994) was submitted for technical editing in June
decentralization of UNESCO programmes to the
1994. After a careful editorial work and negotiations
regions. For the first time, over 30 per cent of the
with UNESCOs Control, Planning and Fabrication
IGCP budget was decentralized to the UNESCO
Unit, we succeeded to substantially speed up its
Regional Offices in Jakarta (four IGCP projects and a
publication. The English version of Geological
contribution to South-East Asian participants in
Correlation No. 22 was thus printed in January 1995,
IGCP meetings), in Montevideo (two IGCP projects
eight months earlier than ever before, with the
and a contribution to the IGCP regional meeting), in
innovative IGCP subtitle Geoscience in the service of
Nairobi (two IGCP projects and a contribution to
society on the publication cover. African participants in IGCP), in New Delhi
(contributions to Central Asian participants in IGCP)
Following the recommendation of the independent
and in Cairo (contribution to the IGCP regional
Review Committee in January 1994, the IGCP
Scientific Board appointed its Chairman to prepare,
in co-operation with the IUGS President and
Also in 1994, the IGCP budget was cut but later
UNESCO, a special publication reviewing major
was fortunately restored to about 90 per cent of the
results of IGCP projects for the period 1988-1993. For
original level. Thanks to an additional contribution
this purpose, the widely distributed UNESCO journal
from the Director-General the UNESCO contribution
published in English and French, Nature &
to IGCP projects (US $190,300 for 50 projects)
Resources, has been selected and a special issue
remained on approximately the same level as in 1990
Nos. 3, 4 (1994) was published in January 1995. We
and 1991 (185,000 for 54 and 55 projects,
would like to express our sincere thanks to Professor
Sir Malcolm Brown, Chairman of the Board and to
Professor W.S. Fyfe, President of IUGS, for writing No. of projects
Year UNESCO IUGS Total Average
this excellent review which illustrates so nicely the
Overall Funded O.E.T. + per
breadth, depth and applicability of the programme as project
well as makes the subject intelligible also to non-
specialists. (all sums in US $1,000 units)
Episodes, the IUGS journal, continued publishing 1990 185.0 121.0 306.0 61 54 6+1 5.67
information on IGCP projects accepted and starting in 1991 185.0 137.0 322.0 59 55 3+ 1 5.85
1992 170.0 137.0 307.0 56 50 5+1 6.14
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Scientific Board, the overall annual contribution per of Scientific Research and Technology, Egyptian
project increased to US $6,450. Ministry of Petroleum and Egyptian Geological
Survey and Mining Authority.
The distribution of funds in 1994 followed the
recommendations of the independent Review The IGCP Secretary reported on the present state
Committee and the IGCP Scientific Board, and and perspectives of the programme, as well as on the
funding was increased to high quality projects as preparation of new project proposals. Out of eight
shown below: preliminary proposals discussed during the meeting,
four were submitted in October 1994 and will be
assessed by the IGCP Scientific Board.
Category Range No. of projects
(US $) (b) The IGCP regional meeting for Latin America
High funding 8,400-9,800 10 and the Caribbean was held within the framework of
the 14th International Sedimentological Congress in
Medium funding 5,000-7,400 32 Recife (Brazil), from 22 to 24 August 1994. The
meeting was successfully organized by Mr F. Repetto
Low funding 4,000-4,500 8 of the UNESCO Regional Office in Montevideo
(Uruguay), who also represented the IGCP
Nil funding 2 Secretariat.
(O.E.T.) 2 Representatives of National Committees attended
the meeting, in total 12 Latin American and
The following table shows the development of the Caribbean countries were represented. Two
percentage of direct contribution to IGCP projects by preliminary proposals for new IGCP projects were
UNESCO and IUGS. discussed. The frost is entitled Models of evolution of
belts, collisions of eastern Gondwana, the second
Variation of the sea level during the Permian in the
western Gondwana. Both proposals were welcomed
by the participants and a request was made to
continue their elaboration.
1988 62.5 37.5 12. IGCP regional meetings proposed for 1995
1989 56.6 43.4
(a) It is planned to organize an IGCP regional
1990 60.4 39.6 meeting of African countries in conjunction with the
1991 57.5 42.5 10th Conference of the Geological Society of Africa,
which will be held in Nairobi (Kenya), from 9 to
1992 55.4 44.6 13 October 1995. The meeting will be organized by
1993 54.0 46.0 the UNESCO Regional Office in Nairobi.
1994 58.0 42.0 (b) The subregional meeting of the IGCP National
Committee Representatives of the Alpine-Carpathian-
Though the percentage of UNESCOs contribution to Balkan region and surrounding countries will be held
the IGCP projects slightly increased in comparison in Vienna (Austria), from 29 to 31 May 1995. The
with the previous two years, funding continues to be organizers - the Austrian IGCP National Committee,
strongly dependent on the IUGS contribution will kindly provide an accommodation and per diem
(through generous funds from the United Kingdom for about 15 invited participants (one from each
and the United States). country).
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368 Proterozoic events in East Gondwana greatly aided by Howard Moores assurance that the
(M. Yoshida, Japan) geoscience information was of equal interest to a non-
379 Karst process and carbon cycle (Yuan geoscience audience. There is a need to publicize this
Daoxian, China) magazine and see its widespread distribution.
380 Biosedimentology of microbial build-ups
(C. Monty, France) The Chairman requested that members of working
301 South Atlantic mesozoic correlation (E.A.M. groups adhere to the Vice-Chairmans instruction and
Koutsoukos and P. Bengston,Germany) called on Dr Skinner to outline the assessment of
382 Seismotectonics of the circum-Mediterranean annual project reports.
(Samir Riad, Egypt and Charles Tabet,
Lebanon) Assessment of annual project reports
383 Palaeostress, neotectonics and geodynamics in
circum-Pacific (R.H. Flndlay, Papua New Dr Skinner stressed that the same procedure be
Guinea) followed by all working groups: (1) there be a
384 Spherulites in Europe (C.H. Detre, Hungary) complete assessment, written in very clear terms that
385 Problematic permafrost landforms (S.A. the project leaders will understand; (2) there must be
Harris, Canada) two recommendations for each project, one of the
386 Causes and consequences of geochemical projects excellence and the other of the proposed
perturbations (H.H.J. Geldsetzer, Canada) funding level.
387 Quaternary environmental changes in Asia
and the Pacific (V.ibrava, Czech Republic) There are eight projects ending this year and
388 Development of methodology on the data base 18 new project proposals have been received.
application in geosciences (Zhao Pengda,
China) All annual project reports and the new project
389 Geoenvironmental evaluation of coastal belts proposals were evaluated by the relevant working
in Arab countries (Z.M. Zaghloul and Ferial groups and their recommendations distributed to all
E1-Bedewy, Egypt) members of the Scientific Board for their
390 Correlative Geology around the Aqaba-Levant consideration. The final decisions were made
Transform (A. Hafez, M.L. Abdel Khalek, following careful consideration under the
A. Sehim and Z. Abdel Kader, Egypt) chairmanship of Dr Skinner. As suggested by
391 Sand accumulations and groundwater in the Dr Coleman, those projects that had been evaluated as
Sahara (Farouk El-Baz, United States and either poor or excellent were revisited to ensure a
Ibrahim Himida, Egypt) consistent level of evaluation. A summary of the
392 Fossil fuels of Africa (R.M.S. Falcon, Republic recommendations is appended.
of South Africa)
Review of the National Committee reports
Adoption of the agenda
Dr Nyambok requested that Board members provide
The Chairman reviewed the agenda and requested brief (half a page or less) comments on the individual
that the two Vice-Chairmen, Dr Skinner and reports that they have reviewed. These comments are
Dr Nyambok, chair the sessions on project to be discussed by the Board and combined into a
assessments and on national reports respectively. The narrative to be sent to all National Committees with a
agenda was adopted as proposed. covering letter prepared by Dr Babuka. It is hoped
that this information will encourage improved future
He explained the preparation of a special issue of reporting by National Committees.
Nature & Resources that he initially visualized as a
review of IGCP projects from 1988 to 1993 but Mrs Prtan of the Austrian National Committee
eventually concentrated on 19 of the 68 projects drew attention to the Regional Scientific Meeting of
active during this period. He has presented these IGCP Representatives of East Alpine-Adriatic-
projects as examples of recent IGCP research under Carpathian Regional and Neighboring Countries to
three groupings: discovering mineral resources; be held in Vienna from 29 to 31 May 1995, under
understanding earths environment; and interpreting their sponsorship.
earth processes and evolution. Important
contributions to the success of this publication were Reports from co-operating organizations
made by V. Babuka and F.W. Eder (Introduction and
(1) Thirtieth IGC, China, 1996
Appendix), W.S. Fyfe (Chapter on the role of earth
sciences in society) and Howard Moore (UNESCO, Dr Zhao Xun had prepared a progress report on IGC
editor). Sir Malcolm prepared most of the issue from that was distributed to Board members. Further
information submitted by the project leaders, and was comments were made concerning the very high
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interest in the Tibetan field trip, the Geohost Mines of the region will hold a meeting at the
Programme, the participation of IGCP in the Congress.
scientific programmes, the acceptance of abstracts,
and the possibility of a special Chinese postage stamp Future objectives and Statutes of IGCP
in recognition of the Congress.
Discussion of the proposed future objectives of IGCP
(2) UNESCO, World Heritage Centre was led by Dr Skinner. These objectives reflect the
Review Committees report and the combination of
Dr Mechtild Rssler discussed the difficulty in
the previous Board and Scientific Committee into a
assessing geological sites under consideration as
single Scientific Board. Minor revisions of the new
world heritage sites. The 370 locations suggested by
Statutes were adopted concerning reappointment to
the Consulting Committee is much too lengthy, and a
the Board in exceptional cases, replacement of a
tentative list of 50-100 sites would be preferred.
Board member who is unable to attend regularly, and
the appointment of UNESCO Director-General and
(3) Association of geochemistry and cosmochemistry
IUGS President or delegates as ex officio Board
Dr Arthur Darnley made reference to international members. The revised Statutes will be submitted to
collaboration in publishing A global geochemical UNESCO and IUGS for their official approval.
data base the final report of IGCP Project 259. He
noted the urgent need of ensuring that this and Chairmans concluding remarks
similar reports receive sufficient promotion and
publicity so that the geoscience data they contain are This has been a very successful meeting, in which
used properly by decision-makers. Dr Skinner stated many views have been debated, both on policy and
that often the best publicity is generated by the non- science, and many decisions have been made in the
geoscience user, for example the geochemical data interests of IGCP activities and future developments.
base by the medical professional engaged in
epidemiology. This would not have been possible without the
support of UNESCO and IUGS, and the diligent
(4) Man and the Biosphere work, throughout the meeting, by all members of the
Board and IGCP Secretariat. I wish particularly to
Dr Thomas Schaaf noted that there were several areas thank the Director-General of UNESCO and his
of study in which increased co-operation between representative at the meeting (Dr Glaser); the
MAB and IGCP would be beneficial: geomorphic President and Secretary-General of IUGS (Prof. Fyfe
processes, desertification, palaeoclimate, remote and Dr Brett); the Director of UNESCO Earth
sensing and cartography, natural disaster reduction Sciences (Dr Eder); and the Secretary of IGCP
and geochemical data bases. (Dr Babuka). Much paperwork was generated and
dealt with quickly and effectively by our Rapporteur
(5) INQUA (Dr Benson), always strongly supported by Vladislav
Babuka and his technical assistants (Erik, Sally and
Dr Edward Derbyshire emphasized the recent Sophie). Our two Vice-Chairmen undertook several
increase in co-operative programmes with IGCP. important duties which greatly improved the
Discussion revealed a lack of extensive co-operation procedures. Several observers were present this year,
between two groups investigating past climates, CLIP and their valuable contributions have been recorded.
and PAGES.
As I have said on previous occasions, the great
(6) Deposit Modelling Group international prestige and success of IGCP reflects
not only the scientific quality of the projects but also
Dr Gabor Gal informed the meeting that the Group
the quality of the Scientific Board in its maintenance
was considering greater emphasis on resource
of high standards of selection and annual assessment
assessment and sustainable development. Workshops
of each project. This review system is vital and needs
will be held in Brazil and Albania in 1995. The
to be held annually if the standards of IGCP are to be
Board cautioned that the Deposit Modelling Group
maintained (as also emphasized by the President and
should be careful that they do not expand their
horizons too greatly, but maintain their scientific Secretary-General of IUGS).
I wish to focus, in that context, on the eight
members of the Scientific Board who will be retiring,
(7) Ninth Latin American Geological Congress
each after six years of excellent service. They are
Dr Repetto (formerly of the UNESCO Regional Office Dr Abed (Jordan), Dr Coleman (United States),
in Montevideo) provided an update on plans for the Dr Collin (France), Dr Dineley (United Kingdom),
Congress, including information that the Ministers of Dr Kushiro (Japan), Dr Meissner (Germany),
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Dr Mora Castro (Costa Rica) and Dr Mpodozis Working Group 1: Stratigraphy, sedimentology,
(Chile). Their generous service to the cause of IGCP fossil fuels, etc.
has been exceptional, and we shall greatly miss the
benefit of their wisdom. I am sure their interests in, M.Iturralde-Vinent-Chairman
and value to IGCP will continue into the future. The E. Roaldset
reduced Scientific Board of 16 members has operated + 2 new members
very well in place of the separate Scientific
Committee and Board totalling 32 members. Two Working Group 2: Quaternary, environmental and
new members were welcome additions, i.e. Dr Powell engineering geosciences
of Australia and Dr Roaldset of Norway. Annual
reports and new project proposals have been assessed I.O. Nyambok - Chairman
carefully, and all the National Committee reports M. Ramakrishnan
have been reviewed with, for the first time, a written + 2 new members
feedback to each of the National Committees which
are to be commended for supplying the Scientific Working Group 3: Mineral deposits, petrology, geo-
Board with much valuable information. chemistry, etc.
Scientific Board Working Groups for 1996 During a discussion of the possibility of collaboration
with other UNESCO scientific programmes, the
The following alignment proposed by the Chairman Board suggested that the IGCP Secretary should
was adopted: advise his colleagues in UNESCO and also the IGCP
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No. Title, Project Leader(s), Duration No. I Title, Project Leader(s), Duration
288 Gondwanaland Sutures and Fold Belts 321 Gondwana Dispersion and Asian Accretion
R. Unrug (United States), G.R. Sadowski Ren Jishun (China), J. Charvet (France),
(Brazil) Shigeki Hada (Japan), I. Metcalfe (Australia)
1990-1995 1991-1995
301 Palaeogene of South America 322 Jurassic Events in South America
N. Malumin (Argentina), S. Benitez A.C. Riccardi (Argentina), J. Mojica
(Ecuador) (Colombia)
1991-1995 1992-1996
306 Stratigraphic Correlation in South-East 324 GLOPALS: Global Limnogeology
Asia L. Cabrera, P. Anadon (Spain)
Dang Vu Khuc (Viet Nam), Ph. Janvier 1991-1995
(France) 325 Palaeogeography and Authigenic Minerals
1992-1995 J. Lucas, L. Prvt (France)
308 Palaeocene/Eocene Boundary Events 1991-1995
M.-P. Aubry (France) 326 Oligocene-Miocene Transition in the
1990-1994 Northern Hemisphere
314 Alkaline and Carbonatitic Magmatism M.A. Akhmetiev (Russia)
L. Kogarko (Russia), J. Keller (Germany), 1992-1996
K. Bell (Canada) 328 Paleozoic Microvertebrates
1991-1995 S. Turner (Australia), A. Blieck (France)
315 Rapakivi Granites and Related Rocks 1991-1995
I. Haapala (Finland), R.F. Emslie 329 Neogene of the Paratethys
(Canada) N. Krsti6 (Yugoslavia)
1991-1995 1992-1996
317 Palaeoweathering Records and 335 Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinctions
Palaeosurfaces D.H. Ervin, E.G. Kauffman (United States)
M. Thiry, J.M. Schmitt (France) 1993-1997
1991-1995 336 Intraplate Magmatism and Metallogeny
318 Marine Polymetallic Oxides M.L. Zientek (United States)
J.R. Hein (United States), Dasgupta 1992-1996
(India) 339 Geomagnetic Equator
1991-1995 Nguyen Thi Kim Thea (Viet Nam),
319 Global Palaeogeography of the Late B.B. Elwood (United States)
Precambrian and Early Paleozoic 1992-1995
T.P. Crimes (United Kingdom), 341 Southern Hemisphere Palaeo- and Neo-
K. Seslavinsky (Russia) Climates
1992-1996 P.P. Smolka (Germany), W. Volkheimer
320 Neoproterozoic Events and Resources (Argentina)
N. Christie-Blick (United States), 1993-1997
M. Fedonkin, M. Semikhatov
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No. Title, Project Leader(s), Duration No. Title, Project Leader(s), Duration
342 Age and Isotopes of South American Ores 360 Global Geochemical Baselines
M. Zentilli (Canada) A.G. Darnley (Canada), J.A. Plant (United
1992-1996 Kingdom), A.J.. Bjrklund (Finland)
343 Stratigraphic Analysis of Peritethyan 1993-1997
Basins 361 East Asia Activated Zones
F. Cecca (Italy), J. Cavelier (France), R. Barsbold, O. Gerel (Mongolia)
E. Dudich (Hungary) 1993-1997
1992-1996 362 Tethyan and Boreal Cretaceus
345 Andean Lithospheric Evolution J. Michalik (Slovakia), H. Leereveld
R. Pankburst (United Kingdom), C. Rapela (Netherlands)
(Argentina), M.C. Gardeweg (Chile) 1993-1997
1993-1997 363 Lower Proterozoic of Sub-Equatorial Africa
346 Neogeodynamica Baltica M. Kanika (Zaire), S. Master (Zimbabwe)
R.G. Garetsky, E.A. Levkov (Belarus) 1994-1998
G. Schwab (Germany) 364 Caribbean Volcanic Arcs and Ophiolites
1994-1997 G. Draper (United States)
347 Correlation of Ganges-Brahmaputra 1994-1998
Md. Hussain Monsur (Bangladesh) 366 Ecological Aspects of the Cambrian
1995-1999 Radiation
348 The Mozambique and Related Belts A. Zhuravlev, R. Riding (United Kingdom)
S. Muhongo (United Republic of Tanzania), 1994-1997
S. Berhe (United Kingdom) 367 Late Quaternary Coastal Records of Rapid
1993-1997 Change
349 Desert Margins and Palaeomonsoons since D.P. Scott (Canada)
135 krys BP 1994-1998
E. Derbyshire (United Kingdom), 368 Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana
A.K. Singhvi (India), An Zhisheng (China) Deposits
1993-1996 M. Yoshida (Japan)
350 Cretaceus Environmental Change in East 1995-1999
and South Asia 369 Peritethyan Rift Basins
H. Okada (Japan) W. Cavazza (Italy), A. Robertson (United
1993-1996 Kingdom), P. Ziegler (Switzerland)
351 Early Paleozoic Evolution in North West 1994-1998
Gondwana 371 North Atlantic Precambrian (COPENA)
B.A. Baldis, F. Aceolaza (Argentina) R.P. Gorbatschev (Sweden)
1993-1997 1994-1998
354 Economic Superaccumulations of Metals in 374 Palaeoclimatology and Palaeo-oeanography
Lithosphere from Laminated Sediments
Pei Rongfu (China) A.E.S. Kemp (United Kingdom)
1995-1999 1994-1998
356 Carpatho-Balkan Plate Tectonics and 376 Laurentian-Gondwanan Connections
Metallogeny V.A. Ramos (Argentina), J.D. Keppie
E. Vt-Akos (Hungary), J. Lexa (Slovakia), (Canada), F. Herv (Chile)
S.N. Vlad (Romania) 1994-1998
1993-1997 378 Circumalpine Quaternary Correlations
357 Organics and Mineral Deposits C. Schlchter (Switzerland)
J. Paava (Czech Republic) 1994-1997
1993-1997 379 Karst Process and Carbon Cycle
359 Correlation of Tethyan, Circum-Pacific and Yuan Daoxian (China)
Marginal Gondwanan Permo-Triassic 1995-1999
Yin Hongfu (China), J.M. Dickins (Australia), 380 Biosedimentology of Microbial Buildups
A. Baud (Switzerland), Yang Zunyi (China) C. Monty (France)
1993-1997 1995-1999
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No. Title, Project Leader(s), Duration No. Title, Project Leader(s), Duration
381 South Atlantic Mesozoic Correlation 391 Sand Accumulations and Groundwater in
E.A.M. Koutsoukos, P. Bengtson (Germany) the Sahara
1995-1999 Farouk El-Baz (United States), Ibrahim
389 Geoenvironmental Evaluation of Coastal Himida (Egypt)
Belts in Arab Countries 1995-1999
Z.M. Zaghloul, Ferial El-Bedewy (Egypt)
1995-1999 Funded projects 51
O.E.T. 1 Total 52 projects
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NOS. 253, 275, 288, 290, 293, 299, 301, 302, 304, - Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom. Meeting of
306, 308, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, the Working Group on Local Glaciers.
324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 335, 336, 339, 341, 342,
343, 345, 348, 349, 350, 351, 355, 356, 357, 359, - Lanzhou, China, 20-30 July. Joint meeting of the
360, 361, 362, 367, 369, 371, 374, 376 Working Group on Problematic Ice Sheets and the
INQUA Commission on Formation and Properties
of Glacial Deposits, with special reference to the
No. 253 - Termination of the Pleistocene glaciation of the Tibetan High Plateau. The
(1989-1994) contributions to this and the following meeting will
be published in Quaternary International.
Jan Lundqvist, Department of Quaternary Research,
Odengatan 63, S-113 22 Stockholm, Sweden. - Stockholm, Sweden, 19-21 October. Joint meeting
of the Working Group on Problematic Ice Sheets
Description: The project aims to study relationships and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on
between the climatic, hydrological and environmental former glaciation in North Siberia.
changes characterizing the transition from the last
glacial to the present interglacial. The time period - Lammi, Finland, 24-27 October. Final meeting of
covered is 18,000-8,000 BP, but the work is focused the group leaders of IGCP Project 253 for
especially on the time span 13,000-10,000 BP. preparation of the final report, to be published in
Quaternary International.
Achievements in 1994
Scientific results
Numerous results have been published in 1994 in
Several meetings have been held. Besides local international journals (see publication list). From
meetings in small groups, e.g. in the Peribaltic these papers the following achievements should be
Group, the following should be mentioned emphasized.
- Stockholm, Sweden, 14-16 March. Workshop on A number of curves and maps, illustrating the
the past, present and future of the Baltic Sea. environmental and climatic changes in the North
Proceedings are being printed in Quaternary Atlantic region in 500 years time slices for the time
International. 14,000-9,000 years BP were published in the Journal
of Quaternary Science. Together, they give a very
- Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Joint meeting good picture of the influence of the large-scale shifts
with the INQUA Commission on Formation and of the position of the oceanic Polar Front during the
Properties of Glacial Deposits, and the South last glacial-interglacial transition. It is seen that the
American Quaternary organization, SUDAMQUA, influence of changes in the oceanic circulation system
on problems of the glaciation in Tierra del Fuego was delayed in areas of close proximity to the main
and Patagonia. Contributions will be published in ice sheets.
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic
Peninsula. The changes between different spillways of the
glacial meltwater and the development of large ice-
- Netherlands, 14-18 April. Symposium of Work dammed lakes on the North American continent have
Group 4, NASP, on the correlation between the been mapped and quantified. The quantification has
terrestrial, marine and ice-core records. an especially great impact on our understanding of
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
the influence of this water upon the oceanic - Niemel, J., Ekman, I. and Lukashov, A (eds.):
circulation system. Quaternary deposits of Finland and north-western
part of Russian Federation. Map 1:1,000,000. Two
The co-operation with the Institute of Geology in sheets: Western Part and Eastern Part. Geological
Petrozavodsk, Russia has resulted in a two-sheet map Survey of Finland and Institute of Geology,
in the scale 1:1 million of the Quaternary deposits in Karelian Science Centre of the Russian Academy of
Finnish and Russian Karelia. The map, which was Science. Published by Geological Survey of Finland,
published by the Geological Survey of Finland, December 1993.
implies an important step forward to full
understanding of the waning of the Scandinavian ice - Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 12, No. 5, edited
sheet. It also means an opening of areas that were by D.M. Peteet.
earlier closed to international research, and has thus
also political aspects. - Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 12, No. 8, edited
by M.J.C. Walker and J.J. Lowe.
Good progress in the global picture of the
behaviour of local glaciers has also been made. It has Activities planned
been demonstrated that they reached their maximum
extent much earlier than the Last Glacial Maximum Publications
(LGM) as seen in the fluctuations of the large ice
sheets. The global picture of their independent The final report will be published in Quaternary
response to climatic fluctuations is important for our International in early 1995. It will contain: (1) a
knowledge of the processes behind the formation of summary of the entire project; (2) summaries
glaciers and ice sheets. corresponding to the topics of the nine working
groups; (3) some individual papers. Each working
The effects of the Younger Dryas cold event have group will present their results in curves or maps of
been studied on a global scale. The response to this environmental changes using the time slices 18-15,
climatic fluctuation, which is very strong in the North 15-13, 13-12, 12-11, 11-10 and 10-8 ka BP. Where
Atlantic region, has been debated for a long time. The possible, even 500-year time slices will be used. A
facts collected within the project indicate that the draft of the report has already been prepared at the
fluctuation affected the entire world, although less workshop with the group leaders, held at the research
intensely in most areas. station at Lammi, Finland, in October 1994. Printing
is planned for early 1995.
The discussions around the problem of former ice
sheets over eastern Siberia and the adjacent shelf has
given the impression that such ice sheets did exist,
although most probably earlier than the time period No. 275- Deep geology of the Baltic Shield
studied in this project. The isotopic composition of ice (1989-1993)
wedges has been found to be very informative in this
respect, indicating ice-free conditions in Late Glacial R. Gorbatschev, Department of Mineralogy and
time. Biostratigraphic data point in the same Petrology, Institute of Geology, Lund University,
direction. From the Tibetan High Plateau the general Slvegatan 13, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden.
impression is the same as that concerning North
Siberia. However, much research remains to be done F.P. Mitrofanov, Geological Institute of the Kola
in both regions. It is hoped that this will be done in Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences,
the near future, since these issues have a very great Fersman Street 14, 184200 Apatity, Russia.
impact on the entire picture of global changes during
the last glacial-interglacial transition. Description: The aim of the project was to create
integrated evolutionary and structural models of the
Publications Precambrian Baltic Shield in north-eastern Europe. In
the course of that work, the examination of drill cores
Most important are the geological map of Karelia and and geophysical data also led to the modelling of the
the proceedings of NASP (WG 4) and Global Precambrian basement of the north-western part of
Younger Dryas (WG 7) subprojects which have the East European Platform. The resultant image of
appeared as special IGCP Project 253 volumes of the European Precambrian was then used to discuss
Journal of Quaternary Science and Quaternary intercontinental correlation of the Precambrian,
Science Reviews, with the working group leaders as particularly correlation across the North Atlantic. The
guest editors: basis for a new, now accepted project (IGCP
Project 371) was thus created. Throughout, emphasis
- Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol. 9, No. 2, edited was on interdisciplinary and international co-
by J.J. Lowe. operation. In the latter years of project work, links
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with the ILP/ESF project EUROPROBE were comparable to those occurring today. However, the
particularly important. concept of cyclic orogenies following each other
appears untenable and the chronologies, dynamics
Final report and causal contexts require revision. The evidence
now available from the European Precambrian craton
The formal duration of IGCP Project 275 was from and the North Atlantic realm suggests that three
1989 to 1993, but the project continued some of its maxima of erogenic activity occurred in the Late
activities until a final meeting in Nottingham from Archaean, the later part of the Palaeoproterozoic, and
13 to 17 September. The Nottingham meeting was close to the end of the Mesoproterozoic, respectively.
simultaneously the first meeting of IGCP Project 371: Each maximum featured several activity culminations
Structure and correlation of the Precambrian in previously interpreted in terms of a succession of
north-eastern Europe and the North Atlantic realm separate erogenic cycles.
With regard to the overall crustal structure of the
IGCP Project 371 is the successor to IGCP Precambrian craton in north-eastern Europe, recent
Project 275 and substantially expands its scope, but it results, particularly the palaeomagnetic ones, support
S. Bogdanovas hypothesis that the craton is built up
also continues the work of the latter project in order
to bring the state of knowledge on the north-eastern of three originally autonomous crustal segments for
European Precambrian up to a level commensurable which the names Fennoscandia, Volgo-Uralia and
with that on Laurentia. Sarmatia have been introduced.
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The general structural model developed by IGCP interpretation of a swarm of large, suture-like zones
Project 275 for the distribution of Palaeoproterozoic of shearing and faulting which characterize this part
and Archaean crust in the basement of the East of Fennoscandia.
European Platform supersedes the still widely
circulated previous images where the Precambrian to
the south-east of the Baltic Sea is depicted either as In summary, IGCP Project 275 has produced a
almost entirely Archaean or as a mosaic of numerous new integrated structural, age-province, and
Archaean massifs set in intervening Proterozoic crust. geodynamic image of the Precambrian crust in the
Baltic Shield and the Fennoscandian crustal segment.
