Summary of SPLN D3.009-1:2010: 1 Phase Prepayment Active Energy Meter - Standard Transfer Specification

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Summary Of SPLN D3.

1 Phase Prepayment Active Energy Meter Standard Transfer Specification

No. Feature & Ability explanation

1 Keypad meter with STS standard
one way communication (information sent by Vending System to energy meter
not contrary)
flat tariff
Type of meter
1 phase 2 wire prepayment active energy meter
IP 54
Accuracy class : 1.0s
Install for low voltage customer (230 V)
Direct connected
2 SPLN 1: 1995 Tegangantegangan Standar.
SPLN D5.001: 2008, Pedoman Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Meter Energi Listrik
IEC 6205531: 200509, Electricity metering Payment sistems Part 31:
Particular requirements Static payment meters for active energy (classes 1 and
IEC 6205541: 200705, Electricity metering Payment sistem Part 41:
Standard transfer specification (STS) Application layer protocol for oneway
token carrier sistems
Standard IEC 6205551: 200705, Electricity metering Payment sistem Part 51:
Standard transfer specification (STS) Physical layer protocol for oneway
numeric and magnetic card token carriers.
IEC 6205211: 2003, Electricity metering equipment (AC) General
requirements, tests and test conditions, Part 11: Metering equipment.
IEC 6205321: 2003, Electricity metering equipment Part 21: Static meter for
active energy (classes 1 and 2).
IEC 6205621: 200205, Electricity metering Data exchange for meter reading,
tariff and load control. Part 21 Direct local data exchange.
SPLN D3. 0051: 2008 Meter statik energi aktif fase tunggal kelas 1,0
3 Meters must have the ability to detect and measure the energy and electric power
totally up to the 15th harmonic from two directions (forward and reverse)
Measurement Measure energy using higher current flow in 2 current sensor (phase & neutral
current sensor). This start when different current is 0.003*Ib = 0.003*5=0.015A between
current flow in phase & neutral.
4 Voltage : 230V
Current : 5(60)A Ib (I base) = 5A & Im (I max)=60A
Starting current : 0.002*Ib = 0.002*5A = 0.01A
Frequency : 50Hz
Class : 1.0
Specification Installment Construction : IP 54
Voltage circuit power consumption (maximum): 2W and 10VA
Current circuit power consumption (maximum): 4VA
Temperature : 10C up to +45C
Temperature limit : 25C s/d +55C
Storage & Transportation : 25C s/d +85C
5 The main components of the energy meter, namely: microprocessor, display
screen (display), capacitors for power supplies, components for measurement
systems, relay / contactors, varistors, super capacitors, system converters (ADCs
Component / DACs), and the crystal, must have industrial grade quality and evidenced by a
certificate of authenticity of the product (certificate of origin) or supporting data
from the component manufacturer.
Super capacitor must be able to reach its full capacity when energized maximum
of 60 minutes and should be able to distribute power to display and for meter
system for a minimum 48 hours of continuous light.
6 Measure parameter: Total active energy, current, voltage & active power
Display : 8 digits (6 unit & 2 decimal)
Low credit threshold: adjustable using keypad with code 456xx, which xx is 2 digits
kWh with minimum 05kWh
power limit: adjustable using engineering token
Respond to over load :
Respond to credit limit :
Minimum Feature By the time the credit value reaches the lowlimit, green LED indication changes
to redflashing and the buzzer sounded. The sound can be stopped by pressing
any key on the keypad.
If within xxx minutes later, there is no credit token is entered, the buzzer rang
again. More lower the credit token, the duration of sound getting faster.
Delay time of buzzer sound can be set via the keypad with code 123xxx, with xxx
= the time in minutes.
Respond to tampering :
Respond to internal process fail :
7 Meters must be able to provide safeguards against abuse efforts (tampering),
Wiring reversed.
current circuits connected directly (bypass)
The neutral wire is disconnected at inlet cable service (utility side).
The neutral wire is disconnected on utility side cable and voltage regulator mounted
on a customer installation.
Injection of current in the phase and/or neutral wire.
Ability for detect &
protect from Induction external magnetic field of at least 400 mT (4000 Gauss)
tampering Open the terminal cover (including the nopower state)
If there is tampering other than opening the terminal cover, meter should continue to
measure the normal and increase the use of kWh(reducing the credit tokens) and the
meter can not charge new credit token(except engineering token). When the credit
reaches zero, the relay should be opened to cut off power supply to consumers.
For all types of tampering, prior to repair, the meter must be able to record the event
and / or provide continuous indication depend of its ability to activate the appropriate
display. At the time of display meters can be active again and the tamper has not been
fixed, then the meter must be capable of displaying the indication of misuse.
8 Meters should have facilities for the security seal comprising:
Protection Seal Two metrological seal mounted on meter box lid
One PLN Seals, mounted on the cap terminal
9 General
Follow the requirements of IEC 6205531 point 5 for meter indoor installment, with
additional provisions, including: PCB, Relay, auxiliary components must be installed
strong and unaffected by the shock.
Meter Box :
Construction meter box so that it can not be opened without damaging the seal
The box can be constructed in an integrated meter with MCB, the shape is not
specifically defined, but the meter must be equipped with base plate (base plate) of
metal and rust resistant. Terms of the seals on the meter box this type of follow SPLN
D3.003: 2008.
Terminal :
Terminals shall be of screw type press system (bolt fasteners are equipped with cable
conductor plate pressure) and able to accept input cable size 6 to 16 mm of the type of
aluminum or copper.
Grounding terminal must be electrically connected with the neutral terminal and the
metalbodied meters are accessible. Configuration and arrangement of terminals can be
seen in below figure :
Figure 1
Terminal Cover :
Terminal cover should be able to close all the terminals, bolts fasteners cable conductor
and a portion of the cable insulation.
LED indicator :
Meters must be equipped with at least three lamps LED indicator light, colors and
functions provided as follows:
Red: Imp / kWh (output pulse)
Yellow: abuse (tamper)
Green: power supply and low credit information. For credit is low, the color turns
to red and flashes.
Each LED should be written functions.

