Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures For Combined Footings and Mats
Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures For Combined Footings and Mats
Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures For Combined Footings and Mats
(Reapproved 2002)
Clyde N. Baker, Jr. John A. Focht, Jr. Hugh S. Lacy John F. Seidensticker
Steven C. Ball M. Gaynor .Jim Lewis Bruce A. Suprenant
Joseph E. Bowles John P. Gnaedinger James S. Notch Jagdish S. Syal
Joseph P. Colaco Fritz Kramrisch Ingvar Schousboe John J. Zils
XI. T. Davisson
This report deals with the design of foundations carrying more than Chapter 4-Combined footings, p. 336.2R-7
a single column of wall load. These foundations are called combined 4. l-Rectangular-shaped footings
footings and mats. Although it is primarily concerned with the struc- 4.2-Trapezoidal or irregularly shaped footings
tural aspects of the design, considerations of soil mechanics cannot 4.3-Overturning calculations
be eliminated and the designer should focus on the important inter-
relation of the two fields in connection with the design of such struc-
tural elements. This report is limited to vertical effects of all loading Chapter 5-Grid foundations and strip footings
conditions. The report excludes slabs on grade.
supporting more than two columns, p. 336.2R-8
Keywords: concretes; earth pressure: footings: foundations; loads (forces); mat 5.l-General
foundations: reinforced concrete; soil mechanics; stresses; structural analysis; 5.2-Footings supporting rigid structures
structural design. 5.3-Column spacing
5.4-Design procedure for flexible footings
CONTENTS 5.5-Simplified procedure for flexible footings
Chapter 1 -General, p. 336.2R-2
1.2-Scope Chapter 6-Mat foundations, p. 336.2R-9
1.3-Definitions and loadings 6.1-General
1.4-Loading combinations 6.2-Finite difference method
1.5-Allowable pressure 6.3-Finite grid method
1.6-Time-dependent considerations 6.4-Finite element method
1.7-Design overview 6.5-Column loads
Chapter 2-Soil structure interaction, p. 336.2R-4 6.7-Node coupling of soil effects
2.1-General 6.8-Consolidation settlement
2.2-Factors to be considered 6.9-Edge springs for mats
2.3-Investigation required to evaluate variable factors 6.10-Computer output
6.11-Two-dimensional or three-dimensional analysis
6.12--Mat thickness
Chapter 3-Distribution of soil reactions, 6.13-Parametric studies
p. 336.2R-6 6. 4-Mat foundation detailing/construction
3.2-Straight-line distribution
3.3-Distribution of soil pressure governed by modulus of subgrade Chapter 7-Summary, p. 336.2R-20
Chapter 8-References, p. 336.2R-21 MF = overturning moment about base of foundation, caused by Fvh
8.1 -Specified and/or recommended references loads, F f
8.2-Cited references Mw = overturning moment about base of foundation, caused by
wind loads, blast, or similar lateral loads, F l
Mo = largest overturning moment about the pressed edge or cen-
troid of the base, F !
CHAPTER 1-GENERAL MR = resultant resisting moment, F !
n = exponent used to relate plate k to mat k , Q
1.1-Notation p s
P = any force acting perpendicular to base area, F
The following dimensioning notation is used: F = q = soil contact pressure computed or actual, F/P2
force; e= length; Q = dimensionless. qa = allowable soil contact pressure, F/P2
qu = unconfined (undrained) compression strength of a cohesive
A = base area of footing, e2 soil, F/e2
b = width of pressed edge, l qult = ultimate soil bearing capacity; a computed value to allow
B = foundation width, or width of beam column element, 4 computation of ultimate stregth design moments and shears
Bm = mat width, P for the foundation design, also used in overturning calcula-
Bp = plate width, ! tions, F/e2
c = distance from resultant of vertical forces to overturning edge qi = actual or computed soil contact pressure at a node point as
of the base, ! furnished by the mat analysis. The contact pressures are
D = dead load or related internal moments and forces, F evaluated by the geotechnical analysis for compatibility with
Do = dead load for overturning calculations, F qa and foundation movement, F/f2
Df = the depth Df should be the depth of soil measured adjacent ^_q = average increase in soil pressure due to unit surface contact
pressure, F/f2
to the pressed edge of the combined footing or mat at the
time the loads being considered are applied Rv = resultant of all given design loads acting perpendicular to
Dst = stage dead load consisting of the unfactored dead load of the base area, F
structure and foundation at a particular time or stage of R v min least resultant of all forces acting perpendicular to base area
construction, F under any condition of loading simultaneous with the over-
e = eccentricity of resultant of all vertical forces, P turning moment, F
S = section modulus of mat plan area about a specified axis; S
ei = eccentricity of resultant of all vertical forces with respect to x
the x- and y-axes (ex and ey, respectively), ! about x-axis; Sy about y-axis, t3
E = vertical effects of earthquake simulating forces or related in- SR = stability ratio (formerly safety factor), Q
ternal moment or force, F tw = thickness of shearwalls, e
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete, F/e2 W = vertical effects of wind loads, blast, or similar lateral loads,
E = modulus of elasticity of the materials used in the superstruc- F
ture, F/l? Xi = the maximum deflection of the spring at node i as a linear
Es = soil modulus of elasticity, F/e2 model, P
Fvh = vertical effects of lateral loads such as earth pressure, water Z = foundation base length or length of beam column element, !