In other parts of the Fennoscandian crustal This image is based on a multitude of mutually
segment, the most important results are: constraining information from different geological
and geophysical disciplines. The results of the project
There exists no very old Early Archaean crust in have far-reaching implications for future studies and
the oldest part of Fennoscandia. The Belomorian Belt correlation with the rest of the Precambrian craton in
along the shores of the White Sea, is a Late Archaean north-eastern Europe and with other cratons. Part of
collisional feature and not one of the ancient nuclei of such work has already been commenced by IGCP
the craton. The role of the oldest crust component was Project 371 COPENA.
performed instead by the Archaean province in
Karelia and Finland, but even here the oldest rocks do
The new model for the first time also allows large-
not appear to exceed 3.5 Gain age.
scale assessment of the formation history and
The nature of the Archaean boundary in the consequently the nature of some of the major
northern Baltic Shield has been established in structures of the buried platform basement and a
tracing of the continuations of ore-bearing and other
substantial detail using a combination of isotope
important rock provinces from the exposed shield into
geological, geochemical, geophysical and structural
the interior of the craton. Thus the classical sulphide
approaches. Similar progress has also been made in
regard to Palaeoproterozoic fragmentation and ore province of south-central Sweden and southern
Finland may well have equivalents in a wide, arcuate
reworking of the segment of Archaean crust situated
structure extending from Estonia across Belarus into
between the accretional Svecofennian and the
eastern Poland, and the nickeliferous belts of the
collisional Lapland-Kola domains.
Lapland-Kola region apparently continue far into the
For western Scandinavia, which represents the buried basement in north-eastern Russia.
youngest growth rim of the Baltic Shield, correlation
with North America within a Mesoproterozoic The new evolutionary model of a substantial part
continent has been proposed previously both for the of the ancient craton occupying north-eastern Europe
Grenvillian-Sveconorwegian orogeny, for Meso- is therefore a fundamental source of information both
proterozoic anorogenic igneous activity, and for for large-scale assessments of the crustal environment
orogeny in the latest Palaeoproterozoic, which was and for the understanding of the distribution patterns
apparently associated with the formation of a giant of mineral resources.
igneous belt along the boundary towards previously
consolidated continental crust. IGCP Project 275
The wide regional scope and comprehensiveness
continued these studies within a special task group.
of the results of IGCP Project 275 much exceed the
expectations at the beginning of project work.
Some important results which together also
Virtually all the objectives of the project have been
created a virtually new image of the geology in the
reached, with the minor reservation that the printing
youngest part of the Baltic/Fennoscandian Shield
concern the precise timing of various erogenic and of colour maps mostly proved too expensive, except in
a few cases of products issued by major institutes in
anorogenic igneous and metamorphic events, the
PT-evolution as a function of time, the recurrent the former USSR.
recycling of Palaeoproterozoic crust during the
Mesoproterozoic and the nature and extent of Much of the geophysical information related to the
Grenvillian-Sveconorwegian effects in the older crust. project was produced within the framework of major
With regard to the latter, the discovery of a major, independent projects which provided better time for
previously unknown province of late Sveconorwegian planning and the organization of funding than the
granulates proved particularly productive in IGCP project, with its limited duration. Nevertheless,
geodynamic modelling. Together with structural IGCP Project 275 provided a forum for the initiation
studies, it contributed to the inference that a and discussion of the EUROBRIDGE deep crustal
substantial part of southern Sweden was once covered sounding along a profile from Sweden across the
by a thick pile of Grenvillian-Sveconorwegian thrust Baltic Sea to Lithuania, Belarus and the Ukraine
nappes, and helped to modify the tectonic (scheduled for 1994-1996).
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The principal scientific achievements in 1994 The field workshop examined, along a north-
were: easterly traverse from Hyderabad to Visakhapatnam,
a crustal section of the Dharwar craton, Gondwana
A. delineation of terranes in the trans-Saharan sediments of the Godawari Valley, and the eastern
mobile belt and in the Dom Feliciano-Ribeira Ghats granulite belt.
mobile belts;
(3) Proterozoic crustal and metallogenic
B. recognition of 1.0 Ga age of rifting in the evolution, hosted by the Geological Society and
Borborema tectonic province of Brazil; Geological Survey of Namibia from 28 August to
1 September 1994 in Windhoek, Namibia.
c . new data on Neoproterozoic events in the Pinjarra
mobile belt of Western Australia; Discussion of the posters presented at the meeting
brought the recognition of the role of the -Angola
D. new data on correlation between the Central Shield as a rigid indenter controlling escape tectonics
Indian and the Albany-Fraser mobile belt in India of terranes along the large system of Neoproterozoic
and Australia; shear zones in the South American orogens. This
resulted in the large difference in structural trends
E. new data on foreland basins of Neoproterozoic between the South American and South-West African
mobile belts in Namibia, South Africa and Brazil; Neoproterozoic orogens.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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(c) to determine details of the time schedule for Namibia*, Nigeria*, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Senegal,
work in 1995-1996; South Africa*, Sudan*, United Republic of Tanzania,
United Kingdom*, United States*, Zambia and
(d) to sign the formal agreement for printing the Zimbabwe.
Activities planned
All the above objectives of the meeting have been
accomplished. The formal agreement between IGCP The activities of IGCP Project 288 have been
Project 288, the Geological Survey of South Africa extended to 1995. The purpose of the extension is to
and the Bureau de Recherches Gologiques et maintain the organizational framework for work
Minires (BRGM, France) has been signed. IGCP necessary to complete the Geodynamic Map of
Project 288 is responsible for preparation of regional Gondwana Assembly project and to publish the map.
compilations and data base, the Geological Survey of
South Africa is responsible for digital cartography Regional compilations of the map prepared by
work, and BRGM is responsible for printing and some 55 co-authors are 80 per cent complete and in
marketing the map. The Committee decided to have hand. Computer programs for on-line reading and
the map printed and ready for distribution for the checking of raster/polygon data from data base
International Geological Congress session in Beijing key/coding lists have been developed and tested. The
in August 1996. The work schedule resulting from map project manager is working with the
this deadline has been accepted by the three parties to procrastinating co-authors to have the regional
the agreement. compilations completed on schedule.
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from melting basaltic rocks previously underplated on base of the crust. However, it is only recently that this
to the crust. mineral has been calibrated as a geobarometer. These
experiments have also shown that the distribution
Deformation coefficient for Cr increases with pressure, thus
accounting for the high Cr contents of opx-
The intense deformation observed in many massive megacrysts.
anorthosites is not always produced during regional
deformation events, but may commonly be related to (b) Melting experiments have confirmed that
emplacement of crystal mushes. Intense anorthosite parental magmas may be produced by
emplacement-related deformation is seen in areas melting of a lower, basaltic crust. However, a mantle
such as Nain, Labrador and Rogaland, Norway, but origin, followed by contamination will lower crystal
its importance in the Grenville province anorthosite material was not ruled out.
massifs may have been underestimated.
Magma mixing and refilling
Magma chambers
There is now much evidence for repeated refilling of
Massive anorthosites and related plutons can be magma chambers with magma from a similar source,
divided into two groups on the basis of the quantity of or from totally different sources. The importance of
solids in the parental magma (a) low-solids magmas these effects was much neglected in the past.
fill the chamber and solidify in place with little
movement or solid-state deformation; (b) high-solids Tectonic associations
magmas rise diapirically, in some cases guided by
vertical shear-zones, and balloon into their final It has recently become clear that some AMCG suites
resting place. In this case there is much solid-state are intimately associated with crustal sutures or
deformation, especially at the edges. subvertical shear zones that were active at the same
time as the emplacement of the intrusions. Indeed it is
Geochronology clear that some of the magmas must have risen up in
these shear zones or their offsets. Perhaps such crustal
High precision U-Pb geochronology of anorthosites zones of weakness are necessary to enable the AMCG
has advanced rapidly. Many anorthosite intrusions suite to reach the mid-levels of the crust, where they
have now been dated directly, instead of via are now usually exposed.
associated intrusions. These data indicate that in
many cases the close spatial association of anorthosite Association with rapakivi granites
with intermediate rocks and granites is also a
temporal association, although there may be a gap of This association has been confirmed by recent work.
up to 30 Ma between the intrusions. However, there It is possible that the long-lived and high heat output
are also a number of closely associated intrusions that associated with the emplacement of the anorthosite
are not related temporally. This work has also shown enable the production of crustal melts and their
that complex sequences of emplacement and maintenance at high temperatures for a long time.
deformation of several plutons may have occurred
during a short period of time, thus reinforcing the Field studies
idea that much deformation is related to
emplacement. The project has stimulated field studies in all parts of
the world. Anorthosite complexes in Siberia,
Isotope geochemistry Mongolia, China, Japan and Madagascar have been
described for the first time.
Isotope geochemistry of the AMCG suite has also
advanced rapidly in Pb, Sr and Nd systems. These Meetings
data show that none of the AMCG components are
uncontaminated mantle-derived melts: all contain The project organized five international meetings on
some component of lower crustal material. However, three continents. The first meeting was held in
some of the acidic and intermediate components Bujumbura, Burundi, in June 1990. The second
appear to have had short crustal residence times. meeting was held in New York State, United States,
in the autumn of 1991, on the twenty-fifth
Experimental petrology anniversary of the first major international
anorthosite conference, and near to the original site.
(a) Al-rich orthopyroxene (opx.) megacrysts are a It was the biggest so far, with over 90 participants.
characteristic feature of many massive anorthosites, The 1992 meeting in southern Norway was very
and are commonly interpreted to indicate that parts of successful, and the location ensured participation of a
the anorthosite crystallized at high pressures, near the number of geologists from Europe. The fourth
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meeting was held in the Kola peninsula, Russia. The - Emslie, R.F. and Hegner, E., 1993, Reconnaissance
field portion of the meeting will be organized in the of isotopic geochemistry of anorthosite-mangerite-
summer of 1995, for those who were unable to attend chamockite-granite (AMCG) complexes, Grenville
the meeting in 1993. The final meeting was held this Province, Canada, Chemical Geology, Vol. 106,
year in Canada, at three different locations. pp. 279-298.
- Carlson, R.W., Wiebe, R.A. and Kalamarides, R.I., - Mitchell, J. N., 1993, Petrology and geochemistry of
1993, Isotopic study of basaltic dykes in the Nain dioritic and gabbroic rocks in the Laramie
Plutonic suite; evidence for enriched mantle anorthosite complex, Wyoming; implications for the
sources. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences- evolution of Proterozoic anorthosite [doctoral
Jounal Canadien des Sciences de la Terre, Vol. 30, thesis]: University of Wyoming, United States;
pp. 1141-1146. 227 pp., Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, United
- Eklund, O., Frojdo, S. and Lindberg, B., 1994,
Magma mixing, the petrogenetic link between - Moore, M., Davis, D.W., Robb, L.J., Jackson, M.C.
anorthositic suites and rapakivi granites, Aland, and Grobler, D. F., 1993, Archaean rapakivi granite-
south-west Finland, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, anorthosite-rhyolite complex in the Witwatersrand
Austria, Vol. 50, pp. 3-19. Basin hinterland, southern Africa [with suppl.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
data 9340). Geological Society of America (GSA), - Yu, J. H., Fu, H.Q. and Wan, F.X., 1993, Bimodal
Boulder, CO, United States, vol. 21, rock association of rapakivi suite and Proterozoic
pp. 1031-1034. rifting in northern Beijing, China. Abstracts with
Programs, Geological Society of America, Vol. 25,
- Owens, B.E., 1993, Anorthosites and anorthosites; p. 92; Geological Society of America, North-Central
contrasting plagioclase-rich rocks in the Archaean Section, 27th annual meeting, Rolls, MO,
and Proterozoic: Anonymous. Geological Society of 29-30 March 1993.
America, North-Central Section, 27th annual
meeting. Abstracts with Programs, Geological - Yu, Y. and Morse, S. A., 1993, (40)Ar/(39)
Society of America, Vol. 25, pp. 71-72; Geological chronology of the Nain anorthosites, Canada.
Society of America, North-Central Section, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences-Journal
27th annual meeting, Rolls, MO, 29-30 March Canadien des Sciences de la Terre, Vol. 30,
1993. pp. 1166-1178.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
(4) to establish a stratigraphic framework for the fractionation during evaporation of sea water which
whole Phanerozoic based upon geochemical in turn becomes enriched in C.
613&b negative excursions: commonly abrupt
decrease of values within a biozone or a fraction
Major scientific achievements thereof.
The following is a summary of geochemical methods - Sharp biomass reduction of phytoplankton and
applied to boundary research and the most common zoophtnkton; a lack of photosynthetic C uptake
interpretations presented during meetings of IGCP due to decreased productivity causes C enrichment
Project 293 and in publications by active members of in the upper water column; therefore, resulting
the project. micrite and/or planktonic skeletal material is
enriched in C, i.e. expressed by a lower 53C value,
Sulphur isotopes from sulphides and sulphates commonly coinciding with extinction events.
- Sulphides - in the lower anoxic waters of stratified - Sudden massive influx of aerosols including CO2
basins bacteriogenic sulphide precipitates out of derived from volcanism, volatization of impact rock
solution and is preserved in dark sediments (shales or cometary gas clouds.
or carbonates) as disseminated framboidal pyrite
with high positive 634S values. Carbon isotopes from organic matter
- Under oxygenated conditions bacteriogenic Either total organic content (TOC) or kerogen are
sulphides form within the sediments during early used for analyses; the separation of kerogen
diagenesis; the 634S values are low and commonly eliminates contamination by later organic substances
negative. in TOC introduced during diagenesis or during
sampling and handling.
- Sulphates - values of 534S from gypsum and
anhydrite show very distinct secular trends; the i534S 53Corg positive excursions.
curve has been extended into the Proterozoic and
displays an unexplained bulge with values of +30% - Increased productivity due to increased nutrient
across the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary supply.
- Lower dissolved CO2 content in seawater.
Carbon isotopes from carbonates
t53Corg negative excursions.
Material from fossils with original low magnesium
calcite (LMC) skeletons, e.g. brachiopods, - Commonly expressed by a sharp decline due to
foraminifers, belemnites, yield the most accurate extensive biomass reduction and a gradual recovery
results; bulk samples are acceptable if the effects of after the extinction event. Both marine and non-
diagenesis can be shown to be negligible. marine 5*3C values appear to decrease, hence the
cause of the biomass destruction must affect both
53C.w~ positive excursions: elevated values lasting for the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.
one or more biozones. The analyses were made on
skeletal material formed in the upper water column. - Higher dissolved CO, content in sea water.
- Lack of recycling of C into the upper water column Oxygen isotopes from carbonates
due to trapping of C in the lower stratified water
mass of basins. - Reliable 580 values for palaeotemperature
determinations can only be derived from LMC
- High productivity in the upper water column due to skeletal material (brachiopods, foraminifers,
increased nutrient supply by erosion of siliciclastics belemnites).
from non-marine areas or by upwelling of deep
nutrient-rich waters along continental margins. - Values of 6S0 from micritic or whole rock material
High productivity causes increased competition for have nearly always changed due to diagenetic
C resulting in higher values of 63C. overprinting; if the overprinting is uniform such as
in a closed system all values may display a negative
- Lower partial pressure of CO2 during glacial shift but the original trends may be preserved.
periods, i.e. less dissolved CO, in upper water
column causes increased competition for *C. In - There is a general increase in 60 values of 7
addition, polar ice is enriched in C due to since the Cambrian suggesting a temperature drop
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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of 36C since the Cambrian; since a sea water flooding of shallow-marine shelves and shallow
temperature of 53C in the Cambrian is rather basins with anoxic water causing global biomass
improbable other factors must be involved such as a destruction (extinction events) and precipitation of
change of the isotopic composition of sea water, sulphides (global).
- Secular trends are very gradual. (3) Increased weathering during regressive
episodes transports large nutrient supplies into
- Abrupt trends have been interpreted as: sedimentary marine environments causing phytoplankton blooms
breaks in the analysed section; sharply increased and increased burial of organic matter which in turn
weathering of the non-marine realm due to acid rain may create anoxic conditions and the precipitation of
from aerosols, due to massive contributions from sulphides (regional to interregional).
ejects material after a bolide impact.
The presence of extra-terrestrial material from bolide Geochemical Event Markers in the Phanerozoic,
impacts can be detected by: Erlangen, Germany, 26-28 September 1994. The
Conference was the main annual and final event of
- locating melt rock, tektites and components in IGCP Project 293. The list of participants included 72
suspected impact-generated breccia: (1) with initial scientists from 20 countries. The scientific
Os/186Os ratios of about 0.11 to 0.18; (2) with programme consisted of 38 lectures, 16 posters and a
relatively high Os abundance; business meeting on 27 September 1994.
- analysing sediments such as boundary clays: Pre-meeting field trip: six boundary sections were
(1) with an Osmium/Iridium ratio of about 1.1; visited. The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary is exposed
(2) with a Ruthenium/Iridium ratio of about 1.0 to in turbiditic and hemipelagic sediments of the Gosau
1.5. Basin in the northern Calcareous Alps of Austria.
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threatening a number of interesting karst hydrological 1994, with a symposium on Changing karst
features. Smaller scale extraction for garden rockery environments: hydrogeology, geomorphology and
stone is a particular threat to the pavement in conservation, and field excursions on chalk karst
numerous limestone areas of northern England. near Oxford and glacial karst near Huddersfield.
Radon problems: in some caves in the United (2) IGCP Project 299 workshop in Guilin, China,
Kingdom, the radon concentration is very high and is 4-19 October 1994, with a symposium on karst
a new problem for the health of cavers and cave hydrogeology and karst environmental protection, and
management, e.g. the Castleton Cave, Peak District. a field excursion on subtropical karst around Guilin.
New ideas and methodology in karst research based
(3) Palaeoenvironment reconstruction with karst on the four-year experience gained with IGCP
records Project 299 were exchanged.
In the Creswell Crags karst area south-east of (3) Activities involving other IGCP projects,
Sheffield: several stages of karstification in the IUGS or the major participation of scientists from
Permian magnesium limestone are distinguished. The developing countries are proving rewarding.
earliest one can be dated back to the unconformity
between the Permian and the Triassic. A
multidisciplinary study at Robin Hoods Cave on
elastic sediments, vertebrate fossils, palaeo-
palynology, karst features (scallops) and flowstone No. 301- Correlation of Palaeogene
dating (165 ka-2.2 ka) has revealed the history of formations of South America (1991-1995)
climate change for the past 500,000 years. Several
stages of glaciation and interglacial have been N. Malumin, Benito Correa 1194 (1107) Buenos
identified. Aires, Argentina.
In the United States: G.A. Brook reported on his S. Bentez, CEPE, km 6.5 va a la costas, Casilla
work on high-resolution palaeoenvironmental data 10829, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
from speleothem and elastic sediments in Drotskys
Cave, north-western Botswana. A 40 cm stalagmite Description: The aim of the project is to promote
consists of alternating layers of calcite and aragonite. detailed investigations and correlation of Palaeogene
Layer counts and radiocarbon ages indicate that the formations especially on the western side of South
calcite-aragonite pairs are annual layers representing America in order to produce palaeogeographic maps;
about 1,500 years of deposition. Ar-laser-induced biostratigraphic zonation schemes for temperate and
luminescence shows that there are more organic tropical latitudes based on microfossils; and high
substances in the calcite than the aragonite. The resolution record of palaeoenvironments. Effects of
calcite layer is accordingly presumed to represent the main global events in the Andean area will also be
warm wet season. studied.
In Israel: A.S. Issar reported on the palaeoclimate The correct correlation of Palaeogene formations
and palaeohydrology following the last glaciation is expected to help characterization of coal deposits,
around Negev, southern Israel. The main conclusion evaluation of sources and reservoirs of hydrocarbons
is that the maximum flows were during glacial in critical areas, radiolarites, diatomites and
periods, which were characterized by higher rates of phosphorites.
Achievements in 1994
In China: the work on the thin laminae in a
stalagmite taken from the Penglongdon Cave, 40 km First meeting, Puerto La Cruz (Venezuela),
south of Guilin City, has been continuing with AMS - 14-16 March 1994, within the Simposio Bolivariano
C14 isotopic and geochemical approaches. The de Exploracin Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas.
palaeoclimatic changes during the past 36,000 years
are reconstructed with resolution up to 100 years. The Second meeting, Trelew (Argentina), 5-7 April
transition of the last glaciation to the Holocene, and 1994, at the VI Congreso Argentino de Paleontologaa
various events of rapid climatic change have been y Bioestratigrafa.
Third meeting, Recife (Brazil), 22-24 August
Meetings 1994, within the framework of the IXth Regional
Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean,
(1) IGCP Project 299 meeting in Oxford and IUGS-UNESCO, and the 14th International Sedi-
Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 11-23 September mentological Congress.
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Participating countries (*indicates the countries - Zonas de radiolarios del Eoceno medio del Grupo
active this year): Argentina*, Australia, Bolivia, Ancn, Pennsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador, by
Brazil*, Chile*, Colombia*, Costa Rica*, Cuba*, M.L. 0rdez.
Ecuador*, France, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico*, New
Zealand, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, United - Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Sobral
States, Uruguay and Venezuela*. Formation in Cape Wiman (Gorrochategui),
Seymour Island (Marambio), Antarctica, by
R.A. Snchez and S.A. Marenssi.
- Zonacin bioestratigrfica del rea Dorado-Kimiri
El Eoceno medio marino del Cono Sur: Aike sur, mediante foraminferos planctnicos
Paleogeografa y foraminferos, by N. Malumin, XII terciarios de la cuenca de Magallanes, Chile
Congreso Geolgico Argentinp, Actas, October 1993. (Protozoa Foraminiferida), by M. Marchant S.M.
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to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Project 302 and are of immense importance for Symposium, Mons, Belgium (5-9 September 1994)
further regional work. and represented at three other international events:
(a) April 1994, International Association of Sedi-
(b) Mapping of the Damara Belt East of mentologists, 15th regional meeting, Ischia, Italy;
Windhoek, Namibia (near the boundary with (b) 31 August 1994, Proterozoic Crustal Metallo-
Botswana), as well as in several parts of its extension genic Evolution, Windhoek, Namibia; (c) September
in Botswana, was completed. Work on detailed 1994, Conference of IGCP Project 319, Nova Scotia,
correlation is now envisaged. Canada. Total participation: over 40 participants;
12 countries.
(c) A study of mineralization in the Lake Ngami
region and preparation of a relevant report was Participating countries (* indicates the countries
completed. active in 1994): Belgium*, Botswana*, Burundi,
Canada*, Chile, France, Germany*, Malawi,
(d) Work on petrology, structure and stratigraphic Namibia*, Netherlands*, Poland*, Slovakia*, South
relationships of selected intrusive bodies in eastern Africa*, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda,
Namibia has started. Ukraine*, United Kingdom*, United States*, Zaire*,
Zambia* and Zimbabwe*.
Katangan (Zaire and Zambia)
(a) The existing radiometric data were collated No. 304- Lower crustal processes
and new data were obtained from Zambia. (1990-1994)
(b) A study of the Domes region (Zambia) was B.J. Hensen, Department of Applied Geology,
completed and shed new light on the role of the University of New South Wales, Kensington 2033,
basement during the erogenic cycle. Australia.
(c) The dating and structural results, collated and L. Ya. Aranovich, Institute of Experimental
analysed at a regional scale, made it possible to Mineralogy, USSR Academy of Sciences,
formulate a new geodynamic model of evolution of 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow District, USSR.
the Lufilian Arc/Belt and to realize its implications
for development of the related belts (Zambezi and Description: The project aims to improve our under-
Damara). standing of the tectonic and thermal evolution of the
lower continental crust through integrated studies of
(d) The model has made it possible to propose a amphibolite granulite facies metamorphic terranes.
very probable age for the Kundelungu succession, and This objective is to be realized by combining a
detailed work to test this is planned. number of individual approaches including:
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the spatial and temporal development of erogenic automated procedures. Convenors: L. Perchuk,
processes and their tectonic interpretation. The role of S. Saxena, B.J. Hensen. Thirty participants
fluids, partial melting and melt extraction by (12 countries); (b) Mineral chemistry and
deformation have been addressed. The creation of geothermobarometry. Convenors: C. Guidotti,
thermochemical data bases, and their application to G. Franz and L. Aranovich. Thirty-two participants
the quantitative analysis of lower crustal processes (ten countries); (c) An evening workshop on Closure
has had an important impact on metrological and temperatures, diffusion and their relevance to
geochemical modelling of crustal processes and geothermobarometry and geochronology.
participants of this project have played a major role in
further developments in this field. Xenolith studies, in (3) Controls of Metamorphism, University of
conjunction with geophysics, have made an important Liverpool, United Kingdom. 12-14 September.
contribution to our understanding of the nature and Convenors: A. Boyle and J. Wheeler. Sponsored by
evolution of the crust-mantle boundary region. the Metamorphic Studies Group and IGCP
Project 304. A special symposium on The hottest
Achievements in 1994 rocks on earth. Convenors: B.J. Hensen and
S.L. Harley. Ninety participants (18 countries).
The main topics covered in this years activities
included dehydration, partial melting and fluid (4) Workshop and field excursion on low
distribution in the crust; thermochemical data bases pressure-high temperature metamorphism, meta-
and automated procedures; mineral chemistry and morphic histories and geophysical deep seismic
geothermobarometry; ultra-high temperature meta- profiles in south-west Finland, 16-20 September.
morphism and high temperature-low pressure Convenors: Kalevi Korsman (Geological Survey of
metamorphism and crustal structure. Exciting new Finland), B.J. Hensen and D.M. Fountain. Fifty
advances have been made in experimental modelling participants (ten countries).
of partial melting processes and mantle-crust
interaction leading to the formation of granitic Publications
magmas and the chemical differentiation of the
continental crust. At the International Mineralogical Abstract volumes were prepared for all meetings and
Association meeting in Piss, in-depth discussion a printed excursion guide was provided for the
between the creators of various computer programs, Finnish meeting. The proceedings of the Liverpool
using self-consistent thermodynamic data sets, has meeting will appear in the Geological Magazine in
lead to a better understanding of the different 1996.
approaches and their relative strengths and
shortcomings. Scrutiny of applications to different Papers of the Edinburgh meeting in 1992 have
geological settings has provided much-needed testing appeared as a special volume of the Journal of
of the efficiency of solution models for natural Metamorphic Geology.
minerals. Advances have been made to determine the
closure temperatures of various elemental and Numerous publications have appeared in major
isotopic exchanges between metamorphic minerals, refereed international journals, in which it was
used in thelmobarometry and geochronology. This is specifically mentioned that they constituted
of particular interest for ultra-high temperature contributions to IGCP Project 304 Lower crustal
terranes where variable resetting of thermometers and processes.
chronometers is believed to have taken place. The
relationship between lower crustal structure, as Participating countries (* indicates the countries
revealed by seismic and magnetic transects, and active in 1994): Algeria*, Australia*, Belgium,
surface geology of high temperature-low pressure Brazil*, Burundi*, Canada*, China*, Czech
granulite terranes has been further defined. Republic*, Finland*, France*, Germany*, India*,
Islamic Republic of Iran, Ireland*, Italy*, Japan*,
Meetings Kenya, Netherlands* New Zealand*, Russia, South
Africa*, Spain*, Sri Lanka*, Sweden*, Switzerland*,
(1) Special symposium on Dehydration, partial United Kingdom* and the United States*.
melting and fluid distribution in the crust.
Convenors: M. Bickle, B.J. Hensen and S.L. Harley,
held in conjunction with the VM Goldschmidt Activities planned
Conference, Edinburgh, 28 August-3 September. Fifty
participants (14 countries). A special issue of the Journal of Metamorphic
Geology on the tectonics, geochronology and
(2) Two sessions at the International metamorphic history of the In Ouzzal inlier in
Mineralogical Association meeting in Piss, Italy, southern Algeria, is planned for publication in 1996
3-8 September: (a) Thermochemical data bases and (to be edited by Kienast, Ouzegane, Guiraud and
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
All the above-mentioned studies raise new Summary of major past achievements
problems on stratigraphy and paleontology. Many
sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary formations (1) The establishment of a correlation network
have been dated more precisely on the basis of new between north-western Europe and the deep sea in
palaeontological materials. Newly obtained materials order to determine the stratigraphic position of the
are making it possible to start the stratigraphic deep sea events with respect to the formations which
synthesis of South-East Asia, with a view to serve as references in the current chronostratigraphic
compiling the biostratigraphic scheme of each framework (Thanet formation, base London clay, base
geological system for the correlation of strata, which Yeper clay). The upper Palaeocene-lower Eocene
is the main purpose of the project. (base Thanetian to Kings B2 Division of the London
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
clay) succession in north-western Europe is currently Regarding chronology, the main scientific
described in terms of eight stratigraphic sequences, achievements are:
and the deep-sea events with a level close to, but
younger than, the Woolwich bottom bed of the (1) The establishment of a very detailed
London basin, are being correlated. biostratigraphic framework for the upper Palaeocene-
lower Eocene, based on the recent recognition that
(2) Correlation of the sequence stratigraphic two morphotypes (possibly two distinct species) of
framework established in north-western Europe to Tribrachiatus contortus occur in Zone NP10, provides
other epicontinental areas, in particular to the East for the first time firm biostratigraphic elements for
Coast and the Gulf Coast of the United States. It has subdividing calcareous nannofossil Zone NP10,
features which we have carefully correlated to
been established that the eight sequences apparently
correlate between the three basins. planktonic foraminiferal events.
(4) The carbon isotope excursion, first recognized (3) This now makes it possible to tune the
in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica but now identified in terrestrial events to this high resolution chronology,
all oceans, is coincident with the benthic which will be completed in the next few months.
foraminiferal extinction, and with global warming as
indicated by the oxygen isotopic record. A short-lived Regarding palaeo-oceanography and palaeo-
event, the carbon isotope excursion suggests climatology, the main achievements of the project are:
momentary low-latitude deep water production.
