PEFPriesthoodEndorsementForm PDF
PEFPriesthoodEndorsementForm PDF
PEFPriesthoodEndorsementForm PDF
Bishopric or
Branch Statements
I have reviewed this members PEF Loan Plan and budget and recommend that s/he
receive a PEF loan.
This member of my unit regularly attends sacrament and other Sunday meetings, is
temple worthy, and fulfills a calling.
I have reviewed the Self-Reliance Doctrines with the member (see next page). The
member understands and is committed to these doctrines.
This member is committed to the effort, time, and sacrifice necessary to succeed in
school and gain better work.
This member has a qualified Loan Mentor for their PEF Loan. His/her name is:
__________________________________________________________. I support this choice of mentor.
This member understands that I may review their loan repayment status with the
ward or stake self-reliance committee or the loan mentor.
If a Young Single Adult, this member has satisfactorily fulfilled the Institute
attendance requirement and has presented verification from the Institute.
I will review on a monthly basis this members loan repayment status and offer
encouragement and counsel as needed.
As leader and applicant, we have discussed these statements and certify that they are true.
Bishopric or Branch
Presidency _______________________________________ _________________________________ _____________
Self-Reliance Doctrines
The blessing of self-reliance depends on
D&C 130:21 obedience to the laws and ordinances
(1 Nephi 3:7; D&C 84:19-20;
upon which self-reliance is predicated.
Matthew 17:21)
Being One
The poor and the rich must be one. All
Moses 7:18 must serve and mentor one another.
(D&C 56:16-17; 104:16; 38:26)
This modern Perpetual Education Fund is far more than just a loan program. It is
a catalyst with far-reaching impact on individuals and families, and on the entire
Church. Our prophet has made some remarkable promises regarding this process,
and they are beginning to be fulfilled.
2014 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Rev. Aug 2014)