Z' = footing effective length measured from the pressed edge to
pressure, fill pressure, surcharge pressure, or similar lateral
loads, F the position at which the contact pressure is zero, e
s = vertical soil displacement, k
G = shear modulus of concrete, F/e
hw = height of any shearwalls in structure, e = torsion constant adjustment factor, Q
; = footing stiffness evaluation factor defined by Eq. (5-3), l/t?
H = settlement of foundation or point, !
p = Poissons ratio, Q
Hci = consolidation (or recompression) settlement of point i, l
v = distance from the pressed edge to R
AH = magnitude of computed foundation settlement, t v min (see Fig. 4-l and 4-2,
I = plan moment of inertia of footing (or mat) about any axis e
c = summation symbol, Q
x(Ix) or y(Iy) , f
= unit weight of soil, F/e
IB = moment of inertia of one unit width of the superstructure, t Y
1.4-Loading combinations siderations include (1) stage loading where the initial
In the absence of conflicting code requirements, the load consists principally of dead load; (2) foundation
following conditions should be analyzed in the design settlement with small time dependency such as mats on
of combined footings and mats. sand and soft carbonate rock; (3) foundation settle-
1.4.1 Evaluation of soil pressure-Select the combi- ment which is time-dependent (usually termed consoli-
nations of unfactored (service) loads which will pro- dation settlements) where the foundation is sited over
duce the greatest contact pressure on a base area of fine-grained soils of low permeability such as silt and
given shape and size. The allowable soil pressure should clay or silt-clay mixtures; (4) variations in live loading;
be determined by a geotechnical engineer based on a and (5) soil shear displacements. These five factors may
geotechnical investigation. produce time dependent changes in the shears and mo-
Loads should be of Types D, L, Fvh, W, and E as de- ments.
scribed in Section 1.3.2, and should include the vertical
effects of moments caused by horizontal components of 1.7-Design overview
these forces and by eccentrically (eccentric with regard Many structural engineers analyze and design mat
to the centroid of the area) applied vertical loads. foundations by computer using the finite element
a. Consider buoyancy of submerged parts where this method. Soil response can be estimated by modeling
reduces the stability ratio or increases the contact pres- with coupled or uncoupled soil springs. The spring
sures, as in flood conditions. properties are usually calculated using a modulus of
b. Obtain earthquake forces using the applicable subgrade reaction, adjusted for footing size, tributary
building code, and rational analysis. area to the node, effective depth, and change of mod-
1.4.2 Foundation strength design-Although the al- ulus with depth. The use of uncoupled springs in the
lowable stress design according to the Alternate Design model is a simplified approximation. Section 6.7 con-
Method (ADM) is considered acceptable, it is best to siders a simple procedure to couple springs within the
design footings or mat foundations based on the accuracy of the determination of subgrade response.
Strength Design Method of ACI 318. Loading condi- The time-dependent characteristics of the soil response,
tions applicable to the design of mat foundations are consolidation settlement or partial-consolidation settle-
given in more detail in Chapter 6. ment, often can significantly influence the subgrade re-
After the evaluation of soil pressures and settlement, action values. Thus, the use of a single constant mod-
apply the load factors in accordance with Section 9.2 of ulus of subgrade reaction can lead to misleading re-
ACI 318. sults.