(1) The recognition that the benthic extinction
event was extremely sudden and synchronous
(5) The carbon isotope excursion has also been worldwide.
identified in the terrestrial record, suggesting a major
upheaval in the global carbon cycle that affected the (2) The determination that deep water was
ocean as well as the atmosphere. It is suggested that produced at low latitude for a very short time, thus
this, plus decreased intensity of atmospheric producing a reversal of the oceanic circulation
circulation and global warming, was possibly linked pattern.
to explosive volcanism in the North Atlantic.
(3) A heated debate over the mechanisms which
(6) The carbon isotope excursion appears as an led to global warming, including possibly the
invaluable tool for correlation between deep sea, production of greenhouse gases (such as methane).
epicontinental and marine deposits. One of the recent
results of IGCP Project 308 has been to determine the Meetings in 1994
position of the carbon excursion event with respect to
the planktonic microfossil zonations, and thereby to Joint meeting of IGCP Projects 308 and 286 (early
establish the widespread occurrence of unconformities Palaeogene benthos), the International Sub-
in the deep sea (including land sections that were commission on Palaeogene Stratigraphy, the Working
deposited at bathyal depths) immediately above the Group on Paleocene Stages and the Working Group
excursion, i.e., in calcareous nannofossil Zones NP9 on the Ypresian/Lutetian Boundary, Aspet, France.
and NP10.
Fifty participants from 22 countries (Albania,
(7) The widespread deposition of upper Belgium, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany,
Paleocene lignitic beds in shallow marine regions, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia,
and (possibly) the kaolinitic event in the marine Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
record are directly linked to global warming and to Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United
high productivity. States.
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Scientific achievements
(1) Attention was focused on the origin of
- A symposium on Palaeocene-Eocene events which superlarge unique mineral deposits of REE, Nb, Zr U,
will be held at the 1995 annual meeting of the fluorine, phosphorus and diamonds related to alkaline
Geological Society of America (New Orleans, rocks and carbonatites. Examples of such deposits
6-9 November 1995), organized by M.-P. Aubry and from China, Namibia, Mongolia, Russia, Greenland,
L. Stott. India and other countries have been considered. It
was shown that the formation of superlarge
- A joint meeting next October in Spain, for IGCP economically very important mineral deposits,
Project 308, the Working Group on Paleocene proceeds during processes in gigantic crystal magma
Stages and the Working Group on the chambers filled by low viscous volatile-rich alkaline
Ypresian/Lutetian Boundary. melts, where the settlement of crystallizing minerals
in conventionally stirred magma results in the
- A symposium on the Palaeocene/Eocene Boundary profound separation of ore minerals from other solid
global warming, its mechanisms and consequences phases. The initial saturation with respect to ore
at the 30th International Geological Congress in minerals (eudialite, loparite, apatite, etc.), along with
Beijing, August 1996. the physical and chemical criteria for the formation of
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super large magmatic mineral deposits, has been (2) The symposium of IGCP Project 314 The
substantiated from natural examples and petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of alkaline
experimental investigations. rocks, was held during the annual Meeting of the
Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical
(2) New results of phase equilibrium studies Association of Canada, Waterloo, Canada, 16-18 May
under very high pressure and temperature showed 1994. Sixty-four papers were presented by the
that kimberlite magmatism is the result of partial participants from 12 countries: United Kingdom,
melting of a phlogophite-bearing lithospheric mantle India, Finland, France, Canada, Zimbabwe, Italy,
under high fugacity of K2O, H20 and CO2. Three new United States, Russia, Australia, Belgium and United
kimberlite occurrences from Somerset Island, Republic of Tanzania.
Canada, were reported.
(3) International field meeting to Kola Peninsula
(3) The new approach was applied to the solution carbonatites was held from 27 July to 8 August 1994.
of the syenitic magmatism genesis. The correlation of Sixteen geologists from six countries (United States,
petrology and geochemistry of syenites from different Canada, South Africa, Germany, Russia and Poland)
formations and regions was made (Canada, Africa, took part in it.
the islands of Oceania, Russia).
(4) During the 9th Symposium of the
(4) For the first time primary mantle Ca-rich International Association on the Genesis of Ore
carbonate melts were reported in the mantle nodules Deposits (IAGOD) in Beijing (12-18 August 1994) a
of the Canary Islands, the Cape Verde archipelago, special IGCP Project 314 meeting was held on
and the Fernando de Naronya and Trinidad islands. It Alkaline and carbonatitic magmatism and related ore
was suggested that carbonatitic oceanic magmatism deposits. Eighteen scientists from nine countries
corresponds to the large-scale melting of the wherlite (China, Russia, South Africa, Poland, Denmark,
mantle block of South Africa. Azerbaijan, United States, India and Germany)
presented papers but more than 50 scientists
(5) The isotopic correlation (Sr, Nd, Pb isotope participated in the meeting.
signatures of carbonatites from Canada, Russia,
Africa and the islands of Oceania proved that the Important publications
isotope features could be the result of the mixing of
different mantle components. - IAVCEI proceedings in Volcanology:
(6) One of the major problems regarding the and the petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites. Editors
genesis of alkaline rocks is whether they are related to Keith Bell and Jorg Keller, 1994, Springer Verlag.
plume activity. Assessment of the plume model for
North American alkaline rocks showed, that although - Special issue of Geochemistry International,
many intrusions in North America are within the Vol. 31, No. 3, 1994, Scripts Technics, INC., Am.
same range of chemistry, age and petrology as those Geol. Inst., Geoph. Union dedicated to the Alkaline
associated with hotspot tracks, it is difficult to fit and Carbonatitic magmatism, IPDC Project 314,
them into plume-related magmatism. 165 pp.
(7) New prospecting criteria for rare metal - Barker, D.S. (1993). Diagnostic magmatic features
deposits were proposed for the first time on examples in carbonatites: implications for the origins of
from the Kola Peninsula South Africa, Brazil and dolomite- and ankerite-rich carbonatites. South
India. The comparative analysis of supergigantic African Journal of Geology 96:131-138.
carbonatite deposits from various parts of the globe
(Boyan-Obo in China, Okorusu in Namibia) revealed - Basu, A.R., Renne, P.R., DasGupta, D. K.,
their association mainly with syenitic magmatism, Teichmann, F. and Poreda, R.J. (1993). Early and
with common features in the evolution of fenitisation late alkali igneous pulses and a high-3 He plume
processes and with a number of other common origin for the Deccan flood basalts. Science 261:
features which could be used in future for prospecting 902-906.
for new mineral deposits of this type.
- Carman, M.G., Jr. (1994). Mechanisms of
Meetings differentiation in shallow mafic alkaline intrusions,
as illustrated in the Big Bend area, western Texas.
(1) An international workshop Carbonatites Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
took place in London on 3 December 1993, in the Research 61:1-44,
Natural History Museum. Twenty-one scientists from
five countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, - Chai, L. and Navrotsky, A. (1993).
Norway and the United States) took part in it. Thermochemistry of carbonate-pyroxene equilibria.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Charland, A. and Francis, D. (1993). Stratigraphy - Antonio Simonetti and Keith Bell. Nd, Pb and Sr
and geochemistry of the Itcha Volcanic Complex, isotopic data from the Napak carbonatite-
central British Columbia. Canadian Journal of nephelinite centre, eastern Uganda: an example of
Earth Sciences. 30, 132-144. open-system crystal fractionation. Contributions to
Mineralogy and Petrology, 1994, Vol. 115, pp. 356-
- Currie, K.L. (1993). An Archaen talc-alkaline 366.
lamprophyre suite, north-eastern Yilgarn Block,
Western Australia. Lithos 31:33-50. - Schiano, P., Clocchiatti, R., Shimisu, N., Weis, D.
and Mattielli, N. (1994). Cogenetic silica-rich and
- Edgar, A.D. (1993). Potassium-rich clinopyroxene carbonate-rich melts trapped in mantle minerals in
in the mantle - an experimental investigation of a Kerguelen ultramafic xenoliths: Implications for
K-rich lamproite up to 60 KBar. Geochimica et metasomatism in the oceanic upper mantle. Earth
Cosmochimica Acta, 57:5063-5072. and Planetary Science Letters 123:167-178.
- Epstain, E.M. (1994). Geological-petrological - Wang, A., Dhamelincourt, P., Meyer, H.O.A.,
model and genetical features of ore carbonatite Guo, L. and Zhang, A. (1994). A carbon-rich
complexes. Moscow, NEDRA, 255 pp. multiphase inclusion in a Chinese diamond and its
geochemical implications. Contributions to
- Flohr, M.K. (1994). Titanium, vanadium, and Mineralogy and Petrology 117:15-24
niobium mineralization and alkali metasomatism
from the Magnet Cove complex, Arkansas. - West, H.B. and Leeman, W.P. (1994). The open-
Economic Geology 89:105-130. system geochemical evolution of alkalic cap lavas
from Haleakala Crater, Hawaii, United States.
- Haggerty, S.E. (1994). Superkimberlites: A Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acts 58:773-796.
geodynamic diamond window to the Earths core.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 122:57-69. - Wickham, S.M., Janardhar, A.S. and Stem, R.J.
(1994). Regional carbonate alteration of the crust by
- Kogarko, L.N., Ukhanov, A.V. and Nikolskaja, mantle-derived magmatic fluids, Tamil Nadu, south
N.E. New data about PGE in ijolite-carbonatite India. Journal of Geology 102:379-398.
formation (Guli, Kugda massifs, Polar Siberia).
International Geochemia, 1994, N. 11. - Wolff, J.A. (1994). Physical properties of
carbonatite-magmas inferred from molten salt data,
- Kogarko, L.N. Geochemical characteristics of and application to extraction patterns from
oceanic carbonatites from the Cape Verde islands. carbonatite-silicate magma chambers. Geological
Journal of Geology of South Africa, 1993, N.3. Magazine 131:145-153.
- Ulrich Kramm and Kogarko, L.N. Nd and Sr -7-11 August 1995 - 6th International kimberlite
isotope signatures of the Khibine and Lovozero conference. Novosibirsk, Russia.
agpaitic centres, Kola Alkaline Province, Russia.
1994, Lithos 32, 225-242.
-9-13 October 1995 - Special meeting of IGCP
Project 314 Alkaline and carbonatitic magmatism
- Lee, D-C., Halliday, A.N., Fitton, J.G. and Poli, G.
during the 10th conference of the geological society
(1994). Isotopic variations with distance and time in
of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
the volcanic islands of the Cameroon line: evidence
for a mantle plume origin. Earth and Planetary
Science Letters 123:119-138. - December 1995 - Field symposium of IGCP
Project 314 Carbonatitic magmatism, Amba-
- Pearson, D. G., Boyd, F.R., Haggerty, S.E., Dongar, India.
Pasteris, J, D., Field, S, W., Nixon, P.H, and
Pokhilenko, N.P. (1994). The characterization and -3-5 April 1995 - Alkaline magmatism and
origin of graphite in cratonic lithospheric mantle: a heterogeneity of upper mantle, Moscow, Vernadsky
metrological carbon isotope and Raman Institute, Russia.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- 26-30 September 1995- Special session of IGCP 1-3 August in Montreal, Canada. This was a joint
Project 314 Nick Rock symposium. Alkaline rocks effort with IGCP Project 290 (Anorthosites and
and their associated mineralization during the related rocks) and comprised 35 oral and five poster
12th Australian geological convention, Perth, presentations. As regards rapakivi granites,
Australia. presentations dealt with their geochemistry,
petrology, geochronology, metallogeny, and tectonic
Proposed major publications setting. New data were given especially on the
rapakivi granites of Brazil, Ukraine, Sweden, the
- Monograph Alkaline and carbonatitic rocks of Baltic counties and the United States. The tin
former Soviet Union, British Museum of Natural granites of Brazil show the same geochemical and
History, 1995. petrographic peculiarities as the tin-bearing rapakivi
granites of Fennoscandia and tin granites in general.
- Geological map of alkaline rocks distribution on the A further important conclusion was that the rapakivi
territory of the former USSR. granites in central Sweden appear to register an
Archaean lower lithospheric domain beneath the
- Extended abstracts of the 6th kimberlite conference. Palaeoproterozoic crust of that area. Furthermore,
some very young (Miocene) rapakivi-like granites of
- Monograph, dedicated to Nick Rock Alkaline rocks the Basin and Range Province of south-western
and their associated mineralization. Australia, United States may turn out to provide clues to the
Perth. tectonic framework of the classic Proterozoic rapakivi
granites. In conjunction with the Montreal meeting,
- Abstracts of special symposium during the two field trips were arranged: on 28-31 July to the
10th conference of the geological society of Africa, Lac-St-Jean Anorthosite Complex near Chicoutimi in
Nairobi. eastern Quebec and on 4-10 August to the Nain
Plutonic Suite in central Labrador.
No. 315- Rapakivi granites and related The fifth international meeting of the project was
rocks (1991-1995) arranged on 4-9 September 1994, in conjunction with
the 16th General Meeting of the International
Ilmari Haapala, Department of Geology, P.O. Box 11, Mineralogical Association in Piss, Italy. A special
Snellmaninkatu 3, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki, session on rapakivi granites and related rocks in Piss
Finland. (convened by L Haapala and B. Benin) comprised two
two-hour oral sessions (12 contributions) and a poster
Ronald F. Emslie, Geological Survey of Canada, session with 14 submitted titles. The emphasis of the
601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8, Canada. rapakivi session in Piss was on the mineralogy and
petrology of the rapakivi granites and related rocks.
Description: Rapakivi granites and associated mafic Submitted papers provided new data particularly on
rocks (diabase dykes, gabbros, anorthosites) are the mineralogy of the rapakivi granites, covering a
present in Precambrian cratonic areas on all range of occurrences in the United States, Ukraine,
continents. In several cases, Sn-polymetallic and Fe- Sweden, Finland, South Greenland, Romania, Russia,
Cu mineralization is associated with the rapakivi Brazil, South Africa and India.
granites. The aim of the project is to correlate the
tectonic setting, petrology, geochemistry, and Participating countries (* indicates the countries
metallogeny of the rapakivi granites and related active in 1994): Botswana, Brazil*, Canada*, China*,
anorogenic granites worldwide. The main topics are Czech Republic*, Estonia*, Finland*, Germany,
(1) areal and temporal distribution of the granites, India*, Japan*, Republic of South Africa*, Russia*,
(2) tectonic setting and mechanism of emplacement, Spain, Sweden*, United Kingdom*, Ukraine*,
(3) relation to crustal evolution, (4) bimodal character Uruguay* and the United States*.
of the magmatism, (5) petrographic and geochemical
characteristics, (6) metallogeny, (7) petrogenesis, Publications
(8) physical conditions of crystallization, and - Haapala, I. and Rm, O.T. (1994), Quest Editors.
(9) origin of the rapakivi texture. Proceedings of IGCP Project 315, 1991 Helsinki
meeting. Mineralogy and Petrology, 50, 193 pp. It
Achievements in 1994 includes the following papers:
Meetings - Chattopadhyay, B., Chattopadhyay, S. and
Bapna, V.S. Geology and geochemistry of the
In 1994, the project held two meetings. The fourth
Degalla pluton - a Proterozoic rapakivi granite
international meeting of the project (convened by
in Rajasthan, India.
R.F. Emslie and M.D. Higgins) took place on
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Corretg, L.G. and Surez, O. A garnet- - Eklund, O. (1993). Coeval contrasting magmatism
cordierite granite porphyry containing rapakivi and magma mixing in Proterozoic post- and
feldspars in the Cabeza de Araya Batholith anorogenic granites, land, south-western Finland.
(Extremadura, Spanish Hercynian Belt). bo Akademis tryckeri, bo, 57 pp.
- DallAgnol, R., Lafon, J.-M. and Macambira, - Andersson, U.B. and Eklund, O. (1994). Cellular
M.J.B. Proterozoic anorogenic magmatism in plagioclase intergrowths as a result of crystal-
the Central Amazonian Province, Amazonian magma mixing in the Proterozoic land rapakivi
Craton: Geochronological, metrological and batholith, south-western Finland. Contributions to
geochemical aspects. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117, 124-136.
- Eklund, O., Frjd, S. and Lindberg, B. Magma - Moore, M., Davis, D.W., Robb, L.J., Jackson, M.C.
mixing, the petrogenetic link between and Grobler, D.F. (1993). Archaean rapakivi
anorthositic suites and rapakivi granites, land, granite-anorthosite-rhyolite complex in the
south-western Finland. Witwatersrand basin hinterland, southern Africa.
Geology, 21, 1031-1034.
- Kerr, A. and Milne, G.C. The Mgeni granite: an
example of the megacrystic rapakivi granite- - Kuroda, Y., Yamada, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Sate, H.,
charnockite intrusive in south-eastern Africa. Wake, Y. and Matsuo, S. (1994). Crustal
development in relation to granitic magmatism in
- Neymark, L.A., Amelin, J.V. and Larin, A.M. regard to D/H partition between coexisting
Pb-Nd-Sr isotopic and geochemical constraints hornblende and biotite in the Svecofennian belt.
on the origin of the 1.54-1.56 Ga Salmi rapakivi Bulletin of the Gelogical Society of Finland, 65,
granite-anorthosite batholith (Karelia, Russia). 91-108.
- Rogers, J.J.W and Satterfield, M.E. Fluids of - Sveshnikov, K. I., Sukhorukov, Yu.T., Pashkevich,
anorogenic granites: A preliminary assessment. I.K. and Krasovsky, S.S. (1994). Anorogenic
granitoids of the Early Precambrian magmatism of
- Salonsaari, P.T. and Haapala, I. The Jaala-Iitti the Ukrainian shield. Bulletin of the Geological
rapakivi complex: example of bimodal Society of Finland, 65, 109-120.
magmatism and hybridization in the Wiborg
rapakivi batholith, south-eastern Finland. - Esipchuk, K.Ye., Sheremet, Ye.M. and Sveshnikov,
K.I. (1994). Rare metal granites and related rocks of
- Sundblad, K., Mansfeld, J., Motuza, G., Ahl, M. the Ukrainian shield. Bulletin of the Geological
and Claesson, S. Geology, geochemistry and age Society of Finland, 65, 121-131.
of a Cu-Mo-bearing granite at Kabeliai,
southern Lithuania. - Higgins, M. and Woussen, G. (1994). IGCP Projects
290 and 315, Lac-St-Jean field trip guide.
- Sviridenko, L.P. The evolution of the fluid phase University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, Canada, 20 pp.
during the crystallization of granite types: Salmi
pluton, Karelia, Russia. - Emslie, R.F. (1994). Anorthosites, Rapakivi
Granites and Related Rocks, International
- Velikoslavinsky, D.A. Biotite from rapakivi. Geological Correlation Programme, Joint Meeting,
IGCP Projects 290 and 315. Program and Abstract.
- Yu, J., Fu, H., Zhang, F. and Wan, F.
Petrogenesis of potassic alkaline volcanics - Berg, J. H., Emslie, R.F., Hamilton, M. A., Morse,
associated with rapakivi granites in the S. A., Ryan, A.B. and Wiebe, R.A. (1994).
Proterozoic rift of Beijing, China. Anorthositic, granitoid and related rocks of the
Nain Plutonic Suite. Guide for field excursion to the
Emslie, R.F. and Stirling, J.A.R. (1993). Rapakivi
Nain area, 4-10 August, 1994, IGCP Projects 290
and related granitoids of the Nain Plutonic Suite:
and 315,69 pp.
Geochemistry, mineral assemblages and fluid
equilibria. Canadian Mineralogists, 31, 821-847.
- Dempster, T. J., Jenkin, G.R.T and Rogers, G.
Amelin, Yu, Heaman, L., Uezkhogliand, V. and (1994). The Origin of the Rapakivi Texture. Journal
Skobelev, V. (1994). Geocronological constraints on of Petrology, 35,963-981.
the emplacement history of an anorthosite-rapakivi
granite suite: U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite study of - Dan Agnol, R., Teixeira, N.P. and Sacramento de
the Korosten complex, Ukraine. Contributions to Magalhes, M. (1993). Diagnostic features of tin-
Mineralogy and Petrology, 116,411-419. specialized anorogenic granites of the Eastern
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
IPDC Project 317 held three meetings in 1994. The The frost thematic studies of palaeoweathering,
annual meeting was held in Recife (Brazil) in August, which are one of the main aims of the project, have
in the form of a specialized meeting during the also been undertaken, and articles describing the
14th International Congress of Sedimentology. The initial results have already been submitted by some of
meeting was attended by some 40 participants from the regional/thematic teams.
eight countries. The papers read (a total of 16) dealt
with palaeoweathering in Australia, North and South Publications
America and Europe. The very varied problems
discussed included palaeoclimates, palaeo- - IGCP Project 317 Palaeoweathering Bibliography,
morphologies, geochemistry, the variations in the December 1993,60 pp. (also in electronic form).
composition of the atmosphere, etc. A growing
number of studies are now using quantitative - IGCP Project 317 Newsletter No. 4, April 1994,
methods: geochemical aspects of palaeoweathering, 35 pp.
isotopic signatures, weathering simulations using
geochemical codes, etc. The papers stimulated much - IGCP Newsletter No. 5, November 1994, 31 pp.
discussion both in and outside the meeting room with
others attending the international congress. The - IAS94 field trip guide: Tropical weathering,
meeting was followed by a 2,000 km geological field palaeoweathering and palaeosurfaces of North-East
trip through the states of the Brazilian Nordeste. Brazil (1994) by V.X. Ferreira, M. G., Mabesoone,
J.M. eds., 9 pp.
In addition to the annual meeting, two major
regional events were organized by our British group. A Palaeoweathering Bibliography, with
Sixteen papers were read in the presence of 559 references, was published in late 1993. For the
40 European participants at the meeting on Tertiary moment it remains an internal publication which has
and pre-Tertiary palaeosurfaces organized at the been distributed to all project members.
University of Sheffield in April by M. Widdowson.
The second meeting was organized by B. Smith, in A total of 173 scientists from 36 countries are now
conjunction with the Eurolat project and was held in participating in the project (the countries whose
Belfast in September, The 20 papers were followed by members took part in the 1994 meetings or actively
a two-day field trip to the weathered rock and collaborated in the inventory of palaeoweathering are
palaeosurfaces of Northern Ireland. underlined).
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina and biogeochemical studies on polymetallic marine
Faso, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, oxide deposits from the recent ocean basins (Pacific,
Czech Republic, Ecuador, France Germany, Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the Baltic Sea) and
Hungary, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, also in ancient land-based deposits occurring in India,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia, South Africa, Namibia, Ukraine, United States,
Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, China, Spain and Antarctica. Special emphasis was
Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, laid on tracing the source of metals (including
Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States. precious elements, e.g. platinum group) in the
ferromanganese crusts and nodules and the processes
Future meetings leading to enrichment of these metals in the deposits.
Estimation of reserves for polymetallic deposits in the
The main meeting of 1995 will be held in France Pacific and Atlantic Oceans was updated. Rare earth
from 24 to 26 April in the form of a specialized element (Y, Eu, Ho, Hf) abundance patterns and
session of the 16th European meeting of IAS at Aix- fractionation trends in ferromanganese crusts and
les-Bains. It will include a pre-congress excursion buried nodules were established. Be isotopes in the
entitled: From inland palaeosurfaces towards oceans as recorded by recent polymetallic crusts were
sedentary basins: the example of south-western used as sea-water mass tracer to study palaeo-oceanic
French Massif Central, guided by R. Simon-Coinon, circulation patterns. A causal relationship between
J.G. Astruc, J.M. Schmitt and M. Thiry. growth of ferromanganese concretions in the Baltic
Sea and the influx of water from the North Sea was
IGCP is also co-organizing symposium 5 established. Use of trace element distribution patterns
Interrelationships between geochemistry and in ferruginous sediments as exploration guides for
weathering, palaeoclimates and landscape evolution new polymetallic deposits was documented. Growth
of the V.M. Goldsmith Conference, which will be histories of ferromanganese crusts and nodules and
held at the University of Pennsylvania from 24 to their accretion rates were determined using new
28 May. isotopic investigations. Biogeochemical controls on
Mn, Fe and U reduction in marine sediments were
documented from new laboratory investigations. New
No. 318 - Genesis and correlation of evidence was found in favour of an expanded oxygen
marine polymetallic oxides (1991-1995) minimum zone in the Indian Ocean during Mio-
Pliocene, which has direct implication for exploring
J.R. Hein, USGS, 345 Middlefield Road, MS 999, for new occurrences. Detail characterization of
Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States. volcanic and hydrothermal processes responsible for
the formation of polymetallic deposits on the
Somnath Dasgupta, Department of Geological Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge was carried out through
Sciences, Jadavpur University, Calcutta - 700032, geochemical, geophysical and isotopic studies. New
India. evidence in favour of a genetic relationship between
tectonism, hydrothermal discharge systems and
Description: The project, which is a successor to occurrence of polymetallic nodules in the Pacific
IGCP Project 226 (Correlation of Manganese Ocean was obtained. Palaeoenvironmental
Sedimentation to Palaeoenvironments), intends to significance of Mn micronodules in the recent
correlate the origin and evolution of polymetallic sediments of the Indian Ocean was documented. A
oxide deposits with the evolution of the oceans, to new method involving quantitative estimation of sea-
develop techniques, to date such deposits and to floor features as a guide for nodule mining methods
develop genetic models that can be used in was developed. Mineralogical, geochemical and
exploration. A particularly attractive and promising isotopic investigations on ancient land-based deposits
aspect is the inclusion of studies of recent sediments were extended to those occurring in Spain and
in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and of deposits in Antarctica, the latter being the first detailed study in
the Precambrian shields of Africa and India. In the the continent. Similar investigations on the deposits
latter, sedimentary manganese deposits are important occurring in India, Namibia, South Africa, United
palaeogeographic markers and in many cases, are of States, Hungary, Japan, China and the Ukraine
economic interest. continued during this year. These studies are directed
to develop viable genetic models and to document
Achievements in 1994 post-depositional alterations, metamorphic and
hydrothermal effects. A correlation between
Main scientific achievements supercontinent break-up, global oceanographic,
climatic and atmospheric factors with the formation
Significant progress has been achieved in the of polymetallic deposits during the Neoproterozoic
mineralogical, geochemical, isotopic, microtextural times was established.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- An oral session sponsored by this project will be - T. Boyd et al. Trace element patterns in Fe-Si-Mn
held in south-eastern Spain in November 1994 oxyhydroxides at three hydrothermally active sea-
during the Symposium on Natural Resources and floor regions. J. Res. Geol. 17,83-95.
Environmental Aspects. Ten scientists from five
countries are expected to present papers. - A.M. Barajas and E.L. Verges. Ash layers and
pumice in the Central Indian Basin: Relationship to
The following countries are involved in the the formation of Mn nodules. Mar. Geol. 115,
project Australia Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, 307-329.
China, Czech Republic, Equador, Finland, France,
Ghana, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, - P. Rona et al. Active and relict sea-floor
India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, hydrothermal mineralization at the TAG
Netherlands, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Econ.
Turkey, Republic of South Africa, United Kingdom, Geol., 88.
Uruguay, United States, Ukraine and Venezuela.
R.A. Binns et al. Hydrothermal oxide and gold-rich
sulphate deposits of Franklin seamount, Papua New
Guinea. Ibid.
Fouquet et al. Metallogenesis in back-arc
- K.W. Mandernack and B.M. Tebo. Manganese
environments. Ibid.
scavenging and oxidation at hydrothermal vents and
in vent plumes. Geochim. Cosmochim Acts, 57,
C.S. Chin et al. In situ observations of dissolved Fe
and Mn in hydrothermal vent plumes, Juan de Fuca
Ridge. Jour. Geophys. Res., 99,4969-4984.
- C. Klein and N. Beukes. Sedimentology and
geochemistry of the glaciogenic Late Proterozoic G.J. Massoth et al. Temporal and spatial variability
Rapitan Fe formation in Canada. Econ. Geol. V. 88,
of hydrothermal Mn and Fe at Cleft segment, Juan
pp. 542-565. de Fuca Ridge. Ibid., 99,4905-23.
- M. Bau. Effects of syn- and post-depositional
processes on the rare-earth element distribution in J.H. Trefry et al. Trace metals in hydrothermal
Precambrian iron formations. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, solutions from Cleft segment on the southern Juan
257-267. de Fuca Ridge. Ibid., 99,4925-36.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- R.A. Feely et al. Composition and sedimentation of are hosted in a variety of lithologic settings
hydrothermal plume particles from North Cleft (including ophiolites).
segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Ibid., 99,4985-5006.
- A business meeting of the project will be held
- A. Michard et al. Submarine thermal springs during this period to assess the progress made in
associated with young volcanoes: The Teahitia 1995 and for future planning.
vents, Society Islands, Pacific< Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 57,4977-86. Publications
- G.R. Dickens and R.M. Owen. Late Miocene-Early Arrangements to publish a compilation volume on the
Pliocene manganese redirection in the Central manganese deposits of China has been completed. A
Indian Ocean: Expansion of the intermediate water book comprising papers presented during a
oxygen minimum zone. Palaeo-oceanography, 9, conference held in Spain in 1993 will be published in
169-181. April 1995. A book comprising papers presented at
the Freiberg, London and Nagpur meetings will be
- J.R. Hein et al. Composition and origin of published by the Geological Society of London. Other
hydrothermal ironstones from central Pacific volumes will be produced in conjunction with annual
seamounts. Geochim. Cosmochim Acts, 58, meetings.
