AE EMB 145 Panel Review PDF
AE EMB 145 Panel Review PDF
AE EMB 145 Panel Review PDF
The following pages depict the various instrument panels located in the cockpit of the Embraer E145 Regional
Jet. Along with these depictions are text box captions that describe the function of most of the buttons and
switches that control the various systems on the aircraft. Keep in mind that as aircraft modifications occur,
such as ADs, Service Bulletins, etc., the captions may become inaccurate or incomplete.
The captions are not all inclusive and are intended as a supplemental study aid to be used in conjunction with
the appropriate approved aircraft systems and operations manuals. Because space is limited for the captions
the use of acronyms and abbreviations is necessary. The table that follows lists the acronyms and
abbreviations used that may not be readily discernable by the reader.
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
Abbrev. Meaning Abbrev. Meaning
Fpm Feet per minute Nm Nautical mile
FSBY Forced Standby Mode O2 Oxygen
Ft Feet OEI One engine inoperative
Fwd Forward Pax. Passenger
GCU Generator Control Unit PCA Power Control Actuator
GI Ground Idle PCU Power Control Unit
GMAP Ground Map Mode PFD Primary Flight Display
GPC Ground Power Contactor PRSV Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve
GPU Ground Power Unit Psi Pounds per square inch
Grnd Ground PSU Passenger Service Unit
GS Glideslope PTT Push-To-Talk
Hdg Heading RCP Radar Control Panel
Horiz. Horizontal Rcvr Receiver
hPa hectopascals Rdr Radar
HSCU Horizontal Stabilizer Control REACT Rain Echo Attenuation Compensation
Unit Logic
HSV High Stage Valve Ref. Reference(d)
Hyd. Hydraulic RH Right Hand
Hz Hertz (cycles per second) RTA Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna
ICU Interphone Control Unit Sec. Second(s)
Incr. Increase(s) SOV Shut Off Valve
Kts Knots SPS Stall Protection System
Lbs Pounds SRN Short Range Navigation
LH Left Hand Sync. Synchronize(s)
LRN Long Range Navigation Sys. System
Mag. Magnetic TCS Touch Control Steering
Man. Manual Temp. Temperature
Max. Maximum Tgt Target
MFD Multi-Function Display TL Thrust Lever
Mic. Microphone TLA Thrust Lever Angle
Min. Minimum or Minute V Volt
Msg. Message WX Weather radar mode
MSL Mean Sea Level Xmtr Transmitter
Nav Navigation YD Yaw damper
NiCad Nickel-Cadmium
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
Rain Echo Attenuation Compensation Technique (REACT) Selects Target Alert Radar in Forced Standby Mode (FSBY) when A/C
Pressing cycles antenna Mode. Mode monitors for on grnd and Radar Mode knob not set to OFF;
Pushed enables REACT stabilization. When off red (level 3) or greater FSBY label displayed. FSBY inhibits the xmtr and
Avail in all mode except GMAP beyond selected range & antenna scan; can override through the STAB
on RCP. +/- 7.5 of A/C hdg. TGT button.
Always selected when in TEST mode.
Used to invoke label if target detected.
REACT Automatic rcvr calibration to
Calibrated Gain stabilization Trim mode Min. target depth of 5 compensate for attenuation losses. RCT label
On ground, after warm- nm displayed. A blue field indicates ranges where
up, pressing 4x within 3 further compensation not possible. Active in all
Range Select Buttons Radar TGT label with no target
sec. inhibits FSBY modes except GMAP. Tgts within blue field
In WX, REACT, & GMAP Control Calibrated Gain cannot be calibrated & should be considered
modes 5 to 300 nm available. Panel dangerous.
(RCP) Radar operational if FP
In FP mode 5 to 1000 nm mode selected. OFF On-side controller slaved to cross-side
available controller; SLV displayed on RCP.
TEST mode, auto set 100 nm Cycles between 120 or 60 SBY Standby mode. STBY label displayed.
azimuth sweep for on-side WAIT label displayed during 40-100 sec. warm-up.