1.4.3 Overturning-Select from the several applica- Ball and Notch (1984), Focht et al. (1978) and Ban-
ble loading combinations the largest overturning mo- avalkar and Ulrich (1984) address the design of mat
ment Mo as the sum of all simultaneously applicable foundations using the finite element method and time-
unfactored (service) load moments (MF, Mw, and ME) dependent subgrade response. A simplified method,
and the least unfactored resistance moment MR result- using tables and diagrams to calculate moments, shears,
ing from Do and Fvh to determine the stability ratio SR and deflections in a mat may be found in Bowles
against overturning in accordance with the provisions (1982), Hetenyi (1946), and Shukla (1984).
of Chapter 4. Caution should be exercised when using finite ele-
1.4.4 Settlement-Select from the combinations of ment analysis for soils. Without good empirical results,
unfactored (service) loads, the combination which will soil springs derived from values of subgrade reaction
produce the greatest settlement or deformation of the may only be a rough approximation of the actual re-
foundation, occurring either during and immediately sponse of soils. Some designers perform several finite
after the load application or at a later date, depending element analyses with soil springs calculated from a
on the type of subsoil. Loadings at various stages of range of subgrade moduli to obtain an adequate de-
construction such as D, Dst, and Lst should be evalu- sign.
ated to determine the initial settlement, long-term set-
tlement due to consolidation, and differential settle-
ment of the foundation.
The maximum unfactored design contact pressures 2.1-General
should not exceed the allowable soil pressure, qa. qa Foundations receive loads from the superstructure
should be determined by a geotechnical engineer. through columns, walls, or both and act to transmit
Where wind or earthquake forces form a part of the these loads into the soil. The response of a footing is a
load combination, the allowable soil pressure may be complex interaction of the footing itself, the super-
increased as allowed by the local code and in consulta- structure above, and the soil. That interaction may
tion with the geotechnical engineer. continue for a long time until final equilibrium is es-
tablished between the superimposed loads and the sup-
1.6-Time-dependent considerations porting soil reactions. Moments, shears, and deflec-
Combined footings and mats are sensitive to time- tions can only be computed if these soil reactions can
dependent subsurface response. Time-dependent con- be determined.
and performance (Bowles 1974). End-spring doubling pressure at no place exceeds the allowable soil pressure.
for beams will give a minimal spring coupling effect. All moments should be calculated about the centroid of
3.3.2 Estimating the modulus of subgrade reaction - the footing area and the bottom of the footing. All
It is necessary to estimate a value for the modulus of footing dimensions should be computed on the as-
subgrade reaction for use in elastic foundation analy- sumption that the footing acts as a rigid body. When
sis. the resultant of the column loads, including considera-
Several procedures are available for design: tion of the moments from lateral forces, concides with
a. Estimate a value from published sources (Bowles the centroid of the footing area, the contact pressure
1974, 1982, and 1984; Dept. of Navy 1982; Kramrisch may be assumed to be uniform over the entire area of
1984; Terzaghi 1955). the footing.
b. Estimate the value from a plate load test (Ter- When the resultant is eccentric with respect to the
zaghi 1955). Since plate load tests are of necessity on center of the footing area, the contact pressure may be
small plates, great care must be exercised to insure that assumed to follow a linear distribution based on the as-
results are properly extrapolated. The procedure (Sow- sumption that the footing acts as a rigid body (see Sec-
ers 1977) for converting the ks of a plate kp to that for tion 3.2). The contact pressure varies from a maximum
the mat ks may be as in the following at the pressed edge to a minimum either beneath the
footing or at the opposite edge.
Ks = K, 2 Although the effect of horizontal forces are beyond
( m> the scope of this analysis and design procedure, hori-
zontal forces can provide a major component to the
where n ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 commonly. One must vertical resultant. Horizontal forces that can generate
allow for the depth of compressible strata beneath the vertical components to the foundation may originate
mat and if it is less than about 4B the designer should from (but are not limited to) wind, earth pressure, and
use lower values of n. unbalanced hydrostatic pressure. A careful examina-
c. Estimate the value based on laboratory or in situ tion of the free body must be made with the geotech-
tests to determine the elastic parameters of the foun- nical engineer to fully define the force systems acting
dation material (Bowles 1982). This may be done by on the foundation before the structural analyses are at-
numerically integrating the strain over the depth of in- tempted.
_H and back computing
fluence to obtain a settlement ^
ks as 4.2-Trapezoidal or irregularly shaped footings
To reduce eccentric loading conditions, a trapezoidal
Ks = q/AH or irregularly shaped footing may be designed. In this
Several values of strain should be used in the influence case the footing can be considered to act as a rigid body
depth of approximately 4B where B is the largest di- and the soil pressure determined in a manner similar to
mension of the base. Values of elastic parameters de- that for a rectangular footing.
termined in the laboratory are heavily dependent on
sample disturbance and the quality and type of triaxial 4.3-Overturning calculations
test results. For calculations that involve overturning, use the
d. Use one of the preceding methods for estimating combination of loading that produces the greatest ratio
the modulus of subgrade reaction, but, in addition, of overturning moment to the corresponding vertical
consider the time-dependent subgrade response to the load.