- A.E. Gibbs et al. Hydrothermal playgorskite and No. 319- Global palaeogeography
ferromanganese mineralization at a Central of the Late Precambrian and Early
California margin fracture zone. Mar. Geol., 115, Paleozoic
T.P. Crimes, Department of Earth Sciences,
- J.P. Cowen et al. Calcareous nannofossil University of Liverpool, Brownlow Street,
biostratigraphic dating of a ferromanganese crust Liverpool, L69 3BX, United Kingdom.
from Schumann Seamount. Ibid., 115,289-306.
K.B. Seslavinsky, Institute of Physics of the Earth,
- H. Kunzendorf et al. The distribution of rare earth B. Grouzinskaya 10, 123810 Moscow, Russia.
and minor elements in Mn nodules, micronodules
and sediments along an east-west transect in the Description: The Late Precambrian and Early
southern Pacific, Lithos, 30,45-56. Paleozoic are critical periods during which
remarkable evolutionary changes occurred. There
- D.S. Cronan and R.A. Hodkinson. An evaluation of were also developed extensive mineral deposits
MU nodules and Co-rich crusts in South Pacific including oil, gas and phosphates. A detailed analysis
Exclusive Economic Zones. Marine Georesources & of global palaeogeography is of widespread interest
Geotechnology, 11,153-174. and the purpose of IGCP Project 319 is to develop
further an international and interdisciplinary
- B. Thamdrup et al. Manganese oxidation and in situ approach which leads to the production of
manganese fluxes from a coastal sediment. lithopalaeogeographic maps based on refined
Geochim. Cosmochim Acts, 58,2563-70. correlations of terminal Precambrian, Cambrian and
Lower Ordovician strata. Sedimentological and
- P.M. Vasconcelos et al. Direct dating of weathering palaeoceanic models will also be developed for the
phenomena by Ar/Ar and K-Ar analysis of best research examples within this time span.
supergene K-Mn oxides. Ibid., 58, 1635-1665.
Achievements in 1994
- V. Bruchert et al. Fe-Mn enrichment in middle
Ordovician hematitic argillites preceding black Meetings
shale and flysh deposition. Jr. Geol., 102,197-214.
The third meeting of the project was held at
St Annes Gaelic College, Nova Scotia, in association
Activities planned with St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova
Scotia. The meeting was combined with IGCP Project
Meetings 376 Laurentia-Gondwana Connections Before
- A field excursion to manganese deposits of Turkey
is planned to be held in 1995. The purpose is to The arrangements incorporated an optional pre-
study the mode of occurrence, geologic setting and conference field workshop (19-24 September) entitled
genesis of diverse types of deposits. These deposits Transappalachians: Laurentian and Gondwana
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Connections and included examination of the document and make connections between a series of
cratonic edge of Laurentia, tectonic allochthons and major events in biological evolution, climate, global
vestiges of Early Paleozoic Iapetus Ocean, the tectonics, sea level, seawater chemistry and
Avalon and Gander terranes and the Avalonian rocks atmospheric composition between about 650 Ma and
of the Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia. The the beginning of the Cambrian (approx. 545 Ma). The
contributions concentrated on palaeogeographic and task at hand is difficult, owing to obvious limitations
tectonic aspects of mainly Precambrian and Lower in precise correlation and dating, but some very
Paleozoic rocks of widespread areas including significant progress is being made by integrating
Canada, United States, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, emerging data from paleontology, isotopic
Russia, Botswana, Spain, Morocco, France and geochemistry, physical stratigraphy and
Australia. sedimentology (sequence stratigraphy) and U-Pb
geochronology of ash beds. In addition to the basic
Countries involved this year: Argentina, scientific issues, the products of the project will be
Australia, Brazil, Belarus, Botswana, Canada, China, used by a Working Group of the International
Estonia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Commission on Stratigraphy to recommend
Korea, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, United placement of a Global Stratotype Section and Point
Kingdom United States, Uzbekistan and Yugoslavia. (GSSP) and subdivisions for a new terminal
Proterozoic system. Activities related to IGCP
Activities planned Project 320 are also relevant to petroleum
exploration, especially in Oman, Siberia, China and
The current research projects will add further new Australia.
data concerning the stratigraphic framework,
sedimentology and tectonic setting of the Precambrian
and Lower Paleozoic strata thereby increasing our Achievements in 1994
appreciation of the palaeogeography. This will enable
us to refine our palaeogeographic maps leading to a Meetings
fine tuning of those already produced and
enhancement of those still in production. It is During 1994, we sponsored or co-sponsored two
anticipated maps for most or all areas at the events. The first, combining forces with IGCP Project
1:20,000,000 scale will be completed during 1995. 303, was a field workshop on the Terminal
Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian in India
Meetings (4-7 January 1994). This provided an opportunity to
spend three days on the outcrop in the Lesser
A conference with field excursions is planned for Himalaya near Dehradun, followed by a one-day
Spain during the summer of 1995 to be organized by symposium at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan
co-operation between the Universities of Zaragoza Geology. The sections exposed in the Lesser
and Salamanca. There will also be co-operation with Himalaya are of interest because, along with those of
a field excursion being planned in October 1995 in the Yangtze platform, they constitute a now well-
Toulouse, Montagne Noir and Sardinia for IGCP studied succession that is representative of a great
Project 366. deal of Neoproterozoic and Cambrian geology in
South-East Asia. These blocks, although today
separated by Phanerozoic sutures reveal some
No. 320- Neoproterozoic events and similarities in geological history that have been taken
resources (1991-1995) to indicate early palaeogeographic connection. In both
cases, the earliest Cambrian sections contains
Nicholas Christie-Blick, Lament-Doherty Earth impressive quantities of phosphorite (the largest such
Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New deposits on earth) and one of the incentives for
York 10964-8000, United States. studying these deposits has been their economic
significance. The section in the Lesser Himalaya is of
Mikhail A. Fedonkin, Palaeontological Institute, significance also because while there is still a great
Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya ul. 123, deal of debate about the positioning of continents in
Moscow B321, 117868, Republic of Russia. Neoproterozoic time, it is clear that greater India was
attached to Australia in the Gondwana fit.
Mikhail A. Semikhatov, Geological Institute, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskiy per. dom. 7, The second event was a workshop to the terminal
Moscow 109017, Republic of Russia. Proterozoic of eastern Finnmark, northern Norway
(l-8 August 1994). Finnmark is of special interest to
Description: The terminal Proterozoic is one of the IGCP Project 320 because it is the type of area of the
most remarkable intervals in earth history. The Varanger Epoch, and has been thoroughly studied
objective of IGCP Project 320 is to attempt to from the point of view of physical stratigraphy,
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
sedmentology and paleontology (metazoan and trace - Kaufman, A. J., Jacobsen, S.B. and Knoll, A.H.,
fossils, and acritarchs). -- 1993. The Vendian record of Sr and C isotopic
variations in seawater: Implications for tectonics
Main scientific achievements and palaeoclimate: Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, v. 120, pp. 409-430.
During the course of the project, significant progress
has been made in establishing trends and events in - Knoll, A.H. and Walter, M.R., 1992. Latest
biological evolution in the Neoproterozoic, especially Proterozoic stratigraphy and Earth history: Nature,
as this may influence the subdivision of V. 356, pp. 673-678.
Neoproterozoic time. The stratigraphic record of
secular variations in the isotopic composition of - Meert, J.G. and van der Voo, R., 1994. The
seawater is now also established, at least in its broad Neoproterozoic (1000-540 Ma) glacial intervals: No
outlines, from studies conducted on several more snowball earth?: Earth and Planetary Science
continents, and efforts are now being directed at the Letters, v. 123, pp. 1-13.
details and explanation of particular excursions (for
example, the marked negative shift in ii13C that - Myrow, P.M. and Hiscott, R. N., 1993. Depositional
appears to accompany waning glaciation). Sequence history and sequence stratigraphy of the
stratigraphic studies are in progress at nearly all of Precambrian-Cambrian boundary stratotype section,
the key reference sections (including South and Chapel Island Formation, south-east Newfoundland
central Australia, Namibia, and the Mackenzie Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo-
Mountains of Canada), attempts to find broad ecology, v. 104, pp. 13-35.
modalities in these records are under way, at least as
far as permitted by other tools for correlation. Some - Narbonne, G.M., Kaufman, A.J. and Knoll, A. H.,
important geological and palaeomagnetic constraints 1994. Integrated chemostratigraphy and bio-
have emerged on the configuration and break-up stratigraphy of the Windermere Supergroup, north-
history of at least one terminal Proterozoic western Canada: Implications for Neoproterozoic
supercontinent - evidence in hand strongly supports correlations and the early evolution of animals:
the assembly of Laurentia against Antarctica- Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 106,
Australia prior to 700 Ma. The issue of low-latitude pp. 1281-1292.
glaciation remains unresolved, and new
palaeomagnetic studies are being undertaken in - Powell, C.McA., Li Z.X., McElhinny, M.W.
Australia, Namibia, Norway and North America in an Meert, J.G. and Park, J.K., 1993. Palaeomagnetic
attempt to sort out a controversy that has existed for constraints on timing of the Neoproterozoic break-
40 years. U-Pb geochronology has now firmly up of Rodinia and the Cambrian formation of
established the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary at Gondwana: Geology, v. 21, pp. 889-892.
close to 545 Ma, and efforts are under way to
calibrate the geological record of the Past 100 Ma of - Shanker, R. and Mathur, V. K., 1992. Precambrian-
the Proterozoic. Cambrian sequence in Krol belt and additional
Ediacaran fossils: Geophytology, v. 22, pp. 27-39.
- Siedlecka, A. and Roberts, D. 1992. The bedrock
- Siedlecka, A., 1944. Terminal Proterozoic System. geology of Varanger Peninsula Finnmark, North
Field guide to the workshop in eastern Finnmark, Norway: an excursion guide: Norges Geologiske
north Norway, 1-8 August 1994: Geological Survey Underskelse, Special Publication 5,45 pp.
of Norway, Report No. 94.065, 31 pp.
The project currently involves approximately
- Bowring, S. A., Grotzinger, J.P., Isachsen, C.E., 150 people from 18 countries: Australia, Austria,
Knoll, A.H., Pelechaty, S.M. and Kolosov, P., 1993. Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
Calibrating rates of Early Cambrian evolution: Mongolia, Namibia, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, South
Science, v. 261, pp. 1293-1298. Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the
United States.
- Fairchild, I. J., 1993. Balmy shores and icy wastes:
the paradox of carbonates associated with glacial Activities planned
deposits in Neoproterozoic times: Sedimentology
Review, v. 1, pp. 1-16. An excursion is being organized to examine the
terminal Proterozoic of Namibia in early May 1995,
- Hoffman, P.F., 1991, Did the breakout of Laurentia and an extension of the project has been requested in
turn 0Gondwanaland inside-out?: Science, v. 252, order to visit sections in the Urals (1996) and
pp. 1409-1412. Mackenzie Mountains of Canada (1997). ,
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Z.X. L1 and C. McPowell, 1993, Late Proterozoic to Beijing, with about 40 geoscientists present. It will
Early Paleozoic palaeomagnetism and the review the scientific achievements obtained in recent
formation of Gondwanaland, Gondwana Eight, years.
Flndlay, Unrug, Banks and Veevers (eds.), 1993,
Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 9-21. Plans are made to hold an Australian IGCP
Project 321 Working Group Meeting/Workshop in the
- H. Wopfner, 1993, Structural development of middle of 1995, possibly in conjunction with the frost
Tanzanian, Karoo basins and the break-up of Australian Conodont symposium to be held in Sydney
Gondwana. Gondwana Eight, Findlay et al. (eds.), in July 1995.
1993, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.531-539.
- S. Kojima et al., 1994, Mesozoic radiolarians from
the Bagh complex in the Muslim Bagh area, - Abstract Volume of the Fifth Symposium of IGCP
Pakistan: Their significance in reconstructing the Project 321.
geologic history of ophiolites along the Neo-Tethys
suture zone. Bull Geol. Surv. Japan, Vol. 45(2), - Guidebook for Field Excursion: Song Ma Suture
pp. 63-97. Zone.
- Metcalfe, 1993, South-East Asian terranes: - The Special Issue of IGCP Project 321: Gondwana
Gondwanaland origins and evolution. Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion (editors: Ren Jishun,
Eight, Findlay et al. (eds.), 1993, Baldema, I. Metcalfe, J. Charvet and S. Hada), including
Rotterdam, pp. 181-200. 35 papers, which is to be published by Balkema,
- S. Hada, S. Bunopas and others, 1994, Accretion
tectonics in Thailand along the Nan-Uttaradit suture - An English book, tentatively titled Tectonic
zone. Official Programme, 1994 AAPG Framework of East Asia Gondwana Dispersion and
International Conference and Exhibition, 41. Asian Accretion mainly concerning tectonic
evolution of major erogenic belts in China and its
- Wang Xibin and Hao Ziguo, 1994, Time-space environs, edited and published by the Chinese IGCP
distribution and tectonic types of ophiolites in Project 321 Working Group in Beijing, 1995.
China in: Ishiwatari et al. (eds.), Proc. 29th Int.
Geol. Congr., Part D, 183-204. - Ren Jishun (Chief compiler), the Tectonic map of
China and adjacent areas (1:5,000,000), funded
- I.S. Kim et al., 1993, Palaeomagnetism of jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation
Cambrian-Triassic sedentary rocks from Taeback and the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources
area, north-eastern Ogcheon Belt, Korea. J. Geol. of China.
Sot. Korea. 29(5), 415-436.
The 5th Symposium and Field Excursion of IGCP Description: This project is a successor to IGCP
Project 321 is to be held in November 1995, by the Project 171, differing from the latter in that its
Vietnamese Working Group of IGCP Project 321 emphasis is on correlation of Jurassic events in South
jointly with IGCP Projects 306 and 359 (Organizer, America. Its goal is the definition and correlation of
Professor Tran Van Tri). The participants will local and regional events (transgressions, regressions,
observe the Song Ma Suture Zone in Viet Nam, changes of sea level, evolution of sedentary basins,
which is considered the suture of the south China and palaeogeographic changes, geographic and
Indochina blocks. chronological biotic changes, oceanic connections,
climatic patterns, magmatic and magnetic events) on
The Chinese Working Group of IGCP Project 321 the basis of data from sedimentology, petrology,
will have an academic meeting in April 1995, macro- and micropaleontology, sequential
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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several South American (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Vol. 1. World Regional Geology, 4. 425 pp.
Peru) and European countries (Switzerland, Denmark (72 papers). Cambridge University Press.
and Sweden) has stepped up their participation. As
participation becomes more widespread it will be (2) Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Modern
possible to focus IGCP Project 324 efforts on the final and Ancient Saline Lakes (W.M. Last and
development of a co-ordinated preliminary regional R.W. Renaut, eds.). SEPM Special publication,
synthesis, necessarily previous to more global Vol. 50.324 pp. (27 papers).
approaches. South America and the Mediterranean
area may be most suited to engaging in this kind of (3) Journal of Palaeolimnology Special Issue on
approach. Tectonic and Climatic Rhythms in Lake Deposits
(E. Gierlowski, cd.) 1994.132 pp. (9 papers).
Major publications have been issued in well
reputed journals and editorials (see the list appended (4) Abstracts and field work guides of the Field
to this report) and a number of others (some of them Seminar- Workshop on Tectonic Control on
with ambitious aims) are in a very advanced stage of Lacustrine Basins in Poland (Varsaw, Konin-Ksiaz,
preparation. For 1995, a major effort will be made to Bogatynia).
advance new and, in some cases definitive
publications. (5) Symposium 6 on Global and Regional
Lacustrine Record of the 14th International
Contacts have been maintained with leaders of Sedimentological Congress. Abstracts book, S6-1 to
other active IGCP projects. IGCP Project 324 S6-12 (14 papers). Recife, August 1994.
newsletters and circulars are currently mailed to the
people in charge of the following projects, with a (6) IGCP Project 324 Spanish Group Symposium
view to proposing and seeking co-operative links and on lacustrine sedimentation. Abstracts of the 2nd
exchanges of information: 281 - Quaternary climates Tertiary Spanish Congress. 227-286 (15 papers).
of South America 299- Geology, climate, hydrology
and karst formation; 329- Neogene of the Paratethys; Activities planned
341- Southern Hemisphere Palaeo- and Neoclimates;
349 - Palaeomonsoons from desert margins during Meetings
past 135 kyrs. BP; 350- Cretaceus environmental
change in East and South Asia, and 362 - Tethyan (1) First International Limnogeological Congress
and Boreal Cretaceus. (IGCP Project 324 (GLOPALS)) - IAS, 21-25 August
in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(2) Recent and ancient lacustrine systems in
(1) Field Seminar-Workshop held in Poland convergent margins, 12-18 November 1995, in
(14-17 June 1994, Tectonic Control on Lacustrine Antofagasta, Chile. More than 30 people have applied
Basins). for pre-inscription.
(1) Global Geological Record of Lacustrine (4) Preliminary regional synthesis on lacustrine
Basins (E. Gierlowski and K. Kelts, eds.) 1994. basin evolution. 1995-1996.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Phosphorus cycling in marine and freshwater - More than 100 titles listed in The Pamphlet No. 4,
systems, a special session during the AGU-ASLO most of them written by members of IGCP
Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Diego, California Project 325.
- The major meeting of the project in 1994 was the Activities planned
International Workshop and Field Trip
Phosphorites, Dolomites and Bituminous rocks of Meetings
the Ionian Zone, Albania 6-12 May, with
30 participants from seven countries. - EUG 8 (Strasbourg, 9-13 April 1995) has several
symposia and sessions of interest to our project,
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
especially Molecular paleontology and high (6) study the Oligocene-Miocene transition in the
resolution biomarkers with subtitles including Mediterranean and other epicontinental seas and also
Biomineralization... and Biogenic phosphates as in the North Atlantic and North Pacific areas (using
palaeoenvironmental indicators, An informal results of all oceanic programmes). The work will be
meeting of IGCP Project 325 will be held taking performed in co-operation with the Palaeogene and
advantage of the fact that project members will be Neogene Subcommissions of the International
attending EUG: Commission on Stratigraphy of IUGS.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
(3) The joint participants in the American- Northern Hemisphere - Symposium and Field
Kazakhstan expedition in the Zaissan region urge that Conference. Episodes (in press).
attention be paid to the correlation of local Zaissan
formations with formations in the Cis-Aralian and Fourteen countries were involved in the project:
Turgai regions, as well as with Mongolian Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Georgia,
formations. Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Mongolia,
Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine and the
Publications United States.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Sacabambaspis, the oldest (Caradoc) vertebrate of characters has refined taxonomy of diplodont
South America from the Anzaldo Formation of teeth in the Devonian; Mid-Devonian to Upper
central Bolivia, was described by Gagnier (1993). Carboniferous (Namurian) microvertebrates of
Joint Australian-Lithuanian work on Australian N. France/S. Belgium. Discovery of the first
mongolepid-like material and Sacabambaspis of Devonian vertebrates in the Spanish Pyrnes;
central Australia and thelodonts from Timan- Bolivian fossil assemblages west of lake Poopo
Pechora. New analysis of the Harding Sandstone give a Middle Devonian age to the equivalent
microvertebrate remains from North America by of the Icla/Huamampampa Formations with
M.M. Smith et al. (1994). an invertebrate assemblage (brachiopods, trilobites,
bryozoans, conulariids, corals, tentaculitids), spores
Silurian: a new Silurian microvertebrate zonation and chondrichthyan remains. Twelve horizons in
presented to the SSS; work continued in the Early the Early Devonian Jauf Formation of the Al
Silurian of Timan-Pechora Province, Siberia, Huj region of Saudi Arabia sampled in
Mongolia. New investigations in eastern and Arctic 1992 have yielded chondrichthyans, scant.ho
Canada (Canadian-Estonian-French co-operation), dians, placoderms (acanthothoracids, rhenanids,
Iran, Australia, and United Kingdom (Australian- ptyctodonts, petalichthyids, and arthrodires -
Estonian and French-Dutch co-operation on Scottish actinolepids, phlyctaeniids, and primitive
thelodonts). New co-operative agreement with eubrachythoracids), and rare sarcopterygians. One of
Indonesian G.S. and American oil companies the assemblages within the Hammamiyat Member of
assisting the Irian Jaya (Netherlands-Australia) the formation, compared to the Khush-Yeilagh fauna
project. Borehole samples from Lithuania have of Iran has provided the first conodonts from this
provided conodont zonation from the Upper sequence (Lelivre et al. in press). A new phlyctaeniid
Llandovery to the Pridoli; microvertebrates range arthrodire has been collected in the (presumed)
from the Middle Wenlock K. amsdeni to the Upper Middle Devonian Ly Hoa Sandstone, Quang Binh
Pridoli O. e. Remscheidensis zones (and higher up Province, Central Viet Nam; it represents the first
through the Early Devonian which is devoid of discovery of a determinable vertebrate in the
conodonts). Further new discoveries of Early Silurian Devonian of Central Viet Nam, in terrigenous
thelodonts from Scotland are helping to refine sediments associated to the Indochina (Kontum)
taxonomic variation for the important Late block. It displays anatomical features suggestive of
Ordovician to Llandovery Loganellia scotica-sibirica Gemuendenaspis from the Emsian of Germany
group of scales. Nine fish assemblages have been (Janvier et al. in press). Recent discoveries of
defined on thelodonts correlated to Estonian vertebrates in the classical Qujing region, Yunnan,
assemblages (Karatajute-Talimaa & Brazauskas, in within the Xishancun, Xitun, Guijiatun and
press). Xujiachong Formations, which also yield bivalves,
ostracodes and plants have defined four fish
Devonian: new discoveries in the Late Devonian assemblages useful for correlation throughout South
of Iran; Middle-Upper Devonian of Gornai-altai; China (Zhu Min et al. 1994); new microvertebrate
improved vertebrate correlations in the E-L. Dev. of work in East and West Yunnan, oil-bearing region of
the western United States. The age of vertebrate- Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, and west Qinling. Of
bearing Water Canyon and Beartooth Butte particular note are continuing studies on Late
Formations has been reappraised - the upper part in Devonian shark remains, especially on phoebodont-
N. Utah (Grassy Flat Member), being much younger xenacanth inter-relationships (Ginter & Ivanov in
(Givetian) than its lower, Card Member which is press, Hampe 1994, Schneider in press. Turner in
correlated to the Emsian. The latter is the same age as press) and the protacrodont-orodont complex, from
the type Beartooth Butte Formation (BBF), at Antarctica, Australia, Poland, Russia, Canada and the
Beartooth Butte, N. Wyoming, while the BBF at United States which now have demonstrated
Cottonwood Canyon, N. Wyoming, would be older application for biostratigraphical correlation of
and correlated to the Lochkovian/Pragian. New marine and possible non-marine sequences from
vertebrate localities of both the Sandy Member of the Givetian times onward.
Sevy Dolomite at N. Egan Range, E. Nevada, and the
Cherty Argillaceous Unit above the Hidden Valley Carboniferous: intensified work on Lower, Mid to
Dolomite of Death Valley, California are dated Late Carboniferous in Australia, Tula, Timan-
Emsian on the basis of a correlation to other, Pechora, Urals, northern Caucasus, United Kingdom,
conodont-bearing units of the inversus-serotinus Belgium, Germany and the United States is clarifying
zones (Elliott & llys, in press; llys & Elliott, in the evolution and usefulness of xenacanthoid teeth in
press); continuing Polish-Russian co-operative Carboniferous bio-stratigraphy. New articulated
fieldwork on Mid to Late Devonian shark material xenacanth remains discovered in Germany.
especially the use of phoebodont teeth in zonation;
major review of subsurface Canning Basin micro- Permian: revision of the classic Fritsch shark taxa
vertebrate remains; detailed analyses of shark tooth (Schneider, Zajic); new material from Australia,
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
China - including collecting in continental Permian- Level - DECWOL Symposium, 12-14 July 1994,
Triassic of north Tianshan, Xinjiang; Germany; Pal. Inst. RAS, Moscow.
United States.
- J.S. Nelson, 1994. 3rd edition. Fishes of the World.
Beyond: strong interest in Permian-Triassic and Wiley & Sons.
younger Mesozoic studies and new microvertebrate
biochronological studies especially in Europe, India, - Abstracts, 1st Workshop on Integrao da
Australia, South America; a major thesis on Triassic Geologia e Paleontologia de Vertebrados no RS,
microvertebrates from conodont-dated samples in 4-6 October, Porto Alegre, Brazil, FAPERGS:
Western Canada with an analysis of shark scales Mestrado Geologia/UNISINOS: MCT/UBEA/
(M. Jones). PUCRS.
Taxonomy: increase in workshops and papers - Two newsletters, Ichthyolith Issues, Nos. 13-14,
attempting to clarify taxonomy especially of thelodont covered IGCP Project 328 work in 1994. An
scales, chondrichthyan teeth and scales, acanthodian updated address list/experts guide is planned for
scales, placoderm scales, actinopterygian scales, 1995.
lungfish and other sarco-pterygian remains. New
lines of inquiry into the hypothesis of Activities planned
conodont/vertebrate relationships include histo-
chemical methods and DNA analysis. Meetings
- IGCP Project 328 first Workshop de Integrao da No. 329 - Palaeogeographic and palaeo-
Geologia e Paleontologia de Vertebrados no RS, ecologic evolution of Paratethyan basins
4-6 October 1994, Porto Alegre, Brazil. during the Neogene and their correlation
to the global scales (1992-1996)
Important publications N. Krstid (Serbia, Yugoslavia), Geoinstitut, Y-11000
Beograd-22, Rovinjska 12, P.O. Box 42.
- Abstracts APC-94, Macquarie University, Sydney,
February 1994. Description: The main correlation of the Neogene of
the Paratethys was fulfilled by IGCP Project 25, but it
- House, M. & Lebedev, O. Eds. 1994. Abstracts has not solved many questions of a detailed
Devonian Eustatic Changes of the World Ocean correlation inside the Paratethys or correlations with
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
continental areas. The project deals with these - Bilateral meeting in Kiev, July 1994.
problems, using all possible methods, such as
conventional macro- and micropalaeontologicaI - An international meeting was held in Sumeg,
research (including micro-mammals) and also Hungary, from 5 to 10 September 1994 and was
geophysical (like palaeomagnetism) and chemical attended by over 40 participants from 15 countries.
methods. Tectonostratigraphy would be an important
part of the research. The formation pattern should List of countries involved in project (* indicates
also be studied and revised. countries active this year): Austria, Azerbaijan*,
Belarus, Bulgaria*, Czech Republic*, Georgia*,
Achievements in 1994 Greece*, Hungary*, India*, Israel*, Italy*,
Macedonia*, Poland*, Romania*, Russia*, Slovakia*,
Scientific achievements Slovenia*, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine* and the
United States.
A report on Western Kazakhstan and Middle Asia
stressed the large gaps existing in the base of the
Neogene and smaller gaps throughout the column.
The Karaganian evaporite could be used for
chemostratigraphic correlation with the Carpathian-
Badenian salinity crisis. No. 335- Biotic recoveries from mass
extinctions (1993-1997)
In Bulgaria, the biostratigraphy of bivalvia and
gastropoda from the Badenian in the north-west part D.H. Erwin, Department of Palaeobiology, MRC-121,
of the country was reviewed, and palynological National Museum of Natural History, Washington,
analyses were conducted on them and also on the D.C. 20560 and E.G. Kauffman, Department of
formas from the Sarmatian. The main task was to Geological Sciences, C.B.-250, University of
engage in a biostratigraphical study of the macroflora Colorado, Boulder, CO. 80309-0250.
and diatoms of southern Bulgaria because of the
regional correlations between the small basins in that Description: The primary objectives of the project
part of the country. The lithostratigraphic units of arc: (1) To establish an international, high-resolution
southern Bulgaria were also completed. stratigraphic, geochemical, and palaeontologic data
base for the study of survival and recovery of the
The Russian group has worked mainly on biosphere, and restructuring of global environments,
dinocists, molluscs and forams, for which purpose the following ancient mass extinctions; (2) to analyse the
fully cored deep boreholes (up to 4 km deep) were evolutionary and ecological strategies and habitats
examined. A large number of jurasite intercalations that allowed clades and communities to survive mass
are present throughout the Neogene column, and extinctions and initiate subsequent biotic recoveries,
some hiatuses have also been reported along the and the nature of surviving organisms; (3) to
column. document, interpret and model the rates, patterns,
timing, biogeography y, and environmental conditions
The report of the Hungarian working group of post-extinction ecosystem recovery; (4) to compare
underscored three major topics: (1) the palinspastic global survival and recovery patterns from many
reconstruction of the Carpathian-Pannonian region, Phanerozoic mass extinctions and other bioevents in
(2) geomagnetism and absolute age, and (3) bio- order to develop more general models for the
stratigraphy and correlations. extinction-survival-recovery process; and (5) to apply
these data and predictive models to better
The Polish co-ordinator reported on his country understanding the modern environmental and
groups involvement in work on the palinspastic map biodiversity crises.
series of the Neogene in the Carpathian-Pannonian
area. In addition, it has been working on the litho- The comparative nature of this project demands
and seismic stratigraphy of the Carpathian foredeep, analyses of survival and recovery not only the five big
which is expected to continue for the next few years. major extinctions, but also from smaller global
The biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Miocene bioevents, and the integration of both marine and
deposits of southern Poland will also be developed terrestrial studies. The scope of this project clearly
further. requires broad international participation.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
General scientific achievements - The project newsletter has been appearing twice per
year and is developing as a forum for discussion on
Our major achievements for the year involve: The survival and recovery models, the nature of refugia
first full meeting of the project was held from 3 to and other issues of interest to members of the
11 September 1994 in Plymouth, United Kingdom. project. The newsletter is circulated to over
Sixty-two scientists from 18 countries participated or 250 individuals in 60+ countries which have
co-authored abstracts presented at the meeting. These expressed interest in the project.
papers covered all of the major events, beginning with
the recoveries following the Cretaceous/Tertiary - A full meeting report will appear in the December
(K/T) and the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) mass 1994 issue of EPISODES, reflecting contributions
extinctions and moved down through the column to from both the Kielce, Poland meeting in 1993 and
the Cambrian. Six talks discussed the K/T and E/O the Plymouth, United Kingdom meeting in 1994.
events, two the Turonian-Coniacian, four the
Cenomanian-Turonian, three the Albian/Turonian - Participants to the Plymouth meeting have already
events, two Late Triassic, Early Jurassic recoveries, submitted papers. These are now being reviewed
three the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic extinction, and edited prior to publication as a Special Volume
three the events of the mid-Carboniferous, seven of the Geological Society of London. The
recoveries during and after the various Devonian Geological Society currently plans to publish the
extinction events, three discussed recovery following volume in late 1995. Other individual publications
the Ordovician mass extinction, and the final paper are expected as well. The meeting was attended by
focused on the newly recognized Early Cambrian Richard Kerr, a reporter from SCIENCE, which
extinction and recovery. Two field trips were held to carried a report in the issue of 7 October 1994.
visit important K/T and Early Jurassic recovery sites.
