Certificat Soudeur

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(See QW -301, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)

PV N : 26 /14SF
Welder's name: Mohamed akrout Identification N: W 36
CIN / Passport N: 08826087 Company: Tankmed
Test Description
Identification of WPS followed: x Test coupon Production weld
Specification of base metal(s): API5L x42 Thickness: 10mm
Welding Variables (QW-350): Actual Values Range Qualified
Welding process(es) : SMAW SMAW
Type(Fillet weld, Butt weld): BUT WELD BUT WELD/FILLET WELD
Backing (metal, weld metal, double-welded, etc.):
Plate pipe (enter diameter if pipe or tube) 10 47/8
Base metal P-or S-number : P n1 P n1 to P n15F,
Filer metal or electrode specification(s) (SFA) 6010 6010/7018
(info. only) :
Filer metal or electrode classification(s) (SFA) 5.1 5.1
(info. only) :
Filer metal F- Number(s) : F n3,4 Fn1,2,3
Consumable insert (GTAW or PAW) : NA NA
Filler Type (solid/metal or flux cored/powder) NA NA
Deposit thickness for each process:
Process 1: SMAW 3 Layers minimum X Yes No 9.53mm T19.4 mm
Process 2: NA 3 Layers minimum Yes No
Position qualified: 6G 1G.2G.3G 4G 5G 6G
Vertical progression(uphill or downhill): UPHILL UPHILL
Type of fuel gas(OFW) : NA NA
Inert gas backing (GTAW, PAW, GMAW) : NA NA
Transfer mode(spray/globular or pulse NA NA
to short circuit-GMAW) :
SMAW current type/polarity : DC(-)/DC(+) DC(-)/DC(+)
GTAW current type/polarity :
Visual Examination of Completed Weld (QW-302.4): Satisfactory
Bend test Transverse root and face [QW462.3(a)] Longitudinal root and face Side
Pipe bend specimen, corrosion-res. overlay Plate bend specimen, corrosion-res. overlay
Macro test for fusion[QW-462.5(b)] Macro test for fusion[QW-462.5(e)]
Type Result Type Result Type Result

Alternative radiographic examination results (QW-191):

Fillet weld - facture test (QW-180): Length and percent of defects:
Macro examination (QW-184): NA Fillet size (in.): NA Concavity/convexity (in.) NA
Other tests: NA
Film or specimens evaluated by: Med yahyaoui med amine Company: PI
Mechanical tests conducted by: NA Laboratory test n: NA
Welding supervised by: Kamel bougdiri
We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared,
welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of section IX of the ASME Boiler and pressur
Vessel Code.
Date of test : 12/07/2014 Date\Signature Employer Contractor Third party
Expiration date : 13/07/2014 GSR
Confirmation of the validity by employer,
the contractor and the examiner body
every 6 months
Name: noursaid bousmina Name:BRAHIM BAHRI
Date:12/07/2014 Date:14/07/2014
Signature: Signature:

CC-RSC-02 Indice :01 Edition :03/11 Page | 1

PI Tunis: 20 Rue Ibn Zeidoun, El Menzah 5 Tunis PI Sfax : Route de
Gabs Km 3, 3000 Sfax
Tl. : (+216) 71 237 088 / 71 237 139 Tl. : (+216)
74 453 723 / 74 665 856
Fax. : (+216) 71 754 230 Fax. :
(+216) 74 665 405
TVA : 753572V AM 000 / RC: B 0348322007. CD: 807527L
CC-RSC-02 Indice :01 Edition :03/11 Page | 2
PI Tunis: 20 Rue Ibn Zeidoun, El Menzah 5 Tunis PI Sfax : Route de
Gabs Km 3, 3000 Sfax
Tl. : (+216) 71 237 088 / 71 237 139 Tl. : (+216)
74 453 723 / 74 665 856
Fax. : (+216) 71 754 230 Fax. :
(+216) 74 665 405
TVA : 753572V AM 000 / RC: B 0348322007. CD: 807527L

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