loading conditions. This time-dependent soil response For footings resting on rock or very hard soil, over-
may be consolidation settlement or partial-elastic turning will occur when the eccentricity e of the loads
movement. An iterative procedure outlined in Section P falls outside the footing edge. Where the eccentricity
6.8, and described by Ulrich (l988), Banavalkar and is inside the footing edge, the stability ratio SR against
Ulrich (1984). and Focht et al. (1978), may be neces- overturning can be evaluated from
sary to compare the mat deflections with computed soil
response. The computed soil responses are used in a SR = M R / M o (4-1)
manner similar to producing the coupling factor to
back compute springs at appropriate nodes. Since the In Eq. (4-l). Mo is the maximum overturning mo-
soil response profile is based on contact stresses which ment and MR is the resisting moment caused by the
are in turn based on mat loads, flexibility, and modu- minimum dead weight of the structure; both are calcu-
lus of subgrade reaction, iterations are necessary until lated about the pressed edge of the footing. The stabil-
the computed mat deflection and soil response con- ity ratio should generally not be less than 1.5.
verge within user-acceptable tolerance. Overturning may occur by yielding of the subsoil in-
side and along the pressed edge of the footing. In this
CHAPTER 4-COMBINED FOOTINGS case, rectangular or triangular distributions of the soil
4.1-Rectangular-shaped footings pressure along the pressed edge of the footing as shown
The length and width of rectangular-shaped footings in Fig. 4.1 and 4.2, respectively, are indicated. In this
should be established such that the maximum contact case the stability ratio SR against overturning is calcu-
lated from Eq. (4-l), with For Kr = 0, the ratio of differential to total settle-
ment is 0.5 for a long footing and 0.35 for a square
MR = Rv min (c - v) (4-2) one. For Kr = 0.5, the ratio of differential to total set-
tlement is about 0.1.
The calculation of the stability ratio is illustrated in
Fig. 4.1 and 4.2. Since the actual pressure distribution
may fall between triangular and rectangular. the true
stability ratio may be less than that indicated by rect-
angular distribution. A stability ratio of at least I.5 is
recommended for overturning.
K, = 2 (5-l)
E IB = E' IF + CE IB + E 12 (5-2)
Computations indicate that as the relative stiffness Kr Fig. 4.2-Stability ratio calculation (triangular distri-
increases, the differential settlement decreases rapidly. butions of soil pressure along pressed edge of footing)
If the analysis of the relative stiffness of the footing CHAPTER 6-MAT FOUNDATIONS
yields a value of 0.5, the footing can be considered rigid 6.1-General
and the variation of soil pressure determined on the Mat foundations are commonly used on erratic or
basis of simple statics. If the relative stiffness factor is relatively weak subsurfaces where a large number of
found to be less than 0.5, the footing should be de- spread footings would be required and a well defined
signed as a flexible member using the foundation mod- bearing stratum for deep foundations is not near the
ulus approach as described under Section 5.4. foundation base. Often, a mat foundation is used when
spread footings cover more than one-half the founda-
5.3-Column spacing tion area. A common mat foundation configuration is
The column spacing on continuous footings is im- shown in Fig. 6.1(a).
portant in determining the variation in soil pressure The flexural stiffness EI of the mat may be of con-
distribution. If the average of two adjacent spans in a siderable aid in the horizontal transfer of column loads
continuous strip having adjacent loads and column to the soil (similar to a spread footing) and may aid in
spacings that vary by not more than 20 percent of the limiting differential settlements between adjacent col-
greater value, and is less than 1.75/X. the footing can umns. Structure tilt may be more pronounced if the
be considered rigid and the variation of soil pressure mat is very rigid. Load concentrations and weak sub-
determined on the basis of simple statics. surface conditions can offset the benefits of mat flex-
The beam-on-elastic foundation method (see Section ural stiffness.