- Short papers from the Czech Republic meeting were
Two of the central themes of the meeting were: published as Geolines, No. 1 (Occasional Papers of
(1) evaluating models of survival-recovery events, and the Geological Institute, Czech Academy of
(2) comparisons of survival-recovery patterns between Sciences).
mass extinction events. Participants recognized many
similarities in survival-recovery patterns between
different events; this has been used to further refine Activities planned
our developing models. Most participants agreed that
project studies require high-resolution integrated Meetings
biostratigraphic, geochemical and sedimentologic
data. - Symposia and major project meetings to be held
during the Geological Association of Canada
During the discussions several participants meeting to be held in Victoria, British Columbia,
emphasized the need for both palaeoecologic studies Canada, 17-19 May 1994.
and for phylogenetic analysis as part of lineage
studies. Comparing different lineages during the same - A symposium on biotic recoveries after mass
recovery and different recoveries is the only way to extinction to be held in association with North
determine whether we can identify common patterns American Palaeontological Convention - 6 to be
and processes underlying these events. This was an held in Washington D.C. during mid-June 1996.
area of spirited discussion during the course of the
meeting. Lengthy discussions were also held on the
- A symposium and meeting during the International
nature and definition of surviving clades, with
Geological Congress in Beijing in 1996.
particular emphasis on the definition of opportunistic
and disaster taxa, and about the proper way to
evaluate the many models which have been advanced. - A symposium sponsored by the Palaeontological
While no consensus was achieved on some of these Society during the meeting of the Geological
points, that was to be expected given the early stage Society of America in 1996.
of the project. The discussions emphasized the need
for additional detailed studies and emphasized the
- A possible meeting in Europe during 1996 is being
types of data and methods of analysis required to
resolve some of these issues. pursued, colleagues from Prague have expressed
preliminary interest in hosting this meeting.
The Czech working group held a meeting
Patterns and trends of recoveries from deep crises, - A major project meeting is planned for either
20-21 April 1994 in Prague, Czech Republic. Europe or the United States during 1997.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- to collect, assemble, and distribute data describing - VII International Platinum Symposium with a
the magmatism and associated metallogenesis in special session of IGCP Project 336 Intraplate
intraplate magmatic provinces; Magmatism and Metallogeny, 1-12 August,
Moscow, and Norilsk, Russia. The meeting in 1994
- to develop and publish descriptive, grade-tonnage, included a technical session and field excursion to
and genetic models of world class magmatic ore the intraplate, flood-basalt-related Ni-Cu-PGE
deposits that emphasize regional and local controls magmatic ore deposits of the Noril sk-Talnakh
on the formation of deposits and the localization of district. Because of the logistical difficulties in
mineralization; arranging field excursions to this area, which is
located in the Siberian Arctic in Russia, the
- to create a series of maps that document, worldwide, organizers of the 1994 IGCP Project 336 meeting
the spatial and temporal distribution of plutonic, and the organizers of the IAGOD-sponsored
subvolcanic, and volcanic rocks associated with Seventh International Platinum Symposium decided
intraplate magmatism that are permissive for the to work together to jointly sponsor symposiums and
occurrence of magmatic ore deposits. the field excursions.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Distler, V. V., and Kunilov, V. E., eds., 1994, - A symposium volume based on IGCP Project 336
Geology and ore deposits of the Norilsk region, in sponsored session of the IAVECI meeting in
VII International Platinum Symposium, 1994: Canberra in 1993 will be published as a special
Guidebook for the VII International Platinum issue of Lithos (v. 45, 1995).
Symposium, Moscow, 67 pp., 18 figs.
- A field trip guidebook for the Keweenawan-
Activities planned Midcontinent Rift System will be published by the
Minnesota Geological Survey.
General goals
- A bibliography of Keweenawan geology will be
The general goals for 1995 include: to continue map compiled and published by the Minnesota Natural
compilation for the United States and Australia, to Resources Research Institute.
select and begin compilation of maps for other areas
of interest, to create drafts of the deposit models and - Plans are being made for a symposium volume from
circulate these to members of the working group, and the 1994 meeting utilizing publishing resources in
to present and discuss results of research at the field Russia.
conference at Dululth. In addition, results of research
will be published. - Papers from the 1995 field conference will be
published as a special issue (Thematic set of
Meetings approximately 12 papers) of the Canadian Journal
of Earth Sciences.
An international field conference and symposium
on Petrology and Metallogeny of Volcanic and - A compilation showing the distribution of mafic to
Intrusive Rocks of the Midcontinent Rift System ultramafic intraplate magmatic rocks and principal
is being arranged by Penny Morton and Jim Miller mineral deposits in the conterminous United States
(Project co-leaders for 1995) and is scheduled for (described in section 2.1) will be published as a
22-31 August 1995. United States Geological Survey Bulletin.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- A compilation of the Southern Cross Province of the Izmiran magnetometer and magnetotelluric data sets.
Yilgarn Block, Western Australia (see section 2.1). Supporting data from these studies have confined a
high conductivity zone at depth, associated with the
- A compilation of the Eastern Goldfields province of fault zone, and have led to the development of
the Yilgarn block, Western Australia (see apparent resistivity models that are interpreted to
section 2.1). include the crust and upper mantle. Included in
these models are regional tectonic effects and
displacements associated with the collision of the
- A collection of the descriptive, genetic, and grade- Indian sub-continent with Asia. Refinement of field
tonnage models will be published, possibly as a techniques has been discussed by the participants and
United States Geological Survey Bulletin. future surveys using these ideas should allow a much
better understanding of the deep structure of fault
No. 339- Geomagnetic equator The work on IGCP Project 339 has resulted in the
(1992-1995) completion of a magnetic anomaly map for Viet Nam,
which was shown for the first time at the Third
Nguyen Thi Kim Thea, Institute of Geophysics, Meeting of the Project, 14-18 December 1994. This
National Centre for Natural Science and Technology map is a compilation of old data and modem data,
of Viet Nam, Box 411, Buu Dien Bo Ho Hanoi, blended together to smooth out ambiguous areas.
Viet Nam. Only in the far north-western highlands of Viet Nam
are there no data. With this new data set, it will now
B.B. Ellwood, Dept. Geology, University of Texas at be possible to test tectonic models for the
Arlington, UTA Box No. 19049, Arlington, United development of this part of South-East Asia using
states. these magnetic anomaly patterns. This data set has
also stimulated a number of research projects
Description: The aim of the project is to encourage designed to model the Earths magnetic field at low
international co-operation between earth scientists latitudes.
specializing in the study of properties of the
geomagnetic field from the oldest geological time Another important research area resulting from
(palaeomagnetism), through historical time (archaeo- IGCP Project 339 activity is the area of deep
magnetism) up to recent magnetic variation in the groundwater studies. In the southern part of Viet
zone of the geomagnetic equator. Nam, groundwater contamination has been severe.
This has resulted from salt-water contamination of
In response to increasing world attention to the aquifers and from human pollution. New sources of
strong magnetic variation under the equatorial fresh water are critical in the area, and
electrojet and the characteristics of magnetic and magnetotelluric and vertical electrical sounding
palaeomagnetic data in region with inclination about techniques applied by participants in the project are
zero, the project will focus on identifying criteria for providing new sources of fresh water. These have
correcting the magnetic variation in prospecting been discovered deep underground, and this research
and magnetic mapping, on recognizing the features activity is continuing.
of using magnetotelluric method and reserve
magnetization in palaeomagnetic research, on One interesting result of IGCP Project 339
developing models for the equatorial electrojet, for research is in the area of palaeomagnetism, the study
interpretation of magnetic data in the region with of the magnetic properties of rocks. Magnetic polarity
1=0, and for tectonic reconstruction of South-East studies can provide palaeolatitude information for
Asia and on refining exploration strategies and geologic terrains, but this requires that stable
predicting useful mineral resources. magnetization has been acquired by the rocks being
analysed. In Viet Nam, severe remagnetization
The project seeks significant involvement of problems exist due to weathering and other effects,
developing countries, since there is a critical need to and the potential problem of the effect of the
diversify geophysical research and emphasize its role Equatorial Electrojet on the magnetic acquisition
in developing countries. process. Palaeomagnetic polarity data are now being
acquired and are being reported from Paleozoic and
Achievements in 1994 Mesozoic rocks in Viet Nam. In addition, in an effort
to circumvent the problems caused by
Studies of the Equatorial Electrojet have been remagnetization, magnetic susceptibility data are also
rewarding and have led to other areas of research. being acquired and used for geological correlation
This has included a number of interesting studies purposes in ancient rocks. Samples for a major study
across the Red River fault zone near Hanoi, using on Middle Paleozoic rocks were acquired during
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
1994 and measurements and further sampling are - Truong Quang Hao and B.R. Arora, 1994.
ongoing. The method has been shown to be quite Preliminary results of studies of conductivity
effective, and in Viet Nam it is expected to allow anomaly at the faults on the Red River, Proceedings
correlation to eustatic (global sea-level) fluctuations of the International Workshop on Seismotectonic
observed elsewhere in Africa and Europe. In addition, and Seismic Hazards in South-East Asia, Hanoi,
these data are being used in an attempt to correlate p. 232.
with hitherto unresolved geological sequences in
China. Activities planned
A field trip was organized for the palaeomagnetic In October 1995, there is an important event which
sampling of Lower-Middle Paleozoic boundary will provide an exceptional opportunity to study the
sections in Viet Nam, to the northeast of Hanoi. effects of the Equatorial Electrojet on the
Samples were taken from the Silurian/Devonian and geomagnetic field. A total solar eclipse will occur on
within the Devonian limestone and sandstone 24 October with the maximum length of total
sequences of this region, and the magnetic properties occultation at mid-day directly under the Equatorial
of these samples are being measured. The aim is to Electrojet. This provides a unique opportunity to
correlate to known magnetic data sets for advance the goals of IGCP Project 339 and to gain
Silurian/Devonian time. considerable insight into the Equatorial Electrojet.
The fourth meeting of IGCP Project 339 is scheduled
immediately following the eclipse on 26-30 October
Publications 1995, and it is planned that quick-run magnetograms
acquired during the eclipse will be presented at the
- Arora, B.R., M.V. Mahashabde, and R. Kaira, meeting and the results discussed by the multinational
1993. Indian IEEY geomagnetic observational group of scientists participating in the project.
programme and some preliminary results, Brazilian
Journal of Geophysics, 11 (3), pp. 365-384.
No. 341- Southern hemisphere palaeo-
- Nguyen Thi Kim Thea and Y.P. Sizov, 1993. Some and neoclimates
dynamic evolution peculiarities of the Equatorial
Electrojet and the systeme of Sq for the region of W. Volkheimer, Museo B. Rivadavia, Av.
South-East Asia, Journal of Sciences of the Earth, A. Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hanoi 15(3) 9, pp. 65-70.
P.P. Smolka, Geologisch - Palaontologisches Institut
- Le Minh Triet and Le Ngoc Thanh, 1993. und Museum, Westflische Wilhelms - Universitt
Compilation of a model of the Equatorial Electrojet Correnstrasse 24, D-4400 Mnster, Germany.
for determining the magnetic variations, Journal of
Sciences of the Earth, Hanoi 15 (1)3, pp. 15-20. Description: The main goal of the project is to study
the palaeo- and neoclimatic dynamics in Latin
- Nguyen Van Giang, 1993. Characteristics of the America and the Southern Hemisphere - especially
main geomagnetic field in the territory of Viet Nam, the southern ocean, South Africa and Australia -
Journal of Sciences of the Earth, Hanoi 15 (3) 9, since the Maastrichtian. It will study deterministic
pp. 33-37. and non-linear causes of climatic change, design
regional models for the behaviour of the system earth-
- Chandra Sekhar, E. and B.R. Arora, 1994. On the atmosphere and apply large-scale atmospheric
source field geometry and geomagnetic induction in circulation models at co-operating institutions.
Southern India, Journal of Geomagnetism and
Geoelectricity 46, pp. 815-825. Application of methods and techniques will be
based on the analysis of palaeo- and neoclimatic
- Rotanova, N. M., Y.P. Svetkov, Hoang Trong Ly, indicators, within the geotectonic and
and Truong Quang Hao, 1994. Characteristics of palaeogeographic framework of the moments
the magnetic field of Equatorial Electrojet and the represented by different climatic sceneries from the
systeme of Sq for the region of South-East Asia, beginning of the Maastrichtian (70 Ma) to the
Geomagnetism and Aeronomia, 34(2), pp. 137-142. present.
- Pham Van Ngoc, Daniele Boyer, Nguyen Thi Kim The interdisciplinary character and the extension
Thea and Nguyen Van Giang, 1994. Deep of the project involve collection and compilation of
groundwater investigation by combined VES/MTS different large data sets and the design and
methods near Hochiminh City, Viet Nam, Ground construction of several interconnected data bases
Water 32(4), pp. 675-682. which will represent a major source of data and
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
information for palaeo- and neoclimatic analyses of climatic and vegetational changes including stable
Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere. isotopes and geochemistry.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
set in time, what do I do now? Rev. Mus. Hist. Nat. No. 342- Age and isotopes of South
San Rafael, 12(3), 190-191, 1994. American ores (1992-1996)
- Prieto, M.R., Herrera, R. & Dussell, P.: Analisis de Marcos. Zentilli, Department of Earth Sciences,
eventos extremos en el Rio Mendoza entre los siglos Dalhousie University, Halifax, B3H-3J5, Canada.
17 y 20 en base a documentacin historica. Rev.
Mus. Hist. Nat. San Rafael, 12(3), 163-166, 1994. Francisco Munizaga, Departamento de Geologa,
Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21,
- Smolka, P. P.: The stratigraphical challenge. Rev. Santiago, Chile.
Mus. Hist. Nat. San Rafael, 12(3), 171-172, 1994.
Colombo Tassinari, Instituto de Geociencias,
- Trombotto, D.: Palaeoclimatical interpretation of Universidade de So Paulo, Cidade Universitaria
sedimentary structures and old cryogenic forms C.P. 20899, So Paulo S.P. 01498, Brazil.
until the Pleistocene/Holocene limit. Rev. Mus.
Hist. Nat. San Rafael, 12(3), 156, 1994. Description: The complete name of the project is
Geochronology and isotopic characterization of
- Tonni, E.P. & Cione, A. L.: La distribution de los south American metallogenetic provinces.
mamiferos y las modificaciones climaticas en el Geochronological and isotopic techniques are used to
Cenozoico tardio de la region pampeana de la date and characterize the most significant groups of
Argentina. Rev. Mus. Hist. Nat. San Rafael, 12(3), ore deposits of the South American plate. The long-
159-160, 1994. term goals of the project are: to recognize and
characterize productive metallogenetic provinces,
- Wingenroth, M. C.: Palynological Data and sub-provinces, and metallogenetic epochs, and to
Environmental Changes at the Quebrada Benjamin have a modem and reliable data base on age of
Matienzo. Rev. Mus. Hist. Nat. San Rafael, 12(3), mineralization and isotopic parameters. This should
138-141, 1994. lead to a time-space synthesis of metallogenesis in
South America with predictive capabilities, useful in
Participating countries (* indicates the countries the assessment of resource potential. Isotopic baseline
active in 1994): Argentina*, Australia*, Bolivia, data will be valuable in environmental studies.
Brazil*, Canada*, Chile*, Colombia, France,
Germany*, India*, Italy*, Japan*, Poland, South Achievements in 1994
Africa*, Switzerland*, United Kingdom*, United
States* and Uruguay*. Isotopic Composition of Meteoric Waters. Among the
main scientific achievements of IGCP Project 342 in
1994 is the publication of a new, preliminary map of
Activities planned isotopic composition of South American meteoric
waters. Until now, we had to compare isotopic (8D
Completing the oceanographic maps (about 250 and i51 80) data in young ore deposits in South
DSDP/ODP wells to be added), gathering time-series America with irrelevant North American background
and results from the individual groups, exchanging data.
data and results, finishing the editorial work for the
first book. Metallogenetic Epochs. Attempts to better define
metallogenetic epochs have started to bear fruit. A
compilation of gold-concentrating metallogenetic
After South American and thereafter South epochs in the Brazilian Shield shows that
African time-series and data are incorporated special metallogenetic epochs coincide with recognized
emphasis will be put on Australasian and Indian erogenic events. In Chile, the Eocene-Oligocene
time-series and data. In addition it was observed that event responsible for the formation of several giant
many time-series from Southern Hemisphere porphyry type copper deposits has been better defined.
observations show behaviors and phenomena known In the Chilean Central Andes the emplacement of
from the Northern Hemisphere. The same applies to giant porphyry copper deposits coincides with an
the intercomparison of terrestrial and marine series. event of crustal thickening (Incaic Orogeny), and
Consequently special emphasis will be paid on links oblique subduction.
to incorporating data from Australasia India and
adjacent regions and of course GLOPALS. Source of Metals. An important scientific problem
and controversy that IGCP Project 342 is focusing on
The editorial work of our first book Southern is the source of the metals and magmas responsible
Hemisphere Palaeo- and Neoclimates - Methods and for ore formation in the copper-specialized Central
Concepts is about to be finished. It includes 28 larger Andean province. It has been suggested that the giant
contributions. porphyry copper deposits obtain their lead from
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
sub-crustal sources, but a growing body of data basis of K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating, a..cribe an age
emerging from the project shows that the question is of 1980-1970 Ma for the Carnaiba and Socoto
more complex. Important new isotopic data from emerald deposits of Brazil. Giuliani et al. (1994) have
deposits in Peru suggest that 90 per cent of the lead is dated the Colombian emerald deposits of Coscuez and
magmatically-derived, despite the involvement of Quipama-Muso in Colombia as Late Eocene-Early
meteoric fluids, and his ongoing study of Pb-Sr-Nd Oligocene, thus essentially the same age of the belt of
isotopes indicates that most ore lead must come from giant porophyry copper deposits in the Central Andes
the lower crust or upper mantle. In contrast, a large of Chile which include some of the largest copper
Pb-isotopic database from young ore deposits in Peru, producers of the world.
Bolivia and Chile, can detect at least three
components in the source regions: (1) old non- Magnetite Lava Flows? The El Lace, Chile, iron
radiogenic and high (238U/204U) lithosphere with district is located at 4,500 m.a.s.l. in the flanks of a
high time averaged Th/UM; (2) high-p lithosphere Neogene (ca. 2 Ma) stratovolcano. Nystrom and
with time averaged Th/U of ca. 4; and (3) lower-p Henriquez (1994) have summarized the geology and
lithosphere with time-averaged Th/U of ca. 4. Certain described isotopic data on spectacular magnetite lava
districts show mixing lines between the different flows, dikes and pyroclastics at El Lace.
components. Middle Proterozoic crystalline rocks
underlie the western parts of the Andean Cordillera in Meetings
northern Chile and western Bolivia, east of the Early
Proterozoic Arequipa masif (ea. 2000 Ma). U-Pb - Information and Policy Meeting at ICOGs Meeting
geochronology and Pb systematic on rocks and ore in San Francisco, May 1994, 20 people, eight
deposits in the Central Andes may help outline a countries.
Grenville suture zone or an Early Paleozoic Taconic-
Famatinian terrane boundary. In the Middle - IGCP Meeting in Recife, Brazil, 22-24 August
Proterozoic Rondonian Massifs in the south-western 1994. Presentation by F. Munizaga (Co-Leader,
margin of the Amazon Craton in Brazil, U-Pb and Pb Chile). Fifteen people attended, and particularly
data suggest involvement of Early Proterozoic crust in useful contacts were established with members from
the genesis of granitoids, and the isotopic signatures Colombia.
are so characteristic, that they may provide a unique
opportunity to track the Brazilian Shield into the - IGCP Project 342 met during the 7th Chilean
Gondwanan and Andean orogen. Of possible interest Geological Congress in Concepcin, Chile,
is the presence of inherited zircon cores of Paleozoic Universidad de Concepcin Campus, 16-21 October
age (29 1129 Ma) in igneous zircons from Eocene- 1995. This was organized as Symposium #2 for the
Oligocene porphyry copper deposits such as Congress. Over 50 people attended the IGCP
Chuquicamata and La Escondida, in northern Chile. Project 342 Symposium meetings. In addition, a
Significant advances are being made on this problem poster session was organized, plus several papers,
thanks to Rhenium-Osmium systematic, particularly listed as contributions to IGCP Project 342, were
suited to discriminate mantle from crustal sources. presented in other sessions, two as invited papers.
During our Annual Meeting in Concepcin, two At least 15 countries were represented as authors,
papers provided new insights into this controversy co-authors, or participants in the sessions.
and into the potential of the Re-Os techniques (Ruiz
et al., 1994; McCandless et al. 1994); the data for
Andina, a Miocene porphyry copper in central Chile, Publications
suggest significant crustal contamination.
During 1994 there were over 48 publications directly
Age of Ore Deposits. In terms of age of related to the project. Although several are only
mineralization, we have published the first U-Pb abstracts or extended abstracts of presentations,
(Late Eocene-Early Oligocene) dates on zircon of two already a few are full journal publications with an
giant porphyry copper deposits and we have a better external referee system, and most are internationally
idea of the age (Neocomian-Albian) of one of the available.
largest strata-bound copper deposits of Chile, through
new Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr data. A variety of The proceedings of our Symposium IGCP
comprehensive studies have advanced our knowledge Project 342, during the annual meeting in
of the age of epithermal precious metal Concepcin, Chile, were published as extended
mineralization in the Andes (McKee et al., 1994; (4 pages) abstracts within the Actas, 7 Congreso
Cunningham et al., 1994). The age of emerald Geologico Chileno, 17-21 October 1994, Universidad
deposits of Santa Terezinha in Brazil was ascribed to de Concepcin, Chile, in two volumes, available from
the end of Late Proterozoic-Palaeozoic orogenesis at the Department of Geology, Universidad de
about 500 Ma on the basis of a Rb/Sr isochron in Concepcin, Concepcin, Chile. Twenty-four papers
biotites. In contrast, Giuliani et al. (1994), on the by members of IGCP Project 342 are featured.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Other important publications Our main activity will be the annual meeting in
Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, 3-10 September 1995. Its
- Cheilletz, A., Feraud, G., Giuliani, G. &
Rodriguez, C.T. (1994). Time-pressure and temper- title will be Origin of Mineralizing Fluids and the
Application of Isotopes in Ore Deposits. The venue
ature constraints on the formation of Colombian
of the annual meeting will be the Corporation
emeralds: an 40Ar/39Ar laser microprobe and fluid
Venezolana de Guayana, Puerto Ordaz. There will be
inclusions study. Economic Geology, Vol. 89,
technical and administrative sessions, a short course
pp. 361-380.
on isotopic techniques, and a field excursion. Co-
ordinator: Simon E. Rodriguez M., Co-ordinator,
- Cunningham, Ch. G., Aparicio, N.H., Murillo, S.F.,
IGCP National Committee, Direccion de Geologia,
Jimenez, Ch. N., Lizeca, B. J-L., McKee, E.H.,
Ministerio de Energia y Minas, Piso 4, Terre Oeste,
Ericksen, G.E., & Tavera, F. (1994). The
Parque Central, Caracas 1010, Venezuela.
relationship between the Porco, Bolivia, Ag-Zn-Pb-
Zn deposit and the Porco caldera. United States
We have proposed a theme session in the
Geological Survey, Open-File Report 94-238, 19 pp.
forthcoming Geological Society of America national
meeting in New Orleans, November 1995. The title of
- Giuliani, G., Zimmerman, J-L., & Montigni, R.
the theme session will be: Andes to the Amazon:
(1994). K-Ar and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar evidence for a
Geology and Mineral Wealth of a Continent, The
Transamazonian age (2030-1970 Ma) for the
geologic setting of the diverse types of metallic and
granites and emerald-bearing K-metasomatites from
non-metallic mineral deposits in South America will
Campo Formoso and Carnaiba (Bahia Brazil).
be examined, with emphasis on dating and isotopic
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 7,
studies. Co-ordinators for this theme session are
No. 2, pp. 149-165.
Richard M. Tosdal, United States Geological Survey,
345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025; and
- Lindsay, D.D. (1994). Anisotropy of ore-stage
Andrew MacFarlane, Dept. of Geology, Florida
fracture permeability in a porphyry copper system: a
International University, Miami, FL 33199, United
response to regional shear. Atlantic Geology
(ISSN 0843-5561), Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 84-85.
The membership has voted that the final
- Martin, J.L., Flores, F.J. & Sureda, R.J. (1994).
publication and synthesis of IGCP Project 342 will be
Geochemical investigation in a sedex deposit in
ttempted as a fully refereed Special Paper of the
the Lower Ordovician: El Aguilar, Jujuy, Argentina
Geological Society of America.
(23 12 S.). Revista Geologica de Chile (ISSN
0716-0208), Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 71-90 (in Spanish).
A computer data base of isotope data and ore
deposit studies will be published for several of the
- McKee, E.H., Robinson, A.C., Rytuba, J. J.,
countries involved.
Cuitino, L. & Moscoso, R.D. (1994). Age and Sr
isotopic composition of volcanic rocks in the
The 1996 meeting of the project will take place in
Maricunga Belt, Chile: Implications for magma
Brazil. Due to the perceived success of the project,
sources. Journal of South American Earth Sciences,
there is already pressure to apply for an extension of
vol. 7, 11 pp.
the project beyond 1996.
- Misi, A. & Kyle, J.R. (1994). Upper Proterozoic
carbonate stratigraphy, diagenesis, and stromatolitic
phosphorite formation, Irece Basin, Bahia, Brazil.
Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol. A64, No. 2, No. 343 - Stratigraphic correlation of Peri-
pp. 299-310. tethyan epicratonic basins (1992-1996)
- Nystrm, J.O. & Henriquez, F. (1994). Magmatic C. Cavelier, National Geological Survey, BRGM,
features of iron ores of the Kiruna type in Chile and Orleans, France.
Sweden: ore textures and magnetite geochemistry.
Economic Geology. Vol. 89, pp. 820-839. F. Cecca, National Geological Survey, Rome, Italy.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Activities planned
- Amen, E.O. and De Wever, P. (1994). - Upper
Cretaceus Biostratigraphy of the Borders of the To improve stratigraphic correlation from the
Ural Belt: Western Siberian and Eastern Volga-Ural Moscovian to Miocene times, from the deep marine to
Basins. In Roure, F. (Ed.) Peri-Tethyan Platforms. continental domains, integrating the different tools
Technip, Paris, pp. 229-262. and approaches of correlation.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Symposium on the Geology of the Eastern framework. In order to focus contributions in specific
Mediterranean Region, in Jerusalem (Israel), areas, there are three highlighted themes:
27 August-1 September.
(1) Regional variations and segmentation of the
Field work will be done on the southern sector of Andean lithosphere. Most research workers will be
the Moesian platform in Bulgaria, in the Donetz basin concerned with relatively small areas, but the project
and in the South West Ural Mountains in Russia. aims to encourage correlation and contrast of the
nature and history of exposed basement and
Members of the project will actively attend the magmatic rocks and of the geophysical evidence for
International Carboniferous Congress in Cracow structure along the length of the Andes and
(Poland), in August 1995. Correlation with Tunisia Antarctandes.
and Morocco will be discussed on the spot.
Members of the project will contribute to the (2) Volcanism in relation to tectonic control.
compilation and plotting of Peritethys maps of the Detailed work on active and recent volcanic centres
Moscovian, Artinskian and Murghabian stages. and the local and regional changes in the pattern
of activity should be viewed in terms of
Publications planned physical controls, and combined with geophysical
interpretations wherever possible.
