Krishna Vs Krisht-Na
Krishna Vs Krisht-Na
Krishna Vs Krisht-Na
By Gene D. Matlock
An evil king tried to kill Christ and Krishna when they were
both infants.
It was predicted that both men would die to atone for the
sins of their people.
The Bible tells us that Jesus was both Shiva and Vishnu, for Jesus'
biblical names are Isa/Isha (Shiva), Yeshua (Skt. Yishvara,
pronounced in Sanskrit as Yeshwara), Kristos, and Yesu, another
name of Krishna . Even in India, Lord Krishna was and still is
called Yesu Krishna and Kristna. These names prove to us that
Jesus was both Shiva and Vishnu, thus making Jesus the
begotten son of the Unbegotten-Brahma.
Picture of Christ.
Since Krishna was not born of man, he was not actually the
earthly father of Brahma and Mahesh. Therefore, he himself was
the protector (Tara) of Brahma. In Sanskrit, Tara means "savior;
protector." It is a term generally used with the gods Rudra, Shiva,
Vishnu and Brahma. Even our Old Testament says that the father
(protector) of Abraham was Terah (Genesis 11:26.) The Bible
tells us that Abraham and Sarah were half-siblings.
(Genesis 12:19-20.). The Hindu holy books also tell us that a
blood relationship existed between them. The Puranas relate
Sarasvati to Brahma and Vishnu. Most frequently, she is
associated with Brahma. Her connection with him dates earlier
than to any other God. She is portrayed mostly as his wife and
occasionally as his daughter. When Vishnu's popularity in India
increased, myths relating Saraswati to him appeared.
(Ref: Sarasvati and the Gods; Therefore,
Brahma or Vishnu would also have been the Tara (Terah) of
Sarasvati because of her divine origins.
Brahm (Abraham)
Sarasvati (Sarah)
I have stated that the Bible mentions Haran and Haryana. The
Hindu holy books also say that Brahma/Abrahan lived in Ur of the
Chaldees. Ur was a Sumerian name for "town; city." Chaldee
(pronounced Kaldee) derives from the Sanskrit Kaul, a Brahman
caste, and Deva (demi-god). The North Indian Kauldevas
worshiped idols representing their ancestors. According to the
Hindus, Brahma married Sarasvati in Chaldea, the part that is
now Afghanistan.
Krishna gathered his family together and fled either to the Middle
East or to what is now Iraq. Only some gigantic natural disasters,
such as earthquakes and floods could have caused such an
exodus. It was at this time that the Saraisvati and the Indus
changed their proper beds. The Saraisvati dried up.
And Joshua said unto all the people, Your fathers dwelt... in old
time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of
Nachor, and they served other gods.
And Joshua said unto all the people, Your fathers dwelt... in old
time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of
Nachor, and they served other gods.
And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood,
and led him throughout all the land of Canaan... (Joshua 24:2-3.)
Many people don't understand what is meant by Joshua's remark
about "the other side of the flood." They think he was referring to
the Noachide flood. He was referring to the time when God
Krishna's Dwarka and Haran province, in today's Gujarat, sank
under water in about 1900 BC. Abraham, Sarah, and their
followers escaped southward, to the coastal ports of Kalyan and
Sopara (Sophir or Sauvira), in Maharashthra. From there, they
sailed northward to the Middle East. Sarah (Sarsvati) embarked
from the port of Kalyan. At one time, Kalyan was located closer to
the coast, but is now located more than 50 miles inland.
Sarasvati is the patron saint of Kalyan. The patron saint of Sophir
or Sauvira was Parasu Rama (possibly a name of our biblical
And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood,
and led him throughout all the land of Canaan... (Joshua 24:2-3.)
Until now, I have been wondering why Krishna's name did not
appear in Jerusalem after his arrival there. Yet, the name of the
king of Jerusalem, Melchizedek, the mentor of Abraham, did. I
once thought that Melchizedek was the name of a certain person.
I made this mistake by thinking that a prince and a son of a
Kassite king, Melik-Sadaksina, was a supernaturally endowed
prince, magician and spiritual giant. I thought he had
accompanied Krishna, Abraham, and Sarah to the Middle East.
Later on, I came to realize that the Sanskrit
word Sadhaka applies to anyone who is an adept, a magician, one
possessed of supernatural powers gained by worshipping a deity
or by uttering magical chants.