2.2.8) should be used if the average of two adjacent Mats are often placed so that the thickness of the mat
spans as limited above is greater than 1.75///\ . is fully embedded in the surrounding soil. Mats for
For general cases falling outside the limitations given buildings are usually beneath a basement that extends
above, the critical spacing at which the subgrade mod- at least one-half story below the surrounding grade.
ulus theory becomes effective should be determined in- Additionally, the top mat surface may function as a
dividually. basement floor. However, experience has shown that
The factor X is utilities and piping are more easily installed and main-
tained if they are placed above the mat concrete. De-
pending on the structure geometry and weight, a mat
h = (5-3) foundation may float the structure in the soil so that
settlement is controlled. In general, the pressure caus-
ing settlement in a mat analysis may be computed as
5.4-Design procedure for flexible footings
A flexible strip footing (either isolated or taken from
Net pressure = {[Total (including mat) structure weight]
a mat) should be analyzed as a beam-on-elastic foun-
dation. Thickness is normally established on the basis - Weight of excavated soil}/Mat area (6-1)
of allowable wide beam or punching shear without use
of shear reinforcement; however, this does not prohibit Part of the total structure weight may be controlled
the designers use of shear reinforcement in specific sit- by using cellular mat construction, as illustrated in Fig.
uations. 6.1(b). Another means of increasing mar stiffness while
Either closed-form solutions (Hetenyi 1946) or com- limiting mat weight is to use inverted ribs between col-
puter methods can be used in the analysis. umns in the basement area as in Fig. 6.1 (c). The cells in
a cellular mat may be used for liquid storage or to alter
5.5-Simplified procedure for flexible footings the weight by filling or pumping with water. This may
The evaluation of moments and shears can be sim- be of some use in controlling differential settlement or
plified from the procedure involved in the classical the- tilt.
ory of a beam supported by subgrade reactions, if the Mats may be designed and analyzed as either rigid
footing meets the following basic requirements (Kram- bodies or as flexible plates supported by an elastic
risch and Rogers 1961 and Kramrisch 1984): foundation (the soil). A combination analysis is com-
a. The minimum number of bays is three. mon in current practice. An exact theoretical design of
b. The variation in adjacent column loads is not a mat as a plate on an elastic foundation can be made;
greater than 20 percent. however, a number of factors rapidly reduce the exact-
c. The variation in adjacent spans is not greater than ness to a combination of approximations. These in-
20 percent. clude:
d. The average of adjacent spans is between the lim- 1. Great difficulty in predicting subgrade responses
its 1.75/X and 3.50/X. and assigning even approximate elastic parameters to
If these limitations are met, the contact pressures can the soil.
be assumed to vary linearly, with the maximum value 2. Finite soil-strata thickness and variations in soil
under the columns and a minimum value at the center properties both horizontally and vertically.
of each bay. This simplified procedure is described in 3. Mat shape.
some detail by Kramrisch and Rogers (1961) and 4. Variety of superstructure loads and assumptions in
Kramrisch (1984). their development.
5. Effect of superstructure stiffness on mat (and vice most immediately recovered when the mat concrete is
versa). placed, since concrete density is from 1.5 to 2.5 times
With these factors in mind, it is necessary to design that of soil.
conservatively to maintain an adequate factor of safety. The influence of heave on subgrade response should
The designer should work closely with the geotechnical be determined by the geotechnical engineer working
engineer to form realistic subgrade response predic- closely with the structural designer. Recovery of the
tions, and not rely on values from textbooks. heave remaining after placing the mat must be treated
There are a large number of commercially available as either a recompression or as an elastic problem. If
computer programs that can be used for a mat analy- the problem is analyzed as a recompression problem,
sis. ACI Committee 336 makes no individual program the subsurface response related to recompression
recommendation since the program user is responsible should be obtained from the geotechnical engineer. The
for the design. A program should be used that the de- subsurface response may be in the form of a re-
signer is most familiar with or has investigated suffi- compression index or deflections computed by the geo-
ciently to be certain that the analyses and output are technical engineer based on elastic and consolidation
correct. subsurface behavior. If the recovery is treated as an
6.1.1 Excavation heave-Heave or expansion of the elastic problem, the modulus of subgrade reaction
base soil into the excavation often occurs when exca- should be reduced as outlined in Section 6.8, where the
vating for a mat foundation. The amount depends on consolidation settlement used in Eq. (6.8) includes the
several factors: amount of recompression.
a. Depth of excavation (amount of lost overburden 6.1.2 Design procedure-A mat may be designed us-
pressure). ing either the Strength Design Method (SDM) or work-
b. Type of soil (sand or clay)-soil heave is less for ing stress design according to the Alternate Design
sand than clay. The principal heave in sand overlying Method (ADM) of ACI 318-83, Appendix B. The ADM
clay is usually developed in the clay. is an earlier method, and most designers prefer to use
c. Previous stress history of the soil. the SDM.
d. Pore pressures developed in the soil during exca- The suggested design procedure is to:
vation from construction operations. 1. Proportion the mat plan using unfactored loads
The amount of heave can range from very little-1/2 and any overturning moments as
to 2 in. (12 to 50 mm)-to much larger values. Ulrich
and Focht (1982) report values in the Houston, Tex.,
area of as much as 4 in. (102 mm). Some heave is al-
Plan Plan
(a) Solid mat of reinforced (b) Mat using cell (c) Ribbed mat used to
c o n c r e t e ; most common construction. Cells control bending
configuration. D = depth may be filled with with minimum con-
f o r s h e a r , moment or stab- water or sand to con- c r e t e . Ribs may
i l i t y a n d ranges from about trol settlements or for be either one or
1.5 to 6+ ft (0.5 to 2+ m). stability. two-way.