The proceedings of the 1993 Second International
Meeting of the Project, held in Bucharest, are in press (3) Processes of continental evolution. This was
in Romania (person responsible: M. Sandulescu). envisaged to promote the study of evidence for terrane
Those of the Trias 93 meeting, Boumerdas (Algeria), accretion in the construction of the Andean
held in 1993, will be issued there (person responsible: continental margin. The recent rapid growth of new
M. Tefiani). The papers of the 1994 Marseille hypotheses in this area means that encouragement is
meeting will be published in a special issue of no longer essential, but we hope that those carrying
Gologie mditerranenne; the responsible people out research aimed at testing and elaborating these
are J.-J. Corne and J.-P. Saint Martin. The ideas will share their results within the context of the
proceedings of the Third International Meeting held project.
in Cracow will be published by the Geological Survey
(Geological Institute) of Poland (person responsible: Achievements in 1994
Z. Kotanski).
General scientific achievements
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
(10-20 km); the Eastern Cordillera; and the Sub- been ascribed to eastward increases in the thickness
Andean belt. The latter two are underlain by a and compositional maturity of the underlying
westward extension of the Brazilian shield in the lithosphere, as well as in the age and morphology of
Sub-Andean region this is overthrust by the base of the subducted oceanic plate. In the Central Volcanic
the Eastern Cordillera crust, which has been Zone, continental lithospheric maturity, and its effect
delaminated along horizontal shear zones at a depth on erupted volcanic products, has been shown to
of 20-25 km. Such thrusting during the past 15 Ma increase continuously throughout tertiary to recent
largely accounts for the 50 per cent crustal shortening times. Magmatism in extra-Andean Patagonia shows
of the eastern Andes. Beneath the thickest crust of the a sharp change from primitive granitoid plutonism in
Altiplano the MOHO becomes diffuse, and an Triassic-Early Jurassic times to crust-derived
anomalously high heat flow is inferred. Variation in andesite-rhyolite volcanism in the Mid-lo-Late
these locally-observed parameters may be partly Jurassic, associated with stages in the break-up of the
responsible for longitudinal segmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent.
The large-scale segmentation of the Andes is Nd-isotope studies of the accretionary meta-
relatively well known from the alternation of sedimentary complexes of southern Chile and the
volcanically-active and volcanically-quiet zones. One Antarctic Peninsula and the extensive Jurassic
of the most important of the latter, between the volcanic rocks of Patagonia, have shown that these
Central and Southern zones, is associated with a rocks have a very uniform crust-formation age
region of remarkably low-angle subduction (flat- (multistage depleted-mantle model ages) of
plate subduction). Studies of He-isotopes have 1100-1450 Ma. The inference of an extensive
pointed to the broad scale of mantle upwelling and Grenville-age basement in this area gives indirect
melting beneath the thick crust Altiplano segment. support to recent Upper Proterozoic reconstructions
Geochronological and isotopic evidence from the suggesting continuity of the Grenville Province
Cordillera Blanca batholith of Peru suggests that through the Sierras Pampeanas of NW Argentina to
crust-mantle interaction during granite genesis was Patagonia and West Antarctica.
far less important than is usually supposed: a thick
mafic underplated crust was formed during the
U-Pb and Pb isotopic studies of the Arequipa-
Pliocene, which clearly distinguishes this region from
Antofalla craton (AAC) show that the isotopic
that to the south, where Arequipa-type Precambrian signature of thiss region is similar to that of the Early
basement is present at depth. This suggests that the
and Middle Proterozoic rocks of the south-western
Abancay Deflection marks a boundary between
part of the Amazonian craton, but remarkably
crustal segments that have experienced very different
different from rocks of similar age in the
thickening processes.
Precordillera terrane of central Argentina, suggesting
a fundamental boundary between them. This
Traditionally, much evidence for longitudinal
boundary might represent a Grenville suture zone or
segmentation and its causes comes from geochemical
an Early Paleozoic Taconic-Famatinian terrane
and isotopic studies of recent magmatic rocks derived
from depth. Compositional changes in arc volcanism
along the northern margin of South America indicate
Geochemical data for amphibolites from the
variation in the obliquity of approach of the subducted
western Sierras Pampeanas (29 S 68 W) of supposed
plate. In the Southern Volcanic Zone there is also a
Grenville age confirm previous studies indicating an
significant N-S change in the composition of basaltic
arc tholeiite or back-arc tholeiite as the protolith of
volcanism, especially as revealed by isotopic studies.
the metabasic rocks. New studies of the Famatinian
It is now being proposed that these changes reflect
granitoids of the Sierra de Crdoba (W SP)
sharp changes in the degree of tectonically-eroded have reported the occurrence of peraluminous
incorporation material rather than previously
trondhjemites for the first time in this sector of the
favoured crustal contamination processes. In
particular, the more evolved nature of the volcanic
products in the north could be due to the southward
Carboniferous granitoids (31l 15 Ma) of
sweeping effect of migrating ridge collision, which monzonitic affinities intrude the western Sierras
stops at the present location of the Juan Fernandez Pampeanas, indicating widespread intraplate activity
of this age, contemporaneous with the start of a new
subduction regime in the proto-Andean margin,
Transverse variations in the geochemical and represented by the Frontal Cordillera.
isotopic compositions of erupted volcanic rocks have
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Structural evidence for segmentation mainly on the presence of deep faults or fracture
zones that allow the ascent of bubbles of magma
Tectonic models for the Andes are undergoing a through the crust. In this segment of the Andes, the
significant change with the recognition of widespread Eocene intrusive are not related to cogenetic volcanic
extensional features such as normal faulting and rocks in opposition to the situation during the
slides, which suggest that the kinematic regime Paleocene, when volcanic processes were dominant.
throughout the magmatically-active Cretaceus period The understanding of the close relationship between
was predominantly extensional. This is resulting in a mineralization and volcanic activity and geological
major revision of ideas about slab-coupling in evolution is stressed by a new large amount of
subduction processes. Many of the Mesozoic plutonic geogronological data on the volcanic products of the
complexes that make up the batholiths of the Andean Maricunga Belt (26-28 S). In the Copiap region,
Cordillera are now appreciated as having been volcanic activity was continuous from 23 to 7 Ma,
emplaced in an extensional structural environment. showing variations in style and intensity. Four
Such extension would have a direct bearing on magmatic pulses were recognized, three related to
magma generation and emplacement at depth, and epithermal precious metal deposits. The extensive
may explain why Cretaceus plutons are generally geochronological data and regional mapping strongly
derived from more immature source than Paleozoic suggest that the volcanic activity and the
and Early Mesozoic plutons. Periodic changes in the mineralization of the Maricunga belt do not show the
angle of subduction also seem to have a major systematic eastward migration proposed previously.
influence of the emplacement of plutons, for example Detailed studies were carried out in two volcanic
along the Liquie-Ofqui Fault Zone, and uplift complexes representative of the initial stage of the
associated with transform faulting has exposed mid- Maricunga belt (26-28S; 26-6 Ma): Cerros-Bravos-
crustal levels in the extreme southern Andes of Tierra Esperanza correspond to the only stratovolcanoes of
del Fuego. this period, while the La Coipa is the type-example of
the mineralized dome complexes and related
Other new results from the project pyroclastic deposits that characterize the period. The
study correlates-integrates the volcanic processes, the
Various other publications supply new data on fault systems controlling their emplacement and
Cenozoic volcanism and plutonism in various sectors relates the extensive development of hydrothermal
along the Andes. Some of them stress the close zones and mineralization with the climatic conditions
relationship between magmatism and regional at the time. It also links the style of alteration and
structures or to the important mineralization that mineralization with the rock types and the local
characterizes the Chilean Andes. Although this work structures.
is not directly related to the segmentation of the
Andean chain, it contributes to overall knowledge of In the Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) the
the Cenozoic magmatism. description of the products of the Peteroa volcano of
intra and post-glacial ages indicates subglacial
In north-western Argentina a multidisciplinary activity and eruptions not larger than VEI = 4.
study was made of Upper Miocene ignimbrites of NW Further south, a physical volcanological study
Argentina where the combined use of palaeo- (isopachs and isopleths) of a plinian air-fall deposit
magnetism, geochemistry and petrography makes it made it possible to determine its source as the Mocho-
possible to characterize various units and tentatively Choshuenco volcanic complex (3955 S 7202 S),
identify their sources. The study supplies new data on previously thought to be the Villarrica volcano. The
the Upper Miocene ignimbritic volcanism of the plinian deposit is of dacitic composition, from the
Central Andes and indicates the feasibility of using Early Holocene (9,000 years) and was erupted
various tools to map them and identify their sources, in a plinian eruption (VEI = 5). It shows an unusual
which is a long-term problem when dealing with northward dispersion as in most historic eruptions
these units. in this part of the Andes, the plumes going to the
E or SE due to the dominant winds from the W or
In northern Chile, these publications include NW. Moreover, the review of knowledge on the
combined structural, detailed regional and geo- Villarrica-Quetrupilln-Lanin NW-SE volcanic chain
chronological studies that show the close link between established its control by a currently active N55-60
fault, structural domains and Eocene intrusive in the W inverse transcurrent fault which is responsible for
Andes of northern Chile (26-27 S). The Potrerillos the 18 km westward displacement and morphological
and El Salvador porphyrins, associated with copper change of the Liquie-Ofqui fault zone. The fault
mineralization and other Eocene porphyrins (49 to would represent the northern limit of the Valdivia-
37 Ma) were emplaced before or during a deformation Loncoche-Paillaco tectonic block that penetrates into
phase related to the sinistral transgression of the the Andean Cordillera interrupting the Central
Sierra El Castillo-Agua Amarga Fault System. The Depression, extending westward and interrupting the
emplacement of these epizonal intrusive depends Coastal batholith and forming the submarine canyon
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
north of Isla Mocha. Geochemical studies of the post- symposium sessions were attended by audiences of
glacial eruptive products of Villarrica volcano show between 30 and 70 participants.
the peaks of ratios to coincide with some of the
periods of high activity of the volcano. The variation A three-day pre-congress field trip to study
with time of the geochemistry suggests that the volcanism in a transect from Neuqun (Argentina) to
evolution of the magma has been largely controlled by Concepcin was planned and organized by three
fractional crystallization, that the magma chambers scientists from each of the two countries. This
are stratified, their discharge is gradual, some ratios included preparation of a 42-page excursion guide
of major elements and MgO and, Al2O3/CaO are good with 13 figures and maps. Unfortunately, the field trip
indicators of the explosivity index and, that water- had to be cancelled only five days before it was due to
magma interaction have been an important process begin as a result of bad weather (unseasonal snowfalls
for triggering eruptions. caused the closure of the local Andean passes between
Argentina and Chile for a short time).
New morphological, petrographical and geo-
chemical data on three small monogenetic centres
from southern Chile (approx. 39 S; two maars and a
cinder cone). They are identified as the westernmost
- During 1993-1994, five papers were published in
post-glacial volcanoes of the SVZ and are formed by
international journals and three in the Actas del XII
basalts that are among the most primitive of the SVZ.
Congreso Geolgico Argentino (Mendoza).
Data on the geology, petrography and geochemistry of
the Holocene Puyuhuapi Volcanic Group (44
- Two extended abstracts were published in the
16-22S/7231-37W), a set of minor eruptive centres
proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on
aligned along the Liquie-Ofqui fault zone, make it
Andean Geodynamics in Oxford, United Kingdom
possible to discuss the origin and evolution of these
(Editions ORSTOM, Paris, France).
magmas. These correspond to olivine basalts, of the
K-rich calcalkaline series, although their high Na2O
- The Actas del 7 Congreso Geolgico Chileno
content suggest alkaline affinities. These magmas
contain 41 papers in the IGCP Project 345
would have been derived from a mantle which
Symposium Structural and Compositional
experienced a low degree of aqueous flux that
Segmentation of the Andes; 22 further papers in
consequently produced a low degree of melting.
other parts of the proceedings, the complete list is
Further south (47-48 S), on the basis of the spatial
unfortunately too long to be included in this report.
and temporal distribution of magmatism in Patagonia
an idealized magmatic sequence associated with the
collision of oceanic ridges was proposed. When the Other contributions
ridge approaches the continent, magmas would be
mainly derived from melting of the mantle in the Cingolani, C., Varela, R., Dana, S.L.,
astenospheric wedge, with little or no participation of Kawashita, K., 1993. Los granitoides del Cerro
the subducting slab; close to collision, anomalous Veladero, Ro de Troya, Provincia de La Rioja
magmas are generated in the fore-arc, together with Estudio Geocronolgico e implicancias tectnicas.
arc-type magmas with an important component of the XII Congreso Geolgico Argentine. Acts T.IV (68-
slab; plateau lavas would be produced in an 74).
astenospheric window; subsequently in the arc are
erupted lavas with significant participation of crust Cornejo, P. C., Mpodozis, C., Kay, M. S.,
and melts of the subducting slab. Tomlinson, A.J., Ramrez, C.F., 1993. Upper
Cretaceous-Lower Ecocene potassic volcanism in an
extensional regime in the Precordillera of Copiap,
Meetings Chile. Second ISAG, Oxford, pp. 347-349.
An IGCP Project 345 symposium on Structural and - Cheilletz, A., Fraud, G., Giuliani, G.,
Compositional Segmentation of the Andes was held Rodriguez, C. T., 1994. Time-Pressure and
during the 7th Chilean Geological Congress Temperature Constraints on the Formation of
(Concepcin, 17-21 October 1994). More than Colombian Emeralds: An40/Ar39 Laser Microprobe
50 papers were submitted from scientists in and Fluid Inclusion Study. Economic Geology.
11 countries, of which only 41 could be Vol.89, pp. 361-380.
accommodated within the two and a half days
allocated to the symposium; the remainder were - Dana Salda, L., Cingolani, C., Varela, R., 1993. A
incorporated within the regular sessions of the pre-Carboniferous tectonic model in the evolution of
congress. Four keynote speakers were invited to southern South America. Comptes Rendus XII ICC-
present broader reviews of specific aspects. The P. Volume 1:371-384.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Dana Salda, L., Varela, R., Cingolani, C., held during the IGC meeting in Boulder, Colorado, in
Aragn, E. 1994. The Ro Chico Paleozoic July 1995, jointly sponsored by IGCP Project 345
Crystalline Complex and the evolution of Northern together with IUGG, IAVCEI, and IASPE and
Patagonia. Journal of South American Earth convened by the North American Working Group of
Science, pp. 1-10. the project.
- Dana Salda, L., Varela, R., Cingolani, C., 1994. It is hoped that the Neuquen-Concepcin field
Sobre la colisin de Laurentia-Sudamericana y el excursion planned for October 1994 in conjunction
orogeno famatiniano. XII Congreso Geolgico with the 7th Congreso Geolgico Chileno, but
Argentino. Actas TIII (358-366). cancelled due to bad weather conditions in the Andes,
will be amplified and converted into a separate four-
- Herv, F., Pankhurst, R.J., Drake, R., Beck, M.E., day field workshop, to be held in late 1995.
Mpodozis, C. 1993. Granite generation and rapid
unroofing related to strike-slip faulting. Aysn,
Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 120, No. 348- The Mozambique and
Pp. 365-386. related erogenic belts (1993-1997)
- Leroy, J. L., Jimnez, N.Ch. 1993. Evolution of the Sospeter Muhongo, Department of Geology,
volcanism in the Western part of the Los Frailes University of Dar-es-Salaam, P.O. Box 35052, Dar-
Meseta (Bolivia). Journal of Volcanology and es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Geothermal Research.
Seife Berhe, Department of Earth Sciences, the Open
- Mpodozis, C., Marinovic, N., Smoje, I., 1993. University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United
Eocene left lateral strike slip faulting and clockwise Kingdom.
block rotations in the Cordillera de Domeyko, west
of Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile. Second ISAG, Description: (1) The project sets out to improve and
Oxford, pp. 225-228. promote the understanding of the evolution (birth,
growth and stability) and mineralization of the
- Varela, R., Cingolani, C., Dallas, S. L., Aragn, E., Mozambique and Related Proterozoic Orogenic Belts
Teixeira, W. 1994. Las monzodioritas y in eastern and southern Africa and elsewhere in
monzogabros de Cacheuta, Mendoza: Edad, Gondwanaland. Subjects of interest include litho-
Petrologa e implicancias tectnicas. stratigraphy, structures and tectonism, geophysics,
petrology and geochemistry, geochronology and
Participating countries (* indicates the countries mineralization of the Proterozoic metamorphic
active in 1994): Argentina*, Bolivia*, Chile*, terranes in the various Gondwana fragments. (2) The
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Mozambique Orogenic Belt is now widely regarded
Ecuador, France*, Germany*, United Kingdom*, as the mega-suture between east and west
Italy, Mexico*, Peru, Spain*, Sweden* Switzerland*, Gondwanaland, hence its position, evolution and
United States*, Venezuela. mineralization are of greater importance for
correlative geological studies of the Gondwana
Activities planned Supercontinent and for the Pangaea as a whole.
(3) The project was conceived in order to co-ordinate
General goals single projects and promote geological research
activities in Africa; and disseminate information
Our main intentions for 1995 are (a) to publish the (especially in Africa) on the latest ideas and
special issue of Revista Geolgica de Chile analytical techniques of the various disciplines in the
highlighting the work carried out so far on crustal earth sciences.
segmentation, (b) to focus on the second aspect of the
Andean lithosphere identified in the project proposal, General achievements
i.e. tectonic control of volcanism. This will be
achieved mainly through the announced symposium (1) The current isotopic data indicate that the
on Mid-Tertiary to Recent Geodynamic Evolution of Mozambique Orogenic Belt, as first defined by Arthur
the Andean Region at IGC, Boulder, Colorado, but Holmes in 1948, is polyorogenic, consisting of high-
also by the anticipated field workshop in the southern grade metamorphic terranes of different ages (ranging
Andes. from the Late Archaean to Early Paleozoic). Hence,
the redefinition of this transcontinental mobile belt is
Meetings necessary.
A symposium on Mid-Tertiary to Recent Geo- (2) Neoproterozoic crustal growth and accretion
dynamic Evolution of the Andean Region will be have been documented in several metamorphic
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
terranes (from the juvenile and mantle-derived Kaapvaal continent south-east Africa. Geol.
protoliths) within the Mozambique (and Related Rundschau, 83,322-333.
Orogenic) Belts. This negates the assertion that there
was very little or nearly absent growth of continental Kriegsman, L.M., 1994. Evidence for a fold nappe
crust in Proterozoic times. in the high-grade basement of central Sri Lanka:
terrane assembly in the Pan-African lower crust?
(3) Current geological studies have enhanced the Precambrian Res., 66, 59-76.
exploitation of minerals and rocks of economic
importance (e.g. gemstones, dimension stones, gold Krner, A., Kehelpannala, K.V.W. and
within foreland terranes) from high-grade Kriegsman, L. M., 1994. Origin of compositional
metamorphic terranes in the Mozambique and layering and mechanism of crustal thickening in the
Related Orogenic Belts. Such discoveries have high-grade gneiss terrain of Sri Lanka. Precambrian
eradicated the myth that high-grade metamorphic Res., 66,21-37.
rocks are barren !
Muhongo, S. and Lenoir, J. L., 1994. Pan-African
(4) Forty-five geologists from 19 countries granulite-facies metamorphism in the Mozambique
(Africa -10, Europe -6, Australia, Japan and United Belt of Tanzania U-Pb zircon geochronology.
States) took part in the August 1994 Field Conference J. Geology Sot. London, 151,343-347.
held in the Mozambique Orogenic Belt in the border
area between Tanzania (in the Pare-Usambara Mts) Raase, P. and Schenk, V., 1994. Petrology of
and Kenya (in the Taita Hills). granulite-facies metapelites of the Highland
Complex, Sri Lanka Implications for the
- Models demonstrating the consumption of the metamorphic zonation and the P-T path.
Mozambique Ocean in a B-type subduction model Precambrian Res., 66,265-294.
were presented. Intracontinental crustal shortening
within an A-type subduction model was also Schandelmeier, H., Abbel Rahman, E. M.,
presented. Wipfler, E. Kster, D., Utke, A. and Matheis, G.,
1994. Late Proterozoic magmatism in the Nakasib
- Upper Mantle and lower crustal dry rocks in the suture, Red Sea Hills, Sudan. J. Geol. Sot., London,
orogen were studied. 151,485-497.
(5) Joint scientific programmes were initiated. Schandelmeier, H., Wipfler, H. Kster, D.,
For instance, isotope geochemistry and dating of Sultan, M., Becker, R., Stem, R. and
granulates, charnockites and migmatites from the Abdelsalam, M. G., 1994. Atmur-Delgo suture: a
border region - the Pare-Usambara Mts (NE Neoproterozoic oceanic basin extending into the
Tanzania) and the Taita Hills (South Kenya) areas, interior of north-east Africa. Geology, 22, 563-566.
using U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd methods.
Stem, R.J., 1994. Arc assembly and continental
Twenty-two countries were actively involved in
collision in the Neoproterozoic East African
the project in 1994: Australia, Austria? Belgium,
Orogen: Implications for the consolidation of
Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Gondwanaland. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet, Sci., 22,
Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Norway,
Somalia, South Africa, Uganda, United Kingdom,
United Republic of Tanzania, United States, Zambia
and Zimbabwe. Tack, L., Liegeois, J. P., Deblond, A. and
Duchesne, J. C., 1994. Kibarana A-type granitoids
Important publications and mafic rocks generated by two mantle sources in
a late erogenic setting (Burundi). Precambrian Res.,
Abdelsalam, M. G., 1994. The Oko Shear Zone, 68,323-356.
Sudan: post-accretionary deformation in the
Arabian-Nubian Shield. J. Geol. Sot. London, 151,
Wickman, S. M., Janardhan, A.S. and Stem, R.J.,
1994. Regional carbonate alteration of the crust by
mantle-derived magmatic fluids, Tamil Nadu, South
Harris, N.B.W., Santosh, M. and Taylor, P. N.,
India. J. Geology, 102, 379-398.
1994. Crustal evolution in South India: constraints
from Nd isotopes. J. Geology, 102, 139-150.
Yoshida, M. and Santosh, M., 1994. A tectonic
Jacobs, J. and Thomas, R. J., 1994. Oblique collision perspective of incipient charnockites in East
at about 1.1. Ga along the southern margin of the Goudwana. Precambrian Res., 66,379-392.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Activities planned Z.S. An, Xian Laboratory for Loess Research and
Quaternary Geology, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 17,
Scientific goals Xian, China.
(1) Special Issue on the Mozambique and Description: Understanding past climatic changes
Related Orogenic Belts will be published in the and constructing models designed to improve
Journal of African Earth Sciences - Vol. 19, No. 3, knowledge of such changes at the global interfaces
1995. (atmosphere, oceans and land surfaces) will be
effected by utilizing data on the sub-tropical and mid-
(2) To intensify isotopic studies (e.g. U-Pb zircon latitude desert changes as a sensitive indicator of
and Sm-Nd age determinations) on metamorphic and globaJ climate evolution. The deserts provide a rich
associated rocks from the Mozambique and related stratigraphical and archaeological record of
orogens in the various Gondwana fragments. expansion and contraction of the drylands of the
(3) To continue studying fluid inclusions and
P-T-t paths in lower crustal rocks from the This project is providing a focus for collation,
Mozambique and related metamorphic belts in Africa comparison and analysis of data on desert margin
and elsewhere. shifts over the last glacial-interglacial cycle, from the
Sahara in the west to the Middle Yellow River in the
(4) To continue offering short courses in east.
structural geology and tectonics, remote sensing,
isotope geology, mineral deposits, etc. to the young Achievements in 1994
General scientific achievements
Meetings planned
Meetings held
-28 March-1 April 1995: Field workshop in Natal
Metamorphic Province, South Africa. The Second Symposium and Workshop was held in
Xian, Shaanxi Province, China between 14 and
-3-7 April 1995: Technical session in Johannesburg 23 August 1994. The record of shifts in the
in conjunction with the Centennial Geocongress of palaeomonsoon over the past 20,000 years is
the Geological Society of South Africa. impressive and provides a fundamental document for
the work of IGCP Project 349. The meeting was
-21-23 June 1995: Technical and business meetings completed with a scientific conference lasting two
in conjunction with the International Conference on days. A book of extended abstracts, a training-course
Industrial Minerals: Investment Opportunities in handbook, and a field-guide handbook were produced
Southern Africa. for the meeting by the Xian Laboratory.
-9-13 October 1995: Technical and Business IGCP Project 349 was also involved in the
meetings in conjunction with the 10th Conference INQUA-QRA Inter-Congress Conference on Wind-
of the Geological Society of Africa and IGCP Blown Sediments in the Quaternary Record held at
Regional Meeting for Africa. University of London, 5-8 January 1994, A German
regional meeting of IGCP Project 349 was held in
- January-December 1995: Several national IGCP Heidelberg in December 1994.
Project 348 meetings organized at national or local
level in conjunction with national geological Publications
More than 100 abstracts and papers have been
published by IGCP Project 349 scientists during the
year, one special issue of an international journal has
No. 349- Desert margins and palaeo- been published, a further one is in the press, and a
monsoons of the old world: 135,000 years BP training monograph is in preparation. The extended
to the present (1993-1997) abstract volume (49 pages) of the Xian meeting is
now available. Arrangements have been made for the
E. Derbyshire, Department of Geography, Royal training course presentations to be published as a
Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey monograph by The Geological Society of India. IGCP
TW20 0EX, United Kingdom. Project 349 has seen through publication of a major
product of its precursor IGCP Project 252 on
A.K. Singhvi, Physical Research Laboratory, Evolution of Deserts as a special issue of Journal of
Ahmedabad 380009, India. Arid Environments, 25, 185 pp. (edited by
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
.D.S.G. Thomas and A.K. Singhvi). A special issue of - Third symposium and workshop at El Ain, United
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeo- Arab Emirates, December 1995 (Conveners:
ecology is in press. K.W. Glennie (United Kingdom) and A.S. Alarshan
(United Arab Emirates).
Participating countries (* indicates the countries
active in 1994): Australia*, Canada*, China*, Egypt*, Publications
Finland*, France*, Germany*, India*, Indonesia*,
Israel*, Japan*, Korea, Netherlands*, Nigeria, - Publication of training manual.
Norway, Oman*, Singapore*, South Africa*, Taiwan*,
Tunisia, Turkey*, United Arab Emirates*, United - Preparation of first synthesis on palaeomonsoonal
Kingdom* and the United States*. changes for publication as a monograph.
It has been shown over the past year that although No. 350- Environmental and biological
gross temporal correlation along the Old World desert change in East and South Asia during the
margins has been established in many regions, there is Cretaceus (1993-1997)
increasing evidence of significant phase lags ranging
from centuries to millennia. Our compilations already H. Okada, Department of Earth and Planetary
show considerable gaps in otherwise reliable Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812, Japan.
chronologies. A paucity of quantitative data has been
revealed that militates against rigorous interregional Description: The project aims to better understand
correlation. A further major discovery to emerge has environmental and biological changes in eastern and
been the very high resolution (and, therefore, potential southern Asia (including South-East Asia) during the
quality) of some of the thick loess sequences along the Cretaceus period by co-ordinated inter- and
desert margins from western China to Tajikistan. multidisciplinary research in sedimentology,
Some appear to offer the possibility of records of paleontology, geochemistry, tectonics and geophysics.
decadal sensitivity, so providing the most articulate In order to confirm synchroneity of environmental-
terrestrial records of palaeoclimatic, and particularly change events, it will be critical to assess the combined
palaeomonsoonal, variations. Records of such quality data from bio-, litho-, magneto- and chemo-
will inform and refine IGCPs synthetic work on time- stratigraphic sequences to provide a working standard
based transects across the Eurasian desert margins. stratigraphy. Biological change will be compared with
this standard.
Activities planned
During the Cretaceus, plume tectonic regimes
Meetings played an important role and the impact of superplume
volcanic events in the proto-Pacific is a key for
Major joint initiative, with the International Union for understanding the Cretaceus environments in East
Quaternary Research (INQUA) and PAGES Asia. It is desirable, therefore, that events or events
Palaeomonsoons Project, in organizing and chairing analysis have a major role in this project, and that
two symposia at the XIVth Congress of INQUA in Towards events analysis in the Cretaceus be added
Berlin, Germany, August 1995. as the subtitle of IGCP Project 350.
The symposia will be as follows: As the final goal of the project, interactions
between the continent and the ocean, as well as the
(1) The Palaeomonsoon Record from Land and geological linkage between the proto-Pacific realm and
Ocean (Conveners: S. Krpelin and N. Rutter (for the Tethyan and Boreal regions, will be clarified
INQUA) and E. Derbyshire and Z.S. An (for IGCP in terms of environmental change events through
Project 349). such multidisciplinary approaches as tectonics,
sedimentation, stratigraphy, biotic analysis, igneous
(2) Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimatology of the activity and resources.
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Old World desert belt
(Conveners: S. Pachur (for INQUA) and A.K. Singhvi
(for IGCP Project 349). Achievements in 1994
- Regional meeting of IGCP 349 (and IGCP At the start of the project, the following work plans
Project 296) at Cardiff, United Kingdom, May 1995 have been approved: 1. Tectonics; 2. Sedimentation;
(Conveners: M. Seddon and J. Shaw with the 3. Stratigraplic correlation 4. Biotic analysis
assistance of E. Derbyshire). 5. Igneous activity; 6. Resources.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
As a new insight into the controlling factors of In the Song Da Basin, an abundant assemblage of
these themes, events analysis has been added. The spores and pollens has been found in the so-called
background to this notion is that the impact of Upper Cretaceus Yen Chau Formation. In the Muong
superplume volcanic events in the proto-Pacific must Te Basin a strong, widespread succession of red
have played a vital role in Cretaceus environmental continental beds is present, resembling the Khorat
changes in the Asian region as well as in other areas of Group in Thailand. In the Da Lat Basin, early
the world. Cretaceus phyllopods were discovered for the first
The first version of the palaeogeographic schemes for
Work has started on several projects. These are:
the Cretaceus (scale 1:5,000,000 and in 10 Ma) has
M. Dettmann Late Cretaceus biostratigraphy and
been compiled on a new stratigraphic basis
vegetation of Northern Australia; D. Haig Cretaceus
(G.L. Kirillova).
foraminifers and palynology of Papua New Guinea;
R. Henderson Cretaceus faunas from the Northern
The joint Russian-French structural and
Territory; R. Molnar Taxonomic relationships
geochronological investigations (39Ar/40Ar method)
between Australian early Cretaceus archosaurs and
have been carried out on the age of the ophiolites and
those of eastern Asia.
cover rocks.