AND cross-side displays. WX Weather detection mode. CA & FO RTA
Pushed Calibrated Gain
settings alternate on each sweep, CAs on left
Pulled Manual gain active & sweep & FOs on right. To get 100% duty factor
VAR label displayed on PFD one Radar Control Panel must be set OFF. WX
Interior Lights label if rdr selected for display on MFD; otherwise
Control Panel TX label
GMAP Ground map mode. GMAP label
Antenna Tilt +/- 15 Clock FP Flight Plan mode. Radar put in standby &
Avionic Switched no radar data presented. A singular display of nav
Range indicators between +5
DC Bus data & a FLTPLN label displayed.
& -5 are expanded
TEST Test pattern displayed with a TEST label.
Antenna beam width 7.9
Primary Flight
Digital Audio Panel (DAP)
Display (PFD)
[Avionic Switched Foot Warmer PAX reroutes audio signal from
DC Bus] Valve crew mic to pax cabin when any
PTT is pressed.
EMER directly connects mic &
Switch altimeter ref. Gasper vent
headphones to com/nav radios.
between Inches and HPa. CA to Com/Nav 1, FO to Com/Nav
Disconnects CAs
Illuminates when
aileron control from FOs
mechanism activated FOs side has roll trim
actuator & artificial feel
Cannot be reset in flight
Illuminates when
Thrust Reversers have mechanism activated
3 locking systems. The
Primary & Secondary
are electrically MAX max. takeoff
controlled & rating mode at any time
hydraulically actuated.
The third lock is
FADEC controls engine
completely electric.
to achieve N1 target
Loss of electric power
latches locks closed IDLE GI~ 64% N2, FI~
68% N2
MAX REV max.
reverse thrust. Doors
cmdd open when TLs
at soft detent (TLA 14)
Cmds outboard spoiler
panels to open when: If OEI or one reverser
TLA of both not deployed FADEC
engines < 50 will only cmd reverse
from good engine if TL
Flaps < 13 requesting reverse
No intermediate and OEI TL set to
positions Thrust Lever IDLE
Friction Knob
Electrically controlled
thru DC Bus 1 & 2 Electrically actuated &
Hydraulically actuated controlled
DC Bus 1 & 2
If one channel fails,
remaining motor can
drive flaps at half speed
Pulling actuates
3 asymmetrical limit
emergency brakes (no
disables system for
duration of flight
Pull & rotate to set
parking brake
Always have toe
brakes applied when
setting or releasing to
prevent hydraulic fluid
Thrust Mode select buttons
All 4 brakes supplied (no ATTCS)
by Hyd Sys 2
proportional to handle
displacement with no Joystick controls
protections MFD designator
With control column held full back, momentary push CON thrust if one of the following:
Pedal brking actuates SPS test (stick shaker, clacker, & stick pusher) Cuts out SPS channel >300 ft AFL & gear not locked down, or
Hyd Sys 1 supplies outbd brakes TEST button illuminated after an unsuccessful test or if 1 or 2 in case of failure
>1700 ft AFL
Hyd Sys 2 supples inbd brakes
system has not been tested. Striped bar in button
when pressed Limited to OEI only
TEST button inhibited inflight till 30 sec. after landing,
Anit-skid protection > 10 knots
above 70 KIAS, or with gear not downlocked.
wheel speed
Ice compensation of SPS inhibited for 5 min. after takeoff. Pusher inhibited CLB or CRZ thrust if one of the following:
Locked wheel protection through
On grnd (except for test) >500 ft AFL, gear not locked down, AEO, or
anti-skid system > 30 knots wheel Ice compensation reset if:
Below 0.5 G
airborne & flaps set to 45. SPS ICE SPEED msg While Quick Disconnect >1700 ft AFL and AEO
Touchdown protection allows remains,or button pressed
braking 3 seconds after < 200 ft if RA failed TO thrust
on ground after pressing TEST button. SPS ICE
touchdown, or when wheel speed Any Cutout button
SPEED msg cleared. T/O-1 for the EMB 145
> 50 knots. pressed
> 200 knots T/O RSV for the EMB 135/140
At least 1 channel inop
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
ELEC EMERG. Loss of all generators in flight. The batteries supply the Central & Essential Buses, sharing the load & not being
charged. The Inverter, Shed and DC Buses not energized.
ELEC EMERG. ABNORMAL The EDL configured for an electrical emergency when not required. The generator supplied DC
Buses are isolated from the battery supplied Central & Essential Buses & the batteries are not being charged.