Fig. 6.1--Mat configurations for various applications: (a) mat ideally suited for finite element or finite grid method;
(b) mat that can be modeled either as two parallel plates with the upper plate supported by cell walls modeled as
springs, or as a series of plates supported on all edges; and (c) mat ideally suited for analysis using finite grid method,
since ribs make direct formulation of element properties difficult
The eccentricity ex, ey of the resultant of column loads Computer analysis for mat foundations is usually
C P includes the effect of any column moments and any based on an approximation where the mat is divided
overturning moment due to wind or other effects. The into a number of discrete (finite) elements using grid
eccentricities ex, ey are computed using statics, sum- lines. There are three general discrete element formula-
ming moments about two of the adjacent mat edges tions which may be used:
[say, Lines O-X, O-Y of Fig. 6.1(a)]. The values of de- a. Finite difference (FD).
sign ex, ey will be slightly different if computed using b. Finite grid method (FGM).
unfactored or factored design loads. c. Finite element method (FEM).
The actual unfactored loads are used here as the These latter two methods can be used for mats with
comparison to the soil pressure furnished by the geo- curved boundaries or notches with re-entrant corners as
technical engineer is in Fig. 6.2. All three of these methods use the modulus
of subgrade reaction k, as the soil contribution to the
q G qil structural model. This has been considered in Sections
2.3, 3.3, and 5.4, and will be considered in Sections 6.7
The allowable soil pressure may be furnished as one and 6.8. Computers (micro to mainframe) and avail-
or more values depending on long-term loading or in- able software make the use of any of the discrete ele-
cluding transient loads such as wind and snow. The soil ment methods economical and rapid. The finite ele-
pressure furnished by the geotechnical engineer is used ment model shown in Fig. 6.2(b) indicates a simple
directly in the ADM procedure. For strength design it gridding that produces 70 elements, 82 nodes, and 246
is necessary to factor this furnished allowable soil pres- equations with a band width computed as shown.
sure to a pseudo ultimate value, which may be done
as follows 6.2-Finite difference method
sum of factored design loads The finite difference method is a procedure which
of unfactored design loads
(6-3) provides quite good results for the approximations
used. This procedure was used extensively in the past,
2. Compute the minimum mat thickness based on but is sometimes used to verify finite element methods.
punching shear at critical columns (corners, sides, inte- It is particularly appealing since it does not require
rior, etc.), refer to Fig. 6.1(a), based on column load massive computer resources. Fig. 6.3 shows the finite
and shear perimeter. It is common practice not to use difference method with node equation for interior node
shear reinforcement so that the mat depth is a maxi- given.
mum. This increases the flexural stiffness and increases
the reliability of using Eq. (6-2). 6.3-Finite grid method
3. Design the reinforcing steel for bending by treat- This method discretizes the mat into a number of
ing the mat as a rigid body and considering strips both beam-column elements with bending and torsional re-
ways, if the following criteria are met: sistance (Fig. 6.4). The torsional resistance is used to
a. Column spacing is < 1.75/X, or the mat is very incorporate the plate twist using the shear modulus G.
thick. In finite element terminology, the FGM produces non-
b. Variation in column loads and spacing is not conforming elements, i.e., interelement compatibility is
over 20 percent. For mats not meeting this cri- insured only at the nodes. A theoretical development of
teria, go immediately to Step 4. this method specifically for mats is found in Bowles
These strips are analyzed as combined footings with (1974, 1976, and 1982).
multiple columns loaded with the soil pressure on the
strip, and column reactions equal to the factored (or 6.4-Finite element method
unfactored) loads obtained from the superstructure This method discretizes the mat into a number of
analysis. Since a mat transfers load horizontally, any rectangular and/or triangular elements (Fig. 6.5). Ear-
given strip may not satisfy a vertical load summation lier programs used displacement functions which pur-
unless consideration is given to the shear transfer be- ported to produce conforming interelement compatibil-
tween strips. Bowles (1982) illustrates this problem and ity (i.e., compatibility both at nodes and along element
a method of analysis so the strips satisfy statics. boundaries between adjacent elements).