The meeting of the Working Group for IGCP
Project 350 was held in Magadan from 6 to
The scientific activity of the Canadian Working Group
10 September 1994.
is largely based on the data collected by the
Twenty-one papers were published, primarily in the participants during their field work in China, field
trips to other countries of East and South Asia, and
journal Tihookeanskaya Geologiya.
through exchange programmes with Chinese
palaeontologists and geologists. The main objectives
Japan were twofold: (1) to contribute to the mainstream of
IGCP Project 350 by creating new knowledge on the
A National Working Group has been set up and environmental changes during the Cretaceus, and
consists of 23 active members. (2) to demonstrate similarities and differences between
the changing Cretaceus environment and biota in
The Symposium on Marine and non-marine Asia and North America, largely by comparing their
biological diversity during the Cretaceus and its stratigraphic record and vertebrate assemblages.
international correlation - towards events analysis
(IGCP Project 350) was held at Kumamoto University Significant progress has been recorded in
on 25 June 1994. The symposium was attended by understanding the stratigraphy, palaeontology,
about 100 participants and 13 papers were presented. sedimentology and palaeoecology of several Cretaceus
These papers are now being compiled for publication. formations of the Gobi and Ordos basins.
(1) The first International Meeting of the Regional
A meeting was held at the National Institute of
Co-ordinators of IGCP Project 350 was held in
Geological Sciences (NIGS) to notify all governmental
Fukuoka, Japan, from 3 to 8 November 1993. It was
and private institutions involved in geoscientific
attended by 15 participants from eight countries
research about IGCP Project 350 and to discuss current
(Australia, China, India, Japan Korea, Philippines,
investigations into the Cretaceus of the Philippines..
Russia and the United States) and 17 Cretaceus
These institutions include the Mines and Geosciences
researchers from Japan. Fourteen papers were
Bureau, Department of Energy, Philippine Institute of
presented, and the general work plan was approved. A
Volcanology and Seismology, and the Petrofields
two-day (5-6 November 1993) field trip was organized
Exploration and Development Corporation.
to the Cretaceus fore-arc accretionary complex in
East Kyushu and the deep-water to deltaic sediments
Viet Nam in the intra-arc belt in Central Kyushu.
Field work was carried out in the Song Da and Muong (2) The second International Symposium of IGCP
Te Basins in North-West Viet Nam, the W Quang Project 350 was held in Taegu, Korea, from 24 to
Binh Basin in central Viet Nam and the Da Lat Basin 29 August 1994 and was attended by some
in South Viet Nam. 100 participants from ten countries (Canada, China,
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Ghana, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Russia, Spain France, India*, Japan*, Korea*, Myanmar, Pakistan,
and the United States). Thirty-five papers were Philippines*, Russia*, Spain*, Thailand, United
presented. A two-day (27-28 August 1994) field trip Kingdom, United States and Viet Nam*.
was organized to the Lower Cretaceus Kyongsang
(1) Belyi, V.F. 1994. Geology of the Okhotsk- B.A. Baldis, Instituto de Geologia, Universidad
Chukchi Volcanogenic Belt. North-East Inter- Nacional de San Juan, Avenida I. de la Roza y
disciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far East Meglioli, 5400 San Juan, Argentina.
Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan,
76 pp. (in Russian). F. Aceolaza, Instituto Suprior Correlacin,
Geolgica Universidad Nacional Tucumn, M. Lillo
(2) Chang, K.H. ed. 1994. Abstracts of 205-4000-Tucumn, Argentina.
International Symposium on Palaeoenvironmental
History of East and South Asia and Cretaceus Description: The project aims to perform an
Correlation (IGCP Project 350). Kyungpook National integrated study of Lower Paleozoic basin evolution
Univ., 72 pp. in North-West Gondwana, identify and understand the
generation of these basins, their tectono-sedimentary
(3) Chang, K.H. and Son, J.D. 1994. Field Excur- behaviour, palaeogeography-associated tectono-
sion Guidebook - Kyongsang Basin (Cretaceus). thermal processes and the characterization of the
Kyungpook National Univ., 23 pp. influence of several megastructure systems from the
intracratonic central regions to the marginal basins in
(4) Okada, H., ed. 1993. Programme and abstracts. the periphery of the supercontinent. This
First meeting of the regional co-ordinators of IGCP intercontinental analysis will probably establish
Project 350. Kyushu Univ., 37 pp. general chronological schemes of the cycles in the
tectono-stratigraphic evolution of other palaeo-
(5) Okada, H., ed. 1994. Asia in the Cretaceus - continents.
Cretaceus environmental change in East and South
Asia - IGCP Project 350. Chikyu (Earth) Monthly, The results will include an improved delineation of
16(5), 247-297 pp. (in Japanese). the continental basins of the reconstructed Gondwana
supercontinent and, since these continental basins in
(6) Okada, H. and Mateer, N.J. eds. 1994. The some cases contain important mineral and
Cretaceus System in East and South Asia, Research hydrocarbon deposits, will produce new exploration
Summary 1994. IGCP Project 350 Newsletter special guides for natural resources prospection in South
issue, 68 pp. America and Africa.
(8) Pokhialaynen, V.P. ed. 1994. Stratigraphic (1) Mendoza (Argentina): the XIIth Argentine
data on non-marine Cretaceus of north-eastern Asia. Geological Congress in November 1993. Attendance:
North-East Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Far 30 persons from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan, Egypt, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, United States
55 pp. (in Russian). and Venezuela.
(9) Sakai, T. and Okada, H. 1993. Field trip guide (2) Concepcin (Chile): the VIIth Chilean
book - Evolution of sedimentary basins of Cretaceus Geological Congress in October 1994. Attendance:
active margin in Kyushu, South-West Japan. Kyushu 20 persons from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada,
Univ., 37 pp. Chile, France, Germany, United Kingdom and the
United States
(10) Yabumoto, Y. 1994. Early Cretaceus
freshwater fish fauna in Kyushu, Japan. Bull. (3) Second international meeting of the project in
Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, 13,107-254. Rabat (Morocco), 25 November-7 December 1994.
Attendance (estimate): 120 researchers from: Algeria,
Participating countries (* indicates the countries Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech
active in 1994): Australia*, Bhutan, Canada*, China*, Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece,
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
Italy, Jordan, Mali, Morocco, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Publications
Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and
Venezuela. It is expected to publish a special issue of the
Correlacin Geolgica series (National University of
Participating countries (* indicates the countries Tucuman, Argentina) with the most important
active in 1994): Algeria*, Argentina*, Austria*, papers (25) presented at the Rabat meeting. One
Benin*, Brazil*, Bulgaria*, Chile*, Colombia*, geotectonic and basin map of North-West Gondwana
Croatia*, Czech Republic*, Ecuador*, Egypt*, during the Lower Paleozoic at 1:10,000,000 scale is
France*, Greece*, Israel, Italy*, Jordan* Mali*, under preparation.
Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco*, Portugal*, Russia,
Saudi Arabia*, Spain*, Sweden*, Switzerland*,
Tunisia*, Turkey*, United Kingdom*, United States*, No. 355- Neogene evolution of Pacific
Uruguay and Venezuela. Ocean gateways (1993-1997)
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
E. Vet-kos, Hungarian Geological Survey, - In northern Hungary, the North Pannonian unit can
P.O. Box 106, H-1442, Budapest, Hungary. be treated as one or two microplates in the Cenozoic.
The most probable mechanism was a combined
J. Lexa, Dionz tr Institute of Geology, Mlynsk microplate and block rotation.
dol. 1, Bratislava, Slovakia.
The gold and base metal mineralization of the Tokaj
S.-N. Vlad, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Mountains is associated with submarine rift
Str. Caransebes 1, Bucharest, Romania. volcanism.
Description: The main objective of the project is to - In Romania, a pluton is delineated by new
establish a link between the regional plate-tectonic geophysical data in the Gutai Mountains and in
model and the physical-chemical conditions of alpidic the Livada region and is presumed to have an
ore formation in the Carpatho-Balkan region and the indirect relation to mineralization. A Pannonian
development of genetic models for the different ore (10.1 -10.6 Ma) and a Pontian (< 10 Ma)
types. The region is particularly appropriate for this mineralization is distinguished here by new
type of study, since it includes world-class mineral radiometric data.
districts in areas where the volcanism and basement
stratigraphy are known in unusual detail. Palaeomagnetic data show separation of the north-
western and the south-eastern units of the Ignis-
Concrete results will include the identification of Gutai Mountains. The NW unit is characterized by a
the tectonic-geodynamic evolution, the genetic counterclockwise rotation of 30 and the SE unit by a
relationship, the distribution of mineralizations, the clockwise rotation of 60 during the Tertiary.
basement structure, the source of ore fluids, the
hydrothermal system as a function of subduction- - In the East-Carpathian Caliman-Gurghiu-Hargita
related magma evolution and tectonism, and major Mountains, widespread crustal contamination, minor
metallogenic epochs in the Carpatho-Balkan region. It crustal assimilation, and mixing between different
will apply the available data in research and mantle and crustal-derived magmas are indicated by
prospecting and determine the relationships of plate- geochemical data.
tectonics to metallogeny.
The parental melts may have been produced by
Achievements in 1994 partial melting of a subduction-modified MORB or
General scientific achievements
- In the Apuseni Mountains, the Au-Porphyry copper
According to the 1994 work plan, activity was centred and epithermal Au-Ag deposits are confined to
on the tectonic settings and metallogeny of the continental margin andesite. The porphyry
following tectonic units: mineralization is related to composite subvolcanic
bodies, and the Au-porphyry copper to andesite-
- the Triassic to Lower Cretaceus ophiolitic complex diorite bodies with K-Na metasomatism.
and related talc-alkaline volcanic arcs in Romania;
- In Croatia the Alpine Middle Triassic metallogenic
- the Upper Cretaceus to Palaeogene talc-alkaJine cycle produced:
volcanic arcs in Romania and Hungary;
- magnetite skarn, pyrrhotite veins and mineralized
- the Neogene talc-alkaline volcanic arcs in Hungary, lenses;
Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.
- Pb-Zn sulphides in the subvolcanic spilite-
Studies of the plate tectonic control of Alpine keratophyre-andesite complex;
metallogeny in the Carpatho-Balkan region resulted in
the following conclusions in 1994: - siderite-hematite-barite, base metals, barite,
stratiforrn manganese oxides, and cinnabar
- In Central Slovakia, Miocene volcanites show a mineralization;
transitional character between active continental
margin and island arc type. The lower part of the
volcanic sequence contains low sulphidation meso- - barite mineralization and stratiform gypsum-
and epithermal, precious and base metal deposits anhydrite deposits in the Lower and Middle
controlled by deep-seated low and high-angle Triassic.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- In the Serbian area, the Oravita-Krepoljin and the - In Turkey, the Anatolian plate has moved westward
Bor-Srednogorje metallogenic zones, formed by along the North and East Anatolian fault zones as a
convergence of the Vardar zone and the Eurasian result of the Arabian and Anatolian plate collision in
plate, contain ore deposits associated with latest the Neogene.
Cretaceus talc-alkaline igneous rocks controlled by
lineaments along deep fractures. The Bor- The Quaternary rhyolitic volcanic rocks are younger
Srednogorje metallogenic zones extending into from South to North, and they host sulphur-gold
Bulgaria and Turkey are associated with a rift mineralization with quartz and chalcedony. Hot
environment and are characterized by volcano- springs are still active. Alteration phases are
intrusive complexes. In both metallogenic zones, indicated by secondary albite, adularia, quartz,
porphyry copper-molybdenite, base metal, skarn iron kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite.
oxide and epithermal gold mineralization are the
major deposit types, but the Oravita-Krepoljin Meetings
metallogenic zone also contains Sb, Sb-Sn, barite
and mercury mineralization. - Workshop in Baia-Mare, Romania, with a field trip
to the Oas and Gutai Mountains, Romania,
21-24 October 1993.
The porphyry copper deposits of the Vardar zone,
which were formed after the closure of the Vardar-
- Annual meeting with pre- and post-meeting field
Izmir-Ankara Ocean, are associated with Oligocene-
trips to Baia-Mare, Romania, 7-19 June 1994. The
Miocene talc-alkaline complexes and have no
meeting was organized by the Geological Institute of
relation to subduction of an oceanic slab or its partial
Romania and Cuart S.A. Baia-Mare.
- Workshop and field trip in Ankara, Turkey,
Calc-alkaline igneous rocks resulted from partial 6-16 September 1994.
melting of the lowermost part of the continental crust
during Late Palaeogene-Early Neogene time along Workshop and field trip in Tokaj, Hungary, 6-8
the oceanic suture, preceded by uplifting of the April 1994.
crustal parts of the suture zone owing to lateral
compression. Workshop and field trip in Bratislava, Slovakia
25 September-2 October 1994. Bilateral co-operation
The Neogene Sase ore field, part of the Serbo- on comparative analysis of volcanism and related
Macedonian metallogenic province, is controlled by a metallogeny in the Carpathians and Aegean volcanic
system of fractures and igneous bodies characterized arcs.
by skarn-hydrothermal replacement, stockwork and
hydrothermal vein mineralization. Workshop and field trip in Majdanpek, Serbia
28 October-2 November 1994.
- In the Macedonia region, the Lece-Chrdkidiki
metallogenic zone has a post-collision tectonic Workshop and field trip in Athens, Greece,
setting and is related to the contact between the 13-20 November 1994.
Vardar and the Serbo-Macedonian tectonic unit. Ore
deposits are associated with volcano-intrusive Publications
activity. Vein, stockwork and disseminated type
porphyry copper, base metal, antimony and arsenic - Stohl, J., Lexa, J., Kaliciak, M., Bacs, Z. 1994.
mineralization are characteristic features. Genesis of stockwork base-metal mineralizations in
the Neogene volcanics of West Carpathians.
- In Greece, the Hellenic subduction zone where the Mineralia Slovaca V., 26,75-117.
African plate subducts beneath the Anatolian-Aegean
plate controls the Neogene tectonism. - The abstract volume of Baia Mare Annual Meeting
and the guidebooks of the pre- and post-meeting field
- In Albania the Alpine chromite deposits of the trips were compiled in 150 copies (in the category
western and eastern ophiolitic belts have different informal publications).
mineral parageneses and physico-chemical features.
Planned activities
The within-plate rift-related magmatism produced
trachytes, trachyte-rhyolites, andesites, trachyte- Meetings
dacites, rhyolites and tuffites.
- The Annual Meeting of the Project will take place
REE and Nb anomalies are characteristic of some from 10 to 12 September 1995, in Athens, Greece,
trachyte-rhyolites. and will be organized together with the
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
XIth Congress of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological gradual release of sulphur bound to organic matter. In
Association. Chile, copper deposits were under intensive study by
Chilean and Canadian scientists. Solid bitumen (Ro=
- Workshop in the former Yugoslav Republic of 2-4.5 per cent) has been recognized in many
Macedonia is planned in April 1995. epigenetic, strata-bound, disseminated, high-grade (ca,
2 per cent Cu) copper deposits which after porphry
- Workshop in Albania is planned in May 1995. coppers, represent the most important source of copper
production in Chile. On the basis of detailed
Publications multidisciplinary studies, it has been suggested that
copper mineralization in some deposits exploited pre-
- The number of submitted papers is not yet sufficient existing hydrocarbon (petroleum, gas) reservoirs. The
to publish a special issue of IGCP Project 356, but hydrocarbons physically prevented burial metamorphic
individual papers will be published in Mineralium minerals from sealing the porosity, and acted
Deposita in 1995. chemically as a reducing agent at the site of sulphide
- A special issue of IGCP Project 356 containing
papers of the Annual Meeting of Baia-Mare 1994 is Base-metal sulphide deposits
planned to be published in Bucharest.
Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb (MVT) ore deposits and other
carbonate-hosted deposits are probably the most well-
No. 357- Organics and mineral known and most extensively studied Zn-Pb
deposits (1993-1997) sedimentary deposits. No single genetic model exists
for this category of deposits, but rather a variety of
J. Paava, Czech Geological Survey, Klrov 131/3, possibilities, most of which involve organic materials.
11800 Praha 1, Czech Republic. The most recent model produced by United States
IGCP Project 357 participants considers organic matter
Description: The correlation of existing data and new as the key for location of MVT ores. The authors have
data, generated from interdisciplinary studies covering proposed that the ores were localized where a hot
interactions between the biosphere and the geosphere (80-220 C) brine-bearing thiosulphate (S2O2-3) and
(organics and metals), will be used to characterize and metals interacted with organic matter. Organic matter
evaluate the different roles of organic matter played in reduced the thiosulphate to produce sulphide sulphur
the formation of the industrial sedimentary, diagenetic, to form galena, sphalerite, and other sulphides, and
metamorphic, hydrothermal, magmatogenic and produce -1 valent sulphur to form disulphides. The
skarnaoid ore deposits, with a view to better thermal degradation of organic matter produced
understanding the ore-forming processes, and to organic acids and C02, which, depending on their
facilitating future exploration. An improvement of relative proportions, either dissolved or precipitated
bioleaching methods, along with a positive impact on a carbonate minerals. In the cool waning stages of
solution of serious environmental damage caused by mineralization, organic matter acted as a substrate for
facies rich in organic matter and toxic metals, is also bacterial metabolism of thiosulphate to produce
expected. oxidized and reduced sulphur species along with CO2.
The study of a giant Zn-Pb carbonate hosted deposit in
Achievements in 1994 Guangdong province, China, has shown that during
burial organic-rich carbonates produced a kind of
General scientific achievements thermal oil-field brine which extracted base metals
when mixing with the hydrothermal springs in
Major scientific results were achieved, in particular in seawater.
connection with the evaluation of the differing roles
played by organics in the genesis of sedimentary and Uranium deposits
diagenetic ore deposits.
Significant progress has been achieved within the
Copper deposits Gabon-United States-Canada-France-United Kingdom
co-operative study on natural fission reactors rich in
Very important scientific results have been achieved in solid bitumen in Gabon. The solid Oklo bitumens are
the study of stratiform copper deposits and especially microporous (few tenths of in diameter) and the
Cu-ores of the Kupferschiefer type in Poland, which bitumens are not water wet. This would make it very
represent one of the most important copper sources. In difficult for aqueous solutions to reach and leach
order to explain the mechanism of sulphide formation, uraninite securely enclosed in the solid bitumen, and
a new model proposing alternative sources of reduced thereby remove uranium and fission products from the
sulphur has been suggested on the basis of the bituminous matrix and lose them in the surrounding
discovery of residual sulphur-organic compounds and rocks. More significant results on the Oklo
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
phenomenon emerged from absorption/excretion the migration/interaction process. For example, a U-Pb
kinetic experiments and calculations made by United concordia plot for uraniferous carbon of the
States and Hungarian scientists. These results are Witwatersrand gold deposits provided an upper
significant and hold the promise of time-tested intercept age of 2,267 Ma, which may reflect the
analogues for long-term anthropogenic nuclear waste timing of hydrocarbon migration in the Witwatersrand
disposal. A similar type of research has been carried basin.
out by Canadian scientists on the Cluff Lake uranium
deposit. A key role of organic matter in the origin of
sandstone U-deposits in the Grants Uranium Region Experimental works
(New Mexico, United States) was evidenced by
A comparison between both hydrous and confined
detailed organic geochemical, petrographic,
mineralogical and isotope investigations by United pyrolysis carried out by the French IGCP Project 357
group has demonstrated that the nature of the
States IGCP Project 357 participants.
hydrogen transfer during primary and secondary
Precious metal deposits cracking processes is crucial when investigating the
thermal maturation mechanism. Consequently, the
Important data have also been compiled on the kinetics of organic matter maturation must take into
account the nature of the pressuring media as well as
evaluation of the role of organic matter related to gold
the level of dilution of the organic effluents. Such data
and platinum group elements on the example of the
are of considerable importance for the formation of ore
Canadian, Chinese, Polish, Russian, South African
deposits, since such minerals as pyrite can act as
and Sierra Leone targets. Close association of platinum
group elements (PGE) and Au with organic matter is catalysts for the ionic hydrogen-transfer type.
essential for possible future recovery of these metals.
Environmental field
The study of oxidation zones from selected gold
deposits in China has revealed that oxidation as a Another important aspect of IGCP Project 357
purificative agent may turn unminable ores into high- activities, launched by Australian and German
grade accumulations, for example by the elimination of scientists, is the study of the noble crap which is
As, S, C and other impurities and by the enlargement represented by huge accumulations of precious and
of gold grains. heavy metals (ppm range) in sewage (e.g. Melbourne,
Sydney, San Francisco, Toronto, Berlin and other
Organic and inorganic geochemical investigations cities generate sewage exceptionally rich in Au and
carried out by the Chinese IGCP Project 357 group on Pal). Some sludges possess even higher Au
three major gold-bearing formations in South China concentrations (150 ppm) than ore deposits currently
have shown a close association between gold and being mined for gold. These anthropogenic noble
organic carbon. It was also documented that gold- metal deposits now being formed in areas of ocean-
bearing hydrothermal fluids caused higher thermal outfall systems may be analogous to the ancient black
maturation of organic matter as reported, for example, shale noble metal deposits. Precipitation caused by
from several base metal sulphide deposits in central, microbial activity, reactions with organic matter,
northern and eastern Canada. decreases in the ligand concentration (sulphur), and
absorption onto sulphides and organic matter are likely
Bitumens in ore exploration to be responsible for the rapid and efficient
concentration of Au and PGE on organic sewage
Many bitumens are found in a wide range of ore particles in municipal wastewater systems.
deposits. Recent studies by British IGCP Project 357
scientists have provided significant new information
on the interaction of metals and bitumens. It has been Major publications
shown that metal-hydrocarbon interactions offer
potential exploitation in the exploration for both More than 150 scientific papers were produced in
metals and hydrocarbons. Metal-rich organic matter connection with IGCP Project No. 357 activities and
can be an indicator of metal anomalies in the were published in the form of monographs, articles in
proximity of an ore deposit (e.g. Ba anomalies in various scientific journals and abstracts to the IGCP
bitumens occurring 4 km from the Tynagh carbonate- Project No. 357 meetings. Selected major relevant
hosted base metal sulphide deposits in the Lower publications are as follows:
Carboniferous of Ireland), even in the case of bitumen
which post-dates the main ore stage (e.g. Ballinalack - Bowles, J.F.W., Gize, A. P., Vaughan, D.J. and
carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in Ireland). Solid Norris, S.J. 1994. Development of platinum-group
bitumens which have been precipitated with/without U minerals in laterites-initial comparison of organic
or Th minerals provide evidence for hydrocarbon and inorganic controls. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall.
migration pathways, and may even permit dating of (Sect. B: Appl. earth sci.), 103:53-56.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- Canfield, D.E., Thamdrup, Bo. and Hansen, Jens. W. - Kribek, B., Hrabal, J., Landais, P. and Hladikova, J.
1993. The anaerobic degradation of organic matter in 1993. The association of poorly ordered graphite,
Danish coastal sediments; iron reduction, manganese coke and bitumens in greenschist facies rocks of the
reduction and sulphate reduction. Geochimica et Ponikla Group, Lugicum, Czech Republic: the results
Cosmochimica Acts 57:3867-3883. of graphitization of various types of carbonaceous
matter. J. Metamorphic Geol. 12:493-503.
- Coleman, M.L., Henrick, D.B., Lovley, D.R., White,
D.C. and Pye, K. 1993. Reduction of Fe (III) in - Kucha, H. 1993. Noble metals associated with
sediments by sulphate-reducing bacteria. Nature 361: organic matter, Kupferschiefer, Poland. In: Bitumens
436-438. in ore deposits (J. Parnell, H. Kucha and P. Landais,
eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 153-170.
- Fan, D., Liu, T., Yang, P. and Ye, J. 1993.
Occurrence of anthraxolite spheroids in Xiantang- - Landais, P. 1993. Bitumens in uranium deposits. In:
type manganese carbonate deposits of south China. Bitumens in ore deposits (J. Parnell, H. Kucha and P.
In: Bitumens in ore deposits (J. Parnell, H. Kucha Landais, eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 213-238.
and P. Landais, eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 447-458.
- Leventhal, J.S. 1993. Unanswered questions about
- Gauthier-Lafaye, F. and Weber, F. 1993. Uranium- organic matter and ore deposits and new directions
hydrocarbon association in Francevillian uranium for research. Geological Society of America
ore deposits, Lower Proterozoic of Gabon. In: Abstracts with Programs 25, A-28.
Bitumens in Ore Deposits (J. Parnell, H. Kucha and
P. Landais eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 276-286. - Liu, D., Fu, J. and Jia, R. 1993. Bitumen and
dispersed organic matter related to mineralization in
- Gize, A.P. 1993. The analysis of organic matter in stratabound deposits, south China. In: Bitumens in
ore deposits. In: Bitumens in ore deposits (J. Parnell, ore deposits (J. Parnell, H. Kucha and P. Landais,
H. Kucha and P. Landais, eds.), Springer Verlag, eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 171-177.
pp. 28-52.
- Lottermoser, B.G. and Morteani, G. 1993. Sewage
- Googarzi, F., Gentzis, T., Mossman, D. and Nagy, B. sludges: Toxic substances, fertilizers or secondary
1993. Petrography and genesis of organic matter in metal resources? Episodes 16:329-333.
the palaeoproterozoic uraniferous conglomerates of
the Elliot Lake region, Ontario, Canada. Energy - Mastalerz, M., Thomson, M. L., Stankiewicz, A.,
Resources 15:339-357. Bustin, R.M. and Sinclair, A.J. 1994. A geochemical
study of solid bitumen in an Eocene epithermal
- Harouna, M., Disnar, J.R., Martinez, L. and deposit Owen Lake, British Columbia, Canada.
Trichet, J. 1993. Discrepancies between different Chem. Geol. 115:249-262.
organic maturity indicators in a coal series affected
by abnormal thermal event (Visean, Niger). - Monson, B. 1993. Mineralogy of thoriferous bitumen
Chemical Geol. 106:397-413. nodules, north-west Irish basin. In: Bitumens in ore
deposits (J. Parnell, H. Kucha and P. Landais, eds.),
- Heroux, Y. 1993. Organic matter and clay anomalies Springer Verlag, pp. 350-361.
associated with base-metal sulphide deposits: three
case-histories. Geological Society of America - Mossman, D. J., Nagy, B. and Davis, D.W. 1993.
Abstracts with Programs 25, A-28. Hydrothermal alterations of organic matter in
uranium deposits, Elliot Lake, Canada: Implications
- Kesler, S.E., Jones, H. D., Furman, F. C., Sassen, R., for selected organic-rich deposits. Geochimica et
Anderson, W.H. and Kyle, J.R. 1994. Role of crude Cosmochimica Acts 57:3251-3259.
oil in the genesis of Mississippi Valley-type deposits:
Evidence from the Cincinnati arch. Geology 22:
- Nagy, B., Gauthier-Lafaye, F., Holliger, P.,
Mossman, D. J., Leventhal, J.S. and Rigali, M.J.
1993. Role of organic matter in the Proterozoic Oklo
- Kettler, R.M. 1993. Relevance of organic species to
natural fission reactors, Gabon, Africa. Geology 21:
sediment-hosted micron gold deposits and epithermal
system. Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs 25, A-27.
- Niewendorp, C.A. and Clendenin, C.W. 1993.
- Krinsley, D. H., Nagy, B., Dypvik, H. and Paragenetic link between organic matter and late-
Rigali, M.J. 1993. Microtextures in mudrocks as stage ore deposition in the Sweetwater Mine,
revealed by backscattered electron imaging. Viburnum Trend, south-east Missouri. Econ. Geol.
Precambrian Research 61:191-207. 88:957-960.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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formation and break-up of Pangea which caused semi- with their field excursions, and a possible
synchronous worldwide regression and transgression, international meeting in 1997.
transformation of geophysical regimes, continental
volcanism, glaciation and deglaciation, oceanographic Publications
anomalies and mass extinction, possibly also
- Nine books, about 50 papers and some 120 abstracts.
strengthened by extraterrestrial impact. This global
Newsletters Nos. 1-5 were distributed among
change represented an ipisodlc phase in the earths
members and published (condensed) in Albertiana
evolution, and should have deep-rooted causes in the
and Permophiles.
earths mantle and core and the evolution of the
cosmos. This subject will be pursued after completion
- Erwin, D.H. 1993. The great Paleozoic crisis: life
of the Permian and Triassic stratigraphical subdivision
and death in the Permian. Columbia Univ. Press,
and correlation.
New York, 327 pp.
- Guex, J. and Baud, A. (eds.). 1994. Recent
- An International Symposium on Permian developments on Triassic stratigraphy: Proceedings
Stratigraphy, Environments and Resources (Guiyang, of the Triassic Symposium, Lausanne (1991).
China, 28-31 August), co-sponsored by IGCP Memoires de Geologie (Lausanne), No. 22. 182 pp.,
Projects 359 and 306, and the Pangea Project of 10 pls.