ELEC ESS XFER FAIL The EDL failed to configure for an electrical emergency when required. DC Bus 1 and/or DC Bus 2 are
not isolated from the batteries & the batteries are not being charged.
Jack for a 600 ohm headphone to monitor
Erases data only on the ground with audio signals & tones.
Tests integrity of CVR
parking brake set. Only the 2 sec. 800 Hz tone for successful CVR
manufacturer can recover the erased Green STATUS LED illuminates for test
data. 1 sec. if test is good
3 sec. 400 Hz tone for successful CVR
Connects (pressed) or disconnects
(released) the GPU to/from the
DC Bus 2, 2 hr recording, 5g switch
electrical system.
Connects (pressed) or disconnects
GPU AVAIL inscription illuminates (released) the 28 vDC, 400 Amp engine-
when operating GPU is physically driven generators to/from respective DC
connected to aircraft; does not indicate Bus
good power.
Gens online when N2 > 56.4%
Inscription goes out when button
pressed & GPU connected to electrical Cycling resets GCU if generator is
network. Priority over alll batts & gens. running.
Striped bar in button when pressed. If current > 400 A, GEN 1 (2, 3, 4) OVLD
Verify 26.0 - 29.0 V before selecting.
Striped bar in button when released.
OVRD BTCs kept closed regardless Both BCs open if GPU connected to
of EDL provided no overcurrent system
detected by one of 5 GCUs. During an Electrical Emergency both
AUTO BTCs controlled by EDL. batteries can supply Essential Buses for
40 min., which includes 3 APU starts.
OFF Opens BTCs regardless of EDL.
If batt > 70C, BATT 1 (2) OVTEMP msg.
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
Illuminates red upon fire detection Fuel remaining ranges from 463 to 584
Pulling will send close cmd to:
Hyd. Pump SOV
Comes on at 800 lbs difference
Bleed Air SOV
Goes off at 100 lbs difference
Engine Intake Lip Anti-ice SOV
Fuel SOV (on Hot Bus).
Remember H.A.L.F.
Rotate CCW fires bottle A & CW fires
bottle B
Fire bell can be canceled but visual
warning cannot as long as fire signal
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
Permits testing the fire detection system Class C baggage compartment
On grnd, if pressed & held > 10 sec. APU Two cargo extinguisher bottles located in
auto shut down in the same manner as if rear Electrical Compartment
the FUEL SHUTOFF button was pressed.
Two smoke detectors Maintenance must
If necessary to repeat fire test, wait at least reset
6 sec.
Sight glass in lavatory
In the case of APU fire detection, the APU Button illuminated if smoke detected in
will NOT auto shutdown in flight but will baggage compartment
auto shutdown if A/C on the ground.
When pressed
Discharges both bottles; the high rate &
Causes APU Normal Shutdown, and metered discharge bottles
closes APU Fuel Feed SOV in wing stub Deactivates baggage compartment fans
(APU FUEL SOV CLSD EICAS msg) & (if not previously deactivated by smoke
closes APU Main Fuel Solenoid Valve (at detection)
50 minutes of protection
Discharges APU fire bottle
Does NOT illuminate
Sends stop request to FADEC, and
30 sec delay, per EPC, before pressing
Closes APU Fuel Feed SOV in wing stub
(APU FUEL SOV CLSD EICAS msg) & closes
APU Main Fuel Solenoid Valve (at APU)
OFF De-energizes FADEC, closes APU
Fuel Feed SOV in wing stub (APU FUEL Striped bar in button when pressed
SOV CLSD EICAS msg) & closes APU
Main Fuel Solenoid Valve (at APU)
APU Normal Shutdown
R.emoves APU indications & alarms when
RPM < 10%, cmds APU shutdown. Sends stop request to FADEC and closes the
APU Main Fuel Solenoid Valve (at the APU).
ON Energizes FADEC (Ess DC Bus 2 or
HOT Bus 1), opens APU Fuel Feed SOV,
enables APU indications & alarms on APU start cycle:
EICAS. FADEC performs self-test.