4. Perform an approximate analysis (Shukla 1984) or For bending, the nodal displacement and slopes in
a computer analysis of the mat and revise the rigid the X- and Y-direction are required. This results in tak-
body design as necessary. An approximate analysis can ing partial derivatives of the displacement function.
be made using the method suggested by ACI 336.2R-66 First, however, one must delete one term for the trian-
to calculate moments, shears, and deflections in a mat gle or add two nodes and use the fifteen-term displace-
with the help of charts. Charts for this procedure are ment function. Similarly, for the rectangle one must
given in Shukla (1984) and Hetenyi (1946). A com- drop three terms or add a node. There are computer
pleted example problem is given in the paper to assist programs which drop terms, combine terms, and add
the designer. The geotechnical engineer should furnish nodes. Any of the programs will give about the same
the designer subgrade response values even when a sim- computed output so the preferred program is that one
plified design method is used. most familiar to the user.
6?,+t-f----+- + --,L\t?3
Nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 6.2-Mat gridding for either finite grid or finite element method
P6 = P (X
P3, i = Azi)
PS - x5 // -P p2
P2 4h;-"
Fig. 6.4-Element coding for nodes and element forces for the finite grid method. Dimension: B and t used both
for element moment of inertia i and torsion inertia J
MY t
p2 - x2 1
P3 - x 3 X Node P-X coding has
PI - Xl M same relationship to
node forces and disp-
lacements as in Fig. 6-4.
Fig. 6.5-Typical rectangular finite element using the FEM plate formulation.
Continuing Pi-Xi coding counterclockwise around the four-node element gives
twelve element displacements: four translations and eight rotations
Fig. 6.6--Procedures for modeling columns and column loads into one of the dis-
crete (finite) element procedures
c. Often a statics summation of nodal moments is would be to slide the foundation laterally. There could
only approximated. This is often the case where the also be a tendency to compress the mat between two
common elements include triangles or a mix of trian- columns; however, the AEc/Z term is so large that this
gles and rectangles. movement is negligible and can be ignored.
d. It requires interpretation of the plate twist mo- There is no practical way to incorporate horizontal
ment Mxv that is output. loads into the mat, except at the expense of additional
e. It is not directly amenable to increasing the nodal computations. For example, the FGM would require six
degree-of-freedom from three to six for pile caps as is degree-of-freedom nodes to allow this. This represents
the finite grid method (FGM). prohibitive effort for the results-except for pile caps,
f. The stiffness matrix is the same size as the FGM where some (or all) of the horizontal shear force may
but three times the size of the FD method. be assumed to be carried by the piles.
The FEM is particularly sensitive to aspect ratios of The mat may be gridded through the column centers
rectangular elements and intersection angles of trian- (Fig. 6.6) with any of the methods. If column fixity,
gles. In practical problems, the designer has little con- zero rotation, at the four column nodes of Fig. 6-6(b)
trol over these factors other than increasing the grid is modeled, the grid lines must be taken through the
lines (and number of nodes). For example, Elements A, column faces for the FGM or FEM.
B, and C of Fig. 6.2 may not give reliable computed If the column lies within the grid spacing, the adja-
results. This deficiency may be overcome for that ex- cent nodes are loaded with a portion of the load. The
ample by adding grid lines, but this is at the expense of simple beam analogy shown in Fig. 6.6(c) is sufficiently
increasing user input and a rapid increase in the size of accurate and may be used for both axial load and col-
the stiffness matrix since it increases at three times the umn moments.
number of nodes.
6.5-Column loads Consideration should be given to any mat symmetry
Columns apply axial loads, shears, and moments to to reduce the total number of nodes to be analyzed.
a mat. Generally the shear is neglected since its effect This is critical in the FGM and FEM in particular since I
supported plate with a (b) FEM or FGM model taking advantage of plate
concentrated load at the symmetry (both load and geometry). For this
giving matrix size shown, model user must recognize the following boun-
dary restraints:
For At Nodes =
aBZ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 21
1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
@; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
there are three equations per node so that a mat with conditions. It is very easy to make an error, and care-
400 or more nodes will require substantial memory and ful inspection of the output displacement matrix is nec-
may require special matrix reduction routines which essary.
block the stiffness matrix to and from a disk file.