GSGP. An excursion was arranged before the
Symposium to the Permian-Triassic Boundary of - Jiang, N.Y. et al. 1994. Permian palaeogeography
Meishan, Hushan (21-24 August) and Shangsi and geochemical environment in Lower Yangze
(25-27 August); while on excursion after the region, China. Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing.
Symposium they visited the Permian sequences in 206 pp., 8 pls. (in both Chinese and English).
Guizhou, Guangxi and northern Tianshan. Eighty
participants from 12 countries attended this meeting - Jin, Y.G. (cd.). 1994. Abstract volume of the
and 84 papers were presented for oral and poster International Symposium on Permian Stratigraphy,
sessions. A workshop on the project (33 participants) Environments and Resources. 53 pp.
and another affiliated workshop on the index
conodont (Hindeodus parvus) of the Permian- - Jin, Y. G., Utting, J. and Wardlaw, R. (eds.), 1994.
Triassic boundary (11 participants) were also held. Permian stratigraphy, environments and resources,
Vol. 1, Palaeotology and Stratigraphy. Palaeoworld,
- Fourth International Symposium on shallow Tethys No. 4 (special issue). 262 pp., 9 pls.
in association with this project. P/T Boundary
Working Group and Subcommission on Triassic - Kristan-Atollmann, E. (ed.), 1994. Abstract volume
Stratigraphy (Albrechtsberg, Austria, from 8 to 11 of the fourth International Symposium on Shallow
September). Pre-excursions 1. Salzburg-Tirol and Tethys, 64 pp.
2. Southern Alps; post-excursion: Northern
Calcareous Alps, with emphasis being laid on the - Lucas, S.G. and Morales, M. (eds.), 1993. The non-
late Permian, Triassic and Cretaceus. Seventy-seven marine Triassic. New Mexico Mus. Nat. Hist. Sci.
participants from 15 countries attended this meeting Bull., No. 3 (special issue), 478 pp.
and 61 papers were presented, 33 of which dealt with
the Permian and Triassic. A workshop - Yin, H.F., Yang, F.Q., Huang, Q. S., Yang, H. S., Lai,
(27 participants) and a special plenary session of X.L., 1993. The Triassic of Qinling Mountains and
IGCP Project 359 were also held. neighboring areas. China Univ. Geosciences Press,
Wuhan, 211 pp., 20 pls. (in Chinese with English
- A workshop was held during the 9th International summary).
Gondwana Symposium (January 1994, Hyderabad,
India). Nine members participated, chaired by Twenty-five countries participated in the project:
Dr Dickens. This workshop emphasized the Late Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany,
Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic correlation of the Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, New
northern margin of Gondwana with other parts of the Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
world. More effective participation of India and Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States,
Argentina was discussed. Viet Nam and Yugoslavia.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
- The integrative regional stratigraphical charts. - Yin, H.F. et al., Upper Permian to Middle Triassic
ecostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of
- The global changes during the Permian-Triassic, Yangtze Platform and its margins (in Chinese with
with the prospect that they have deep-rooted common English summary). This has been submitted to the
causes and semi-synchronous interactions, but Science Press, Beijing, and will be published in
different threshold values and timings of execution. 1995.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
(iv) analytical data to be obtained for all elements local field trip. This meeting provided an excellent
of environmental or economic significance; opportunity to present the recommendations contained
in the report to an audience mostly already aware of
(v) the lowest possible detection limits for all the usefulness of geochemical surveys and therefore
elements; primarily concerned with receiving explicit field
instructions and information on how new activities
(vi) determination of the total amount of each could be financed.
element present;
Two IGCP Project 360 meetings were held in 1993,
(vii) tight quality control at every stage of the one embracing all aspects of geochemical mapping,
process. and one concerned specifically with the radioactive
Achievements in 1993-1994
Two sessions at the 16th International Geochemical
General Exploration Symposium in Beijing, September 1993,
were devoted to international geochemical mapping
During Phase 1 of the project an inventory was made and its end-product, a global geochemical data base.
of existing geochemical map data and methods; the Sixteen papers were presented, and additional papers
great diversity, inconsistency and incompleteness of pertinent to the project were given in other sessions.
existing data bases were confirmed; research was Prior to the opening of the symposium there was a
conducted to seek practical solutions to long-standing workshop on the IGM project, on 1 September,
problems (for example, level differences between attended by 30 people from 12 countries where plans
adjacent blocks of data); and geochemical map for IGCP Project 360 were discussed. During 1993, a
compilations were made for some large regions of the number of important studies relating to the utility of
world to demonstrate the unexpected features that are wide-spaced sampling for area and transect
present. As a result of an extended review over a reconnaissance, have been completed in Canada (by
30-month period, agreement was reached as to Garrett and Fortescue), Fennoscandia (Bjorklund,
methods which should be followed to obtain a Eden, Salminen and Gustavsson) and China (Xie et
systematic global geochemical data base. A al.). Papers based on much of this work were presented
comprehensive report entitled A global geochemical at the Beijing Symposium.
data base for environmental and resource
management, concerning detailed recommendations Twelve papers relating to International
for international geochemical mapping, was completed Geochemical Mapping were presented at a meeting
and externally reviewed and will be published in late sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency
1994. (IAEA) on the use of uranium exploration data and
methods in environmental studies, held in Vienna in
Demonstration projects which follow the November 1993. Three of the papers include reports on
recommendations of the IGCP Project 259 report are field work in Malaysia, Portugal and Slovenia
currently being initiated. Collection of wide-spaced sponsored by IAEA, in part to support the ongoing
reference materials has already begun in China and objectives of IGCP Project 259/360. The meeting was
Canada and discussions are under way for similar organized by Mohamad Tauchid, Chairman of the
projects in Russia and Western Europe. projects Radiometric Committee. Forty people from
23 countries attended. It should be noted that IAEA is
Meetings the only international organization which has a
mandate enabling it to assist and encourage global
A workshop entitled Systematic geochemical mapping geochemical data collection, but unfortunately this
in southern Africa, was held in Harare, Zimbabwe, in mandate is restricted to the radioactive elements.
February 1993. It was organized on behalf of IGCP by
the Geological Survey of Zimbabwe, with financial
support from the Geological Survey of South Africa Publications
the British Geological Survey and the Geological
Survey of Canada. The workshop was attended by 33 The major publication of the period 1993-1994 is the
scientists, including a number of geological survey final IGCP Project 259 report: Darnley, A.G. et al.
senior officials, from ten countries in southern and east 1994 (in press). A global geochemical data base for
Africa. Eighteen papers were presented and discussed environmental and resource management: recommen-
during the first two days. These included a review of dations for international geochemical mapping,
applications and methods, and reports on the status of UNESCO, Paris. The report provides the fundamental
geochemical mapping in Botswana, Ethiopia, basis on which the global geochemical baselines
Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and project and global geochemical mapping will be
Zimbabwe. The workshop concluded with a one-day carried out.
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Other significant publications released in 1993- Europe, and Western Russia. (along 30 E and 50N).
1994 include: Progress will be subject to the availability of funding;
various organizations are being approached.
- a second special volume of the Journal of
Geochemical Exploration (v. 49) dedicated to
(3) To encourage establishment of Regional
International Geochemical Mapping (IGM), with a
Committees for Geochemical Mapping; endeavour to
selection of papers originally presented at meetings
obtain more active involvement from developing
in 1991 (Uppsala) and 1992 (Reston) was published
in December 1993 (ten papers, edited by
P.H. Davenport);
-32 abstracts pertaining to IGCP Projects 259/360
were published for the 16th IGES in Beijing, (1) Workshop and field trip relating to
September 1993, and the IAEA meeting in Vienna; geochemical mapping in tropical landscapes, in
conjunction with the International Geochemical
- papers from the IGM sessions at these meetings have
Exploration Symposium, Townsville, Queensland,
also appeared in other issues of the Journal of
Australia, 15-19 May 1995.
Geochemical Exploration (volume 51 for example)
and other journals such as Applied Geochemistry
(2) Workshop and field trip in conjunction with
(three papers in Supplementary Issue 2, January
the Geological Society of Africa meeting on geology
for development within a sustainable environment,
- major atlases published in 1993-1994 including the Nairobi, Kenya, 9-13 October 1995.
British Geological Surveys Regional Geochemical
Atlas of Southern Scotland and the Geological
Survey of Canadas Digital Geochemical Atlas of
Newfoundland. The publication of the 1:4 million No. 361- East Asia activated zones
scale Geochemical Atlas of Finland by the
Geological Survey of that country provided an R. Barsbold, Geological Institute, Ulan Bator-51,
excellent demonstration of the unexpected Mongolia.
revelations provided by new data. Several reports
demonstrating the uses of wide-spaced sampling O. Gerel, Department of Geology, Mongolian
techniques have been prepared by the Geological Technical University, Ulan Bator, P.O. Box 46,
Survey of Canada and Finland. Mongolia.
(a) Institute of Geochemistry, Irkutsk, and Results will include the elaboration of schemes of
Geochemistry Research Bureau, Ulan Bator, to collect structural evolution of activation zones and will
designated reference materials along the 105 E provide knowledge about the regularity of main ore
transect in Russia and Mongolia. Extend transect belts and provinces in groups of activated structures in
southwards across China at a later date. East Asia. This has a great importance for prognoses
of ore deposits, developed within the time of the main
(b) Extension of existing wide-spaced sampling in activated stages.
the Canadian prairies and in China. To be co-
ordinated by the Geological Survey of Canada and the Achievements in 1994
Institute of Geophysics and Geochemical Research,
China, respectively.
(c) Formalize plans for wide-spaced geochemical Workshop at Beijing, China, during the 9th IAGOD
sampling transect(s) linking Fennoscandia, Central Symposium (12-18 August 1994). Participants from
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
to the original document in image form, click on "Original" button on 1st page.
nine countries: China, Czech Republic, Germany, changes (e.g. establishment of a model for the
Japan, Mongolia, Russia, South Korea, Thailand and relationships of the middle Cretaceus greenhouse
Ukraine. state of the Earth, third-order sea-level fluctuations
and widespread occurrences of anoxia based on
Publications correlation of coeval events in Italy, France, Spain and
Geotectonica et Metallogenia, Special volume of
Papers and Abstracts: IAGOD/CTOD Working Group The project is aimed at following the relationships
4 in co-operation with IGCP Project 361, Vol. 18, Nos. between geological processes, palaeoclimate,
1-2, 1994, 88 pp. environmental changes, ocean evolution, as well as
evolution of biota during the Cretaceus period, when
Participating countries (* indicates the countries latitudinal climatic belts in the Earth were particularly
active in 1994): China*, Czech Republic*, Germany*, differentiated. The evolution of climate during the
India, Japan*, Mongolia*, Republic of Korea, Russia*, Cretaceus period, which started 150 million years ago
Thailand, Ukraine*and the United Kingdom. and ended with mass faunal extinction 60 million
years ago, peaked in several greenhouse events. The
Planned activities results obtained by geological methods can elucidate
rapid and sudden global fluctuations in the
Meetings atmospheric CO2content, average annual temperatures
(a) The third meeting of the project will be held in and sea-level highs in the Cretaceus sedimentary
Blagoveshchensk, on 15-17 August, with field work record. The area studied comprises countries of the
former Mediterranean area which belonged to the
from 17 to 23 August.
tropical Tethyan Ocean. The Cretaceus sequences in
(b) Field meeting in Transbaikalia, from 1 to this region will be compared with those in north-
western and north-eastern European countries, lying at
15 August, in co-peration with the Working Group on
Tin and Tungsten Deposits (WGTT) and IGCP Project the bottom of the former epicontinental (Boreal) seas.
A Cretaceus correlation scheme applicable in both
the Tethyan and Boreal Provinces will be summarized
(c) Field trip in Central Mongolia: Mo-Cu-
porphyry and Khentei gold deposits, from 1 to 20 July. through the use of data obtained by different
specializations (biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy,
Proposed major publications (including maps) cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy, study of
eustatic sea-level changes, sedimentary and
- Regional ore systems of Central Asia. The second geochemical changes of sediment composition, etc.).
volume of the series Regional geological system of
Central Asia. Achievements in 1994
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) document. WARNING! Spelling errors might subsist. In order to access
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attended by 30 scientists from two countries No. 367- Late Quaternary coastal
(Netherlands and Poland) in Cracow (Poland). records of rapid change (1994-1998)
-3-9 October: Annual Assembly in Smolenice D.B. Scott, Centre for Marine Geology, Dalhousi
(Slovakia), attended by 43 scientists from University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5, Canada
11 countries.
Description: This project was derived from several
Over 200 scientists from 36 countries registered for previous IGCP Projects (61, 200, 274) that were highly
active participation in the project
successful in the fields of detecting sea-level changes,
global sea-level curves, and coastal evolution. IGCP
Project 367 seeks to use the information obtained in
these earlier projects to focus on rapid events that
occur in coastal zones, for example earthquakes,
- Erba, E. 1994. Nannofossils and superplumes: the
tsunamis, storms, rapid climatic events. The aim is to
Early Aptian nannoconid crisis. Palaeo- look at certain events in high resolution to determine
oceanography 9, 3.483-501. the exact nature of the deposit and determine if these
events leave signatures that we can see in other
- Michalk, J. and Rehkov, D. (eds.). (1994): records. Also of interest is being able to forecast into
Abstract Book of the Annual TBC Assembly in the future what might happen, i.e. determine
Slovakia (1994), containing 46 papers on 139 pages. periodicity of these events. This has already been
attempted on the west coast of the United States in the
- Michalk, J. and Rehov, D. 1994. (eds.). (1994): prediction of major earthquakes every 800 years or so.
Excursion Guide of the Annual TBC Assembly in
Slovakia (1994), 81 pp. Achievements in 1994
- Michalk, J. and Rehkov, D. and Sotk, J. (eds.). This project, although only in its first year, has
1994. Environments and seeting of the attracted a very wide range of scientists worldwide,
Jurassic/Lower Cretaceus succession in the Tatric including palaeontologists, geomorphologists, marine
area, MaL Karpaty Mts. Geologica Carpathica 45, 1. geologists, geographers, modellers, remote sensing
45-56. specialists, seismologists, and many more. The
strength of the project is its diversity and the fact that
- Rehkov, D. and Michalk, J. 1994. Abundance and anyone in any country can find a rapid event in the
distribution of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceus Holocene that is relevant to the overall goals of this
microplankton in Western Carpathians. Geobios 27, project. We hope that by the end of the project we will
2.135-156. be able to fit the diverse range of rapid coastal events
into a framework that makes some global comparisons
- Va~ek, Z. and Michalk, J. and Rehkov, D. possible.
(1994). Early Cretaceus stratigraphy, palaeo-
geography and life in Western Carpathians. Meetings
Beringeria 10, 1-170.
First meeting was held in Scotland (13-20 September)
with 50 participants from 23 countries. We were able
Activities planned to see many of the classic Holocene shorelines and the
Loch Lomond ice centre. In this meeting, we also set
- Workshop within the EUG 8, XII: The up several working groups:
Mediterranean puzzle 2: Tethys heritage in the
Mediterranean region, Strasbourg, France, from (1) seismic events and tsunamis;
9 to 13 April 1995. (2) tidal amplitude changes;
- Working group meeting including an excursion in (3) storm surge history;
Lhasa, Tibet, from 31 May to 15 June 1995. (4) rapid sea-level change and response;
- Annual Assembly in conjunction with the Meeting (5) changes in sedimentation rate and response;
on Cretaceus Stage Boundaries of the SCS, (6) new high resolution geochronological
Brussels, from 6 to 14 September 1995. techniques,
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Florence. A guidebook, also including the abstracts of No. 371- North Atlantic Precambrian
the meeting, was published. (COPENA) (1994-1998)
Collaboration and interchange of data and R. Gorbatschev, Institute of Geology, Department of
interpretation will take place with the sister IGCP Mineralogy and Petrology, Slvegatan 13, S-22362
Project 343 (Stratigraphic correlation of peritethyan Lund, Sweden.
epicratonic basins) and the parent peritethyan
programme (led by Jean Dercourt and Maurizio Description: The project aims to compare the
Gaetani), whose goal is the drafting of a series of development of the Precambrian cratons and crustal
palaeogeographic-palaeoenvironmental maps of the segments in the North Atlantic region. The emphasis
peritethyan region covering the last 300 Ma. is on trans-Atlantic correlation of the Precambrian in
Nevertheless, IGCP Project 369 will focus on rift regard to similarities/differences in the nature and
related-processes as an important topic in its own timing of crust development, the issue of Precambrian
right. supercontinents. These studies will be supported by
continued work on the internal age-province structure,
Following the advice of a member of the IGCP particularly of the European Precambrian cratons to
Scientific Board, we incorporated in the structure of improve the basis of correlation. It is intended also to
IGCP Project 369 the proposal Rifting events in test palaeomagnetically indicated liaisons between the
Europe, which was originally presented to the Board Precambrian of Baltica, Laurentia and the northern
by I. Bilik (Budapest). Professor Bilik was invited to part of South America.
the Bologna meeting and agreed to merge his proposal
with IGCP Project 369 (see list of working groups). This project is a successor to the IGCP project
Deep Geology of the Baltic Shield. There will be
interaction with the Lithoprobe programme in
IGCP Project 369 has also established links with Canada and the Europrobe programme in Europe.
Project Pangea and EUROPROBE. These links involve Potential partners for co-operation and exchange of
the free exchange of information and mutual information are IGCP Projects 290 Anorthosites, 304
participation in meetings and workshops. Continental Lower Crust, 315 Rapakivi Granites
and 336 Intraplate Magmatism and Metallogeny.
- definition of requirements and standards for the The inaugural and simultaneously also first general
uniform drafting of maps, cross-sections, annual meeting of the project was held in Nottingham,
stratigraphic charts, graphs and tables; England, United Kingdom from 13 to 17 September
1994, but even before that the new project engaged in a
- selection and acquisition of software for the variety of international workshops and planning
calculation of subsidence curves, to be used sessions, particularly to develop future co-operative
uniformly by all participating research groups; geological-geophysical studies. At present,
18 countries are participating, but that number is
- development of the framework for the data base on expected to increase to above 20 as the project
peritethyan rift basins. develops its activities in 1995.
The 1995 annual meeting of IGCP Project 369 will An important function of the Nottingham meeting
take place in Bucharest from 28 September to was the planning and elaboration of the future
4 October. The meeting will include scientific and thematic task-group structure of IGCP Project 371,
organizational sessions (28-30 September) and a three- which will form the basis of the projects activity in the
day-long field trip to central and northern Dobrogea numerous regions and fields of knowledge relevant to
focusing on the evolution of superposed Paleozoic and an integrated view of the Precambrian in a vast area
Mesozoic rift basins, the products of the Cimmerian extending from the Rockies in the west to the Urals in
deformation, and also transcrustal strike-slip tectonism the east, with implications for correlation also with
in the Carpathian foreland. The meeting will be other, presently more distant ancient cratons.
organized by Eugen Gradinaru (Bucharest) and
Professor Mircea Sandulescu, President of the National Another meeting very important for future
Committee of Romanian Geologists of the Romanian correlation in the whole North Atlantic realm was held
Academy. At least three other meetings are being with some IGCP Project 371 funding sponsorship by
planned in Budapest, Rabat and the Crimea. the Palaeomagnetic Working Group of the North
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(2) Attention will be focused on the time-slices The proposed project is a successor of two very
during meetings to be held next year including a successful IGCP Projects 233, Terranes in the
meeting at the University of California at Santa Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic orogens and 279
Barbara in August 1995 which will have an associated Terranes in Latin America. It will focus on a
field study visit as well as other regional meetings at multidisciplinary analysis of geophysical, geochemical
the GSC in Canada and in Europe. and geological data.
Achievements in 1994
The project had two successful meetings held in Nova
No. 376 - Laurentian-Gondwanan connection Scotia, Canada (including several field trips) and
(1994-1998) Concepcin, Chile. Details are recorded in
Newsletter 2/94 (attached here). The main
V.A. Ramos, Departamento de Geologa, Universidad achievements of the project were field examination by
de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Gondwanan geologists of the Avalonia composite
Aires 1428, Argentina. terrane, the continental margin of Laurentia and the
Grenvillan basement between Quebec and Montreal.
F. Herv, Departamento de Geologa, Universidad de General agreement was obtained about the Gondwanan
Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago de Chile, affinities of the Avalonia terrane, and its possible
Chile. derivation from South America.
J.D. Keppie, Department of Natural Resources, More than 82 participants from five continents,
P.O. Box 698, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2T9. with a wide distribution, including scientists from
developing countries as well as from the first world.
Description: The project aims to rigorously test the Young scientists were strongly supported and funded
hypotheses of the formation of a Middle-Late to attend the meetings. Researchers from a variety of
Proterozoic supercontinent (Rodinia), its Late disciplines as stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeon-
Proterozoic breakup, and the interactions between tology, geochronology, geochemistry, palaeo-
Laurentia and Gondwana during the Paleozoic. This magnetism, tectonics and structural geology are
will be done by acquiring high quality palaeomagnetic actively co-operating in the project.
data from both the major cratons and the intervening
terranes, determining the geological record of the Activities planned
terranes and of the cratons using comprehensive
geological studies including terrane tracers such as According to schedule a Penrose meeting will be held
faunal provinces, detailed zircon U-Pb geochronometry in 1995. This conference will be followed by a 1/2 day
and isotopic signatures. These data will be combined to meeting in Jujuy (Argentina) and a field trip from
test existing hypotheses and to produce a series of Northern Argentina to the Pacific Coast of Chile to
palinspastic maps for the Middle Proterozoic-to Early address the potential Laurentian affinities of the
Paleozoic interval. Arequipa-Antofalla terrane.
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Project 347- Correlation of Ganges- scientific base for explaining the processes and
Brahmaputra sediments conditions of formation of exiting giant ore deposits
and hence to predict undiscovered equivalents. The
Full title: Quaternary stratigraphic correlation of current access to improved data bases and an
Gauges-Brahmaputra sediments and of enhanced degree of international collaboration will
the Indian sub-continent provide real advances leading to the publication of a
Proposer: Md. Hussain Monsur significant final volume and a global metallogenic
Address: Department of Geology, University of map.
Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
The main methodology will be information
The Ganges delta basin exhibits a thick sedimentary processing and statistical analysis, coupled with field
sequence of quaternary deposits. Little work has so meetings and workshops based on critical super-giant
far been done on the stratigraphy sedimentology, depost localities.
dating and regional correlation. The aims of the
project are to establish the Quaternary stratigraphy of The project is accepted for five years (1995-1999).
different geomorphic units, to demarcate the Palaeo-
Pleistocene boundary and to correlate the
lithostratigraphic units with the chronostratigraphic Project 368 - Proterozoic events in
state of the Quaternary System by dating, using East Gondwana
methods of litho-, bio-, pedo- and magneto
stratigraphy. These studies will infer regional Full title: Proterozoic events in East Gondwana:
Quaternary climatic fluctuations and sea-level southeast Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri
changes and will be helpful in some practical, Lanka, Antarctica, Australia
engineering and hazard mitigation applications. Proposer: Masaru Yoshida
The project is accepted for five years provisionally Address: Department of Geosciences, Faculty of
(1995-1999). Science, Osaka City University, Sugimoto
3-3-138, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558, Japan
Project 354- Economic super accumu- Detailed studies of Precambrian terranes of the East
lations of metals in lithosphere Gondwanian crustal fragments have been conducted
by many scientists. On the other hand, detailed
Full title: Environments, associations and processes geological comparison of those fragments has been
of metal superaccumulation in terrestrial studied only briefly. The main objectives of the
ore deposits and district project are (1) to investigate in detail and to correlate
Proposers: Pei Rongfu, P. Lznicka, J. Kutina, tectonothermal events with their culmination during
D.V. Lundquist, C.J. Hodson & Takeo circa 2.5 Ga. and 0.5 Ga. in East Gondwanian
Sato crustal fragments including southeastern Africa,
Address: Pei Rongfu, Institute of Mineral Deposits, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Antarctica and
CAGS, 26 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing Australia; (2) to obtain detailed P-T-t-deformation-
100037, Peoples Republic of China space figures of some Proterozoic mobile belts and
constrain their role in the tectonics of mobile belts
Metals in the lithosphere are unequally distributed. and continents in the East Gondwana; and (3) to
Localized anomalous concentrations and clarify the distribution of selected mineral resources
accumulations of various metals that could be and to study its redistribution mechanism during the
profitably exploited by the past or present reworking of crust.
technological means have developed into classical
category of ore deposits. The aim is to provide the The project is accepted for five years (1995-1999).
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Project 379 - Karst process and Project 381- South Atlantic Mesozoic
carbon cycle correlation
Full title: World correlation on karst processes and Full title: Geological correlation of South Atlantic
Mesozoic sequences
its relevant carbon cycle
Proposer: Yuan Daoxian Proposers: E.A.M. Koutsoukos & P. Bengtson
Address: The Institute of Karst Geology, CAGS Address: Petrobras - CENPES/DIVEX/SEBIPE,
Cidade Universitria, Quadra 7, Ilha
Guilin, Guangxi, China 541004
Do Fundao, 21949-900 Rio de Janeiro,
The role of carbonate rock dissolution or Brazil
disintegration in the CO2 sink-source cycle in the The main objectives of the project are to promote
atmosphere or the potential of karst records in high interdisciplinary geological correlative studies in
resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstruction have order to establish a well-defined standard
not been properly addressed yet in the fields of both stratigraphical scale for the Mesozoic sedimentary
global change studies and karstological studies. The basins of South Atlantic improving. The project aims
scientific objectives of this project, as a successor of at our understanding of the nature and sequence of
IGCP Project No. 299 (Geology, Climate, Hydrology major geological events during the formation of the
and Karst Formation) are to concentrate on the South Atlantic and the global impact of these events,
understanding of the contribution of karst processes thus also contributing significantly to the exploration
(dissolution) atmospheric CO2, and to compare it of hydrocarbon and mineral resources in the area.
volumetrically with C0 2 derived from other One of the major expected accomplishments of the
geological processes geothermal, volcanic and project is the encouragement of a wide range of
tectonic events. It will contribute to our multidisciplinary activities involving a large group of
understanding of climatic change after the late scientists from developing countries, and stimulating
Pleistocene, in particular, to the biggest karst areas of postgraduate students (in particular from Latin
the world, e.g. South China, South-East Asia, South- America and Africa) to undertake specific studies for
West Australia. M. SC. and Ph.D. degrees within the framework of the
The project is accepted for five years (1995-1999).
The project is accepted for five years (1995-1999).
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Project 391- Sand accumulations and Groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid areas
groundwater in the Sahara are of paramount importance and appropriate and
effective techniques of their exploration in a desert
Full title: Establishing the relationship between environment do not often produce easily comparable
sand dune fields and groundwater results. The project will study the groundwater
aquifers in the Eastern Sahara by remote resources in the eastern Sahara by identifying and
sensing delineating buried channels and depressions using
Proposers: Farouk El-Baz & Ibrahim Himida satellite images, GIS (Geographic Information
Address: 1 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Systems) and field work for the ground truth. The
MA02215, United States project will involve mapping of Holocene fluvial
1 Mathaf, El-Matariya Street, Cairo, channels and modelling of groundwater potential in
Egypt the desert. The results should identify targets for the
ground truth investigation.
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IGCP National Committees/
Comits nationaux pour le PICG
(March 1995)
Professor Dr H. Snkel
Dr Aleksander Cina Chairman
Prsident IGCP National Committee
Comit national albanais pour le PICG Institute for Mathematical Geology and
Blloku Vasil Shanto Geoinformatics
Tirane Technische Universitt
Steyregasse 30
A-8010 Graz
Mrs A. Prtan
M. Mohammed Tefiani Secretary
Institut des sciences de la terre IGCP National Committee
Universit des sciences et de la technologies Dr Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
BP No. 9 A-1010 Vienna
Dar El Beida
Mr Leslie Barker
4. ARGENTINA/ARGENTINE Chief Geologist, Energy Division
Ministry of Finance
Dr Florencio G. Aceolaza 2nd floor
President National Petroleum Corp. Building
Comit Argentino de Correlacin Geolgica Wildey
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Saint Michael
Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET)
Miguel Lillo 205 8. BANGLADESH
(4000) Tucumn
Mr M.R. Khan
Dr Norberto Malumian Chairman
Secretario IGCP National Committee
Comit Argentino para el PICG Director-General
CONICET Geological Survey of Bangladesh
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones 153 Pioneer Road
Cientificas y Tcnicas Segun Bagicha
1033 Buenos Aires Dhaka 1000
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Professor Dr P. Chumachenko
(same address/mme adresse)
M. J.-C. Kogblevi
Comit national pour le PICG
Directeur gnral de lOffice bninois des M. Wenmenga Urbain
mines Matre Assistant
Ministre de lnergie et de lhydraulique Dpartement de golgie
BP 249
Cotonou Facult des sciences et techniques
BP 7021
M. Salifou Alidou
Comit national pour le PICG CAMEROON/CAMEROUN
Dpartement des sciences de la terre
Universit nationale du Bnin Professeur F. Tchoua
BP 526 Prsident
Cotonou Comit national pour le PICG
Chef du Dpartement des sciences de la terre
12. BOLIVIA/BOLIVIE Universit de Yaound
Ing. Antonio Saavedra Muoz
President M. M.M. Eben
Comit Boliviano de Correlacin Geolgica Secrtaire gnral
Academia Nacional de Ciencias Comit national pour le PICG
Avn. 16 de Julio No. 1732 BP 4599
Casilla -5829 La Paz Yaound - Nlongkak
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