3% (0% airborne): ignition energized & Main
START Initiates start cycle Fuel Solenoid Valve opens
50%: Starter de-energized
70%: ignition exciter de-energized
Abnormal APU Shutdown:
95%+7sec: Max Fuel Solenoid Valve
In Flight: Overspeed, underspeed, loss of
energized, pneumatic & electrical power
speed data, failure to start, accelerate, or
light, external short, or FADEC failure or
loss of signal. If no EGT rise then 1 auto restart (swing start):
starter de-energized at 20% & re-energized at
On Ground: Fire (APU FIRE aural warning
of 10 sec. or more), EGT over-temperature,
Loss of EGT, high oil temperature, low oil
pressure, oil pressure switch short.
OFF De-energizes ignition system
AUTO Active FADECs control ignition
system automatically
One channel for grnd start (14% N2)
RESET Resets FADEC & clears faults
Both channels for airstart (10% N2)
ALTN Alternates FADEC in control
Auto-relight (above 53% N2)
Inoperative if held > 3 sec.
ON Cmds FADECs to continuously
activate both ignition channels; A & B.
1st press enables T/O Mode setting Cold eng. starts SAT or oil < 5C
4th press stores values. Data accepted if Moderate or > turb. or heavy precip.
REF TO TEMP within +/-10C & both
engines running
T/O Mode: DEC ALT T/O-1,
INC T/O-1 or T/O (135/140 only)
REF TO TEMP: DEC decreases temp.
STOP Cmds FADEC to shut engine setting, INC increases temp. setting
down provided TLA is IDLE
RUN Allows normal engine operations
START Initiates engine start cycle, and
automatically switches FADEC from the Turns on/off wing landing lights
FADEC that had the last successful engine
start. If held > 3 sec. knob becomes
inoperative. In this case select STOP and
reset the FADEC to reset knob
Turns on/off both taxi lights & nose
landing light, respectively
Taxi & nose landing lights automatically
extinguished when nose gear not down &
locked, regardless of switch position
Shed Bus 2 must be energized (OVRD
with < 3 generators on line)
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
Striped bar in button when released Striped bar in button when released
Emerg. Brake
An accumulator is basically a
hydraulic battery storing
hydraulic energy & providing
surge protection.
Closes (pressed) or opens (released)
engine-driven Hyd. Pump SOV
Hyd. Pump continues to run if engine
Striped bar in button when released
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
Off (released) or selects auto mode
Off (released) or permits (pressed)
(pressed) of wing and/or horizontal stabilizer
automatic activation of engine lip anti-icing
A/I valves. L pneumatic supplies horizontal.
OPEN inscriptions indicates engine lip anti-
OPEN inscription means valves open with
ice valve open
system cmdd open or at least one valve
Striped bar in button when released open with system not cmdd open.
Source is a valve upstream of HSV with no Striped bar in button when released
temperature control (i.e. EBVs can be
closed & still operate)
Can be open on the grnd without limitation
Max thrust (takeoffs & go-arounds) with EBVs HSV (14th stage) open during low thrust,
open, Pack Valves automatically close by crossbleed starts, and A/I operations
FADEC when: 9th stage air joins 14th stage, both with
OEI up to 9700 MSL & TAT >19C at BACVs, then thru precooler upstream of EBV
S.L. decreasing to -5C at 9700 MSL EBV closed by Fire Handle or automatically
AEO up to 1700 AGL & TAT >19C with intense hot air leak (BLD VLV CLOSED)
decreasing to -5C at 9700 MSL Used for engine start, ECS, pressurization,
Must reset Pack Valves after auto shutdown & ice protection
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh
First press: Splits the NAV window into NORM RMU tuning available Activates internal self-test of component
two windows. Top window displays selected with yellow cursor box.
active VOR frequency. The lower EMERG tuning through RMU
window, with the DME Label, displays inhibited COM transceiver Hold button 2 sec.
the active DME frequency in VHF DME, ATC, and ADF Hold for 5 to 7 sec.
format. An H (DME Hold) is displayed
in the DME window and on the PFD to Tuning Backup Control Head (TBCH) NAV (VOR/ILS) Hold for 20 sec.
show DME not paired with active Allows alternative means of tuning Com
VOR/ILS freq. The DME may then be 2 and Nav 2
tuned directly by pressing the LSK
beside the DME window.
Second press: Displays the TACAN
channel format and will allow tuning to
the DME portion of any TACAN station.
Third press: Reverts NAV window to
normal DME operation.
25 February
May 2006, William
2008 William de Grohde Groh