With symmetry, perhaps only one-quarter or one- 6.7-Node coupling of soil effects
alf of the mat will uire modeling. If there is sym- When the mat is interfaced with the ground, the soil
metry only for selec load cases and not for others, effect is concentrated at the grid node for computer
nothing is gained by attempting to analyze some load analysis. The most common soil-to-node concentration
cases with a reduced mat plan. Fig. 6.7 illustrates the effect produces the so-called Winkler foundation. That
use of symmetry to reduce a simple plate problem by is, the modulus of subgrade reaction is used and the
approximately one-quarter. Success in using symmetry concentration is simply
to reduce the problem size depends very heavily on
being able to recognize and input the correct nodal K = Contributory area X ks (6-7)
boundary conditions along the axes of symmetry.
A careful study of whether symmetry applies should This is shown for several element shapes in Fig. 6.8.
be made prior to any modeling, since a substantial Since the concentration is a product of area and ks, the
amount of engineering and programming effort is often result has the units of a spring and is commonly called
required in developing the element data. a soil spring.
A major factor where computer memory is adequate Strictly, nodes might be coupled [Fig. 6.9(b)], but
is whether there is sufficient advantage in utilization of this is seldom done, If a Winkler foundation is used,
any symmetry to reduce the problem size. Some sav- the soil spring K direetly adds (superposition) to every
ings of computer resources are offset with engineering third diagonal term of the stiffness matrix, m g it
time of identification and input of the extra boundary very easy to model excessive displacements into soil
C Grid l i n e s d i v i d i n g
irregular shaped mat
6 2
A computer routine can develop corner, side and interior springs easily but
is substantially more difficult for springs with contributions from triangle
A good computer program should be able to compute the typical corner, side and
interior springs and allow the user to input by hand springs such as for nodes
1, 4, and 8 above.
For ks = 500: Obtain edge k = 500; zone 1 = 500(.193/.235) = 410.6 (use 410.)
Central values= 500(.193/.250) = 386.
different results are obtained using 3B versus 10B in an 2. Numerically integrate the vertical stress profile to
elastic system, therefore, a suggested value of 4B may obtain the average pressure DO. Designate the edge
be sufficiently accurate. value as DO,. - -
Table 6.1 provides values at the 5/s points for several 3. Compute ks at any point i (refer to Fig. 6.10) as
mat plans which can he used directly or with linear in-
terpolation for other mat shapes. (6-8)
B/L = 1
DY 1 2 3 4 5
0 .00 B 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
0 .50B 0.400 0.530 0.628 0.683 0.701
1.00B 0.240 0.278 0.309 0.329 0.336
1.50B 0.146 0.160 0.170 0.177 0.179
2.00B 0.095 0.100 0.105 0.107 0.108
2.50B 0.066 0.068 0.070 0.071 0.072
3.00B 0.048 0.049 0.050 0.050 0.051
3.50B 0.036 0.037 0.037 0.038 0.038
4.00B 0.028 0.028 0.029 0.029 0.029
B/L = 2
DY 1 2 3 4 5
0.00B 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
0.50B 0.408 0.648 0.757 0.792 0.800
1.00B 0.270 0.362 0.431 0.469 0.481
1.50B 0.186 0.229 0.263 0.285 0.293
2.00B 0.135 0.157 0.175 0.186 0.190
2.50B 0.101 0.113 0.123 0.129 0.131
3.00B 0.078 0.085 0.090 0.094 0.095
3.50B 0.061 0.066 0.069 0.071 0.072
4.00B 0.049 0.052 0.054 0.056 0.056
B/L = 3
DY 1 2 3 4 5
0.00B 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
0.50B 0.409 0.718 0.796 0.811 0.814
1.00B 0.274 0.408 0.486 0.517 0.525
1.50B 0.195 0.262 0.312 0.340 0.348
2.00B 0.147 0.l85 0.216 0.235 0.241
2.50B 0.115 0.138 0.157 0.170 0.174
3.00B 0.092 0.107 0.119 0.127 0.130
3.50B 0.075 0.085 0.093 0.098 0.100
4.00B 0.062 0.069 0.075 0.078 0.079
The furnished value of ks is taken for the mat perime- the gridding scheme used for the mat. When doing this
ter zone. take into account how the nodal springs will be com-
4. Assign values of ksi in the interior as practical for puted (refer to Fig. 6.8 and 6.10).
CHAPTER 8--REFERENCES Ghali, A., and Neville, A. M.. 1972, Structural Analysis: A Uni-
8.1 -Specified and/or recommended references fied Classical and Matrix Approach. Intext Educational Publishers
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(Revised 1986) Reinforced Concrete ment Association, Skokie. 55 pp.
Hetenyi, M., 1946. Beams on Elastic Foundation. University of
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154, 155, and 168-170. lage, Jules Springer, Berlin.
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