10 The keypad is made of polymer material with there is a sign of the number 5 key arises
(node) and must be protected from the possibility of fluid leakage. Each button must be
able to operate a minimum of 20,000 times.
Construction of the keyboard can become one with the meter or a separate (remote). If
a separate keypad must be completed in the form of electronic display screen displays.
Configuring the numbers follow a standard 12digit telephone (3 columns 4 lines) as in
below figure :


Figure 2

11 The screen made from the LCD and use the light background (backlight) or use another
system better and more efficiently, such as LEDs or other more advanced technologies
The displays must be supported by nonerased memory (nonvolatile), minimum 4 kbyte,
equipped with super capacitors for power supply providers if the power goes out.
Super capacitors must have the ability to distribute power display a minimum of 48
Display and
hours continuous light.
The displays have two lines of information:
The first line for the symbols and codes, with a minimum character height 4.5
The second line for Text in Indonesian, with a minimum character sizes: width 4
mm and a height of 8 mm.
Figure 3
Symbol on first line shows figure :
Inform the level of usage charges
Inform reverse wiring

Inform tampering indication

appears when the text shows the remaining credits and accumulated energy
Inform relay open state
The code on the first line displays information about:
Short code number
The number of digits from the tokens that have been entered on the second line
of text
Text on the second row, have at least 8 digits within a unity of time and running from the
right to left, showing:
A. Number token that has entered through the keypad
An example is Figure 3, which shows the view after the token 2341245323181346
6750 has been successfully entered. 3466750 was 7 the last digit displayed on the
screen. The number from the digits entered appear in the Code of 20
Note :
Enter in the charging process after 20digit token token included, can use the method of
delay time of approval, or pressing the
B. Information on the intake response token, as shown in Table 3
If the token is received will be shown the value of kWh purchased and then the total
number of remaining kWh. Changes in the appearance value of kWh purchased and the
total kWh intermittent 1 second with a flame display information 2 seconds, followed by
the symbol 'kWh'
Example: 12345678901234567890 (token number is entered) (information
from the meter) 156 (kWh purchase value) 245 (total value of kWh)

No. Condition Text display *)

1 Token accepted

2 Token rejected

3 Token used
4 Token expired (more than
50th token)
5 Over load

6 Over load > 5 times

7 Tampering

8 Meter error

9 Data empty
Note : *) For a text display that uses 7-LED system. If the display uses a better system
then the text can be customized.

C. Information about measuring parameter :

Information parameters that must be displayed continuously is the residual value / credit
balances and the kWh symbol
Information for short code

D. Short code by push keypad button with certain code

Minimum give information:
Credit (kWh)
Total Energy (kWh)
Voltage (V)
Current (A)
Active Power (W)
Power Limit (W)
Serial Number (11 digits)
Tariff Index (in decimal format)
Total cut off because of overload
Total power off
Alarm duration
Low credit threshold
Short code in Attachment 1 Short Code
For evaluation, data/event/history store in nonvolatile memory & can save minimum last 50
event, include: meter off, overload, tamper, opening of terminal cover & meter cover, credit
run out, meter reset, credit token (20 digit).
Transfer data (download) using a computer with a standard reference for IEC 6205621:
200205, meters continuously send data to the synchronization every 30 seconds with
send speed baud rate: 4800 bps or 9600 bps.

E. Indication & overload warning

if load is more than maximum power load setting, meter must Respond with buzzer
sound and appearance of the text " " and if :
Overload lasted continuously for 45 seconds, the relay should open and close
again automatically after 150 seconds
for 30 minutes there is not continuous over load several times with a cumulative
time of 45 seconds, relay should be opened and closed automatically after 150
When the accumulated time is less than 45 seconds, the data accumulated time
is reset back to zero.
for 30 minutes of opening relay happens because over load 5 times in
succession, the relay should open and close again automatically after 45
F. Information about Tamper
Meters must be able to respond to tampering like table below :
Meter Display Yellow How to
reaction text symbol LED Fix
Opening terminal Relay open
Active Token
cover when power on Data record
Opening terminal Relay open
cover when power off Data record
Fix and
Reverse wiring measure Active
Data record
Normal Fix and
Bypass Active
measure token
Current injection on Normal Fix and
phase or neutral wire measure token
Neutral cut from load Normal Fix and
side(utility side/SMP) measure token
Neutral cut from load
side and install Normal Fix and
voltage regulator on measure token
customer side(IML)
External magnetic Fix and
relay is not Active
induction 400 mT token
affected by
G. Information about internal process fail
Meters must be able to detect the failure of internal processes and capable of giving
orders to open relay to disconnect power supply. In this condition meter can not be used
again, all the LED goes off, the buzzer sounds continuously every second and the meter
must be replaced.
12 Should give information minimum on table below :
Information Writing sample
Meter type
Name & Manufacture location (city)
Standar SPLN D3.0091 : 2010
Wiring Fase tunggal 2 kawat
Sensor & relay Fungsi 2S 2R
Serial Number
Meter Faceplate Production year
voltage identifier 230 V
Base current & Max. Current 5 (60) A
frequency 50 Hz
Meter Constant imp/kWh ........... imp/kWh
Accuracy class 1,0

Double Signs square for meters with protection class II

ID meter
13 Circuit diagram shall be installed in sections around the terminal
Must stated around terminal & each terminal must stated its
Connection Wiring identification label (which terminal for incoming line, outgoing line,
ground, incoming neutral & outgoing neutral). Qty of sensor, qty of
relay & terminal identification label must stated in connection wiring

Attachment 1 Short Code

00 Test all LCD display 61 Last 3 rd credit kWh
01 Test the load switch 62 Last 4 th credit kWh
02 Display Test Tests the buzzer as well. 63 Last 5 th credit kWh
03 Total kWh Register 64 Total technical token accepted
04 Display Key Revision Number & Type 65 Last technical token accepted
05 Display Tariff Index 66 Last 2 nd technical token accepted
06 Test the token reader device 67 Last 3 rd technical token accepted
07 Display Power Limit kW 68 Total trip because over load
08 Display Tamper Status 69 Total meter off
09 Display Power Consumption 70 Total terminal cover open
10 Display software version 71 Total meter cover open
11 Display phase power unbalance limit 72 Total tampering
12 73 Energy consumption negative credit
13 74 Hardware version
14 36 RESERVED BY STS 75 No. ID Meter
37 Credit balance (kWh) 76 Meter Constant
38 Cummulative energy (kWh) 77 Supply Group Code (SGC)
39 78 Alarm Duration
40 79 Limit credit threshold
41 Voltage rms (V) 80
42 81 Forecast time till the credit is over
43 82 Last tampering
44 Current rms (A) 83 Energy consumption last month
45 84 Energy consumption last 2 nd month
46 85 Energy consumption last 3 rd month
47 Power (W) 86 Over load trip last time (day and time)
48 87 Over load trip last 2 nd time
49 88 Last meter off (day and time)
50 89 Last 2 nd meter off
51 90 Last terminal meter open
52 91 Last 2 nd terminal meter open
53 Total number of token accepted 92 Last cover meter open
54 Last credit token accepted 93 Maximum power this month
55 Last 2 nd credit token accepted 94 Time at maximum power this month
56 Last 3 rd credit token accepted 95 Current time
57 Last 4 th credit token accepted 96 Current date
58 Last 5 th credit token accepted 97
59 Last credit kWh 98
60 Last 2 nd credit kWh 99 Checksum software + fitur

- Short code Number 00-36, adjusted for the terms in the STS system and IEC 62055-41, 2007 "permissible control field values".
- italics No. 81 s / d 96, prepared for meters that use the RTC.

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